Recent content by sasukesworld

  1. sasukesworld

    Rigging the Election

    Yeah it will be rigged for Hillary. There's no doubt about that. Hillary is so much worse than Trump. She is one of the worst politicans that ever run for president. I have no idea, after all this informations, how anyone can vote for her. She will destroy America and will start a war with Russia.
  2. sasukesworld

    Why Sasuke is not training his own daughter?

    Why should he? Sasuke is too good for that.
  3. sasukesworld

    Charlotte Protests "RIOTS" Innocent White Guy Attacked

    ....are you serious...? Ofc if you watched the whole movie. Idk if it meant to be a joke. Did you even get what I was trying to tell you? Not sure if you did.
  4. sasukesworld

    Charlotte Protests "RIOTS" Innocent White Guy Attacked

    I'm not from America, so.. 13% of the population against ~61%, let the battle begin. Why do you keep replying then? Not racist at all. If they don't behave, they can go. Well, it wasn't peaceful for long huh? What would you say if you watch a movie, first 10 minutes it was shitty and then...
  5. sasukesworld

    Charlotte Protests "RIOTS" Innocent White Guy Attacked

    Go ahead. It wasn't racist because I clearly spoke about the Blacks in this video. Where's the racist part again? Just always think how it would be if it's the other way around. Would you report me too? Nah, we only made the county better. Civilization couldn't be found back then. The...
  6. sasukesworld

    Charlotte Protests "RIOTS" Innocent White Guy Attacked

    The problem in this video? Ohhh now I get it, the White person is the racist one because he didn't hand over his clothes and money. Thanks for make me realize that I was wrong. I really thought that those Blacks were at fault. You mean protesters like in Ferguson? Or which do you mean? You...
  7. sasukesworld

    Charlotte Protests "RIOTS" Innocent White Guy Attacked

    So instead of facing the problem, the reason I created this thread, you're defending Blacks because not all of them are like that? Sounds legit. Idk if you know but, as soon as Americans think it's enough of your bs, it's a lost cause for you.
  8. sasukesworld

    Charlotte Protests "RIOTS" Innocent White Guy Attacked

    R7yYARGFKbM Non violent prostesters attack an innocent White guy. Oh wait! They're not peaceful? Weird. Just some professional victims acting like they always do. I have a good idea, they should destroy their neighbourhoods again and steal everything that's not nailed down. Is this...
  9. sasukesworld

    Pepe is now white supremacist meme

    Sorry but can someone translate? I don't speak butthurt. :wut:
  10. sasukesworld

    Pepe is now white supremacist meme

    This is just sad. "White supremacist" XD XD Could this get even more ridiculous? Pepe is, and always be on our side. This is deeper than you could even imagine.
  11. sasukesworld

    Turkey coup

    I also don't care if someone insults me. I don't think you get what I'm saying. Me feelings aren't hurt, so it doesn't matter to me if you care or not. To be clear, I insulted Islamists. If you're not against it then you didn't get what they are doing and what they stand for. But that's up to...
  12. sasukesworld

    Turkey coup

    I didn't say that you are an idiot, I said that Islamists are idiots. If you are one, well, then I insulted you not knowing that you are one. Everyone's feelings gets hurt so fast nowadays, why should I care.
  13. sasukesworld

    Turkey coup

    So one can't replay to what you said because you quoted someone else. That's not how this works. Idc what you like. They are idiots because they kill innocent people out of a st*pid believe. Like I said, no sane person supports them. If you can't handle different opinions, the internet isn't...
  14. sasukesworld

    Turkey coup

    I don't think anyone who's sane supports Islamists. You quoted me so....
  15. sasukesworld

    Turkey coup

    Are you serious? You know Islamists fcking idiots? But if you want another crusade, I'm all for it. #MakeIstanbulKonstantinopelAgain jk OT: I'm expectant who's really behind this.