[ARCHIVE] Custom Jutsu Submission - II

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Apr 27, 2012
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Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

(Gensō no Nekkuresu) - Necklace of Illusions
Type: Weapon
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short (carried on user but ability can reach mid-range)
Chakra: N/A (+10 if user wishes to strengthen a genjutsu)
Damage: N/A
Description: This necklace used to be carried by a young nomad of the deserts who exceeded in the skills of genjutsu. His clan took pride in their own genjutsu skills and once the youngest member reached a certain level of knowledge with their clan's art, this necklace would be passed down to him/her as a symbol of officially becoming a member. During his many travels, the young nomad would cross paths with thieves and other people who wished him harm. He would often come out of these fights victorious with his clan's illusionary techniques but would also have a habit of feeding the necklace with his own chakra while casting illusions. After many generations, the necklace lost its value as a clan symbol but very few people actually knew it had left a mark of its ancestral pride.

Ability: The necklace has the chakra of a special clan sealed into it, which allows its current user to strength their genjutsu in exchange of sacrificing an extra amount of chakra. When the user wishes to use a genjutsu, they would perform the needed handseals (if there are any) then send their own chakra into the necklace and then continue sending it to their desired target(s). By making their chakra pass through the necklace, the illusionary technique that is going to be used would be strengthened, making said genjutsu one rank stronger. D-Rank illusions would become C-Rank. C-Ranks would become B. B-Ranks would become A. And A-Ranks would become S. This means that if the target now wishes to release themselves from this illusion which is strengthened by the necklace, they would need to use a release method, chakra surge or self-inflicted pain that would work on a genjutsu that is one rank higher than said genjutsu's initial rank. This ability does not count as a move but would require the user to spend an additional +10 chakra points whenever performing an illusion that they wish to strengthen. The necklace cannot strengthen illusionary techniques that are initially S-Rank or Forbidden.

Note: This CW's ability cannot be used on illusions that are initially S-Rank or above
Note: Can only be used by Tsūki

✦ Declined, I recently DNR'd a CW similar to this ✦

Summoning Animal: Blue Glaucus (Glaucus Atlanticus)
Scroll Owner: Tsūki
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background: This animal is silvery grey on its dorsal side and dark and pale blue ventrally and has dark blue stripes on its head. It has a tapering body which is flattened, and has six appendages which branch out into rayed, finger-like cerata. The radula of this species bears serrated teeth. They often float upside down on the upper surface of the ocean by means of an air bubble that they have swallowed and stored in their gastric cavity, where they are exposed to an abundance of sunlight. The blue-violet pigments help it to reflect harmful UV rays. Glaucus atlanticus is able to swallow its prey’s stinging cells (known as nematocysts) without hurting itself. It may keep itself safe from the poison by releasing protective mucus and by hard barrier-like discs inside its skin. But the blue glaucus does more than simply protect itself against these stings. It stores the swallowed poison inside the up to 84 finger-like structures or cerata sticking out of its body, and then uses this poison to defend itself against other predators. Their foot and undersides of the cerata, (which because they float upside down is effectively their dorsal surface), helps to camouflage them from predation (sea birds) from above because it's blue or blue and white. Their true dorsal surface, which faces down in the water, effectively camouflages them from fish looking up from below because it's silvery grey.

General Abilities:

- Many Blue glaucus have taken advantage of the air bubble they've swallowed. By passively manipulating it with their own chakra, some Blue Glaucus are capable of making themselves float in mid-air (without necessarily positioning themselves upside down). Those who are capable of this would use movements identical to the ones they would make while under water in order to move in mid-air.

- They feed on hydrozoans (a group of animals in the same phylum as jellyfish), especially the highly poisonous Portuguese Man-O’-War. Blue glaucus, can swallow their prey’s stinging cells (known as nematocysts) without hurting themselves. They may keep themselves safe from the poison by releasing protective mucus and by hard barrier-like discs inside their skin. Depending on which Blue glaucus is summoned, they may or may not already have a load of this poison stored inside of them. Those who have can use this poison during battle.

- They also have a form of camouflage called countershading that protects them from both flying and swimming predators while they float. The underside of the blue glaucus, which faces upward, is blue, helping it blend into the water’s surface when seen from above, while its back, which faces downward, is a more grayish color, helping it blend into the ocean when seen from below. Some Blue glaucus summons pushes their camouflage to a higher level by using their chakra.

Note: Each summon will have their general and personal abilities described in more details.

I'll be dropping my if this gets approved.

✦ Pending, will leave for someone else ✦

‡ Declined ‡ On submitter's request.

(Futon: Mukyū Shunkō) - Wind Release: Tireless Flash War Cry
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long (made at short range)
Chakra: 40 (+5 per turn to sustain)
Damage: N/A (80 when/if used offensively)
Description: The user after performing 3 hanseals infuses the air surrounding them with wind chakra and manipulates it to encircle the user's body multiple times. This makes the pressurized chakra-infused air revolve around the user like a vortex, allowing them to maintain it for several turns once activated. The technique takes the form of wind currents and is concentrated around the user's arms, lifting them up, allowing the user to be airborne while also allowing them to move freely in mid air. The user has enough control to release the chakra-infused air surrounding them as a directed blast that can cause considerable damage to the surrounding area. This technique can also be used to block a devastating lightning attack and dissipate it, and block other elemental/physical attacks as well as push them back by using the energy of the technique as a barrier (following elemental strengths and weaknesses). The pressurized chakra-infused air can be focused onto specific areas of the user's body, making the protection exceedingly more concentrated. However when focusing them onto specific areas, the user cannot achieve flight.

Note: Lasts for 3 turns
Note: Can only be used twice
Note: Once used offensively, the jutsu ends
Note: The user is vulnerable to Fire based techniques
Note: No wind techniques above A rank while the jutsu is active
Note: Two turns cooldown in order to use again after this jutsu ends
Note: No wind techniques above A rank the following turn this jutsu ends
Note: No fire or lightning techniques that originate from the body while active.

☼ Approved with added note ☼
(Update: Changed few minor things and clarified the speed to avoid confusion.)

(Futon: Mukyū Shunkō) - Wind Release: Tireless Flash War Cry
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long (made at short range)
Chakra: 40 (+5 per turn to sustain)
Damage: N/A (80 when/if used offensively)
Description: The user after performing 3 hanseals releases a surge of chakra from their entire body to then infuses the air surrounding them with wind chakra and manipulates it to encircle the user's body multiple times. This makes the pressurized chakra-infused air revolve around the user like a vortex, allowing them to maintain it for several turns once activated. The technique takes the form of wind currents and is concentrated around the user's arms, lifting them up, allowing the user to be airborne while also allowing them to move freely in mid air. The user has enough control to release the chakra-infused air surrounding them as a directed blast that can cause considerable damage to the surrounding area. This technique can also be used to block a devastating lightning attack and dissipate it, and block other elemental/physical attacks as well as push them back by using the energy of the technique as a barrier (following elemental strengths and weaknesses). The pressurized chakra-infused air can be focused onto specific areas of the user's body, making the protection exceedingly more concentrated. However when focusing them onto specific areas, the user cannot achieve flight. With this technique, the user's flying speed is significantly faster than their running speed (on ground) but will always be trackable with the naked eye.

Note: Lasts for 3 turns
Note: Can only be used twice
Note: Once used offensively, the jutsu ends
Note: No wind techniques above A rank while the jutsu is active
Note: Two turns cooldown in order to use again after this jutsu ends
Note: No wind techniques above S rank the following turn this jutsu ends
Note: No fire or lightning techniques that originate from the body while active.

✦ Declined, no need to make it a full body surge, just break the gen some other way ✦
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Active member
Oct 17, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

(Futon: Kazenokami no fue)-Wind Release:Whistle of the Wind God
Type: Offensive
Description: The user puts both of there pinky's in there mouth as they let out a very loud High pitch annoying whistle . While at the same time Exerting a large amount of wind chakra from there mouth. Making The opponent either get blown away or either listen to the high pitched sound of the whistle.The opponent will suffer severe damage to their ear drums if they do not cover them or attempt to stop the user.If the opponent decides to cover there ears, The strong blast of the wind will slowly start pushing them back ,, While also pushing debris,Rocks and other things on the battlefield

Note:Can only be Used Twice

Note: Can only Be Taught By Fujin

✦ Declined, has been done before with both Wind and Sound jutsu, which this seems to be a mixture of ✦

(Futon:Cyotic Supin)-Wind Release:Cyotic Spin
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range:Short (of the opponent) (Long) in Throwing
Damage:60(If the user decides to release the opponent)
Description: The user quickly grabs the opponent as they quickly jump in the air, The User then quickly coats himself & the opponent in a thin layer of wind that makes him wind resistant while also a small Super extremely fast tornado forms underneath his feet. The user then puts the opponent in a lock hold as the user begins to spin faster & faster, Due to the wind resistance on the user is able to spin faster then he normally would, Equaling up to G forces exceeding 4gs , Max of 8gs if the user uses a actual Tornado based wind jutsu.The user can either let the opponent go while spinning resulting in the opponent being slung across the battlefield, Breaking Bones & Damaging organs Causing severe damage, Or the user can simply stop until the opponent passes out due to all the g forces he went through.Due to rigorous training spinning that fast the user doesn't get affected by the jutsu

Note:Can only be used Twice

Note:If the Opponent Blacks out Its no more then 6 Seconds Before they wake up

Note:Can Only be Taught By Fujin

✦ Declined, so you mean to tell me you out here running with a mini tornado under your feet and you're still A1? Nah, that isnt possible, think about what you wrote for a second: A small super extremely fast (btw wth? that sounds so confusing lol) tornado under you. You'd be pretty ****ed up before you even grab the opponent. The rest of the jutsu is just as weird as the above, if you are both being spun around that fast, you'd would probably be affected by it as well. ✦
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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
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Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

(Ninjutsu: Itami shinkeigasurudoi) Ninja Art: Pains Of Sensitivity
Type: Supplamentary
Damage: N/a (x2 Damage)
Description: This is a very unique style of ninja art, developed by the interrogate squad. The user will do 2 handseals (Ox-Ram) While touching the opponents body (or themselves) forcing the chakra inside of their body to react causing the chakra to resonate violently inside their body making it sore without notice. This will make their body extremely sore to the touch (similar to the after effects of guy from using his 7th gate) This will cause the opponent when hit to take double damage, while being extremely sensitive to any type of pain. A kunai stab to the hand would feel like you smashed your whole hand. Doing monstrous damage.

Note: Last 4 turns
Note: X2 Damage (double damage when taken)
Note: Can use a max of 3 turns
Note: Cant use this technique for 3 turns after the affects wear off.

✦Declined, I don't see why this would give double damage at all. It'd cause the opponent pain at best, not double damage. I'm also skeptical about this as it sounds familiar somehow.✦
(Ninjutsu: Itami shinkeigasurudoi) Ninja Art: Pains Of Sensitivity
Type: Supplamentary
Damage: N/a (+20 Damage to physical attacks (i.e. Earth, Water, Lava, etc ))
Description: This is a very unique style of ninja art, developed by the interrogate squad. The user will do 2 handseals (Ox-Ram) While touching the opponents body (or themselves) forcing the chakra inside of their body to react causing the chakra to resonate violently inside their body making it sore without notice. This will make their body extremely sore to the touch (similar to the after effects of guy from using his 7th gate) This will cause the opponent when hit to take double damage, while being extremely sensitive to any type of pain. A kunai stab to the hand would feel like you smashed your whole hand. Doing monstrous damage.

Note: Last 3 turns
Note: Can use a max of 2 times
Note: Cant use this technique for 3 turns after the affects wear off.

