Recent content by Niwdog

  1. N

    So all the Hokage turned out to be pervs or the desire of a perv.

    Kakashi - Reading pervy books. A perv. 3rd Hokage - Clearly a perv considering he was a victim of Naruto's Sexy Jutsus and that other incident I vaguely remember involving Jiraiya finding out that the 3rd was a perv when he was younger. Naruto - Made the Sexy Jutsu. Who else but a perv would...
  2. N

    Hamura as the final villain...

    So, there's been a trend in Naruto for the past 200 chapters or so? Pain was the main mastermind villain and we knew that sometime in the past there was a Madara Uchiha. Then it turned out that he was being manipulated by Tobi, who then became the mastermind villain and was thought to be the...
  3. N

    So the Sage's brother...

    Sage did not say anything about his brother sealing the Juubi inside the brother's body, did he. I think we can still assume that at the end of the battle, the Sage sealed the Juubi's power inside of himself and used Chibaku Tensei to create a gravity centre that sucked the Juubi up into the sky...
  4. N

    [Predictions] Oros plan.

    You're forgetting that Madara's body has been put back in its prime. It's now a perfect, even better body than Sasuke's. Plus it's an Edo, immortal, limitless chakra body. The question is can you possess an Edo body when it's already using the form of another body.
  5. N

    Is Tobirama the worst Hokage ever? I was just watching this ^ and it made me realise that not only did Tobirama cause the Hashirama/Madara fight which eventually leads to Tobi, the creation of the Akatsuki and pretty much all of Konoha's problems and all of the major villains we have...
  6. N

    Omg, I just realised... Mito Uzumaki...

    She must have been ANCIENT when she died. For some reason, it only just occurred me: In the latest chapter, Hashirama is a child; he has yet to have kids let alone a grandchild, which is going to take a while, since he has to meet Mito Uzumaki first, then have kids with her, who will then have...
  7. N

    Why on earth was Gaara's sand green???

    Am I the only one who found it weird that Gaara's sand was coloured green? Was this an animation error? Or is it meant to depict that Gaara is using the sand from beneath the grass below, but then if that is the case, we should still see some sand-coloured sand AND green grass, not just weird...
  8. N

    The "Who's the Strongest Hokage" Debate Can Finally be Resolved if... ! (Spoilers)

    The "Who's the Strongest Hokage" Debate Can Finally be Resolved if... ! (Spoilers) turns out that the ones who know everything are the Four previous Hokages... like I've said before... (Spoiler Alert) and erm... it just so turns out that they are.
  9. N

    Sasori VS Orochimaru video ^ I came across this on Youtube and thought it was a pretty impressive video of an Orochimaru VS Sasori fight. It kinda puts all their moves into perspective and it's quite interestingly done. Do you guys reckon an Oro VS Sasori...
  10. N

    Yamato is to Senju what Kakashi is to Uchiha

    I just realised... Yamato has Hashirama Senju's powers synthetically, put into him as a baby, allowing him to possess Senju powers without being a true Senju. Kakashi has the Uchiha's powers synthetically, implanted into him via Obito's eye, allowing him to possess Uchiha powers without being a...
  11. N

    "All the fillers are sneak peaks at the Infinite Tsukuyomi World"

    "All the fillers are sneak peaks at the Infinite Tsukuyomi World" - that is what the Naruto Anime producers should say at the end of the whole anime series. Some of them have been beyond crap, defied very basic laws of jutsu, contradicted canon/legitimate manga events or rules, and have been...
  12. N

    Major foreshadowing in early Naruto chapters

    Check this out > < The moon, Sasuke wrapped in a snake that's got itself wrapped around trees that very much resemble the trees Obito/Zetsu use when doing the wood style ninjutsu. The moon probably represents the Juubi and Infinite...
  13. N

    IMAGINE... Naruto with...

    Naruto with an EMS in one eye, consisting of Obito's sharingan as his original sharingan eye and Shisui's/Itachi's Kotoamatsukami implanted into his eye also in the same way Sasuke had Itachi's eyes implanted into his own sharingan eyes (Don't really know how that works), and a Rinnegan in his...
  14. N

    Why is Zetsu considered so weak when Hashirama is meant to be very strong?!

    I don't understand why Zetsu is always ranked last in an Akatsuki shinobi ranking... Maybe a fodder White Zetsu clone fighting in the war might be... But the full black white one has HASHIRAMA'S wood element powers! and uses it even better than Yamato! PLUS, he can copy the chakra and...
  15. N

    Believing the Hashirama Hype = "Manga > Opinion" Nonsense.

    I think when people say Hashirama (non-Edo) was the most powerful/greatest shinobi in existence, this comment holds: There's a lot of "Manga says so! Manga > Opinion." But no.... MADARA says so... SAYS. The manga hasn't actually displayed ANY of Hashirama's feats from Hashirama himself. Seeing...