Feodosia (203)


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Oct 1, 2010
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Adjacent to the lush lands of Theodoro is Feodosia, once home to prosperous villages in the northwestern quarter of Nagi Island. Along the western coast are the thousand graves of Inojin Yamanaka, each of whose thousand, evenly spaced gravestones represent a body that he occupied with his mind and essence. The villages on the island have been depopulated from the cataclysm, but the lush lands remain.
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Jan 5, 2012
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Arriving from .

Being afforded some respite from the verdant jungle behind him, Jack leisurely strides past Feodosia, feeling at home amongst the endless sea of headstones. Onward.

Leaving landmark.


Active member
Apr 14, 2012
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The Dynamic Duo continue on past the endless tombstones..

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Travelling across the water, Geets and Boit make it to land again and head back towards the Ruins..

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Geets does his thing collecting more NE as Boit keeps moving..

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Geets and Boit pass thru..

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Jul 4, 2012
Trait Points
Coming from https://animebase.me/threads/theodoro-202.756217/#post-21870837
Mission: Defend yourself from wild beasts
Summary: Arriving in Feodosia, Grimmjow wastes no time heading towards the coast to cross into the land of fire. However, on the way, he stumbles onto a rather strange animal, that has the ability to use basic ninjutsu.

The rest of the trip with Theo was uneventual. Huna vanished into the forest twice to kill some stragglers, but Grimmjow didn't have to do much more than that. As the sun rose, the group crossed the border into Feodosia, however, the twins, at their limit, vanished before stepping foot into the new land. It was to be expected, they had been out for multiple days, and it was time for them to recuperate their energy in the jaguar forest. For now, Grimmjow wouldn't need them, so he was happy to let them vanish back to their land. Pulling into the main city on the border, Theo explained to Grimmjow how he had to head south, towards another village for his delivery. However, Grimmjow was going due west, and the two parted ways, with Theo paying Grimmjow what he was promised. From his pouch, Grimmjow produced a communication scroll, giving it to Theo. If the merchant ever needed help, Grimmjow was willing to help, the pay was good, and Theo was an honest merchant. The man happily took the scroll, adding it to his little collection, before the two parted ways. Stopping off quickly at another tavern, Grimmjow got some quick food, using the money Theo gave him, before leaving the town. Grimmjow had no reason to hang around in the town, he had to make his way to The Hinterlands, as every day he wasted was another day the girl might flee, or worse, her bounty be claimed by another.

Using the tree tops, Grimmjow leapt through the forest, sticking just off the main roads, but close enough so that he wouldn't get lost along the way. Before leaving, Grimmjow was given basic directions towards another small port that could get him to the land of fire, however, if the weather was good, Grimmjow was hoping to run across the ocean this time, as it was one of his most favorite things to do, crossing large bodies of water on foot. As he rushed through the forest, it was peaceful. Grimmjow could hear birds chirping, and the forest generally being alive, and it was a nice relaxing run through the forest, however, as Grimmjow was moving through the forest, he felt a surge of chakra to the slight south. The surge was significant enough that Grimmjow stopped dead in his tracks. Grimmjow was, above all else, curious. Maybe someone was out in the forest training, maybe someone strong. Grimmjow was getting sick of weak opponents and would love a challenge. Changing his route, Grimmjow jumped through the forest, making a B line for the chakra signature.

Arriving a few minutes later, Grimmjow was, perplexed. Before him, was the chakra signature he had sensed, however, it wasn't a human. In front of Grimmjow, stood a massive brown bear. The bear had to be at least 10ft tall on its hind legs, nearly 7ft tall on all fours. The signature from the bear was slowly fading away, to that of a normal animal, and Grimmjow was confused. Taking a step forward, the grass beneath Grimmjows feet rustled, grabbing the bears attention as it turned and walked towards him. Standing up on its hind legs, it was easily 10ft tall now, at it looked angry. With one of its paws, it swiped at Grimmjow. However, as its paw moved closed, it was suddenly coated in solid rock. This change in nature shocked Grimmjow enough that he took the full brunt of the hit to the left shoulder, sending him skidding along the ground to the right and into a tree. On impact, Grimmjow heard one of his ribs crack against the tree. Pain flushed through his body, as the bear dropped to all fours and charged, this time, earth chakra coating its head like armor. The bear was aiming to smash Grimmjow into the tree like a bug. Shocked, Grimmjow managed to painfully roll out of the way as the bear ran headfirst into the tree, busting the trunk up and sending it crashing to the ground. This bear had strength and earth ninjutsu on it's side. On the other hand, Grimmjow had a possible dislocated shoulder and a cracked rib or two, all because of the shock of a colossal bear using earth ninjutsu against him. Stumbling to his feet, Grimmjow watched the bear eagerly, seeing what it would do next as it turned around, facing Grimmjow once more. The earthen helmet faded away as the bear stood up on its hind legs, and stomped back down. As this happened, the earth below Grimmjow rumbled. As it did, Grimmjow jumped backwards, not a moment too soon, as 3 spikes of earth erupted from the ground.

This was not natural, clearly, this had to be some kind of summoning that had been trapped in this forest. Either that, or it was some kind of sick experiment that had gone wrong, or right, Grimmjow couldnt tell. With his left hand out of commission, Grimmjow was unable to use his handseals, as moving his arm was a null point right now, and the bear wasn't going to give him time to relocate his arm back into his shoulder. Drawing Muramasa from its sheath, Grimmjow went to channel lightning into it, however the bear charged once again, diverting his attention away as it reared up again, bringing its claws down, aiming to drag its claws through Grimmjows chest. Raising Muramasa up, Grimmjow blocked the paws, but the bear was so heavy, it brought Grimmjow down to one knee upon impact. The bear was using its full weight to push down on Grimmjow, and with only one hand on Muramasa, the bear was winning this war of strength. Thinking on his feet, Grimmjow quickly locked the bear in his most Powerful Illusion, Butterfly affect. From Grimmjows body, the bear would see a bunch of butterflies emerge, calming the beast. As the genjutsu took affect, the weight of the bear began to rear backwards, as the beast sad on its behind, trapped in the illusion. Regaining his footing, Grimmjow took a few steps backwards to position himself, thinking it would now be easy to behead the bear, however, he was wrong. Suddenly, the bear shook its head from side to side, rage filling its eyes, as through his chakra sensory, Grimmjow realized the bear broke the illusion with ease. Once again, shocked, Grimmjow focussed his sensory on the bear, as it fell forwards, slamming its paws on the ground once more. This time, however, as Grimmjow jumped back from the rumbling ground beneath him, only a single spike erupted, and as Grimmjow landed, the spot his foot touched rumbled too. Jumping back again, a second spike, then a third, following Grimmjows position until he was at mid range from the bear, where the spikes stopped forming. It seemed, from observation, the bears max range was just before mid range. Which made things slightly easier. What also helped, was Muramasa was a blade of lightning, and this bear used earth ninjutsu, giving Grimmjow the advantage. Also with this distance advantage, Grimmjow was able to channel Lightning into Muramasa, sending the red blade ablaze with red lightning cackling around it. However, Grimmjow was not going to let the beast close the distance again. Placing the ball of his left foot in front of him, Grimmjow brought Muramasa up near his left shoulder, ready to swing the sword. As he did, the bear charged, however, it wasn't fast enough to close the distance before Grimmjow could strike. Swinging Muramasa full force, Grimmjow raised his right foot, allowing him to spin on the ball of his left foot, while releasing the lightning chakra. From the bear, Grimmjow sensed the earth chakra build up, but it was apparent the bear had no idea's about chakra weakness', as the lightning ring ripped clean through its armor, bisecting the bear in 2 and also cleaving all the tree's around them up to mid range. The bear roared loudly, before slumping to the ground in a bloody heap.

Sheathing Muramasa, Grimmjow slumped to the ground himself. The bear wasnt overly strong, but the sheer shock levels of what it could do put Grimmjow in a bad position. Grabbing his left arm, Grimmjow tried for a minute or so to put the joint back in the socket, until it finally popped and pain radiated through his body. With his arm back in place, Grimmjow summoned his water chakra, creating a suit of healing water around him, healing his cracked rib and any damage in his left arm to perfection. This took well over an hour to finish, and once done, Grimmjow stood up. With a small spark, Grimmjow lit the bear on fire, walking away from its corpse. It was best to make sure nothing remained of such a strange wild animal, and the fact that his attack actually cut the beast in two instead of dispelling it, meant it wasn't a summon, likely an experiment. When Grimmjow was finished with the Hinterlands, he decided he would come back here, and try to find out what was going on with the wild life. With this, Grimmjow made his way to the coast. It was nightfall now, and Grimmjow sheltered up in an Inn, getting a good night sleep before leaving at the crack of dawn, using Walking on Water to run across the ocean, heading towards the Noodle Panhandle.

(Sono Chou Tegotae )Illussion technique: The butterfly effect
Description:The user casts an illusion on his/her foe,of rare beautiful coloured butterflies scattered around the battlefield.once the targets eye comes incontact with the pretty creatures,he is stunned and pleased at what he/she is seeing,stoping him/she from thinking about anything else but the creatures therefore completely restricting the movement of their whole body. -

-last for a turn and useable twice per battle.
-No A-rank genjutsu next turn
-can only be taught by Magic..

(Raiton: Raiton Ringu) Lightning Release: Lightning Ring
Rank:S rank
Description: A Kenjutsu based jutsu created to take down fast ninja that can't be perceived with the users own eye sight. The user will begin by channeling large amounts of Raiton into their blade to prepare for the attack. The user will then take a low stance, both arms will be crossed with the right arm over the left arm with the blade tip pointing towards the users left. Bending the knee's the user will put their right foot forward and slightly twist his back and hips towards the left. When positioned the user will then spin on his ball of his right foot, at the same time the user will swing their right arm across their body while pushing off with their left foot to creating a spinning motion. As the blade is swung the user will release the Raiton in the sword causing it to begin being release in an arc. As the user spins a full 360 degree turn he will unleash all the Raiton causing a ring of lightning to spread out from the users original position up to mid range. Anything cause inside the ring will be cut in half with ease due to the momentum of the swing and the cutting power of Raiton giving it the power to slice through almost any armor or defense(Within Reason).

Can only be used twice per battle.
No S rank or above Raiton jutsu for the next turn
Can only be taught by Delta.

Suiton: o-dobi (Suiton: water of life)
Rank: B
Type: supplymentary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 100
Damage Points: N/A
Description the user creates a suit of water that cover the body, that can heal the user or anyone 1 inside it (must be in the suit of water for 4 turns to heal | chakra: 100)


-Word count 1573[/hr]


Active member
Jul 25, 2017
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Her voyage led her to Feodosia. The country owed its notoriety to the thousand graves of Inojin Yamanaka. When Lana looked far into the distance, sure enough, she could see a vast field filled with graves placed incrementally from one another. Not having the luxury of time to count and double check just how many there were, she headed south-east to visit an old friend.
Anxiously stood in front of the door, I knocked once. Then twice. I didn't know why I was nervous. Maybe it was because I hadn't seen her for 6 years. Before I made the third knock, the door creaked open and immediately I was greeted by the signature smell of old people. Then I was greeted by the old person it clung to.
“Oh my, if it isn’t Lana,” a familiar voice I hadn’t heard for years reverberated from the darkness. The light then flicked on to reveal a short woman, no taller than 5'0, clad in rags, with her face barely recognizable as they drapped in heavy wrinkles. Certainly unfitting of a 40 year old.
In the only living room, once the formalities were out of the way, we got down to business. As if sensing this, the old woman took the initiative and spoke first.
“So, you need me for something”, she said matter-of-factly, putting down her mug as she put on a serious face.
“How-, “ I began.
“Because, you never visit if it isn't this big. You'd usually resort to those pesky, message-carrying birds” she said disapprovingly. For as long as I could remember, she has never liked them. But there's only so much I can do since she also refuses to have a mobile phone. I was about to dispute that too when she cut me off again.
“Tell me what you need, 'for I die of old age”. I paused for a moment, thinking of how best to phrase what I was going to say next, then giving in knowing that I’d sound crazy either way.
“I’m in need of your yamanaka abilities, ma. To make sure one hundred prisoners are guilty before I take their blood". She immediately frowned at that.
"Are you going to kill them?"
“Yes” I tried to say with a serious face, but I gave concession to a tiny smirk. Verily she picked up on this and smiled too.
"Fair enough then. I guess the only question now is where?"



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Mar 2, 2012
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Mission: Defeat the bounty (A)
Summary: Seeking to increase her fame, Kiriyuin arrived at the location looking to claim the bounty on Inojin.

Kiriyuin had arrived with the bounty paper in hand, Inojin Yamanaka who was wanted by the farmers and population of Feodosia for reanimating an army which was destroying the farms. Kiriyuin had approached looking for the trail of Inojin and it didnt take long to see the destruction left by the swarm he commanded. The burnt crops and destroyed houses were easily spotted with plumes of smoke in the air, as Kiriyuin reread the bounty notice.