✦ Approved, you made it unapproved by the contradictory damage and not. I removed the note and changed the damage to +20 to physical attacks that hit the opponent. ✦

(Ameton/Katon:Naraku tsuba) Rain/Fire Style: Hades Spit
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/a (20 Each Turn ) (+10 Rain Jutsus)
Description: This is a very interesting but dangerous type of jutsu. Incorporating fire and rain together. The user will do 3 handdseals channeling fire into the rain clouds super-heating the rain drops The user makes sure that he doesnt channel fire chakra into the clouds above him in a 3meter diameter. Making it that if he moves outside the 3 meter mark he too will face the affects of this jutsu. Each rain drops is hot as boiling water, making each time the rain touches the opponent it feels like a a harsh sting. This jutsu specality is that it causes distractions to the opponent while constantly being hit with scalding rain drops. The special thing about this jutsu is that over a period of time it does more damage. If this jutsu isnt stopped before the 3rd turn. The opponent will suffer 3rd degree burns causing severe damage. Each turn the rain hits the opponent the damage from the rain multiplies. Meaning 20 first turn. 40 2nd turn and 80 3rd turn.

Note: Can use twice
Note: 3 turn cool down period
Note: Last 3 turns
Note: Cant use any rain jutsu above S rank with this technique.
Note: All Rain jutsus are superheated into scaled water increasing the damage

✦ Declined, this should be A rank instead of S for one. And doubled damage is a no. It should increase by the same factor each turn, not a multiplier. It'd be 20, 40, 60. And no rain above A rank, this is too exploitable like that. ✦
(Ameton/Katon:Naraku tsuba) Rain/Fire Style: Hades Spit
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/a (20 Each Turn ) (+10 Rain Jutsus)
Description: This is a very interesting but dangerous type of jutsu. Incorporating fire and rain together. The user will do 3 handdseals channeling fire into the rain clouds super-heating the rain drops The user makes sure that he doesnt channel fire chakra into the clouds above him in a 3meter diameter. Making it that if he moves outside the 3 meter mark he too will face the affects of this jutsu. Each rain drops is hot as boiling water, making each time the rain touches the opponent it feels like a a harsh sting. This jutsu specality is that it causes distractions to the opponent while constantly being hit with scalding rain drops. The special thing about this jutsu is that over a period of time it does more damage. If this jutsu isnt stopped before the 3rd turn. The opponent will suffer 3rd degree burns causing severe damage. Each turn the rain hits the opponent the damage from the rain adds 1 rank . Meaning 20 first turn. 40 2nd turn and 60 3rd turn.

Note: Can use twice
Note: 3 turn cool down period
Note: Last 3 turns
Note: Cant use any rain jutsu above A rank with this technique.
Note: All Rain jutsus are superheated into scaled water increasing the damage

✦ Declined, it's been brought to my attention that this would be infringing on Volcanic Water CE, I cant allow this, sorry. ✦
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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

(Doton: Sanshōuo no ikari) | Earth Release: Salamander's Tempest
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A technique in which, through the formation of two handseals, the user is capable of causing the ground beneath the opponent to violently break down into earthly materials and burst upwards into a swirling and frenzied storm of dust. The dust storm is comprised of volatile and unstable earthly materials, rocks and minerals, and as a result the sporadic and rapid collision of dust particles will swiftly result in the generation of friction and heat that will ignite the storm to ultimately form a maelstrom of flaming rock and lava pieces.
Needless to say, anyone caught within the area of the technique will have their flesh shredded, then blasted as the storm furiously ignites, and finally scorched and eroded into a bloody mess.

- Can only be used 3x
- No Earth techniques above S rank for the rest of the turn.
- The area of this technique can be large enough to consume large summons such as Sasuke's hawk, but not much larger.

Declined: How are you certain that area will have unstable and volatile earthly materials? That is quite convenient. Also, the velocity would have to be way too high to actually cause friction of such an extent that it ignites. And even if that would happen, it would have to be continuous and that in itself would create lava and flaming rock? Tone the jutsu down quite a bit for it to be acceptable and give it restrictions. You're basically creating a spewing vulcano frying pan, and you're not able to use S-rank earth for the rest of one turn? That makes no sense.
(Doton: Sanshōuo no ikari) | Earth Release: Salamander's Tempest
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A technique in which, through the formation of two handseals, the user is capable of causing the ground beneath the opponent to violently break down into earthly materials and burst upwards into a swirling and frenzied earth storm. The dust storm is comprised of volatile and unstable rocks, minerals and earthly materials; which are either drawn from the ground, or, if their sourcing is inadequate, the required volatile particles will simply be replicated and reproduced through use of chakra. The intensity at which the dust storm swirls at results in the continuous and sporadic collision of dust particles which will swiftly result in the generation of friction and heat that will ignite the storm to ultimately form a blast-like maelstrom of flaming rock and lava pieces. The storm ignites rather easily under the influence of but a few sparks, as the countless dust particles within the storm provides a large surface area that, combined with the combustible aspect of the storm, creates an effect similar to that of a Dust Explosion.
Needless to say, anyone caught within the area of the technique will have their flesh shredded, then blasted as the storm furiously combusts and expands to twice it's size, and finally scorched and eroded into a bloody mess.

- Can only be used 3x
- No Earth techniques above A rank for the rest ofthat, and the next turn the turn.
- The area of this technique can be large enough to consume large summons such as Sasuke's hawk, but not much larger.

✦ Declined, while I like this, I cant see it being solely just a earth jutsu. In order for it to have certain minerals that are volatile and explosive, you would have to call up specific minerals, which wouldnt be allowed as that would essentially be entering CE fields. Now, with Earth and Fire, it gets easier to get done, superheating the earth as the friction helps with this. ✦

Permission to submit Oversoul: &

Link to the style:

Tairei: Kamui | Oversoul: God-Robe
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: An incredible Oversoul technique in which the user animates, empowers and manipulates their clothes to create a powerful suit that's tailored to their liking. This technique is executed by infusing vast amounts of chakra into the users garments to bring them to life, with the users newly animated clothes being both freely manipulable by the user, and also capable of acting in the users interests due to their acquired partial sentience - thus the creation of the users own Kamui - Godrobe. A Kamui can be hard, soft, flexible, rigid, elastic or firm according to the users wishes and is thus capable of freely shifting, morphing and growing in shape and length so as to match desire. When the user moves during battle so will the Kamui, the symbiotic clothing moving alongside the user to accentuate their movements, and ultimately resulting in the user being capable of faster, stronger, and tighter movements. Thus a Kamui's ability to shift into and produce cloth based appendages and weapons to attack and defend, as well it's ability to heighten the users physical abilities essentially allows the user to gain supreme close combat prowess - such that the original inventor of this technique, a frail and physically weak little girl, was capable of overwhelming her Ninja Martial Arts instructors through use of this technique.
However a Kamui is not without cost. Each turn the Kamui forcibly drains 30 chakra from the user as, despite being powerful it is unfortunately inefficient. The chakra that the Kamui feeds off uncontrollably seeps outwards to create an colourful aurora that enshrouds the users body. However the aura goes beyond aesthetic purposes as it serves as a chakra flow that enhances the destructive power when a Kamui strikes something.
A Kamui's base form offers some defence to the user as it cannot be burned, shocked or crushed by an inferior technique, however it can be cut by an appropriately focused technique B rank or above (B rank cuts it, A rank+ cuts through it and into the user), and concussive force above B rank can still transmitted to the user. However upon being cut or disfigured a Kamui will quickly restitch itself, thus it can only be completely destroyed by an equally powerful technique of suitable proportions. (This does not apply to its produced offshoots.)

- Lasts for up to five turns once activated.
- Each turn the user can release Kamui/Oversoul based attacks and projectiles that amount to B rank in overall power. This is free of cost.
- Oversoul techniques created using the cloth of a Kamui gain an additional +20 power due to the excessive chakra infusion and coating.
- The chakra aura alone adds +10 damage to the users physical attacks that involve a Kamui, while a Kamui's actual power is proportional to the users own, even a Kamui's sentience and will is simply a distorted yet real reflection of the users own.
- Once this is over the user is restricted from utilising Oversoul techniques above B rank for the next two turns.
- The users body will also exhibit signs of strain from having worn the Kamui, resulting at them performing below their physical peak for the next two turns.
- The initial creation of a Kamui generally results in the users clothes rearranging or even morphing to their preferences into something akin to their own superhero suit.

✦ Declined, parts of this are a bit unapprovable. For one, releasing burst of oversoul techs per turn need a chakra cost, not free of cost and count towards the 3 jutsu per turn. And I can't allow the colored; it basically allows you to make any creature or shape from the cloth as long as its still attached to you - all freeform. The second to last note needs to be clarified as well; what does "below their physical peak" mean in terms of the RP? No tai of a certain rank? No nin of a certain rank? etc. Also, the restitching part after being cut should require at least some form of chakra usage, even if it's a minimal one. Can't just allow freeform reforming. Also, 5 turns is too much. ✦

Tairei: Seishin no Sokumen | Oversoul: Aspect of the Spirit
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Through this technique the user applies the concept practiced in 'Gift of Creation' of expanding and granting sentience unto stuffed toys except with a slight twist. This time the user will expand a stuff toy except that the expansion will be centred on them, thus they will ultimately be covered in a stuffed suit. Like 'Gift of Creation' the expanded toy suit will exhibit properties according to it's physical traits and the animal qualities that it mimics - i.e a Bunny suit would have rather pronounced haunches that would work in unison with the user so that, when the user jumps, the stuffed yet powerful haunches would sync and boost their movements to allow the user to jump to uncanny heights or distances, likewise for a gorilla suit that could grant stronger punches or greater brute strength, or a hare suit for greater travelling speed and so on. Naturally, additional appendages that the suit carries would adapt to and be utilised by the user to fulfil their nature purpose, i.e tails for added balance, claws that would be incredibly stiff and allow for slicing and dicing, wings for flight and so on. The applications of this exoskeleton like suit would only be limited by the users inventory, imagination and intentions, the suit can be full bodies or cut off at a certain area, appendages can be situated in different areas according to the users desire, and it can vary between being slightly larger than the user or even a gigantic body in which the user is housed within. (Maximum of seven meters in size) The created suits are partially sentient and are therefore capable of taking the initiative to act upon the users will.

- This technique can last for up to two turns, the initial expansion creates an outburst of chakra that grants the first set of actions for this technique chakra enhanced power, equivalent to A rank, however after that the suits display capabilities not that much greater than that of their real life (or imagined in the case of mythical based suits) counterparts, except enhanced in proportion to their size and density of course.
- Can only be used 4x
- Two turn cool down in-between usages.
- No Oversoul techniques above A rank the turn after this ends.

