Khulna (150)


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from x

Alucard and the gang would inspect the market place for new items that they might be interested in purchasing before continuing on their adventure. Inspecting some of the goods, Alucard made the decision to purchase the Forgefiend’s Fabricator, purchasing it for 5,000 Ryo.

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
"Zehahahaha! New bounties, eh?"
Blackbeard sat at the bar of a tavern in the Khulna marketplace. his eyes feverishly scanned the flier announcing the new names added to the Bingo Book, and he shoved a slice of cherry pie into his mouth. Blackbeard's excitement swelled and he motioned for the barkeep.
"Hey, bag a couple more o' those cherry pies for me. Zehahahaha, looks like I've got a hunting trip ahead of me."
The rogue shoved himself to his feet, knocking over his stool, and grabbed the parcel of pies from off of the counter. His mouth twisted into a cruel grin, Blackbeard exited the bar and began his hunt.
  • Haha
Reactions: Pervyy


Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
"Coming from Kiyorano (036) could you please hole punch these tickets so we can be on our way, good sir." (Darren)

Meanwhile Ikiru would ignore the gentleman as he requested that Ikiru should had him his ticket but Ikiru wasn't feel quite friendly and a single stare to the man quickly indicated complete hostility. Darren would then, sigh in response as he took off Ikiru's ticket from them and handed it over. Apologizing for the scene as they then moved down the port towards a near by bar. Without need to carry their own luggage, was all due to Ikiru's Fuinjutsu skill so to most people it appear as though they never took anything with them. More like suspicious nomads or criminals that where running from a bounty or Justice system.

"That's the bar we need to get information from and I'll need you to be alert we might need to get handy with them." (Darren)

"Hmph." (Ikiru)


"...Ugh. Understood." (Ikiru)

"Gosh, working with you is a pain!" (Darren)

The two would enter the bar in quite a mood that most people could see it miles away. Radiating from them was the anger of one and the other plainly bored/ tired looking. While Darren spoke in code to the bartender who understood who they were, suddenly served customs would approach Darren and Ikiru.

"So they now just send little kids, haha!" (Random Guy #1)

" that one group,... they consider themselves some big shot or something...sending little kid ninjas to try to do their biddings? I guess they stepped it up now by sending some grown kids haha" (Random gal #1)


Ikiru indifferent to the situation as always as he sat on quietly keeping watch on the boy. Some other heavy built guy would appear behind him placing his hand on Ikiru's shoulder.

"You might be the shinobi, huh?" (Random Guy #2)

"Take you hand off me." (Ikiru)

"Or else wh-" (Random Guy #2)

With a single stare to the man, he knew he was bitting more than he could chew. The person he was talking to had killed several and many more to come. He quickly realized who he was talking to with just a glimpse into the eyes of Ikiru, even thought the Sharingan, one could tell easily what strength was by just looking at one's eyes. This was something one would learn along they way of fighting many people. The powerful gaze of Ikiru indicated true power, a true shinobi, pure skill.

"G-G-Guys, stop we need to live them be." (Random Guy #2)

"Huh, what's Gotten into you C-" (Random Gal #1)

"ENOUGH! I SAID LIVE THEM BE!" (Random Guy #2)

"Oh-ok..." (Random Gal #1)

Soon the scene would subside, and die down with everyone drinking their drinks. Darren boasting about the conformation as he bragged on. He seemed rather proud of Ikiru who was clearly not interested in the whole show. Ikiru being a Shinobi, he could discern the scene and determine whom among the area was skilled. Ikiru couldn't see any of the people around him considerable to ever hurt him in a million years.

"Sorry for the wait." (Bartender)

" *Sigh* Waiting on you has displeased me, next time we shall have your head." (Darren)

"I AM SO SORRY SIR!" (Bartender)

Scared for his poor life, Darren enter the small room that was quiet empty as there was a glass separating the two parties. The exchange would occur as momentarily as they braced themselves. Ikiru couldn't shake the feel something was aloof about the glass window interaction. They seemed to believe that they had to better hand out of this situation somehow that intrigued Ikiru as his expression of what this exchange was going to be peaked him to appear interested.

The exchange of insults and slurs about each would go on as Darren was alone in this endeavor of trading and information treaty also the tax informing that the informants called childish.

"You want us to conform to your rubbish of organization. You don't know what you've declared. Its WAR! You savages will go down like the rest, its been too long, our small skirmishes that have dated since both our factions stood up will come to an end. By the way, you should've noticed, we have gassed you with a toxic waste fume that will quickly and silently kill you both. So much for your stupid threats! HAHA~" (KouZone informant #2)

"Bye-bye" (KouZone informant #1)

Ikiru watching Darren start to cough violently, however he was unaffected due to his ability as a Smoke-chakra natured wielding shinobi. Now as the two watched Ikiru hold Darren, Ikiru would easily lay Darren down disappearing from sight as he would smash through the tough glass shell. Quickly he would knock the two out, getting both under his arms as he raced outwards along with Darren. Noticing that they had been set up by the whole bar since none was seen the moment of their escape.

Placing all three down he would begin to prepare for medical admission. Cracking his hands as took out is medical scroll form his (Kuchiyose: Raikō Kenka) - Summoning: Lightning Blade Creation on his arms then performing a summoning jutsu as the crowd came in to see him. Watching a medical shiniobi who they so much considered rare types. Quickly setting up the place needed to perform his task he would also go ahead to prepare the three with oxygen and other required basic forms of medical needs.

