Armory of Marzan (212A)


May 7, 2020
Trait Points
As the group made their way down to the humble forge nestled in the earth beneath Innovus, introductions were made. Whether out of a genuine desire to formally introduce themselves, or simply pass the time on the way to the forge itself, it didn't really matter. It was simply nice to have a name one could associate with him, especially if they were going to sporadically meet when Divinities were concerned.
"Yup, Emiya's fine. Nice to finally make your acquaintance properly Alucard, and you too, Lillith."

With a warm smile towards the young lady, he motioned that it wasn't much further, taking the group down one last set of steps before arriving in the Forge proper. As they entered one by one, the smith was inspecting one of many "failed" weapons, seemingly looking for whatever flaw caused it to result in a mundane weapon, or perhaps simply reminiscing of the time he made such a flawed creation. Anything to take his mind off of the countless millennia he spent in Irkalla Emiya guessed. Without looking at the group, Marzan directed an almost scolding tone at Emiya with a sigh.
"Can't help yourself, can you?"

"Not really, no."

"Doesn't really matter now, does it? So who do we have here?"

Placing the failed tool on a nearby workstation, the smith patted down his attire of what remained of his previous labors with Isabella and Mirabelle, and gave the group a thorough once over. His eyes lingered on one of the group for more than the others, but only briefly, and moving on to the reason for their visit.
"You there, in the red. For what purpose do you seek the power to defy the Gods?"

Giving ample time for Alucard to respond, Marzan would then move on to Mugetsu.
"And you... Should have wiped your feet, but same to you. Why did you come here?"

Finally he turned to Lucifer, and with a curt tone, he spoke with as much sympathy as he could muster.
"As for you... You can see yourself out."

Marzan's eyes trailed down to the gauntlets that enveloped Lucifer's hands, a wave of disgust at the crude weapons and cruder still the materials that went into forging them. Emiya interjected on Lucifer's behalf, though it seemed Marzan would not be moved.
"Lucifer here was one of the Champions who helped rescue you from Irkalla, and a vital one if I'm being completely honest.

I can personally vouch that he's a reliable ally, and-"

"It's not your word I don't trust, but this is not up for debate.

I will not make anything for him, and that's all I'll say on the matter."

Puzzled, Emiya looked to Lucifer, curious as to why he was being turned down, but presumed the smith had his reasons for rejecting Lucifer in such an absolute manner. Not wanting to push the issue, Emiya glanced at Lucifer with an apologetic look, and retreated out of the way so the others could get started.
Lucifer felt a rush of anger as the old man stared him down before flat out refusing to help, being refused didn't usually spark his ire like this and the hateful stares of man were no uncommon sight for the child of Tiamat, but there was something particularly infuriating about this dismissal.
The way he cut Emiya off, that definitely contributed to the anger Lucifer felt, the old man didn't care about any reasoning he had already formed his opinion before a single word was spoken, prejudiced and bitter.

Lucifer's gauntleted fist clenched but for a moment, he could change this old mans mind pretty easily with the mothers gift, wipe away that look of disdain in an instant, but Emiya had brought him here as a guest and the apologetic look on his face calmed the anger Lucifer felt.

"Worry not Emiya, I appreciate you vouching for me, but he won't change his mind. His decision was made the moment he saw me and he has the look of a stubborn old goat." Lucifer spoke calmly, directed at Emiya, he had no reason to make the young man feel any more awkward about the situation.

You're making a mistake old timer, you'll see that soon enough." The child of Tiamat's tone was still low, calm, but carried a hint of venom directed to Marzan, as he turned his back on the forge, walking away from the group, he had no reason to remain and doing so would likely only anger him further.



ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
As the group made their way down to the humble forge nestled in the earth beneath Innovus, introductions were made. Whether out of a genuine desire to formally introduce themselves, or simply pass the time on the way to the forge itself, it didn't really matter. It was simply nice to have a name one could associate with him, especially if they were going to sporadically meet when Divinities were concerned.
"Yup, Emiya's fine. Nice to finally make your acquaintance properly Alucard, and you too, Lillith."

With a warm smile towards the young lady, he motioned that it wasn't much further, taking the group down one last set of steps before arriving in the Forge proper. As they entered one by one, the smith was inspecting one of many "failed" weapons, seemingly looking for whatever flaw caused it to result in a mundane weapon, or perhaps simply reminiscing of the time he made such a flawed creation. Anything to take his mind off of the countless millennia he spent in Irkalla Emiya guessed. Without looking at the group, Marzan directed an almost scolding tone at Emiya with a sigh.
"Can't help yourself, can you?"
"Not really, no."
"Doesn't really matter now, does it? So who do we have here?"

Placing the failed tool on a nearby workstation, the smith patted down his attire of what remained of his previous labors with Isabella and Mirabelle, and gave the group a thorough once over. His eyes lingered on one of the group for more than the others, but only briefly, and moving on to the reason for their visit.
"You there, in the red. For what purpose do you seek the power to defy the Gods?"

Giving ample time for Alucard to respond, Marzan would then move on to Mugetsu.
"And you... Should have wiped your feet, but same to you. Why did you come here?"

Finally he turned to Lucifer, and with a curt tone, he spoke with as much sympathy as he could muster.
"As for you... You can see yourself out."

Marzan's eyes trailed down to the gauntlets that enveloped Lucifer's hands, a wave of disgust at the crude weapons and cruder still the materials that went into forging them. Emiya interjected on Lucifer's behalf, though it seemed Marzan would not be moved.
"Lucifer here was one of the Champions who helped rescue you from Irkalla, and a vital one if I'm being completely honest.
I can personally vouch that he's a reliable ally, and-"
"It's not your word I don't trust, but this is not up for debate.
I will not make anything for him, and that's all I'll say on the matter."

Puzzled, Emiya looked to Lucifer, curious as to why he was being turned down, but presumed the smith had his reasons for rejecting Lucifer in such an absolute manner. Not wanting to push the issue, Emiya glanced at Lucifer with an apologetic look, and retreated out of the way so the others could get started.
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Lilith made a big smile upon being acknowledged by Emiya. It would seem that Marzan wasn't the greeting kind though, but rather straight to the point. Good, Alucard liked that and so without wasting any time introducing himself he went for it.

I seek the power to defy the gods because who's to say the gods have never defied us. The organization i represent in it's heart is set on the side of humanity and i am not going to pretend that all gods are of good heart. As a matter of fact, i can't - not with what is happening to the world as of current. Sometimes one will be put in the situation where they need to kill to save. Having a god-slaying tool would widen the arsenal for me to proceed with this ideology.

Alucard let Lilith roam around the armory to inspect the various objects that were scattered around but she was mostly impressed by the forge that seemed to have been enflamed infinitely. He cast a sharp eye on her, he did not know what sort of forces this Marzan character possessed and seeming as he already made one man leave his dungeon with a few simple words it wasn't like he had no spine. Alucard continued.

Are you going to ask of me what i want or do you do your own thing based on first impressions? I was thinking of something to symbolise the blood moon and flowing with the force of my body. Hand-held of course..

