Moon Isle (188)


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
With his opponents knocked out in an instant, Zev flagged the two hostiles. Alucard was watching over Zev from the distance. He spoke to him using the mental link

Good work, let them know.

Zev would use a nearby sharp rock and carve in blood onto the two opponents he had knocked out. On their right hands, he would write;

Property of Hellsing

He would then toss the rock away and leave the two as the guards returned to the city and him returning to Alucard and Lilith. The three of them left the two to their fate, with the note carved into their flesh to be open to interpretation. As Zev returned to his masters side the three were off again, destination home.


Onii Chan

Active member
Apr 6, 2015
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Edward awoke suddenly from getting his ass handed to him by this strange ninja that him and his new friend encountered. Laying there with his hand in the air he'd realize where he was after a few seconds of pondering on the fight. Looking over at his comrade he'd notice that he or she too would have been injured in the fight, perhaps more badly or not than he was. Getting up from his position and walking, more like stumbling over with a one leg drag over to Fushi he'd notice a marking on his right hand that didn't seem to be there before. Lifting his or her hand up to read it Ed would remark to himself in his head the same words that was marked upon Fushi, ''Property of Hellsing, huh?'' he questioned to himself. Wondering in the moment if he too had a mark he'd ponder and investigate both hands of his own, looking first to his normal hand to find nothing, however, turning his automail hand around to eventually see that he too had the same mark upon him. Although the mark would be crudely drawn due to his steel like fixture of his arm and hand, needless to explain it merely said the same. Meanwhile Shiso and Kioku had observed this whole situation unfold, flying down gracefully to rest upon the shoulders of Ed they'd swiftly relay to Edward that the individual whom they had fought escaped and was heading outward upon the sea side. With no haste in his step a strange urge of curiosity took the two in pursuit of the ninja who done this to them. Carrying Fushi on his right shoulder with Shiso resting upon the friend's backside they'd carry forth ahead towards the sea once more in a journey that they themselves couldn't predict the outcome of.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Storyboard Mission Element(s):
  • Identify a traitor
  • Convince a criminal to confess
You must be registered for see medias

With a few days spent on the Moon Isle, Alucard's long lost home which he shared a very personal bond with to this day, a few indications had lead to a survey of the Isle. The rusted leaves of the tropical trees and fauna would be a prime indication that corruption had reached even here. While the Moon Isle was not heavily populated it's people still remembered their Crimson Lord as he had returned to them after years of absence. They did not know of his child, however, and while Lilith had never been here prior, she was enjoying the solidarity that her father had forged on this outset island. Nevertheless, the purpose for the reunion between Alucard and the Moon Isle was not soley based on nostalgia but on the threat from the north. Alucard had set his gaze fixed on the horizon heading 180 degrees. He stood on the north-east sandy shores with his black and red robes.

Good to be back.

Lilith was not with her father at this present time, instead she was in the town and socializing with the natives who felt uneased by the return of Alucard. Even though he was their savior, trouble usually followed him. Little did they know, the enemy was already rooting itself into the core of the Island long before the arrival of Alucard and Lilith. Unable to be sensed by the former nor any regular folk the danger was cloaked and hidden. For now.

Yattaaa!! Sore o mitsuketa!

Lilith wandered the streets when she finally found what she had been looking for all this time. The local tavern...
She rushed towards it in haste and almost knocked the door down with brute force. The locals met the eager edge with laughter as she plowed through the entrance with an appetite for booze and destruction. Looking around she saw the usual and went on ahead and ordered herself a drink. While her flamboyant entrance to the tavern was acknowledged by most as a friendly interaction, one particular individual sitting in a booth at the far side of the locale felt a big tremor of dismay. He would finish his drink up quickly and hustled out of there before being caught. However, on his way out of the tavern he ran straight into his greatest fear for Alucard had decided to join his daughter for a drink at the tavern. The man withdrew and pardoned for his actions and went off in the distance with Alucard watching him closely as he was undoubtedly acting as if he was hiding something. However, without any evidence or reason to, Alucard wouldn't simply use his means of interrogation on the young man but he would remember his face. He muttered to himself as he entered the tavern.