( Kuchiyose No Jutsu: Eisei Yougu ) - Summoning Technique: Medical tools
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The medical shinobi bites his thumb and draws his Medical Kanji on the Medical scroll underneath the symbol of the tool he desires to summon.
Note: This can only be used by Medical Shinobi.:

    • メス - scalpel, sterilized
    • ナイフ - knife
    • アルコール - a bottle of 96% ethanol for disinfection
    • 水 - a bottle of sterilized water
    • スポイト - syringe, sterile, for one time use only
    • アドレナリン - adrenaline, to be injected intravasulary, induces faster heartbeat
    • 包帯 - bandage, sterile, 8 meters in length
    • 血液 - a set of everything you need to draw someones blood (Sterile syringe, vacuum system and a test tube.)
    • 温度計 - mercury thermometer, for axillary or rectal use
    • ベッド - a mobile bed to carry patients
    • バグ - bug spray, effective against all bugs, lasts for 2 turns (used in cases when your patient is having a reaction to multiple bug stings, and there are still some bugs around it, so you spray-kill them. Kills bugs up to A rank if they've been created/summoned from a jutsu like the Aburame techniques)
    • テント - a small tent, just enough for two people to lie in
    • 光 - a flashlight
    • ガスマスク - gas mask with a bottle of oxygen that lasts 5 turns (Not 100% effective against all types of poison/gas. The purpose is to protect the user from breathing in toxic substances, keeping the lungs safe. However, if the poison gets absorbed through the pores of the skin it will still affect you).
    • 流体 - a set to start an intravenous fluid addition line, helpful with dehydration amongst many other conditions
    • モルタル - mortar and pestle, chemically clean
    • スプーン - spoon, sterile
    • パテ - putty knife, metal, sterile
    • 研究所 - a small hut. Into the walls of that house, parts of Nexus' eyes DNA have been inserted, so now it mixes Time And Relative Dimensions In Space , creating an effect of being larger on the inside then it is on the outside. Inside is an advanced laboratory with everything needed to create antidotes and medicines.
Now as the washed his hands for disinfection he begun to extract the poison gas using the gas mask that had already been placed on the three. Focusing on each carefully, he would read the handy medical book to see how he would better deal with toxic gas for others.
Drugs that open the airways (bronchodilators), intravenous fluids, and antibiotics may be helpful. Corticosteroids such as prednisone are often given to reduce inflammation in the lungs.
"I see." (Rucken)

Seeing that the poisonous gas in their system was being filter out for all three, he would simply await them to awake. After a few hours one of the enemy informants would awake to see him. Scared and unable to muster strength to move. They stared at him only to see Ikiru indifferent.

"Why did you save us?" (KouZone informant #1)

"Message needs to be sent." (Ikiru)

"That's why?" (KouZone informant #1)

"Yeah." (Ikiru)

The man would chuckle a bit as it was still painful to laugh. He would inquire why he (Ikiru) was immune to the gas. Which Ikiru would simply say he was immune to all types of gases, he had never been affect by such influence. Darren awaking to see Ikiru they would wonder why he had saved the other. Which he would explain that his father wanted to attain the sources therefore these people had to relay the information.

If they failed to deliver on their word. The S-crime would rid of them, at the current state the organization need the resources of the underground market the KouZone had, so It would be in their best interest if they let the live and relay the message.

"I see. Must be nice to be immune to gasses and have quite a vast knowledge in ninjutsu" (Darren)

"I have seen greater masters who can terraform lands with just a single breath. Trust me. I am not anything special." (Ikiru)

While the others simply stared plainly at his remark they would banter a bit as they conversed about what was to come. Ikiru and Darren leaving the small tent, they would decide to turn back home and visit other factories. Darren had matured in way to speaking and had started to know the power he had with him. Ikiru was equally power as a mountain in terms of situations they had braced through. Now understand just how almost limitless he was, Darren knew the importance of why his father had decided to allow him to go. Nothing could ever go wrong.

[ Mission Completed ]

Travel itinerary: (Backwards)
> Kiyorano (036) > Hanguri Gulf (262) > Nanmen Ocean (263) > Aisu Bay (254) > Gaikotsu Bay (255) > Khulna (150)
> Est Arrival Time: 3HRS


Active member
Apr 3, 2009
Trait Points
-Coming from Here

Enma walked through the semi-busy marketplace, making sure to not come in contact with anyone. Even if it was true that there was a cure readily available, he did not want to cause anyone impromptu concern by spreading the fever again. Asking a few passing people who showed concern for his condition, they were willing to lead Enma to a place that would help him cure the fever.

With some time having passed since he received the cure, Enma was already feeling the effects of the fever subsiding from his being. He felt great.

Now, where must he go next?


Active member
Apr 3, 2009
Trait Points
-Coming from Here

Enma walked through the semi-busy marketplace, making sure to not come in contact with anyone. Even if it was true that there was a cure readily available, he did not want to cause anyone impromptu concern by spreading the fever again. Asking a few passing people who showed concern for his condition, they were willing to lead Enma to a place that would help him cure the fever.

With some time having passed since he received the cure, Enma was already feeling the effects of the fever subsiding from his being. He felt great.

Now, where must he go next?
Swapping out Enma bio for my new Old Man Talbot bio

Talbot spawning in ya'll!

The older man, wistfully made his way through the crowded marketplace, looking at all the people who were purchasing items or trying to haggle for a lesser price. He found himself taking a seat on a nearby bench, recounting the day he used to live among the people before him. Silent reflection. Something that he had grown accustomed to during his current isolation lifestyle.

Many years had passed since he had left his little village, his only regret was not having visited it in all the time that he had been gone. But it was only a small regret. his life was only a small cog in the the workings of life, he would not be missed when he was gone, and he would miss no one else when they passed on either. Life was ever constant, and he wanted to experience all the chaos that ensues.

Easing himself up from his seat, he continued through the marketplace, weaving his way through the crowd and continuing on his was to his next destination.



Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points

This post marks the start of my mission using the following storyboard element:

- Perform the Edo Tensei and revive someone (4)

Strix had reached a check point in her travel, a local marketplace that held all sorts of various goods and services. While walking through the bazaar, the smell of ash and iron ran through the air as she walked past the blacksmithing and ironworks stalls, several of them sharing a forge while they made suits of armour, weapons and items to sell. continuing on she came to pass several rug shops and flower displays, various medicine and herbal stores eventually reaching the end of an alley where there was a small stall dedicated to origami displays in glass jars. In the back of her mind, Strix falls a rush as she though back to her favourite teacher, the first one that ever began to teach her ninjutsu, Miss Konan.

Miss Konan had a unique skill that allowed her to manipulate and control paper for her ninjutsu, and Strix missed her terribly so, thinking back to the late nights and early morning for all their trainings and how Konan pushed Strix to reach further and become stronger. With a small sigh, Strix turned around and continued back through the marketplace. There was little to entertain or keep her here when she noticed a male following her as she reached the end of the first row of stalls. Interesting, it seemed as though this could potentially turn into some fun for Strix, something to keep her entertained while here.

