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  1. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    Madara's legacy thread

    I do not know why it got moved and putted @ the wrong page, but here is the correct page to read it, as clicking on the old thread does not work. I hope mods will not delete that again and at least fix it.
  2. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    [PS4] Anybody playing Titanfall / Diablo 3 / COD Ghosts?

    Does anyone here play Titanfall / Diablo 3 : Reaper of souls / COD Ghosts? Diablo & Call of on PS4 . If so and If you're interested , give me your ids , we can play together , I'm trying to level up and join some clans
  3. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    100% Kurama BSM Naruto

    Considering Naruto's feats ( before Hagoromo's powerup ) and prowess, with only the half of the Kyubi's chakra, I wonder what he would be capable of with the totality of it . I also wonder what EMS Sasuke would need to compete with him. It's kind of unfair though considering how the Kyubi's...
  4. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    [VS] JJ Madara & JJ Obito Vs Kaguya, Naruto & Sasuke No Nerf

    Juubi Jin Madara and Juubi Jin Obito against Kaguya, Sasuke and Rikudo Naruto . This is a fair fight , No plot involved . We all know Madara and Obito would have destroyed their opponents without plotholes and being nerfed, and these are the only teams that could be challenging to each other...
  5. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    Jon Jones Vs Daniel Cromier [MMA]

    Does anybody here is interested in MMA/UFC ? There is a pretty promising fight coming soon , although I dont watch MMA often I've always liked and supported Jon Jones initially . That guy is a beast , I did not hear about Daniel Cromier before that fight though . But it seems like he's tough and...
  6. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    Madara and Obito's Tag Team is Invincible

    Madara and Obito's tag team is basically Invincible and incredibly overpowered. I'll call it "The supreme defence". Notice : I am not talking about EDO Madara etc . This is the peak and prime of these characters prowess without being the Juubi Jinchurikis . Id like to hear your opinions on...
  7. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    Mangekyo techs copiable & Susano'o this last chapter

    Since Mangekyo techniques are copiable.. What are the limits to the copy ? I mean I've seen some are getting heated here announcing the last chapter proves Susano'o and Amaterasu arent needed to unlock Susano'o , yet nothing implies Kakashi didn't copy these two as he saw and encountered them...
  8. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    Does that mean Part III is confirmed ?

    Can we guess part III is confirmed? I mean , in order for Kakashi to be the Sixth Hokage , he'll need to hold his title for some time right ? Like even a couple months in the manga ... Does that imply in order for Naruto to become the Seventh Hokage the manga cannot end now or soon?
  9. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    This cant be

    Lmaoooo I mean ... Yo .... Kakashi now has PS? Ahahahahaha Kishimoto finally tried MDMA guys.
  10. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    [VS] CM2 Sasuke vs SM Jiraiya

    Restrictions and conditions. Jiraiya can use Sage Mode, Ma&Pa allowed but they cant use any genjutsu or frog call etc. All his others toads summons are allowed , all techniques allowed. Sasuke has only 3t and has his Curse Mark level II ; (basically this is pre-MS Sasuke from Deidara &...
  11. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    Upcoming events to happen in the Manga.

    Beside Naruto & Sasuke vs Kaguya and that latter abilities , There are still some interesting things that are still unexplained and bound to happen soon . The Obvious : The arrival or the Edo Kages , their fight/role in the sealing technique Hagoromo will perform , also the jutsu Hashirama...
  12. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    Itachi don't need Senju cells

    I mean , any Uchiha who received senju cells still soloes Itachi without . MS Obito stomps , EMS Sasuke mid diff , MS/EMS Madara low diff . No bash though but , do Itachi Base even realise that ?
  13. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    SoloGod Madara > Itachi Mangafacts

    Itachi w*nkers give credit to their fav with this scan Black Zetsu called Itachi invincible , yet Itachi himself praises Madara in this same fight . Are you going to be in denial your whole life ? No real Sasuke Or Itachi fan can pretend they are fans yet they say they dont appreciate...
  14. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    Heroes Of Order And Chaos

    Hey guys , I play this moba on Iphone called Heroes Of Order And Chaos (Heroes O&C) to kill time , Do anyone here play it too ? My username is Flyboy1017, give me yours here and add me and we'll host some fight together.
  15. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    MS Madara neg diff MS Itachi

    To Itachi wankers, I dont recall MS/EMS Madara could be beat by 3 tomoe Sasuke . Surely I remember Itachi died in this fight . 2t/3t Madara stomps any versions of him unless he's healthy or edo.
  16. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    Premium Avatar Size Request

    Hi , i've been looking in the search bar but i dont see anything about it , How can I have the largest image possible for my avatar? As I recall being premium gives you more size right ? Does Anybody knows whats the required size in pixel for it?
  17. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    The Truth About Madara .

    I'd like to hear a worthy comment for the first time. Madara has planned and soloed all this entire Manga , anybody denying that is either misunderstanding, or too immature and miserable to acknowledge the feats of a Character they don't like . We , Madara fans , are fan of a villain in a SHONEN...
  18. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    Kimimaro is a descendant of Kaguya confirmed

    Just saw the raw scans and Kaguya used the same kkg as kimimaro .. I'm pretty sure all the theories made about him are confirmed now
  19. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    [VS] Current Naruto VS 8 Gates Gai

    Naruto Vs Gai , Gai obviously begins the fight already in 8gates mode . Full intel & kill intent . The location Naruto vs Pain Starting distance : 30 meters Restrictions below. Scenario 1: Naruto can't do his massives jutsus like the yoton rasengan , the star rasengan and the huge yin...
  20. Eternal Mangekyo Sojobo

    [PS4] PS4 or Xbox One?

    Hey guys, Im considering the idea of buying a new console today and I have a few questions as I can't choose between those two . I'm used to playstation as I have all models beside 4 and I mostly play COD GHOST on my ps3 right now. I'm kinda moving toward the XBOX One for that Titanfall game, I...