[ARCHIVE] Custom Jutsu Submission - II

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Oct 14, 2009
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Genjutsu: Kan!) Illusionary Arts: Look!
A tactical jutsu, the user suggests the opponent looks in a direction either by pointing in the direction or verbally saying look in that direction. Regardless of the opponent's current action they look in that direction and then return to their current position.
*Can only be used on the same opponent once

 Declined  This is beyond Genjutsu. Genjutsu cannot condition your actions, only your senses. Only Doujutsu Genjutsu can, to an extent, control your mind. In that case, it controls your mind, not your actions just the same. DNR​

(Genjutsu: Utsuro) Illusionary Arts: Reset
Rank: S
A tactical jutsu, the user either claps, or verbally says "Reset" casting this jutsu. Upon hearing or seeing the clap or "Reset" The opponent's mind clears itself, going blank and resetting the thought processes. Similarly to walking through a door, the genjutsu causes an event boundary in the opponent's mind, causing them to go blank and reset their thought processes, and create a new event model for the current situation. It can also be self cast in stressful situations to give the user clarity and reset his own thought patterns by eliminating negative thoughts as well as positive though, literally resetting the thought processes.
*Can only use this 3 times
*Can only be cast on the same person once

 Declined  Similar to existing Genjutsu and beyond the application of what Genjutsu can do. DNR​

(Hyouton: Kanadzuchi) Ice release: Mallet
Range: Short/Mid
The user raises his arm and swings his hand downwards as if he were hitting something with a hammer. As he does this
he manipulates his own hyuoton chakra into the form of a giant mallet,materializing and smashing down upon the area of the user's choice. The mallet is roughly the same size as the road used in food cart destroyer

 Declined  S-Rank without restrictions, template all screwed up and generic, unspecific description which can easily be associated with other techniques? Yeah.... No.​
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Jul 4, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Meiton: Kuro Tsubasa Myoujou) Dark Release: Dark Wings of Lucifer
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A rank
Range: Self
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60(if used for combat)
Description: The user will begin by channeling dark chakra from his bottom square up his arm and over his shoulder. Once the chakra has fully covered the users arm and shoulder/back the user will use chakra Manipulation to make the chakra take the form of 2 large wings spanning 2 metres either side of the users shoulder blades. The wings are controlled by chakra which is directly linked to the seal on the users hand. On the turn of activation the user can use these wings to dodge any incoming jutsu within reason, meaning they cannot be used to dodge large scale jutsu. When used for flight the user is capable of moving just below regular running speed. After activation the user is also able to(only one time) Passively absorb a Wind Fire or Lightning jutsu of A rank and below using the wings, the user will cause the wings the cover him and block the jutsu and by using the chakra as a medium the user will absorb the chakra into the wings and store it in the seal. This Passive method can only be used One time during the activation, any other time the user can use the wings to absorb but they must post the Inhaling Maw jutsu and it will cost a move. The last ability of the wings is the ability to burn whatever they come into contact with, if an opponent is struck by the wings they will receive moderate burns pertaining to how long they where in contact with the wings. The user can manipulate the wings as if it was 2 extra hands coming from their shoulders, except the wings are unable to hold any ninja tool or items, they can only be used to strike out at the opponent. The wings are also capable of withstanding 1 B rank or below water jutsu and 1 C rank and below Earth jutsu within reason if the user decides to block it, after this any jutsu of any rank will cause the wings to shatter and disperse.

Once activated wings last 3 turns and grant the user the ability of flight.
One time after activation the user is capable of Passivly absorbing a jutsu by folding the wings infront of him to block said jutsu.
The wings(upon activation) can be used to dodge a single jutsu, they are not, however capable of dodging large scale techniques.
Can only be used twice per battle and a 2 turn cooldown is required between usages.
Can only be taught by Delta.

The wings appearance:
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 Declined  Not only can't this be performed with Dark release (its not how the KG works, released dark chakra cannot in any way give you flight, etc etc) as we already have enough wing techniques going around the base. DNR

(Meiton: Kuro Senbon) Dark Release: Dark Senbon
Type: Offensive
Rank: B rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user will begin by channeling dark chakra into the palm of their hand, once completed the user will wave his hand from left to right(or vice versa)and release the chakra, as the chakra is release the user will shape it into a thousand tiny little senbons. The senbons are no larger then a needle and are around 10 cm long, the sheer ammount of them means they take up a large space roughly 5m wide by 3 metres high when released. If the opponent is hit he will feel a stinging burning pain around the effected area, the ammount of damage received is determined by how many senbons the opponent is hit with. Once past Mid range the Senbons will revert to raw chakra and disperse on their own.

Can only be used 3 times per battle.
Can only be taught by Delta

 Declined  To release Dark Release attacks you need to have absorbed something before...

(Meiton: Kuro Doragon Kobushi) Dark Release: Dark Dragon Fist
Type: Offensive
Rank: A rank
Range: Short range
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60(20 damage if struck while using for taijutsu purposes)
Description: The user will begin by channel dark release over both his forearms, once the chakra has enveloped both forearms the user will manipulate the chakra to form 2 reasonably sized dragon heads on both of his fists. The chakra also extends from the elbow a metre on each side acting as a "tail" to the dragon heads, the forearms being the body. Once formed the user can use the dragons to engage in taijutsu or use them as a projectile. For starters, when used in taijutsu if the opponent is struck the fists will easily burn through clothing and leaving a minor burn mark on the persons flesh. The other feature of the fists is the users ability to fire them from his fists. The user has to first release his hold on the chakra allowing it to be a flowing entity once more, then by punching a direction the chakra will fly from his fists and towards the target area, if the dragons come into contact with anything they will explode into a maelstorm of dark chakra severely burning whatever they come into contact with.

