Recent content by Shadow Phantasm

  1. Shadow Phantasm

    The situation at Yale is more proof that the radical left should GTFO

    I have not seen such face palm worthy stupidity until the radical SJW left came around. Every week now there seems to be a whiny,perpetually offended dumbass making the news and I am getting sick of this shit. It's bad enough that these overly entitled screaming babies have been getting their...
  2. Shadow Phantasm

    Is 'positive' discrimination becoming socially acceptable now?

    It seems lately that it's become okay to be openly bigoted and racist towards people with pale skin tones.Hell one person who openly discriminated against those groups and is a proud racist recently walked from hate speech charges.Whereas if a white guy were to say #killallblacks he would've...
  3. Shadow Phantasm

    What should be done about the western college system?

    So there has been the growing problem of many western college students becoming coddled intolerant extremists,several high profile figures such as Jerry Seinfeld and President Obama have talked about how colleges aren't teaching students but instead insulating them from different points of view...
  4. Shadow Phantasm

    Why do people get so hung up on sexualization?

    This is something I always see in regards to media such as anime and video games where whenever there's a sexy female character(the men get ignored for some reason)many people lose their shit. They go on and on about this one particular character to then point where everything else is...
  5. Shadow Phantasm

    What's everyone's opinion on pedophile supporters/apologists?

    So let's say there was a expose about a person who admitted to lusting after her young cousin and sharing crotch shots of the kid around several chat logs. Now let's imagine that instead of the reaction Jared Fogle got,people instead rush to this person's defense,and one of them offered a pic...
  6. Shadow Phantasm

    What is your opinion on white knighting?

    For those who aren't familiar with the term,white knighting is when someone on the internet(usually male) jumps to the defense of a woman in hopes of getting something in return.Typically if a woman is in a argument or debate online these guys will show up and attack anyone she's arguing with,no...
  7. Shadow Phantasm

    Four U.S Marines Killed In Gun Shootout

    And news about the shooter was that he was of Middle Eastern descent. To the surprise of absolutely no one. Ten bucks says he has ties to a terrorist cell as well.
  8. Shadow Phantasm

    Ellen Pao's resignation as Reddit CEO and why racial/gender quotas are doomed to fail

    If you're a Reddit user like me then you've probably heard that Ellen Pao:the woman famous for filing a frivolous discrimination lawsuit against one of her former employers has stepped down as CEO. This is after weeks of discontent amongst both users and content creators had for how she ran the...
  9. Shadow Phantasm

    Which is currently worse at the moment:radical left or radical right?

    Both are pretty bad and people in general are getting sick of the radical left but is worse at the current time? The radical right has been surprisingly low profile,other than the gay marriage debate or abortion I have not seen them in the news all that much. The extreme left on the other hand...
  10. Shadow Phantasm

    Outrage culture drives a man to suicide

    This shit is seriously out of control and reading this story pisses me off to no end. F*ck the woman who started the lynch mob and f*ck each and every single person who engaged in attacking this...
  11. Shadow Phantasm

    What's your opinion on men's rights activitists?

    It's pretty interesting,because depending on who you ask MRAs or men's rights activists are either a group that's been disenfranchised and demonized by feminists and the MSM or knuckle dragging woman haters. Me?I think just like feminism a discussion about how men are routinely screwed over by...
  12. Shadow Phantasm

    White Guilt and its affliction on the liberal left

    I've noticed a common trend among certain left leaning circles and it's usually their utter disdain for white people,usually white men. Most of them are white as can be so I've been doing some observations and came across the phenomenon known as White Guilt. White Guilt is when a white person...
  13. Shadow Phantasm

    Has western feminism become redundant at this point?

    Let's be real,the movement has lost any purpose it has in the western world. Women in the west have more freedoms than they did 50 years ago,some might say a woman living in the western world has even more privileges than her male counterpart. I mean when's the last time a man sued his company...
  14. Shadow Phantasm

    Outrage culture:Has it gone too far?

    Over the past year or so I've seen a rise in petty whining on social media done by 20 something college hipsters. With the recent news of Joss Whedon being run off of Twitter by a bunch of radfems and SJW asshats,I've grown to despise this outrage culture that's increasingly getting bigger and...
  15. Shadow Phantasm

    Kishi must really hate Sakura now

    I mean it was kind of obvious before with the heaps of abuse and being a utter doormat in regards to her relationship with Sasuke,plus all the other things that made Sakura look weak, but it seems Kishi is dead set on derailing her character even more. Getting angry enough to destroy her house...