Well in there he sat himself down across the table facing Lilith. Half-way through their second drink, Alucard was alerted through his Chakra Sensory. A high-gain of unclassified chakra was rapidly growing from the north. It was such a high concentration of it that it felt like a huge pressure in his mind. He grunted while choking his drink. Looks like his intentions of coming here were not misled. Something was going on in his old homestead. He rose up from the table and told Lilith to follow him out and acknowledge the.. "Thing" that was apparently flying above the island. Without being able to see it yet with his naked eyes, Alucard noticed that it's movements where akin to that of a bug. Very precis and rapid small movements but quite high up in the sky. Both him and Lilith took to the air with the use of their wings, Bone Wings in Alucard's case as he had to fuel chakra into his body to form them. Lilith was, on the other hand, born with wings on her back which meant she could fly without the need of performing a Ninjutsu technique to use them. As they climbed through the sky on the path of the huge chakra surge it completely vanished from Alucard's sensory. He stopped mid-air and looked towards the location where the chakra was felt last time. He had also acknowledged that his Tenseigan could not see anything either which meant that the chakra had either vanished or it had cloaked itself with very advanced means. Both reasons suggested that whatever it was knew it was being hunted by the two of them.

Fucking diversion ass shit. Lilith, decent. Whatever is out here, i will kill the power.

You can't just Shinra Tensei the sky knowing what's beneath the two of us. Ochitsuke, whatever it is or was it's gone now. Let's stick around and see if we can't find out what's going on. Maybe the people down under knows what it is?

How could they react so normally to an entity of this magnitude..

Beeeecause they can't sense it?

Or because they have accepted doomsday already and just waiting for it to strike..

Was it really that bad?

Alucard dove through the air and landed in an acrobatic yet guile fashion. His wings were shed from his back as he needed them no more. He concluded that the so far only person with a minute suspicion was the person that had bumped into him before he had entered the tavern himself. Since his chakra sensory didn't betray him in this regard it was quite easy for him to pinpoint the location of the man who was inside of what looked to be his own house at the north-west side of the island, secluded from the rest of the town. He approached the house, inside it resonated a sole chakra signature he was familiar with. It was nothing out of the ordinary, perhaps a bit stronger than that of the average person on the island but that was it. He did not proceed with any caution deeming it unnecessary. He proceeded by welcoming himself in to the man's home yet as soon as he did, the man's chakra was also completely erased from all of his senses. Reacting quickly to the deceptive manouver from the now clear suspect, Alucard slammed a sealing tag on the wooden exterior of the house with an insignia sealing tag on it [許可]. Forming a single seal directly after, the barrier that formed around the house expanded in all directions in a spherical fashion with a long reach. Within the barrier, Alucard could now capture any displacement of matter.

He he he.. Found you.
It would seem the man had hid himself in a hidden basement underneath his house. His shivering movements was still enough for Alucard to follow and finally caught up with him. Being revealed to Alucard in this fashion made the man lose all sense of self control. He whimpered in a hysterical tone, pleading for his life.

Ho.. How did you find me? She told me you could only see and sense chakra - damn witch!! I should never have agreed to this.

I will assume then you have the information of the flying chakra behemoth circling above the skies of the island? Speak.

It's nothing you can handle.. No one can. I only pointed it towards it's next source of food in hopes it would spare me. Damn it, i was so close outliving you all!

Alucard gathered up his Fire Chakra and focused it on the tip of his right index finger, making it glow like a white blaze. He then proceeded to push it deep into the mans shoulder as he approached in a high speed. He had no time for semantics for he had indeed acknowledged the force of the entity above. The man screamed in pain.

You must've misheard me, i want information and i want it now or you will die a gruesome but very hilarious way. Well, hilarious to me atleast. For you.. not so much.

The infection, the hive - or whateverr it calls itself now. It's here. The thing above is merely an envoy of many. That's all i know, please spare me!!

Alucard shook his head.

We're not done. Why are you sacrificing your kinsmen? In hopes of your own life would be spared? Or was there anything else you would like to add to that equation. Your answer is your life at this point, and if i don't like it i will end it.
The man did not reply in words. His actions spoke for him. Instead of letting himself fade to Alucard's killing methods or to be succumbed to reveal any more information he simply killed himself by using a high concentration of lightning chakra focused on his hand. He slit his own throat as Alucard watched the light of the man fade into a pool of his own blood.

Answer accepted..
He walked slowly out of the house with Lilith waiting outside.

So.. did you learn anything?

Get some rest. We have a war coming.
*Mission End*


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Spawning from last post.

Lilith looked over the horizon with a sparkle in her eyes. It had already been two years since her father warned of war. He was of course still gone, had been for a year now. On her own accord she had grown stronger, much more so than before but remained a bastion for the island. It’s people was relying on her father and her to protect them. But Alucard had left to fight for the Lightning Mountains. His story would be told there now as well.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
From the mental link she shared with her father, Lilith noticed that he had moved away from the Lightning Mountains into the far distance of Kamiyasumi. She did not anticipate such a manouver from Alucard nor did she expect to be getting one as she decided to head into the same direction.



Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from here.

Arjuna arrived after some time at sea. He thanked the fisherman and his sons and turned toward the great Moon Isle port. Overwhelmed by the surprising amount of people and industry, he found a nearby balcony to rest up and collect his thoughts.


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Arjuna arrived after some time at sea. He thanked the fisherman and his sons and turned toward the great Moon Isle port. Overwhelmed by the surprising amount of people and industry, he found a nearby balcony to rest up and collect his thoughts.
Beginning Main Quest: Recover a Depleted Crystalline Apotheotic Shard from the Moon Isle (188), site of a gigantic violet crystal emerging from the earth (C-Rank Mission).

A message on the wind, from a voice he'd never heard before--but one that sounded desperate. It came from way across the sea: Save Irkalla or see the Void emerge in the world above. The Void? Arjuna shuddered to think of the implications of this force he'd never met yet alone heard of. And Irkalla--

"You there! You're a funny-looking guy. Do you know about this?"

Arjuna's thoughts interrupted, he turned to the stout, chubby man before him, with his greasy overalls and hands. A Miner? "What are you on about?"

The man revealed a strange crystal wrapped in ragged cloth. "You know anything about gems? I got a gambling debt I have to pay off--"

Arjuna's eyes flashed open. The violet sheen of the stone plus the 'message' he'd just received awoke something deep within his chest: purpose. "Where did you find this?"

"Uhh," the man scratched his head and jabbed a finger behind him, "it's everywhere. Back there. Big ol' thing shot out of the ground almost overnight. Nobody's tried anything with it yet. I want to be the first. So do you think it'll fetch a good price? Do you want to buy it?"

Arjuna waved the offer away. "I must find the source," he said to himself, and left the man standing there confused with arms open.

He seemingly glided through the crowds of the port, ignoring all the stares and glares, headed for the paved road that lead toward the island's only city. The Void. If he had to imagine what such a force could take the form of, it would definitely be inky blackness, or a light so dark it seemed to do the opposite of shine: absorb. The violet crystal gave such an appearance, though it was just speculation--and a rather quick one, at that. Arjuna reserved his further speculations for after, if he ever got his hands on a piece of his own.

Arjuna passes by the wagons and stalls, onto well-maintained roads that lead toward the city. He hears whispers of the crystals from the locals and does his best to glean as he passes:
everywhere, dark-purple, don't go near it. His feet did the opposite. But as he moved along the road a purple gleam of light catches his eye. The Berserker turned to find the light came from somewhere off the path, between the trees. He looked around to see if any of the other travelers noticed it before ducking off of the road and into the tree-line. It didn't take him long to come upon a medium-sized crystal jutting out of the ground, like the toothing of some great beast. It had a violet sheen like the sample he'd seen earlier and Arjuna knew immediately that he'd come across the strange thing for himself. At least, he was close. He continued further into the forest, making a wide passage around the first crystal. It didn't take him long to spot the massive violet crystal poking out of out of the ground some hundreds of meters high. Arjuna stared for more than just a few minutes. "What the..."

He approached the gigantic crystal slowly, fearful of any energies or forces it could give off, until he was about five meters away. He made to step closer, to see what could be within, when a piece of the crystal flaked off and fell. A neat little shard, about the size of a kunai. Arjuna studied it a while before deciding to do what he saw the chubby man do, encasing it in an orb of Arctic Earth that he formed from the ground under it. Until he knew what this was, he would keep it from directly coming in contact with his body. As for the orb of frozen earth, this was supplementary in nature, carrying no damage or ill-effects besides physically insulating the shard. Arjuna then takes the orb in one hand and backs away from the bigger crystal, never taking his eyes off of it, and turns the way he came. Though this time he doesn't go back to the main road, but instead veers off to a secluded point where he might possibly study the crystal shard.

Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: C-S C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 15-40 15
Damage: 30-80
Description: The most rudimentary technique of the release. By focusing Arctic Earth chakra throughout the body and/or surrounding earth the user is able to create tools and constructs made of permafrost. These can range from simple a kunai to a full length staff in terms of weaponry as well as walls, pillars, and other complex shapes. They can be formed from the earth up to mid ranged of the user and carry a certain malleable property in that, whenever the user comes in physical contact with his creations he can will them change shape and re-purpose (for example a kunai morphing into a tanto) but not rank (meaning the new tanto would remain the rank of the kunai). The size of these creatioms are directly proportional to the amount of chakra expended with S ranked variants ranging as big as the canon 'Destructive Earth Rising Pillars'. As per the properties of Arctic Earth, whenever these constructs come in contact with exposed skin it leaves it painfully frostbitten as the element is very frigid. With the seal of confrontation the user can manipulate said constructs up to long ranged of his person.
Note (s):
- S ranked version can only be used 4× per match.
- No S-Rank or above Arctic Earth techniques on the next turn (after the S-Rank version is used)
- Morphing of constructs cost 10 chakra each time done but doesn't take up a move slot.

