[ARCHIVE] Custom Jutsu Submission - II

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Aug 4, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

( Raiton: Mizu no Peretto ) Lightning Release: Water Pellets

Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user spreads lightning chakra within a water source. The lightning will change the polarity of the water molecules, increasing the cohesion and decreasing the adhesion to extremes, causing the water disintegrate into countless of water spheres from various sizes ( marble to handball). The small size will allow the user to take control of the water and levitate it through the lightning chakra. This is most useful to defend against fire techniques, as the jutsu is able to levitate a mass of water equal to a Fire jutsu of the rank above, or to actually shoot towards the opponent, shooting a barrage of near-bullet speed pellets of water, coated in lightning chakra up to Long range (Damage of an A rank)
*The user is able to levitate any still water source or chakra-less water source. If used against an incoming water jutsu, the rank must be 1 less to take full effect, water of the same rank will basically just halt and fall down, since both jutsus would be equal*
*Can only be used 4 times against water jutsus*
*Can be used indefinitely against natural or self-made water jutsus*

( Raiton: Iwa no Hei ) Lightning Release: Rock Wall

Rank: B
Type: Defense
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user charges chakra on the ground, and cuts a large wall, which he then repulses from the ground by changing the polarity, effectively erecting a 3 by 3 meter's large, thick, wall. It's sturdy enough to receive impacts 1 rank above the technique.

( Raiton: Uwabari no Rai ) Lightning Release: Lightning Coat

Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user creates a lightning coat on him/herself or on a object with which he/she has direct contact. The lightning will attract any lightning of the same rank, and then disperse it evenly along the coat. If the user is standing on ground, the lightning coat will simply get rid of the lightning through it. Thus marking the difference. While it can't disperse up to 1 lightning of the same rank without touching the ground, in order to take no damage from 1 rank above, the coat must be touching the ground.
*Can only be used 4 times*
*Lasts 2 turns*
~All Declined~ Do not Resubmit
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Jul 4, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

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Summoning Animal: Hedgehog's
Scroll Owner: Lelouch..
Other Users who have signed contract: None.
Summoning Boss if existing: None. (to be created)
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: None.
Description and Background: A hedgehog is any of the spiny mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae and the order Erinaceomorpha. Hedgehogs are easily recognized by their spines, which are hollow hairs made stiff with keratin. Their spines are not poisonous or barbed and, unlike the quills of a porcupine, cannot easily be removed from the hedgehog. However, spines normally come out when a hedgehog sheds baby spines and replaces them with adult spines. This is called "quilling." When under extreme stress or during sickness, a hedgehog can also lose spines. A defense that all species of hedgehogs possess is the ability to roll into a tight ball, causing all of the spines to point outwards. However, its effectiveness depends on the number of spines, and since some of the desert hedgehogs evolved to carry less weight, they are much more likely to try to run away and sometimes even attack the intruder, trying to ram into the intruder with its spines, and rolling as a last resort. This results in a different number of predators for different species: while forest hedgehogs have relatively few, primarily birds (especially owls) and ferrets, smaller species like the long-eared hedgehog are preyed on by foxes, wolves and mongooses. Hedgehogs are primarily nocturnal, although, depending on the species, they may be more or less active during the day. The hedgehog sleeps for a large portion of the daytime either under cover of bush, grass, rock or in a hole in the ground. Again, different species can have slightly different habits, but in general hedgehogs dig dens for shelter. All wild hedgehogs can hibernate, although not all do; hibernation depends on temperature, species, and abundance of food. The hedgehog's back is made up of two large muscles, which control the positioning of its quills. There are about 5,000 to 6,500 quills on the average hedgehog, and these are durable on the outside, while being filled with air pockets on the inside. The hedgehog uses its quills to protect itself from predators, using muscles which draw their quilled skin to cover their full body, and pulling in the parts of their bodies not covered, such as their head, feet, and belly. This form of defense is the hedgehog's most successful, but is usually their last resort.

