Dark Tower (067)


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Aug 25, 2010
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Hei will take off the armor provided by the tournament organizers. With it no longer restricting him he will look over to his clansmen and nod to him, signaling to be ready to move back to the land of lightning. Using his third Rinnegan, having it glow red, Hei will open a portal for the duo to enter through and leave the area.

(Yomotsu Hirasaka) - Underworld Slope Hill
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: N/A
Description: The user is able to open rifts within the fabric of space which allows them to instantaneously transport themselves anywhere. When used, the user's eyes glow red. The openings can also be used to connect two different spatial locations within the same dimension or create a pathway that links two dimensions together. Similar to Kamui, Yomotsu Hirasaka allows the user to utilize these spacial tears to retreat, perform ambush attacks, and many other possible tactics. Unlike Kaguya's version, the user can only travel fully through these portals, unable to partially emerge through them. The user can also utilise this method to drag their opponents to another location with them.
Note: This can only be used 5 times an event, once every 4 turns. The user can only travel to locations he has already traveled to, unable to use this to go to places he has never been.
Note: Can only be used by Urashiki Otsutsuki bios.



Active member
Apr 3, 2009
Trait Points
Hei will take off the armor provided by the tournament organizers. With it no longer restricting him he will look over to his clansmen and nod to him, signaling to be ready to move back to the land of lightning. Using his third Rinnegan, having it glow red, Hei will open a portal for the duo to enter through and leave the area.

(Yomotsu Hirasaka) - Underworld Slope Hill
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: N/A
Description: The user is able to open rifts within the fabric of space which allows them to instantaneously transport themselves anywhere. When used, the user's eyes glow red. The openings can also be used to connect two different spatial locations within the same dimension or create a pathway that links two dimensions together. Similar to Kamui, Yomotsu Hirasaka allows the user to utilize these spacial tears to retreat, perform ambush attacks, and many other possible tactics. Unlike Kaguya's version, the user can only travel fully through these portals, unable to partially emerge through them. The user can also utilise this method to drag their opponents to another location with them.
Note: This can only be used 5 times an event, once every 4 turns. The user can only travel to locations he has already traveled to, unable to use this to go to places he has never been.
Note: Can only be used by Urashiki Otsutsuki bios.

Having forfeiting his previous match, Enma with his head lowered slightly; would join his clan leader in walking through the portal. A skill Enma had no idea Hei was able to do

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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
In the stands, seated at the top of the Corridor, Oisha watched the first round progressing. He had a love for physical combat and the first round had satiated his hunger for it. Though he hadn't personally competed, he enjoyed the bouta that had transpired but it was after this round he began to make his leave; Ninjutsu noted him at times and as such, he stood before the beginning of the second round and waved towards the remaining men, addressing them once.

"It seems the fun dies fast, doesn't it? Praise to you all for an enjoyable battle and it pains me that I cannot stay to watch the rest, but I have business to attend to in the meantime. To the rest of those competing, good luck. To those who have fallen already, well we thank you for your efforts. Ishijo here will watch the rest of the tournament and report to me," he stated, waving towards Ishijo seated to his right. After speaking, he made his way out of the Rose Corridor.

As soon as he was out of view, he dropped the smiles and pleasantries; he disliked faking emotions for any reason but this was necessary. The longer he could push his plans while going undetected, the better. He had wished for a smooth tournament to distract others while he worked and he had gotten it. The Red Fever curse was one he was determined to rid them of and it was truly God the greater good. Whether that good was actually good for everyone else was a different matter.

After a series of stairs, Oisha made it to the bottom most level of the Tower and placed his necklace into a special keyhole, causing it to glow a faint red hue before opening. Stepping inside, two men were suspended in what could be described as a ghastly green gas, unable to break free yet conscious as he walked in. Looking at the white haired man, Oisha tilted his head slightly as he watched the man continue to struggle against his bounds while the other man was upside down meditating, seemingly waiting for a resolution to come. Drawing his blade, Oisha walked to the man who continued to struggle and faced him.

