Alexandros’ Bluff (185)


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the beginning of my mission using the following storyboard elements:

-Defend yourself from wild animals (3)

During her patrol, Nana finds wild animals with strange deaths in the forrest with unknown symbols carved into trees. Following them to the source, Nana discovers a cave network infested with a cult devoted to a Snake god planning to spread over the lands. (multi mission)

As most of the clones left off for their patrols, one of Nanas clones stayed behind, to guard the port town. She figured that it would be best to start here while the other spread across the lands. While the town lately hadnt had much trouble, every now and then something would come up, whether it would be something like the gangs getting a bit too rowdy, or enemy shinobi infiltrating the town, Nana had to be ever vigilant to protect her citizens. Becoming Kage was a big responsibility to her and she didnt want to let then down.
Her usual patrol routes in the city seemed to yield no troubles, a good sign. The gangs were quiet, no visible bandits on the streets. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, suspicious or looking like trouble brewing. Letting herself a brief moment to taoe a breath, she relaxed. Smiling and nodding at the public, she walked along the street back to her vigilant self. As she walked past one of the huntmasters huts however, she overheard something that sounded odd and worth investigating.

"Yeah it was really strange, like two huge holes in the neck"
"Do you think it was a vampire?"
"Ahaha dont be stupid, imagine that though, a vampire in the woods."
"But you said it looked infected?"
"Yeah, what ever made those marks had poison. They were too big for fangs. Never seen an animal with fangs that big. They were about a foot wide each hole"

This was troubling news, some strange animal taking out wildlife in the forrest? It could come closer to the village and be a danger to the villagers, maybe it was best to investigate and take it out now. Turning and heading South to the village border, she made a line directly for the forrest. It wasnt long before she reach the walls, and passed through them, and went onwards towards the forrest. Picking up to a travel pace, she reached the Hidden Grove, the forrest at the base of the mountains, its white powered trees creating the image of trees made from ice.
The next step was trying to find out where the animal was, and if the corpse was still there. The hunter probably stuck to the southern side of the forrest, not wanting to delve too far deep into the forrest, so Nana began searching for clues. Scouring the floor she eventually picked up on the hunters footprints, being able to trace them where he was coming from. Nana was lucky that it hadnt snowed since he had come back, it would have made it that much harder to track his prints. She walked a bit deeper into the forrest watching his prints as they shuffled the path, eventually breaking off between trees more likely to search for animals. Once or twice she found a few drops of blood, likely the animal he caught while working, but still no source of the strenge animal.
Then after a few more minutes of walking, she found it, a collapsed snow stag, one of the rare breeds of deer that made their homes in the northern lands.

Nana approached it with caution, unsure about what she would find, an uneasy feeling in her stomach growing. These creatures were peaceful and they didnt have any predators around this area, perhaps some of the snow leopards, but they were higher up in the mountains. Even then Snow Leopards werent poisonous, so it wouldnt make sense.
As she approached the corpse, she saw the marks the hunter described. Two large puncture wounds in the rear back left thigh, each around a foot in diameter, exposing the flesh inside. But that wasnt the most curious thing. There were black scorch marks around the edges of the wound, most likely the poison that burnt the skin.
Then Nana noticed it, the marks, uneven. They werent identical. Normally any kind of fang bite would be ifentialy and symmetrical, going in at the same angle.... so what caused this?

