Moon Isle (188)


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Ikiru intrinsically had become annoyed by the mythical creature of his master by now. In the amidst of saying something a young lady would approach the two as she placed their bills on the table. Her red-hair would flare away as wisps of charm left the table as a beauty as she was, showed no interest in the customers. Watching his master struggle to tame his summoning, at times it seemed like the summoning had self-summoned itself. "Aight, Ikiru, here's something you gotta understand.. If anyone's god, it's NOT me. Oh.. maybe that wasn't what you were going to say.. Damnit i hype burned myself. But that's usually my man's over here's job ammarite Blazie?" (Alucard)

"..." (Ikiru) the plain expression on his face indicated he was clearly meant something else, "So, yoh were cured too huh. That kid sure as hell made me feel better, felt weird when i said that but.. whatever. He didn't just do that though. Through our connection he awokened a power within me. I've met up with a priest who's said that they can sense the presence of Yang radiating out of me. I guess it's just a matter of time that i master this aspect as i did with Yin.. Oh and of course, i can do this now again." (Alucard)

Deactivating his Sharingan as his master would shock and scare the community around him as Ikiru simply facepalmed. His master was drunk. The people around would wonder in fear, some in awe, whilst others vacating the place knowing Shinobi were trouble. The place soon appear to had became unpleasant to further discuss matters as Ikiru would rise a hand in gesture of having paid up. Leaving a check on the table he would sigh as he told his master, "
Let's take this outside. We can't have the restaurant losing business because of us, it's shocking that you've further attained greater powers. I am not so much as surprised as it's expected of my master." (Ikiru)
Ugh fine.

Alucard deactivated his chakra cloak and headed outside walking around the shores together with Ikiru and his pokémon.
With a seemingly less drunken influence over his body, Alucard walked straight as if the chakra mode had purified his body in some strange way of the influence of the alcohol. Or it could've just been the simple passage of time. Regardless, his personality had changed from unpredictable and tired to more engaging. As they walked, he would speak.

So then, you've seen what's out there. God children falling from the skies, the Tobusekai is in chaos for the most part. I just got back from there and i think i've accidentally stumbled upon something rather..

Before he finished his sentence he looked up towards his black tower and the study that was annihilated by the chakra creatures large blast.

..or it accidentally stumbled on me. You see i found a creature in a controlled zone by the Mother Cult. It was radiating with chakra unlike anything i've ever seen. The thing has more chakra than you and i combined...

He then paused briefly and continued onwards.

Have you heard of the.. tailed beasts?
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Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
Ugh fine.

Alucard deactivated his chakra cloak and headed outside walking around the shores together with Ikiru and his pokémon.
With a seemingly less drunken influence over his body, Alucard walked straight as if the chakra mode had purified his body in some strange way of the influence of the alcohol. Or it could've just been the simple passage of time. Regardless, his personality had changed from unpredictable and tired to more engaging. As they walked, he would speak.

So then, you've seen what's out there. God children falling from the skies, the Tobusekai is in chaos for the most part. I just got back from there and i think i've accidentally stumbled upon something rather..

Before he finished his sentence he looked up towards his black tower and the study that was annihilated by the chakra creatures large blast.

..or it accidentally stumbled on me. You see i found a creature in a controlled zone by the Mother Cult. It was radiating with chakra unlike anything i've ever seen. The thing has more chakra than you and i combined...

He then paused briefly and continued onwards.

Have you heard of the.. tailed beasts?
Listening to his master make a low grunt in annoyance, as he seemingly recovered from intoxication, the two would move across the sidewalks as the sun was now introducing the moon. The sea on the side of the sun rise gave quite a nice calm setting, the breeze and sounds of the beach waves smashing on the their left was all relaxing. Ikiru would hear the extra food steps of his crew worriedly keep their distance but enough to easily tell they were trailing the two. Ignoring the group as he listened to his master speak. "So then, you've seen what's out there. God children falling from the skies, the Tobusekai is in chaos for the most part. I just got back from there and i think i've accidentally stumbled upon something rather...or it accidentally stumbled on me. You see i found a creature in a controlled zone by the Mother Cult. It was radiating with chakra unlike anything i've ever seen. The thing has more chakra than you and i combined..Have you heard of the.. tailed beasts?"

Ikiru would promptly stop as he stared at his master. Had the tailed beasts awoken? He had known of the creatures but their whereabouts seemed mysterious and unknown to most. "...the Mother Cult, what do you say we go and deal with it. My visual powers are able to control the beast."


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Listening to his master make a low grunt in annoyance, as he seemingly recovered from intoxication, the two would move across the sidewalks as the sun was now introducing the moon. The sea on the side of the sun rise gave quite a nice calm setting, the breeze and sounds of the beach waves smashing on the their left was all relaxing. Ikiru would hear the extra food steps of his crew worriedly keep their distance but enough to easily tell they were trailing the two. Ignoring the group as he listened to his master speak. "So then, you've seen what's out there. God children falling from the skies, the Tobusekai is in chaos for the most part. I just got back from there and i think i've accidentally stumbled upon something rather...or it accidentally stumbled on me. You see i found a creature in a controlled zone by the Mother Cult. It was radiating with chakra unlike anything i've ever seen. The thing has more chakra than you and i combined..Have you heard of the.. tailed beasts?"

Ikiru would promptly stop as he stared at his master. Had the tailed beasts awoken? He had known of the creatures but their whereabouts seemed mysterious and unknown to most. "...the Mother Cult, what do you say we go and deal with it. My visual powers are able to control the beast."
Instead of answer him directly Ikiru gave him the possibility to go and deal with the Mother Cult, it was what Alucard had been doing for the last months really. However, it wasn't like the necro machinery and the offsprings of Tiamat was ever going to stop spreading either it seemed as he already had found them in so many random places around the world.

I'm a self-proclaimed mother executioner. ..Zing!
Sharingan can do that? The coincidence, it wouldn't surprise me the least of they have Uchiha under their spell if that's something you can do. We'll be off then. Blaze? Are you coming?

Alucards pokémon was silent in the background.


Good. Ikiru, before we leave i am taking this beast with me. I don't want it to set off and destroy my people's home.

Alucard went up to the black tower with his Pokémon still standing next to Ikiru for a few minutes. Blaziken would stretch on the beach and use his Shakuton and Katon releases over the sea's breeze to express his excitement. The fires would extinguish the nightfall and light up the island like massive fireworks.

(Shakuton: Shaku Jutsu) Scorch Release: Scorch Technique
Rank: C-Rank
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user will use their scorch chakra to create orbs, walls, blast, waves, etc. of scorch to either attack or defend oneself.

Alucard then returned with the sealed chakra beast in a container similar to that of glass gourd that he had slapped several sealing tags on. The genjutsu was still in place though as far as he could tell via his Tenseigans chakra reading. He would then use his gravity chakra to create a massive floating platform made out of grass, rocks and sand all collected from the ground underneath them. The platform would support the three of them and carried them across the sea. Ikiru would be picking the destination.

( Kinbō Tensei Jōzai ) - Localized Reincarnation Tablet
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30 (+15 per turn active)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user creates a floating sphere from nearby debris beneath them, using the gravitational control to levitate the sphere of debris and use it as a floating platform. Keeping it active, however, requires the user to expend chakra.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

*Mission ending*

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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Returning from [x]

Storyboard mission element(s)
  • Guard someone very important
You must be registered for see medias

Alucard would return to his island with some progress of understanding the current situations of the world. Much was changed but most things were the same. In any case he had brought back a most valuable asset in the hypothetical war with the spawns of Tiamat. A prime example for study under his very own castle. What could possibly go wrong with that. As the party landed at the Moon Isle, Alucard would immediately head towards his lair with the broken man on his shoulder. During their route towards the land however, they had been followed by someone or something that Alucard had noticed deep underneath the ocean. It would seem his prize was up for competition. However, he would never submit to an external force trying to claim his "hostage". Under pressure, the seaborn would be held under the dungeon of Alucards castle, safeguarded personally by Mega Blaziken while Alucard himself would directly oversee the eventual threats that were closing in. To do just that, he would climb up his tower, passed the still damaged study from.. the chakra beast, and upwards until he reach the crescent moon spire ontop of the roof. There he would lurk and keep his forever glowing tenseigan on the coast and the horizon in order to raise awareness of any potential threats.

( Doujutsu: Tenseigan ) - Eye Technique: Reincarnation Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( -10 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: The Tenseigan (転生眼, Literally meaning: Reincarnation Eye) is a powerful dōjutsu utilized by the Ōtsutsuki clan. The combination of the Byakugan and the chakra of an Ōtsutsuki clan member can evolve the Byakugan into the Tenseigan, resulting in the loss of the Byakugan's quasi-omnidirectional and distanced vision.The Tenseigan allows the user to control both attractive and repulsive forces, similar to the Rinnegan's Deva Path. The user's eyes are on the same level as the Mangekyou Sharingan in terms of tracking and chakra perception. Additionally, it also grants the wielder the ability to use Tenseigan Chakra Mode; gaining additional increases in speed, agility and power.
Note: Requires activation (spending move) for Otsutsuki bios but remains active indefinitely afterwards if the user chooses to. After having a complete Otsutsuki bio with Tenseigan for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move. User needs to have activated Byakugan before and had it active for 1 full turn.
Note: Toneri is unable to deactivate his upon it's activation, becoming his default eye state.
Note: When active, the user loses all access to Byakugan related abilities and instead gains Tenseigan effects.

While he was up there, he took the time to have a small reflection over the Tiamat spawns abilities and why they were so exponentially powerful. He had already been able to deduct several traits that they seemed to share but only grew in the pace of the individuals experience and willpower. But so it was with all things. All of the Tiamat offsprings shared the chitin transfiguration and along with it a most exotic vitality and brute strength. But when he also started to think about his encounter with the gentleman underneath him, locked in a dungeon, he realized that they also seemed to have an unparalleled chakra distinction form in terms of deducting what elements, even elements they hadn't yet seen or heard of before. It clearly was a sort of sensory but it didn't seem to be working in any traditional means that he knew of atleast. Sure, his dojutsu allowed him to see basics but not something like that. Regardless, their most potential trait as far as he had yet seen was their capability of mutation and regeneration. Could there be something more hiding in their kekkei genkai. Only time would tell, but now was not the time to speculate. The horizon revealed something that was on approached towards the Moon Isle. A ship with banners he was not familiar with and behind it it would seem that huge chakra trails was moving in a linear trajectory behind the ship from underneath the water. Alucard made the assumption it was enslaved Tiamat offsprings. It was obvious they were out for the man Alucard had spared and brought with him from the Blood Prison. How they knew about it so fast was quite shocking however. Alucard would look down on the small armada. Would this one be any different from the ones from before? Their banners were a mystery. Should he take defensive action right away or should he say something first. Not keen on leaving his rather peaceful position, Alucard would instead reach towards the boat with his hands forming the Ram handseal and through it he would speak.

This island is currently quarantined and all in/out passage is restricted. If you don't head back i will have to see you as a threat and take defensive precautions. Yours sincerely, D

(Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique
Rank: D
Chakra Cost: 10
Damage Points:N/A
Description: Forming the needed hand seal Ram, a shinobi can project his voice to a different area to hide their location and the number of allies at their side. It is an excellent complement to stealth tactics.

His voice would be accurately projected in an enhanced loudness right above the boat. Alucard would keep his cool while waiting on what these strangers reaction would be. As it turned out, his hypothesis was true and the armada did nothing to even try to obey his message. The no-life king would have to stand against the threat and seeing as they had brought with them a whole dozen of reinforcements, it would not be a simple task but he had to do what he could to guard his hostage. Without sparing any of his reserves whatsoever, Alucard would, still sitting on the crescent moon idol, activate his divine chakra mode. The puppet cursing spheres would spawn behind his back in replacement of the truth-seeking orbs which yet was a stage of the chakra mode he lacked the power to release. Regardless, it was his strongest setting in this time and point, even strong than that of the Yin or Yang state. The chakra cloak lit up like a beacon in the night, completely the opposite of any sort of discretion. No, Alucard was a person who wanted to be seen. His enemy still had a chance to turn tail but their mentality did not change even after he had opened up the tenseigan chakra mode. Where they not aware of his potential power or were they simply cocky enough to head out to face him regardless with full intel? God only knew.

( Tenseigan Chakura Mōdo ) - Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40 ( -15 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: Tenseigan Chakra Mode is a heightened transformation unique to those who possess the Tenseigan. Upon activating this form the user gains a cyan-coloured chakra shroud with six magatama markings on his collar, dark markings over his eyebrows and lower eyelids, and a single horn shaped like Kaguya's extending from his forehead. The shroud constantly radiates flickering flames of chakra, and the user's clothing and hair continuously billow upwards.The user also gains access to six spheres created from the Pupet Cursing Technique in their offensive use, turning them into glowing cyan orbs that can be used by shaping them into smaller orbs to launch high-speed barrage attacks and explosions. The user's strength is significantly increased adding +30 to his Ninjutsu and Taijutsu techniques. Their speed is also greatly increased to the point in which he surpasses the Raikage while in the second stage of Lightning Release Armor.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle, each use lasting 6 turns. After using, the user must wait at least 3 additional turns before using again.
Note: Can only be used by Custom Otsutsuki Bios with the Tenseigan.
Note: Requires Tenseigan active.

Alucard would not have the enemy of his land make a mockery out of his power. His pride was already shattered once, it would not happen ever again. Alucard would manipulate an extreme amount of chakra into one of the puppet cursing orbs which would overflow with energy and collapse in on itself and create a massive linear blast that Alucard would aim straight towards the threat. The blast would disintigrate anything in its path, even the water underneath the armada and in order to not cause a natural catastrophe he would end the beam as soon as he noticed it would make an impact.


( Kinrin Tensei Baku ) - Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 120 (170 with TSB) + 30
Description: While using Tenseigan Chakra Mode, the user focuses a tremendous amount of chakra into one of his Truth-Seeking Balls and grasps it in his hand to create a giant golden sword of pure chakra of comparable size to the sword of an unstabilized Susano'o, capable of easily slicing the large mountains in half with a single swipe. He could also focus it into a single blast, capable of destroying near anything in it's path. If the user does not have access to the Truth Seeking Orbs, he is able to use his Puppet Cursing Technique spheres in their place.
Note: Can only be used with Tenseigan Chakra Mode
Note: Can only be used two times, each time preventing further use for.2 turns.
Note: After using, the user cannot use any Tenseigan based jutsu besides the Chakra Mode for two turns.