~ Left for Scorps ~

±± Approved ±±
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Oct 7, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Dropping my current CW [ ]

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(Kumo no Tonfa) - Cloud Tonfas
Type: Weapon
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: N/A
Damage: 60
Description: A pair of lightweight yet, very durable tonfas created with chakra infused materials by a well-known blacksmith from the village hidden in the clouds. Like any other tonfas the cloud tonfas consist of a handle with a knob at the end which protects the wielder's thumb and a shaft attached to the other side of the handle in a 90 degrees angle, a short part which protects the wielder's hand and a longer part protecting the wielder's lower arm although the cloud tonfas lack chakra based abilities they have three built-in mechanical features, making them ideal for close ranged combat.
Hook Form: A hook pops out from the intersection where the handle and the shaft meet, this form is particularly useful to block a sword and hook it against the tonfa.
Chain Form: A chain comes from the bottom of the tonfa with a small spiked ball at the end of it which is usable as a flail, the wielder can also spin the chain infront of him in a propelling motion in order to block any incoming projectiles(non-chakra).
Thorn Form: Hidden thorns come out and surround the tonfa, giving them a rose-like form to increase the damage and deal minor cuts to the opponent.
-Can only be wielded by Tybone
-Either Tonfa can only have one form active at a time. This form must be the same for both.
-Initiating a form counts as a move but lasts as long as the wielder sees fit
~Approved~ I changed the bolded and removed the conflicting part.
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Apr 29, 2009
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Katon: Ryu no Kaijin) | Fire Style: Dragon's Ash
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: +15 to the smoke technique
Description: This technique is used to add a heat element to a user's smoke techniques in a similar way to how Asuma created his ash technique. When performing a smoke technique the user will make three hand seals prior to starting the hand seals for the smoke technique. As they do this they release smoke from their gauntlets and inhale the smoke while adding fire chakra to it in their gullet. They then preform the hand seals for the smoke technique, and rather than releasing it from their wrist launchers they release it from their mouth. This smoke is darker and shows scarce glows of orange fire, and is incredibly hot. Wind techniques of the same rank aimed at this smoke will be consumed as if it were clashing with a fire technique, adding to the strength of the attack.
-Can be used three times per battle.
-Can not be used in consecutive turns.
~Leaving for Scorps, Alucard, or Izuna~

±± Approved ±±
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Dec 7, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Kaen Tama)-Flame Bullet
Description:The user will focus his chakra in his in the tip of his index finger and create a small but condensed spark on the tip of the finger.The user will then shoot out the spark and the spark upon impact with an object will explode into a mid sized fireball wich is large enough to engulf the targets chest and stomack or some other part of the oponents body,depending on wich part was aimed.
~Note:Can be used only twice.
~Note:The user has to wait one turn to use it again.
~Declined~ Do not Resubmit (seems too much like a fire "bullet," per say, that explodes. Been done before.
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Nov 27, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Katon: Honoo buru ketatamashii ken jutsu (Fire Release: Flame bull piercing sword)
weapon/ offence/attack
short range
D Rank: 10 Chakra / 20 Damage
Description- The caster's hand gets coated in flames and the user touches the blade thats near the hilt of the blade they will then swipe hand down blade coating it in flames and the user will then stab their opponent or they will pierce threw the enemies deffences.
Restrictions- cant pierce a water style defence or an ice style. duration is determinded on the conditions of the blade (great and not harmed-20 mins, bufted and dulled-10 mins, terrible-5 mins). Only someone with a fire nature can use this jutsu they must also have a sword or beable to use iron style and make a body part a blade.
~Declined~ What?
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Nov 24, 2008
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Agnaktor sono Karyuudo) Summoning Technique: Agnaktor the Huntress
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: N/A
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: Agnaktor the Huntress, also known simply as Agna, is one of the most powerful lizards in existence. While Lagiacrus is considered the King of Lizards and Lord of the Seas, Agnaktor is considered their queen, despite the two having an intense hatred for one another. Agna is approximately the size of a fully grown tree; being much smaller than most summoned creatures. However, she is the quickest of all lizards, moving at such speeds that are difficult to keep up with by the unaided eye, being one of the reasons for her moniker of the Huntress. Agna is capable of using all fire techniques up to A-rank. Agna's most noticeable feature is her lava covered back. When first summoned, the lava on Agnaktor's back will be cooled, covering her in volcanic rock that renders her impervious to all physical attacks with weapons or taijutsu as well as any technique of B-rank or below. At any point during battle though, Agna can focus an intense amount of fire chakra throughout her body, bringing out the lava beneath the volcanic rock. When this is done, Agnaktor is now vulnerable to all techniques in regards to getting injured (though it still takes the power of at least an A-rank technique to cause enough injury for her to be dismissed) and takes +10 damage from all water techniques. However, when this is done, all of Agna's fire techniques are improved (+10 damage), and any person who touches her, including the summoner, will be intensely burned whether they actually touch the lava on her back or not, simply from the extreme heat emanating from her entire body, and her speed is even further increased due to the weight of the volcanic rocks being removed. Finally, in addition, Agnaktor is capable of burrowing underground at any time. While burrowing, Agnaktor moves extremely quickly but, of course, is unable to use any technique until resurfacing.
Note: Only able to be summoned once per battle and lasts for a maximum of six turns before dismissal.
Note: Once the volcanic rock is broken off of Agnaktor, she cannot revert to her previous state for the remainder of her time on the field.
Note: The user must wait four turns before performing another summoning.