Turning down a smaller alley, she kept walking till about halfway down she heard the footsteps running up behind her. Without turning around she stopped, while she felt a small point in the middle of her back while a hand landed on her houlder. A voice in her ear whispered.

Hey there hot stuff. Why dont we go for a little walk together. Dont try to run off or this could get messy.

Struggling to contain her chuckle she put a hand to her mouth while she nodded silently, laughing on the inside at the audactiy of the man. Well soon enough judgement would come for him. They walked slowly till they stood infront of a sleasy looking building, run down with broken shutters and a single man sitting behind a desk with a fan on. Without even looking up from behind his paper, they walked past as Strix caught a glimpse of the sign "cheap rooms".

So they had come to a hotel then? A small back alley place probably hideout or even just a place for people to do their dirty business and work without being scene. Well at least it would make it easier for Strix to perform what she had in mind. As they reached the 2nd flight they hadn't spoken the entire way there, till they reached the 4th room on the floor.

Open it he growled.

Doing so, a damp and foul odour hit her nose as they walked in, empty bottles of alcohol and half eaten food stuffs littered around the floor welcomed them. As they walked in, he gave Strix a shove, causing her to fake a stumble in as she stood there next to the single chair in the room as he turned to lock the door.

Now.... lets get down to business he said with a smirk across his face.

However he failed to realize that Strix had turned to face him, looking at him with a pure evil sadistic grin on her face.

Oh thank you, this will be a perfect place...

W- What??

He hadn't realized it yet, just how much Strix had been playing along with him, no doubt half drunk trying to force some action off an isolated girl. Brandishing his knife he said,

You- You better do what I say!

mmmhmhmhmh Oh Sweetie, you have.... no..... idea what youre in for....

A manic cackle escaped Strix as she placed her hand on her chest, with black and white energy rippling out while she pulled Demise from herself.


He was lost for words as she stepped towards him. Scrambling he turned around, clearly freaked out by the woman infront of him, a hungry like look on her face as she hunched forwards. In a flash, the Scythe blade was infront of his throat as Strix appeared behind him.

No no, not just yet my sweet.

Grabbing him by the collar, she sent a wave of anaesthetic chakra through his neck, causing him to go limp, with only his face responding to his brains instructions. All feelings and thought were about escaping but his body wouldn't respond as Strix threw him onto the bed.

O-Oh Gods...

Taking her time, she drew a formula seal around the bed, while he lay there helpless.

Thank you for this gift, and dont worry hunny, Im about to put you to good use, and you will look much....MUCH better than the life you have now.

Performing the seals, his screams and shouts became muffled as the ash began to envelop his body and cover him as the Edo Tensei technique completed itself. A beautiful woman with blue hair, black and red robes was laying in his place, a slight crack on her face from the technique.

( Kuchiyose Kinjutsu: Edo Tensei ) - Forbidden Summoning Technique: Impure World Reincarnation
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 40 (-20 per resurrection per turn )
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation is a forbidden technique used to revive the dead. To perform this technique, the user must first acquire some of the DNA of the person they intend to revive such as limbs, organs or merely blood samples. The soul of the intended revived must also reside in the pure world (jōdo) those whose soul has been consumed by the Death God, or have been previously sealed by other methods cannot be resurrected. Next, a living sacrifice is required for the soul of the resurrected to use as a vessel. Once all prerequisites for the technique have been met, the acquired DNA of the person is smeared on a special scroll and once the scroll is activated, the remains spread out in the form of a special seal with the living sacrifice in the centre. Then dust and ash encase the sacrifice's body, giving them the same appearance that the revived had at the time of their death. The person is then revived and the end product is usually stored in a casket until summoned by the user by performing the Tiger → Snake → Dog → Dragon → Clap hands handseals. When the user summons the revived soul, a casket first appears before revealing the revived soul. The Edo Tensei Summoning can be countered by sealing away the targets soul or by having the summoner cancel the technique. As they are unlikely to do this voluntarily, using a genjutsu to trick them into cancelling the technique is ideal. The sequence of hand seals for cancelling the technique is Rat → Ox → Monkey → Tiger → Dragon → Boar and saying Kai. If the summoner dies before the technique is deactivated, then this method is impossible. If the summoned soul's controlling tag is overcome or disabled by a technique or if the user so wishes it, the summoned soul or the user can both sever the contract through the use of the Snake → Ram → Boar → Dog → Tiger seals. The summoned soul is then left as an immortal revived soul, autonomous and without any link to the summoner.
Note: A bio can only have up to a total of three souls for revival which must abide by a few rules, specific for the technique.
Note: The user of the technique can only have up to 3 Vessels in total. Orochimaru, Kabuto and Tobirama are able to have up to 2 Vessels present in battle though only one of these can be a vessel from a battle.
Note: If the user purchases the vessel, it can only have access to single abilities such as their HA/KG/AE. If a vessel is obtained through battle, he is able to utilize the bio's Dual Abilities, Modes and AN if obtained. Only the canon techniques of these are possible, however.
Note: The Edo Summons pertain to the bio and not the user, and only one of the bios of the user can use Edo tensei.
Note: A member must attain biographies in an offical match approved by 2 roleplay moderators for both the revival and sacrifice and cannot be given a biography willingly.
Note: Technique can only be used once per battle/event.

Miss Konan... Youre back....

Strix was stood there, finally happy she had her old teacher back, while Konan drew herself up off the bed. Her smile was still the same warming kind face that Strix had remembered so many years ago.

Its good to see you again my student...


Active member
Jan 4, 2017
Trait Points
Finally reaching the base of the mountain Zapp continues along reaching the main river of Khulna. Traveling besides the river's bank, the shinobi enjoys the fauna of the farmland along the way, noticing the major change compared to Mymensingh's uneven, rocky terrain.

