Custom Technology Submission

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Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
(Horokuron) – Holocron
Type: Ninja Tool
Rank: D
Range: N/A (Long)
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: A holocron is a digital storage device made of a durable metal and possessing various polyhedral shapes. Within it, information the user knows or comes across can be stored by creating a data entry. Landmarks, people, events, objects, stories, it is entirely up to the user what information they store within a holocron. As one discovers new places and meets new people, they can record the information and store it within the databank, which is shared and thus instantly transmitted to all other holocrons connected to a shared database. When in use, the holocron will project a hologram display, and the user can navigate the various menus and utilise the functions of the device with eye contact and mental command. When a new data entry has been created on a particular holocron, the other devices will vibrate and display a notification of the new entry. This allows for indirect communication between allies on different landmarks, even if on completely opposite sides of the land. Unless one is underground, or disabled by other means, its function will not be inhibited. The user is also able to house a larger holocron, more akin to the size of an ATM, should they have a landmark under their claim. This larger holocron is simply a data terminal, and offers no special or other function that handheld holocrons don't have. The user is able to keep an entire library of individual holocrons stored within a landmark, as well as one Data Terminal.
Note: User is able to have up to 10 Holcrons synced with one Data Terminal and up to 3 Terminals.

¤ Approved, made edits. ¤
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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points

Archive | Akaivu
Type: Supplementary/Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-30 for active usage)
Damage: N/A
Archive is a smart device worn as a wrist watch. However this is due to technology improvement. It's prototype is a super computer which is quite big and not easy to move about. Archive is simply a massive brain and a reservoir for information. Having a microprocessor exceeding 100s of TeraHertz, an infinite memory space via an embedded fuinjutsu seal and an inbuilt holographic system which makes Archive display high resolution holographic images from its memory as a way of displaying it's output. Archive is also connected to the internet that it constantly and continually draw new information into itself and thus is quite updated all the time.
Archive's usefulness is the ability for the user to be able to draw any kind of information from it at any time in a freeform manner. This is quite easy as the user needs just touch a button or speak as Archive is built with biosensors and a voice recognition feature that only recognizes the programmed user. Like an electronic data card, The user is able to retrieve any ninja data, group/affiliation data landmark info and map, hospital and police records, bingo book. Retrieving a Ninja's data is done by searching through its extremely wide database and instantly locating the data and displaying it via a hologram.

There are two ways that Archive gets and updates it's information. The first being passive and the second which requires the use of medical seal. For the passive acquisition of info, automatically, after every event, the participants, which their names and feats would be known all over the NW and recorded by every clan and factions and particularly the international database which is the internet, would have their entire data(Name, Clan, Power they only displayed during the event and appearance) collected and stored in Archive. If any ninja has his data already in Archive, Archive would upon mid-range proximity to that ninja, match their appearance with those in it's database and immediately display the Ninja's data for the user to see and this is done even without the user's consent. By spending 30 chakra, an invisible barrier can be made to spread from an embedded seal on archive. The barrier would spread of to a 100 meters tops, capturing every biological data it could find. This particular seal is an advanced one which is combined with medical ninjutsu in order to capture DNA signatures and register them in Archive's database should they not already be in it already. Through these DNA signatures, Archive is able to match the signatures with those in all hospital records and every other organizations with biological information's, thus retrieving at least the basic data information(Name and Clan) about the new subject. Creating the barrier would take a move slot. Archive only detects and brings out data info. It is not very effective to be used to sense anyone during battle thus its battle usage is close to none.

¤ Declined, wrong type. Second, You will only be able to gain access specifically coded on the internet; to say after every event, everyone's info is automatically placed on the internet is powerplaying and isn't factual for the RP/WSE. You'll only be able to gain information that can actually be gained via online or places you have been, such as in the case of the mapping function. This also cannot be embued with medical Ninjutsu to achieve what you're attempting; medical Ninjutsu is simply Ninjutsu used to heal/repaid chakra networks. It won't allow you to match chakra signatures located in some database you're creating on your own ¤
Archive | Akaivu
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-30 for active usage)
Damage: N/A
Archive is a smart device worn as a wrist watch. However this is due to technology improvement. It's prototype is a super computer which is quite big and not easy to move about. Archive is simply a massive brain and a reservoir for information. Having a microprocessor exceeding 100s of TeraHertz, an infinite memory space via an embedded fuinjutsu seal and an inbuilt holographic system which makes Archive display high resolution holographic images from its memory as a way of displaying it's output. Archive is also connected to the internet that it constantly and continually draw new information into itself and thus is quite updated all the time.
Archive's usefulness is the ability for the user to be able to draw information from it at any time in a freeform manner. This is quite easy as the user needs just touch a button or speak as Archive is built with biosensors and a voice recognition feature that only recognizes the programmed user. Like an electronic data card, The user is able to retrieve any ninja data, group/affiliation data landmark info and map, hospital and police records, bingo book, advertised upcoming events and tournaments. Retrieving a Ninja's data is done by searching through its extremely wide database and instantly locating the data and displaying it via a hologram.

There are two ways that Archive gets and updates it's information. For the passive acquisition of info, automatically, Archive would download any ninja's data information that are freely advertised or publicized. For example; Bounties and Wanted Ninja have their name and known information placed in universal Bingo Books. Archive can only get information if the user happens to make acquaintance with such ninjas or the user happens to traditionally gather intel which he can then give Archive to store. The Ninja World Map would automatically be in Archive's database but the landmark description and topology/inhabitants can only be stored when the user has passed through the landmark during his travels. Major landmarks like the Witchhood Arena and The NW Market would have their full detailed information within Archive though. If any ninja has his data already in Archive or a particular object/landmark has its information within Archive, Archive would upon mid-range proximity to them, match their appearance with those in it's database and immediately display their data for the user to see and this is done even without the user's consent.

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Active member
Jan 14, 2009
Trait Points
(Bīkon) Beacon
Type: Tool
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: As the Kote has gained notoriety among Shinobi, Samurai too have looked at the technology as a way to expand their arsenal. The Beacon is an altered Kote, capable not of using Ninjutsu, but of preforming Summoning in place of the user, intended for use by Samurai. A beacon has a disk inside it upon which a summoning contract is inscribed, much like how one would sign a traditional contract. Unlike Kote, to use the Beacon does require chakra - an equal amount as would be required to normally preform a Summoning, but unlike traditional summons, the Beacon acts as its namesake, allowing Summons to pull themselves to the wielder's location.
*Note: Allows Summoning to be preformed by Samurai.
*Note: Chakra Cost and Damage are dependent on the Summoning being used.
*Note: Use of the Beacon itself is passive, but the Summoning still consumes a moveslot.
*Note: The Beacon can only be attuned to one Contract at a time.

¤ Approved ¤
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Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Saibādoragon - Cyber Dragon
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (Depends on jutsu)
Damage: N/A (Depends on jutsu)
Description: Cyber Dragons are mechanical snakes created by Korra. These tools are 3 inches in size until infused with chakra and grow to 8 feet long to be used. These tools are used combine with Fire/Water/Wind/Earth/Lightning Sealing Method to give the user an easy way to use the jutsu in a more effective way. When used the snakes grow and than absorb any S rank and below jutsu. The tools than shrink down to 1 feet and than attached the user on their forearm and store the jutsu. The user can than release the absorb jutsu back at the opponent with the same strength as it was first released. The user can have up 3 Cyber Dragons on them and can seal up to 3 jutsus at one time and could release 2 or 3 seal jutsus at the same time similar to The Elder's Folly and Earth Grudge Fear: Final Shot. The jutsus stay sealed into the snakes until released by the user.
Note: Must be given/taught by Korra
Note: Sealing a jutsu counts as a move
Note: Release (whether it be 1,2 or 3 at the same time) counts as a move.
Note: Once released each Cyber Dragon needs a 1 turn cool down before sealing again.
Note: User can onyl carry up to 3 Cyber Dragons and each one counts as a tool
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¤ Declined, i think this clashes with Beifongs CFS Machinery ¤
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Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
(Batto-gun) Bat Swarm
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: N/A(-15 per turn using for scouting)
Damage: N/A
Description: Bat Swarm(BS) are nano sized bats that Batman can control with his chakra which makes them immune to EMPs but is used for scouting and he can view the live video via a small computer on his arm. These fly sized bats can be used to create a suit of his and even rebuild his suit if his suit is ever damaged. The bats give off a sound very similar to bats so they can be heard in a swarm of ten up to two meters from someone’s ears. If they are not swarmed together and are separate their sound can’t be heard unless it’s right next to their target’s ears. These swarm of bats can also combined together to create different weapons and tools of Batman’s needs as long as he can carry it. The nanites can also be used to heal the user up to a certain point, done via a second technique. The swarm of bats are stored in a container shaped into of a bat that Batman wears on his back of course.
-Scouting is passive