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~Declined~ Hrmm...it seems like a bit much. At the very least, remove the burrowing part and her being impervious to B-rank and below techniques while maintaining that speed.
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~The Norwegian~

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May 4, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal: Sloths
Scroll Owner: ~The Norwegian~
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: Gandalf
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background: Sloths are animals with thick fur and long, sharp claws. They are very good to climb trees, and if they want they can get very fast while they are climbing or simply walking, due too their claws as they use to gain speed. The claws is so strong that they can be used to dig trough the ground, but mostly they use them to "snap" tree branches so they can more easily gain the leaves they want. The sloths are sleeping many hours a day and have therefore gained the "lazy animal award", toh they do not sleep normal as other animals, they hang from a branch. This is possible for them, cause they're arms are so insanly strong compared to their body weight.

I first encountered the Sloths when I was walking trough a thick forest in the near parts of Konoha. I was lost and didn't knew where I was, so I climbed a tree. Still, up in the tree I couldn't see a thing, but luckily for me that day there was a Sloth hanging in that tree. At first I was surprised that it talked to me, but it was kind and showed me the way out of the forest. I thanked the sloth, and asked him if he wanted to be my animal for summoning contracts. The sloth accepted this, and we signed a contract. The years passed and the sloth grew enormous, and his children started to grow aswell.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Ganfalf - Summoning Technique: Gandalf
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The boss of the Sloths, Gandalf, can be summoned into the battlefield three times during a fight. He's enormous, about the size of Gamabunta, and he's carrying a large sword on his back. Gandalf can, as all sloths speak perfect english and comunicate with me easily. Since Gandalf is so huge, and above else a Sloth, his speed is very slow, but that flaw is covered by his long claws wich are as sharp as swords. He has four claws on each hand and foot. Even toh he is so large and slow, Gandalf is extreamly flexible and is able of getting away from slower attacks simply by dodging. Gandalf has learned the ways of Doton, the earth element and is therefore able to perform all earth elements that are known.

~ Left for Scorps ~

±± All Declined ±± The Sloth contract is held by Xanthe
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Feb 10, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal: Caecilian
Scroll Owner: McKnockout
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A

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General Description: The caecilians are an order (Gymnophiona) of amphibians that superficially resemble earthworms or snakes. They mostly live hidden in the ground, making them the least familiar order of amphibians. Put simply caecilians are, in general, "legless" amphibians (there are some species with limbs) with species that either live on land and burrow deep into the ground or live aquatically, burrowing deep into the floor of the water. Due to most species lacking limbs, smaller species of caecilians resemble worms while larger species resemble snakes. Their skin covers a set of tough calcite (rubber-like) scales, are covered with moist slime/mucus and are surprisingly found in many colours and patterns from black to yellow/orange to beige-white to striped, depending on the species.

Like other living amphibians, the skin contains glands that secrete a toxin to deter predators. Their skin secretions have been shown to have hemolytic properties (ruptures blood cells). Their anatomy is highly adapted for a burrowing lifestyle. They have a strong skull, with a pointed snout used to force their way through soil or mud. In water or very loose mud, caecilians instead swim in an eel-like fashion. Some caecilians are egg-layers, some give birth to live young, and some have eggs that hatch inside the mother (they live inside her until they get older).

Summon General Abilities: Due to their calcite (rubber-like) scales, caecilians are relatively insensitive to lightning jutsus unless a sufficient amount of power/amount of lightning is used (S-rank or above). Their resistance to lightning jutsu is relative to the caecilians rank, for instance: a C-rank summon can withstand up to C-rank lightning, a B-rank summon can withstand up to B-rank lightning, an A-rank summon can withstand up to A-rank lightning, etc (list below). The user is able to call forth a vast variety of caecilians ranging from small earthworm-like caecilians to large snake-like caecilians. By using specific amounts of chakra, the user can summon different types of caecilians with specific properties or abilities. In general, caecilians are specialists in Earth and Water Release.
  • A D-rank summon can withstand up to D-rank lightning.
  • A C-rank summon can withstand up to C-rank lightning.
  • A B-rank summon can withstand up to B-rank lightning.
  • An A-rank summon can withstand up to A-rank lightning.
  • A S-rank summon can withstand up to A-rank lightning.
  • A F-rank summon can withstand up to A-rank lightning.