"Vayne of the Shadow Tribes....do you understand why you are here?"


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
For what seemed like an eternity, I was suspended in an undisclosed location. It would seem that my conceded defeat’s consequences were just beginning. The bounds that held me where interesting to say the least.

Soon enough the door would open and a man would enter, the very same one I was dumped at. He approached with his blade, trying to present some sort of threat as he asked a question. I’d clear my throat and spit between Oisha’s legs before replying, looking him in the eyes.

Do not mistake me as any other of the ‘shadow tribe’, there are no others like me in this world. As for why I am here? Well I suppose it is because of the false goddess Tiamat, is it not, dear random cult follower number 7?
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
For what seemed like an eternity, I was suspended in an undisclosed location. It would seem that my conceded defeat’s consequences were just beginning. The bounds that held me where interesting to say the least.

Soon enough the door would open and a man would enter, the very same one I was dumped at. He approached with his blade, trying to present some sort of threat as he asked a question. I’d clear my throat and spit between Oisha’s legs before replying, looking him in the eyes.

Do not mistake me as any other of the ‘shadow tribe’, there are no others like me in this world. As for why I am here? Well I suppose it is because of the false goddess Tiamat, is it not, dear random cult follower number 7?
Oisha had barely managed to get the question out before the man attempted to spit at him, thr spit landing between his legs as he snarled a reply back. Oisha smirked, how vicious the ignorant must become to amass any worth amongst the Shinobi. There was much the man seemed to be unaware of but there was very little time to cover eons worth of information.

"Heh, that same attitude is what put your people into extinction now, Shadow Walker. The Nara and their susceptibility to the Red Fever... it's a tale as poetic as my own. No, you don't know why you're here. I suppose you feel owed an explanation, or some type of answer to everything that's going on, why I'm not affected and why we are hosting this tournament for you. In due time, Vayne of the Shadow Tribe.

"As for the Great Mother, make no mistake she was as close a goddess you will ever experience. The supreme being, her chakra was foul enough to corrupt this planet and bring about all of this. While I acknowledge her power however, I am not one of her followers or cult members. But you are correct about her; the reason you're here is simple: You have something I need."

Oisha lowered his blade as he spoke, moving to a seat as he waved his free hand, causing the two wispy orbs to follow behind him.

"The only question is whether or not I'm willing to let you live in order to get it. I can always try again with another prospect if need be..." Oisha spoke, looking over to the other floating figure as he spoke.

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
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Blackbeard spotted his Creation resting outside of the Rose Corridor as Blackbeard left the Rose Corridor. Cerebrus' middle head dazed off toward the distance, the left head perked up happily at the sight of its master, and the right lay slumped as though asleep. Blackbeard reached down and patted the left head, laughing as Cerebrus questioned his reappearance.

"Ah, me hearty, you're still a young Creation! There's so much more than to be gained that continuing a tournament like this. Zehahaha, I fought a couple of them. There's might, but the person that organized this mus only be even stronger!"

Cerebrus inquired to what they were going to do next. The enslaved Jinchuriki was still wandering the world. What should he have him do?

"I saw one of those contestants heading deeper into the tower. What say I follow him? Zehahaha. As for that puppet of ours, have him get us some loot!"

Blackbeard turned and started his way deeper into the tower, leaving the Creation to resume its rest and control over Menma from afar.


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
My people had grown weak and fragile over the ages, losing knowledge of their true potential. But that was their fate and shortcoming. I am not bound by such a fate, but ironically I find myself to be defeated and bound here.

I'd look over to the man chained besides me. His unnatural calmness could have indicated bravery or fear, but all things considered, it did not matter which it was. I'd look back at the seated man.

Well, judging from your story, I doubt that what you need is of any known importance to myself, so you are welcome to take it. As for my life, I guess it depends on what capacity you think I would affect your future plans, and in which direction. But be it as it may, I believe you are running out of time. Those tournament combatants will eventually come knocking seeking answers, and I reckon you woudln't want to be sitting here chatting with me when that happens.