I wonder if she's still in town? The shrouded man says to himself as he continues on his path. In time he makes it to a fortified town bustling with a variety of folks. Making his way to the section of the borough that contains a majority of the restaurants, Zapp sits down to have a bite of BBQ while remaining hooded.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Finally reaching the base of the mountain Zapp continues along reaching the main river of Khulna. Traveling besides the river's bank, the shinobi enjoys the fauna of the farmland along the way, noticing the major change compared to Mymensingh's uneven, rocky terrain.

I wonder if she's still in town? The shrouded man says to himself as he continues on his path. In time he makes it to a fortified town bustling with a variety of folks. Making his way to the section of the borough that contains a majority of the restaurants, Zapp sits down to have a bite of BBQ while remaining hooded.

As they left the shift motel, Strix would tell Konan to meet her on the edge of the town while Strix would search for some tips and any news on events within the western continent.

One of the places she had learnt that was a great place for tips and rumours was a bar, alcohol was a conversational lubricant that could loosen many lips. Searching for a shifty and dank bar, there was one nearby down the end of an alley with a broken neon sign. Perfect for those that wish to remain out of sight and wet their whistle. Entering the bar and pulling her hat over down her face, she pulled up a stool in one of the corners that had a free table waiting to see whi came by.


Active member
Jan 4, 2017
Trait Points
As they left the shift motel, Strix would tell Konan to meet her on the edge of the town while Strix would search for some tips and any news on events within the western continent.

One of the places she had learnt that was a great place for tips and rumours was a bar, alcohol was a conversational lubricant that could loosen many lips. Searching for a shifty and dank bar, there was one nearby down the end of an alley with a broken neon sign. Perfect for those that wish to remain out of sight and wet their whistle. Entering the bar and pulling her hat over down her face, she pulled up a stool in one of the corners that had a free table waiting to see whi came by.
Entering the bar Zapp would take in his surroundings before making his move. The joint was barely crowded allowing the shinobi to deduce those within, and after spotting a mysterious person in the corner under a flickering light, the Blood Sand shinobi felt he had found his target. Walking over to the table he would bow himself down while unhooding his head showing honor to the female member of the legendary rouge organization.

I traveled far and wide in order to find you Sensei. Please, take me with you in your travels, so I can gain experience beside someone of a higher stature. In hopes that I can one day be as great as you.

(If accepted, Zatanna can control this bio in terms of LM movements)


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Entering the bar Zapp would take in his surroundings before making his move. The joint was barely crowded allowing the shinobi to deduce those within, and after spotting a mysterious person in the corner under a flickering light, the Blood Sand shinobi felt he had found his target. Walking over to the table he would bow himself down while unhooding his head showing honor to the female member of the legendary rouge organization.

I traveled far and wide in order to find you Sensei. Please, take me with you in your travels, so I can gain experience beside someone of a higher stature. In hopes that I can one day be as great as you.

(If accepted, Zatanna can control this bio in terms of LM movements)

Strix hadnt expected to find a student, but in times lile this she wasnt going to decline him. She was always of the opinion to broaden ones horizons and even teaching someone can be a learning experience. Accepting the stranger as her student the pair got up and left the bar as they proceeded to leave the town.



Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

As he comes across the mountainous region of the Land Of Lightning, he stops by the thiving town of Khulna. He stretched out his legs, though the entire town seemed to be in high alert. Something controversial had happened. Following the crown to the noticeboards, he discovered the call to action from the Sandaime Tsumikage. He found a map and discovered the location of The Threshold. It was quire far away.

Looking up North, he knew he had a new home to discover and explore. Would they also feel the urge to join the war as champions of humanity? Last time he took part on a world event, it didn't end well for him. He touched his back, where the fractal scar from Kirin had carved his skin. Panthalassa raised his hand and a few tiny pale flies flew from it. What should he do?

He closed it again. I'll go forward. I'll represent the clan in a mission for humanity. There will be no clan to go to if the world is destroyed.

And so he went.


Khulna (150) to The Threshold (093) at 11:30 AM GMT

(148) at 12:30 AM
(132) at 1:30 PM
(131) at 2:30 PM
(130) at 3:30 PM
(125) at 4:30 PM
(116) at 5:30 PM
(117) at 6:30 PM
(115) at 7:30 PM
(110) at 8:30 PM
(092) at 9:30 PM

Arriving at Threshold (093) at 10:30 PM GMT
Nov 24, 2017
Trait Points
The Merchants Guild had built themselves up over the years as the underworld influence that were who you would go to to gain influence and buy favours from. Whatever you needed, you could always bet that the Merchants Guild had a means to obtain it, whether it be power, wealth or services of a sinister nature. They hadn't always been a Black Market group, starting back in the Hungarian days when traders banded together to form an official economy, setting a fair trade for goods when there would be those who would take advantage of a free market. As the Freehold fell, so did the honor of the Merchants Guild, as their protection from the bandits were suddenly swept out from underneath and mercenaries were looking to make gold attacking caravans and former guards left the military to pursue the more lucrative independent roles being sold off to warlords and kings. Ragora had been born into a poor family, scraping to make a living with her father taking any labour job from farmhand to carpentry builder to earn enough to feed his family. Even then it wasn't enough in big city, when her mother had been forced to be pleasurable company for men looking to avoid a night alone. As Ragora reached her teen years, her parents decided to sell her off, tired of trying to feed her, as they couldn't afford an education for her, but couldn't bring themselves to force her into selling their daughters body. They were however deceived as they sold her to the Merchants Guild, a shifty looking shop owner having plans to turn her into some eye candy for his shop while she grew up. It was in her teen years where she learnt how the market works, the underground always shifting, watching body languages and looking carefully at who to speak to. In the underworld it was a cut-throat business where you could be bleeding out your throat in an instant, as she saw first hand several times as men were cut down in the streets of the secretive markets, passer-by's not even stopping or blinking at the violence. Everyone knew that getting stuck into others business would only put yourself at risk, don't bother trying to help someone you don't know.