    Note: All summons are vulnerable to S-rank and above lightning.

±± Pending ±± I have no problems with the animal. But the abilities you are saying they have are oped. All A-Rank and above summons are immune to A-Rank and below lightning? Not going to happen. Also, you describe they have a toxin in their skin....what are its effects in terms of our RP?
Summoning Animal: Caecilian
Scroll Owner: McKnockout
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A

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General Description: The caecilians are an order (Gymnophiona) of amphibians that superficially resemble earthworms or snakes. They mostly live hidden in the ground, making them the least familiar order of amphibians. Put simply caecilians are, in general, "legless" amphibians (there are some species with limbs) with species that either live on land and burrow deep into the ground or live aquatically, burrowing deep into the floor of the water. Due to most species lacking limbs, smaller species of caecilians resemble worms while larger species resemble snakes. Their skin covers a set of tough calcite (rubber-like) scales, are covered with moist slime/mucus and are surprisingly found in many colours and patterns from black to yellow/orange to beige-white to striped, depending on the species.

Like other living amphibians, the skin contains glands that secrete a toxin to deter predators. Their skin secretions have been shown to have hemolytic properties (ruptures blood cells). Their anatomy is highly adapted for a burrowing lifestyle. They have a strong skull, with a pointed snout used to force their way through soil or mud. In water or very loose mud, caecilians instead swim in an eel-like fashion. Some caecilians are egg-layers, some give birth to live young, and some have eggs that hatch inside the mother (they live inside her until they get older).

Summon General Abilities: Due to their calcite (rubber-like) scales, caecilians are known to be relatively insensitive to lightning jutsus unless a sufficient amount of power/amount of lightning is used (further details regarding resistance to lightning in submission of individual summons). Another interesting ability that is possessed by the caecilians, is its secretion and use of toxins; these toxins if injected into the opponent (through an open wound for example) causes an unbearable burning sensation within the opponent's veins (they feel like their blood is on fire). As mentioned earlier, caecilians are also capable of secreting slime/mucus which some caecilians have the ability to add additional effects. The user is able to call forth a vast variety of caecilians ranging from small earthworm-like caecilians to large snake-like caecilians. By using specific amounts of chakra, the user can summon different types of caecilians with specific properties or abilities. In general, caecilians are specialists in Earth and Water Release.

~ Left for Scorps ~

±± Approved ±±

(Futon: Migoto Inmetsu) - Wind Release: Beautiful Destruction
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Supplementary/Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 50 (+15 per turn)
Damage Points: 90 (+15 if ignited by fire)
Description: The user concentrates his Fuuton chakra into the air surrounding his opponent which allows him to manipulate the air around his opponent. By using their mastery of chakra control and Fuuton Release, the user is able to create dozens of highly pressurized air bubbles (about the size of tennis balls) that glisten in the light and have a prismatic rainbow effect on any light that passes through each bubble (this is just for cosmetic effects and allows the opponent to recognize the jutsu). Each bubble will detonate on contact with the target or at the user's will. That is, each of these bubbles contain a humongous amount of pressurized air within them and when the film of chakra enclosing them is disrupted, the pressurized air is violently released outwards in a large explosion (to fill the void created by the pressure gradient i.e. the pressurized air inside the bubbles rush outwards into the atmosphere to balance out the difference in air pressure). The pressure/force resulting from each detonated bubble is enough to blow a significant hole out of a large building. However this jutsu requires a very large amount of chakra to be used which has unwanted effects on the user.
*Note: Can only be used once per battle.
*Note: User takes 25 damage due to chakra and mental strain.
*Note: The user's speed is reduced in half for 2 turns after activation.
*Note: No technique above S-Rank for 3 turns after usage.
*Note: No S rank or above wind techniques the same and next turn.
*Can only be taught by McKnockout
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~ I like the idea, but its OP as it is now. ~