Hmmm, Yin user, Yamanaka, Genjutsu specialist, this could be tricky. No doubt he is a sensor and probably already known that I'm here, but, Im sure we can take advantage of that.

Kiriyuin kept following the trail of destruction of crackling fires and smouldering houses, taking out a few zombies that were stragglers. Swift strikes to the chest, a sweep of the legs or a few shuriken to the body and they crumbled to dust. The folly, that would indicate that someone was coming to stop him, but Kiriyuin wanted him to feel that, the knowledge that she was chasing him and going to stop him.

Half a day later and Kiriyuin was perched on top of a small tree, overlooking a valley that was currently being besieged by Inojin and the army of the dead. She had plenty of time to think and formulate a plan, which would be put into action upon entering the village. Kiriyuin had seen the lay out of the village from above and knew she would get swarmed by the zombies should she try to attack Inojin and hence would need to fight him one on one, but luckily thanks to her family, she was in possession of a few devices that would help.

Taking one deep breath, she filled her lungs with air, as the Seven Heavenly Breaths began to take effect, increasing her lung capacity, her eyes shining white from the increase and activation. With the increase in speed, Kiriyuin dodged about the village placing down several small discs, creating a perimeter around Inojin. Flipping around and into the circle, there was a 20M diameter circle in the middle of the town that Inojin was commanding from.

INOJIN! You stand accused of the people of Feodosia for razing farms and fertile lands. You will be stopped.

This certainly drew his attention as well as all the zombie army that was ravaging the village. Kiriyuin pulled up her hand and as the mindless wall of flesh and dirt came racing towards her, he pushed a little button on her device. Electricity fired up through the discs as they rose into high poles, and began to crackle with electricity between them creating a fence of pure lightning, zapping and disintegrating the zombies that came racing towards them. Turning back to nothing but dust, Inojin would either need to command them to stop or attack her. With this moment of hesitation, Kiriyuin attacked.

-Jutsu activated/used
( Shichi Tenkohō ) - Seven Heavenly Breaths
Rank: N/A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Seven Heavenly Breaths are a set of breathing exercises that gradually applies pressure to the lungs of the user, causing them to expand over several times their original size and therefore increase the amount of air they can hold. By being able to hold more air, the user becomes able to take in more oxygen to invigorate the body an increase the body's performance levels and energy expenditures way past that of their normal limits at the cost of their own physical health. Similarly to the Eight Inner Gates, this technique as the name suggests consists of several stages, or activations. Each activation is a fast process and can be done in mere moments up to the desired breath, but unlike the EIG, the user is unable to skip breath activation and must activate the 1st Breath and then continue.
  • (Daiichi Kassei) The First Activation: The user initiates the First Activation, or 1st Breath, increasing the lungs' vital capacity, allowing them to take in much more air than the usual and subsequently more oxygen to help energize the body's cells. Upon activation the user's eyes immediately go completely white and a powerful yellow aura envelopes them. The user gains a 1.5x speed boost and +10 to Taijutsu.

  • (Daini Kassei) The Second Activation: The user initiates the Second Activation, or 2nd Breath, stretching their own lungs even further, thereby increasing the air intake. This intake brings with it even more oxygen and the user's muscles and body grows slightly bigger. The user retains the speed from the first activation and gains a +20 damage boost to all Taijutsu techniques. User also suffers -10 damage.

  • (Daisan Kassei) The Third Activation: The user initiates the Third Activation, or 3rd Breath, causing their lungs to grow even bigger as the user's muscles and body increase in size and their skin goes bright red. This activation is similar in appearance to that of the 3rd Gate of the EIG and adds +25 damage to all Taijutsu techniques as well as the user moving 2x faster than their base speed. User suffers -15 damage.

  • (Daishi Kassei) The Fourth Activation: The user initiates the Fourth Activation, or 4th Breath, causing their lungs and muscle mass to double in size. The user is given a +30 damage boost to Taijutsu techniques as well as being able to move 3x faster than their base speed.

  • (Daigo Kassei) The Fifth Activation: The user initiates the Fifth Activation, or 5th Breath. The yellow aura grows more violent as it causes surrounding debris to sort of levitate around the user from the energy emanating from the body. The user achieves a +40 to Taijutsu techniques, x3 speed and suffers -30 damage.

  • (Dairoku Kassei) The Sixth Activation: The user initiates the Sixth Activation, or 6th Breath, causing their lungs and muscles to become stretched to the absolute limits, causing them to appear as a fiery towering figure. In addition to this, the user is given a x3.5 speed increase as well as a +50 to Taijutsu techniques. User suffers -35 damage. Should this breath timeout, the user will be unable to use Taijutsu or jutsu the user above S rank for 2 turns.

  • (Daishichi Kassei) The Seventh Activation: The final activation, the 7th Breath, is the end result of the Seven Heavenly Breaths and, therefore, the most dangerous and taxing. Upon activation, the user tears the fibers of their lungs and major muscle areas as their body is pushed past its limits. Upon observation, the user would have become a titantic size, standing at near triple their original size, scaled proportionately. Their eyes will remain a luminous white while their skin turns coal black and their veins become pronounced as yellow and red. After this activation ends, the user is left unable to use any Taijutsu or physical based attacks for 4 turns and is unable to use any chakra related fields above A rank for three turns. They also can only use two jutsu in those three turns. This Breath lasts for two turns, after which the user collapses from fatigue and the overall stress that had been placed on their bodies prior. In this state the user gains x4 speed and an increase in strength up to +60 to Taijutsu techniques. User also suffers -50.
Note: Seven Heavenly Breaths can only be used two times per battle and up to fourth activation and below the first time. After the first use, the user cannot use for at least 4 turns.
Note: Should the user let each activation time out naturally, he will feel the side effects of each. Each of the first 3 Activation lasts at max at 5 turns, the subsequent 3 lasts 4 turns and the last Breath lasts 2 turns

Wattusansu biribiri fenchi | Wattsons Eletrical Fence
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60
Portable small collapsed disks, these are capable of extending up to be 3 meters high with several coils running along its pole from the base. When thrown and activated they extend being fueled by a chakra battery however when thrown on their own they are inert. It is only when one or more are within short range of each other do they activate to sync up. When synced they produce an eletrical raiton current that jumps between the two or more poles. This current will deal 60 damage to people inbetween the two poles, or detroy physical objects up to A rank. Multiple poles can be connected at once producing a long chain of eletrical fences extending over long range, so long as all poles are within 5m of each other.
Once per turn, with a 2 turn cool down, they user can touch a pole to send a surge of chakra through to increase the voltage by one rank dealing 80 damage total or detroying any physical object up to S rank.
User can only carry 4 discs into battle
Fences last for 3 turns till battery runs out.
Users with a cyborg bio or tech specialty can carry 6 discs
Overcharging can only be used once a turn with a 2 turn cooldown.


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Mar 2, 2012
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Coming from https://animebase.me/threads/feodosia-203-kiriyuin-vs-inojin.771682/

It was done, Inojin had been defeated, and thankfully not a moment too soon. The Batteries on her Fences had fizzled out just as he dropped, but not before the last earthen zombie had thrown itself through and crumbled to dust. There were ashed and dust littered across the battlefield in the circle around where Kiriyuin and Inojin were fighting.

Assessing the scene, she was thankful that most of the damage itself was kept to their little area arena. Villagers were still mostly nowhere to be seen, howevwr she didnt blame them. There was no telling what else could be around here.

Finding some paper and ink in one of the burnt out buildings, she hastily sceibbled a note.

The island and villages will no longer fear Inojin amd his undead horde. He has been dealth with by Kiriyuin Satsuki. Let it be known.

With that, Kiroyuin went to the next village.



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Aug 17, 2010
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The woman is paid her due before she left.

Paying @Zatanna 2000 kumi and 3000 ryo for a NW bounty
Issued By: Farmers of Feodosia ( 203 )
Special Classifications: A-rank, PvE, Mercenary work

Name(s): Inojin Yamanaka

Orders: Destroy the mind-controlled Inojin Yamanaka who has been risen from the dead and his undead forces

Wanted For: Razing farms and fertile lands in Feodosia.

Bounty: The Farmers of Feodosia are offering 2000 kumi and 3000 ryo to whoever takes out this plague.

Special Info: Inojin Yamanaka is a jonin level threat moving at 8 base speed having 160 health with access to Fire Release, Lightning Release, Earth Release, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Genjutsu. Additionally, he has access to all Yamanaka Techniques and Yin Release. His specialties include Genjutsu Range Specialist, Genjutsu Layering Specialist, Apex Layering Specialist, and Yin Release.

Alongside him is an army of 1000 risen dead.

Those very men, and women he had mind-controlled in life now follow him in death.
(Kinjutsu Doton Soseijutsu: Shishi Dojō) Forbidden Earth Resurrection Technique: Corpse Soil
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 5 per corpse (150) (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique is called the "ultimate earth-element resurrection technique" because it focuses upon using the earth itself as a medium to revive corpses. By utilising soil in the local ground, the user can revive the fallen present there in one of two ways. The first version allows the user to seemingly continuously resurrect a large number of slain people as zombies, but with none of their rationality, physical prowess, or techniques at their disposal. They are fairly easy to destroy, capable of enduring little more than Taijutsu and D-Rank Ninjutsu. The amount of zombies raised is directly proportional to the chakra spent to search through the ground and awaken the corpse's remains. Some corpses may not be in a perfect state, being deteriorated or decomposed, in which case, earth will form the missing areas into functional parts. If the technique is deactivated either by the user or if the user is killed, the zombies will immediately turn to dust. The second version allows the user to bring a person back as a perfect resurrection, able to use all their skills from when alive, with the addition of a preset directive the person is forced to obey despite being consciously aware. Unlike the Impure World Reincarnation technique, the soul is not bound to the body nor can the user completely overcome the targets personality. In this case, the user needs access to both a large amount of chakra as well as the fresh, preserved corpse of the target. The limitation of this technique is that, while with Impure World Reincarnation one can summon the pre-prepared revived ninjas at any time and how many times one needs by summoning them, with this technique, the user can only use it once and cannot prepare it beforehand. This means that the user will either need to bring a sealed corpse and perform the technique in the midst of battle or perform it in a fallen enemy who will then be used for as long as is necessary. Another difference is that the revived ninja is not immune to damage and will not regenerate if damaged though injury is not enough to stop it and the corpse will continue to work and function while it has some way to do so. At any time, by performing a Snake hand seal and snapping their fingers, the caster of this technique releases the resurrected targets, turning them into loose soil.
Note: The technique can only be used once.
Note: First version will produce how many corpses the user is willing to pay chakra for, all of which will last until destroyed.
Note: Second version can only be used in one corpse and requires access to a corpse which will not be usable anymore once the technique or the battle ends but that can last while chakra is fueled to sustain it or the technique is ended.
Note: In either cases, defeating the caster of the technique ends the technique.
Note: To use a corpse, the user must have sealed it in an official fight, approved by an RP Moderator, linking to which, upon reviving, is mandatory.
This bounty can only be claimed once and is performed similarly to a mission requiring no one to play the NPC.

The battle related to the bounty must last four posts minimum.

Rendezvous: Feodosia ( 203 )​
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Aug 25, 2010
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Coming from: here

Hei alters his Path, opening a portal to pass though returning to the land of lightning.

