Lili's Bosom of Impending Doom III


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Jun 18, 2009
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☿ Surreal Palm TaiGenjutsu ☿

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( Shu-rute ) Surreal Palm
Type: TaiGenjutsu​
Throughout the ages, when chakra was being discovered, but its limits were not fully understood, wars were beginning to grow at a faster rate. War was one of those things that was impossible to understand until you witness it first-hand. Soon, with more power, groups felt that they were able to retake pride they had lost. It was a time of great loss of life and bloodshed. Most people were appalled by the gruesome events. This was the chaos that the world felt. Presently, people were born with the ability to mold the fabric of reality, where their motions cast the illusion, and then mold it in synchronization. A simple idea is that, as a practitioner moves his arm, shifting his body weight back and forth, so does the illusion, and so ensues the chaos, as the fabric of the illusion shifts the world around the arm, as if moving through water, distorting the light inside the illusion. The more the practitioner moves, the greater the chaos, where slow motions send water-like ripples around the body, faster movements make the world inside the illusion curl and twist, sharper movements slash and severe the fabric of the illusion. For this to be even possible, those were born with the same aptitude for genjutsu and were met with the same fate as the hermit genjutsu user, to study the arts of illusion as well as its users. Their powers and assets were given to them for one purpose, magnificent but simple purpose, to create a new future. A future ruled by those who can express their ideals through the beauty of the illusionary arts.​
In order to understand the chaos of the world, and learn to strive in it, the practitioners started doing so through meditation. They allowed their own body to be in tune with their spirit and mind, and, thus, use genjutsu to make sense of the chaos, by shifting the agent and witness. In a sense, they gain order and balance, body and mind, by taking the chaos of the world and, through illusion, cast it on someone else. In essence, it is a sort of spiritual dumping one's problems in someone else. They achieved this meditative state through body motion, akin to Tai-Chi and Aikido, where the movements they perform allow them to guide the illusion and bring this rift in the chaos. It mainly revolves around moving your body to control an illusion, and control the illusion to induce chaos in others, and induce chaos to retrieve order to oneself. Chaos versus order was always the cornerstone of Surreal Palm, achieving the balance by linking Body and Spirit, one controlling the other to benefit the one.​
Once the practitioners found the temple of genjutsu masters, they discovered something very precious and estimable. They found the ancient old runes, which were left by the one, that was capable of rendering even the mightiest of enemies riddled with pain and fear, the hermit genjutsu user himself. Upon reading them, they were able to see through his eyes and reflect it back. It was almost like a mirror in a fun house for them, they knew what they were looking at, but it was different than what they were normally used to. By reading the runes, they were able to transport themselves to places and times they couldn't get to on their own. They got to climb in the minds and hearts of others and explore the realm of surrealism, learning about beauty, glee, contentment, nature, wonder, horror, sadness, grief, and excitement. They learned quickly about the element. It was obvious that most of them, if not all, had talent for genjutsu. Soon they became too accustomed to it. The practitioners had no other choice but to explore it further and bring it to a new level of greatness. By working their body hard every day, training their mind to the highest extend and overusing the arts of illusion, the practitioners started to develop a fighting style to serve their arsenal as a deadly tool. They managed to come up with something new and more unique than what the actual arts of illusion offered them. They incorporated the arts of illusion into their new adroit style, that they named the Surreal Palm.​
Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The main philosophy of the group is that, in order to have true balance between the body and the mind, one must get rid of the chaos that taints our organism. But that chaos can’t be purged and lost in the world, it must be cast on someone else.​
Surreal Palm exercises revolve around tuning in the body with the mind, first by placing a Genjutsu on one-self and, then harmonize the illusion with the motions. As the practitioner moves an arm, the illusion shifts around it. The more motion, the greater the ripple through the illusion, like the practitioner is moving through water, where the wait is the world of the illusion itself. They are thus trained to be in tune with reality and illusion, aware of the disturbances to the senses, as they immerse themselves in that illusionary world in a regular basis.​
The act of controlling the illusion through body motion allows them to mentally experience a control over the chaos that affects them. In order to get rid of it, the same genjutsu that they placed on themselves is cast, through their body motions against the opponent. This is visual-cast, the opponent is required to see the practitioner’s body in order to participate in the illusion. This shared illusionary state allows them pass on the chaos on to their opponent, manipulating the opponent’s senses. They launch confusion, distraction, distress, etc. After the chaos is passed on, the practitioner has only to seal the deal, by physically harming the opponent, and, through that damage, disperse the illusion.​
Practically speaking, a full exercise of Surreal Palm is initiated with motion, that simultaneously moves and manipulates the illusion on one self and casts the same illusion on to the opponent, and, finally, reach the opponent and deal physical damage, through Close Quarter Combat, ending the genjutsu. This is achieved through 3 simple Forms, which act simultaneously to allow the practitioner to manipulate the chaos, a.k.a. the Genjutsu, and approach the opponent for the final attack, a.k.a the Taijutsu. These forms aren’t perfomed separately, no technique uses only some of the forms.​
Form 1# - Inside the consciousness, this method battles the illusion itself for clarity of perception. It revolves around the manipulation of the illusion, and break through the constrictions of the the mind, be it against enemy genjutsu or merely preparing to attack the opponent. Slashing through vines that attempt to bind you, punching walls that attempt to stop you, or even cutting through the fabric of the illusion that attempts to blind you. The motions are fluid and broad. They bring about chaos into the structure of the illusion. A punch may appear wiggly and curving, and a kick may look more like a sword than a leg. The motions are conceptual instead of physical, the art is beautiful and symbolic, instead of precise and rational, and they attack the opponent's genjutsu, and, through it, they attack the opponent itself. A strike can twist the dimension, pushing the illusion to blast the opponent, or it could bend the illusion, wrapping it around them.​
Form 2# - Bridges the physical realm with the consciousness. This method is particularly useful against the type of overwhelming illusion that reverts your consciousness to itself, making you believe you're moving, when it's all in your head, and you're left standing immobile in reality. The Surreal Palm takes over the body and, while manipulating the mind and the realm with the first method, it also translates the motions of the illusionary body into the actual body. When you punch in the illusion, you also punch in reality. Though this method can take a step forward, and create a discrepancy between the illusionary body and the actual body, allowing the user to control both separately. To the opponent, casting the genjutsu, this discrepancy may come unnoticed, seeing the illusionary body move, oblivious the actual body. The user is then able to take advantage of the distraction to attack the opponent. In essence, this is how the mind takes over the body, illusions allowing the practitioner to move regardless of the constricts that are in place.​
Form 3# - Purely physical, this method revolves around different kind of elegant motions such as slashing, fast, slow, wiggle, etc. The moves would be characteristically confusing, because the more motion an attack has, the more disturbance it carries in the illusion. By using a lot of broad strokes and wiggly movements, both to make the style more unpredictable, but also to encase each attack with greater momentum, we release it all at the point of collision. In effect, it is likewise about how the illusion molds around the body, as well as how, furthermore, the user can simple shamble the illusion, and have it reverse around the body, where an arm moves left and the illusion moves right. Finally, taking it a step forward, usable as complete severe the illusion, where the user moves and the illusion shatters, more chaotic, moving much differently, pure manipulation of the surreal, of chaos.​
Example Techniques:
( Shu-rute: Teashi Madake ⋔ Zou ) Surreal Palm: Spindly Elephants ⋔ Obelisk
Rank: B​
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive​
Range: Short-Mid​
Chakra Cost: 20​
Damage Points: 40​
Description: Allows the evasion of restrain by elongating one’s spirit. The practitioner will jump in the air and summersault, delivering a flying axe kick to the top of the opponent’s head, pinning his/her face onto the ground. In the illusion, the practitioner will seemingly stretch and grow, the feet staying in the ground and becoming arachnid-like, as the now distorted and elongated user soars through the sky and twists around, hitting the target with long, thread-like, limbs. Everything in the illusion’s world seemingly elongates as well, becoming deformed and gangly. The user is able to initiate the illusion with a small leap in Mid-range, then quickly transverse the distance with chakra-enhanced running, before finishing with the jumping axe kick, in short-range, accompanied by the illusion.​
*Requires a one turn cool down between uses*​
( Shu-rute: Kohon Issaishujou ⋔ Hentai ) Surreal Palm: Book of Creatures ⋔ Metamorphosis
Rank: A​
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive​
Range: Short-Mid​
Chakra Cost: 30​
Damage Points: 60​
Description: Allows the chaos of one’s mind to find solace in the heart of a wild beast. The practitioner will charge towards the target, moving in a zig-zag line to evade any incoming attack, empowered by chakra for greater speed and evasiveness, before launching a series of 7 punches or kicks. In this freestyle, the user is meant to physically mimic an animal, and acquire it’s mannerisms, similar to Shaolin Kung Fu. As the practitioner moves, the illusion shifts the body, turning to that of an animal, which punches or slashes through the any surrounding illusion. The illusionary animal can either walk alongside or separate from the physical body of the user, which metamorphed into the illusion, thus allowing the practitioner to either walk unnoticed or enhance one’s advance. Each physical strike that connects with the target will shift and shatter the illusion for a moment, until the final strike that releases it completely.​
Alternatively, the user can simply mesomorph a part of the body, the one primarily being used, into either a part of an animal or even inanimate objects and weapons, like a blade for slashing motions, or an hammer for punching motions. This is considered weaker, C ranked ( 15 chakra, 30 damage points ), and can be used indefinitely, with the same turn cool down.​
*The user is able to wield weapons*​
*Requires a one turn cool down before re-use*​
*Can only be used 4 times*​
( Shu-rute: Nemuibachi ⋔ Ikuseisaibai ) Surreal Palm: Awakening of a Bumblebee ⋔ Pomegranate
Rank: S​
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive​
Range: Short-Mid​
Chakra Cost: 40​
Damage Points: 80​
Description: Creates an illusion of endless and chaotic death and rebirth. The practitioner focuses chakra through the body, closing their eyes. Once opened, the user will rotate both arms and then trust forward, pushing the target with both palms, trusting the target backwards, with enough power to push even a Boss Summoning, finalizing with a clenched fist punch (or double punch) that will release enough of a shockwave to create a large crater around the point of impact. In the illusion, the world around the rotating arms shifts into an impenetrable red sphere, like the bark of a pomegranate, shielding the user from other illusions. When the practitioner pushes forward, a succession of gargantuan beasts pushes outwards from one another, first a large fish grows from pomegranate, pushing the target, or simply growing through the cracks of any surrounding illusion, and then two massive tigers, finalizing in a large bee with a risen sting, coinciding with the final punch, breaking the illusion. The whole thing happens in a few moments, each beast appearing as more of a searing flash of movement that carves into the opponent’s memory, rather than stretched out animations. This technique can be used up to mid-range, where the fish (the initial push) will quickly travel alongside the practitioner, using chakra to transverse the distance in a few seconds.​
*Can only be used 2 times*​
*Requires a two turn cool down*​
*Can’t perform Taijutsu or Genjutsu higher than S rank for the next 2 turns*​
Additional effects and Restrictions:
The illusionary aspect of this style revolves around mutual genjutsu techniques and layering rules. When the user moves, he places the same genjutsu on both him/herself and the opponent. This is what makes the user become able to spiritually battle other illusions alongside his/her body movements. But the techniques are still restricted by the normal Genjutsu Layering Rules.​
A Surreal Palm Technique is, in essence, a Taijutsu Technique and a complimentary Genjutsu Technique, all three being considered the same rank, the one stated in the Surreal Palm info. When used against opponent’s Genjutsu, a Surreal Palm Technique will have the following effects:​
  1. Against a Genjutsu of higher rank, as according to the rules, the Surreal Palm Technique can add to the illusion, but cannot manipulate what’s already there. If a Genjutsu creates a falling egg, the Surreal Palm Technique can turn the user into a frog and leap from the rock’s path, but can’t do anything to alter its descend.

  2. Against a Genjutsu of the same rank, as according to the rules, the Surreal Palm Technique can merge with the Genjutsu, both coexisting without one releasing the other. If a Genjutsu creates a tree, the Surreal Palm Technique can respond by chopping down the tree, thus breaking from the illusion’s purpose without actually breaking from the illusion itself.

  3. Against a Genjutsu of lower rank, according to the rules, the Surreal Palm Technique will eradicate the Genjutsu. The new, stronger chakra will wipe the previous chakra, and get rid of the Genjutsu entirely. If a Genjutsu creates serpents to bind the user, and a Surreal Palm Technique turns the user’s hands to a cannon to blast the opponent, there won’t even be any serpents, only a cannon. It’s different than before, because now the opponent doesn’t even have to take the genjutsu into consideration, it will simply be overpowered.
The techniques are all capable of countering genjutsu, and other mind-altering techniques, but are not limited to it. The genjutsu used within the style can stand on its own, and be used in its natural conjunction with taijutsu for purely offensive (and supplementary) usages, not requiring a host genjutsu.​
Awareness of the genjutsu comes naturally according the user's rank. A practitioner of Gennin rank is aware of D rank genjutsu, Chunnin up to C rank, Jonnin up to B rank, Sannin up to A rank and Sage (official) up to S rank. Awareness does not mean immunity, it simply means they know their senses are being manipulated, and thus they have to do something about it.​
Masters of this style are capable of awareness 1 rank superior than their normal rank, and, same wise, bypass the genjutsu layering rules up to 4 times per battle, allowing them to use techniques 1 rank lower than normal to defend from a genjutsu.​

☿ Surreal Palm Techniques ☿

N/A Rank​

( Shu-rute: Yayoi Kusama ⋔ Kagami ) Surreal Palm: Endless Reflections ⋔ Mirror
Rank: N/A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A ( +10 Chakra to a Cast Genjutsu )
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Allows the user to peer into the chaos of another, in order to subdue the chaos within. Mirror is cast onto oneself at the same time as the user casts a Genjutsu onto another, infusing 10 chakra onto the desired Genjutsu in order to allow it to afflict both the target and the user, as a spectator. Mirror follows the Genjutsu Layering Rules in order to counter-attack opposing Genjutsu, by flushing out a Genjutsu that was cast onto the user with a higher chakra tiered Genjutsu and simultaneously cast one of their own onto their enemies, or use the same tier genjutsu in order to harmlessly manipulate an opposing Genjutsu that has been cast onto the user As the rules state that while higher chakra usage flushes out the opposing lower chakra illusion, similar tiers of chakra are unable to flush out the genjutsu completely but instead alter or add onto the illusion itself, like Snake Crushing Constrictions illusion ( B rank ) creates a Snake that ensnares a target and the usage of String Bean Binding Illusion ( B rank ) allows your own body to grow out of a bean vine. This results in a scenario in which the user is able to cast a genjutsu on the opponent but the user is not able to act outside of this action until the opponent's genjutsu is released properly. However, if a genjutsu alters the user's perception of reality such as ( Kokuangyo no Jutsu ) - Bringer-of-Darkness Technique or Double False Darkness Technique, Mirror is capable of editing the parent genjutsu freely and act freely after due to no paralysis/immobilization/physically altering effects have taken place. This is a Passive technique that can only be employed when the opponent has a clear sight of the user's movement, abiding by the rules of Surreal Palm. Using Tree Binding Death as a reference, the cast Genjutsu would entail a tree growing to surround an enemy and crush them, and Mirror Tree Binding Death would be an illusion where the user sees a tree surrounding another person to entrap them, or a tree surrounding the user to protect them.

Note: Can't be used with Cast Genjutsu higher than S rank. Can only be used with S ranked Genjutsu 1 time per battle, and A rank Genjutsu 3 times per battle. Requires a 2 turn cooldown between usage.
Note: In order to use this technique, it requires the user to have been placed under a genjutsu by the opponent in the first place.


D Rank​

( Shu-rute: Sai Ningen ⋔ Ringo ) Surreal Palm: Sapiens's Scions ⋔ Apple
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Allows oneself to detach their head onto the chaos that confounds the senses. When targeted by sense altering illusions, such as blindness, deafness, or the such, the user will move his/her torso around, lowering or rising one's stance. As it happens, the head will seemingly detach from the rest of the body, while the headless body will simply appear completely black, hair falling to the sides but a complete see-through hole where the face should be. The face will stay behind as a dummy target for the opponent's illusion, with a large apple in front of it, while multiple tiny apples will appear all around the target in a grid. The black body can move behind the tiny apples, almost like multiple eyes whenever the see-through hole aligns just right. This is all a distraction, as the physical body of the practitioner isn't bound to the black avatar, and can move, unseen, independently.

*The practitioner can dodge incoming threats, as the motions are powered by chakra, but can't move from the same axis, behind the tiny apple grid, nor exit short range from the point of casting*
*The practitioner can connect this basic evasion technique with a different one, but casting any form of genjutsu will disrupt this one*
*Can only be used twice every three turns*

C Rank​

( Shu-rute: Sanpo Jinrui ⋔ Shinka ) Surreal Palm: Humanity's Hymn ⋔ Evolution
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Allows the divergence of chaos through the continuous rebirth of the self. Charging chakra through the body, the practitioner is able to empower his/her motions, moving up to mid-range from the point of casting, by running, jumping or rolling. Within the illusion, the user will appear to continuously rebirth, separated from each reincarnation, which appear more and more eccentric in appearance and size. The first avatar will look exactly like the practitioner before the start of the technique, carrying every damage and restraints, while the following reincarnations may appear much different, and free. The practitioner as enough freedom to give each reincarnation as much detail as wished, creating copies of himself or others, or merely creating deformed humanoids or various colors. With the exception of the transitions between each rebirth, every avatar follows the exact same movement and position of the practitioner, neither can move independently.

*The practitioner can connect this basic evasion technique with a different one, but casting any form of genjutsu will disrupt this one*
*Can only be used once every three turns*

B Rank​

( Shu-rute: Kohon Issaishujou ⋔ Hentai ) Surreal Palm: Creature's Compendium ⋔ Metamorphosis
Rank: B-A
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20-30 ( +5 per turn )
Damage Points: 40-60
Description: Allows the chaos of one’s mind to find solace in the heart of a wild beast. The practitioner will charge towards the target, moving erratically, before launching a series of 7 combined physical attacks. In these freestyle motions, the user is meant to physically mimic an animal, and acquire it’s mannerisms, similar to Shaolin Kung Fu. As the practitioner moves, the illusion shifts the body, turning, as the user's body appears to metamorph into that of animals, which will rip through any surrounding illusion ( of the same rank ). The illusionary animal(s) will be part of one body, the practitioners, and while the whole body can be as eclectic as Surrealism, both the illusionary avatar and the physical body will juxtapose, not necessarily equally, as the practitioner can be upright while the avatar is hunched or on all fours, but in the same axis.. Each physical strike that connects with the target will shift and shatter the illusion for a moment, until the final strike that releases it completely.
Alternatively, the user can simply metamorph a part of the body, the one primarily being used, into parts of animals, instead of turning into a complete animal. This is considered a weaker technique, B ranked ( 20 chakra, 40 damage points ), and the juxtaposition is much more noticeable, as only the metamorphed limbs will have an illusionary camouflage.

*The user may divide the 7 motions between multiple turns, spending chakra for each and counting as a move towards the jutsu count, but cannot span more than 3 turns. If done in this manner, there is a 2 turn cool down before re-initiating*
*The user is able to wield weapons, hiding them within the illusion*
*Requires a one turn cool down before re-use*
*A Rank, which creates whole metamorphosis, can only be used 4 times*
*B Rank, which creates part-metamorphosis, can only be used 6 times*

( Shu-rute: Ittenbari Ubuge ⋔ Nou ) Surreal Palm: Perishing Persistence ⋔ Memory
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20 ( +5 per turn active )
Damage Points: 40
Description: Allows the softening of the chaos to collapse one's notions of a time, space and a fixed cosmic order and achieve balance. The form consists of up to 5 physical motions which in turn soften and bend the world around, inside the illusion. Everything melts down and liquefies, and the practitioner guides the abstract goo of the fabrics of reality through the physical motions. Easiest way to comprehend this illusion is to think of the affected objects, which can be anything, including the whole realm of the illusion itself as a slimy substance that, when immobile, looks exactly as the original ( the ground, a tree, the sky, the user, the target ) but, when moved, behaves like slime, even if it retains the same colors and textures. With this softened reality, the user is able to wrap the target in tight gooey hands, impossibly stretch oneself or make one's limbs like rubber, to make one's physical attacks more unpredictable, etc. After the five motions, which can be a combination physical strikes ( hence the damage ) and binding illusionary wraps, the user is free to perform a finisher where the practitioner will place him/herself behind the opponent, back to back and, holding the neck and the legs, clutch the opponent backwards, breaking their back with a lever motion, disrupting the genjutsu, or simply move on to other attacks, leaving behind a constricted opponent within an illusion.