Can only be used 3 times per battle.
Firing the dragon heads from the users fist costs a move and thus this jutsu must be re posted, both fists must be fired at once.
The 60 damage only applies to the firing of the dragon heads, if the opponent is struck while engaging in taijutsu they will only received 20 damage and mild burns to the target area.
Upon activation the fists last 4 turns, they can be cancled at any given time.
While in use, the user is only capable of using dark/Lightning and Fire release techniques that require no handseals and can be used via the mouth or feet.
Can only be taught by Delta

(for reference in size see hinatas twin lion jutsu, its based off this jutsu and is slightly bigger then hers)

 Declined  This is just a copy of the Jyuuken technique, twin lions. Also, same comment as above. DNR
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May 1, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

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(Raiton: Yari)- Lightning Style: Spear
Type: Attack
Rank: B Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user envelops himself in a shroud of lightning, then takes a running start at the opponent. Making a zig zag pattern from left to right. As the user travels towards the opponent, he weaves a single hand seal continuing to zig zag causing his shroud to trail making it harder for the opponent to follow the user's movements. Once in range, the user dives at the opponent with his fingers extended flat and pointed vertically outward similar to a spear. The user will then quickly clap his hands causing the trailing shroud to envelop the user once again. The user then jabs the hands into the opponent.
Note: Can only be taught by Gecko
Note: Must state final position before diving at the opponent
-Declined- I won't approve it with the bolded in there.

(Ninpou: Takutikku Orikomi)- Ninja Arts: Tactical Insertion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C Rank
Range: Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user does 2 hand seals then draws blood from his finger. The user then focuses chakra into his hand and slams it onto the ground. The next time the user creates a shadow clone, it would be summoned there.
Note: The spot can be placed on any solid surface
Note: Clones appear just as regular, just in a different place
Note: Clones can perform this technique
Note: Can only be taught by Gecko
-Declined- DNR, unreasonable and collides with Space-Time ninjutsu.

(Ninpou: Soshi Myouri)- Ninja Arts: Elemental Advantage
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B Rank
Range: Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user first performs (Ninpou: Takutikku Orikomi)- Ninja Arts: Tactical Insertion, once the tactical insertion is down. The user will perform a recognized hand seal for one of the basic 5 elements. Then the user will create a clone. When the clone appears, it will have the abilities of that element.
Lightning: Ram hand seal
Fire: Horse hand seal
Wind: Rat hand seal
Earth: Snake hand seal
Water: Boar hand seal
Note: Clones are capable of performing up to b rank of that element
Note: They have all the weaknesses and strengths as a normal clone
Note: Can only be taught by Gecko
-Declined- The above wasn't approved, and this won't be approved even if the above is approved.
(Raiton: Yari)- Lightning Style: Spear
Type: Attack
Rank: B Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user takes a running start at the opponent. Making a zig zag pattern from left to right. As the user travels towards the opponent, he continues to zig zag making it harder for the opponent to follow the user's movements. Once in range, the user dives at the opponent with his fingers extended flat and pointed vertically outward similar to a spear. The user then jabs the hands into the opponent, while his body follows behind for a tackle.
Note: Can only be taught by Gecko
Note: Must state final position before diving at the opponent

 Declined  This is simply the same as the 3rd Raikage's moves. DNR.​
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Active member
Apr 4, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Meiton: Cero) Dark Release: Hollow Flash
Type: Offensive.
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After absorbing and storing a justu by means of any variation of "Inhailing Maw" the user will convert the absorbed chakra into a small green glimmering ball of converted chakra projected from the users pointer finger. The ball is formed and released just as the image below depicts as a green concentrated blast of converted chakra and while being very similar to the text book judgement technique (as far as strength) upon release the ball is blasted forward in a more condensed form when compared to judgement. Making it more faster and precise ideal for accurate situations while also providing the unpredictability that the standard judgement technique lacked.

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-Must be taught by Ciberr
-Useable as much as the user sees fit but cannot be used in consecutive turns.
-Must have absorbed a justu beforehand.
-Declined- Faster than the Judgment technique? ._. see the movie, it's really fast lol, and remove the colored.

Meiton: Baffaringu - (Dark Release: Buffering)
Type: Defensive | Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: When faced with a frontal matter based attack the user will raise his absorption hand and release a dark mist from it to combat the attack indirectly. The mist will engage the attack and use the dark elements absorption property to absorb the kinetic energy of the attack. Causing the attack to slow down greatly allowing the user to simply dodge or the user can control the mist and cause the attack's kinetic energy to be shifted in another direction, possibly back to its originator. For example when faced with a fire ball the mist will spread around the fireball and cause its energy to be taken. Leaving the ball seemingly lifeless as its sustained in the air. Or the energy can be redirected causing the fireball to be aimed at the opposing ninja.

-Only usable 3 times per battle
-Cannot alter F rank elemental attacks
-Must be taught by Ciberr
-Declined- I like it, but needs a bit more restriction to me, it's a bit too broad, but i like the idea, the thing i might not be okay with is redirection, but with proper restriction i think it might work.

(Meiton: Cero) Dark Release: Hollow Flash
Type: Offensive.
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After absorbing and storing a justu by means of any variation of "Inhailing Maw" the user will convert the absorbed chakra into a small purpleish-green glimmering ball of dark chakra projected from the users pointer finger. The ball is formed and released just as the image below depicts as a green concentrated blast of converted chakra and while being very similar to the text book judgement technique, (as far as strength) upon release the ball is blasted forward in a more condensed form when compared to judgement. Making it more quieter and precise, ideal for accuracy required situations while also providing the unpredictability that the standard judgement technique lacked[/COLOR][/B].