The golden wheel laser would light up the sky like the largest possible lightning that had ever occured. As it moved closer towards the water it would seem to set some of the trees next to the tower, ontop of which Alucard was positioned, on fire due to the massive energy that spiked from a single point. This jutsu would, regardless of its power, not wipe out the entire enemy armada but atleast serve as a final warning to the survivors. Alucard didn't follow up with another move straight after but continued to look through his tenseigan for chakra signs. To his shock, it would seem like despite one of his most powerful techniques had been used, not a single trace of chakra had been put out. Decreased in size, yes, but not extingushed. It would seem his guests possessed means to counter massively damaging techniques such as the golden wheel.

..I guess, i'll have to get down from here then..

Alucard went down from the tower in blazing speeds to meet the enemy head on. As he would find himself on the northern cliffs that was roughly 20 meters above the sea water, Alucard would intercept the enemy. The underwater chakras lied dormant while the ship would close in. After taking a closer look at the ship, Alucard noticed a huge instrument installed on its brig that looked like a massive cannon. Before he had another thought the cannon would open fire and strike the moon isle with the same amount of power that his golden wheel technique had. This would be enough to destroy the entire island if Alucard wouldn't do anything. He would jump upwards and clap his hands togeher, meeting the blast head on and in the blink of an eye he had absorbed the massive chakra into his pocket dimension using the portal engraved in his hands. It would seem that the old saying stood true. Never unleash power in proportions you yourself cannot undo. There is no telling where it ends up.

(Meiton/Inton: Kokuyōseki no sora | Dark/Yin Release: Obsidian Sky)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 140
Description: Obsidian Sky is a technique in which the user incorporates their Yin as well as their Dark release together to create the ultimate chakra siphoning technique. Through the use of Yin, the dark release absorption aspect loses its weaknesses to earth and water/other solid/liquid materials and lets the user absorb anything of the same chakra level while at the same time absorb enough chakra from an incoming technique for it to directly lose one rank, similar to the tethering abilities of Hungry Ghost. Unlike Hungry Ghost, however, this technique doesn't latch on to the opponent if it goes through and eats their chakra but simply applies the debuff on their technique. However, the strengths of the absorption release is also rendered neutral, meaning this technique can essentially absorb the same amount of chakra the user spends in their initial move. It is exactly the same for the release version of the technique with a total immunity to any weakness/strength and rendered neutral to everything and thus only overpowering techniques that has lesser damage output. When it comes to the release form of the aspect of this technique, the standard blue flames have changed aesthetically. The flames have a slightly different pattern than normal dark release techniques. It's aesthetics has changed into which the flames are pitch black with a cyan flare on the edges. On the inside there are images resembling that of a clear night sky, filled with celestial bodies. This is a passive aesthetic change and carries no weight in battle.

Note: When the user has performed the release version of this technique, they are hindered from using S-rank and above techniques for two turns afterwards, as well as Yin/Dark release techniques above A-rank. This applies for both times the release version is used.
Note: In the same turn the user uses the absorption function, they cannot use any other dark release techniques.
Note: The release form of the technique can only be used twice per battle, with a two turn-cooldown.
Note: The absorption form can be used 4 times per battle, with a two-turn cooldown.
Note: After usage, the user must wait two turns to use again for the absorption part and 4 for the release part.

Shortly after he absorbed the golden wheel that had been shot back at him he could hear the sound of a slow clap coming from the ship followed by a sinister and broken voice.

Looks like D can handle himself. After him heathens.

Alucard took a quick look at the chakras underneath the water and they seemed to be coming in rapid pace towards the island. He had to defend his island and the person he was guarding. It was rather apparent that his captive was exponantially more important than Alucard would ever have assumed given the measures trying to get him. Just what was that mans history anyway for this sort of shit to happen. Soon after, the tiamat spawns would mobilize in a gathered offense on the cliff, pinning Alucard from front, left and right. Their bodies were fortified in blood red/blackish chitin armor. They all released the Sea of Life, the black mud from their mouths in order to not only kill Alucard but to effectively corrupt the entire island.

(Seimei no Umi) – The Sea of Life x 5
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: B – S(S)
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40 – 60
Damage: 80 – 100(100)
Description: The Sea of Life is the principle and signature skill of all Children of Tiamat; like Tiamat, it is a manifestation of their will and an extension of their own bodies. In essence, the Sea of Life emulates the concept of all life being born from the sea. Unlike the All-Mother, the Children of Tiamat expend considerable chakra when accessing this technique, or its variants. The black mud can be generated from any part of the user’s body and is of extraordinarily high density, allowing it to easily engulf and overcome physical obstacles. When used the scale of this technique can vary depending on the rank used; at its highest rank it can surpass even that of Water Release: Great Waterfall. Through physical force alone it can overwhelm multiple opponents, carrying immense concussive force. The user is able to release the mud from their body in any shape that they choose, limited only by their imagination and rank. The technique carries with it the Amino-Geis, forcibly converting whoever is caught into a slave of the user. The mud can be blocked or sealed, although it must respect neutrality and damage values. S-Rank applications can be used thrice per battle, once every two turns.

Nothing that a few thousand volts of lightning couldn't cure, Alucard thought to himself and gathered up his raiton chakra in both of his palms after having weaved a single extra sign. The technique would unleash a widespread thunderbolt that was extended in damage potential due to the extra handseal Alucard had weaved as well as the fact he was using his Tenseigan Chakra Mode. The blast was widespread enough to hit everything infront of him to a 120 degree angle, taking all of the spawns with it in one single sweep.

(Raiton: kiri kakujuu) - lightning style: lightning expansion
Type: Attack/Defence
Rank: A
Range: Short - long
Chakra Cost:30
Damage Points: +20
Description: At the end of one of their lightning jutsu the user will perform 2 handseals, and in the same time frame release their chakra into the lightning jutsu. In doing so, the user will increase the power and size of the lightning jutsu boosting any lightning jutsu by 20 damage points. By the increase in chakra the lightning gains more power as the power of the electrical current is increased.The user can also choose to perform this technique after their lightning jutsu has already been created, so that this jutsu occurs in a separate time frame.

Note: Can only use used on lightning the user or the users summon has created
Note: can only be used 3 times

(Raiton: Chidori Raimei) - Lightning Style: 1000 Birds Thunderstorm
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 + 30 + 20 = 130
Descripton: The user will channel lightning chakra into his hand, covering it with a massive chidori. The user will then point his palm forwards, unleashing that chakra, creating a massive 120º blast of lightning that spreads from his hand, outwards and forward towards the enemy.

The blast would evaporate every single Tiamat slave despite their best efforts trying to surpress it with their armor and sea of life techniques. The lightning was simply too powerful but it was a jutsu that was perfect for the situation in a different way too as it had just too short reach to reach the ship which probably would've meant that it would just had been backfired just like the golden wheel technique. Through the ashes of its fallen experiments, the ship would head back. It would seem like whoever they were they realized that they could not win, not at this point and time atleast. Alucard would stand there on the cliff and not move an inch until the ship had disappeared on the horizon. He thought to himself many times if he should go after them or not, but he decided that it was no use. The main goal had been to guard his prisoner, not escalate the conflict. There was a peaceful silence as the ship left on the horizon. However, a loud boom could then be heard from the same direction the ship was last seen. It would seem like whoever they were, they were not go without a boom. It was yet another massive chakra cannon bullet that travelled in high speeds just above the water surface like a rouge comet with a plasma tail. Using his Tenseigan to calculate the potential this bullet had he noticed that it was even stronger than the one he had stopped originally. This caused for immediate action as it would disitintegrate the island. By this point, Alucard had already deactivated his chakra mode since the ship had already left. Unable to activate it immediately again, there was only one thing he could possibly do. He had to use his gravitational forces.

Ugh, for **** sake. Some people just can't accept defeat..

Alucard would position himself underneath the cliff by climbing the rocks underneath the surface of it and activate his gravitational fort, which had the capability to null anything that it came in contact with and push it back. However, this was perhaps not the most ideal jutsu to use but given the current situation, he had no other choice. As the fireball grew closer and closer, he would create the forcefield arould him while having both his hands above his hands since he needed to hold on the cliffside in order to be in the same elevation as the bullet. The two techniques then clashed.

( Tensei Suiryoku ) - Reincarnation Thrust
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 40 - 160
Description: The user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.
Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if they logically counter.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

The after effects were on a grand scale as the bullet had been repelled but straight into a neighbouring uninhabited island which was completely reduced to ash in the wake of the hit. Despite that, Alucard had succeeded in the mission to guard the Tiamat spawn along with himself and his home. Soon as the fight was finally over, he returned to the tower and met up with Mega Blaziken. Once he opened the vault underneath the castle he could see that the man was now concious and ready to talk.

*Mission End*​


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Never left from [^]

Storyboard Mission Element(s)
  • Interrogate and Experiment on/with a subject (Custom)
You must be registered for see medias

After the grand endavour to guard his prisoner, Alucard had returned to the vault to see that the Tiamat offspring was now on his feet again. The broken man would speak.

Where the **** are we?

Alucard took some time before deciding to speak and grabbed a chair from the other side of the room which he would place infront of the man, who was locked into chains much like his setup in the Blood Prison except of course he was given food and water. After having sat down a bit, Alucard wanted to go through a set list of details he wanted to ask of the man before releasing him, he had no intent of hurting him afterall. After scimming through the checklist, Alucard would then close the perm and toss it on the floor.

We are at my domain right now, spawn of Tiamat. I took you here after our little.. game after i decided not to kill you. However, i did also place a special seal on you that makes me able to control your body in case you ever find yourself wanting some sort of revenge on me.

What do you want from me? I'm a cursed demon to this world, why not just put me out of my misery when you had the chance. I don't even want to live.

Then do better next battle so i might have to kill you, idiot.

Aren't you the funny guy. I only disposed half of my power in our encounter, if even that. My goal was for you to kill me, but i guess you weren't going full out either. Were you?

I've never gone full out in my life. Nor do i ever think i will have to, but we're getting off-track right now. I left you alive because you're far greater an asset to me if you live than if you're dead. As a matter of fact, nothing is of value to me when its dead except being a memory.

..So you want to experiment on me?

Originally yes, but something changed. My island was apprehended by an external force flagging a banner of a golden skull - a symbol i don't recognize. It would seem that they had the interest in retrieving you from my hold for whatever reason. I don't suppose you would know anything about that now would you? As a matter of fact, outside your blood line limit i know absolutely nothing about you or any of your fellow Tiamat spawns except a few things i've been able to deduct during my battles with you and your kind. But you seem to be.. different than everyone else. You're more than a spawn of Tiamat aren't you? Let's start with a name.

The man looked down on the floor as if i he had heard this exact same statement long ago in the same conditions as this. Or was it just his prisoner behaviour that he had adapted to.

The golden skull banner.. It's an ancient branch under the worship of Namira. As i am sure you know by now, i may or may not have.. A prize on my head. I am probably red-listed by every single clan practicing genetic chakra studies or necromancy due to my.. mutation. For you to think that it's not a coincidence i understand but, the spawns of Tiamat you fought aren't related to me whatsoever even if we share our abilities with eachother. They are.. husks of simple minded farmers overtaken by the Sea of Life, lacking any knowledge of the powers within themselves. I am.. a pure one, a rare specimen. But that's not all, i also possess what some call.. Sage Mode, but due to the fact my mother was born in the Yamanaka clan i too possess their traits. Even though im sure you've never heard about them.

..And your name?

Damon. Damon Oceanborn.

Oceanborn!? But that's the clan that i just couple of days ago setup a collaboration with.

Lucky you. They banished me from their stronghold when they realized i was an abomination to them. Their blood line has grown weak by the centuries and i doubt even one of them knows what chakra is anymore.

..I guess longetivity is another trait you have.. Are you immortal in the dimension of time?

Yes, and you?


You never told me your name.

Alucard. Alucard Tepes.

Alucard huh. You know, you're probably the strongest person i've encountered this last century. Mind if we become allies?

Hold your horses Damon, i need more from you before i can trust you completely. You have done enough for today's session though.

Alucard would point at the shackles with his fingers and unleash them with a snap. Damon was freed from them but the cursed mark would still linger on his forehead.

Feel free to poke around my island, if you do anything provocative i will deal with you myself. Yamanaka or not.

Alucard left the vault with Blaziken returning out in the wild part of the Island were he could practice on his evergrowing list of Taijutsu moves. Damon seemed to stay in the vault before eventually going outside of the castle to explore the island.


A new day began and Alucard had tracked Damons movements during the night with his Tenseigan. It would seem like he hadn't been up to no good afterall but instead remain on the shores looking out on the sea as if awaiting the return of the Golden Skull crew. However on the morning the day after their interrogation session, Alucard had planned for something else the following day and would have Damon come to his study.

You've shown allegiance so far. That's a good start.

You set me free. I don't know what to do next.

Well it just so happens that i do. I don't know if you've noticed but the increase of your.. well, the unorthodoxely produced Tiamat bloodliners are a growing threat to the world. It would seem almost every single hostile faction i come up against have them as pawns and while i'm able to repel them it's not the easiest thing to do. Let alone for villages who don't have an army of me's. That being said, i need to conduct experiments on you in order to see what sort of capabilities the powers of Tiamat offer. What i do know is that you have elemental deduction of advanced elements such as my dust release. You have the ability to transform your body to grow wings, armor and other features. The Sea of Life is a black mud that seems to overwrite the very biological code of organic matter that comes in contact with it. You mentioned your longetivity but your kind hasn't been around for that long so i am not thinking that has anything to do with it. How about you tell me what you know of your powers.

It's much of what you said. If you want we can start of with the Sea of Life technique if you let me perform it.

Go for it.

Damon would spew out a mouthful of the black mud on the wall. It was sticky enough to be suspended on the wall by itself, just like normal mud would.

(Seimei no Umi) – The Sea of Life
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: B – S(A)
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40 – 60
Damage: 80 – 100
Description: The Sea of Life is the principle and signature skill of all Children of Tiamat; like Tiamat, it is a manifestation of their will and an extension of their own bodies. In essence, the Sea of Life emulates the concept of all life being born from the sea. Unlike the All-Mother, the Children of Tiamat expend considerable chakra when accessing this technique, or its variants. The black mud can be generated from any part of the user’s body and is of extraordinarily high density, allowing it to easily engulf and overcome physical obstacles. When used the scale of this technique can vary depending on the rank used; at its highest rank it can surpass even that of Water Release: Great Waterfall. Through physical force alone it can overwhelm multiple opponents, carrying immense concussive force. The user is able to release the mud from their body in any shape that they choose, limited only by their imagination and rank. The technique carries with it the Amino-Geis, forcibly converting whoever is caught into a slave of the user. The mud can be blocked or sealed, although it must respect neutrality and damage values. S-Rank applications can be used thrice per battle, once every two turns.