If the man intended to take action, I hoped it would be soon, as I never liked or found any appeal in the villainous monologue type situations.

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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
My people had grown weak and fragile over the ages, losing knowledge of their true potential. But that was their fate and shortcoming. I am not bound by such a fate, but ironically I find myself to be defeated and bound here.

I'd look over to the man chained besides me. His unnatural calmness could have indicated bravery or fear, but all things considered, it did not matter which it was. I'd look back at the seated man.

Well, judging from your story, I doubt that what you need is of any known importance to myself, so you are welcome to take it. As for my life, I guess it depends on what capacity you think I would affect your future plans, and in which direction. But be it as it may, I believe you are running out of time. Those tournament combatants will eventually come knocking seeking answers, and I reckon you woudln't want to be sitting here chatting with me when that happens.

If the man intended to take action, I hoped it would be soon, as I never liked or found any appeal in the villainous monologue type situations.
Oisha had to hold back a laugh as the man mentioned the Fate of his people. The irony was realized by Vayne as well, noting it as Oisha listened to him talk. He offered himself to Oisha, offering whatever he needed. The mention of the tournament competitors made Oisha smile, the reminder of the urgency of the situation was well welcomed.

"You are right, Vayne. We are running out of time, so let's begin shall we?"

As he spoke, he stood once more and drew two small vials from his left pocket. One vial, the smaller of the two, was filled with a shimmering blue liquid while the second was a thick, green smoke. Opening the vial as he approached Vayne, he placed the vial at the top of the sphere Vayne was in and allowed the smoke to enter it, filling the bubble completely.

"That gas slowly robs you of chakra while draining your life energy into a vial. While this takes some time, the pain will be seething nonstop; you will experience pain, you will wish you were dead instead but no, it will not stop there. The more you struggle against it, the more pain you will experience.

"With your life energy and essence effectively captured, my plans will be one step further. And then...."
Oisha paused, watching the green smoke fill the bubble.

"The end is near, Vayne of the Shadow Tribe. My mentor and master Asano would be proud of the progress we made. And as such, as a parting gift, I'll let you know one thing you wish to know, choose wisely."

Blackbeard spotted his Creation resting outside of the Rose Corridor as Blackbeard left the Rose Corridor. Cerebrus' middle head dazed off toward the distance, the left head perked up happily at the sight of its master, and the right lay slumped as though asleep. Blackbeard reached down and patted the left head, laughing as Cerebrus questioned his reappearance.

"Ah, me hearty, you're still a young Creation! There's so much more than to be gained that continuing a tournament like this. Zehahaha, I fought a couple of them. There's might, but the person that organized this mus only be even stronger!"

Cerebrus inquired to what they were going to do next. The enslaved Jinchuriki was still wandering the world. What should he have him do?

"I saw one of those contestants heading deeper into the tower. What say I follow him? Zehahaha. As for that puppet of ours, have him get us some loot!"

Blackbeard turned and started his way deeper into the tower, leaving the Creation to resume its rest and control over Menma from afar.
Meanwhile, Ishijo sat arms crossed, slightly annoyed as she watched the remaining rounds. Oisha tasked her with overseeing the tournament, a mundane task she had hoped would have been left for Yoshida but he was busy elsewhere. She had no clue why the rest of this was even necessary, he had obtained what he needed - no one could prevent what was to come now, but why did she have to watch all of the remaining battlers for no reason? Though she was his right hand man, well woman, she suspected Oisha had not filled them in on his full plans... It was unlike him though after the Asano incident, he hadn't been like himself...

As she dwelled on it, a large figure attempted to walk past her, almost achieving it as she was distracted at first. Realizing he was following Oisha towards the lower chambers, Ishijo rose and intercepted the man's path.

"Uh, hello? Can I help you? The tournament is that way, and the restrooms are across the hall. This way is off limits."