He then turned to Emiya briefly and clapped both his hands together in a grossly awkward "thanking" stance as he was the one to lead Alucard and Lilith to this place. Meanwhile, Lilith leaned on Emiya and looked up to his face.

Haha, turns out dad's evil LOL
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Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
You must be registered for see medias
Lilith made a big smile upon being acknowledged by Emiya. It would seem that Marzan wasn't the greeting kind though, but rather straight to the point. Good, Alucard liked that and so without wasting any time introducing himself he went for it.

I seek the power to defy the gods because who's to say the gods have never defied us. The organization i represent in it's heart is set on the side of humanity and i am not going to pretend that all gods are of good heart. As a matter of fact, i can't - not with what is happening to the world as of current. Sometimes one will be put in the situation where they need to kill to save. Having a god-slaying tool would widen the arsenal for me to proceed with this ideology.

Alucard let Lilith roam around the armory to inspect the various objects that were scattered around but she was mostly impressed by the forge that seemed to have been enflamed infinitely. He cast a sharp eye on her, he did not know what sort of forces this Marzan character possessed and seeming as he already made one man leave his dungeon with a few simple words it wasn't like he had no spine. Alucard continued.

Are you going to ask of me what i want or do you do your own thing based on first impressions? I was thinking of something to symbolise the blood moon and flowing with the force of my body. Hand-held of course..

He then turned to Emiya briefly and clapped both his hands together in a grossly awkward "thanking" stance as he was the one to lead Alucard and Lilith to this place. Meanwhile, Lilith leaned on Emiya and looked up to his face.

Haha, turns out dad's evil LOL

Minor note, the flames of Marzan's forge have no indicators that they are special in any sense. According to Marzan's interaction with Isabella, they are not, visually or otherwise, in any way distinguishable from regular flames, so neither you nor your creation can tell they are in any way special, regardless of means or method, so just making that clear before continuing. In character knowledge of Atavistic Flames will be introduced and made available by Drackos or the NRP Botman at a later time. Also, if I can't have that knowledge right now, you can't either.

Marzan remained steely under Alucard's account of his reasons, seemingly content simply absorbing the information the crimson clad man was willing to offer. As Lilith crept closer to the flames he didn't speak up, nor really deter her in any means approaching how harsh he seemingly was with Lucifer, he simply waved a finger like one would expect to see when scolding a child that crept too close to an open flame. With a light warning issued, but little more, he returned his attention back to Alucard, responding in earnest.

"I simply asked your reasons to get a grasp of the type of person you are, though it is not my place to pass judgement. As for what form it shall take, I am perfectly capable of creating something all my own if that's your wish, but ultimately your tool will be painted by your soul itself. Regardless of what I forge, it will undeniably be shaped by you alone."

As Marzan gave the rundown on the process by which the tool would be tied to Alucard's soul, Emiya gave his attention to Lilith briefly. As she rather naively stated Alucard was evil, Emiya was quick to disagree, though in a gentle tone.

"I don't know about that, Lilith. Sometimes good people do bad things for good reasons.
I knew someone who believed that so much, it ended up killing them."

Flashes of a man who spent his life killing bad people to try and make the world better for all filled Emiya's mind for a moment, his eyes glazing over ever so slightly as he reminisced over the man he called his dad. After this brief trip down memory lane, he simply gave the young lady another smile, content to not share his messed up family history of assassination, among various other things.
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points

Minor note, the flames of Marzan's forge have no indicators that they are special in any sense. According to Marzan's interaction with Isabella, they are not, visually or otherwise, in any way distinguishable from regular flames, so neither you nor your creation can tell they are in any way special, regardless of means or method, so just making that clear before continuing. In character knowledge of Atavistic Flames will be introduced and made available by Drackos or the NRP Botman at a later time. Also, if I can't have that knowledge right now, you can't either.

Marzan remained steely under Alucard's account of his reasons, seemingly content simply absorbing the information the crimson clad man was willing to offer. As Lilith crept closer to the flames he didn't speak up, nor really deter her in any means approaching how harsh he seemingly was with Lucifer, he simply waved a finger like one would expect to see when scolding a child that crept too close to an open flame. With a light warning issued, but little more, he returned his attention back to Alucard, responding in earnest.

"I simply asked your reasons to get a grasp of the type of person you are, though it is not my place to pass judgement. As for what form it shall take, I am perfectly capable of creating something all my own if that's your wish, but ultimately your tool will be painted by your soul itself. Regardless of what I forge, it will undeniably be shaped by you alone."

As Marzan gave the rundown on the process by which the tool would be tied to Alucard's soul, Emiya gave his attention to Lilith briefly. As she rather naively stated Alucard was evil, Emiya was quick to disagree, though in a gentle tone.
"I don't know about that, Lilith. Sometimes good people do bad things for good reasons.

I knew someone who believed that so much, it ended up killing them."

Flashes of a man who spent his life killing bad people to try and make the world better for all filled Emiya's mind for a moment, his eyes glazing over ever so slightly as he reminisced over the man he called his dad. After this brief trip down memory lane, he simply gave the young lady another smile, content to not share his messed up family history of assassination, among various other things.
gomenasai, didn't know that those things was.. a thing.. Said it merely as an expression to make the dialogue seem more interesting T___T

Alucard was satisfied with Marzans reply and remained just as calm as ever as he listened to his dialogue. It was quite interesting actually how the very specifics of the weapon was to be tied to Alucard's soul but what he probably didn't know was that Alucard, while not having two souls, had dual personality to the very extent that it made him question his ideal weapon type for a god slaying tool. However, Alucard was already very sure of what he had wanted to have if he was given the offer of choice. A dagger was something he would have said but it wasn't.

..I want the design to be simple but carry a message of outmost importance to me. Satire, and so my choice will be a weighted stake. My soul will shape it accordingly...

Meanwhile, Lilith was being told by Emiya about a seemingly old friend that wound up dead because of a cause for goodness by doing bad things. It made her think quite a while on what to respond, but since she was so new to this world she still had hard times to justify what good things were and who decided that. However, the very tone Emiya set for his last line made Lilith feel tearful. She crumbled down, sitting next to his feet with her face dug into her lap with her arms around her bent knees. With a soft voice, she asked him.

Were you close with the deceased one? What was their name?


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Marzan was quiet, seemingly lost in thought for several moments, enough to make one consider clearing a throat, or call his name, though he snapped himself out of it before it came to that. In truth he was simply mentally planning out the process for the creation of Alucard's desired tool.

"Well I can't say I've ever been asked to make one of those before, but it won't pose much of a challenge. Really all I need is for you to procure some ore. The Lands in the west, the Earthen Badlands, or the Iron Peninsula should have what you need. I'll leave the how to you. Return here when you're done."

With very little bluster or ceremony, Marzan began organizing tools on and around his anvil and workspace, clearly preparing for the act of forging Alucard's stake. Meanwhile Emiya was still conversing with Lilith, though figured he would save the youthful being the drama of his family story, and gave the inquisitive youth the short and easy answer. It would seem as though Alucard, much like Mirabelle and Isabella before him, was required to go on his own shopping run for materials.

