Search results

  1. DHOH

    Vegata’s new God mode form!

    I think he’s finally on par with MUI GOKU
  2. DHOH

    Still the strongest

    Sasuke and Naruto taking a major power lost, are they still the strongest out of all 5 great villages?
  3. DHOH


    1593198020 🐐
  4. DHOH

    Vegata’s Turn

    Will he actually defeat Moro?
  5. DHOH

    Is it me?

    Is it me, or a chapter with some interesting plot twist wasn’t enough to make me care because Boruto.
  6. DHOH

    Did the databook make the anime cannon?

    There’s a lot of jutsu that was used in the anime that was considered filler. Now the databook have all these different characters with all of these different elements stating they have the ability to use... like Kakashi using in Katon in the anime and that was considered filler for the longest...
  7. DHOH

    Alive Minato vs Adult Sasuke

    Battlefield: VOTE Restrictions: Rikudo chakra and all Rinnegan abilities Battle to the death. Who wins
  8. DHOH

    Sasuke's Hunt

    In the latest episode of Boruto, we was told Sasuke assigned himself the mission to hunt down Urashiki. How are we expecting for this to play out? A. Sasuke will track him down and kill him B. Sasuke will track him down and capture him C. Sasuke will track him down and be defeated/killed D...
  9. DHOH

    Vote2 Naruto and Sasuke vs Adult Sasuke and Naruto

    Restrictions: Avatars Who wins.
  10. DHOH

    Top five without avatars

    Restrictions: Kaguya and her clan/family Please put in order an why. Thanks.
  11. DHOH

    Adult EMS Sasuke vs EMS Madara

    Restrictions: Kurama. Enton is use for defense only. No Susanoo or Hagorom's chakra. No Amaterasu. Who wins?
  12. DHOH

    Adult Sasuke vs Hokage Naruto

    Restrictions: No avatars Who wins?
  13. DHOH

    DMS Kakashi vs Sage mode Hashirama

    Who wins
  14. DHOH

    What's the difference?

    Between this And this The only difference is on the second scan, Sasuke is using Natural energy and forming it into Senjutsu on a much larger scale.
  15. DHOH

    Adult Sasuke vs Hashirama

    Restrictions: No avatars, No Ameno, No CT Intell: Full Battle field: where kimmaro vs Gaara Hashirama starts in sage mode Who wins?
  16. DHOH

    Sasuke and Madara

    They're both known as genius but it seems to get overlooked by most why? I understand Tobirama and Itachi praise, but not Minato, Kakashi and orchimaruo isn't above Sasuke and Madara in the intelligent department. I think it's overlooked, or ignored simply because they are two powerful.
  17. DHOH

    Gai vs Sasuke and Naruto. Taijutsu battle.

    This is Adult Sasuke and Hokage Naruto. Weapons are allowed and shunshin is allowed.. No special attcks by Gai.. like the fire punches, tiger, elephant and dragon.. No Ninjutsu or Doujutsu. Who wins.
  18. DHOH

    Top five fastest shinobi. No S/T

    Please explain choices. 1.Gai. Bending space and time just by running. 2. Adult Sasuke. Equal to RSM Naruto in the Boruto movie. 3. RSM Naruto.. RSM 4. JJ Madara. JJ 5. JJ Obito.. JJ
  19. DHOH

    Adult Sasuke & BSM Naruto vs JJ Obito and DMS Kakashi

    No restrictions.. Kakashi doesn't run out of Ridkou chakra. Who wins.