[ARCHIVE] Custom Jutsu Submission - II

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Negative Knight

Active member
Jun 8, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Suiton: Suetto no Potteri Buta) – Water Release: Sweat of the Bloated Pig
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will perform the Boar Handseal whilst focusing their chakra into a nearby solid element e.g. Earth, Paper, Sand, Clay and etc. The resulting effect will be the miniscule drops of water residing in the air around it, quickly converging on the target material/element, aiming to seep through the pores, cracks and crevices in the material, if not simply being absorbed by it. Whilst doing this, the water will take on a very dense, viscous and adhesive quality similar to that of Water Release: Starch Syrup Capture Field. The resulting effect of this forced absorption of moisture will cause the affected substance to gorge and inflate to an incredible size, but also become so heavy that it can no longer move, remain airborne or even be manipulated in the slightest. To signify this, the affected material will begin oozing out adhesive water from its openings, almost overflowing due to the great amount of sticky water its been forced to absorb e.g. Clay creatures will be "drooling" adhesive water from their mouths. This technique will have varying effects on different elements e.g. Paper will become too heavy/sticky and will begin to cling to other sheets of paper, Sand will become almost impossible to control/manipulate, Clay will become incapable of detonation and etc. However since the basis of this technique relies on water absorption, the user will be physically incapable of using it on metal or crystal-based elements. Furthermore, the affected material/element must be completely in solid form and not partially e.g. cannot effect Mud, Lava and similar solid-like liquids.

Note: Can only be used four times per battle
Note: Can only be Taught by Negative Knight
Note: Cannot be used on consecutive turns
Note: Can only be used on elements/materials and not on people directly
Note: Follows elemental weaknesses and strengths

 Approved 
Love it. Well done.

(Doton/Suiton: Yurasu Oomizu) – Earth/Water Release: Seismic Tsunami
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 50
Damage points: 90 (-40 damage to the user)
Description: Kakuzu will connect his wrists together and push his hands outwards whilst pointing them at the floor directly below him before protruding his Suiton mask from either of them. Simultaneously, he will release his doton chakra into the ground below to cause a massive wave of earth to spread out from his position in a circular motion (360 degrees around him) which will crush anyone and anything in its wake, as well as devastate the terrain on an unimaginable level. The wave of earth will grow in height as it spreads out, leaving the resulting effect as a massive crater in the middle of the battlefield, the center point of the newly formed crater being the user's position. As the wave of earth is released in every direction, the suiton mask will spew an unimaginable quantity of water from its mouth, slightly greater than the amount produced by Kisame's signature Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave. The wave of water will uplift the user high into the air, whilst spreading out in every direction to flood the vicinity around the user, the vast quantity of liquid quickly filling up the earthen crater, causing for the creation of a water source on near oceanic proportions. The water created by this technique is similar to that of Water Release: Starch Syrup Capture Field, its sheer adhestivity, density and viscosity making it impossible for electrical currents to be conducted along it, minimizing the user's vulnerability whilst utilizing this technique. This adhesive water will ensnare any opponents unlucky enough to come into contact with it, trapping them in a dense layer of sticky slime-like water, preventing further mobility. However since the sticky water is created from the user's own chakra, they will not be affected by the adhesiveness of the created water source. The water source (and crater) created via this technique will span a thirty meter radius around the user's position and is considered a "Large water source", abundant enough to be used for techniques like Water Release: Great Shark Missile Technique and Water Release: A Thousand Feeding Sharks. Using this technique will take a visible and fairly significant toll on the user's body, making them incapable of using S-Rank and above Doton in the same and next turn, no handseals for two turns and no Forbidden Ranked elemental jutsu in their next turn.

Note: Can only be used once per battle
Note: Can only be used by Kakuzu
Note: Can only be Taught by Negative Knight
Note: No S-Rank or above Doton in the user's same and next turn
Note: No handseals for two turns
Note: No Forbidden Ranked Elemental jutsu in the user's next turn

 Declined 
The fact that its sticky doesn't alter the electrical interaction. Also, the earth part of the technique and the water part have both already been done as you describe it. I can't approve this as its basically putting two things already made into one.


(Kuro Ito Soshi Senjigusuri) – Dark Threads Elemental Infusion
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (+5 to infuse element)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Kakuzu will imbue one of the four basic elemental chakras into all of his dark threads related jutsu (for the next five turns) to cause them to take on a specific set of properties. If the user channels their raiton chakra into the threads, their penetrative abilities will heightened and the threads themselves will be electrified, giving them paralyzing capabilities. If the user channels their suiton chakra into the threads, they will become coated in a thick layer of adhesive water (similar to Water Release: Starch Syrup Capture Field), giving them adhesive properties and the ability to stick to people/objects. They will also become extremely resistant to burning and will short-circuit electricity, meaning electrical currents can't be channeled along them. This is because unlike normal suiton, the adhesive water is so viscous and dense that it resembles oil more than it does water, therefore making it an electrical insulator. If the user channels their doton chakra into the threads, they will take on a pitch-black metallic sheen and be hardened to the extent they can clash with swords and endure powerful impact forces. This doesn't hinder the user's mobility in the slightest as the extremely high flexibility of Kakuzu's threads cancels out with the hardening created by channeling doton chakra. Granted they become more stiff and taut, but this simply makes the threads more tensile rather than unmovable. If the user channels their fuuton chakra into the threads, their cutting capabilities will be enhanced and electrical currents will be impossible to conduct along them. The jutsu itself doesn't add any damage or range to techniques used in conjunction with it. It simply serves the purpose of infusing the dark threads with elemental chakra to cause the technique to become an elemental jutsu of the same rank e.g. a B-Rank dark threads jutsu infused with doton chakra will become a B-Rank doton jutsu. Elemental infusions via this method will respect all elemental strengths and weaknesses of the infused element. Activating this ability is instant and does not consume any time whatsoever.

Note: Lasts for Five turns
Note: Can only be used thrice per battle
Note: Can only be used by Kakuzu
Note: Can only be Taught by Negative Knight
Note: If raiton chakra is infused, paralysis caused by contact with the threads lasts for one turn.
Note: The metallic sheen of infusing doton chakra is purely cosmetic
-Declined- The technique has a lot of things wrong with it mainly because the threads exist in side Kakuzu's own body, how would you be making the threads have a sticky quality without it being stuck into your body from the inside, same for lightning, you will be electrified, also earth will severely increase your mass, you get the idea.
(Kuro Ito Soshi Senjigusuri) – Dark Threads Elemental Infusion
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (+5 to infuse element)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Kakuzu will imbue one of the three basic elemental chakras (Earth, Wind and Water) into all of his dark threads related jutsu (for the next five turns) to cause them to take on a specific set of properties. If the user channels their suiton chakra into the threads, they will become coated in a thick layer of adhesive water (similar to Water Release: Starch Syrup Capture Field), giving them adhesive properties and the ability to stick to people/objects. They will also become extremely resistant to burning and will short-circuit electricity, meaning electrical currents can't be channeled along them. This is because unlike normal suiton, the adhesive water is so viscous and dense that it resembles oil more than it does water, therefore making it an electrical insulator. The method employed in channeling suiton chakra is similar to that of a spider creating silk from its glands, where he will secrete the adhesive suiton chakra onto the threads as they leave his body, which is why the user isn't stuck to the threads internally. If the user channels their doton chakra into the threads, they will take on a pitch-black metallic sheen and be hardened to the extent they can clash with swords and endure powerful impact forces. This doesn't hinder the user's mobility in the slightest as the extremely high flexibility of Kakuzu's threads cancels out with the hardening created by channeling doton chakra. Granted they become more stiff and taut, but this simply makes the threads more tensile rather than unmovable. Furthermore, the hardening follows a similar method to that of Earth Release: Earth Spear, which hardens the skin without significantly increasing the object/person's mass. If the user channels their fuuton chakra into the threads, their cutting capabilities will be enhanced and electrical currents will be impossible to conduct along them. The jutsu itself doesn't add any damage or range to techniques used in conjunction with it. It simply serves the purpose of infusing the dark threads with elemental chakra to cause the technique to become an elemental jutsu of the same rank e.g. a B-Rank dark threads jutsu infused with doton chakra will become a B-Rank doton jutsu. Elemental infusions via this method will respect all elemental strengths and weaknesses of the infused element. Activating this ability is instant and does not consume any time whatsoever. All of these methods of infusing elemental chakra occur whilst the threads are leaving the user's body (to perform a technique), meaning they will have no negative effects on the user's body (e.g. causing them to become rigid due to threads clinging to one another).

Note: Lasts for Five turns
Note: Can only be used thrice per battle
Note: Can only be used by Kakuzu
Note: Can only be Taught by Negative Knight
Note: The metallic sheen of infusing doton chakra is purely cosmetic

 Approved 
Good job!
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Active member
Aug 9, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

CF approval proof:

(Shippuusuka Tatakai no Jutsu: Kazedama) - Hurricane Skater Martial Arts: Wind Bomb
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Close(Send the user to mid range)
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: Whilst using Hurricane Skater Martial Arts: The Twister Skater, the user manipulate the wind twisting below his skater and cause it to explode sending himself flying in the direction he balanced the skater against. Once the user get close to the floor again, the hurricane will be reformed again below the skater, keeping the user flying in his new location. If this technique was preformed at close range of an enemy/enemies, he will suffer multiple minor cuts and be blown away of the user from the blast which doesn't harm the user for his skater would protect him.
-Can only be used twice per battle.
-Must have used Hurricane Skater Martial Arts: The Twister Skater before forming this technique.
-Leaving for Scorps-

 Declined 
Speed of the movement? Why is this an A-Rank? B-Rank tops.

| Futon: Hanpatsu Hitofuki | - Wind Style: Upstream Gust
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: Holding a huge fan, the user opens his fan against the ground then swing it upward releasing an extraordinarily strong gust of wind that is quite large(about 4 meters long/wide) that cuts through the surface of the ground as it travel forward. Through the way of this technique, it gets separated into two; one that continues forward and cut through the surface of the ground while the back of the wind current collects the debris and dust and contain them in a slower wind gust that follows the original which continues at high speed toward the enemy with a size that is hard to avoid. The second part of the technique follows the first at a slower speed but it's still slightly fast is weaker than the first itself, but it spread dust through out the area from mid to long range of the user. This technique acts effectively against elemental techniques of its rank and below that moves over or close to the surface of the ground because it erase the upper level of it as it move forward. Through chakra manipulation the user could focus the gust to remain united but that will make the jutsu lose its ability to spread dust or debris.
-Can only be used twice per battle.
-Must be a huge folding fan or war fan user to preform this technique(And have mentioned that in your biography)
-Declined- good idea, but you need to determine it's reasonable size, mention that the other blast doesn't do damage, only spreads the dust etc, and one last thing, remove the colored.