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Meanwhile, Ishijo sat arms crossed, slightly annoyed as she watched the remaining rounds. Oisha tasked her with overseeing the tournament, a mundane task she had hoped would have been left for Yoshida but he was busy elsewhere. She had no clue why the rest of this was even necessary, he had obtained what he needed - no one could prevent what was to come now, but why did she have to watch all of the remaining battlers for no reason? Though she was his right hand man, well woman, she suspected Oisha had not filled them in on his full plans... It was unlike him though after the Asano incident, he hadn't been like himself...

As she dwelled on it, a large figure attempted to walk past her, almost achieving it as she was distracted at first. Realizing he was following Oisha towards the lower chambers, Ishijo rose and intercepted the man's path.

"Uh, hello? Can I help you? The tournament is that way, and the restrooms are across the hall. This way is off limits."

Blackbeard found himself stopped by a strange woman, prompting a confused expression to pop onto his face. She appeared to be observing the matches taking place, and pointed the Vampire toward the entrances and the bathroom. But what stood out most to Blackbeard was what sounded like a rather condescending tone. His grin returned.

"Zehahaha, what a cheeky woman." He pointed one of his fingers at her. "You must be the one in charge of this whole shebang. Why don't you join me? Someone able to wrangle this together must have quite a bit of clout. Why don't you use it for something worthwhile. Zehahaha!"


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
The man approached and introduced a green substance within the bubble I was trapped in, filling it in it's entirety.

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His words rang clear about the capabilities of the smoke, and given my predicament there was little to do to resist it, but would death's embrace be a welcoming one?

There are a great many things I would like to know, but given that I am on death's door, the only thing of value would be to ask what motivates my sender. So, what is it that drives you, no, rather your mentor, to such lengths?

I would clench my teeth as I begin to resist the smoke to the most of my capabilities. If I was about to die, then at the very least my last sensation would be one that I chose.
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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
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Kouen decided not to play into the hands of somebody who had evil intent.. This guy wanted people to fight for a cure when he can simply distribute it amongst those who need it. Kouen made sure to infect himself with it to relate to his people, but now more than ever he needed it. On Several occasions he heard the man.. Once before the fight which he ignored, simply to not bring attention to himself. The Second he actually "saw" the guy.. He gave a speech... The Rukh around him was swarming with black butterflies.. His words were like honey dipped in black. Sweet Lies.. Utilizing the timing, as people began to leave, Kouen followed the black butterflies, allowing it to lead him down a darker tunnel passageway kinda.. It was below the tower.. Making sure to remain stealth, he stood far away to keep unnoticed. As this happened he noticed somebody else stopped by what seem to be a female body guard and a big black guy... Kouen used that opportunity to slip past the cracks. Going into his pockets he found a cloth.. So he put it over his eye.. Even though he just partook in the tournament maybe nobody would notice him with the cloth eye patch

As he approached what seem to be a room, he heard some talking taking place. Looking over to peep it seemed that somebody was bound, and the guy that was supposed to be the saving grace was up to no good. Kouen wasnt intending on being a hero but he also couldnt turn his eye blind.. He was met with, should he burst in, or should he alert others....No.. Nobody would believe him.. So he decided to do what any leader would do. He began to walk forward as he knocked on the door..

"Delivery.. Somebody order a pizza?..."
Kouen said very casually. He then looked at his hands and realized it wouldve been more believable if he actually had a pizza. "Oh shit I forgot the pizza... Let me go back and get it. Im going to need help getting the pizza though.. Hmmm.. The guy thats hovering in the green gas can help me... Come down from that green gas buddy.. People not going to feed themselves" Kouen said, trying to put on a comedic act.. He wonder if it would work.. Hopefully it would.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
The man approached and introduced a green substance within the bubble I was trapped in, filling it in it's entirety.

You must be registered for see images

His words rang clear about the capabilities of the smoke, and given my predicament there was little to do to resist it, but would death's embrace be a welcoming one?