*The user may divide the 5 motions between multiple turns, spending chakra for each and counting as a move towards the jutsu count. This can't be done indefinately, and, thus, must span, at max, 3 turns.*
*Non-Finisher usages leave the target binded for 2 turns before the genjutsu ends. This does not require extra chakra, it's merely lingering genjutsu*
*Each physical strike disrupts the illusion for a fraction of a second, unless it's after the 5 motions, where any fitting physical strike will disrupt the genjutsu as normal*
*Can only be used 4 times per battle*

A Rank​

( Shuru-te: Hariade ⋔ Hokori ) Surreal Palm: Infinite Incisions ⋔ Shattered
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30 ( +5 per turn active )
Damage Points: 60
Description: Possibilitates the shattering of the chaotic continuum, and weaves its piercing debris onto a wholesome harmony. The form consists of up to 5 physical motions with a 6th as a finisher, which in turn shatter and pulverize the world around, inside the illusion. Everything breaks down and fragments, and the practitioner guides the weaving dust of the shrapnel of reality through the physical motions. Easiest way to comprehend this illusion is to think of the affected objects, which can be anything, including the whole realm of the illusion itself as a crystallized substance that, when immobile, looks exactly as the original ( the ground, a tree, the sky, the user, the target ) but, when affected, shatters and crashes like glass, even if it retains the same colors and textures, which seemingly shiver and sparkle like multiple diamonds. With this crunched reality, the user is able to wrap the target with blankets of shattered illusions, throw clouds of piercing dust and splintered blades of reality, or even continuously shatter and reform one's body and limbs to make one's physical attacks more unpredictable, etc. After the six motions, the user is free to perform a finisher where the practitioner will place both hands, or even both knees besides the opponent's face and neck and then quickly snap the head around, shattering the neck and spine, disrupting the genjutsu, or simply move on to other attacks, leaving behind a constricted opponent within an illusion.

*Non-Finisher usages leave the target bound for 2 turns before the genjutsu ends. This does not require extra chakra, it's merely lingering genjutsu*
*Each physical strike disrupts the illusion for a fraction of a second, unless it's after the 6 motions, where any fitting physical strike will disrupt the genjutsu as normal*
*shattering your mental realm does not break the illusion because it's an illusionary shattering*
*Can only be used 4 times per battle, and can only be used once every two turns*

S Rank​

( Shu-rute: Uchuu Kata Shita ⋔ Kujira ) Surreal Palm: Under the Uberous Universe ⋔ Cosmos
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: Allows the parting of the world to plunge the chaos into oblivion. The user will stretch out both arms, and, with them, part the whole world in half, along with any illusion ( of the same rank ), plunging both into the void of the world between both halves of the physical realm. In this void, the targets won't be able to move, as they briefly behold all the wonders of a foreign and marvelous galaxy, filled with countless constellations and astronomical phenomenons, along side cosmical behemoths, oceanic-like creatures floating in the void as if it were a black sea, before the practitioner slaps both hands again, crushing the targets between both halves of the now tilted world, wedged between physical realm and void, passing out from the mental damage. The void lasts but mere seconds, but it's wonders are engraved in the target's memories. While the illusion can target multiple people, within range, each will see the world part exactly in the middle, in a straight line between themselves and the practitioner.
Once the user slaps both hands together, closing both halves, a blast of chakra is released, up to short range, all around or in a single direction. This chakra blast, S rank in strength, can be composed of raw or acquire a basic elemental nature from the user.

*Can only be used twice per battle*
*Can't use Genjutsu in the same turn*
*Can't use Surreal Palm Techniques for two turns*
*Blasts follows elemental S/W*
*Can't use techniques belonging to the nature of the blast used on the next turn*

( Shuru-te: Slavin ⋔ Enkei ) Surreal Palm: Astounding Alternative ⋔ Perspective
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: Induces the severance of the strings of reality, detaching the caster from the laws of nature. The user focuses chakra onto the user's arms, crossing them together. The chakra will be extremely concentrated raw chakra, creating a visibly black coating over the user's skin. After crossing one's arms, which allows for a strong block that plays in equal terms with elemental ninjutsu, the user will spread their arms out, and cause the world to appear to bend in but a second, creating an endlessly stretching tunnel with the ground circling over their heads. Inside the Perspective, gravity is fully controlled by user, and, with every motion, gravity can individually affect every entity within the illusion, such so that one can be pulled towards the centre of the tunnel, pressed onto the ground or even feel the entire tunnel rotate or move at great speed. This is meant to overwhelm the opponent, leaving them open to the perfectly balance, in reality, caster, as he deals a series of 5 attacks, mostly consistent of upper torso motions, to factor in the blackened coating of concentrated raw chakra, if it wasn't neutralized in the beginning of this technique, creating a very interesting effect of seeing the world's perspective and gravity changing with every motion the user performs and every attack the user deals out. Every strike onto the opponent will shatter the the illusion temporarily, turning gravity and perspective back to normal for a split second, before another motion tilts the world once again, until the fifth attack breaks the illusion permanently.

*Can only be used 2 times*
*Breaking the coating does not break the illusion, though overpowering it and continuing onto the user will *
*Requires 3 turns in between usages*
*Can't use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu above S rank in the same and following turn*

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Jun 18, 2009
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☿ Déjà Fu Gentaijutsu ☿

Name: :: Déjà Fu ::

Type: Gentaijutsu/Nintaijutsu


The Déjà Fu is a style developed by a select group of individuals known as the History Monks ( aka The Order of Wen the Eternally Surprised, the Men in Saffron ) , led by a sweeper called Lu-Tze. The monks grew so adept at laying the smackdown with this style that Rule One ( "Do not act incautiously when confronting little bald wrinkly smiling men") was created and spread around the Ninja World to prevent more unsuspecting shinobi from sharing the same horrific, although funny, fate of being schooled by little bald wrinkly smiling men in girly-looking saffron robes.
The style began to be taught to people outside the order recently.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Déjà Fu is best described as "the feeling that you have been kicked in the head this way before". Outwardly, it appears to be of such skill that the practitioner's hands move not only in space, but in time. Of course, this is merely a rather clever trick.

Déjà Fu consists of various methods to confuse an opponent so thoroughly about the timeframe of the battle that it appears to him that the user has changed time itself.

Firstly, the Déjà Fu practitioner layers all his Déjà Fu fighting techniques with a subtle illusion that delays the start of the user's physical movement to the opponent by a small amount of time, varying with techniques. Essentially, when the opponent sees the user starting to move, he has actually been moving for a while in reality and can strike an opponent whose guard is down. The illusion then replicates the user's move exactly, but delayed, to an opponent who has suddnly been struck, making it seem as if he was struck by a kick or fist even before the exact same strike connected with him.

The second principle of Déjà Fu is the Art of Posing. A practitioner will settle into certain stances that appear absolutely unique, and by repeating this stance during battles combined with illusions as to the time of the battle, will make it seem that the opponent is seeing the "same" pose again and again, as if time itself is rebooting.

The third principle of Déjà Fu is the Art of Witty Banter. This is the Nintaijutsu portion and is the only portion not dependent on Genjutsu. To utilize this principle, the practitioner must be a user of Sound style. The practitioner shouts out whatever he is doing loudly "Punch ! Kick ! Sword Block !" for example, at a specific frequency to disorient the opponent's mind and make him believe he has gone back in time to when the user was doing the exact same thing previously. The user can also layer his insults or repartee with frequencies to further cause the opponent's sense of time and space to blur confusingly. This is done by affecting the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the brain, which is responsible for time perception.

Ultimately, however, a Déjà Fu practitioner will often pretend to be helpless and cowardly, begging an opponent for mercy and running away, all to further confuse an opponent when he is seemingly struck from nowhere.

( All of the above, except for the running away bit, will be submitted as CJ )

Additional effects and Restrictions:

A Déjà Fu practitioner lacks strength and pinpoint accuracy with his blows, such as those required to strike a pressure point. However, he becomes slightly faster, but most importantly gains an exponential increase in agility and flexibility, allowing him to acrobatically avoid close combat techniques and strike poses impossible for normal ninja.

A Déjà Fu practitioner cannot use both elemental techniques and anything reliant on the Art of Witty Banter in the same turn ( the Art of Witty Banter, and Sound itself, is not an elemental nature per se ).

Each technique of Déjà Fu has a different level of chronal confusion, and will be specified in the submissions.

However, a Déjà Fu practitioner relies only on physical strikes and illusions, and is susceptible to wide-ranging elemental style fighting moves.

☿ Surreal Palm Techniques ☿

D Rank​

( Déjà Fu: Getsumen Hokō ) Déjà Fu: The Moonwalk
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 10
Damage: N/A
Description: A simple movement technique of Déjà Fu, the practitioner begins shouting "Whoo!" as he starts moving around the battlefield in a straight line, either forward or backward, performing the moonwalk. The sound activates a weak illusion on the opponent, which when combined with the moonwalk's style that seems like its flowing together, creates an illusion of the movement either taking less or more time than usual, depending on the practitioner's preference.
The moonwalk makes the practitioner move in a straight line, up to mid-range from his initial position, at roughly the speed of Rock Lee without weights. Due to the constant "Whoo!"s, it is hard to disguise the movement from the opponent.

( Déjà Fu: Uchuujin Mujun ) Déjà Fu: Fermi's Contradiction
Rank: D-S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10-40
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: Fermi's Contradiction is the direct application of the First Principle of the style, allowing the user to perform up to 8 physical attacks towards their target(s) which will be cloaked by an illusion of time dilation. The user is able of jumbling down the speed of the illusionary and physical attacks, baffling the target(s) with illusionary punches that phase through their chest, a few seconds before an actual punch strikes them and breaks the illusion, or an illusionary kick targetting the leg and disappearing moments before connecting, as an actual kick was already dealt and broke the illusion. Each physical strike momentarily breaks the illusion which is then recast with the succeeding motion.

S rank can be split into 2 A rank attacks or 4 B Ranks or 8 C ranks, with according damage. A rank can go down to 8 D Rank attacks. B rank can go down to 4 D ranks. C can go down to 2 D Ranks and D can only perform one strike. A Rank and above require 3 turns cooldown between usage. S rank can only be used twice times per battle.


C Rank​

( Déjà Fu: Neko Sain ) Déjà Fu: Schrödinger's Autograph
Rank: C
Type: Offensive/Defense/Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage Points: 30
Description: When attacked, the user will charge chakra through his body, allowing him/her to acquire a speed and flexibility for the evasion of the attack, bending backwards or side-stepping, while, at the same time employing the First Principle of Déjà Fu. This will cast a genjutsu where the opponent sees the user moving with a time delay of just a couple of seconds, desynchronizing reality and his vision. The user can take advantage of the perceptual distraction to immediately launch a counter-attack, slapping the target before the vision catches up to it, and breaking the genjutsu.

B Rank​

( Déjà Fu: Ni-Ni Paradokkusu ) Déjà Fu: Twin Paradox
Rank: B
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user will charge chakra through the body, allowing him/her to acquire speed above the normal running speed, and will then charge in an arch towards the opponent. Midway through, the user will perform an "S" shape, changing directions, dealing an attack on the opponent from the opposite side. This attack will transverse the distance between the user and the opponent in just a few seconds. Utilizing the First Principle of Déjà Fu the user will cast a visual technique where the opponent will have a delayed visual perception. It is synchronized to the point that, when the illusion is beginning to change directions, the user is already dealing the attack, and the genjutsu breaks. It happens in such a way that, to the target, the motion will always appear opposite to the result, as the change in directions will not happen before the genjutsu breaks.

*Requires the user to be a maximum of 10 meters from the opponent*
*Can only be used once every 3 turns*

A Rank​

( Déjà Fu: Inu Monkirigata ) Déjà Fu: Pavlovian Catch Phrase
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30 ( +5 for following usages )
Damage Points: 60
Description: The Pavlonian Catch Phrase is an offensive move that utilizes the Third Principle of Déjà Fu, the Art of the Witty Banter. The user will motion an attack, like, for example, a punch or a kick, and accompany it with an original ( or just completely boring ) shout, utilizing a unique sound frequency to each technique. The motion and that moment in time will then be associated with the frequency of the shout.
The user can, then, at any point in the battle, repeat the shout, and, through the sound, manipulate the target's perception of time. For a few seconds, no longer than 5, the target will be transported back to when he first heard it, a figment of the target's imagination, allowing the user to take the distraction to perform a different action than before. The damage output for this technique encompasses the taijutsu attack, empowered by chakra. The user can choose instead to attach the Catch Phrase with a different technique, spending additional chakra for it, thus ignoring the damage in this.

*The 30 chakra cost pertains for the recording of one frequency*
*The 5 chakra cost pertains to the repetition of a recorded frequency, inducing the time-perception confusion*
*Can only keep 4 different frequencies per battle*
*Can't use elemental ninjutsu in the same turn, as per the style's rules*

( Déjà Fu: Yuumai Hayari ) Déjà Fu: Causality Vogue
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30 (+5 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user punctuates the battle with several unique motions and poses, ranging from noticeable but normal actions, like stretching or pulling one's hair back, or more extraordinary and displaced motions, like doing a back flip, gangster signs, etc. Through the usage of this technique, employing the Second Principle of Déjà Fu, the Art of Posing, the user is able to repeat the same pose as he/she did up to 2 turns beforehand, casting a genjutsu where the opponent's time perception links in with when he/she witnessed the pose originally. In the illusion, the user will perform the same techniques and movements as before, up to the point where the pose happens the second time, which then reboots time once again, in a loop. While the opponent is trapped in the illusion, the user is free to carry on a different action. The reboot is seamless, making it seem as if the user is simply using the same tactics again and again.
If the user performs a non-Taijutsu Offensive technique, the genjutsu will break, otherwise the pain of the Offensive Taijutsu will release the illusion.

*Requires the user to perform a motion or a pose identical to one done up to 2 turns before*
*Lasts 3 turns*
*The user keeps refreshing the illusion ( 5 chakra cost ), in order to compensate for different reactions by the opponent to the same tactics, but the loop will essentially remain the same*
*Refreshing is different from re-casting. Once the illusion is countered, the user can't merely refresh it*
*Requires 2 turns cool down between usages*
*Can only be done 3 times per battle*

( Déjà Fu: Manmaru Yuusei ) Déjà Fu: Newcomb's Dominance
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40 (+10 per turn)
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user produces a dominating motion or pose, ranging from noticeable but normal actions, like looking down on the opponent or dismissively shooing them with their hand, or more extraordinary and displaced motions, like laughing maniacally or prompting their foot on a stone and crossing their arms, etc. Through the usage of this technique, employing the Second Principle of Déjà Fu, the Art of Posing, the dominating pose casts an illusion of the user arching to the left or the right and deliver a chakra-infused martial attack on the opponent. Upon being countered or dodged, the illusion reboots time back to the initial stance, and tries once again, in a loop. While the opponent is trapped in the illusion, the user is free to study how the opponent reacts or carry on a different action. This step of the technique can span across multiple turns, refreshing the technique through chakra at the beginning of the turn. At any point, the user can physically perform the martial-infused attack, unencumbered by whatever point in the illusionary loop the enemy is trapped in, which will deal 80 damage, finally breaking the illusion. Performing another unrelated technique will result in breaking the Illusion as well ( Excluding techniques to empower the martial attack, like an infusion ).

Note: The chakra-empowered attack can be infused by any of the 5 basic elements, or be raw-chakra in nature.
Note: Lasts up to 3 turns or until the user performs the physical martial attack.
Note: The user keeps refreshing the illusion ( 10 chakra cost ), in order to compensate for different reactions by the opponent to the same tactics, but the loop will essentially remain the same.
Note: Refreshing is different from re-casting. Once the illusion itself is countered, the user can't merely refresh it. Likewise, if the opponent sees through the illusion or uses a technique to counter the attack that would break the illusion, like a full-body surge, the user is unable to refresh it.
Note: Requires 2 turns cool down between usages.
Note: Can only be done 3 times per battle.

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Jun 18, 2009
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☿ Lazy Fist GenTaijutsu ☿

Genkotsu Namakemono | Lazy Fist


Panda's aversion to physical effort and activity (mostly fueled by their dizzy-like movement and mostly drunken and playful behavior) lead them to become below average taijutsu fighters, relying more on their strong affinity to Genjutsu and Fire and Earth Ninjutsu. However, Panda Warriors soon saw that Taijutsu was the core ability to master by every fighter.
So, by taking advantage of their inherent affinity with Genjutsu and unique form of movement they developed a new type of Taijutsu unique to them: Lazy Fist.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
This special type of Taijutsu relies on shallow, dull, soft and rapid movements to hit specific places in the opponents body, using their chakra and the impact to disturb the enemy's chakra flow. The disturbance of the chakra flow makes the enemy experience illusions, effectively putting the enemy under Genjutsus. This gives birth to a new technique all together: Gentaijutsu. The damage of a Lazy Fist move is a mixture of both physical damage (from impact) and the strain produced in the enemy's body by the Genjutsu placed upon impact. The impact serves as a medium to trigger the disturbance in the chakra flow through the chakra charged in that move.
Lazy Fist moves are generally fast but a bit flamboyant, relying on soft rapid touches that inflict below average physical damage (if they did high physical damage, they would auto-release the enemy from the Genjutsu) but, by charging chakra into them, they disturb the enemy's chakra flow. The speed of the moves is slightly higher than that of normal taijutsu and the fighting stances are very soft and fluid instead of firm and strong. Agility and not strength is the core of Lazy Fist but, unlike most agility type taijutsu, the Lazy Fist user moves in a rather apparently uncoordinated manner, almost appearing drunk or dizzy.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
  • Masters of Lazy Fist have increased Agility, Reflexes and Movement Speed when compared to a normal Strong Fist Master
  • Lazy Fist users have generally great chakra control.
  • Lazy Fist moves envolve less physical strength that Strong Fist, thus why a Lazy Fist master without additional training in other forms, will always have less physical strength than a normal Strong Fist Master.

☿ Lazy Fist Techniques ☿

C Rank​

( Genkotsu Namakemono: Sono Odori no Namakemono Wan ) Lazy Fist: The Dance of The Lazy One
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
The basic stance of Lazy Fist were the user takes a deep breathe and relaxes his muscles and articulations, acquiring a lose, light stance, concentrating his weight on his right leg (or left) and having his left leg (or right) slightly bent and retracted. His arms close to his torso, flexed and with his knuckles facing inwards (middle fingers slightly protruding). By assuming this stance the user immediately becomes slightly faster, more agile and flexible. This basic stance enables the user to throw up to 2 hits (fist jabs or kicks) in quick succession. Each hit gives the enemy the sensation of being hit with sharp, thin, deep needles in the place of impact as a result of the D-Rank genjutsu that each hit produces. This is, like any other Lazy Fist technique, caused by the disturbance produced in the chakra flow upon impact in that specific place.

Note: Requires Lazy Fist training
Note2: Can only be taught by Scorps
Note3: Requires Genjutsu mastery
*Created by Scorps*

B Rank​

( Genkotsu Namakemono: Yakedo Bachi no Okashii Chilli ) Lazy Fist: The Burning Punishment of The Trickster Chilli
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
The user will assume the initial Lazy Fist stance, then, upon charging chakra into his index fingers (while using the reverse fist form, with the fists turned inside and the index fingers slightly protruding from the fist) will jab the enemy with a quick impact (or up to 3) in the shifoid appendix (the end of the sternum), disturbing the enemy's chakra flow and making him feel as if he's being burnt from inside, falling into a C-Rank Genjutsu.