"It was my father, and despite his cold demeanor I'd like to think we were close, yeah."

Complete three B-Rank missions in either the Badlands of Earth or the Iron Peninsula to gather the raw materials that Marzan needs to forge your tool, then return.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Marzan was quiet, seemingly lost in thought for several moments, enough to make one consider clearing a throat, or call his name, though he snapped himself out of it before it came to that. In truth he was simply mentally planning out the process for the creation of Alucard's desired tool.
"Well I can't say I've ever been asked to make one of those before, but it won't pose much of a challenge. Really all I need is for you to procure some ore. The Lands in the west, the Earthen Badlands, or the Iron Peninsula should have what you need. I'll leave the how to you. Return here when you're done."

With very little bluster or ceremony, Marzan began organizing tools on and around his anvil and workspace, clearly preparing for the act of forging Alucard's stake. Meanwhile Emiya was still conversing with Lilith, though figured he would save the youthful being the drama of his family story, and gave the inquisitive youth the short and easy answer. It would seem as though Alucard, much like Mirabelle and Isabella before him, was required to go on his own shopping run for materials.
"It was my father, and despite his cold demeanor I'd like to think we were close, yeah."

Complete three B-Rank missions in either the Badlands of Earth or the Iron Peninsula to gather the raw materials that Marzan needs to forge your tool, then return.
Marzan tasked Alucard to go and find ore for his weapon. A task he welcomed and looking over at Lilith and Emiya he noticed they were still in conversation. He then turned his Tenseigan eyes back towards Marzan.

Very well then. I shall return soon.. Lilith?

Lilith on the other hand were trying to hold back tears as Emiya revealed to her the answer to her question. She could never imagine what it'd be like to lose Alucard, her own father figure. When Alucard called her name she rose up from the floor and bowed towards Emiya as a show of respect.

My condolences, Emiya.. Also apologies, but it seems like we have things to do now. Hope to see you when we return here.

Alucard and Lilith exited the Armory and prepared to leave the continent. Their destination of [Redacted] was now beginning.


Active member
Jan 7, 2009
Trait Points
As the group made their way down to the humble forge nestled in the earth beneath Innovus, introductions were made. Whether out of a genuine desire to formally introduce themselves, or simply pass the time on the way to the forge itself, it didn't really matter. It was simply nice to have a name one could associate with him, especially if they were going to sporadically meet when Divinities were concerned.
"Yup, Emiya's fine. Nice to finally make your acquaintance properly Alucard, and you too, Lillith."

With a warm smile towards the young lady, he motioned that it wasn't much further, taking the group down one last set of steps before arriving in the Forge proper. As they entered one by one, the smith was inspecting one of many "failed" weapons, seemingly looking for whatever flaw caused it to result in a mundane weapon, or perhaps simply reminiscing of the time he made such a flawed creation. Anything to take his mind off of the countless millennia he spent in Irkalla Emiya guessed. Without looking at the group, Marzan directed an almost scolding tone at Emiya with a sigh.
"Can't help yourself, can you?"

"Not really, no."

"Doesn't really matter now, does it? So who do we have here?"

Placing the failed tool on a nearby workstation, the smith patted down his attire of what remained of his previous labors with Isabella and Mirabelle, and gave the group a thorough once over. His eyes lingered on one of the group for more than the others, but only briefly, and moving on to the reason for their visit.
"You there, in the red. For what purpose do you seek the power to defy the Gods?"
Giving ample time for Alucard to respond, Marzan would then move on to Mugetsu.
"And you... Should have wiped your feet, but same to you. Why did you come here?"
Finally he turned to Lucifer, and with a curt tone, he spoke with as much sympathy as he could muster.
"As for you... You can see yourself out."

Marzan's eyes trailed down to the gauntlets that enveloped Lucifer's hands, a wave of disgust at the crude weapons and cruder still the materials that went into forging them. Emiya interjected on Lucifer's behalf, though it seemed Marzan would not be moved.
"Lucifer here was one of the Champions who helped rescue you from Irkalla, and a vital one if I'm being completely honest.

I can personally vouch that he's a reliable ally, and-"

"It's not your word I don't trust, but this is not up for debate.

I will not make anything for him, and that's all I'll say on the matter."

Puzzled, Emiya looked to Lucifer, curious as to why he was being turned down, but presumed the smith had his reasons for rejecting Lucifer in such an absolute manner. Not wanting to push the issue, Emiya glanced at Lucifer with an apologetic look, and retreated out of the way so the others could get started.
Oh right. Clumsy me.

Mugetsu looks around for a cloth, but it looked like the blacksmith was less organized than he himself was. Without care he grabs an axe from the nearby rack and begins to scrape off the shit stuck to his sandal.

Insolent. Yoru would comment in response to which Mugetsu would toss the shit-laden axe towards him. Yoru would step out of its path and sighs.

Mugetsu would walk around as the Blacksmith and his travel companion would bicker.
(*Something Something* He's not welcome.) And then on to the edgy pale man.
(For what purpose does he seek to defy gods?) he thought to himself. Mugetsu was no more interested in this man's reasons than he was in answering the question for himself. (For what purpose?) he thought to himself again. (Is the blacksmith curious? Is he bored and alone? He seemed disagreeable enough. Is he looking for a responsible enough answer? Should Mugetsu have attended a seminar on the proper motivations and use of weapons?)

The voices fade as Mugetsu stared into the flames. Flames always tended to remind him of things, these were no different. The faint glow of the coals reminded him of his childhood. Training with his brother, father watching from a distance as Mugetsu firewalked a patch of coals. Mugetsu presses the bellow next to the forge to let the flame breath and coals ignite again. The flames would flicker and Mugetsu would remember father again, amid a burning village, fighting his foe using an improvised Kusarigama. Mugetsu would blink and within a moment it was his turn to speak. The pale man had left to fetch something. He looks at Marzan staring back at him.

I defy because I can

Mugetsu spoke quickly, it was the truth. He had no better reason. It was sufficient as far as he was concerned. For what purpose this blacksmith seek his opinion on the matter still eluded him, but he could not care enough ask.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Oh right. Clumsy me.

Mugetsu looks around for a cloth, but it looked like the blacksmith was less organized than he himself was. Without care he grabs an axe from the nearby rack and begins to scrape off the shit stuck to his sandal.

Insolent. Yoru would comment in response to which Mugetsu would toss the shit-laden axe towards him. Yoru would step out of its path and sighs.

Mugetsu would walk around as the Blacksmith and his travel companion would bicker.
(*Something Something* He's not welcome.) And then on to the edgy pale man.
(For what purpose does he seek to defy gods?) he thought to himself. Mugetsu was no more interested in this man's reasons than he was in answering the question for himself. (For what purpose?) he thought to himself again. (Is the blacksmith curious? Is he bored and alone? He seemed disagreeable enough. Is he looking for a responsible enough answer? Should Mugetsu have attended a seminar on the proper motivations and use of weapons?)

