Players Involved: Anbu Kirito
Mission Rank: 2 = C
Storyboard Elements Chosen:
Azuma took more than a few hours to stagger back through the dunes, the sun beating down upon his lightly clothed, already bloodied body. Of course, eventually, the sun set, making the walk much easier on him. Water wasn't the issue, to be clear. He was just plain exhausted.
Ah. There it is.
Azuma's gaze remained neutral, despite his relieved internal status at the sight of his compound, looking exactly as it had when he had left it. It was home, he figured, so why didn't he look happy to see it? As he neared the door, his worries were quickly lifted when the missing piece of the puzzle tackled him to the floor in a tight embrace, a mess of red hair clouding his vision. A soft-spoken feminine voice that he knew quite well now broke the silence of his last few hours.
"You're okay!"
Azuma raised an eyebrow at Shiro's rather physical gesture and speech, grunting as he returned her embrace, not quite having the heart to tell her that she was currently on top of a multitude of very painful wounds which weren't quite as well healed as he wished they were.
"Arg- ow, Shiro, it wouldn't have taken me so long to get back if I wasn't dripping a little blood from a few paper cuts."
In response, the redhead even-more-painfully pushed off of the boy's body, back to her feet, tripping over her own tongue to apologize, as she tended to.
"I apologize, Azuma-San. I was just... well, worried. You have been so kind, and I have done nothing that makes me deserve a sacrifice of such a degree from you-"
Azuma hadn't risen quite so quickly though; he was looking at the girl with eyes wide and inquisitive as she spoke to him, only to interrupt her from his spot on the ground.
I know why I wasn't happy with the sight of the compound.
"Shiro, you used a contraction. That's a first."
The girl immediately went red, assuming she'd done something wrong. As this happened, Azuma was getting to his feet, something Shiro was currently paying little mind to as she did what she had tended to an awful lot; that was of course, worry.
"Oh I apologize! I try my best to speak as-"
She's why I call it home now.
She suddenly found herself silenced by the green-haired boy's lips. Despite what Azuma had expected her response to be, which was, of course, to slap him and call him a disgraceful charlatan or something, it turned out that Shiro didn't instantly recoil from his kiss. In fact, she leaned further into it, slowly wrapping her hand around the taller boy's shoulders. Then, after a few moments passed with the duo locked in this brief stint of honest passion, the two teenagers moved their lips ever so slightly apart from one another, each of them taking a light breath.
Shiro came to rest her head softly on Azuma's shoulder as the boy spoke, his tone not as ripe with sarcasm as it had tended to be around this girl, with their incessant teasing of the other on pause for just a second while he came clean on a few of the more pressing aspects of their interactions with each other.
"I like you better when you're relaxed, Shiro. The honorifics, the annunciated words... I know you're worried about making something up to me, but for the life of me I'm not sure what it is. That fight? How we met? That's forgiven. I don't look at you and think, 'there's the girl who cut me up'-"
Azuma felt Shiro tense at that phrase, and thus raised a comforting hand to her back to hold her close and reassure her before continuing.
"-I think, 'there's my home'. There's the girl who I live with, the girl who I've wronged, who's clan's land I desecrated."
Not moving from her position on the green-haired Uchiha's shoulder, the redheaded Samurai spoke as if she was afraid to meet his eyes, having not talked about their first, most negative interactions so frankly since, well, since their fight.
"I... why exactly do you care? Why do I deserve to stay in your house, drink your water, and have whatever just happened happen to me?"
Azuma smiled for the first time since he'd been with the girl earlier in the day.
"I don't have a reason other than you're a lovely person who's just as lonely as I am. You're no less deserving of help, of affection even, than any other human on this planet. In fact, I'd argue you deserve more seeing what you've been through in your lifetime."
The tender moment was then, of course, unfortunately interrupted by Azuma wounds, a pulse of pain shooting throughout his body.
"R-right... I need to wash these wounds, Shiro, as much as I'd love to just be this close to you for the whole night."
The boy could FEEL the redhead's cheeks turn scarlet this time. Despite this however, there was a very clear reluctance to her movements as she let go of Azuma's body.
I suppose it's good to know that she didn't mind being that close to me.
Immediately, however, with the lack of support, Azuma staggered forwards, catching himself just barely before moving through the doorway of his compound, Shiro just ahead of him, a look of worry plastered on her face.
"What exactly happened out there, anyway Azuma-sa... Azuma?"
Azuma smiled again, this time at the usage of his name without the honorific, giving Shiro her answer as requested. Despite his smile though, his tone was clearly much more grave than it had been, the mood having become more serious as soon as he recollected the events that had transpired earlier out in the desert.
" brother, or rather, adoptive-asshole-dickface-jerk-who-isn't-actually-related-to-me-but-was-raised-with-me was sent here to kill you."
Shiro's eyes widened at both the content of the boy's words as well as his longwinded train of expletives. However, with a knowing look from Azuma which said 'let's talk about it tomorrow' about as loudly as his mouth could have, she simply nodded and let it go for the moment.
There would be plenty of time to talk, and even though the situation the two teenagers were in was far from perfect, neither could bring themselves to truly be worried.
Needless to say, both slept well that night.