(Nintaijutsu/Heikijutsu: Hayai Wake Ginou) – Nintaijutsu/Weapons Play: Quick Draw Skill
Rank: B
Type: Attack/Defense
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: A useful technique for shinobis especially those who only carry kunais or tantos. The "Hayai Wake Ginou" is the act of swiftly drawing a small/short bladed weapon (such as a kunai, tanto, etc.) to deal a quick strike/slash to the target. This technique is particularly useful in countering foes with large/longer swords in which the user takes advantage of the small, light and as a result, easily-manipulated weapon to execute a particularly fast strike to the opponent (usually their hands to disarm them). The speed of this strike is slightly faster than a strike from a sword for example, and is close to the speed of Rock Lee moving without weights (but only for a very short moment, an instant almost). The exact strength of the wrist, precision of movements, needed accuracy and hand eye coordination are all essential components of this technique. And by using these components in conjunction with the speed generated and chakra flow, the user is capable of dealing strikes/slashes that can easily disarm the opponent, dealing decent (yet not fatal) damage. This skill focuses on dealing a quick and precise blow to a specific area on the opponent's body in attempt to quickly disarm/hurt him. That is, this technique sacrifices damage for a much more concentrated attack akin to when you compare a senbon to a kunai.
*Note: Only deals one blow/stirke per usage.
*Note: Must be of Kage rank to use.
*Note: Must be a taijutsu/kenjutsu specialist.
*Note: Must have mastered ninjutsu.
*Can only be taught by McKnockout.
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~ This really isn't a jutsu at all. ~
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Dec 28, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(lightning release:cutting ring)raiton:kattingu ringu
type: Attack/offensive
rank: A
range: mid/long

chakra: 30(+3 per ring)
damage: 60(+6 per ring )
description: the user gathers raiton chakra into his feet and then he jumps up into mid air while rotating his body into clockwise, as when he reach mid air, He release a sharp and high speeded power full lightning from his foot(because his body is rotating the released lightning goes around and around the user ,slicing everything around the user)
ф→4 times per battle
ф→can only taught and traded by me( yanto )
ф→usually it makes 5 rings
ф→u can decrease or increase the number of rings by mentioning while u perform it but max is 8 and min is 2
ф→ one handseal = 2 rings/rounds (when u compare the time)

~ Declined ~
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Gobi Gobletsson

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Oct 27, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Fuuinjutsu: Jetto Tagu) - Sealing Technique: Jet Tag
Rank: B
Type: Supplmentary/Offensive/Defensive
Range: Self(Depends on usage.)
Chakra cost: 20(Everytime replenished)
Damage points: 40
Description: Jetto Fuin is tags which can expell high pressured wind chakra from itself, and outward. Whereafter the it will replenish itself if located on a chakra containing object, such as a shinobi. It can be used in many kind of different ways, such has having them located on ones elbow, it will be able to drastically boost the mometum of a normal punch, seemingly making it dissapear, by releasing high pressured wind chakra the opposite way of the punch. One downside however is that, once released it can be near impossible to actually stop the punch again, which may be needed in dire sitautions. Another one is aswell that due the friction it would most likely rip apart clothes where the tag is released.
This technique must be stated in ones biography, and it must be stated where the user is having the tags located.

~ Similar techniques exist to boost the speed/power of a punch ~
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Aug 14, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Katon: Kaki Tsuba) - Fire Release: Fire Spit
Type: Offensive
Rank: D
Range: Short
Chakra: 10
Damage: 20
Description: The user infuse fire chakra in their spit so that unlike a normal spit this one would be made of fire and can set aflame the opponents face hair or clothes, a great technique for deception.
You can for example spit on someones eyes to burn them and render the person blind.

~ Unless you can literally spit streams of saliva ( what a horrible thought ) this is unlikely to do anything more than lightly singe an opponent. NOT blind them. As such, this is mostly useless. `
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Aug 17, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Doton: Doro Rappu) - Earth Style: Mud Wrap
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The person takes hold of Chakra infused mud already in play and wraps it around the opponent. It will surround their body making movement harder as well as restricting breathing and possibly asphyxiating the opponent. The mud can be controlled slightly and forced to surround the opponent's head making it's way into their nose, mouth and eyes. The user must have used a Mud based Earth jutsu prior to this jutsu.

-Must have already used a mud based jutsu such as Swamp, Mud Fall, or mud bullets
-Must be able to manipulate up to A rank Earth to use this
-Must be the own person's Chakra infused Mud

~Declined~ We don't accept technique that lets you manipulate an element freely. I need you to be very clear how this jutsu takes effect, just so you can't diverge from your description and start abusing this technique. Also, where do the 60 damage come from? You say it slows down the opponent, possibly asphyxiate him, but no real damage deal (or at least no sure damage). Make it a supplementary technique unless you change the description.