Passively Activated: (Dōjutsu: Byakugan) Eye Technique: The All Seeing White Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15 (+5 per turn to keep active)
Damage: N/A
Description: The kekkei genkai intrinsic to both the Hyūga and Ōtsutsuki clans—descendants of Kaguya Ōtsutsuki. Those who possess this dōjutsu have it manifested as eyes with featureless white irides and no visible pupils. And when activated, the pupils become more distinct and the veins near their temples bulge. To activate the dōjutsu, Hyuga but not Ōtsutsuki clan members are initially obliged to use a rather long and specific sequence of handseals: Horse → Tiger → Boar → Hare → Rat → Dog → Horse → Dog → Hare → Rat → Boar → Snake. But once activated, the dōjutsu user is endowed with a range of skills.
To start, an activated Byakugan gives the user a near 360º diameter field of vision bar one blind spot at the back of the neck, above the first thoracic vertebra. Its vision can penetrate through any solid objects or obstructions, and likewise remains unaffected by blinding interferences. But that being said, certain barriers and the like may distort its perception. In addition, it is able to follow high-speed movements, which enables those with this dōjutsu to analyze their foes' actions and better react to them. The Byakugan is also able to see chakra to a higher degree than the Sharingan and ergo, identify where a person's chakra signature originates from. Beyond that, it can discern certain types of clones from the real person. And its ability to see chakra is in fact so acute that those who possess this dōjutsu are even able to see the chakra pathway system and the 361 tenketsu that comprise it. The Hyūga clan has gone so far as to develop their unique Gentle Fist style in order to capitalize on this particular ability.
Note: Hyuga clan bios of at least Sannin rank become able to passively activate their dōjutsu upon one month having passed since Gentle Fist training concluded. Ōtsutsuki bios never need to expend a move in order to activate it.
Note: While traversing the NW, bios with activated Byakugan are able to see up to two 2 adjacent landmarks away while those of sage rank can see as far as three away, but this doesn't extend beyond an ocean landmark.
Passively Activated: (Doujutsu: Rinnegan) Eye Technique: Samsara Eye
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: N/A ( -5 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: One of the 3 great Doujutsu, the Rinnegan has, like the other, the ability to see chakra and the chakra flow of individuals. It also allows the user a great clarity of perception and tracking abilities, although its levels vary from user to user. Dispicted as the eyes of the SO6P, the Rinnegan awaken on Madara Uchiha after he obtained his EMS and implanted Hashirama's Senju cells in himself. Having both lineage from the SO6P allowed him to awake the Rinnegan. When Madara activates the Rinnegan, he seems to not suffer any kind decrease in his EMS abilities in terms of tracking speed, clarity of perception or seeing chakra. Eventually his eyes were bestowed upon Nagato Uzumaki and in him manifested lower abilities (equal or comparable to a 3 Tomoe Sharingan). While Nagato was never able to deactivate his eyes, Madara could switch at will between his EMS and Rinnegan eyes, although he wasn't able to go from 3 Tomoe to Rinnegan directly. Eventually Obito transplanted Nagato's (and subsequently Madara's) Left Rinnegan into himself. By doing so he gained access to both Doujutsu at the same time although losing the ability to deactivate the Rinnegan and as such, losing chakra constantly to maintain it.
Note: Constantly passively active in Nagato and Obito bios
Note: Requires activation ( spending move ) for Madara bios but remains active indefinetely afterwards if the user chooses to. After having a complete Madara bio with Rinnegan for 1 month, user becomes able to switch between both doujutsu without spending a move. User needs to have activated EMS before and had it active for 1 full turn.
(Yomotsu Hirasaka) - Underworld Slope Hill
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 60
Damage: N/A
Description: The user is able to open rifts within the fabric of space which allows them to instantaneously transport themselves anywhere. When used, the user's eyes glow red. The openings can also be used to connect two different spatial locations within the same dimension or create a pathway that links two dimensions together. Similar to Kamui, Yomotsu Hirasaka allows the user to utilize these spacial tears to retreat, perform ambush attacks, and many other possible tactics. Unlike Kaguya's version, the user can only travel fully through these portals, unable to partially emerge through them. The user can also utilise this method to drag their opponents to another location with them.
Note: This can only be used 5 times an event, once every 4 turns. The user can only travel to locations he has already traveled to, unable to use this to go to places he has never been.
Note: Can only be used by Urashiki Otsutsuki bios.

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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard element(s) chosen:
  • Save a large community from danger
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Alucard and Mega Blaziken landed on the eastern shores of the Feodosia nation while they were waiting for Ikiru Uchiha, they wanted to go around the area and explore a bit. This was an unfamiliar land to them thus so far. However it would seem like this land had not been consumed by any sort of external forces of evil as the tundra and landscape looked more alive than any landscape he had been to in a long damn while. Maybe there still was something here that they could do while waiting for the Uchiha. Alucard would follow the main road from the coastline and started to float above it until they reached a major city with castle walls. Upon reaching the perimeter of the city the guardsmen took a look at the duo and readied their weapons instantly. Alucard thought what gave it away but then he remembered he was travelling with a pokémon indeed. With swords drawn the guardsmen would pull an assault on the two. Alucard tried to calm down the situation.

It'd be best if you guys di-


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Alucard would simply walk forward without changing pace whatsoever. He would surround his body in a protective rotating gravity bubble and continue on whilst the guardsmen would all deflect backwards as if they were charging into a tornado.

( Tensei Suiryoku ) - Reincarnation Thrust
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 40 - 160
Description: The user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.
Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if they logically counter.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

Welp, can't say i.. care really

Blaziken walked beside him and hid his face, totally embarrassed as they entered the city having knocked out all the guards, who had brought it upon themselves. Atleast he could say that he didn't touch them - if there was going to be some sort of debacle. The city was rather calm and had a few roads inside of it with the shadow of the king's castle bloating over the pedestrians. Alucard despised the castle as it was bigger than his back home. He and Blaziken proceeded going there to find out about this particular landmark that they had now found themselves in. Eventually they reached the decorative red gates.

Knock knock

An old mans voice was heard from within the palace.

Who der?

Ah, just a monster hunter and a.. monster?

Well which one are you?

eh, i'd say the monster's the good one in this regard to be honest.

The red gates opened and revealed a tiny man wearing a monocle on his worn out face.

Pardon my french but, whaddafack?

Oh you look like a guy my age.


Bring me the king. Or whomever is in charge of ya'll bounty systems.

Not so fast. You, heathen. You stay outside.

Alucard looked at Blaziken, then at himself, then at the old man. But not in that order.

..Who me?



Alucard proceeded into the palace with Blaziken with him.

Hope there aren't more weirdos in here or this house gon get party.


No, you hush.

The two of them then bumped into the country's king's large pompous belly.

..Oh hai king sama..senpai..sensei..



What do you guys want from us?

Do you guys need any help?

Yes, i hire both of you to escort yourselves out. I might even pay for it at this point..

Aw c'man don't be like dat. I'm sure there's a huge secret buried underneath the land that you have been worried about for thousands of generations or something and now you've seen what's happening to the world you're worrying that the darkness once sealed beneath your soothing landscape prompting with health and wealth will break free and breathe fire upon your nation and all of its people.

.. Quite.

.. Oh.. cool where is it..

An awkward minute later, Alucard and Blaziken had left the city and where on their way on a treasure hunt for trouble.

A quest for glory and infinite.. Glory..


I haven't smoked anything Blaziken. Who i just realized i understand completely... Wow..

Their chatter had ceased as they both discovered a large spherical barrier that stood out from the ground. It was probably 20 meters in diameter and had a large black kanji in the middle of its paled glassy body. Alucard reached out his hands and performed a few seals and then scooped his hands together to form a small cube of concentrated Dust chakra that he expanded upon the sphere and engulfed it within. With a single thought, the dome was turned into nothing and revealed a spiraling staircase that seemed to go on for several hundred meters.

(Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu) - Detachment of the Primitive World Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40
Damage: 30-80
Description: The user first performs a short sequence of handseals: Rat → Boar → Snake, then creates a basic 3D-shaped construct via Dust Release between the palms of their hands. A small sphere is located at its centre. The structure expands rapidly in size when being propelled towards the designated target and traps them inside its confines. The sphere then seems to explode with a tremendous amount of force, while the exterior walls of the structure effectively restrict the size of the blast radius. This results in the destruction of everything and anyone caught within, as they are pulverised into minute particles of dust. The technique isn't limited to just affecting physical matter; it can also affect chakra-based defenses. But the resulting damage that this technique can produce varies considerably, depending on the initial shape of the created structure..

Cuboid Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a very generic three-dimensional cube. While the cube's surface area is rank-dependent, its shape also enables localized destruction and entrapment. Unlike the other shape alternatives, this form is always limited to just short-range when used.

Conical Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a simplistic three-dimensional cone. While the cone's base diameter is rank-dependent, its base is always located in front of the user's hands with the pointed end poised at the desired target. It has an intermediary reach, extending up to mid-range.

Cylindrical Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a basic three-dimensional cylinder. While the cylinder's diameter is rank-dependent, it is unique amongst shapes in extending up to long-range.

Note: The surface area of the cube form is 1m² at C-rank, 3m² at B-rank, 5m² at A-rank, 15m² at S-rank.
Note: The diameter of the cone and the cylinder is 1m at C-rank, 2m at B-rank, 4m at A-rank, 8m at S-rank.
Note: Only useable by Mū and Ōnoki bios. Clones are unable to use it.

..Last one down is a testicle.


Alucard witnessed Blaziken opening up the sixth gate in an instant and started sprinting.

( Hachimon ) The Eight Inner Gates
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body. The user opens the gates in sequence, up to the desired gate to achieve its effects. Opening the gates is a fast process and can be done in mere moments up to the 7th gate. When one initially opens up to a given EIG, that opening lasts up to 4 turns. After completing training, users are capable of opening up to the 5th Gate passively. Opening additional gates after initial activation adds 2 turns per activation. However, there is an exception; opening the last and 8th gate can only lasts for 3 turns.
  • ( Kaimon ) - The Gate of Opening: The user activates The Gate of Opening or First Gate, which is located in the brain. This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so he can begin to access 100% of their strength. Unlocking this gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus. This gate adds +5 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 1.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -5 damage per turn.
  • ( Kyūmon ) - The Gate of Healing: The user activates the Gate of Healing or 2nd Gate (also named Rest Gate) which is located in the brain. Forcibly increases one's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body. This gate adds +10 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -10 damage.
  • ( Seimon ) - The Gate of Life: The user activates the Gate of Life or 3rd Gate which is located in the Spinal cord. The increased blood flow turns the skin red. Allows the user to use Hidden Lotus. This gate adds +15 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • ( Shōmon ) - The Gate of Pain: The user activates the Gate of Pain or 4th Gate (also named Wound Gate) which is located in the Spinal cord, lower than the Seimon. Increases the user's strength and speed. May cause muscle tissue to begin to tear on use. This gate adds +20 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • ( Tomon ) - The Gate of Limit: The user activates the Gate of Limit or 5th gate, which is located in the abdomen. Increases the user's speed and power. This gate adds +30 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3.5x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • ( Keimon ) - Gate of View: The user activates the Gate of View or 6th Gate, located in the stomach. Increases the user's speed and power. Opening of this gate releases such enormous amounts of chakra that it can cause nearby water bodies to form a vortex around the user. Allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock. This gate adds +40 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 4x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -25 damage.
  • ( Kyōmon ) - The Gate of Wonder: The user activates the Gate of Wonder or 7th Gate which is located below the stomach. Those who open this gate will pour glowing green sweat from every inch of their body, which immediately evaporates from their own heat energy, creating an aura which people would mistake as a green chakra coating. However, the side effects of opening the gate are that the user's muscle fibers are ripped to shreds after exiting this gate, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches him. Allows the user to perform the Daytime Tiger. This gate adds +60 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 7x faster. This gate also adds +20 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -40 damage.
  • ( Shimon ) - The Gate of Death: The user activates the Gate of Death or 8th Gate, located at the heart, requiring the user to puncture their chest just above the heart in order to open it, enabling the user to achieve what is described as The Eight Gates Released Formation" ( Hachimon Tonkō no Jin ). Opening this gate will cause the user's blood to emanate a flaming aura of red steam, the so-called Steam of Blood ( Chi no Jōki ) from all pores of their body, hair, and eyebrows. Releasing this gate uses up all of the body's energy while making the heart pump at maximum power. Exceeding the power of every other gate, the user is temporarily granted power far exceeding their normal power, far beyond that of the five Kage. Once activated, those who are capable can perform the Evening Elephant and the Night Guy. The side effect of opening this gate is that it comes at the expense of the user's life, causing the user to crumble to ash after their chakra runs out, having virtually cooked themselves from the inside-out. This is unlike opening the other gates, which simply injure or damage the body. This gate adds +120 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 8x faster and allows the user to warp space with his Taijutsu and its speed.
Note: The EIG users can only open the gates twice per fight, meaning that if he allows the EIG opening to time out, he can only open the EIGs once more during the match.
Note: Starting with the fifth gate, EIG users begin to feel the side effects of each gate as they time out.
Note: The user cannot use other self powering techniques (such as custom variations of Lightning Armor, Sage Mode, etc) while he has EIG opened
Note: After use of the 8th Gate, the user will pass away.


Knowing already that he had lost, Alucard would also throw himself into the middle of the stairway and just accept the fall. After a minute he had caught up with Blaziken who's reaction was priceless, running down the stairs only to be beaten in speed by terminal velocity. Not paying attention to the ground whatsoever that closed in, Alucard winked at his pokémon in a taunting matter as he would beat it. One second later he noticed the ground and immediately formed a layer of polystyrene around him, which made him look like he was a gigantic tire. Upon doing so, however, the bouncy material would hit the ground and carry him upwards again almost 50 meters until he would fall yet again. He continued to bounce for a few minutes..

(Porisuchiton: Shiroi Sabaku | Polystyrene Release: White Desert)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40(-10 per turn)
Damage: 20-80
Description: The jack of all trades release for the porisuchiton release. The user can form any structures from the polystyrene pellets they want. The user can create weapons, armour and well anything that they need. D and C ranked usage requires no handseals, B rank requires one, A rank requires two and S rank requires three handseals. D, C and B rank may be used indefinitely as long as the user has a chakra pool, A ranks can be used 5 times per battle and S rank can be used 4 times per battle. A rank variation has a cooldown of one turn per use, S rank has a cooldown of two turns after use. This lets the user channel porisuchiton chakra through the earths crust and create miniature sinkholes or other structures. The user can also form polystyrene directly from their body. Unless the user fuels chakra into the polystyrene, it will fall flat on the earths surface as it is too light to sustain any forms by itself unlike other solid materials.

Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 5 times per battle, with a cooldown of one turn, S rank 4 with a cooldown of two turns.
Note: No other Polystyrene techniques in the same turn S-rank version is used

Alucard was now in a critical condition of nausea and after mega blaziken had ignited his butt with some fire he would run around in circles and into a wall. This woke him up completely and dispelled him from the nausea. It would seem like the pokémon had found the way towards the lurking evil. Blaziken torched a light from its fingers after a sharp snap but Alucard would cease with a gust of wind. His golden/cyan colored dojutsu would lead the way and treading in darkness would have its benefits afterall. Chakra, everything had chakra and the more something would radiate with it, the more troublesome it would be. Atleast in an ancient sealed tomb like this. He and Blaziken treaded lightly on the cold dusty floor. The ceiling was tall and rounded out in the tunnel they ran through. After several minutes of absolute nothing but a pitch black omniscience Alucard would stumble on his step a bit as a faded chakra would be revealed behind several walls from their current location. The chakra itself was massive, just as massive as that of the creature that Alucard had to subdue with Yin and sealed into with powerful fuinjutsu. This meant this thing was a threat, but it wasn't moving at all and instead lied dormant. The chakra signature revealed the tenketsu system throughout the entire being and mapping it all up it looked like the creature was resembling that of a.. monkey. Alucard looked towards Blaziken, signaling that he had spotted something through the walls. The matter was how to reach the chakra that was inside the the large system. The plan now was to sneak into the main room and face the beast under the ground, having a battle with it on the surface might just escalate into a full-blown war instead and would drag with it, thousands of casualties. How to get to the damn thing was an issue though as they could not see anything but the chakra and it was clearly behind several walls. Alucard decided to use his chakra and created a tunnel through the dusty soil underneath them. He weaved a few handseals; Ram → Dog → Rat → Bird


(Doton: Ton'neru chika no Jutsu) - Earth Release: Tunneling Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user after performing the required hand seals Ram → Dog → Rat → Bird is able to create a wide tunnel in the ground, this cannot travel through rock though or anything with a high density. The large tunnel that is created allows the user to transport others without detection.
Note: The initial entry of the technique is short range.

The tunnel was created and through it, he and Blaziken would travel until they both reached the other side of the massive walls that were previously blocking the way forwards. They had now reached the room with the chakra creature and there was now no longer silence in the air but the sleeping sounds from the beast itself. It was completely chained up into a forftified steel ring that surrounded it. Alucard closed the tunnel behind them, not risking the creatures escape towards the surface. Alucard whispered to Blaziken.

..Light em' up.

His pokémon would snap his fingers and create a massive amount of scorch droplets that spreaded outwards from its body and acted as lanterns, which would fully luminate the room that they were in.

(Shakuton: Shaku Jutsu) Scorch Release: Scorch Technique
Rank: C-Rank
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user will use their scorch chakra to create orbs, walls, blast, waves, etc. of scorch to either attack or defend oneself.

The beast would wake from the emitting light that would outshine the sun on a summer day on the surface. With it, it revealed the beasts aesthetics too. It was a gigantic red monkey with a single tail.
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The huge monkey beast would roar with a thunderous sound that caused a major rumbling inside the massive cave room. Alucard thought it wasn't fair that the beast was chained up and decided to fix that issue himself by using his dust release yet again to form miniature cubes that would cut the chains from their anchors.


(Jinton: Genkai Hakuri no Jutsu) - Detachment of the Primitive World Technique
Type: Offensive
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40
Damage: 30-80
Description: The user first performs a short sequence of handseals: Rat → Boar → Snake, then creates a basic 3D-shaped construct via Dust Release between the palms of their hands. A small sphere is located at its centre. The structure expands rapidly in size when being propelled towards the designated target and traps them inside its confines. The sphere then seems to explode with a tremendous amount of force, while the exterior walls of the structure effectively restrict the size of the blast radius. This results in the destruction of everything and anyone caught within, as they are pulverised into minute particles of dust. The technique isn't limited to just affecting physical matter; it can also affect chakra-based defenses. But the resulting damage that this technique can produce varies considerably, depending on the initial shape of the created structure..

Cuboid Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a very generic three-dimensional cube. While the cube's surface area is rank-dependent, its shape also enables localized destruction and entrapment. Unlike the other shape alternatives, this form is always limited to just short-range when used.

Conical Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a simplistic three-dimensional cone. While the cone's base diameter is rank-dependent, its base is always located in front of the user's hands with the pointed end poised at the desired target. It has an intermediary reach, extending up to mid-range.

Cylindrical Structure: A form manipulating the Dust Release structure into a basic three-dimensional cylinder. While the cylinder's diameter is rank-dependent, it is unique amongst shapes in extending up to long-range.

Note: The surface area of the cube form is 1m² at C-rank, 3m² at B-rank, 5m² at A-rank, 15m² at S-rank.
Note: The diameter of the cone and the cylinder is 1m at C-rank, 2m at B-rank, 4m at A-rank, 8m at S-rank.
Note: Only useable by Mū and Ōnoki bios. Clones are unable to use it.

You there, let's fight.

The huge beast turned against the two of them and would slam its huge hands together to eliminate them both. Alucard looked at Blaziken and they nodded to eachother as they both went on to stop each hand from their sides. Blaziken, already having the 6th gate opened would slam into the huge hand with a crane wing formation slam, a punch infused with chakra that could travel up to long ranges. This move would effectively deflect the left hand from the beast and steam from the two forces colliding would rise upwards.

( Kakuyoku no Jin ) - Crane Wing Formation
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 +40
Description: Opening at least the sixth gate, the user rushes forward channeling chakra to his arm. Striking forward, the user releases a crescent like wave of chakra that has enough force to rip through a meteor. The more users involved increases the power of the jutsu.
Note: Requires the user to have opened at least six of the Eight Gates.

Alucard on the other hand would use his gravitational forces to create a forcefield that would repel the hand, much like when he went through the guardsmen walking up to the city. The aura of an absolute repelling force would deflect the incoming hand as well and after having done so, the two of them would attack the monkey head on.

( Tensei Suiryoku ) - Reincarnation Thrust
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary/Defense/Attack
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 40 - 160
Description: The user will repulse and push away anything around him up to a given range, in all directions, producing an omni-repulsion effect. The force and repulsive effect is absolute, affecting both energy and matter alike. The technique itself can be used with different ranges/sizes, depending on how much chakra the user spends for the technique and can even, in its smaller form, be sustained, forming a static defensive field instead of a wave-like effect.
Shōkibo - Small Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to short range. The offensive power in this size is not that high as it hits opponents but can still do severe damage. It isn't, however, fatal, boasting a physical 40 damage. If the user focuses this ability with the help of his hands he can sustain a defensive absolute repulsive field around him. He can't, however, do any technique while he is sustaining it and he can only sustain it for 2 turns. Once used, takes one turn cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Chūkibo - Medium Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to mid range. The offensive power in this size is severe, sending opponents flying backwards with enough force to, if not defended properly, leave near fatal physical damage. Although not directly fatal, the technique boasts a physical damage of 80. If the user focuses this ability through one or both hands, he can push away a specific target or technique alone, instead of producing the normal omni-repulsive wave. Once used, takes 2 turns cool down to use gravitational related techniques again.
Ōkibo - Large Scale: the user will push away anything around him up to long range. The offensive power of the technique is devastating and anything in its path that doesn't manage to defend properly is left obliterated. Its fatal if unguarded, boasting a physical damage of 160. Using this techniques poses a great deal of danger to the user as he damages his chakra pathway itself to be able to mold sufficient chakra to perform it. Once used, the user loses the use any gravitational related techniques for the remainder of the fight and is unable to mold chakra for techniques above A-Rank for 5 turns.
Note: The technique is immune to normal Elemental Weaknesses and Strengths and as such can't be blocked or stopped. However, the enemies can still use techniques that prevent or reduce physical damage to their bodies to survive its effects or escape its range through a fast enough technique. This means that in the large scale, while the technique can't be stopped or directly countered, enemies can still manage to survive if they logically counter.
Note: Can only be used by Tenseigan Bios.

While each technique packed a punch, especially Mega Blaziken's, the huge monkey beast seemed rather un-affected by the brute force its hands had collided with. What it lacked in speed, it made up for in sheer force it would seem as its reaction towards the two was rather sluggish. Alucard would try out the full extent of the monkeys capabilities of reducing damage and would use his chakra to create thousands of electro needles that would pierce through any solid construct he knew.


(Raiton: Gian) - Lightning Style: False Darkness
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Descripton: The user, after performing the Snake handseal, emits lightning in the shape of a spear from their hands or mouth which then pierces the enemy. Kakuzu, the original user, shoots the technique from his Lightning mask's mouth. Its destructive power is great enough to even pierce through rock; meaning it has a high killing potential. The user can increase the number of spears to attack multiple enemies by branching the main spear. This, coupled with the sheer speed of the lightning, makes it a difficult technique to evade. This strong attack can be defended against by an equally strong attack of the same element such as Raikiri.

The attack was aimed grossly over the entire entity but the lightning release would fade upon striking the skin of the beast infront of them, seeming to take no damage whatsoever. Alucard was very surprised with the end result of his technique but signaled to Blaziken to try and use its scorch style. Blaziken would a gigantic orb of scorch chakra and then snap its fingers, allowing the orb to dissolve into a rain of fire.

(Shakuton: Arumagedon) Scorch Release: Armageddon
Rank: S-Rank
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40 +15
Damage: 80 +15
Description: The user will channel their scorch chakra into the sky and form a giant orb the size of giant boulder. The user will then snap their fingers and cause the orb to explode into a fiery meteor strike of mini orbs of scorch, the size of Aburame bugs. The scorch orbs pack a good impact and burn anything they touch while the user can manipulate where they hit, allowing them to remain safe.
Note: Can only be used twice

While this technique was more damage dealing that Alucards lightning technique it did seem to atleast make the large beast aware that it was hit by something but little else as these fires also doused out on the creatures skin after a few secounds. But now it was time for the monkey to attack. It would use its giant tail to swing across the room towards the right of the two while also using its knee to create an uppercut kick while also hitting down with its elbow. It was attacking from all angles at the same time. Blaziken was fast enough to dodge the slow paced technique using its flicker evasion and landing on the monkeys head while Alucard would have to deal with the attack.

( Chiratsuki Kaihi ) - Flicker Evasion
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A skill usable by all EIG users to move at high speeds to dodge, attack or defend from techniques. The ability pertains to movement in the battle field, meaning running, walking, jumping, dashing, etc and its speed depends on the Gate currently opened.
Note: This requires at least one Gate be opened to use and can only be used once per turn.

Alucard would use his eleventh element - the liquid krypton release to transform his entire body into the ultra cold substance. After forming three quick handseals, his body would turn into that of a blue/white liquid substance, so cold that vapor around him would form into an aura of subfreezing air.

(Kuriputon: Arisu | Liquid Krypton Release: Alice)
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S-rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40(-20/turn)
Damage: 80(on touch)
Description: Alice is an advanced application of the kuriputon release and lets the user take the form of the initial release to benefit from its S/W upon facing a jutsu or otherwise. The user will form three handseals and transform themselves into a pool of liquid kuriputon while still maintaining their original size they become extremely light, extremely cold, but also very resistant and malleable. This is an extremely good technique when the user needs to move fast and having to tank jutsus that krypton is strong to. The user will become a hyper cold liquid but still pertains facial features, legs, arms etc. This form does make the user extremely light too as krypton is a very light element which gives the user an upper hand in flexibility which results them in an easier time evading techniques. The liquid can also cool down techniques that passes through the user to to ultra cold temperatures(within reason and S/W of Kuriputon). The downside of the technique is that the user cannot perform any elemental techniques except from kurpiton/water/lightning and wind techniques. The user can reform at any time and if they continue to be in this form they need to spend additional chakra.

Note: Usable twice per battle, lasting up to three turns per use.
Note: No A rank and above Krypton and no S rank and above water/lightning and wind techniques after usage.
Note: Utilizing the flexible form to evade techniques costs a move per turn and can only be done within reason/respect to the size of the technique evaded

Alucard smirked as the combo of limbs would all smash into eachother with him in the middle of it. He took zero damage while at the same time freeze his opponents limbs together with the ultra cold substance spreading its entropy across the surface of the beast and glued them together. Alucard then proceeded on joining Blaziken on the monkeys head, now frozen together through his technique. Alucard would seize the moment to try and take down the beast once and for all. He would enter his chakra mode while Blaziken opened up the seventh gate in a joint combustion of absolute force.

