Custom Technology Submission

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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Skorm’s Bow
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40/Bullet(+40/sealing)
Damage: 80/Bullet(non-sealing)
Description: Skorm’s Bow is a heavy-duty modernized high caliber chakra gun with blood/black thorn patterns and a red glowing holster. The gun has two types of rounds it can fire but both of them are purely composed out of lightning chakra. The gun can shoot bullets that explodes on collision that creates an AoE effect reaching short-range in an omni-directional discharges from the point of impact. This discharge does half the damage of the actual bullet, which would be 40 damage points while the bullet also carries 40 damage points, resulting in totally 80 damage points. The other type of bullet is actually a non-harming bullet that, on impact, creates a sealing mechanism that drains chakra on impact, same amount as the bullet. The bullet travels at the same speed as the damaging bullet but creates no explosion, instead a sealing formula will start to spread from the impact point. Once completely embedding the target, the formula will start glowing purple and drain the chakra of the target and charge the gun itself, not the user. When this charge has been active for two turns, the gun becomes ”overloaded” and fires projectiles with 150% its power for one turn. This doesn't necessarily need to be the same or the turn after it gets overloaded but it needs the charge to perform as such. The lightning bullets are of S rank each and follows the s/w of said elements. The sealing bullet is also of S rank. When used, the user cannot use lightning techniques above A rank in the same turn as it is used. Once the overloaded bullet(s) have been used, the gun is reset to regular damage/speed. The overloaded factor can be repeated. The chakra is transferred from the sealing bullet to the gun by a special sealing formula that is inscribed in the gun itself that starts to glow when a sealing shot is functioning. The chakra will be pulled from the target in a regular chakra absorbing manner.

Note: Needs completion of raiton and regular fuinjutsu.

¤ Declined, when I said no to the doubled damage, I meant no to damage beyond the norm of its rank. A 1.5x increase falls under this. I could remove it but I'm not sure how the +40 chakra now plays into this as it wasn't directly explained. ¤
Skorm’s Bow
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40/Bullet(+40/sealing)
Damage: 80/Bullet(non-sealing)
Description: Skorm’s Bow is a heavy-duty modernized high caliber chakra gun with blood/black thorn patterns and a red glowing holster. The gun has two types of rounds it can fire but both of them are purely composed out of lightning chakra. The gun can shoot bullets that explodes on collision that creates an AoE effect reaching short-range in an omni-directional discharges from the point of impact. This discharge does half the damage of the actual bullet, which would be 40 damage points while the bullet also carries 40 damage points, resulting in totally 80 damage points. The other type of bullet is actually a non-harming bullet that, on impact, creates a sealing mechanism that drains chakra on impact, same amount as the bullet. The bullet creates no explosion, instead a sealing formula will start to spread from the impact point. Once completely covering the target, the formula will start glowing purple and drain the chakra of the target and charge the gun itself, not the user. When this charge has been active for two turns, the gun becomes ”overloaded” and starts to shine brightly while giving the wielder the ability to see colors of chakra that are being channeled through the specific area where the seal has spread. This is limited to the basic five elements and only the user can see it from a distance of max mid-range. This doesn't necessarily need to be the same or the turn after it gets overloaded but it needs the charge to perform as such. The lightning bullets are of S rank each and follows the s/w of said elements. The sealing bullet is also of S rank, but remains neutral. When used, the user cannot use lightning techniques above A rank in the same turn as it is used. Once the overloaded bullet(s) have been used, the wielder of Skorms Bow can only see the chakra flow of their opponent for at most 2 turns before it resets. The overloaded factor can be repeated. The chakra is transferred from the sealing bullet to the gun by a special sealing formula that is inscribed in the gun itself that starts to glow when a sealing shot is functioning. The chakra will be pulled from the target in a regular chakra absorbing manner.

Note: Needs completion of raiton and regular fuinjutsui.

¤ Declined, okay I started editing this for approval but the chakra seeing ability doesn't make sense in relation to what the gun does; how does firing a bullet that absorbs chakra allow the gun and user to see chakra in different colors? What is actually being sealed or unsealed here? If this is Fuuinjutsu based, it needs to seal or unseal something directly. ¤

Flux Strides
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30(-10/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Flux strides are a pair of high tech boots that are connected to the users spine and brain through a cable. The boots are equipped with radar, sonar and also heat registrating sensory equipment that are fitted on its soles. These sensors will grant the weilder a perfect visio of what is going on underground. Even if chakra cannot be seen, energies and movement can be detected far away from the vicinity of where the user stands. Not only that but it also gives a 360 ”vision” so if an undeground event happens behind the user they will be aware of that as well. They boast nothing besides the sensory awareness and does not impact kicks in terms of strength. It requires constant chakra fuel from the user to be used. Nor can anything above the surface be sensed althougj vibrations and heat that are in contact with the ground at any point can be picked up, for example a projectile that bounces on the ground.

¤ Declined, how long does each use last? This has no restrictions of any kind. ¤

Neutron Star
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40(-20/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Neutron star is a device that is implanted into one of the users retinas and can be of multiple colors of what tye user prefers. It can react on direct eye contact with any foreign eye and will create an immediate solar burn into the eyes the user have eye contact with, creating a blinding and burning sensation in their eyes that lasts 2 turns every time they look into the weilders eye. Another upside is that the weilder is able to see heat signatures with the implant but only on that specific eye and only to a distance up to mid-range. If the eue is cocered or damaged by anything they lose both abilities incorporated in the Neutron Star.

