Bone Fields (078)

Anbu Kirito

Active member
Jul 1, 2014
Trait Points
Players Involved: Anbu Kirito
Mission Rank: 2 = C
Storyboard Elements Chosen:

  • Continue developing a meaningful bond. (CUSTOM)
Azuma took more than a few hours to stagger back through the dunes, the sun beating down upon his lightly clothed, already bloodied body. Of course, eventually, the sun set, making the walk much easier on him. Water wasn't the issue, to be clear. He was just plain exhausted.

Ah. There it is.

Azuma's gaze remained neutral, despite his relieved internal status at the sight of his compound, looking exactly as it had when he had left it. It was home, he figured, so why didn't he look happy to see it? As he neared the door, his worries were quickly lifted when the missing piece of the puzzle tackled him to the floor in a tight embrace, a mess of red hair clouding his vision. A soft-spoken feminine voice that he knew quite well now broke the silence of his last few hours.

"You're okay!"

Azuma raised an eyebrow at Shiro's rather physical gesture and speech, grunting as he returned her embrace, not quite having the heart to tell her that she was currently on top of a multitude of very painful wounds which weren't quite as well healed as he wished they were.

"Arg- ow, Shiro, it wouldn't have taken me so long to get back if I wasn't dripping a little blood from a few paper cuts."

In response, the redhead even-more-painfully pushed off of the boy's body, back to her feet, tripping over her own tongue to apologize, as she tended to.

"I apologize, Azuma-San. I was just... well, worried. You have been so kind, and I have done nothing that makes me deserve a sacrifice of such a degree from you-"

Azuma hadn't risen quite so quickly though; he was looking at the girl with eyes wide and inquisitive as she spoke to him, only to interrupt her from his spot on the ground.

I know why I wasn't happy with the sight of the compound.

"Shiro, you used a contraction. That's a first."

The girl immediately went red, assuming she'd done something wrong. As this happened, Azuma was getting to his feet, something Shiro was currently paying little mind to as she did what she had tended to an awful lot; that was of course, worry.

"Oh I apologize! I try my best to speak as-"

She's why I call it home now.

She suddenly found herself silenced by the green-haired boy's lips. Despite what Azuma had expected her response to be, which was, of course, to slap him and call him a disgraceful charlatan or something, it turned out that Shiro didn't instantly recoil from his kiss. In fact, she leaned further into it, slowly wrapping her hand around the taller boy's shoulders. Then, after a few moments passed with the duo locked in this brief stint of honest passion, the two teenagers moved their lips ever so slightly apart from one another, each of them taking a light breath.

Shiro came to rest her head softly on Azuma's shoulder as the boy spoke, his tone not as ripe with sarcasm as it had tended to be around this girl, with their incessant teasing of the other on pause for just a second while he came clean on a few of the more pressing aspects of their interactions with each other.

"I like you better when you're relaxed, Shiro. The honorifics, the annunciated words... I know you're worried about making something up to me, but for the life of me I'm not sure what it is. That fight? How we met? That's forgiven. I don't look at you and think, 'there's the girl who cut me up'-"

Azuma felt Shiro tense at that phrase, and thus raised a comforting hand to her back to hold her close and reassure her before continuing.

"-I think, 'there's my home'. There's the girl who I live with, the girl who I've wronged, who's clan's land I desecrated."

Not moving from her position on the green-haired Uchiha's shoulder, the redheaded Samurai spoke as if she was afraid to meet his eyes, having not talked about their first, most negative interactions so frankly since, well, since their fight.

"I... why exactly do you care? Why do I deserve to stay in your house, drink your water, and have whatever just happened happen to me?"

Azuma smiled for the first time since he'd been with the girl earlier in the day.

"I don't have a reason other than you're a lovely person who's just as lonely as I am. You're no less deserving of help, of affection even, than any other human on this planet. In fact, I'd argue you deserve more seeing what you've been through in your lifetime."

The tender moment was then, of course, unfortunately interrupted by Azuma wounds, a pulse of pain shooting throughout his body.

"R-right... I need to wash these wounds, Shiro, as much as I'd love to just be this close to you for the whole night."

The boy could FEEL the redhead's cheeks turn scarlet this time. Despite this however, there was a very clear reluctance to her movements as she let go of Azuma's body.

I suppose it's good to know that she didn't mind being that close to me.

Immediately, however, with the lack of support, Azuma staggered forwards, catching himself just barely before moving through the doorway of his compound, Shiro just ahead of him, a look of worry plastered on her face.

"What exactly happened out there, anyway Azuma-sa... Azuma?"

Azuma smiled again, this time at the usage of his name without the honorific, giving Shiro her answer as requested. Despite his smile though, his tone was clearly much more grave than it had been, the mood having become more serious as soon as he recollected the events that had transpired earlier out in the desert.

" brother, or rather, adoptive-asshole-dickface-jerk-who-isn't-actually-related-to-me-but-was-raised-with-me was sent here to kill you."

Shiro's eyes widened at both the content of the boy's words as well as his longwinded train of expletives. However, with a knowing look from Azuma which said 'let's talk about it tomorrow' about as loudly as his mouth could have, she simply nodded and let it go for the moment.

