Custom Element Jutsu Submission

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Punk Hazard

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Apr 21, 2011
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(Pikauton: Ama no Iwato) Light Release: Cave of Heaven Rock
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40
Damage: 20-80
Description: This technique is the basic application for Light Release, allowing the user to create various constructs of light. The shape and size of the light constructs are limited only by the user's imagination and the amount of power fueled into the technique; constructs cannot exceed the size of any canon jutsu of the same rank applied. Weapons, shields, barriers, projectiles: you name it and users can make it. These constructs can be produced from the user's body or within the air around them, but cannot be made within short-range of the opponent unless they too are in short-range. Consisting of pure light, the user can mold these constructs to appear as they please to attempt to fool enemies, though they can only manipulate the appearance of the technique through controlling the light it emits.

Note: B-rank Light Release techniques can be made through the formation of a single handseal. A-rank requires the usage of three handseals. S-rank requires the usage of four handseals, and can only be used every other turn. S-rank usage prevents the activation of any other Light Release jutsu in the same turn and no Light above A-rank next turn after using.

Permission to submit

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Six Paths

Active member
Oct 27, 2012
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Custom Element Approval [X]

(Entoropī: Kuro-hai) ∞ Entropy: The Black Grail
Rank: B-Forbidden Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20 - 50
Damage: 40 - 90
Description: This technique focuses on the more advanced applications of Entropy, and this would be the realm of Total Entropy. When Total entropy is reached, there is no more energy left to expend in a certain system. This would need to be clarified in the general idea of what a “System” is. Anything which is cut out from the rest of the total energy is the universe is a system. The universe itself, is the total sum of those systems. The system where total entropy can be reached by charging up Entropy based chakra, within a certain area within range. The area will look pitch black, as all the energy within it, will be expanded rapidly, so light will not be able to pass through it. The temperature of this area would be near absolute 0, which means that the particle movements there, is close to 0. Creating an area would expand everything that is trapped within this area, all forms of Kinetic and Potential energy. This would mean that the body will grow cold quickly, the movement of chakra will be halted in everything within this system, and the head, electrical impulses and chakra along with life force itself, will be forcibly dragged within that system, as it has a strong basis, for being a potential energy. Essentially allowing all boosts that might have been placed within the user or that specific technique to be released rapidly. This applies to chakra which the user is using to charge up techniques, or any other form of energy which is moving through the medium. When this object will move within the space of Total entropy, the user or object will have all the energy, which is equal to the rank of the technique used, drawn from them. This also applies on objects, or preset techniques, as they rely on chakra, and a trigger to start functioning, but if the chakra is drained, this would leave the object or preset technique incapable of using its effect. The user is able to allow Total entropy to be connected to him tightly, but with a layer of normal entropy separating him from it. If this were not the case, it would create an open area, to which total entropy would have effect on its surroundings. Allowing a vacuum effect, which would use such techniques towards it. This is due to there being almost nothing, within the shapes of advanced application of Entropy and it would force air or objects from the surroundings to fill this void. However, still, everything that would travel through it, would have all forms of potential and kinetic energy drained out. However, this shape is also able to morph the shape up until long rage, drawing it into almost perfect lines, which will have Total Entropy applied to them. The shape of such a structure is only left to the users imagination. The most preferred usage would be through sheet-like plains of space, which can move at variable speeds and be controlled by the user at will. They may appear Solid, but they can actually move through matter, and expand total entropy, within the targets which they have passed through.

Note: A-Rank variant can only be used 5 times a battle. S-Rank variant only 3 times per battle, Forbidden Rank only 1 time per battle.
Note: The technique can remain active for 3 turns at a time, if the Entropic shapes are given +10 chakra, sustaining them for these turns.
Note: The shapes cannot be conjured up less than 5 meters from the user, but can freely extend to all lengths in a battlefield.

Declined by Sasori: This is long for no reason. Just get straight into what this can do next time. This appears like it requires no hand seals which is a no. Also, this does not need to be multi-ranked. The properties of this are starting to infringe on void release. Limit this to up to mid-range and at least five meters away from the opponent. Overall, just trim this down and explicitly state what this does in simplest terms.
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Ańbu Juniør

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Feb 3, 2009
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Link to CE: [X]

(Seshiumuton: Sōsa Jörð) Liquid Caesium Release: Manipulation of Jörð
Rank: C - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 15 - 40
Damage: 30 - 80
Description: The user channels chakra and performs the required handseals in order to create constructs such as basic weapons, pillars, orbs, walls, or tendrils of Liquid Caesium that can be used to attack, defend, or for supplementary purposes. These constructs can resemble anything within the user's imagination and can be made from their body or the ground. Each construct holds the effects of Liquid Caesium, such as exploding outward and leaving behind blinding smoke upon contact with water or ice, dissolving solid objects, burning upon contact with the skin, or releasing blinding bright blue light when exposed to heat.

- A-rank constructs can be created four times per battle, and S-rank constructs can be created thrice.
- B-rank Liquid Caesium Release techniques require a single handseal, A-rank requires three, and S-rank requires four.
Approved by Sasori
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Sep 10, 2008
Trait Points
(Fuinjutsu/Purasumoidoton: Ginga no Noroi) Plasmoid Sealing Arts: Galactic Cursing
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: The Galactic Curse Technique, is a unique elemental sealing technique, that infuses chakra into various techniques employed by the user. It's first variation is preformed by creating an extra Tiger hand seal in the same time frame as one of their Plasmoid techniques, creating a seal with various illuminated kanji visible within the technique. This sealing technique will allow the user to passively infuse the Plasmoid Jutsu with fire chakra. By taking advantage of Plasmoid Release's innate ability to siphon thermal energy from objects, the user will be able to increase the power of their Plasmoid jutsu. This is caused by the fire chakra's thermal energy being absorbed and converted into additional energy for the Plasmoid, and as a result the Plasmoid technique will have its strength increased due to the extra energy inputted into it. This will translates into an additional 20 chakra being added to the Plasmoid Technique's total, the added chakra causing the technique to gain +1 Rank up to S-rank, otherwise this variation technique will only add an additional +20 damage to the Plasmoid technique. The alternate variation of this technique allows the user in the same time frame as one of their Ninjutsu or Elemental techniques (within S/Ws of Plasmoid) to be created a with a thin illuminated barrier of Plasmoid surrounding it. This will allow the technique to draw in more thermal energy from the environment due to Plasmoid’s innate nature to siphon thermal energy. Techniques that have this coating of Plasmoid will have the ability to affect and seal the thermal energy of matter tangible and intangible which becomes lowered significantly. The result is the opposing technique losing significant power which will reduce the opposing technique by a single rank or remove opposing damage and/or chakra increases.

Note: Only one variation can be used at a time.
Note: Can only be used four times.

Declined: The first half of this is literally not Fuuinjutsu. - Daemon

(Hiden | Fuinjutsu/Purasumoidoton: Kaosu no jisshi keitai) Secret Plasmoid Sealing Arts: Chaotic Embodiment
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40 (+10 per turn to maintain)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will perform three hand seals which forms a pyramid shaped barrier of Plasmoid chakra that rapidly spreads 10 meters of them in every direction. This barrier does not affect enemies sight or their ability to move while in the presence of the Plasmoid. The special property of this Sealing Techniques comes into place when an opposing tangible or intangible energy is present within the barrier. Upon entering, the Plasmoid consisting of the barrier will passively make use of its innate ability of Plasmoid to absorb opposing thermal energy, which absorbs any energy based S-rank jutsu regardless of chakra. The energy and its chakra will then be sealed inside of the pyramid via the power of Fuinjutsu. Once the energy is sealed, the user has the option of unsealing the absorbed energy from the barrier in the unique form of heat energy while retaining any of the energy's innate properties. This means that the user can choose to release the absorbed jutsu from any point along the barrier’s range. It is also is possible for the user to instead, release the heat onto the ground where the opponent is standing so that they then will begin to burn their feet if they do not quickly move away. However, when the heat energy is applied it will begin to glow a hot red color signifying that a change has occurred which would give people time to react before they felt the full effects of the Plasmoid heat. Uniquely, this energy can also be unsealed into an opposing target's armor or weaponry. The user would be able to increase the thermal energy of said armor or sword causing the opponent to feel a burn equivalent to the absorbed jutsu. However, this method of maneuver will not cause direct harm to the target because said items will begin to glow before effects take place. The main purpose of using it in this manner is to cause opponents to remove their armor or suddenly cause them to drop their weapon and/or interrupt their movements. This cannot be used directly on the opponent or their clothes if it is not an armor. There is also another way to use this technique which is for the user to unseal the heat energy onto their armor or sword and wield it offensively or defensively as a sort of shroud rather than it being in direct contact with it. This would provide the user with a shield equivalent to the absorbed jutsu if used in that manner. On the other hand, if the user decided to use it offensively they would be able to apply it to a physical item already on their body and increase its effectiveness by applying the heat to it. This translates to a +20 to the item’s damage and or damage reduction. The user has until their next turn to utilize this advantage, but it is only good for one go. The effects of this jutsu only last the turn they are used unless the user is empowering one of their offensive jutsus.

Note: Lasts three turns
Note: Can only be three times with a turn cool down.
Note: No Plasmoid above A-rank after this technique ends for one turn.
Note: The user can choose to activate this technique and utilize its heat transferring abilities in one move instead of using it for the duration of three turns.