¤ Declined, how is this done? You can't just look at an eye and create a "solar burn". Is this fueled by fire chakra? How many times can it be used? What's the range for this effect? How is this placed? Are you a cyborg? If not, then you cannot have things implanted or fused with you. If so, link your bio with these submissions ¤
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Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Bio with Bees

Haibu kuīn'āmā - HIVE Queen Armor
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: 30 to activate (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: A special torso armor created by Korra to help get her a source of bees faster. The armor is a light armor that can be hidden underneath clothes and onyl covers the upper chestr, back and runs down along the arms with some tubing in the arms. On the back of the armor is a Bee Hive design with kanji seals inside each hole of the hive. Once the user channels chakra into the armor to activate it the armor will start producing bees that come out of the back of the armor from the Hive. Each turn the Hive passively releases 50 bees from the Hive that user can use for Bee ninjutsu. The bees are rankless and can be controlled in free form but can also be destroyed in free form like by kunais, shurikens, etc. The bees are normal sized bees that can release honey to bind and stick opponents. The bees can also sting and asborb chakra from an opponent.
Note: Must be taught by Korra
Note: Must know Bee Summoning
Note: Must be placed on the user's bio or posted in the beginning of the match
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¤ Declined, given how much you try to do this wirh tags, I'm not approving any more customs similar to that for ANY field for you ¤
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Active member
Jun 16, 2012
Trait Points
Type: Tool/Armor
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (+20/+25/+30/+35)
Damage: N/A
Description: Phantom was a tool crafted to fit a user like a body armor. It covers the user's entire body. From the jaw down to the soles of the user's feet. A special part of the armor can be move from the back of the head over to the face to cover the user's entire head. This protects his eye as if a brille is over his eye (protects from dust, light etc but not visual genjutsu) and helps him to not breathe in hazardous things in the air. Also covers the ears from loud noises that would damage his eardrum. Although it covers the user's limbs (including the user's finger tips) it is flexible enough to not hinder his movement in any way. Due to the special material it is composed of, it muffles the user's sound and scent to the same lvl of them using the Muon Satsujin Jutsu which makes it the perfect body armor for stealth like attackers. If for some reason the suit is forcefully removed from the body of the user, half his current health and chakra would be gone. This is due to the fact that the suit is embedded not only within the user's chakra system but it is integrated within his body/skin, practically becoming one with the suit.

Its sole in battle ability is a trait of the suit which allows the user to have additional chakra into a technique which requires chakra. Since it is simply the user molding additional chakra, it occurs within the same timeframe as the partner jutsu. This additional surge of chakra fueled alongside the technique doesn't increase the damage output or defensive capabilities of the jutsu whatsoever. All this does is simply increase the size of the said jutsu to reflect the size of what it would be at the rank of the chakra output. For example if the original Chakra + added chakra sums up to 40, the said technique will have the size of a standard S rank technique and so on. This caps at 50 chakra in terms of size growth. 50 and above chakra will retain one size. This ability of Phantom was crafted by Venom using his Fūinjutsu knowledge after mimicking the Chakra Confusion Seal and partially the chakra transfer technique. It's chakra addition ability comes in 4 levels. Level 1 (+20 Chakra) can only be used 5 times per battle on techniques up to S rank. Level 2 (+25) can only be used 4 times per battle on techniques up to S rank. Level 3 (+30) can only be used 3 times per battle on techniques up to S rank). Level 4 (+35) can only be used 2 times per battle on techniques up to A rank. Level 1 & 2 can only be used once per turn on a single technique at a time. Level 3 can only be used once per turn (on a single technique in that turn) with a 1 turn cool down in between usage. Level 4 can only be used once once per turn (on a single technique in that turn) with a 2 turn cool down between usages. Of course the user may never use two levels of any combination within the same turn.

-Must be place in bio, always worn (or place during battle)
-Due to the complex nature of this tool, it counts as 2 tool slot out of the user's allowed limit.
-It's chakra addition ability can't be used on Genjutsu and similar illusion techniques or Kai.
-Each level usage counts as a move towards the user's limit per turn
-Fuuinjutsu training required to wield.

Reference Technique:
( Chakra Taisan Fūin ) - Chakra Confusion Seal
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: A special tag that utilizes the mark of confusion. When placed upon an opponent and using chakra it burns into the opponents skin. This chakra tag causes chakra to flow towards that particular area, causing a disruption within the flow of chakra as well as making it harder to control chakra (adds a +20 cost of chakra to any jutsu that the opponent will use for 4 turns).
Note: This jutsu can only be used twice in battle.
Note: If applied by a medical ninja with sealing mastery, the effect will last until released.

(Muon Satsujin Jutsu) - Silent Homicide Technique
Rank: D
Chakra Cost:10
Damage Points:20
Description: Muon Satsujin Jutsu, the ability to commit a silent homicide, is a technique to dispatch your foe with no warning. Your quick speed and skills will instantly kill them before they can provide a defense. Best tactic is when used with Hidden Mist jutsu. The technique works by having the user focus his chakra and his complete attention on moving fluidly, rapidly but muffling any sound he may make while moving as well as his presence, etc. It doesn't suppress his chakra or hides it but it can make the opponent virtually undetected if he manages to get on the opponents blind spot.

¤ Declined, this is a hard No ¤
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Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
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(Tekuno yūki uirusu: Nanetsu) - Techno-Organic Virus: Nanaits
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-15 per turn from User)
Damage: N/A (-15x equal number of turns, since activation per turn from User)
Description: In the land of Devil's Ravine, X crafting new technology, he created a tiny drone-like bot. A techno-organic virus (also known as T-O virus). Sized about the same as the 'Fairyflies' at 0.5 mm. These very tiny insects, like most chalcid wasps. Generally ranging from 0.5 to 1.0 mm (0.020 to 0.039 in) long. Nanaits being one of the smallest objects in the shinobi world, the unaided eye (non-doijutsu) would be able to see about anything 0.1 mm long. Meaning these bots were partially invisible to a shinobi's sight. Creating these bots that were able to empower the host, was his very goal. Taking subjects one after another to experiment until the product was created, X would soon reach his goal. However, soon realizing his new technology had a deadly side-effect. These nanaits inherited cybernetic tech from previous technologies. Producing tiny amounts of chakra absorbing energy, using that energy to generate the power source for function. This meant, the nanaits were inactive without being directly injected into a chakra source. Activated/deactivated by electrical surge or infliction, the host will suddenly feel surge in their strength drop before being empowered. For when activated, these bots would drain chakra to initiate their functions:

Function IV - Working closely with the host's body. These nanaits use effectively every ounce of strength produced by the host's body to have them not lose a single nutrient. These gives the host enhanced reaction time and greater length of mental durability. (+1.5 base speed and reaction).