There would be plenty of time to talk, and even though the situation the two teenagers were in was far from perfect, neither could bring themselves to truly be worried.

Needless to say, both slept well that night.

Anbu Kirito

Active member
Jul 1, 2014
Trait Points
Players Involved: Anbu Kirito
Mission Rank: 2 = C
Storyboard Elements Chosen:

  • (2) Continue developing a meaningful bond. (CUSTOM)

A week passed, and as time heals all wounds, Azuma's surely did close and vanish, leaving the faintest of scars and the lightest of bruises; memories of a fight which as he would have told you, was certainly rather memorable. Of course, as he recovered, conversations with Shiro were nearly all the entertainment he had, although frankly he wouldn't have had it any other way. Surprisingly, their lips hadn't touched since that day where he'd collapsed out in the dunes, but again, he wasn't bothered.

There was a connection between them, and he was happy to let it progress as it was already. Shiro seemed to feel a bit remorseful, as if she thought that she'd brought on Azuma's injuries by proxy of being Segamu's original target. The green-haired boy, of course, disagreed.

I chose to fight. You didn't.

In his mind, she was the least at fault in the situation; plus, it wasn't as if he didn't enjoy kicking his adoptive brother's ass.

Regardless of all of this, by the seventh day, the young Uchiha was largely healed, and as if on queue, there was another development that morning in the form of a hawk dropping by with a message. Shiro was still sleeping when he woke up, as she'd often tended to be, but in this case, it was rather convenient. Drawn upwards by the bird's cry, he soon found a scroll dropped into his hands which when opened, read rather simply;


Magnus here. It's been a while, hasn't it? A year, I believe. I'm sending you this message because you should come as far North-East as you can as soon as possible. I've found a home, where our kind are welcome. It's a place located at the tip of Lightning Country, known as Vestbygden. You can get there by travelling through the Great Wind Desert, along the Western edge of Fire Country, and then up to and along Daikotsu Bay until you reach a place where the land stretches no further.

I know that will take you some time, but I'm sure it isn't beyond your capacity, seeing as even down here I've been able to keep tabs on you. You've made quite a name for yourself! Regardless, there are a few things you can do along the way that I think might suit your talents; money-making opportunities, I mean. Plenty of my informants have told me that a group of Rogue Ninja called the Defias Brotherhood have spread across the upper regions of the Great Wind Desert. They're led by a woman, VanCleef-something-or-rather. You probably won't get to her in time to take the bounty on her head, but the rest of the syndicate is well spread out across much of your path to my position. You shouldn't have a problem finding trouble, and in your case, cash, along the way to me.


Well hell. That complicated things ever so slightly. Azuma looked around, gazing upon the compound he'd built; with some help from Shiro, they'd managed to install the running water system and generator. It was really coming together.

Yet I'm immediately considering leaving it.

Magnus was a friend and a mentor whomst Azuma wouldn't ever forget. He'd been the first to reveal the young boy's true heritage, something which had come to define his very being. Thus, as much as he wanted to stay here, the answer to Magnus' request was rather obvious. He'd go in a heartbeat. The only problem was these were Shiro's clan's lands, and he wasn't sure whether she'd come with him. Over the next half hour he agonized over that thought, his own teenage emotions mixing with the logical point of view he'd tried to approach things from for years.

Thus, of course, Shiro picked such a time to finally wake up.

She could immediately tell something was off when she saw the green-haired boy's pensive grimace and the scroll in his hand.

"Azuma... what's wrong?"

The boy glanced up to see the redhead looking at him, less worried sounding than she was sympathetic. God, she was so great; he wouldn't be able to bare leaving without her now.

"I... an old friend sent me this scroll-"
He raised the rolled up piece of parchment as if to indicate was he was talking about.

"-and he wants me to come live with him in Lightning Country. He says I won't be on the run anymore. For who I am, I mean."

Shiro raised an eyebrow at this. She was all too familiar with running away from those who would hurt you; her whole life had consisted of being hunted. Hell, just recently she'd been the target of that assassination which Azuma had stopped, so self-sacrificially. Still though, she was confused as to why Azuma would be hunted. As if sensing this, the boy spoke, his voice choking as he unearthed memories that he truly detested thinking about.

"You k-know I'm an Uchiha. We're not just a powerful clan... w-we're nearly extinct. I got taken in by a family who didn't tell me what I was when I was younger, since my parents died before I can remember meeting them... Magnus, my friend up East, he's also an Uchiha. Both of us know how it feels to be hunted for our eyes; they're valuable commodities on the black market, Sharingan, and we never quite had the population of the Hyuga Clan so our Dojutsu naturally commands a price."

Ah. So that was what it was. A longing for family. Shiro could only let out a sad smile in the boy she'd come to care for so much's direction. He continued while she moved closer to him, sitting down at the stone table which he'd conjured up when building the compound.

