War Arc Tsunade and Adult Sakura vs 6PoP


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Mar 16, 2012
Trait Points
Preta Path: As we know Preta path's main ability is chakra absorption. However, because Tsunade doesn't use long range chakra based attacks Preta path's use is limited. While it is true that Tsunade does augment her strength with chakra, as covered in the strength and battle prowess section, Tsunade has incredible natural strength. Which means she could still beat Preta path to death. Because of his chakra absorption Tsunade will not be able to use offensive medical ninjutsu on him or attack with Body Pathway derangement but she will able to still use shockwaves and pressure points as valid means of attack. Preta path will be forced into a taijutsu battle with Tsunade. Because Tsunade has so many facets to her CQC he will not win the battle. And should he try to grab Tsunade and steal her chakra like he did to Naruto, she would use her great Natural strength to destroy Preta path similar to how she broke Orochimaru's tongue hold.
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Asura Path: Asura Path is a bit more difficult to defeat than Preta path. The largest problem presented by Asura is his chakra cannon. However, in a team battle he would not do this as he would greatly damage his own teammates. Furthermore, Tsunade could get out of dodge of the attack with the speed she's demonstrated in the speed and reflexes section. We've all seen the image of Asura path "blitzing" a fatigued Tsunade. However, as demonstrated in the speed and reflexes section Tsunade was able to get her arm up in that state meaning that if Asura path had continued she very well could have struck and destroyed him. As no slouch in speed she proves herself a dangerous opponent. In terms of the Flaming Arrow of Amazing Ability, the attack is slow. Slow in the fact that Choji was able to outrun the attack for a considerable amount of time.
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How does this translate for Tsunade. Tsunade is much faster than Choji. And because she maneuvers in the manner she does as demonstrated in the speed and reflexes category it is extremely possible that last minute maneuver could cause the missile to hit a rock as opposed to her person. Asura too, often times relies on taijutsu which would be to would be his downfall. While he does have long range attacks, it places his team in danger and his options are limited by the number of explosives he can in fact use. In addition if Tsunade ops to summon Katsuyu then it's large possiblity that Katsuyu hirself can tank the explosions and provide covering for Tsunade similar to how she covered Ibiki, Ino, and Shizune

Human Path: Human Path's main ability demands that he grab and hold Tsunade, but given her strength it seems unlikely that he would be able to grapple with Tsunade which comes down to a defeat in taijutsu