✦ Declined, how do you turn a teddy bear into a suit you wear around you? Expanding it's size doesn't make it cover you. ._. And either way, this is extremely vague and will lead to issues later, such as how far you can jump with the rabbit suit, how fast you can swim in a dolphin suit, or how much stronger a gorilla suit makes one, etc. Since no output is given, one could basically alter it each time it's used since it's not clearly stated. And if it's "expanding" an already created bear, then what you can do is limited by the bear itself, not the user's imagination. And no, these suits aren't capable of acting on their own, just to clarify. And I dont get the first note, why is there is an "outburst" of chakra and what exactly is it supposed to do? ✦
Permission to submit Oversoul: &

Link to the style:

Tairei: Kamui | Oversoul: God-Robe
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: An incredible Oversoul technique in which the user animates, empowers and manipulates their clothes to create a powerful suit that's tailored to their liking. This technique is executed by infusing vast amounts of chakra into the users garments to bring them to life, with the users newly animated clothes being both freely manipulable by the user, and also capable of acting in the users interests due to their acquired partial sentience - thus the creation of the users own Kamui - Godrobe. A Kamui can be hard, soft, flexible, rigid, elastic or firm according to the users wishes and is thus capable of freely shifting, morphing and growing in shape and length so as to match desire (This cannot bring a Kamui to beyond 3x it's original size). When the user moves during battle so will the Kamui, the symbiotic clothing moving alongside the user to accentuate their movements, and ultimately resulting in the user being capable of faster, stronger, and tighter movements. Thus a Kamui's ability to shift into and produce cloth based appendages and weapons to attack and defend, as well it's ability to heighten the users physical abilities essentially allows the user to gain supreme close combat prowess - such that the original inventor of this technique, a frail and physically weak little girl, was capable of overwhelming her Ninja Martial Arts instructors through use of this technique.
However a Kamui is not without cost. Each turn the Kamui forcibly drains 20 chakra from the user as, despite being powerful it is unfortunately inefficient. The chakra that the Kamui feeds off uncontrollably seeps outwards to create an colourful aurora that enshrouds the users body. However the aura goes beyond aesthetic purposes as it serves as a chakra flow that enhances the destructive power when a Kamui strikes something.
A Kamui's base form offers some defence to the user as it cannot be burned, shocked or crushed by an inferior technique, however it can be cut by an appropriately focused technique B rank or above (B rank cuts it, A rank+ cuts through it and into the user), and concussive force above B rank can still transmitted to the user. However upon being cut or disfigured a Kamui will quickly restitch itself, thus it can only be completely destroyed by an equally powerful technique of suitable proportions. (This does not apply to its produced offshoots.) (Restitching drains an additional 10 chakra)

- Lasts for up to four turns once activated.
- Each turn the user can release Kamui/Oversoul based attacks and projectiles that amount to A rank in overall power. This counts as a move and bypasses freeform manipulation in that it does not have a size or quantity limit. (A rank power includes the chakra coating)
- Oversoul techniques created using the cloth of a Kamui gain an additional +20 power due to the excessive chakra infusion and coating.
- The chakra aura alone adds +10 damage to the users physical attacks that involve a Kamui, while a Kamui's actual power is proportional to the users own, even a Kamui's sentience and will is simply a distorted yet real reflection of the users own.
- Once this is over the user is restricted from utilising Oversoul techniques above B rank for the next two turns.
- The users body will also exhibit signs of strain from having worn the Kamui, resulting at them performing below their physical peak for the next two turns. (No Taijutsu above B rank, and speeds decreased to by half.)
- The initial creation of a Kamui generally results in the users clothes rearranging or even morphing to their preferences into something akin to their own superhero suit. (More clothing generally results in a more effective Kamui)

Tairei: Seishin no Sokumen | Oversoul: Aspect of the Spirit
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: Through this technique the user applies the concept practiced in 'Gift of Creation' of expanding and granting sentience unto stuffed toys except with a slight twist. This time the user will expand a stuff toy except that the expansion will be centred on them, and hollowed out, thus they will ultimately be covered in a stuffed suit. Like 'Gift of Creation' the expanded toy suit will exhibit properties according to it's physical traits and the animal qualities that it mimics - i.e a Bunny suit would have rather pronounced haunches that would work in unison with the user so that, when the user jumps, the stuffed yet powerful haunches would sync and boost their movements to allow the user to jump to uncanny heights or distances, likewise for a gorilla suit that could grant stronger punches or greater brute strength, or a hare suit for greater travelling speed and so on. Naturally, additional appendages that the suit carries would adapt to and be utilised by the user to fulfil their nature purpose, i.e tails for added balance, claws that would be incredibly stiff and allow for slicing and dicing, wings for flight and so on. The applications of this exoskeleton like suit would only be limited by the users inventory, imagination and intentions, the suit can be full bodied, cut off at a certain areas, or partial, appendages can also be situated in different areas according to the users desire, and it's size can vary between being slightly larger than the user or even a gigantic body in which the user is housed within. (Maximum of seven meters in size) The created suits are partially sentient and are therefore capable of taking the initiative to act upon the users will. The strength and effectiveness of the appendages are proportionate to what the real life animal counterparts would be capable of if they were scaled to the same size as the suit - i,e a rabbit can jump to 2.5x it's body height, thus a rabbit suit would enable similar such feats, except further augmented by the users own jumping power.

- This technique can last for up to two turns, the initial expansion creates an outburst of chakra that grants the first set of actions for this technique chakra enhanced power, equivalent to A rank, (That momentarily doubles the physical output and effectiveness of the appendages) however after that the suits display capabilities not that much greater than that of their real life (or imagined in the case of mythical based suits) counterparts, except enhanced in proportion to their size and density of course.
- Can only be used 4x
- Two turn cool down in-between usages.
- No Oversoul techniques above A rank the turn after this ends.
- Cannot be combined with Oversoul: Kamui.

✦ Both approved, had to edit bits of both ✦
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

Shingai - Trespass
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short -> Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: "The attack begins by hurling your body forwards towards the ground, the speed gained due to gravity would greatly exceed ones expectation, then, when the time is right the user would push forwards with great strength, thus sending the user forwards giving them increased acceleration. The combined force of gravity and the users physical strength would lead to a tremendously powerful attack." Those were the ancient guides for using the technique. However, with the progression of ninjutsu a new and improved method was devised. The basis was the same, the user would need to get into the position with one way or the other, then, they would have two choices, to either push of with ones legs and use wind chakra to create a vortex of spinning wind around the user, or to simply use wind chakra to push off and create the vortex. In both cases the user has the option of using the vortex of rotating wind to send themselves forwards up to mid range. The wind vortex's size can reach 5 meters in length and 2.5 meters in radius. While in motion the user can control the vortex to an extent, being capable of increasing or lowering it dimensions. Furthermore, the trajectory can also be manipulated, though not greatly, the user would always be moving forwards, however, they can change the trajectory to the right for example if an attack was sent towards them. Generally, the trajectory is manipulated so that the user can land in a vertical base rather than a horizontal one.
-5X per battle.
-The trajectory's manipulation limitations are restricted to 90° on each axis.

✦ Declined, this is just kicking forward and releasing wind in a tornado, which has been done before. ✦

Genjutsu: Sesshi Souran - Illusionary Arts: Celsius Control
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: After two hand seals the user would place the target(s) under the effect of an illusion. Inside the illusion the victim(s) would believe that their body temperature is either decreasing or remaining constant. The user can control to which extent the temperature is controlled. There are 3 'degrees' of temperature control: mild, moderate, and severe. The effects are as the following:
-Decrease: In mild cases usage the target(s) would shiver, suffer from increased heart beating and increased breathing rate. Shivering would lead to unsteadiness which can affect grip on weapons/objects. Increased heart rate would lead to the target(s) moving slightly faster than they normally would. Increased breathing rate would lead to the target(s) inhaling air 1.5X faster than normal, this could prove to be deadly in case of airborne toxic materials presence.
In moderate cases shivering would be more violent than in mild cases. This is accompanied by fatigue in which movements become slower and more laboured accompanied by a stumbling pace and mild confusion, although the target(s) may appear alert. The previous speed increase from mild case is negated. The target(s) would be incapable of stringing multiple hand seals(4 or more) and would be incapable of performing Forbidden ranked techniques(or wielding for forbidden ranked weapons).
In severe cases heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure all decrease. Difficulty speaking, sluggish thinking, and amnesia start to appear; inability to use hands efficiently and stumbling are also present. This translates to the opponent being incapable of stringing more the 2 hand seals, incapability of using A ranked or above ninjutsu based techniques, and memory loss. The opponent would forget what had happened 2 turns ago, so an item could be hidden for example. The opponent would move at half his normal speed.
-Constant: Hiding effects of external techniques, C ranked temperature techniques and below require mild constant. C to A ranked temperature techniques require moderate constant to hide their effects. S ranked and forbidden ranked temperature techniques require severe constant to hide their effects.
-No Gen the turn before/after.
-2X per battle
-When used on more than 2 targets all effects are the same, while if used on 2 or less the user can choose if one target suffers mild decrease while another suffers severe decrease for example.
-In one turn's time mild usage is converted to moderate and in 2 turns time moderate is converted to severe.

 Declined  Despite the wording and the overall effects being different (the original submitter worded in a way that he actually changed body temperature of the target), the fact is that it still bumps heads with this Both of you crossed the line between Genjutsu and Ninjutsu. While its possible to submit a Genjutsu that will make your target believe that he's facing severe cold or severe heat, you cannot go so overboard with it. Its DNR and even if it wasn't the same as another submission, it would still be DNR.
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Active member
Jul 18, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

King's Will-(Imei no Kokuo)
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: King's Will is what appears to be a simple ring of ever changing color, but mostly gold. It was Vex's solution to having so many fighting styles. Normally, if he wants to use them all he'd have to carry a large number of weapons. However, this would be extremely impractical without fuuinjutsu. The weapons would be very cumbersome, and annoying to be holding in battle. Thus, Vex forged King's Will from the fires of a mountain found around the outskirts of Iwagalure. He infused this ring with his chakra as he forged it, and his very willpower. The ring is as such impervious to physical harm, and will never tarnish, rust, or soil. Always keeping its lustre. The ring however is infused with the user's chakra. The user's chakra increase the ring's malleability, making it extremely easy for the user to shape it as he wishes. Thus, the ring can be shaped into all sorts of weapons that the user can use, such as spears, swords, and maces. The ring able to seamlessly switch between weapons at a moment's notice. It would appear as a liquid metal changing shape as it did so. Moreover, the ring can also be formed into longer range weapons such as bows, although the arrows would have to be supplied through alternate means. Limiting such a creation to weapons would be foolish, and as such it can be formed into mundane objects as well such as chairs, canes, etc. The only limitation being imagination. The created objects would not have any sort of special ability, with the exception of being indestructible.

Note: Can only be wielded by Vex and those he allows
Note: Weapons are no different than their normal counter parts.
Note: Can be used for jutsu requiring the use of a specific weapon or tool.

You must be registered for see images

✦ Pending, as far as I am aware, your Football CW is tied to your CFS, Football Arts. If it is dropped, the CFS becomes unusable and since CFS cannot be dropped, it becomes a dead CFS as none of the users are able to use it either. The best thing to do in this situation is to contact Scorps via PM in regards to this and ask him what is to happen. ✦
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Active member
Oct 28, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

Re-opened the thread for 2 more hours. Then it's closed again. This doesn't count as a new cycle btw, the thread was just closed prematurely.


Active member
Aug 28, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

(Doton: Gareki no sakusei)- Earth Release: Rubble Creation
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A(+20 if used in combination with other techniques)
Description: This is a technique initiated almost in conjunction(that is to say, right after) with another technique. After performing a technique(which could be combined with this), the user simply chains another hand seal, initiating this, granting the technique it's additional boost. It would seemingly be performed in the timeframe of 1 move but would count as two. Through this technique, the user may, in any location of his choosing, choose to cause the rubble/soil sediments and small rocks/earth(if there are any present on the battlefield) to rise up. On its own, they possess little offensive capabilities. The most they could do would be to probably cause minor cuts and abrasions from the scraping of the rocks against the opponent’s skin. To a certain extent, it could cause irritation and obscure the opponent’s vision. Its true value, however, comes to light when combined with other techniques. When used in conjunction with Fire/Water/Earth/Wind techniques or other appropriate, logically speaking, feasible techniques, the additional rubble adds to the abrasiveness and overall power of the technique. This allows for greater impact and more severe injuries. Due to its supplementary nature, the technique may be initiated rather quickly, right after the previous technique. Alternatively, if the terrain does not provide any rubble/rocks on the ground needed for this technique, the user may simply expel the rocks from his mouth.