( Hachimon ) The Eight Inner Gates
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By undergoing intense training, one can learn how to open these gates allowing the user to surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own body. The user opens the gates in sequence, up to the desired gate to achieve its effects. Opening the gates is a fast process and can be done in mere moments up to the 7th gate. When one initially opens up to a given EIG, that opening lasts up to 4 turns. After completing training, users are capable of opening up to the 5th Gate passively. Opening additional gates after initial activation adds 2 turns per activation. However, there is an exception; opening the last and 8th gate can only lasts for 3 turns.
  • ( Kaimon ) - The Gate of Opening: The user activates The Gate of Opening or First Gate, which is located in the brain. This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so he can begin to access 100% of their strength. Unlocking this gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus. This gate adds +5 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 1.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -5 damage per turn.
  • ( Kyūmon ) - The Gate of Healing: The user activates the Gate of Healing or 2nd Gate (also named Rest Gate) which is located in the brain. Forcibly increases one's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body. This gate adds +10 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -10 damage.
  • ( Seimon ) - The Gate of Life: The user activates the Gate of Life or 3rd Gate which is located in the Spinal cord. The increased blood flow turns the skin red. Allows the user to use Hidden Lotus. This gate adds +15 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 2.5x faster. This gate also adds +10 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • ( Shōmon ) - The Gate of Pain: The user activates the Gate of Pain or 4th Gate (also named Wound Gate) which is located in the Spinal cord, lower than the Seimon. Increases the user's strength and speed. May cause muscle tissue to begin to tear on use. This gate adds +20 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • ( Tomon ) - The Gate of Limit: The user activates the Gate of Limit or 5th gate, which is located in the abdomen. Increases the user's speed and power. This gate adds +30 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 3.5x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -15 damage.
  • ( Keimon ) - Gate of View: The user activates the Gate of View or 6th Gate, located in the stomach. Increases the user's speed and power. Opening of this gate releases such enormous amounts of chakra that it can cause nearby water bodies to form a vortex around the user. Allows the user to perform the Morning Peacock. This gate adds +40 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 4x faster. This gate also adds +15 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -25 damage.
  • ( Kyōmon ) - The Gate of Wonder: The user activates the Gate of Wonder or 7th Gate which is located below the stomach. Those who open this gate will pour glowing green sweat from every inch of their body, which immediately evaporates from their own heat energy, creating an aura which people would mistake as a green chakra coating. However, the side effects of opening the gate are that the user's muscle fibers are ripped to shreds after exiting this gate, causing intense pain if anything or anyone touches him. Allows the user to perform the Daytime Tiger. This gate adds +60 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 7x faster. This gate also adds +20 chakra and damage to Ninjutsu. User suffers -40 damage.
  • ( Shimon ) - The Gate of Death: The user activates the Gate of Death or 8th Gate, located at the heart, requiring the user to puncture their chest just above the heart in order to open it, enabling the user to achieve what is described as The Eight Gates Released Formation" ( Hachimon Tonkō no Jin ). Opening this gate will cause the user's blood to emanate a flaming aura of red steam, the so-called Steam of Blood ( Chi no Jōki ) from all pores of their body, hair, and eyebrows. Releasing this gate uses up all of the body's energy while making the heart pump at maximum power. Exceeding the power of every other gate, the user is temporarily granted power far exceeding their normal power, far beyond that of the five Kage. Once activated, those who are capable can perform the Evening Elephant and the Night Guy. The side effect of opening this gate is that it comes at the expense of the user's life, causing the user to crumble to ash after their chakra runs out, having virtually cooked themselves from the inside-out. This is unlike opening the other gates, which simply injure or damage the body. This gate adds +120 damage to Taijutsu and the user becomes 8x faster and allows the user to warp space with his Taijutsu and its speed.
Note: The EIG users can only open the gates twice per fight, meaning that if he allows the EIG opening to time out, he can only open the EIGs once more during the match.
Note: Starting with the fifth gate, EIG users begin to feel the side effects of each gate as they time out.
Note: The user cannot use other self powering techniques (such as custom variations of Lightning Armor, Sage Mode, etc) while he has EIG opened
Note: After use of the 8th Gate, the user will pass away.

( Tenseigan Chakura Mōdo ) - Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 40 ( -15 per turn )
Damage: N/A
Description: Tenseigan Chakra Mode is a heightened transformation unique to those who possess the Tenseigan. Upon activating this form the user gains a cyan-coloured chakra shroud with six magatama markings on his collar, dark markings over his eyebrows and lower eyelids, and a single horn shaped like Kaguya's extending from his forehead. The shroud constantly radiates flickering flames of chakra, and the user's clothing and hair continuously billow upwards.The user also gains access to six spheres created from the Pupet Cursing Technique in their offensive use, turning them into glowing cyan orbs that can be used by shaping them into smaller orbs to launch high-speed barrage attacks and explosions. The user's strength is significantly increased adding +30 to his Ninjutsu and Taijutsu techniques. Their speed is also greatly increased to the point in which he surpasses the Raikage while in the second stage of Lightning Release Armor.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle, each use lasting 6 turns. After using, the user must wait at least 3 additional turns before using again.
Note: Can only be used by Custom Otsutsuki Bios with the Tenseigan.
Note: Requires Tenseigan active.

Blazikens speeds were now able to warp space time while Alucard would elevate his ninjutsu power to an ascendant level. However, the large beast that they stood upon would not let them out of harms way as it slammed the two of them with the hand that hadn't been frozen yet. While Blaziken was able to jump up in the air in time thanks to it's blitzing speeds, Alucard was hit and took a massive amount of damage as he was bitch-slapped to the wall taking 90 damage minus damage shavings that he passively gains through his Ghoulspine specialty. This meant that while the slap itself dealt forbidden damage, it lost a rank in its clash while the ultra strong skeleton Alucard had reduced it down to 40(90 - 1 rank = 80 - 40 = 40). Still enough to do some damage, and if Alucard had still had the Red Fever he'd probably been done for. However that wasn't the case now. Alucard rose from the dust, he welcomed the touch as his kekkei genkai slowly regenerated his health back he didn't feel the need to activate Yang release. Instead he focused on the Dust release technique he hadn't used in a long while. If this didn't do damage to the monkey, he'd be in deep trouble.

(Jinton/Inton: Shamen | Dust/Yin Release: Absolution)
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70 (-20/turn)
Damage: 140 + 30 + 20
Description: Absolution is an advanced form of Dust release in which the user incorporates the unique trait of Yin release to solidify the the naturally energetic form of the Dust chakra. Instead, the form of the Jinton will take that of a stream of easily manipulative shards with the same disintegrating properties as its pure energetic form. On touch, these shards will travel through any target and disintegrate anything they touch(in accordance to S/W of Dust release). These shards are able to move and take the shape of anything due to Yin and Shape manipulation abilities. The shards will always originate from the users body and can have an extended duration on the field if the user wishes, which requires more chakra and extends the restrictions the user gets originally by the length the user keeps the technique active. In accordance to the properties of the Hungry Ghost technique, Absolution carries a debuff similar to that of the Hungry Ghost except it will only interract with techniques it clashes with and will not carry any parasitic properties once the technique defeats another(if it does) of course. The shards are a beautiful sight to behold, which is another property of the Yin aspect and gained passively. The shards are completely jet black and has a cyan flare to their exterior like a cold meteorite. This is purely an aesthetic property and carries no weight in battle.

Note: When the user has performed this technique, they are hindered from using S-rank and above techniques for two turns afterwards, as well as Yin/Dust release techniques above A-rank.
Note: Can only be used twice per battle with a cooldown of 4 turns.
Note: Can be sustained up to 3 turns for each use, but sustaining the technique prolongs the restrictive effects during that time it is sustained.
Note: User cannot use any Jinton/Earth/Fire/Wind/Yin techniques while this technique is active.

A stream of elemental shards that would seem to bend reality was flowing from Alucards body and formed into a sea of crystals that Alucard directed towards the monkey while Mega Blaziken would use one of its stronger attacks as well. As Blaziken had used the flicker evasion again to escape the hand that bitch-slapped Alucard to the wall, it was still airborne and would land a powerful drop-kick ontop of the monkeys head. With the seventh gate opened the speed of the kick would bend space time and land a devastating blow on the monkey. Alucard was almost afraid that the kick would actually penetrate the skull and have Blaziken end up in its brain but it wasn't strong enough to do so. It did, however seem to knock the monkey out cold as it fell to the floor while getting bombarded by Alucards dust release technique which seemed to penetrate its skin and starting to erase it's body completely.

( Koyubi Kōgeki ) - Little Toe Attack
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 80 + 60
Description: After opening at least the 4th Inner Gate, the user attacks the opponent with a very powerful and fast extended leg drop kick. Guy used this attack against the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path to literally attack its little toe, sending it toppling over, with great force. Its powerful enough to create a large crater upon impact, destroying the nearby area.
Note: Requires the user to have opened at least four of the Eight Gates.

As he watched the monkey stone colds defeat and erasing it bit by bit, Alucard actually started to feel sorry for the monster and headed his attack. The fight was over anyway, so there was no point trying to damage the monkey further unless it was its life he was after. But in the midst of the battle, he realized he wasn't interested in killing this being, maybe it just simply needed to be let out in its natural habitat after having being imprisoned for generations. He did nothing but pity the creature before him. Blaziken in the meantime headed over to Alucard, who would heal it from its damage of opening the seventh gate as it dismantled the aura. Alucard used his Yang affinity to heal Blaziken to peak condition.

(Yoton: Taiyōnomegumi) - Yang Release: Touch of the Sun
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra cost:70 per use
Damage points: N/A
Description: Through the infusion of Yang natured chakra into others, users can heal others to their original best physical form. It can be used to regrow missing body parts, heal wounds, purge poisons, etc. The target needs to be alive and the bigger the injury, the longer it takes to heal. The limits of the heal, however, are almost none as it can heal 150 damage per turn and can even heal the chakra system or other injuries that are otherwise not possible to be healed. The technique requires time and physical contact and as such isn't very suited to use in a battle when compared to regular Iryo Ninjutsu.
Note: Yang Release masters are able to use on themselves.

Alucard would then look back at the creature before them and through his dojutsu he noticed its chakra was starting to rapidely decrease as if its life force was leaving its body. It would seem like the damage it had taken from their fight had breached a hole into its tenketsu points and releasing all of its vital chakra. Alucard hurried with his tenseigan mode still active and rushed over to the creature and used the touch of the sun again to try and heal the monkey but by the time he got there it was too late. It was dead.
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With a disappointed gesture he and his pokémon returned to the surface where the King of the land was waiting for their return. Their battle had triggered earthquakes that the city had been afflicted by.

Is it done?

..I.. I guess so.

You look.. sad? You've done us a great deed.

It's.. nothing, you wouldn't understand.

..I see, well it is with great pleasure that we offer our gratitude and should you want to expand your organisation we see no reason not to have protection from you in the future.

..Sure, why not.

Alucard accepted the king's agreement and would claim the landmark for the Hellsing Organisation while heading back to Midnight Island to check if there had been any progress.



Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
This comes as both my “resurrection” and an attempt at a mission.

Issued by: Farmers of Feodosia ( 203 )
Special Classifications: A-rank, PvE, Mercenary work

Name(s): Inojin Yamanaka

Orders: Destroy the mind-controlled Inojin Yamanaka who has been risen from the dead and his undead forces

Wanted For: Razing farms and fertile lands in Feodosia.

Bounty: The Farmers of Feodosia are offering 2000 kumi and 3000 ryo to whoever takes out this plague.

Special Info: Inojin Yamanaka is a jonin level threat moving at 8 base speed having 160 health with access to Fire Release, Lightning Release, Earth Release, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Genjutsu. Additionally, he has access to all Yamanaka Techniques and Yin Release. His specialties include Genjutsu Range Specialist, Genjutsu Layering Specialist, Apex Layering Specialist, and Yin Release.

Alongside him is an army of 1000 risen dead.

Those very men, and women he had mind-controlled in life now follow him in death.