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-Must be taught by Ciberr
-Useable as much as the user sees fit but cannot be used in consecutive turns.
-Must have absorbed a justu beforehand.

 Declined  Don't use spoiler tags unless its for an image or video. As for the technique, you cannot release the absorbed chakra like that... It doesn't travel to your body... you can only release it through your mark same as you can only absorb it through your mark.

Meiton: Baffaringu - (Dark Release: Buffering)
Type: Defensive | Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: When faced with a frontal matter based attack(Example's include fire, lightning, wind, etc. Example's do not include solid elements like earth) the the user will raise his absorption hand and release a dark mist from it to combat the attack indirectly. The mist will engage the attack and use the dark elements absorption property to absorb the kinetic energy of the attack. Causing the attack to slow down greatly allowing the user to simply dodge or the user can control the mist and cause the attack's kinetic energy to be shifted in another direction, possibly back to its originator. For example when faced with a fire ball the mist will spread around the fireball and cause its energy to be taken. Leaving the ball seemingly lifeless as its sustained in the air. Or the energy can be redirected causing the fireball to be aimed at the opposing ninja. Though, the user's attention must be on the justu when redirecting it opposed to being able to freely move around when the attack is simply slowed finally while it should be noted that if the justu in question is redirected it won't have it's full offensive capabilities as it loses some of it's volocity(Dropping one rank)
-Only usable 4times per battle
-Usage of this justu will force the user to restrain himself from absorbing justu for one turn
-Cannot alter F rank elemental attacks
-Must be taught by Ciberr

 Declined  This is well beyond the scope of Meiton. Also, Matter based attack = tangible elements which is to say Earth, Water and to some extent Wind. Fire and Lightning are not matter based attacks or elements. Fire and lightning are plasma or energy elements. DNR
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Active member
Nov 16, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Raiton/Katon: Jigoku Torappu) Lightning/Fire Release: Hells Trap
Type: Offense
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will gather a large amount of raiton chakra and release it as a current on the ground which will be sent towards the opponent, this is a very similar manner as Chidori Nagashi when traveling through the ground and will move at the same pace. As it heads towards the opponent a large amount of friction will begin due to the lightning traveling through the ground, heat will begin to set and flames will begin to rise around the current of lightning as it travels towards the opponent burning and destroying the ground where it travels. This is done when their is no precipitation around the terrain, meaning this jutsu would be useless when used in rainy areas because the air will be moist and not dry, the air would need to be dry for the lightnings heat and friction to occur. Also the lightning will simply phase with the fire itself so the users chakra will mix with the fire allowing the user complete control over the jutsu. The fire act as a base for the lightning so its image will look like a fire with electricity run through it. When the blazing lightning current makes its way towards the as it gets in to close range the lightning will rise up and move around the opponent to create a orb of lightning/fire which traps the opponent as if they were in a spherical prison with no openings. the only opening is located on the bottom of the sphere which will just be untouched ground. The prison itself will not actually harm the opponent physically but the opponent will remained trap and restricted of movement. The opponent though if they remain to long into the sphere will pass out and faint due to heat exhaustion.
- Can only be used twice per battle
- Must have mastery of fire and lightning
- Can not use fire and lightning jutsus above A-Rank next turn

 Declined  If lightning produced friction on the ground every single lightning technique you use on the ground would be a fire lighting technique and have flames... Also, to use 2 elemental chakras at the same time you need Y/Y. DNR

(Raiton/Katon: Akuma no Muchi)- Lightning/Fire Release: Demons Whip
Type: Offense
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90
Description: The user will gather their lightning chakra around their leg of choice. Blue shards of electricity will begin to revolve around the leg. The user will dash towards the opponent and swing their leg at them, as they swing their leg the lightning will begin to gather momentum and heat will flare around the leg of the opponent quickly the leg will be engulf in flames with electricity running through it. The leg will then make contact with the opponent with a powerful hit severely burning and shocking the opponent. This is a very dangerous technique for it will burn the opponents leg harming them and drastically reducing their speed. This jutsu works in areas where their are little precipitation so the lightning can catch a flames. This means rainy areas would prevent the lightning from catching fire which would make the technique impossible to perform.
- Can only be used once
- Due to the stress it adds to the leg it will reduce the users speed down two ranks for one turn
- Can't use lightning and fire jutsus above A-Rank next turn

 Declined  Unrealistic. Same comment as above. DNR.

(Suiton: Kakudo no Namida)- Water Release: Angle's Teardrop
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will gather suiton chakra in one of their hands and release it forward manipulating its property into adhesive water that is very sticky similar to the jutsu (Suiton: Mizuame Nababara) - Water Style: Starch Syrup Capture Field. The user will then place the hand oozing the adhesive on any wound on the body of the opponent that is bleeding. This includes deep stab wounds, cuts, and certain burns very similar to a band-aid. When it comes to cuts and stabs this jutsu does not act to heal the wound, but due to the sticky property of the water it will remain on the wound and act to overflow the wound preventing from blood from spilling. That is all it can do, just stop the blood. By stopping the blood the user is able to move around with full range of motion once again but will not attain the same speed but this all depends on just how bad the wound was. For example a deep cut on the leg that spews blood, the sticky water when placed will stop the bleeding allowing the blood flow naturally once again allowing full range of movement, but the user will not have the same speed he still had as before he obtained the wound. This can also douse the heat of certain burning jutsus by overflowing it and sticking on the wound. This will only work on burn wounds that came from B-Rank fire jutsus and below, any higher and the water would not be enough.
- Can only be used twice per battle
- Must have mastery over water

 Declined  You would need medical mastery to use something like this... DNR
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Sterling Malory Archer

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Jun 8, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Fuuinjutsu - Itonami Ataenushi Sealing Arts - Life Giver
Type: Supplementry
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Close
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user places a seal on a created object, such as a Rock Golem, Earth Dragon, anything that requires the user to continuously channel their chakra for it to "live." When the seal is placed on the object, the seal continuously fuels chakra through it in place of the user. Allowing the user to carry on with something else and still keep their object "alive." The user places the seal on their palm as well, to keep the connection and allowing the user to control the object.