Deva Path: The powerhouse of the group. This path has three main powers. Bansho Tenin turns Deva Path into the center of gravity pulling all objects directly toward him. This ability is not directly to his advantage against Tsunade. Firstly Tsunade has three ways to counter this technique, but I'll save the second for the sake of Shinra Tensei and the third for the sake of Chibaku Tensei. If Deva Path pulls Tsunade closer to him with the use of Bansho Tenin the innate problem is that he is also increasing Tsunade's mass and acceleration. What is the problem in doing that? Force is equal to mass times acceleration. Essentially, he is making Tsunade's strikes stronger in that instant. All Tsunade would need to do is to pull her arm back and prepare to punch and punch when she is within range. At that point, Deva Path will be unable to repel her having just used Bansho Tenin. We know that Tsunade can pull back her arm because Kakashi a physically weaker character was able to throw a chain whip behind himself.
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Additionally, as Deva is increasing the weight of any object flying towards him instead of throwing a projectile behind her like Kakashi did she can throw a projectile at Deva resulting in great damage. For counter Shinra Tensei, Tsunade has shown that she can direct chakra to her feet to avoid the gravitational repulsion and attraction abilities of Deva Path as displayed in the intelligence section. Why is this method valid, it is a weaker demonstration of this principle that allows ninja to walk on trees.
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The more force Deva path uses to push Tsunade the longer it will take to regain his powers. We've also seen that brute force can in fact overcome Shinra Tensei's opposing force, and the question certainly exists as Naruto was stunned by Sakura's physical power. Power that Hashirama compared to Tsunade
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In addition to the problem of Katsuyu. Katsuyu innately has more traction than the three toad summons because of her slime which allows her to stick to surfaces. Meaning, that to push Katsuyu away it will take considerably more force than it did for the toads leaving Deva Path a sitting duck. If he ops to only push Tsunade away he could still fall prey to Katsuyu's attack as he would have no way to counter the acid quickly enough. Nor would he have a way to avoid crushing. The crushing powers of her mini was demonstrated in the Katsuyu section, we can therefore gather the crushing power of Katsuyu as a whole is in fact much greater. Additionally Katsuyu is not as slow as people think. Katsuyu was able to enter rooms with shinobi without their knowledge that she was there and then absorb them without them knowing she was their or giving her permission.
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For the sake of Chibaku Tensei it should be noted that Tsunade does not have to destroy the gravitational nucleus itself. Chibaku Tensei is extremely taxing of Nagato's chakra reserves. So much so that he has direct all of his chakra into Deva in order to create CT.
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As seen here keeping Chibaku Tensei active requires a constant expenditure of chakra.
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For the sake of strategy Tsunade is not trying break out but rather withstand CT Nagato will not try to make another CT, rather he would focus on maintaining the current one. But Tsunade would not be recieving harm. As Katsuyu would be protecting her inside of Chibaku Tensei. Katsuyu was on Naruto inside of Chibaku Tensei which means she can with stand the gravitational pressure. Also Chibaku Tensei is very similar to Bansho tenin but instead of Nagato being the center of gravity, the black orb is. If then, the black orb is destroyed so is the CT as a whole. As I mentioned with Bansho Tenin the attraction increases force. I've also demonstrated Katsuyu's crushing power. If Katsuyu is the first thing to fly at the orb the resulting for should be great enough to crush the orb. If Tsunade lands directly behind Katsuyu or directly in front of her Tsunade's force was also multiplied exponentially, and if the attempt to destroy the orb failed (which is doubtful) Tsunade would still be able to hide out inside of Katsuyu and wait for Nagato to expend too much chakra to the point that he can no longer maintain CT. Furthermore, Furthermore, If Tsunade strategically jumps from rock to rock she can ensure that she ends up on the outside of Chibaku Tensei. In which case we've been shown that after so much debris is compacted the outside of Chibaku Tensei 's gravitational pull is low enough to stand on.
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Finally, in a team battle setting he would destroy his teammates including the Naraka path.

Animal Path: Most of Animal Path's summons would be defeated with taijutsu as they all need to come in close to attack her.
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The dog however, will continue to split. Tsunade being so analytical as mentioned in the intellegence section will realize this and thus decide to attack the dog with Body Pathway Deference to immobilize the animal and then attack animal path realizing the summons will go away when Animal Path dies. Just like the anbu were able to reason.
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Animal Path will eventually run out of summons and hasn't shown the skill in taijutsu to defeat Tsunade.