(Doton: Doro Rappu) - Earth Style: Mud Wrap
Type: Attack
Rank: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The person takes hold of Chakra infused mud already in play due to the chakra already found in the mud it can be slightly manipulated to surround the opponent. It basically blasts out and around the opponent covering their body in mud. This makes moving harder as well as restricts breathing. This is due to the chakra infused mud that covers the opponent It has the same effect as Swamp of the Underground as it saps the enemy of his strength. The mud can possibly asphyxiate the opponent if it successfully covers the opponent completely. The mud can be controlled slightly and forced to surround the opponent's head making it's way into their nose, mouth and eyes. The user must have used a Mud based Earth jutsu prior to this jutsu.

-Must have already used a mud based jutsu such as Swamp, Mud Fall, or mud bullets
-Must be able to manipulate up to A rank Earth to use this
-Must be the person's own Chakra infused Mud

~ How is that even possible ? It's mud, not some life-sucking leech. If you mean it slows them down, prevents them from moving, bla bla, that's fine, but not sapping their strength, because that's just silly. ~
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Jul 26, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summon has been approved but updating due to new signer and a few updates.

Summoning Animal: Tuatara
Scroll Owner: Saizo
Other Users Who Have Signed Contract: The Seven-Scaled boy
Summoning Boss If Existing: none currently
Other Summoning Animals Tied To Contract: Currently None

It is said if you keep going southeast from kirigakure, far beyond an endless sea where seemingly time has stopped due to the lack of winds, waves and currents, you'll reach their place. It is an elysian archiepielago of lush, green islands called the eternal nest or, in their mother toungue, mutunga kore kōhanga.

General Description:
Tuataras or sphenodons, are reptiles which look like lizards, however they are not related whatsoever. They are incredibly long-living and some are even considered living fossils. They are fast, agile, flexible and nimble. Also they have limited regenration capabilties, they can snap off their tail and then regenerate it. Also they posses spikes on their backs which can be stiffened if provoked.

Summon General Abilities:
In size, tuatara's vary, from their real life-size to sizes above humans or even large summon sizes.
Thanks to their incredible life-force and regenerative abilties, the tuataras are fearless (although not immortal of course) to attack and opponent. They can walk on all fours for maximum speed or in a bipedal way. Their claws are comparable to ninja tool metal (they can run their chakra through them to increase damage), also they are capable of handseals. The tuatara's are a complex tribe, divided into 5 districts depending on their elemental affinity and the royal family capable using two or more elements. Barring the ninjutsu, tuatara's are shown as fans of hand-to-hand combat usually carrying weapons to battle (metal claws, tail claws, scythes, daggers, bows) usually stringing intense combos aiming to surprise the opponent(s). They communicate in human words or even sounds often camouflaged as bird calls and surroundings sounds which can only be understood by signers of the contract. The spikes on their backs can be hardened to land piecing and curshing impacts in taijutsu (they extend all around their back including all of the shoulders).

The canon summoning jutsu will bring forth a single Tuatara's (per usage) from the districts the size of 2m when biped, clad in light-metal plated armour (like the first hokage's) with a claw/mace on their tail and another weapon; while also being able to use elemental jutsus of their affinities C-rank or below 5 times per summon and creating a A-ranked blast when combining his affinity with the user's elemental chakra in a collaboration jutsu once per summon (all count as a move and if all 5 are used he/she reverse summons). Also the cannon summoning jutsu can be used for bringing up to ten real-life sized tuatara's which don't have any weapons nor elemental jutsus and can be used for scouting/guarding. Summoming with higher and more specific amounts of chakra will bring forth specific summons to the arena which will be submitted later.