Mission Rank: 2 = C
Storyboard Elements Chosen:
- Continue developing a meaningful bond. (CUSTOM)
Azuma took more than a few hours to stagger back through the dunes, the sun beating down upon his lightly clothed, already bloodied body. Of course, eventually, the sun set, making the walk much easier on him. Water wasn't the issue, to be clear. He was just plain exhausted.
Ah. There it is.
Azuma's gaze remained neutral, despite his relieved internal status at the sight of his compound, looking exactly as it had when he had left it. It was home, he figured, so why didn't he look happy to see it? As he neared the door, his worries were quickly lifted when the missing piece of the puzzle tackled him to the floor in a tight embrace, a mess of red hair clouding his vision. A soft-spoken feminine voice that he knew quite well now broke the silence of his last few hours.
"You're okay!"
Azuma raised an eyebrow at Shiro's rather physical gesture and speech, grunting as he returned her embrace, not quite having the heart to tell her that she was currently on top of a multitude of very painful wounds which weren't quite as well healed as he wished they were.
"Arg- ow, Shiro, it wouldn't have taken me so long to get back if I wasn't dripping a little blood from a few paper cuts."
In response, the redhead even-more-painfully pushed off of the boy's body, back to her feet, tripping over her own tongue to apologize, as she tended to.
"I apologize, Azuma-San. I was just... well, worried. You have been so kind, and I have done nothing that makes me deserve a sacrifice of such a degree from you-"
Azuma hadn't risen quite so quickly though; he was looking at the girl with eyes wide and inquisitive as she spoke to him, only to interrupt her from his spot on the ground.
I know why I wasn't happy with the sight of the compound.
"Shiro, you used a contraction. That's a first."
The girl immediately went red, assuming she'd done something wrong. As this happened, Azuma was getting to his feet, something Shiro was currently paying little mind to as she did what she had tended to an awful lot; that was of course, worry.
"Oh I apologize! I try my best to speak as-"
She's why I call it home now.
She suddenly found herself silenced by the green-haired boy's lips. Despite what Azuma had expected her response to be, which was, of course, to slap him and call him a disgraceful charlatan or something, it turned out that Shiro didn't instantly recoil from his kiss. In fact, she leaned further into it, slowly wrapping her hand around the taller boy's shoulders. Then, after a few moments passed with the duo locked in this brief stint of honest passion, the two teenagers moved their lips ever so slightly apart from one another, each of them taking a light breath.
Shiro came to rest her head softly on Azuma's shoulder as the boy spoke, his tone not as ripe with sarcasm as it had tended to be around this girl, with their incessant teasing of the other on pause for just a second while he came clean on a few of the more pressing aspects of their interactions with each other.
"I like you better when you're relaxed, Shiro. The honorifics, the annunciated words... I know you're worried about making something up to me, but for the life of me I'm not sure what it is. That fight? How we met? That's forgiven. I don't look at you and think, 'there's the girl who cut me up'-"
Azuma felt Shiro tense at that phrase, and thus raised a comforting hand to her back to hold her close and reassure her before continuing.
"-I think, 'there's my home'. There's the girl who I live with, the girl who I've wronged, who's clan's land I desecrated."
Not moving from her position on the green-haired Uchiha's shoulder, the redheaded Samurai spoke as if she was afraid to meet his eyes, having not talked about their first, most negative interactions so frankly since, well, since their fight.
"I... why exactly do you care? Why do I deserve to stay in your house, drink your water, and have whatever just happened happen to me?"
Azuma smiled for the first time since he'd been with the girl earlier in the day.
"I don't have a reason other than you're a lovely person who's just as lonely as I am. You're no less deserving of help, of affection even, than any other human on this planet. In fact, I'd argue you deserve more seeing what you've been through in your lifetime."
The tender moment was then, of course, unfortunately interrupted by Azuma wounds, a pulse of pain shooting throughout his body.
"R-right... I need to wash these wounds, Shiro, as much as I'd love to just be this close to you for the whole night."
The boy could FEEL the redhead's cheeks turn scarlet this time. Despite this however, there was a very clear reluctance to her movements as she let go of Azuma's body.
I suppose it's good to know that she didn't mind being that close to me.
Immediately, however, with the lack of support, Azuma staggered forwards, catching himself just barely before moving through the doorway of his compound, Shiro just ahead of him, a look of worry plastered on her face.
"What exactly happened out there, anyway Azuma-sa... Azuma?"
Azuma smiled again, this time at the usage of his name without the honorific, giving Shiro her answer as requested. Despite his smile though, his tone was clearly much more grave than it had been, the mood having become more serious as soon as he recollected the events that had transpired earlier out in the desert.
" brother, or rather, adoptive-asshole-dickface-jerk-who-isn't-actually-related-to-me-but-was-raised-with-me was sent here to kill you."
Shiro's eyes widened at both the content of the boy's words as well as his longwinded train of expletives. However, with a knowing look from Azuma which said 'let's talk about it tomorrow' about as loudly as his mouth could have, she simply nodded and let it go for the moment.
There would be plenty of time to talk, and even though the situation the two teenagers were in was far from perfect, neither could bring themselves to truly be worried.
Needless to say, both slept well that night.