That was one of the few rules she learnt on her own, however while working the shop she learnt the trade, how to count, how to sell and how a sweet tongue could turn a profit. The shop she was sold to sold trinkets, distinguished wares from old castles that were looted, mercenaries and bandits looking to turn their fruits to cash. Shaffer was the owner and said he always used the same contacts that he bought from, and rarely trusted or bought from anyone else, unless they had something extremely exotic to be sold. Ragora learned that this was for several reasons, not letting strangers get close to yourself which gave them less chance to kill you and take your things. Secondly it also meant that your current sources also didn't feel like you valued others more than them, which by chance you can build a trust with them to slowly reduce the cost of their service. Building a mutual trust was important for Shaffer, he barely trusted Ragora even after being with him for 3 years, she still hadn't been alone in the shop without his supervision. However Shaffer had given one thing to Ragora even if he didn't know it, a dream, a desire and want to own her own shop. She wanted to have the respect of the others in the Merchants Guild, to rise above what her parents were and to become someone where people paid her, to have people work for her instead of working for others. Ragora was going to rise up and take over the whole shop, whether by taking it from Shaffer or by taking over his source of income, she would make sure that she would eventually become the name that would be known in the underworld Merchants Guild.
Nov 24, 2017
Trait Points
This post marks the start of my mission using the following storyboard elements:
-Listen in to a secret meeting
-Help negotiate part of a trade deal

Several months had gone by since the first time Ragora had seen a shipment of merchandise and stock came in, being sent away while the Shaffer took and organized the delivery. One dreary wet day Ragora was in her room as always while the owner got the knock at the back door, deliveries once again. Rolling her eyes as Shaffer hobbled over, his old bones and grey hairs shaking with each step, Ragora couldn’t wait for the day when he would retire, it was then she would take over his shop, whether by inheritance or by force. Minding her own business and slowly falling asleep listening to the gentle pitter patter of the drizzle, there was a sudden crash from the back room. Though usually she was told to stay in her room and never needed to help for these deliveries, Ragora couldn’t help but be curious about what happened, and it wasn’t the first time she snuck around disobeying orders from Shaffer. Though he technically ‘owned’ her, a rebellious teenager with resent towards their authority will still disobey orders and often she would wander the Black Market once Shaffer had gone to sleep, curiously she would look at the stalls, blood patches on the floor and the after hours stalls still looking to make business.

Creeping over to the back door and looking through the keyhole, she could see the back of Shaffer as well as three men, donning dark grey armour with weapons by the door. Two of them holding wooden crates while the third looked like he had dropped the crate he was carrying, straw strewn across the floor and a gold figure of some sort in pieces around his feet. The voices were saying something loudly, almost heated but Ragora couldn’t quite make it out, so pressing her ear to the keyhole she listened closely.

Well Im not paying for that one, how can I sell a broken Idol, no one comes to buy a jigsaw piece. That’s coming out of what I was originally going to pay.
Hey that’s not the deal, we went and got these treasures, you’re paying for the time. Just melt it down or something and make it into something else.

Ragora heard some kind of slap as Shaffer spoke next.

Idiot, that’s not how it works, people don’t want random junk, they pay for these Idols specifically, not the gold.
Well that’s not our business, we just get it for you. Now are getting paid, in full, or is there going to be a problem?
The next sound Ragora heard would be something like wood hitting the floor, then metal sliding across other metal. Looking back through the little hole, she saw the Looters had placed the wooden crates on the floor, and hands on their weapons, while the one that had dropped the crate had drawn his sword.
The way I see it, if you don’t pay up the full amount, then we may have to take our pay in some other method. I hear body part still sell quite well.
Shaffer chuckled as he waved his hands. Don’t threaten me boy, would you pay for a broken weapon after the blacksmith made it? How many years have I used your group and ever short changed you? What happened to the repore?
Yeah well things change, word on the market is that there’s a new group in town that are looking to hire anyone who will work for them, and will pay well too. So even if we take our cut from you, heheh, we will still have plenty of work.
Ragora was worried, if these men were really to cut down Shaffer, there was a chance that his shop could be bought out or taken over by someone else, she wasn’t ready for that yet. She didn’t have the capital or leverage to keep the shop. Trying to think fast on her feet, she stood, and walked in through the door.

Oi Whats all this yelling about ey? Im tryna sleep and you can’t even give me some peace and quiet? All this for some stupid gold thing?
She feigned ignorance trying to bank that the looters themselves wouldn’t see her as a threat, causing their opinion of her to lower their guard and lower their hostility.
Well Shaffer, I didn’t know you were keeping women here. Turning to Ragora he had the look of someone trying to be fierce but even she could tell that he was just a small fish in a large pond. Why don’t you go back to bed and let us take care of your old man here, though you might need to find a new job after this….
Shaffer had a look of fury on his face, and not for the looters that had been threatening him, but for the property he kept had now interrupted his business. Ragora had a feeling that some scolding or punishment would be coming after, however she took the chance to at least try to lessen it by scoring points with the old master. Mustering up the darkest look she could, she focused on what seemed to be the leader, while the other two looters looked on awaiting direction and instructions following lead.
Look, why bother with this old man, he gives you good work and you get good pay. You know that the other merchants come to him for advice right, on how to find reliable sources of treasure? She was bluffing she had no idea about any of it, but little did she know it was true. Her goal was simply to try make the looters realize they’re better off keeping with Shaffer, at least then she could potentially also work with them and start to build up contacts as well.
Think about this, you cut ties with Shaffer, word gets around that you go and turn on your employer, how do you think that’s going to look when others want to hire you and hear about that? They’re not going to think kindly huh? Your best option is to suck it up today and realize that mistakes happen and that this man here is your best work right now, other stores paying a lot lower that what he is offering and you know it.
She was beginning to ramble but she was hoping her point was getting across, and she thought it was from the softening look on his face, his handle twitching as he lowered his sword. The corner of his mouth twitch as he considered her words, and the weight of responsibility that came with cutting ties in the underworld markets. Truly Ragora didn’t know the length at which news could travel, even reaching the other continent of who you work for and who you betray. Placing his sword away, the Looter clicked his tongue. The other men relaxed as the leader nodded his head to the door, signalling the men to leave as they followed their orders.
You’re a smart one kid, perhaps you’ll be learning a thing or two from Shaffer while working here. Though right now I bet you’ve got a bit of work ahead of you, he smirked.
Ragora tilted her head puzzled as she turned towards Shaffer, and realizing just how she had spoken out of turn in front of her master. This was going to be another week of cleaning the shop spotless, and it was going to suck. Though, she felt some satisfaction being able to disarm the situation and at least hearing the praise that she may have some bright future.
Go. Room. Now. Was all that Shaffer could splutter out before shuffling to pick up the crates. Slinking off back to her room and shutting the door, Ragora couldn’t help but feel proud of herself.
Nov 24, 2017
Trait Points
Clang. Clang. Clang. Hisssssss.