~ NO SPOILERS. Read the formatting rules. ~
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Active member
Jan 27, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal:Cardinal
Scroll Owner: Goku2000
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract:Summoning: Love Goddess, Aphrodite
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Range: N/A
Chakra Cost: 40
Attack Points: N/A
The user uses his summoning tattoos to summon the Love Goddess of Cardinals, Aphrodite. The Love Goddess possesses an almost regal air about her, though it may mostly be the self righteous egotistical behavior she possesses. Strange as it seems, she prefers to walk rather than fly, unless she deems it necessary to do so.*

When entering a battle, a whirl of flame envelopes the cardinal, altering her drastically in almost an instant. What emerges is a vastly changed creature, the frame of a predatory bird now larger than most men. Light plating armor sits strategically placed upon her body, glimmering as it shields wing, head, chest and legs from immediate dangers. Aphrodite’s legs are no longer the feeble limbs they once were, noticeably more muscular and every bit as strong as their appearance suggests. The flame that begat this transformation leaves its mark, the feathers making up the bird’s wings alight with a flickering blaze. She is ¾ of the size of Gamabunta, with an enormous wing span of 15 meters. Nevertheless, she may be the Love Goddess but she has also earned the title of Mistress of Ninjutsu. She earned the title due to her Dual affinity to Fire and Wind, which she can perform up to A-Rank.

Proud, flirty, and unable to cope with most summoner’s unless they somehow prove themselves to her. These are the greatest flaws Aphrodite has, not that she sees them in such a way. Once she determines a course of action, she often follows through without considering it any further. Thankfully, even as brash as it may seem, she often prepares before acting in the case of any sort of emergency that may result from a miscalculation. So in spite of her abrasive self assureds she does have the forethought to consider these things beforehand. If only she weren’t such a self important smart ass, then her company would be more tolerable.

*Note*: Can be Only Summoned Once.
*Note*: The Armor takes 3 C-Rank hits and breaks.
*Note*: Must sign Cardinal Contract to use.
*Note*: Only one element may be used in a move.
Description and Background: Keleano is the Love Godess Aphrodite's younger sister. She was born in a storm in the valley of the cardinals and this was prophesied to be a great sign of things to come consequently she has a dual affinity to lightning and water, which she can perform up to b rank .She is about half the size of gamabunta and can fit one rider on her back. Due to flying in storms many times and dodging lightning she is very agile and fast flying at up to 150 miles per *hour. She is very fierce which represents her affinity and will immediately fight anyone she does not see fit to summon her. However when she does trust her summoner she is a very good fighter and helpful as well.
Note: Can be Only Summoned Once.
Note: Summoning counts as a move*
Note: Must sign cardinal contract to use

~ NO SPOILERS. Read the formatting rules. ~
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Active member
Sep 4, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Hakke Harikēn no kaiten) – 8 Trigrams Hurricane Rotation
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Defense
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Points: 100
Description: The user will start spinning at an immerse rate, spinning at an even faster rate then he ever did. Because of the spinning rate of the user has became so fast, the chakra barrier becomes irregular, forming a crater in the ground and starts to manipulate the surroundings like air. As it is forming a hurricane the air will surround it and rocks begin to catch the current of the hurricane, becoming a fierce hurricane filled with rocks from the crater the rotation has caught up. Because of the irregularity of the chakra, it will expand and be mostly everywhere within the hurricane, helping the formation of the spinning hurricane and its density.
~User won't be able to do A-ranked or higher jutsus in the next 2 turns.
-No to jyuuken, custom fighting style, strong fist, freestyle, any forms of taijutsu, meaning the user have to remain stationary for 2 turn, because of the technique's impact on the user's body.
~Causes -30 damage to user.
~Can be used 1x
~Dr. House may teach this.

±± Declined ±± A defensive technique that causes damage? Filled with pointless restrictions. OPed. Copy of a cannon technique only more powerful. Don't Resubmit. And when i mean Don't Resubmit i mean Don't resubmit any more variations of the rotation techniques already existing.

Had been asked to provide proof of sign of snake, so Re-submit from this post:

(Kuchiyose:Bobu Hebi) ~ Summoning: Boosting Snake
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Range: Himself
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A (+10 Ninjutsu +10 Taijutsu)
Description: The user will bite his thumb, smear blood in his tattoo, summoning "Past". Past is a very calm and really reliable snake, making a great connection with the user. As Past is summoned, he will auto channel his chakra into the user, boosting his strength and chakra powers by +10 for 5 turns. After 5 turns, the snake will be exhausted and will disappear.
~May be taught by Dr. House
~Stays for 5 turns.
~Can be summoned 1x
~must sign snake contract

