Who is more skilled


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Jun 29, 2011
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They have it mastered to the same level, yes. It's pretty obvious since MS is as far as they both have gotten in it, having different techniques with a Mangekyou Sharingan does not mean it's not on the same level of being mastered, it just means different outcomes came from mastering it.

The fact it was a clone means nothing, it had the same abilities, the only difference is it has 70% less chakra if I'm not mistaking, meaning it would run out quicker than Itachi.
it didnt have the same abilities though did it as i remember it never used MS just 3 tomoe genjutsu on naruto and some crows i doubt it had enough chakra to use his MS


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Apr 7, 2011
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well you have valid reasons to defend your point of view, after all you are defending ninja skill of Kakashi

even if I still believe Itachi was more of a prodigy than Kakashi I dont think there is any point if we ''argue'' further because I dont see any of us changing their choice XD

but yes I do agree you had valid points for thinking the way you do from the start and agree on many of them but IMO this argument is in Itachis favor
Haha yeah it's pretty tough to get someone to change their opinion, but please don't think I was arguing or anything with you lol my intent wasn't to change your opinion on who you thought was better, I just love debating because both parties of the debate can learn stuff from it. You as well had valid points and theories to back up your statements. :)

it didnt have the same abilities though did it as i remember it never used MS just 3 tomoe genjutsu on naruto and some crows i doubt it had enough chakra to use his MS
I'm not sure I completely understand what you mean, I'll try to answer with the best of my ability though lol.

What I said was their MS did not have the same abilities, however it was still mastered by both of them. Genjutsu and Tsukuyomi are of the same technique, one is just a lot more advanced than the other, the crows thing is a genjutsu anyone can do, doesn't need MS for it. However Tsukuyomi is a genjutsu that in the real world lasts one second, but in the users mind can last however long he chooses it to be for his enemy.
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Aug 17, 2009
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So you're saying Kishi's info that he releases in the databooks is false? Sorry man you might want to check that before you once again post before knowing, Kakashi has 3 Stamina, Itachi has 2.5. The fact Itachi can use his MS longer is because he has Uchiha blood, not because he has Stamina, not sure where you got those false facts from, the fact Kakashi can go a whole day with his sharingan activated, and also using MS + a lot of jutsu's, and four Chidori's shows how great his stamina is for being a non-Uchiha. Uchiha have not been known to have strong Stamina, Itachi is fact enough to back that up, he has 2.5 Stamina, if that's strong then whoever has 5 must be a God. Don't post old chapters that happened on episode 70 of the original Naruto manga to back up your statements, back then Itachi couldn't go more than a few hours without being in serious condition from using the sharingan (Hence the Zabuza fight within the first 20 episodes. They are both listed as the same speed, back when that fight happened Itachi was speed 5 and Kakashi was 4, now they're both at 5, sorry but please search facts before posting lol not trying to be a jerk but I dislike when false info is posted for people to get confused. Itachi was young when the war happened, which made him a pacifist, meaning he avoided fights if he had to, thus why he used Tsukuyomi a lot, it didn't stop his growth in power. Kakashi was clearly a better ninja than Itachi before Itachi unlocked his Sharingan, which made him a lot better than Kakashi, then Kakashi unlocked his, which evened it out for the most part except for the side effects of not being an Uchiha, while also being below Itachi in skill, thus why he lost the first fight, the second fight Kakashi wasn't harmed in so I'm not sure what you're getting at when you say look what Itachi did to Kakashi and Naruto, because all he did was trap Naruto in a Tsukuyomi, when he tried it on Kakashi, it didn't work, Kakashi already thought ahead. So yeah please review your sentences before you post, if you type a statement that you believe is a fact, google it first or something.

As I said, Itachi is stronger, but not more skilled. All you ever see Itachi do is the Mangekyou techniques, which makes him a lot stronger than Kakashi because those techniques are OP. Kakashi however has 1,000+ jutsu's in his arsenal to use, thus making him 10x more skilled. If Kakashi was born an Uchiha, and still had his Mangekyou Sharingan ability, instead of a new one if he unlocked it, then he'd just use Kamui just as much as Itachi used Susano'o, Amaterasu, and Tsukuyomi, what good are flames if they can't even touch Kakashi due to Kamui? However since Kakashi is in fact not a Uchiha, he can't use Kamui but maybe four times in total, which would be the end of him if he ever had to fight Itachi, thus why he'd lose, because Itachi is in fact better than Kakashi, but it's only due to Itachi being an Uchiha and Kakashi not being one.
Sorry, but you're the one who needs to get his facts right.. Kakashi speed is still 4.5 according to the databook.. so go check it out, you don't have to tell me that I need to get my facts right before posting cause I only post things that I'm certain about..