"My parents were killed, Shiro. Their eyes were sold, and mine would have been if I was old enough to have the Sharingan. Then, of course, when I awakened it, they came after me too. It's impossible to make a living as an Uchiha and hide your identity; it's just a part of the job. But when you start getting assassins breaking through the door to your Inn room at three in the morning, you get tired of it pretty fucking quickly, especially when it starts before you hit goddamn puberty. Anyway... I sound like a fucking mess and I get that this looks pretty pathetic, but my point is that he's the only family I know of, and I'm torn beca-"

Shiro cut him off with a kiss just like he had done to her a week earlier, although this one was different than the last. It was more primal, less controlled, lacking in any semblance of the prim and proper mood which Shiro usually brought with her. Instead, it was an honest physical expression of emotion which Azuma couldn't help but lean into, since he too felt the same way. For a minute they held each other, only stopping briefly every few moments to trade glances and silently confirm that the other was comfortable. Then, when they finally broke apart, the redhead looked at the young Uchiha with a stalwart gaze and spoke words which he could have never expected.

"Uchiha Azuma, you're an honorable, lovely boy, and you're somebody I'm rather struck by. You told me once that everybody deserved help. Later, you said everybody deserves love. I'll repeat both of those sentiments to you right now. My family is gone, just as yours has been, for many years. I traveled here, to my clan's ancestral lands, because of that same reason, and just by my luck, I stumbled upon somebody who was looking for the same thing I was. So don't you EVER think I wouldn't go wherever you would. That would be no way to pay you back for how good you've been to me... and to be honest I can't stand the idea of losing you to geography of all things."

A weight similar to a mountain lifted itself off of Azuma's shoulders immediately as he leaned into the girl, catching her in a tight embrace. Quietly, he spoke to her, glad she understood above all else.

"T-thank you. I... I can't stand the idea either."

Although he couldn't see it, Shiro had stopped fighting back the blush she'd been hiding since their lips had met, the green-haired teen's sweet words striking her despite their simplicity.

Silently, the boy shared a thought with himself, confirming what he'd have struggled to admit verbally.

I wouldn't have been able to go without you. Thank you, Shiro. Thank you so much.

Upon ending the embrace, Azuma wiped off tears that he hadn't even known he'd produced before looking at the girl, as if expecting a revocation of the moment they'd just shared. No such denial came. Instead, the two simply exchanged bright smiles as they both stood up, preparing to pack up their things.

[Leaving Landmark, 3:00 PM PST]
[Arriving at Landmark 83 at 4:00 PM PST]
[Arriving at Landmark 82 at 5:00 PM PST]
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard elements:
  • Destroy an entire landmark to prevent spreading the virus [Custom arc 13 element - 5]
You must be registered for see medias

Alucard, Akemi and Mega Blaziken would all three enter the Bone Fields territory, far more west than they had ever been before and the truth was that even here there were tracks of the virus that had presumably already contaminated the entire world at this point. Alucard was striding with the confidence of the world, being the worlds first complete and most powerful Chimera. Being able to scour the lands with his enhanced vision that was handed to him through the powers of the Tenseigan. However, with great power came great responsibility. A responsibility that would forever bite him by his ancles with a ghostly touch.

..Everything seems to be.. In disorder here.

Alucard would reach down by the road and looked with his steel blue eyes which could see chakra as well as granting telescopic sights, onto a smeared and tattered leaf that had fallen from a nearby tree. He could see blood on it, even though it had clearly fallen into the category of ancient as it was almost solidified, it would be impossible for it to have tainted a freshly fallen leaf unless it was a dead walking that had graced it on a march towards somewhere, or something. He would drop the leaf and look towards the great scenery containing absolute nothing but a pitch blue sky and endless fields of sand mixed with bones. He would pick up the track of foot prints from some several kilometers away and see which ones were the most fresh ones, an easy distinction as the whole area was nothing but sand.

If the virus has ended up here and created whatever chemistry needed to raise the dead, we are looking at a grand scale invasion of the nearest villages...

With that being said, Alucard pinpointed the tracks heading towards the land in the further west. With haste, he and his summonings would run like the wind throughout the bone fields, interrupted slightly by residing undead naked skeletons that were easily dispatchable by various usages of elements or chakra. The trio headed towards Thousand Needles where they feared an invasive force of undead would already be rampaging and causing massive spreads of the virus that would ultimately eat up and kill the entire wind nation unless dealt with.

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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Storyboard Mission:
  • Gather intel and fight an enemy organization [custom]
You must be registered for see medias

The two had finally reached the Bone Fields where Alucard had scouted suspicious activity being held all the way from Naschaz. The very same patterns of chakra remained here but scattered all over the place once again since sunrise. It would seem like these individuals only operated during the night indeed, and if Alucard was to hunt for them in a pack he needed to wait until nightfall again. However, waiting for the opportunity to strike would not go to waste as he and Lilith would head out to the very same place that Alucard had seen their gathering from the town.
Anoo.. who are these people that we're looking for?

Oh you know, human trash.. This will be hilarious if we catch them with their pants down and their asses up.

Pft, you're hiding something from me.

Ohhh don't give me that look, you will play a part of this carnage that is about to unfold. AND YOU WILL ENJOY IT.