±± Declined ±± Do not resubmit

(Kuchiyose:Bobu Hebi) ~ Summoning: Trilogy Snakes of Speed
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary
Range: Himself
Chakra Cost: 15 (-5 each exertion)
Damage Points: N/A (+10 Taijutsu)
Description: The user will bite his thumb, smear blood on his tattoo, and summon five snakes for each body parts. However this is five snakes, but only counts as one summoning since one can't be summoned without the other/can't live without the other. As these snakes are around the user's body on each side and around his foot, they will exert highly condensed air from their mouth, creating an explosion of the condensed air which will drive the user into the direction of the user's wishes. With this, user is able to achieve lee without weights speed.
~Can be summoned 3x if snakes gets killed.
~Can't hurt the opponent
~Taught by Dr. House
~Stays active ti'll the end of battle.
~must sign snake contract

Proof of signing contact:
~Leaving for Scorps~

±± Declined ±± Do not resubmit
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Active member
Oct 28, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Suiton: Shuushuku No Hebi |Water Release: Constriction of the Snake
Type: Offensive
Rank: A
Damage: 60
Description:The user focuses his suiton chakra into the air behind the opponent. He creates 2 small snakes out of the moist and water molecules in the atmosphere, that then silently (due to the fluidity of their body) go towards the opponent. When they are close to the opponent, they bite him, and inject water into his arteries and muscles, causing an enormous amount of pain and other medical errors in the body.
Note: Can only be taught by Wesobi
Note: Can only be used once (if the snakes are able to bite the opponent)
Note: No Lightning in the same turn.
~Declined~ Do not Resubmit
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Active member
Apr 29, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Suiton:Bakuretsu Ganzai)-Exploding Pill
Chakra cost:30
Description:The user pulls out a round shaped pill,he then performs a water jutsu and lets it get close to the opponent,then he procceeds to throw the Bakuretsu Ganzai into the stream of water,which creates an explosion of 10 PSI
The Bakuretsu Ganzai are made of very powerful antacids which when in contact in water they being to fizz and create a high amount of pressurized gas,increasing the damage a water technique does and it's spread.
~Declined~ Do not Resubmit an item like this.
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Dec 8, 2009
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Kuchiyose: Babauo: Akina)- Sumoning: Hagfish: Akina
Type: Sumons
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: n/a
Description: Akina is a large hagfish that measures 2 meters in length (6 feet), once summoned she releases a slime from her body that oozes from her skin and begins to cover the feild (Can cover the field in 2 turns). Akina having having the ability to create the slime she has mastered the ability to use slime from her body to attack and defend. By forming the slime into multipule types of simple 3D shapes, walls, spheres, cones, pryminds, cubes, and even simlpe weaponry (blunt weapons) and use the slime weapons or shape as an extension of her body.
- Making anything of Slime counts as a summoners move.
- She doesnt need handseals for the munipulation of the slime.
- Can stay on the feild for 3 rounds.
You must be registered for see images

±± Declined ±± Rank of this slime technique? Also, covering the whole field in it is a no specially because you haven't explain the properties of this slime.

(Baba: Baba Gatto)- Hagfish arts: Hagfish Gut
Type: Supp
Rank: B
Range: Short-mid
Chakra: 25
Damage: 40
Description: The user will summon a hagfish from their stomach and shot them at the opponent from their mouths. The Hagfish is able to stretch its body up to mid range to catch the opponent, then wrap their body around the opponent to their legs, the hagfish can also be used to release a slime from its mouth that works a glue like substance to trap the opponents leg or if shot right can even catch the opponents mouth and stop them from being able to breath.
- Can only be used if signed the hagfish contract.

±± Declined ±± Summon it in another place of your body, not inside your stomach

(Baba: Baba Bunshin)- Hagfish Arts: Hagfish Clone
Type: Supp
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 25
Damage: n/a
Description: The user makes a clone of themselves out of hagfish, once the clone is physicaly touched (By an opponent or physical oject) the clone will collapse and release a mass of sticky slime from the bodies of the hagfish, and the hagfish will cover the opponent were they are.
- Normal clone rules apply.
- The slime is released as the opponet makes contact with the clone.

~ Left for Scorps ~

±± Declined ±± What can this clone do? Also, you don't make it...you must summon it, same as every other summon. You must summon several hagfish which use the transformation technique to resemble a copy of you.
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Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Sǐshén liándāo yìshù: Shinigami no tatsumaki) Reaper Scythe Arts: The Grim Reaper's Tornado
Type: Attack/Defense
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user will attach chains onto their Scythes/Scythes and start swing the in a circular motion or around the user in any direction. This allows the user to attack multples enemies from diiferent direction and also allow them to deflect ninja tools coming towards them.

~ Doesn't really deserve to be a technique ~
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