Naraka Path: Like Human Path, Naraka Path's ability is dependent on physical contact namely the grabbing of the throat. This seems unlikely given the fact that Tsunade has shown greater strength feats. Konohamaru was able to fight toe to toe with him for a moment, and that method of fighting is inefficient for fighting when Tsunade has back up namely Katsuyu.
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As a team They stand in a basic team formation in which Naraka is the furthest back and Deva is in the center.
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Tsunade's intimate knowledge of battle strategy will cause her to realize that taking out the ninja in the back who is serving in the role of "medic" is the most pressing task at hand. To aid accomplish this she will probably first charge in. As a result Animal path will most likely summon the rhino. Tsunade will respond in a way similar to Sage Mode Naruto.
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History suggest the other paths will not interfere during this so as not to get in animal paths way. Next animal path would summon the ox and the dog. If the Tsunade goes after the Ox she'd kill it. Katsuyu on the otherhand would be dealing with the Dog who can do her no actual harm. If how ever the situation is reversed Tsunade will strike the dog and Katsuyu will probably eventually kill the Ox via acid. When Tsunade sees the dog split she will start the strategy mentioned in the section on animal path. Animal path now has 5 summons left. The centipede, the bird, the chameleon, the panda and the lobster. If history of Pain's fighting style tells us anything when Tsunade rushes in for Animal Path, Preta Path will try to engage her in taijutsu. Tsunade being the superior taijutsu user, with an emphasis on evasion she will win the skirmish. Realizing that she has defeated a path, getting to Naraka will be urgent to her. In the context of the group formation Asura path's abilities are limited and thus he will have to resort to taijutsu as well. If he tries to blitz Tsunade like he tried to before, she is not fatigued in the fight and there is no plot. She will strike him, and he will be down. Human too is confined to taijutsu and will be taken down. By this time I imagine that Animal Path has summoned the next swarm of animal summons. Tsunade will take down the centipede in a way similar to Sakura. She will then wait for the bird to attack and strike it as it makes it's descent. I assume by this point the Dog will be starting to recover and will charge at Tsunade. She will then grab the lobster and hurl it at the dog and attack Animal Path. Animal Path will block with the Panda and the Panda will be destoryed. I assume by this point, Naraka path has brought back the Preta path. Tsunade at this point, will see even moreso the importance of defeating Naraka. She will try to charge past Deva at which point he Shinra Tensei's her away. She takes note of this ability and next charges with chakra in her feet to avoid being pushed back. After Deva Shinra Tensei's again regardless of whether or not she is pushed back Katsuyu spits acid as the second wave of attack as Tsunade was only the distraction similar to her attack against Madara mentioned in the intelligence section. Because of the wide area covered by the acid, Preta will not be able to protect both Deva and Naraka and thus will protect Naraka leaving Deva badly burned if not dead. At this point, Naraka's main priority is bringing back Deva path. As Naraka procedes to do this Katsuyu attacks animal path. Animal Path only has a chamleon and dog left in his repertoire. The chameleon however, is not an offensive animal but rather a defensive one and thus will not be any harm to Tsunade. Katsuyu will know where Animal Path is before he summons the chameleon. And will be able to attack. When sie kills Animal Path as Animal has no way of harming hir. Katsuyu can then focus hir full attention on the skirmish with Deva, Preta, and Naraka. Naraka being the most important path, Preta will be protecting it. Preta again loses in taijutsu. I am giving Pain the benefit of the doubt and saying that Deva Path is back by now. Knowing that it is Deva's utmost duty protect Naraka Tsunade destracts Deva path engaging in battle while Katsuyu captures Naraka path, in a way similar to how Katsuyu covered Ino. Deva path now realizes that he's played into a trap and Shinra Tensei's Tsunade away. We're assuming that because he's seen Tsunade's strength feats. He is not so foolish as to use Bansho Tenin. Using Chibaku Tensei is not a valid option as of yet, due to Naraka path still being present, and Deva not wanting to destroy Naraka. So instead Deva goes to fight Katsuyu and free Naraka path. Tsunade is probably recovered from her wounds via Byakugou no jutsu and has re-entered the fray. Unfortunately for Deva he has no way of knowing which Katsuyu mini Naraka is in at this point. Similar to how a path was in Bunta's mouth.
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Katsuyu though may tell Tsunade. Tsunade would be able to kill Naraka while Deva is still searching for him. That leaves Deva versus Tsunade. Deva path has demonstrated that in order to use Chibaku Tensei the orb must be far away from him so that he is not destroyed in the process.
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Tsunade having just killed Naraka is able to see Deva Path preparing his next jutsu. Upon feeling the powers of attraction she has all the options listed above in the Deva Path section. If Deva does not go directly for Chibaku Tensei and instead aim for a full powered Shinra Tensei as the Chibaku Tensei is supposedly a last resort. Tsunade has already proven her ability to tank this attack without healing herself as per the durability section. If Deva then becomes a sitting duck from using too much power. Deva Path cannot handle the combined forces of Tsunade and Katsuyu as they can exploit his need for an interval between use gravitational powers. He would try to fight Tsunade with taijutsu like he did against Naruto
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but one cannot block Tsunade's strength without breaking limbs which means he must dodge every attack. And eventually, he will lose.
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Of course the situation described favored Tsunade, but much of what I posted is based on history and knowledge of the 6 paths fighting style and their habit of rushing in and being caught off guard by traps.
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My point being that Tsunade could win alone. Together they absolutely take this.