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  1. Multiply

    People truly forgot who Kanye is...

    I don't understand how people are so confused and shocked at Kanye West. This is Kanye. He has never been anything other than this. People swear they love his music but are shocked by what he's saying on twitter these days. I promise if you go back and listen to his first albums you'd hear much...
  2. Multiply

    President Trump finally bosses up.

    President Trump finally did something for the betterment of America with the tariffs on imported steel and aluminum. This is the one thing in his Presidency I can definitely say will be good for us. The best part is he basically said screw the EU and China and kept Mexico and Canada exempt...
  3. Multiply

    Stop hating on Fergie

    Don't act like ya'll don't remember Carl Lewis out here. This shit has me dying to this day.
  4. Multiply

    No filter stand-up

    I am a huge fan of no filter stand up. This is a great example of it done well: When he said, "Shhhh" I lost it :lmao:
  5. Multiply

    [Discussion] When is Verizon going to take over the internet?

    We had to sit through months of everyone and their 'outrage' about the internet being at risk. Now that the dude whose name I don't remember completed his goal, everyone has been silent. Do you guys not care anymore? Are you fighting some underground war with petitions and online sign ups that...
  6. Multiply

    [Discussion] What happened to people like this? Malcom X was truly a different type of person. Why are there no people like him any more?
  7. Multiply

    [Discussion] Democrats and Republicans... What say you?

    Democratic Party: Republican Party: (Posted Below) TL;DW - Democrips are bad, Rebloodicans are good. What are your thoughts on these two videos? Did you learn anything new(If so, what)? It's pretty interesting to me.
  8. Multiply

    People are so sensitive They are...
  9. Multiply

    [Discussion] Historical hypocrisy

    I love when some people claim that blacks in the US need to 'get over' slavery because it was over 100 years ago and none of them lived through it. On the other hand when some other people say put the confederate statues in museums and not in the middle of parks and streets, those people from...
  10. Multiply

    [Discussion] Before the NFL protests...

    Came MLK Jr. with heat. Everyone in the US should be forced to listen to this speech. If you have 2 minutes and 37 seconds of spare time just give it a listen. It really speaks to the heart even if you aren't American. I hope you all can appreciate...
  11. Multiply

    [Discussion] Why can't we respect the President?

    Why can't we do such a simple thing? You don't have to respect Donald Trump as a man, however respect his position as the most powerful man in the world. You might say he says hateful things but I can't think of any specific times where President Trump has said something hateful. If you have...
  12. Multiply

    [Discussion] President Trump

    President Trump is by far the funniest President of the US. President W. Bush was funny because of his f*ck ups. President Obama was classy and generally a funny cool guy. President Trump says shit that makes me die of laughter because of how funny it is. Listen to my man pronounce Puerto Rico...
  13. Multiply

    Terrorist attack in Las Vegas

    Wait sorry, I meant mentally ill white man kills 50+ and injures another 100. At least that's how the media will report it. I'm just hoping President Trump doesn't say anything divisive. I just want the country to be unified in at least this situation and call this man a domestic terrorist and...
  14. Multiply

    [Discussion] Why are people so upset?

    Why are people so upset at football players taking a knee during the national anthem? It's not as if they're turning their backs or throwing up their middle fingers. They are peacefully taking a knee. People are legit boycotting watching NFL games because of this. They are claiming it dishonors...
  15. Multiply

    [Discussion] Morals...

    Where do they come from? Are they given to us through God 'him'self? Are they developed throughout our experiences and the culture around us? Is it some other way? I personally believe morals are 'different' for everyone and they are a product of experiences in the culture you grew up in. If...
  16. Multiply

    [Debate] A draw though?!

    How sway... 118 - 110 in Canelo's favor? That shit doesn't even make sense. According to Byrd Triple G only won 2 ROUNDS... Lmao what?? Triple G won every round besides the first two and arguably the last two(I personally give him round 11 but I can see how Canelo would win it). I scored it 8...
  17. Multiply

    Let me put ya'll on game. Give up 16 minutes and I promise you will laugh. This shit had me in tears lmao. If you found it funny spread this shit man, my dude needs a full special.
  18. Multiply

    [Discussion] What's the best way to save Chicago?

    The only problem I have with President Trump sending the feds into Chicago is it's just feeding the machine. Sending them to jail doesn't help. Otherwise I'm all for it. People have been getting murdered 100 mph for no reason... What are some good ways we can solve this shit man? I want these...
  19. Multiply

    [Discussion] GGG or Canelo...?

    Who you got... Triple G or Canelo. I personally think it's hard to make a decision. I would have to go Triple G but Canelo has hands... It can really go either way. Some are saying Canelo doesn't have the stamina for a fight with Triple G but I'm not sure. Triple G is a baaaad man though...
  20. Multiply

    [Discussion] If I rewrote the bible...

    If I rewrote the bible and named it the newest testament and claimed I was instructed by God, would you follow it? Just a thought...