¤ Approved ¤
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Active member
Aug 18, 2012
Trait Points
Rījentoāmā | Regent Armor
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A (+15 to Taijutsu)
Description: The Regent Armor is a scientifically modified underarmor worn by shinobi, fitted and designed to empower the body while monitoring its vital signs. It resembles a divers suit in appearance, all black hugging the body close, but this armor leaves the hands, feet, and head exposed. Woven from a lightweight, flexible metal that is also highly dense and durable, the armor empowers the user in battle reflecting in the passive boost to body based damage. The suit is embedded with a CPU integration system that allows the armor to easily connect to other systems, not only on a processing level, but physically to the suits surface as an attachment if desired. Once foreign chakra enters the user's system from another source, the suits defense protocols activates and releases a repetitive beeping sound from a part of the suit near the neck area, alerting the user to the imminent threat within. That is when the user has the ability to activate the suits defensive feat. Holding pre-stored water chakra within, the Regent Armor's defense system upon activation releases the held water chakra out into the user's circulatory system, infiltrating it as it cycles throughout the enitre body cleansing the system before releasing out from the body via the suit as a force of expelled mist. This water ninjutsu acts as a body cleansor from all foreign sources like Kai, as well as a ninjutsu deterrent from mental intrusions due to water's essence of tranquility.
►Activation counts as a move and can be done 4x per battle
►Fueling the suit contributes to the armors ability to register the body's vital signs, and stops when ceased

¤ Declined, this logically would not grant a Taijutsu boost; it's an undersuit that lies under your armor. The justification for a "deterrent from mental intrusions" seems faulty as well and would only work with Genjutsu and not as a catch all for all mental based jutsu, thats a reach. ¤
Rījentoāmā | Regent Armor
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Self
Chakra: (-10 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The Regent Armor is a scientifically modified underarmor worn by shinobi, fitted and designed to supplement the body while also monitoring the chakra source within, linking the suit and its user together. It resembles a divers suit in appearance, all black hugging the body close, but this armor leaves the hands and head exposed. Woven from a lightweight, flexible metal that is also highly dense and durable, this scientifically modified suit is further altered to passively negate paralyzation factors via electrical currents due to its minor ability to seperate and ground itself to the earth with small cable like cords that extends from the feet area. However, that feat is only accessible when in contact with the ground. The suit is embedded with a CPU integration system that allows the armor to easily connect to other systems, not only on a processing level, but physically to the suits surface as an attachment if desired. Once foreign chakra enters the user's system from another source, the suits defense protocols activates and releases a repetitive beeping sound from a part of the suit near the neck area, alerting the user to the imminent threat within. That is when the user has the ability to activate the suits defensive feat. Holding pre-stored water chakra within, the Regent Armor's defense system upon activation releases the held water chakra out into the user's circulatory system, infiltrating it as it cycles throughout the enitre body cleansing the system before releasing out from the body via the suit as a force of expelled mist. This water ninjutsu acts as a body cleansor from all foreign sources like Kai, able to combat illusions of all ranks, excluding the usually higher bared illusions via MS.
Defense activation counts as a move and can be done 4x per battle
►Fueling the suit contributes to the armors ability to register the body's vital signs, and stops when ceased

¤ Approved ¤
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Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
( Eld no Jū ) The Guns of Eld
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: Depends
Damage: Depends
Description: The revolvers once used by the Last Gunslinger, it is said they were forged of an indestructible mysterious alloy in the Lava dimension long before the massive eruption that filled that land with molten rivers and ash ridden skies. The metals they were forged from are said to be the melted down remnants of the mighty sword Excalibur, wielded by King Arthur Eld during his fateful battle with the Dark wizard Maerlyn and the Crimson Queen. The Blacksmith who forged the dual six-shooters was said to have used his Katon to heat the sword, but was unable to reach it's alloys unknown melting point. It wasn't until he combined his Katon with a special Sage oil similar to the oil found on Mt. Myōboku that he was able to create an intense forge fire with temperatures hot enough to melt the sword down. The melted alloy was immediately cast to create the revolvers, which would be passed down the Eld bloodline from father to son for thirty generations as a right of passage by becoming a Gunslinger. Unknown to the Blacksmith the process of forging them gave the unknown metal alloy a couple special properties. It is said that during the massive eruption that ended all biological life, the force created a rift, temporarily opening to the closest dimension where the guns fell thru, falling from the rift and landing in this dimension. The pistols are grey in color with sandalwood grips. The chamber for the bullets is huge, and matched no caliber bullet ever made. Each revolver sits in hand stitched leather holsters carefully shaped and rolled for quicker draw and holstering. The two gun belts for them are worn crisscrossed over the hips so the holsters sit low, at the perfect angle for drawing. Near the muzzle of each gun is scroll-work engraving which means "white", and is said to be Arthur Eld's dinh mark signifying his bloodline, and the legendary sword the guns were forged from. There are many symbols along the barrel of the pistols. They depicted what the guns were truly capable of. Their power came about not only from the source of the metal being Excalibur, but the Katon chakra and Sage oil still present in melted alloy as it cooled during casting. Because of this process, the revolvers became perfect conduits of natural energy and katon. The Sage oil would keep the metal from ever oxidizing and would passively draw in the nature energy from the world around it. This went unnoticed because no one had ever tried to wield them in battle as until then they had seemed purely ornamental.

The dual revolvers abilities are as follows:

- At all times the pistols are empowered by Senchakra, the Sage oil in it's metal draws in from the world around it with no action required from the user. This also makes them extremely durable as well This does not mean they can be used to block jutsu directly but can be used for melee purposes as needed. The melee damage from this would be minimal unless the holder has access to Senchakra, in which the free form melee strikes would do 5 damage each. They would also be able to strike the enemy even if they slightly missed, the natural energy in them hitting them similar to frog kata. Having Senchakra drawing into them at all times, it allows for a couple abilities for someone with access to Natural Energy. While this can not be used to help someone to enter Sage Mode, it can however allow the pistols to be used as conduits for Senjutsu, allowing for their use thru the pistols themselves within reason. 3x per battle, the user while in Sage mode can use the latent Natural Energy within these special guns to add a +20 boost to any Senjutsu technique in the same time-frame passively, however doing so drains the Senchakra from them and they require 2 turns to draw in enough to perform any other boosts regarding Senjutsu usage thru them, though can still be used as a conduit for the techniques. As long as the user has access to Senjutsu usage, the free form bullets can be fired without being in Sage Mode doing -3 damage each.

- At all times the pistols are empowered by Katon, and as such can be used as a conduit to perform all Katon Ninjutsu , the chakra already present in the metal making molding the chakra for the attacks much faster and therefor the user can perform them all using either the pistols without the need for seals. A specialist in Katon would be able to take advantage of this even further, using this latent Katon in the pistols as an enhancement for other jutsu, be it Katon or other field of the Basic 5 and Basic Ninjutsu. This allows the user to perform any jutsu that do not have handseals, adding Katon into them having differing effects depending on the combination. This would add an active boost of +20 damage to any jutsu up to S rank, and also give them a Katon attribute alongside them. In the case of boosting the users own Katon techniques, being a specialist the user can use this to add strength to their jutsu, making it larger or more powerful. This has the ability to either passively extend a Katon jutsu's range giving it one additional level, or adding a passive boost of +20 to the technique allowing it to be combined with a separate active boost in the same time-frame passively. Boosting to non-Katon jutsu can be done 2x per battle, once per turn with a turn cool down in between. Using either of the effects for the Katon usage can be done 2x per battle total no matter the combination, with 2 cool down in between uses.