Note: Requires Lazy Fist training
Note2: Can only be taught by Scorps
Note3: Requires Genjutsu mastery
*Created by Scorps*

A Rank​

( Genkotsu Namakemono: Souhou Hebereke no Panda ) Lazy Fist: The Touch of The Drunken Panda
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Assuming the initial Lazy Fist stance but with his palms open, the user uses his Left hand to grab the enemy's right arm and pull him. As he charges chakra into his right palm, he does an open palm hit on the enemy's upper left chest (near the heart), disturbing the chakra flow in that area and sending the enemy back. This makes the enemy fall into a B-Rank painful genjutsu were he feels his chest tightening with severe pain, making him feel as if hes under a heart attack.

Note: Requires Lazy Fist training
Note2: Can only be taught by Scorps
Note3: If it connects it can only be used 4 times
Note4: Requires Genjutsu mastery
*Created by Scorps*

( Genkotsu Namakemono: Sono Odori No Hebereke Moya ) Lazy Fist: The Dance of the Drunken Haze
Type: Defensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
The masters of Lazy Fist developed this technique as an ability to defend against stronger taijutsu enemies and long range weapons. This technique uses the basic Chu Gar (Southern Praying Manthis) open stance, with arms close to the torso but slightly extended forwarded and either their fists directed down or with their open hands (fingers upwards and palms directed to himself), while having the legs in a strong, wide and grounded stance, mimicking the Praying Mantis. By using this stance the user is able to use his hands in wide, fluid movements to deflect incoming projectiles or taijutsu attacks directed at him. He must keep his hands coated in a layer of chakra that protects them while he deflects the projectiles or attacks. When used to defend against taijutsu attacks, each time the user deflects a punch or kick, upon contact with the enemy, he induces a B-Rank Genjutsu that produces a drunken haze-like effect. This numbs the enemies' senses and slows his movements at each blow deflected. Because of Lazy Fists inherent speed, this defensive stance is slightly faster than regular Taijutsu, enabling the user to counter multiple projectiles thrown at him. However, this is a purely defensive stance as it doesn't do damage to the enemy, only deflects his attacks.

Note: Requires Lazy Fist training
Note2: Can only be taught by Scorps
Note3: Can deflect any same or lower ranked Taijutsu attack (except gates)
Note4: Can be used to deflect or block Kenjutsu moves of the same or lower rank
Note5: Can be used to defend against C-Rank or lower elemental projectiles
Note6: Can be used to defend against basic weapons even if infused with chakra or poisoned (chakra coated hands protect the user)
Note7: Requires Genjutsu Mastery
*Created by Scorps*

S Rank​

( Genkotsu Namakemono: Sono Bukotsu Zou No Sochi ) Lazy Fist: The Clumsy Stomp of The Elephant
Type: Attack
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
One of the most dangerous moves in Lazy Fist but also one of the simplest. The user focus a big amount of chakra on his palms, fingers, fists, feet, elbows or knees and hits the opponent up to 6 times. This disturbs the enemy's chakra flow and produces a deep, strong S-Rank illusion. This painful illusion makes the enemy feel an intense pain, as if the hit area was completly crushed. The enemy may even faint from the agonizing pain if he doesn't release the genjutsu. If the enemy looks or tries to feel the affected area hell see/feel as if it was indeed completely crushed, making it hard to decipher/see through the illusion.

Note: Requires Lazy Fist training
Note2: Can only be taught by Scorps
Note3: Impact stance can be used without limit but, if connected, illusion only works twice
Note4: Requires Genjutsu Mastery
*Created by Scorps*

( Genkotsu Namakemono: Sono Tonsou No Ranningu Panda ) Lazy Fist: The Escape of the Running Panda
Type: Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Perhaps the strongest of all of the Lazy Fist stances, this technique is a more advanced form of The Dance of The Drunken Haze, using the same Chu Gar (Southern Praying Manthis) stance with the same basic abilities but used to a much higher caliber. By using this stance the user is able to use his hands in wide, fluid movements to deflect incoming projectiles or taijutsu attacks directed at him. He must keep his hands coated in a layer of chakra that protects them while he deflects the projectiles or attacks. Upon contact with the enemy, the user induces a powerful S-Rank Genjutsu. This Genjutsu affects all of the enemy's senses, making him see the user disappear into a burst of bamboo leafs and even hear him run away. The enemy will even see and hear small signs of movement in the ground around him, further fueling the illusion that the user has ran with a full burst of speed away from him. This technique serves as the ultimate defense/escape for Lazy Fist Masters.

Note: Requires Lazy Fist training
Note2: The illusion effect only connects twice but the stance can be used without limit
Note3: Can only be taught by Scorps
Note4: Requires Genjutsu Mastery
Note5: Can deflect any S-Rank or lower Taijutsu attack (except gates)
Note6: Can be used to deflect or block Kenjutsu moves of the A-Rank or lower.
Note7: Can be used to defend against C-Rank or lower elemental projectiles within reason
Note8: Can be used to defend against basic weapons even if infused with chakra or poisoned (chakra coated hands protect the user)
Note9: The illusion only works in the turn its used (meaning that it ends the moment the following turn of the user begins), until its released or until the user makes a direct attack on the enemy, at which time he'll become visible again.

( Genkotsu Namakemono: Sono Odori no Suisei Niku ) Lazy Fist: The Dance of Decaying Flesh
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
A stance that can be used in both defensive/counter attack and in attack moves. Using either the basic stance of Lazy Fist: The Dance of the Lazy One or the defensive stance of Lazy Fist: The Dance of the Drunken Haze, the user will hit the opponent with a maximum of 10 quick punches, jabs or kicks (or block up to 10 Taijutsu hits from the opponent) with enormous speed. Each place the user hits will make the enemy feel as if its decaying and rotting away into a putrid liquid, giving off a horrible smell. Each affected area will begin to spread slowly and engulf the surrounding tissue, making the enemy suffer excruciating pain. Off course, as all Lazy Fist moves, these effects are nothing more than illusions produced by the S-Rank Genjutsu that results from the blows.

Note: Requires Lazy Fist Training
Note2: Can only be taught by Scorps
Note3: Illusions will only work twice
Note4: Requires Genjutsu Mastery
*Created by Scorps*
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Jun 18, 2009
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☿ Mantis Fist NinTaijutsu ☿

Genkotsu Kamakiri | The Mantis Fist

Type: Nin-Taijutsu
Background: The Mantis fist was developed long ago by a man who constantly found that in fights his movements were too easy to read, and became predictable and easy to dodge since he often swung too wide or in a pattern, also he found that upon dodging he would often lose his footing or simply leave himself open for a quick follow up due to the fact that his movements were not controlled enough, they were to bodacious, too outgoing, they were overreactions. After learning this and trying to learn from several great teachers whom he all failed, the man turned to nature, hoping that it would provide the answers he needed. Indeed it did, the man soon came across a Mantis, and upon seeing its rigid jerky movements, movements that were precise and were always in for the kill. Seeing how controlled and meaningful each of the Mantises movements were, the man started to study the Mantis, mimicking its movements. This birthed a new Taijutsu, the Mantis fist, however it still was not complete, although it granted the user the means of great physical control, being able to dodge attacks taking the easiest least time consuming route possible. Only making the movements that were absolutely needed, leaving very little room for openings and allowing quick controlled yet rigid and inhumane like counterstrikes, that were so bizarre that it usually forced for the opponent to block through the use of reactions or dodge through the use of instinct rather than dodging by predicting the path of trajectory. Also the fact that its prowess was equal to that of a adept strong fist punch if not greater, but due to the force being applied to a smaller area than a punch its effects were more devastating. Eventually after several years of wandering, passing down this way of fighting to many students, he came across a certain teenager, after learning the Mantis Fist, the man was able to identify with it, and soon added the use of chakra to the Mantis Fist, completing the art, or so he thought...

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

The Mantis Fist is a taijutsu style that involves the user striking the enemy with one or more of their fingers in rapid succession and specific places alternating between hands for each strike, the speed of hand movements rivaling that of the gentle fist . While striking the enemy, the user focuses a large amount of Raiton chakra on the tops of their fingers, when they strike the enemy they allow the chakra to penetrate into the enemy's body. However even though it is a very pinpoint strike done with the fingertips, its effects are devastating as when the user makes contact with the opponent, the chakra diffuses outwards in a sort of "V" shape or "Cone" shaped pattern, granting it a wider horizontal and vertical spread range as it travels further from the source of release, yet also growing less potent while being further from the source of release. The user doesn't actually have to strike the target for the attack to be successful but rather just give consent of "Release" as the chakra diffusion affect allows the Chakra Aspect of Mantis Fist to travel up to 3 inches forward through mediums of air, water or earth. It does travel further, but after the 3 inch mark its potency drops so exponentially that it has very little effect in most cases. The area covered gaining a diameter of 1.5 inches for every one inch away from the source, becoming wider and less potent as it reaches away from the original release point. The effects of the Mantis Fist can be increased further by targeting certain spots on the body, such as pressure points or nerve endings or utilization of Shape Manipulation.

Raiton is the core elemental aspect of the Mantis Fist. Used to try and incapacitate the opponent or simply make them a easier target to prey on. When a raiton chakra charge is used, the chakra will diffuse outwards, entering into the opponents body and affecting nerves within the afflicted area; which may affect motor and sensory neurons with its static charges, this can cause various effects which include, paralysation in the surrounding area due to forced muscle contraction (The same way Nagashi works), and loss of feeling and pain the the affected area due to the raiton chakra charges countering the opponents sensory neuron static charges, this proves disadvantageous to the enemy as they will be oblivious to any damage done upon the affected area.

The Mantis Fist physical part however isn't so easily overshadowed by the chakra half. The Mantis fist itself contains stances that are strange and unusual, and usually unprecedented to the enemy. Making a mantis fist users movements hard to read. Due to the Mantis Fist involving mimicking the actual movements of a Mantis, a Mantis Fist User moves unlike any mammal with extreme precision and speed. Also unlike a average human a mantis fist users reactions are not fueled by fear or instinct leading them to overreact and make unnecessary movements but the mantis style involves the slightest movements so as to evade and thus avoid unnecessary reflexes making Mantis Fist users extremely proficient at dodging. While also giving them room for a swift counterattack. Furthermore unlike a normal ninja, the Mantis Fist allows the user to reduce their traceability by simply not giving off signs of their next movements. Eg, if a person right shoulder were to twitch, even in the slightest, a adept taijutsu user would possibly notice this, or a doujutsu user would under most circumstances definitely notice this and use it to predict the opponents next action. However by having a stance in which allows the muscles to constantly contract and relax, in such a way that it simply looks like the users body is constantly rippling, not only does it allow for unusual and immensely swift movements to be launched but also allows the user a high level of unpredictability. This is where the Mantis Fists inhumane movements stem from, Stances that allow the user to incorporate their great muscle and bodily control that they have built up through the years by simply being as still as a Mantis and waiting, taking up the stance of a Mantis, or attempting to strike at the speed of a Mantis or practicing explosive circular whip like motions. In effect a Mantis fist stances and movements are usually rigged; swift; patient; precise; inhumane and in their own unique and bizarre way; gracefully fluid.

In effect, the Elemental attacks of Mantis Fist are similar to Gentle fist in the aspect that they have both a physical attribute; the strike itself, and a chakra attribute; the release of lightning chakra. However there are a few things that separate the gentle fist from the Mantis Fist. The first being the reliant use of elemental chakra and not normal chakra, possibly the most obvious differentiation. The second aspect in which they differ, is that while Gentle Fist relies on striking specific places on the chakra pathway system, the tenketsu; with such precision that without a doujutsu it wouldn't be possible as the target itself is invisible to the naked eye, and presumably different for each person, the Mantis Fist however works by striking a pinpoint area, but allowing margin of error, or there simply being no margin of error due to the diffusion effect of the chakra release. It isn't necessarily that Mantis Fist users don't have great precision, as they do, but rather as long as they strike within the vicinity of a vital spot, which is always in the same place and usually takes up a fair space, the user will always gain the desired effect, eg striking the left part of the chest to target the heart. Whereas if a Gentle Fist user were even a inch off of the mark, the effects they desire may not be achieved. Not only that, but there's the difference in target itself. The Gentle Fist does damage by sealing or overflowing the opponents chakra pathway system that is said to be closely intertwined with organs, causing them to suffer as well. While the Mantis Fist directly targets cells within a vicinity, resulting in large bodily damage. Another difference is the stance itself. While a Gentle Fist user usually has a more loose stance, a stance of a Mantis Fist user is more rugged and "stiff" in a sense. Regardless of the physical or chakra attributes, this style follows under the ruburic to Add something, or remove something. Eg dodging or deflecting so as to remove something and create space, and adding a strike so as to inflict a blow. The last and final difference is that while gentle fist needs contact to deliver damage to the chakra circularity system in most cases, a Mantis Fist user simply needs to get their striking finger or palm close enough to the opponents body so that the Diffusion can reach penetrate into their flesh.

Example of Techniques:

Genkotsu Kamakiri | Mantis Fist
Rank: B
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: Genkotsu Kamakiri is a Taijutsu style, based around the principle of adding or removing. The style itself revolves heavily around explosive whip lash movements combined with a state like stance that allows for a Genkotsu Kamakiri users movements to be practically unpredictable. To enter the Genkotsu Kamakiri state, the user will course chakra all throughout their body which in a way acts like a non forceful augmentation to put the user near their physical peak. The user will then, by utilizing their finessed and exceptional muscle control cause their bodies muscles to repeatedly contract and relax, which therefore serves to mask any traces that would serve to allow the opponent to predict how and where the user will strike next. While styles like the Gentle Fist resolve around fluid and gracefully smooth movements, a Mantis fist users movements become rigid, swift, patient, precise and in a way incredibly inhumane. By continually tensing and relaxing their body, the user also begins to build up their own fighting tempo, which in a way makes the users movements graceful in the most alien of ways. Of course the user is fully aware of what this state allows him to mask, and therefore seeks out the very things he tries to hide in his opponent. Looking for the slightest twitches, taking note of the opponents stance and attempting to read the opponents rhythm so as to gain an unparallelled insight into how the opponent will strike next, which allows the user to dodge or block with precision granted by their reading capabilities and immense muscle control so as to make sure that not a single movement or moment is wasted. Fully removing the enemies strike and any chances of counteraction with their explosive whip like strikes or unworldly dodges to then attempt to land their own blow. Strength and speed also increases, with the user being able to go from a stand still to a strike in mere instants, or being able to build up enough force to deliver powerful blows within just a few inches.

Rank: B
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: A technique that involves increasing the destructive capabilities of a Mantis Fist users strikes. The user will channel a fair amount of chakra into their hands, using the chakra to forcefully empower their hands to above their physical peak, specifically targeting the muscles. When the user strikes their opponent, simple finger jabs will be capable of piercing into, and scooping out the flesh of the opponent. In effect this effectively makes the users fingers much like a sword being able to leave exceptionally deep indents in even steel thanks to the enhancement of chakra combined with immense practice of finger techniques.

Decapitation Strike
Rank: B
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will strike at the opponent, releasing their Raiton chakra as they thrust. The chakra will diffuse outwards into the opponents body. Rather than being a linear diffusion as is characteristic, it'll instead be more of a branching web like diffusion that quickly attempts to effect the nerves within the struck area. When a limb is struck, such as an arm, the strike will quickly disrupt the nervous system within the struck area. Resulting in complete loss of feeling of said limb. Therefore the opponent will feel as if their arm has actually vanished, or been sliced off, and unless they affirm with one of their other senses, such as their sight, they will continually feel as if it has indeed been removed completely. Even when reassured that the limb is in fact there, the opponent will be incapable of moving the limb for the next two turns. This can be a particularly dangerous technique, as the panic often induced by the sudden loss of a limb can be more physiologically damaging than Genjutsu. Especially if the user was to target the neck, which would leave the opponent feeling as if they are a floating head, and prevent them from moving their neck to actually reaffirm if their body is in fact there.

Rank: B
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: N/A
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will strike at the opponent, however rather than striking with the fingers the user utilizes a palm thrust so as to target a larger surface area. The chakra diffusion is released from the whole of the palm, and into the opponents body. As the raiton chakra enters into the opponents body, upon reaching a certain point it rebounds backwards, towards the point of entry before once again rebounding. The diffusion surge continually reverberates back and forth until all of the chakra is eventually used up. What it does is targets the nerves in the afflicted area, and by continuously rebounding it forces the muscles and tissue within the afflicted area to continually contract and retract in a way that resembles a spasm. Not only that but the charge also effects the nerves, sending signals for pain on each spasm, resulting in the afflicted area continuously spamming in the most excruciatingly painful of ways. Because a palm thrust is used, the user can target a broader area so as to try and strike a or multiple pressure points with a high chance for success, while the diffusion is much larger allowing it to penetrate deeper and affect a wider area.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
- Although the above effects are the core of the Mantis Fist Elemental Style, in the techniques themselves shape manipulation can be applied to the diffusion to produce varying effects similar to how the Gentle Fist can do the same. (Will be explained in later submitted jutsu)
- This style of fighting is called mantis fist,since it mostly involves striking your opponent with the tip of your finger(s) in rapid succession,and since mantis have scythe like fingers instead of hands and move in rapid rigid jerky like motions i thought the name was befitting.
- Anyone other than -Scaze- must be taught to use the mantis fist justus
- Precise chakra control is needed to benefit from the full offense of the mantis fist. (Sannin Rank or Above)
~Requires the user to have mastered Taijutsu/strong fist and started Raiton training.
~Someone who has learned the foundation of The Mantis Fist (Basically this description thingy), is capable of preforming free-form Mantis fist, the effects are that of the styles basic description.

Users of this Style are also ranked, the rankings go as followed:

People who have are still relatively knew to the style; they've just begun learning and gain very few of the inherit benefits of Mantis Fist. All techniques that they do know suffer a -10 damage deficit. The range of their chakra diffusion's is also only 2/3 of what it should be. They know some of the techniques and gain a few of the inherent bonuses.

Southern Praying Mantis:
Someone who has undergone intense training in the style, they've been a student of the style for more than two months, and have shown great promise. They have however slanted towards the offensive "adding" side of Mantis Fist. Their raw power also exceeds that of a "Northern Praying Mantis". They know quite a lot of the techniques of Mantis Fist. and gain most of the inherent bonuses.

Northern Praying Mantis:
Someone who has undergone intense training in the style, they've been a student of the style for more than two months, and have shown great promise. They have however slanted towards the evasive and defensive "removing" side of Mantis Fist thus gaining exceptional foot work and being able to dodge or remove a opponents limb to the side while using the velocity to launch a continuous barrage of counterattacks. Their raw speed also exceeds that of a "Southern Praying Mantis", They know quite a lot of the techniques of Mantis Fist and gain a good amount of the inherent bonuses.

Legendary Praying Mantis:
As the name indicates, a practitioner of this level is truly a thing of legends. Their footwork and movement reading capabilities are immense, while their power also lives up to expectations. A Legendary Praying Mantis knows most of the techniques of the style, and having been versed in intense training and been a either a Southern or Northern Practioner of the style for 4 months they've reached the highest level that they can attain. They gain almost all of the inherent bonuses of Mantis Fist.

The founder is on a slightly higher level than a Legendary Praying Mantis, they know all of the techniques of the style. They also gain all of the inherent bonuses of Mantis Fist.