Art of the Jade Warp:: Branches of Spears -Tamamayu no Jutsu: Bunkayari
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: While being armored with Tamamayu, the user release fast, hardened, groups of strings that take the shape of multiple spears that could pierce or screw through multiple targets. While preforming this technique, the user manipulate the spears to be release as wide, concentrated, sharp or curved as he wishes and for the uses he wants, making this technique useful in many strategies. The user could also use this technique against solids to push himself away from a specific location. Moreover, The user can use this technique through the ground, by sending the strings through the ground then group it below the target and preform the technique, but that will slightly slow its formation and it makes a great combo with elemental short ranged techniques such as Lightning Release: One Thousand Birds Current, Water Release: Hard Whirlpool Water Blade, Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique, wind chakra weapon-enhancing techniques or after using Hiding Like A Mole and make the strings move through the ground before preforming this one. The user can detach all any of the used strings in this technique in a whim and still be able to preform other Tamamayu arts.
-Can only be used twice per battle.
-Must wield Tamamayu to be able to preform this technique.
-Declined- This is a multitude of techniques crammed in one.
CF approval proof:

(Shippuusuka Tatakai no Jutsu: Kazedama) - Hurricane Skater Martial Arts: Wind Bomb
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Close(Send the user/effected enemies to mid range)
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: Whilst using Hurricane Skater Martial Arts: The Twister Skater, the user manipulate the wind twisting below his skater and cause it to explode sending himself flying in the direction he balanced the skater against at a speed slightly higher than his rank's top speed. Once the user get close to the floor again, the hurricane will be reformed below the skater keeping the user flying in his new location. If this technique was preformed at close range of an enemy/enemies, he will suffer multiple minor cuts and be blown away of the user from the blast which doesn't harm the user for his skater would protect him.
-Can only be used twice per battle.
-Must have used Hurricane Skater Martial Arts: The Twister Skater before forming this technique.

 Declined 
On resubmissions you are required to bold every change you made into the technique.

| Futon: Hanpatsu Hitofuki | - Wind Style: Upstream Gust
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: Holding a huge fan, the user opens his fan against the ground then swing it upward releasing an extraordinarily strong gust of wind that is quite large that cuts through the surface of the ground as it travel forward. Through the way of this technique, it gets separated into two; one that continues forward and cut through the surface of the ground and is about 2 meters long, 3 meters wide and 3 meters tall while the back of the wind current collects the debris and dust and contain them in a slower wind gust which doesn't preform any damages that follows the original with a larger size(about 4 meters long, 5 meters wide and as tall as the first which continues at high speed toward the enemy with a size that is hard to avoid. The second part of the technique follows the first at a slower speed but it's still slightly fast is weaker than the first itself, but it spread dust through out the area from mid to long range of the user. Through chakra manipulation the user could focus the gust to remain united but that will make the jutsu lose its ability to spread dust or debris.
-Can only be used twice per battle.
-Must be a huge folding fan or war fan user to preform this technique(And have mentioned that in your biography)

 Declined 

Art of the Jade Warp: Branches of Spears -Tamamayu no Jutsu: Bunkayari
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: While being armored with Tamamayu, the user release fast, hardened, groups of strings that take the shape of multiple spears that could pierce or screw through multiple targets. While preforming this technique, the user manipulate the spears to be release as wide, concentrated, sharp or curved as he wishes and for the uses he wants making this technique useful in many strategies depending on the user's creativity and intelligence. The user can detach all any of the used strings in this technique in a whim and still be able to preform other Tamamayu arts.
-Can only be used twice per battle.
-Must wield Tamamayu to be able to preform this technique.

 Declined 
similar to existing techniques. DNR.
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Active member
Aug 25, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Doton: Supaiku no ken) Earth Style : Fist of Spikes
Range:Short Range
Chakra:20 Chakra
Damage:(+15 to Taijutsu techniques)
Description: while dealing a punch to the opponent the user will be gathering doton chakra in his fist. once his fist hits the opponent he will release the chakra and shape it as 1 meter long 10 stone spikes emerging from his skin. the stone spikes are very dense and can penetrate normal humans' body and kill them but it's vulnerable against lightning based jutsus
note: can last for 2 turns if it wasn't destroyed
note: can be used 6 times per battle
note: only Pain... can teach this jutsu

 Declined 
imagine yourself with 10 1 meter long spikes coming out of your fist and try to invision how it would be like to actually use that in battle... yeah...ridiculous.

(Burasunakkuru) Brass Knuckle
Range:Short Range
Chakra:20 Chakra
Damage:(+15 to all Taijutsu techniques and +30 if chakra was channeled into it)
Description: This pair of Brass knuckles were made of a metal that conducts chakra (the same metal Asuma's blades were made of). after wearing them the user can channel his chakra into it to conflict more damage to the target. by channeling fuuton chakra into it the user will make crescent-shaped wind float around his hand that will make small cuts to the target's body. channeling katon chakra to it will make a layer of flames to cover the user's fists and it will scorch the target's body if he's hit by it. after channeling doton chakra into the pair brass knuckles, it will form 5 centimeters long stone spike to emerge from it and it will penetrate the opponent's if he's hit by it. if the user conducts raiton chakra into it lightning will start crackling around the fists of the user and will shock the opponent if he is hit by it
note: can not be used while the user is holding a sword
note: the user can't perform handseals while using it
note: can only be used by Pain...
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 Declined 
Done before and bonus are unreasonable.
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Symbol of Peace
Feb 4, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Signed toads

((Kuchiyose:Gamaotome) Summoning: Gamaotome
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Gamaotome is one of the few female toads that reside on mt. myoboku. She is of very small stature being able to fit in the palm of a persons hand and to hide in the hair of most people. Her adtitude is sweet and caring. She has a great love for her summoner due to this she can communicate telepathiclly with summoner. Being so small in stature she wasn't very adapt at fighting. She has no elemental affinity. She knew toads had a natural sensing ability, so to compensate for her lack of fighting ability's she trained and honed her sensing ability.

-Is a personal summon so stays on the field infinitely.
-Lives in the bios clothes or hair.
-Her sensing ability is the normal cannon one but can only be activated once per battle. After that she becomes tired and falls asleep and can't be used anymore that battle.
-Can be summoned by others. For other people she stays on the field for four turns.
-Summoned once per battle.

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-Declined- If Xylon hadn't agreed to that sensing ability i would've declined it, but what i'm not going to allow is a sensing ability along with a telepathic ability, telepathic abilities are specific to the Yamanaka clan, so i'm not going to allow a summon to have it.
((Kuchiyose:Gamaotome) Summoning: Gamaotome
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Gamaotome is one of the few female toads that reside on mt. myoboku. She is of very small stature being able to fit in the palm of a persons hand and to hide in the hair of most people. Her adtitude is sweet and caring. She has a great love for her summoner. Being so small in stature she wasn't very adapt at fighting. She has no elemental affinity. She knew toads had a natural sensing ability, so to compensate for her lack of fighting ability's she trained and honed her sensing ability.

-Is a personal summon so stays on the field infinitely.
-Lives in the bios clothes or hair.
-Her sensing ability is the normal cannon one but can only be activated once per battle. After that she becomes tired and falls asleep and can't be used anymore that battle.
-Can be summoned by others. For other people she stays on the field for four turns.
-Summoned once per battle.

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Took ownership of deers

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu:Derira Reitō kōgō) Summoning Technique : Dalila The Frozen Empress
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 60
Description:The user will bite there thumb,drawing the blood or by using blood from any other way(must still be there own),then by slamming there hand on the ground the user will summon Dalila The Frozen Empress.Dalila is the twin sister of Caius but unlike Caius's dark behavoir,Dalila is much more lighter than he is.Dalila is the complete opposite of Caius where as her brother is much more offensive,Dalila is much more defensive,taking only half the from techniques used against her by applying a special chakra coat around her body,but her elements are much weaker where as a technique doing 30 will be reduced to 15.She has no antlers like her brother due to her being a female,she is able however to use Water and Wind techniques up to A-Rank.She is no as fast as her brother but can manage on her own,moving at speeds equal to a Taijutsu Specialist at S-Class rank.She is very intellegent and is very friendly with people allowing 4 people to ride on her back.She is also capable of standing on 2 feet,though she prefers 4 legs.

-Dalila has Hp of 100
-Dalila can remain for 4 turns
-Dalilia can only be summoned once per battle.
-Water/Wind Moves used by Dalila counts as towards 3 jutsu limit.

Link to contract approval:

♠ All Pending ♠
Leaving for Scorps/Xylon. I'm not sure if half of those things are technically allowed.

±± Declined ±±
Same as above.
(Kuchiyose no Jutsu:Derira Reitō kōgō) Summoning Technique : Dalila The Frozen Empress
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 60
Description:The user will bite there thumb, drawing the blood or by using blood from any other way (must still be there own), then by slamming there hand on the ground the user will summon Dalila The Frozen Empress. She stands 3 meters tall. Her fur is a light blue color. Dalila's attitude is that of a caring mother often being the one to look after the other deers. She has no antlers due to her being a female, she is able however to use Water up to A-Rank. She can manage on her own, moving at speeds equal to a Taijutsu Specialist at S-Class rank. She is very intellegent and is very friendly with people allowing 2 people to ride on her back. She is also capable of standing on 2 feet, though she prefers 4 legs.

-Dalila can remain for 4 turns
-Dalilia can only be summoned once per battle.
-Water Moves used by Dalila counts towards 3 jutsu limit.