Using his Tenseigan, Alucard would study the sample with outmost precision. What he was mostly interested in was its capability to overclock biological life, which was probably what was used by the faction leaders to create the Tiamat slaves in the first place. It was uncertain to what extent their powers granted would be compared to a pure one. It would seem his Tenseigan had to work for the answer but eventually he found a component that seemed to behave in a certain likelyness to that of a virus. Alucard would try spit out a simple bone shard into the black mud to see how it would react as it was a biological matter but was without sentience.

( Hone Gekido ) - Bone Rage
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user gathers chakra before releasing it from every point, releasing bone spikes from everywhere on their body, sticking out up to 3 meters each.

While the Sea of Life technique was by far stronger in chakra intensity this was roughly to calculate how it would react to biological matter. But nothing extravagant happened really in this first test, the bone would dissolve in the black mud as its chakra was nullified and the mud stayed the same in terms of chakra radiance and intensity. Kind of a moot point, but Alucard would keep trying. This time, he would use his custom element, the polystyrene which was made out of air and carbon. Carbon plays a major role in all life and it would be interesting for him to see if there would be any sort of difference within the two clashing. This time he would use a technique of elevated chakra so that it wouldn't succumb to the black mud because it was containing more of it.


(Porisuchiton: Shiroi Sabaku | Polystyrene Release: White Desert)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S(S)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40(-10 per turn)
Damage: 20-80
Description: The jack of all trades release for the porisuchiton release. The user can form any structures from the polystyrene pellets they want. The user can create weapons, armour and well anything that they need. D and C ranked usage requires no handseals, B rank requires one, A rank requires two and S rank requires three handseals. D, C and B rank may be used indefinitely as long as the user has a chakra pool, A ranks can be used 5 times per battle and S rank can be used 4 times per battle. A rank variation has a cooldown of one turn per use, S rank has a cooldown of two turns after use. This lets the user channel porisuchiton chakra through the earths crust and create miniature sinkholes or other structures. The user can also form polystyrene directly from their body. Unless the user fuels chakra into the polystyrene, it will fall flat on the earths surface as it is too light to sustain any forms by itself unlike other solid materials.

Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 5 times per battle, with a cooldown of one turn, S rank 4 with a cooldown of two turns.
Note: No other Polystyrene techniques in the same turn S-rank version is used

The white porous mass would embody itself into the black goo. The two elements would retain themselves in property but it would seem that the Sea of Life was moving and engulfing itself over the sphere of polystyrene that Alucard had created almost like it was trying to invade it in hopes it was an extension of a life-form. It was a fascinating and terrible sight to behold. The two techniques seemed to be warped into eachother but there was no winner or loser in this experiment. The chakra radiation from each technique was the same and mattered not at all. As a matter of fact, the two elements themselves seemed to decay in on eachother showing no particular weakness or strength to one another but rather collapsing under each techniques chakra radiance and both techniques vanished. Damon would stand on the other side of the room and was seemingly entertained by Alucards experiments so far.

Hehe, it would seem like you're trying out the properties of the Amino Geis if my eyes aren't deceiving me.
Amino Geis?
Yeah, it's the mutation all of our attacks contain. Think of it like a virus, it consumes living organisms and turns them into slaves after the Animo Geis warps their minds.
..That's sick. Shame i cannot absorb it.


I am the master of the Chimera technique, let's me feed on blood lines to grow stronger but one can never have more than four.

Huh, seems like its very similar to this then.

Yes, and no. I absorb ones blood line limits while this seems to turn life as we know it into pawns to your will. Your kekkei genkai is about creating armies while mine is to create a one-man army. With this though, i could've been able to do a lot of things. Though i regret not the ones i ended up with.

You'd be dead no matter what you'd try to absorb our blood line limit. Your body wasn't born out it and you'd lack the capabilities of becoming one with the Amino Geis. You'd just turn into a crumbled slave that would be eaten up by yourself.

Right, well that's enough experimenting on your Sea of Life. It seems to hold an elemental neutrality to most if not all things but if you get engulfed in it you'd better start treating yourself.. Is this Amino Geis what gives you people the capability of modding your bodies with chitin, horns and these red.. patterns on your skin?

Yeah, the Amino Geis is like.. a symbiote that acts with us. If we're worthy, we become one with it. If not, the symbiote takes over and kills the host or turns a host into a slave of their master host as you mentioned with the Sea of Life and that is what the Golden Skull and the other factions are doing right now to breed an army of us. But thats not all the things you should know about us. Try to hide yourself from me by any means necessary. You said that you had already figured out we had an amazing elemental deduction compability but that was not thanks to my Amino Geis but rather my inherent chakra sensory skill from being a Yamanaka. However, in terms of sensory.. Well try for yourself.

Alucard doubted a bit but decided to leave the study and walk out of the castle a bit while Damon would remain in the study and try to pinpoint Alucards location. Alucard would use his chakra supression technique, making it impossible for chakra sensors to feel his presence, but it was completely a wasted effort as Damon would find him in an instant. The two of them walked back to the study after Alucard showed a rather surprised face on the way back up.

..How the **** did you do that?

Amino Geis, our symbiote or.. whatever you want to call it has an incorporated sensory that lets us go by life force sensory instead of your traditional chakra sensory. You could try and hide from us all you want but we will always find you. That's why i reckon that having spawns of Tiamat on recon duty is highly advantageous. It does not let us make up what chakras you use in an element though.

..Fine fine. Last thing i want you to do is to create that battle armor you used in our fight. I want to test out the durability of it.

Damon would warp his body to be overtaken to a much higher ratio by his symbiote to form a thick chitinous armor around his entire body. The substance Chitin is what the exoskeletal lifeforms underneath the sea had instead of an internal skeleton like humans and other mammals. It was fair to say that even with this chitin armor the vitality of anyone whom lived in harmony with the Sea of Life was a monstrous threat and maybe even impossible to kill. The fact that Alucard was even able to knock Damon out cold was due to the fact he had been locked up for god knows how much time without any food or water. Alucard studied the chitin armor thouroghly and decided to try all of the basic five elements to see how the fended against the armor. His deduction and knowledge would have him assume that it could potentially show the same resistance as the black mud in terms of elemental interactions, even lightning release because the chitin itself also contained the self healing Amino Geis that allowed to bypass any normal strengths/weaknesses and instead offer the user an almost unparalleled healing ability. It was like having Yang but.. in a sense cooler. Or a hack of Yang energy turned into a Symbiote. This gave Alucard an idea that he should try and do something similar but that would have to wait for a long time. Even when he had mastered the ways of Yang at this point, fiddling around with Forbidden jutsus was not something he was yet able to do and instead he could potentially eradicate the entire island instead.

Well, that's enough testing for today Damon. I'll let you do whatever you want now.

Fine by me, i will go around and explore the archipelago. Might be able to find something i lost on my way to the prison..

Sounds ominous.. Have fun.

Alucard and Damon parted ways with Alucard also leaving the moon island.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard Element(s):
  • Make all the necessary plans and arrangements for your Clan
You must be registered for see medias

The no-life-king had returned to his prized domain on the moon isle. The arrival of him and his signature summoning would spawn a large crowd as they reached the large town. The kid that he had saved had traveled on Alucards back this whole time, asleep after their re-awakening. He would greet his citizens before entering his black castle on the hill just above the town. Its damages were still present after his interaction with Damon Oceanborn. However, due to the encounter that had taken place in the Veskal's Exchange, he had become something.. new. He was no longer having a split personality between Alucard/Dracula but instead they had now been fused into one which would answer for some personality changes for the future although he would still go by his original name. Having returned with the kid, he would do what he swore back then which was to welcome them to a new family and being a part of a new life on his island where peace would be the norm. However, his visit to the sanctuary wasn't just to do that, no, along his recent travels he had encountered more enemies than ever before. Let alone, the whispers of one of his closest allies, Ikiru, had gone silent for more than a month. He feared the worst for his ally along with his relationship with Hei although he was sure nothing had changed there. In the end, he needed to prepare for the future of his clan and his major landmark, the moon isle. To do just that, he would have to begin with an entire revamp of his present defenses around the island and using the studies of Damon Oceanborn and the interactions he had had with the Sea of Life back in the Tobusekai.

These threats are all too real, good thing i have made groundbreaking work in my travels to discover weaknesses of the Sea of Life. I need to find him..

He decided to go look for Damon, but not before he would make the appropriate arrangements for his clan and the future. There were several new global topics that had risen since the Red Fever had been brought to its knees and the new threats seemed to be of atleast the same caliber as that of the fever. The current threats that would ultimately face The Hellsing Organisation where the following; The Mother Cult, The arrival of a new god and what consequences it had and then the return of the tailed beasts. It was possible that all of these events were intertwined and had direct relevance to eachother but that was not something Alucard could find any proof of. Sure, the Mother cult had been performing a bunch of invasive actions in the Tobusekai originating from the Hokubu ocean and the god-child itself seemed to also originate from there. Not a coincidence. The return of the tailed beasts was a bit of a vague story as it wasn't like they had just "returned", for all he knew they had existed as long as Chakra had and in his early years they would always be used as a weapon although the term tailed beast was completely new to him. With recent events taken place, the beasts and creatures he had fought, Alucard knew the sort of collateral damage that would occur if an entire army of the enemy would march against him and his people. While his ally was atleast as powerful as him, Hei wasn't always around either and Alucard could not simply leave the world to its demise by staying on his island either. He had accepted that he could not save everyone, but if he could save someone it was enough for him. He weaved a single handseal and split his chakra in half, effectively creating a shadow clone of himself with the exact same abilities as himself.

..Kage Bunshin No Jutsu..
(Kage Bunshin no Jutsu) - Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 (total chakra is divided by the final number of clones plus the user)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Kage Bunshin distributes the ninja's chakra evenly among the clones and himself and creates a real copy with form and substance. The clones, a max number of 4, are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after hit by a strong enough force, returning 10% of its individual chakra to the user. Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the original with Sharingan, Byakugan, Rinnegan or normal Chakra Sensing. The clone itself can also utilize any jutsu the original ninja knows. When the clone finally disperses, any new knowledge it has gained is passed back to the original ninja and any additional clones.
The doppelganger would appear infront of him. Two pairs of Tenseigan watched over the town from within the black castle. The real Alucard remained, while the clone jumped from the balcony and landed with his closed fist and stretched out leg on the ground.

..Superhero landing.. - (Clone)

Ohh i've should've done this sooner..

Alucard's clone would remain on the island and guard over it at the price of half of his chakra reserves. Before Alucard would leave in his quest to reunite with Damon, he would have to work together with his clone to fortify the clan strategic defenses. He already knew that his Kuriputon release along with Yang techniques was handy of use against Sea of Life. Since that was a fact, he would create three living Yang beings along with Kuriputon chakra. With his clans name all spread out to different places in the world, the Moon Isle wasn't the only place under Alucards protection and he needed to create strong beings to fend off potential threats. For now, all he could do was to use his Yang mastery.

(Yoton: Jigoku ni henkō) - Yang Release: Change into Hell (x3)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost: N/A (+50, -10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user is able to use his Yang nature to embue life into an elemental technique, creating a Yang/Element sentient entity that will stay on the field to aid him. The only limit is the size of the technique originally used as an elemental source as the resulting entity will always be half the size. This entity can be interacted with, can act on its own and is made of the element sourced, with all its properties intact. Its strength is based on the original elemental technique used as a source. This doesn't consume time since its actually a skill applied to a technique used at the same time.
Note: Usable 3 times per battle and up to 6 times per event to create one entity with up to 300 chakra points that is able to use jutsu from the source it was created from.
Note: Yang Release masters can apply this technique to advanced fields and CE and advanced elements.

(Kuriputon: Feruinta | Liquid Krypton Release: Felwinter) (x3)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40(-10 per turn when sustained)
Damage: 20-80
Description: Felwinter is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the Krypton release. It can be created from existing sources(air) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid Krypton. The force of the torrent of the ultra cold liquid will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid Krypton may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to create small or large torrents of the liquid Krypton, create a huge "sea" of the ultra cold liquid or manipulate pre-existing liquid Krypton to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.

Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Krypton Above A-rank after using S-rank version in the same turn and next.

Three guardians made all consisting of sub-zero liquid krypton release and radiating with bright Yang energy would be created. These guardians would spread out to the territories that Alucard had claimed, namely in the water archipelago. One creation per landmark, while the clone of Alucard would remain on the island as it had the densest population. Morales aside, it didn't hurt to let the inhabitants believe the actual Alucard was there to protect them either. With all the plans set in motion, Alucard along his two clones and the three Yang creations would leave the island in the hands of his clone. They would head west towards the conquered islands where each guardian would be placed on guard duty.

I'll leave the island to you. Make sure our people are protected when and if the time comes. I have things to attend to..

Alucard and his small army would leave for the islands under the Hellsing banner. This branch of the clan he would name The Winter Contingency, after the technique they were created out of.



Active member
Jun 12, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from:

Mission Start

  • Destroy a large community (5)

The Beginning of the mark and the Cocoon. . .
Arriving on the back of the Ladybug, Leda stepped off on the island and the ladybug dispelled. "Damn. This place looks like it has been through hell already." Leda said half jokingly and half seriously. Although Leda's ideals were changing for the better and for the greater good, if there was one thing Leda realized, it is that bad will always exist. Warfare, will always exist... Instead of trying to avoid it, Leda thought it best to prepare for it. Sometimes, things have to be done and although not easy to do, necessary... What must be done, must be done... After meeting the so called "Princess" of the Hayabusa clan, Leda thought a lot of about her status and mark on the world... She did not want to be a princess no. That was too... Unlike her. Leda wanted to be a lord. Command an army in the name of good and purge all that she could of evil and although realistically not being able to purge all of it, as much as she could... Before she met her grave. The Hayabusa will be known... Leda... Will be known,

She surveyed the area, and although a lot more active than the last landmarks she was in, not as active as she would think. No matter, it would be easier to get her word through to these people. "Let the games begin..." Leda said to herself. She felt what she was about to do an easy task... This land was known for cheap gamblers and crooks... Not a land for warfare... And if it was, it seemed no one suited for war was present. This land... Was about to be Leda's...