☿ Mantis Fist Techniques ☿

B Rank​

( Genkotsu Kamakiri: Gai Kouchuu no Kata ) Mantis Fist: Form of the Cleopatra Scythes
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 (-5 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will curl the index and ring finger of either or both hands inwards, while focusing lightning chakra through them. This will channel the usual properties of the Mantis Fist Techniques through a nearly transparent blue scythe, with a subtle humm of electricity similar to that of multiple tiny beetles vibrating their wings. These blades will be completely non-damaging and intangible, except when used against animals ( including humans ). They are capable of mimicking a real tangible blade, by running a low level current of electricity through the opponent, upon contact. This current will create a powerful hold selective synapses of the opponent's muscles, preventing the fulfilment of a given motion arc. In essence, imagining someone is charging towards the user with a sword. If the user touches the sword with a scythe, the current will travel through the swards towards the opponent's arm, and lock the motion, like the arm and the sword were met with an equal opposite force, like the intangible scythe has a strong physical substance. The current isn't selective enough to block all movement and give a full paralysis. As such, the opponent is more than capable of retracting the arm, he just can't advance further. The power of the technique doesn't rely on the user, per se. The stasis is stronger the stronger the opponent's muscles are, and it will always completely block the motion, without ever being able to overpower it. Samewise, the current will always find the current synapsis in function, by polar opposites of electricity, it does not require a selective pressure or even anatomical knowledge from the user. These motions are called "Parries". A secondary application of the scythes are the "Slashes". The user will carry the scythes onto a limb and will run in through the flesh. Although it carries no damage, or makes any sort of wound, the current will now severe the nervous conections, rather than create a stasis hold. This will temporarily disconnect the brain from the muscle, creating an illusionary sensation of having the limb cut off, without any sort of pain felt. "Slashed" opponents won't be able to access the limbs up to the area where the cut was made for up to 2 turns after the fact ( the same turn and the next ).
The whole form of the Cleopatra Scythes is composed of a combination of up to 7 motions, be it "Parries" or "Slashes".

*Can create one or two scythes, focusing chakra on one or both hands*
*Can be combined with other taijutsu attacks*
*Can't be combined with ninjutsu mid-combo*
*Requires a 2 turn cooldown after usage*

( Genkotsu Kamakiri: Dappi Kama no Katachi ) Mantis Fist: Form of the Ecdysis Scythes
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20 (-5 per turn)
Damage Points: 5 per streak (The discharge of lightning chakra causes slight pain as it inserts into an opponents body.)
Description: A major flaw in any contact based style is the need for actual contact to produce results. This technique aims to somewhat rectify this weakness by allowing a Mantis fist user to, when they strike, release several streaks of translucent yellow chakra from their finger tips that will hover in the air for a set duration. These streaks, should they contact with an opponents body, will discharge to release a set Mantis Fist based effect onto an enemy. By default they can be utilised to induce standard paralysation, pain and loss of feeling, but this technique can also be utilised alongside another Mantis Fist technique so as to impart the specific and specialised effects of said technique. Traditionally this technique would be executed with the user taking up a stance in which they mimic the posture of a Mantis as they bend their arms to form a backwards L and set their palms to face down parallel to the ground. Upon taking up stance the user will repeatedly pump their arms outwards to deliver multiple quick jabs and likely aim to create as many streaks as possible for greater effect. However, being a Mantis Fist technique, the manner in which this technique may be used is both flexible and adaptable so that the user may always retain some degree of unpredictability and capitalise on any openings. Ultimately, this technique simply allows for a misplaced strike of a Mantis Fist user to still yield results.

- Each streak is capable of inducing a desired effect onto an entire limb (I.e, one streak can paralyse/numb etc the area of a limb.)
- With each usage the user may utilise one effect, create up to 8 streaks, which can be created either all at once or over multiple turns.(I.e, you can create 8 paralysation based streak, or 8 streaks that would induce pain, but not half/half.)
- Can only be used 3x.
- Streaks last for up to four turns before fading, and unless desired they will not affect the user as it is their own chakra.

A Rank​

( Genkotsu Kamakiri: Dangan Ari: Kunō ) Mantis Fist: Paraponera Clavata: Torment
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: A mantis fist technique which involves the administration of lightning charka into an enemy's body so as to stimulate a false signal for pain. Psychically, when used in a fight, this technique exhibits the styles usual attack methods; with the user delivering one, if not several swift finger jab blows to a target and discharging chakra upon impact. These blows, as is characteristic of the Mantis Fist, boast the strange and somewhat contradicting, fluid, rigid, and somewhat stiff quality common of the style; with this particular employment emphasising on speed and therefore using sharp, somewhat spear-like arm movements with little to no arm-drawback or windup so as to transition from neutral into extended states in mere moments, and then back again. As aforementioned the released lightning chakra forces false signals so as to induce pain onto an opponent, pain that can range from anything between mild to traumatising and incapacitating. However, it is generally the duration and area of contact that the user has had that determines the pain felt by the recipient, the longer or more numerous the case of exposure, the more severe effects will be. The targeted area is also of great consideration as striking vitals, pressure points, or even wounds can also increase severity - thus the focus of this technique on physical speed so that the user can best target areas of interest as quickly and effectively as possible. Needless to say the chakra based applications of this technique can also be administered discreetly, for instance, during a greeting should the user gain fingertip based contact with an enemy then this technique can be used discretely.

Can only be used 3x
Can only be used once every two turns.
A maximum of four strikes can be delivered per use.
Against enemies of equal or higher rank the pain felt for each momentary contact will be around that of a hairline fracture - producing sharp pangs of pain in an area around the contact site that’s no larger than a ping pong ball. (Doubled if sensitive spots such as the plexus, temple, and other spots with significant nerve bundles). That of a breakage with sharper pangs in a tennis ball size area for those a rank lower, and even more severe pain spread across an area exceeding that of a size 5 football for two ranks or lower. In the case of significantly prolonged contact, the pain is only limited by the users intentions. (Basically if the user manages to remain in contact to continuously sustain this technique for an entire turn or more, at the expense of -30 chakra per turn.)
- In battle, the user can generally only apply momentary contact to an opponent; with extended applications generally being utilised for out of battle (RP) torture based purposes and thus utilised to its full extent at the users discretion. However in battle, should the user manage to main contact for an entire turn or more an enemy will be left at their mercy - in too much pain to properly mold chakra and ultimately left incapacitated by pain.
Physical damage is generally minor, at most inflicting bruises on well toned parts of the body or on an odd occasion fractures on weaker, minor bones. However striking a vital or soft spot could potentially cause dire or even fatal injury. (Eyes and so on, throat, so on.)
- The user can of course experiment with the type of pain expericed (Sharp, dull, throbbing, burning, etc)
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Jun 18, 2009
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☿ The Nine Verses of Shakujo NinBukijutsu ☿

Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu (The Nine Verses of Shakujo)


Background: The Sage of Six Paths was a wandering monk who carried with him a type of staff known as a Shakujo. The Shakujo was a staff, normally used as a walking stick, with one end consisting of a large circle with other rings placed on the circle. As the Sage was preaching his teachings of chakra and ninjutsu, a small group of students noticed that the Sage carried with him his Shakujo, and were inspired to follow the path of the great man who was teaching them. The group of students each fashioned their own Shakujo and practiced their usage of hand-to-hand combat along with the usage of chakra, as taught to them by the Sage of Six Paths. While training for combat with the Shakujo, one of the members of the group discovered that by channeling his chakra through the staff, he could manipulate the rings on the end of his staff. Utilizing this new discovery, the group of men developed a fighting style based upon utilizing their chakra with their Shakujo. They then taught this style of fighting to others, who passed it down for generations.
After the first generation of Shakujo users passed on, the second generation began to notice a pattern in the people they met on their travels. It appeared that each one of them used ranged applications of chakra, allowing them to fight at a distance so as to preserve their bodies and health. This second generation of Shakujo users, scared at the fact that all practitioners of chakra they had met were either soldiers or soldiers-in-training, left the way of the monk. No longer were they to be peaceful, but instead the Shakujo users went into practice to make their fighting style more versatile. It was the third generation who eventually discovered that chakra, in concentrated amounts, could cause a ring to simply move through the Shakujo to which it was bound, and cause the ring to float in the air around them. This gave birth to a new fighting style based upon a Shakujo's rings as controlled projectiles. As the generations advanced further and further, the style became more and more refined, slowly becoming the powerful style it is now.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style: Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu is a fighting style based around manipulating the rings of a Shakujo with chakra for both offensive and defensive purposes. The way the user manipulates their rings generally fall into one of two main categories:

Bound Style - The Bound Style of The Nine Verses of Shakujo is based around the use of a Shakujo's rings while bound to the Shakujo. The user uses the staff itself as a regular staff while using the rings on it to augment attacks. By manipulating the rings with their chakra, the user can create multiple desirable effects such as rotating the rings at speeds great enough to allow them to cut clean through solid objects, causing the rings to clasp down on a sword so as to prevent its movement, among other uses.

Ranged Style - The Ranged Style of The Nine Verses of Shakujo is slightly more unorthodox than the Bound Style, and was developed after the first generation of Shakujo users had passed away. This style allows the user to fill each of the rings of their Shakujo with their chakra, and then cause the rings to separate from the staff and to hover in their air of their own accord.

The user's chakra is constantly being drawn into the rings as they float in order to keep them suspended in the air, and as such, each ring is capable of generating chakra seemingly from itself, while actually being the user's chakra sent to it through the air. The floating rings can then be manipulated by specific techniques to achieve effects such as deflecting projectiles, joining together to form a shield, and many other uses. Because of the users of this style being drawn towards power and being able to fight at distances rather than up close, the Ranged Style has been preferred over the Bound Style, and as such has been perfected with many more techniques designed for it than the counterpart.

While both forms of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu draw from the user's chakra reserve, the Ranged Style is more prominently ninjutsu-based, while the Bound Style is based off of the mechanics of kenjutsu.

Example Techniques:
(Saisho no Uta: Kaiten Burēdo) - First Verse: Rotating Blades
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user channels their chakra through their Shakujo, which causes the loose rings at the end of their staff to appear to "stand up", as if they were repelled by some force at the center of the ring which binds them to the staff. Each ring then begins to spin at high speeds, and as each ring spins the sheer speed the metal material gains appears to give it a sharp quality, allowing the spinning rings to easily cut through C-rank and below Wood Style techniques, and even more solid materials such as Earth Style and steel swords or Steel Style.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the owner of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu
~Can only cut C-rank and below techniques and objects without chakra

(Saisan no Uta: Dansu Ringu) - Third Verse: Dancing Rings
Rank: C
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15 (-5 per turn)
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user channels their chakra through the rings of the Shakujo and causes the rings to separate from the main staff and float around themselves. The user can then manipulate the six rings in the air to deflect average weapons or to advance on the opponent and spin to cut them with the sharpness of an average sword. Each ring individually has no more strength than a freeform kunai, but they may be manipulated freely and can hang in the air as the user performs other techniques.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the owner of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu
~Lasts 3 turns, or until the user calls the rings back to their Shakujo

(Saishū-Tekina Uta: Rengoku) Final Verse: Purgatory
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user releases the rings of their Shakujo, which leave the main staff and fly through the air, each to a separate location in order to create a sort of "box" around the user and his opponent. Then, each ring will begin to spin and release the user's chakra from itself, the chakra being drawn to the four rings immediately adjacent to it (chakra will not travel from, say, the ring to the left relative the user, to the right relative the user) in order to form a barrier in the form of a black sphere of chakra around the user and his opponent. While inside the barrier, the only techniques which can be used are those which originate from the user; earth release techniques that manipulate the ground, water release techniques which require a water source, and wind release techniques which manipulate the wind in the atmosphere are a few examples of techniques which cannot be used within the barrier. The user may also manipulate the barrier to rotate or roll at their will, allowing the user to spin the barrier in order to shift either their own or their opponent's position (assuming their standing on the barrier's surface) in order to dodge to be hit by attacks. The sphere can move so fast that techniques which aren't large-scale can easily be avoided by simply adjusting the barrier's, and therefore the people standing on the surface of the barrier's, position.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the owner of the Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu style
~Must be a practitioner of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu for at least two months before learning the Final Verse
~Only lasts 2 turns
~The barrier can only be destroyed by a Forbidden-ranked technique shot at the barrier, meaning all other techniques are contained within the barrier, making wide-scale attacks dangerous for the user as well as the defender
~Can only be used one per battle
~When the barrier disappears, the Shakujo's rings shatter, making it impossible for the user to use Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu for the rest of the battle

Additional effects and Restrictions: -Can passively control the rings while bound to the Shakujo, not floating, in free-form
-The Ranged Style of the Nine Verses of Shakujo is bound by techniques, making it impossible for the rings to separate from the Shakujo without a jutsu
-Must have mastered kenjutsu
-Must have at least begun Ninjutsu and mastered the Tree Climbing and Water Walking exercises for proper chakra control

☿ The Nine Verses of Shakujo Techniques ☿

1st Verse​

( Saisho no Uta: Kaiten Burēdo ) First Verse: Rotating Blades
Rank: B
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user channels their chakra through their Shakujo, which causes the loose rings at the end of their staff to appear to "stand up", as if they were repelled by some force at the center of the ring which binds them to the staff. With each individual ring flattening against the fixture they're bound to on the end of the staff (so that it looks similar to the picture below, with no overlapping rings), each ring then begins to spin at high speeds. As each ring spins the sheer speed the metal material gains appears to give it a sharp quality, allowing the spinning rings to easily cut through C-rank and below Wood Style techniques, and even more solid materials such as Earth Style and steel swords or Steel Style. Kenjutsu of any rank may be used with the "sharp", spinning rings, but if a section of the staff rather than the rings makes contact with something, obviously there will be no cutting power.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the master of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu
~Can only cut C-rank and below techniques and objects without chakra
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2nd Verse​

( Wasurete Saini no Uta: Mokṣa ) Forgotten Second Verse: Moksha
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short(-Long)
Chakra Cost: 40 (+10 per turn) (20 to launch a single ring)
Damage Points: 80
Description: An ancient technique, sealed in a scroll from the time of the second generation of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu users, it wasn't until many generations later that the Forgotten Second Verse was discovered. Building upon the First Verse, the Forgotten Second Verse was a testament to those who left the way of the monk and entered the way of the soldier, learning how to weaponize the Shakujo, yet not knowing how to manipulate the rings as projectiles.
To begin the technique, the user charges chakra through the Shajuko, which will cause the attached rings to spin around wildly. The rings will perk up in a similar manner as the First Verse, but the chakra coating them will acquire different properties. As they spin, they will create a great drag and friction around the brim of the staff's head and the air around. In a fine balance between self-preservation and output of energy, the ring portion in contact with the staff, and the staff's head will glow past the hues of red to become a scorching white light, with the vibration around the rings and staff acquiring powerful repellent barrier of displaced air and a deafening metal on metal friction sound. The user is then able to swing the blazing hot staff, using the heated air barrier to stun and repel any target in close proximity, the air not only pushing way the target before it can actually come in contact with the heated ring, but also heavily burning the target as it is being repelled. If in close proximity with mechanical sensible organs, such as the inner-ear, the metal sound will disrupt and pierce, adding deafness to the burning damage. In practical terms, this hot barrier suffers no elemental weakness or strengths, a combination between energy damage (heat) and physical damage (displaced air), allowing the user to imbue Kenjutsu and Taijutsu techniques that use the Shajuko with the barrier's power. The scouring rotation lasts for 3 turns, after which the rings will simply become limp and cool down, for 2 turns. The radius of the barrier is half a meter, which is the distance the user must remain from the staff's head, in order not to be affected by it, making the motions of the style looser and wider, as the practitioner will usually wield the staff from it's very bottom, creating distance from the head.
Additionally, the user is able to focus chakra on the staff's head during the technique, forcing the rings to infuse their chakra onto a single one, which will embody all the power of the verse. The user is then able to shoot this ring off the Shajuko, towards the opponent, at the speed of an arrow. This will forcefully end the verse and begin the cooldown at the end of the turn, where the projectile will fly back towards the Shajuko, after it dealt damage (counts as a move). As the single ring has gained all the chakra, and therefore speed and power, of the other rings, the barrier of heat it gives off as it flies slowly expands as the chakra cannot contain the heat in such a localized area, causing the barrier to grow six times its original size; three meters in radius.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the master of the Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu style
~After the barrier finishes, during the cool down, the user is unable to use Shajuko techniques
~Can only be used once per battle

3rd Verse​

( Saisan no Uta: Dansu Ringu ) Third Verse: Dancing Rings
Rank: C
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 15 (-5 per turn)
Damage Points: 30
Description: The user channels their chakra through the rings of the Shakujo and causes the rings to separate from the main staff and float around the stationary ring which previously bound them. The user can then manipulate the six rings in the air to deflect average and basic chakra-infused weapons, the ring returning to the staff on its own afterwards. Each ring individually has no more strength than a freeform, chakra-infused kunai, but they may be manipulated freely and can hang in the air around the Shakujo as the user performs other techniques.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the master of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu
~Lasts 3 turns, or until the user calls the rings back to their Shakujo

4th Verse​

( Saishi no Uta: Roku-Ten Kanma ) Fourth Verse: Six-Point Barrier
Rank: A
Type: Defense | Supplementary
Range: Short (of user)
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user, after either having their rings already released from the Shakujo for a separate technique, or by releasing them specifically for this technique, will have each ring align itself in a hexagonal formation in front of them. The rings will then release chakra from themselves towards the other rings, creating a thin barrier of condensed chakra with advanced enough shape manipulation that the barrier can withstand up to A-rank attacks. The barrier may be adjusted as the user wishes, gesturing with the staff portion of their Shakujo where the rings, and by extension the barrier, will move, and can even be used to lift the user into the air and hover so long as they wish. The barrier's diameter is wider than the user's height by only a few inches.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the master of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu

5th Verse​

( Saigo no Uta: Rin'ne ) Fifth Verse: Saṃsāra
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: Building upon the Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu, the user will release the rings from their Shakujo (or manipulate them once already released) towards the opponent. Then the user will strike the ground with the Shakujo's staff and clap the fist holding their Shakujo with their free hand. After making the improvised handseal, the rings will multiply and create a large wall of thousands of rapidly rotating projectile rings flying towards the opponent. After the barrage of rings, all but six will disappear, and those six will fly back to the Shakujo, reconnecting and falling limp afterwards.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the master of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu
~Can only be used twice per battle
~The user cannot use any Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu techniques for two turns after using this jutsu

6th Verse​

( Sairoku no Uta: Inga) Sixth Verse: Karma
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Type: Supplementary | Defensive | Offensive
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user, after having the rings of their Shakujo separated either from an earlier technique or specifically for this jutsu, will have their rings begin to spin at high speeds before sending them directly at their opponent. It would appear as though the rings had the goal of slicing the opponent once they got there because of the speed and direction they take, but this is not the case. Once they reach the opponent, they begin to orbit the person in an elliptical fashion. This can best be described by looking at how an electron orbits its nucleus. Because of the number of different rings orbiting, the opponent is essentially trapped in one location for moving would ensure a dismembered limb or two. After activation of the jutsu, the technique becomes self-sustaining, like the Rasengan, freeing the user to do as they wish. Because of the metallic nature of the rings, the technique is even more dangerous as it conducts lightning extremely well - so well, in fact, that unfocused lightning used by the one trapped in the technique will be conducted between the moving rings, interconnecting all of them and shocking the target (who is within the orbit of all the rings) to death.
This technique can also be used by the user around himself. If the Shakujo's staff is at the epicenter of the orbital paths of the rings, they will move with the Shakujo's movements, allowing the user to move without cutting himself. The high-speed movement of the rings allow them to defend against larger-scale solid assaults (the hand of the Stone Golem, for example) while it's useless against smaller or intangible attacks (a barrage of senbon or water/wind/fire attacks, for example), as well as being able to defend against close-combat fighting. However, this defensive property applies if used on an opponent as well, though the rings don't move with them.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the master of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu
~Lasts for two (2) turns before the rings return to the Shakujo automatically