The two kept bickering until they reached the site where Alucard had sighted the big gathering. A towering amount of bones was found here, but what was interesting was that underneath the dunes of sand underneath the pillar of bones.. An pulsating echo could be felt as if something alive and massive was hidden underneath. No trails of chakra however, and Alucard decided not to look into it too much. They were here to lay some traps, not investigating on whatever the gentlemen were skullf*cking. Lilith flew above the area to look for clues while Alucard laid down some booty traps around the area and consealing them with sand.

(Kekkai Houjin) - Barrier Method Battle Array
Rank: B-Rank
Type: Attack
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: Kekkai Houjin is a high-level Fuuinjutsu trap technique. An array of explosive markers is jointly placed around the boundary of an area. If any opponent walks through the boundary, the seals will activate and explode.

These tags would act as pressure plates and detonating upon being stepped on. In a triangular shape, these tags would envelop the bone pillar and as dark was about to fall, Alucard could pick up several chakra signatures from across the landscape that seemed to be coming from different angles all at once.

Fly up into the black sky, i'll meet them on the ground.
Alucard shadow walked into nothingness as his chakra would spread around him, activating as an active camouflage while Lilith took to the air, flying as far as 50 meters up into the air with her wings.

(Meisaigakure no Jutsu) - Hiding with Camouflage Technique
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (-10 per turn active)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: This is a ninja escape technique that allows the user after performing the Tiger hand seal to control how light is reflected around their body with chakra inflections. The technique also erases the user's scent and shadow, and is usable on any terrain, making it ideal not only for covert maneuvers but also offensive strikes. Perceiving the user's position is possible only for ninja who are astute enough to observe minute variations within their surrounding environment, such as distortions of air currents in the immediate vicinity or distinguishing sounds, i.e. footsteps etc. However, the usefulness of this ability can be entirely negated by those with special vision or sensory skills. The Second Tsuchikage, Mū's mastery of this technique helped earn him the moniker "Non-Person" seemingly having neither form nor chakra while the technique was active. Thus, he could not be sensed through traditional means.
Note: Technique lasts a total of 3 turns

As the two of them split up, Alucard felt the chakra signatures getting closer and closer. He was ultimately surrounded by cloaked figures that now could be spotted with the naked eye but he managed to pass through them unnoticed in his disguise. He had rested his hand on his sword, Darkiscie the entire time in case he noticed that they would've spotted him. He wouldn't even mind if they noticed him, but he almost got an erection when he noticed they didn't. Out of thrill, of course. He couldn't wait to cull every single one of them with a fell swoop but he could not do so for the time being. Instead, he needed to control his lust for blood and at the very least gather enough information in order to track down the lot of them as this was but one sect and there were more than just one but more precise - nine. Lilith would remain in the air, tracking the movement of the cultists who started to gather around the pillar of bone. They were close now, about 20 meters from the booty trap but alas they weren't as dumb as Alucard had expected. One of the acolytes unveiled a scarred bald head from his hood and spoke in a sanded raspy voice that sounded like it was in unison with the acoustics of the sands in the vicinity. He sounded almost ancient.

Brothers and Sisters, our sacred ground has been tainted, traps lay everywhere around our spine to Oblivion. May Azura forgive us for leaving her ground unguarded.

Cursed heathens.. Nay, we shall not let this intervene with our work.. Grandmaster, point out where these installations are set and we'll have them destroyed. I hope the one who set them is still in the hooks and while it's not the way of Azura.. Vengeance need to be served.

The apparent grandmaster was displeased with his minions more so than having his grounds tainted with Alucard's traps it would seem. Regardless, he was either a wielder of an unknown Dojutsu or a sensory shinobi as he was able to pinpoint every trap that Alucard had placed within the sand and the rest of the acolytes proceeded with disarming them using reverse sealing techniques that were basic but effective. Alucard sat down in the cold sand and paid attention to the cultists as they gathered around the bone pillar. Lilith was still up in the air but had backpedaled towards Alucards location, now swaying in the cold air directly above him. With the enemy all set, having inspected the surroundings for about twenty minutes or so after having dismantled Alucard's last sealing trap they all fell to their knees surrounding the pillar while the old man inspected the work they had done so far with the pillar. He then looked directly towards Alucard's location with a sinister stare as if he knew he was there all along. Alucard sat in the sand still, watching carefully as the events were unfolding.

Comfortable over there?
He spoke directly to Alucard but it seemed like none of the other of the underlings noticed that he was. Was he playing tricks with him or did he possess the means of telepathy?

Father, are we attacking?

Wait for it..

The old man placed an eerie stare towards Lilith now too, as if he figured out her position as well. Was he able to tap into Alucard and Lilith's mental link?

I see you brought company. Too bad, two twenty thirty is suicidal. Why don't we arrange a diplomatic solution to this debacle? I will only offer this once. Leave this place now and never return or i will let my brothers and sisters here know about the situation and they will strike you down with the Wrath of Azura.
Alucard coughed, then he chuckled a bit, then he started to giggle, then he started to laugh in a diabolical way with a grin stretched between his cheekbones so much it looked unnatural as he revealed himself from his camouflage allowing for all the enemy to see him. The Grandmaster looked discouraged by Alucard's nature and sighed while Alucard himself got up and dragged Darkiscie along the dark sand as he closed the gap between him and them. Lilith landed on the ground following him and drew her sword as well. However these enemy weren't the average mindless warriors, they dispatched themselves into two groups each consisting of ten individuals who quickly sought to surround Lilith and Alucard as well as separate the two of them. Alucard would swoop in with his right leg first, keeping a low stance, holding on to Darkiscie with his right hand as he grabbed a handful of sand with his left hand only to toss it towards one of his opponents. It would strike them in the face, temporarily blind them and make way for a first easy kill. His leg would separate the man from his attachment to the ground knocking over his headless corpse while Alucard performed a 180 and continued his assault on the others with the main target being the Grandmaster.