Ragora sat in the shade as she watched the blacksmith work the forge, create a suit of armor the steel bending to his strokes and taking shape of a breastplate. Such fine craftsmanship, everyone in the Black Market knew that Tahm was who you go to for any metal work or any blacksmith work, head and shoulders above any other craftsman in the Lightning Mountains. Rumoured to have descended from a legendary blacksmith within the Hungurian Freehold era, his burly silent demeanour always coming across as more stoic than anything. As Ragora watched however, as the sparks and embers flickered lighting up the tattoos covering his body and showing off countless burns and scars over his wrists and arms. There was a simple satisfaction that she found in watching the blacksmith create something from a shape, the ability to make what you picture into reality. Tahm didn’t usually talk or converse with anyone outside of orders, and even when he wasn’t working he would sit quietly and eat or drink. Ragora was curious about the process, and each day she would creep closer and closer, going from across the street, to the barrel outside his shop sitting on top quietly and watching the sparks fly with every hammer stroke on the iron forging armour and weapons. While Ragora had a plan to take over the shop she was working in, she had also always been fascinated with making things, creating things even from a young age preferring to focus her time on using what ever she can to help out from stealing her fathers tools fixing broken brooms to drawing plans of things she wanted to make. Seeing it up close like this was only further adding fuel to her creative desires.
Nov 24, 2017
Trait Points
This post marks the start of my mission using the following storyboard elements:
- Forge your first blade

Tahm was about to bring the hammer down again on his creation when he held, suddenly stopping, something that Ragora had never seen him do before. Looking towards her he nodded in a motion for her to come forward. With a worried look on her face, she slowly paced towards the giant and meekly stood in front of him. Bringing the hammer down, Ragora covered herself, flailing her arms to try protect herself fearing being struck by the hammer. However no blow came, no noise came from striking the iron, and as Ragora brung her hands down, Tahm was holding out the hammer offering it to her. Was he offering her a chance to actually strike the dagger? She was curious, no one had ever helped Tahm before, then again he was the only one working the forge. Shyly and slowly taking the hammer from him, her eyes widened as he let the full weight of the hammer into her hands. It was heavier than any of the boxes she had ever lifted, its burnt leather grip in her hands too big to fully wrap her fingers all the way around. She had to hold it with both hands, and while it looked like a normal mallet to Tahm, it was more akin to a two handed maul for Ragora. Looking back up to Tahm with a distressed looked, Ragora wondered if she really wanted to go through with this. Tahm nodded and pointed with his free hand, and motioned in a banging motion. With as much strength as she could muster she brought it down striking the blade of the dagger, flattening the steel, the sparks flying as she struck, forcing herself not to flinch or look away. A small spark managed to fly directly onto her wrist, and wincing at the tingle, she kept her composure looking back up at Tahm again. He nodded once again, his silent stature signalling that everything seemed to be in order as Ragora brought the mallet up and struck down once again. This repeated several times, as Tahm kept the metal hot and shifted the piece around using Ragora as some sort of auto hammer while he molded the dagger. Before long the dagger took its final shape and Tahm held up his hand, as Ragora passed the hammer to him as he made the final adjustments, small details of the handle and tip for the dagger. As he finishes he motioned his hand to tell Ragora to back up, and figuring that the task was over, Ragora left to take her usual seat on the crate outside his shop. A few minutes had gone by as she watched Tahm finish up the dagger, wrapping the handle in leather and inspected his work. If there was anything wrong, Ragora doubted she could tell, she hoped that her work had been good enough for the blacksmith to actually not ruin the dagger. Though she suspected that if she had done something wrong then Tahm would have corrected it or fixed it. Finishing up, Tahm then covered the blade with its sheath, a dark brown leather pouch similar to its handle. Looking over to Ragora, Tahm then tossed the dagger towards her, to her shock unsure of what was happening. Ragora hadn't put any order or asked for any dagger, so what was this about, she was curious. Tahm, true to his silent fashion used a simple guesture that Ragora guess the meaning behind. Pointing to her and then the dagger then pointing back to her, she had to guess.

"Its yours now"

Ragora had just forged her first ever item, the flush of excitement that she managed to create something, she had worked albeit this first time with a huge amount of help, but the feeling was still there. Something to add to her skills and list of goals, when she would eventually open her own shop. She would create her own weapons and armours to sell along with treasure that she would sell.


Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Arriving from: (3) Yakukotan (032) | Page 3 | Anime Forum (

Mission Start: Meet with someone important (4) Custom

Susabi touched down at Khulna, his true home. The message he got from the courier instructed him to come visit his father, a man who he hasn’t seen in years. Without wasting much time, he headed for the coast where his family estate was. On his way to the estate, Susabi stopped at the shore and inhaled deeply. Vivid memories of his father’s expeditions flooded his mind as his Tenseigan began to fade and his eyes slowly closed shut. He took in the sounds of the waves hitting the bank, the wind over the waters and the chirps of the seagulls that circled in the air and pestered the nearby boats at the port.

It’s been some time hasn’t it? A familiar voice was heard from behind and Susabi’s eyes shot wide open as he turned around quickly. “Even till this day you are still jumpy as ever, haha!” the man laughed. There stood an elderly man with pale eyes, a missing arm and dark hair. It was Susabi’s father.

Why do you always have to sneak up on me? Susabi sighed and put gripped his chest. It’s nice to see you again. His eyes shifted low, unable to fully meet his father’s gaze. Even after all these years, you still feel unnecessarily guilty, huh? Come with me, we’ll have some tea on my old boat. His father motioned to follow him which Susabi did walking by him side by side.

Once they reached the boat, they walked into the inner chamber where his father’s office was. Do you remember this boat?