7th Verse​

( Sainana no Uta: Jigoku ) Seventh Verse: Naraka
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra Cost: 30 (-5 per turn)
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user will release the rings from their Shakujo (or manipulate them further if they're already released), and will send the rings into the sky. From there, the rings will all begin to spin as the user channels his Katon chakra into the rings. As the rings spin, they will generate a multitude of small fireballs, about the size of a ping-pong ball, which will fly in every direction and rain down on the ground. Due to the spacing of the rings and the range of the fireballs from each ring, the only safe place is a meter radius circle around the Shakujo's staff, which will cause the floating rings to move with it (meaning if the user, holding the staff, walks forwards, the rings above will move so that the user remains safe). When the technique ends, the rings will remain in the air for a second after they finish spewing flames before returning to the Shakujo.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the master of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu
~Can only be used twice per battle
~Requires two turn minimum in between usages
~Lasts 3 turns, or until canceled
~The user can only use Katon and chakraless techniques while active

8th Verse​

( Saihachi no Uta: Kāma-Dhātu ) Eighth Verse: Desire Realm
Rank: S
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (-5 per sphere per turn) (-20 per sphere regeneration)
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user, after having the rings of their Shakujo separated either from an earlier technique or specifically for this jutsu, will have their rings begin to spin, but differently than normal. Normally, the rings spin along their own circular formation, which would make the ring appear to not be moving at all if one doesn't look closely. This is normally done to make the edges hot with friction and cause it to gain a type of cutting quality. The Kāma-Dhātu has the rings spin on a different axis so quickly that it almost looks like they've formed into small spheres instead of being simply rings from the blurring effect from the high-speed rotation (as if you took a ring or coin and spun it on its side on a table top) [see video below for further explanation]. As the rings spin, the users chakra is sent out to each ring equally and creates a field of chakra around the outside of each ring. As the rings spin, they move at a speed so fast that the chakra cannot cling to the physical being of the ring effectively, which creates a drag-like effect where the chakra from each ring is curved to such a high degree that the other end of the ring connects with the chakra "flowing" from the opposite end, creating a true sphere of chakra surrounding the spinning rings. Each sphere may then be controlled individually with strength granted by the constantly-rotating spheres of chakra equal to a B-rank technique of any element. When these spheres are damaged by C-rank and below techniques, the user may send more chakra to the damaged sphere to regenerate it and raise its strength back up to B-rank.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the master of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu
~Can only be used twice per battle
~Must wait a three turn gap between uses
~Rings may return to the Shakujo at any time. Rings are forced to return if damaged by a B-rank technique. If they are damaged by an A-rank or above technique, the user must physically collect the ring as it can't "fly" back to the user being out of chakra
~Regeneration of spheres is a choice of the user's and counts as a move of their turn . Returning to the Shakujo staff if damaged by a C-rank or under technique (including no damage) is also a choice but doesn't count as a move. Rings which are returned to the staff or are damaged by A-rank and above techniques no longer count to the "-5 per sphere per turn" chakra cost

9th Verse​

( Saikyū no Uta: Ku ) Ninth Verse: Dukkha
Rank: S
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user, either by manipulating his rings as they are floating or by separating them from his staff first, will cause the six rings to touch together, transferring all of their chakra to a single ring. This ring will then emit a chakra coating over itself as it spins, the chakra acting to help protect and strengthen the ring. The single ring, carrying the chakra of the other five, will then be able to move faster than an average kunai with as much precision as the user wishes, controlling it's direction with the end of their Shakujo. The ring may pierce through up to A-rank techniques without so much as losing momentum due to its small size, high rotation speed, and powerful protective chakra coating, allowing it to pierce through a great deal of defenses to pierce an opponent's body. Even if the opponent dodges, the user can control the direction of the ring with their empty Shakujo. The user may also, as all the chakra is transferred to a single ring, choose to imbue said ring with an elemental nature, giving it the strengths and weaknesses of said nature, as well as basic effects of the element on contact with an opponent (burning with fire, cutting with wind, numbing with lightning, etc.). When the technique has ended, the user must touch each of the fallen rings with their Shakujo to recollect them, as they have lost their chakra.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the master of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu
~Can only be used once per battle
~The user cannot use any other jutsu while controlling the rings.
~If elemental natures are imbued, then jutsu above S rank for that element cannot be used next turn.
~No Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu techniques may be used for two turns after this technique's usage

Final Verse​

( Saishū-Tekina Uta: Rengoku ) Final Verse: Purgatory
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user releases the rings of their Shakujo, which leave the main staff and fly through the air, each to a separate location in order to create a sort of "box" (more akin to a sphere or ellipse) around the user and his opponent. Then, each ring will begin to spin and release the user's chakra from itself, the chakra being drawn to the four rings immediately adjacent to it (chakra will not travel from, say, the ring to the left relative the user, to the right relative the user) in order to form a barrier in the form of a black sphere of chakra around the user and his opponent. While inside the barrier, the only techniques which can be used are those which originate from the user; earth release techniques that manipulate the ground, water release techniques which require a water source, and wind release techniques which manipulate the wind in the atmosphere are a few examples of techniques which cannot be used within the barrier. Because the sphere is comprised of the user's own, dense chakra, seals created by a foreign chakra (that of an opponent or ally), including those required to perform a summoning (ie. the ones that spread out from the hand), need to be of equal or greater potency to take effect, otherwise being "swallowed up" and diluted by the user's chakra. This is to further aid the purpose of the technique, which is to sever the user and the opponent from the environment, and any allies or other enemies nearby. Because the dense chakra also blocks light, it causes the interior of the sphere to be pitch-black, and such renders regular vision useless.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the owner of the Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu style
~Only lasts 3 turns
~The barrier becomes self-sustaining after forming completely
~The barrier can only be destroyed by a concentrated S-ranked technique, or unfocused Forbidden-rank technique, shot at the barrier, meaning all other techniques are contained within the barrier, making wide-scale attacks dangerous for the user as well as the defender
~Can only be used one per battle
~When the barrier disappears, the Shakujo's rings return to the staff and become unusable for four turns
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Jun 18, 2009
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☿ Drunken Monkey Fist GenTaijutsu ☿

Hebereke Seiyuuki Genkotsu| Drunken Monkey Fist
Type: Ningentaijutsu
Background:Long ago, there lived the Monkey King, ruler of a small group of ninja. The Monkey King was well renowned for his superior fighting style and cheerful, playful nature. People would come from all around the world just to see the Monkey King in his fights. The techniques were completely random and unexpected; agile yet powerful, and acrobatic and effective. To add the effectiveness, the Monkey King would often drink large amounts of liquor, increasing his power in the art he created.

In combat with a rival Lord of the Wild, The Monkey King found his crafty fighting style to be rather insufficient, making it hard to land an attack on the target as his opponent was able to accurately predict his movements. Knowing how deceit and trickery were his friends, The Monkey King began casting several illusions on the target that were aimed to disguise his movements even more, making it harder to detect the attacks and allowing him to defeat his rival, before vanishing himself, only stories of his style seemingly surviving.

After years of legends forming in his wake, the Monkey King returned to the Ninja World, to train Percy Jackson in how to use this art, who later began to spread it and enhance it's effects, making it much more useful in it's nature.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

Description of the Style:

Based on the core concepts of the Drunken Fist jutsu, Drunken Monkey Fists combines this unpredictability with the unique weaving of genjutsus to create a more effective sense of unpredictability and confusion in battles. In it's most basic form, Drunken Monkey Fist creates a very unpredictable chain of movement, allowing the user to move as if he were intoxicated. This causes problems for the opponent to accurately track and react to, not knowing where the user will be moving as the user himself doesn't know.

Advanced applications of the Drunken Monkey Fist utilize the addition of Genjutsus to create a more difficult ability to track and react to, for a range of reasons. Genjutsu is commonly applied in one of two ways with the style, creating two different fields that this is spread upon, named Monkey's Prank and The Drunkard, each casting different affects on the target.

Inner Workings of the Style:

Drunken Monkey Fist, or DMF for short, is firstly rooted in the application of taijutsu. Strong Fist taijutsu is often defend-able against due to it's often linear and "straight" methods of attacking (i.e. direct attacks that cause damage in the shortest line of attack such as a direct punch, or spinning kick, etc.), making it far from the primary choice of attacks to use for the crafty minded. DMF works around this limitation by utilizing the concept of being intoxicated, which causes the user to become significantly more difficult to predict his direct movements as well as his future movements, seemingly moving every which way as he moves forward. Utilizing chakra alongside this enhances the effect, allowing the user to seemingly change his movements as swiftly as he begins them, confusing the target easily.

In order to gain the full effect of unpredictability, mastery of Genjutsu is required as the style utilizes the field in two broad applications, named Monkey's Prank and The Drunkard respectively, each named after certain traits of the style, detailed below.

Monkey's Prank is named for the deceptiveness of the false movements given by the user to fool the opponent's mind into believing you are moving one way when you actually move in another way, triggered via the misleading movements of the style. These effects can best be utilized when moving one's limbs to start an attack, triggering the effect of their limb moving in one direction as if they were attacking in that manner, disguising the actual assault done by the body. This makes it harder to detect the actual attack launched at the target.

The Drunkard genjutsu's effects are much more easier to detect but harder to overcome; triggered by small movements, The Drunkard causes the illusions of being intoxicated inside the target, effectively causing them difficulty in tracking the user's movements and actions, almost is if they themselves were intoxicated. What makes this more difficult to overcome is rooted in the basis of how it is performed; by utilizing small movements that are chained with the user's taijutsu attacks, they grant the effect of making it appear as if the user's speed has been doubled and causes what appears to be afterimages of the user to appear, trailing copies of the user, making the enemy's ability to track things become insignificant, effectively halving it. Because of these illusions, it makes it more difficult to accurately track the user's attacks, making it appear as if the user has simply created some speed enhancing effect, unknowing to the fact that it is actually an illusion.

The average Drunken Monkey Fist Technique is, in essence, a Taijutsu Technique and a complimentary Genjutsu Technique, all three being considered the same rank.

Example Techniques:

Drunken Monkey Style: Monkey’s Prank: Feigning Uppercut | Hebereke Seiyuuki Youshiki: Seiyuuki's Azamuku: Gishi Appa-katto
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user stands, channeling chakra to his arms, begins by moving his arms in a drunken fashion, as if he were stumbling. This triggers an illusion of the user seemingly moving his arms upwards as if he were drawing the right first backwards to deliver a strike to the upper body of the enemy. As the target sees this, they then see the opponent launching his arm forward and dropping it low into a palm thrust to the stomach. In actuality, the user simply staggers forward, moving drunkenly and lower to the earth, and as the enemy moves to defend the perceived blow to the stomach, grabs the enemy's head, pulling them forward as the user falls backwards, pulling his head downwards to meet the user's rising leg, striking the chin with great force.
*Can only be used twice*

Skill levels of the style:

Monkey King (created the style)
Prince (Someone who begins learning the other application they did not learn as a user)
Pauper (someone who begins learning either Monkey's Prank or The Drunkard applications)
Apprentice (is learning basic Drunken Monkey Fist techniques)

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-User must have mastered genjutsu, basic ninjutsu, and taijutsu to learn.
-Masters of Drunken Monkey Fist will have increased Agility, Reflexes, and Speed when compared to the average Strong Fist user, though the real DMG movements are of equal speed as normal Strong Fist Taijutsu.
-Taijutsu movements done by the DMF are difficult to track. Moves that utilize Monkey Prank can only be predicted, read and fully countered by either Taijutsu Specialists (Hyuuga Masters, EIG Masters, NB Taijutsu Masters), ninjas with increased speed or reactions (A, Namikaze Minato, Tobirama, etc) or Sharingan users (whose ability to read through the movements is linked to their own tomoe level and its relation to piercing Visual Genjutsu). The basic, non illusionary movements of DMF are trackable and seen by anyone. However, their unpredictability make them very hard to counter with Taijutsu. Targets with immunity or resistance to Genjutsu will not be affected by its effects and will deal with it as they would with normal Taijutsu.
-Must be of at least Sannin Rank to learn.

☿ Drunken Monkey Fist Techniques ☿

D Rank​

C Rank​

( Yoi monkīfisuto ) Drunken Monkey Fist: Don’t Touch My Banana
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid (illusion can be casted at mid range)
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique utilizes the elements of the playful monkey and is designed, not only to defend, but to increase the opponent’s frustration*with miniscule prankster illusions. In this technique the user makes use of various acrobatic movements; flips, rolls, jumps, bobbing and weaving and taunting motions to avoid enemy attacks and mocking their inability to hit them. This is not an all encompassing defense as the user can only defend/dodge at their current speed level and against other taijutsu or general small area techniques. As the Drunken Fist makes use of highly unpredictable movements that ordinary shinobi would need training for, these acrobatics enable the user to effective bob and maneuver in ways that cause the opponent to be unable to successfully land an attack.Along with the amazing acrobatics, every evasive maneuver would be accompanied by a simple illusion (D-rank). The illusion uses the movements as a medium for induction to make the opponent see an entirely different evasion; basically pranking them to be unaware of the true evasive move. So if the user was doing a roll to the left, he could make the opponent see a flip backwards, though the illusion only lasts a few seconds or so before being released.*

- Can only be used once every 3 turns
- Cannot move more than within a 5 meter area of the original position
- Cannot be used to mask an attack
- Need to have learned the Drunken Monkey Fist cfs

( Hebereke Seiyuuki Youshiki: Hakuchi Soushin ) Drunken Monkey Style: Idiot’s Stupor
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 30(+10 to user)
Description: The user drunkenly swings his left leg slightly in front of him (he swings it to his right) while throwing a punch towards the face of the enemy, losing his balance whilst doing so, causing him to fall forward. As he falls to his left, he head butts the enemy in the stomach, causing them to double over. The user, who by then would have hit the ground, then raises very quickly, once more head butting the enemy, this time in the chin with great force, causing him to fall backwards. The user is then left with a small headache from the drunken, accidental head butting.
*Can only be used in Drunken Monkey Mode*

( Hebereke Seiyuuki Genkotsu: Saru no Teiru ) - Drunken Monkey Fist: Monkey’s Tail
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage: 30
Description: This is a basic technique in the Drunken Monkey style that utilizes the Monkey’s Prank genjutsu. With the user already stumbling about as if he were off balance and unstable they will suddenly sway in on direction appearing as though they will fall; The falling motion being the inductor of the genjutsu. Within the genjutsu the user will appear to have suddenly regained his balance, with a confident step, demonstrating a rouse and jump upwards to the sky to deliver a dropping kick on the top of the victim’s head. In reality, the user falls into a roll on the ground. The user will push up with his hands, similar to the Rock Lee’s rising kick and deliver an upward blow to the chin, chest, or even their groin. As the genjutsu itself is a low level visual technique (C-rank) once the user actually makes physical contact the false image will disappear but by then the victim will have already been struck.

B Rank​

( Hebereke Seiyuuki Genkotsu: Kirikoe ashi no sutansu ) - Drunken Monkey Fist: Paw of Lord Kirikoe
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user, with their hands out in front of them, will imitate drunken movements. The user will then suddenly turn his palms out with his fingers wide like a monkey’s paw/claw. This subtle movement creates the illusion where the victim sees the user accelerate quickly while ducking their body slightly almost as if the user disappears and re-appears much closer to them. The victim will then see the user thrust both their palms aiming at their solar plexus and heart or any other vitals on the lower torso and stomach. In reality, after turning their palms the user executes a powerful roundhouse or side kick aimed anywhere but the target area the illusion captures; meaning if the illusionary attack was on the torso, in reality the opponent would get hit anywhere but the torso.*

A Rank​

( Hebereke Seiyuuki Youshiki: Seiyuuki's Gishi Appa-katto ) Drunken Monkey Style: Monkey’s Feigning Uppercut
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user, after standing in the Drunken Fist position (with the hands held in front of the user, slightly bent and palms facing to the user), drunkenly throws a punch, narrowly missing the enemy’s head. He then loops it behind the target’s head, and pull forward while seeming to stumble drunkenly backwards, falling. As he falls backwards and the target’s head get’s pulled forward, the user extends his leg quickly, hitting the target in the chin with great force.
*Can only be used twice*
*Can only be used in Drunken Monkey Mode*

( Hebereke Seiyuuki Youshiki: Uxokka Hitodenashi ) Drunken Monkey Style: Vodka’s Miscreant
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user uppercuts the enemy while leaning backwards and extending his right leg, kicking him in the groins as well. He then turns his right hand over (palm facing outwards) and punch the enemy in the stomach as he leans back forward, head butting the target at the same time, busting both their foreheads from the impact. As this happens, the user stumbles to his forward and slightly to the left of the enemy, ending up behind him and to his right by a few inches. He then falls forward, swinging his right leg backwards as he does so, hitting the enemy in the crouch once more. As the user hit’s the ground, he rolls forward and drunkenly rises and turns facing the target once more.
*Can only be used three times*
*Can only be used in Drunken Monkey Mode*

( Hebereke Seiyuuki Genkotsu: Keiryō ) - Drunken Monkey Fist: Lightweight
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a counter technique that utilizes the Drunkard's Genjutsu style. Instead of using the genjutsu to lead an opening for the offensive, the user waits for the precise opportunity to strike. Upon being attacked by another taijutsu technique or closed ranged attack, the user sways; either his hands or body, whatever to induce a hypnotic like illusion. The illusion creates the sudden pulsating sensation that jolts the victim’s body, disturbing their focus for a very brief, yet effective enough moment. From there the user’s perception of the world around them becomes heavily slurred and the actions they were doing before will falter. Should the victim have been attempting a taijutsu movement they will attack short and miss all together or simple stumble. If they were using a ninjutsu of some sort their hand seals will mess up or the aim of their attack will be off and miss (within reasonable circumstances). In that momentary laps and the drunken slur of their opponent’s movements, the user can then execute an attack of their own.

Note: Can only be used 3 times per battle
Note: The disturbance of their opponent’s technique must happen within reason, described in explanation.

S Rank​

( Hebereke Seiyuuki Youshiki: Teichou Morgan's Boudou ) Drunken Monkey Style: Captain Morgan’s Uprising
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 60 (-15)
Description: The user, after drinking very strong alcohol, becomes very drunk and charges large amounts of chakra to his arms, strengthening them, which he holds out in front of him in the Drunken Monkey starting position. The user will then suddenly fall backwards, swinging his arms behind him to catch himself and swinging his legs upwards, kicking the enemy in his chin, and then quickly boosting himself in the air from his arms, landing with one foot in front of the other. He then immediately stumbles forward, and uppercuts the enemy several times in the chest and face as he/she rise from the “upper-kick”. As the drunken punches are thrown, the user continues to stumble forward, causing them to rise even further. The user then strikes the enemy with a powerful, uppercut sending them several feet into the air. The user then falls forward, but catching himself by his forearms and using the momentum from falling to flip himself over his head into the air, upside-down. He then catches the enemy almost as if by accident, wraps his legs around the enemy's upper body, catching them. The user then drunkenly and, once more if as by accident, twists over in the air, and lands with one of his arm across the throat of the enemy, causing great damage to his neck and the other shielding his face as they hit the ground hard. The user is left slightly disorientated from hitting the earth and vision is extremely blurry, making it hard to make out incoming projectiles and attacks further than mid range from him during the next turn.
*Can only be done once*
*After using, the user’s balance will be thrown off on a level that the user can’t focus and/or stand straight enough to perform jutsus higher than A rank for three turns*
*Can only be used in Drunken Monkey Mode*

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☿ Whip Arts Genbukijutsu ☿

鞭芸術 | Whip Arts

Hoippu Geijutsu | Whip Arts
Type: Gentaijutsu
Background: While travelling trough the ninja world, -Severus Snape- came across a lot of different fighting styles, but one of them made the biggest impact on him, a Sannin from the leaf who used his hair as a whip. This inspired him to start fighting using a self-made whip. In the beginning this didn’t help him in his battles, it even caused him almost to die. Starting to combine his whip attacks with genjutsu, he realised that this was an really effective fighting style and started to use it.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
This type of genjutsu uses the whip the user carries with him to disturb the enemy’s chakra flow, by inserting a bit of the users chakra trough a whip into the opponents chakra flow. This disruption of the flow of chakra makes the enemy perceives illusions, which puts enemy under a genjutsu. The damage done by the Whip Arts is Physical (if hit by the whip) but can also be Mental (the genjutsu the enemy is put under).
Whip Arts techniques are usually fast but gracefully, relying on the short ‘whipping’ movements of the whip to hurt the enemy (If they did too much physical damage, the enemy they would automatically be released from the genjutsu) and then disturbing the enemy’s chakra flow to put them under a Genjutsu. The speed of the movements can be compared with the speed of an attacking snake, short but powerful.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
-Must be of at least Sannin Rank to learn
- Must have mastered Genjutsu
-The user biography must carry a (Custom) whip
-This style can only be taught by a Hoippu geijutsu Master.

