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  1. zabuzamistboy

    nuh-uh I'll love you forever!

    Gotta say this was a really heart warming chapter. <3 But I do miss these 2 brothers always fighting ha ha
  2. zabuzamistboy

    Hey there! :D

    Not new here, but have been away for awhile )': So the friends I did have here im back and not dead lol :scorps:
  3. zabuzamistboy

    Not that many of you will care..

    I've been really busy with work and studying, but im here to say hello to everyone. I miss this place and im gonna try to make time for NB :D Still hoping to make some good friends, seeing that most people will talk to you for a week than act like you don't exist lol
  4. zabuzamistboy

    To the death

    Even with the death of many great ninja's, why bring them back? I like were kishi went with this war. But it could have been more centered around tobi. I feel like Kabuto is stealing the spotlight lol so, what do ya'll have to say? :)
  5. zabuzamistboy

    Do you love techno?? :)

    I love techno, lets see what ya'll are listening to :D dAvBmqPrXgc&feature=related
  6. zabuzamistboy


    We all have been told about characters that have been in narutovers that have died off. Madara being one of them, but I think he's not the strongest of the uchiha. He may have controlled Kurama, but that doesn't say anything about his strength's and techs. We've seen a lot on Itachi's part, we...
  7. zabuzamistboy

    Im evil, but this is FUNNY!

    Just sit back and watch it go SPLAT! xD
  8. zabuzamistboy

    Job interviews

    I got one in about 30 minutes, and im nervous as all hell. But im sure im gonna do great like a boss :scorps: What do you guys think of these strange occasion's?
  9. zabuzamistboy

    Hatsune miku

    I wanna know when the hell is the us gonna get hologram shows!?! kM3n64WJmo&feature=related
  10. zabuzamistboy


    I know this thread is probably gonna get flamed like crazy. But lets look at this rationally and logically. The reason why I think this, I because Kakashi has been known to be sharingan user and a good one at that. But To me, that's all that I've really seen from kakashi, besides the every no...
  11. zabuzamistboy

    Im one of those fanboys :/

    Shoot man, I've always liked sasuke and minato. They are my top 2, but because of the naruto tcg and recent events im finding myself liking hashirama more lol has anyone else found them self jumping on the ban wagon for hashirama, or any other character for that manner??
  12. zabuzamistboy

    You enjoy the new chapter?

    I really like the new chapter, was cool seeing Madara go all out. Oro and Kabuto really did some work preparation for this war. They must have known quite a bit. Although, I didn't really like the fact that they cut out the sasuke itachi meeting for the flash backs. But I suppose they had to do...
  13. zabuzamistboy

    Ino vs. Sakura

    Okay, with Ino we got a ninja with decent Taijutsu and pretty good ninjutsu. From what I have see, Ino seems to be a long range fighter. With Sakura we have a ninja that Is pretty good at medi jutsu and really good at Taijutsu, but so far hasn't shown any skill in ninjutsu. And as far as what I...
  14. zabuzamistboy

    I use to like this place... :/

    Fu trolls
  15. zabuzamistboy

    are you lacking energy

    Well here's the drink for you!! qRuNxHqwazs&ob=av3n
  16. zabuzamistboy

    What the hell!!!

    I just heard that gas may be going up to $4.50 a gallon!? And i seen this on the news, and they had the balls to say that we probably wont even notice it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!?? what do you all think??
  17. zabuzamistboy

    tell a funny story

    Im laying in bed next to my fiance on base, woot woot!! and she's sound asleep, and out of no where BAAAM! She punches the computer and scares the shit out of me. Than she calmly says sorry and gently falls right back to sleep nothing ever happened xD
  18. zabuzamistboy

    What music do you listen to? (post vids :D)

    One of my old time favorites :D JZioV5d3osg&feature=relmfu
  19. zabuzamistboy

    Working out!

    Just got done working out, and man am I beat lol At least I have enough energy to be on base, anyone else work out here? and if so what does you work out consist of??
  20. zabuzamistboy

    Kisame vs. Sasuke

    Im wondering who would win and what others think. Im kinda leaning more Kisam, but at high dif. And this is why. Kisame: He is really good at water ninjutsu and that rules out sasuke's fire jutsu, for the exception of amateretsu. and not only that samehada can also eat his chakra like its...