Meanwhile, Lilith utilized her sword's ability to create a mid-range forestation of trees and roots forming out of molten metal which would hit one of her opponents and skewer them to the point that she got disgusted by it and withdrew the sword from the ground. When surrounded by all angles, she dodged the beams of chakra they expelled from their palms and flew upwards. She could not in these situations be so chicken that she was unable to fight back. Alucard was too busy to help her now too and she needed to be ready to fight to survive. She grinded her teeth together and upon being targeted mid-air by another barrage of chakra beams, she utilized her dark release to absorb the chakra and turn it against the opponents in the form of black flames. This would kill another three of the squad targeting her, leaving six of them.

(Meiton: Kyūketsukō usabarashi) Dark Release: Inhaling Diversion
Type: Offensive
Rank: A rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: (Technique dependant)
Description: This is an advanced method of using the technique Inhaling maw. Instead of storing the foreign chakra the user instead redirects it back at the opponent. The way this technique works is by increasing the flow of chakra to Inhaling maw causing it to absorb chakra twice as fast as the regular inhaling maw. While this happens the user links his top and bottom square chakra network creating an arc between the two from which chakra can travel. As the user absorbs chakra it is sent into this new link and has Dark chakra added to it, once the chakra is added the technique is fired back at the opponent. From using this method the original attack is strengthen and more potent. This method is fairly fast, as it release chakra at the same time it absorbs leaving little window for opponents to react.
*Note* Any technique redirected gains plus 1 rank to its original power(I.e A rank becomes S rank)
Can only be used 3 times per battle
Jutsu Follows Dark release's absorption rules
Can only be Taught by Delta

Alucard was looking proudly as he tore through the carnage. He was surrounded by nine people as he sheathed his sword setting en motion a trap for his opponents who thought he had given up. Three of them attacked him on point blank range and just as they were about to sink their swords into him, he had weaved two handseals and turned his body into an intangible state leaving a cloud of darkness in his spot. In this state, he would simply vanish from reality while warping the minds of the ones who dared entered his close range. They would be put under a highly spiritually damaging void as they would repeat their own motion endlessly on repeat in their minds, putting immense pressure on them. This move knocked them all down and Alucard was now gaining on his opponents having now disposed of four of them in total. He reshaped mid-range away behind his opponents and unsheathed Darkiscie again.

(Mabataki) - Blink
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 50
Damage: 100
Description: Blink is a simple move that is entirely movement based and incorporates the very non-existential fabric of Ghoulspine in terms of interraction. Ghoulspine itself is Yin-infused bone release that creates an intangible state. Blink lets the user infuse their entire being and not just skeleton - into Ghoulspine. This makes their bodies simply turn into a black substance that cannot be interacted with by any physical mediums. As their body becomes essentially "nothing" - the user gains the ability to "reshape" with specific handseals. To start the sequence, the user will look at a distance they wish to reshape at and perform two handseals to do the jutsu;

Dragon - Reverse Tiger

The distance the technique lets the user reshape has a minimum of short range from their original place up to mid-range, moving at x2 speed. That is not all though, upon leaving their original place, the user will also leave a trace of their Ghoulspine chakra at their original place which upon impact with a foreign body will indulge them in a deep and hellish illusion. This illusion is rather simple and loops over and over until the target breaks free. The illusion works like this: a target that travels towards the user of the technique will experience the same course of movement in an endless loop that starts from when they move towards the user and ends when they are impacted with the Ghoulspine chakra. This illusion lasts for 2 turns unless the target breaks free.

Note: Requires Ghoulspine.
Note: Can only be used 4 times per battle.
Note: No Ghoulspine/Yin technique in the same turn as use.

Learning from previous encounter, Lilith's opponents would instead opt to utilize bukijutsu, kenjutsu or taijutsu in order to defeat her. To counter this, she would get back on the ground and utilize her Yin release in order to form a Phantom Dragon made out of molten metal, the same one her sword was made out of. The dragon was able to hold it's own against gods let alone mere mortals as such as these. It was an ultimate killer move of Lilith's arsenal and it would sweep the entire battlefield of all opponents bar the Grandmaster. Its jaws would devour every single man and woman fighting against Lilith and Alucard, stopping short of a whisper range away from the man of the hour, the Grandmaster himself.