- The chamber of these special pistols cannot fire normal bullets. It can however fire special bullets molded from either Katon or Senchakra. These bullets can be fired in rapid succession, 6 in each pistol. Since the guns always passively have Katon and Senchakra in them, the guns will always be ready to be fired all that will be needed from the user is his concentration on which type ammo they are firing. The bullets from these blasts can reach long range and travel as fast as a Raiton technique, and depending on the amount of chakra added the damage can range from -3 free form damage, to S rank of either Katon or Senjutsu. Chakra usage for these blasts would be equivalent to the rank used however techniques used thru them of either nature would require 10 less chakra due to the guns properties. The blasts of Senchakra would have paralyzing effects as the area's struck begins to petrify from the overload of Natural Energy taking 2 turns to completely become stone, free form having similar mild effects stopping speed enhancements where A rank shots and above would stop someone in their tracks. The Katon blast would carry fiery properties able to pierce into the body and cause burns internally and externally, or concussive properties burning targets and launching them backwards from the force depending on the users manipulation of the chakra. The Senchakra bullets are invisible to the naked eye and normal sensing due to their properties. After all 12 shots have been fired, the pistols will require 3 turns to "reload" after which it becomes usable once more however as the guns draw in chakra they can "reload" one shot per turn if all 12 have not been fired. The bullets can be shot more than one at a time, but the more fired the more the damage will be divided and this will always be the case no matter which rank is used. B rank and below can be fire in rapid succession where the higher ranked ones will take longer to fire while more chakra is molded into them, only able to fire off 3 from each pistol in a row. S rank uses can only be done once per turn, and only one kind meaning either Katon or Senchakra, not both at once.

-Only usable by Vegeta and those he teaches to use
-Will not work if stolen, as the user must be taught the deciphered symbols to use

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¤ Declined, boy if you don't reduce the length of this by at LEAST HALF...¤
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
(Supuratto Bakudan) Splat Bomb
Type: Offensive, Supplementary
Rank: C - A Rank
Range: Short - Long (Thrown), Short (Explosion)
Chakra: 15 - 30
Damage: 30 - 60
Description: Created based on the blueprints originally made for the Kote, these small tools are crafted and intended to be used by those whom utilize ink ninjutsu. Within these triangular containment units are ink of various color, this color matching that of the element infused into the ink ahead of time. When thrown at the enemy, the user will weave a single hand seal - causing the capsule to burst open those releasing a violent burst of ink to those around the blast zone. The power of the blast depends on the amount of chakra and ink utilized for the this technique, while also dealing additional adverse affects depending on the element such as fire burning the enemy, water making the ink more vicious and sticky making it harder to move etc. It can also be used as a source for future ink techniques. A rank can only be used thrice per battle while the overall technique can only be used six times per battle. This is also akin to having works of art pre drawn thus various techniques can be used in conjunction to this.
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¤ Declined, this needs a single rank and usage limit. As this is an ink bomb, I don't see how this is capable of releasing Ink animals as well. I suggest making a second item for this. ¤
(Supuratto Bakudan) Splat Bomb
Type: Tool
Rank: A Rank
Range: Short - Long (Thrown), Short (Explosion)
Chakra: 30 (N/A When Thrown)
Damage: 60
Description: Created based on the blueprints originally made for the Kote, these small tools are crafted and intended to be used by those whom utilize ink ninjutsu. Within these triangular containment units are ink of various color, this color matching that of the element infused into the ink ahead of time. When thrown at the enemy, the user will weave a single hand seal - causing the capsule to burst open those releasing a violent burst of ink to those around the blast zone. The power of the blast depends on the amount of chakra and ink utilized for the this technique, while also dealing additional adverse affects depending on the element such as fire burning the enemy, water making the ink more vicious and sticky making it harder to move etc. It can also be used as a source for future ink techniques. A rank can only be used thrice per battle while the overall technique can only be used five times per battle. This is also akin to having works of art pre drawn thus various techniques can be used in conjunction to this due to the ink acting as a new source.
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¤ Approved ¤
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Baba Yaga

Active member
Jan 10, 2012
Trait Points
Hearing Aides: Hochōki
Type: Tool
Rank: A-rank
Range: n/a
Chakra: 30 for Activation Combat Spectrum, -5 per turn for sustenance of CS
Damage: n/a
Description: Hearing aides are technological tools made to augment combat through controlling the wearers perception of the auditory environment. They are extremely small and implanted in the ear canal away from view. They are unique in that once implanted, all sound perception by the user occurs through them. Hearing aides rely on both digital and analog parts to function exactly as intended. The three main analog components are: a microphone, amplifier, and speaker. The hearing aid receives sound through a microphone, which converts the sound waves to electrical signals and sends them to an amplifier. The amplifier increases the power of the signals and then sends them to the ear through a speaker. By way of their design, the analog components allow wearers to passively perceive a wider range of sound of different frequencies and loudness than they would be able to without.
Control of the range of sounds the user wants to perceive is afforded by the digital components namely a digital wrist watch-like wearable which serves as the interface to control functions of the hearing aide. The interface processes the sounds collected by the hearing aides digitally thus allowing sound of extreme/specific frequencies or decibel levels to not be transmitted by the speaker. As such, although the aides are capable of capturing every sound around the user, the implement may be calibrated to only relay sound within a specified spectrum to the user.
The spectrum of allowed perception is by default like that of regular ears. Chakra activation is required to achieve the Combat Spectrum(SC). Combat spectrum is such that sounds of movement and other key sounds are amplified whereas potentially harmful sounds (extremely loud, extremely high frequency, gen inducing, disorienting) are distilled and muted to the user.
::Hearing aide wearers gain a greater perception of their environment consequently doubling their Reaction speed.
::Wearers must undergo a surgical procedure to have hearing aides implanted in their ear canals.
::Requires at least Jonin rank.

¤ Declined, I'm confused on how this makes movements and other sounds louder while harmful sounds somehow aren't? You need to explain how this occurs. Also, doubled reaction speed is a no. A set number is needed if allowed. This depends on the previous things I pointed out ¤
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Active member
Apr 29, 2009
Trait Points
(Ninja Gijutsu: Pip-Boy 3000) - Ninja Technology: Pip-Boy 3000
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 10 per turn
Damage: N/A
Description: The Pip-Boy 3000 is an electronic bracer that is worn around the user's forearm. It is crudely made with a clunky body and a minimal display. The main function of the Pip-Boy 3000 is to monitor the health and chakra of the wearer, showing a basic human diagram with health, chakra levels, status labels, and damage percentages. This can tell the wearer when they are poisoned, when limbs pass damage thresholds, if they've been paralyzed, hydration and hunger levels, or if their chakra flow is irregular. The bracer can alert the wearer when they've entered an area with dangerous environmental conditions such as poison, toxins, radiation, excessive heat, excessive cold, etc. While the device lacks the technological advancements needed to remedy advanced afflictions, it can be used to shock the wearer out of illusions, causing 5 damage for D and C ranked illusions, 10 damage for B and A ranked illusions, and 20 damage for S ranked illusions. This is not automatically triggered when caught by a genjutsu, and instead must be activated by the wearer through chakra. Outside of the in-battle uses of monitoring health and hazards, it also acts as a hub for information and can display a world map, or a local map showing landmarks such as cities, towns, or discovered locations (which will not be shown unless discovered first). The Pip-Boy can also be used to keep track of the user's missions, inventory, contacts, or just mundane notes, and comes equipped with a flashlight and audio player. An advanced model exists solely for use with Cyborg individuals: the Pip-Boy 3000-C. This model serves the same functions as the standard model, however it is directly linked to the cyborg's body. This allows them to receive the information from the Pip-Boy without having to look at it. It has one advanced system called the V.A.T.S system, an advanced targeting system that allows the cyborg to hone in on specific body parts. When using the V.A.T.S system to supplement an attack, should that attack land it will automatically count as a critical strike. As this system is designed for precise targeting, it can only be used with precise, small scale attacks, as described by the standard critical strike rules.
-Self shock costs a move and is triggered by chakra, costing chakra equal to the damage created.
-Self shock disables the Pip-Boy for 1 turn per shock level.
-V.A.T.S can only be used by Cyborgs.
-V.A.T.S requires a cool down of one turn after being used.