Leda ventured to a nearby abandoned building that seemed to tower most if not all of the surrounding area. Looking over the civilians and whoever else was about to get involved... Building workers, families, mothers, children, aunties, daddies, postal workers... What will be done, will be done... Leda slapped her hands together towards the immediate crowd below the building releasing a wave of sound that would paralyze them in place and in pain. This way, they had no choice but to listen...

Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user charges sound chakra into each of their hands and slams them together, creating a sound similar to two heavy golden cymbals crashing together. As the hands slam together, it releases a high pitched, high frequency sound wave, resonating in the enemies ear, and causing muscle paralysis upon hearing it. As the loud sound happens, it creates an echoing amongst the field, trapping any who hear it under paralysis, causing slight pain to them, causing their ear drums to bleed. Paralysis lasts one turn but the user cannot use any other sound techniques for 2 turns after using it.

The unfortunate people were screaming in pain... They had been through enough catastrophes already... Did they even really deserve this?.. Well, this wasn't up to Leda to decide. Shall the people of the Moon Isle choose to cooperate, no further harm should come. Shall they choose to disobey... Well... Leda might not leave enough people behind to establish a military... She was okay with either. She had comrades that would follow her shall she need it. But hopefully it wouldn't come to that.

All of the people in pain and yelling caught the attention of onlookers standing nearby. Even better.

Leda, with a strong voice, addressed all of the people. "People of the Moon Isle! My name is Leda Hayabusa! I have come here to establish my dominance and I would love for all of you to join me in unison! You have two options in this matter! Option one: Join me and learn the way of combat and battle and we shall see the Moon Isle thrive in these harsh times! Or option two! Die..." Leda said harshly. Considering these people kept getting their asses kicked... So some of Leda thought perhaps she was even doing these people a favor.

One of the onlooking men addressed Leda emotionally... "Haven't you people picked on us already! We were fine before you NINJA showed up! We were good, honest people! Hard working! All you ninja do is go around and destroy things! We will never live in peace when people like you exist!" the man was partially crying. However, this was not the answer Leda was looking for... "Well!.." Leda responded. "Does this man speak for all of you!?" she asked the large group of people that had accumulated around her. A few of the people looked at each other and nodded. Most of of them speaking up and out of sync, but still giving the same answer, nonetheless... "Y-yeah! Yeah!!! That's how we feel! Get out of here! We want you to leave!" one of the people responded. Leda nodded, understanding. However, wrong answer. "Well!" Leda said... "Since all of you feel the same way! You'll all share the same fate!" Leda shouted vibrantly. This was peculiar of Leda. She had just made an agreement with herself to do the right thing. However, in this sick and twisted world, maybe this was the right thing. She will let the Trio Dragons decide her fate... After all, shinobi were bred to kill, no matter the reason. Leda was no exception to this. Might as well make her mark right here, right now.

Onslaught. . .

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"Let the games begin..." Leda said to herself. Weaving the necessary seals, Leda bit her thumb and slapped it onto the ground, summoning what appeared to be an endless amount of water that flooded from over the top of the building where Leda was standing and onto street level where the people were. It semi-flooded the surrounding area however with the water came bare man-eating barracudas, hungry for flesh...

Rank: B
Type: Defense/Attack/Suplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
To summon the creature the ninja will wipe blood on his hand, perform the Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram handseals and then touch the ground or another object, where a sealing formula will appear. Though it appears that as long as significant pressure is placed against the blood in some form, the summon will be complete, most summoning uses use a solid surface, though in some cases it can even be done mid air. There can be variations to the summoning steps, some ninja like Temari will wipe blood on her fan, then by swinging the fan the animal is summoned. Other ninja like Orochimaru wipe the blood across a snake tattoo on their arm first, then touch the ground. Others will clap their hands directly like Nagato through the use of his Animal Path. The user must have signed the contract with the creature he wants to summon but the technique can be used to summon a generic creature of that contract (B-Rank) which will have no special traits or abilities beyond those normal to the rest of the animals in the contract. The animal is always summoned on the mark that appears upon slamming the users hand or, if not the case, always in short range of the user.

Once seeing the barracudas, the people started to flee and scream. However, they were trying to trudge in what was now waste deep water. Running was futile as the numerous barracudas caught and ate them alive one by one.

Leda stood there with her arms folded, surveying the damage she was causing. She didn't necessarily like it, but if that was what it took to get her message through, so be it.

After this, Leda performed two handseals. Black clouds started to form above the distressed community. It started to rain a black, acid-like liquid. Slowly burning off the skin of the Moon Isle inhabitants. As Leda thought, she was met with no real resistance. This place was always wiped out at least one time, Leda could tell. There was no backup left. And the few people that did try to interfere met the same fate as the ones they tried to help.

Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20 (-5 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A (-20)
Description: Created as a way to deter opponents, the user does two hand seals and creates a light rain of Stygian Water. What this rain does is uses Stygian Water's corrosive ability to eat away at matter used within the rain. This translates to a 20 damage reduction in foreign earth based jutsu, ranging from Earth to Steel to even Shikotsumyaku bones and CE derived from Earth. This allows the user to weaken the opponent's jutsu to prevent high damage being done against him. Something unique about the technique is that the rain doesn't fall within a 2m radius of the user and the clouds created will move accordingly to the user's movements to keep this radius of non rain available.

Note: Lasts 3 turns each use, reducing enemy jutsu during that time.
Note: Can only be used 3 times with a 2 turn cooldown period between usages

Leda overlooked them, trying to struggle their way out. But realistically, there was no... Way... Out. "You can end your suffering at any time! All you have to do is submit to me! I will be fair to you all! But negligence will not be tolerated!" They didn't seem to quite be hearing Leda... And this wasn't pleasing... Guess she had to level the city... So be it. Leda focused chakra in her vocal cords and shouted upon the people ferociously, tuning her head left to right multiple times. This caused a terrifying shock wave to ravage any and everything in its path. Virtually anything and anyone that was within Leda's eyesight. At this point, word got around to what was happening. Everyone laid witness. Either from a far or came to see the show. Women and children, screaming. Men equally groaning and suffering. Leda would not let up. The entire Isle needed to submit. The few buildings there were occupied crumbled with people in them, crushing them in the rubble. Private homes were completely wiped out. You couldn't even tell anything was there... The destruction... Was of the utmost disastrous... The water flooding the town itself was toppling full grown trees. The acid, black rain was melting people's flesh off of their very face and burning houses, business, wildlife, everything... It was as if Leda came and brought Hell itself with her...

Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: This is a much greater and focused version of the (Ototon: Hibiki Rendan no Jutsu) - Sound Release: Echo Assault Skill technique in which the user gathers his sound chakra into his throat as he inhales afterwards exhaling as he screams, yells or roars. The resulting effect is a massive forward shockwave of low frequency, high amplitude sound that levels anything in its path. Unlike its weaker technique, the massive power it carries makes it slightly slower, equal to an average equally ranked Raiton technique. Unlike the unfocused nature of its weaker version, its focused almost like a beam, affecting an area of 50º in front of the user. If used within a water source it receives +20 damage.

Eventually, neighboring families from the southern part of the Moon Isle would band together... But to demand Leda to "STOP!!!" they shouted. "PLEASE!!!" they begged... Eventually, Leda stopped the sound assault as well as the barracudas disbanding, the water stopped flowing and the black, acidic rain melting people alive stopped entirely... Leda eventually addressed the community in which she had the full attention of the Moon Isle. She simply said... "You serve me now." Leda laid waste to half the island by standing in one spot. She did this on purpose. Either these people were going to take her for a joke and a bully, or serious and a savior of twisted sorts.

Leda exerted a small amount of chakra centered at the the top of the building she stood atop. A pillar of rock came about and then stopped at hip level to Leda. She took her bag off and dug into it, pulling out a flag of the Hayabusa clan's "lower branch". The flag was mostly red in color with a black Kanji signifying the lower branch of the clan. The branch Leda was from... Who needed to be a princess... When you were a true ruler. Leda didn't want to be loved. She didn't want to be accepted. She wanted to be respected. And feared. On this Isle, she will raise great warriors and an army. And in turn is when they will love Leda. For transforming them from weak, to strong and to stand against any foe that dare threaten the land. Whoever was their former leader... Was not capable of such leadership. It seemed the place had been abandoned. Leda would not do the same. She will give these people structure. Meaning... Purpose. Beyond their gambling roots and being abandoned by the ones they put trust in. From this point on, Leda had become the butterfly. She couldn't find purpose. So she made purpose. And it all started here... After the flag was placed, Leda exerted more chakra into the technique and eventually it raised high and proud. She planned to redo this entire place and make her own palace... And no one here was equipped to take on Leda. But Leda would change that in due time. This island had suffered for the last time... Leda... Was the Queen of the Moon Isle.

Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Descripton: Creates small pillars of earth, small tools, and small shields of earth

Mission End.
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Active member
Jun 12, 2013
Trait Points
Mission Start

  • Organize part of a landmark and meet some locals (3)

Leda had not been able to sleep in days after what she had done... She wasn't proud of this but what is done is done, she kept saying to herself. She stayed in the very building she started the assault on. She was unbothered, and uncontested. It was abandoned of course, like many buildings around that area. She stayed in a small office area on one of the middle floors of the building. Contemplating on reading the scrolls she had brought from home. However, she decided to once again, put it aside. She wasn't ready. Being a butterfly wasn't easy, but Leda needed to make something of herself and make her mark on the world. It seemed that the era of hidden villages were over. But not for Leda. She was reminded of a village her mother told her stories about visiting. Lola said it was a strong but peculiar village. The leader was an... Experimentive man... If he could even be called a man. The name of the village was Otogakure... The village Hidden in Sound... Perhaps that is why Leda was so fond of using her ototon. This may even be why she had ototon.

After enough contemplating of nonsense, Leda ventured down to the first floor and entered another abandoned room. She needed... An office. An office of sorts... "Guess this will be the spot." Leda said to herself. She will use this building as her beacon ad place of work. Molding her chakra, she relinquished it into the ground and rocks started to upend themselves from the floor. Leda had made a desk of earth. Wood would have been preferred, but Leda thought Mokuton users to be extinct. The original ones anyway.

Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Descripton: Creates small pillars of earth, small tools, and small shields of earth

Leda thought this to be the most important part. So she put the rest of what she would do on the back burner. She ventured outside. As usual and how she found the place, people were transporting their good and wares to families and business, nothing much had changed. The bodies of the deceased were removed and the buildings were being repaired or set for demolition if beyond repair. The people were staring at Leda, but not a peep. As if they knew their place. However as much as Leda wanted to be feared and respected, she did not want to be shunned. In due time, these people will understand her doings.

She saw two construction workers in the near distance, beating off not doing their work. They seemed to be low class shinobi. Or at least were before they landed on the Moon Isle. "Hey! You two!" Leda shouted, immediately getting their attention. They looked only a little frightened but they kind of understood the theme of these invaders wanted them dead, they would be dead already. They were thankful enough to have survived Leda's onslaught. "You two don't seem to be busy. Go into that building..." Leda pointed to the building behind her directly from where she came. "Go fix it. Nicely." They seemed a bit confused so Leda clarified. "You all, have no leader. And no direction. A bunch of gamblers and drunks. Go fix that building for your leader." The two men weren't catching on. They must not have been around when Leda did the deed. "Who... Who is our leader?.." the men asked timidly. "You're looking at her." Leda said before walking off, making quite the impression on these two. She figured since this would be her new village, might as well make up for her bad first impression, for lack of better words.

The two men didn't waste anymore time and headed in the direction where the building was to fix it. Leda ventured deeper into the isle. Most of the people knew who Leda was, but acted indifferent. Scared? Yes. Running away? No. These people were more hardy than Leda gave them credit for. Leda could kill them all in an instant, but they would not abandon their homes and land. Which was a good thing for Leda. She needed loyal, honest people. She walked up to an older man. A farmer trying to get his well to work. The well was dry and he clearly needed that for cattle and crops. He wived the sweat off of his brow with his free arm and kept on working in the hot sun. Leda didn't seemed to have disturb him. But indeed he knew who she was. Not many people didn't at this point... The two construction workers being the exception. She expected the south of the island to just be getting word and word spreading since her onslaught was at the north of the isle where she had originally landed. Leda had really... Been around too many people for about a decade or so now... She didn't know how to really interact. She had mostly been traveling, developing her secret arts, and drinking. However, she had to put this aside. Either this people were going to accept or reject her. Either way, more bloodshed was not the answer for Leda.

"Dry well?" she asked the man almost comically to make conversation. And the man partook without hesitation. And Leda knew exactly why... "Yeah. Been dry for a few days now... The moisture on the isle keeps the crops alive but that only lasts so long when this happens. Cattle need some water." he replied. Its as if he was having a conversation with... A normal person. Leda appreciated this... Wanting to help and earn this hard working man's respect so badly, she asked first. "Need some help with that?" she asked nicely. "Sure." he replied calmly a nicely. Leda mustered up her inner chakra and breathed outward, releasing a relatively large stream of water into the well. She sustained this for quite some time, enough to not only fill the well, but replenished the water system entirely. After this, she stopped and then looked at the man. "Good enough?" she asked. The man replied "As good as it has ever been." he smiled. "What is your name? I can appreciate an honest, hard working man." Leda said. "Clyde." the man responded. "But most people just call me CJ. And you? I take it you're that Leda lady." he responded normally. Leda was taken back by the man knowing her name, as if she didn't announce it while murdering dozens of Moon Isle natives. "L..." Leda spoke then hesitated. "Lola. You can call me Lola." she said. The man smiles. "Well, Lola. I don't have much to give but some fresh meat and some vegetables. I believe in a fair trade being that you fixed the town's water supply..." the man smiled and made it clear to her that she unknowingly saved not only the man's cattle and live stock but the entire isle's cattle and livestock, which they so desperately needed... "What say you?" he asked. Lola paused but then nodded. Smiling. After giving her what he had to give, Lola departed from the farm, never to forget Mr. Clyde. Perhaps their journey has not ended at this. And perhaps she would visit him again tomorrow.

Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: Creates small waves of water,small blasts, and small shields of water

It was getting late. Leda wanted to visit and feel out the locals a bit more, especially the children to see if they could even become what she wanted to make of them, but another time and another day. She headed back to her tower to see how the two construction workers were coming along. She walked in on the two seemingly lazy men sleeping near the doorway. One sitting against the wall on the floor sleeping and one sleeping at a new desk they had moved in. However, Leda couldn't call them lazy as the time it took to go and help out CJ, they had redone and refurbished, and even furnished most of the floors in the tower. "Get up." Leda said, waking them up. The men immediately got up and stood respectfully facing Leda. "Get out." "Yes ma'am!" the two answered, leaving immediately. "Wait." Leda said before they left. "Good job. Be back here tomorrow morning." "Ye... Yes ma'am!" they replied, then rushing to leave.