-Can only be used 4x per battle
(Doton: Arumajiro no yoroi)- Earth Release: Armour of the Armadillo
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A(+10 to chakra cost to techniques)
Damage: N/A(+20 to Earth techniques)
Description: This is the brother technique to Earth Release: Rubble Creation. Unlike its counterpart, this technique is more passive in nature. This user activates an ability which allows them to infuse additional Earth chakra into their own Earth-based techniques(includes Earth-based KG/CEs). As a result, any subsequent Earth technique performed by the user would emerge with an additional layer of rubble around it. The earthen particles coating the technique would be jagged and abrasive in nature. Hence, this grants the original Earth technique an extra dimension, in terms of its offensive potential, as it allows the original Earth technique to deal additional damage. In other words, all Earth techniques used while this is active grant a sort of ‘shredding’ property, which in turn, allows it to deal more damage than it originally would. For example, for techniques such as Destructive Rock Rising Pillars, the pillars that rise would be coated with the aforementioned particles, thus becoming somewhat abrasive(coupled along with its original blunt destructive power). The added mass also aids in its destructive potential. For techniques such as the Hardening technique, the rocks would be coated with more rubble, which would make it more ‘abrasive’ to the touch, and allow it to deal more damage(when used offensively). It would also serve as an additional defensive mechanism, and would grant the technique the ability to defend against techniques with 20 more damage points than usual. The rubble used for this technique must either originate from the terrain itself, or extruded from the user’s body itself. This means that for the most part, this technique only works on projectile-type techniques, and terrain manipulation techniques. This technique may not be used to enhance mud techniques. Activating this ability does not require any time whatsoever and is instant. This is because it does not do anything when used independently, and its effects are only realized when another earth-based technique is used.


-Can only be used 4x per battle
-Lasts for 3 turns
-Technique may be deactivated at any time

(Katon: Belenos no buresu)- Fire Release: Breath of Belenos
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A (+20 to Fire/Lightning techniques)
Description: This technique utilizes the ash variant(similar to that of the Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning technique) of the Fire element. With the performance of a single hand seal, the user is able to either expel a plume of superheated ash, or create it, and thereafter having it erupt from the ground in a desired location. On its own, this plume of ash can do little harm to the opponent. At best, it can cause minor burns that would do nothing more than to distract an opponent momentarily. However, this technique’s true value comes to light when it is used in conjunction with other techniques in a supplementary manner. Given the highly flammable and explosive nature of ash, this makes it ideal for it to be used in conjunction with Fire/Lightning based techniques. The flames/sparks would serve to ignite the ash, thereby creating additional flames to augment both Fire/Lightning techniques(+20 in damage). Fire techniques would increase in magnitude with the addition of more flames, whilst lightning techniques would mesh well with Fire due to both elements belonging to the Yang element. This technique can also be combined with other elements, such as Earth and Wind. Since these elements are not capable of igniting the ash, the ash would simply serve to cloak the techniques, whilst providing no boost in damage at all other than allowing the original techniques to cause minor burns. By cloaking the techniques in ash, this makes them extremely prone to ignition. Upon any contact with Fire/Lightning etc. techniques, the ash would immediately explode violently, causing damage to its surroundings. The scale of the explosion is proportional to the rank of the technique that triggered the ignition(eg. B-rank lightning would result in a B-rank explosion of fire). This makes it extremely dangerous for the opponent to counter these Earth/Wind techniques with Lightning/Fire as it may trigger an explosion that could prove to be hazardous to the opponent. This technique can also be used to cloak other elements, so long as it is logical. Water will not work as the liquid would simply douse the flames as they ignite. Due to this technique’s supplementary nature, it can be triggered extremely quickly; it can be performed almost in conjunction with the previous technique, with both techniques being performed in the same timeframe.


-Can only be used 4x per battle

(Futon: Pazuzu no puru)- Wind Release: Pull of Pazuzu
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A (+10 to chakra cost of each technique)
Damage: (+20 to wind techniques)
Description: This technique utilizes the suction effect that may be achieved through wind techniques. The user will activate an ability which allows him to infuse additional wind chakra into their own wind techniques. As a result, any subsequent Wind techniques performed by the user while this is active will gain a special property; the wind technique would produce a suction-like effect, which allows it to draw earthen particles(such as small rocks/rubble/soil sediments) from the terrain towards it. This causes the earthen particles to become embedded into the body of the wind technique. The earth particles serve to augment the destructive power of the wind techniques by granting it with an additional abrasive edge, thus allowing it to seemingly shred the opponent to bits. Of course, this technique is entirely dependant on the terrain; if there are no earthen particles on the battlefield, then this technique will be rendered useless. Additionally, this may also work on water sources; wind techniques would be able to use water droplets in place of earthen particles to achieve a similar effect. The suction effect produced by this technique is extremely strong - it makes all movement(eg. performing hand seals, running) extremely difficult and sluggish(though possible) when one is within short-range of the technique. Of course, this effect also applies to the user, who will be subjected to the same effects as long as the technique is within short-range of him. This technique is activated instantly; this is because this technique, when used independently, is unable of causing harm.


-Can only be used 4x per battle
-Lasts for 3 turns
-May be deactivated at any time

✦ All Approved✦
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Active member
Dec 23, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

Blue Model: Ixa
Type: Puppet/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: A muscular, human-esque puppet; it's a unique amalgamation of lightweight, carbon-steel alloy and wood taken from a unique, chakra-sustained tree. Ixa wears a blue cape attached to its shoulders by two pins, gauntlets on either arm, black pants with an X-shaped belt, shinguards with circles near the top, and a winged helmet upon its head. Combat-wise, Ixa is equipped with a wide variety of projectile weapon mechanisms that utilize shape-manipulated chakra as the means of 'ammunition'. Its sheer versatility is matched only by the extent of its raw power, even at considerable distance, thus Ixa's true niche is all mid-long range engagements.

At the very cory of Ixa is a large metal vessel that contains chakra. To facilitate precise shape manipulation of chakra, each subordinate mechanism calibrates the chakra released from the metal vessel. Moving distal to proximal along the arms, the first mechanism of Ixa involves all of its digits. Indeed, the fingers and thumbs on both hands may detach (connected by chains) to reveal small openings through which compressed chakra is released in the form of pellets. Whilst boasting both great piercing capacity and high rate of fire, the former aspect pales in comparison to the mechanism located in the hands, themselves. When both hands are clapped together, Ixa can generate a large javelin of chakra easily as long as the average person is tall. Due to their size and the way they are formed, Ixa can only release them individually by throwing them, albeit, with enough force to not only effortlessly pierce bodies, but also propel the impaled victim several meters back. The third mechanism, now located at the wrists, allows Ixa to form a long bow by drawing it out from special cuffs. Arrows, also formed of chakra, are produced in its head and notched via the mouth. The final mechanism, boasting the highest raw damage, involves specially modified metal gauntlets equipped to each arm. At a moment's notice, metallic cylinders stored in each gauntlet will emerge and together, begin generating a very large sphere of dense chakra immediately in front of the puppet, which can then be launched with force akin to a cannon.

Note: Blue Model: Ixa may only be used by Pekoms and is stored in a small scroll marked as イクサ
Note: Both the long bow shots and chakra pellets released from the puppet's digits are of B-Rank.
Note: The javelin produced by the hands are of A-Rank. One can be made/used only once per turn.
Note: The large sphere of chakra, generated from twin gauntlets, is S-Rank. It can only be used once per fight.
Note: All of the puppet's aforementioned projectile weapon mechanisms have short-long range.
Note: Every mechanism that has a clearly stated rank counts as one of the puppeteer's allotted moves per turn.

 Approved 

Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Zepar | Summoning Technique: Zepar
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: One of a dozen important figures in the monkey hierarchy, Zepar is also summonable by Koumei. In regards to physical appearance, he is a very unusual-looking monkey with quite a humanoid appearance. With a somewhat upright posture and long purple hair, he is rather diminutive compared to the average adult. Clothing-wise, his standard attire consists of a long skirt and, a pointed hat traditionally believed to be worn by witches. Most interestingly, though, is that Zepar wraps most of his upper-body in bandages, which serve to conceal the mass number of holes strategically located throughout his being. As the eldest member of the monkey hierarchy, he carries himself with a distinguished sense of wisdom and combat experience. Moreover, his advanced age has afforded him time to explore the expansive field of Sound Release, which he has a natural affinity for. His application of the element is unique, in that he relies on the holes throughout his body made via needle/rod piercings to generate a variety of sound-based effects via his movement patterns (wind passing through the holes) and rhythmic release of chakra. All of Zepar's peculiar dances induce certain sound-based illusions.

♦ Zepar synchronizes his steps and the sounds resonating from the holes along his being with a steady release of chakra. The chakra, emitted as a high frequency, low energy sound waves travel at the speed of sound, to affect all the inner ears of selected targets within short-mid range. Symptoms of exposure to this 'dance' include loss of limb coordination and loss of tactility in supposedly afflicted regions, as would be expected in cases of severe necrosis. The induced illusion of necrosis moves distal to proximal at a rapid rate, and is visually perceived as the afflicted limb(s) turning a grayish-black hue. Moreover, the illusion is a gradual process, with the digits and hands/feet afflicted first (turn), followed accordingly by the arms/legs up to the elbows/knees (second turn), and lastly, the entirety of the arms/legs (third turn).

♦ Dancing in a manner akin to a fast-paced tango, Zepar synchronizes all of his steps and the sounds resonating from the holes along his being with a steady release of chakra. The chakra, emitted as a high frequency, low energy sound waves travel at a blistering pace to affect all the inner ears of selected targets within short-mid range. Symptoms of exposure to this 'dance' include tactile/visual components, both regarding an adhesive goo that seemingly emerges from the the victim without their consent/control. The goo can form anywhere two or more parts of the victim touch. For example, speaking would induce the sensation of adhesive goo in the mouth; speech would become impossible, as well as techniques utilizing the mouth. Another example, clapping hands together, would result in it seeming as though adhesive goo has emerged directly between them, ultimately resulting in the given victim(s) being unable to pull their hands apart or use techniques requiring nearly any usage of hand-seals whatsoever.​

Now, his physical strength is higher than most ninja, and he can easily break bones if his freeform blows fully connect. In terms of speed, he is on par with sage-ranked taijutsu specialists. Lastly, he is distinguished by his ability to transform into a nearly indestructible Adamantine Whip, which can extend/retract with great speed.
Note: To summon Zepar, one must have signed the Monkey Contract and been taught by Pekoms.
Note: Zepar is summonable once per battle, and will remain on the field 4 turns in his monkey form.
Note: So long as Zepar is on the field, no other animal summonings may be initiated by the user.
Note: So long as Zepar properly maintains either of his dances, the illusion cannot be truly broken.
Note: Every sound technique (dance) performed by Zepar is B-Rank, and each counts as a move.

 Declined  DNR

Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Belial | Summoning Technique: Belial
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: One of a dozen important figures in the monkey hierarchy, Belial is also summonable by Koumei. In regards to physical appearance, he is a very unusual-looking monkey with quite a humanoid appearance. With a lanky figure figure and ruffled, cerise-colored hair, he stands a head and half over the average adult. Clothing-wise, his attire consists of brown pants and bright webbing all across his upper body. Most interestingly, though, is that both of Belial's arms (elbow-distal) are actually prosthetics made by Koumei, modeled after the puppets he utilizes. Amongst all of the monkey upper echelon, he is oft characterized as the most optimistic, though this was not always the case. Indeed, with his arms earlier rendered useless due to poison, Belial, had for a time, been in a state of deep depression. It wasn't until meeting Koumei, whom offered new limbs and a new purpose, that his will to live was rekindled like never before. Moreover, his prosthetics gave him an entirely new 'strength'. Combat-wise, Belial is able to utilize a wide variety of projectile weapon attacks that utilize shape-manipulated chakra as the means of 'ammunition'. His sheer versatility is matched only by the extent of his raw power, even at considerable distance, thus Belial's true niche is mid-long range engagements he is summoned to partake in.