¤ Declined, type is incorrect. For it to release Genjutsu, it will have to do more damage than what is listed. 20 damage won't break an S rank gen, for example. The VATS system will also need an overall cap limit. ¤
(Ninja Gijutsu: Pip-Boy 3000) - Ninja Technology: Pip-Boy 3000
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 10 per turn
Damage: N/A
Description: The Pip-Boy 3000 is an electronic bracer that is worn around the user's forearm. It is crudely made with a clunky body and a minimal display. The main function of the Pip-Boy 3000 is to monitor the health and chakra of the wearer, showing a basic human diagram with health, chakra levels, status labels, and damage percentages. This can tell the wearer when they are poisoned, when limbs pass damage thresholds, if they've been paralyzed, hydration and hunger levels, or if their chakra flow is irregular. The bracer can alert the wearer when they've entered an area with dangerous environmental conditions such as poison, toxins, radiation, excessive heat, excessive cold, etc. While the device lacks the technological advancements needed to remedy advanced afflictions, it can be used to shock the wearer out of illusions, causing 10 damage for D and C ranked illusions, 20 damage for B and A ranked illusions, and 30 damage for S ranked illusions. This is not automatically triggered when caught by a genjutsu, and instead must be activated by the wearer through chakra. Outside of the in-battle uses of monitoring health and hazards, it also acts as a hub for information and can display a world map, or a local map showing landmarks such as cities, towns, or discovered locations (which will not be shown unless discovered first). The Pip-Boy can also be used to keep track of the user's missions, inventory, contacts, or just mundane notes, and comes equipped with a flashlight and audio player. An advanced model exists solely for use with Cyborg individuals: the Pip-Boy 3000-C. This model serves the same functions as the standard model, however it is directly linked to the cyborg's body. This allows them to receive the information from the Pip-Boy without having to look at it. It has one advanced system called the V.A.T.S system, an advanced targeting system that allows the cyborg to hone in on specific body parts. When using the V.A.T.S system to supplement an attack, should that attack land it will automatically count as a critical strike. As this system is designed for precise targeting, it can only be used with precise, small scale attacks, as described by the standard critical strike rules.
-Self shock costs a move and is triggered by chakra, costing chakra equal to the damage created.
-Self shock disables the Pip-Boy for 1 turn per shock level.
-V.A.T.S can only be used by Cyborgs and can be used four times per battle, with a cool down of one turn between each usage.

(Ninja Gijutsu: Rimokongurippu) - Ninja Technology: RC Grip
Type: Tool
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10 per turn
Damage: N/A
Description: The RC Grip is a ninja tool designed to wrap comfortably around the grip of a weapon and give the wielder control over said weapon from a distance. The grip is lined with four columns of vents that run along the length of the grip. These vents expel chakra and can be used to levitate and move the weapon to allow for ranged attacks for what is normally a close quarter weapon. Each grip is linked through chakra to a glove that is worn by the wielder. This glove is used to control the movements of the weapon through gestures, though the hand movements required are simple, more akin to puppetry than an exact one-to-one mimicry. It also allows the wielder to transfer their chakra directly to the weapon allowing them to not only perform simple attacks, but chakra enhanced attacks as well. Cyborgs can have the function of these gloves built into their hands instead.
-The number of grips usable at a time is limited to the number of hands a person has.
-Grips can be applied to weapons during battle, or placed in the user's biography prior.
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¤ Both Approved ¤
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Active member
Jan 5, 2012
Trait Points
New Cycle: 1/06/2018 - 08/06/2018

1. Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout this cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions mustn't be edited after being checked by a mod—they'll become invalid, and thus declined!!
4. Submissions may be declined, at the moderator's discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from the prior cycle that haven't been checked will be soon, please have patience.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit.
The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.

Extra Note: Be Mindful of the updates in . Be aware of how many submissions you can and can't submit in one cycle now. Do not update techniques to add several lines of dialogue to where the original technique and the new one are two different techniques.


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
Trait Points
( Keisan no te ) - Hand of Reckoning
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 ( +40 for overcharging Shield of the Righteous )
Damage: 80
Description: Hand of Reckoning is a stationary sentry turret that upon activation and being given the necessary chakra to function begins to slowly accumulate natural energy. It has the appearance of a metal box roughly the size of a briefcase that when opened becomes two gun like barrels mounted on a swiveling platform. After accumulating enough natural energy the sentry is able to fire Jutsu Bullets in the form of condensed natural energy shells at unknown or hostile chakra sources in the landmark or battle they were deployed in or create a defensive shell-like aura around itself. The turret has no AI and thus relies on a simple program that distinguishes chakra sources needing the user to create a white list of chakra sources that are considered friendly. After this is done the turret will shoot at anyone or anything with a non-white listed chakra source unless commanded not to. This is similar to things like the ( Mikagami Dorōn ) - Mirror Drone and ( Kinzoku Kugutsu ) - Autonomous Puppets. These turrets can be placed in a claimed landmark to act as a defense or can be deployed in battle with the deployment acting in the same way as a jutsu released from a Kote. Each turret can be destroyed by a direct S rank attack.

Avenging Wrath: The primary ability of Hand of Reckoning after a single turn of gathering natural energy the turret becomes able to fire Jutsu Bullets either on it's own accord or at the command of the person who deployed it. Once per turn passively the turret can shoot up to four freeform bullets on it's own accord. These together deal twenty damage and due to being natural energy are invisible and neutral to elemental releases. If the person who deployed the turret is within short range of it at the cost of a move-slot he is able to command the turret to fire off a spray of four larger Jutsu Bullets dealing eighty damage to anything they make contact with. However this can only be done once per turn needing a turn to recharge after. It can be done alongside a combined effort from the person who deployed it such as another technique and needs only a verbal command or a snap of the fingers to initiate. Thus it can allow them to either overwhelm or defend against an intruder but can only be done four times per battle.

Shield of the Righteous: The secondary ability of Hand of Reckoning after a single turn of gathering natural energy the turret is able to create a defensive aura of natural energy surrounding a short range diameter. This defensive aura is S rank in power and has the potential to defend against similarly ranked elemental release techniques. This can be done passively once per turn with a two turn cool down needing to recharge over that time. Alternatively if the person who deployed the turret is within short range of it at the cost of a move and forty chakra they are able to overcharge the turret by infusing it with senjutsu chakra allowing it to double the defensive capabilities. Meaning it can defend from a forbidden rank technique of any element. This has the same usage limit as the passive version but requires the user to be able to use senjutsu chakra in some form and can only be done three times per battle.

Note: Two turrets can be carried and deployed by a specific bio

¤ Declined, invisible senjutsu techs is a no for starters. Note that it won't turn people into stone either if hit. The second ability of Avenging Wrath With the user causing it to fire bullets for 80 damage needs a wider cooldown period as well as lower usage rate. F rank senjutsu shield overall is a no. S rank shield also isn't going to be passive lol. Needs an overall usage limit. Also, only one turret per landmark. ¤
( Keisan no te ) - Hand of Reckoning
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: Hand of Reckoning is a stationary sentry turret that upon activation and being given the necessary chakra to function begins to slowly accumulate natural energy. It has the appearance of a metal box roughly the size of a briefcase that when opened becomes two gun like barrels mounted on a swiveling platform. After accumulating enough natural energy the sentry is able to fire Jutsu Bullets in the form of condensed natural energy shells at unknown or hostile chakra sources in the landmark or battle they were deployed in or create a defensive shell-like aura around itself. The turret has no AI and thus relies on a simple program that distinguishes chakra sources needing the user to create a white list of chakra sources that are considered friendly. After this is done the turret will shoot at anyone or anything with a non-white listed chakra source unless commanded not to. This is similar to things like the ( Mikagami Dorōn ) - Mirror Drone and ( Kinzoku Kugutsu ) - Autonomous Puppets. These turrets can be placed in a claimed landmark to act as a defense or can be deployed in battle with the deployment acting in the same way as a jutsu released from a Kote. Each turret can be destroyed by a direct S rank attack.