First of all, when Itachi fought Kakashi and Naruto, he didn't use Tsukuyomi on them, he casted a Genjutsu on Naruto using only one finger.. he then used a normal Genjutsu on Kakashi's clone, which is again.. you're the one who needs to has his facts right before talking..

Secondly.. you can't say that "If Kakashi were a Uchiha, he would have been bla bla bla.." this is really not a way to settle things up, Kakashi needs to have his "father" and his "mother" to become "Kakashi", if either one of his parents did not exist, Kakashi wouldn't have been existed as well, I'm not sure if you're seriously whiling to back-up your statements by saying this? this is completely nonsense dude..

Thirdly.. the matter of fact that Kakashi had a lot of Jutsu's like the 1,000+ title, is because the Sharingan helped him out a lot by achieving that.. they named him as the "Copy Kakashi", which means he copied them by using the Sharingan, now if you take that Sharingan from him, would that title still be there? the fact is that Kakashi is older than Itachi.. which means he had more battles which made him copy much more Jutsu's than Itachi, If itachi were at his same age, I don't see why he can't copy just as much as him or even more, no reason that no ordinary Sharingan user wouldn't copy just as much as Kakashi did..

Fourthly.. you also need to count the times that Itachi appeared on both the Manga and the Anime compared to Kakashi appearance, hell.. Kakashi appeared on almost all Naruto chapters compared to Itachi's appearing only for a few times lol, that alone will show and explain more stuff for Kakashi compared to Itachi.. there are many things that we don't know about Itachi's skills, I'm not saying only Itachi.. but many other characters in Naruto that I think Kishi didn't explain their skills well yet, but he only gave a hints of how strong they really are..

And btw, so what if I brought something from the old Naruto chapters? the story does accumulate isn't it? also, it's on chapter 142, not 70.. I just wanted to prove that Kakashi couldn't keep up with Itachi's speed back then when they fought..

And hey, check this out.. "The Uchiha clan descended from the elder of the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths. The elder brother inherited the Sage's "eyes", powerful Chakra and spiritual abilities" this is according to wiki.. this proves that Uchiha has powerful Chakra compared to the normal Ninjas..

Lastly, I'm not trying to say that Kakashi is weak or what so ever, he is one of my favorite characters in Naruto though, but Itachi is just on a different level, they only fought two times.. the first time they fought, Itachi could've killed Kakashi easily by only using Tsukuyomi on him, but as you said.. Itachi was pacifist, and he didn't want to just go and kill everyone, if he really wanted to kill someone back then, I'm sure Kakashi along with Asuma and Kurenai would've been dead by now..


Active member
Apr 7, 2011
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Sorry, but you're the one who needs to get his facts right.. Kakashi speed is still 4.5 according to the databook.. so go check it out, you don't have to tell me that I need to get my facts right before posting cause I only post things that I'm certain about..

First of all, when Itachi fought Kakashi and Naruto, he didn't use Tsukuyomi on them, he casted a Genjutsu on Naruto using only one finger.. he then used a normal Genjutsu on Kakashi's clone, which is again.. you're the one who needs to has his facts right before talking..

Secondly.. you can't say that "If Kakashi were a Uchiha, he would have been bla bla bla.." this is really not a way to settle things up, Kakashi needs to have his "father" and his "mother" to become "Kakashi", if either one of his parents did not exist, Kakashi wouldn't have been existed as well, I'm not sure if you're seriously whiling to back-up your statements by saying this? this is completely nonsense dude..