 All Declined 
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Robot Boy

Active member
Nov 6, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±


(Raiton: Joushou tsuchi) - Lightning Release: Ascending Earth
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: short-mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: A stronger version of Lightning release: roaring earth. The user forms the ram handseal and concentrates their lightning chakra all throughout their body. Once the target is within close range, the user slams their hands on the ground, releasing a significant amount electricity along the ground and is shot upward below the targets feet in the form of a much larger vertical column of electricity. The lightning upon impact, lifts the target into the air before dropping them down.

-Physical contact with the ground must be made
-Can be used up to 3 times
-Can only be taught by fang
-Approved- keep in mind that the technique doesn't cause paralysis, only numbing and physical damage.

Link to approval #2293:

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(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Doryuzu) - Summoning Technique: Excadrill
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: short
Chakra: 40
Damage: n/a
Description:After performing the necessary handsigns, the user slams their hand to summon Excadrill. Excadrill is the second in command of the moles and one of the strongest among them under the boss. Excadrill is 45 cm and wears jagged axe-like armor pieces on his arms as well as a jagged axe-like helmet placed slightly covering his face. He uses his 'shovels' to aid him in digging or for striking his target. Excadrill has the ability to manipulate sources of fire provided that it is already there. This allows him to create spiraling flames, fire pillars, streams of fire, and fiery explosions equaling to A-rank in strength.

-Can only be summoned once per battle.
-Must have signed the mole contract.
-His Katon counts as a move.
-Requires a ground source.
-Lasts up to 4 turns.
-Declined- the colored portion can't be approved because it's too broad, not to mention free manipulation to the fire won't be allowed.

link to contract post #2293:
New submission:

(Chimeiteki Keiteki) - Fatal Horn
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-mid
Chakra: N/a
Damage: N/a
Description: Is a hammer with the appearance of a Ram's head as the hammers face and has a chain linked to a spiked metal ball. The head is gold in color, and the 'horns' of the head have a silver color, while the ball's 'shell' is blue with white spikes. The weapon is made of a sturdy, durable metal and has the ability to crush Ice and Earth techniques up to B-rank. The spiked mace is placed/rested on top of the hammer like the Kendama. Originally it belonged to a famous warrior from Sunagakure who participated in the third ninja war and died fighting. The user can attack when the hammer and ball are together by using the hammer to hit the ball a few times to build up power then hitting it at high speed towards the opponent. The Hammer and ball can be disconnected to perform separate attacks. The hammer's handle has a built-in mechanism that allows it to extend to mid-range to 'Ram' the target and send them backward.

-Can only be wielded by Fang.
-Each hammer-based technique counts as a move.
-The hammer and mace cannot separate and form back on the same turn.
-Only one hammer technique per turn.
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-Declined- Interesting, the colored portion should have a rank to it and a usage limit, then it should be good to go.

(Chimeiteki Keiteki) - Fatal Horn
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-mid
Chakra: N/a
Damage: N/a
Description: Is a hammer with the appearance of a Ram's head as the hammers face and has a chain linked to a spiked metal ball. The head is gold in color, and the 'horns' of the head have a silver color, while the ball's 'shell' is blue with white spikes. The weapon is made of a sturdy, durable metal and has the ability to crush Ice and Earth techniques up to B-rank. The spiked mace is placed/rested on top of the hammer like the Kendama. Originally it belonged to a famous warrior from Sunagakure who participated in the third ninja war and died fighting. The user can attack when the hammer and ball are together by using the hammer to hit the ball a few times to build up power then hitting it at high speed towards the opponent. The Hammer and ball can be disconnected to perform separate attacks. The hammer's handle has a built-in mechanism that allows it to extend to mid-range to 'Ram' the target and send them backward or to smash them.

-Can only be wielded by Fang.
-Each hammer-based technique counts as a move.
-The hammer and ball cannot separate and form back on the same turn.
-Only one hammer technique per turn.
-The user can separate and connect up to two times.
-Extending the Hammer can be used up to three times.
-When separated the Hammer & ball are both A-rank.
-When the hammer is used to extend and knock the target backward or to smash them it is only C-rank.
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Changed it a bit.

 Declined 
Gather power? how and to what extent? a bit all over the place this weapon...

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(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Doryuzu) - Summoning Technique: Excadrill
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: short
Chakra: 40
Damage: n/a
Description:After performing the necessary handsigns, the user slams their hand to summon Excadrill. Excadrill is the second in command of the moles and one of the strongest among them under the boss. Excadrill is 45 cm and wears jagged axe-like armor pieces on his arms as well as a jagged axe-like helmet placed slightly covering his face. He uses his 'shovels' to aid him in digging or for striking his target. Excadrill can perform mole techniques up to S-rank that are exclusive to only him and basic Taijutsu up to C-rank except NB Tai and EIG.

-Can only be summoned once per battle.
-Must have signed the mole contract.
-His Mole techniques counts as a move.
-Requires a ground source.
-Lasts up to 4 turns.
-His Taijutsu counts as move.

 Declined 
a 45cm tall mole doing taijutsu? his limbs aren't long enough nor does he have the size and strength needed for it... Doesn't seem feasible or logic.

~New Submission~

(Bakuretsu Nokogiri Kiba)- Exploding Saw Fang
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user creates three clones of their dog partner that will surround and lunge at the target, appearing to attack him, forcing them to evade by jumping upward. Once the target does this, the clones will explode dropping Makibishi on the ground, while the user and their real dog partner attack him from above from opposite sides., performing a ferious roll to send the target crashing into the Makibishi.

-Must be a member of the Inuzuka clan.
-Usable once per battle.

 Declined 
Clones of the dog? like shadow clones of the dog? DNR.
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Active member
Aug 24, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal: (Kuchiyose: Rekisen no Youhei Ekidona) - Echidna
Scroll Owner: DrProof
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A (not currently)
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background: Echidnas are small, solitary mammals covered with coarse hair and spines. Superficially, they resemble the anteaters of South America and other spiny mammals such as hedgehogs and porcupines. They have elongated and slender snouts which function as both mouth and nose. Like the platypus, they are equipped with electrosensors, but while the platypus has 40,000 electroreceptors on its bill, the long-billed Echidna has only 2,000, and the short-billed Echidna, which lives in a drier environment, has no more than 400 located at the tip of its snout. They have very short, strong limbs with large claws, and are powerful diggers. Echidnas have tiny mouths and toothless jaws. The Echidna feeds by tearing open soft logs, anthills and the like, and using its long, sticky tongue, which protrudes from its snout, to collect prey.

Note: Echidnas cannot use an elemental affinity.

Echidna Contract Holders bear this tattoo:
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守る (Mamori Danryokusei) - Mamoru, The Protector
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 [To Wield]
Damage: N/A
Description: Mamoru meaning protect is a Shuang Gou (Hook Sword) in which was was found on the outskirts of Sunagakure. This weapon was wielded by the Shodai Kazekage, his dying words were "Protect Sunagakure". Soon after the Shodai Kazekage's death the Kanji Symbol 守る was engraved upon the blade's hilt, integrating the Shodai's Will. The second era hadn't the potential to measure up to the Shodai's Will, not even the Nidaime Kazekage could wield the blade, thus out of frustration, and loss of hope, this blade was thrown out into the hot desert of Sunagakure left there to be forever forgotten.. Constantly beat, and subjected to various wind storms, sand, debris, and the thirst quenching temperature of the desert; this allowed the blade to develop a resilient exterior, along with a few distorted features. This weapon possesses one ability, in which is triggered by the Shodai Kazekage's will.

Note: Can only be wielded by Sunagakure Shinobi.
Note: Can only be wielded by DrProof.
Note: The sword stays in play; even after the ability runs out.
Note: Elemental Affinities can't be channeled through the sword.

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(Shodai Hokage no Desho u: Hogo) Will Of The Shodai Kazekage: Protect
Type: Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Due to the Shodai Kazekage's Will integrated into the weapon Mamoru, The Protector via the Kanji symbol 守る, the Shodai's Will, activates upon the performance of the Tiger Seal with one hand, in which the Kanji symbol 守る will glow bright orange resonating the Shodai Kazekage's voice into the user's head voicing the command: "Protect!". This technique allows the wielder to use the Shodai's Will to completely deflect a total of 3 elemental attacks (S-Rank: 1, A-Rank: 2, B-Rank: 3, C-Rank: 4, D-Rank: 5) back at the user. In addition, due to the instant surge of chakra distortion (Kazekage's Will resonating inside the user), the user is able to cancel out 1 S-Rank Genjutsu per battle; reducing the number of elemental attacks capable of being deflected by 1.
-Can only be used three times per battle.
-Cancellation of Genjutsu reduces its ability to be used three times into two.

暴行 (Bōkō Asaruto) - Bōkō, The Assaulter
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 [To Wield]
Damage: N/A
Description: Bōkō meaning Assault is a Shuang Gou (Hook Sword) in which was created by the Nidaime Kazekage after his frustration in attempting to wield "Mamoru, The Protector". The Nidaime Kazekage was heavily known to have studied the Ichibi, Shukaku, in which he wanted to gain the power to subdue, and use its power. Realizing that its weakness was gold (due to Gold being heavier than Sand; weighing down the Ichibi) however, the Kazekage had no success in creating a Gold Dust manipulation (Such as Yondaime Kazekage's Gold Dust), triggering him to incorporate Gold into this sword. Due to this sword being made of Gold it is quite heavy, along with it being both a great heat, and electricity conductor. This weapon possesses one ability in which is triggered by the conductibility of its structure; Gold.

Note: Can only be wielded by Sunagakure Shinobi.
Note: Can only be wielded by DrProof.
Note: The sword stays in play; even after the ability runs out.
Note: Elemental Affinities cannot be channeled through the sword; excluding via its ability.