To facilitate precise shape manipulation of his chakra, each subordinate technique of his prosthetic limbs calibrates the chakra released in accordance to his intentions. Moving distal to proximal along the arms, the first technique of Belial's arms involves all of his digits. Indeed, the fingers and thumbs on both hands may detach (connected by chains) to reveal small openings through which compressed chakra is released in the form of pellets. Whilst boasting both great piercing capacity and high rate of fire, the former aspect pales in comparison to the mechanism located in the hands, themselves. When both hands are clapped together, Belial can generate a large javelin of chakra easily as long as the average person is tall. Due to their size and the way they are formed, he can only release them individually by throwing them, albeit, with enough force to not only effortlessly pierce bodies, but also propel the impaled victim several meters back. The third technique, now located at the wrists, allows Belial to form a long bow by drawing it out from special cuffs. Arrows, also formed of chakra, are released from his mouth and notched afterwards. The final technique, boasting the highest raw damage, involves specially modified metal gauntlets equipped to each arm. At a moment's notice, metallic cylinders stored in each gauntlet will emerge and together, begin generating a very large sphere of dense chakra immediately in front of Belial's person, which can then be quickly launched with great force akin to a genuine ballistic cannon.
Note: To summon Belial, one must have signed the Monkey Contract and been taught by Pekoms.
Note: Belial is summonable once per battle, and will remain on the field 4 turns in his monkey form.
Note: So long as Belial is on the field, no other animal summonings may be initiated by the user.
Note: Both the long bow shots and chakra pellets released from Belial's digits are of B-Rank.
Note: The javelin produced by the hands are of A-Rank. One can be made/used only once per turn.
Note: The large sphere of chakra, generated from twin gauntlets, is S-Rank. It can only be used once per fight.
Note: All of Belial's aforementioned projectile weapon techniques have short-long range.
Note: Every technique that has a clearly stated rank counts as one of the summoner's allotted moves per turn.
Note: Belial cannot use any puppetry techniques, nor do the prosthetics enhance his chakra manipulation.

 Declined  I don't understand this one at all.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

✦ Thread Reopened✦

Sorry it took so long, was preoccupied these last few weeks with NW stuff. Will check most if not all jutsus left pending over the rest of the night. As always, read the first post to make sure you understand the rules of the thread and read over the last few posts to remain up to date with what is allowed and what is not. Have fun submitting. The CFS thread will be up shortly as well.


Active member
May 31, 2013
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

(Suiton: Hydragyrum boryūmu) - Water Release: Volumen Hydragyrum
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short (Created in short, Long range reach)
Chakra: 30 (-20 Chakra per turn)
Damage: N/A (+60 if used Offensively)
Description: The user will perform a series of three hand seals ( Ram - Horse - Tiger ) and send water-based chakra in an area around them within short-range. He will materialize sticky water, similar to the water found in (Suiton: Mizuame Nababara) - Water Style: Starch Syrup Capture Field, and shape into the . The water differs from most waters, where it has a shiny luster and acts as a mirror rather than being completely blue, or translucent. The blob of water is quite useful and has two main abilities. The first is a sensory based ability that is unique to it only. By releasing a multitude of whip-like structures from the main blob, similar to (Suiton: Suiryūben) - Water Style: Water Dragon Whip, it can extend its body through the whips and cover a wide area ( up to Long range ). These multitude of whips have sensory receptors that allow it to sense water bodies, including humans which are made up of about 60-65% of water. The blob's whips when all the whips are released, along with the sensory's range ( about a three meter radius per whip ) is enough to allow the blob to sense the entire battlefield. However, the psuedo-sensory is no where near perfect because it is only able to sense things above ground, or anything that is not obstructed. For instance, if the enemy is enclosed in a dome of earth, where he is completely enclosed from the outside, then the water sensories would not work because the earth covering the target from all sides would prevent it from connecting with the other side of the wall. Once the blob has sensed the target, he will face towards that direction and begin rolling towards it, which is basically a way to guide the owner to the targeted area. The first ability works particularly well in terrains such as Forests or Caves. Secondly, the blob, if within three meters of the user, acts as a near-instantaneous defense against a wide array of attacks. It is a sentient being that can grow in side, up to twice the size of the user and immediately cover the user (transparent from the inside) in a sphere of its own body (Shape is changeable to an extent; it could be a wall, block, cube, vortex-like shape, etc). The water body would be able to defend against a multitude of attacks by using its body, and more specifically, the sticky aspects of its composition. If a physical and tangible based attack, such as earth or earth based elements, is sent out by the target, that attack would stick into the blob's body and slowly slip down. If an energy based is released, like Fire, or Lightning, it would simply act as a normal Water Defense. A secondary ability sacrifices the blob itself. Through a single hand seal, it can burst out and reshape itself into large spikes that is sent out to the opponent through hand motions in an attempt to impale them.
Note #1 The blob can only be created three times and lasts in the battlefield for up to three turns.
Note #2 The blob itself is a sentient being that can act on its own accord. It simply feeds from the users' chakra per turn to allow it to maintain the blob. Because of the constant donation of chakra, if it is not completely destroyed within one turn, then the blob would regenerate off of the users' chakra.
Note #3 The blob itself is relatively slow and moves at the user's walking speed.
Note #4 Can only be taught by EdwardSama

Skip to 2:08-2:25 for a demonstration of the "sensory" ability

Declined. Second part is ok, sensory part makes no sense and is a no go.

(Ototon: Banshī no sensō Kurai) - Sound Release: Banshee's War Cry
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user sends Ototon chakra on an explosive object to coat it, and infuse it with sound chakra, whether it be an actual technique, a flash bomb, an explosive tag, etc. The object gains a distinct sound that is inaudible by human ears by coating it with high frequencies, low energy sound waves. Once it explodes, the sound created by the explosion along with the sound chakra, is drastically multiplied by several decibels, which of course, increases its effects to the human ears. The effects of the explosion to a human depends on the distance between the source of explosion, and the target. If the target is within short-range of the explosion, he/she will suffer from hearing loss(2turns), bleeding from the ears lasting(2turns), and pain from headaches that resulted from exposure to such a high and powerful sound(1turn), which only lasts momentarily. If one is within mid-range, they will suffer from slight disorientation and momentary deafness(2turns). If in long-range, it would just act as if it were a normal explosive tag being heard from short-range. To counteract the possibility of the technique to backfire, the user can channel sound chakra to his ears and alter the decibels/volume he/she is able to percieve for the moment the technique is to explode, thus keeping one from suffering the usual side effects.
Notes & Restrcitions:
Note: Can only be used six times, however, it cannot be used consecutively.
Note: Can only be taught by EdwardSama

Declined. So, where to begin. The fact that it is inaudible makes it stupidly hard to defend against. If you're going to make it actually harm the opponent physically. I'm not allowing them unless it's for disorientational purposes or supplementary purposes only. Also: I'm unsure if you know this or anyone has ever touched this, but multiplication of sound levels doesn't work like normal math does. I don't have my course on me atm but i'll try to VM it to you later. It's not lineair like in regular math. Also: I'm unsure how increasing the sound unit on a pitch you can't hear will play out. For now, this is ok if you change it to a hearable frequency, but I'm pretty sure this exists already in that case.

(Ninjutsu: Gundan no ījisu) - Ninjutsu Technique: Aegis of Legions
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A (+20 per technique) (+10 Taijutsu)
Description: The user quickly performs a single hand seal, the Tiger, shortly after a technique has been sent out in such a way that it is created and shaped around a technique within the same timeframe. He will send chakra to that technique and effectively create a shield of chakra around it. The chakra is pressurized and condensed into a solid form of chakra that has a bright blue hue. It takes the shape of whatever the user has ordered it to shape around, for example, if it is an earth projectile shaped like a fist, a layer of pure chakra with solid-like properties will envelop the fist. The solidity of it increases its overall mass and force it can exert as well as acting as an armor of sorts for the technique, which obviously adds damage to the technique it was performed on. However, this only works on tangible elements, such as Water, Earth, Steel, etc; it would not work on elements like Fire or Lightning. And because it is simply a layer of chakra, it cannot be performed on stream-based techniques unless the user is in possession of Yin-Yang. Alternatively, one can perform it on himself, or on another's body. The solidity of the layer of dense chakra will increase the damage every physical based Taijutsu that makes contact with the opponent makes. It is shaped around the user in such a way that it does not restrict movement, and it remains until it is completely broken through a stronger attack, or if chosen to do so by the user. This can also be applied on weapons and other materials of a solid composition. For example, the user can coat a kunai with this chakra layer and throw it, which should deflect other kunais due to the armor it's gained.
Note: Can only be used 4x
Note: Lasts 3 turns if coated on oneself or an item
Note: Can only be taught by EdwardSama

Approved. Also: it's aegis of the legion, not legions. >_> Read LoL items correctly!
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Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

(Chishi Shindou: Chishi Erupti | Fatal impact: Fatal Eruption)
Type: Offense
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user channels his chakra throughout his boomerang(s) He will then throw it towards the ground at an angle of any sort. The boomerang(s) will then meld into the ground, as one would when using the leech of all creation technique. Using his connection to the chakra infused into the boomerang the user will manipulate the weapon to travel through the ground and curve back upwards once it's below the opponent, causing the boomerang to propel from the ground and strike the opponent. The same restrictions on sensing the boomerang applies like the leech of all creation technique being used by the user.

~Can only be used thrice a battle
~Must know Fatal Impact

✦ Declined, I wont approve this on the basis that the enemy will not be able to sense it without a doujutsu like the original Leech of all Creation jutsu, just so it is known. It also needs an additional restriction, just 3 times a battle will not do. ✦

(Chishi Shindou: Chishi Erupti | Fatal impact: Fatal Eruption)
Type: Offense
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user channels his chakra throughout his boomerang(s) He will then throw it towards the ground at an angle of any sort. The boomerang(s) will then meld into the ground, as one would when using the leech of all creation technique. Using his connection to the chakra infused into the boomerang the user will manipulate the weapon to travel through the ground and curve back upwards once it's below the opponent, causing the boomerang to propel from the ground and strike the opponent. Unlike when the user uses the actual leech of all creation technique, the boomerang(s) can be sensed by sensors and the chakra signatures can be seen by doujutsu users.

~Can only be used thrice a battle
~Must know Fatal Impact
~ Can't use any Fatal impact techniques next turn

✦ Approved ✦

(Fuuton: Andāwāru dodoragon no deburi | Wind Release: Underworld Dragon's Debris)
Type: Attack | Defense | Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short/Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (-15 per turn)
Damage Points: 80 (+10 if combined with Ash or fire)
By doing a series of 3 hand seals (Dragon - Dog - Snake) the user is able to initiate a wind technique made from the ground. Using wind chakra in the surface of the ground (earth, dirt, deserts etc) the user controls the air particles to lift rapidly, ripping the ground on a small level in order to bring up dirt, dust and small broken up rock with the air. The chakra enhanced air carries the debris with it as the user uses shape manipulation to create a dragon that resembles the canon water dragon technique, rivaling it in size and speed. Once materialized into existence the dragon leeches chakra from the user to sustain itself in order to aid the user while the user holds his own but the real power comes from its ability to not only skin an opponent alive, but to be combined with ash variant fire jutsu in order to augment its power on impact. This means it can suck up any ash within close range of it, carrying it along with it until impact, where an explosion of wind enhanced flames would happen.

☆ Usable twice per battle
☆ Can't be used in consecutive turns after ended
☆ Lasts 3 turns
☆ No wind techniques above S-rank while active

Declined. The technique won't leech, it will be you feeding it to him. That's a different thing. This means you can't use other jutsus while it at. My suggestion to solve this is to make it independent (much like the water jutsu you based it on) so you can, while it also retains its power. Also how would you continue to feed it chakra without a bond? If you have some kind of tether it would work, but that would make it so fire jutsus would hit your through the tether as well. Also: Ashes won't be enough to ignite it, except if it's a specific jutsu using ash due to the chakra. Big difference.