- Can work on up to A-Rank techniques.
- Can be used 4 times per match

 Declined  The effect you want is achievable by a fuuinjutsu, yes but not how you describe it. Also, wrong chakra info. And seals do not possess infinite chakra inside them so it will only be able to do so for a limited amount of time. Additionally, each element is different. Would this work on any element? There is not such thing as close range. And there are tons of minor things you need to describe. Does the technique suddenly become sentient? No. It still requires your focus and control, even if you are free to mold your chakra onto another action.​
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The Sach

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Jan 15, 2013
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal: Swan
Scroll Owner: Sachchidanand
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background:
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The swans are the largest members of the family Anatidae, and are among the largest flying birds from the ninja world. They are found in temperate environments, rarely occurring in the tropics. Several species are migratory either partly or wholly.
General description:
Adults also have a patch of unfeathered skin between the eyes and bill. The sexes are alike in plumage, but males are generally bigger and heavier than females.
The legs of swans are normally a dark blackish grey colour, except for the two species, which have pink legs.Although most birds generally do not have teeth, swans are known to be an exception to this, having small jagged 'teeth' as part of their beaks used for catching and eating fish.
Summon Abilities:​
Swans are strong and are capable of living on land as well as in the water, and hence they can flyy as well as swim in the water. They can use chakra and few of them can even show elemental affinity.(depends on summon)They can speak to human beings just like toads. Since they are strong they can carry scrolls along with them.

 Approved  Editted.
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Feb 10, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Genjutsu: Kanchi O-ba-ro-do) - Illusionary Arts: Perception Overload
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user performs two handseals (Horse -> Monkey) to use Kanchi O-ba-ro-do.
Kanchi O-ba-ro-do is a powerful and surprisingly simple technique which allows the user to alter the target's ability to sense external stimuli in quite a unique manner. Under normal circumstances a person is unable to detect a stimuli until it has reached a certain intensity referred to as the absolute threshold. It is the body's natural mechanism to allow a person to block out unnecessary stimuli that would otherwise be distracting and preventative to accomplishing a focused goal. As such the body constantly sends a multitude of sensory signals that aren't registered by the brain. That is, the absolute threshold is the lowest intensity at which a stimulus can be detected; stimuli with intensities lower than this threshold are not registered by the brain. This technique effectively removes the mind's ability to block out these sensations i.e. removes the absolute threshold. This means that target(s) under its effect has all of their senses magnified/sensitized to all stimuli in and around him to the point that it clouds/completely engulfs their mind's ability to focus on anything but what they are sensing. In short, the target's five senses becomes extremely sensitive (i.e. hypersensitive) under this technique. In most cases this will immediately cause a target to fall into a near unconscious-like state due to the mass of information that is being channeled from every single one of their nerves. However, these effects are only temporary as the target's mind will eventually reestablish the sensory limitations after 1 turn.
*Note: Can only be used twice.
*Note: No genjutsu in the same turn.
*Note: Must wait two turns to use again.
*Note: No technique above S-Rank in the same turn.
*Note: The affected target is unable to perform complex jutsus (i.e. S-rank and above) and have their reaction times severely limited due to the excessive pain and mental strain, unless countered/dispelled appropriately.
*Can only be taught by McKnockout
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Feb 21, 2013
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Katon: Bureizu no Honō Ōbuntorappu) Fire Release: Blaze's Flaming Oven Trap
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After summoning Blaze, one of the Firgatebirds, Blaze first will perform the (Frigatebird Jutsu: Gular Pōchi Shīrudo) Frigatebird Technique: Gular Pouch Shield to enlarge his gular pouch greatly. He will then fly towards the opponent and open his mouth wide, trapping them inside his mouth. He then swallows them and they fall into his large red gular pouch. While they are inside his gular pouch, Blaze then focuses an immense amount of fire chakra into his gular pouch, engulfing the opponent in super hot flames and burning them alive. After doing this, Blaze will regurgitate the enemy, sending them crashing back down into the ground.
Note: Can only be used once per battle
Note: Blaze must perform Gular Pouch Shield before using this jutsu, meaning that in the turn
that this jutsu is performed, the user spends two moves to use this
Note: Link to contract's approval:
Note: Link to -Jiraiya- giving me the contract:
Note: Must have signed Frigatebird Contract
Note: Link to approval of Blaze:
Note: Link to approval of Gular Pouch Shield:
Note: Must have learned how to summon Blaze
Note: Can only be taught by The JuubiGod
-Declined- How does he "trap" the opponent? he needs to swallow them to induce the fire, that's all there is to it, no need to mention trapping the opponent part.
(Katon: Bureizu no Honō Ōbuntorappu) Fire Release: Blaze's Flaming Oven Trap
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 (+5 if used with Gular Pouch Shield)
Description: After summoning Blaze, one of the Firgatebirds, Blaze will fly towards the opponent and open his mouth wide, catching them inside his mouth. He then swallows them and they fall into his large red gular pouch. While they are inside his gular pouch, Blaze then focuses an immense amount of fire chakra into his gular pouch, engulfing the opponent in super hot flames and burning them alive. After doing this, Blaze will regurgitate the enemy, sending them crashing back down into the ground. Blaze can use (Frigatebird Jutsu: Gular Pōchi Shīrudo) Frigatebird Technique: Gular Pouch Shield to increase the size of his already large gular pouch greatly, increasing the amount of fire chakra that he can focus into his gular pouch
Note: Can only be used once per battle
Note: If Blaze performs Gular Pouch Shield before using this jutsu, then the jutsu gains +5 damage and becomes more powerful
Note: Link to contract's approval:
Note: Link to -Jiraiya- giving me the contract:
Note: Must have signed Frigatebird Contract
Note: Link to approval of Blaze:
Note: Link to approval of Gular Pouch Shield:
Note: Must have learned how to summon Blaze
Note: Can only be taught by the owner of the Frigatebird Contract
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-Haku Yuki-