Declined: This technique does entirely too much. The first bolded part is a hard no. Lower the strength of this to only allow you to produce a shield with power equal to the rank of the technique. But even with that choose how the hell you want this to function. You want this to either have the ability to attack your opponent from the range, force them to get rid of their armor, or use it to empower your techniques. Come on man and for what you want it to do, make this encompass short range only. - Daemon

(Purasumoidoton/Fuinjutsu: Ōji no Chi) Plasmoid Sealing Arts: Blood of the Prince

Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will at the cost of a move perform two hand seals during battle to releases their plasmoid chakra up five meters of where they are in every direction. This will cause the user’s plasmoid chakra to affect the area up to five meters around by absorbing and sealing the thermal energy out of everything nearby them. This simply means that the air around the user will drain of its thermal energy and in return the air surrounding the user will drop in temperature and become noticeably colder. Also, the ground the user is standing on will also be affected. In terms of a grassy field the energy will be drained out of the grass causing it to wilt and die. This effect will be emulated depending on the field the user is on but in some cases the ground would only become noticeably colder. The main purpose of doing so comes into place when the unique properties of the Fuinjutsu unseal the energy from the environment back into the user’s body which would flood their body with a foreign energy allowing them to rejuvenate their chakra and relieve themselves of mental/spiritual ailments of things like genjutsu or Yin Release up to S-rank, barring Mangekyou Sharingan level genjutsu . If desired the user can activate this technique and drain their surroundings of energy but they can choose to not use the sealed energy right away. The user can choose to wait and passively flood their body with chakra if used later in the fight.

Note: Can only be used three times with a two turn cool down
Note: Has no effect on opponents

Approved with edits made - Daemon
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Jul 12, 2009
Trait Points
New Cycle: 05/15/2020 - 05/21/2020

Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout the cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions must not be edited after being checked by a mod - they'll become invalid and thus declined.
4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from prior cycles that haven't been checked will be checked soon, please have patience. If more than one additional cycle goes by without it being checked, contact a moderator via PM.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit. Be sure to refer to
this thread on how much you are to submit per cycle.

The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
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Link to approved CE [x]
(Yin/Bisumaton: Anubisu no namida | Yin/Bismuth Release: Tear of Anubis)
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 140
Description: Tear of Anubis is technique creation in unision with a users Yin chakra and their Bisumaton chakra. As explained briefly in the elements nature, Bisumaton is a metal with unique properties, able to withstand radiation, magnetism as well as having the property of getting even denser as more energy is put into it. With this concept, Tear of Anubis was created. Yin release's unique trait of fiddling with states of any matter no matter the technique would allow this jutsu to affect natural Bisumaton chakra the user has to form something, unproven to be possible, possible. Using the forces of Yin, the user would infuse their metal and have it crushed into so much pressure that it becomes crystalined but still attain its liquidity. By doing so, the brute temperature that the metal radiates becomes more impactful and it gains an extreme density and weight at the same time of losing bisumatons natural strengths and weaknesses and render the end result neutral to everything in terms of elemental interaction. The end result is a crystaline rainbow fluid and tear-formed orb that levitates around the user, much like a TSB and commanded as such. This orb lets the user use Bisumaton techniques with it as a source, while having the techniques attain the same structure and density while also rendering them neutral to everything at the cost of extra chakra(a third of the original technique transformed). The Tear itself has unique properties, which doesn't just included elemental interractions but also the weight and density of the now liquid crystalized form of the metal. Making it 100x heavier than normal but also able to absorb kinetic force with ease. Having this as a property, the tear and all techniques the user creates from it will, upon hitting the ground, lower it or dig itself into the ground several hundred meters before reaching natural resistant ores that are able to withhold it. Not only that, but the surface temperature has risen from the original liquid, making it reach 6,000 degrees celcius without boiling into a gas. This makes it lethal in direct contact, so much so it will not melt off skin but rather make it evaporate and as a result, the Tear beams a bright almost blinding light that makes it hard to counter as it blocks much of the opponents vision. Defensively, it can tank up to the same damage it contains and be a maellable source, able to take any necessary form the user needs it to, to block an attack. Offensively, it deals 80 damage on touch, but can, as a final display of power, deal its ultimate 140 damage when the user choses to make its sacrifice. Doing so costs a move, and the user needs to perform a fourth seal in order to do this. What happens is that the orb would float towards the designated target, no matter how far away, and dig itself into its target while exploding inwards itself by the user channeling an overide amount of Yin chakra that would make the liquid stage of the core of the Tear to explode inwards itself and create a psuedo supernovae. This explosion will disintegrate anything in its vicinity(up to mid-range) with a whoping 140 damage while also attain the powerful chakra tethering properties of Hungry Ghost, another Yin property that is being given from the massive burst of Yin chakra the user outputs in its sacrificial moment. The tear can travel as fast as the users tracking speed as it operates similar to Amaterasu and moves in accordance to the users eyes and willpower.

Note: Can only be used twice
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.
You left this unchecked^

Updating this: [x]
(Gōruden'naitomea) - Golden Nightmare
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: The Golden Nightmare is a sword made by parts of reinforced steel and liquid bismuth. This makes the sword able to shift in construction and turn into a hand-cannon due to the liquid parts of the construction. It will either start as a sword or a hand cannon at the beginning of an encounter. Both forms gives the user an enhanced passive trait to the bisumaton release, increasing it's damage by +20 and giving it additionally +10 chakra through a designated seal that is passively activated when it's master is either holding the blade/handcannon or has it sheathed. The seal fluctuates bismuth chakra through its masters body constantly and gives them an extremely faint rainbowy aura(which is just for visual effects).

Sword: The sword form is very beautiful with multitudes of colors and shining edges. The edge of the sword is partially liquid bismuth and partially hardened steel. Due the temperature of liquid bismuth the sword will inflict severe burns on contact with skin and cause great pain. It further enhances the swords cutting capability since it can melt away other elements(within reason, but rubbery and bouncy for example) that are in the way of the sharp steel. If placed on the ground with the hilt upwards and the edge planted in the foundation of the ground infront of the user it will release a large portion of liquid bismuth into the ground that will shape into half of a sphere. Using their ability to control the element, the user can then shape the underground sphere into large roots or trees around the battlefield that deals burning damage on touch. These roots can reach long range while the trees(depending on their length) can only reach mid-range. This causes S-rank damage. The trees can spread and create a miniature forest(about 30 meters big and 10 meters tall), entrapping foes. On touch it causes severe burns. While not dealing 80 damage on freeform, the sword can be used for standard kenjutsu techniques with the burning damage added to it. The user can, however, do freeform 80 damage kenjutsu moves but that will consume a moveslot.

Handcannon: The handcannon form of the Golden Nightmare is like the sword, very beautiful and contains the exact same parts as the sword. This handcannon can fire rounds made out of liquid bismuth. On impact, the bullets will not pierce their target but rather splat on the impact surface and spread across it. This causes severe pain and if shot on a limb it will immobilize it the metal is quite heavy. One single shot can spread all across a regular human-sized creature's torso all the way to their back and thus immobilizes their spine.
Regular gun rules apply and only one round can be shot each time-frame.

Note: A bullet and the sword does 80 damage following the S/W of Bisumaton and up to four bullets per match.
Note: Changing form of the sword costs a move-turn and the user must state in the beginning of a battle what form the Golden Nightmare has taken. If not, it's default as a sword.
Note: Can only be used by Skorm
Note: Utilizing the roots/tree application of the sword renders the user incapable of using the sword's other active abilities in the same and next turn.
Note: Firing a bullet, using the sword for an S-rank attack, or creating the roots render the user unable to use Bismuth Techniques above A-rank in the same turn.
Changing name, adding Yin aspects. Edits in bold.

(Hinode) - Sunfall
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Sunfall is a sword made by parts of reinforced steel and liquid bismuth, as well as an enhanced chakra composition entirely made out of Yin. This makes the sword able to shift in construction and turn into a hand-cannon due to the liquid parts of the construction. It will either start as a sword or a hand cannon at the beginning of an encounter.
There are passivel enhancements towards the users developed bisumaton techniques that are amplified through Yin that resides within the sword. These enhancements translates that of a +30 in damage and a +10 in chakra for a users bisumaton techniques when wielding the blade(in either form). It also causes the users Bisumaton techniques to be able to attain a unique property that is directly tied to the boundaries of Yin. Like the enhancements stated previously, this unique trait is also passively applied but limited in terms of usage. By performing an extra handseal after each regular bisumaton technique, the user can change its properties and have it attain a solid or an energy state instead of its regular liquid one. For D-B rank techniques, this can be done 4 times per battle. For A-F ranks it can be done twice.
Note, however it doesn't change the natural strength/weakness of the elements natural state.

The sword form is very beautiful with multitudes of colors and shining edges. The edge of the sword is partially liquid bismuth and partially hardened steel with a black aura that seems to radiate naturally from the swords edges. Due the temperature of liquid bismuth the sword will inflict severe burns on contact with skin and cause great pain. It further enhances the swords cutting capability since it can melt away other elements(within reason, but rubbery and bouncy for example) that are in the way of the sharp steel. If placed on the ground with the hilt upwards and the edge planted in the foundation of the ground infront of the user it will release a large portion of liquid bismuth into the ground that will shape into half of a sphere. Using their ability to control the element, the user can then shape the underground sphere into large roots or trees around the battlefield that deals burning damage on touch. These roots can reach long range while the trees(depending on their length) can only reach mid-range. This causes 140 damage and might only be executed once per battle. The trees can spread and create a miniature forest(about 30 meters big and 10 meters tall), entrapping foes. On touch it causes severe burns. The sword can be used as any other sword and thus being able to be a part of the regular Kenjutsu list, but with burn damage inflicted upon it, naturally defeating other regular swords in duels and breaking them apart.

The handcannon form of the Golden Nightmare is like the sword, very beautiful and contains the exact same parts as the sword. This handcannon can fire rounds made out of liquid bismuth that are infused with Yin. The bullet has two applications of usage. The first one, is being that of a regular chakra bullet but is infused with S-ranked levels of Bisumaton continents as well as Yin chakra which makes it devastating in its amount of damage it can deal. On impact, the bullet will shatter the ground or any other solid surface that is of weak construction and eat its way through it via the very high temperature. On a human target, it will cause the same amount of damage as the golden forest move stated in the sword rulings and is directly lethal. It will cause a mid-range explosion, shattering its molten metal everywhere. The other application the round can cause is to be shot at the sky. This causes the bullet to splatter and form a metallic rain that will sustain itself after one full turn after the shot was fire. This rain will carry strange properties as it is more of a Genjutsu than the metal itself. Through the rain, the opponents will start to see mirages of the user and get confused whilst the end goal is for them to get lost in the rain that will ultimately drain their chakra to the point they become docile. Its effects are mental fatigue as well as a splitting headache as soon as any opponent gets as much as one drop on them. Note that only one of these applications of the bullet can be used once per battle.
Regular gun rules apply and only one round can be shot each time-frame.