☿ Whip Arts Techniques ☿

B Rank​

( Hoippu Geijutsu: Akuma no Ikari ) Whip Arts: Devils Rage
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will move the whip around his body while channelling his chakra trough the whip. As the whip hits the opponent, a small amount of chakra of the users chakra will disrupt the opponent’s chakra flow, putting him under a subtle genjutsu B-Rank jutsu where he will feel a burning pain coming from the muscle's that are near the hit point. This pain will increase over the next 2 turns, if not broken out from the Genjutsu, until the opponent has the feeling that pain is too much, and can't use the hit limb any more, until broken out of the genjutsu.
Note: Requires Hoippu Geijutsu training
Note: Can only be taught by -Severus Snape-

( Hoippu Geijutsu: Surīpu Byūtī ) Whip Arts: Sleeping Beauty
Type: Offensive
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user cracks his whip towards the opponent and hit him diagonally over the chest (or any other body part that comes in its way). Upon the physical contact, a small amount of the users chakra will go trough the whip, into the opponents body, placing him under a B-Ranked genjutsu. A turn after being hit by the whip, the opponent will start to feel a slight tingling where he is hit, and this tingling feeling will spread over the next two turns until his uppe/lover body is completly numb, depending on where being hit. This numb feeling will continue until the opponent dispels the genjutsu he is placed in.
Note: Requires Hoippu Geijutsu training
Note: Can only be taught by -Severus Snape-

S Rank​

( Hoippu Geijutsu: Indiana no Hanketsu ) Whip Arts: Indiana's Judgement
Type: Attack/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This technique is the ultimate defence of a Whip Art Master. The user will spin his whip,while focusing chakra in it, rapidly around his body, creating an impenetrable dome around him. While moving creating the dome, the sound will trigger a genjutsu upon the opponent. The genjutsu itself if simple, instead of seeing the user moving around his whip constantly, the opponent will only see the whip being moved around once before the user seemed to rest the whip again by his side, while standing in the same position. In reality, the user will continue the move the whip around while moving forwards, and as the user comes within hitting distance from the opponent, he will flick the whip forwards and catch the opponent around the neck, effectively strangling or killing them, depending on the kind of whip the user carries.
Note: Can only be user twice per battle
Note: Can deflect any B-Rank or lower Elemental technique's, but the technique is broken
Note: Can deflect any A-Rank or lower Taijutsu and Kenjutsu technique's (except EIG technique's)
Note: The genjutsu breaks the moment the whip stops moving.
Note: Requires Hoippu Geijutsu training
Note: Can only be taught by -Severus Snape-

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☿ Oversoul NinTaijutsu ☿

Oversoul : - Tairei


The style was created by a little girl who was born from a mother and father that came from prestigious Taijutsu and Ninjutsu backgrounds. The girl was constantly pressured to excel in aspects of close and mid to long ranged fighting. However she was engrossed and obsessed with her countless stuffed toys and clothes, often forsaking practice to carry out her hobby. Eventually the pressure from her parents became unbearable, and in desperation she sought solace in her addiction. It was then that she thought of imbuing her clothes with chakra. By doing so she managed to create a style that allowed the user to warp and manipulate their clothing to their liking, such an ability made the girl exceptional at close combat, and rather adept at mid range combat. However she had yet to live up to her parents expectations. Thus she decided to experiment with imbuing chakra within her stuffed toys, and upon succeeding she realised that her style was complete. She had successfully created a way to dominate in both close, mid and long range combat while not having to physically overexert herself. Many years later, she came across three male Shinobi who were in search of a man Hiruko. They had heard of his ability to manipulate bandages, and sought to make it their own. However upon seeing the girls abilities they sought to learn from her instead, and thus the style was passed on.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
The style itself remains to be fairly ninjutsu orientated, revolving around the concept of manipulating cloth. By doing so not only would the user be capable of manipulating their own clothes. Whether it be a patch of cloth or individual strings, but would also allow the user to animate and utilize stuffed toys or sack toys for offensive purposes.

The basis of cloth manipulation would involve utilizing chakra to move the cloth, while also using the chakra to enhance and empower the cloths basic abilities. Advanced users of this style would be capable of passively manipulating basic cloth such as string or sleeve ends to a minor extent, mainly for strengthening and movement controlling purposes; although reinforcement, strength and speed would never exceed that of basic ninja weapons such as Kunai or ninja wire.

However cloth manipulation can be taken a step further through utilization of elemental chakra. Elemental chakra would allow the cloth to assume certain properties, for instance water chakra could be used to drench cloth, making it more resistant to being ignited, and adding mass so as to make the force of the attacks heavier. Fire chakra could possibly be utilized to heat a cloth, perhaps to sterilize it, or maybe to scald the skin of a ensnared opponent. Lightning could be utilized to strengthen the overall cutting and piercing abilities, as could wind. Earth chakra could be utilized to enforce the physical durability of the cloth, or perhaps make them taut and hard. While elemental infusions can be done in a free form manner, as with basic weapons, the effects achieved would be rather minor. For instance a free form water chakra drenched cloth, would be incapable of resisting chakra infused flames. However jutsu techniques can take infusions to a new, powerfully advanced level, that would allow for effective combat against Ninjutsu.

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The animation of stuffed toys would be a rather unique process. In a way it could be perceived as similar to the Shadow clone technique, but would likely be much more akin to Sai’s Ink Ninjutsu. By channeling chakra into a teddy or sack puppet, or any stuffed toy for that matter, the user would be capable of animating the toy. Granting it basic sentience, and usually a savage and violent persona. While the toy would more or less have the ability to attack and defend of its own volition, orders can be transferred via a chakra link. Animation of puppets can lead to various effects, sometimes the initial animation may result in size expansion, resulting in human sized, or perhaps summon sized toys. While the features of the stuffed toy may have effects on its usefulness and abilities, for instance a cheetah shaped stuffed animal may be exceptionally fast. The user would also be capable of creating a puppet with wanted effects on the spot, although this would require the necessary materials and would likely need to be done manually, but they can also carry around preprepared toys. Stuffed toys generally attack with their physical traits, eg a human sack puppet would use freeform Taijutsu or perhaps weapon play should they have a weapon. However they can also manipulate their bodies for offensive purposes, such as attacking with threading, stitches and filling. Naturally, animating a truly offensively viable toy would count as a jutsu, and would require the suitable technique to do so. However the user is capable of applying basic movement to small teddies, they would never have any particularly offensive abilities, they would not change in size, but could be useful in surveillance or mundane tasks, such as scattering explosive tags.

Example Techniques:

(Tairei: Sode Hórudo ) - Oversoul: Sleeve Hold
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: Sleeve hold is a jutsu which requires the user to simply focus his chakra in the clothing near his arms and manipulate it so that it suddenly extends outwards, towards the opponent, aiming to trap them completely as it forms into two snake like ‘monsters’, with the front of the sleeve used as if it were a mouth, allowing the clothing to swallow the opponent whole, whilst constricting their body, causing them to slowly suffocate as well as preventing any movement. The sleeves could be channeled with elemental chakra so that they have a distinct edge to them, as they perform their tasks.

(Tairei: Kakushiken’ Oninotsume ) - Oversoul: Hidden Blade
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: Hidden blade is a simple jutsu which allows the user to add chakra to his clothing and/or any other cloth in his possession and manipulate it so that they become sharpened, allowing the user to create swords, kunais and any other weapon he/she could imagine out of simple clothing. This can be used to create sharp spikes out of the users whole body (all parts covered by clothes), or it could be used to allow the sleeves to extend and form into two Katanas, axes (weapons in general), allowing a lot of flexibility.

(Tairei: Sózó no Okurimono) - Oversoul: Gift of Creation
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: Gift of Creation, a technique which allows the user to make simple ‘toys’ turn into savage beasts of death. This jutsu requires the user to channel his chakra into a stuffed toy, animating the toy and giving it a basic sentience required for attacking or perhaps defending purposes. Upon animation, the toy may expand, depending on the users wishes of course, their expansion allowing them to even rival boss summons in size. These stuffed toys are capable of attacking with their basic attributes, whether it be unleashing strings to bind the opponent, firing balls of filling, launching stitching towards the opponent, or attacking with their physical traits. The type of stuffed toy may have an effect on its usefulness, for instance cheetah shaped stuffed animals would be rather fast, while Gorilla shaped ones would possess uncanny brute strength.

Additional effects and Restrictions:

- Requires mastery of Ninjutsu.
- Users of this style generally have increased dexterity due to their work with needles, stitching, strings, and other fiddly things.
- All users of this style are capable of creating a stuffed toy within moments if they have the raw required materials, this generally showcases their master craftsmanship; although more complicated or intricate stuffed toys may require more time for creation.
- Bio can either be from Sunagakure, have biography history in which they at one point have been in Sunagakure or simply have been to Sunagakure within the NW, in a non violent visit.

☿ Oversoul Techniques ☿

B Rank​

( Tairei: Nuno chūnyū ) Oversoul: Cloth Infusion
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A +20
Description: This technique simply allows the user to infuse a cloth of choice with an elemental chakra. There are two distinct types of infusions, the first which entails the utilisation of pure elemental chakra, whereas the second utilised a manifestation of an element so as to provide more corporeal physical affects. In the first, the user will simply infuse the cloth with an element of choice via chakra flow, resulting in it undertaking an empowering elemental coating that will grant rudimentary manifestations of the respective element - i.e Fire infused cloth will become sterile and hot, Lightning/Wind infused will be sharper or faster, Earth more resilient/rigid, and water becoming ignition-resistant. The second version will result in a more distinct change, for instance, the infusion of fire will set the cloth alight, the infusion of Wind/Lightning will surround it in empowering currents of Wind or Lightning, the infusion of Earth will turn the cloth rock like, while the infusion of Water will utterly drench the cloth, with the added option of the cloth also becoming sticky so as to cling to a target. While the technique itself does not do damage, it does empower the cloth in question, allowing it to be tossed as a projectile, or more importantly, allowing for the pre-infusion of an element into a cloth so as to give an Oversoul Techniques of choice added power.
~ Can only be used 4x
~ No Tairei techniques above S rank next turn.
~ The second version of infusion wares off after two turns, and in the case of fire and earth infusions, the imbued cloth will burn out or crumble upon the duration limit being reached.

( Tairei: Nuno Bādo Oikosh i) Oversoul: Cloth Bird Overtake
Rank: B
Type: Attack/Defence/Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 20 (-5 per turn)
Damage points: 40
Description: The user throws a piece of cloth in the air, before performing a single handseal (Rat), infusing the cloth with chakra. At that point, the cloth will shred and divide itself into multiple pieces, no more than 10, which will then turn into various small sharp-beaked birds, akin a kunai. They have a long neck and a small wingspan, like weird looking flamingos. After the handseal, the cloth shreds, turns to birds and shoots itself towards a target of the users choice. The kunai flamingos can be shot in a converging or a diverging trajectory for focused shots or a more spread out damage output. The low rank of this jutsu allows for an easier manipulation, meaning the user can split the group evenly and send one batch for an attack whilst the other remains active for more instructions (their power would be split in half should this be done). The distinct shape and size of the birds allows them to have great acceleration. Although normally they possess the users base speed, they have reaction abilities much greater, allowing them to track and move opponents who are travelling up to the first gate and lower. When colliding with opponent(s), the birds would latch on, spreading the cloth of which their body is made and covering whichever part of the opponent is 'hit', quickly spreading to all parts of the body, almost as if the opponent was being mummified whilst alive, binding and restricting movement completely, leaving him/her at the users mercy. Alternatively, the birds can keep their shape and aim to deal physical damage by piercing through the opponent using their sharp beaks.
~ This jutsu can only be used three times and lasts a maximum of four turns, assuming the opponent doesn't neutralize the jutsu. After each usage time runs out, or the attack is destroyed, the user must wait 2 turns before being able to use it again.

A Rank​

( Tairei: Sózó no Okurimono ) Oversoul: Gift of Creation[/I]
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30 (-10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A
Description: Gift of Creation, a technique which allows the user to make simple ‘toys’ turn into savage beasts of death. This jutsu requires the user to channel his chakra into a stuffed toy, animating the toy and giving it a basic sentience required for attacking or perhaps defending purposes. Upon animation, the toy may expand, depending on the users wishes of course, their expansion allowing them reach a size of up to 15 meters. These stuffed toys are capable of attacking with their basic attributes, whether it be unleashing strings to bind the opponent, firing balls of filling, launching stitching towards the opponent either by dispatching it through their mouths/noses and bodily pores in general or through bodily movements such as swinging their arms/legs/wings and other limbs in general, depending on the animal, with each of these strings/fillings launches considered to be B-ranked, or attacking with their physical traits. The type of stuffed toy may have an effect on its usefulness, for instance cheetah shaped stuffed animals would be rather fast, birds would be capable of flight, moles for digging and aquatic animals for swimming, meanwhile Gorilla shaped animals would possess uncanny brute strength. Hybrids are also creatable through utilisation of this technique, or even legendary creatures. Teddies can also undergo delayed expansion, allowing them to be thrown or launched to a desired spot before in preparation for their expansion. Once activated, the animal animated would become sentient, fighting alongside the user as an ally.
- Can only be used 5x
- Cannot be used on consecutive turns
- Can only be used to bring one toy 'alive' at a time
- No Oversoul techniques above S rank for the rest of the turn.
- Lasts for a duration of up to four turns, at which point chakra will fade from them leaving them lifeless. (The user can extend a duration by utilizing this technique again)

( Tairei: Kōdona nuno Sōsa ) Oversoul: Advanced Cloth Manipulation
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30 (-10 per turn if Elemental chakra is infused)
Damage: 60
Description: A multi-purpose Oversoul technique which stands as an embodiment of the basis of the Oversoul style. By infusing chakra into cloth within the users possession, the user is capable of manipulating it so as to perform various tasks. Cloth can be reinforced with chakra so as to go against piercing or cutting techniques and similarly enhanced so as to likewise pierce or slice an opponent; it can also undergo more traditional usages for restraining and binding purposes, with the range of this technique limited only by the amount of cloth the user has, and how they choose to use it. For instance, the user could unravel thinner pieces of cloths from clothing, allowing smaller amounts of more inconspicuous cloth to traverse longer distances so as to pierce or entangle a target, or could utilise bodily clothing for short ranged purposes such as manipulating sleeve ends to form weapons, or defences. This technique can be utilized with the infusion of one of the basic 5 elemental chakras. In which case, earth will provide a more advanced hardening capability and can also serve to increase weight, Wind will enshroud the cloth in wind chakra, making it sharper and faster (By reducing air resistance and streamlining it), Water will make it more resilient to being ignited, while also making it more damp. Fire and Lightning infusion works by coating the element in the aforementioned elements, as compared to letting the cloth taking the natural elemental effects (e.g putting the cloth on Fire). The effects of having Chakra infused Cloth results in the cloth becoming scorching hot without actually being set on Fire, whilst the Lightning infusion greatly increases cutting abilities as well as making cloth move faster, in the same way Wind does (by reducing air resistance and streamlining it). However infusion with elemental chakra will produce elemental weaknesses and strengths, for instance Earth Infused Cloth - will be susceptible to having its chakra nullified by Lightning techniques, and will also be liable to breakage by Lightning due to its unusual level of hardening, Wind will be more ignitable, Fire vulerable to drenching and so on. Utilization of normal chakra is neutral to all elements. - Can only be used on cloth which the user is in direct.
- Cannot be used on opponents clothing
- Can only be used 4x
- No Ninjutsu above S rank for the rest of the turn

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☿ Vector Cobra FuinNinTaijutsu ☿

Bekuta Kobura - Vector Cobra



Priest as sole founder of this style stumbled upon this while rummaging through ancient archives of sealing. Though bringing several scrolls together, this style is able to emerge into one single entity with the sole purpose, Destruction.
History has it, that a Descendant of the Sage of the Six Path who is a God of Sealing made the numerous sealing techniques we use today and the owner of the sealing archives, however he after years of rigorous research, is unable to come up with this versatile uniqueness.
The Idea behind this is gotten from Soul Eater's Medusa Gorgon.
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Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:

This fighting style requires the user to have fuinjutsu seals in form of snake tattoos on his body.
Fuinjutsu is a versatile aspect of this fighting style thus needs the user to have mastery of it. The user would have numerous cobra tattoos all over his body, they are 16 in total, they are located on each of the four limbs, with some spanning/curling from the shoulder down to the wrist in length and vice versa for the ones on the upper limbs(arms) each, the ones on the lower limbs spans/curls from the top lap to the ankle while the remaining snake tattoos are located on the entire torso, back(back of the neck down to the waist) and chest(neck to the lower abdomen) interwoven in an irregular array. However these tattoos are but special fuinjutsu seals which are very essential for this fighting style and revolves around instant activation and deactivation of each of them for taijutsu and offensive purposes.

† Activation and Deactivation:
The snake seals upon activation assumes a tangible form(the seal becomes tangible) and extends from the user's body(like an ink snake though it may not be ink, but the substance that is used to imprint the tattoo) to deal physical damage though they can either be attached to the user through their tail or be released from the user's body. However releasing/detaching them from the body renders them uncontrollable making them only move in the direction in which they are released and after that, unusable thus would disperse into thin air after a short while. The fuinjutsu seals having been imbued into this fighting style specially are self sustaining and can be re-used again even after deactivation so far the seal itself is not destroyed.
After every use, the snake reverts back to their initial position on the user's body as fuinjutsu seals which marks their deactivation. However if any seal is destroyed when they are in tangible form(Activated), they would remain destroyed and detached from the user and unusable for the remainder of the battle thus reducing the number of cobra seals on the user's body.
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† Effect: Depending on how the user wants it, the snakes may deal blunt damage by ramming itself against an opponent or something, this is very good in use in a taijutsu battle giving the user the upper hand with regards to extra arms and maneuvers aiding the user defensively, offensively and to supplementary create extension for complex movements. They can bite down an opponent to hold down the opponent or/and deal piercing wounds and also they can be used to bind targets. The snakes normally without elemental infusion is equal in strength to normal ninjutsu thus they are one rank weaker than elemental ninjutsu.