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(Goorudo Ootokurin: Zokuseino Henkou) - Gold Conductibility: Attribute Change
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Due to the sword Bōkō being made of complete gold its conductibility against heat, and electricity is quite powerful. When facing against Katon/Raiton based techniques Bōkō's conductibility will attract any source of heat/electricity causing the assault to be absorbed into Bōkō. Once the Katon/Raiton is absorbed into Bōkō, the blade takes on the attributes of the conducted Katon/Raiton changing its attributes to that of the technique previously conduct; the attributes are copied exactly the same meaning: Exact Rank, and Affinity. Once the attribute is copied the user of Bōkō can use the elemental/rank advantage against their opponent by performing a single handed Ram hand seal. When trying to counter an elemental assault the sword will allow the user to emit a Katon/Raiton (which ever was conducted) of which ever rank was absorbed/conduct and will coat the sword in a Katon/Raiton shroud allowing the user to slash/block the incoming techniques.
-Can only be used three times per battle.
-Attribute Change lasts 1 turn.

 All Declined 
you can only make 3 submissions per cycle. Take this as a warning as next time you'll be banned from the thread for at least 3 cycles.
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Active member
Jun 16, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Doton/Suiton: Boukun Rokujou) – Earth/Water Release: Tyrannical Aggravation
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defensive/Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A (80 damage if used to attack the opponent)
Description: The user will release their doton chakra into the ground to cause two to four colossal armoured prehistoric crocodile-like creatures composed entirely of earth (and coated in adhesive mud) to surface beneath or around their position, each being the same size as the A-Rank Stone Golem. The user will then focus their suiton chakra into each of the creatures to cause the humanoid crocodiles to secrete a dense layer of adhesive water (Similar to Water Release: Starch Syrup Capture Field) from every point on their gargantuan bodies, causing the already present layer of adhesive mud to fuse with the sticky water to make for a very dense, viscous and adhesive mixture. As a result the crocodiles become capable of traversing through even the densest and stickiest of mediums e.g. Swamp of the Underworld. This makes them extremely proficient in swimming through similar liquids, with their maneuverability being heightened the denser the medium they are traveling through. On land, these creatures are extremely sluggish, in water or when they are submerged with solid ground, they match the speed of an average aquatic creature, in adhesive mud and liquid metals, their speed is unsurpassed, partly because they aren't hampered by the sheer viscousity of such mediums. The composition of the adhesive water/mud-like layer grants it properties of being both extremely viscous and an unparalleled level of stickiness. The viscosity of the mixture makes it so that weapons or physical objects can only partially pass through it until they run out of momentum, making Taijutsu and Kenjutsu ineffective against these creatures, as the user's body/weapon will cling to them, preventing further maneuverability. This also translates to kunai, swords and other projectiles become trapped inside the mixture. Its stickiness also grants it the effect of being able to congeal semi-solid elements together such as: Sand, Gold sand and Iron sand. Rendering them ineffective as they can no longer reform and reshape, a property they depend on in combat. This interaction is similar to the 2nd Mizukage's oily water breaking down Gaara's sand, but on a much higher level, making it capable of affecting all sand-based elements. One final property granted by the adhesive water/mud-like layer is that the creatures become extremely resistant to burning and heat based elements (due to infusion of water), protecting the hard, rocky interior of the large beasts. Alternatively, these crocodiles can be used whilst the user is submerged in a swamp or they can be spewed directly from the user's mouth, meaning the user doesn't have to be in contact with the ground to use this technique. The crocodiles also possess extremely long jaws capable of biting down with crushing force and spiked tails which can be used for physical attacks.

Note: Creatures last for a maximum of four turns
Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: Can only be taught by -Venom-

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 Declined 
A bit too many properties stacked on eachother. Besides, you cannot claim their immunity to Taijutsu and Kenjutsu based on their sticky properties. There are Taijutsu and Kenjutsu technique which don't work based on that physical interaction so those would work. It should count as two moves since you're essentially using two techniques. and I want a note stating exactly what these creatures can endure in terms of defensive abilities.

(Doton/Suiton: Abura Sodachi) – Earth/Water Release: Gluttonous Inflation
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will focus their doton chakra into the ground anywhere on the battlefield, utilizing it to soften it to the extent it becomes almost flimsy, flexible enough to bend under even the smallest of stresses. In one smooth motion, they will then focus their suiton chakra into the ground to cause the entirety of the layer beneath the newly softened ground to gorge and fill up with a mass of extremely adhesive water similar to that of Water Release: Starch Syrup Capture Field. This water will build up in certain areas more than others, causing for the formation of hills and trenches alike, the hills being full to the brim of sticky water. The resulting effect of the adhesive water as well as the softened ground causes a trampoline-like effect, causing the terrain to become elastic enough to "bounce" around it without feeling harm nor undergoing difficulty. Furthermore, when the opponent steps, jumps or exerts even the most minute of forces on the ground below their feet, it will bend inward at an alarming rate, throwing them completely off balance before projecting them away into the air, before they land the same process repeats itself. Since the user is so attuned to fighting with this technique active, they will have no difficulty moving around the terrain. Once the hills are created, the user (at any time) can perform the Boar Handseal to cause that respective hill to erupt in a violent maelstrom of water, completely trapping the affected target in a dense layer of adhesive water, completely preventing their mobility. Alternatively, the user can use this technique on other rocky constructs (including the opponent's techniques) to serve a whole multitude of other purposes. On rocky creations such as Earth Release: Stone Golem and Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon Technique, the sudden softening and inflation of water will make them too slow, heavy and sluggish to even move, let alone pose a threat to the user. On terrain-affecting techniques such as Earth Release: Destructive Rising Rock Pillars and Earth Release: Anitlion Technique, the user will make it so they become so flexible, flimsy and elastic, that won't be capable of crushing/impaling the user, as well as making the user capable of "bouncing" away from them. Despite the fact this technique manipulates two chakra natures, each nature manipulation happens one after the other, with such speed, efficiency and chakra control, that this technique happens at the same speed of an average technique.

Note: Effects last for five turns
Note: Can only be used three times per battle
Note: Can only be Taught by -Venom-
Note: Cannot be used on consecutive turns
Note: No S-Rank Suiton in the user's next turn
Note: Doesn't require contact with the ground/affected target

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 Declined 
DNR. Collides with existing customs.

(Doton/Fuuton: Funjin Kachuu) – Earth/Wind Release: Scouring Vortexes
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A (80 damage if the opponent becomes trapped in the worm hole)
Description: The user will release their doton chakra into the ground to cause multiple sections of earth around the opponent to lower themselves in a circular-like shape, in a similar manner to Earth Release: Moving Earth Core. In the same motion, they will then focus their fuuton chakra into each and every one of the lowered sections of earth, before performing a single handseal to trigger a mild vacuum-like effect which will suck any objects/people moving directly over it to be sucked deep into the depths of the hole. Inside the hole, the wind chakra will be spiraling in a clockwise motion in the same manner as a tornado, carrying deposits of rock, dust, dirt and debris which greatly augments the cutting power of the already potent wind formation. Anyone or anything unfortunate enough to be caught inside one of the tornadoes will be skinned alive due to the sheer abrasiveness of the dust-infused wind, making this technique capable of even slicing through solid rock to reach its intended target. More commonly that not, the user will create the wormholes in a secure formation around the opponent to ensure any thrown projectiles or solid constructs they send towards the user will be promptly sucked into one of the wormholes, quickly being incinerated by the raging winds. This makes this technique exceedingly useful in countering techniques such as Earth Release: Stone Golem and Earth Release: Earth and Stone Dragon Technique, as the moment they move over any one of the user's created wormholes, they will become incapable of escaping the pull of the wind formation. Alternatively, the user can skip the first part of the technique and use this directly on an already lowered section/part of the terrain.

Note: Lasts five turns
Note: Can only be used twice per battle
Note: Can only be Taught by -Venom-
Note: Can create a maximum of eight wormholes
Note: Sections of earth can only be lowered a maximum of ten meters

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 Declined 
Ridiculously OPed and exploitable. Too big of a scale. Really too unreasonable. You need to tone it down...way down.
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Active member
May 1, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

dropped the above before it is approved

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(Buki: Tentei Papirusu)- Weapon: God's Papyrus
Type: Supplementary/Attack
Rank: S Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: Every round active (-30) | Round= 1 turn from opponent and myself
Damage: N/A
Description: God's papyrus is a weapon supposedly said to be a gift from god himself to men with extraordinary chakra control. In other words it is a gift to the gifted. As shown in the picture at the top it is simply a bandage. To an extent that is true, god's papyrus is an extremely long bandage that warps around the user's body. But the trick to this weapon is it is a living object. Similar to how kisame's sword acts on it's own will and interacts with the user. God's papyrus is able to do the same. But nothing in life is free, in order for the bandages to move about freely, the user has to give up a portion of his chakra. Willingly or unwillingly, if god's papyrus is attached to the user, it will take chakra from the user's body. As stated earlier God's papyrus is a living object and it can move about at it's own will. Through intense training it can grow accustomed to the user and act as an extension of his own body parts. God's papyrus is approximately 15 meters long. 5 of it's meters wrap around the user's body and the other 10 can be used for what ever purposes. Being a gift from god, god's papyrus is not made of any normal material. Being made of the a strong fiber and the user's chakra god's papyrus is indestructible. The bandages have 4 main outlets on the user's body. His left and right feet and his left and right hands. Due to this, these body parts are left bare and open for attacks or other purposes. On each end of these bandages as well as the outlet body parts is a small mark which conjoins the bandages with the user. There chakra systems and thoughts. But they are still two different beings, capable of acting on there own will. A minor drawback to these bandages is if the user runs out of chakra the bandages "die" so to speak. (Just resting) But all coins have a flip side, when the bandages die whatever was stored inside the bandages goes back into the user's body. The last and probably most basic ability of God's papyrus is it's indestructible bond with the user. As long as the bandages have chakra stored inside them, they are indestructible and can't be ripped through basic attacks. (Taijutsu and Weapons) The bandages are conjoined to the user both through chakra and body meaning the user's body is able to resist weaponry based attacks in areas covered by bandages. The bandages are capable of thought and acts like a conscience to the user. All memories and knowledge the user has are linked to the bandages.
-Backwards Compatible, so anything that is stored within the bandages can be reverted back to the user.
-God's papyrus is indestructible
-God's Papyrus is a living being (Is able to move on it's own)
-The user and the bandages are fully attached to each other. (Similar to a leach or a tick stuck to your skin, extremely hard to remove)
-Is resistant to C rank ninjutsu (Elemental included)
-Absorbs whatever chakra is in the user's body. (Including genjutsu, only up to B rank)
-Capable of thought and perception (Knows whatever the user knows)
-Does not conduct the user's attacks