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Jan 4, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Fuuton: tatsumaki kiri ( Wind style: tornado drill)
Type: offensive
Rank: s
Range: short-long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will make 5 hand seals, tiger,rat,dog,horse and bird. From there the user will send his chakra upwards into the clouds and will rotate the clouds them selves until they are shaped into one tornado like cloud. The cloud will begin spinning as if it is a drill and the user will swing their right arm towards sending the tornado into the ground missing the target purposefully allowing the tornado to drill into the ground. Upon a snap of the fingers the drill will undo its self tearing up the ground sending rocks and dangerous winds across the battle field injuring the user as well.
Note: can only be used once per battle
note: Takes up two turns
note: can't use wind above A rank after use for 5 turns

 Declined  DNR. Done before countless times. This is simply a tornado of wind. We even have a cannon tornado technique...
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May 22, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Mokuton: Hiretsukan Pi-ku | Wood Release: Sneak and Peek
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15 (-5 chakra for every turn this technique is active)
Damage: N/A
Description: By utilizing his Mokuton chakra, similar to Gaaras Third Eye Technique, the user has the ability to create one or multiple eyes in with his chakra in already present wood to expand his field of vision and sight. These eyes are movable once inside the wood, just like a real eye. Visual based Genjutsu cannot be induced through them though as the eyes are not physically in contact with the user thus allowing the user to look at the opponent directly through these eyes.
Note: Can be used three times per battle and lasts 5 turns unless cancelled.
Note: The user can create up to 3 pairs of eyes total.
Note: Must be taught by -Cobalt-.

 Declined  There was a very similar technique not long ago that I checked. Was it yours? If so, pm me. If not, then DNR
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Aug 17, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Kea Gigei: Fezā Arashi)Kea Arts: Feather Storm
Type: Offensive
Rank: B- Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: While in Kea Mode the user will channel chakra into their wing tattoos and cause the wings to form into actual chakra feathers and the user will swing their arm and unleash a small storm of sharp feathers that cut into the targets skin from the used wind chakra to enter Kea Mode.

-Can only be used 4 times per battle
-Can only be used in Kea Mode

Signed Kea Contract Here:

 Declined  Link to this Kea Mode or quote it

(Sentō Yōyōsutairu: Tsuru Ginomai: Roku yōyōsutairu)Combat Yo-Yo: Swords Dance: Six Yo-Yo Style
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Description: The user will take their Combat Yo Yo and swing it around channeling chakra into it and using mastery of taijutsu and Combat Yo- Yo Style, the user will do a special type of dance known as “Swords Dance” where the user will activate a pseudo mode where the user will create a special pseudo shadow clone where 4 arms will form from the back of the user , each holding a combat yo yo. This will allow the user to use up to 6 yo-yos at once.

-Can only be used by Ishiro
-Lasts 3 turns
-No Genjutsu can be used while active.

Approval of CFS:

 Declined  Pseudo mode? Pseudo shadow clone? Uh? No...
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Oct 24, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Hone Genkotsu) - Delusive Bone Clutch
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: Using their KG [Shikotsumyaku]. The user will manipulate the bone structure of their arm(s) and mimic the skeletal structure of a Snake. In doing so, it would culminate into the capacity for the user to bend and maneuver their arm(s) in such way in which a Snake can move it's own body. Allowing them to coil their now flexible hands around the opponent's limbs or other sections of the body within reason. This however, doesn't provide the ability to stretch or grow longer one's arms, but merely use them as if they had a snake in place of their arm. The hands retain their ability to grab, and do everything else they can normally do. At intention of the user, the arms can fastly be manipulated back into their original bone structure.
Note:Cannot use any other technique that involves change or focus on the hands while being used.

 Declined  This has nothing to do with Shikotsumyaku KG. DNR

(Fuuton: Muhjikaze Batsu) - Wind Style: Wind Subjugation
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After performing the activation seals [Boar > Dragon]. The user would invest a deal of wind natured chakra into any specific area of the air around them to converge into a fist-sized orb of wind. Composed of natural wind and the user's own. However the mixture would not last, the basis of this technique is to focus so much wind chakra as it's being compressed - at this stage, the 'orbs' are very hard to spot off a distance. To the point where the blend becomes purposely unstable and the compressed wind suddely erupts violently outwads. Due to being forced to mix into such a tight space the wind chakra would not find any space left (unlike Rasengan where chakra is moving fluidly) to cohexist, overlapping on itself until it finally explodes. Causing small, but very destructive 'explosions' of wind which them become clearly visible. Beacuse of this, the 'orbs' don't last any more than a few seconds before the explosion. Each explosion cannot effect more than three foot of it's initial creation spot. However the number of these being able to be created at any given time is five. With the least being two. The savage impact is so much, that it can cause interal organs to be damaged causing the victim to cough blood almost instantly after impact, if used directly onto the target's body.

# Can only be used x4 per battle.
# Cannot be used in consecutive turns.
# Cannot use any S rank or higher wind in the same turn.