Note: Changing form of the sword costs a move-turn and the user must state in the beginning of a battle what form the Sunfall has taken. If not, it's default as a sword.
Note: Can only be used by Skorm
Note: Utilizing the roots/tree application of the sword renders the user incapable of using the sword's other active abilities in the same and next turn.
Note: Firing a bullet, using the sword for an S-rank attack, or creating the roots render the user unable to use Bismuth Techniques above A-rank in the same turn and the next.


Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
CE approval
Permission to sub
( Uchiwaketon/Fuuinjutsu: Daiyonsetsu - Arutemisu no Kari ) | Breakdown Release/Sealing Technique: Fourth Verse, The Hunt of Artemis

Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 50(-70 toward user's base chakra at start of battle)
Damage Points: (100 to enemies if caught within pulse )
Description: Taking the user's Fūinjutsu to the next level by infusing a seal with Breakdown Release. The user will create a unique sentient seal that is placed on the users body but never stays in the same place, constantly moving around the users body. This seal is simple in it's application, it's goal is to hunt Yin chakra, named after the Greek Goddess of the hunt, Artemis. This seal contains 70 Breakdown chakra within it, stored there before the fight. This seal being sentient can release all the chakra out in a short range pulse from where it is on the user. Pushing out in all directions, this pulse's purpose is to completely push away Yin chakra that isn't the users, cleansing his short range of any foreign Yin chakra, from the Hungry Ghost and it's effect, to Phantom Dragons. Unless it has more than 70 chakra within it, it will be pushed away, allowing the user to cleanse himself and the area around him. Though there is a second effect of the seal.

Though it cleanses the user of foreign Yin chakra, if anyone should be within short range of the user when the pulse is released, their body will be overwhelmed with the Breakdown chakra, adding an effect to them known as "Prey". Prey will wash over foreign entities, overflowing their body with Breakdown chakra similar to the 8 Branches technique. This will knock the opponents chakra out of balance pushing at their Yin chakra preventing them from using Yin Release, Genjutsu or non elemental Ninjutsu of any kind (including special fields like Fuuinjutsu) above A rank for two turns. Should this hit anyone but the user, it will cause damage to them, burning them on contact.

Note: The release can be done twice per battle. Once it's been used, the seal will sap 14 chakra per turn from the user until it's gained its 70 chakra back before it can be used again. When used, no Fuuinjutsu S-rank and above can be used in the same and next turn. If successfully damaging to an opponent, this penalty extends to one additional turn, with no Fuuinjutsu in the same turn. No Yin Release techniques or Genjutsu may be used by the user during the same turn activated, due to the surge of Yang chakra through the user's body.

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Approved. Edits made.
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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
Trait Points
Link to Eywa, the referenced technique;

(Sōruiton ♦ ) – Algae Release ♦ Transcendence
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: Transcendence is a technique which focuses on the living nature of the Algal CE and seeks to encapsulate the nature of two principal qualities of the life cycle; feeding, and growth. At a baseline, techniques produced through use of Transcendence will possess advanced metabolic and growth capabilities; these two traits will be reflective of the natural ability that certain Algal genera and species display in metabolising a range of substances, from heavy metal ions, minerals, a variety of liquids of ranging PH’s and temperatures, radioactive substances and even other living tissue, and similarly their potential for rapid growth cycles and explosive levels of asexual reproduction. This will manifest in the user being capable of producing Algae that can break down and metabolise solids such as metals, crystals, and organic releases (such as Shikotsumyaku and Wood release, and even human/living flesh) as if they were earth release, and similarly absorbing liquids - even those of extreme temperatures or PH as if they were water release. Similarly, the user will make use of Algae’s ability for endless growth and reproduction to manifest the trait of regeneration - wherein Algae techniques that are not fully destroyed in a clash will experience a spike in asexual reproduction and maturation that will promptly regenerate the technique to their previous apex power. Up to three times per battle, the user can passively alter the innate physical qualities of an Algae technique to possess this trait (same tf). As aforementioned, however, advanced metabolic and regenerative qualities only function as the baseline - when using Transcendence the user has the ability to further enhance one of the two qualities to produce the effect of either Voracity of Overgrowth. Voracious Algae will have the quality of ‘feeding’ accentuated further, wherein they will not only be able to efficiently metabolise a wider range of substances, but also manifest the latent qualities (if any) of whatever was absorbed. Metabolization of hard substances such as metals and crystals for instance will yield in the reinforcement of the strength and resilience of that Algal structure, increasing it’s resistance to damage by 20, while the extreme temperature, altered PH and corrosive qualities typically present in liquidus CE can increase the damage output of the structure by 20, as it will reflect these abilities of corrosion, heat and so on. This mimicry further applies to non-physical qualities, such as the ability to emit radiation, or any specific effect that the metabolised technique may have had (i,e, magnetic fields, chakra absorption and so on), now tailored to the Algae users benefit and the opponents deficit. Meanwhile, Overgrowth Algae, if allowed to exist on the field for a full turn will experience a +30 damage increase/resistance, or a rank increase in their abilities and qualities. This is due to the influence of an accentuated and highly advanced growth and reproductive rate, and the same phenomena will occur if the Algae survives a full second turn. A usage of Transcendence can, through three handseals produce Algae of either the Overgrowth or Voracity variety, with structures produced in accordance with Eywa (waves, blasts, shields, spears, spikes, etc, essentially any physical shape imaginable of either liquidus of compressed form) Alternatively, Transcendence Voracity variant, or Transcendence Overgrowth variant can be utilised before/directly after the usage of a second Algae technique (works in same timeframe) so as to impart the full qualities of either Overgrowth or Voracity onto the Algae technique used. This does not increase the technique's strength. In this case Transcendence’s potency will be relative to that of the infused Algae techniques strength.

Notes: As aforementioned, the passive transfusion of the basic advanced metabolization and growth capabilities can be done three times a battle, is classed as a B ranked use, costs twenty chakra, with a two turn cooldown between uses. Creation of Transcendence structures, or transfusion to shift the innate qualities of an algae technique to include the effects of Voracious and Overgrowth variants can only be done three times per battle, counts as a move, requires a turn cooldown between uses and the user cannot use A rank or above Algae on their next turn. This technique in either of its iterations can only be used a maximum of four times.

?Declined. This technique is simply doing too much. Not going to allow 1 jutsu that allows your technique to:
1.regenerate to its full power(especially including boosts and all)
2. increase its capacity of breaking down and metabolizing other jutsu beyond just earth and water
3. steal the properties of opposing jutsu to boost itself
4. Increase its power by +20 or +30(you also make no distinction as to what determines whether it will be a one rank increase or an increase of +30, implying you can choose at a whim which it will be. I'd tell you to distinguish but that wouldn't matter because +30 isn't going to be allowed, and you definitely won't be allowed to have this boost invoked twice as the underlined implies.)

Even with 3 and 4 split into two, it's still too much. Resubmit this by breaking off Voracious and Overgrowth Algae into separate techniques with their own restrictions. ?
Split into two separate techniques as told. Because of the major changes I omitted the bold.

Link to CE:

(Sōruiton ♦ Chōzetsu Ransha ) – Algae Release ♦Flaska Reclinata
Type: Offensive/ Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: Flaska Reclinata is the sister technique of Orbis Caeruleus, with both focusing on the living nature of the Algal CE and seeking to encapsulate the nature of one of the two principals qualities of the life cycle - growth and feeding. In this case, Reclinata's focus is on feeding. At a baseline, techniques produced through use of Flaska Reclinata will possess advanced metabolic capabilities; this trait will be reflective of the natural ability that certain Algal genera and species display in metabolising a range of substances, from heavy metal ions, minerals, a variety of liquids of ranging PH’s and temperatures, radioactive substances and even other living tissue. This will manifest in the user being capable of producing Algae that can break down and metabolise solids such as metals, crystals, and organic releases (such as Shikotsumyaku and Wood release, and even human/living flesh) as if they were earth release, and similarly absorbing liquids - even those of extreme temperatures or PH as if they were water release. Due to this potentially fatal advanced feeding capability, Flaska Reclinata techniques that usually would not be offensive will adopt a damage value equal to that of their defensive prowess, however, since Algae is a living technique, it logically follows that it can apply its newfound abilities discriminately (I.e, it won't eat at or damage the users flesh, allies or possessions/techs). Furthermore, Reclinata will have the quality of ‘feeding’ accentuated further by Ninjutsu, wherein they will not only be able to efficiently metabolise a wider range of substances, now including chakra itself, but also manifest the latent qualities (if any) of whatever was absorbed. Metabolization of hard substances such as metals and crystals for instance will yield in the reinforcement of the strength and resilience of that Algal structure, increasing it’s resistance to damage by 20, while the extreme temperature, altered PH and corrosive qualities typically present in liquidus CE will grant the Algae new offensive patterns, as it will become able to selectively reflect these abilities of corrosion, heat and so on. This mimicry further applies to non-physical qualities, such as the ability to emit radiation, or any specific effect that the metabolised technique may have had (i,e, magnetic fields, chakra absorption and so on), now tailored to the Algae users benefit and the opponents deficit. A usage of Flaska Renclinata can, through three handseals produce Algae of the Reclinata variety, with structures produced in accordance with Eywa (waves, blasts, shields, spears, spikes, etc, essentially any physical shape imaginable of either liquidus of compressed form) Alternatively, Flaska Reclinata, can be utilised before/directly after the usage of a second Algae technique (works in same timeframe) so as to impart the full qualities of Voracity onto the Algae technique used. This does not increase the technique's strength. In this case Reclinata's potency will be relative to that of the infused Algae techniques strength.

Notes: Creation of Flaska Reclinata structures, or transfusion to shift the innate qualities of an algae technique to include the effects of Reclinata can only be done three times per battle, counts as a move, requires a turn cooldown between uses (Shared with Orbis Caeruleus) and the user cannot use Algae above S rank on their next turn. If the user has used Orbis Caeruleus, then they can only use this technique twice.