† Elemental Infusion: Apart from normal blunt force the snakes deal on the opponent, the user could infuse the snakes with elemental chakra so that each hit would deal specific after effect which further augments the damage and wound caused by the snakes. Infusing the cobras however with elements makes them stand on equal terms with elemental ninjutsu though elemental strengths and weaknesses still applies.
♦ Earth: The snakes are infused with earth chakra and thus delivers more heavier impact
♦ Water: The snakes are infused with water chakra thus they leave their area of impact saturated with water leaving the opponent prone to lightning attacks
♦ Wind: The snakes are infused with wind chakra thus making the snakes instead of just blunt damage, have cutting properties that leaves clean cuts on the area of impact
♦ Lightning: The snakes are infused with lightning chakra thus leaves the area of impact numb and in the case of binding the target, they would leave the target paralyzed and numb.
♦ Fire: The snakes are infused with fire chakra thus leaves the area of impact with 3rd degree burns.​

Vector Cobra revolves around using the snakes made out of seals as extra arms to grab, bind/restrain, attack and defend, or extra legs for extensive mobility and perhaps gain height while still connected to the ground.
The addition of Elemental chakra gives the snakes special essence, advantage and also makes them equally strong when used against elemental taijutsu or elemental ninjutsu. An example is enhancing the snakes with lightning allows the snakes to be able to smash/slice through an earth jutsu though elemental strength and weakness still applies.
3D Maneuver: Each of the snake is connected to the user's body and can be used for stabilization and balance. The style also allows the user to pivot on one of the snakes, balancing while resting his entire weight on them and still remain stable while suspended in mid-air. This enables him to use all his limbs and entire body to fight while being suspended in a fluid 3D fashion.
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Example Technique:

Sono Iyashii Gunomu - The Lustful Gnome
Type: Offense
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user activates the snakes on his arms and uses it to attack the opponent or bind them. He can infuse this with any one of the 5 elements depending on the effect he desires.
-Must be taught by Priest
-Must know Vector Cobra

Uso no Alanta - Lies of Alanta
Type: Offense
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This combine complex movement in tajutsu using deception as its core purpose. The user launches an attack inform of a punch/kick, however this is but a feint attack the main idea of the punch or kick is not to connect but to shift the targets focus. This could either by a side hook which would purposely miss the opponent by some inches or a round-house high/low kick that would swing by the target. Then comes the real attack which moves in the shadow of the feint just like "Leaf Hurricane". Depending on the limb used for the deception, a snake is activated that moves concurrently with the limb but a bit behind schedule though not far behind and strikes the target with venomous rage.
-Usable 4x per match
-Must know Vector Cobra

Additional effects and Restrictions:

Skill levels of the style:

-GrandMeister(Created the style)
-Meister(Knows all technique learn-able)
-Apprentice(Is learning technique)
-An Apprentice can only activate two of the snakes at a time while Meisters can activate 3. The Grandmeister is able to activate four of the snakes at once.

-Users of this style have extreme chakra control and also they have greater reflex than normal ninjas.
-only one elemental infusion can be used per move
-Users of this style must have completed the Basic five, Ninjutsu, Basic Fuinjutsu and Taijutsu
-Can only be learned by Kage rank ninjas and above

☿ Vector Cobra Techniques ☿

B Rank​

† (Bekuta Kobura: Erumesu no Shisha no Tsue) Vector Cobra: Caduceus of Hermes †
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 40
Description: The user activates up to 4 snakes on any part of his body for basic supplementary use. They can extend up to 10m max and can pick up tools, act as extra limbs, aid the user in complex movements and manouvres during taijutsu and perhaps offensive usages where they can be used to grab, restrain and attack. While using the limbs, the user still moves at average speed.
-Can not be infused with elemental chakra.
-Last for 3 turns.

A Rank​

† (Bekuta Kobura: Damballah Ihan) Vector Cobra: Violation of Damballah †
Rank: A
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Sup
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user activates up to 4 snakes(depending on his rank) on any part of his body. These snakes then begin to extend to their full 10 meter length immediately, coiling near the user to stay close by until they are needed. The user then releases elemental chakra through the snakes to augment their power, increasing their strength proportionally to which elemental was used.

♦ Fire: The cobra themselves has gained a very high temperature, characteristic of fire, and causing 2nd degree burns on contact, and 3rd degree on prolonged contact without having to cause actual fire.

♦ Wind: The cobras gain a sharp cutting property, characteristic of wind. Touching the cobra at any point will result in a deep cut mark forming on whatever made contact, allowing the cobras to wrap around objects to reduce it to mere splinters of what it once was.

♦ Lightning: The cobras aesthetically gain small sparks that appear periodically across their body as lightning chakra is channeled through them. The lightning element allows the cobras to change their size to become thin at any point along their bodies, which combined with the natural piercing property of the element allows the cobras to shrink down to a very small size(though can be seen clearly) at the end to pierce through any object like a perfect arrow. The cobra can then reform to normal size after completely piercing through an object a portion at a time, meaning that the head can be on one side of a rock, full-sized, while a quarter of the way towards the user is shrunk to a very thin size as it's piercing through the rock, and out the side closest to the user the vector is normal sized once more. The "shape-shifting" of the snakes also allow this technique to pass through a barrage of precise attacks (ie. shower of senbon) without making contact with anything/losing any power.

♦ Earth: The snakes, when infused with the earth element, become heavier than they normally are (10x). However, because the speed, strength, and mobility of the serpents are determined by the user's chakra control, almost removing the factor of "weight" from these three aspects though not entirely as they still move as fast as the average earth jutsu, this serves only two purposes: to increase the force of impact, allowing the snakes to crash through defenses, though they lose some momentum after impact, and to restrain an enemy by crushing them with the immense weight of the earth-infused Vector Cobras. The user's earth chakra additionally allows the serpents to "meld" with the earth, much like the "Earth Release: Hiding in Rock Technique", allowing the serpents to move in and out of the earth without creating disturbances, tremors, or otherwise altering the battlefield (though they can still be seen by sensors/Dojutsu users/others who can "see/feel" chakra).

♦ Water: The snakes, when given the element water, begin to excrete a transparent sticky fluid, similar to "Water Style: Starch Syrup Capture Field". Because the snakes only secrete a small portion of this fluid until it is used, it is difficult for normal eyes to see the water while still on the snakes (though anyone who can see/feel chakra can "see" it). As the snakes make contact with objects, they leave behind this chakra-infused sticky residue which can snare other objects on it, restraining their movements and trapping it. The snakes themselves, if they touch an object which is weak enough (ie. solid matter based projectiles), they can drag the object with them, it sticking to the layer of sticky water covering the serpents. If the Vector Cobras have objects stuck onto them, they can dislodge them by making sharp turns, releasing the object with a layer of sticky water at speeds equivalent to the average water jutsu.

The cobras can then be released towards the target, being manipulated to move in any direction the user wishes as they move, creating effects related to the element infused into the snake. The cobras also can be made to begin their assault upon activation, instead of coiling around the user. The cobras may be used independently from each other, but all four snakes need to have the same element.

NOTE: Once activated, they can last 2 turns and after that, they revert back to their position on the user's body unless perhaps they are destroyed. The user however, can decide to deactivate them before the end of their turn limit.
NOTE: Only one elemental infusion can be used in one turn.
NOTE: Each elemental infusion can be used 2x max
Note: Can only be used 5 times max
NOTE: No other element can be used except the element that is currently infused with the cobras. Meaning if a fire infused cobra is activated and still active, the user can only use Katon.
NOTE: Students will need to wait two turn in between usage. Meisters have one turn wait.

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☿ Sound Propulsion NinTaijutsu ☿

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Sound Propulsion | Oto Suishin

Type: NinGenTaijutsu

Upon overusing the sound element and becoming too accustomed to it, Barney decided to come up with something new and more unique than what the actual element offered him. Being also well known as a genjutsu user, Barney figured that he could try and incorporate the ability into his new style that he called Oto Suishin. Oto Suishin revolves around using high pressure soundwaves in order to propulse oneself and to increase momentum. After a certain amount of trying and combining different movements and techniques, the fighting style finally started looking like something. Barney could execute swift and easy moves in the most unpredictable ways by simply ejecting high pressure soundwaves out of his tenketsu. This was an obvious breath taker but Barney wasn't satisfied. Something was missing in his mind and he wanted to push it further. This led him to using the ejected high pressure soundwaves as mediums for inducing genjutsu. Just a glance of an unaware opponent and Barney would burst forth leaving a silhouette behind him, tricking his opponent into different realities. This was the moment when Barney was finally happy with his product and felt it was worthy of being shown publicly.

Description on the Abilities and Inner Workings of the Style:
Sound is a mechanical wave that results from the back and forth vibration of the particles of the medium through which the sound wave is moving. Since a sound wave consists of a repeating pattern of high-pressure and low-pressure regions moving through a medium, it is sometimes referred to as a pressure wave. The main indicator of the pressure which a soundwave produces is the frequency, meaning that higher frequencies will produce more pressure when expelled. Using this theorem it is safe to assume that a very high frequency soundwave will be able to produce a sufficient amount of pressure to increase or reduce momentum, depending on the existent trajectory of the moving limb/body part and the direction in which the soundwave is expelled.

As already mentioned, Sound Propulsion revolves around using those very soundwaves to increase or reduce ones own momentum which can also be referred to as propulsion. What the soundwaves allow the user is very unpredictable movement by creating momentum out of, apparently, nothing. Of course it's not actually nothing but rather the users own chakra that initiates the soundwave. This allows the user to perform quick lunges, position shifts, stronger punches with increased momentum and even increased mid-air maneuverability. The soundwaves can be expelled from any tenketsu of his body, in any desired direction, giving the user the ability to fine tune his actions and movements and to easily fight his opponents. Using the same principle behind increasing momentum, the user can decrease it to slow down his movement and to even stop it completely. This allows him to even slow down opponents strikes in very limited situations, mostly before imminent collision, to the point where they can be intercepted and exploited.

An example scenario for increasing momentum to show how exactly I see it working. I would charge at my opponent and prepare to punch him with my hand. When I'm close enough I would expel the soundwave out of my elbow, in the opposite direction of where I want my arm to go. Assuming that my shoulder is the center of rotation and the fixation point, once the soundwave is ejected in the opposite direction of my intended movement then my hand would burst forward with increased momentum resulting in a stronger as well as unpredictable punch.

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A simple explanation of the process behind the propulsion.​
In case I want to slow down my momentum I would follow the same principle but by expelling the soundwave from my fist instead of my elbow. This would result in slowing down my already existing momentum and stopping my hand from moving forward. There is also a useful application of the built up pressure. Although not solid it can be felt and present itself as an obstacle. This application would also be used in order to slow an opponents punch if we were to, for example, simultaneously punch our fists. As our fists are about to collide I would expel the soundwave from my fist and create a "cushion" of high pressure that would slow both our movements; mine because of the previously mentioned reasons and the opponents because the high pressure buildup would present itself as an obstacle for the opponent, thus requiring more force to break through it. This could essentially be used to stop the opponents movement and then for example use the other hand or other means to exploit that advantage.

Now that the very basic workings of the style are explained we can touch the genjutsu ability. Basically, once the soundwave is expelled, it leaves behind a transparent but still visible trace. Since this soundwave is fueled with the users chakra he would use the remains of it to create very basic visual illusions. They would be very simple and used only for tricking the opponents eyesight without impairing any of his abilities to continue the battle. Stronger and experienced opponents wouldn't have problems with the illusions because it is quite easy to distinguish them and to see the clear image of the whole situation.

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Note the pressure wave behind the jet. It's actually not a heat wave but a pressure wave created by the extremely loud jet. Proof is in the article on the link.
(source: )
An example of both the propulsion an genjutsu ability in use. I would charge at my opponent with the intention to kick him with my foot. Once in range I would expel the soundwave from my foot, thus propelling my leg into my opponent with increased momentum. As my leg moves from its previous position it leaves a trace of the soundwave and as the opponent sees it the illusion activates, using the remains of the expelled chakra to disturb his chakra flow. What he opponent would see it the users body and its movement while he would also see a "fake" limb left behind, making it seem as if the users leg moved in a blur.

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The illusion that the opponent would see wouldn't differ much from this illusion except that there wouldn't be so many limbs but only one, in the previous position where the users limb was.
Depending on the techniques and complexity of the movements, the genjutsu ability won't always be possible, thus the user can compromise between raw and strong propulsions with the genjutsu ability and fine tuned movements without the ability of casting the genjutsu.

Example Techniques:

Oto Suishin: Suishin | Sound Propulsion: Propulsion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: Using the basic principle behind sound propulsion, the user would expel a soundwave from one of his tenketsu, depending on the need and the situation on the battlefield. This would allow him to increase the momentum of a punch or a kick, or even to swiftly reposition certain body parts. By ejecting the soundwaves from multiple tenketsu, the user would have the ability to fine tune his movements as well as trajectory.

Oto Suishin: Kusshon | Sound Propulsion: Cushion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: Ejecting sound from one of his tenketsu allows the user to create a high pressure soundwave cushion that can stop and slow down enemy movement, specifically punches and kicks. Due to the high pressure the opponent would need more force to execute his movements thus he risks to be caught in a disadvantageous position.

Additional effects and Restrictions:
A master of Sound Propulsion will have slightly increased reflexes due to the body being accustomed to the momentary propulsions and position shifts, which is achieved through extensive training and specialization. He will also have greater general perception because a wrongly executed propulsion could cost him his life. He is of a calm and composed demeanor and always with his guard held up. He is always observing the situations and calculating his propulsions for the best possible outcome. Other than that, unpredictability of his movements when using Sound Propulsion is one of the key features.

Regular eyes (non-dojutsu) would have slight difficulty distinguishing the user and his limbs from the illusionary ones created by the expelled soundwaves. Dojutsu users (sharingan, byakugan, rinnegan) as well as highly skilled taijutsu users (Taijutsu masters, EIG masters) wouldn't have problems distinguishing the real user and his movements and intentions because of their expertise in martial arts and close quarter combat. Taijutsu specialists will also be able to effectively counter the movements, albeit with somewhat slightly higher difficulty.

To be able to learn Sound Propulsion, one has to complete Sound, Genjutsu and Taijutsu training as well as be of Kage rank. Training is performed exclusively by McRazor.

☿ Sound Propulsion Techniques ☿

C Rank​

( Oto Suishin: Suishin ) Sound Propulsion: Propulsion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: Using the basic principle behind sound propulsion, the user would expel a soundwave from one of his tenketsu, depending on the need and the situation on the battlefield. This would allow him to increase the momentum of a punch or a kick, or even to swiftly reposition certain body parts. By ejecting the soundwaves from multiple tenketsu, the user would have the ability to fine tune his movements as well as trajectory. The user can perform an infinite (technically 361 because that's the number of tenketsu a body possesses) amount of simultaneous propulsions from his tenketsu in order to execute a specific movement while he can only perform two concurrent movements in a short duration of time. These propulsions are delicate, used for fine tuned movements thus why they do not support genjutsu induction.
Note: Can only be used 4 times per battle
Note: Can only be used by Sound Propulsion students

B Rank​

( Oto Suishin: Suishin no Sakkaku ) Sound Propulsion: Illusion of Propulsion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Using the basic principle behind sound propulsion, the user would expel a soundwave from one of his tenketsu, depending on the need and the situation on the battlefield. This would allow him to increase the momentum of a punch or a kick, or even to swiftly reposition certain body parts. This technique is based on raw and powerful propulsions that leave behind great amounts of chakra which is used for genjutsu induction. These propulsions increase the momentum behind the users kicks and punches by a great margin. A propulsion of this type, seen from the opponents perspective would seem as if the users limb or even his whole body burst forth leaving silhouettes behind him. This happens due to the residue chakra from the propulsions being used to induce low rank visual illusions. Their main purpose is to confuse the opponent and to distract him, though a ninja who is a taijutsu master or doujutsu wielder will be able to accurately track the user.
Note: Can only be used 3 times per battle
Note: Can only be used by Sound Propulsion students

( Oto Suishin: Yugan Rojikku ) Sound Propulsion: Awry Logic
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: Awry Logic follows the basic principles of Sound Propulsion. It has the task to propulse the users limbs or body in a specified direction upon use. However, it also capitalizes on its secondary ability, to induce illusions. Instead of simply leaving a trail behind a successful propulsion, this illusion is a bit advanced. Once the propulsion is performed and the target is captured within the illusion, he would see the propulsion go in the opposite direction, giving the user a perfect opportunity to finish off the opponent with ease. The purpose of the inverted propulsion is to confuse the opponent and it lasts until the actual propulsion is finished. This means that upon finishing the propulsion, the illusion would dissipate and the opponent would suddenly see the user on a different location adding even more to the confusion effect.
Note: Can only be used 3 times per battle with a one turn cooldown period in between usages
Note: Can only be used by Sound Propulsion students

( Oto Suishin: Hanpatsu-ryoku ) Sound Propulsion: Repulsion
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Following the principle of ejecting the high pressure soundwaves from his body, the user can use them to slow down his own movement as well as prevent and slow down an opponents strike. By ejecting the soundwaves from his fist, for example, while moving it towards the opponent the user can slow down and stop the movement of his hand. Depending on the situation on the battlefield this can come as a very useful technique for situations when something doesn't go as planned and allows the user to assert the situation and act accordingly. This technique is aimed to be used for close quarters combat and it is aimed to be used against opponent's physical attacks, including those with various weapons. However, the user can also use this technique to stop weapons that the opponent throws as projectiles (kunai, shuriken, etc.) from inflicting wounds but it has to follow logic, i.e the user has to expel the soundwaves from his torso if he wants to create the cushion and stop kunai or shuriken aimed at it. Same goes for limbs and other body parts. Following this principle, the user can also slow down and stop an opponents strike by ejecting the high pressure soundwaves which present themselves as an obstacle in this situation. Due to the high pressure buildup that acts as a cushion the opponent would need more force to overcome and overpower it. This application is, as already explained, very useful in hand to hand combat because it gives the user the chance to exploit the situation, e.g. suddenly stopping his opponent's punch, and quickly change his tactics as he sees fit, e.g. grabbing the opponent's arm and proceeding to punch him in the stomach, etc. This technique follows the elemental interactions of the sound element, meaning that elemental attacks strong to sound would easily overcome the cushion even at the same rank. Obviously, elemental attacks weak to sound, at the same rank, would need to double the effort to overcome the cushion. Regular taijutsu and kenjutsu are considered neutral to sound in this regard and to overcome the cushion, they would just need to be one rank stronger. As usual for close quarters combat, reaction speed is very important and if the user can't react to an attack, it means that he can't create the cushion in time to protect himself. Slower enemies would be at a greater disadvantage.
Note: Can only be used 4 times per battle
Note: Can only be used by Sound Propulsion students
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Jun 18, 2009
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25. Kirigakure Hidden Arts

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Kirigakure Hidden Arts
(Kirigakure Hijutsu: Mizu Ryuushi Sanran) - Hidden Mist's Secret Technique: Water Particle Dispersion
Rank: A
Type: Defence/Supplementary
Range: Short-Medium
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: -
Description: Once the opponent attacks the user with a water technique, the user will release water and wind chakra through the air. Suddenly, the water jutsu of the opponent disperses and turns into a thick mist correspondent to the amount of water dispersed, giving advantage to the Kiri ninja who are used to fighting in the Mist.
~ -10 damage to user per use
~ No water techniques of S rank and above next turn

(Suiton: Hyouketsu Kiri) - Water Style: Freezing Mist
Rank: A
Type: Defence/Supplementary
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: A variation of the Hidden Mist jutsu, but instead of releasing normal mist, the user makes extremely cold "freezing" mist. This mist is so cold that the evaporated water of the mist changes into ice crystals. The result of this is that the mist is a lot "heavier" which makes it more difficult to just blow away. It's most effective against people who user IG for example. The cold of the mist makes the joints of the opponent slower functioning, due to his fast breath his longs start to freeze at a rapid rate (he breaths fast the cold air in) but above all the ice crystals start to attach themselves to solid objects more easier than normal water of mist. This makes the opponent loose energy and heat rapidly, which makes his movements yet again a lot slower.
The effect is the same on normal people, for instance the speed of making handseals slows down, same goes for their reflexes. Since the mist is made of the user's chakra, it does not affect him.