Function III - Monitoring their hosts body allows them to filter out chakra that's not being produced by the host. Meaning as they drain their host's chakra, genjutsu that isn't constantly surged into their host, is weeded out eventually. (After 1 turn upon being infected by Genjutsu of S-rank and below, non-MS is nullified.)

Function II - Only usable by cyborgs, this special attachment allows them to utilize a special fluctuation of technology data capability that enhances a cyborgs tools to perform at greater quality (+1 rank to supplementary tools or 20 damage non-supplementary tools).

Function I - The most terrifying part of the virus, Transit-mode. The Virus is highly virulent through gas-related, smoke-related, mist-related, and water based releases as it can be streamed through it. It can also transmit via skin contact (Taijutsu/ kenjutsu) and will transform a creature into a techno-organic creature within seconds (NPC only as they lack sufficient chakra amounts). The Technarchy (NPC Transformed) then crumble to ash upon being infected, due to the drainage their energy (visible as lights flowing through the infected creature). Once the energy has been drained, all that remains of their prey are brittle statues. These Techarchy can have technology (max.3) in brewed into them, allowing them to become versatile creatures. After 6 turns, they perish into ash with the virus self-destructing. Shinobi lose 40 Chakra per turn upon being infected by the virus before (after having their chakra drop at 0) turning into a Techarchy for 4 turns.

Note: User can only have 2 Techarchy max. present at anytime, taking one of his jutsu slots. Cyborg bios can have up to 2, counting as 1 jutsu slot.

Note: Must be posted on biography. Victim inflicted by the T-O virus, its present within them for 4 turns, if no Raiton chakra is used or any lightening/ Raiton damage taken, it becomes non-functioning requiring the user to reintroduced it into the victim.

Note: NPC/Humans infected with this virus receive increased strength and the durability as a cyborg but to a lesser degree (+10 Tai/Ken, tanking C-rank and below physical damage) and to directly communicate with the user.

¤ Declined, for one an S rank item won't have 4 different abilities. 3 and 4 are a no, and remove mentions to NPC. That first function definitely needs to be lowered in terms of what it does. ¤
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Active member
Jan 7, 2012
Trait Points
(Saiyajin Jakketo)-Saiyan Armor
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-mid
Chakra: 40
Description: The Saiyan Armor is fabled to comprised of both ninja wire and chakra metal which is the reason for being very light stretchy as the wire through out is in layers which give it manouvorability, yet, at the same time really durable. Because of the armor’s unique characteristics it makes the wearer capable of reducing up to 25 damage from physical attacks. The armour when forged was inlaid with doton chakra similar to the cannon light weight technique making it so it doesn't hinder the users speed while granting another ability; the Armor can release an instant surge of S rank earth chakra into the users body for a split second similar to the (Doton: Chōkeijūgan no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Earth Release: Ultra Light-Weight Rock Technique, allowing the users speed to increase for a sudden movement in a linear direction up to mid range (2x speed), where their speed returns to normal. This ability activates instantly, lasting for one movement, and can be used only thrice per battle. Another aspect of the armor is the user can release their chakra into it using it to harden the armor similar to the cannon B rank earth Hardening technique, increasing the defensive powers of the armor to that of A rank earth following the s/w of earth release.
Note: Reducing the weight costs a move, can be used twice, with two turns between uses and can only move up to mid range.
Note: Hardening the armor can be used 3 times, is A ranked, can be used once per turn, protecting the users body where the armor covers.

¤ Approved made edits ¤
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Siths Saber of Nox
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: (-40 per turn)
Damage: 80
The Sith Saber of Nox is a unique Chakra Saber crafted for the express purpose of being an improved version of the Basic Chakra Saber. The first addition is that through an improved circuitry system, the Chakra Saber as a cross handle to protect against disarming techniques that aim for strikes of the wrist. Secondly, while the original Chakra Saber was a focused beam of chakra channelled through a handle to form a sword, this design improves the strength of the Saber by allowing a greater flow of chakra to be channelled creating an almost fiery effect (fig 1). Being trained in kenjutsu naturally grants the user complete mastery with their weapon, allowing them to perform flourishes without even worrying about damaging or striking themselves as well as perform kenjutsu moves. Naturally being originally made of chakra, the user can manipulate the chakra extending from their saber, using nature transformation to alter the blade itself. This can only be used once per turn to alter the Chakra nature, and costs a move slot as well as 20 chakra, although passively. One of the last abilities that the user can do is to overload the core of the Chakra Saber and pointing the weapon straight down, strike the ground below themselves. This will create a large blast of chakra equal to S rank strength of 80 Damage that carries up to long range, uneffecting the user however.
For Cosmetic thematic reasons, depending on what Nature the user learned first (considering their training/primary nature) the users Chakra saber will have a specific colour depending on their Chakra's natural affinity, whether thats Blue for Water, Red for fire, Green for Earth, Yellow for Lightning or Purple for Wind.
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¤ Declined the S rank wave needs restrictions on usage. You mention the cosmetic part about the elements so I'm assuming the only change is color based when different elements are used? ¤
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May 28, 2014
Trait Points
New Cycle: 09/29/2018 - 10/6/2018

1. Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout this cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions mustn't be edited after being checked by a mod—they'll become invalid, and thus declined!!
4. Submissions may be declined, at the moderator's discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from the prior cycle that haven't been checked will be soon, please have patience.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit.
The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.