Avenging Wrath: The primary ability of Hand of Reckoning after a single turn of gathering natural energy the turret becomes able to fire Jutsu Bullets either on it's own accord or at the command of the person who deployed it. Once per turn passively the turret can shoot up to four freeform bullets on it's own accord. These together deal twenty damage and due to being natural energy are neutral to elemental releases. If the person who deployed the turret is within short range of it at the cost of a move-slot he is able to command the turret to fire off a spray of four larger Jutsu Bullets dealing eighty damage to anything they make contact with. However this can only be done once per turn needing two turns to recharge after. It can be done alongside a combined effort from the person who deployed it such as another technique and needs only a verbal command or a snap of the fingers to initiate. Thus it can allow them to either overwhelm or defend against an intruder but can only be done three times per battle.

Shield of the Righteous: The secondary ability of Hand of Reckoning after a single turn of gathering natural energy the turret is able to create a defensive aura of natural energy surrounding a short range diameter. This defensive aura is S rank in power and has the potential to defend against similarly ranked elemental release techniques. This can be done once per turn costing a move but able to be used alongside another technique with a two turn cool down needing to recharge over that time. It can only be used three times per battle.

Note: Two turrets can be carried and deployed by a bio with access to Senjutsu with one per LM
Note: Targets hit will only suffer blunt/piercing damage, unable to cause mutations or petrification.

Parent Technique:

(Dokuton: Setsudan-go) - Poison Release: Viscous Mockery
Type: Supplementary
Rank: E
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Vicious Mockery is the name given to special tags and metal canisters that can replace the users basic explosive tags and smoke bombs. Made by someone with an innate curiosity of poison release the tags or canisters can have different substances inside of them if they so choose needing specific skills to acquire these. The first is the basic Med Toxin, this variation requires the user to be a Medical Ninja, it's effects are the exact same as the Med Toxin. The second is their own custom poison this requires the user to be a Medical Ninja with access to a custom poison that they have created. Finally the third is a special poison created specifically for these tags and canisters for anyone with poison release to use. This poison is called Tasha's Hideous Laughter and has specific effects that include uncontrollable laughter on turn one accompanied by auditory hallucinations where people will mock and insult the poisoned individual, blurred vision, twitching and numbness on turn two reducing the poisoned individual's reactions by one fourth, partial paralysis on turn three making hand seals impossible and reducing the effected persons speed by three ranks and finally complete paralysis on turn four. This third variation can be used by anyone who knows poison release.
Note: These need to be mentioned in the bio or in the first post of the fight alongside the variation the user carries
Note: The user is immune to every poison this technique produces except custom ones created by others

♪ Approved: Cool technique, made edits. ♪
( Jigoku Hanran ) - Hellish Rebuke
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 ( if generic and used as grenades )
Description: An alternative to the Kote this tool is a type of ammunition clip compatible with any other gun or sentry. It comes in the form of several canisters that allow them to hold various samples of the user's poisons or for a more advanced usage a singular poison technique. How this is used is similar to the Kote itself the user throws the canister and upon detonation it releases the mass of stored poison and a catalyst of stored dokuton chakra to release the technique itself from the canister without any outside usage of the user beyond throwing it. What differentiates this from a Kote is the limited nature it has, only being able to store a poison technique and no other type of technique meaning to make up for this the user is able to store up to a single S rank poison technique inside one of their grenades, causing it to burst open on contact to release it. This can only be done once per battle, costs a move but can be done alongside another technique if logical. However, using Hellish Rebuke to release the technique is passive thus not doubling up on move-slot usage.

When used as an ammunition clip the user merely connects the canister to the gun, or projectile based weapon and that weapon can then fire Poison Jutsu Bullets instead of their standard ammunition. This has the effect of upping the damage of whatever weapon it is augmenting due to the additional surge of dokuton chakra through the weapon allowing it to work as a conduit for the poison. For example if a gun fires off Fire Jutsu Bullets instead it will fire empowered Poison Jutsu Bullets instead with what the gun's normal damage being increased by 20 passive damage. This supply of dokuton chakra and poison lasts three turns, and can only be used twice as a clip for a maximum of six turns of empowered ammunition. Alternatively as mentioned they can be used as grenades releasing generic poison to attack this can be gaseous med toxin, or any variety of custom poison. This can only be done twice per battle and costs a move.
Note: Using it as a clip is passive and just takes the user connecting it to their weapon to use

¤ Both Approved, made slight edits ¤
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Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
(Cyberdyne Koa) - Cyberdyne Core
Rank: S
Range: N/a
Chakra: 40 (+100 chakra)
Damage: N/a (-10 per turn)
Description: A metallic powered circular-like object that functions similar functions as a generator and a heart for Machines. This hidden core exhibits enormous intensive chakra attained from Nature Energy. Manipulated into pure energy, the core releases the reserves upon user's will through the cyborg in a powerful surge of natural electricity that radiates around from their body as it empowers their systems (+1 rank and damage to user's tools up to S-rank). The shrouding nature energy allows them to enable amazing acceleration and limited flight. Using the energy as jet propulsion from their body in the whichever direction at will, to perform even superior rapid maneuvers (x3 Base speed). While active, the core actively consumes the users chakra (-20 Chakra per turn) in order to produce and maintain the Nature Energy. Now as they've attained back leverage regards to Lightning jutsu increased the damage done to cyborgs becoming neutral. They gain a far-greater threats, Suiton/fuuton damage becoming increased by 2 ranks (up to F-rank). With electricity, Taijutsu or kenjutsu attacks attain numbing and paralyzing abilities (Lasting for 1 turn). Upon deactivation the user can channel/ release the energy in blast radiance from their body, in a form of EMP ( A-rank damage, able of Disabling A-rank and below Tools/ lightning jutsu active within Short-range).

Note: The user cannot use Elemental/ Regular Ninjutsu or Genjutsu techniques, while this tool is active.
Note: Lasts for 5 turns, 4 turn cooldown.
Note: Can be deactivated at will.
Note: Usable twice per battle.

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Cyberdyne Adobansa Kuchiyose no Jutsu) - Cyberdyne Advancement Summoning Technique
Chakra: 30 (Plus Original Summoning's Chakra cost)
Description:Advancement Summoning Technique, is a tool that allows the user to summon cybernetic organisms of their summoning contact of the summon being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts. Appearing as brace-band, usually in dark colors with relic like writing upon it however, very futuristic. To summon the cyborg-creature of the ninja, they will wipe blood on this brace-band, perform the Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram handseals and then touch an object or not, then a sealing formula will appear short range to them. These summoned cybernetic organisms, have their restored functions and now enhanced abilities due to the integration of some artificial component or technology that relies on some sort of feedback: Due to the cybernetic enhancements, they're subject to a lesser cyborg attributes as they have increased durability ( Immunity to C rank and below physical attacks and -10 damage from up to S rank physical damage ) and strength ( +10 damage to Taijutsu ). However, due to this enhancement, they are also more vulnerable to Lightning jutsu, increasing the damage done to cyborgs by 20 damage. Energy based attacks deal the same amount of damage.
The user must have signed the contract with the creature he wants to summon but the technique can be used to summon a generic creature of that contract (B-Rank) which will have no special traits or abilities beyond those normal to the rest of the animals in the contract. The animal is always summoned on the mark that appears upon slamming the users hand or, if not the case, always in short range of the user. Usable thrice per battle.