There are a great many things I would like to know, but given that I am on death's door, the only thing of value would be to ask what motivates my sender. So, what is it that drives you, no, rather your mentor, to such lengths?

I would clench my teeth as I begin to resist the smoke to the most of my capabilities. If I was about to die, then at the very least my last sensation would be one that I chose.
Oisha watched the man struggle in the gas, listening to him as he inquired about Oisha's mentor. He smirked as he watched him, turning his attention towards the other man in the room as he withdrew yet another vial while walking to the man. He was either feigning unconsciousness or was truly out of it, but Oisha simply repeated the same process he had done for Vayne. Speaking to Vayne once more, Oisha turned to him.

"That's it? Of all you could possibly learn and ask, that's what you choose to inquire about? Sorry to disappoint you but that's not of your concern."

Turning away from him as he walked towards a desk and placed the blue vial down, Oisha then removed a small ornate dagger that had a faint glow to it from its sheath, holding it in a reverse grip as he looked ag the two men. The pro ess was nearing completion and soon, he'd be able to carry out what he needed to do.

"Actually, I'll humor you and tell a bit of what you wish to know," Oisha said, changing his mind. He wasn't really a comic book villain, one to detail his plan before killing them and giving them a chance to escape, but this was an inevitability. Walking back towards Vayne, Oisha pulled a chair and took a seat.

"So, my mentor's motivations. Let's see, where to begin... I guess it started a year ago. My mentor was a wise man who understood the nature of shinobi, samurai, and the likes. Honor was something he instilled in us all, the rest of my allies and I. When the world was threatened, he fought for it's safety from the shadows, never one to care about the fame and glory that comes with it; as long as if was a safer place for his people, he was content without being known or hyped. It was for this reason my sister fell in love with him, this reason he became our leader, the very reason he attempted to fight the Great Mother during her awakening. However, things were not that easy." Leaning back in the seat, Oisha's eyes turned towards the ceiling as he fingered the dagger, moving it around as he continued.

"You see, before he could arrive to fight, he and my sister left our home in Tobusekai to investigate rumors of her army fighting and by time he made it to the Hokubu Ocean, Tiamat had already left and the contamination continued to spread. The water itself was living and threatened to engulf them both if he didn't act fast. He did what he could to prevent himself from becoming one of her slaves but he wasn't fast enough to save my sister... rather than kill her, he sealed her soul in an effigy, returning to our home to find ways to save her.

We learned that the Daimyo of the Great Wind Desert knew the secrets behind curing the Children and arrived to the Rose Corridor to seek permission to study their ways to find a cure for this disease and find ways to save her. However, "
Oisha said, gritting his teeth as his brow furrowed deeply, the anger written across his face, "the Daimyo didn't feel as if my sister's life was worth his help, and felt we didn't give him enough respect and tokens of appreciation despite giving all we had. He wanted to weaponize the water and use it to wage war against others and ordered us imprisoned to keep this secret. My mentor's anger peaked and he withdrew his sword, a crime punishable by death. When the dust cleared, my mentor was left dying and the Daimyo fleeing. My mentor asked us to seek peace and continue to find a cure, forgiving the Daimyo for his ways as it was not our way to harbor anger lest we meet our ends like him. Dead for trying to save his wife's life and the lives of many others. Dead because a greedy Daimyo didn't get enough gold and Ryo. Dead for nothing... the rest of his followers and I, well we weren't as humble and forgiving as our mentor. The Daimyo and his family corpses now decorate the very tower they once held dear to them."

Oisha shook his head lightly and stood, looking at the top of the now empty vial as the smoke continued to fill the bubble.

"You ask my mentor's motivations. To save a world and people who don't deserve it. To save his wife from a Fate she didn't deserve. To find a nirvana that he can only dream of. Vayne of the Shadow Tribe, though your death is imminent, understand that this did not have to happen."

Standing, Oisha extends the dagger through the smoke, cutting the arm of Vayne as he was in his weakest state, causing a few drops of blood to travel the small blade. It began to glow a brighter gold color, illuminating the room before the blood seemingly disappeared from the blade, absorbed into it.