(Tiglon Kuchiyose: MoMo No SìdūoKíck)-Tiglon Summoning: MoMo The Sidekick
Type: Summon
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+25)
The user first draws blood from his hand and does the hand signs for the summoning technique. In return he/she is able to summon the Tiglon contracts self proclaimed greatest side kick, MoMo. MoMo is the daughter of the Tiglon Bach, as such she bares a striking resemblance to him in terms of their dark black fur that wrapped around their bodies. Unlike most Tiglons, MoMo isn't very large at all, in fact she only stands about 1ft tall and weighing a few pounds at most thus allowing her to sit on a summoners shoulder or head. Just like her father and uncle who are summonings of the contract, she has inherited the keen ability to communicate mentally with signers of the contract, allowing them to better strategize mid battle.
MoMo's abilities come from her being a pure ninjutsu specialist, being able to perform normal ninjutsu up to S-rank, but has no skill in elemental usage or Genjutsu. Her real talent comes in the form of specific jutsu such as the chakra transfer technique, which makes her the perfect side kick. She has Mastered the chakra transfer technique to such a degree that at all times that she's in contact with her summoner or another Tiglon, she begins passively transferring chakra into them, boosting the damage of their techniques +25. The only downside to her constant transferring of chakra into who she's aiding is they're chakra would constantly disrupted so they wouldn't be able to perform jutsu that are overly complex such as Genjutsu and Fuuinjutsu. Along with her amazing ninjutsu skill, she has the trademark senses of a great cat, being able to hear extremely good, smell the difference in odors between people within mid range, and can see greatly in a dark environment.

☆ Can only be taught by Shady Doctor
☆ Can only be summoned once and lasts only 4 turns, while all of her moves and techniques count towards the users own 3 technique per turn count
☆ Can only use 2 jutsu per turn with her active
☆ Takes 60 damage to disperse her.

Declined. + 25 damage to other techs? Yea sure.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

(Tsumibukai Genjutsu: Burakku Bokkusu)Sinful Illusionary Arts: The Black Box
Type:Supplementary | Offensive
Rank: C-S
Range:Short - Mid
Chakra: 15-40
Damage: N/A
Description: The illustrious and legendary Genjutsu of the Royal Sinners, The Black Box. This is a powerful Genjutsu, acting like a Kai and can also be used as an attack. The kai version is activated when the user is sent into a Genjutsu. The user will channel his chakra into his own brain, placing chakra into the five senses. The senses that were not targeted by the targets Genjutsu will be layered with chakra at the minimum. The others that was targeted however, the chakra will overlay the targets chakra and actually flush the chakra out of the system of the brain, in the Genjutsu itself dark figures with red and yellow and dark devil eyes will come from the ground and begin to drag the target into the ground. After which the user will find himself in a dark room known as the “Black Box” which is actually the dark subconscious of the mind created by the illusion. In the room, there exists a red demon wearing a tuxedo and playing a piano and smiling to the user saying “You owe me one...boy” to which he starts laughing and the illusion ends when the chakra leaving the brain. When used as an attack, the user will use a set of 6 seal and channel his chakra into the brain of the user taking control of the five senses. The user will slam his hands on the ground, making it seem as if he used an earth technique. The earth rises around the target and places them in a new dimension known as the “Black Box”. In the new room the target will find themselves strapped to a black chair and piano music playing. The same red demon will be playing the piano and tells the target “Read for the symphony?” and laughs dark and loud as a dark figure with a shinigami mask on comes towards the target. In reality at this moment the target is unable to move. The masked man the places his hand by the heart of the target and proceeds to rip out the soul of the user , removing the mask and eating the soul, The masked man the laughs and begins eating other parts of the target till there is no more. During this time the target is immobilized in reality.

*Can be used 4 times to release from C rank, 2 for B rank and once for A-rank.
*When used on a target it is B-Ranked in strength and can be used only twice*

Declined. Ok first of, your kai makes no sense, or at least the wording. It is activated when the user is sent into the genjutsu. On which ground do you know that a genjutsu has entered your body? There is no mention of some kind of system detecting it. That means your kai is basically already faulted there, and that part doesn't work. I like the idea behind it, but it's just a lot of description for basically an automated kai that has no ground on being automated. Find a trigger that alerts your body/mind that you are in a genjutsu, and then it would be "approvable". Offensive part is fine.

(Genjutsu: Gyuunyuu no Kajousesshu) Illusionary Arts: Overdose of the Milk
Rank: B -Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
The user will make a set of 3 hand seals, to which the user then channels his chakra into the brain of the target causing a genjutsu to occur. The user will create a fake sense of a sudden spike in blood pressure, by emulating caffeine overdose. This done through a hormone in the body, to which the caffeine blocks the mental signal to the arteries. This genjutsu starts off as a normal on but as time goes by the effects of the genjutu becomes more severe. During the first two turns nothing really happens, creating a false sense of nothing after the handseals are made. After 3 turns has passed the real effects kick in as the first two was used to create a *build up* in blood pressure due to the amounts of caffeine used. The targets body starts shake and limbs become tighter, making it hard to move. There veins start to become visible. The restraint created from the overdose causes them within the genjutsu unable to make hand seals. In reality the target is unharmed, but body is frozen in place.

*Requires 3 turns for effects to activate*
*Can be used two times per battle*


(Tsumibukai Genjutsu: Burakku Bokkusu)Sinful Illusionary Arts: The Black Box
Type:Supplementary | Offensive
Rank: C-S
Range:Short - Mid
Chakra: 15-40
Damage: N/A
Description: The illustrious and legendary Genjutsu of the Royal Sinners, The Black Box. This is a powerful Genjutsu, acting like a Kai and can also be used as an attack. The kai version is activated when the user is sent into a Genjutsu to which is identified through the means of sensory , dojutsu and or other means. Lacking one of these, the user would need to self evaluate situation, allowing them to identify they are in a genjutsu . The user will channel his chakra into his own brain, placing chakra into the five senses. The senses that were not targeted by the targets Genjutsu will be layered with chakra at the minimum. The others that was targeted however, the chakra will overlay the targets chakra and actually flush the chakra out of the system of the brain, in the Genjutsu itself dark figures with red and yellow and dark devil eyes will come from the ground and begin to drag the target into the ground. After which the user will find himself in a dark room known as the “Black Box” which is actually the dark subconscious of the mind created by the illusion. In the room, there exists a red demon wearing a tuxedo and playing a piano and smiling to the user saying “You owe me one...boy” to which he starts laughing and the illusion ends when the chakra leaving the brain. When used as an attack, the user will use a set of 6 seal and channel his chakra into the brain of the user taking control of the five senses. The user will slam his hands on the ground, making it seem as if he used an earth technique. The earth rises around the target and places them in a new dimension known as the “Black Box”. In the new room the target will find themselves strapped to a black chair and piano music playing. The same red demon will be playing the piano and tells the target “Read for the symphony?” and laughs dark and loud as a dark figure with a shinigami mask on comes towards the target. In reality at this moment the target is unable to move. The masked man the places his hand by the heart of the target and proceeds to rip out the soul of the user , removing the mask and eating the soul, The masked man the laughs and begins eating other parts of the target till there is no more. During this time the target is immobilized in reality.

*Can be used 4 times to release from C rank, 2 for B rank and once for A-rank.
*When used on a target it is B-Ranked in strength and can be used only twice*

Added Bold


(Genjutsu: Miraa Imeeji) Illusionary Arts: Mirror Image
Type: Denfensive
Rank: B -Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
A simple yet effective technique. Mostly used as an counter / defensive, the user when in close range of the target will release from there body a small omnidirectional burst of chakra after making 3 handseals , effecting everyone near them. They are placed under a genjutsu where nothing seems to happen upon activation but when the target tries to make physical contact or a close range assault (eg with a weapon) he user will create an illusionary doppelganger that runs from behind of the user and disappearing instantly . The original then takes the intended hit, having their body disappear with a cover up(smoke, petals etc). This creates a short second of distraction, to which the target feels a tight tugging on their arms, finding the doppelganger had chained both the targets arm with long golden chains, now using there “chakra” to keep them from moving. The creation of the doppelganger can be made prior to the originals disappearance. The technique also adds realism to the illusion, giving the doppelganger shadows, the effects of chains rattling and so forth. The user can also change their disappearance, using things like light or smoke instead as well. They can have the doppelganger move the chains and pull them causing emulated pain as the chains are embed into the skin of the target. In reality when the chains are connected the target is immobilized. Once the target is chained, the technique remains active for one turn, making them vulnerable in reality.
*Can be used 3 times per battle*
*Lasts one turn*

Example of how the doppelganger is made , separating like in video below @ 00:53-00:58

Declined. While I like League related jutsus, the first part seems incredibly weird to let yourself get hit by a sword (for example) only to reproduce the mirror image. You wouldn't be able to do a whole lot with a sword stabbing you in the chest. Work that part out a little better. Also: of all the highlight, you take Siv HD? Really? >_______>

(Kitsune Ogi Genjutsu: Itazura) Fox Secret Illusion Arts: Prankster
Type: Offensive | Defensive
Rank: A -Rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The user will form 3 handseals, causing a genjutsu to occur. While the target holds a weapon or instrument(anything you can hold), the user is able to use this genjutsu to make it appear as if the held object turns into a fox. The illusionary fox then attacks the target, grabbing there limbs and preventing them from moving. This can also work on elemental techniques usede by the enemy, having the technqiue appeared to have changed into a fox as well. This adds some uniqueness as the user can make the fox appear as if it was created from the element its self, meaning creating a fire fox if used on a fire technique etc. The technique lasts for 3 turns to which the user can transform as much objects as they want within this interval. The user can also add extra effects like smoke , heat(for fire) and so forth as well to add more realism.

*Each usage lasts 3 turns*
*Can be used twice per battle*
*Can only be used by Fox Signers*

Signed here:

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Active member
Dec 23, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

Blue Model: Ixa
Type: Puppet/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: A muscular, human-esque puppet; it's a unique amalgamation of lightweight, carbon-steel alloy and wood taken from a unique, chakra-sustained tree. Ixa wears a blue cape attached to its shoulders by two pins, gauntlets on either arm, black pants with an X-shaped belt, shinguards with circles near the top, and a winged helmet upon its head. Combat-wise, Ixa is equipped with a wide variety of projectile weapon mechanisms that utilize shape-manipulated chakra as the means of 'ammunition'. Its sheer versatility is matched only by the extent of its raw power, even at considerable distance, thus Ixa's true niche is all mid-long range engagements.

At the very cory of Ixa is a large metal vessel that contains chakra. To facilitate precise shape manipulation of chakra, each subordinate mechanism calibrates the chakra released from the metal vessel. Moving distal to proximal along the arms, the first mechanism of Ixa involves all of its digits. Indeed, the fingers and thumbs on both hands may detach (connected by chains) to reveal small openings through which compressed chakra is released in the form of pellets. Whilst boasting both great piercing capacity and high rate of fire, the former aspect pales in comparison to the mechanism located in the hands, themselves. When both hands are clapped together, Ixa can generate a large javelin of chakra easily as long as the average person is tall. Due to their size and the way they are formed, Ixa can only release them individually by throwing them, albeit, with enough force to not only effortlessly pierce bodies, but also propel the impaled victim several meters back. The third mechanism, now located at the wrists, allows Ixa to form a long bow by drawing it out from special cuffs. Arrows, also formed of chakra, are produced in its head and notched via the mouth. The final mechanism, boasting the highest raw damage, involves specially modified metal gauntlets equipped to each arm. At a moment's notice, metallic cylinders stored in each gauntlet will emerge and together, begin generating a very large sphere of dense chakra immediately in front of the puppet, which can then be launched with force akin to a cannon.

Note: Blue Model: Ixa may only be used by Pekoms and is stored in a small scroll marked as イクサ
Note: Both the long bow shots and chakra pellets released from the puppet's digits are of B-Rank.
Note: The javelin produced by the hands are of A-Rank. One can be made/used only once per turn.
Note: The large sphere of chakra, generated from twin gauntlets, is S-Rank. It can only be used once per fight.
Note: All of the puppet's aforementioned projectile weapon mechanisms have short-long range.
Note: Every mechanism that has a clearly stated rank counts as one of the puppeteer's allotted moves per turn.