The voices fade as Mugetsu stared into the flames. Flames always tended to remind him of things, these were no different. The faint glow of the coals reminded him of his childhood. Training with his brother, father watching from a distance as Mugetsu firewalked a patch of coals. Mugetsu presses the bellow next to the forge to let the flame breath and coals ignite again. The flames would flicker and Mugetsu would remember father again, amid a burning village, fighting his foe using an improvised Kusarigama. Mugetsu would blink and within a moment it was his turn to speak. The pale man had left to fetch something. He looks at Marzan staring back at him.

I defy because I can

Mugetsu spoke quickly, it was the truth. He had no better reason. It was sufficient as far as he was concerned. For what purpose this blacksmith seek his opinion on the matter still eluded him, but he could not care enough ask.
While crude, Marzan was utterly indifferent to the disrespectful display of smearing shit on his works, flawed though they may be. If the words or actions of one man, especially one who sought to use his works ironically enough, caused him any pain, he never would have made it passed his first successful craft all those millennia ago. Never sought improvement, to carry him into the realm of the Gods themselves. His answer, while seemingly given much thought, was simple and to the point. Because he could. He had the capacity to defy the Gods, thus that was all the reason he ever needed. With a slight chuckle, Marzan replied.

"As good a reason as any other, and a very human one at that.
Now, what shape would you have your 'defiance' take?"

Mugetsu's response was swift and decisive.

"A Kyoketsu-shoge."

"A short blade and Chakram on a chain eh? Very well. You'll need to bring me lots of ore for that.
Get to it then, and make sure you don't track any more crap in with you, eh?"

Complete three B-Rank missions in either the Badlands of Earth or the Iron Peninsula to gather the raw materials that Marzan needs to forge your tool, then return.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
As Alucard entered the Armory once more, presumably from his raw material shopping spree, Emiya was just leaving, seemingly in a hurry.

"Sorry. Forgot I had an errand to run back home. Be on your best behavior for the old man, won't you?"

With a hand firmly grasped onto the hilt of one of his blades, and his eyes with his mind elsewhere Emiya was washed away to the Throne on a wave of Prana, his destination unknown to all but himself.

(Kanki: Kyojin no Jidai) – Surge of Evocation: Epoch of Titans
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Considered the father technique of Era of Gods and Dynasty of Kings, Epoch of Titans uses the Surge of Evocation's ability to teleport objects and Surgebinders to the Throne, and return them to the field.

The Wandering Sea - Bending Space

The user, instead of applying this technique to their own body, can manifest Prana around any object or feature of the terrain to teleport it to the Throne and return it immediately or with a delayed timer. The teleported object can either reappear in a new location instantly, in the same manner as the user's own teleportation, or the user can set a delay of up to four turns and it will return on the first turn after the said number of turn elapses (e.g. a delay of 4 turns, the casting of this jutsu counting as the 1st, means it will reappear at the beginning of the user's 5th turn). The user can also create a technique or familiar with an aura of prana, which can only take affect in the same turn it is created, that allows the technique to teleport itself to a new location. This applies to virtually all type of jutsu except those which are streamed, as the user would find themselves unable to progress to this technique before the other reaches its end. This application occurs in the same timeframe as the jutsu cast and offensive jutsu teleported in this manner must reappear a minimum of five-meters away from any opponents unless the user is also within short-range of that opponent, in which it must reappear at least one meter away. The user cannot teleport any object or jutsu to or from a 1-meter distance from any opponents. However this entire variant cannot be applied to the opponent's jutsus which exceed B-Rank in chakra and it cannot be used on Noble Phantasms or Custom Weapons.

The Everlasting Heaven - Warping Time

This variant involves surging a large amount of Prana throughout the user’s body in order to enter the Throne. Their body, and everything on their person, will disappear instantly in a flash of light reflecting the color of their Prana. The user will then reappear amidst another flash of light at a location of their choosing. If the user reappears within less than a meter of the opponent, the opponent can react with any instant, passive or freeform or chakraless technique. Reappearing is accompanied by a crackling sound, creating both an audible and visual queue. The instant use of this technique, which doesn't take a slot in the timefreame, is enabled by the fact that the ethereal energy already exists within their chakra systems. Thrice per battle the user can utilize a stronger version of this ability (S-Rank) to prolong their stay in the Throne. This allows them to exist within the alternate dimension as Prana, which effectively places their body in a stasis. This halts blood loss, the propagation of poisons, the duration of active techniques/abilities, and any other aliments or conditions. This will happen for as long as the user is within the Throne. The user can only remain there for a maximum of four turns per usage. The first application, considered A-Rank, can only be used once every three turns. It can also only be used four times per battle. The second application, considered S-Rank, can only be used three per battle and operates on the same cooldown as the A-Rank version. S-Rank applications render the user unable to use S-Rank or higher Prana for the next turn, if the user remains in the Throne for longer than a turn.

Leaving Landmark. Teleporting to #205, Avalon.


Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
Hei looks around the forge, It was... smaller then he expected and seemingly rather unimpressive. Taking in the details of the forge Hei noticed racks full of old weapons, laid about that littered the room. A couple tone tables covered in blacksmithing tools and only a single anvil. It was much more personable then one would think. Torches illuminated the chamber with a dim orange light that flickers softly. Looking at the old weapons Hei began to read the story of them. The ones farthest back and tucked under the others were clearly older and unrefined, as he shifted his gaze across them he could tell the craftsmanship improved. It was like following a timeline of skill progression. Awhile to the untrained eye one could easily mistake this forge as typical, or rather underwhelming. It was clear to Hei the artistry that takes place here.

"I am Otsutsuki Hei, Champion of Humanity and.... Oh Hey Alucard, what's up?"

Hei says as he gets distracted during his introduction, taking notice of his long time ally.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Hei looks around the forge, It was... smaller then he expected and seemingly rather unimpressive. Taking in the details of the forge Hei noticed racks full of old weapons, laid about that littered the room. A couple tone tables covered in blacksmithing tools and only a single anvil. It was much more personable then one would think. Torches illuminated the chamber with a dim orange light that flickers softly. Looking at the old weapons Hei began to read the story of them. The ones farthest back and tucked under the others were clearly older and unrefined, as he shifted his gaze across them he could tell the craftsmanship improved. It was like following a timeline of skill progression. Awhile to the untrained eye one could easily mistake this forge as typical, or rather underwhelming. It was clear to Hei the artistry that takes place here.

"I am Otsutsuki Hei, Champion of Humanity and.... Oh Hey Alucard, what's up?"

Hei says as he gets distracted during his introduction, taking notice of his long time ally.
Alucard was sitting on a chair in the Armory, admiring the craftmanship of Marzan in total silence. The flames in this place seemed to almost speak to him.. Nevertheless, he was greeted by his daughter along with his right-hand man, Hei. His golden/cyan eyes were guided to meet his daughter's gaze as she came towards him.


Alucard continued to sit in his chair and letting Lilith hug him while he greeted Hei.

Greetings Otsutsuki Hei. I trust your travels have been well?


