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  1. kronoseth

    Sasuke's PS misconception

    I dont know why ppl are praising sasuke's PS, when technically naruto did most of the work when it came to crushing nonobuko. Its not sasuke who is shown as the weilder of the sword, that role was given to naruto, sasuke just looks like he is support for naruto. Also when the two swords clashed...
  2. kronoseth


    Lets take a break from obito being TNJ'd by naruto then having madara switch places... I want to rekindle the memory of guren, on severly underated and forgoten shinobi of all time (i didnt say she is the greatest, just most underated). For those who do not know Guren, she was the weilder of the...
  3. kronoseth

    MS and EMS loop hole!

    First of all i wud lyk to point out how itachi shud have had perfect uundamaged vision. Itachi shud have simply used kage bushin to use MS techs, that way he shud have avoided the blindness that followed his foolishness. Next uchiha brothers shud really just exchange MS's and both will aquire...
  4. kronoseth

    [Theory] Kakashi now has rinnegan!

    Rather it would be more accurate to say obito has awakened his rinnegan. This is probably why their eyes connected, just like when obito awakened his MS. After all the rinnegan awakens near death, and it looked to me that obito was near death. So if obito awakens rinnegan, then kakashi gets...
  5. kronoseth

    NV's most mercifull

    No its not sasori or hanzo, not even nagato who sacrifised himself to resurect the ones he killed. Its uchiha itachi. Now to explain this lets go back in time to itachi vs kakashi fight. Ofcourse it was not a real fight as itachi was severly holding back coz he didnt want to harm the leaf, but...
  6. kronoseth

    why EMS is'not as unfair and why sakura will never catch up with sasu-naru

    Let us begin with EMS and the sharingan. Originally the sharingan seemed like the most unfair kekei genkai, giving kakashi a power boost, and seducing oro into becoming a pedeophile. But aparently there were non keikei genkai users who could fight on par with the sharingan (guy and jiraya) and...
  7. kronoseth

    Reason why kishi killed neji

    Its actually quite simple, its coz kishi suddenly decided to erase previous hypes and statements like the hyuuga are the strongest of the leaf. The only improvement neji got in shipuden was air palm. Thats all. Neji was arguably the strongest genin of his time and kishi forgot to develop him...
  8. kronoseth

    list of strong ppl who will get fodderised by izanami

    We all know that izanami doesnt really one shot everyone. It has a silly weakness, but some ppl arent strong enough to accept defeat and be themselves. Izanami vs orochimaru orochimaru is constantly trying to be a snake, he must accept that he is a twisted human and move on, he he would lose...
  9. kronoseth

    Infinte tsukiyomi can raise the dead! (proof)

    Some of us have been wondering, 'So if obito's ultimate goal is to establishworld peace (or raise ririn and force her to love him instead of kakashi XD) how will he accomplish it if he kill everyone?'. well it seems that there is a way to include those killed and dead into infinite tsukiyomi...
  10. kronoseth

    Infite tsukiymi a joke

    so madara and obito want to create their ultimate fantasies and include other ppl within their dreams, this way the world shall know sleep? , i mean peace. So what happens to all the ppl they killed? Are they just gonna imagine they didnt kill them and force everyone to believe that they are...
  11. kronoseth

    plis ignorant ppl read

    the god tree is not immune to ninjutsu! it is not juubito, it does not posses onmyoudon. remember that the second hokage used suiton suidhana on it and cut it, it just regenerated fast. so where are ppl getting this idea of normal chakra based attacks not working on it? i'v even read threads...
  12. kronoseth

    Infinite tsukiyomi could fail!

    this is a remote possibility, but i thinks its still worth considering. Now it has been a really long time since the time of rikudo, so long that fact became legend, legend became myth and mythbecame a fairytale. Clans were born and the sharingan evolved from the byakugan (debatable, evon though...
  13. kronoseth

    kakashi flaw and future role

    let me start with the flaw. This involves kamui. @ the start of shippuden it took kakashi about 1 episode to prepare kamui, and he coult hardly absorb deidara's chest. Then his mastery of the jutsu improved drastically in the next episode where he absorbed a suicide clone explosion from deidara...
  14. kronoseth

    fight of the trees (discussion)

    No this is not a Silly Low Budget Movie, i am toking about a battle between Hashirama and the god tree. obviously there was no need for hashirama to use his shinsuusenju coz madara didnt have the kyuubi, but now that the god tree has sproted and grown and even blossomed i think its about time...
  15. kronoseth

    God tree and rikudo story an epic fail

    this god tree and princess story that kishi has invented doesnt fit in with the story. First of all chakra is life energy, one cant live without it, which is why when kakashi (or anyone else) runs out of chackra they die. Next does that mean rikudo's mom is the anscestor of all current ppl??? Or...
  16. kronoseth

    Giving others a chance

    Assuming that juubito wont be able to use sage techs in juubi mode then finally kishi has decided that sasuke has done waay tooo much admiring of naruto and has decided to give him a chance to spam with enton. also maybe hizuren will get some screen time, but i personally think that when orochi...
  17. kronoseth

    [Predictions] Naruto Chapters 646-650! Kushina's Return! Madara's Trump Card and Sage of Six Paths!

    too many distraught looks, and i dont think a hachibi biju bomb will deflect a juubi final form bijubomb. also wouldnt it be just waaay more effecient if tobirama or minato just teleported it? and kushina isnt returning. also have you forgotten about orochi and the 5 kages?
  18. kronoseth

    kishi forgot something?

    rather kishi has forget some people. its obvious that kabuto was defeated, but he wasnt killed. where is kabuto and what is he duing? ofcourse the cave collapsed after itachi sasuke fight but by now we should know that collapsing caves dont kill people, look at obito for example. next is Anko...
  19. kronoseth

    [Predictions] Naruto 645 Prediction: Hope

    this is rubbish
  20. kronoseth

    KCM Naruto Flawed

    first of all let me start by pointing out that initially KCM naruto was supposedly extreemly fast:hint:. All those who saw him likened him to the yellow flash. When naruto and Bee fought the fourth raikage naruto demonstrated speed equal to the fourth raikage's base speed. when the raikage came...