(Cyberdyne shisutemuzu shirīzu 9001 tāminēta) - Cyberdyne Systems Series 9001 Terminator
Chakra:N/a (-30 CPU hacking)
Description: This endoskeleton, T-9 ( Cyberdyne Systems Series 9001 Terminator ) is a supported frame with a microprocessor, and a controlled triple-armored hyper-steel alloy for combat chassis (magnet-related damage +20 if successful hit) . With metal fibers woven and is constructed with friction-less bearings in its joints, and a servo-actuated control system. The limbs are controlled by axial drive motors and clavicular trailing links, allowing the T-9s to maneuver faster than the regular shinobi (+2.5 speed/tracking increase), as bursts of speed are no longer threatened by the joint assemblies. The T-9 is also lighter and stronger than normal steel (+10 to Taijutsu/Kenjutsu). The armored frame is capable of withstanding most contemporary explosions and direct hits from paper bombs without being dissembled (capable of 'tanking' 4 A-rank non-elemental jutsu per battle). To attain this level, the user becomes a full cyborg, with the nerves to feel pain being fully removed (99% being machine) and replaced with steel-alike throughout the body, the user is only subjected to mental pain. The means the user isn't bound to normal effects that a regular shinobi anatomy would have problems with when attacked. For example, in the case of a Genjutsu directed at the User, although he has a brain, Genjutsu that would cause pain to an area along the body, would easily be giving themselves away. Due the fact, the user fully understands that they no longer should feel any pain along a certain body part, except their brain. With a full machine body, the user is immune to biochemical poisons that harm the regular shinobi body, except if their in a gaseous form.

Microprocessor - Containing a Neural Net Processor CPU, or "learning computer", within the outer rims of the endoskull and protected by inertial shock dampers. The CPU, developed by Mandalores, is one of the most powerful microprocessors ever built. As part of its vast internal databases, the T-9 contains detailed files on shinobi anatomy and physiology so as to make it a more efficient killer. The CPU could also be updated with multiple database files related to advanced infiltration techniques, basic training for shinobi, emergency medical training, sniper training, an extensive tactical database, and hacking other detailed files from other systems making each machine a knowledge item. This allows the user to attain access to other technologies (Tool) of his opponents, A-rank or lower only during battle/NW.

This is embedded within the User's Biography, fusing the bones with the triple-armored hyper-steel alloy. Done at the NarutoBase Hospital, requiring a Medical Ninja. Operating the transfusion to transforming the User's bio into a full Cyborg.

Can only be used by Rucken.
Must be stated upon a CYBORG biography.
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¤ Auto Declined, you can only submit 2 Tools per turn as of two cycles ago. ¤
(Cyberdyne Koa) - Cyberdyne Core
Rank: S
Range: N/a
Chakra: 40 (+100 chakra)
Damage: N/a (-10 per turn)
Description: A metallic powered circular-like object that functions similar functions as a generator and a heart for Machines. This hidden core exhibits enormous intensive chakra attained from Nature Energy. Manipulated into pure energy, the core releases the reserves upon user's will through the cyborg in a powerful surge of natural electricity that radiates around from their body as it empowers their systems (+1 rank and damage to user's tools up to S-rank). The shrouding nature energy allows them to enable amazing acceleration and limited flight. Using the energy as jet propulsion from their body in the whichever direction at will, to perform even superior rapid maneuvers (x3 Base speed). While active, the core actively consumes the users chakra (-20 Chakra per turn) in order to produce and maintain the Nature Energy. Now as they've attained back leverage regards to Lightning jutsu increased the damage done to cyborgs becoming neutral. They gain a far-greater threats, Suiton/fuuton damage becoming increased by 2 ranks (up to F-rank). With electricity, Taijutsu or kenjutsu attacks attain numbing and paralyzing abilities (Lasting for 1 turn). Upon deactivation the user can channel/ release the energy in blast radiance from their body, in a form of EMP ( A-rank damage, able of Disabling A-rank and below Tools/ lightning jutsu active within Short-range).

Note: The user cannot use Elemental/ Regular Ninjutsu or Genjutsu techniques, while this tool is active.
Note: Lasts for 5 turns, 4 turn cooldown.
Note: Can be deactivated at will.
Note: Usable twice per battle.

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¤ Declined, for starters, too much going on here; too many main abilities, the bold is confusing, and idk why the somehow +40 boost comes from. Reduce the number of abilities please. ¤

Cyberdyne Adobansa Kuchiyose no Jutsu) - Cyberdyne Advancement Summoning Technique
Chakra: 30 (+Original Summoning's Chakra cost)
Description:Advancement Summoning Technique, is a tool that allows the user to summon cybernetic organisms of their summoning contact of the summon being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts. Appearing as brace-band, usually in dark colors with relic like writing upon it however, very futuristic. To summon the cyborg-creature of the ninja, they will wipe blood on this brace-band, perform the Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram handseals and then touch an object or not, then a sealing formula will appear short range to them. These summoned cybernetic organisms, have their restored functions and now enhanced abilities due to the integration of some artificial component or technology that relies on some sort of feedback: Due to the cybernetic enhancements, they're subject to a lesser cyborg attributes as they have increased durability ( Immunity to D rank and below physical attacks and -10 damage from up to B rank physical damage ) and strength ( +10 damage to Taijutsu ). However, due to this enhancement, they are also more vulnerable to Lightning jutsu, increasing the damage done to cyborgs by 20 damage. Energy based attacks deal the same amount of damage.
The user must have signed the contract with the creature he wants to summon but the technique can be used to summon a generic creature of that contract (B-Rank) which will have no special traits or abilities beyond those normal to the rest of the animals in the contract. Specific cyborg summonings have to be created via submission. The animal is always summoned on the mark that appears upon slamming the users hand or, if not the case, always in short range of the user. The user can only have up to 2 present on the field at any time.

¤ Approved, made edits. I like this idea, but cyborg summonings aren't getting the same level of durability as cyborgs. ¤
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Onii Chan

Active member
Apr 6, 2015
Trait Points
(Yomisenpū) - 黄泉の国旋風, Whirlwind of Darkness
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: '' Yomo-tsu-Ōkami senpū kenjū, 黄泉大神旋風拳銃 ''

The most modern technology utilized by the current shinobi forces, especially those that wield weapons. Famously used by Yoshimitsu, the '' Yomisenpū '' is a gauntlet that is a replacement for the right arm or the main arm that the user uses to wield their weapon. Its attached to the severed arm may it be on purpose for preparation of installation of this tool or via prior battle. Its parameters extend just above the elbow and up the entirety of the forearm and hand. Its made of steel, yet colored and painted to be gold with a overlapping thread design on the forearm and a alternate black under base. Its capability allows the user to perform more weaponized strikes towards the opponent as the hand allows a complete 360 degree motion around a horizontal ratio thus sufficiently increasing Kenjutsu versatility and flexibility. The wrist area of the gauntlet is the main mechanism for this tool, its system revolves around a ball like structure lock firmly on top of the forearm that allows horizontal freedom, ideally a singular vertical opening on top that the hand itself is attached to which allows vertical movement of the hand giving fluid strike capability. Its hand movement potential is nearly infinite as it has complete freedom of motion, being able to twist and turn; allowing endless ways to counter a taijutsu or kenjutsu offensive.


¤ Approved ¤
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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Hakumaku - Thin Films
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A (+20 to Taijutsu)
Thin films are transparent semi conducting devices in the shape of flat hexagonal plates that are apparently very thin as their name implies. The films are by default laid on the the user skin and due to their thinness, able to blend with the user skin like a second skin without showing any visibility that it is present. The only time one would know and be aware of the thin films is when the user's skin is hit directly and a flash streak of cocoon like pattern appears on the user's skin at the area of strike. Being a second skin, the thin films would not hinder the user from secreting anything from his body (e.g: sweat, substance, jutsu etc) however, the films has their own usefulness. While on the skin, they prevent any kind of foreign substance from sticking to the skin of the user, albeit the user has total control of this should he willingly want something foreign to stick to him. On the same note, same applies to slippery surfaces. The thin films would also allow the user to interact with slippery surfaces as if there is friction inbetween the slippery surface and the skin. This is done by increasing it's own natural viscosity to suit the current condition. Thin films due to its semi conducting make up, akin to a capacitor, would continually absorb any electricity/lightning current up-to 30 chakra per absorption, storing the current into itself and allows the user to collect the electricity around their fist and feet to augment their taijutsu damage with electricity of up to 10 chakra from the thin films per use and at the cost of a move though in the same timeframe as the taijutsu in question. Lastly, the thin films are able to reflect any light in a focus or unfocused manner, amplifying it so that it causes a quick, bright but intense flash of light, able to momentarily blind the target. Blindness lasts for a turn and the flash can only be used up to 4 times.