"A necessary step, your death will free the world. You should be glad to be a part of history. If Asa-"

Before he could finish, an explosion shaked the room, causing him to stumble and catch his balance, the blade falling from his hand.

"What the hell was that?!" Placing his hand on a communicator, he spoke through it. "Sagawaki, what the hell is going on out there?"

After a brief moment, Oisha's face snarled into a growl, causing him to slam his hand on one of the tables angrily, breaking it in half. "DAMMIT! No, we are almost done, we can leave this base. We've done what we needed to here, let's go!" Snatching a folder of information, Oisha begins to hastily leave before turning back to the now unconscious prisoners. Smirking at the realization they would still die within the gas, he turned and disappeared, seemingly teleporting away.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points

Blackbeard found himself stopped by a strange woman, prompting a confused expression to pop onto his face. She appeared to be observing the matches taking place, and pointed the Vampire toward the entrances and the bathroom. But what stood out most to Blackbeard was what sounded like a rather condescending tone. His grin returned.

"Zehahaha, what a cheeky woman." He pointed one of his fingers at her. "You must be the one in charge of this whole shebang. Why don't you join me? Someone able to wrangle this together must have quite a bit of clout. Why don't you use it for something worthwhile. Zehahaha!"
Ishijo stood disgusted at the sight of the gargantuan man in front of her as he flashed a snaggled smile, several teeth missing and the remaining ones seemingly going the same route. It was enough that she had to stand here as the organizer and to be made security only angered her. Oh, why did she have to agree when Lord Oisha asked her...

"Join you? Move around and take a seat, Blackbeard. You have nothing for me, and I have nothing... nice for you."

Kouen decided not to play into the hands of somebody who had evil intent.. This guy wanted people to fight for a cure when he can simply distribute it amongst those who need it. Kouen made sure to infect himself with it to relate to his people, but now more than ever he needed it. On Several occasions he heard the man.. Once before the fight which he ignored, simply to not bring attention to himself. The Second he actually "saw" the guy.. He gave a speech... The Rukh around him was swarming with black butterflies.. His words were like honey dipped in black. Sweet Lies.. Utilizing the timing, as people began to leave, Kouen followed the black butterflies, allowing it to lead him down a darker tunnel passageway kinda.. It was below the tower.. Making sure to remain stealth, he stood far away to keep unnoticed. As this happened he noticed somebody else stopped by what seem to be a female body guard and a big black guy... Kouen used that opportunity to slip past the cracks. Going into his pockets he found a cloth.. So he put it over his eye.. Even though he just partook in the tournament maybe nobody would notice him with the cloth eye patch

As he approached what seem to be a room, he heard some talking taking place. Looking over to peep it seemed that somebody was bound, and the guy that was supposed to be the saving grace was up to no good. Kouen wasnt intending on being a hero but he also couldnt turn his eye blind.. He was met with, should he burst in, or should he alert others....No.. Nobody would believe him.. So he decided to do what any leader would do. He began to walk forward as he knocked on the door..

"Delivery.. Somebody order a pizza?..."
Kouen said very casually. He then looked at his hands and realized it wouldve been more believable if he actually had a pizza. "Oh shit I forgot the pizza... Let me go back and get it. Im going to need help getting the pizza though.. Hmmm.. The guy thats hovering in the green gas can help me... Come down from that green gas buddy.. People not going to feed themselves" Kouen said, trying to put on a comedic act.. He wonder if it would work.. Hopefully it would.

As she spoke to him, another man walked up and tried to pass by stealthily as opposed to Blackbeard's direct approach. Nodding to her assistant, Ishijo left the man intercept the attempted sneaking.

"Kouen, if Blackbeard here isn't allowed in, nor would you be. Take a seat, this section is off limit for contestants."