(Kinjutsu Doton Soseijutsu: Shishi Dojō) Forbidden Earth Resurrection Technique: Corpse Soil

Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 5 per corpse (150) (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique is called the "ultimate earth-element resurrection technique" because it focuses upon using the earth itself as a medium to revive corpses. By utilising soil in the local ground, the user can revive the fallen present there in one of two ways. The first version allows the user to seemingly continuously resurrect a large number of slain people as zombies, but with none of their rationality, physical prowess, or techniques at their disposal. They are fairly easy to destroy, capable of enduring little more than Taijutsu and D-Rank Ninjutsu. The amount of zombies raised is directly proportional to the chakra spent to search through the ground and awaken the corpse's remains. Some corpses may not be in a perfect state, being deteriorated or decomposed, in which case, earth will form the missing areas into functional parts. If the technique is deactivated either by the user or if the user is killed, the zombies will immediately turn to dust. The second version allows the user to bring a person back as a perfect resurrection, able to use all their skills from when alive, with the addition of a preset directive the person is forced to obey despite being consciously aware. Unlike the Impure World Reincarnation technique, the soul is not bound to the body nor can the user completely overcome the targets personality. In this case, the user needs access to both a large amount of chakra as well as the fresh, preserved corpse of the target. The limitation of this technique is that, while with Impure World Reincarnation one can summon the pre-prepared revived ninjas at any time and how many times one needs by summoning them, with this technique, the user can only use it once and cannot prepare it beforehand. This means that the user will either need to bring a sealed corpse and perform the technique in the midst of battle or perform it in a fallen enemy who will then be used for as long as is necessary. Another difference is that the revived ninja is not immune to damage and will not regenerate if damaged though injury is not enough to stop it and the corpse will continue to work and function while it has some way to do so. At any time, by performing a Snake hand seal and snapping their fingers, the caster of this technique releases the resurrected targets, turning them into loose soil.
Note: The technique can only be used once.
Note: First version will produce how many corpses the user is willing to pay chakra for, all of which will last until destroyed.
Note: Second version can only be used in one corpse and requires access to a corpse which will not be usable anymore once the technique or the battle ends but that can last while chakra is fueled to sustain it or the technique is ended.
Note: In either cases, defeating the caster of the technique ends the technique.
Note: To use a corpse, the user must have sealed it in an official fight, approved by an RP Moderator, linking to which, upon reviving, is mandatory.

This bounty can only be claimed once and is performed similarly to a mission requiring no one to play the NPC.

The battle related to the bounty must last four posts minimum.

Rendezvous: Feodosia ( 203 )

Feodosia. A vast expansive land of fertile soils ranging all across the northern part of the island previously know as Nagi. In a dark recess of the land, a forbidden ground as been growing in the shadows. It is unknown why it became forbidden, any villager going near would simply become confused and filled with dread. They would innately avoid the place, even if afterwards they would forget ever doing it. It couldn’t possibly be considered to be fertile, for only fungus could grown amidst de darkened soil, flames of decay eerily floating from every crevice. The fungus were black and enormous, like a cancer ripping through the otherwise green forest.

Throughout the years, the fungal death had been growing, parasitically expanding like fingers, as if the core of the forest was trying to rip itself out of the depths of the earth. It was slow, but steady, growing like a beating heart.

( Masshuru-Muton:Senkyou no Nora ) Mushroom Style: Fields of Wonderland

Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This jutsus turns the area into a vast field of regular green fungus, with forests of different sized mushrooms, both small as hands or big as large trees. The net of fungus will severe all connection with the ground beneath, preventing the user and the opponent from utilizing it as a source for jutsu, for example Earth Jutsus, as well as melting through any previously active earth and earth-based jutsu, neutralizing it, following the element's strengths and weaknesses. The net of fungus follows the characteristics of the main release fungus. The mushrooms that grow follow the characteristics described by normal alternative release mushrooms, without the poisonous or spore release aspect of it. The high metabolic characteristics of the mushroom element allow for a secondary use, allowing the net to retrieve and metabolize certain chemical, biological, toxic, mineral, etc substances present in the ground at the time of creation, and present them in the outer layer of the net, strengthening the net and giving it additional protection, following the characteristics of the metabolized substance, or simply re-locate the substance to another area of the net, depositing the substances there. (If the substances came from a technique, the absorption is restricted to a rank higher (case they're a strength), a rank lower (case they're enlisted as a weakness (Toxic, for example) or same rank (in neutrality).
*Given the Chakra strain, the user will not be able to preform any other Mushroom jutsus in the same turn, and can only use 2 jutsus in the same turn.
*The fungal net follows the same weaknesses and restrictions of the element (For example, while the net can be created over ground or water, it can't be created over lava. While metal and earth techniques can't pierce through the net, strong fire or lightning can).
*Can only be used thrice per battle*​

±Ibiton: Gozentaru Dou Lucifer | Decay Release: The Proud Body of Lucifer±

Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 (-10 per turn to maintain)
Damage: 60
Taking full use of the main release of Decay, the user channels raw, unspecific decay chakra throughout his whole body or even only in a single limb or body part. As he does so, his body transforms into the main release of Decay itself, manifesting itself in the flame-like energy that pertains to the main release of Ibiton and in the unique color specific to him. Since the users body loses substance and physical manifestation, the user can avoid taking direct physical damage or energy damage while on this form and when reforming can actually "regenerate" injuries that he might have sustained before, after or during the activation. However, the user can be restrained and forced back into his normal form by containement-like techniques. Not only that but while the user is unaffected by rocks or solid earth or other solid techniques (basicaly not taking damage), he's weak to Mud, Water or Sand techniques, being easily restrained and forced back into his normal form. While on this form the user can travel through the air in the battle field (and through energy barriers, although not solid ones) at great speed (similar to his full running speed). An unique ability is that the user is able to shape his raw form as he pleases, taking the shape of animals or appearing for example as simple geometrical forms or other even simpler forms. However, his overall size can't be smaller than that of his original flesh body and if, as a result of an attack, the user loses some part of him, he can regenerate it with pure decay and by returning to his normal form, be left unaffected. If used only on a selective part of the body, the user can shape it to attack or defend either by letting attacks go through him or by forming shields or other simpler weapons. Partially or totally transformed, the user is able to release free form streams or projectiles from the main form of decay out of his transformed parts/body (A-Rank). If the user is touched on this form, the enemy will suffer great damage (following the CE's description).
Note: Once activated, the user is unable to mold Water or Earth techniques or KG/CE's that use both Earth and Water chakra (although, if the technique was activated before, the user won't lose his coonection to it once entering this form)
Note: When deactivated has a 1 turn coldown time
Note: Free form attacks count as a move from the move count
Note: Can only be used 4 times per battle

(Inton: Gogyou Gen) - Yin Release: 5 Elements Illusion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (+50)
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to combine their elemental chakra with Yin Release in order to create stronger, more potent genjutsu. When the user casts a genjutsu, rather than using their raw chakra they will use one of the basic elemental natures, thus increasing the potency of the jutsu. The jutsu increases in strength by one rank and due to the massive amount of chakra used, the jutsu can penetrate through any subversive method against genjutsu. By using nature chakra rather than raw chakra, the properties of the genjutsu can change in accordance to that nature and become stronger. For example, using Crushing Snake Constriction with Fire Release chakra would make the snakes appear, feel, and sound as though they were on fire. As well, the technique would follow the rules of elemental genjutsu. The user is free to alter the effects of a genjutsu within reason as long as the primary effects remain the same.
Note: Can only be used 6 times per battle.
Note: Cannot be used on techniques above S-rank.
Note: Yin Release masters can use advanced elements and CE​

While the gorge was glaringly visible, the tendrils of mushroom spread like an evil net underground, feeding from the land and retrieving information. Many years of information. At first, it was a crude and ugly, but then, showered by many moons, Yin spiritual energy began to breathe through the forest. Spirits of hatred, loss, vengeance, dismay, horror, fear. They permeated through the whole net, intensifying the aura of decay.

The rise of such a powerful Yin user as Inojin Yamaka was thus not unnoticed. As his Yin energy grew, so did the forest. As more and more people fell to his possession, the more the core of the forest seemed to wake from it’s stupor. When it reached 1000, the forest pulsated.

It was impossible for Inojin not to notice the change in the air. The army of the possessed most certainly felt it as well. His control wavered, and the feeling of dread intensified. Something evil was awakening, but what was it.

A large tendril grew from the core of the forest. It’s bulbous head curled onto itself before engorging tenfold. The tendril bore a crimson fruit, as the mushroom kept on hideously blooming, becoming the size of child and then full-sized adult. It then opened it’s head like a mouth and a woman was born again.

Isabella Uchiha’s slender figure was putrid at first, only distinguishable by the burning bright scarlet hair, but, like a snake, the decay matter started to peel away, shedding the horrible to reveal the pearly white immaculate skin. She could be a goddess surrounded by hell, but she was not perfect. Her eyes were not there.

She felt her face, Darkness was her world, she could not see, for she had no eyes. It enraged her, but years of solitude gave her a sense of calm, allowing her seething rage to remain dormant in the depths of her mind. And from that calmness, the world lit up, red like her lost Sharingan. She felt everything the mushroom forest touched, she felt every living being, every chakra source. And she felt her twin spirit, the Yamanaka, through the Yin energy that had fertilized her growing fungal net.

You’ll do nicely for now.

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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
This comes as both my “resurrection” and an attempt at a mission.

Issued by: Farmers of Feodosia ( 203 )
Special Classifications: A-rank, PvE, Mercenary work

Name(s): Inojin Yamanaka

Orders: Destroy the mind-controlled Inojin Yamanaka who has been risen from the dead and his undead forces

Wanted For: Razing farms and fertile lands in Feodosia.

Bounty: The Farmers of Feodosia are offering 2000 kumi and 3000 ryo to whoever takes out this plague.

Special Info: Inojin Yamanaka is a jonin level threat moving at 8 base speed having 160 health with access to Fire Release, Lightning Release, Earth Release, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Kenjutsu and Genjutsu. Additionally, he has access to all Yamanaka Techniques and Yin Release. His specialties include Genjutsu Range Specialist, Genjutsu Layering Specialist, Apex Layering Specialist, and Yin Release.

Alongside him is an army of 1000 risen dead.

Those very men, and women he had mind-controlled in life now follow him in death.

(Kinjutsu Doton Soseijutsu: Shishi Dojō) Forbidden Earth Resurrection Technique: Corpse Soil

Type: Supplementary
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 5 per corpse (150) (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique is called the "ultimate earth-element resurrection technique" because it focuses upon using the earth itself as a medium to revive corpses. By utilising soil in the local ground, the user can revive the fallen present there in one of two ways. The first version allows the user to seemingly continuously resurrect a large number of slain people as zombies, but with none of their rationality, physical prowess, or techniques at their disposal. They are fairly easy to destroy, capable of enduring little more than Taijutsu and D-Rank Ninjutsu. The amount of zombies raised is directly proportional to the chakra spent to search through the ground and awaken the corpse's remains. Some corpses may not be in a perfect state, being deteriorated or decomposed, in which case, earth will form the missing areas into functional parts. If the technique is deactivated either by the user or if the user is killed, the zombies will immediately turn to dust. The second version allows the user to bring a person back as a perfect resurrection, able to use all their skills from when alive, with the addition of a preset directive the person is forced to obey despite being consciously aware. Unlike the Impure World Reincarnation technique, the soul is not bound to the body nor can the user completely overcome the targets personality. In this case, the user needs access to both a large amount of chakra as well as the fresh, preserved corpse of the target. The limitation of this technique is that, while with Impure World Reincarnation one can summon the pre-prepared revived ninjas at any time and how many times one needs by summoning them, with this technique, the user can only use it once and cannot prepare it beforehand. This means that the user will either need to bring a sealed corpse and perform the technique in the midst of battle or perform it in a fallen enemy who will then be used for as long as is necessary. Another difference is that the revived ninja is not immune to damage and will not regenerate if damaged though injury is not enough to stop it and the corpse will continue to work and function while it has some way to do so. At any time, by performing a Snake hand seal and snapping their fingers, the caster of this technique releases the resurrected targets, turning them into loose soil.
Note: The technique can only be used once.
Note: First version will produce how many corpses the user is willing to pay chakra for, all of which will last until destroyed.
Note: Second version can only be used in one corpse and requires access to a corpse which will not be usable anymore once the technique or the battle ends but that can last while chakra is fueled to sustain it or the technique is ended.
Note: In either cases, defeating the caster of the technique ends the technique.
Note: To use a corpse, the user must have sealed it in an official fight, approved by an RP Moderator, linking to which, upon reviving, is mandatory.

This bounty can only be claimed once and is performed similarly to a mission requiring no one to play the NPC.

The battle related to the bounty must last four posts minimum.

Rendezvous: Feodosia ( 203 )

Feodosia. A vast expansive land of fertile soils ranging all across the northern part of the island previously know as Nagi. In a dark recess of the land, a forbidden ground as been growing in the shadows. It is unknown why it became forbidden, any villager going near would simply become confused and filled with dread. They would innately avoid the place, even if afterwards they would forget ever doing it. It couldn’t possibly be considered to be fertile, for only fungus could grown amidst de darkened soil, flames of decay eerily floating from every crevice. The fungus were black and enormous, like a cancer ripping through the otherwise green forest.

Throughout the years, the fungal death had been growing, parasitically expanding like fingers, as if the core of the forest was trying to rip itself out of the depths of the earth. It was slow, but steady, growing like a beating heart.