Chakra: 1600 - 15:

Mission End.
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Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from Here

Having charted a vessel to reach the Moon Isle, Dantes disembarks and begins to explore the island.
After wandering about the island with his sphere, Arjuna followed the scanty coast until he was back at the Port. It was a small island after all. He'd reapplied his protective sphere covering the shard when he felt its form slipping but for the most part he was still unsure of what to do with it yet. Down by the seaside he saw many vessels arriving, and fewer leaving. What a busy little island this is.

Among the crowds however, he spotted a striking figure between the colorful robes and garments: a man covered entirely in black. When he turned to survey his surroundings, Arjuna saw eyes of liquid gold. He was immediately stricken, for he too had similar eyes, but purple. So that's what it feels like, he thought to himself, thinking back to all the odd stares he'd gotten from the islanders. He decided he would approach this figure, even though his appearance warned of danger, Arjuna had a feeling that this person was one like him.

He intercepted the cloaked man as he left the docks and headed into the larger Port. "Excuse me, traveler," he almost repeated the lines: You're a funny-looking guy, but decided against it. "This might seem odd, but have we met before?"

(Hokkyoku āsurirīsu: Fuyu no Sasayaki)- Arctic Earth: Whispers of Winter
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: C-S C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 15-40 15
Damage: 30-80
Description: The most rudimentary technique of the release. By focusing Arctic Earth chakra throughout the body and/or surrounding earth the user is able to create tools and constructs made of permafrost. These can range from simple a kunai to a full length staff in terms of weaponry as well as walls, pillars, and other complex shapes. They can be formed from the earth up to mid ranged of the user and carry a certain malleable property in that, whenever the user comes in physical contact with his creations he can will them change shape and re-purpose (for example a kunai morphing into a tanto) but not rank (meaning the new tanto would remain the rank of the kunai). The size of these creatioms are directly proportional to the amount of chakra expended with S ranked variants ranging as big as the canon 'Destructive Earth Rising Pillars'. As per the properties of Arctic Earth, whenever these constructs come in contact with exposed skin it leaves it painfully frostbitten as the element is very frigid. With the seal of confrontation the user can manipulate said constructs up to long ranged of his person.
Note (s):
- S ranked version can only be used 4× per match.
- No S-Rank or above Arctic Earth techniques on the next turn (after the S-Rank version is used)
- Morphing of constructs cost 10 chakra each time done but doesn't take up a move slot.

Chakra: 1600 - 15 =
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Negative Knight

Active member
Jun 8, 2012
Trait Points
After wandering about the island with his sphere, Arjuna followed the scanty coast until he was back at the Port. It was a small island after all. He'd reapplied his protective sphere covering the shard when he felt its form slipping but for the most part he was still unsure of what to do with it yet. Down by the seaside he saw many vessels arriving, and fewer leaving. What a busy little island this is.

Among the crowds however, he spotted a striking figure between the colorful robes and garments: a man covered entirely in black. When he turned to survey his surroundings, Arjuna saw eyes of liquid gold. He was immediately stricken, for he too had similar eyes, but purple. So that's what it feels like, he thought to himself, thinking back to all the odd stares he'd gotten from the islanders. He decided he would approach this figure, even though his appearance warned of danger, Arjuna had a feeling that this person was one like him.

He intercepted the cloaked man as he left the docks and headed into the larger Port. "Excuse me, traveler," he almost repeated the lines: You're a funny-looking guy, but decided against it. "This might seem odd, but have we met before?"