Ishijo sighed, she could tell this was gonna be a long day regardless of how close the tournament was to completion. It remained only two contestants now and their fight had moved towards the end, beginning to wrap up. She was going to have to let one of the others decide the winner since she was here being a police guard to the Tower, she thought annoyed.

Communicating to Kaida, who had been flirting with women watching the fights, to decide the winner since he had been watching the fight, Ishijo continued to watch the two men cautiously, keeping her eye on them.

Meanwhile, Kaida stood up and walked towards the fighters smoking, watching one of them activate Yang State to heighten his skills. As he does so, Kaida sighed that he had to now decide things in a fight he cared little for. He had paid attention to the full fight despite flirting heavily, aware of how both had performed and stepped in to speak to the battlers. Grabbing his sword, he stretched and leapt forward, spinning and drilling his sword down as he landed in between the two upside down, stabbing his sword into the earth to release a chakra wave to forcibly dissipate the men's techniques and cause the armors binding properties to take place again and rob them of their chakra use again.

"Alright, alright. That should be enough, people. Good fight, really. I was really enjoying it. I was enjoying my date more but whatever... anyway, I'm not big on words but that Jonathan fought well, so did Deadpool but only of you can be the winner. Actually, can you? Ishijo, can't I just say they tied because I don't feel like rea- never mind, I'll rule on it," Kaisa says, changing his mind at the glare he got from Ishijo. "Don't have to be so damn mean about it...where was I? Oh yeah. So, uh.... I think the true winner was Jonathan. He did a bit better, and I like his techniques a lot better. So congrats, bro. Well done, all of that stuff. Now, where did my date go..."

As Kaida absentmindedly looked away from the competitors and began looking for his date again, an explosion rocked the palace. Causing him to fall over, Kaida jumped back up, a serious expression on his face as he looked for the source of the noise. Seeing the ceiling collapsing towards him and the two winners, he waved his sword towards them, releasing a non injuring wave to force them out of the way towards Ishijo, before jumping up and withdrawing a smoke axe he threw towards the falling debris and sealed it within it, causing the axe to increase in size as it carried all the debris. Catching it, he then places the now large axe back on his back as he leapt through the ceiling, yelling back to Ishijo.

"Make sure everyone is safe, I'm going to see what happened!"

Ishijo, having been standing with the two men, saw the explosion occur and immediately withdrew his own weapon. She knew it was forbidden to draw a weapon here but she didn't care, something was wrong. After Kaida cleared the debris, the smoke was still filling the tower. She knew this wasn't their doing, Oisha wasn't one to harm people, what was going on here? Cursing under her breath, she turned and ran up the corridor towards where Oisha had been. He would know what to do, he wouldn't leave them in the dark.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
A cloaked figure watched the tournament proceed, standing on the highest tower and watching through the Rose Corridor's glass windows. The people didn't have any idea what they were in store for. The treacherous nature of the man who gathered them. Or what he himself had in store, the cloaked figure thought.

He watched the tournament progress, seeing Oisha leave the arena and the tournament continuing. He saw the eliminated competitors getting antsy and attempting to travel the Tower before being apprehended. That's when he knew it was time to act. Moving closer, he waited a moment longer, seeing one of the men beginning to decide the winner.

Scoffing, the cloaked man shook his head at how these followers just did whatever Oisha needed them to do, not caring who got hurt in the process. Unable to stomach it any longer, the man began his plan to destroy the tower, attacking it with a scroll sealed with several large explosions within it, causing the building to fully shake under the impact. As different parts of it began to shake under the pressure, parts began to crumble and collapse. Though the Rose Corridor was saved, the man cursed slightly, he hadn't expected Kaida of all to act.

"This isn't finished..." he mumbled to himself, the man faded away in a thin cloud of smoke, blending in with the burning building before disappearing completely.


Active member
Jun 29, 2011
Trait Points
"What on earth is going on" Jonathan said, the armour had seemingly activated again locking away his abilities and the tower was now being attacked. Despite being declared the winner it seemed something had gone wrong, explosions rocked the tower and he saw the woman running with a blade unsheathed in to a tunnel.