Extra Note: Be Mindful of the updates in . Be aware of how many submissions you can and can't submit in one cycle now. Do not update techniques to add several lines of dialogue to where the original technique and the new one are two different techniques.
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Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Siths Saber of Nox
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: (-40 per turn)
Damage: 80
The Sith Saber of Nox is a unique Chakra Saber crafted for the express purpose of being an improved version of the Basic Chakra Saber. The first addition is that through an improved circuitry system, the Chakra Saber as a cross handle to protect against disarming techniques that aim for strikes of the wrist. Secondly, while the original Chakra Saber was a focused beam of chakra channelled through a handle to form a sword, this design improves the strength of the Saber by allowing a greater flow of chakra to be channelled creating an almost fiery effect (fig 1). Being trained in kenjutsu naturally grants the user complete mastery with their weapon, allowing them to perform flourishes without even worrying about damaging or striking themselves as well as perform kenjutsu moves. Naturally being originally made of chakra, the user can manipulate the chakra extending from their saber, using nature transformation to alter the blade itself. This can only be used once per turn to alter the Chakra nature, and costs a move slot as well as 20 chakra, although passively. One of the last abilities that the user can do is to overload the core of the Chakra Saber and pointing the weapon straight down, strike the ground below themselves. This will create a large blast of chakra equal to S rank strength of 80 Damage that carries up to long range, uneffecting the user however.
For Cosmetic thematic reasons, depending on what Nature the user learned first (considering their training/primary nature) the users Chakra saber will have a specific colour depending on their Chakra's natural affinity, whether thats Blue for Water, Red for fire, Green for Earth, Yellow for Lightning or Purple for Wind.
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¤ Declined the S rank wave needs restrictions on usage. You mention the cosmetic part about the elements so I'm assuming the only change is color based when different elements are used? ¤
Siths Saber of Nox
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: (-40 per turn)
Damage: 80
The Sith Saber of Nox is a unique Chakra Saber crafted for the express purpose of being an improved version of the Basic Chakra Saber. The first addition is that through an improved circuitry system, the Chakra Saber as a cross handle to protect against disarming techniques that aim for strikes of the wrist. Secondly, while the original Chakra Saber was a focused beam of chakra channelled through a handle to form a sword, this design improves the strength of the Saber by allowing a greater flow of chakra to be channelled creating an almost fiery effect (fig 1). Being trained in kenjutsu naturally grants the user complete mastery with their weapon, allowing them to perform flourishes without even worrying about damaging or striking themselves as well as perform kenjutsu moves. Naturally being originally made of chakra, the user can manipulate the chakra extending from their saber, using nature transformation to alter the blade itself. This can only be used once per turn to alter the Chakra nature, and costs a move slot as well as 20 chakra, although passively. One of the last abilities that the user can do is to overload the core of the Chakra Saber and pointing the weapon straight down, strike the ground below themselves. This will create a large blast of chakra equal to S rank strength of 80 Damage that carries up to long range, uneffecting the user however. This can only be used once every other turn and disabled for a turn as repeated use will stress and fracture the weapon leaving it unable to be used. However, one time only at the expense of not using for the rest of the battle, the user can overload the circuits to perform an F rank wave causing 90 damage.
For Cosmetic thematic reasons, depending on what Nature the user learned first (considering their training/primary nature) the users Chakra saber will have a specific colour depending on their Chakra's natural affinity, whether thats Blue for Water, Red for fire, Green for Earth, Yellow for Lightning or Purple for Wind. For example, instead of the chakra saber always being blue, if a users primary speciality or first element they learnt was fire, the chakra coming out of the saber would be red, even regardless of the nature transformation causes it to become like water.

¤ Declined, again, you need to address the elemental affinity usage; you say that it cosmetically changes the color but that doesn't say if the blade itself becomes imbued with that elemental chakra and if it plays into S/W in clashes. You also say it can change for 20 chakra and costs a move but is also passive, which directly contradicts. ¤
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Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
(Doroido: Doguma) - Droid: Dogma
Type: Tool
Rank: Forbidden
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (10% of User’s Chakra total)
Damage: N/A
Description: Creating this ‘droid’ from technology such as ( Mikagami Dorōn ) - Mirror Drone & ( Kinzoku Kugutsu ) - Autonomous Puppets. To serve him and protect him, he required special powerful material. Ikiru crafted the finniest steel he could find into a humanoid skeleton, with compounds of heavy steel, he adjusted coils to strengthen and enhance its mobile abilities. Giving Dogma a name upon completion, with advanced systems residing within it, Ikiru could see that Dogma no longer recalled being human as its Artificial Intelligence (AI), in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. Perceived its environment and actions to maximize its chance of successfully achieving situations at hand. Mimicing "cognitive" functions that humans associated with, such as "learning" and "problem solving". Dogma had a persona, displaying it by what he wore. Dogma sports a yellow hat and trench coat, having no reproduction parts he has no worries of indecent exposure or unease (pain) from the environmental changes. The steel plated flesh of metal, allows Dogma to withstand and deal A-ranked physical damage, however he is still very much able to suffer terminating damage that destroys him completely (S-rank or above any physical damage/ B-rank Magnet Release physical damage) for the rest of the match. Using a fraction of chakra from Ikiru to sustain itself, it is limited on how far it can go before it has to power itself off. (No more than two landmarks adjacent to each other apart from user, in the NinjaWorld-WSE). With chakra from its host constantly transited into it, any Genjutsu cast upon it, is also effected upon the user. Dogma is very much able of speech and commutation. Like his master, as similar to a cyborg he has the ability to use tools and have technology within him but to a lesser degree (2 Tools, max). He can only use Elemental Ninjutsu (Advanced also), basic Kenjutsu, and basic Taijutsu equal to the user’s abilities. Much like a clone, he can relay information to the user upon being destroyed. Moving and reacting at Jounin level, he can track and keep up with his master in battle. Like a regular shinobi body, his physical components that allow him to function are kept in his head and chest, exhibiting regular critical damage possible. As a machine, he can scan other technologies and understand their functions. While also he can use his basic machine components in a versatile form. Example, spying on phones, identifying a plant, rock, house, place or map, gas, replaying a voice recording, even acting/ dancing, etc. His very name was proclaimed by itself without Ikiru naming it. Dogma is quite a passive person, doesn’t care for who dies or live. He acts on a will that is bounding him and his master together. He know well who is and what he came from but doesn’t care. At the times he wonders around to see what else the world is made of as bit and bits of who he was flash through him but no emotion is displayed or felt.