Leda was impressed with the changes however there was still more work to be done and plans to be written. Especially if this was to be the new village Hidden in Sound...

Mission End
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Active member
Jun 12, 2013
Trait Points
Mission Start

  • Custom: Train a group of locals (2)

Leda woke up to the next morning and to no surprise, the construction workers were not there like she asked. However, venturing around the tower to see all of what they did yesterday. She noticed that they had already been there and had completed the tower entirely on the inside. She liked those two... Perhaps they would become more than just construction worker under Leda's reign.

To get her day started, Leda ventured outside along the coast. She remembered how she could only do three hundred of each category of workouts the last time. This didn't impress Leda at all. When she arrived to the coast, she had her outfit changed into a more "workout esque" one. She had no shoes on, being in the sand. Tight, thigh-high shorts and a sports bra. Hair was in a ponytail. And with every move it gracefully blew in the wind but remained out of her eyes so she could see and focus.

Instead of going for her usual workout of one thousand of each, she decided that she would do five hundred each. Not to her knowledge, she amassed a small crowd around her watching her perform. She was completely oblivious to this, not focused on anything but herself. But she did stay ready at all times regardless especially given the position she took by force, using her inner sonar to keep an ear out for any possible threats. Although she didn't think any of these people were going to try Leda's ability.

Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10 (-1 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will enhance their hearing by infusing his ears with sound chakra. Then, by utilizing chakra and enfacing his lungs, the user will be able to control the frequency and intensity of the sound emitted from his simple breathing. This low frequency, inaudible sound is passively emitted and has no effect other than emerging from him and bouncing off of objects. Using the enhanced hearing, the user is able to know where everything is around them, effectively creating a sonar effect through the rebound and reflection of sound waves. The hearing and the sonar effect is precise enough so that one can effectively use it to substitute one's vision in battle if needed. Despite being very effective, specially if the user has any of his other senses hindered, it also leaves the user vulnerable to sound genjutsu or sound attacks which will be much more drastic in its effects.
Note: Lasts 6 turns

"Five hundred..." she said while getting in the pushup position.

Twenty minutes later . . .
"Five hundred!" Leda exclaimed, completing her first workout goal. And damn did it feel good. She moved onto the squats. It took twenty more minutes however, she could only complete four hundred... After getting up out of the squat postion, Leda had finally noticed everyone watching her in awe. They had never seen head-strong, rigorous training in a such a physical manner like that. Leda smiled at the croud and chuckled. "Any of you are welcome to join me. By the looks of it, some of you need it..." Leda said blatantly. Some of the people looked around and looked at each other, not sure what to do. A nine year old girl made her way through the small crowd and stood in front of Leda, looking up towards the taller Leda and waiting for instructions. Leda smiled at the little girl, reassuring her. "So a little girl is more brave than some of you grown folks out here. That is a shame... Come on. I know what some of you are made of, don't be shy." Leda tried to coax the crowd to be more engaging. It was less about trying to strengthen them and more trying to get them to engage with her and accept her as their new leader. However, the plan worked as after she said this, one by one did they step forward and in no time, had a small training class. "Good, good..." Leda said once quite a few more people stepped up to the plate. The mindset of the crowd was that if Leda, no matter how cruel or harsh, could befit them as a leader and help rebuild their land and make them stronger, so be it. Leda started in front of the class. "Fifty sit ups, all of you!" Leda demanded. However she did not sit and observe them, she started on her five hundred sit ups. Most of the class were either done with theirs or quit because it was too hard. Leda was only able to complete three hundred and fifty but gained the classes respect by doing over twice as many as they did. When she was done, she got up to survey some people done and ready for more, some laying there, sore and hurting, however something stood out to her. The little girl, the one that first volunteered to workout with Leda, was not yet done. She was only on her eleventh sit up and struggling to get up to her twelfth. But she didn't quit... Leda admired this.

"What is your name, little girl?" she asked as the girl finally gave up to stand up and address Leda. "Ellie." the girl said semi-shyly albeit also confidently. "Hm." Leda said briefly. "Come with me." Leda demanded the little girl as she walked away and expected the girl to follow, and she did. As the two walked away, Leda shouted "One hundred squats! All of you! And that will conclude the class!" She left them to take the girl back to the Otogakure headquarters...

Mission End

Sorry for the off fonts and sizes. Can't quite figure out how that really works yet...
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard was back to the Moon Isle after several months. The place was not the same as when he had left it, rather it had been undergoing some rather substantial remodeling. It couldn't be helped he thought to himself, they were all weak that he had left behind but he couldn't help to feel somewhat guilty. Afterall, he had left it behind and as an Island it was always under the threat of foreign forces seeking military as is what had happened now. He was quickly surrounded by the ones left remaining and even though they would recognize him, it did not heed their weapons from being drawn. In response to this, Alucard would simply walk past the group who continuously tried to inflict damage upon him, only to be deflected by his bones that would protrude from his entire body.

( Hone Gekido ) - Bone Rage
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user gathers chakra before releasing it from every point, releasing bone spikes from everywhere on their body, sticking out up to 3 meters each.

He continued to where his black castle was, it hadn't been touched for whatever reason which was good news. He was going to find out whoever had been here and laid waste to half of the island. He went up the long dreaded stairs he had once built, and into the room where he had fought against the slave of Tiamat. It all started to come back to him now. Rekindled flames of memories that started to slowly poison his mind. Dracula, his alter ego, was taking over once again and he could feel himself losing control over his own body in the ever waking thought of revenge for the doings of the island. He slammed his fist in the wall, causing so much damage that it started to crumble the walls. When he retrieved his fist, the skin would attach to the wall rather than his hand. He looked up on the sunset, sinking down on the westport of the island.

...We have work to do, Dracula.

To be continued...


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
..Continues from above post.
Storyboard Mission Element(s):
  • Help put a part of the Clan’s past behind it
  • Convince an enemy to fight with you
You must be registered for see medias

Alucard had awakened from his past, the Moon Isle's familiarity had taken a hold over him. The issue was, it was no longer his home and even though he had only been gone for just a few months but it was all it took for the island to have gotten into the hands of pirates. The right thing for him to do now, was only to put his past behind him and fight off the self-proclaimed militia who was currently on hold over the island to restore its former feudal state, which was in a hypocritical thought since he had claimed it for himself long ago, but he could simply not see the island being in the hands of someone else other than independence. He started to scheme up his plans to overthrow the current militia that had been infected the island for god knew how long.

It would seem that whomever had led them there had also disappeared so there was no hope of a peaceful negotiation either. The ones that had been on Alucards side long ago had been twisted against him too. Anger grew inside of him and he needed to act out on it before he would burst. The bipolarity of his soul started to rip through him, revealing the hatred of his alter ego - Dracula - once again. During this "transformation" he leapt out of the castles window as its main entrance had been trapped by the small army about to knock down its main gate. As he was in the air, he muttered;

Karamatsu no mai

The third kaguya dance would start to spread around his body and turned it into a walking fortress with bones that would grow out rapidly from his skin. The bones would be harder than steel and used to block the potential incoming fall damage he would take from leaping out of one of the windows.

( Karamatsu no Mai ) - Dance of the Larch
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Karamatsu no Mai is the third of the five Kaguya dance forms. The user creates a mass of razor-sharp bone spikes all over their body. The user can grow these bones at an extremely rapid rate so they can stab an opponent even as the bones are growing. Since the bones are harder than steel, they can be used defensively to block or trap an opponent's strikes.
This technique is a great surprise attack and it makes the user basically untouchable at close range. When an opponent is close to the user, they spin very fast, rapidly slashing the foe in multiple areas of their body.

He did not perform the dance solemnly for that purpose though. He rushed towards the main gate of the castle and would sneak up on the enemy that was unaware of his move. He took a dive at the small group of 10 men strong and rolled in like a wrecking ball, piercing and stabbing their bodies with the bones he was covered with. It caused mediocre damage in general but was enough to kill three of them and severely injure two more. The rest pulled back.

Alucard you need to forfeit, the island is no longer yours!

He stopped in his tracks and retracted the bones. He thought about what the deserted said to him just now, sanity had left his body long ago, he was not to be reasoned with.

If it's not mine, it's not anyones...

He took a step back and charged up his chakra with the men on the other side preparing for battle. Violence was this worlds master key. He saw the chakra patterns as clear as sunlight flowing through his opponents systems and into their tenketsu points to be released into the form of ninjutsu. He readied himself and went entirely on the defense to test out their caliber before making the attempt of getting offensive. Seven elements would clash in total creating a massive vortex of pure destruction at Alucards position. It would seem like the resistance was adept, but he had not come all this way to die to the hands of deserters. He weaved a seal and created two pillars, one next to him and one at mid-range behind his opponents. The two pillars would be interconnected and allow Alucard to merge himself with one of them to re-appear where the other one was. This made him avoid all the techniques and instead transport himself to where the second pillar was situated.

(Shikotsumyaku: Hone shifuto | Bone Shift)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Bone Shift is a technique that uses the possibilities to make a user merge themselves with the bones created from their body as seen in the last Kagyua dance. The user weaves a single handseal and creates two pillars of bones that are connected to eachother underground through a physical connection of bones. The first pillar will grow from the users presence and dig itself underground and then reappearing anywhere on the field the user wants up to long-range. The user can then merge themselves with the bone pillar created right next to them and then re-emerge from the other pillar. This technique doesn't just work for the user however, and lets the user merge other Shikotsumyaku techniques within the pillars to allow them to travel through the bone tunnel and end up on the other side, as long as the technique is a projectile. Bone shift can be destroyed and act like just any other dead bone pulse technique. Destroying one pillar doesn't automatically destroy the other though unless a large scaled jutsu is used.

Note: Can only be used four times per battle with a turn cool down

The debris would calm and the hostiles would proclaim themselves victorious without knowing about their imminent demise. However, Alucard had bit off more than he could chew and was instantly interrupted in his plans to backstab the masses by an incoming wave of soldiers that closed in on their location in a rapid succession. He could not stay there anymore and was forced to retreated to avoid death. Driven mad by anger and d disappeared from sight and remained in the shadows until he was out of harms way.

(Meisaigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding with Camouflage Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn active)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is a ninja escape technique that allows the user after performing the Tiger hand seal to control how light is reflected around their body with chakra inflections. The technique also erases the user's scent and shadow, and is usable on any terrain, making it ideal not only for covert maneuvers but also offensive strikes. Perceiving the user's position is possible only for ninja who are astute enough to observe minute variations within their surrounding environment, such as distortions of air currents in the immediate vicinity or distinguishing sounds, i.e. footsteps etc. However, the usefulness of this ability can be entirely negated by those with special vision or sensory skills. The Second Tsuchikage, Mū's mastery of this technique helped earn him the moniker "Non-Person" seemingly having neither form nor chakra while the technique was active. Thus, he could not be sensed through traditional means.
Note: Technique lasts a total of 3 turns

Alucard left the castle and went to the northern beaches, where his first and original footprints of the island was still imprinted into the hardened sand. His madness started to fade by the echoing sootheness of the crashing waves and the nostalgic images he was overlapping into his vision. Mirages of the boat he had taken from the Noddle Panhandle more than three years ago. He wasn't alone when he attacked the island, Nahla had been with him. It couldn't be a better time for a reunion than now, Alucard thought to himself and cracked open the skin on his right arm by forming his bone underneath it into a knife. He smeared the blood on his tattoo and with a soft mumbling he uttered the words.

Kuchiyose No Jutsu

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Nahla) Summoning Technique: Nahla
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Nahla is the biggest, oldest and wisest of the vampire squids and also the boss summoning of the contract. Stretching out 80 meters long, she can dwarf most aquatic summons and her eyes are as big as a large boulder. Her main abilities are using the generic vampire squid techniques which are varying from water techniques and using their blinding musk. Her gigantic tentacles along with the cap is able to cover huge grounds and being hit by said thing will be considered lethal. Since her skin is very quite durable and thus she cannot be harmed by lightning, water, earth B-rank and below but can be damaged by fire, lightning, and wind above B-rank. She is capable of using all water jutsus that the user knows(including customs and with a +20 damage bonus) as well as the signature disorienting Vampire Squid mucus that she would shoot out from her tentacles. The musk is extremely sticky and on touch will sting quite a lot. However if it gets into the system(mouth, eyes, ears etc) it causes nausea and leaves the victim blind for up to two turns. On physical contact it will remain very sticky and as previously mention give the user a sticky sensation. Like all Vampire Squids, Nahla possesses water pressure sensory. This is an asset that only works when submerged under water and lets the Vampire Squids feel pressure from up to Long-range and thus detect movement. Her main weaknesses are fire and wind, while her skin lets her tackle on most physical attacks as well as lightning, though strong variations considered doesn't make her invulnerable to physical attacks in the long-run.

Note: Can only be summoned once per battle.
Note: Lasts 4 turns.
Note: Getting struck by her tentacles or crushed under her body counts as S-ranked blunt damage.
Note: The mucus can be burned away or blown away by fire and wind with quite minimal effort (at least B-rank), but if inserted into the system or physically touched the effects remains. Musk also counts as S-ranked techniques.
Note: Must have signed the Vampire Squid contract and can only be summoned through the contract tattoo(smearing blood) or through a scroll.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm

A massive burst of chakra would make the colossal marine vampire lord to appear in the shallow waters near the coast. Her size towered over the islands north side and cast a shadow on it all. Her eyes where larger than elephants and looked straight down on her master. While intimidating in appearance, she was the wisest and oldest of her species. Surely her summoning would cause the present enemy on the island to focus their attention to the summoning.

..It's been a while, Nahla.

The massive vampire squid would hasten its way down to the deeper waters until only her head was visible above the surface.

..Alucard?! Why are we here again, i've just finished my new cavern under the icy waters of our new home.

This place is sacred to me but i have realized i need to let it go but still i feel too much anger in doing so.

Before Nahla could reply, there was a noticable presence coming closer and closer by the sound of the roaring army that had turned against Alucard during his absence.

..What did you do this time you buffoon.. You can't leave your old past like this, it will only come back to haunt you in the form of pure death. I suppose your wisdom has been clouded with blood rage once again hasn't it?

..Guilty, you know me too well. Old friend, i summoned you here to finish what we once started all those years back.

I don't suppose that by finish you mean to kill everyone until this rock becomes a barren wasteland. You never change.