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Hei looks around the forge, It was... smaller then he expected and seemingly rather unimpressive. Taking in the details of the forge Hei noticed racks full of old weapons, laid about that littered the room. A couple tone tables covered in blacksmithing tools and only a single anvil. It was much more personable then one would think. Torches illuminated the chamber with a dim orange light that flickers softly. Looking at the old weapons Hei began to read the story of them. The ones farthest back and tucked under the others were clearly older and unrefined, as he shifted his gaze across them he could tell the craftsmanship improved. It was like following a timeline of skill progression. Awhile to the untrained eye one could easily mistake this forge as typical, or rather underwhelming. It was clear to Hei the artistry that takes place here.

"I am Otsutsuki Hei, Champion of Humanity and.... Oh Hey Alucard, what's up?"

Hei says as he gets distracted during his introduction, taking notice of his long time ally.
Alucard returned to the armory after having been stationary for an awfully long time. He peaked through the hidden hatch and looked into the armory.

Marzan seemingly hadn't broken out of his almost meditative trance of simply designing Alucard and Mugetsu's weapons of of choice in his head. He barely noted Alucard's arrival, and didn't register Emiya's departure at all, giving the Hellsing representative a wave of his hand to acknowledge the former's return, and little else. It wasn't until an entirely unfamiliar voice, one he hadn't heard before, introduced themselves that Marzan snapped out of his craftsman's stupor.

"Oh. I'll be right with you, Mr Champion."

Just like with Lucifer, Marzan scanned Hei's form, seemingly not finding issue with his very existence, at least at first glance. Content to resume his business with Alucard, since the two seemed familiar, Marzan held out his hand in a rather blatant gesture.

"I take it since you're back you were successful? C'mon, let's see what you brought."


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Marzan seemingly hadn't broken out of his almost meditative trance of simply designing Alucard and Mugetsu's weapons of of choice in his head. He barely noted Alucard's arrival, and didn't register Emiya's departure at all, giving the Hellsing representative a wave of his hand to acknowledge the former's return, and little else. It wasn't until an entirely unfamiliar voice, one he hadn't heard before, introduced themselves that Marzan snapped out of his craftsman's stupor.
"Oh. I'll be right with you, Mr Champion."

Just like with Lucifer, Marzan scanned Hei's form, seemingly not finding issue with his very existence, at least at first glance. Content to resume his business with Alucard, since the two seemed familiar, Marzan held out his hand in a rather blatant gesture.
"I take it since you're back you were successful? C'mon, let's see what you brought."
Lilith positioned herself behind Alucard as Marzan spoke to him. As he reached out his hand towards Alucard, he would grab his pouch containing the ore he had gathered for the sole purpose of creating the Godslayer.

Heartstone, Stahlrim and Tempest Tektite are what i have brought you from the fire nation. They were surely rare. Thoughts?

He handed over the pouch containing the samples to Marzan.


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Lilith positioned herself behind Alucard as Marzan spoke to him. As he reached out his hand towards Alucard, he would grab his pouch containing the ore he had gathered for the sole purpose of creating the Godslayer.

Heartstone, Stahlrim and Tempest Tektite are what i have brought you from the fire nation. They were surely rare. Thoughts?

He handed over the pouch containing the samples to Marzan.
Hei awaits in the corner of the forge, being sure to not disrupt Marzan's work. He couldn't help but have an expression of awe as he watched the master craftsmen at work.
As the pouch was dropped into his palm, Marzan's eyebrow lifted ever so slightly. Aside from the weight of the ores, he could feel something almost like a heartbeat, and an unnatural chill from through the fabric. Another fallen into the trap of the legend that was "Marzan, master Blacksmith, creator of the God Slaying Tools". A man who by all accounts was larger than life itself. While his skill with a forge was all but unparalleled, he would never flaunt it, nor would he grow to detest the pleasure of working with simple, raw minerals. There was anything wrong with the materials he was given, but there was almost certainly an expectation that came along with these ores, and what they could produce. It mattered little what the ores themselves individually could do when smelted down, blended together, and forged into the tool they wanted. Heartstone would no longer beat to it's own tune, it would follow the rhythm of Alucard's soul. Stahlrim would no longer give off an unnatural chill, it would attune itself to Alucard's temperature. Tempest Tektite wouldn't be a reflection of the heavens, the meteoric metal would become something so clearly, plainly and absolutely human, just like it's wielder. They needn't know this, but the smith mused all the same. From Isabella to Alucard, the selection of ores they procured gave an insight to the person themselves. Alucard's cold, almost inhuman and alien body still beat with the heart of a man, despite endless evidence to the contrary. It was almost poetic how well his choice in ores reflected himself, even if he didn't understand it in the moment. As he'd been staring at the pouch for far too long without an answer, he gave Alucard an abridged response.

"I think... You tried too hard on my account. Don't misunderstand, I'm not complaining.
The materials are fine, aye, you simply needn't go to such lengths."

Marzan took the raw ore from the sack, and placed them before himself on the forge. As he cracked his neck in preparation of another long process, he dropped any and all pretense, and got to work.

"Enough grandstanding. Lets get you a stake worthy of puncturing more than the dirt, eh?"

As Marzan approached the forge seemingly burst to life, no longer filling the room with a soft, warm heat, it roared with the ferocity of a wild beast, the flames licking at the smiths skin, yet no burns ever appeared. The same could not be said for Alucard's ores, as they quickly bubbled and melted into a single pile of molten metal, all of his chosen minerals and their individual quirks rendered null by the flames of Marzan's forge. Instead they combined, compounded by the immense temperatures they were subjected to, and unbeknownst to Alucard had already begun tethering to his very soul. Once the ores were completely melted and fused, Marzan used a simple rod of sorts and began to mold the ore then and there, within the forge itself. With the other he grabbed a pair of tongs and began coaxing the metal into the desired shape, and as he did so, the flames began to subside. Sweat was dropping from Marzan's brow and body but not once did his concentration nor his expression falter nor waver because of it. Minutes seemed to fly passed in mere moments, and then suddenly in an instant the smith pivoted around, and began sculpting the shape of the stake, before driving the mass of metal into a nearby tall container of liquid, kept on hand for quenching. Mass of metal in hand, he eyed down the length of the stake-in-progress, and scoffed before plunging it back into the forge, seemingly not content with the foundation. Once more the forge's flames burst forth, enveloping the mass of metal, heating it, subjecting it to greater and greater temperatures. The now elongated bar of metal began to glow a bright orange again, becoming malleable once more and with that Marzan returned to his anvil. Picking up the hammer once more he began battering one end of the stake, elongating it before flipping it over to the next side. He repeated this several more times, each time taking greater and greater care to not make it outrageously long, before repeating the process once more. Once he had achieved the proper shape, he set about fixing the appearance of the weapon, adding small flourishes to the weapons design to make it more than a simple metal rod with a spiked end. While not overbearingly ostentatious or elaborate the finished product, still hot to the touch, was presented with the most humble flourish, a simple gesture to Alucard to make him aware his tool was finished.