I do, you know how I feel about it so why did you bring me here? Actually, what was so urgent that I had to rush over here I-

His father raised his hand signaling his son to stop speaking. He took a deep breath and simply said, I’m dying. A cold silence filled the boat at the dock. The news itself even settled the waves. How? I can just heal you. Susabi pleaded to his father. I know you can, my boy. But I’m asking you not to, just like with this arm. His father pointing to his missing arm, that had to be amputated after a sparring match with Susabi upon his awakening. Visibly upset Susabi shot up out of his chair and grit his teeth. He tried to speak but words wouldn’t leave his mouth as if an anaconda had a vice grip on his neck. It’s just as I told you back then, it’s okay. I know you are powerful and I’m very proud. If you had fixed that arm of mine, I wouldn’t have anything to brag about to my shogi buddies. Look, Susabi. You have the power to change the world, but that doesn’t mean you should all the time. Life has its own course and sometimes you have to let things play out. Susabi clenched his fist but slowly let his anger fade away and descended back to his seat. Anger was now placed with regret and sadness. I’d do anything… to protect you. I would have given anything to have the ability to save mom. Please just… I can’t let you die knowing I have more than enough power to save you. His father leaned forward in his seat and grabbed his cup of tea. You’ve already saved me.. More than you know. While on the topic of your mother... do you know why I fled the Main House? Susabi wasn’t in the mood for a story he’s heard a million times. Yes, yes I know. His father cut him off calmly. Please just listen. When I fled the main house of the clan, your mother was pregnant with you. We traveled half across the world for something we believed in. The unity of the main and branch house. Obviously, being the son of the Hyuga Elder had its perks but it also had its responsibilities. This dream I had was clearly met with resistance so much so that our lives were threatened. I took your mother and that sword you have on your hip and fled to the Land of Lightning. You saved me and your mother because I knew you would be raised to not believe in our old ways. Your birth saved me by giving me and your mother hope. Hope that our clan will leave its barbaric ways behind and that it will have a better future. That is how you saved me and how you will continue to save me, Susabi. Susabi stayed silent, staring off into the distance. I called you here to tell you not to dwell on the past and to move forward. Never stop moving forward. Even with those eyes of yours.

Susabi couldn’t find the words he wanted to say, but it was a lot to take in. How long do you have left? His father took a sip of his drink. Who knows. But what I did want to tell you as soon as I heard. You deserve at least that much. Susabi sat back in his seat overwhelmed. I’ll do what I can. I’ll stay as long as I have to.

No, no. Go live life. Don’t sit here just for me. You’ve done enough of that already. I know the news is tough, but I’ve come to terms with it. How are you feeling? Susabi let out a soft scoff at the question. How does he feel? How would anyone feel in a situation like this one? Rather than focus on his father’s news he opted to ask a question. You said the sword you gave me. You stole it? HIs father laughed to try and lighten the mood. Well, technically it was going to be mine anyway. That sword is the heirloom of the Main House. The one who owns it is technically the head of the main house. When I took it it belonged to my father and I was next in line to become the head of the main house but then things happened. But that question brings me to my next point. I want you to be the one to unite both halves of the clan, as my last wish.

Susabi’s eyes shot up and looked at his father. Was this really his last wish? Even after all this time, the love for his clan and family never died out. That’s easier said than done. I may be in the Land of Fire but I have no connections to the clan. You want me to just show up on their doorstep?

Precisely, I knew I could count on you. His father replied, which prompted Susabi to shake his head in disbelief. You have my word.

Mission End

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Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
Mission Start:

Reflect on the past (3)

The night began to age. Susabi’s father was fast asleep in his bed while Susabi himself was wide awake. How could dad sleep so peacefully knowing he’s on a clock and his time could run out at any moment? He began to worrily tap his foot while staring at his father. Suddenly, his father spoke. You know, I’m a light sleeper tapping your foot isn’t really helping… nor is staring. He had his Byakugan active. How can you sleep so peacefully?, Susabi inquired. This illness or whatever doesn’t concern you in the slightest? His father sighed and used his sole arm to prop himself up and sit up in his bed to look at his son. Because I’m at peace with it. I’ve accepted it. I’ve lived an eventful life. Had a beautiful wife, a great son. Saw the world 100 times over. What is there to be concerned about? And besides… I get to see your mother again so I find peace in that. Susabi exhaled deeply. Every reason his father just listed was valid. He did live a good life. You know, sometimes I try to see her. Mom. It’s been a while but it always puts a smile on my face when I do. His father gave him a soft smile. Your eyes truly were a blessing. Keep proving me right. And what are you even sad about? If you can do that for your mother, you can do that for me. Susabi took this as an opportunity to take a playful jab at him. I’m already tired of seeing you now. What makes you think I wanna do that later? He smiled softly in which his father did the same. Your mom was so proud, that day you awakened your Tenseigan. She never said it to you though. How could she? Tell her son that just took out his father’s arm that she was proud of him? Susabi interrupted his fathers retelling. Yet she was still there to comfort me. Well, sometimes comfort, other times a beating. The smile on his father’s face began to widen before it broke out into laughter. Beatings for the both of us. Me moreso than you surprisingly! Susabi slouched back in his chair. I’m leaving in the morning for the Land of Fire. You should come with me. His father shook his head. My traveling days are behind me now. It would take too much energy and too much out of me. Well, it seems like we aren’t getting much sleep anyway. Suasbi nodded in agreement. I’m sorry that I left you here by yourself. I know that you keep saying I should be but… ever since mom died I’ve been too scared to come back here. Bad memories and all. The young Hyuga gazed downward at his hands. It was just all so sudden.

Susabi’s father looked at him with understanding. He shared his son’s pain even though he didn’t like to show it. Your mom was special.. A very special person. I still blame myself for what happened. I should have been there. But she’s a much better place now. He laid back down in his bed and closed his eyes, thinking of his deceased wife. Susabi couldn’t say much else. Much like his father, he got out of chair and walked over to his bed where he just laid there with his eyes closed, thinking about his next steps.

As morning came, Susabi headed off for the Land of Fire.