1) This tool counts towards 2 CT slots on a bio, and must be stated on the biography along with the tools within installed within the Droid. Can only be used by Rucken.
2) User cannot summon more than 2 of any type of clone while droid is active (not deactivated /destroyed). Droid will always be present in some location to the user.
3) Jutsu used by this tool count towards the users move slots. Once droid’s chakra amount ran out, the droid is deactivated. User must state the total amount of chakra within the droid at the start of the battle.
4) The droid can use 1 of the user’s Custom Weapons.

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¤ Declined, Forbidden ranked Tools are a no. Highest I'm allowing is going to be S rank, for Cyborgs and more. Tools aren't meant to replace Ninjutsu completely, so S is the highest. This also has too many abilities and needs to be reduced in scale and ability list. ¤
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Active member
Sep 10, 2008
Trait Points
Senryuu | Whirling Dragon
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40 per bullet
Damage: 80 per bullet
Description: Senryuu is a firearm ninja tool that was developed with a unique firing mechanism that allows its jutsu bullets to be shot with cannon like force traveling to mid range extremely quickly. By whirling the weapon around, the firing pin is able to rotate the barrel allowing it to fire its next bullet. This whirling motion is how the weapon got its name. The weapon has six loading chambers for the user's chakra. When the weapon is fired, it draws upon additional chakra for the firing mechanism building up the force behind the blast and a ring of kanji propels the bullet forward. Due to the force of the blast, the user is only capable of firing one chakra bullet a turn, counting as a move otherwise they would risk recoil damage. The blast is so powerful it is capable of completely neutralizing up to S-rank jutsu (within reason). Although the bullets are powerful, they have no penetrative force, but can still cause significant blunt force trauma if the target were to take a direct hit. Senryuu is a unique weapon due to the fact it can utilize other bullet ninjutsu that's only possible with a firearm. Senryuu's main ability is also derived from its name. After performing the whirling motion to prepare the technique, the user can shoot their own preexisting basic elemental jutsu or surface (naturally occuring) on the field which fills that medium with the chakra from the user's chakra bullet transferring said chakra into the medium. This then causes a dragon to be created out of that medium with the same elemental properties of the jutsu or area shot and counts towards the user's move count. These dragons are equal to S-rank and will last a maximum of two turns, however they are fully sustained by the injection of chakra during the time they are used. While the dragons are in use, the user may not use any additional elemental technique that is of the same chakra nature as the dragon which would follow the strengths and weakness of the respective element.
-Only one dragon may be on the field at a time.
-Only one jutsu bullet per turn, which travels at the speed of the average Lightning jutsu, the chakra bullets can only be used to neutralize up to three S-rank techniques per battle.
-The user must wait two turns between using the dragon technique, this ability may only be used three times per battle.
-Senryuu is also capable of using other bullet ninjutsu.
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¤ Approved ¤

Sukābarafea | Scarborough Fair
Rank: S
Type: Tool
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40
Damage: 20-80
Description: The Scarborough Fair is a set of four large caliber handguns that act as the user conduits for chakra. These handguns are based upon the Derringer a gun capable of rapid fire, simple, and rugged. Said to have been crafted by one known as the Demon-smith Rodin, these four guns have been crowned with the names Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme. Pushing the user's hand to hand ability to its limits, when combined with the user's chakra, the guns' rate of fire and stopping power are incredible. The user will makes use of these four weapons by holding two in their hands and two connected to the back of the user's feet which are fired through the use of chakra. Each weapon is jeweled and focuses on four out of the five basic elements. To stay loaded at all times, the guns passively drain up to 40 chakra (10 each) per turn. Each weapon holds up to 40 chakra magazine at which points the weapon will stop draining/accepting additional chakra. The handguns have the possibility of being fired in one of two firing modes. Single, which has powerful stopping power or Semi Automatic, which allows the user an increased fire rate for wide spread damage. Depending on the situation, the user can activate these firing modes at will and interchangeably, and each have their own individual benefits. During development, Ninja Scientists recognized that some situations may require more offensive output, so chakra can be actively loaded by the user by sacrificing one of their moves to fuel one or more of the handguns with chakra. This chakra can be spread among the weapons to reload multiple at a time, but can only distribute up to 40 chakra between the weapons. This may be done within the same time frame of another technique. This allows the user to quickly stockpile the bullets damage resulting in a more powerful single blasts or even larger barrages of bullets as the need arises. As mentioned, the handguns are named because each weapon represents a specific chakra nature. In the right hand, green jeweled, is Parsley, which says "Parsley, ever joyous", is conduit for the wind element. In the left hand, red jeweled, is Sage, saying "Sage, ever strong" and acts as a conduit for the user's fire element. The right foot has Rosemary, blue jeweled, saying "Rosemary, ever reminiscent", acts as conduit for water. The left foot has Thyme, white jeweled, saying "Thyme, ever courageous", acts as conduit for lightning. Following the firing rates, naturally as long as the weapons are loaded with chakra they can fire chakra bullets with damage that respects the amount of chakra released up to S-rank as they can only expend up to 40 chakra between the weapons in a single turn. Depending on the needs, these bullets may be elemental or raw chakra, but this must be stated prior to the release as only a single element may be used at a time unless the user possess Y/Y. It should be noted that in the turn the user fires bullets from one of the weapons, they expend one of their moves per turn but may fire multiple simultaneously resulting in the additional bullets being made up of raw chakra unless another move is spent to fire additional elemental bullets. This means the user will not be able to fire more than three of the weapons per turn. These weapons are held and mounted in such a way, they also can be used to aid the user's melee combat, and can be used to increase the user's known taijutsu by half the damage of normal ranked techniques at the expense of chakra within the weapon and thus a move. For example, if the user uses an A-rank taijutsu, they could supplement with 10 chakra from the chosen handgun, resulting in half the damage from a B-rank to be added to the technique which translates to +10 extra damage to the technique alongside additional flurries or blast of bullets which increases the techniques range by one. This happens within the same time frame of the taijutsu if it's used this way, and one or more weapons may be fired in each instance counting as a move. There is a maximum to this however, as the user may not exceed a +40 damage threshold (S-rank). Should the opponent avoid the taijutsu, the bullets that follow after when used this way will deal normal damage based on the chakra expended.