"Hey, wait up!" He said as he ran in to the tunnel after the woman, with his power sealed the large man began to yank at the armour attempting to remove it as he ran after the woman.


Active member
Nov 29, 2011
Trait Points
As Mandos stood before his vanquished foe and his ninken. He was now witness to the final battle that occurred between Jonathan and another individual. He witnessed the individual jumping down creating a shockwave as once more the two fighters were restricted. Suddenly a massive explosion rocked the place before them, as Ishijo managed to seal away the debris and make sure that the competitors including Mandos were currently safe. As the woman turned and ran up the corridor [tunnel] towards where the man Oisha had previously been seen. Mandos did not stand idly by as the place was shook by the explosion, his instinct immediately let him to follow the woman who had just run through the corridor, believing this to be the viable option to get some answers to what was truly going on and what this meant to this so called tournament. When catching up to this woman, be it through the corridors or at her destination he would immediately confront her and whomever would be present. During the time to catch up to her, he would attempt to remove the armor.

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
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Kōtetsu felt the power leave his body as the shackle that was the armor once again stripped his of his abilities following the explosion that shook the entire tower. The transformation of he and his ninken became undone as they watched the woman dash down the hall. Jumping atop Shiranui, the Inuzuka and his pack would chase after her.


Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
A great many number of things transpired in quick succession. The fight was over, yet he found himself under the area of attack from an external force, followed by losing access to his abilities once again. Needles to say the merc was dissatisfied with this turn out, there were simply too many variables ongoing at the same time for his liking.

Following a bit behind his fellow competitors, Deadpool would make his way towards the tunnels.

On the other end of things, Vayne would have gained some intel, but was well on his way to unconsciousness when Oisha dips.

Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Ishijo was cursing under her breath as she moved quickly, what the hell had just happened? The tournament ended and just as abruptly, an explosion shook the building. She could still hear the confused shouts of people in the Rose Corridor and even the new ring sounds of travel through the corridor behind her, but she didn't worry herself with them. She knew Oisha had a plan, he was always prepared. He was her fearless leader, the one who gathered them after Asano's death, the one who found the Oni Masks, the one who guided them beyond the ways of the Samurai. The one who -

"Abandoned us...", she gasped, entering the chamber he had been in, finding only two bodies in the room with no signs of Oisha. "He left..."

As she stood momentarily stunned, the sounds of the men who followed her could be heard entering. As she regained her composure, one of them quickly approached, Mandos, demanding what was going on.


Not responding, Ishijo walked over to the men who had been in there before her, kneeling over their bodies. They were dead... no, almost. She could see them barely breathing but what happened? There was broken glass on the ground, a small vial on the ground. Looking around, Ishijo saw a dagger nearby as well as a vial on the table of shimmering blue liquid.

Standing and turning towards the group, Ishijo beings to speak slowly.

"... I'm lost on what went down here, but..." Pausing, she tried to communicate with Oosha via their telepathic link but only got static, confusing her even more; he was always able to be reached by her. Even if Kaida and the others couldn't reach him, she knew he would always respond to her. Could he be in danger? No, no one here was capable of that but then....what did happen?

"I'm sorry your battle ended in the way it did, Jonathan, Wade. Forces at hand do not wish to see things progress for some reason."

At the moment, she got a message through her communicator from Kaida.

I'll be there soon, they got away.

"Do not be alarmed, you are safe here. My allies are dedicated to the safety of this place and any it houses at any given moment. We will find out what occurred here as well as in the Rose Corridor. You have my word, the Bush- uh, our Nindo as you call it compels us to find out."
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Wel if we’re talking about safety, I’ll feel a lot safer without this armour on. Also, you talk about Nindo, but what good is your ninja way when we have no clue who you are or what you represent?
Deadpool would lean on the wall besides the woman.

I think there a lot of questions you need to answer before you gain our trust, not to mention actions need to be committed. First of all, any reason someone would want to attack you?
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