Active member
Mar 26, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Genjutsu: Issen Burookun Gomakashi) Illusionary Arts: One Thousand Broken Mirrors
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
After perform the hand seals Horse → Dragon → Ox, the target(s) is/are placed under the illusion that they are surrounded by a giant, 360-degree mirror, which reflects themselves and their surroundings. The mirror will then slowly break into pieces, then break into even smaller pieces, and continue subdividing until there are countless shards surrounding the target, all of which reflect the target and his surroundings. Once the shards have finished dividing, they will fly at the victim and stab him, leaving the target with minor mental damage.
- Can only be used twice per-match.
- Can only be taught by Nathan.
-Approved- Edited.
Parent technique for reference.

(Shiikuretto Genjutsu: Undeinosa Gomakashi) - Secret Illusionary Arts: World of Mirrors
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: After weaving the needed hand signals (Tiger → Horse → Ram → Dog), the user will have placed the opponent under an illusion. Once the target enters the genjutsu, they are thrown into a landscape of trees, grass, and rocks made of mirrors. The target hits the ground and is unable to move. After a few moments, the landscape, including the mirror sky, is broken into an innumerable mass of shards that cascade upon the target like an avalanche. Upon the shards crashing upon them, the shards become a raging ocean, tearing and cutting into the opponent relentlessly. Finally, once the target is rendered a bloody mess, the genjutsu ends and the target suffers immense mental fatigue.
- Can only be used once per-match.
- No genjutsu in the same turn as this, or after the use of this for one turn.
- Can only be taught by Nathan.

☼ Declined ☼

Doesn't warrant an S-rank.


(Suiton: Muku Kaishin) - Water Style: Fangs of Poseidon
Type: Offensive
Rank: S-rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This technique is known as one of the highest examples of Water Release. This jutsu was created by John 'Gyojin' Reese to demonstrate the full destructive power of pressurized water. After weaving the necessary hand signals, the user manipulates their chakra to gather as much water as they can within the space around then. While doing as such, they channel the water into the space around their hands, increasing its mass without disrupting its volume until it turns a near-black-blue colour. The user then places their hands in front of their face and releases the sphere. The sphere is about the size of a small water balloon and travels extremely fast. Upon impact with the target, the sphere only deals a force of about 200 pounds per square inch. However, the sphere then explodes into the shape of the head of a sea monster with many rows of massive fangs, and the mouth snaps shut upon the target. The second impact explodes with the force of upwards to two-thousand tons per square inch, enough force to crush the target and anything around them, and create a violent flood that can demolish buildings, uproot trees, and tear into the earth. The bite of the monster head also creates an intense flash of light from the friction.

To even utilize this jutsu, one must have a great reserve of chakra and excellent chakra control. Without these properties, the jutsu will be stabilized properly and will become less potent than it should be. In worst cases, the jutsu can backfire, instantly killing the user from the water pressure or at least severely wounding them. A great amount of water is needed as well, unless the user can use Water Release ninjutsu without pre-existing water sources.
- Can only be used once per-match.
- Water source needed to use this technique, unless if user has a Tobirama Senju bio, or Gyojin custom clan bio.
- No water before, or in the same turn as this technique.
- No water for two turns after the use of this technique.
- Can only be taught by Nathan.

☼ Approved ☼

(Genjutsu: Uzumaki) - Illusionary Arts: Spiral
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user by performing one hand seal and after making the handseal, the user makes eye contact with the enemy his pupils forms into spirals and extends to their his body, and invariably, they will begin to scratch. Yet, the scratching both alleviates and heightens the itching sensation. The victim scratches harder, reddening his skin, and then harder still, eventually tearing some of his clothing and right into his own flesh. Still, the itching doesn't stop—it seems to be taunting him right from his very core. The technique will continue until the victim have scratched themselves into a quivering, bloody mess.
- Can only be used three times per-match, and with a one turn cool down.
- This technique cannot be layed with another genjutsu.
- Can only be taught by Nathan.

Leaving them for another mod (you know why)

☼ Declined ☼

Fairly certain this already exists, but also it wouldn't be possible without it being a Sharingan jutsu. You can create the itchiness sensation, but you can't for them to scratch.
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Crutch Kaguya

Active member
Jun 23, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

(Nitōryū: Burēdo no Gisei) Two Sword Style: Sacrifice of the Blades
Type: Offense
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 50
Damage: 90
Description: This technique requires extreme precision and will result in the shattering of the blades on both of the user's swords and the user is only left with the handles. The user will begin the technique by holding both swords vertically facing the sky with the user's arms fully extended upward. The user requires precise control over the movements of both of his swords from henceforth. The user will release chakra into the blades of each sword and will begin to apply constant uniform pressure to the entire blade, while leaving only a tiny spot on the tip of the blade exposed. The pressure applied to the blades is so tremendous that the blades begin to shake intensely. The user must hold the swords tightly even with the vibrating blades to make sure the user does not lose control. The force required to hold the swords causes extreme damage to both the user's arms. The user then slashes down both swords in complete unison with great speeds. Both swords are slashed down so that they come into contact with each other exactly when the user's arms are horizontal and both swords are facing the direction that the user desires. Both blades smash into each other at the exact spot where the swords were exposed with no chakra pressure being applied to them. The result impact creates a massive internal shockwave.

The shockwave created from the two blades crashing into each other instead of being released out is transferred into both of the blades. The spot at which both blades came into contact is unable to handle the force of the impact and a small crack is created on the blades at that exact spot. The crack at first is only as wide as a hair, but as the crack spreads deeper into the blades, the constant pressure exerted on the swords begins to exacerbate the effect of the crack. The pressure which was already casing the blades to vibrate begins to overwhelm the blades and causes that single hairline crack to exponentially multiply into thousands and thousands of hairline cracks within each of the blades. The blades instantly lose their shape and shatter into thousands and thousands of pieces on tiny steel swords all coated with chakra. Because the blades must be able to break when using this technique, it cannot be done with indestructible swords. As the blades shatter, the user uses his chakra to control the shockwave and push the tiny swords forward.

The tiny swords are carried by the shockwave and form almost a concentrated vertical slash of steel mist. For the naked eye, it will seem as though the shockwave is just one solid wave but in reality the wave is composed of these many tiny blades and thus cannot be blocked in conventional ways. The blades are so tiny that their surface area allows them to exert an enormous amount of pressure. This makes trying to block the blades with solid elements or objects impossible. The blades will pass through them as though the objects are not even there. The blades possess an enormous amount of energy and can only be stopped by a concentrated energy based attack that is of the same strength. The shockwaves travels at such fast speeds that the mist seems almost like a blur and only users with three tomoe Sharingan and chakra sensors can deduce its nature. While normal eyes can detect and track the attack, it cannot deduce the nature of it. The blades do not cause physical damage but attack the target on a cellular level leaving any target hit with this attack unable to move or mold chakra.

- This technique can only be used once per battle.
- After this technique is used, the two arms used for this technique are completely worn down and the user's hands also receive slight cellular level damage. The user becomes unable to use the hands used for this technique for ninjutsu, taijutsu, and performing hand seals for the next three turns. The user is not able to use hand to hand combat or kenjutsu for the rest of the match using the arms that were used for this technique. The user experiences -40 to their health when this technique is used.
- The user cannot use techniques above S-rank on the same turn and on the next turn.

 Declined  Part I colored is what creates the issue. Why? Mainly CE's. How can you say this will pass through all objects when we have materials harder than steel? What about stuff like crystals or other very dense metals such as lead or gold that, despite softer, would absorb the impact? The fact that its a shrapnel attack doesn't allow it this property. Specially because it makes no sense when you say energy can stop the attack. I don't mind this being only stopped by same rank solid things but it cannot overcome it. I also don't enjoy the part where Sharingan only can detect the nature or chakra sensors. Normally, when that is put in a technique, it becomes DNR by default as your customs should be able to be countered without the need for special Kg's or speed boosts.

(Ittōryū: Hiken: Tsubame Gaeshi) One Sword Style: Concealed Sword: Swallow Return
Type: Offense
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 50
Damage: 90
Description: This technique is fabled in the myth that it was used cut down a swallow in mid-flight. It is a technique to the blind eye simply seems like an extremely fast series of sword strikes. The technique only requires one sword. Due to the concentration needed to perform this technique, it cannot be performed if the user has other sword in his other hand. The user begins to focus a massive amount of chakra into his sword wielding hand and into the blade itself. This technique is used in short range in order to create an inescapable attack by cutting off all paths of escape. When using a sword to attack, it is apparant where the sword is coming from. An opponent who can see this still has the freedom to move in whatever direction he pleases while the sword can only move in a direct line under normal circumstances. In order to block all escape routes, it was devised that multiple strikes would be necessary to entrap the opponent.

The technique begins with a simple horizontal strike that boosted by chakra moves so fast that the blade itself seems like a blur. But the blade is clearly visible and trackable by normal eyes. This is the initial attack. The user uses his chakra in the blade to bend the will of the steel itself and forces the blade to curve so that it wraps around his target. This attack on it's own is very simple and easy to avoid or even block. But the user does not stop there. After years of refining the technique the user devised a way to create multiple slashes. After the first strike, it seems as though the user begins to bend space and time itself in order to at the same time the first strike occurs to deliver another strike. This is a vertical strike that comes from above the opponent and also curves to wrap around the top of the opponent. Finally, it seems as though the user bends space and time again to deliver a third and decisive strike. A strike similar to the first but coming from the oppoisite horizontal direction. The result is the performance of three perfectly timed strikes that travel at great speeds and have great power that come at the opponent from every direction leaving no room for escape. The technique is also impossible to block with a sword as the opponent cannot block all three swords at the same time. The technique is so precise that the only way to block it is to use a technique that is omni-directional and can block all three strikes at once but can also produce enough force so the blades just don't cut through the defense. If this technique is used in short range, it is so fast, the opponent doesn't have enough time to perform hand seals.

While the technique from the outside looks like its bending reality, it is actually simply using chakra to boost the physical capabilities of the user's arm while also using the properties behind the Shadow Clone technique and transformation in order to create multiple replicas of the user's arm and the user's sword so that all three of the replicas can attack the opponent at the same time. This combination of tactics causes immense strain on the user's arm and the user experiences large amounts of damage in that arm. The other arms arms disappear as soon as the technique is completed.

- This technique can only be used once per battle.
- After this technique is used, the user's arm with which the technique was used is completely worn down and the user's arm also receives large amounts of blunt force trauma. The user becomes unable to use the arm used for this technique for ninjutsu, taijutsu, or performing hand seals for the next three turns. The user cannot use hand to hand combat or kenjutsu for the rest of the match with that arm. The user experiences -40 to their health when this technique is used.
- The user cannot use techniques above S-rank on the same turn and on the next turn.

 Declined  I need you to explain that part better becuase I'm not seeing it. Sorry. Rewrite it and btw avoid space time manipulation references. Those bring about...hum...issues.

(Fūinjutsu: Hakkutsu) Sealing Technique: Unearthed
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20 (+5 to earth and wood techniques that use the seal)
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to place seals on objects (up to 5 small weapons at a time) in which the user stores earth chakra. The user can use the seal as a source of earth to perform earth or wood techniques (each seal can only be used for one technique). The user cannot use techniques from the seals if the seals are farther than the range at which the technique operates or other requirements (such as a technique that must be created short range from the user).
- This technique can only be used three times per battle, and all existing seals must be used before this technique can be used again.
- Up to five seals can be carried on the user's bio, if this is the case, the technique can only be used twice. And the first time a seal is used, though the user does not have to place the seal, this technique must still be posted and counts as a move that turn.