( Masshuru-Muton:Senkyou no Nora ) Mushroom Style: Fields of Wonderland

Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This jutsus turns the area into a vast field of regular green fungus, with forests of different sized mushrooms, both small as hands or big as large trees. The net of fungus will severe all connection with the ground beneath, preventing the user and the opponent from utilizing it as a source for jutsu, for example Earth Jutsus, as well as melting through any previously active earth and earth-based jutsu, neutralizing it, following the element's strengths and weaknesses. The net of fungus follows the characteristics of the main release fungus. The mushrooms that grow follow the characteristics described by normal alternative release mushrooms, without the poisonous or spore release aspect of it. The high metabolic characteristics of the mushroom element allow for a secondary use, allowing the net to retrieve and metabolize certain chemical, biological, toxic, mineral, etc substances present in the ground at the time of creation, and present them in the outer layer of the net, strengthening the net and giving it additional protection, following the characteristics of the metabolized substance, or simply re-locate the substance to another area of the net, depositing the substances there. (If the substances came from a technique, the absorption is restricted to a rank higher (case they're a strength), a rank lower (case they're enlisted as a weakness (Toxic, for example) or same rank (in neutrality).
*Given the Chakra strain, the user will not be able to preform any other Mushroom jutsus in the same turn, and can only use 2 jutsus in the same turn.
*The fungal net follows the same weaknesses and restrictions of the element (For example, while the net can be created over ground or water, it can't be created over lava. While metal and earth techniques can't pierce through the net, strong fire or lightning can).
*Can only be used thrice per battle*​

±Ibiton: Gozentaru Dou Lucifer | Decay Release: The Proud Body of Lucifer±

Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30 (-10 per turn to maintain)
Damage: 60
Taking full use of the main release of Decay, the user channels raw, unspecific decay chakra throughout his whole body or even only in a single limb or body part. As he does so, his body transforms into the main release of Decay itself, manifesting itself in the flame-like energy that pertains to the main release of Ibiton and in the unique color specific to him. Since the users body loses substance and physical manifestation, the user can avoid taking direct physical damage or energy damage while on this form and when reforming can actually "regenerate" injuries that he might have sustained before, after or during the activation. However, the user can be restrained and forced back into his normal form by containement-like techniques. Not only that but while the user is unaffected by rocks or solid earth or other solid techniques (basicaly not taking damage), he's weak to Mud, Water or Sand techniques, being easily restrained and forced back into his normal form. While on this form the user can travel through the air in the battle field (and through energy barriers, although not solid ones) at great speed (similar to his full running speed). An unique ability is that the user is able to shape his raw form as he pleases, taking the shape of animals or appearing for example as simple geometrical forms or other even simpler forms. However, his overall size can't be smaller than that of his original flesh body and if, as a result of an attack, the user loses some part of him, he can regenerate it with pure decay and by returning to his normal form, be left unaffected. If used only on a selective part of the body, the user can shape it to attack or defend either by letting attacks go through him or by forming shields or other simpler weapons. Partially or totally transformed, the user is able to release free form streams or projectiles from the main form of decay out of his transformed parts/body (A-Rank). If the user is touched on this form, the enemy will suffer great damage (following the CE's description).
Note: Once activated, the user is unable to mold Water or Earth techniques or KG/CE's that use both Earth and Water chakra (although, if the technique was activated before, the user won't lose his coonection to it once entering this form)
Note: When deactivated has a 1 turn coldown time
Note: Free form attacks count as a move from the move count
Note: Can only be used 4 times per battle

(Inton: Gogyou Gen) - Yin Release: 5 Elements Illusion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: N/A (+50)
Damage: N/A
Description: This technique allows the user to combine their elemental chakra with Yin Release in order to create stronger, more potent genjutsu. When the user casts a genjutsu, rather than using their raw chakra they will use one of the basic elemental natures, thus increasing the potency of the jutsu. The jutsu increases in strength by one rank and due to the massive amount of chakra used, the jutsu can penetrate through any subversive method against genjutsu. By using nature chakra rather than raw chakra, the properties of the genjutsu can change in accordance to that nature and become stronger. For example, using Crushing Snake Constriction with Fire Release chakra would make the snakes appear, feel, and sound as though they were on fire. As well, the technique would follow the rules of elemental genjutsu. The user is free to alter the effects of a genjutsu within reason as long as the primary effects remain the same.
Note: Can only be used 6 times per battle.
Note: Cannot be used on techniques above S-rank.
Note: Yin Release masters can use advanced elements and CE​

While the gorge was glaringly visible, the tendrils of mushroom spread like an evil net underground, feeding from the land and retrieving information. Many years of information. At first, it was a crude and ugly, but then, showered by many moons, Yin spiritual energy began to breathe through the forest. Spirits of hatred, loss, vengeance, dismay, horror, fear. They permeated through the whole net, intensifying the aura of decay.

The rise of such a powerful Yin user as Inojin Yamaka was thus not unnoticed. As his Yin energy grew, so did the forest. As more and more people fell to his possession, the more the core of the forest seemed to wake from it’s stupor. When it reached 1000, the forest pulsated.

It was impossible for Inojin not to notice the change in the air. The army of the possessed most certainly felt it as well. His control wavered, and the feeling of dread intensified. Something evil was awakening, but what was it.

A large tendril grew from the core of the forest. It’s bulbous head curled onto itself before engorging tenfold. The tendril bore a crimson fruit, as the mushroom kept on hideously blooming, becoming the size of child and then full-sized adult. It then opened it’s head like a mouth and a woman was born again.

Isabella Uchiha’s slender figure was putrid at first, only distinguishable by the burning bright scarlet hair, but, like a snake, the decay matter started to peel away, shedding the horrible to reveal the pearly white immaculate skin. She could be a goddess surrounded by hell, but she was not perfect. Her eyes were not there.

She felt her face, Darkness was her world, she could not see, for she had no eyes. It enraged her, but years of solitude gave her a sense of calm, allowing her seething rage to remain dormant in the depths of her mind. And from that calmness, the world lit up, red like her lost Sharingan. She felt everything the mushroom forest touched, she felt every living being, every chakra source. And she felt her twin spirit, the Yamanaka, through the Yin energy that had fertilized her growing fungal net.

You’ll do nicely for now.


Surrounded by a thousand, evenly spaced gravestones, the feared Inojin Yamanaka was passing back and forth. Each of the graves meant a drone that had risen, but what for?

He kept attacking the farmers, sending his corrupted army to pillage and kill, but everything felt empty.

Perphaps because he has dealt deeper with the affairs of the mind than most, his existence as a revived corpse brought an internal crisis that blinked through the fog of whoever controlled him. He was not supposed to question these things, nor was the control over his mind supposed to waver as it was, but that's what was happening.

And then, something far more evil woke in the land.

Inojin was dead, that was for sure, so why would he be feeling this dread? His army were nothing but drones, but even they halted for a moment. THe sky darkened, merely minutes from complete sundown.

But when the last lingering orange was about to drop bellow the horizon, the sky bursted into an eery green light, like a ghostly aurora.

And then... he saw her. And a shiver went down his spine.


Isabella draws her hand backwards, in the fashion of notching an arrow. The chakra forms into a deep black spear with a sickly green glow of mushroom chakra, causing the environment to become ghostly and gloomy. In a fell swoop, she crashes onto the graveyard like a phatom, shooting 4 of this arrows against the army of mind-controlled zombies. Necrotic fungus spread upon impact, consuming hundreds of zombies at a time, rotting them and sealing them into nothingness.

Ninpou Hijutsu: Genzai No Ya | Ninja Art Hidden Technique: The Arrow of the Original Sin
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: Forbidden Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: N/A (-20 to the user)
Said to be one of the strongest long range techniques known in the ninja world, the Arrow of the Original Sin is a very complicated technique that combines several ninja skills, from elemental ninjutsu to genjutsu and even fuuinjutsu. The user will join his hands together and pull back one of his hands as if pulling on an imaginary bow string. As he does this, a bow of pure chakra materializes with the hilt held by the other hand. The bow can be done of any raw chakra the user is able to manipulate, appearing translucent as if made of pure energy. In the bow, as the hand is pulled back, an arrow materializes of the aforementioned chakra nature, completely engraved in kanji symbols. As this is done, the users chakra spills to the battlefield in such a forceful way that everyone nearby is affected by a low rank genjutsu (D-Rank) that makes them experience either terrifying visions or soothing ones, depending if they are the targets of the technique or not. The genjutsu is not a very focused or detailed one and its only purpose is to pressure or assure those around the user. It will only change minor things like turning the sky red and darkening the ambient while making it seem as if all living things are decaying and dyeing (plants, insects, animals) or making it seem as if a golden, almost angelic light shines from the user, a long with a soothing warmth and even ethereal sounds that will add to the ambient created. Even if it adds to the "drama" of using the technique, the Genjutsu is nothing more than a proof of the amount of chakra focused and manipulated to use this technique and its ultimate abilities and is nothing by the secondary effect of the proximity to that amount of chakra. As the string of the bow if fully pulled back, the user will let go the arrow created at amazing speeds through tremendously immense distances. While the customary use is with only one arrow, the user will be able to unleash up to 2 or 4 similar arrows in quick succession if he so pleases. The arrows, engraved, as well as the ethereal bow, in tons of kanji are nothing more than vessels for a powerful sealing technique that will trigger on impact. Upon impact, besides the elemental damage done by the arrow (according to its own elemental weaknesses and strengths and taking the basic Forbidden-Rank rank damage with it), the sealing technique acts as a "purifier", a "cleanser". When activated, the sealing technique quickly expands a spherical barrier that suddenly collapses upon itself, sealing what was caught within it and siphoning any nearby chakra onto itself, cleansing the area thrice its size of any foreign chakra (enemies nearby will feel the chakra being siphoned and will be weakened but undamaged if not hit by the technique or left inside its primary range). The sealing technique expands on contact with foreign chakra or on the users own will (he can "hit" a target with the elemental part of the technique and trigger the sealing at a different time if he so pleases) and will seal anything within a 5m diameter sphere inside itself in a mere moment. The sealing technique ensures certain defeat if it hits the opponent and can be used to seal/counter any Ninjutsu thrown at the user (within reason and logic according to the applications of the technique itself) as well but in this case will act slightly different. The seal will expand and siphon the technique onto itself completely, instead of only sealing what would be within its area. If the user decides to make use of 2 to 4 arrows instead of one, the elemental damage will be spread through them equally and the sealing technique will be smaller in proportion (2 arrows = S-Rank arrows with 2,5 m diameter seals, 4 arrows = A-Rank arrows with 1,25 m diameter seals) albeit still having the same sealing strength.

Note: Usable twice and counts as 2 techniques of the 3 per turn.
Note: User will suffer severe damage to the hand that holds the bow and will be unable to do handseals on the same turn while suffering a speed loss in terms of handseals during the next 2 turns if not healed.
Note: User will be unable to use techniques above S-Rank in the same and next turn.
Note: The speed of the arrows is enough that in short range it simply cannot be countered (even if in this scenario its extremely hard to find the window of opportunity to use it) and in mid range only users with advanced reactions (dojuutsu, sensing, enhanced senses, EIG, etc) will be able to even notice it, while making a viable counter is a completely different story.
Note: The distance the user is able to reach with the arrow is only limited by the chakra he puts in it and by his own aiming skills.
Note: Can only be taught by Scorps
*Taught by Scorps*

Clearing the graveyard nearest to her, she quickly vanishes from sight, appearing behind a cluster of zombies with a Shakujo

( Fugu ) Blowfish
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Fugu is a hollowed wooden stick, made with Chakra Tree wood. It is a personalized weapon, allowing only the user to wield or manipulate it (Even if the opponent has Wood chakra or similar). By charging chakra into the Fugu and blowing through it, the user is able to shoot out Chakra-materialized thread needles, which gain substance with any elemental chakra or other properties. These thread needles are the same size as vaccine needles, thus, to the naked eye, they become hard (yet not impossible) to see when in motion. Upon hitting a target, they serve to infuse their element into the target's body, albeit in a very small area. If the opponent steals the Fugu from it's owner, it will grow spikes, which will attach themselves to the thief.

#1: Needle Shooting - The Fugu stick allows the user to insert any small thread needle into it and shoot it out, by blowing through the other end, It is shot at a speed significantly greater than a normal needle thrower, but not as fast as any of the materialized needle shooting abilities the Fugu has, which will cost chakra. This attack is not, by itself fatal but can, when used by Dojutsu users or weapon masters, be used to strike fatal/nearly fatal points that will cause great damage. Shooting normal needles do not count as a jutsu towards the jutsu count. Shooting materialized needles only counts as a jutsu if used in a turn different than the turn of materialization. Regardless of the amount of needles shot, it only counts as 1 move.

#2: Paper Needle Shooting - The user is able to load the Fugu with any paper bomb, and then shoot them. The paper will automatically curl into thread needles. This is considered an E rank technique, costing 5 chakra and dealing 10 damage points of explosive power (in case of a default paper bomb) or otherwise dealing the stated effects of the tag. The user is able to shoot up to 10 paper needles, all costing 5 chakra, in a single usage. Can only be used once every three turns. This is usable with explosive tags, not other paper-inscribed Fuuin techniques..