 Declined  Sorry but similar to existing techniques. DNR
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May 9, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Chakurakurisutarubōru) Chakra Crystal Ball
Type: Weapon
Rank: S-Rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A large crystal ball that can contain different elemental chakras and basic chakra. It is used decoratively by normal people and shinobi. Shinobi trained in Ars Planetarum can use this ball for related techniques.

 Declined  What does it do? Because a simple cristal ball (which also already exists btw as cannon) infusible with chakra is hardly an S-Rank weapon... Severely undefined.​
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Robot Boy

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Nov 6, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Misairu Renda)-Missile Barrage
Type: offensive
Rank: B
Range: short-mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: After using underground missile, the user will summon three more standard moles.These moles are the size of Gama, the first toad summoning introduced with Jiraiya in the series and each holding a hammer and appearing above the target as he rises from the previous attack. The moles then proceed to deliver a three hit combo onto the target sending them crashing down into the ground. The moles disperse after striking the target.
-Can only be used after using underground missile.
-Must have signed the mole contract.



(Doriru Ran) – Drill Run
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Like the parent technique underground missile, Excadrill will coat his shovel-like claws in earth chakra making them extra sharp .He then, put his arms up to his head in the form of a ‘drill’. He will then rotate his body quickly, and charge in at the target while, floating through the air, stabbing into the target with his drill-like body.
-Must have signed the mole contract.
-Excadrill must be summoned for use.

(Ho-mingu Roketto) – Homing Rocket
Type: offensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description:After summoning Excadrill, he will go underground before, emerging underneath the target and rotate upwards, stabbing into them while lifting them up using his shovel-like claws and the jagged axe-like helmet on his head, both coated in earth chakra to increase its sharpness like Drill Run. Excadrill will then, proceed to deliver a descending ‘drill’ attack through the target before rotating once more into the air lifting the target with its claws stretched outward. Excadrill finishes with an X-shaped slash sending the target crashing.
-Must have signed the mole contract
-Useable up to three times


 Declined  I cannot approve something that is so badly worded. He goes underground...ok... using earth chakra...ok... emerging from beneath the target, ok... the rest is a mishmash. Reword it.

(Chimeiteki Keiteki: Ohitsuji Kujiku) –Fatal Horn: Ram Crush
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: N/a
Damage: 60
Description: Using Fatal horns features and ability, the user will start by assaulting the target(s) delivering a series of powerful strikes in rapid succession, by bouncing the ball on either of the hammer’s side or sides before, batting it and while, moving forward. The user follows up with powerful strikes using the hammer and ball combined and powerful strikes using the hammer and ball separately. The user finishes by, slamming the target with the hammers extending mechanism, blasting the target (s) away and sending them flying.
-Can only be used with Fatal Horn.
-Useable up to three times per battle.


 Declined  Ok, let me ask you this question: imagine yourself using this in battle. Then read the description and see if it makes sense.
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Kung Fro

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Apr 5, 2013
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Fuuton: Osuushi no yubi) - Wind Style: Bull's Finger
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user coats his body in wind chakra while extending only the index and pointer finger (resembling a bull's horns). The user then weaves in and out and slams his fingers covered in fuuton chakra into the target.
-Only used twice per battle
-Declined- What will the fingers do to the opponent exactly? slice through them? push them back with blunt force?
(Fuuton: Osuushi no yubi) - Wind Style: Bull's Finger
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user coats his hand in wind chakra while extending only the index and pointer finger (resembling a bull's horns). The user then weaves in and out and slams his fingers covered in fuuton chakra into the target; delivering a blow identical to two knives being stabbed into something.
-Only used twice per battle

 Approved 
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Nov 13, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Andāwārudo Gōremu) - Earth Release: Underworld Golem
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Mid - Long (Golem is created Mid-Range from the user, has a mid-range reach.)
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user performs (Doton: Yomi Numa) - Earth Style: Swamp of the Underworld, the user will send a large amount of earth chakra into the swamp they have created. They will perform two handseals: Dog → Snake and manipulate the mud. They will manipulate it so that it would be shaped into a golem, about the size of (Doton: Dai iwa Kyojin no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Great Stone Golem Technique. Because of its mud-like properties, it is more resistant to lightning techniques due to its fluid-like components, however, is slightly more vulnerable towards water techniques, because a sizeable amount of water can easily soften the mud, into an extremely fluid being. The golem of mud can release a large whip that can extend to mid range from the golem. The whip is about 2 meters in diameter and once it hits an opponent, it would quickly suck in the target and send it into the center of the swamp, eventually suffocating them. The golem can also release a single sphere of mud, about the size of (Suiton: Teppoudama) - Water Release: Gunshot. This can only be done three times by the golem and equals to B-rank earth techniques. The user can use the golem similar to how the great stone golem technique is controlled by the user. Likewise, the user can only preform earth techniques while the mud golem is being manipulated. The golem can attack like the earth golem and follows the users motion. If the user wants to perform other elemental techniques, they would stop channeling chakra into the golem, leaving it into a lump of mud shaped like a golem.

Notes and Restrictions:
- Can only be used once
- No S-rank earth techniques in the same turn.
- If the user stops controlling the golem for two whole turns, then the golem will turn back into normal mud from the swamp
- Must have used swamp of the underworld beforehand.
- The golem can release the whip to suck in the opponent, and the maximum amount of whips that is sent out is four. This means you can have all four towards an opponent at once, or one at a time.

 Declined  DNR. Done before. Wrong name. Its earth release so you cannot choose which weakness it has or not, it has all the weaknesses of earth release, period.