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Declined. Your Algae is not alive, as that would require Yang Release to either be a component of the Custom Element at large or this technique. Describing it as being able to "decide" what it does and doesn't eat won't fly as is. Secondly, this technique will follow the standard S/Ws outlined in the CE. That portion where you say "feed on them like it would Earth Release/Water Release will not mean that this technique will act as though it has the Strengths it has to those elements when interacting with the materials you outlined, and you will need to specify that within your resubmission. You also won't be able to adopt traits like magnetic fields or radiation. Things like those which are generally considered beyond the realm of the Basic 5 is a no-go. If a trait can't be found in the Canon Basic 5 elements list, consider it something that can't be assimilated by this jutsu. Improve the restrictions as well, "can't use above S-rank the next turn" isn't flying by me.
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(Sōruiton ♦ Chōetsu Ijō Zōshoku) – Algae Release ♦ Orbis Caeruleus
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: Orbis Caeruleus is the sister technique of Flaska Reclinata, with both focusing on the living nature of the Algal CE and seeking to encapsulate the nature of one of the two principals qualities of the life cycle - growth and feeding. In this case, Orbis Caeruleus' focus is on growth. At a baseline, techniques produced through use of Orbis will possess an increased potential for rapid growth cycles and explosive levels of asexual reproduction. As such, the traits of endless growth and reproduction will manifest the ability to regenerate to fully restored health - wherein Algae techniques that are not fully destroyed in a clash will experience a spike in asexual reproduction and maturation that will promptly regenerate the technique to their previous apex power. However, perhaps more considerable than this is the innate power of Orbis Algae to, essentially, grow infinitely. By this, Orbis Algae will not only continuously grow in size or density, but also in power. With each turn left on the field, Orbis Algae will increase by +10 dmg per turn, stacking without a cap.

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This is your brain on drugs.
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For techniques without a damage component, they will instead attain a +10 damage resistance. In line with this, once every two turns the Algae techniques non-damage related abilities will increase by one rank, thereby reflecting it's continued evolution. For instance, if an Algae technique produces bioluminescence that can illuminate through C rank mist and blind for one turn, it will now be capable of blinding through B rank mist, and for up to two turns. (In turn, the user cannot apply any other damage boosts to Orbis Algae, and any other damage boost already applied will instead be overridden with this effect - the user can however choose to omit this effect entirely from a technique with Orbis) A usage of Transcendence can, through three handseals, produce Algae of the Orbis Caeruleus variety, with structures produced in accordance with Eywa (waves, blasts, shields, spears, spikes, etc, essentially any physical shape imaginable of either liquidus of compressed form) Alternatively, Orbis Caeruleus can be utilised before/directly after the usage of a second Algae technique (works in same timeframe) so as to impart the full qualities of Orbis onto the Algae technique used. This does not increase the technique's strength. In this case Transcendence’s potency will be relative to that of the infused Algae techniques strength.

Notes: Creation of Orbis Caeruleus structures, or transfusion to shift the innate qualities of an algae technique to include the effects of Orbis can only be done three times per battle, counts as a move, requires a turn cooldown between uses (shared with Flaska Reclinata) and the user cannot use Algae above S rank on their next turn. If the user has used Flaska Reclinata, then they can only use this technique twice.

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Same restriction issues. You'll need something that triggers this increase as well.
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Sep 10, 2008
Trait Points
(Fuinjutsu/Purasumoidoton: Ginga no Noroi) Plasmoid Sealing Arts: Galactic Cursing
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: The Galactic Curse Technique, is a unique elemental sealing technique, that infuses chakra into various techniques employed by the user. It's first variation is preformed by creating an extra Tiger hand seal in the same time frame as one of their Plasmoid techniques, creating a seal with various illuminated kanji visible within the technique. This sealing technique will allow the user to passively infuse the Plasmoid Jutsu with fire chakra. By taking advantage of Plasmoid Release's innate ability to siphon thermal energy from objects, the user will be able to increase the power of their Plasmoid jutsu. This is caused by the fire chakra's thermal energy being absorbed and converted into additional energy for the Plasmoid, and as a result the Plasmoid technique will have its strength increased due to the extra energy inputted into it. This will translates into an additional 20 chakra being added to the Plasmoid Technique's total, the added chakra causing the technique to gain +1 Rank up to S-rank, otherwise this variation technique will only add an additional +20 damage to the Plasmoid technique. The alternate variation of this technique allows the user in the same time frame as one of their Ninjutsu or Elemental techniques (within S/Ws of Plasmoid) to be created a with a thin illuminated barrier of Plasmoid surrounding it. This will allow the technique to draw in more thermal energy from the environment due to Plasmoid’s innate nature to siphon thermal energy. Techniques that have this coating of Plasmoid will have the ability to affect and seal the thermal energy of matter tangible and intangible which becomes lowered significantly. The result is the opposing technique losing significant power which will reduce the opposing technique by a single rank or remove opposing damage and/or chakra increases.

Note: Only one variation can be used at a time.
Note: Can only be used four times.

Declined: The first half of this is literally not Fuuinjutsu. - Daemon

(Hiden | Fuinjutsu/Purasumoidoton: Kaosu no jisshi keitai) Secret Plasmoid Sealing Arts: Chaotic Embodiment
Rank: S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40 (+10 per turn to maintain)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will perform three hand seals which forms a pyramid shaped barrier of Plasmoid chakra that rapidly spreads 10 meters of them in every direction. This barrier does not affect enemies sight or their ability to move while in the presence of the Plasmoid. The special property of this Sealing Techniques comes into place when an opposing tangible or intangible energy is present within the barrier. Upon entering, the Plasmoid consisting of the barrier will passively make use of its innate ability of Plasmoid to absorb opposing thermal energy, which absorbs any energy based S-rank jutsu regardless of chakra. The energy and its chakra will then be sealed inside of the pyramid via the power of Fuinjutsu. Once the energy is sealed, the user has the option of unsealing the absorbed energy from the barrier in the unique form of heat energy while retaining any of the energy's innate properties. This means that the user can choose to release the absorbed jutsu from any point along the barrier’s range. It is also is possible for the user to instead, release the heat onto the ground where the opponent is standing so that they then will begin to burn their feet if they do not quickly move away. However, when the heat energy is applied it will begin to glow a hot red color signifying that a change has occurred which would give people time to react before they felt the full effects of the Plasmoid heat. Uniquely, this energy can also be unsealed into an opposing target's armor or weaponry. The user would be able to increase the thermal energy of said armor or sword causing the opponent to feel a burn equivalent to the absorbed jutsu. However, this method of maneuver will not cause direct harm to the target because said items will begin to glow before effects take place. The main purpose of using it in this manner is to cause opponents to remove their armor or suddenly cause them to drop their weapon and/or interrupt their movements. This cannot be used directly on the opponent or their clothes if it is not an armor. There is also another way to use this technique which is for the user to unseal the heat energy onto their armor or sword and wield it offensively or defensively as a sort of shroud rather than it being in direct contact with it. This would provide the user with a shield equivalent to the absorbed jutsu if used in that manner. On the other hand, if the user decided to use it offensively they would be able to apply it to a physical item already on their body and increase its effectiveness by applying the heat to it. This translates to a +20 to the item’s damage and or damage reduction. The user has until their next turn to utilize this advantage, but it is only good for one go. The effects of this jutsu only last the turn they are used unless the user is empowering one of their offensive jutsus.

Note: Lasts three turns
Note: Can only be three times with a turn cool down.
Note: No Plasmoid above A-rank after this technique ends for one turn.
Note: The user can choose to activate this technique and utilize its heat transferring abilities in one move instead of using it for the duration of three turns.

Declined: This technique does entirely too much. The first bolded part is a hard no. Lower the strength of this to only allow you to produce a shield with power equal to the rank of the technique. But even with that choose how the hell you want this to function. You want this to either have the ability to attack your opponent from the range, force them to get rid of their armor, or use it to empower your techniques. Come on man and for what you want it to do, make this encompass short range only. - Daemon

(Purasumoidoton/Fuinjutsu: Ōji no Chi) Plasmoid Sealing Arts: Blood of the Prince

Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will at the cost of a move perform two hand seals during battle to releases their plasmoid chakra up five meters of where they are in every direction. This will cause the user’s plasmoid chakra to affect the area up to five meters around by absorbing and sealing the thermal energy out of everything nearby them. This simply means that the air around the user will drain of its thermal energy and in return the air surrounding the user will drop in temperature and become noticeably colder. Also, the ground the user is standing on will also be affected. In terms of a grassy field the energy will be drained out of the grass causing it to wilt and die. This effect will be emulated depending on the field the user is on but in some cases the ground would only become noticeably colder. The main purpose of doing so comes into place when the unique properties of the Fuinjutsu unseal the energy from the environment back into the user’s body which would flood their body with a foreign energy allowing them to rejuvenate their chakra and relieve themselves of mental/spiritual ailments of things like genjutsu or Yin Release up to S-rank, barring Mangekyou Sharingan level genjutsu . If desired the user can activate this technique and drain their surroundings of energy but they can choose to not use the sealed energy right away. The user can choose to wait and passively flood their body with chakra if used later in the fight.

Note: Can only be used three times with a two turn cool down
Note: Has no effect on opponents

Approved with edits made - Daemon
Purasumoidoton: Ginga no Noroi) Plasmoid Release: Galactic Cursing
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: The Galactic Curse Technique is a technique that infuses chakra into various techniques employed by the user. It's first variation is performed by creating an extra Tiger hand seal in the same time frame as one of their Plasmoid techniques which will allow the user to infuse the Plasmoid Jutsu with fire chakra. By taking advantage of Plasmoid Release's innate ability to siphon thermal energy from objects, the user will be able to increase the power of their Plasmoid jutsu. This is caused by the fire chakra's thermal energy being absorbed and converted into additional energy for the Plasmoid, and as a result the Plasmoid technique will have its strength increased due to the extra energy in it. This will translate into the technique to gaining +1 rank or +20 defensive or offensive properties depending on the technique.The alternate variation of this technique allows the user in the same time frame as one of their Ninjutsu based or Elemental techniques (within S/Ws of Plasmoid) to be created a thin illuminated barrier of Plasmoid surrounding it. This will allow the technique to draw in more thermal energy from the environment due to Plasmoid’s innate nature to siphon thermal energy. Techniques that have this coating of Plasmoid will have the excess energy inputted into them and gain +20 damage or +1 rank depending on the technique.