  • Bullets respect the elemental strengths and weaknesses.
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¤ Declined, guns and weapons can only have 2 Abilities. This goes beyond that limit, reduce the things it can do to only 2 Abilities ¤
-Ommited a lot of the extra unnecessary text to bring forth the true focus of the tool. As such many changes were not bolded as I simply removed much of the unneeded context while keeping the core information.

Sukābarafea | Scarborough Fair
Rank: S
Type: Tool
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40
Damage: 20-80
Description: The Scarborough Fair is a set of four large caliber handguns that act as the user conduits for chakra. These handguns are based upon the Derringer a gun capable of rapid fire, simple, and rugged. These four guns have been crowned with the names Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme. Pushing the user's hand to hand ability to its limits, when combined with the user's chakra, the guns' rate of fire and stopping power are incredible. The user will makes use of these four weapons by holding two in their hands and two connected to the back of the user's feet which are fired through the use of chakra. To stay loaded at all times, the guns passively drain up to 40 chakra (10 each) per turn. Each weapon holds up to 40 chakra magazine at which points the weapon will stop draining/accepting additional chakra. During development, Ninja Scientists recognized that some situations may require more immediate offensive output, so chakra can be actively loaded by the user by sacrificing one of their moves to fuel one or more of the handguns with chakra. This chakra can be spread among the weapons to load multiple at a time, but can only distribute up to 40 chakra between the weapons and can be done within the time frame of another technique. This allows the user to quickly stockpile the bullets damage resulting in a more powerful bullets as the need arises. Naturally, as long as the weapons are loaded with chakra they can fire chakra bullets up to S-rank depending on the amount of chakra used. These chakra bullets may be elemental or raw chakra, but this must be stated prior to the release as only a single element may be used at a time unless the user possess Y/Y. In the turn the user fires bullets from one of the weapons, they expend one of their moves per turn but may fire multiple simultaneously. This means the user will not be able to fire more than three of the weapons per turn. The main focus however behind these weapons lies in the fact they are held and mounted in such a way, they can be used to aid the user's melee combat. Scarborough Fair can be used to increase the user's known taijutsu by half the damage of normal ranked techniques at the expense of chakra within the weapon and thus a move. For example, if the using an A-rank taijutsu, the user can supplement it by firing 10 chakra from the chosen handgun, resulting in half the damage from a B-rank to be added to the technique. This translates to +10 extra damage to the technique alongside additional flurries of chakra bullets which may increase the technique's range by one. This happens within the same time frame of the taijutsu when used this way, and one or more weapons may be fired if the technique permits it, each weapon fired counting as a move. There is a maximum to this however, as the user may not exceed a +40 damage threshold (S-rank) added to the taijutsu.
  • Bullets respect the elemental strengths and weaknesses and can be fired single or semi automatic fashion. When fired semi auto, the resulting damage will be spread amongst the number of bullets fired as mentioned by the user during their usage.
  • For opponent's who avoid the taijutsu supplemented by Scarborough Fair but fail to avoid the chakra bullets, they will only take the extra damage which would have been added to the taijutsu up to a max of 40 damage.
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¤ Declined, the Taijutsu aspects are weird; if you're using Taijutsu, how is the gun firing bullets to augment this damage by +10. That's simply firing bullets, it doesn't correlate to a Taijutsu damage increase. The YY note has to go as well as its no longer an ability of YY. ¤
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Pyro NB

Apr 22, 2015
Trait Points
(Kinzoku Kugutsu: Risa) - Autonomous Puppets: Lyssa
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30-40(chakra bullets), 30(Abilities)
Damage: 60-90(chakra bullets), 60(Freeform)
Description: Lyssa is designed after the twin Goddesses of beauty, water, and illusion Lyss and Ilya from Tyrian lore. Being auto puppets they are programmed to initiate defensive measures when unknown or hostile chakra signatures come within range but are also programmed to follow their owner's orders to the letter, and have been programmed with learning and speech capabilities to further increase their usefulness in battle while also increasing their realism. The puppets have a fair skin tone, long white hair, and wear purple and gold armor. The puppets are made up of layered chakra metals with rubber between each layer. An artificial chakra circulatory system is also intricately woven into their bodies. Along with their normal auto puppet abilities, Lyss and Ilya are fully capable of performing non-chakra related taijutsu, puppetry techniques, and each has a unique function of their own.

Lyss and Ilya’s weapons have special seals placed on them which activate when they come into contact with a target. These seals drain 5 chakra every time the weapon hits the target or in Ilya’s cases also ever turn a target is bound by the whip storing this chakra within their circulatory systems. The trick to this, however, is that the weapons must also be held by their respective owner for the seals to activate further preventing friendly fire in case they are disarmed.

Lyss wields dual daggers in combat and her unique function allows the puppet to release a mist of refined glass and adhesive water from within(A-Ranked). This concoction sticks to anything within a short-range radius of Lyssa but the key component to this is when the glass adheres to a victim's eyes. The mixture forms a type of glass contact lens over the cornea causes light to drastically reflect around it causing the victims to view things as if looking into a kaleidoscope. The water naturally conductive to electricity, however, loses its adhesive nature after three turns returning the affecteds vision back to normal.

Ilya wields a 2m long chain whip and her unique function allows her to release a purple gas that closely mimics the effects of LSD within a short-range radius. The gas causes the victims to experience hallucinations(B-rank and below gen) for 3 turns with each turn activates another hallucination(1 rank below the previous) unless removed from the body. The gas also has anesthetic properties requiring the victims to use higher means of freeing themselves from the hallucinations. This gas also causes increased aggression to allies and docility to enemies as causes the victims to see enemies as allies and allies as enemies.