¤ Approved, made edits ¤
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Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
(Ekō) - Echo
Type: Tool
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A (-5/-5/-10)
Damage: N/A (+20)
Description: Echo is a simple technological tool which compliments the use of Sound Ninjutsu. This comes in the form of ear buds that have a specific set of functions. First and foremost, the buds passively and automatically sync with the user's chakra and only comes into being "active" when Sound Ninjutsu are used. Once the earbuds sense the chakra being used, they both let off unique sounds. The left bud would only sap (-5) chakra from the user to create its sound, passively creating a pulsing echo of said sound which would in turn increase its range by 1. Of course this wouldn't apply to Long range techniques so the chakra deduction wouldn't happen with them. The right earbud would sap (-10) chakra from the user in order to apply it to said technique. This would passively create a sound that would resonate with the sound technique in such a way that they become louder and more aggressive. This in turn would increase the damage by (+20). An ability that the buds share in a defensive mechanism. (-5) chakra would automatically be sapped from the user whether he is using sound or not. This cause a minute sound to be released from the buds that were inaudible and harmless. The sounds simply change wave lengths in order to resonate with and cancel out incoming sound techniques that rely on sound (Sound Gen) or entering the body (Hindering Sound). This ability would only work on A-rank and below techniques, With A-ranks simply losing a rank, while anything lower is simply cancelled,

Note: Left and Right buds cannot effect the same technique in the same turn; Other than the defensive mechanism.

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¤ Declined, if it canceled out techs of B rank and below, it will both need to count as a move per turn as well as have a limit on usage. ¤
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
(Sonikkutorakutābīmu) - Sonic tractor beam
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40(-10/turn)
Damage: N/A(80, if used aggressively and slam a shinobi into the ground for instance)
Description: The tractor cannon is a device placed inside the hand of the wielder and is about the size of a cent. The tractor cannon uses sound frequenciez to attract an object in question by surrounding it in a concentrated high-pitch and constantly controlled loud sound which in turn creates a force field around the object. This gives the properties of manipulating foreign objects without actually touching them, however the technology of this device is very underwhelming and is in a very early state of scientific research but the limits of the sonic tractor beam is that it can only move objects that are the same weight or less than the wielder of the tool. If the user wants to remain gripping an object for more than one turn, additional chakra needs to be put into the device and they may not close their one hand where the device is on since that would disrupt the tractor beams sound-waves. Therefore, techniques that requires handseals cannot be used at the same time as the tractor beam is used for an object(pulling, lifting etc). A way to neutralise being lifted up in the air and smashed into the ground is to simply disrupt the soundwaves by using wind. The user must also always focus the device on the object they are lifting. If an object is caught in the force-field of the tractor beam that is of much greater weight than the user, it will only partially slow it down. The tractor beam can push and drag objects in pretty decent speeds(up to the users own speed base). The minimal weight the tractor beam can influence is the weight of a feather.

Note: Objects that are to be manipulated cannot exceed the weight of the user or a regular human to have lift-off from the ground. They may only be partially slowed down.
Note: The maximum reach for the tractor beam, or as far as it can push objects is long-range.
Note: The tractor beams hold only lasts for a maximum of 3 turns and can only be used twice per battle for holding objects that long.

(Toritonmasuku) - Triton Mask
Type: Tool
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20(-5/turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The triton mask is an advanced yet tiny mouthpiece that lets the user breathe under water and in other hazardous environments where gases that chokes humans could be a threat. The mask simply converts water into breathable air when used under water, while in other situations store enough oxygen for the user to survive in hazardous instances for one hour before getting too low. Warnings are always given to the user whenever the mask starts to run low on oxygen and will start run the same type of program as when submerged underwater, which is to convert the surrounding gases or liquids into breathable oxygen. Obviously this doesn't work for the most potent poisons but up to B rank it could still be very dependable. The mask will always work underwater though until the device is either broken or faced with enough water pressure that it breaks. The users needs to spend chakra constantly to convert gases into breathable oxygen but not for water.

Note: Can counter poisonous gases or other hazards that affects the users breathing up to B rank at the cost of chakra per turn.
Note: Lets the user breathe under water indefinitely.

¤ Both Approved ¤
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Active member
Apr 14, 2012
Trait Points
( Eld no Jū ) The Guns of Eld
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: Depends
Damage: Depends
Description: The revolvers once used by the Last Gunslinger, it is said they were forged of an indestructible mysterious alloy in the Lava dimension long before the massive eruption that filled that land with molten rivers and ash ridden skies. The metals they were forged from are said to be the melted down remnants of the mighty sword Excalibur, wielded by King Arthur Eld during his fateful battle with the Dark wizard Maerlyn and the Crimson Queen. The Blacksmith who forged the dual six-shooters was said to have used his Katon to heat the sword, but was unable to reach it's alloys unknown melting point. It wasn't until he combined his Katon with a special Sage oil similar to the oil found on Mt. Myōboku that he was able to create an intense forge fire with temperatures hot enough to melt the sword down. The melted alloy was immediately cast to create the revolvers, which would be passed down the Eld bloodline from father to son for thirty generations as a right of passage by becoming a Gunslinger. Unknown to the Blacksmith the process of forging them gave the unknown metal alloy a couple special properties. It is said that during the massive eruption that ended all biological life, the force created a rift, temporarily opening to the closest dimension where the guns fell thru, falling from the rift and landing in this dimension. The pistols are grey in color with sandalwood grips. The chamber for the bullets is huge, and matched no caliber bullet ever made. Each revolver sits in hand stitched leather holsters carefully shaped and rolled for quicker draw and holstering. The two gun belts for them are worn crisscrossed over the hips so the holsters sit low, at the perfect angle for drawing. Near the muzzle of each gun is scroll-work engraving which means "white", and is said to be Arthur Eld's dinh mark signifying his bloodline, and the legendary sword the guns were forged from. There are many symbols along the barrel of the pistols. They depicted what the guns were truly capable of. Their power came about not only from the source of the metal being Excalibur, but the Katon chakra and Sage oil still present in melted alloy as it cooled during casting. Because of this process, the revolvers became perfect conduits of natural energy and katon. The Sage oil would keep the metal from ever oxidizing and would passively draw in the nature energy from the world around it. This went unnoticed because no one had ever tried to wield them in battle as until then they had seemed purely ornamental.

The dual revolvers abilities are as follows:

- At all times the pistols are empowered by Senchakra, the Sage oil in it's metal draws in from the world around it with no action required from the user. This also makes them extremely durable as well This does not mean they can be used to block jutsu directly but can be used for melee purposes as needed. The melee damage from this would be minimal unless the holder has access to Senchakra, in which the free form melee strikes would do 5 damage each. They would also be able to strike the enemy even if they slightly missed, the natural energy in them hitting them similar to frog kata. Having Senchakra drawing into them at all times, it allows for a couple abilities for someone with access to Natural Energy. While this can not be used to help someone to enter Sage Mode, it can however allow the pistols to be used as conduits for Senjutsu, allowing for their use thru the pistols themselves within reason. 3x per battle, the user while in Sage mode can use the latent Natural Energy within these special guns to add a +20 boost to any Senjutsu technique in the same time-frame passively, however doing so drains the Senchakra from them and they require 2 turns to draw in enough to perform any other boosts regarding Senjutsu usage thru them, though can still be used as a conduit for the techniques. As long as the user has access to Senjutsu usage, the free form bullets can be fired without being in Sage Mode doing -3 damage each.

- At all times the pistols are empowered by Katon, and as such can be used as a conduit to perform all Katon Ninjutsu , the chakra already present in the metal making molding the chakra for the attacks much faster and therefor the user can perform them all using either the pistols without the need for seals. A specialist in Katon would be able to take advantage of this even further, using this latent Katon in the pistols as an enhancement for other jutsu, be it Katon or other field of the Basic 5 and Basic Ninjutsu. This allows the user to perform any jutsu that do not have handseals, adding Katon into them having differing effects depending on the combination. This would add an active boost of +20 damage to any jutsu up to S rank, and also give them a Katon attribute alongside them. In the case of boosting the users own Katon techniques, being a specialist the user can use this to add strength to their jutsu, making it larger or more powerful. This has the ability to either passively extend a Katon jutsu's range giving it one additional level, or adding a passive boost of +20 to the technique allowing it to be combined with a separate active boost in the same time-frame passively. Boosting to non-Katon jutsu can be done 2x per battle, once per turn with a turn cool down in between. Using either of the effects for the Katon usage can be done 2x per battle total no matter the combination, with 2 cool down in between uses.

