[Spoilers] HXH should be in every person's top 10 list


Jan 26, 2009
Trait Points
i liked hxh and it was really cool but its not the best anime ever like some people claim. for one even though its an action/fighting anime the fights are absolutely boring. sure its nice to know the characters are smart but seriously who comes up with five different battle plans in a nano second based of baseless speculations and assumptions about their opponents? also the story tries to make the most simplest thing deep and complex 90% of the time turning an explanation that couldve been done in a sentence into the entire episode.
Agree with this part in the manga too. Those long explanations were boring and fights a little too dull at times. >_>
also non of the fights in the entire series was between people in the same league. whether it was a good guy or a bad guy they were overwhelmingly more powerful than their opponent to the point they didnt have a chance to win save the one guy who used smoke powers(his fights were the only ones i actually liked) everything else was just meh. even the meurem vs netero fight wasnt actually that great yes it had a lot of symbolism, messages, and contradictions that was supposed to pull a tear out of you eye but that didnt happen and despite netero being a martial artist we never got to see him in an awesome hand to hand fight like i wwas hoping for the entire series. also gon vs pitou was hyped up for being a good fight but it was just a beat down so bad i felt bad for her.
Meurem's short love story was the only redemeeing part in the cell saga. lol It needed severe preservance to continue reading it in the first half. I almost dropped manga twice trying to read it through. Still the second half improved and had it's moments.

But next arc killed it some what again. Killua's sister/brother which can fulfill more wishes than the dragon of DBZ was another disappointment- this time at the climax not earlier. I laughed at Illumi and then it struck me.. what the hell was that.. she just tranported Illumi all the way back home just because Killua wished it. Then why did they let so many people die? All those death were completely meaningless and innocent blood if Killua could just wish that his sister and he reach Gon. All the drama en route suddenly lost it's thrill...

The stand his granpa had taken in the last arc and left the scene and Netero alone saying stuff about "innocent blood" also became contradictry somewhat. He failed to teach Killua the same thing.

lastly my unborn niece and nephew can draw better than the artsyle in hxh.
That's unfair extreme exaggeration or your unborn niece is really talented. U_U
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May 11, 2014
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Agree with this part in the manga too. Those long explanations were boring and fights a little too dull.>_>

Meurem's short love story was the only redemeeing part in the cell saga. lol It needed severe preservance to continue reading it in the first half. I almost dropped manga twive trying to read it though.

But killua's sister/brother which can fulfill more wishes than the dragon of DBZ was the biggest disappointment. I laughed at Illumi and then it struck me.. what the hell was that.. she just tranported Illumi all the way back home just because Killua wished it. Then why did they let so many people die? All those death were completely meaningless and innocent blood if Killua could just wish that his sister and he reach Gon. All the drama en route suddenly lost it's thrill...

The stand his granpa had taken in the last chapter and left the scene saying stuff about "innocent blood" also became contradicotry. He failed to teach Killua the same thing.

That's unfair extreme exaggeration or your unborn niece is really talented. U_U

There are 2 reasons for not using Alluka wishes:-
1.The cost, what if Alluka asked for the death of entire human race in lieu of Killing Chimera ants.

2.Now the question arises why did Killua not ask Alluka to do so, for this we have to understand Alluka granted Killua wishes easily because he/she knew Killua wouldn't misuse him i.e like a Killing Machine and Killua would never allow Alluka to loose confidence in him.

3.It will now be said gon was saved due to an asspull whilst it is true the cost was too much in lieu of his powers a covenant was enshrined which made him loose his Nen.

And his art is not bad he is just doesn't do it under stress, let me show 2 examples:-
1.Look at the turkey in this picture and see the level of detail then see the scribbling art:-
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2.This is from the latest 9 chapters he released.
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As for assistants he never keeps them and is stubborn in that regard.
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Jan 26, 2009
Trait Points
There are 2 reasons for not using Alluka wishes:-
1.The cost, what if Alluka asked for the death of entire human race in lieu of Killing Chimera ants.
I wasn't even talking about Alluka taking care of chimera ants. I am talking about the people who died enroute while going to see Gon. Many of them were employees from his own family or related but by the last stage it had even random strangers. The wish to transport himself and Alluka, directly to Gon once Killua saw how people were dying and they themselves were persuaded would hardly cost more deaths than were dying already by fulfilling other wishes and dealing with Alluka. Since she transported Illumi without much cost. At least I cannot remember it.