Note: Only one variation can be used at a time.
Note: Can only be used four times.

(Hiden | Fuinjutsu/Purasumoidoton: Kaosu no jisshi keitai) Secret Plasmoid Sealing Arts: Chaotic Embodiment
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40 (+10 per turn to maintain)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will perform three hand seals which form a pyramid shaped barrier of Plasmoid chakra that rapidly spreads 5 meters of them in every direction. This barrier does not affect enemies sight or their ability to move while in the presence of the Plasmoid. The special property of this Sealing Techniques comes into place when an opposing tangible or intangible energy is present within the barrier. Upon entering, the Plasmoid consisting of the barrier will passively make use of its innate ability to absorb opposing thermal energy, which absorbs any energy based S-rank jutsu regardless of chakra. The energy and its chakra will then be sealed inside of the pyramid via the power of Fuinjutsu. Once the energy is sealed, the user has the option of unsealing the absorbed energy from the barrier in the unique form of heat energy while retaining any of the energy's innate properties, but it will only be equivalent to the rank of the absorbed jutsu. It is possible for the user to release the heat onto the ground where the opponent is standing so that they then will begin to burn their feet if they do not quickly move away or they can apply it to any objects such as weapons within the field. However, when the heat energy is applied it will begin to glow a hot red color signifying that a change has occurred which would give people time to react before they felt the full effects of the Plasmoid heat. How the user chooses to apply the heat is up to their discretion meaning that as long as it is feasible and logical they can do it. For example, they can use it to increase the heat of the in front of them causing it to glow with red waves allowing it to serve as a shield or attack.

Note: Lasts three turn and each turn it can absorb a different jutsu but only once per turn
Note: Can only be three times with a turn cool down.
Note: No Plasmoid above A-rank after this technique ends for one turn.
Note: The user can choose to activate this technique and utilize its heat transferring abilities in one move instead of using it for the duration of three turns.

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Both Declined. Where's the CE link?
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Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
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Link to CE: [X]

(Seshiumuton: Furēru No Shukufuku) Liquid Caesium Release: Freyr's Blessing
Rank: N/A
Range: N/A
Chakra: +15
Damage: +20
Description: While using an earth technique, the user does an additional handseal and channels additional chakra into it. In the case of a technique that doesn't require handseals, a handseal will be added to trigger this technique. This allows the user to alter the properties of the earth technique, transforming it into a Liquid Caesium technique. This is done by flooding fire chakra into the earth chakra being formed within the body in order to convert the earth into Liquid Caesium. This results in the creation of a Liquid Caesium technique instead of an earthen one. This allows the once earthen technique to gain extra strength and chakra, and also causes it to take on all the properties of Liquid Caesium, altering its strength and weakness' accordingly. This is done in the same timeframe as the affected technique and takes a move slot in that turn.

- Can only be used 6 times per battle.
- Can only be used to convert Earth jutsu into Caesium, as Fire techniques lack the physical substance to be converted.
Declined: Customs like this aren't allowed because they essentially allow you to bypass the custom limit.
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Active member
Aug 18, 2010
Trait Points
This technique was submitted HERE, however the thread is archived. It was pending before and I am resubmitting it again.

Void Release: Black Sword of the Void Warrior - 黒の刀 戦士
Type: Attack
Range: Self
Rank: B
Chakra: 20
Description: The user gathers void chakra into their hand and forms one 2 meter long and one foot wide black sword appears in the user's hand. When this sword is swung against a light based jutsu it cleaves the jutsu in half while absorbing some of the light that it passes through it.
Note: Can only be used 4x battle.
Note: Sword lasts until the sword is destroyed by an opponent or dispersed by the user.

Declined - needs a turn limit by today's standards. And give it a bt of detail of how it actually absorbs all light and can pass through solids.
Void Release: Black Sword of the Void Warrior - 黒の刀 戦士
Type: Attack
Range: Self
Rank: B
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user gathers void chakra into their hand and forms one 2 meter long and one foot wide black sword appears in the user's hand. When this sword is swung against a light based jutsu it cleaves the jutsu in half while absorbing some of the light that it passes through it. Void is able to do this as it is made up of complete nothingness, merely disrupting the chakra/energy/light sources. As a result of being hit with this technique, all light based jutsu performed by the opponent loses one rank in damage and chakra despite the opponent needing to exert the same amout of chakra outwards. All light based jutsu also lose range from Long to Mid and Mid to Short.
Note: Can only be used 4x battle.
Note: Sword lasts until the sword is destroyed by an opponent or dispersed by the user.

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This jutsu doesn't make much sense. In order to have an effect on the rest of the jutsu used by the opponent, this technique would need to directly affect their chakra system. Slicing into their jutsu wouldn't do so. I'm also inclined to say that in order to have that effect, you'd need to supplement this with something like Fuuinjutsu or Yin Release in order to make it interact with the opponent's chakra system. As it is, this would only be able to serve as a sword of Void Release that can hurt the opponent physically or contend with appropriately powered techniques.
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Active member
May 31, 2014
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New Cycle: 05/26/2020 - 06/02/2020

Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff will routinely check submissions throughout the cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions must not be edited after being checked by a mod - they'll become invalid and thus declined.
4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from prior cycles that haven't been checked will be checked soon, please have patience. If more than one additional cycle goes by without it being checked, contact a moderator via PM.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit. Be sure to refer to
this thread on how much you are to submit per cycle.

The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Link to approved CE [x]
(Yin/Bisumaton: Anubisu no namida | Yin/Bismuth Release: Tear of Anubis)
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 70
Damage: 140
Description: Tear of Anubis is technique creation in unision with a users Yin chakra and their Bisumaton chakra. As explained briefly in the elements nature, Bisumaton is a metal with unique properties, able to withstand radiation, magnetism as well as having the property of getting even denser as more energy is put into it. With this concept, Tear of Anubis was created. Yin release's unique trait of fiddling with states of any matter no matter the technique would allow this jutsu to affect natural Bisumaton chakra the user has to form something, unproven to be possible, possible. Using the forces of Yin, the user would infuse their metal and have it crushed into so much pressure that it becomes crystalined but still attain its liquidity. By doing so, the brute temperature that the metal radiates becomes more impactful and it gains an extreme density and weight at the same time of losing bisumatons natural strengths and weaknesses and render the end result neutral to everything in terms of elemental interaction. The end result is a crystaline rainbow fluid and tear-formed orb that levitates around the user, much like a TSB and commanded as such. This orb lets the user use Bisumaton techniques with it as a source, while having the techniques attain the same structure and density while also rendering them neutral to everything at the cost of extra chakra(a third of the original technique transformed). The Tear itself has unique properties, which doesn't just included elemental interractions but also the weight and density of the now liquid crystalized form of the metal. Making it 100x heavier than normal but also able to absorb kinetic force with ease. Having this as a property, the tear and all techniques the user creates from it will, upon hitting the ground, lower it or dig itself into the ground several hundred meters before reaching natural resistant ores that are able to withhold it. Not only that, but the surface temperature has risen from the original liquid, making it reach 6,000 degrees celcius without boiling into a gas. This makes it lethal in direct contact, so much so it will not melt off skin but rather make it evaporate and as a result, the Tear beams a bright almost blinding light that makes it hard to counter as it blocks much of the opponents vision. Defensively, it can tank up to the same damage it contains and be a maellable source, able to take any necessary form the user needs it to, to block an attack. Offensively, it deals 80 damage on touch, but can, as a final display of power, deal its ultimate 140 damage when the user choses to make its sacrifice. Doing so costs a move, and the user needs to perform a fourth seal in order to do this. What happens is that the orb would float towards the designated target, no matter how far away, and dig itself into its target while exploding inwards itself by the user channeling an overide amount of Yin chakra that would make the liquid stage of the core of the Tear to explode inwards itself and create a psuedo supernovae. This explosion will disintegrate anything in its vicinity(up to mid-range) with a whoping 140 damage while also attain the powerful chakra tethering properties of Hungry Ghost, another Yin property that is being given from the massive burst of Yin chakra the user outputs in its sacrificial moment. The tear can travel as fast as the users tracking speed as it operates similar to Amaterasu and moves in accordance to the users eyes and willpower.

Note: Can only be used twice
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.
Updating this: [x]
Changing name, adding Yin aspects. Edits in bold.

(Hinode) - Sunfall
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: Sunfall is a sword made by parts of reinforced steel and liquid bismuth, as well as an enhanced chakra composition entirely made out of Yin. This makes the sword able to shift in construction and turn into a hand-cannon due to the liquid parts of the construction. It will either start as a sword or a hand cannon at the beginning of an encounter.
There are passivel enhancements towards the users developed bisumaton techniques that are amplified through Yin that resides within the sword. These enhancements translates that of a +30 in damage and a +10 in chakra for a users bisumaton techniques when wielding the blade(in either form). It also causes the users Bisumaton techniques to be able to attain a unique property that is directly tied to the boundaries of Yin. Like the enhancements stated previously, this unique trait is also passively applied but limited in terms of usage. By performing an extra handseal after each regular bisumaton technique, the user can change its properties and have it attain a solid or an energy state instead of its regular liquid one. For D-B rank techniques, this can be done 4 times per battle. For A-F ranks it can be done twice.
Note, however it doesn't change the natural strength/weakness of the elements natural state.