Thirdly.. the matter of fact that Kakashi had a lot of Jutsu's like the 1,000+ title, is because the Sharingan helped him out a lot by achieving that.. they named him as the "Copy Kakashi", which means he copied them by using the Sharingan, now if you take that Sharingan from him, would that title still be there? the fact is that Kakashi is older than Itachi.. which means he had more battles which made him copy much more Jutsu's than Itachi, If itachi were at his same age, I don't see why he can't copy just as much as him or even more, no reason that no ordinary Sharingan user wouldn't copy just as much as Kakashi did..

Fourthly.. you also need to count the times that Itachi appeared on both the Manga and the Anime compared to Kakashi appearance, hell.. Kakashi appeared on almost all Naruto chapters compared to Itachi's appearing only for a few times lol, that alone will show and explain more stuff for Kakashi compared to Itachi.. there are many things that we don't know about Itachi's skills, I'm not saying only Itachi.. but many other characters in Naruto that I think Kishi didn't explain their skills well yet, but he only gave a hints of how strong they really are..

And btw, so what if I brought something from the old Naruto chapters? the story does accumulate isn't it? also, it's on chapter 142, not 70.. I just wanted to prove that Kakashi couldn't keep up with Itachi's speed back then when they fought..

And hey, check this out.. "The Uchiha clan descended from the elder of the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths. The elder brother inherited the Sage's "eyes", powerful Chakra and spiritual abilities" this is according to wiki.. this proves that Uchiha has powerful Chakra compared to the normal Ninjas..

Lastly, I'm not trying to say that Kakashi is weak or what so ever, he is one of my favorite characters in Naruto though, but Itachi is just on a different level, they only fought two times.. the first time they fought, Itachi could've killed Kakashi easily by only using Tsukuyomi on him, but as you said.. Itachi was pacifist, and he didn't want to just go and kill everyone, if he really wanted to kill someone back then, I'm sure Kakashi along with Asuma and Kurenai would've been dead by now..
That's my bad, I must have not looked over it carefully enough, confused it with Itachi's I guess since I looked at both of them, I apologize for my mistake.

(Your Firstly Reply) He actually did use Tsukuyomi, which is why he made Kakashi's clone look directly into his eyes. Sorry at least post a picture or something to prove me wrong there because hey I could be wrong about it, who knows.

(Your Secondly Reply) I never said Itachi couldn't beat Kakashi, maybe calm down a bit and take some deep breaths before getting worked up. This thread was made about skill, I only included the "If Kakashi were an Uchiha" part to give an example, because Kakashi does in fact have more skill than Itachi, however he would still lose only due to the fact he is not an Uchiha so he can't use Kamui the same way Itachi can use his MS techniques, nothing more nothing less. This thread isn't about who would win, if it was I already clearly stated Itachi would, so calm down. This thread was made about skill, in which case I stated Kakashi would win in that field, which he would.

(Your Thirdly Reply) No point in taking away the sharingan from Kakashi to back up your theory, I could just take away Itachi's Mangekyou Sharingan. Also the reason Itachi in fact can not copy more than Kakashi can, is because Itachi only has Fire and Water releases, Kakashi however has Fire, Water, Earth, and Lightning. Thus why he has been able to copy so many, the fact he has the sharingan made it easier to learn (By copying) doesn't mean he couldn't have learned it on his own, would have just taken 10x longer. Itachi would only be able to copy half as many as Kakashi, so if Kakashi knows 1,000, Itachi could only 500 (In theory that out of 1,000 techniques, there are 250 of each of the four elements Kakashi knows)

(Your Fourthly Reply) Same goes for Kakashi, we've only seen him do maybe 27 techniques yet Kishi told us he knows 1,000+. You can't really use that in Itachi's favor although I'll accept it as a pretty good reply since it's 100% true for Itachi and many characters, no one knows the true powers that characters have, for all we know Itachi could do some techniques that a lot of characters can't defend, even Kakashi himself. However no proof has been provided to back up mine or your statement. Also the powerful chakra goes without saying, it's used for the eyes to not completely harm the body, that's why Itachi can use his MS 10x more than Kakashi can, because Kakashi only has the eyes, not the chakra of an Uchiha