(Doton: Renga Kabe Danmaku) - Earth Release: Brick Wall Barrage
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will slam their hands in the ground and send earth chakra into the ground directly underneath their opponent. They will manipulate the ground beneath their target to have four walls, about 5 meters tall each to rise up. Each wall is 5 meter tall and 5 meter long, creating a roofless room around the target. With three handseals: Ram → Snake → Boar the user will form these three handseals after slamming their hands to seperate and cut the four walls into hundreds and thousands of bricks, all made from the four walls and are about the same size of normal bricks. The user will use their earth chakra to have the bricks move towards the target, who would be inside the walls. The force of the impact of hundreds and thousands of bricks against a human can cause severe damage due to the speed in which it the bricks travel and because of the material it is made of.

- Can only be used twice
- No S-rank techniques in the same turn, or S-rank earth techniques in the next turn
- Needs a one turn cooldown before using again
- can only be taught by nelson

 Declined  Very similar to existing techniques. DNR

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Yami Nyoka) - Summoning technique: Yami Nyoka
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A(-20 to user when summoned)
Nyoka is a gigantic red 130 meter long snake who's even larger than Manda. It is ferocious, spiteful, aggressive and vindictive. Nyoka can only be special summoned, and to summon Nyoka, The user will have to use his/her finger nail to prick/crest a slight incision on his skin, the skin here is where his/her snake summoning tattoo is, causing blood to flow out of his skin and unto the snake summoning tattoo, thereby instantly summoning Nyoka. The process of summoning Nyoka damages the users snake summoning tattoo while also damaging the user physically, preventing him from using the tattoo to summon any snake and causing the user to manually summon a snake. Not only that, but the user takes damage from the amount of chakra needed to summon Nyoka, making summoning Nyoka a forbidden Act.
Nyoka has amazing abilites. Extremely fast(with the running speed as 2 times the running speed of a Sage ranked ninja) and very strong. Nyoka can easily use his strong tail or head to attack his target, with speed and tremendous power(the strike of Nyoka's tail is equivalent to an A rank attack). Nyoka is a master at Earth release and is able to use his chakra for amazing techniques as well. When Nyoka is summoned a large puff of smoke appears, Nyoka curls around the user(the user is in the middle of the curl, having Nyoka's body fully covering him) when it is summoned unlike the normal standing on the summons head, Nyoka is not seen by the opponent when it is summoned because the puff of smoke blocks the opponents sight, unless a dojutsu user or a chakra sensor who can perceive more than one chakra signature. Nyoka immediately goes underground leaving no trace after its summoned but it sheds its skin as a defensive measure for its summoner(S rank).
Nyoka stays underground for the rest of the turn it was summoned, while underground Nyoka can move with incredible speed(twice that of Kage rank), even if the ground is made of mud/swamp, Nyoka can still sense what happens above the ground through seismic sense, also using it to locate the enemy that's on the ground surface.
Nyoka can also use his chakra for one more technique, when Nyoka is on the surface of the ground, through the use of seismic sense; Nyoka can always tell when an earth technique is about to happen from either underneath him or around him, then Nyoka can send the right amount of his earth chakra into the ground to negate the earth technique and stopping it from happening(this counts as a move each time its used). Nyoka is also able to use the reverse summon technique, by summoning his summoner to his side through slamming the tip of his tail on the ground, his summoner appears where the tip of his tail is.
Notes & Restrictions:
-When Nyoka is summoned, the user cannot perform any other technique for the rest of that turn, Also the user cannot summon Nyoka if he had performed a previous technique.
-Nyoka can only be special summoned, through pricking the snake summoning tattoo, destroying it in the process and damaging the user. Once the user does this, all techniques that require hand seals are performed at a slower rate.
-Nyoka is also able to summon his summoner once through out the battle(this counts as one a move for the user)
-Nyoka is able to use the snake substitution technique, just once and this is apart from the time it is summoned.(counts as a move for the user.)
-Due to Nyoka's size he is completely immune to all A-rank and below techniques.
-Nyoka can only be summoned once, since the users snake tattoo becomes damaged after Nyoka is summoned. Nyoka lasts on the battle field for 5 turns, counting the turn it is summoned as 1 of the 5 turns.
-Nyoka is an Earth master, able to use all earth techniques up to S rank without hand seals, through sending his chakra into the ground, Nyoka can perform the earth techniques.
-Nyoka can negate the release of an earth technique, he'll be perceiving it through seismis sense right before it happens. Nyoka can use this ability 3 times per battle and each use Counts as a move.
-Nyoka can only be taught by Neilson.

Where I signed the snake summon contract

 Declined  No forbidden rank summons. No summon bigger than the biggest cannon summons. And overall no on the summon who is much more powerful than the cannon summons. 5 turns? No. One more go then its DNR
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Apr 15, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Katon: Ifurīto no Zaiko) | Fire Release: Ifrit's Inventory

Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 (-10 per turn to sustain)
Damage: 60
Description: A technique in which the user is capable of materializing flames from near their body through the rapid release and conversion of fire chakra and performing the Tiger hand seal. These flames are often made to form into desired objects, and therefore are manipulated to be dense and almost solid in nature so as to hold a specific form. Utilizing this technique the user can create a plethora of weapons, or constructs such as walls, pillars, spikes and shields, that can be launched into Long range as projectiles should the user wish. The created constructs are generally created with a set property, the first option being to simply create dense solid flames capable of punching through concrete, the second to create dense flames that explode - with said explosion always being angled away from the user to prevent self-harm, with the last option being to create dense and thick flames that aren't solid in a manner that they're forced to hold a specific shape, but rather can be made to bend meld and flow into different forms as long as the user maintains control over the technique, sometimes doing so through the use of hand movements.