The below abilities are passive through the chakra absorption of the bandages:
(Buki Waza: Shinen Yunizon)- Weapon Technique: Thought Unison
Type: Supplementary/Passive
Rank: C Rank
Range: Self
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The bandages while the connected to the user absorbs and stores the user's chakra within itself so that the user and the bandages thought and perception are united. Giving the bandages the ability to think for the user and guide the user's decisions.
Note: This ability is passive as long as the user's chakra is flowing
Note: Does not work without a chakra source

(Buki Waza: Chakra Yunizon)- Weapon Technique: Chakra Unison
Type: Supplementary/Passive
Rank: C Rank
Range: Self
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The bandages while connected to the user absorb and store the user's chakra inside itself for future use and the ability to move about freely.
Note: This ability is passive as long as the user's chakra is flowing
Note: Does not work without a chakra source

-Can't be used by Doujutsu users (The chakra flow to the user's eyes would divert the chakra form the bandages making it useless)
-Can only be used twice per match
-Can only be in affect 4 turns consecutively. (2 form the user 2 form the opponent)
-When those 4 turns are done the bandages need 2 turns to rest/recharge before being able to be used again. (After those 4 turns they come back automatically
-After the two times per match the bandages are just baggage not being able to be used again all chakra returns to the user
-Can't have a curse mark or anything else that affects the user's chakra through outside use
-Special Case: If genjutsu chakra is stored inside the bandages the bandages are unaffected by the genjutsu but when it's time for the chakra to be reverted back to the body the user will experience the genjutsu then.
Other: The symbol that is on the bandages and outlet body parts, 団. A basic kanji which stands for unity it has no relation to fuuinjutsu what so ever. Can only be used/taught by Gecko.

 Declined 
Yeah...no. Unreasonable. I mean...come on... It has so many stacked things on it that its a mishmash of a weapon. Also...those Passive abilities? No.
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Active member
May 18, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Kuchiyose: Garagarahebi) Summoning Rattlesnakes
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will summon up to 4 rattlesnakes whose size can vary from a size of 2 feet to 100 meters long. These snakes are all rattlesnakes meaning they have rattlesnake properties(heat sensing, ground vibration sensing). These snakes vary in color and size and serve only as basic warriors, having only the normal characteristics of snakes. Although they are quite simple snakes, they are very enduring and resistant and, when big enough (about 50 meters long) they can take up to B-Rank damage, and can help the summoner in many occasions.
Note: requires snake contract.
-Only 2 rattlesnakes over the size of 50 meters can be summoned in one instance
-Can only be taught by -Blade-

 Declined 
Too big and generic. You're copying the cannon technique...

(Genjutsu: Gatagata Ouchi Makai) Illusionary Arts: Rattle Pit of Hell
Rank: S
Range: Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user commands any already summoned rattlesnakes by tapping his foot on the ground in a certain pattern causing the snakes to use their rattlers making a genjutsu inducing sound causing the enemy to believe they are falling into a 50ft pit of 100 6ft rattlesnakes ready to bite, tear, and rip them to shreds.
-Can only be taught by -Blade-
-Must have at least one rattlesnake in play

Contract Signing

 Declined 
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Sep 5, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±


(Genjutsu: Genkaku)– Illusion Arts : Rigormortis
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
[/B]Description: For this technique, the user will perform the ram hand seal and send it into the opponents brain. This will target a select few areas. The ability to see, and feel. This genjutsu will first blind the opponent making them see all black, then 2 seconds later their vision will come back to normal, though, their muscles will feel very stiff, as if they have just died and rigor mortis has begun. The opponent will feel as if they are having an "awake" death, meaning that they can see everything but can't move as if in shock .Rigor mortis is the stiffness in your muscles after death. Though, in this state, it will take a lot of strain to move the arms or legs, almost like a paralysis. If the gen is not broken within two turns, the opponent goes back to normal.

-Can only be taught by Light.
-No S rank gen turn used
- Can only be used 2x
-Leaving for Scorps-

 Declined 
DNR. done before under many names.

( Fuuton: Asatsuyu) – Wind Release: Morning Dew
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid
Damage: 60
Description: For this technique, the opponent will focus their wind chakra into the air around the opponent. With the ram hand seal, the user will create small orbs of wind about 2 inches wide. Exactly 20 orbs will be scattered around the opponent. These small orbs will then begin to budge, creating almost a pin of air to protrude from the the main structure. Due to the amount of small orbs, they can attack multiple opponents, depending on if they're in the “circle” where the orbs are stationed. Once the pins are formed, the user will say “Morning Dew”, causing the pin – orbs to close in on the opponent the speed of “Fuuton: Wind Bullets”.

-No S-rank wind the turn this is used
- Can only be used 2x
-Can only be taught by Light.
-Declined- What main structure? i don't get how this attacks, does it push the opponent, or slice through his body? and what's this Fuuton: Wind Bullets?, quote it next time.

( Hyouton: Koutsuushadan ) - Ice Release: Blockade!
Type: Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: For this technique the user will send their water chakra into their palms and slam it on the floor, activating the cooling process. Once the water begins to gush upward, it will begin to get cooled by the wind chakra turning it into ice. This ice wall will create two semi – circles around the opponent and his ally's. This wall is more than one, it's two. Once this is used, they reaches 10 metes high, and 10 meters wide. The first wall [ the exterior one ] is equaled to an A rank technique, while the interior wall [ The one infront of user ] is equaled to a B rank technique. The walls of ice are 5 meters a part from each other, so the first wall is 5 meters from the second and the second is 5 meters from the user. The walls raise as fast as triple Rashenmon. Once the technique has been up/ still standing over 3 turns the ice then melts and water gushes down from above creating a water source.

-Can only be used 1x
-Can only be taught by Light.
-Declined- If there are two walls, one A-rank and one B-rank, then how is this technique an A-rank? also reduce the width of the walls.

Fixed the damage/chakra

( Fuuton: Asatsuyu) – Wind Release: Morning Dew
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid
Damage: 60
Description: For this technique, the opponent will focus their wind chakra into the air around the opponent. With the ram hand seal, the user will create small orbs of wind about 2 inches wide. Exactly 20 orbs will be scattered around the opponent. These small orbs will then begin to budge, creating almost a pin of air to protrude from the the main structure. The main structure would be the orbs, meaning the pins of air will form from the orbs of air.. Due to the amount of small orbs, they can attack multiple opponents, depending on if they're in the “circle” where the orbs are stationed. Once the pins are formed, the user will say “Morning Dew”, causing the pin – orbs to close in on the opponent the speed of “Fuuton: Wind Bullets”. These pin - orbs strike the opponent by cutting along the skin. They can cut up to 4 inches into the opponent body

-No S-rank wind the turn this is used
- Can only be used 2x
-Can only be taught by Light.

 Pending 
For me the whole concept doesn't really "work" so I'll leave it to Ryujin.

-Declined- DNR, you still didn't link or even clarify what's this "Futon: Wind Bullets" is, and this is a bit OP considering you don't have a limit of distance between the orbs and the opponent.

( Hyouton: Koutsuushadan ) - Ice Release: Blockade!
Type: Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: For this technique the user will send their water chakra into their palms and slam it on the floor, activating the cooling process. Once the water begins to gush upward, it will begin to get cooled by the wind chakra turning it into ice. This ice wall will create two semi – circles around the opponent and his ally's. This wall is more than one, it's two. Once this is used, they reaches 10 metes high, and 5 meters wide. The first wall [ the exterior one ] is equaled to an B rank technique, while the interior wall [ The one infront of user ] is equaled to a B rank technique. The walls of ice are 5 meters a part from each other, so the first wall is 5 meters from the second and the second is 5 meters from the user. The walls raise as fast as triple Rashenmon. Once the technique has been up/ still standing over 3 turns the ice then melts and water gushes down from above creating a water source.

-Can only be used 1x
-Can only be taught by Light

 Declined 
Too easily exploitable.
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Aug 14, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Raiton: Bito Purusu) - Lightning Style: Beat Pulse
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user makes two handseals to cover his body in lightning right before getting hit by an attack. Getting hit, he uses the impact force from the blow received to generate large amounts of lightning chakra throughout his body to augment the power of his next lightning attack. Through this process, the power gained will be added to the damage of the users next offensive lightning technique. This is quite similar to Kirin in the sense that you generate lightning from an outside source though this only works for techniques that deal impact damage or lightning techniques because the lightning that covers the users body serve to make the lightning unfocused before forming a return path to the current(absorbing it) and it only works for A rank and below techniques but the user can only use lightning techniques after having converted the force of the blow into lightning chakra. It can be done twice with 3 turns in between usage.

 Declined 
Yeah...no...Exploitable. Either make this clear and specific and have a real limitation and restriction or its DNR.
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Active member
May 31, 2013
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal: American Robins
Scroll Owner: EdwardSama
Other Users who have signed contract: None
Summoning Boss if existing: King of Robins: Haruko
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Daisuke, Emiko, & Fumiko.
Description and Background: American robins has a greyish feathers on their head which extends all the way to their backs. The feathers in their heads and tails are slightly darker then the feathers in their backs. Their chest and body is red and they have sharp, yellow beaks. They have a large, round body and a fairly long tail and legs. American robins are common across the continent, in yards, parks, golf courses, and many forests.