(Your Lastly Reply) Of course Kakashi would have died back then, the second he looked into Itachi's eyes it was game over, I'm not saying that Kakashi could have taken Itachi then, I'm saying he made an easy mistake by thinking he could look into his eyes and not be cast under Tsukuyomi. However Kakashi is a genius so he learns from his mistakes, which is why it didn't work on him when the Itachi clone tried it again, Kakashi already planned ahead by being underground and letting the Itachi clone think it was Kakashi who was about to be under Tsukuyomi. Doesn't mean Kakashi could have won the fight without Naruto's help. No idea why you're replying to my posts as if I'm saying Kakashi is the strongest ninja and can take on anyone such as Itachi, like I said above, Kakashi would lose, I'm only replying on this thread because it's about who is more skilled (Which is Kakashi as I said) and once again, I only used the "If Kakashi was an Uchiha" because it's a nice way to add proof to my opinion on why Kakashi is more skilled, because if he was an Uchiha he could spam Kamui just as much as Itachi could spam his MS techniques.
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Active member
Aug 17, 2009
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That's my bad, I must have not looked over it carefully enough, confused it with Itachi's I guess since I looked at both of them, I apologize for my mistake.

(Your Firstly Reply) He actually did use Tsukuyomi, which is why he made Kakashi's clone look directly into his eyes. Sorry at least post a picture or something to prove me wrong there because hey I could be wrong about it, who knows.

(Your Secondly Reply) I never said Itachi couldn't beat Kakashi, maybe calm down a bit and take some deep breaths before getting worked up. This thread was made about skill, I only included the "If Kakashi were an Uchiha" part to give an example, because Kakashi does in fact have more skill than Itachi, however he would still lose only due to the fact he is not an Uchiha so he can't use Kamui the same way Itachi can use his MS techniques, nothing more nothing less. This thread isn't about who would win, if it was I already clearly stated Itachi would, so calm down. This thread was made about skill, in which case I stated Kakashi would win in that field, which he would.

(Your Thirdly Reply) No point in taking away the sharingan from Kakashi to back up your theory, I could just take away Itachi's Mangekyou Sharingan. Also the reason Itachi in fact can not copy more than Kakashi can, is because Itachi only has Fire and Water releases, Kakashi however has Fire, Water, Earth, and Lightning. Thus why he has been able to copy so many, the fact he has the sharingan made it easier to learn (By copying) doesn't mean he couldn't have learned it on his own, would have just taken 10x longer. Itachi would only be able to copy half as many as Kakashi, so if Kakashi knows 1,000, Itachi could only 500 (In theory that out of 1,000 techniques, there are 250 of each of the four elements Kakashi knows)

(Your Fourthly Reply) Same goes for Kakashi, we've only seen him do maybe 27 techniques yet Kishi told us he knows 1,000+. You can't really use that in Itachi's favor although I'll accept it as a pretty good reply since it's 100% true for Itachi and many characters, no one knows the true powers that characters have, for all we know Itachi could do some techniques that a lot of characters can't defend, even Kakashi himself. However no proof has been provided to back up mine or your statement. Also the powerful chakra goes without saying, it's used for the eyes to not completely harm the body, that's why Itachi can use his MS 10x more than Kakashi can, because Kakashi only has the eyes, not the chakra of an Uchiha

(Your Lastly Reply) Of course Kakashi would have died back then, the second he looked into Itachi's eyes it was game over, I'm not saying that Kakashi could have taken Itachi then, I'm saying he made an easy mistake by thinking he could look into his eyes and not be cast under Tsukuyomi. However Kakashi is a genius so he learns from his mistakes, which is why it didn't work on him when the Itachi clone tried it again, Kakashi already planned ahead by being underground and letting the Itachi clone think it was Kakashi who was about to be under Tsukuyomi. Doesn't mean Kakashi could have won the fight without Naruto's help. No idea why you're replying to my posts as if I'm saying Kakashi is the strongest ninja and can take on anyone such as Itachi, like I said above, Kakashi would lose, I'm only replying on this thread because it's about who is more skilled (Which is Kakashi as I said) and once again, I only used the "If Kakashi was an Uchiha" because it's a nice way to add proof to my opinion on why Kakashi is more skilled, because if he was an Uchiha he could spam Kamui just as much as Itachi could spam his MS techniques.
Ok dude, got your point now.. :)


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Aug 17, 2009
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Lol sorry for such long replies, and hope I didn't come off as a jerk or fanboy, in the end it's all opinions since none of us are the writers of Naruto and will never get to see what we say happen in the series.
Not at all man, indeed.. in the end it's all about opinions. :)

I Just Died

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Jun 22, 2011
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I think Naruto is the most skilled so far out of you options.Naruto has mastered controlling the nine tails, learned some new techniques and killed tons of Zetsus within a one minute time lapses.