- Flames can only be materialized within short range of the user and while sustaining them the user can only mold fire chakra
- Can only be used 3x
- No Fire techniques above S rank for the rest of the turn.
- Can only be taught by Scaze

 Approved  Epic cool technique. Wish I had thought of it >_>

(Suiton: Poseidon no Gyakusetsu-Tekina Zōshoku) | Water Release: Poseidon's Paradoxical Proliferation

Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30 (-5 per turn) (-5 per used fire technique)
Damage: N/A (+15)
Description: A water technique which is ironically made so as to empower fire techniques. This technique essentially allows the user to materialize an abundance of tiny droplets of volatile water within the battlefield which for the most part serve no purpose. However, when the user releases a fire technique, through the addition of but a single one handed handseal a portion of the materialized droplets will drastically expand as they rush into the released fire technique, the flammable water serving to empower the flames, increasing their blaze while also slightly altering the constitution of the fire technique in question; making it slightly denser/more tangible. The technique essentially granting empowered fire techniques an additional 15 damage points. However, other than for the purpose of empowering the users fire techniques, the droplets remain to be virtually useless and completely harmless, essentially laying dormant and inactive until the user performs the activation handseal. After the droplets creation, the required droplets are sustained within the battlefield via a turn based leeched chakra cost until this technique finally ends. With an extra -5 chakra sacrificed for every used and empowered fire technique.


- Can only be used 2x
- No Water release techniques above S rank for the rest of the turn.
- Must wait three turns before re-using.
- Lasts four turns.
- Can only be taught by Scaze

 Declined  Flammable volite water? Not following you in that...

(Suiton: Poseidon no Paradokkusu) | Water Release: Poseidon's Paradox

Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: A water technique which is ironically made so as to empower fire techniques. This technique essentially allows the user to preserve, enhance and materialize the moisture surrounding a fire technique, rapidly converting it into highly volatile sticky water that surges into the fire technique in question. The sudden materialization of such volatile water, and its sudden ignition by fire results in the water/flames exploding. The combination of flaming sticky water and erupting flames showering the surrounding area so as to incinerate and blast away anything caught within the explosion radius, with the sticky aspect of the water making sure that any victim unlucky enough to come into the briefest of contact with the exploding flames will be plagued by the napalm like super hot flaming water that will cling to their bodies and ignite anything else that may be flammable. The eruption can be made to be directional should the user manipulate the manner in which the water surges in, I.e making it surge in from behind the flames would result in a more forwardly based explosion. However, by default the water surges in from all directions, resulting in a radial explosion.


- Can only be used 4x
- Cannot be used on consecutive turns
- No water techniques above S rank for the rest of the turn.
- Can only be taught by Scaze

 Declined  I have a few problems with this: S-Rank water surrounding whatever might the fire technique be = no fire technique. S-Rank water cancels up to forbidden rank fire. If you try this on a fire technique you invariably end it. Also, you need to make it so that it adds X damage, not that it does X damage because it adds to the power of a fire technique. Also, I would like it so that you use this by adding an additional hand seal right after releasing a fire technique (which cannot be a sustainable, flamethrower-like technique but a projectile one), materializing said water and thus creating that effect when you want, adding a note that you can do this in a way that you can effectively use both techniques in the same time frame (despite spending two moves) but you must always do it in the same move/turn in which you release the fire technique. Also, 4 times is too much.
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Apr 27, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Katon: Būingu o nozoku) – Fire Release: Peek a boo
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After performing 2 hand seals, an opening within the air (which seems to be ‘standing’ on the ground) 5 meters away from the user in their right and left side will be created facing the user. These two openings will immediately upon creation spew a powerful, long, stream of fire which clashes with each other at the user’s location which causes the flames to spread around the terrain at mid range radius from where the user was standing. This creates a smoke-like scene (but with fire) which would make it difficult to see what is going on inside the flames. Opponents caught within range would receive burning damage. During this process, the user will have gathered katon chakra within his entire body so that the moment these two streams of fire clashes the user would turn himself/herself into flames allowing them to stealthily move (only) in the flames they’ve created (smoke-like scene of fire). They will then reappear, taking their original form the moment this jutsu ends and the smoke-like scene of fire begins to disappear (can be ended at will).

Note: Three times per battle
Note: Cannot be used the following 2 turns
Note: No S-Rank and above fire jutsu the same turn

 Declined  Turn into flames? No. DNR
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Oct 26, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Raiton: Heikairo no Jutsu) – Lightning Release: Closed Circuit Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: B rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: By placing two separate points on a target and then activating the technique, the user creates a closed circuit within their body. This causes immense pain, though only creating minor electrical burns on the points of contact. In addition, the technique often causes muscle spasms and contractions, immobilizing them. The amount of pain the target is put through and the severity of muscle spasms is determined by the distance between the contact points.

Note: Immobilization lasts no longer than a turn
Note: Can only be taught by Better

 Declined  This can be seen as similar to countless techniques. DNR

(Genjutsu: Hokousha) - Illusion Techniques: Walkers
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A (60 if not broken)
Description: The user forms the Snake then Boar hand seals and sends his chakra into their targets brain. The target is then put in a genjutsu where he sees walkers rise up from the ground all around him and under him. Walkers are humans who died and their brains are still functioning aka Zombies. These walkers can be random dead people coming back to life or if the user knows people that their opponent knew and have passed, they can make those walkers into the people they knew. Walkers rise up from underneath their target and grab his legs and rise up grabbing all parts of their body. They begin to start eating their target. The target also see Walkers around him walking towards him to continue the assault. In reality the user is immobilized and can't move, despite the illusion consisting only of the Zombies. The target is not locked in an illusionary world but rather sees the Zombies added to the normal "reality". If the genjutsu isn't broken, the user will feel a lot of mental anguish and receives damage. This jutsu can effect multiple people.

Note: When effecting multiple people, the walkers are random.
Note: Can only be used 3 times
Note: Can only be taught by Better

 Approved 
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