(Kuchiyose no jutsu: Haruko) Summoning jutsu: Haruko
Rank: A
Range:Short-long range
Type: Attack
Chakra cost: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user bites on his/her thumb, forms two hand seals, and slams their hands with their blood on the ground to summon Haruko. Haruko is the king of all American Robins. He is slightly smaller than the size of gamabunta. He has a longer and sturdier beak then most robins. Haruko has a blue body and a light blue tail. His head and back gray with stripes of white. Because of his large body, he is unable to fly as fast as other flying summons but his body is able to tank jutsus that causes 10 damage or less.
- Can only be summoned twice per battle.
- Can perform up to A-rank wind jutsus.
- Lasts for 4 turns
- Can only be taught by EdwardSama

(Kuchiyose no jutsu: Daisuke) Summoning jutsu: Daisuke
Rank: B
Range: Mid/Long range
Type: Attack
Chakra cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user bites on his/her thumb, forms two hand seals, and slams their hands with their blood on the ground to summon Daisuke. Daisuke is the brother of Haruko. He looks like a normal robin but instead of a dark grey head and tail, it is red like its lower body. He is about the same size as Haeuko, just shorter by one feet. Unlike his brother Haruko, Daisuke can fly as fast as an average summon. His wings are sturdy and hard, so if an opponent gets hit by them, it causes them 15 damage.
- Can only be summoned twice per battle
- Can perform up to C-rank water jutsus.
- Lasts for 3 turns
- Can only be taught by EdwardSama

(Kuchiyose no jutsu: Emiko) Summoning: Emiko
Rank: B
Range: Short range
Type: Attack
Chakra cost: 25
Damage: N/A
Description: The user bites on his/her thumb, forms two hand seals, and slams their hands with their blood on the ground to summon Emiko. Emiko is the last brother of the king of robins. He has a yellow lower body, head, and tail. His head has a few white stripes and his back is completely grey. He is the same size as Daisuke. Emiko is a short-range jutsu user so he flies the fastest between his three brothers. He is capable of flying to his target from a far range quickly so he can attack in a short-range.
- Can only be summoned twice per battle
- Can only last 3 rounds
- Can perform up to C-rank lightning jutsus
- Can only be taught by EdwardSama

All these summons can speak english.

this is my first custom jutsu i submit so feel free to edit, add, or delete anything. thanks~

 all Declined 
Not only does the contract already exist as you passed the submission limit. If you submit a contract, you can only submit 2 other things. Also, no spoilers except for images. Read the first post of this thread.
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Active member
Apr 4, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Genjutsu: Sono Maimu Kounou.) Illusionary Arts: The Mime Effect.
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Rank: A ranked.
Range: Short-long
Chakra: 40
Description: The user will preform two handseals and create a square with his hands(Like how Muu and Oonoki's hands are when the preform Jinton) and send his chakra into his opponents chakra flow. Causing a disturbance resulting in the target to fall under an illusion. In the illusion the target will feel he's encased in a very small constantly shrinking invisible box. The target will feel that the box will never stop getting smaller resulting in the eventual feeling that he's been crushed in that box. Though the box is formed and the target is unable to properly move around and form handseals, the box won't get small enough to have to target fall unconscious until a entire turn has passed. While in reality the target will stop all movement, and appear standing still, somewhat lifeless.

-Only Usable once per battle
-No A rank or Above Genjustu for the next 2 turns
-No S rank attacks in the same turn
-Must be taught by Ciberr
-Declined- Wrong chakra info for an A-rank, also no long ranged illusions will be approved.
(Genjutsu: Sono Maimu Kounou.) Illusionary Arts: The Mime Effect.
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Rank: A ranked.
Range: Short-mid
Chakra: 30
Description: The user will preform two handseals and create a square with his hands(Like how Muu and Oonoki's hands are when the preform Jinton) and send his chakra into his opponents chakra flow. Causing a disturbance resulting in the target to fall under an illusion. In the illusion the target will feel he's encased in a very small constantly shrinking invisible box. The target will feel that the box will never stop getting smaller resulting in the eventual feeling that he's been crushed in that box. Though the box is formed and the target is unable to properly move around and form handseals, the box won't get small enough to have to target fall unconscious until a entire turn has passed. While in reality the target will stop all movement, and appear standing still, somewhat lifeless.

-Only Usable once per battle
-No A rank or Above Genjustu for the next 2 turns
-No S rank attacks in the same turn
-Must be taught by Ciberr

 Declined 
So if it hurts the opponent shouldn't it cause mental damage? and before it completely blocks the opponents movement, it should enable them to perform one or two handseals don't you think? or is it that fast? Does this affect only his eyesight and sense of touch? or does it actually affect all his senses? is he in a dream-like state?

(Fuuton/Doton: Āsudoragonbīmu ) -Wind/Earth Style: Earth Dragon beam
Rank: S
Type: Attack
Range: Short-long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
The user begins by weaving in the dragon hand seal and pouring chakra into the earth. This allows the user to create two identical Dragon heads made of earth anywhere within 15 meters of himself. Once the dragon heads have been created, the user quickly follows up by focusing large quantities of Wind chakra into the dragon heads. With the wind chakra now in the dragon heads, the user can command either one or both dragons to release a blast of wind that is highly compressed to the point that it is spewed out as a beam. If only shooting a beam from one Dragon, the beam will be S-rank, though if the user focuses on shooting a beam from both at once, they are each A-rank. On another note; the dragons can be either created from an earth terrain or even out of mud or a swamp, though the effects will stay the same..

~ Only teachable by Ciberr
~ only usable 3x
~ The same dragon head can be used later, but it will cost a move

Looks like this:
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 Declined 
No on the last "note". You don't have restrictions on this. Needs to count as two techniques. Is the attack only wind? needs more handseals and more "effort" to trigger.

(Fuuton: Rippingu-fū sufia ) -Wind style: Ripping wind sphere
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Chakra Cost:30
Damage Points:60
The user does the tiger hand seal whilst gathering wind Chakra beneath the opponent and creates a dome of wind around them, very similar to gushing water imprisonment. The dome rises very quick and once it is fully erected it rotates with immense power. Inside of the dome, one will experience constant hurricane like gusts of wind that restricts movements while also being sliced up by fast, cutting wind. The cuts caused by the wind aren't fatal (though they can be), they cut 4-5 inches deep at most.. The dome's size varies depending of chakra used etc. It can be big enough to fit a single person or can be moulded to be 10 meters in diameter...

~ Only teachable by Ciberr
~ only usable twice

 Declined 
Similar to existing customs. DNR.
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Active member
Jul 2, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Genjutsu: Shaneko ) - Illusion Technique: Copycat
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: After preforming 6 handseals (Tiger -> Dragon -> Boar -> Hare -> Tiger -> Bird), The user focuses chakra into the opponents chakra system. This puts them under an illusion of substantial power. The Illusion itself is explained as this: The user replicates any material into the opponents mind to confuse them and deter them from attacking or even figuring out the real attack. For example, when a Kunai is thrown by the user, he/she can inject chakra into the opponents mind. By using the basics of genjutsu, the user can replicate the image of that kunai to either conceal or confuse the enemy. This copy is completely identical to the original in terms of ability and looks. To the opponent the copy seems as real as ever. But in reality, the duplicate of the object doesn't exist. This illusion has a lingering effect and can last a certain amount of time. While under the illusion, the user has no way of telling they are under the illusion since everything stays the same except for the duplicated object. As the technique is active, the user can weave one handseal to make the copied object disappear and are allowed to copy another object from the real world into the illusion. Example - The user can weave a handseal to get rid of the recently copied Kunai and chose to copy the exact image of any object or person into that illusion so that it appears twice(copying the user themselves so that it appears they have used a sort of clone jutsu or copying a fire jutsu that was done by the user or opponent so that it is shown to the opponent twice. Copying one's index finger so that instead of seeing one index finger the opponent will see two.)
Note: Can only be taught by Essence
Note: Technique lasts 4 turns.
Note: Can be used twice per battle but must have a 3 turn gap between each usage.

 Pending 
PM me with a link to your completed Genjutsu training.
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Active member
Jun 22, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Resubmitting :

(Kage no monsutā) - Shadow Monster
Type: Offense/Defense
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
The user focuses their shadow and manipulates it into the shape of a huge monster (usually an animal or creature that suits themselves) behind them that is about three times bigger than the user. The shadow can move and make attacks at their enemy by reaching over the user by stretching the shadow and making simple physical attacks that are more powerful than a human, by punching the ground or swiping across making a hook attack, the shadows strength being extremely powerful and able to cause small craters in the ground with it's fist.
The shadow does not have legs but only connects with the users shadow so can only move wherever the user moves. It can defend the user by using it's own body as a shield, of course damaging it's self.

-The Shadow monster can survive one S-Rank technique, unless it's Lightning (in that case it can survive one A-Rank Lightning Technique). This only matters once.
-No Shadow techniques can be used whilst this is active
-Can only be used twice a battle
-The Shadow Monster lasts three turns
-Can only be taught by LonelyAssassin
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-Declined- No to surviving an S-rank, if hit by an S-rank it will be destroyed, also explain the colored part a bit more.
Resubmitting :

(Kage no monsutā) - Shadow Monster
Type: Offense/Defense
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
The user focuses their shadow and manipulates it into the shape of a huge monster (usually an animal or creature that suits themselves) behind them that is about three times bigger than the user. The shadow can move and make attacks at their enemy by reaching over the user by stretching the shadow and making simple physical attacks that are more powerful than a human, the monster can punch the ground and is able to make small craters in the ground and it is able to perform simple jabs and hook attacks at the enemy or other objects, the huge monster is able to do this because instead of it having the arms of an animal they have the arms of a human and so have fists.
The shadow does not have legs but only connects with the users shadow so can only move wherever the user moves. It can defend the user by using it's own body as a shield, of course damaging it's self.

-No Shadow techniques can be used whilst this is active
-Can only be used twice a battle
-The Shadow Monster lasts three turns
-Can only be taught by LonelyAssassin
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 Declined 
Description is a mishmash. Use sentences and not only "and x, and Y, and z, and and and and, , , , , , ,". The concept of it being connected to the user also limits its a lot but ok...but you need a chakra cost per turn!

New Submissions :

Summoning Technique : Itaku the Swift
Type: Summoning
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Itaku is a lot bigger than most Fishers, though he isn't the biggest. He is about the size of the average human, but a lot faster and spends most of his time standing up. Like Buck, Itaku carries a weapon with him a Katana that is strapped to his back, he also has a Bamboo Baton strapped to his back. Itaku has light brown fur and long spiked back grey hair, he wears clothing unlike other Fishers and he also wears a traditional attire which consists of a standard grey martial arts like uniform, consisting of a Jibei Top and Hakama Pants. Over this he wears a dark blue sleeveless Haori which is tied to a fitting with a black obi sash. On his arms, he wears armguards which protect his forearms in battle, as well as a purplish bandanna on his left arm, similar to the one tied around his head. He can communicate clearly with his master and is very respectful.