~Chakra bullets are still subject to the same rules as the normal auto puppets
~Unique functions last 3 turns with a 5 turn cooldown between uses
~Rubber protects the puppets from all non-focused electricity A-Rank and below
~Gen caused by the hallucinations loses damage if any
~Each puppet is A-Ranked
~Can only be taught by Pyro NB
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¤ Declined, I'm gonna need for you to split these up into two distinct puppets. The seal itself would be A rank and you would have to split the rest of the abilities up at A rank max and given there are like 3 more abilities in this, it's too much for 1 Tool. ¤
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Mercy of Ahamkara
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Mercy of Ahamkara is an external miniature plate and classed as an advanced ninja tool that is placed behind the ear right on the skin on the wie
lder. The device is linked with the brain and uses ultra-sound to detect fluctuations and abnormal activity in the wielders mind. This means that it can detect mind altering techniques and classify them as abnormalties. While it cannot be used to break free from such techniques it can help the user realize their under one. This is done by sending very specific electrical stimulations that are coded to reveal the state of their brain. Even though they are still trapped in an illusion they can now determine the rank of a manipulative technique and the fact that they are manipulated. It occurs in the same timeframe as the illusion has been casted.

Note: Can only be used 2 times per battle with a 3 turn cooldown period after each use.
Note: Can detect up to S rank techniques.

¤ Approved, made edits ¤
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May 28, 2014
Trait Points

(Kodo Teisei) – Whisper of the Worm
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: N/A (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Whisper of the Worm is a sniper rifle crafted from one’s Yin chakra and conferred sentience through their Yang chakra. Unlike most rifles, the Whisper of the Worm possesses a unique body formed from the user’s imagination; its metallic form is entirely black, with a glowing white barrel. The body of the sniper has numerous small flared, black protrusions and occasionally emits a bluish-white ethereal flame, although possessing no inherent damaging qualities. It is about 101cm in length, from muzzle to its stock. The sniper’s scope allows the user to view up to 500m from their position, assuming an unobstructed line of sight. This translates to being able to see two landmarks away from the user’s position; however, this does not allow the user to see across ocean landmarks. The sentience conferred upon the Whisper allows it a telepathic link to its creator. Whisper of the Worm draws upon the user’s essence to sustain itself; thus it drains 10 chakra from the user per turn. The sniper’s most basic function is to create .50 caliber rounds from the user’s Yin chakra. This allows for an infinite supply of ammunition. These rounds are, by their spiritual nature, formed from black chakra similar to that of Gudodama. The most basic function of sniper is to fire these bullets, equivalent of S-Rank in strength and chakra, at the cost of a move. While creations of the user’s spiritual energy, the bullets do not inherently possess spiritual properties. They are merely physical projectiles treated neutrally to all elemental natures. The default bullet used by Whisper cannot be used when applying either version of White Nail.

White Nail (Shiroi Tsume): The Whisper’s advanced ability White Nail employs the power of ‘Taking.’ This power manifests in one of two ways: as an infusion of either Yang or Yin chakra in the bullet, requiring 70 chakra. Yang bullets are to be fired at inanimate objects; when struck, the bullet releases its Yang chakra and imbues sentience upon it, much like Change into Hell. This forms a telepathic link between object and user, while bending it to the user’s will. This can occur within other techniques, simply requiring that the bullet which strikes another technique possess more chakra. A target, once Taken, will exhibit an ethereal black energy emitted from its structure, similar to that which coats the Whisper of the Worm and become able to use techniques of the source they are formed from. The Yang variant of this bullet can be used thrice per battle, with a three turn cooldown in between uses.

In the latter, the user fires a bullet imbued with additional Yin chakra. In the case of Yin, the bullet inflicts spiritual damage rather than physical. Thus, this bullet is intended to be used against living targets. When the bullet strikes a target, it produces spiritually degenerative properties in the target, leaving them physically unharmed. The spiritual damage ramps up with each successive strike. After being struck once, the target suffers from an imbalance in their spiritual and physical energies. The target will begin to hear voices in their head, telepathically created from the user; this causes them to be unable to deduce Genjutsu above A-Rank. When struck twice, the target will be unable to perform techniques without spending twice the required chakra. When struck thrice, the target will have their spirit Taken; this leaves them as a mindless puppet to the user. Targets who have their spirit Taken will exhibit the same black ethereal energy emitted from the Whisper of the Worm. This variation can be used five times per battle.

¤ Declined, okay 500m for starters is waaaayyyy too high. The highest I normally allow was 50 meter, 100m for scopes that cost a move per turn to equip. I can't allow for the Yang one to take over enemy techniques based on chakra unless its base chakra and not the YY chakra additions (so the chakra from using this wouldn't factor in, I mean). The stackable ability thing also has to go for the Yin bullet; it needs to be 1 specific effect/drawback for the bullets. ¤
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Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
Referenced technique:

( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( - 5 per turn when used )
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, and a microphone. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The primary use of Thunderwave as mentioned above is the ability to play music with the offshoot of this being the ability to cancel sound waves with sound waves while playing music. This is similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool: Shijima and works like a noise-cancellation speaker. The system can emit a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out. This effect is called destructive interference and is able to nullify sound techniques in equal rank. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it are and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.
Note: Sound techniques can only be canceled once per turn three times per battle.

( Kyuu-tsuki ) - September
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( +50 per turn ) ( -50 per turn to an opponent )
Damage: N/A ( -20 to an opponent's technique )
Description: September is a small orb-like self sustained chakra battery that can be pre-charged with basic chakra, or senjutsu chakra. If charged with basic chakra it will be compatible with any non-hostile shinobi. The battery has two capabilities called charge and drain. Charge allows a shinobi to draw chakra from the battery and drain allows the battery to draw chakra from a shinobi or their techniques. The battery has a max capacity of two hundred chakra.