- The chamber of these special pistols cannot fire normal bullets. It can however fire special bullets molded from either Katon or Senchakra. These bullets can be fired in rapid succession, 6 in each pistol. Since the guns always passively have Katon and Senchakra in them, the guns will always be ready to be fired all that will be needed from the user is his concentration on which type ammo they are firing. The bullets from these blasts can reach long range and travel as fast as a Raiton technique, and depending on the amount of chakra added the damage can range from -3 free form damage, to S rank of either Katon or Senjutsu. Chakra usage for these blasts would be equivalent to the rank used however techniques used thru them of either nature would require 10 less chakra due to the guns properties. The blasts of Senchakra would have paralyzing effects as the area's struck begins to petrify from the overload of Natural Energy taking 2 turns to completely become stone, free form having similar mild effects stopping speed enhancements where A rank shots and above would stop someone in their tracks. The Katon blast would carry fiery properties able to pierce into the body and cause burns internally and externally, or concussive properties burning targets and launching them backwards from the force depending on the users manipulation of the chakra. The Senchakra bullets are invisible to the naked eye and normal sensing due to their properties. After all 12 shots have been fired, the pistols will require 3 turns to "reload" after which it becomes usable once more however as the guns draw in chakra they can "reload" one shot per turn if all 12 have not been fired. The bullets can be shot more than one at a time, but the more fired the more the damage will be divided and this will always be the case no matter which rank is used. B rank and below can be fire in rapid succession where the higher ranked ones will take longer to fire while more chakra is molded into them, only able to fire off 3 from each pistol in a row. S rank uses can only be done once per turn, and only one kind meaning either Katon or Senchakra, not both at once.

-Only usable by Vegeta and those he teaches to use
-Will not work if stolen, as the user must be taught the deciphered symbols to use

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¤ Declined, boy if you don't reduce the length of this by at LEAST HALF...¤
( Eld no Jū ) The Guns of Eld
Type: Weapon
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: Depends
Damage: Depends
Description: A pair of revolvers once used by a man known as the Last Gunslinger, forged from an unknown indestructible alloy, said to be the melted down remnants of the mighty sword Excalibur, wielded by King Arthur Eld during his fateful battle with the Dark wizard Maerlyn and the Crimson Queen. The blacksmith who forged the dual six-shooters was said to have used his Katon Chakra to heat the sword, but was unable to reach it's alloys unknown melting point. It wasn't until he combined his Katon with a special Sage Oil similar to the oil found on Mt. Myōboku that he was able to reach temperatures hot enough to melt the mythic sword down and cast to create the revolvers which were passed down from father to son for generations. The revolvers are grey with sandalwood grips and symbols along the barrels. The process to forge them made the revolvers perfect conduits for Natural Energy and Fire Release granting them a number of abilities:

-From the Sage's Oil, the Guns naturally draw in Senjutsu Chakra from the world around them. This makes them extremely durable, nearly indestructible from their unknown alloy, making them resistant to oxidization, rusting, etc, explaining their pristine condition despite their age. This durability won't allow them to block or otherwise directly interact with Jutsu safely, however they can be incorporated into the user's hand-to-hand combat, inflicting 5 damage per strike with the added benefit where even if a strike doesn't physically connect, damage is done, akin to the "Frog Kata". Along with the physical benefits of Senchakra, there are also enhancements such as the revolvers themselves being able to act as conduits for the user's Senjutsu, and at a reduced cost of 10 Chakra, due to the Senchakra found within the revolvers. 3x per battle, the user, while in Sage Mode, can use the latent Natural Energy within the revolvers to add a passive +20 boost, within the same time frame as the selected technique. Doing so drains the guns of their Senjutsu Chakra, and requires that the user wait 2 turns before the Guns replenish this independent store, however during this time they can still act as conduits.

-From the infusion of Katon Chakra they can be used as conduits for the user's Katon, with the latent Chakra assisting the user's performance of Jutsu allowing either pistol to perform them without the need for seals, and at the same reduced Chakra cost as the Senjutsu usage. Katon specialists are able to take advantage of this even further, using this latent Chakra as an enhancement for other Jutsu, be it Fire, another element of the Basic 5, or Basic Ninjutsu allowing the user to perform, and combine any Jutsu that do not have handseals with Katon Chakra, resulting in differing effects depending on the combination. This would add an active boost of +20 damage to any Jutsu up to A rank or +10 to S-Forbidden, while also partially converting them into a Fire Jutsu. In the case of boosting their own Fire Jutsu, the user adds strength to their Jutsu, making it larger or more powerful, resulting in an extension to the Jutsu's range by one, or adding a passive boost of +20 to S rank and below. Boosting to non-Katon can be done 2x per battle, once per turn, with one turn cool down. Using either Katon effects can be done 3x per battle total, with 1 cool down between.

-The Guns of Eld can fire small, 2 inch diameter free form bullets made from Senchakra/Katon. The amount of Chakra naturally present in the metal is enough to shoot off 12 rounds having properties from both and would cause burning damage and sluggish movements hardening the area it strikes, dealing 4 damage per shot landed traveling as fast as a Raiton tech. Striking limbs would drop the damage done by the limbs hit 10 damage for 1 turn. Striking the legs would make someone also lose 2 levels of speed for 1 turn. These can be fired rapidly, and once empty the Guns need 1 turn cool down before using these type bullets again. Once per turn, the guns can release an S rank canon blast utilizing both properties, 1/4 meter diameter in size from each gun (combined S rank strength), being hit by this would turn the target to stone after 3 turns. This can be done 3x with 1 turn cooldown.

Note: Can only be used by Vegeta, and those he teaches. Naturally, this means the Guns of Eld will not work if stolen, as the user must be taught the deciphered symbols to use. They also cannot be used against Vegeta by anyone he allows to use them.

¤ Declined, alright so guns can only have 2 abilities; this one has 4, 5 including the +5 damage (which wouldn't enhance FF btw). Also, the first paragraph doesn't need to be as expansive as it is just to describe it. ¤
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Active member
Apr 29, 2009
Trait Points
(Fuhai-sha) - Corrupter
Type: Tool
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: N/A
Damage: N/A (60 for self destruct)
Description: The Corrupter is a small snake-like device that can be used to take over the control of another piece of ninja technology or nervous system of a target. It is two feet long and thin like a wire with a round head that opens up into a dozen small needle-like teeth. When released it will seek out its target and then bite into it with those teeth, allowing it to integrate its own system into the target's and take control. This is replicated in living beings by biting into them, though due to the complexity of the nervous system it can only take control of the being's motor system. While it can only influence the things it has bitten into, once released it can travel up to long range at sannin level running speed by slithering like a snake or burrowing through normal earth. They can be kept rolled up into throw-able balls, coiled around limbs for quick and easy release, integrated into a Cyborg's body, or stored in whatever way is most comfortable for the user. Normal users can carry two of these at a time and cannot reuse them. Cyborgs can carry four and if integrated into their bodies they can reuse them after recharging them (20 chakra per turn) for two turns, though this requires the Corrupter to still be connect to their body. A Cyborg can use the Corrupter as an extension of themselves (e.g. having them come out of their forearm) and as long as they remain connected the Cyborg can directly control the system that's been hacked. Lastly the Corrupters are armed with a self-destruct capability that explodes with A-rank strength.
-Control lasts for up to three turns and can be broken via overpowering the control by chakra surge. While controlling human targets, the user cannot move or attack the target, requiring his concentration for the task.

¤ Approved, made edits ¤
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Detective L

Active member
Jan 10, 2013
Trait Points
New Cycle: 19/06/2018 - 26/06/2018

1. Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout this cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
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4. Submissions may be declined, at the moderator's discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from the prior cycle that haven't been checked will be soon, please have patience.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit.
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