The sword form is very beautiful with multitudes of colors and shining edges. The edge of the sword is partially liquid bismuth and partially hardened steel with a black aura that seems to radiate naturally from the swords edges. Due the temperature of liquid bismuth the sword will inflict severe burns on contact with skin and cause great pain. It further enhances the swords cutting capability since it can melt away other elements(within reason, but rubbery and bouncy for example) that are in the way of the sharp steel. If placed on the ground with the hilt upwards and the edge planted in the foundation of the ground infront of the user it will release a large portion of liquid bismuth into the ground that will shape into half of a sphere. Using their ability to control the element, the user can then shape the underground sphere into large roots or trees around the battlefield that deals burning damage on touch. These roots can reach long range while the trees(depending on their length) can only reach mid-range. This causes 140 damage and might only be executed once per battle. The trees can spread and create a miniature forest(about 30 meters big and 10 meters tall), entrapping foes. On touch it causes severe burns. The sword can be used as any other sword and thus being able to be a part of the regular Kenjutsu list, but with burn damage inflicted upon it, naturally defeating other regular swords in duels and breaking them apart.

The handcannon form of the Golden Nightmare is like the sword, very beautiful and contains the exact same parts as the sword. This handcannon can fire rounds made out of liquid bismuth that are infused with Yin. The bullet has two applications of usage. The first one, is being that of a regular chakra bullet but is infused with S-ranked levels of Bisumaton continents as well as Yin chakra which makes it devastating in its amount of damage it can deal. On impact, the bullet will shatter the ground or any other solid surface that is of weak construction and eat its way through it via the very high temperature. On a human target, it will cause the same amount of damage as the golden forest move stated in the sword rulings and is directly lethal. It will cause a mid-range explosion, shattering its molten metal everywhere. The other application the round can cause is to be shot at the sky. This causes the bullet to splatter and form a metallic rain that will sustain itself after one full turn after the shot was fire. This rain will carry strange properties as it is more of a Genjutsu than the metal itself. Through the rain, the opponents will start to see mirages of the user and get confused whilst the end goal is for them to get lost in the rain that will ultimately drain their chakra to the point they become docile. Its effects are mental fatigue as well as a splitting headache as soon as any opponent gets as much as one drop on them. Note that only one of these applications of the bullet can be used once per battle.
Regular gun rules apply and only one round can be shot each time-frame.

Note: Changing form of the sword costs a move-turn and the user must state in the beginning of a battle what form the Sunfall has taken. If not, it's default as a sword.
Note: Can only be used by Skorm
Note: Utilizing the roots/tree application of the sword renders the user incapable of using the sword's other active abilities in the same and next turn.
Note: Firing a bullet, using the sword for an S-rank attack, or creating the roots render the user unable to use Bismuth Techniques above A-rank in the same turn and the next.

Link to approved ce [x]
Link to owner of ce to let me submit cej's [x]

(Kuriputon: Feruinta | Liquid Krypton Release: Felwinter)
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 10-40(-10 per turn when sustained)
Description: Felwinter is a multi-ranked technique that serves as the basic, jack-of-all-trades technique of the Krypton release. It can be created from existing sources(air) or from the user directly. Depending on how much chakra he/she spends it amps the technique further and thus produces more liquid Krypton. The force of the torrent of the ultra cold liquid will also become greater the more chakra is spent into the technique. But even so, small amounts of liquid Krypton may be enough for some occasions too. Through this technique, the user will be able to create small or large torrents of the liquid Krypton, create a huge "sea" of the ultra cold liquid or manipulate pre-existing liquid Krypton to form into huge hands or small flying liquid bullets. Even though the possibilities are essentially endless, since the release is indeed liquid it cannot maintain any lasting functional structures unless chakra is used to sustain the releases state. Sort of like water which can be formed into a dragon but needs chakra to sustain its form in such case. D, C and B ranks can be used indefinitely while B-ranks will require one handseal; Hare. A rank variation can be used up to 4 times, but will start to require two handseals; Hare - Ox. S-rank variation requires three handseals; Hare - Ox - Rabbit - and can be used up to 3 times per battle.

Note: B-ranks require a single handseal, A ranks two handseals and S rank three handseals.
Note: A rank version can be used 4 times per battle, S rank 3.
Note: No Krypton Above A-rank after using S-rank version in the same turn and next.

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(Kuriputon: Arisu | Liquid Krypton Release: Alice)
Rank: S-rank
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40(-20/turn)
Damage: 80(on touch)
Description: Vostok is an advanced application of the kuriputon release and lets the user take the form of the initial release to benefit from its S/W upon facing a jutsu or otherwise. The user will form three handseals and transform themselves into a pool of liquid kuriputon while still maintaining their original size they become extremely light, extremely cold, but also very resistant and malleable. This is an extremely good technique when the user needs to move fast and having to tank jutsus that krypton is strong to. The user will become a hyper cold liquid but still pertains facial features, legs, arms etc. This form does make the user extremely light too as krypton is a very light element which gives the user an upper hand in flexibility which results them in an easier time evading techniques. The liquid can also cool down techniques that passes through the user to to ultra cold temperatures(within reason and S/W of Kuriputon). The downside of the technique is that the user cannot perform any elemental techniques except from kurpiton/water/lightning and wind techniques. The user can reform at any time and if they continue to be in this form they need to spend additional chakra.

Note: Usable twice per battle, lasting up to three turns per use.
Note: No A rank and above Krypton and no S rank and above water/lightning and wind techniques after usage.
Note: Utilizing the flexible form to evade techniques costs a move per turn and can only be done within reason/respect to the size of the technique evaded

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(Kuriputon: Bosutōku | Liquid Krypton Release: Vostok)
Rank: S-rank
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 40(-20/turn)
Damage: 80/turn
Description: The user performs three hand-seals and freezes the skies by channeling krypton chakra into the skies above them. Standard sized droplets of ultra cold krypton will start to rain down on the field from Mid-Long range of where the user is, and the user cannot adjust the size or location of the droplets. This can be done with or without sourceless materializing although if the user does not have that specialty they will need to form a gigantic pillar of liquid krypton that they stretch out from behind them and let go as it reaches the skies and expands into a barrage of rain. The only real advantage the user gets if they possess the sourceless materializing is the element of surprise. While this technique is ongoing, the user is limited in terms of that they can perform. This limits them from using lightning, wind and water under the techniques duration. Each droplet of the rain causes extreme pain and will freeze the skin and make it solidify. It will also freeze movements within its perimeter, and cutting all speed levels of individuals affected by the rain in half. Each drop will fall gracefully like a combustive snowflake with a slightly cyan color to it. The user can utilize the liquid krypton that has fallen to the ground for future techniques, but only once it has fallen to the ground.

Note: This technique can only be used twice per battle and can stay on the field for four turns while it requires a two-turn cool-down.
Note: The user can only use two other moves while this is active.
Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

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Declined. Dealing 80 damage per turn is definitely a no. Cutting speed in half for four turns is also too much, especially four turns. I'm also not gonna approve you saying "Can only be taught by Skorm" for a CE where you're the co-creator.
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Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
Dendera Light


(Kōshiton: Shin'ō no Amun-Ra) – Dendera Light Release: Vessel of the God-King
Offensive / Defensive / Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: Vessel of the God-King is a manipulation of Dendera Light Release applied to one’s own body. By performing a sequence of three seals, the user will fill their body with the electrical energies of the element. This results in the user’s body being entirely coated in pure Dendera Light, their physical form becoming a shimmering silhouette of raw energy. Whilst in this form, one's usage of Dendera Light is greatly enhanced, giving them the ability to utilise any and all Dendera Light techniques on the level of an Apex Handseal Specialist. Additionally, the user is capable of passively manipulating their aura to form basic constructs, such as swords or shields, though these cannot be any larger than two meters in length and width. Furthermore, the user can even form appendages from the energy, granting them capabilities based on the appendage created, e.g. using wings to fly. This technique is able to interact with others based on the S&W scheme of Dendera Light Release, defending the user from techniques accordingly. Should a technique of equivalent strength neutralize the energy, the user will revert to their original form without sustaining harm or injury. However, a technique which neutralizes the armor-like state by overpowering it will deal damage equal to the difference (the remaining damage after clashing with the transformed energy state). While within this form, the user is restricted to using Dendera Light, its component elements, and other non-elemental skills. Once a usage of this technique ends, it will require a single turn cooldown before subsequent use. This jutsu lasts for four turns, and can be used twice per battle.

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? Edits made.?
(Kōshiton: Shin'ō no Amun-Ra) – Dendera Light Release: Vessel of the God-King
Type: Offensive / Defensive / Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: Vessel of the God-King is a manipulation of Dendera Light Release applied to one’s own body. By performing a sequence of three seals, the user will fill their body with the electrical energies of the element. This results in the user’s body being transformed into pure Dendera Light, their physical form becoming a shimmering silhouette of raw energy. Whilst in this form, one's usage of Dendera Light is greatly enhanced, giving them the ability to utilise any and all Dendera Light techniques on the level of an Apex Handseal Specialist. Additionally, the user is capable of passively manipulating their aura to form basic constructs, such as swords or shields, though these cannot be any larger than two meters in length and width. Furthermore, the user can even form appendages from the energy, granting them capabilities based on the appendage created, e.g. using wings to fly. Constructs and appendages are merely extensions of the energy, and thus are equally powered. This technique is able to interact with others based on the S&W scheme of Dendera Light Release, defending the user from techniques accordingly. Should a technique of equivalent strength neutralize the energy, the user will revert to their original form without sustaining harm or injury. However, a technique which neutralizes the armor-like state by overpowering it will deal damage equal to the difference (the remaining damage after clashing with the transformed energy state). While within this form, the user is restricted to using Dendera Light, its component elements, and other non-elemental skills. Once a usage of this technique ends, it will require a single turn cooldown before subsequent use. This jutsu lasts for four turns, and can be used twice per battle.