Charge: While in direct contact with the battery or while it is on their person a shinobi can passively absorb chakra directly from the battery through contact. It can be used while still hidden or in a pouch not needing to be pulled out. It allows the shinobi to draw two hundred chakra from the battery at a rate of fifty per turn allowing for them to regain chakra or to supply exhausted allies with chakra. It can also be used to provided senjutsu chakra instead of chakra at a quicker rate allowing them to gain ten percent of their chakra as senjutsu chakra but can only be done once usually exhausting the battery. When exhausted the battery is still able to use it's drain ability.

Drain: Alternatively if a hostile individual tries to use the battery it will absorb their chakra instead of giving them chakra at a rate of fifty chakra stolen per turn. The wielder of the battery is also able to instigate this process passively by making direct contact with the opponent allowing them to instigate the process stealing fifty chakra per turn where contact is made. Additionally through this draining ability the battery is able to steal ten chakra from a technique causing it to weaken by twenty damage. This is similar to the capabilities of the Scientific Ninja Tool: ( Abusōbu Ude ) - Absorption Arm on a much lower and more basic scale. Where that can absorb entire jutsu this battery can only absorb ten chakra storing it in the battery. This portion of drain will cost a move slot, can only be used once per turn and only twice per battle.

Note: The wielder can only carry a single chakra battery
Note: Must state the ratio of basic chakra to senjutsu chakra that is found in the battery

¤ Both Approved ¤
( Gibson EB-0 ) - Gibson EB-0
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A ( 40 if used to redirect an incoming attack )
Damage: 80
Description: The Gibson EB-0 is a musical weapon that resembles and appears to function as either a classic guitar or a bass guitar depending on how it is strung by the wielder. It's default state being that of a bass guitar with four strings. In appearance, it has a two portion rounded body with two pointed upward portions that stick up near the neck of the fretboard. Sometimes referred to as a bat because of how it can be used in a similar manner to one being used to strike things with the body of the EB-0 it can produce music but has no sound ninjutsu based usages in any form only being able to play music. Created directly by Sado Yasutora the first bat was the Gibson EB-0 and is innately compatible with another creation of his ( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave. This means that the bat can be wirelessly synced with the Thunderwave to increase it's volume the Thunderwave working like an amplifier for what can simply be called an electric guitar or bass. Additionally, the EB-0 can be used for any kenjutsu or ninjutsu based technique that requires a blade with the body and fretboard acting as a conduit for any technique used through it. This merely requires the user to hold the EB-0 like a sword, or a bat by the fretboard using the body of the EB-0 like an ax. The Gibson EB-0 has two distinct abilities beyond the trivial things mentioned above. These abilities revolve around chakra usage that is fed into and through the EB-0. The first ability is called I Think I Can and the second is called Swing the Bat and are as follow.

I Think I Can - Is an ability based upon two similar functions that create a compounding effect within the EB-0 one is chakra resonance and the other is chakra transfer similar to the Chakra Transfer Technique itself and thus requires that the wielder can use said technique. By playing the Gibson EB-0 for even just a second or two the user is able to force chakra into and through it using the EB-0 as a conduit for their chakra. This could be just a single cord or riff not needing to be prolonged exposure and takes the same time as a single hand seal. This allows the EB-0 to reverberate the chakra through its body and fretboard bouncing it around through the strings causing it to run up and down the fretboard. This action in essence intuitively molds the chakra for the user in a way that they themselves do not need to focus on similar to what is done with a Rasengan when the user forces their own chakra to spin rapidly. From there after being molded and stored within the EB-0 it can be used for one of two things. The first is simple it can be passively channeled into a technique the wielder is forming at the cost of ten chakra causing the resonated chakra to make its way into the formation of the next technique empowering it significantly giving it a passive twenty damage increase for an S rank technique or a one rank boost up to A rank for techniques below S rank. Alternatively, this chakra can be passively resonated with an allies technique in a similar manner as the Chakra Transfer Technique forces the chakra instead into the formation of a separate technique not directly used by the user himself. This has the same effect as mentioned above but will only work if the ally is within short-range of the wielder and is similar in use to what happens when related chakra is molded together for example what Naruto and Minato were able to do because they were family. I Think I Can, cannot be used with Swing the Bat.

Swing the Bat - By holding the EB-0 like a sword or a bat and channeling chakra through it the user is able to create an effect similar to the Rasengan having the chakra reverberate through the EB-0. This can allow the wielder to coat the body of the EB-0 in a shroud of chakra that bounces continuously around the EB-0 creating a defensive cushion around it. This defensive cushion is neutral to all elements as it goes through intense shape manipulation, this is done by the EB-0 itself similarly to how the chakra resonates and bounces around the fretboard as explained in I Think I Can. This allows the wielder to use the EB-0 to strike an incoming technique with a solid, liquid, gaseous or semi-solid form like sand directly causing the incoming technique to rebound against the EB-0 similar to what happens when a Rasengan strikes an object or person causing them to ricochet and fly off in the opposite direction. This ability can redirect any S rank or below technique back upon its user within reason. This will work as long as the force of the EB-0, meaning it's damage, is equal to or greater than the incoming technique that it is defending against. Alternatively, this can be used offensively as an attack by striking an individual with it causing them to be knocked away similar to a Rasengan throwing them back up to fifteen meters and causing them to take a considerable amount of damage. Either way, the strike is considered a physical based, weapon based or taijutsu based action and can be increased by strength altering techniques as the more force the EB-0 hits with the more damage it will be able to produce. The technique it redirects has to obviously be logical like projectiles, constructs, creatures or similar techniques and for things like streams or large scale destructive techniques, this won't work. When not using Swing the Bat the EB-0 can be destroyed by a single S rank technique meaning it isn't an indestructible object just that when using Swing the Bat it's durability and usability increases exponetially depending heavily on the damage it can produce.

Note: I Think I Can, can be used thrice per battle with a single turn cool-down
Note: Swing the Bat can be used twice per battle with a two-turn cool-down
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