(Inton: Dai Mugen Ryu) - Yin Release: Great Phantom Dragons
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 150 + 10
Damage: 100 | 120 (for multi-element) + 20
Description: A more powerful version of “Yin Release Hungry Ghost Technique.” Rather than the user arbitrarily adding their Yin Release chakra to a specific technique, the user will create a number of large, elemental dragons using any of the basic elements plus their Yin Release chakra. The user can create up to 5 serpentine dragons which, once created, can act independently according to the user’s will. Due to the user being able to manipulate multiple elements at once, each dragon created can be of a different nature. Each dragon will also have the absorption properties of “Hungry Ghost,” thus becoming even more dangerous. However, due to the massive amount of chakra and control needed to use these dragons, the user can only control two dragons at any given time. While the dragons are present, the user cannot use any Yang Release or elemental techniques of the natures that currently exist within the dragons. Yin Release Specialists and Yin-Yang users can combine two natures together in order to make a multi-elemental dragon or even a dragon consisting of an advanced element or CE that they know. However, in doing so they will only be able to create two dragons.
Note: Can only be used 2 times per battle.

It's time for you to give up you.. baka!!

I think someone just fell for their first blood rage..

Impressive, but far from the power of Azura. You're two years too late to the party my friends. By now she has acquired the power of the Void itself. Yes, the Shinkaigan may ring a bell to you perhaps? If so, you cannot even grasp the power of Anutu and it's overwhelming force it has over Yin-Yang. If i were you, i'd face her without your pet. Anutu will erase your precious creation from existence with a snap.

Oh my.. I think this one has lost it's comprehension of power and thus have retained in idle threats. Are you going to tell us what you're planning with this bone erection? If you tell me, i'll give you a quick death rather than.. Lilith?

The old man spat at Alucard as he instructed Lilith to ensnare the Grandmaster with her metallic dragon which would cause severe burn damage just as it had consumed every single remaining opponent just a few moments ago. He didn't let up any distress as if his body had been tortured before.

This is our effort to establish a gate to Oblibion where the nine Otsutsuki lords dwell in their own separate domain. We follow Azura and so we try to reach her domain known as the Moonshadow. We have already constructed a working model but this one was another fieldtest...

Oh? And where is the working one? Speak!!

That, my friend, is something you will never find out. Azura, i'll see you in the twilight of Moonshadow.
The old geezer passed away due to the damage he had taken from Lilith's dragon technique. Alucard sighed but it wasn't a complete waste. He had much more information now than from before and it seemed like he had to read up on quite a bit before continuing his mission to take down the Otsutsuki lords.

Come along Lilith.. We're heading north and that dragon of yours, hide it..
The two left the landmark.



Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Coming from here

Kisuke makes it to the landmark and wonders around and this landmark look like a good place to start a shop at or at least a home. He was still on a journey find someone to help him but at this point he gave up. He leaves the landmark after scoping it out. He heads home to regroup.

84: 10:35 PM
87: 11:35 PM
88: 12:35 AM
91: 1:35 AM
115: 2:35 AM


Jul 7, 2011
Trait Points
Coming from here:

Mission Start

Mission Rank: B

- Experiment with the bijuu's powers

Sin awoke though not after a good nights sleep. After his interaction with the one tails he was afraid to asleep, jumping awake often for fear of being trapped in that blood stained world once more. He was sure each time he awoke he could feel the beast laughing at him. He cut open one of the vines to find some water, first he drank and then splashed some on his face to refresh himself and wash the sweat away from the nightmares. He knew to get the answers of how to get the beast from within him, so he could go on and live his life. He wasn't even sure where to start. Half the people who knew the beast was within him hated him or wanted him dead. He was sure there would be others who would want to capture him, use its power or take it for things he didn't even want to think about. Either way he needed to find a way to get stronger to complete the deal they had made.

"Use my power idiot..."

The voice was in his head but sounded like it echoed through the entire area around him. It was the same voice that haunted him last night. The beast.

"You know I have a name... you should at least know the name of the one you fear so much... Shukaku..."

He hadn't given it much thought. He'd spoken with the beast last night but never even thought for a second it had a name, just a demon haunting him constantly. But using its power? What was it's power? It was clear the beast could hear his thoughts as it immediately answered.

"Here have a taste..."

A pulse of chakra flowed from within his body, engulfing his entire body in a shroud of chakra unlike no other he'd ever known. From his back the chakra formed a red glowing tail as the rest of the chakra bubbled around him. How did a beast have this much power? It was something Sin could only dream of. He brought his hands together to try and focus the chakra to see if he could control it but in an instant it was gone in a burst around him like a bubble popping as it scorched the sand and stone, even the vines, bursting one causing water to poor down from above.

"Hahahhah... what was that... and you think you can find a way to release me? What a fucking idiot..."


Sin screamed as his voice echoed around him, before realising he was alone, talking to himself as the beast within him laughed further. This felt like more torture than having his bones crushed one by one. Finally the water stopped pouring. He took a deep breath, breathing out calming himself before speaking to the beast, though in his mind this time.

Instead of mocking me, if you know so much, why don't you help me out here? Unless you're all tal....

A surge of chakra flowed though his body once more forming an aura around him, the chakra took the shape of the beast around him as the bubbles formed a word within the chakra:

The chakra quickly dispersed as Sin swiped his hands around trying to get rid of the word. He was just being mocked now. He had a few choice words not fit for anyone to hear but it only made the beast laugh more.