And look where has that lead me, it's time i do things different. Thoughts?

Nahla recognized the men that were about to storm the shores as she towered over the water in a failed attempt to scare them away. She scratched her head with one of her giant tentacles.

I think you should let them reconsider the life they've chosen and join us. You have the power to do so either by influence or, whatever it's called. Yin release. Though, gaining their trust and have them fight for you naturally feels more of a long-term solution than impregnating their minds with lies through the usage of chakra.

Alucard turned around to face his once-loyal mercenaries with the towering beast behind him, surely creating an impression that would burn into their soul for the rest of their lives. Yet, their souls remained twisted by whatever had occured at the island during his absence. Maybe they were under some influence as well, but he could not see or feel it. They all stopped shortly of 20 meters away from Alucard with their swords other miscellaneous weapons pointed towards him. It was obvious that they were scared, however, as he could easily pinpoint the shaky motion on the lot. Alucard raised his hands.

..Brothers and Sisters - whatever has gotten into you i am here to clean our like bacteria from an open wound. I apologize for my absence but this surely cannot be the sole reason why your souls have changed from north to south. You have all had something influencing your choices to deny the return of your lord and i demand that influence to be banished. I will collect your senses and put your asses where the rightfully belong. In The Hellsing Organisation, i will return you to. Mark my words.

Their response was to rush towards him, Nahla was quick to bring down her tentacles to swoop the assault away but Alucard signaled her to cease her action as he released his hatred in a seemingly physical form. His presence became almighty as dust and sand was blown away from all directions where his feet were planted into the sand.

(Sakki) - Killing Intent
Rank: D - S(S)
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: Killing Intent pertains to the ability of the user giving off their pure killing intention and having it affect their opponent and others around them up to the point of paralyzing them. When the Killing Intent is particularly strong, it can even give the victim visions of their own gruesome death, nausea, pain, etc. This can cause the Killing Intent to be confused with a genjutsu, despite not being a genjutsu at all; simply a showcase of intention and power. The target will feel as if facing an overwhelming enemy and, even if not a sensor, will suddenly feel the pressure of the users chakra and its magnitude, making the effect that much more dramatic. To effectively be used, the user needs to focus on his target and concentrate on the killing intent towards it, meaning that one must see the target and be focused on it. The strength of the Killing Intent is dependent on many factors and go through several levels. If a difference in rank smaller than 2 ranks exist, the enemy will feel only the pressure and the ominous presence of their dark intentions. Its enough to lose your grasp on a weapon or stay clinched to it (depending on the situation) or even to hesitate in an attack, stumble or mess up a handseal, all depending on the situation and proximity. The effect is small and normally not that significant but can be effectively used to pressure enemies into making a mistake. If a difference of 2 ranks or more exist, the enemy will be frozen, almost unable to move as the overwhelming killing intent dominates their own conscious and riddles them with nightmarish versions of death. The paralyzation gradually weakens as time passes and can only be maintained while the user is focused on the target. The further away the target, the weaker it is and it can only fully paralyze a target within short range. Similarly, the more targets one focuses on, the weaker the effect is in each one (divinding the effects equally between the number of targets). Lastly, the stronger the user is in relation to the target, the stronger the effect will be. The target can counter Killing Intent directed at it through pain, "mind cleansing" techniques or their own Killing Intent.
Note: Intensity of technique depends on the rank of the user, distance to target and number of targets one is focusing on
Note: Can only be used once
Note: Lasts only while the user is focusing on it and while focusing on it the user can't mold chakra

The effects of the massive pressure generated from his Sakki would've been lethal hadn't there been so many people he was focusing on. Instead the effects where minimal but enough for the enemy to recoil and tumble backwards, but that wasn't the only effect his Sakki had on them, it would seem that their minds had been lifted from the pure fear against whomever had been there to brainwash them in the first place. When they got back on their feet they looked.. lighter, almost like a huge burden had been lifted away from their shoulders. They looked at eachother briefly until they turned their gaze towards Alucard again. Even though it was hard to tell, it looked like their eyes had gotten lighter around the sclera.

..I didn't tell you it would be painless. You had all been poisoned by whoever it was that crashed into the shores during my absence which means you have a lot to learn before you can ever call yourselves soldiers. I have failed you, but there is shortage of mercy in the rest of the world which, no doubt you have witnessed yourself by now haven't you? You need disciplin and i need manpower for the parts of the world where there still are lives to be saved from eternal darkness. The equation is easy, now make your choice.

Even though Alucards move had been sudden it was clearly effective and he had sacrificed alot of stamina to break the chains that had clotted the minds of his cult. As they tossed their weapons in the ground and did a salute, proclaiming Alucard as their rightful leader again, Alucard turned towards Nahla with a big grin.

..Now, my sweet. We sail.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

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Alucard and Zev made landfall at the Moon Isle. A place where Alucard had so much history where Zev yet not had been to, at least not in his company. Judging by the sudden change of character, Zev noticed that his master was impacted by the gracious island in the middle of the sea. The semi-tropical and crescent formed landmass was prospering now with trade and soldiers all thanks to Alucard and his past semi-permanent residence here.

This is the place Zev. I will do it here. Alone.

Alucard walked through the capital of the island, interacting with a few familiar faces he had known from his time here and made his friends even though some of them had once been his enemies. The island was still a rouge state ever since his official departure from it, withdrawing his Hellsing assets from it but they had so far still made it go this well. He reflected on his first trip to the island, before all of his adventures had started. The lost kingdom of old that he was going to stomp out, the bandit haven he had heard so much about. He chuckled a bit as he departed from the city and went up on the northernmost coastline where he and Nahla had, years ago, made their breach and demolished a corrupted government. While the air itself was quite light, the heat was severe even in the middle of the night. A clear sky revealed several constellations in the sky and the moon was as bright as the sun could be on the darkest of winter days. His immortal companion had remained in the city as Alucard walked alone now next to the beach, staring out into the blackness of the reflective darkness on the tip of the water with a shred of light from the moon. His old footprints were surely gone but he remembered how he saw the island when he came there the first time. He was there now infact. He sat himself down on the beach and gathered chakra for his greatest jutsu of all time was about to be used. A jutsu he had spent a year on to learn and perfect.

(In'yōton, Onmyōton: Chakra no Sōzō) Yin-Yang Release: Chakra Creation (x2)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A (+300 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A unique ability available only to Yin-Yang masters, Chakra Creation pertains to the ability to focus on ones physical and spiritual energies and draw more from one's essence. This allows the user of the technique to replenish and regenerate a limited amount of chakra. This is done by clapping one's hands and focusing, meditating for a moment.

As his chakra replenished, he was now ready to do the technique however, he did not want to do it here. No, there was a sacred place for him to go to on the island, or rather underneath it. He would equip his Triton Mask and dive into the deep.

(Toritonmasuku) - Triton Mask
Type: Tool
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(-5/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The triton mask is an advanced yet tiny mouthpiece that lets the user breathe under water and in other hazardous environments where gases that chokes humans could be a threat. The mask simply converts water into breathable air when used under water, while in other situations store enough oxygen for the user to survive in hazardous instances for one hour before getting too low. Warnings are always given to the user whenever the mask starts to run low on oxygen and will start run the same type of program as when submerged underwater, which is to convert the surrounding gases or liquids into breathable oxygen. Obviously this doesn't work for the most potent poisons but up to B rank it could still be very dependable. The mask will always work underwater though until the device is either broken or faced with enough water pressure that it breaks. The users needs to spend chakra constantly to convert gases into breathable oxygen but not for water.

Note: Can counter poisonous gases or other hazards that affects the users breathing up to B rank at the cost of chakra per turn.
Note: Lets the user breathe under water indefinitely.

The water was neither cold or warm as he swam beneath the waves, looking for the old cave that his Vampire Squid Nahla herself had carved out as a once bastion of her species. Of course, they had now moved out and were looking for a new coven in the Lightning Mountains ever since Alucards base of operations had moved to the other side of the world.

Where did she..

Alucard looked for the cave for a good half hour and swam on the now north western shores of the crescent moon island where the sharp rocks started to form under the water. He then noticed a few flickering dots on the sea floor. As it looked like bioluminescence, Alucard would assume it was Nahla whom had installed or created these dots in the darkness. He followed their pattern which lead him further away from the island and into much deeper waters now. Alas, she was short of 100 meters tall so she would need to be deep into the water to create this cave properly. He was now 500 meters away from the shore and still diving now at a depth of 150 meters but thanks to his Triton mask he could breathe under water indefinitely. He was not sure, however, if the plague had reached this far out from the Hokubu though and he knew that it had infected other islands in the Kaijuu before. He continued anyway and was eventually able to find the entrance of the massive gap in the slopes that would eventually lead up to the moon island from the bottom of the sea. It was all bedrock covered with algae and mud but the interior of the cave was absolutely massive and of course filled with water.
He just realized now, why did he come here of all places. It was too late to go back now though after he had finally found the place he had been looking for. As he swam deeper and deeper into the cave, the only source of light would be bioluminescence scattering across the walls, floor and ceiling of the cave. Without them it would be pitch black even during the day. Eventually, the cave's ceiling started to rise in regard of the rising seafloor since the cave was in the direction of the island. After about 20 minutes of diving, Alucard had reached a sanctum, far too small for any of his Vampire Squids to ever reach with the exception of Akemi perhaps, the smallest of them all. The water had leveled itself out with the floor of the sanctum and he was able to take off his mask as he climbed up on the sharp rocks in the naturally formed underground cave that had been hidden from him all this time. He looked up and saw Zev's signature a few kilometers away from his own position. It was clear that he was still positioned on the far side of the island and not underneath the capital. The air in here was very old and had a taste of metal to it. In this space, there was no light produced by the Vampire Squids but somehow there was light in it regardless as if an ominous mist of light was located in the cave. Alucard ventured deeper until he noticed a medium sized room, clearly built by humans. Or something else perhaps.. It looked like an ancient shrine, abandoned for centuries. On the walls there were inscriptions of a creature that looked like a mixture of man, wolf and dragon. For some reason, he knew exactly what it was he needed to do now as if he had been here before, in his past long long ago.

..So be it..

Alucard looked into the walls of the cave and set up the ritual. He would spend a massive amount of chakra for this technique, so much so that he staggered a bit while performing it.

In'yōton, Onmyōton: Banbutsu Sōzō no Jutsu!!!

Using his Yin/Yang release, Alucard was creating a sentient being from nothing using the Yin half as the "from nothing" part as well as giving the entity a soul. The Yang would give the essence life, creating a natural chakra reserve and organs providing a regular health pool akin to that of a normal human being. It would bring the creation to life, breathe air and function as any other life form in the wild. In the creation he forged his mastery of three elements - Bisumaton, Raiton and Meiton. It would be able to use Yin/Yang just like himself. The form started to pulsate from the ashes of the void itself - calling on Alucards chakra for the birth of a new. The blob of flesh, bones and chakra would ultimately form into her. Legs with massive claws for toes and dragon scales covering from the knee down. Arms with dragon scales covering out to her hands from the elbow with a dragon wing growing from the wrist and ending at the elbow. Instead of fingers, razor sharp claws. A human face, but with inhuman eyes, red as if the sun pierced an ocean of blood. White long hair and a fang akin to that of a wolves. Her entire torso was covered in dragon scales and she had the ears of a wolf. She was born, from the void. Lilith was her name. Dragon scales made her immune to Fuinjutsu.

(In'yōton, Onmyōton: Banbutsu Sōzō no Jutsu) Yin-Yang Release: Creation of All Things
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 500
Damage: N/A
Description: Initially, a technique first created and used by Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki (who used it to create the nine tailed beasts), Creation of All Things is the core basic yet purer form of Yin-Yang Release and pertains to the administration of imagination, and the spiritual energy which forms the basis of Yin chakra to create physical forms from nothingness followed by the application of vitality, and the physical energy which forms the basis of Yang chakra, breathing life into form. Essentially, this technique allows one to create beings out of ones imagination. These beings are alive, self suficient and real. However, without the powers of Hagoromo, a normal master of Yin-Yang Release's usage of the technique pales and one cannot create something as a Bijuu. Even in his case, he needed to use the chakra of the Shinju to create the 9 Bijuu, so even in battle he is limited in the use of the technique. In Narutobase RP, however, one can create 1 living being, never bigger than 3x the size of the creator, that has the following abilities:

  • Can use 3 of the elements the creator knows (including AEs and/or CEs)
  • Can use one of the following: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, a Clan's HA, KG/KT, an Advanced Ninjutsu (Sound, Poison, etc), or universal ability (Fuuinjutsu, Iryo Ninjutsu, Yin-Yang Release, etc), a mode (SM, SHB, etc.) as long as the creator knows it
  • Has a chakra reserve of max 2000 points and a health pool of 150 points
  • Can use all techniques the creator knows of the fields it is able to use
  • Can be sentient or not, with human levels of inteligence or not, including power of speech and a mental link to the creator
  • Can have one of the following passive traits/skills: chakra sensory, increased physical strength resulting in +20 damage to Taijutsu, immunity to Genjutsu, usage of its elements without handseals or source restrictions, 40 damage reduction from clashes, a speed of 1.5x the speed of its creator, chakra transfer ability, immunity to fuuinjutsu techniques
  • Will have the physical abilities of the traits of the form created (for example, if it has wings, it can fly, etc etc) but it cannot be human nor the same as a real animal (has to, in some way, be unique and different from existing creatures)
It will also abide to the following restrictions:

  • The creation will stay in the fight even if the creator dies (in RP terms, if you die and your creation is still alive and wins, you win the fight and can continue in the event playing with your creation).
  • The creator can only have one creation per bio at any given time.
  • The creation will be initially formed at the end of the Yin-Yang training, serving as a rite of passage of Yin-Yang Mastery, after which it will need to be stated in the bio that has it and the user will always enter the field with it.
  • The creation is alive and as such can be killed, healed, poisoned, attacked with gentle fist, etc as any other living thing in Narutoverse and, in terms of NB RPG, suffers all basic restrictions that fall upon a ninja. It cannot, however, be revived with the Edo Tensei technique though if it dies, the creator can use the Creation of All Things technique to revive it once during the battle.
  • Creations cannot be done during a fight but can be done in any RP thread, be it a training thread or an RP NW thread.
  • It cannot have "absolute" traits such as being considered immortal or only existing in Limbo. It is a real, living, flesh and bone being that has the abilities listed above.
  • Cannot have a Doujutsu, Shikotsumyaku, Souma no Ko, Jikūkan or learn to open the Eight Inner Gates.
Note: Can only be used by Yin-Yang Masters.
Note: Hagaromo bios can have 2 creations.
Note: Reviving the creations costs the use of the technique and can only be done once per battle.