 Approved 
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Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

(Raiton :purazuma Bōru: Konekuto) - Lightning Release: Plasma Ball: Connect
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30 ( -10 per turn)
Damage points: N/A (60 on contact)
Description: Derived the from Plasma Ball technique, the user generates a plasma barrier around themselves to primarily defend from incoming attacks. The plasma the user produces is a more compact and compressed form of energy giving it higher offensive and defensive properties. However unlike Plasma Ball the barrier does not span to the entirety of short range. This technique keep the barrier formed closer to their body almost fitting around their body like armor. While providing a defense against A rank techniques, with the exception of Wind release, it also restricts the user as well. Connect forces the user to only be able to use lightning release techniques as well as physical techniques such as taijutsu and kenjutsu. On the offensive side the shield can be used offensively like the parent technique by ramming into the opponent with the shield active. On contact, the shield does 60 damage. The shield can also be used offensively by using up the energy generated by the shield to fire a wave of lightning in one direction which would result in the shield dissipating.
- This technique lasts a total of 3 turns
- Can be used 2 times per battle with a 2 turn cool down between usage.
- Can not be used in combination with any chakra mantel/shrouds or such (raikage armor, etc included)

Approved. Lessened it to 3 turns, and added a small note to avoid it being abused.

(Raiton: Ryoudo ) Lightning Release: Dominion
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: Similar to the principles of the technique Lightning Blades Levitation, the user will inject their raiton chakra into the opponents chakra system (almost like a genjutsu). Using the properties of this lightning chakra that the user injected into the user, the opponent themselves will begin to levitate like an object. However, unlike an object, the user cannot control the opponent's bodily movements other than imbuing them with the power of levitation. Now taking the principle of a secondary lightning technique Super Vibrating Lightning Release Sword, the user beings to vibrate the lightning chakra within the opponent rapidly. The lightning vibrating within the opponent's body causes them great harm to their body rupturing their muscles etc. This jutsu even though it is rather simple in its execution it takes a while before the vibration begins to ramp up in its intensity to the point where the opponent would be severely injured. One turn to be more exact. Before that one turn is completed, the opponent can feel subtle vibrations throughout their body giving them enough time to dispel the jutsu if they counter correctly. Also the one turn it takes for the vibrations to cause damage it gives the opponent free levitation for that turn. After the vibration is completed, the levitation ends.
Note: This jutsu can only be used once per battle
Note: This jutsu can only be taught by Daemon
Note: No lightning jutsu above A rank next turn.

Declined, DNR.
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Active member
Oct 26, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

Monkey contract learned

(Kuchiyose no jutsu - Uzo & Muzo) Summoning technique - Uzo and Muzo
Description: Uzo and Muzo. The monkey twins, a summoning exclusive to Kirikoe himself, these young monkeys are the new generation in the monkey kingdom, still being quite young these two monkeys are but half the size of King enma himself, Uzo the older brother of the two being the one born first dons a white fur with black patches over his limbs where as Muzo don's a black fur with small white patches over his, due to being twins and thus having a special connection to each other their main method of communication is telepathy.

Being playful by nature they love practical jokes and mocking people and have a general immature personality, these two just simply like to have fun and the ultimate fun for them is fighting, these two monkeys albeit being young and immature are still quite talented and have fought in many battles along side their siblings and racking up various experience due to this both of the young monkeys discovered they have a talent for the lightning element, however since both are young and thus their chakra pools are lower, to perform most lightning jutsu they combine their powers performing the hand-seals in sync, jutsu that generally require a shadow clone to perform these two can perform with each other instead, these two monkeys having a mastery over lightning jutsu are able to use all canon lightning jutsu that the user himself has learned with one hand-seal.

Although not the strongest of the monkeys physically these two monkey's strikes have the power to still knock a human person back with a simple punch and cause serious brusing, being the young and energetic monkeys they are, they often play fight with the elders and sometimes even the king himself in various ways, as such their speed is the level of a Kage ranked taijutsu specialist.

Like few of the monkeys within the monkey kingdom these two twins have a transformation ability, the Adamantine tonfa, these twins have the ability to turn into a pair of tonfa which can extend and retract with great speeds at the users will.

Declined. How much more are you going to stack into 1 summoning lol?

Note - To summon Uzo and Muzo one must have signed the monkey contract and be taught by Kirikoe
Note - Uzo and Muzo can only be summoned once per battle and remain on the field for 4 turns whiles in monkey form
Note - No other animal summoning's may be on the field, as long as they are
Note - Every lightning technique used by the twins count towards the users move count

Henge - Adamantine Tonfa | Transformation - Adamantine Tonfa
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 (-10 per turn transformed)
Damage: N/A
Description: Uzo and Muzo both transforms into a pair of Tonfa which is characterized by the hardness of diamond and its at-will extensibility. When Uzo and Muzo are transformed into the Adamantine Tonfa , it is possible for them to have their ears, eyes, and mouth appear anywhere along each of their respective tonfa's metallic length. A highly magnificent weapon wielded as a pair, its at-will transformation-based attack and defence go beyond the scope of proficiency, to attain immense solidarity and great lethality for great use in normal taijutsu combat. In addition, the Tonfa has the capacity to generate modest quantities of lightning for certain, offensive moves when in combat. Lastly, it's durability is of such a high caliber, that it is widely considered indestructible.

The following moves are possible lightning-based attacks via the Tonfa. When the tonfa are in use, the wielder may store highly charged electricity which can be discharged at moments of striking at short range which holds power capable of numbing the part where struck. Should an opponent keep prolonged contact with the Tonfa, they will continue to take small electric shocks caused by jolts of electricity with the sole purpose of numbing the areas of contact, as well as disrupting movement.

From the Tonfa, when both held close together to charge a large amount of electricity, the electricity can then be focused and condensed into a large sphere shaped bomb between the two Tonfa, the user can then proceed to launch the bomb of dense electricity at their opponent or towards their vicinity which when contact is made it explodes turning everything around it within short range to ash.​

Note: This may only be used by Uzo and Muzo of the monkeys, and they may not use other techniques throughout it.
Note: The tonfa can extend as far and as quickly as Enma can whilst he is transformed into the Adamantine Staff.
Note: Entire turns in which Uzo and Muzo maintains this form will not count towards the turns he can stay on the field.
Note: All of the lightning-based moves generated by the Tonfa are B-Rank, and each counts as an allotted move.
Note: The electrical bomb of condensed lightning has Mid-long range. Every other move is short-range only.

Declined. Parent jutsu is declined, so not really checking this yet.

(ninpou - Shōwakusei) Ninja arts - Asteroid
Range:Short - Mid ( Mid range if used offensively otherwise short range)
Description: The user channels their chakra into the palm of their hand and by using chakra manipulation to a high standard compresses it into the shape of a dense cube.

The cube can be split into many smaller dense cubes and used to either attack or defend with, the user is able to control the cubes speed to the point that they come to a near standstill however this may only be used for defence which is limited to short range due to the concentration needed to control the speed of the technique.

When used defensively the bigger cube will split into many smaller cubes and with great concentration can be controlled to the point that they become nearly still in the air around the user encompassing the area in front of him or around him up to short range, around him and above him wherever the user wishes as long as it is in short range, the technique whiles used defensively lasts for 3 turns in total unless overpowered or unless the user chooses to attack with them.

If these orbs are touched by anyone other than the user they explode ferociously dealing great damage to whoever comes into contact with them with the possibility of blowing an opponents limb off his body, the small dense cubes themselves acts as a wall as such they stop other jutsu from moving through them and if the opponents physical body or a jutsu of equal rank hits the dense cubes only then will they explode, respecting strengths and weaknesses of elemental techniques.

When used offensively the cube once again splits into smaller cubes and fire towards the opponent with great speed leaving a trail of light behind them. the fastest these cubes can be made to move is at the speed of a bullet.

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Note - The user can add an elemental affinity to the cube respecting strengths and weaknesses however once materialised the element cannot be changed
Note - Technique lasts 3 turns if used defensively and ends when used offensively
Note - Can only be used 2 times per battle
Note - User cannot use S rank of the infused element the next turn
Note - User must wait 2 turns before using again once the technique ends
Note - Can only be taught by Kirikoe

Declined. DNR. Similar techniques have been submitted and made before so many times, the only thing that is different is pretty much the shape and the explosion part somewhat.
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Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Jutsu Submission

Dropping the weapon in the quote.

Snake Tail (Hebi No O)
Rank: S
Type: Weapon
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Hebi No O(Short version:Hebi) was after Dei Dei made is stretchable scarf. He made this sword whip out of the same material just more stronger. Hebi is a 6-part segmented blade; each segment is wider than the one preceding it from the hilt with 2 pick-like protrusions on the front and back of each segment, with the ones on the front much longer than the ones at the back. The segments are connected by a stretchable thread that is a very strong material, making Hebi more useful as a whip than an actual sword, though it can serve as a regular sword just as easily, thanks to Dei Dei swordsmanship. Hebi's guard and handle remain the same as a normal katana. While Hebi can be stretched to incredible lengths in its whip form, Dei Dei has a limit of three consecutive attacks before having to bring the segments of Hebi back together for recovery -which makes him fairly vulnerable during this time interval. To make up for this, Dei Dei has to have a plan ahead of time. It is also wrapped in bandages when not in use and the bandages is attached on the hilt which acts on the user will.

-Mid range is the limit it can reach
-It can be used three times back to back when it is stretched out. After the third use it has to retract to recover for one turn.
-Only used by Dei Dei

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(This sword just acts the same as in Bleach but without it going to long range.)

♠ Approved ♠
Resubmitting the weapon right below for checking.

(Mizu Beara) Water Bearers
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A
Description: These Water Bearers was created by Solf to have a unique water weapon in battle. He made two hilts that are called Bearers. The Bearers are made of a material so the user can channel their chakra and manipulate water sources or even the moister in the air for varies objects such as weapons, shields on top of them. These two hilts are the perfect weapon for a weapon user and water user. The user channels their chakra and absorbs some water or moister in the air. The highest the rank of the object that is made of water is A rank or lower.
-Only used when the air has enough moister to make the weapon of chose of the user or a some type of water source is in the area of short range of the user to use to use to make the weapon of chose of the user and must have the user chakra in it or no chakra at all.
-The weapons made from the water still go by the elemental advantages and disadvantages
-The weapons also feel like the real weapon when used
-The user has to use a jutsu slot everytime the user uses the weapon no matter if it is to attacking or defending, the change of the shape depends on the attack or defense like for an example. The user going against a fireball and the user has the bearers shaped into katanas but the user needs to defend. The user would change the katanas into a rectangler shield to defend against the attack.

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±± Approved ±±
(Mizu Beara) Water Bearers
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A
Description: These Water Bearers was created by Izumo/Aqualad to have a unique water weapon in battle. He made two hilts that are called Bearers. The Bearers are made of a material so the user can channel their chakra and manipulate water sources or even the moister in the air for varies objects such as weapons, shields on top of them. These two hilts are the perfect weapon for a weapon user and water user. The user channels their chakra and absorbs some water or moister in the air. The highest the rank of the object that is made of water is A rank or lower.
-Only used when the air has enough moister to make the weapon of chose of the user or a some type of water source is in the area of short range of the user to use to use to make the weapon of chose of the user and must have the user chakra in it or no chakra at all.
-The weapons made from the water still go by the elemental advantages and disadvantages
-The weapons also feel like the real weapon when used
-The user has to use a jutsu slot every time the user uses the weapon no matter if it is to attacking or defending, the change of the shape depends on the attack or defense like for an example. The user going against a fireball and the user has the bearers shaped into katanas but the user needs to defend. The user would change the katanas into a rectangular shield to defend against the attack.
-Water users like Tobirama, Gyojin clan members, and Mei who all can in their own unique way generate/create water from thin air, can create the water this way.

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Approved. Added a small part to make it clearer

Sound Release: Molecular Vibration (Ototon: Bunshi Shindō)
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary/Defense
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user vibrates their whole entire body or certain parts at such a high frequency that they can past through nearly(A rank and below) any(solids only) object. The way the user does this is by actually channeling sound chakra throughout or through a certain part of his or her body. The next step is to at the same time the user channels sound chakra while vibrating their body the user vibrates the air/object surface they are nearly or is touching, at the same frequency the user is so the user can phase through it.
-Usable every other turn
-No sound jutsu used in the same turn

Declined. DNR.
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