Itachi Namikaze

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Mar 28, 2011
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You might want to check the stats before you post stuff, and at least spell his name correctly lol. Kakashi has better stamina, they're both the same speed, and both have sharingan mastered to the same level.

Can't be asked to repeat my posts :p just go back and read, I've answered this two times in the past two pages, the stuff you listed anyways. As for Itachi joining the academy late, it never states the age he joined, he says he graduated at 8, mastered sharingan at 8, then he began to excel then. Which took him two years to become chunnin. Where as Kakashi without his sharingan, graduated at 5, then to Chunin at 6. They both became Anbu squad leaders, difference is Kakashi didn't become one until after he got his sharingan, but I explain that in my posts before this, so go back and read them :p They're both on page 4
It doesn't say what age he joined but it does say that he graduated in only one year. You can't just ignore that. They both did but it is the same with Sasuke, he trained with his family for a while. I mean Naruto and Sasuke graduated at the same time but Naruto had failed three times already and Sasuke graduated in one year.

The databook is good for basic measurements of skill in a certain area but if the numbers are the same then you can't say people are equal. I'm sure when the next databook comes out Raikage will be at a 5 in speed (because it is the max) but he and kakashi are not the same speed. Also I'm pretty sure kakashi is at a 4.5 in speed while Itachi is at a 5. Itachi is way faster than Kakashi, read the chapter where they fight and kakashi is amazed by his speed. And I wouldn't say they had the sharingan mastered to the same level, kakashi is pretty good with it for being a non-uchiha but he pales in comparison to Itachi and Madara in it's use.
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Apr 7, 2011
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It doesn't say what age he joined but it does say that he graduated in only one year. You can't just ignore that. They both did but it is the same with Sasuke, he trained with his family for a while. I mean Naruto and Sasuke graduated at the same time but Naruto had failed three times already and Sasuke graduated in one year.

The databook is good for basic measurements of skill in a certain area but if the numbers are the same then you can't say people are equal. I'm sure when the next databook comes out Raikage will be at a 5 in speed (because it is the max) but he and kakashi are not the same speed. Also I'm pretty sure kakashi is at a 4.5 in speed while Itachi is at a 5. Itachi is way faster than Kakashi, read the chapter where they fight and kakashi is amazed by his speed. And I wouldn't say they had the sharingan mastered to the same level, kakashi is pretty good with it for being a non-uchiha but he pales in comparison to Itachi and Madara in it's use.
Yeah he's at 4.5, and I know what you mean about the speed, however you have to remember that was a very long time ago, I'm sure he's improved his speed by now although it probably isn't as fast as Itachi, who knows. As for it being mastered to the same level, in my opinion it is, once you reach your Mangekyou Sharingan, there is only one level after that and neither of them have reached EMS (Impossible for them to since Kakashi isn't an Uchiha and Itachi is dead) so you can't say it pales in comparison to Itachi or Madara if even they praise Kakashi's ability with it. Just because Itachi and Kakashi have different MS abilities does not mean that you can say it pales in comparison if Kishi has never directly said Kakashi's mastery is far below Itachi's. Being a master of your own technique and taking it to it's potential means you have mastered your Mangekyou Sharingan, and I believe both Itachi and Kakashi have done that, so they have mastered their sharingan to the same level.

The Rinnegan

May 17, 2011
Trait Points
the key word here is skilled everyone has to agree kakashi is the most skilled in a battle as he can read jutsus and adapt well to a situations eg using water style against fire style... and he was anbu... he mastered sharingan almost like an uchiha and plus he is the white fangs son. he was jounin at age of 11... thats skill... in a fight with itachi given enough time he could kill itachi... skill has nothing to do with a lack of chakra so if everyone had the same amount of chakra kakashi would definitely beat them all. As someone said kakashi is a genius and never tries the same thing 2 times unliess it is effective and adapts to battle situations learning from mistakes using whatever necessary to beat the enemy.
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