What ever, I'm done. If you're gonna be a jackass I might as well stay here and die one way or another and take your stupid ass with me....

The laughing slowly stopped as Sin dropped to the wet floor. The lack of sleep and taunts left him feeling defeated.

"You're such a child. You give up before trying. Instead of trying to catch the chakra and hoping it works for you, make it a part of you... let it flow like you would your own chakra... jeez... if I knew you were this fucking useless I'd of killed you last night..."

Sin listened. He was still being mocked but he noticed something. The beast had actually tried to help him. He was right, he'd tried to use the chakra without even making it a part of him. As he thought about this, the feeling came again, flowing through him, this time he brought his hands together, but focused on the flow of his chakra, taking the shroud within him, flowing it through his system and feeling the chakra itself. Slowly the two became one as he felt it, the chakra seemed to stabilise and flow like a calm stream. With this his body felt stronger, stronger than he'd ever felt. He needed to test it. He began to run. His speed increase dramatically, he leapt from wall to wall with ease, kicking off rocks, cracking them in the process, this power was insane, how could such power come with such ease from the Shukaku. He ran back towards where he'd started, leaping through the air, though the chakra shroud ended as he was mid air, losing his momentum he came crashing down into the sand. Once again the laughing began within him. This was going to take some getting used to.
Post automatically merged:

Mission rank: B

- Learn to use the chakra arms.

Sin had been tirelessly trying to use the chakra the beast flowed into him but each time it felt more difficult as it left a tremendous effort to maintain the control over such large amount of chakra. He didn't expect it to take such a toll on his body, though it felt like a weight bearing down on him constantly. He decided to rest for a day or two, to rest and regain his own personal strength, though Shukaku constantly mocked him in the process, calling him weak. He knew he had the pact with the beast but it didn't make it any easier to sleep, part of him still feared that he might lose control or end up back in the hell within where the beast had tortured him. After a couple of days he give in to the beast's jibes and decided to try and train further. He was coming to terms with how the shroud of chakra enhanced his body but that would only get him so far. There would always be someone faster, or someone who could stop him from advancing on them. He couldn't simply run away either. He needed to figure out a way to enhance his own techniques.

Why don't you just embrace what I give you idiot...

Do you never sleep? Why can't you just be direct... tell me what you want....

Sin was getting tired of Shikaku's shit. He just wanted to learn to improve so he could go out and find a way to get rid of the beast and move on with his life, yet his every waking moment was mocked. It was like a nightmare that would never end. He woke early one day to train, he didn't need to explain to the beast, it knew his thoughts, he knew the plan, so he didn't waste any time before flooding Sin with the mass of chakra. No matter how many times he felt this sensation, it was impossible to get used to. He held a single handseal as he focussed, taking control of the chakra as the shroud formed around him as normal, taking the loose form of the Shukaku itself. As he maintained the form he pondered ways he could use the chakra.

He extended his right hand and began to focus, trying to draw the chakra to a point. Maybe he could find a way to throw the chakra in a concentrated form to attack someone at a distance. Slowly the chakra began to draw to his hand forming the ball as sweat dripped down his face. The heat in these lands made everything 10 times harder, but the pressure of this chakra didn't help. As he finally got it to the point he wanted he raised his hand and made a throwing gesture to try and launch the ball at a rock to see if it would damage. As soon as he released his control the chakra just dissipated to nothing nothing like he'd never put the effort in in the first place. He stood for a moment in a state of shock as the silence was filled with the beast laughing in his mind once more as the cloak of chakra ended.

Will you just **** off.... I'm sick of your shit!

Sin was getting tired of putting in all this effort to just be mocked by a lazy fat beast sealed within him.

Jeez kid, you've got no sense of humour... you're over thinking this...

Sin calmed himself letting out a sigh.

I'm guessing you have a better suggestion?

Well as a matter of fact, I do... but I'm having fun letting you figure it out ha ha haaaaa

Would his torment never end.

You know what, forget this... your power is over rated anyway...

Sin walked over to his things to get a drink, he was fed up of taking constant shit. If he was gonna die, he might as well relax and enjoy what ever days he had left.

Urgh... you're no fun, you give up too easily.

Why don't you try thinking like a beast instead of one of them pesky shinobi... use the chakra... last out... rip and tear and all of that fun stuff...


That's the part you focus on? Jeez you try to help a guy and this is the thanks you get...

How could a beast without its own form be so annoying. Before he could respond to the Shukaku, a surge of bijuu chakra flowed through him once more without warning. He quickly focussed to take control of the beasts power but his words echoed in his mind. He controlled the chakra as usual but the words echoed in his mind "Rip", "tear", "Like a beast". Images of beasts in the wild began to flow through his mind as he thought of bears and lions swiping at their prey. As he focussed on these images his charka began to form into additional arms around him as he controlled them to lash out at nearby rocks, tearing them to pieces. It was so easy with such power. It took him a moment to notice the Shukaku had stopped taunting him, but instead he could of sworn the beast felt proud.

He spent the rest of the afternoon trying to perfect these kills, shaping the charka round him into multiple limbs to strike in all directions, practicing fighting like a beast to make the most of the power he was able to draw on. By mid afternoon he was too drained and had to rest from using up too much chakra.