Itaku is a master of Kenjutsu and Ninjutsu, though he knows no Elemental Ninjutsu.
-Can only be summoned once per battle
-Can only be on the battlefield for 4 turns

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 Declined 
Incorrect chakra cost.

(Futon : Ken koramuburasuto) - Wind Release : Sword Column Blast
Type: Offense
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
The user channels their wind chakra into their sword, it can be stored there until released. When the wind is released it is blasted out of the volume of the whole blade of the sword, this can be utilized in a way to deflect incoming projectiles. The problem this technique may have is when the user is holding it and can blast themselves if the blade of the sword isn't angled properly. This can also be used for a final kill when the blade is stabbed into their opponent they can blast the wind to make them explode from the inside out.

Restrictions :
-This technique can only be used once per turn

 Declined 
Similar to existing techniques. DNR
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Active member
Apr 23, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Raiton: Kaminari no Charitī) - Lightning Release: Lightning's Charity
Rank: B
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Mid (Short-Mid from source)
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user forms the Hare handseal and gathers pre-existing lightning/electricity in the shape of an orb, shocking the opponent(s) with several potent lightning bolts discharged from it. Those struck by the bolts are paralyzed for a turn.
-Declined- Will not allow the manipulation of the opponent's lightning techniques, also you didn't mention any specific details like the size of the bolts, the size of the orb etc.

(Katon: Moeru Ransu) - Fire Release: Blazing Lance
Rank: B
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Mid (Short-Mid from source)
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user points his hand at a pre-existing source of fire, condensing it into a 12ft long lance covered in flame that can be launched at the opponent at any time with a hand gesture to impale and burn him. The lance is solid enough to be held by the user as a weapon but anyone else attempting it will be burned severely.
-Lasts for 2 turns
-Declined- Same as above, not to mention if you hold a lance of fire you will be burned.

(Raiton: Kaminari no Charitī) - Lightning Release: Lightning's Charity
Rank: B
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Mid (Short-Mid from source)
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user forms the Hare handseal and gathers pre-existing lightning/electricity in the shape of a meter-wide orb floating in place, shocking the opponent(s) with numerous slim but potent lightning tendrils discharged from it that may be manipulated to lash the target like whips. Those struck by the tendrils are paralyzed for a turn and burned by the heat of the lightning. Earth jutsu up to A-rank can be destroyed by this technique.
-Lasts for 2 turns
-Cannot be used with an opponent's lightning jutsu

 Declined 

(Katon: Moeru Ransu) - Fire Release: Blazing Lance
Rank: B
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Mid (Short-Mid from source)
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user points his hand at a pre-existing source of fire, condensing it into a 12ft long lance covered in flame that can be manipulated at the position it was created and launched at the opponent at any time with a hand gesture to impale and burn him.
-Lasts for 2 turns
-Cannot be used with an opponent's fire jutsu

 Declined 
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Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Raiton:Raikou Kaen Unari) Lightning Style: Lightning Flame Roar
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user does three hand seals, gathers and combines both lighning and fire chakra inside of his mouth and releases them in a large, destructive, sparking blast. The jutsu ic capable of traveling great distances, wreaking havoc wherever it passes. When this jutsu touchs any solide object, it generates a large explosion. Due to the strain this jutsu places on the user's body, it cannot be used in sucession and can only be used twice per battle.
~Note: Can only be used twice per battle.
~Note: After use, the user cannot use lighning or Fire jutsu for two turnes
~Note: Usable and taught only by Anbu Junior

 Declined 
DNR. Exists.

Summoning Animal: Vole
Scroll Owner: Anbu Junior
Other users who have signed the contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if Existing: TBA
Other Summoning Animals Tied to Contract: TBA
General Description: A vole is a small rodent resembling a mouse but with a stouter body, a shorter, hairy tail, a slightly rounder head, smaller ears and eyes. Normal voles can measure from three to nine inches. They are very agile creatures with the same senses rats and mice posses.

 Approved 

(Sutāsōdo: Eathos, Dorimuita) Celestial Swords: Eathos, Dream Eater
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: +15 Kenjutsu and +10 lightning
Description: "The Blade of the Stars...Eathos the Dream Eater. One of the Ten Shinning Weapons." Forged from a special materal found in a meteor and infused with Lighning chakra, this blade is weilded by one who is pure at heart. These blades are unique in the fact that they can be joined at the hilts to form a spear with blades on both sides has a hand hold in the middle. By focusing raiton chakra into the swords, it gets completely clad in lightning, allowing them to cut through things easier and they also become faster to sting. While the swords are active the user's lightning techniques are increased by +10, though Doton jutsu of the user looses -10 damage. Due to the process by which it was forged, Eathos rejects energies that were foreign to the user - that's to say, for example, if an enemy tried to use transmit lightning through the blades, the energy would stop completely due to the nature of the blade's composition. This particular power comes about from the blade's synergy with the user, in an effort to prevent it from being used against him. Retaining all the properties of the metal it was forged from, Eathos is indestructible sharp and will never dull.
~Note: The user can only put an electric current around the blades two times per battle and they last for five turns.
~Note: Can only be wielded by Anbu Junior. When someone else tries to hold the blades, they will reject their chakra and increase its weight, making them heavy to be lifted. However, it reverts to its original weight when Aj holds it.
~Note: While Eathos is in hand, the user cannot use Wind jutsu.
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If you guys find anything wrong with this CW please Edit it to your liking. I need my own CW :(

 Declined 
DNR. Done countless times before...
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Ittoryu: Suihei Seihoukei) One Sword Style : Horizontal Square
Type: Offensive
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: This is a basic one handed sword technique, where the user will channel his Wind Chakra into his feet and sprint off towards the target at speeds that a lower ranking shinobi would have a hard time to follow(Unless they have a Dojutsu of some sorts). The user while running will channel his Wind chakra into his sword,then after reaching in proper range the user with there lead foot forward, will first perform a horizontal slash across the upper half of there target. Then using there forward foot the user will pivot and spin to the left or right side of the target while performing a second horizontal slash along the side they spin of the target. Afterwards now behind the target, the user will perform the 4th slash along there back, and apon doing so they will spin again slashing the other side they didnt attack earlier, performing a 4 combo strike, but as they finish a harmless visable stream of chakra will form from around the user and target in a 2D square.

-Requires at least one sword to use
-Can only be used by Aoi.
-Can be used 4 times per battle
-Leaves target slighty bleeding for half a turn.
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 Declined 
the name Ittoryu already exists (for example in cali's techs) so please choose a new one so as not to make it confusing.

(Shōjunryū) - Ascending Dragon
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: The user channels chakra into their sword and then using the art of iaido to quickly unsheath their sword delivering a swing upwards towards the target and releasing the chakra in their sword and manipulating into a dragon that rises up into the air carrying the opponent with them by crunching down into their stomach causing severe damage.
Note: Can only be used three turns and must know Iaido

(Dokuga) - Venomous Fangs
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: By utilizing the reverse quick draw method the user will quickly draw two of their swords dealing a dual reversed gripped slash to the opponent that will either result in cutting them or breaking a guard. The user will then quickly point the two swords at the opponent right after the slash and stabbing them into their chest piercing them and retracting the swords flicking the blood off their edge and resheathing them.

(Shodō no Tetsugaku Kenjutsu) - Philosophy of Calligraphy and Swordsmanship
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30 (-10 per turn active)
Damage points: (+15 to Kenjutsu techniques)
Description: This technique encourperates the elements of swordsmenship and calligrapghy which go hand in hand. This is a form of training practiced by masters new and old to develop their essense of martial arts. The user by practicing strokes of calligraphy can enhance their swordsmanship in their power giving additional damage to their techniques, their speed in deliverance of the strokes is greatly enhanced by understanding wrist movement and the way the muscles work in their arm increasing their base speed by three times.
Note: The techniques duration lasts 5 turns and must wait two turns before activation.
(Shodō no Tetsugaku Kenjutsu) - Philosophy of Calligraphy and Swordsmanship
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30 (-10 per turn active)
Damage points: (+15 to Kenjutsu techniques)
Description: This technique encourperates the elements of swordsmenship and calligrapghy which go hand in hand. This is a form of training practiced by masters new and old to develop their essense of martial arts. The user by practicing strokes of calligraphy can enhance their swordsmanship in their power giving additional damage to their techniques, their speed in deliverance of the strokes is greatly enhanced by understanding wrist movement and the way the muscles work in their arm increasing their base speed by three times.
Note: The techniques duration lasts 5 turns and must wait two turns before activation.

Permission from Nirvana to resubmit this:

 Declined 
You fail to explain how it actually achieves this +15 damage boost. Ok, you learn calligraphy....and how does that mean you do more damage in Kenjutsu? its hinted but not developed. Also, its underrestricted for something that gives that boosts and lasts too long. Nor only that but the 3 times faster thing needs to go. Thats an absolute no. I don't want this to be stackable with anything else.
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Jun 29, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Hiraishin: Kurenai Arashi) - Flying Thunder God: Crimson Tempest
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid (from seals location)
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: A technique unique to Minato Namikaze, by manipulating the jutsu shiki of the FTG he is able to teleport up to fifty kunai to a seal of his choice be it attached to a kunai or placed at any location on the ground, these kunai spread outwards in a 360 degree radius around the seals location, and can reach up to mid range from there initial point of appearance, the kunai are all tangible and they also bear the seal of the flying thunder god technique.
As with the FTG technique these kunai arrive at the seal at the speed of space/time, they do however still make noise when they are flying outwards from the point of arrival.

-Note- Only usable four times per battle.
-Note- Must have fuuinjutsu at A rank.
-Note- Only usable by Minato Namikaze and taught by ReXii.
-Declined- What do you mean by "spread outwards in a 360 degree around the seal" do you mean that they will fly in all directions once they are teleported? also where are you going to get those 50 kunais? you can't possibly hold them all in your hands and you have to have physical contact with the kunais in order to teleport them through the FTG locations.