(Kirigakure no Kekkai Kinjutsu: Pyrrhus no Shiyouri ) - Forbidden Barrier Technique of Hidden Mist: Victory of Pyrrhus
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Attack/Defence/Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 70
Damage Points: 100
Description: The user will need to place four tags which will have a shape of a square on a determined area. Once the seals are in place, the user will do a row of hand seals and clap his hands together. Suddenly, a huge burst of chakra will come out of the seals and will form a cube covering the area of the seals forming a barrier. Once inside the barrier, the shinobis can't escape and no one from the outside can enter here (unless with time/space techniques). No jutsu can break the barrier while it's active. In some cases, during the history of Kirigakure, some ninjas used the jutsu on themselves and on the opponent to ensure he would be defeated, in an act of sacrifice to save the village. The effectiveness of this jutsu is showed after a period of time, where everything inside of it is consumed by the chakra and dies, leaving nothing behind.
*Barrier needs to caught the user also
*Barrier lasts 5 turns until it destroys everything on it's inside and disappears
*Usable once per battle
*User gets -20 and will also die after usage because he will be caught by his own jutsu in an act of sacrifice

( Kirigakure Hijutsu: Mujogihen ) - Kirgakure's Secret Technique - Artificial Mist Deception
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40 ( +10 per turn )
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will focus chakra into his hands, and then slam them into the ground, creating an intricate pattern of glowing blue seals on the ground. The seals possess the ability to leech the user's chakra and then use it to produce a mist thicker than normal ones created by man-made techniques. The mist is continually produced at high rates, meaning blowing it away will not result in the area being cleared of mist, it will just lighten it slightly. The mist since it has the user's chakra, the user will be able to sense where the opponent is.
* Can be used only once per battle
* Leeches user's chakra 10 per turn
* User cannot use Forbidden Rank techniques while it is active of any element.
* Neither user nor opponent can see or sense each other ( via methods other than the creation of this mist ) - even usages of other Chakra Sensing abilities will be distorted because of the chakra present in the mist itself.
⧫ ⧫ ⧫

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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Iwagakure Mission List

► D Rank

Iwa: Where are my Dragons?!
Rank: D
Location: Landmark 24
Mission: Rescue the missing pet falcons.
Description: Snuffle Dragon, Princess Dragon and Bob, the Dragon, all went missing and their owner, Miss Mandy, is devastated. They were last seen around the Greater Stone Fields.
Use whatever resources you can to find the missing pets.

Iwa: Jenny from the Block.
Rank: D
Location: Landmark 22 to 23
Mission: Get Granny Jenny back to her house from the hospital!
Description: Our beloved Granny Jenny got hurt again. She's a Jewelry Fanatic Old Lady with a great heart and an even greater cast on her right leg. Help her go from the Hospital to the Villages, where she lives.

Iwa: Life is like a Box of Chocolates
Rank: D
Location: Landmark 18
Mission: Get rid of the plague of chocolate spiders
Description: Everyone always wondered about those forgotten boxes at the back of the warehouse,in the commercial area around the Rock Tavern, but no one actually bottered to look until a brave old cleaning ladies saw the battered down box of imported cholocates. As it turns out, the box was full of chocolate spiders, and when the lady mishandled it, it let loose a plague of them around the warehouse. Save the market, exterminate the pest!

Iwa: I Want to Be a Real Boy!
Rank: D
Location: 7, 16, and other.
Mission: Babbysit the Manchild
Description: A very prominent family of merchants has arrived to deal with new trading routes between their company and your village. But of course, this is a D rank mission, so your job is to take care of their child, a 9 year old, too old and too fat to still be in the strolley, but still does. He wants to see the more iconic places of this village, so you're on baby duty for the day.
Go travel to the Greater Stone Fields, to look at the amazing view. Then, go check out the Training Fields where some of Iwa's most well-known shinobi spar and test out new jutsus. Then, go to one more landmark within the Inner Village of your choice.

Iwa: First Rule of Fight Club
Rank: D
Location: 22
Mission: Cleanup the Tavern
Description: The Rock Tavern has gone through yet another on of its full fledged all out brawl last night. It's now your duty to go through the throwup, the broken glass, mend the chairs and tables and get rid of that nearly-sentient black haired strawberry on the floor.​

► C Rank

Iwa: Heave Ho!
Rank: C
Location: Landmark 1, 15, 8
Mission: Support the country's farmers and gatherers
Description: While you're very much used to life in the big village, inside the main walls, it's always good to understand that life outside is not always that away. While you're not travelling outside the borders of your country, you'll go outside the Inner Walls to support our miners and gatherers. In this project, you may chose between the shining gemstones and minerals found in the mines of the Ancient City, the treacherous Mountains around Yamagakure, where where some of the hardest minerals in the world are mined, or visit the Guan Yu volcano where miners have the dangerous job of processing volcanic glass.

Note: Each different group counts as a different C Rank Mission.

Iwa: Welcome to my Crib.
Rank: C
Location: 3, 12, 21 and 25
Mission: Accompany the VIP merchants.
Description: A very prominent family of merchants has arrived to deal with new trading routes between their company and your village. Meet them at the borders and then accompany them across the country, showing them the main exports of the land, before dropping them off at the Kage Mansion. Catch them at the Stone Fields, and show them around one of the main attractions of the country, where the most the most breathtaking view in the Land of Earth is located, along with hundreds of shops where traders sell hundreds of precious stones. After that, they can see the famous Kanabi bridge where thousands of tons of minerals are moved daily. Then travel towards the Library, and let them check out the archives, where several distinguished economists review detailed charts and graphs about the country's currrent economic situation. Then finally ending up in the Tsuchikage Rick Gardens, the house of the Tsuchikage.

Iwa: You'll never catch me Alive!
Rank: C
Location: 2
Mission: Catch the troublemaker!
Description: Rumor has it that locals down at the Harbor have been scared about this strange appearance in the sky. While the area has been know to house several big predators, this large beast has been causing a great shift in the ecology of the area. They are unsure of what it is, but further reports have shown the troublemaker to be a giant bear, and is preying on the local cattle and fishes. Hunt him out so that it is no longer a problem.

Iwa: He's a bit of a Fixer Upper.
Rank: C
Location: 3
Mission: Help rebuild the town
Description: The mining town near the Stone Fields has been suffering some attacks from a group of hooligans. While the situation is under control by more experienced ninjas, you have an important task of comforting the population and help rebuild the place.

Iwa: Cold Never Bothered me Anyway.
Rank: C
Location: Land of Snow
Mission: Rescue the Explorers
Description: The World Renown Great Explorer Kevin da Gama, a local man near the harbor village by the sea of the Land of Snow, took his cold cold heart and attempted to explore the deep arctic desert of the country, but his family has reported that he's been outside of contact for quite a while. Battle the harsh conditions, locate and bring Kevin alive before it's to late, making our relationship with the Land of Snow just a little bit warmer.
To transverse the land, you need to use at least 3 different methods.​

► B Rank

Iwa: Drop it like it's Hot-spring.
Rank: B
Location: Land of Hotsprings
Mission: Accompany national merchants and establish a new commercial route.
Description: The Land of Hotsprings is famously known for it's resorts and heated natural pools. Though I'd hate to take the fun out of tranquil land, you're here for business. As a natural resource of vulcanic water, there are countless of sulfur reservoirs in the area. Accompany appointed merchants to the place and secure the negotiations with the local merchants to establish a new commercial route between your village and the Land of Hotsprings.

Iwa: Just Around the Riverbend
Rank: B
Location: Land of Rivers
Mission: Pursue the river bandits
Description: In order to retain good relationships with the Land of Rivers, you are part of a forest watch project. That's where you found out about some illegal deforestation at a corner of the country. You ended up pursuing the bandits across a wide river. Before you're able to catch the bandits, you have to find three different ways of flowing down the river, be it different techniques, elements or other methods.

Iwa: Knowledge is Power...
Rank: B
Location: All
Mission: Bring Back Useful Intel
Description: It is your mission to update your Country's intel book as much as possible, and go as far as travel down the country or across the world to get it. Where there is a gap in information about a specific ninja, clan, technique, landmark, village, country, group, etc, you have to go and find it.

Note: This entails pacific information, from allied shinobi or countries and tournaments, using overt espionage or circumstantial information.
Note: Details about the specifics of this mission vary when the mission is given

Iwa: Second Rule of Fight Club
Rank: B
Location: 22
Mission: Stop the Riot
Description: Supporters of the previous feudal system have began to resurface. The Tsuchikage has called upon you to stop the riots brewing inside the Rock Tavern, and subdue the instigators. To do so, you have to demonstrate your superiority. There are three main instigators, two of them one rank bellow yours, and one of them the same rank as you. They can use Lightning, Wind and Blast respectively. Use only your village's element ( Earth ) and techniques to prove your and your country's power. You can also use your character's specific techniques, like HA, KG, Non-elemental techs and 1 clan/character related Element ( Water for Hozuki, for example ).

Rank: B
Location: Land of Sky
Mission: Slay the Beast
Description: Rumors of these strange killings have started to surface around the village. While the sightings have been mostly focused around the Land of Sky, a very distant country on the other continent, though the threat seems to be spreading towards the main continent. A beastly hawk has been terrorizing the country for a while now, killing indiscriminately, and it's offspring have been spreading out and overtaking the entire ecosystem. Before there's any threat that these offspring spread to the main continent and your country, you need to get rid of the problem. Go to and exterminate the beast. To do so, you must employ 5 different methods to kill a few of the offspring that are blocking your path to the beast before employing 3 different methods to kill the beast, afterwards you need to make sure you get rid of all remaining offspring/eggs.​

► A Rank

Iwa: ...Power is Power
Rank: A
Location: All
Mission: Bring Back Useful Intel
Description: It is your mission to update your Country's intel book as much as possible, and go as far as travel down the country or across the world to get it. Where there is a gap in information about a specific ninja, clan, technique, landmark, village, country, group, etc, you have to go and find it.

Note: This entails dangerous information, requiring invasion, espionage or information gotten from wars, battles and etc.
Note: Details about the specifics of this mission vary when the mission is given

Iwa: I Can't Be Tamed
Rank: A
Location: Blood Prison
Mission: Infiltrate the Blood Prison and Retrieve the Prisoner
Description: While he might actually be guilty of the crime he committed, your Kage cares not about any of that. The person has importance to the village so he must be retrieved.
Note: This mission can be used to break villagers or other persons of importance from the Blood Prison, or used to retrieve an NPC for a good RP.

Iwa: I'm a Belieber!
Rank: A
Location: 3, 19
Mission: Find the Jashin Cultists
Description: Not long after the attacks to the mining town near the Stone Fields, a group of chunnin have brought back pictures of strange symbols on the walls, which had been attributed to some of the hooligans before their defection. Further research has revealed these symbols to be connected to the infamous cult of Jashin. This is inherently worrisome on it's own, but more and more people have sighted these symbols and some other weird apparitions and behaviors. Down at the Training Grounds, groups of students have started to claim themselves as Jashin followers, and teenager groups have started roaming the streets of the Inner Village and surrounding towns within the country, claiming to be Jashin followers and doing petty acts and other mischief.

While the whole thing could be just a popular fad turned wrong, there are a couple indications that an actual cultist or group of Jashin followers have infiltrated the country and started to influence the youth in a sort of recruitment movement. It is imperative to find the infiltrators and bring them down.

As Jashin Cultist, they have the same immortal powers as Hidan. While the number of non-immortal followers is up to your discretion, if you end up finding the cult, you'll have to battle 3 actual Cultists the same rank as you, all of them with access to Earth, and the third one with access to Fire in addition.

Iwa: All is Fair in Love and Civil War
Rank: A
Location: 5, 6, 17
Mission: Stop the Civil War
Description: Before the Village System the world was dominated by factions and feudal lords. Now, while the world does prosper, the pride in one's inheritance and clan is still thriving in most people, which is good, because it does harbor a certain want in keeping cultures and, most importantly, powers, alive, and that's always beneficial to the Village. That is, until the extremist come and blow things out of proportion. Trouble has been brewing within a few of the notable lineages of the Earth Country.

Both the Kamizuru ( Wielders of the Black Lightning ) and those of Kurotsuchi's Clan ( Wielders of the Quicklime KG ) are prideful and ambitious, and though usually left to themselves, there's been an unusual growth in aggressiveness towards eachother, with the Kamizuru believe them to be the rightful clan to be in a position of power, while Kurotsuchi Clan believe in equality of opportunity, so the Kamizuru of the Swampy Fields have started to move on the Magma Works where the Clan of Kurotsuchi lay. This as caused unrest and a few altercations between members of both groups.

The situation is such that Gari's Clan ( Known for their Blast KG ) and the Konjiki Clan ( Known for their Steel KG ) have started to make some movements, joining the Kamizuru, while those of the Han's ( Known for their Steam Boil KG ) and those of Onoki's Clan ( Known for their Dust KG ) have sided with the Kurotsuchi's Clan. You can't let this situation escalate any further, or there could be an actual civil war at hand. You've been called on to the Anbu Headquarters to stop a brawl between one a Kamizuru and one from the Kurotsuchi's Clan, whose ranks are inferior to yours by two tiers. Apply non lethal force and use this opportunity to infiltrate within the leaders of the rebellion, to figure out what lead to this and what is moving the other clans to take side. Do everything within your power to stop the war in it's tracks.

Iwa: It's a Monkey Business.
Rank: A
Location: 25, 2, Snow, 1 ( of the Land of Lightning ), Honey, Marsh, Valley, Wood
Mission: Protect the Diplomats
Description: The emissaries from the Land of Wood have finally finished the negotiations with your Country, so now it is your job to take them from the Tsuchikage's Stronghold to the Harbour, and, from there, to the Land of Wood. Ever since the beginning, this has been a polemic negotiation, as rumors of the Land of Wood public deforestation and wild life exploration have not been easy to smother, in light of the Land of Wood's sudden industrialization, especially since it has been known that this has caused mass extinction of many of the species that once populated the Land of Wood, the most absurd of which are the rumors that this industrial expansion has single handedly caused the extinction of the Monkey nin, when they stumbled upon the sacred refuge of the Monkeys of the Monkey Summoning Contract, of which Enma has been the Monkey King for ages.

While the Tsuchikage has not confirmed or denied any of these rumors, he warned that this mission would carry a lot of dangers and, without divulging the nature or even the outcome of these negotiations, he made it clear that it was your top priority that none of the 5 emissaries are harmed in the voyage.

In your travel, you will stop 5 times before the arrival, Land of Snow, Island Turtle of the Lightning Country, Land of Honey, Land of Marsh and the Land of Valley. You will be attacked 5 times, by different rebellious groups. All of these attack will be by groups of monkeys and other apes of varying ranks and difficulties, starting by a group of D rank, and going all the way to a group of S ranks. They have human-like characteristics, and, starting from D ranks, they will be able to turn into various weapons of Iron, Copper, Silver, Gold and then Diamond, respectively. It is choice to employ lethal force, furthering their extinction, or non-lethal, as long as the 5 emissaries remain safe. As you go along your journey, you will find out the rumors are true, and most of the emissaries you sworn to protect are personally responsible for the intrusion onto the Monkey's refuge, their slavery and exploration due to their abilities to transform into weapons of various precious metals and stones, and for the death of Enma the King.​


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Jun 18, 2009
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Medical Ninjutsu​

Name Of Poison: Shaman's Voodoo

Creator: Lili-Chwan

Type: Neurological and Intestinal and Vascular

Ingredients and Background: Selection of Amanita, Psylobe, Claviceps and Gyromitra mushrooms.

This poison utilizes all of Liliana's knowledge in fungus, as given by her Mushroom Element, as well as Decay and Medical Ninjutsu, allowing her to pinpoint and combine active molecules in each mushroom in order to fabricate a poison heavily reliant of Hallucinogenics and Genjutsu, while dually working the body into a state of slow decay and death.

The poison appears as a black mist of spore-like particles, carrying the neurotoxins. They can be ingested, breathed in or absorbed through the skin, the later of which in a process much like actual fungi, creating microscopic root-like protrusions that pierce the surface of the skin to infect the blood stream. These are normally spread through the air, though they can be carried through the water, seemingly dissolving in it. In condensed form, usually employed for storage in vials, it appears as a black goo, with syrup-like consistency. This can either be warmed passively running fire chakra through one's hand, unleashing the black spore cloud, or dropped in water, where it will taint it.

When in the air in mist form, the poison won't be able to spread (without help form techniques) much further than the original deployment area (Short-range from the point where it becomes a mist) nor for a long time (lingers in the area for 4 turns) before becoming harmless. However, when in its "goo form", it will never deactivate though will never passively transform into mist (needs air temperatures above 40ºC to become a mist). If one contaminates water with the poison, the resulting water will be poisonous forever but much slower acting. Basically, the effects are the same but progress at half the speed.

Description of Effects: The body of the Poison consists of Muscimol and Ibotenic Acid, gathered from mushrooms of the Amanita Genus. This combination produces an immediate effect on the opponent's mind, as the Muscimol and Ibotenic Acid cause CNS depression, which results in a sort of sedation of the target, with an heavy disassociative shattering of the user's mentality and perception. This isolates the mind from the body, similar to many Complete Sensory Manipulation Genjutsu but biological in nature and thus not Genjutsu but a Hallucionation.

Then, the rest of the poison's toxin cocktail start to act, on both the Mind and the Body, previously disassociated by the main core of the poison. At the level of the Mind, the poison carries a mixture of Psilocybin and Psilocin toxins, gathered from mushrooms of the Psylobe Genus, which create an arousal of the CNS in a pinpoint, producing controllable hallucionations within the sedation of the Amanita-based core. Practically speaking, this means that, associated with every usage of this Poison, there is an underlining Hallucionation that takes form which will populate the mind of the target of this poison while under the disassociative state. This hallucination can then be manipulated by users of Medical and Mushroom Ninjutsu, by shifting the active toxins of the Psylobe mushrooms and shifting the illusion.

At the level of the body, the poison will slowly kill. The poison carries a mixture of Alpha-Amanitin, from Amanita Mushrooms, Gyromitrin, from Gyromitra Mushrooms, and Ergotamine, from Claviceps Mushrooms. This cocktail of toxin slowly but surely starts working on the target's Liver and Vascular system. Alpha-Amanitin and Gyromitrin will cause Liver malfunction and intense gastrointestinal irritation, which won't produce any sort of pain because of the disassociation effect. This damage to the digestive organs will slowly expand into others, like the stomach and kidney, causing the internal organs to fail which lead to respiratory failure, coma and death. Ergotamine has heavy vasocompressor proprieties, which will cause the vessels to shut down, preventing the proper circulation of blood, slowly causing gangrene of the limbs, resulting in their loss and decay.

In the first turn of effect, the disassociation of the Mind and the Body occurs, and the target will immediately feel the effects of the Hallucination, while the organs start to malfunction. On the second turn, the internal organs will malfunction, while the limbs will slowly be drained of blood, with gangrene and necrosis starts acting up on the limbs. On the third turn, the body will shutdown, respiratory failure occurs and the limbs are beyond saving, with extremities starting to fall. Death occurs in the fourth turn.

Additional Effects: The effects of this technique are an hallucination that mimics genjutsu, not a genjutsu itself, and thus can't be blocked as such. To get rid of the infection, one must counteract the poison. The proteins in the neurotoxins are volatile to fire, and will progressively denature when exposed to high heat, beyond that of a severe fever. Lightning can also counteract the proteins, though to a lesser extend. Water and earth will not impede or lower the potency of the fungal poison.

The generic hallucination, after shattering one's mind, is a dream-like world resembling a dark swamp with fairy lights. The target will be able to move in this realm, and interact with the trees, the waters and the lights, as well as with the odd sound or critter, but won't be able to feel the outside world, the real world. To change the hallucionation, it is required physical contact, which the opponent won't feel, and then charge chakra through the touch, while changing the illusion. This control is passive and can be done to manipulate the hallucination at the users whim. If the user removes direct contact, the hallucionation will passively and slowly revert back to the original form.

As the Poison works on two different levels, one can employ a neat version of Shaman's Vodoo, colloquially called Santeria, which has just the Hallucinogenic aspect. Basically, when holding a vial the user will infuse it with water chakra as well as heat to both lower the effects of the poison dilluting them but also to create the mist (now in larger quantity, lasting the same 4 turns and spreading through to mid-range) to poison nearby targets. As this process is mediated by chakra, the user can remove the lethal properties of the poison and rettain the hallucionagenic and dissociative ones, allowing Santeria to create a shared dream realm, where, within Short-range, the poison will link together multiple targets of the Santeria concoction, and keep them on a synchronized hallucionation, as long as either the user retains physical contact with at least one of the targets, or, if the user infects himself with Santeria, within short range of all the targets, he or she can keep manipulating the realm at will.

-The creator needs to ingest the poison in goo form to be poisoned
-Poison cannot be given to anyone due to the complexity of its use and creation


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