(Hokkyoku āsurirīsu: Fuyu no Sasayaki)- Arctic Earth: Whispers of Winter
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: C-S C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 15-40 15
Damage: 30-80
Description: The most rudimentary technique of the release. By focusing Arctic Earth chakra throughout the body and/or surrounding earth the user is able to create tools and constructs made of permafrost. These can range from simple a kunai to a full length staff in terms of weaponry as well as walls, pillars, and other complex shapes. They can be formed from the earth up to mid ranged of the user and carry a certain malleable property in that, whenever the user comes in physical contact with his creations he can will them change shape and re-purpose (for example a kunai morphing into a tanto) but not rank (meaning the new tanto would remain the rank of the kunai). The size of these creatioms are directly proportional to the amount of chakra expended with S ranked variants ranging as big as the canon 'Destructive Earth Rising Pillars'. As per the properties of Arctic Earth, whenever these constructs come in contact with exposed skin it leaves it painfully frostbitten as the element is very frigid. With the seal of confrontation the user can manipulate said constructs up to long ranged of his person.
Note (s):
- S ranked version can only be used 4× per match.
- No S-Rank or above Arctic Earth techniques on the next turn (after the S-Rank version is used)
- Morphing of constructs cost 10 chakra each time done but doesn't take up a move slot.

Chakra: 1600 - 15 =
His lips curl into a half-smile as the Count notices a peculiar-looking figure heading in his direction. He knew not what the encounter would entail, but even if a fight broke out, it would be a welcome distraction from his boredom.

"I don't believe we have. I think I would remember someone dressed as ostentatiously as you are." He returns easily. No sooner than he makes this remark, he notices a figure in gold suit of armour stride into view. He chuckles to himself as an old adage about rumours and the Devil crosses his mind. He turns his attention back to the stranger. "Might I ask what brings you to this remote place?"


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from here

Gilg arrives on the island and recognizes a certain individual in the distance and makes his way over.
His lips curl into a half-smile as the Count notices a peculiar-looking figure heading in his direction. He knew not what the encounter would entail, but even if a fight broke out, it would be a welcome distraction from his boredom.

"I don't believe we have. I think I would remember someone dressed as ostentatiously as you are." He returns easily. No sooner than he makes this remark, he notices a figure in gold suit of armour stride into view. He chuckles to himself as an old adage about rumours and the Devil crosses his mind. He turns his attention back to the stranger. "Might I ask what brings you to this remote place?"
Arjuna smiled at the jab. So he wasn't as vile as he appeared. Although... he would still keep a healthy distance between them. "That much is true. My name is Arjuna--" He spots the another strange person, this one adorned in gold from head to toe. Even his hair. "I feel the better question to ask is what kind of coincidence would gather us all here at this time. Is it Fate?"

He holds up his sphere of Arctic Earth which showcases a dim, violet crystal inside. "Something has overtaken this world, or at least about to. I had taken it upon myself to find out what--starting with these strange crystals that have grown out of the Isle recently."

Negative Knight

Active member
Jun 8, 2012
Trait Points
Arjuna smiled at the jab. So he wasn't as vile as he appeared. Although... he would still keep a healthy distance between them. "That much is true. My name is Arjuna--" He spots the another strange person, this one adorned in gold from head to toe. Even his hair. "I feel the better question to ask is what kind of coincidence would gather us all here at this time. Is it Fate?"

He holds up his sphere of Arctic Earth which showcases a dim, violet crystal inside. "Something has overtaken this world, or at least about to. I had taken it upon myself to find out what--starting with these strange crystals that have grown out of the Isle recently."
As Arjuna speaks, the Count pulls a cigarette from his breast pocket and places it to his lips. He lights with his free hand and takes a drag. A small chuckle escapes his lips at the mention of coincidence. "Unfortunately I've already had the displeasure of making his acquaintance. Too modest for my liking." He remarks as he nods in the direction of Gilgamesh, his light-hearted tone suggesting the remark was made in jest. At that moment, a sphere of frozen earth rose into view which was wreathed in an aura of glowing light, a characteristic shared by all Surgebinders. The violet glow would seem to suggest this latest acquaintance was a fellow member of his clan, although there existed other possible explanations. "The name's Dantes. That glowing aura would seem to suggest you're a fellow Surgebinder. Would I be wrong in making that assumption?"


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
As Arjuna speaks, the Count pulls a cigarette from his breast pocket and places it to his lips. He lights with his free hand and takes a drag. A small chuckle escapes his lips at the mention of coincidence. "Unfortunately I've already had the displeasure of making his acquaintance. Too modest for my liking." He remarks as he nods in the direction of Gilgamesh, his light-hearted tone suggesting the remark was made in jest. At that moment, a sphere of frozen earth rose into view which was wreathed in an aura of glowing light, a characteristic shared by all Surgebinders. The violet glow would seem to suggest this latest acquaintance was a fellow member of his clan, although there existed other possible explanations. "The name's Dantes. That glowing aura would seem to suggest you're a fellow Surgebinder. Would I be wrong in making that assumption?"