She lied on the floor of the cave, about to wake up from whatever life she had lived prior to this one. Alucard crossed his arms, pretending not to be fatigued by the massive strain of chakra he had poured into this technique.

Welcome to the world, Lilith.

She struggled to get up, it was fine she was just born afterall. He reached out a hand and helped her up, she embraced him being only slightly shorted than Alucard - she was crying because she had never used her eyes before. She held her hands over her ears because they were sensitive as she had never used them before. Alucard let her lean her entire bodyweight on him for a few minutes, trying to comfort her. With one of his hands he would use the earth tunneling technique, creating a pathway to the surface where he would carry Lilith through until they were out in the open air.

(Doton: Ton'neru chika no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Tunneling Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user after performing the required hand seals Ram → Dog → Rat → Bird is able to create a wide tunnel in the ground, this cannot travel through rock though or anything with a high density. The large tunnel that is created allows the user to transport others without detection.
Note: The initial entry of the technique is short range.

She had fallen asleep now as he carried her over his shoulder and carried her towards the coast in solitude, leaving the capital with Zev in the shadow for some time until she had come to. Until then, he welcomed the dawn.
Last edited:


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
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She started to move around next to him. She had awoken in the grace of the dawn that started to cast itself over the Moon Isle. Zev would join his master even though he had not been summoned by him. On the horizon, far to the north he saw chakra signatures. Thought nothing of it, but devoted all his attention to Lilith who was still struggling to adjust to her body but less so than yesterday. Her glowing red eyes then lit up and reflected into the increasingly saturated sea water next to the two of them. When Zev came by he said nothing but observed her. Alucard looked towards the immortal one.

Zev, let me introduce you to Lilith.

He merely nodded, he knew what it was like being reborn already but from a different perspective. He had died and been brought back, she had never lived before. Alucard continued.

We need to let her come to for a while. She's getting stronger by the second.

Yes, i.. We, will protect her. What's she worth to you?

Always straight to business, she means alot of course. Are you jealous? Did not think that was a curse of the dead ones.

Of course not sire, just wanting to know to what extent i wou-

She means everything.

..I see...

The three stared out into the open sea, Alucard with his eyes narrowing on the point of the two shinobi approaching in the far distance. If they were continuing on their route..?
  • Love
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Apr 15, 2011
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Mission Cont.

Over the skies as the island slowly beckoned in sight, one man on the summoning had bare survived his psychological effects that caused him to barf across the way. Meanwhile, Fushi on the other hand was rather calm and indifferent to the whole situation, " seems we didn't find anyone for a moment now."

"Master, below there seems to be an island that can grunt you rest with your companion." his summoning would answer him as he nodded for it to lower itself down to the city centers scene. Apparently the people here didn't take well to the two intruders coming through unannounced. Leaping off the summon as his buddy followed along, he would release it as he stared at the soldiers approaching them.

"Well, it seems we weren't to land directly in here?" Fushi would ask Ed as he was confused a bit.

Onii Chan

Active member
Apr 6, 2015
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Mission Cont.

Over the skies as the island slowly beckoned in sight, one man on the summoning had bare survived his psychological effects that caused him to barf across the way. Meanwhile, Fushi on the other hand was rather calm and indifferent to the whole situation, " seems we didn't find anyone for a moment now."

"Master, below there seems to be an island that can grunt you rest with your companion." his summoning would answer him as he nodded for it to lower itself down to the city centers scene. Apparently the people here didn't take well to the two intruders coming through unannounced. Leaping off the summon as his buddy followed along, he would release it as he stared at the soldiers approaching them.

"Well, it seems we weren't to land directly in here?" Fushi would ask Ed as he was confused a bit.
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As the stingray would float downwards into the city center, Shiso and Kioku would remain in the sky in case of a attack, this would prevent a regular sneak attack to occur. Once on the ground Edward would roll off the massive stingray creature; landing face first onto the tile floor companied with a audible yet subtle scream of pain. Rising up from the ground and standing up a visible display of blood would run downwards from one nostril, it was clear that visible damage had been made to his nose upon impact with his face via the ground. At this moment the two noticed a few soldiers approaching them in a rather angry mood. His new friend, Fushi, questioned Ed whether or not their landing wasn't of the best idea possible, although this might be the case. Edward, visibly shook of this situation became oddly frightened and with a visible gesture and emotion of stress based on the situation he would simply decide to turn tail and run away in a frightened sense of child like wonder...

- ''What!? I can't hear you!''

Edward would yell over at Fushi as he ran in the opposite direction of the soldiers in hopes that they couldn't catch him.

- ''Run Fushi, run! They're trying to jail us!''
  • Haha
Reactions: System001


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from:

Mission Cont.

Over the skies as the island slowly beckoned in sight, one man on the summoning had bare survived his psychological effects that caused him to barf across the way. Meanwhile, Fushi on the other hand was rather calm and indifferent to the whole situation, " seems we didn't find anyone for a moment now."

"Master, below there seems to be an island that can grunt you rest with your companion." his summoning would answer him as he nodded for it to lower itself down to the city centers scene. Apparently the people here didn't take well to the two intruders coming through unannounced. Leaping off the summon as his buddy followed along, he would release it as he stared at the soldiers approaching them.

"Well, it seems we weren't to land directly in here?" Fushi would ask Ed as he was confused a bit.
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As the stingray would float downwards into the city center, Shiso and Kioku would remain in the sky in case of a attack, this would prevent a regular sneak attack to occur. Once on the ground Edward would roll off the massive stingray creature; landing face first onto the tile floor companied with a audible yet subtle scream of pain. Rising up from the ground and standing up a visible display of blood would run downwards from one nostril, it was clear that visible damage had been made to his nose upon impact with his face via the ground. At this moment the two noticed a few soldiers approaching them in a rather angry mood. His new friend, Fushi, questioned Ed whether or not their landing wasn't of the best idea possible, although this might be the case. Edward, visibly shook of this situation became oddly frightened and with a visible gesture and emotion of stress based on the situation he would simply decide to turn tail and run away in a frightened sense of child like wonder...

- ''What!? I can't hear you!''

Edward would yell over at Fushi as he ran in the opposite direction of the soldiers in hopes that they couldn't catch him.

- ''Run Fushi, run! They're trying to jail us!''
With Lilith still indisposed, Alucard would feel the presence of the chakra carriers arriving at the shores of the island. He signaled to Zev to look into it. Zev complied and would turn himself around facing the premise of the two while Alucard would remain with the newborn.

One of them has elevated chakra Zev, be on your guard..


The undead would casually work his way back towards the city with his eyes open. He would use his star chakra and form wings on his back and use this to act reconnaissance simply floating above the city about 10 meters above its tallest building making himself a rather easy target. He was looking for two suspicious ones but even if he did, his presence would not come as hostile because afterall, that was not his intention as for now.

( Kujaku Myōhō ) - Mysterious Peacock Method
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B - A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 - 30 ( -5 per turn )
Damage: N/A ( -10 per turn )
Description: The user will make the Bird hand seal and spill their Star Chakra behind them. The technique itself manifests in the form of a feather-shaped array behind them and spreads out a peacock's tail feathers, giving it it's name. This array of chakra allows various applications with their chakra through shape manipulation. As long as the technique is active the user can make full use of the star chakra. However, the longer the technique is active, the more detrimental it is to the user's health. The user's body takes increasing damage for keeping the technique active and for using its techniques. Prolonged use of the technique is incredibly difficult, with low ranking users only being able to sustain this technique for 6 turns at a time. The user is capable of deactivating and re-activating the technique at will. However, after two usages of the technique, the user will be unable to use the technique for the rest of the match.
Note: Genin and Chunin ranked members can only use for 6 turns at a time. Jounins can use for up to 8 turns at a time.
Note: Can only be activated if the user has more than 100 health but lasts as long as the user has health.

( Kujaku Myōhō: Yoku ) - Mysterious Peacock Method: Wings
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15 ( -5 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: With their Mysterious Peacock Method activated, the user will transform the array of feathers into a pair of large wings making them capable of flight. The chakra can support the user enough to allow them to move at their speed while in the air. Should they be carrying another body or object of similar weight, their flight speed will decrease by 1/4.

While he was up there, he saw two individuals running in the opposite direction of guards of the city. He used his speed to catch up with them and would appear 5 meters infront of them, flying with his face turned towards them as they ran. They acted rather silly and he was not at all impressed.

..Elevated chakra, are you serious.. - he muttered to himself.

He then raised a hand as a signal for them to halt.


Active member
Apr 15, 2011
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@Onii Chan @Skorm


“What!? I can’t hear you!” In shock of the events, Fushi would follow his companion who he now revered as someone to learn from. He had decided to not ever part ways without him. It was a sort of attachment of a ‘Son and their best pal’. While the latter being Fushi, for his understanding of the world was rather harshly primitive. So Ed was his mimicking of life, therefore for what Ed would do, Fushi would keenly observe, and see if he too would.

Men, hurry we have to get them to Sir Alucard, prove yourself useful to the lord of the land!” They would shout as they increased their speed as Ed had instructed the dumbfounded Fushi to turn tails and bolt. However, currently as they dashed in quite simple fashion, as if a shinobi was making himself well known, Fushi and Ed surely wouldn’t be too oblivious to not sense the presence.

Fushi would notice the humanoid being above but heed no intent to respond as he relied on Ed in that matter. The place they had arrived gave them a lot to take in, turning around streets only to see more guards as they other chased them. Soon they were tracking a mob of guards with them. Incoming of the entity that was observing them, Fushi stayed indifferent as he payed attention to Ed’s facial reactions so to mimic.

The man held out his hand to prompt them to halt as Fushi once more simply occupied his mental state with 'How would Ed react?'

Onii Chan

Active member
Apr 6, 2015
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@Onii Chan @Skorm


“What!? I can’t hear you!” In shock of the events, Fushi would follow his companion who he now revered as someone to learn from. He had decided to not ever part ways without him. It was a sort of attachment of a ‘Son and their best pal’. While the latter being Fushi, for his understanding of the world was rather harshly primitive. So Ed was his mimicking of life, therefore for what Ed would do, Fushi would keenly observe, and see if he too would.

Men, hurry we have to get them to Sir Alucard, prove yourself useful to the lord of the land!” They would shout as they increased their speed as Ed had instructed the dumbfounded Fushi to turn tails and bolt. However, currently as they dashed in quite simple fashion, as if a shinobi was making himself well known, Fushi and Ed surely wouldn’t be too oblivious to not sense the presence.

Fushi would notice the humanoid being above but heed no intent to respond as he relied on Ed in that matter. The place they had arrived gave them a lot to take in, turning around streets only to see more guards as they other chased them. Soon they were tracking a mob of guards with them. Incoming of the entity that was observing them, Fushi stayed indifferent as he payed attention to Ed’s facial reactions so to mimic.

The man held out his hand to prompt them to halt as Fushi once more simply occupied his mental state with 'How would Ed react?'
With Lilith still indisposed, Alucard would feel the presence of the chakra carriers arriving at the shores of the island. He signaled to Zev to look into it. Zev complied and would turn himself around facing the premise of the two while Alucard would remain with the newborn.

One of them has elevated chakra Zev, be on your guard..


The undead would casually work his way back towards the city with his eyes open. He would use his star chakra and form wings on his back and use this to act reconnaissance simply floating above the city about 10 meters above its tallest building making himself a rather easy target. He was looking for two suspicious ones but even if he did, his presence would not come as hostile because afterall, that was not his intention as for now.

( Kujaku Myōhō ) - Mysterious Peacock Method
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B - A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 - 30 ( -5 per turn )
Damage: N/A ( -10 per turn )
Description: The user will make the Bird hand seal and spill their Star Chakra behind them. The technique itself manifests in the form of a feather-shaped array behind them and spreads out a peacock's tail feathers, giving it it's name. This array of chakra allows various applications with their chakra through shape manipulation. As long as the technique is active the user can make full use of the star chakra. However, the longer the technique is active, the more detrimental it is to the user's health. The user's body takes increasing damage for keeping the technique active and for using its techniques. Prolonged use of the technique is incredibly difficult, with low ranking users only being able to sustain this technique for 6 turns at a time. The user is capable of deactivating and re-activating the technique at will. However, after two usages of the technique, the user will be unable to use the technique for the rest of the match.
Note: Genin and Chunin ranked members can only use for 6 turns at a time. Jounins can use for up to 8 turns at a time.
Note: Can only be activated if the user has more than 100 health but lasts as long as the user has health.

( Kujaku Myōhō: Yoku ) - Mysterious Peacock Method: Wings
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15 ( -5 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: With their Mysterious Peacock Method activated, the user will transform the array of feathers into a pair of large wings making them capable of flight. The chakra can support the user enough to allow them to move at their speed while in the air. Should they be carrying another body or object of similar weight, their flight speed will decrease by 1/4.

While he was up there, he saw two individuals running in the opposite direction of guards of the city. He used his speed to catch up with them and would appear 5 meters infront of them, flying with his face turned towards them as they ran. They acted rather silly and he was not at all impressed.

..Elevated chakra, are you serious.. - he muttered to himself.

He then raised a hand as a signal for them to halt.
Edward and Fushi continued off running away from the most evil, corrupt, most insanely blood thirsty horde of orcs they could have ever seen in their entire life time ... or perhaps they were just regular soldiers. Anywho, meanwhile as the two ran away from these guards chasing them Kioku, a black feathered yet small in stature pelican flying above spotted a unique figure in the sky perhaps not too far away from their position. Communicating via telepathically to Ed desperately that someone else was chasing after him and his friend, although fell on deaf ears, due to the overwhelming stress of the horde chasing after him. Because Edward refused to listen to the warning he didn't expect a sudden figure to arrive on scene, especially not in front of them. It was at this moment that he would get startled, so surprised in fact that he'd halt his full on spring so abruptly that Ed would feel the forward momentum still carry his body forward thus causing him to jolt and lose his balance. Now falling forward into his face thus connecting it not so gently into the tile like road he'd swiftly without hesitation roll once more back with his coat still over his head in a attempt to regain his footing. Once standing firm he'd address the new figure in front of him with a rather not so kind tone. . .

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- ''Oh so its come to this then huh?! flying humanoids with a sense of fashion!? Then were doomed, there's no chance for us ... we must fight Fushi! They got us surrounded now!''