Even if Killua didn't care for the poor souls unfortunate enough to be employed by his family, at least completely innocent strangers could be saved. But Killua's only concern were his sister and his friend. So it's not that ethical on his part. HIs grandpa left Netero to fight Meruem alone claiming this was the first time in his life an innocent bystander was hit. His grandson certainly cannot make such a claim for himself.

It's a shonnen right? That means Killua has a long way to go. And writer simply didn't seem to be concerned with this part because while he makes long explanations for most mundane scenes he didn't think there was a problem in that part.
2.Now the question arises why did Killua not ask Alluka to do so, for this we have to understand Alluka granted Killua wishes easily because he/she knew Killua wouldn't misuse him i.e like a Killing Machine and Killua would never allow Alluka to loose confidence in him.
Yeah well transporting them to save someone's life is not exactly using her as a killing machine but to save her from killing many. You completely misread my post it seems or too used to different arguments and replied by habit without reading.
3.It will now be said gon was saved due to an asspull whilst it is true the cost was too much in lieu of his powers a covenant was enshrined which made him loose his Nen.
Nah it was another DB story Togashi style. :p

My point was that still too many people died. And Killua still transported Illumi. So it would have hardly made any difference. He could transport himself and get Gon cured for the same cost. Illumi would not even be there and others would survive and Gon would get aid faster. No matter how you cut it, it was a little too convenient. If that drawback wasn't added it would have been worse. But it's something that mangka can give Gon back making some new condition if he plans to write something with him using it. So it works. Not that he would need to at this pace. >_>

And his art is not bad he is just doesn't do it under stress, let me show 2 examples:-
1.Look at the turkey in this picture and see the level of detail then see the scribbling art:-
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2.This is from the latest 9 chapters he released.
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As for assistants he never keeps them and is stubborn in that regard.
And yeah the art is better in last nine chapters. How long he took? :p JK Yeah he can draw but it's also true he struggled with his art for a long time. He doesn't do it at a fast pace.

Well if he can be stubborn so can I. He is being lazy or a miser. Pay the damn assistent for God sake. :p
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Totsuka No Tsurugi

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Sep 8, 2011
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Well if he can be stubbern so can I. He is being lazy or a miser. Pay the damn assitent for God sake. :p
Having an assistant means that his work quality will increase and he'll get to finish the chapter faster, so hiring an assistant will only get in his way for pulling a hiatus, oh and did you know ? he also work without editor.


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May 11, 2014
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Yeah well still too many people died. And Killua still transported Illumi. So it would have hardly made any difference. He could transport himself and get Gon cured for the same cost. Illumi would not even be there and others would survive and Gon would get aid faster. No matter how you cut it, it was a little too convenient. If that drawback wasn't added it would have been worse. But it's something that mangka can give Gon back making some new condition if he plans to write something with him using it. So it works. Not that he would need to at this pace. >_>

And yeah the art is better in last nine chapters. How long he took? :p JK Yeah he can draw but it's also true he strugled with his art for a long time. He doesn't do it at a fast pace.

Well if he can be stubbern so can I. He is being lazy or a miser. Pay the damn assitent for God sake. :p

1.Killua transported Illumi because he was afraid he would kill Alluka and how much he tried he couldn't defeat Illumi on his own, unlike the family he never intended to use Alluka unless it was absolutely necessary, for him he was his little brother not a tool which was confirmed on many occasion, so the transportation of Illumi was a desperate move.

2.Gon's survival wasn't convenient when was the last time a shonen MC lost everything, he still doesn't know nen, he might have to relearn everything, we don't know whether his great potential inside of him will return.
Moreover he didn't only lose his powers his relationship with Killua was injured, he became a totally selfish jerk chasing the goal of revenge, it's too much the cost.