(Kamikorosu: Kakei) – God Slayer: Stake
Type: God-Slaying Artifact
Rank: C-Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A piercing tool used as an anchor, a boundary marker for property and in some accounts one of few items capable of permanently silencing certain undead now forged as a God-Slaying Tool. It is particularly large for a tool of it's nature, roughly two feet in length from the spiked tip to the bottom of the hilt. This particular Stake was forged for Alucard; because it is a product of certain Atavistic techniques it is bound to his soul, its anti-Divinity properties are able to pierce the defenses afforded to Divine enemies in the Ninja World. This does not confer a God-Slaying Tool the ability to defeat properties of Anutu or its sub-components; it is specifically targeted against Divine enemies in the Ninja World and the Divinity that they possess. With proper focusing and enhancements perhaps this weapon can become even stronger.

With Alucard's request fulfilled, and neither Mugetsu nor Emiya anywhere to be seen, that left but one person for Marzan to deal with. Though their meeting in Irkalla was incredibly brief, as one of the few souls responsible for helping break him out of Irkalla, Marzan remembered him.

"Never got the chance to chat after that business in Irkalla was over, but you have my thanks, Hei.
I take it you're here for one of my works? If I might be so crass, what is it you're looking for?"

At face value he was being asked what kind of tool he wanted, but in a general sense, just like he'd done with those before him he wanted to know what drove them. Why seek the power to fell Gods in the first place? Power for powers sake? To defend their loved ones? To kill their enemies, even should they be Gods? To upend the order of the world for as yet undefined designs? There was a million answers that could be given, and every one of them was just as valid. Such was the gift given to humanity. Potential, and the freedom to pursue it.
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Active member
Aug 25, 2010
Trait Points
As the pouch was dropped into his palm, Marzan's eyebrow lifted ever so slightly. Aside from the weight of the ores, he could feel something almost like a heartbeat, and an unnatural chill from through the fabric. Another fallen into the trap of the legend that was "Marzan, master Blacksmith, creator of the God Slaying Tools". A man who by all accounts was larger than life itself. While his skill with a forge was all but unparalleled, he would never flaunt it, nor would he grow to detest the pleasure of working with simple, raw minerals. There was anything wrong with the materials he was given, but there was almost certainly an expectation that came along with these ores, and what they could produce. It mattered little what the ores themselves individually could do when smelted down, blended together, and forged into the tool they wanted. Heartstone would no longer beat to it's own tune, it would follow the rhythm of Alucard's soul. Stahlrim would no longer give off an unnatural chill, it would attune itself to Alucard's temperature. Tempest Tektite wouldn't be a reflection of the heavens, the meteoric metal would become something so clearly, plainly and absolutely human, just like it's wielder. They needn't know this, but the smith mused all the same. From Isabella to Alucard, the selection of ores they procured gave an insight to the person themselves. Alucard's cold, almost inhuman and alien body still beat with the heart of a man, despite endless evidence to the contrary. It was almost poetic how well his choice in ores reflected himself, even if he didn't understand it in the moment. As he'd been staring at the pouch for far too long without an answer, he gave Alucard an abridged response.
"I think... You tried too hard on my account. Don't misunderstand, I'm not complaining.

The materials are fine, aye, you simply needn't go to such lengths."

Marzan took the raw ore from the sack, and placed them before himself on the forge. As he cracked his neck in preparation of another long process, he dropped any and all pretense, and got to work.
"Enough grandstanding. Lets get you a stake worthy of puncturing more than the dirt, eh?"

As Marzan approached the forge seemingly burst to life, no longer filling the room with a soft, warm heat, it roared with the ferocity of a wild beast, the flames licking at the smiths skin, yet no burns ever appeared. The same could not be said for Alucard's ores, as they quickly bubbled and melted into a single pile of molten metal, all of his chosen minerals and their individual quirks rendered null by the flames of Marzan's forge. Instead they combined, compounded by the immense temperatures they were subjected to, and unbeknownst to Alucard had already begun tethering to his very soul. Once the ores were completely melted and fused, Marzan used a simple rod of sorts and began to mold the ore then and there, within the forge itself. With the other he grabbed a pair of tongs and began coaxing the metal into the desired shape, and as he did so, the flames began to subside. Sweat was dropping from Marzan's brow and body but not once did his concentration nor his expression falter nor waver because of it. Minutes seemed to fly passed in mere moments, and then suddenly in an instant the smith pivoted around, and began sculpting the shape of the stake, before driving the mass of metal into a nearby tall container of liquid, kept on hand for quenching. Mass of metal in hand, he eyed down the length of the stake-in-progress, and scoffed before plunging it back into the forge, seemingly not content with the foundation. Once more the forge's flames burst forth, enveloping the mass of metal, heating it, subjecting it to greater and greater temperatures. The now elongated bar of metal began to glow a bright orange again, becoming malleable once more and with that Marzan returned to his anvil. Picking up the hammer once more he began battering one end of the stake, elongating it before flipping it over to the next side. He repeated this several more times, each time taking greater and greater care to not make it outrageously long, before repeating the process once more. Once he had achieved the proper shape, he set about fixing the appearance of the weapon, adding small flourishes to the weapons design to make it more than a simple metal rod with a spiked end. While not overbearingly ostentatious or elaborate the finished product, still hot to the touch, was presented with the most humble flourish, a simple gesture to Alucard to make him aware his tool was finished.
(Kamikorosu: Kakei) – God Slayer: Stake
God-Slaying Artifact
Rank: C-Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A piercing tool used as an anchor, a boundary marker for property and in some accounts one of few items capable of permanently silencing certain undead now forged as a God-Slaying Tool. It is particularly large for a tool of it's nature, roughly two feet in length from the spiked tip to the bottom of the hilt. This particular Stake was forged for Alucard; because it is a product of certain Atavistic techniques it is bound to his soul, its anti-Divinity properties are able to pierce the defenses afforded to Divine enemies in the Ninja World. This does not confer a God-Slaying Tool the ability to defeat properties of Anutu or its sub-components; it is specifically targeted against Divine enemies in the Ninja World and the Divinity that they possess. With proper focusing and enhancements perhaps this weapon can become even stronger.
With Alucard's request fulfilled, and neither Mugetsu nor Emiya anywhere to be seen, that left but one person for Marzan to deal with. Though their meeting in Irkalla was incredibly brief, as one of the few souls responsible for helping break him out of Irkalla, Marzan remembered him.

"Never got the chance to chat after that business in Irkalla was over, but you have my thanks, Hei.

I take it you're here for one of my works? If I might be so crass, what is it you're looking for?"

At face value he was being asked what kind of tool he wanted, but in a general sense, just like he'd done with those before him he wanted to know what drove them. Why seek the power to fell Gods in the first place? Power for powers sake? To defend their loved ones? To kill their enemies, even should they be Gods? To upend the order of the world for as yet undefined designs? There was a million answers that could be given, and every one of them was just as valid. Such was the gift given to humanity. Potential, and the freedom to pursue it.
"Never got the chance to chat after that business in Irkalla was over, but you have my thanks, Hei.
I take it you're here for one of my works? If I might be so crass, what is it you're looking for?"