As Dantes made mention of the gilded man Arjuna turned to look at him, too, somehow gaining a seemingly accurate description of the stranger before he even met him. He did look a bit pompous. At the word 'Surgebinder' however, Arjuna heard a gasp escape his lips as he turned to Dantes again. "Yes, I am. I figured you were too but it's always so awkward posing the question out of nowhere." He swats the smoke from the man's cigarette away from his face as a few people in the crowd cussed.

"And by the looks of it, so is that man," he continues while nodding at Gilgamesh. "I can't ignore how rare it is to see so many Surgebinders in a place that isn't the Throne. If you are interested in answers like I am I can take you to the giant crystal. Maybe you might know more about it than I do."


Dec 24, 2012
Trait Points
As Dantes made mention of the gilded man Arjuna turned to look at him, too, somehow gaining a seemingly accurate description of the stranger before he even met him. He did look a bit pompous. At the word 'Surgebinder' however, Arjuna heard a gasp escape his lips as he turned to Dantes again. "Yes, I am. I figured you were too but it's always so awkward posing the question out of nowhere." He swats the smoke from the man's cigarette away from his face as a few people in the crowd cussed.

"And by the looks of it, so is that man," he continues while nodding at Gilgamesh. "I can't ignore how rare it is to see so many Surgebinders in a place that isn't the Throne. If you are interested in answers like I am I can take you to the giant crystal. Maybe you might know more about it than I do."
Apologies if the post comes out a bit botched as we all know just how terrific using AB on mobile is.

It had seemed the Count had introduced himself to an unknown individual. Gilg’s eyes would inspect the man and his appearance it would seem he too was from the same clan as Gilg.

Gilg would turn his attention towards Dantes as he finally finished approaching the two. “I didn’t take you for a jester, Count. I might have room for you as my personal joker if you’d like”.


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
Apologies if the post comes out a bit botched as we all know just how terrific using AB on mobile is.

It had seemed the Count had introduced himself to an unknown individual. Gilg’s eyes would inspect the man and his appearance it would seem he too was from the same clan as Gilg.

Gilg would turn his attention towards Dantes as he finally finished approaching the two. “I didn’t take you for a jester, Count. I might have room for you as my personal joker if you’d like”.
It was often said never to judge a book by its cover, but for once Arjuna was content with his initial assumption. "Seems you two already know each other, then. I would suggest you go take a look at the massive crystals, and try to get a piece of it if you can. I have a feeling it has a lot of answers--even if we don't know how to unlock them yet." He stares at the thick crowd around them for a while before adding, "I'll come with, if you don't mind. Too much noise here for my liking."

Negative Knight

Active member
Jun 8, 2012
Trait Points
Apologies if the post comes out a bit botched as we all know just how terrific using AB on mobile is.

It had seemed the Count had introduced himself to an unknown individual. Gilg’s eyes would inspect the man and his appearance it would seem he too was from the same clan as Gilg.

Gilg would turn his attention towards Dantes as he finally finished approaching the two. “I didn’t take you for a jester, Count. I might have room for you as my personal joker if you’d like”.
The Count casts the self-proclaimed king a look of dry amusement. "What an odd turn of events that would be, Damocles." Dantes turns his attention back towards Arjuna. What he described seemed interesting and so the Count had no qualms with investigating it further. "Lead the way, Arjuna."

This Post marks the beginning of Dantes' attempt at the Main Quest, A Tool Ascended: Recover a Depleted Crystalline Apotheotic Shard from the Moon Isle (188), site of a gigantic violet crystal emerging from the earth (C-Rank Mission).
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The Mockingjay

Active member
Jul 26, 2012
Trait Points
Arriving from HERE
This post begins my quest to:
Ascertain the whereabouts of the crystalline structure recently formed here (3)
The journey was long, not helped by Cheryl’s insistence that they stop at one too many villages on the way to look at outfits fit for meeting a giant natural Crystal. She had settled on a white pencil cut dress with a red mesh cut out section in the centre of the chest, creating a translucent red diamond at the dresses heart. She paired this with red sparkly flats (she had at least learned something from the past week or so) and a heavy black lensed pair of red rimmed sunglasses, her hair was flowing freely down her back and her face was back to being fresh and minimally made up, the most prominent feature of her paint being the red lip that perfectly matched the red of her sunglasses and shoes.

Cheryl had slept through a lot of the boat portion of the journey, only really waking to ask if they were nearly there yet as if she were a toddler in a car. She opened up somewhat to Lena in their travels, the pair were so different, Cheryl hadn’t known loss or struggle until mere days ago, she was sheltered and privileged, people waited on her and she never wanted for anything. The two of them came at this adventure from opposites ends of a spectrum and she was excited but filled with apprehension to see what meeting in that middle would look like.