He might get his powers back we will never know. Personally I feel Togashi will turn him into a villain:-
He is going to be a villain soon,*
>Togashi will give him some hax power,*
>he'll lose his mind because of the power
>Kill Alluka or someone close to him
>Behold the evil Gon.

He has all the attributes of conversion from Anakin Skywalker to Darth vader. That might be a little too much wishful thinking, but nonetheless as far as Shonen standards go Gon has suffered too much.

If people still believe this was less of a cost then Berserk is more suited for this dark side.

3.Togashi has always held that assistants interfere in his thought/manga making process, this is his eccentric nature, nothing can be done about it.

Also he has been infamous for ending manga prematurely Level E, YYH, all ended prematurely, only his Cupid manga and the one shots ended properly.
That's the inherent risk in reading his manga.

He is still better than Miura Guts and party are still on a boat and a decade has passed.

Disregard Tsurugi's comment he has been spoiled by Araki-sensei and Oda's work ethic =D
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May 11, 2014
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Saitama loves it:-

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Though Kukuru fro Joshiraku is searching for Hunter building, which sadly is still under construction. XD

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Mar 12, 2014
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Lol it's already in my Top 10 since I don't watch a lot of animes (not more than ten for sure).

It's a pretty great anime but it could have been executed much better. Some of the arcs are just "meh" and some fights are extremely boring. I dropped the manga tho so I don't have to worry about the hiatuses anymore and focus on other stuff.


Jan 26, 2009
Trait Points
1.Killua transported Illumi because he was afraid he would kill Alluka and how much he tried he couldn't defeat Illumi on his own, unlike the family he never intended to use Alluka unless it was absolutely necessary, for him he was his little brother not a tool which was confirmed on many occasion, so the transportation of Illumi was a desperate move.

2.Gon's survival wasn't convenient when was the last time a shonen MC lost everything, he still doesn't know nen, he might have to relearn everything, we don't know whether his great potential inside of him will return.
Moreover he didn't only lose his powers his relationship with Killua was injured, he became a totally selfish jerk chasing the goal of revenge, it's too much the cost.

He might get his powers back we will never know. Personally I feel Togashi will turn him into a villain:-
He is going to be a villain soon,*
>Togashi will give him some hax power,*
>he'll lose his mind because of the power
>Kill Alluka or someone close to him
>Behold the evil Gon.

He has all the attributes of conversion from Anakin Skywalker to Darth vader. That might be a little too much wishful thinking, but nonetheless as far as Shonen standards go Gon has suffered too much.

If people still believe this was less of a cost then Berserk is more suited for this dark side.

3.Togashi has always held that assistants interfere in his thought/manga making process, this is his eccentric nature, nothing can be done about it.

Also he has been infamous for ending manga prematurely Level E, YYH, all ended prematurely, only his Cupid manga and the one shots ended properly.
That's the inherent risk in reading his manga.

He is still better than Miura Guts and party are still on a boat and a decade has passed.

Disregard Tsurugi's comment he has been spoiled by Araki-sensei and Oda's work ethic =D

I had edited my post to make it clear since it seemed you misunderstood what I was saying.

1- I know Killua's reason of sending Illumi back. I questioned the conflicting morals- his grandpa and his. Anyway..

2- You also missed my point here too. As for the question you asked- when was the last time MC lost everything-Edward in FMA lost his alchemy to achieve what he wanted most - to bring back his brother. :p ( Nice manga though I have yet to catch up to FMAB).

As for Gon becoming villain due to Alluka dying... >_> Let the writer finish this arc first...

3- Well yeah not like i can do anything about him not writing when we want him too...


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Oct 14, 2011
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HxH is def up there.
Its in my top 10 although with all the recent new stuff I've been seeing/reading id say I have to expand my top 10 to top 15.
Although my top 5 is forever.

Just realized I blabbed on meaninglessly.

The anime is up there with Death note and AoT.
Due the constant breaks the manga takes it up there top 10 manga because of the plot.
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