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  1. Anakin Skywalker

    WTH- *** age increased.

    Ira but isn't it even illegal to marry a girl below 18 ... the marriage will not be registered and stands void in court also iirc
  2. Anakin Skywalker

    WTH- *** age increased.

    and how is this bad?? or am i missing sumthing here
  3. Anakin Skywalker

    Naruto manga Chapter 624 - Will we see Madara's MS

    well i wont be surprised but it would be weird :/
  4. Anakin Skywalker

    So every Uchiha with the sharingan is.........

    yep pretty much true :y .....thats what today's chapter explain in detail whats funny is that their power increases as their emo feelings increases :shrug: no one cant blame sasuke for being more powerful now can they xd
  5. Anakin Skywalker

    [Spoilers] New God of Shinobis ...... Hiruzen full of hype ????

    If you have not read the new chapter please read it first ..... clearly in the new chapter Hashirama is called the "God of Shinobis" and orochimaru or hiruzen doesn't object so does it mean the whole Hiruzen is God of shinobi is just empty hype :shrug: of course we have to wait till manga...
  6. Anakin Skywalker

    Spoiler What does this mean?

    he meant to say it as "you guys are not part of my team anymore(snake) bcos you are with sasuke (hawk)"
  7. Anakin Skywalker

    Have you seen this?? For 18+ only.

    ya i saw it ... but it seems more like a set up to me .... i mean u wanna kill someone so go right next to him in front of national television and the stand there :| it looks like a gun jam but the whole thing seems highly unlikely it leaves only 2 possibility either the guy was extremely...
  8. Anakin Skywalker

    A "wtf" thought

    did it ever occur to you that the clan could be so large (like 10000+)so that the chance of incest is next to nothing :shrug: kissXsis is just a weird hentai plz dont take their advice ....dont watch it ...u'll probably puke
  9. Anakin Skywalker

    [Suggestion] Alternate account ....

    My suggestion is this: ban all alternate account i mean what is the need for an alternate account ....all it causes is trolls and flaming we could see like dozens of new account with less than 10 post trolling and flaming almost everyday so if the staff ban all alternate account and prohibit...
  10. Anakin Skywalker

    Is there any character who can counter the Kotoamatsukami?

    didn't Ao a byakugan user already spotted it and stopped Danzo so my guess is any Byakugan user can see the change in chakra when they themselves or someone in their field of vision are being manipulated ....not sure though
  11. Anakin Skywalker

    #Cut4Bieber is this really happening????

    are you serious ?? i saw photos of justin smoking ...thats not a lie ... but if 4chan really did start this cut4beiber thing ...they should feel bad and the stupidity of the people now a days :sy:
  12. Anakin Skywalker

    #Cut4Bieber is this really happening????

    the parents will know eventually ...u can hide a hand full of scars forever .... their reaction... probably they'll as confused as i am wondering what went wrong and whats the problem with their child if it was me i would get them some psychiatrist's help
  13. Anakin Skywalker

    #Cut4Bieber is this really happening????

    i dont think you get the seriousness of the issue..... i dont like bieber's music and i dont give a rats a$$ if he uses drugs or sleeps with lil wayne but seeing teen girls cutting themselves for this stipid $h!t is disturbing and pathetic .....i mean if someone cuts themselves its means they...
  14. Anakin Skywalker

    #Cut4Bieber is this really happening????

    who knows maybe they are also mentally ill...... i mean no sane parent would allow their children to do stupid $h!t like this ....and if they had brought up the kids in the right way the girls wouldn't be doing this :sy:
  15. Anakin Skywalker

    #Cut4Bieber is this really happening????

    ya i literally faceplam'd when i saw this :( ....its really sad and people started to make fun of it i has blood in this pic so viewer discretion is advised i'll remove the pic if anyone feel offended
  16. Anakin Skywalker

    #Cut4Bieber is this really happening????

    when i was searching about twitter today i was about a #cut4Bieber hash tag trending ....i was curious and when i googled about this news i found this The #Cut4Bieber hashtag is trending on Twitter with users posting pictures of alleged wrist-cutting in protest of reports that the pop star is...
  17. Anakin Skywalker

    Who is the most perverted character you have seen in manga/anime?

    Yes you have read the title correctly ....i was bored and since there there is no manga for a while we'll analyse this topic for fun i've read/seen only a few manga/anime out of the characters i've seen i'll list the options and if you know some one else vote for others and explain in...
  18. Anakin Skywalker

    who is the greatest teacher / sensei?

    are u sure ??? i remember seeing Danzo and hiruzen with tobirama before he died and made hiruzen hokage i'm not sure either
  19. Anakin Skywalker

    who is the greatest teacher / sensei?

    so by your logic if we trace back one generation we get Tobirama sensei - he taught Danzo,Hiruzen and some wierd konoha elders ->then hiruzen taught oro tsunade and j man who are all beastin. From jman you get minato naruto nagato yahiko and konan. from minato you get Kakashi and obito. From oro...
  20. Anakin Skywalker

    who is the greatest teacher / sensei?

    the search bar ..... OT: Jiraiya reason: Minato,Nagato,Konan,Yahiko and Naruto all of his students worked for bringing peace to the world the first four students died aving their comrades/whole village/protecting something important Naruto is still in the front lines of the war standing...