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Sep 10, 2008
Trait Points
Purasumoidoton: Ginga no Noroi) Plasmoid Release: Galactic Cursing
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: The Galactic Curse Technique is a technique that infuses chakra into various techniques employed by the user. It's first variation is performed by creating an extra Tiger hand seal in the same time frame as one of their Plasmoid techniques which will allow the user to infuse the Plasmoid Jutsu with fire chakra. By taking advantage of Plasmoid Release's innate ability to siphon thermal energy from objects, the user will be able to increase the power of their Plasmoid jutsu. This is caused by the fire chakra's thermal energy being absorbed and converted into additional energy for the Plasmoid, and as a result the Plasmoid technique will have its strength increased due to the extra energy in it. This will translate into the technique to gaining +1 rank or +20 defensive or offensive properties depending on the technique.The alternate variation of this technique allows the user in the same time frame as one of their Ninjutsu based or Elemental techniques (within S/Ws of Plasmoid) to be created a thin illuminated barrier of Plasmoid surrounding it. This will allow the technique to draw in more thermal energy from the environment due to Plasmoid’s innate nature to siphon thermal energy. Techniques that have this coating of Plasmoid will have the excess energy inputted into them and gain +20 damage or +1 rank depending on the technique.

Note: Only one variation can be used at a time.
Note: Can only be used four times.

(Hiden | Fuinjutsu/Purasumoidoton: Kaosu no jisshi keitai) Secret Plasmoid Sealing Arts: Chaotic Embodiment
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40 (+10 per turn to maintain)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will perform three hand seals which form a pyramid shaped barrier of Plasmoid chakra that rapidly spreads 5 meters of them in every direction. This barrier does not affect enemies sight or their ability to move while in the presence of the Plasmoid. The special property of this Sealing Techniques comes into place when an opposing tangible or intangible energy is present within the barrier. Upon entering, the Plasmoid consisting of the barrier will passively make use of its innate ability to absorb opposing thermal energy, which absorbs any energy based S-rank jutsu regardless of chakra. The energy and its chakra will then be sealed inside of the pyramid via the power of Fuinjutsu. Once the energy is sealed, the user has the option of unsealing the absorbed energy from the barrier in the unique form of heat energy while retaining any of the energy's innate properties, but it will only be equivalent to the rank of the absorbed jutsu. It is possible for the user to release the heat onto the ground where the opponent is standing so that they then will begin to burn their feet if they do not quickly move away or they can apply it to any objects such as weapons within the field. However, when the heat energy is applied it will begin to glow a hot red color signifying that a change has occurred which would give people time to react before they felt the full effects of the Plasmoid heat. How the user chooses to apply the heat is up to their discretion meaning that as long as it is feasible and logical they can do it. For example, they can use it to increase the heat of the in front of them causing it to glow with red waves allowing it to serve as a shield or attack.

Note: Lasts three turn and each turn it can absorb a different jutsu but only once per turn
Note: Can only be three times with a turn cool down.
Note: No Plasmoid above A-rank after this technique ends for one turn.
Note: The user can choose to activate this technique and utilize its heat transferring abilities in one move instead of using it for the duration of three turns.

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Both Declined. Where's the CE link?
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Purasumoidoton: Ginga no Noroi) Plasmoid Release: Galactic Cursing
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Range: Short-long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: The Galactic Curse Technique is a technique that infuses chakra into various techniques employed by the user. It's first variation is performed by creating an extra Tiger hand seal in the same time frame as one of their Plasmoid techniques which will allow the user to infuse the Plasmoid Jutsu with fire chakra. By taking advantage of Plasmoid Release's innate ability to siphon thermal energy from objects, the user will be able to increase the power of their Plasmoid jutsu. This is caused by the fire chakra's thermal energy being absorbed and converted into additional energy for the Plasmoid, and as a result the Plasmoid technique will have its strength increased due to the extra energy in it. This will translate into the technique to gaining +1 rank or +20 defensive or offensive properties depending on the technique.The alternate variation of this technique allows the user in the same time frame as one of their Ninjutsu based or Elemental techniques to passively activate a thin illuminated barrier of Plasmoid surrounding it(original technique retains its original S/Wes). This will allow the technique to draw in more thermal energy from the environment due to Plasmoid’s innate nature to siphon thermal energy. Techniques that have this coating of Plasmoid will have the excess energy inputted into them and gain +20 damage or +1 rank depending on the technique.

Note: Only one variation can be used at a time.
Note: Can only be used four times.

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(Hiden | Fuinjutsu/Purasumoidoton: Kaosu no jisshi keitai) Secret Plasmoid Sealing Arts: Chaotic Embodiment
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40 (+10 per turn to maintain)
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will perform three hand seals which form a pyramid shaped barrier of Plasmoid chakra that rapidly spreads 5 meters of them in every direction. This barrier does not affect enemies sight or their ability to move while in the presence of the Plasmoid. The special property of this Sealing Techniques comes into place when an opposing tangible or intangible energy is present within the barrier. Upon entering, the Plasmoid consisting of the barrier will passively make use of its innate ability to absorb opposing thermal energy, which absorbs any energy based S-rank jutsu regardless of chakra. The energy and its chakra will then be sealed inside of the pyramid via the power of Fuinjutsu. Once the energy is sealed, the user has the option of unsealing the absorbed energy from the barrier in the unique form of heat energy while retaining any of the energy's innate properties, but it will only be equivalent to the rank of the absorbed jutsu. It is possible for the user to release the heat onto the ground where the opponent is standing so that they then will begin to burn their feet if they do not quickly move away or they can apply it to any objects such as weapons within the field. However, when the heat energy is applied it will begin to glow a hot red color signifying that a change has occurred which would give people time to react before they felt the full effects of the Plasmoid heat. How the user chooses to apply the heat is up to their discretion meaning that as long as it is feasible and logical they can do it. For example, they can use it to increase the heat of the in front of them causing it to glow with red waves allowing it to serve as a shield or attack.

Note: Lasts three turn and each turn it can absorb a different jutsu but only once per turn
Note: Can only be three times with a turn cool down.
Note: No Plasmoid above A-rank after this technique ends for one turn.
Note: The user can choose to activate this technique and utilize its heat transferring abilities in one move instead of using it for the duration of three turns.

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Declined. You're not going to be allowed to absorb any energy based jutsu regardless of its chakra magnitude. This needs much more tangible restrictions, including for during the actual duration. This also wouldn't work on any and all kinds of energy, as Plasmoid specifically absorbs thermal energy. I'm not sure what you're trying to get across with the bolded line due to your typo; I'm guessing you meant the air so I'm gonna restrict this now to only being able to apply the heat to tangible objects.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
New Cycle: 06/14/2020 - 06/22/2020

Submit your Customs only once they've been finalized. The staff can and will routinely check submissions throughout the cycle.
2. Submissions must be one post per cycle, thus however many Customs you want checked need to be included promptly.
3. Submissions must not be edited after being checked by a mod - they'll become invalid and thus declined.
4. Submissions may be declined, at moderator discretion, if a technique is overly lengthy for no reason.
5. Submissions from prior cycles that haven't been checked will be checked soon, please have patience. If more than one additional cycle goes by without it being checked, contact a moderator via PM.
6. In regards to your new rankings, be mindful of what you can and can't submit. Be sure to refer to
this post for information on restrictions and banned concepts. This list is ever evolving due to new Metas and may be changed weekly.

The new cycle commences with this post, and concludes precisely one week from the given time-stamp. Sorry for the delay. Anyone that that resubmits a declined custom without making any changes will receive a ban from this thread.


Mar 18, 2013
Trait Points
CE . Sound completed and in inventory.
(Oto-Seraphumizuton: Eikō no Koe no Sandarufon) - Sound/Seraphic Water Release: Sandolphon's Voice of Glory
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra cost: (+20 to technique)
Damage: N/A
Description: Using Seraphic Water's unique relationship with Sound, Voice of Glory is meant to supplement the element through a passive infusion. When performing a Seraphic Water technique the user may infuse a trace amount of their Sound chakra by paying extra chakra (+20) and have acoustic vibrations propagate throughout the affected jutsu. These are high energy, Destructive Sound Waves that are absorbed by the Seraphic Water and converted into heat energy. This allows the technique being performed up to A-ranked to gain a rank boost and +20 for S-ranked techniques. Vouce of Glory is incompatible with Forbidden ranked Seraphic Water techniques. The first perk that the affected jutsu gains with this infusion is an almost total lack of sound, similar to (Seraphumizuton: Bōsei no Hasmed; Shizuka Shōkyo)- Seraphic Water: Tyranny of Hasmed; Silent Erasure. This is because the sound waves are being absorbed and converted as quickly as they're produced, which leads to the second minor perk which is heat. Voice of Glory allows the affected Seraphic Water technique to be many times over the boiling point of regular water, thanks to its heat capacity of over a thousand degrees, able to burn and dessiccate opponents at the same time. The user will be unable to perform any other Sound techniques above A-ranked during the turn Voice of Glory is actiavted. Can be performed four times with a turn cool down in between uses.

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CE .
(Hokkyoku Āsurirīsu: Tsundora no Chūkū no Kodomo-tachi) - Arctic Earth: Hollow Children of the Tundra
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: The Hollow Children are familiars made of Arctic Earth that can be created from the user's body or the surrounding earth up to mid-ranged away, except within five meters of an opponent, unless the user is also within that range. The Arctic Earth creations are humanoid in appearance but severely emaciated, like skeletons, with glowing eyes and hollow chests. Despite their appearance however the Children are frighteningly quick, able to travel at inhuman speeds when in contact with Arctic Earth structures. On regular surfaces they move at the speed of normal Arctic Earth techniques, but when situated on Arctic Earth they are able to move at 1.5x the user's speed for as long as they maintain contact with the element. The user can use the creations as a source for Arctic Earth techniques up to B-rank from their bodies on regular terrain and A-rank when in contact with Arctic Earth. These count toward the user's move limit. Being savage in nature, the Children usually end up overwhelming opponents with their frigid bodies while gnawing and tearing them apart with surprising strength. The user may form one or multiple creations using this technique, following normal splitting rules, and they may remain on the field for a maximum of four turns regardless of rank. This jutsu requires three hand seals and can only be formed twice per battle with a two turn cool down. No Arctic Earth techniques above A-ranked can be performed for a turn after this technique ends.