(Hiraishin: Sora Suibou) - Flying Thunder God: Falling Skies
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short (From seals location)
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: This technique is unique to Minato Namikaze, the technique begins with the user getting one of his FTG seals airborne, this can be achieved through a number of means from throwing a kunai in to the air, or simply having a flying summon with a seal attached to it fly overhead, once this have been achieved Minato uses the sealing formula in a unique way, teleporting up to two hundred tiny round metal balls, with paper bombs attached that fall from the sky in a five meter radius around the tag, exploding on impact and capable of fully engulfing short range with shrapnel and explosions.

-Note- Only usable two times per battle.
-Note- Must have fuuinjutsu at S rank.
-Note- Only usable by Minato Namikaze and taught by ReXii.
-Declined- Same as above in the teleportation part, you can say that you teleport them through sealing formulas already prepared beforehand, like the fuuinjutsu seals that you can summon weapons from by tapping onto them, also mention the size of each of those balls

(Hiraishin: Banpaia Houyou) - Flying Thunder God: Vampire's Embrace
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid (From seals location)
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: A unique flying thunder god variant, this is used by Minato Namikaze only, and is used via the seal of the flying thunder god, this technique causes thick steel wires to erupt from a seal of Minato's choosing the wire is barbed and incredibly sharp, wrapping around an opponents entire body, or a certain limb depending on the users preference, it is capable of causing wounds up to one inch deep and in multiple locations as the entire wire is barbed, this can also be used to prevent an opponents handseals if it catches the arms in the binding, while it can be broken free of with brute force doing so would likely cause great injury.

-Note- Only usable once.
-Note- Must have fuuinjutsu at S rank.
-Note- Only usable by Minato Namikaze and taught by ReXii.
-Declined- No to the preventing of an opponent's handseal, it's easily exploitable and would definitely mean timeframe breaking.
(Hiraishin: Kurenai Arashi) - Flying Thunder God: Crimson Tempest
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid (from seals location)
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: A technique unique to Minato Namikaze, by manipulating the jutsu shiki of the FTG he is able to teleport up to fifty kunai to a seal of his choice, the kunai are summoned directly from a unique seal on his forearm that he must tap, the kunai appear from any seal be it attached to a kunai or placed at any location on the ground, these kunai spread outwards in a 360 degree radius around the seals location covering all directions from the point of arrival flying outwards and can reach up to mid range from there initial point of appearance, the kunai are all tangible and they also bear the seal of the flying thunder god technique.
As with the FTG technique these kunai arrive at the seal at the speed of space/time, they do however still make noise when they are flying outwards from the point of arrival.

-Note- Only usable four times per battle.
-Note- Must have fuuinjutsu at A rank.
-Note- Only usable by Minato Namikaze and taught by ReXii.

 Declined 
DNR. Just no...

(Hiraishin: Sora Suibou) - Flying Thunder God: Falling Skies
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short (From seals location)
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: This technique is unique to Minato Namikaze, the technique begins with the user getting one of his FTG seals airborne, this can be achieved through a number of means from throwing a kunai in to the air, or simply having a flying summon with a seal attached to it fly overhead, once this have been achieved Minato uses the sealing formula in a unique way, teleporting up to two hundred tiny round metal balls, with paper bombs attached that fall from the sky in a five meter radius around the tag, exploding on impact and capable of fully engulfing short range with shrapnel and explosions, the balls are summoned from a sealing formula on Minato's forearm and is used by tapping his forearm to teleport them, each ball is no more than 2 inches in diameter.

-Note- Only usable two times per battle.
-Note- Must have fuuinjutsu at S rank.
-Note- Only usable by Minato Namikaze and taught by ReXii.

 Declined 
A paragraph consisting of only one sentence? Nah. Reword it and explain it better. Some parts don't add up.

(Hitoshirezu Ken) - Hidden Blades
Rank: S
Type: CW
Range: Short-Mid (When fired)
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: 60(A)-80(S) (When enhanced)
Description: These weapons are uniquely designed for use by Minato namikaze, he witnessed similar weapons being used by an Iwagakure ninja during his mission to destroy Kanabi bridge, upon his return to Konoha he quite liked the design of the weapons and chose to make a set of his own with a few unique traits.
Firstly the blades themself are strapped and hidden within bracers on each wrist, they are spring loaded and released from the bracer with a flick or bending backwards of the wrist, the blades themselves are of a moderate size, being only around six inches long, they are designed mainly for thrusting attacks but they do have a slashing edge, although not as effective as a slashing weapon it can still prove deadly, as the user can extend the blade further and partially release it via a metal strut allowing it to be wielded in a reverse grip as a set of twin daggers.
The vambracers act as a housing for the blades and are useful in defense, allowing the user to deflect swords and kunai attacks along with other small ninja weapons away from themselves, even if the blades are yet to be revealed from the vambrace.
The blades themselves are tagged with the seal of the flying thunder god on each blade, and should the situation call for it Minato is able to fire these blades by forcing wind chakra down the housing chamber, firing the blade is considered an A ranked projectile attack and given the blades small size and it's speed when fired is almost untrackable without a doujutsu.
The ultimate power of the blades is that they are designed with chakra steel being able to be infused with pure chakra to increase the cutting power of the small blades, when infused with normal chakra the blade gains a solid hue of chakra very similar to Asuma sarutobi's blade extensions, and is considered to have A rank cutting power and an increased length of one inch, however after experimenting with his Kyuubi chakra mode, Minato became able to infuse kyuubi chakra in to the blades, allowing them to gain three inches in length and become completely golden in colour gaining cutting power equal to an S ranked technique, because of the enhanced chakra the blades also become able to slice through an attack up to A ranked in all the base five elements while infused with bijuu chakra.

-Note- The blades lose the enhancements if fired, only retaining them while held.
-Note- Reloading a blade in to the vambrace after firing is possibile via a sealing technique inside the housing chamber that stores extra blades.
-Note- Chakra enhancment counts as one of the users jutsu per turn, and can only be used thrice.
-Note- Only usable by Minato Namikaze for the Kyuubi chakra enhancement, and taught by ReXii.

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 Declined 
No. Minato has his FTG...its cannon. Comes with the bio. Don't like them? Get another bio. But approving this is twisting one of the most basic and more unique "aspects" of the bio, twisting it to become something which makes little sense. Not only that but I won't approve any customs for a minato bio that pertains in any way to the kyubi chakra cloak. DNR.
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Kung Fro

Active member
Apr 5, 2013
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal: Swans (Shiratori, 白鳥)
Scroll Owner: Goku|Afro. (Myself)
Other Users who have signed contract: None yet
Summoning Boss if existing: Achilles
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/a yet
Description and Background:
Swans are a species of bird that hail from Turtle Island. Like most of the other animals on Turtle Island, Swans have evolved into quite large creatures like the other animals on the Island, thanks to the requirement of higher physical capabilities to survive on the island.Due to the harsh environment of the island, they are exceptionally skilled in combat. Although the Swans prefer to swim in the water, as it is relaxing for their bodies, they are also capable of flying in the air, utilizing their large and powerful wings. All Swans are capable of talking like humans and possess good hearing similar to ninkin.
-Declined- remove that "good hearing similar to ninken" part.


Rank: S

Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/a
Achilles is a large, male Black Swan with a red beak, like the rest of the swans. It has a scar going from slightly above it's right eye down to its nostril. Achilles is the largest Swan, capable of carrying up to 2 people on his back. Achilles is able to swim proficiently and dive underwater. Due to Achilles sheer size, he is able to fly with 2 people on his back. Achilles is capable of performing simple combat techniquessuch as biting or damaging with it's wings. Achilles can shoot A-rank, large fireballs that burn the opponent and explode on impact. He can communicate with the user via talking that can be heard by anyone and has exceptional hearing, similar to ninkin.
|Lasts for 4 turns
|Can be only Swan summon during the battle
|Only summoned by contract owner and those he chooses

-Declined- Contract is declined.
Summoning Animal: Swans (Shiratori, 白鳥)
Scroll Owner: Goku (Myself)
Other Users who have signed contract: None yet
Summoning Boss if existing: Achilles
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/a yet
Description and Background:
Swans are a species of bird that hail from Turtle Island. Like most of the other animals on Turtle Island, Swans have evolved into quite large creatures like the other animals on the Island, thanks to the requirement of higher physical capabilities to survive on the island.Due to the harsh environment of the island, they are exceptionally skilled in combat. Although the Swans prefer to swim in the water, as it is relaxing for their bodies, they are also capable of flying in the air, utilizing their large and powerful wings. All Swans are capable of talking like Humans and hear the same as humans.
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*Removed the ninkin hearing


Rank: S

Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/a
Achilles is a large, male Black Swan with a red beak, like the rest of the swans. It has a scar going from slightly above it's right eye down to its nostril. Achilles is the largest Swan, capable of carrying up to 2 people on his back. Achilles is capable of performing simple combat techniques such as biting or damaging with it's wings. Achilles can perform up to A-rank lightning jutsu via his beak, w/o handseals. He is capable of talking and hearing like a human.
|Lasts for 4 turns
|Can be only Swan summon during the battle

*Was declined because contract got declined, so I just highlighted what I changed that originally caused contract to get declined.

The Keg of Kishimoto | Kishimoto no Taru
Type: Weapon
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80(if used for attacking)
Description: The Keg of Kishimoto is a medium-sized wooden keg that was found in the ocean by Afro. He picked it up and noticed that he could not pour the water out no matter how hard he tried. However, he noticed he could create water based attacks from it. With enough practice, he found that he could use the keg to his imagination to create any type of water jutsu he wanted, it was only up to his imagination. He found that by combining his water mastery and infusing his chakra into this keg, it could be used for offensive/supplementary/defensive uses. however, he could never make the water in the keg reach out to mid-range, but he could use it for purposes such as surrounding himself or attacking someone at mid-range. He also found that the already existing (canon) techniques that he knew that required small water sources, they could be created with this keg, however they had to stem directly from the keg.
|Can only be used 3 Times per battle
|Can be used as a small water source to create jutsu from (JUTSU HAVE TO COME FROM THE KEG)
|This keg's water works similar to Greater Wood Technique and how we can use the jutsu to our imagination
|Cannot reach long-range and it can be used for Offense/Defense/Supplementary uses too the user's imagination

 All Declined 
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