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  1. CurseSealofEarth

    Peace: Is Order or Freedom the Way?

    This discussion stems from my recent Assassin's Creed obsession so there's a lot of themes in that game I'd like to discuss. Since the first civilization arose thousands of years ago (or millions depending on your beliefs) mankind has been searching for the answers to true peace on Earth. Every...
  2. CurseSealofEarth

    Why doesnt Kaguya have the Tenseigan?

    Genetics is stupid for that reason. But also I'm not sure where the idea that everything that is diluted is worse. It's not a ****ing drink, it's a complex biological randomizer that takes in many factors that I don't understand.
  3. CurseSealofEarth

    Why doesnt Kaguya have the Tenseigan?

    Ever heard of a kid named Gohan? Until Super ruined it he was supposed to be stornger than anyone due soley to his human heritage. Why is no one born with the Sharingan since the only real requirement is "Be Uchiha"? And the movie is canon.
  4. CurseSealofEarth

    [Discussion] Do you think war is necessary?

    So in many modern discussions we talk about the need for guns being in the hands of private citizens. But one argument that sometimes gets coupled in with that discussion is the title: Is war necessary or maybe even useful? Now for thousands of years people with different ideaologies/political...
  5. CurseSealofEarth

    [Discussion] Do you wish there was a God?

    (Sorry another "deep" thread) If you don'tr believe in any sort of deity, do you wish that one did exist? Would you prefer that he had an active hand in ruling the Earth, or would you prefer he just step back and let things happen, yet still make his presence known?
  6. CurseSealofEarth

    [Discussion] Do you care about dying?

    So I've been recently talking to many people around my work about what the "Ultimate Goal" of life is. Most I speak to are not religious in th slightest and so most of them say it's about furthering their own lifespan. Not in the sense of trying to discover immortality or anything (though some...
  7. CurseSealofEarth

    Death Notes Ending

    So there's some ****ing spoilers in this. And if you're dumb enough to not realize it from the title alone then **** you. So I just finished reading Death Note. And I personally loved the ending. I've heard a lot of people talk shit about it but it just thought it was so good and funny. I say...
  8. CurseSealofEarth

    Raising soldiers from children.

    A couple of my friends and I were talking about this at work, and we were trying to decide if this was even something that could be done. We were merely wondering if children, from the time they are old enough, could be solely raised as soldiers. You have it in things like Naruto and CP9 in One...
  9. CurseSealofEarth

    Shouldn't Rock Lee be opening the 7th gate by now?

    He said himself he can't yet.
  10. CurseSealofEarth

    [Predictions] The Best Way To Defeat Madara??? (Poll Added)

    I think that they're going to take his pants after blitzing him and he's so worried about people seeing his 2-incher that he covers it up and can't fight anymore.
  11. CurseSealofEarth

    Hagoromo's Hair

    His swag is legendary. OT: It could be a simple personal choice.
  12. CurseSealofEarth

    Will sasuke war attire change?

    See it's not totally gay that you want his shirt off because he said no homo.
  13. CurseSealofEarth

    What good guy would make a good villain?

    Yamato (you know if he isn't already). Experimented on with the cells of Hashi, his mind broken and him having misdirected hatred towards the village for not saving him.
  14. CurseSealofEarth

    [PS4] [SPOILERS] inFAMOUS Second Son: Final review

    If you didn't see my "First Thoughts" thread here you go: It isn't long. I will be throwing out spoilers, and probably doing the entire games spoilers so I will warn you and there will be a summary at the end with no spoilers. You will be...
  15. CurseSealofEarth

    Why do Uchiha have major drawbacks and Senju have none?

    It has the more inherent power. Senju merely have strong chakra and life force.
  16. CurseSealofEarth

    inFamous Second Son: First impressions

    I got the game yesterday and played it from 3 am - 6 am because I had work this morning and make poor decisions. The game wastes no time in giving you your first power, about 10 minutes in and you can already fight. It's a much different vibe than the first 2 inFamous'. Your character isn't some...
  17. CurseSealofEarth

    Do (American) Politicians deserve to keep their salaries for the rest of their lives?

    Well do they? For those that don't know, US Politicians, in all the branches, get to keep their salaries and insurance for THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. They can serve a single term (as small as 2 years) and will receive the benefits from the job until they are dead. To put this perspective, a US...
  18. CurseSealofEarth

    Kakashi &Obito Susanoo?

    No more Susano'o please. My heart can't take it.
  19. CurseSealofEarth

    Irrelevant question?

    Do they have ninja barbers? I've never noticed that detail in the manga.