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Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points


Original approval:

( Suteijian Suiton: Ikari no Yomi ) Ξ Stygian Water: Ferry to the Underworld
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary | Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20 ( +10 to Water jutsu )
Damage Points: N/A (+20)
Description: Designed as a way to increase the user's ability to utilize Stygian Water, this technique is treated as an infusion type ability which is to be used side by side with a regular suiton technique. When the user uses a Suiton technique up to and including S ranks, they can perform this in the same timeframe in order to coat said technique with a thick layer of Stygian water by adding Stygian Water chakra into it and giving it heated, corrosive properties which makes them more dangerous (+20). Alternatively, When a water source is around within range, whether it be a small river or an large pond, the user is able to send his chakra into the source and transform it into Stygian water to create a source for his techniques.Similar to Mei Terumi and her corrosive/Burning elements, the user is immune to being burned by his creations, thus enabling him to physically touch the element whenever his chakra is present, but isn't immune to bluntly being hit by it. This not only provides a source of Stygian Water, but also prevents others from using the Water source unless they somehow over power the user's chakra to cleanse the corrosive water and use it as their own.
Note: Can only be used 4 times with a two turn cool down

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Technique original approval:

( Suteijian Suiton: Sutikusu zettai shidō ) Ξ Stygian Water: Styx Absolute Guidance
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20 ( -10 per turn )
Damage Points: N/A
Sutikusu zettai shidō is the sister technique of ( Suteijian Suiton: megami no hogo ) Ξ Stygian Water: Protection of The Underworld Goddess, though instead of focusing on a defensive mechanism this focuses entirely on offense. As in the above-mentioned technique, Sutikusu zettai shidō creates a light mist of Stygian water around the battlefield which can be created from Water sources, other mist, rain and Stygian water itself (or directly from the user). The mist itself is too light to Carry any corrosive properties and is barely visible, but it does carry the same Chakra detection properties as its sister technique. What this Chakra detecting mist does is react to foreign chakra; Again, like its sister technique, which gives the user himself no sort of sensing or detection. This allows the mist to navigate other Stygian Water techniques used within it; Guiding the attacks to the largest mass of foreign Chakra detected within. This gives the user an almost "absolute" assurance that their attacks won't be evaded when they need to surely finish the job. Although the techniques would “follow” the biggest foreign chakra source, it wouldn’t be capable of bending around or avoiding things at will. It would mindlessly move towards its target in a linear fashion. A unique feature of this technique is that through the use of the "Chakra per turn" it passively saps from the user, the mist will continuously spread and re-form unless completely gotten rid of. This simply makes up for the weakness it has against low rank winds, allowing it to maintain itself against inadequate responses to it. When reforming it also doesn’t regain full power. It would still be weakened depending on the clash, but would simply still spread and take effect accordingly. Due to having no inherent use alone, this technique can be activated alongside another stygian technique within the same time frame, having the mist form directly from the technique and spreading omnidirectional.

Note: Lasts 4 turns
Note: Needs a 2 turn cool down between uses.

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Stygian Water Approved:

( Suteijian Suiton: Sutikusu kawa no senrei ) Ξ Stygian Water: Baptism of The River Styx
Type: Supplementary | Offensive | Defensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30 ( -10 per turn )
Damage Points: N/A ( +20 to Taijutsu )
Description: After gathering a large amount of Stygian Water chakra, the user releases it throughout his entire body, emanating in the form of a blackish chakra shroud around the user though this is not all; in addition to this, the user's body itself becomes liquid, mirroring the Hozuki Hydrification jutsu and it's properties/traits. Due to this, the user's Taijutsu likewise becomes more deadly, allowing it to gain effects of Stygian Water on contact, causing corrosive and acidic like burns in addition to normal damage. The user is also able to use his newfound aquatic body as a source of Stygian Water, creating up to A rank structures from any point. This isn't limited to simple bursts either; They'd be able to use the watery based body to extend and stretch limbs (up to mid range) for blunt impact attacks. Their body when extending can also be expanded to make their limbs much larger to combat bigger being/other attacks effectively. Being made of a water-like composition, he becomes able to take hits from solid structures and reform accordingly without taking damage, though the water would corrode the solids as if the body was A rank Stygian water, according to strengths and weaknesses. A drawback of using this ability is the user being limited to using no other elements bar Stygian Water and the elements it is made of whilst maintaining this form.

Note: Can be used 3 times, each use lasting 4 turns. After usage, the user cannot use for 2 turns.
Note: Water structures created are of A rank power and will cost a move to use.

Declined: There is no reason for you to be immune to solid attacks.

( Suteijian Suiton: Sutikusu kawa no senrei ) Ξ Stygian Water: Baptism of The River Styx
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary | Offensive | Defensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30 ( -10 per turn )
Damage Points: N/A ( +20 to Taijutsu )
Description: After gathering a large amount of Stygian Water chakra, the user releases it throughout his entire body, emanating in the form of a blackish chakra shroud around the user though this is not all; in addition to this, the user's body itself becomes liquid, mirroring the Hozuki Hydrification jutsu and it's properties/traits. Due to this, the user's Taijutsu likewise becomes more deadly, allowing it to gain effects of Stygian Water on contact, causing corrosive and acidic like burns in addition to normal damage. The user is also able to use his newfound aquatic body as a source of Stygian Water, creating up to A rank structures from any point. This isn't limited to simple bursts either; They'd be able to use the watery based body to extend and stretch limbs (up to mid range) for blunt impact attacks. Their body when extending can also be expanded to make their limbs much larger to combat bigger being/other attacks effectively. Being made of a water-like composition, he becomes able to take hits from solid structures according to strengths and weaknesses. Neutrally powered techniques cancel the transformation. Weaker techniques can be reformed from accordingly without taking damage, though the water would corrode the solids as if the body was Stygian water. Stronger techniques cancel the transformation and deal damage. A drawback of using this ability is the user being limited to using no other elements bar Stygian Water and the elements it is made of whilst maintaining this form.

Note: Can be used 3 times, each use lasting 4 turns. After usage, the user cannot use for 2 turns.
Note: Water structures created are of A rank power and will cost a move to use.

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( Suteijian Suiton: Meikai no Kishi ) Ξ Stygian Water: Knight of the Underworld
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 30 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 60
Description: Applying the principle of creating familiars out of elemental techniques, the user is able to produce basic familiars in the form of generic and indiscernible skeletal soldiers made of Stygian Water after weaving three handseals. The soldiers are created within short-range of the user (unless created from another source of Stygian water, then can be created up to long range) and are of equivalent height and stature of the user. The skeletons formed all possess generic and indistinguishable skeletal characteristics, but are afforded a small level of customization. These customizations are not unlike those found in basic animals and creatures, allowing alterations like wings that allow flight and horns, or tendrils to use at their will. The skeletons are able to, through their connection to the user, be used as a source for Stygian techniques up to its created rank. Creating multiple skeletons can be done through this technique, following splitting rules. These creations remain on the field for up to three turns. This technique can be used four times per battle, with a two turn cooldown in between. In the turn this technique expires, the user is unable to use S-Rank or higher Stygian water techniques.

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Active member
Mar 12, 2014
Trait Points
Osmium: [x]
Sword Logic CEJ: [x]

(Ōsmuton: Kurobuchi) – Osmium Release: Black Edge
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: N/A
Chakra: 20 (+10)
Damage: N/A
Description: Black Edge is a supplementary technique aimed to enhance the strength of the user's techniques which are derived from solid and liquid elements, such as Earth and Water Release, and other CE/AE of a similar nature to the aforementioned basic elements. By infusing additional chakra into a chosen technique, in the same timeframe as its creation or anytime it is on the field, the user forcibly produces Osmium within its mass, bolstering its structural integrity by taking advantage of the element's own density. This results in the strength of the targeted technique being increased by an additional rank, or +20 damage for jutsu above S-Rank. Defensive techniques or ones without damage will be capable of defending against one rank higher than usual. For Earth Release techniques and AE/CE of a solid nature, the strengthened jutsu will turn darker, its surface resembling a writhing mass of minerals due to the nature of light reflecting off the element itself, as a result of the infusion. In the case of Water Release and AE/CE of a liquid nature, they will darken to the point of almost resembling oil. Black Edge does not alter the inherent properties of targeted techniques, or their strengths and weaknesses. This technique can be used four times per battle with a one turn cooldown and requires a single handseal upon use.

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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
CE Approval:

(Dakuiton/Yoton: Las Noches) Dark Vacuity Release/Yang Release: Hollow Night Palace
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 70 (- 30 Per Turn)
Damage Points: N/A (100)
Description: Through the formation of three hand seals – the user immediately converts the surface layer of the terrain into ionized ash, swiftly causing a sort of “dust storm” to brew up. As the dust is violently blowing around, it utilizes the nature granted by Dark Vacuity to scatter light around it, making it impossible for anyone within the terrain at the time to be able to see what’s happening. However, this isn’t the only case – as the user also infused their yang energy into the storm upon creation. This grants the storm sentience – providing a basis for this technique as while the user is blinded as well, the ionized ash will constantly relay the positioning of everyone and everything within the storm to the user. Upon contact with the target body or even other techniques (dealing 100 damage against them), this technique gradually causes damage to these structures/bodies. This yields – 20 damage to anyone considered an enemy towards the user while within the storm, bolstered by the yang energy within it physically weakening the opponent as well, reducing their base speed by half and making more than three hand seals for a technique impossible due to sheer physical debilitation it causes and the ionized ash harming them. In the case of the user and allies however, it heals them overtime for +20 HP per turn and also increases the user’s/allies speeds by x2 towards their base speed. It can only be used twice per battle, lasting three turns each, while being unable to use Yang nor Dark Vacuity Techniques above A rank in the same turn, next turn and the turn after the storm subsides naturally. Due to the nature of the technique, the user is also restrained to Yang, Dark Vacuity, and the elements that makeup Dark Vacuity and non-elemental abilities. Those whom are in Sage Mode are capable of resisting the effects of yang energy but will still be damaged over time if not dealt with by the ash, likewise to any Yin, yang and Yin Yang users - capable of purging the yang energy out but will refresh the following turn if a defense is not sustained.

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