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  1. HokageKid

    So Lightning is strong against...

    Ahh thanks for clearing that up guys
  2. HokageKid

    So Lightning is strong against...

    So is Lightning strong against Earth and Water type move? Because Suigetsu is super weak to lightning attacks and Deidara's earth based attacks are also super weak against them. If so, does that make Lightning the only Primary nature that has 2 natures weak against it? That's pretty OP...
  3. HokageKid

    why Boruto sucks

    Boruto is a piece of trash. It makes no Goddamn sense, has pretty much no storyline, and everyone is super overpowered. In the original show, Kakashi was shocked that Sasuke knew fire jutsu when he was a genin, as elemental jutsu is a chunin level feat, yet in boruto every sucker has...
  4. HokageKid

    Why Naruto isn't the best anime around

    I've been rewatching Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, and I've just passed the sasuke danzo fight, and God damn, this anime would probably be my favourite if it weren't for all the constant flashbacks and the sheer amount of fillers. The past 3 episodes I've seen the sasuke leaving the village and...
  5. HokageKid

    Is it just me...?

    Is it just me, or are they trying to get the audience to come round to the idea of ninja tech in Boruto. Like I feel this whole "Boruto hates ninja tech, but he's slowly coming round to the idea that it's actually a good thing" Is basically like them trying to get us to be accepting of ninja...
  6. HokageKid

    Mangekyō Sharingan Abilities

    I've been trying to think of some cool Mangekyō Sharingan abilities for possible fan fics, and just generally to amuse myself, but I find it hard to think of techniques that aren't completely OP. So I'm challenging any Naruto fans to come up with their own Mangekyō techniques, but try not to...
  7. HokageKid

    How did Hashirama Senju die?

    I have a problem with the way Tobirama died also, He bested Izuna Uchiha, whom rivalled Madara, and yet Tobirama was defeated by a group led by ginkaku and kinkaku? The same Ginkaku and Kinkaku that got solo'd by Darui? So many inconsistencies in Naruto
  8. HokageKid

    How did Hashirama Senju die?

    What about Orihime in Bleach?
  9. HokageKid

    How did Hashirama Senju die?

    Yeah I hate stuff like that though, like "Oh sorry we didn't realise we were gonna make hashirama OP when we made that" like, c'mon at least write something that fixes it haha
  10. HokageKid

    How did Hashirama Senju die?

    But the fact that he was dead at the time Tobirama died, and Tobirama died young means Hashirama died young I guess this is more plausible, but his healing technique isn't necessarily the same as Tsunade's Why would he kick the bucket by 60? The average lifespan of a regular man is 80s, let...
  11. HokageKid

    How did Hashirama Senju die?

    How the hell is a nobody managing that? Madara solo's the soldiers of the allied shinobi forces with taijutsu alone, but someone is bringing down Hashirama? That's some B.S. Kishi needs to fix that
  12. HokageKid

    How did Hashirama Senju die?

    So we know he defeated Madara, but we also know he didn't die of old age, because when he's brought back via edo tensei he's still youthful. Also Tobirama died during his prime, and as the Second Hokage, so Hashirama had to have died prior to this. So Hashirama senju, possibly the most...
  13. HokageKid

    Dead Demon Consuming Seal?

    It's a tough one right? like I'm thinking maybe Izanagi only changes the Physical effects into illusions, and how the DDCS effects your soul, it might not work, but then again Izanagi can change even death into an illusion, and death releases your soul from your body right? I'm so stuck haha
  14. HokageKid

    Dead Demon Consuming Seal?

    So I was wondering, if you activating the time allowance of Izanagi, and during that time used the Dead Demon Consuming Seal to seal an opponents soul, would Izanagi then activate when your soul was taken too, and would you as a result survive using the Dead Demon Consuming Seal?
  15. HokageKid

    [Discussion] Why doesn't vegeta?

    Why hasn't Vegeta wished back the Saiyans, and Planet Vegeta? It's clear that Vegeta misses it a lot, he reminisced about it when he met Cabba, and even asked him if he could visit his home planet, so why doesn't he just bring them back? It took him less than a minute to find all of earth's...
  16. HokageKid

    Illum's needle

    So, if Illumi implanted a needle into Killua's head in order to brainwash and control him, and it wasn't removed until well into the chimera ant arc, how come when entering ngl, the needle didn't appear in the extensive medical checks, the x-ray, brain scan, the mri which would have ripped the...
  17. HokageKid

    How Come?

    How come Kakashi can't use raikiri without the sharingan because he moves too fast he gets tunnel vision and is too open to attack, but people like the Raikage can move even faster, with no such issue?
  18. HokageKid

    If Things Happened Differently Chapter 16

    Previous Chapters Naruto: So how long until we get there Kakashi Sensei? Kakashi: Naruto we've only been walking for a half an hour, we've still got a long way to go Naruto: But I'm bored... Tazuna: Bored is good kid, bored means nobody is trying to kill us yet Kakashi: Why should anyone...
  19. HokageKid

    [Technical Issue] Thread missing?

    So I posted a thread, and it appears under the new threads section, but if I click my "view your threads" link by my profile and stuff, it's not in that list? EDIT After making this thread, it is now in my "view your threads" section, however this thread is not, and the thread that was missing...
  20. HokageKid

    Tailed beasts sealing?

    But the Third Mizukage died before the chunin exams in part 1 right?