Listening to Marzan's words Hei took the meaning deeper then it's face value. Perhaps it was the tone in which Marzan spoke, or perhaps it was Hei projecting his innate reasoning and hearing what he wanted. In either case Hei's hesitation to answer was clear. He took a moment as events of his past flashed before his eyes. The very memories that drive him to protect this world and the people within. The Otsutsuki, being interdimensional beings that harvest worlds to postpone what is inevitable for most mortals, death. Hei escaped the main family, the death and genocide that followed them. He left that life behind and found new meaning in this world. Over the centuries he has come to love humanity as he's watched them grow. Hei steps forward, closer to Marzan. The light now flickering across his face.

"I have lived with Humanity for a long time. They have their flaws, but that's what makes them special. Without them I would be lost, I would be nothing. Conflicts are something that has always, and will always exist within humanity but in all my time on this world I have never experienced the potential for destruction as recent events have shown. Historically my people have been deemed as Gods, Celestials, Titans or Demons. They were nothing but false titles given by humanity to explain the unknown. A few years ago, when I fought against Tiamat along side Humanity, my eyes were opened. I understood what it felt like for those who gave my people false titles. Now I was on the outside looking in. Then, in Irkalla my eyes were open once more. I now find myself unable to protect the people I have come to love and It terrifies me. I don't know if these are truly gods we face, or false titles of the unknown that we need to strike down. What I do know is that in order to have a chance to continue and protect humanity from these powers beyond my own. I need your help to forge a tool befitting of me to wield."

Speaking firm and true, Hei's serious tone and expression shifted. Realizing he had rambled quite a bit dropping information that made since for himself who has lived it, but from an outside perspective could seem random or out of context. Embarrassment will overcome him as he begins his bad habit of scratching at the back of his head in discomfort. giggling awkwardly Hei continues.

"Ah, I hope that answers your question?"


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
As the pouch was dropped into his palm, Marzan's eyebrow lifted ever so slightly. Aside from the weight of the ores, he could feel something almost like a heartbeat, and an unnatural chill from through the fabric. Another fallen into the trap of the legend that was "Marzan, master Blacksmith, creator of the God Slaying Tools". A man who by all accounts was larger than life itself. While his skill with a forge was all but unparalleled, he would never flaunt it, nor would he grow to detest the pleasure of working with simple, raw minerals. There was anything wrong with the materials he was given, but there was almost certainly an expectation that came along with these ores, and what they could produce. It mattered little what the ores themselves individually could do when smelted down, blended together, and forged into the tool they wanted. Heartstone would no longer beat to it's own tune, it would follow the rhythm of Alucard's soul. Stahlrim would no longer give off an unnatural chill, it would attune itself to Alucard's temperature. Tempest Tektite wouldn't be a reflection of the heavens, the meteoric metal would become something so clearly, plainly and absolutely human, just like it's wielder. They needn't know this, but the smith mused all the same. From Isabella to Alucard, the selection of ores they procured gave an insight to the person themselves. Alucard's cold, almost inhuman and alien body still beat with the heart of a man, despite endless evidence to the contrary. It was almost poetic how well his choice in ores reflected himself, even if he didn't understand it in the moment. As he'd been staring at the pouch for far too long without an answer, he gave Alucard an abridged response.
"I think... You tried too hard on my account. Don't misunderstand, I'm not complaining.

The materials are fine, aye, you simply needn't go to such lengths."

Marzan took the raw ore from the sack, and placed them before himself on the forge. As he cracked his neck in preparation of another long process, he dropped any and all pretense, and got to work.
"Enough grandstanding. Lets get you a stake worthy of puncturing more than the dirt, eh?"

As Marzan approached the forge seemingly burst to life, no longer filling the room with a soft, warm heat, it roared with the ferocity of a wild beast, the flames licking at the smiths skin, yet no burns ever appeared. The same could not be said for Alucard's ores, as they quickly bubbled and melted into a single pile of molten metal, all of his chosen minerals and their individual quirks rendered null by the flames of Marzan's forge. Instead they combined, compounded by the immense temperatures they were subjected to, and unbeknownst to Alucard had already begun tethering to his very soul. Once the ores were completely melted and fused, Marzan used a simple rod of sorts and began to mold the ore then and there, within the forge itself. With the other he grabbed a pair of tongs and began coaxing the metal into the desired shape, and as he did so, the flames began to subside. Sweat was dropping from Marzan's brow and body but not once did his concentration nor his expression falter nor waver because of it. Minutes seemed to fly passed in mere moments, and then suddenly in an instant the smith pivoted around, and began sculpting the shape of the stake, before driving the mass of metal into a nearby tall container of liquid, kept on hand for quenching. Mass of metal in hand, he eyed down the length of the stake-in-progress, and scoffed before plunging it back into the forge, seemingly not content with the foundation. Once more the forge's flames burst forth, enveloping the mass of metal, heating it, subjecting it to greater and greater temperatures. The now elongated bar of metal began to glow a bright orange again, becoming malleable once more and with that Marzan returned to his anvil. Picking up the hammer once more he began battering one end of the stake, elongating it before flipping it over to the next side. He repeated this several more times, each time taking greater and greater care to not make it outrageously long, before repeating the process once more. Once he had achieved the proper shape, he set about fixing the appearance of the weapon, adding small flourishes to the weapons design to make it more than a simple metal rod with a spiked end. While not overbearingly ostentatious or elaborate the finished product, still hot to the touch, was presented with the most humble flourish, a simple gesture to Alucard to make him aware his tool was finished.
(Kamikorosu: Kakei) – God Slayer: Stake
God-Slaying Artifact
Rank: C-Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A piercing tool used as an anchor, a boundary marker for property and in some accounts one of few items capable of permanently silencing certain undead now forged as a God-Slaying Tool. It is particularly large for a tool of it's nature, roughly two feet in length from the spiked tip to the bottom of the hilt. This particular Stake was forged for Alucard; because it is a product of certain Atavistic techniques it is bound to his soul, its anti-Divinity properties are able to pierce the defenses afforded to Divine enemies in the Ninja World. This does not confer a God-Slaying Tool the ability to defeat properties of Anutu or its sub-components; it is specifically targeted against Divine enemies in the Ninja World and the Divinity that they possess. With proper focusing and enhancements perhaps this weapon can become even stronger.
With Alucard's request fulfilled, and neither Mugetsu nor Emiya anywhere to be seen, that left but one person for Marzan to deal with. Though their meeting in Irkalla was incredibly brief, as one of the few souls responsible for helping break him out of Irkalla, Marzan remembered him.

"Never got the chance to chat after that business in Irkalla was over, but you have my thanks, Hei.

I take it you're here for one of my works? If I might be so crass, what is it you're looking for?"