#3: Needle Cannon Shooting - It is considered an alternative method of shooting any stored needles. The Fugu dilates slightly, shooting simultaneously, or fusing together, all the needles materialized in a single technique, and shoot them out with the full damage points dealt in a single bullet. The cannon needle shoots out with a loud pop, and creates air circles surrounding the needle path, which push anything deviated from it's path and punch the actual target with great power. The substance/element used to create the needles augments the air circles and the punching force. In essence, it's a big cylinder of an element, created by merging all the needles created with that element, stored inside the Fugu. The rank and damage of the default cannon bullet is set at B rank, 5 normal needles (costs 20 chakra, gives 40 damage points), or simply the full rank, chakra cost and damage points of the materialization techniques, specifically #6, A rank 60 damage points, #7 A rank 60 damage points and #8 S rank 80 damage points. It requires all the needles materialized, if any is missing, the cannon can't be shot. With #2, it can only shoot 4 needles at once equivalent to 40 chakra, 80 damage. Can only be used once every 3 turns. Clarification, this is merely an alternative way of shooting stored needles, which are loaded or materialized through the means specified in the description of Fugu. As such, it doesn't allow mix usages, with different elements or needles, and serves simply as a way to deploy the full power of the materialization technique into a single "needle", instead of dividing the power evenly through all the needles separately.

#4: Remote Sharp-Shooting - With one handseal, at any range, the user is able to make the Fugu shoot any stored needles inside it. It will quickly adjust itself and shoot the needles up to short range from the stick against the closest chakra-being (in case the user has no other target's location in mind). It requires a chakra cost of 15, equivalent to a C rank and counts as a move. The same can be done non-chakra costly and without handseals by simply being in direct contact with the Fugu. The needles will be shot in a straight line. Counts as a move, except in the turn of materialization.

#5: Chain-Needle Shooting - Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique can be used on the Fugu to make it act like a machine gun, multiplying one or all of the charged thread needles inside. This can be used with any of the Needle Techniques, with the exception of #3 and #9. This utilizes an alternate handseal, which can be done with a single hand or while holding the stick. It always counts as a single move towards the jutsu count, even if combined with another Shooting or a Materialization technique. It costs 30 chakra. However, multiplying and increasing the number of needles follows the same principle as any multiple projectile elemental technique and not like the original Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique: the original full power of the needles is spread and divided equally across the total number of needles.

#6: Basic Needle Materialization - The user will pour chakra into the Fugu, creating 6 thread needles, of any of the Basic Elements or Simply raw Chakra, which can then be blown out at great accuracy and speed. After creating the needles, the user can shoot them right away or keep them within the Fugu for later uses. This can be used once every two turns, in which case, if there are still needles stored, they will be erased and replaced by the new set. It is the equivalent to an A rank jutsu (30 chakra cost, 5 per Needle). Depending on the substance, the needles will be faster, stronger or sharper, as well as having any special properties that the element entails (Short-Paralysis for Lightning, Burning Wounds for Fire, Mineralization of the Tissues for Earth, Shredding Wounds for Wind and Swelling of the small Canals for Water). Counts as a jutsu towards the jutsu count

#7: Thieving Needle Materialization - The user will pour a sample of any given substance into the Fugu, creating 3 thread needles, which can then be blown out at great accuracy and speed. After creating the needles, the user can shoot them right away or keep them within the Fugu for later uses. This can only be used once every 3 turns, in which case, if there are still needles stored, they will be erased and replaced by the new set. It is the equivalent to an A rank jutsu (30 chakra cost, 10 per Needle). Any substance can be fed to the Fugu, requiring direct contact with it. After the Fugu memorizes the substance (Opponent's Elements, Natural Occurring Substances, Etc), it will create needles with any special property that substance entails (Quartz from the ground, Venom from an animal, Keratin from an insect, etc). The act of sampling a jutsu it's not equivalent to blocking or hindering the jutsu in any way, thus, it needs to be blocked by any other means. Not only that but the memorization is not permanent and serves only during the battle it's set, or the or the current RP event. Counts as a jutsu towards the jutsu count

#8: Advanced Needle Materialization - The user will pour chakra into the Fugu, creating 4 thread needles, of any of the Advanced Elements the user has or a different substance the user is capable of creating, which can then be blown out at great accuracy and speed. After creating the needles, the user can shoot them right away or keep them within the Fugu for later uses. This can be used once every three turns, in which case, if there are still needles stored, they will be erased and replaced by the new set. It is the equivalent to an S rank jutsu (40 chakra cost, 10 per Needle). Regarding Advanced/Custom Elements, the needles will take form using the most basic/main form of the element (Lava will be Molten Rock, not Rubber, etc), and gain any special properties the element entails. For different substances, the user must have created it in the field before hand although it does not require contact with source, like the thieving method. The creation of this method can be done remotely, up to mid range, with one handseal. Counts as a jutsu towards the jutsu count

#9: Alternative Summoning Technique - The user is able to run blood through the fugu stick, and then blow through it. This will create a chakra needle similar in strength and speed to a normal senbon shot through the Fugu, that can be shoot up to long-range. When it contacts with a surface, it will summon an animal of the user's contract on the location. This is an alternative summoning technique, with no chakra cost or damage increase, as such, it requires the user to still post the actual summoning technique, even if it's deployment is different, and that one will still abide to the normal summoning rules. The blood smearing step is obligatory, so, any secondary ability of the Fugu will have to encompass it, such as #4, prior to the loss of physical contact with the Fugu.

#10: Density and Height Manipulation - The user is able to change the density and height of the Fugu stick at will, allowing the user to wield the Fugu like a staff, or for greater accuracy. Smaller changes such as a few cm to 2 meters, or any humanely bearable weight will not require the usage of noticeable chakra through the course of a match. Anything higher/longer (never more than the equivalent of Short-Mid range) or 5 tons will be the equivalent of an A rank, 30 chakra points, counting towards the jutsu count.

#11: Spikes Manifestation - The user is able to consciously induce the Fugu's inherited defense mechanism, creating spikes across the Fugu stick, for added damage. It costs 15 chakra, equivalent to a C rank. This can be done through direct contact or remotely with 1 handseal, up to mid-range and counts as a technique from the technique count. Likewise, it can soothe, passively, the inherit defense mechanism, allowing the user to touch or hit a target with the Fugu without manifesting spikes, for a cleaner and more fluid strike.

#12: Damage Deflection - The fugu stick is an S rank Weapon, with no inherited elemental weaknesses or strengths. It does not conduce lightning, is not affected by corrosion, and retains a normal temperature, thus cannot be affected by S rank attacks. The user is able to spin the stick, creating a shield with the same characteristics, which incorporates a chakra layer that protects the hands of the user. Afterwards, the centrifugal forces of the shield disperse the attack harmlessly, or shift the weight and momentum of the attack to deflect it. It can only protect against 1 A rank per turn, in which case it requires 2 turn cool down to be used again, otherwise simply 1 turn suffices. Counts as a jutsu. This is just in regard of a total shield, in which the user needs to protect the hand weilding the Fugu, otherwise it is done passively, mostly against blunt or sharp attacks, and taijutsu, like a normal, resilient staff, and is restricted by the user's own mastery and strength. An S ranked technique can be blocked once, deflecting half the damage, but neutralizing the Fugu for the remainder of the battle and RP event. When using the shield, the user must be aware of weight and size of the attack, and move accordingly, sometimes, even an A rank attack must be deflected instead of blocked, only to miss the wielder's body slightly

#13: Form Transformation - Transformation Technique can be used on the Fugu to change the physical appearance of the Fugu. This can be purely decorative, changing colors or similar outwards changes, or actually change the stick to other weapons, thus preventing the usage of any Needle based techniques ( #1-9 ), but retaining it's inherent properties and remaining abilities. Any sort of sharp or blunt weapon will only be as strong as a generic version of said weapon, a sword will never be as sharp and balanced as a custom made sword, but will allow the user to perform weapon based techniques with the Fugu, such as Kenjutsu or CFS the user has access to ( Like Whip Arts and the Nine Verses of Shakujo ). This utilizes an alternate handseal, which can be done with a single hand or while holding the stick and counts as 1 move towards the jutsu count. It costs 5 chakra

Note: Once shot, be it 1 or a multitude of needles, it will always count as one move, with the exception of #1, or in the initial turn of materialization, as in, the very first turn where the user spends chakra to summon the needles, shooting them right away spend only 1 jutsu, rather than 2. The fugu can only have one type of needles inside it at each time. He can only memorize one substance/advanced element at any given point and will "forget them" once the battle or the current RP event ends.

The rings from the Shakujo float around it, so violently and chaotically that they discharge a great pressure of chakra. With a flick of her wrist, she shakes the staff of the shakujo, and sends the 6 rings outwards, crashing them against the remaining zombies, dealing with the last of them before walking slowly towards Inojin. She walks sensually, yet her previous actions shroud her in a cloak of blood and gore. She shakes her shakujo again, and the 6 rings fly back to it, after decimating a whole graveyard of zombies. Face with Inojin, she smiles.

(Saihachi no Uta: Kāma-Dhātu) Eighth Verse: Desire Realm
Rank: S
Type: Offensive | Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40 (-5 per sphere per turn) (-20 per sphere regeneration)
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user, after having the rings of their Shakujo separated either from an earlier technique or specifically for this jutsu, will have their rings begin to spin, but differently than normal. Normally, the rings spin along their own circular formation, which would make the ring appear to not be moving at all if one doesn't look closely. This is normally done to make the edges hot with friction and cause it to gain a type of cutting quality. The Kāma-Dhātu has the rings spin on a different axis so quickly that it almost looks like they've formed into small spheres instead of being simply rings from the blurring effect from the high-speed rotation (as if you took a ring or coin and spun it on its side on a table top) [see video below for further explanation]. As the rings spin, the users chakra is sent out to each ring equally and creates a field of chakra around the outside of each ring. As the rings spin, they move at a speed so fast that the chakra cannot cling to the physical being of the ring effectively, which creates a drag-like effect where the chakra from each ring is curved to such a high degree that the other end of the ring connects with the chakra "flowing" from the opposite end, creating a true sphere of chakra surrounding the spinning rings. Each sphere may then be controlled individually with strength granted by the constantly-rotating spheres of chakra equal to a B-rank technique of any element. When these spheres are damaged by C-rank and below techniques, the user may send more chakra to the damaged sphere to regenerate it and raise its strength back up to B-rank.
Note: ~Can only be taught by the master of Shakujo no Kyū-Setsu
~Can only be used twice per battle
~Must wait a three turn gap between uses
~Rings may return to the Shakujo at any time. Rings are forced to return if damaged by a B-rank technique. If they are damaged by an A-rank or above technique, the user must physically collect the ring as it can't "fly" back to the user being out of chakra
~Regeneration of spheres is a choice of the user's and counts as a move of their turn . Returning to the Shakujo staff if damaged by a C-rank or under technique (including no damage) is also a choice but doesn't count as a move. Rings which are returned to the staff or are damaged by A-rank and above techniques no longer count to the "-5 per sphere per turn" chakra cost


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
Isabella bit her own finger before slapping her hands on the ground. From the dust, a magnificent lion sized black macaw appeared, with a great scar on the right side of his face, and a myriad of crimson to blood-red feathers addorning his plumage.

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu) Summoning Technique
Rank: B
Type: Defense/Attack/Suplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: To summon the creature the ninja will wipe blood on his hand, perform the Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram handseals and then touch the ground or another object, where a sealing formula will appear. Though it appears that as long as significant pressure is placed against the blood in some form, the summon will be complete, most summoning uses use a solid surface, though in some cases it can even be done mid air. There can be variations to the summoning steps, some ninja like Temari will wipe blood on her fan, then by swinging the fan the animal is summoned. Other ninja like Orochimaru wipe the blood across a snake tattoo on their arm first, then touch the ground. Others will clap their hands directly like Nagato through the use of his Animal Path. The user must have signed the contract with the creature he wants to summon but the technique can be used to summon a generic creature of that contract (B-Rank) which will have no special traits or abilities beyond those normal to the rest of the animals in the contract. The animal is always summoned on the mark that appears upon slamming the users hand or, if not the case, always in short range of the user.

Wordlessly, she picked up the inert corpse of Inojin and tossed it onto the back of the bird.
All the zombies had been taken care of and soon some villagers started popping up, congratulating her. She had no time to bother with peasants, and the only information she was interested in was where to gather news of the world. They pointed back to the main island she called home, the hub of the Water Country, but she had different plans.

After acquiring the information she needed, she hopped on the macaw and took flight. Across the ocean, she headed towards the Main Continent of the world, a plan brewing in her mind.