Mission end.

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Active member
Jun 22, 2012
Trait Points
Coming from: here

This Post marks the Beginning of my Mission:
- Set up a secure camp (2)
- Run a thorough background investigation on someone (2)

Mila carried Lena's head to the Bone Fields, most people would not chase them here and it was also not highly populated. Mila had also left a small campsite here the night before arriving into the village, scoping it out previously before committing to saving Lena. She found her tent, it had managed to withstand the desert storms, albeit only just as her campfire had wandered.

Mila walked over to the tent and carefully placed Lena's head in it, propped up against a really shabby pillow. Lena frowned at her situation and watched Mila as she rummaged through a pack that was left among a bunch of others in the tent. Mila pulled out a bundle of paper tags and some ninja wire.

"Can never be too careful I suppose."


Mila placed Samehada outside the tent propped up on a large-ish boulder that she had used to give the tent some minor cover against the brutal desert storms. The threads connecting Lena neck to Mila's side extending comfortably as she made distance to keep her active. She would begin to set the tags, placing them in various positions around the perimeter of their set up camp.

She placed most tags on the skulls or bones that littered the desert a, hiding them against their surface. They'd act as sentries beyond the grave. She even set up little wire trips, connected to piles of bones that would fall and rattle when triggered and possibly set off a tag in proximity. After a nice perimeter had been set up for both her and Lena she would eventually return.

Mila would regather the campfire wood that had been scattered by rolling sandstorms and place it in a neat pile. Though there was no need to light a fire yet, it was entirely too warm already. The night would be extremely cold however. Mila then took Lena back out along with a lot of the bags in the tent, she placed the shabby pillow and two bags together to allow it that Lena's head could be propped up between them more comfortably. Mila rummaged through a couple of the packs and took out some items before sitting back down and unraveling what was a scroll before them.

"What's that?"


"Ah. The others?"

"Possibly. I'd like you to go through it with me. We need to get them back after all."

Lena looked a little sad, a lot was going through her mind. Her counterparts had seemingly gained some form of independence from her, maybe they were better off? A question surfaced to her mind, "Why did you come for me? You could've done anything YOU wanted."

"Because I don't want to die just yet."
Mila pouted, "You keep us alive, they are living on borrowed time, without your chakra they'll just.... stop... But at least two of them are stubborn enough to stay away from you and find some other way of living without being part of you."

"Bliss & Sorrows."

Mila nodded, "Sorrows is too dangerous to allow to remain off the leash anyway. And if someone else takes her for themselves then..."

"Agreed. What information do you have on her?"

"Not much." Mila pondered the map, "Yae however, she's not been too elusive. I think we should get her next unless you think otherwise."

"Bliss is at Jinshui."


"Ah yes, before we picked you up she had her own little castle & faction. I'm sure she has gone back to claim it, in fact I'm more than certain. She loved that place and her Ivy Guard."

"Ivy Guard? she has a militia?"
Mila tilted her head, "Why did we never talk about this."

"Bliss still holds resentment towards me about it all."

"Ah. Do you think her and Sorrows may have teamed up?"

"No. Sorrows is too selfish to do something like that. Luckily for us. The two of them would be hard to take together."

"So Jinshui then?"

"Tell me what you have on Yae first."

Mila thought for a moment, looking at her map and notes, she looked back at Lena, "She went back to the Lightning Mountains, though most of it is completely destroyed by the Shards of the Moon crashing there. I believe she is probably studying new wonders that are happening there. She isn't running from you, but she thought it'd be wise if she gathered knowledge on the new things that are happening as a fallout of the Cataclysm."

"You spoke with her?"

"For a small moment. She wanted to take a chance to check on some troublesome rumours before finding you, I think she was worried about her old Priestess & Monk friends. Something must have kept her."

"So that's all we know about all three of my hearts?"


Lena thought for a bit, taking in all the information before sighing. "I'd much prefer if I was in a better state. I'm not going to be much help, but Yae is so far away, Jinshui might be our next target. I mean... I can still be of some use."

"Of course you can. If you wish for me to storm Jinshui, I will do that."

"You said you didn't want to die."

"I trust you. If we don't get you back together we're gonna end up dead anyway. Might as well die trying to survive."

Lena was a little troubled, but she felt the determination Mila had to bring them altogether. It was rather endearing and she didn't expect it in all honesty - she didn't expect anyone to come for her. Now that she had a chance to get out there again, Lena thought about what she needed to do. New Shinramoto. Sado. Zeri. Juliana. Alicia. Where were they? She needed to find them and to do that, she needed to be at full power. This Calamity would not stop their reunion. A Fire burned within her again, Mila's determination had spread to her.

The two slept and in the Morning, they would pack and leave

Jutsu Referenced

(Fuda Kakusu no Jutsu) Tag Hidding Technique
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 5 (per tag)
Damage: N/A
The user will use his chakra to hide a paper tag inside an inanimate object, like the ground or a wall. The tag can be a sealing tag or an explosive tag. The technique can be used to hide more than one tag per use if the user spends more chakra. Hidden tags can be detected by doujutsu or expert sensory ninjas.

Leaving Landmark.