This town was beautiful, the docks were bustling and people wandered from building to building, boat to boat, conversing with any they bump, it reminded her of home before anything had happened, reminded her of the world she so dearly missed, the world which formed the subject of so many of her songs. The world that she assumed gone now.

The conversations of the people seemed to revolve mainly around the formation of this new giant violet crystalline structure that had appeared almost as if by magic and mostly overnight. People were equal parts confused, worried and enthralled. Cheryl noticed a game going on, a table set up outside what struck her to be a tavern where people sat and gambled over a game of dice. Truly elegantly, it was that way in which she floated.
“Hello. I wish to join you, is this seat taken?”

Cheryl gestured to an empty seat in between two patrons, an older man in a bandana and with an eye patch and a young man who could not yet be out of his teens with scruffy blonde hair and the beginnings of a five o’clock shadow. It is a different man that answers however, sitting at the head of the table is a large man who Cheryl would not be ridiculous to suggest lives in this chair. In a voice far whinier than she expected he responded…

“With enough to offer, we’ll play with ya”

Cheryl was not the only one somewhat disgusted by the phrasing of the man’s sentence, a few other faces at the table grimaced at the vulgarity too. Ms. Blossom however hid her scowl behind a shallow kindness as she spoke.

“Oh, I assure you sir that I have the means to match whatever is offered.”

She says, as she swiftly brushes any lingering dirt from the seat just before her bottom touches down. Cheryl was a force at dice, her poker face knew no bounds and she offered her opponents outs by trading information instead of currency. She asked about the Crystal structure, the location of its main stem and whether the people here had noticed anything strange happening since it’s arrival

The people knew frustratingly little about the nature of the beast itself, but she learned it’s location and the best routes to it, she also learned of a few other individuals that had arrived new on the island since the crystals emergence and headed up to see it, some of which seemed mysterious in nature. Cheryl played many more rounds than she needed too and was really starting to enjoy herself when another vile comment from the head of the table switched her mind back to the task at hand.

“It’s been a blast, but I’ll better be off now. Thank you all for allowing me this time.”

Cheryl curtsies and makes eye contact with all at the table except for the beast at it’s end before floating away out their presence and searching around for Lena once more, taking in the many new fashions that passed her by on the villagers of this new world.

end of mission
waiting for Never.
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Active member
Jun 22, 2012
Trait Points
Coming from: HERE. This post marks the beginning of my Mission, using the storyboard elements:
- Scout Potential Threats (3)
- Convince a Criminal to Confess (3)
- Custom: Track down your target (3)

Lena couldn't say she hated the trip, she had always been one for travel even if it could get grimy and uncomfortable at times. They made it however, to the Island proper and its only Port and City. It was very busy, locals and holiday goers alike and some other strange figures - it seems that the emergence of a strange obelisk was becoming fast spreading news and had already drawn beings just as strange as herself here.

Beep... Beep...

Lena looked down at her radar radio thingy gizmo and took it out, tilting her head at it. It was making the same noise it was making in the workshop when Mission was testing it. Was she right? Had Yae come to examine the crystal? Cheryl had gone to find more information from the locals about the Crystal, Lena respected her independence and part to resolve her own issue - she believed her current companion to turn up successful - especially after learning more about her on their travels. She would also have way more chance at drawing more information from people than Lena could.

She looked at the Radar and pointed it around, the screen would release pulses and light up in a specific corner of it, like a dot. She would head in that direction for now. She wanted to be careful, she could not really predict what kind of individuals would be here and their motives. She would try to lay-low - people may try to take advantage of the crystal or be up to no good - so whilst she was tracking Yae, she would also look out for people.

The radar took Lena to a marketplace in the city. There were quite a few adventurers here it seemed, stocking up on supplies to go find this crystal probably. They may have been a threat, but they didn't act suspicious - their motive was well hidden behind their kind looks as they bought what they needed pleasantly. Nearby Lena saw a hooded group, she narrowed her eyes and walked closely to them, following them just by happenstance as the radar took her in that direction.

They left the marketplace and took themselves to a more isolated part of the city. It was definitely the most suspicious potential threat she had come across, she wasn't really keeping herself hidden from trailing them either - now not completely following the radar. Literally just walking behind the group. Eventually they stopped, the back hooded figure turned and looked at her, he had a large beard and a scared eye, his nose quite bulbous.

"What do you want?"

Lena looked down at her radar then back up.


