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  1. Amenotejikara

    [VS] Who can Law beat in the straw hats?

    Sc1: no prep sc2: "Room" is already active.
  2. Amenotejikara

    Tsunade vs SM Jiraiya (Taijutsu)

    Byakugou allowed. If too much then include chou rasengan.
  3. Amenotejikara

    Pain destroy uchiha estate?

  4. Amenotejikara

    Itachi Genjutsu >> Sensory

    If sensory is such an effective counter, why did kabuto need to close his eyes? Manga makes it seem sensory is useless to signal them of genjutsu
  5. Amenotejikara

    JJ obito vs Momo and kinshiki

    sc2: fused momoshiki
  6. Amenotejikara

    Muhammad Ali Jr. detained by immagration force.

    Detained hours and being questioned in florida (go figure) about his religion, citizenship and if he posed a threat. is this following correct procedures or just blindly getting out of hand? his mother I guess was fortunate enough to keep a photo of her marriage to the american Icon-boxer just...
  7. Amenotejikara

    Naruto afraid to fight Mangekyou without kurama

    Twice he was intimidated by it so much that naruto insist fighting MS with kurama, is sage mode too weak? MS > SM? :cool: He admits that being a jink is the only way to fight sasuke, which makes sense since amaterasu engulfs FRS and susanoo manhandles his frog kata.
  8. Amenotejikara

    Did handouts outclass genius

    From ruling akatsuki with borrowed eye power to leeching off powers by tear off flesh. Is genius no longer relevant? Itachi and Minato were and still is the pinnacle of Genius shinobi without handouts but they are irrelevant to those who heavily relies on it.
  9. Amenotejikara

    7 undeniable Sasuke Nerfs

    Noticed alot of lowball sasuke threads lately, But I wonder if those would had transpired had sasuke not be nerfed. Let's not deny that sasuke's one and only true weakness is Plot. Taijutsu speed. Prime: By mirroring lee's movements. sasuke drastically increased his raw speed. able to...
  10. Amenotejikara

    which is worst. Starwars or LotR prequels

    Anakin skywalker trilogy or the Hobbit trilogy (lord of the rings prequels) - if you liked both. that's cool too. (I did enjoy revenge of sith)
  11. Amenotejikara

    I finished HxH anime. my opinion of the series

    I REGRET ever watching this anime. I WARN you to not watch it. it is disgustingly...............................addicting! If you don't want to read my wall of text Just skip to the last paragraph. thx Honestly the last time I ever watched so many episodes per day was deathnote. like 7-8...
  12. Amenotejikara

    how different is hxh to yyh?

    ..... is this another one piece formula where it takes a long build up to pay off? and how different is it from YYH.