Yelled Edward in direct to the individual flying in front of the two and towards his new friend, Fushi. Ed would slowly yet surely begin to take off his coat in preparation.
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
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@Onii Chan @Skorm


“What!? I can’t hear you!” In shock of the events, Fushi would follow his companion who he now revered as someone to learn from. He had decided to not ever part ways without him. It was a sort of attachment of a ‘Son and their best pal’. While the latter being Fushi, for his understanding of the world was rather harshly primitive. So Ed was his mimicking of life, therefore for what Ed would do, Fushi would keenly observe, and see if he too would.

Men, hurry we have to get them to Sir Alucard, prove yourself useful to the lord of the land!” They would shout as they increased their speed as Ed had instructed the dumbfounded Fushi to turn tails and bolt. However, currently as they dashed in quite simple fashion, as if a shinobi was making himself well known, Fushi and Ed surely wouldn’t be too oblivious to not sense the presence.

Fushi would notice the humanoid being above but heed no intent to respond as he relied on Ed in that matter. The place they had arrived gave them a lot to take in, turning around streets only to see more guards as they other chased them. Soon they were tracking a mob of guards with them. Incoming of the entity that was observing them, Fushi stayed indifferent as he payed attention to Ed’s facial reactions so to mimic.

The man held out his hand to prompt them to halt as Fushi once more simply occupied his mental state with 'How would Ed react?'
Edward and Fushi continued off running away from the most evil, corrupt, most insanely blood thirsty horde of orcs they could have ever seen in their entire life time ... or perhaps they were just regular soldiers. Anywho, meanwhile as the two ran away from these guards chasing them Kioku, a black feathered yet small in stature pelican flying above spotted a unique figure in the sky perhaps not too far away from their position. Communicating via telepathically to Ed desperately that someone else was chasing after him and his friend, although fell on deaf ears, due to the overwhelming stress of the horde chasing after him. Because Edward refused to listen to the warning he didn't expect a sudden figure to arrive on scene, especially not in front of them. It was at this moment that he would get startled, so surprised in fact that he'd halt his full on spring so abruptly that Ed would feel the forward momentum still carry his body forward thus causing him to jolt and lose his balance. Now falling forward into his face thus connecting it not so gently into the tile like road he'd swiftly without hesitation roll once more back with his coat still over his head in a attempt to regain his footing. Once standing firm he'd address the new figure in front of him with a rather not so kind tone. . .

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- ''Oh so its come to this then huh?! flying humanoids with a sense of fashion!? Then were doomed, there's no chance for us ... we must fight Fushi! They got us surrounded now!''

Yelled Edward in direct to the individual flying in front of the two and towards his new friend, Fushi. Ed would slowly yet surely begin to take off his coat in preparation.
It would have been amusing had it not been so stupid, the way the two acted in Zev's eyes. With the yellow haired one proclaiming that a fight was inevitable, he would simply stand there and act as a pillar between himself and Alucard.

If you want to fight, bring it. If not, state your business here.

Zev crossed his arms as the wings carried him infront of the two men whom he saw no threat in whatsoever.


Active member
Apr 15, 2011
Trait Points
@Onii Chan @Skorm

Challenge made.
// Character Stats Log //
Initial. CH: [ 1600/1600 ] (Yin Specialty: passively siphon 30 chakra per turn)
> minus 50 chakra from (Inton: Gogyou Gen) – Yin Release: Five Elements Illusion
> minus 30 chakra from ( Nehan Shōja no Jutsu ) - Temple of Nirvana Technique (Skill applied: Yin Release - Five Elements Illusion)
End. CH: [ 1520/1600 ]
HP: [ 160/160 ]
REACTION: [ 27/18 ] (Increased Tracking Specialist - The user gains enhanced senses, tracking up to 1.5x faster)
MOVEMENT: [ 14/14 ]

Yin Specialist: - Users will gain heightened spiritual abilities translating into an awareness of all genjutsu and spiritual entities below MS level and passive genjutsu kai up to B-rank. As well, Yin user's genjutsu give them heightened genjutsu prowess, allowing them to render their genjutsu techniques unbreakable by one of the primary methods of release (to be specified during the move). The user's chakra siphoning abilities becomes stronger allowing them to passively siphon 30 chakra per turn from enemies.
Note: Requires Yin.
Yin Specialists gain increased awareness of spiritual abilities, translating to the ability to detect any Genjutsu or spiritual technique affecting them below MS-level. This awareness also allows them to sense spiritual entities, like Katsuryoku spirits or Hungry Ghosts. Yin Specialists are also able to utilize Genjutsu Kai passively, up to B-Rank. Their prowess in Genjutsu and spiritual arts is further honed which allows them to render their Genjutsu techniques unbreakable by one of the primary (Pain, Surge/Kai, Foreign Injection) methods of release. Like Yang Specialists’ resistance to physical damage, a Yin Specialist trains their spirit to be stronger. Yin Specialists are able to shave damage done against their spirit by 30 damage.
Note: Requires Yin.

(Warukyūre no keshin) — Valkyrie's Incarnation
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/a (- 5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Valkyrie's Incarnation, a Ray relic passed down through time. Transcending from battlefield to battlefield; ever roaring its zealous berserker war-cry. Its feral howl forever emanating throughout the bloodshed of time, the prideful weapon crushing the wills of swine. Forged from the severed tail of a battle genius; Valkyrie, used as a replacement for her prided extremity. Upon her death the weapon was reforged, her organs containing fading life fabled to be sealed within. Thus she became reincarnated, forever to live on the battlefield. A Ray turned immortal deity, forever to march with the Rays, to transcend through antiquity. The weapon itself, a unique hybrid between a staff and a whip. But it could not simply be called a weapon for it was alive, it's bloodthirsty malice sent shivers down many a warriors spine. But beneath it's thick exterior of demented carnage, lay a vivacious personality; wise, bubbly, and filled from crest to to bottom with courage. And so the weapon fell into the hands of a person of which she favored, and thus unto it her secrets she mastered. In the hands of the user the weapons sobriquet's came to light, the Black March, The Green April, thus the weapon was further esteemed and held in delight.


Valkyrie, often dubbed The Green April is a two meter long weapon. At its core lies a expertly worked structure of tough, thick and strong Ray Shagreen. Interwoven into the core are numerous lengthy wires which are likewise woven into countless stingray barbs which shield the interior, around which is layered a second layer of specialized Shagreen which forms the weapons exterior. Due to the way the weapon is forged, it allows for immense versatility in terms of flexibility and tautness. The inner layer of Shagreen being tempered to a point in which it rivals even the toughest of metals, the wires confirming the integrity of the leather while adding the immense strength of the specially chosen barbs, while the exterior forms a surface that remains to be incredibly difficult to cut, and is perfect for displacing the force of attacks across a larger area; the placoid scales of the hide contributing to the toughness of the exterior surface, and while to the user it seems like smooth Shagreen, to another gripping the weapon would create an effect similar to rubbing a sharkskin the wrong way.

Valkyrie constantly drains chakra from the user to remain functional, being self capable of manipulating its unique interior so as to alter flexibility and other similar aspects. Due to Valkyrie's thirst for chakra, it seeks the user, and when not held it often wraps around the users body rather than being sheathed. Alongside adjusting her flexibility, Valkyrie can make the barbs hidden within her exterior stand upright, the spikes protruding forth from her seemingly smooth outer layer without compromising the integrity of the weapon, the new exterior being perfect for flaying and shredding. Lastly, the user and Valkyrie posses an innate ability in which the user is capable of wielding Valkyrie from range through use of chakra. While this ability costs a one time activation fee of 30 chakra, it's maintained through use of the transmitted and leached chakra, therefore the user is capable of manipulating the weapon to float, move and attack within a mid range radius, the force and speed of the weapons attacks equating to that of the users current physical capabilities to a max effect similar to that of of A-Rank Taijutsu.

The real special ability of The Green April, is that by drawing blood unto the weapon and then swinging it, the user is capable of summoning a ray while releasing an elemental wave like stream of wind or water, in which the summoned Ray rides in/on. This is a capability similar to Temari's Summoning: Quick Beheading Dance, requiring no handseals and being offensive. Other elements can be used in the summoning, but only if that element corresponds with the affinity of the summoned Ray. Alternatively, the user can summon a small swarm of basic flying vulture sized Rays which ride the wave to the target, so as to flock and consume them.

The advanced summoning ability is the result of something called Authority. A wielder of Valkyrie's Incarnation has a stronger bond with their Summoning Contract, and as a result Rays are more comfortable in their presence and will seek the users acknowledgement when attempting to return home (Doesn't alter turn restrictions). Ultimately, this prevents many Summon-Dismissive techniques from undermining the Summon - Summoner bond; in which both parties display immense loyalty and devotion to each other. At any point in time, the user can transmit and release a pulse of chakra from Valkyrie that will affect any Rays within a Long range vicinity. A Ray, coming to forced recognition of the revered heirlooms presence, will fall back into alignment with the user while being dispelled of the majority of adverse mental stimuli; such as unease, or even Genjutsu (A reflexive, Genjutsu-releasing surge of chakra is released by an affected Ray in response to the pulse). This effect counts as a jutsu (A-Rank), and any Ray affected by this technique will experience positive effects for the remainder of that turn and the next, in which they will gain a boost in morale and bonus of +10 to their techniques.

Finally, through movement Valkyrie is capable of manifesting and releasing completely intangible and life-like bestial projections of chakra. These projections are in essence, a variation of the E-Rank clone technique (And are therefore harmless but can serve distraction based purposes), being chakra projected illusions passively created through the infusion of small amounts of chakra (5 per projected beast). Traditionally used to create false images of Rays - in aims to confuse an enemy between usages of fake and real summons, this capability extends to encompass the passive illusionary production of absolutely any beast that the user is familiar with or can vividly imagine. However the requirement of motion means that Valkyrie must be in constant motion for the projections to remain active - thus projections can be forcefully dismissed by an enemy by simply halting the momentum of Valkyrie; although Valkyrie's remote control makes undermining this requirement a difficult task.

1. Summoning Wave counts as a jutsu. The wave being equivalent to A rank in power, with extra chakra sacrificed for the summon. The flock of Rays are also equivalent to A rank.
2. Wave summoning can only be done 3x, after that it's simply a faster summoning process.
3. Valkyrie's Incarnation is near indestructible, and can only be cut perpendicularly through use of a Forbidden ranked piercing/slicing technique.
4. Valkyrie's Incarnation is sentient, it can communicate to the user, but it cannot speak, thus it communicates through an unknown method, presumably a mental/spiritual/emotional link. It is not aware of its surroundings to a human degree, but instead simply reacts to the users will.
5. The barbs do not contain any poison whatsoever. Activation of remote manipulation counts as a jutsu.
6. Chakra pulse is intangible, fluorescent and slightly visible, is extremely quick and it and its response signal create an aesthetically pleasing, yet relatively inconspicuous effect.
7. Projections can be created every other turn - they move, look and seem realistic, but may variate depending on the users wishes.
8. Can only be wielded by a signer of the Ray Contract.
Abruptly stopping as calmly Fushi came to a stop and watched his buddy recover himself almost half-embarrassingly. Soldiers kept up a front as they chased them, maybe it was due to the wrong turns that left both a bit confused. Surely, it was surprising how word came about of them moving in the area. Most importantly, the man now in-front of them had the weight of presence that had the army of soldiers calming and catching their breaths as Ed, stood up knowing we had been cornered. "Oh so its come to this then huh?!"

Ed spoke with flare as his red majestic coat flew, he was loud as always but Fushi had grown to like his blonde friend. "flying humanoids with a sense of fashion!? Then were doomed, there's no chance for us ... we must fight Fushi! They got us surrounded now!''

Effortlessly, a single handseal would be made from Fushi's right hand as he lowered himself watching the man in-front, at the same time drawing out a scroll. Fushi's intent came directly from Ed's resolve, quick to flow with the moment, he had released his chakra into the area manipulating the mental state of each and everyone in the area except his partner, of course. The genjutsu had been cast instantly that the area became quiet as now Ed prepared himself for combat with the man.

"If you want to fight, bring it. If not, state your business here." he spoke as he glided towards the duo but in those moments he too was caught in a daze that was quite potent beyond reason of normalcy. Into the dream, the genjutsu would be as stated, slowly yet rather a world of darkness consuming the world, enabling a good nightmare rest. Fushi was no mere shinobi for that matter, he was a creature that came from Hei, the consumer of the chakra Edible Creation! Unbeknownst his opponent, Fushi was absorbing their chakra, akin to a leech. This process happened rather without any harm to their opponents as to indicate their chakra reducing rather quick, moreover in those moments Fushi's scroll would open to release his weapon: Valkyrie's Incarnation.

"Ed, what now?" he'd ask his partner as the situation, slowly became manageable by the second.

(Inton: Gogyou Gen) – Yin Release: Five Elements Illusion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+50 chakra cost to applied technique)
Description: This technique allows the user to combine their elemental chakra with Yin Release in order to create stronger, more potent Genjutsu. When the user casts a Genjutsu, rather than using their raw chakra they will use one of the basic elemental natures, thus increasing the potency of the jutsu. This technique increases the technique it is applied to by one rank in strength; due to the massive infusion of chakra a Genjutsu empowered by the Five Elements Illusion can penetrate through any passive defense or subversive method against Genjutsu. By using nature chakra rather than raw chakra, the properties of the Genjutsu can change in accordance to that nature and become stronger. For example, using Crushing Snake Constriction with Fire Release chakra would make the snakes appear, feel, and sound as though they were on fire. The user is free to alter the effects of a Genjutsu within reason as long as the primary effects remain the same. Like other Yin-Yang infusions, this technique only increases the chakra within the technique by an additional rank in strength, or 10, whichever is higher.
Note: Can only be used 6 times per battle.
Note: Cannot be used on techniques above S-Rank.
Note: Yin Release specialists can use advanced elements and CE.
( Nehan Shōja no Jutsu ) - Temple of Nirvana Technique (Skill applied: Yin Release - Five Elements Illusion)
Rank: A (S-rank via Yin Release)
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user makes one handseal, placing all the targets in the area under an illusion where feathers appear to fall from the sky. This slowly puts the opponents to sleep after one turn.
Applied Effect via Yin Release Technique: Element of choice being "Mystic Fire Release", placing targets in the area under the illusion of where black feathers with coerced allure that falls upon the ground, slowly warping the area into a pitch black hell-haze barrier that is akin to an intense fever dream. The victims would be unable to release the dream through means of self-inflicted pain means as the genjutsu internal induced dream-hell flames would 'zone out' that method rather quickly.
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