Mission End


150 - 148: 12:30am
148 - 132: 1:30am
132 - 006: 2:30am
038 - 006: 3: 30am

031 - 032: 4:30am


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard, accompanied by The Captain, would arrive at the marketplace of Khulna. With his newly acquired Void Artifact he needed to see if there were anything he could purchase to charge it up with.


Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Coming from Barisal (151)
This post contains a D rank storyboard mission called: Acquire an assortment of ninja tools and weapons​
At last. Proclaimed Barney as he walked into the first town he came across in the Khulna region. He used the time he walked to decide on his actions and although he changed his mind at least five times, this time he was certain. The goal was to stay cloaked and out of sight, not to draw too much attention. Check with a bank if he had an open account with them, as well as acquire an assortment of ninja tools, weapons, scrolls, paper tags, you name it. As he snooped around the town he started realizing that he wouldn't find a bank there and without money, he wouldn't be able to buy the tools. Thus, he went onto the next one. There he passed a tavern that was full of cloaked, mysterious figures but he wasn't ready for confrontation so he ran along. As they say, third time's the charm. He found a bank in the next town and went straight in. Hello, excuse me. How can I help you sir? I would like to check if you have an open account by the name of... He looked around and behind both his shoulders and leaned in slightly, as he whispered to the cashier. Barney Stinson. Just a moment sir, I will check. The wait made Barney nervous. He was really hoping that he had an account in the bank and that he could finally start gathering some clues. Unfortunately sir, there is no such account in the name of that indifidual. What do you mean? There's got to be. I'm sorry sir. I double checked. Maybe it's in one of the other banks. Aren't you folks all connected in a network or something? Unfortunately not sir. Right, like Barney was mad enough to go across the whole ninja world looking for the bank where he could've possibly made an account. He shrugged his arms and said. Thanks anyways.

No money it was then. So, now he was officially broke but with extremely high aspirations. Those two didn't go well together. He needs to find another way to gather his tools. Think Barney, think. A bulb lit up above his head and he knew what he could try. He went about, looking for a ninja training ground. He figured, something like that would probably be on the outskirts of a town, probably somewhere close to the woods where it's quiet and where one can concentrate and train. Lo and behold, it didn't take long to find such a place. Lucky for him, there was nobody around. Let's see. He started scouring the area, going from tree to tree, looking at marks and stuck shuriken and kunai within the trees. Some of the shuriken were indeed thrown and stuck in the trees. Some hit the trees at weird angles and bounced away, but those weren't hard to find for Barney either way. As he walked, he wasn't cautious enough because he was focused on the shuriken and kunai, he stumbled and tripped a wire that was set up as a trap. Luckily for him, it seemed to be a practice trap. Phew. He took the weapons, took the wires, now all that was left were scrolls and paper tags. Those would prove to be a bit more challenging to acquire. He sat down next to a tree and leaned back on it, letting his brain do the thinking. How can he acquire what's left. There was an option, but he'd rather not. If he got caught, it would smell trouble. Too bad, because he was out of ideas. He went back to the tavern in the second town, that he passed by earlier, and sat at a table, close to the exit. He scanned the people as they were coming and going but no one seemed distracted enough. All until a lady showed up with a shoulder bag full of scrolls. All sorts of scrolls. Different sizes, textures and colors. F**k. Stealing from a woman wouldn't be a good look for me. If only I could get one or two, that would suffice for now. Excuse me, is this seat taken? Huh? It was the cashier from the bank. What a surprise. It's you again. What do you want? I'm sorry, you just seem quite distracted and I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help. Nobody in their right mind offers help to a complete stranger. Go away. Just... just leave me alone. Barney made her angry and agitated. On purpose. While she was focusing on recognizing him and telling him to go away, he snuck his hand in her shoulder bag and grabbed three scrolls and a handful of paper tags. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I will leave you to it. He exited the tavern and went towards the woods.

Mission end.​
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Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Upon gathering the scrolls and paper tags, he was set for some training so he went back to the training ground. It took a while to get there by feet but once he got there he saw a couple of kids messing around and fighting each other. It didn't seem like an actual fight, per se, more like a spar. Barney climbed up a tree and made himself comfortable, watching the kids as they were messing around. There was one guy that looked quite promising. He was quick on his feet and it seemed like he had a sharp mind. He was always one step ahead of his friends in close quarter combat. He knew when they would go in for a punch so he would move to the side and grab their hand. Then he would pull it backwards and twist it upwards, locking it behind their back. The others would try to get out of the lock for a few seconds but they would always yield. It seemed like he had very good reflexes to be able to anticipate his friends' movements.

As the sun started settling, the kids went home and now it was Barney's time. He jumped down from the tree and stretched out.
Let's see if I can even throw these. Hopefully I can at least pierce the bark of the tree. His first few shuriken obviously bounced off the trees but the next couple made a slight dent. As he kept throwing them, they started piercing the trees deeper and deeper. To be fair, at least his aim wasn't so horrible. Every fifth or sixth shuriken would narrowly miss the tree and get stuck in a bush. Barney also made sure to collect his tools after every round as he couldn't afford new tools. He had to do with what he had. Funny enough, after every round, he would find a few more that he didn't notice previously. I'm grateful, but these people are so wasteful. These aren't even worn out, they're almost new. After many more rounds, Barney was quite confident in his aim and throw. As last effort, he figured he could infuse some of his wind chakra into the shuriken to see what would happen. His curiosity was on point. He channeled wind chakra into his shuriken and he threw it at the tree. It gained so much speed compared to regular shuriken, so much that it pierced the whole tree and got stuck in the one behind. Oh. Damn. Barney was quite surprised and amused. That was very neat and worth remembering. At this point, throwing his tools was child's play and he figured he might try with a blindfold. Believe it or not, he missed every single one. It seemed as if he still needed to concentrate on his targets in order to hit them, but he wanted to change that. He wanted to use his hearing to locate the targets so that he could hit them. This however meant that he would need moving targets. Hmmm.... He wasn't sure how he would pull that one off, just yet, but he was determined to find a way.
(Fūton: Kaiten Shuriken) - Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken
Type: Offensive
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Damage: 30
Description: This technique will infuse wind-based chakra into bladed weapons. The user can than manipulate the blades in a spinning manner to attack the target.

Chakra: 255+5% regen-15=255​