At face value he was being asked what kind of tool he wanted, but in a general sense, just like he'd done with those before him he wanted to know what drove them. Why seek the power to fell Gods in the first place? Power for powers sake? To defend their loved ones? To kill their enemies, even should they be Gods? To upend the order of the world for as yet undefined designs? There was a million answers that could be given, and every one of them was just as valid. Such was the gift given to humanity. Potential, and the freedom to pursue it.
Alucard thought that Marzan would disapprove at first when he paused, touching the pouch with the minerals he had gathered in the fire nation. May have been just a coincidence but he felt genuine when Marzan replied that he had outdone himself in the gathering of the supplies. Alucard knew how a forge worked, well the basics for it atleast. The cores of each ore, their uniqueness would diminish once fused together and enflamed by the mystique fire that Marzan operated with. The mere representation of the ores uniqueness was something that he had hoped being tied to his soul which the stake he was to be given would do as well. Alas, the only ore on the list of which he had gathered was the Heartstone but maybe that was Destiny's way of representing the fact that distantly he had a heart himself. It could also be a representation for humanity and what the stake would be used against. Nevertheless, the metals would all falter to the flames as Marzan began his legendary craftsmanship. Alucard continued to sit on his chair during the entire process and Lilith, who had been told before to sit still and not accidentally get burned by these flames, was really holding back her enthusiasm of going over to Marzan and have a look. Her tail wiggled so fast and so compressed that it was almost vibrating. Alucard grabbed her to make sure she wasn't going anywhere and placed her in his lap. She pulled mean faces towards him, letting him acknowledge her disapproval for him caring about her well being in this moment. Telepathically, he told her.

We let him finish his work in peace.

She calmed down just in time for the stake's form to be finished. Marzan was sweating and Alucard observed his chakra reserves carefully to see if any went into the process but he failed to notice such details. As the stake was now finished, Marzan also took the liberty of adding some cosmetic designs to it before handing it over to Alucard with a flourish. He grabbed it with his right arm and felt something unusual. As if a piece of his life's puzzle had come back into his hands. He inspected it for a few seconds before concealing it within his crimson and black attire. He got up from his chair, leaving Lilith who had fallen asleep, in a comfortable situation. He looked at Marzan and expressed his thanks, even though he knew the blacksmith wasn't the sort of person that perhaps cared for neither admiration or acknowledgement. He had probably heard the very same phrase millions of times.

You have given me the tool to slay gods and thus kept your bargain. In these dark times that means more than i think you realize and for that i thank you. Is there anything particular i need to know further about these tools before i take my leave?


Jan 24, 2013
Trait Points
Alucard thought that Marzan would disapprove at first when he paused, touching the pouch with the minerals he had gathered in the fire nation. May have been just a coincidence but he felt genuine when Marzan replied that he had outdone himself in the gathering of the supplies. Alucard knew how a forge worked, well the basics for it atleast. The cores of each ore, their uniqueness would diminish once fused together and enflamed by the mystique fire that Marzan operated with. The mere representation of the ores uniqueness was something that he had hoped being tied to his soul which the stake he was to be given would do as well. Alas, the only ore on the list of which he had gathered was the Heartstone but maybe that was Destiny's way of representing the fact that distantly he had a heart himself. It could also be a representation for humanity and what the stake would be used against. Nevertheless, the metals would all falter to the flames as Marzan began his legendary craftsmanship. Alucard continued to sit on his chair during the entire process and Lilith, who had been told before to sit still and not accidentally get burned by these flames, was really holding back her enthusiasm of going over to Marzan and have a look. Her tail wiggled so fast and so compressed that it was almost vibrating. Alucard grabbed her to make sure she wasn't going anywhere and placed her in his lap. She pulled mean faces towards him, letting him acknowledge her disapproval for him caring about her well being in this moment. Telepathically, he told her.

We let him finish his work in peace.

She calmed down just in time for the stake's form to be finished. Marzan was sweating and Alucard observed his chakra reserves carefully to see if any went into the process but he failed to notice such details. As the stake was now finished, Marzan also took the liberty of adding some cosmetic designs to it before handing it over to Alucard with a flourish. He grabbed it with his right arm and felt something unusual. As if a piece of his life's puzzle had come back into his hands. He inspected it for a few seconds before concealing it within his crimson and black attire. He got up from his chair, leaving Lilith who had fallen asleep, in a comfortable situation. He looked at Marzan and expressed his thanks, even though he knew the blacksmith wasn't the sort of person that perhaps cared for neither admiration or acknowledgement. He had probably heard the very same phrase millions of times.

You have given me the tool to slay gods and thus kept your bargain. In these dark times that means more than i think you realize and for that i thank you. Is there anything particular i need to know further about these tools before i take my leave?
Wiping the sweat from his brow, Marzan told Alucard all he could of what awaited him.

"Actually, yes. Know that what you hold in your hands is not it's final shape. Your tool shall be painted by your very soul.
This however is where my involvement ends. The rest comes down to you."

"Never got the chance to chat after that business in Irkalla was over, but you have my thanks, Hei.
I take it you're here for one of my works? If I might be so crass, what is it you're looking for?"

Listening to Marzan's words Hei took the meaning deeper then it's face value. Perhaps it was the tone in which Marzan spoke, or perhaps it was Hei projecting his innate reasoning and hearing what he wanted. In either case Hei's hesitation to answer was clear. He took a moment as events of his past flashed before his eyes. The very memories that drive him to protect this world and the people within. The Otsutsuki, being interdimensional beings that harvest worlds to postpone what is inevitable for most mortals, death. Hei escaped the main family, the death and genocide that followed them. He left that life behind and found new meaning in this world. Over the centuries he has come to love humanity as he's watched them grow. Hei steps forward, closer to Marzan. The light now flickering across his face.

"I have lived with Humanity for a long time. They have their flaws, but that's what makes them special. Without them I would be lost, I would be nothing. Conflicts are something that has always, and will always exist within humanity but in all my time on this world I have never experienced the potential for destruction as recent events have shown. Historically my people have been deemed as Gods, Celestials, Titans or Demons. They were nothing but false titles given by humanity to explain the unknown. A few years ago, when I fought against Tiamat along side Humanity, my eyes were opened. I understood what it felt like for those who gave my people false titles. Now I was on the outside looking in. Then, in Irkalla my eyes were open once more. I now find myself unable to protect the people I have come to love and It terrifies me. I don't know if these are truly gods we face, or false titles of the unknown that we need to strike down. What I do know is that in order to have a chance to continue and protect humanity from these powers beyond my own. I need your help to forge a tool befitting of me to wield."

Speaking firm and true, Hei's serious tone and expression shifted. Realizing he had rambled quite a bit dropping information that made since for himself who has lived it, but from an outside perspective could seem random or out of context. Embarrassment will overcome him as he begins his bad habit of scratching at the back of his head in discomfort. giggling awkwardly Hei continues.

"Ah, I hope that answers your question?"
Marzan kept his full attention on Hei as he spoke of his past, and the many events that lead him to seek out this power, unwilling to insult the man as he clearly poured his heart out. His response was swift, and genuine.

"For one so clearly, and by your own admission not of this planet you are surprisingly human, and your reasons even more so.
I would be honored to provide you the tool you seek to defend those dearest to you.
But what shape would your resolve take?"

While Marzan didn't mind the length at which Hei spoke, he did request what the man desired. The smith was unfortunately not skilled enough to read minds, nor peer into the future to see what Hei wanted.
  • Haha
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