They all turned around now, they were holding tools - a few had pickaxes and were carrying packs that looked like they were full with supplies and other things. Some had empty packs. Ah they were looking to harvest this crystal, if they even were allowed to? They were probably keeping a low profile because taking a large amount of this new crystal was probably looked down upon right now, smugglers trying to get to it first to make a profit. They weren't that interesting, though they probably could fight if they needed to - Lena didn't want to aggravate them right now.

"Nothing at all, just heading this way."

She walked through them, feeling their glares against the back of her head as she made her way back into a less isolated part of the city. Not much stood out to her for a while, but the beeping was closing in, it became way more frequent near to what seemed to be a garden attached to a religious sect? Some kind of temple or religious gathering point. It was mostly fenced off and less public it seemed. Lena climbed the fence, keeping a look out for guards or something and hopped over quickly, she stuck to the bushes and large plant-life of the garden to remain concealed that led to the temple thing in the middle. Once she made it to the temple, the doors were locked - of course. It was also very quiet. Lena looked for an open window, which there did seem to be a very small one with no glass high up between some embedded columns. She climbed it pretty easily and squeezed through the gap. The Radar was beeping a lot now, but it was quite loud. She turned down its volume and muffled it in her shinobi pouch, sneaking her way in.

It didn't take long for her to realise it was empty. Dead even. Where was everyone? Even if it was only allowed to be entered by religious figures, she expected there to be some - especially in a city like this. She then heard a clank sound, causing her to go that way. A study of sorts, she crept through the door that was already slightly ajar. Lena saw a man bent over going through parchments and scrolls at a desk, he then moved to an large chest and rustled through the papers in that too. She snuck over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. Just as he made a "huh?" sound and raised his head out of the chest, Lena slams the lid on his hands causing him to yowl really loudly and she grabbed the back of his head and slammed it against the closed lid in one movement, shutting him up. His nose broke and bloody.

"What're you doing?"

"N-nothi... ah aaaah."

Lena looked down at his hands and pulled the chest lid up. He took his hands back and cradled them as he sobbed. She grabbed one of his hands and applied pressure and he winced and let out a sharp hiss of pain, his body freezing up. He wasn't a fighter.

"Where are the priests?" She said with a glare, squeezing ever so subtly.

"Ok ok ok ok, please let go."

Lena only released her pressure, but kept an uncomfortable grip of his hand. He relaxed a moment, his wet eyes and bloody nose examining the Stitched Woman, he recoiled slightly at her grim appearance and looked around for an escape probably.

"I was just taking advantage of all the people distracted by this stupid crystal thing! These pompous religious freaks never leave the temple alone, but this thing must have some cultural significance, its got everyone buzzing about it - leaving places like this open for the taking! I just need a pretty penny or two, then I'll be on my way... they have a bunch of crap, they won't miss it!

Lena rolled her eyes, "And what if you weren't alone like now? Would you be willing to kill a Priest to get what you want?"

"I'd just run!"

Lena didn't really know what to do with him. Seemed like he was being truthful, the crystal obelisk had seemed to have emptied this place. Had they really just gone to pray to it? They must think it's very important. Lena didn't like it. Was Yae here too? She knew she had a Priestess background, it would make sense - if no one was here though, why was the radar going crazy?


Cut off from her thoughts, Lena turned to see two figures. The one she recognised was Yae, her pink hair and priestess garb - the other in the same garb but she did not recognise her. Lena let go of the thief and he stood there frozen looking at the priestesses.

"Yae!" She ran over and placed her hands on the woman's shoulders, "I found you."

The other Priestess walked passed Lena to the thief and just as he was about to turn and run she took her hand out from her opposite sleeve and released a rope of lightning at him, catching his ankle and causing him to fall, pulling him close she stood over him with a glare, threading her hands back into her sleeves.

"You have done this temple wrong. You will suffer penance." Her eyes seemed to burn with a fury, the thief gulped. And then she completely softened up with a closed eye smile. "You will clean up all this mess!"

Meanwhile Yae allowed herself to be pulled into a hug by Lena, the two catching up about what had happened since they were last together.

"Are you apart of this temple?"

"No. It was more like a summit, we came to learn and discuss."

"Why are you not with the crystal?"

"Oh we were... I'll take you back there now if you like?"

Lena nodded, "I just have to find my friend again, she can manipulate crystals herself funny enough?"

Yae looked surprised, but then it transformed into that confident half-eyelid smirk. "How very Lena of you to bring along someone like that."


"Nothing dear."

The two made their way into town to link up with Cheryl, leaving the Thief to suffer janitorial duties at the Temple with the other Priestess.
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