Nana was puzzeled when there was a noise coming from her right, something rushing through the bushes, between the trees. It broke the treeline, and a large snow buck charged forward, its eyes locking with Nana as it continued rushing towards her, lowering its head and baring its horns. Nana braced herself as she turned, quickly standing, and placed her hands out stretched. The buck charged wildly, horns clashing with Nanas hands as she caught the horns and it pushed her back. She didnt catch it at the right angle as the left horn slipped out of her hand, causigg her to lose balance, and falling backward stumbling, and tripping over the dead doe. Was it connected to this buck?
The buck round itself and prepared for another charge towards Nana, as she stood readying herself once again. Getting her hands into a readying stance to fight, she let the buck come towards her. It was sad, she didnt want to hurt this buck and they were nornally docile creatures but something must have been wrong. As the buck charged and was a few feet away, Nana performed her half step technique, and twisted out the way, as she dropped her elbow on the back of the Bucks neck, striking with force to knock it out. To tumbled forwards and collasped down gridning into the snow covered ground.
Nana quickly chekced over it, its breathing jad slowed right down, dangerously. This wasnt good. Nana needes to find out wjat was wrong before the damage became too much. And as she scanned the body, she saw it, and couldnt believe it. Under the chest of the buck was another puncture mark, fang like, similar to the doe right down the black scorch marks around the edge. But there was only one mark. So the source, creature, ahat ever it was had struck again. Perhaps if Nana acted quickly she could catch what ever was causing these issues. She hated leaving the buck there, but she needed to stop what ever was causing this.

To be cont.


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
Wandering towards where the Buck had oroginally come from, Nana curiously looked around the brush to see if she could see any track, and then she noticed it. Carved into the tree trunk, glowing orange was some strange symbol, not an image but some strange carving that burned from within. Careful not to touch so got as close as she felt safe and inspected it. Similarly to the flesh, there were scorch marks around the carving, as if the trunk had been burnt as well.
Looking further ahead, Nana saw a small trail of blood that lead further into the forrest, and squinting beyond the treeline, she could make out another small faint orange glow that was coming from a tree trunk. Passing under the tree and moving to the orange symbol, it was similar but slightly different to the previous one. It still had the similar orange glow and even the scorch marks. This was all so strange. What made it and what was happening. Before she knew it there was a roar from the left of her, behind the tree trunk like that of a wounded animal. Once again something burst from the treeline, but it was two animals, amother buck and this time some kind of wolf. They had a wild look about them, not attacking each other but bursting from the line they seemed to be running from something and as soo as they saw Nana they focused on her, as if she was the enemy.

Stepping behind the tree, Nana prepared herself until the came close thankfull both of them coming from the right side. Jumping upwards as they both tried to attack, the wolf leaping towards her to snap with its jaws and the buck once again like the other to stampede over her, she hung on to the branch, swinging forwards to get into a better position. Twisting as she flew through the air she faced the wild deranged frenzied beasts sizing up her plan of attack. The wolf was surely going to come at her first, both being closer ajd more aggresive of the two as it snarles with drool hanging from its mouth. Nana looked closely at the animal before it pounced once again and sure enough, on the back if its neck there was another puncture mark. It leapt towards her while the buck turned and began charging. Nana tried to catch the wolf to throw it away before the buck would come but mistiming her catch, it pushed her back as it sunk its teeth into her left wrist. Biting down as Nana grimaced in pain, she gave it a swift punch to the throat which loosened the muscles for her to drag her arm away. Before she could recover, looking up the buck was meters away. Diving away, the buck stormed through where she was standing, dirt and snow flying in its wake. The wolf, ready to pounce again, leapt at Nana, who needed to end this fight now. Catching the wolf in the handand rolling backwards, she kicked the wolf over head which flew into the buck that was turning around for another charge once again. They collided as the bodys hit, crashing into the wall of a cave opening. They slumped together and before they could get back up, Nana weaved two symbols and placed a hand on the ground as sugar raced over through the snow and encased them both in a sugar crystal prison. That should hold them for now, hopefully at least until she could find some kind of remedy.

As Nana dusted herself off, she looked up at the cave that was originall behind the tree and where the animals must have come from. Her jaw dropped as on the wall there were more orange glowong carvings but this time in something she recognized. An ancient written language by the orignal peosples of the land.
It read,
The Wailing Caverns.


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Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the start of my misison involving the following storyboard elements

- Investigate the cave (5)
- Put a stop to the ritual (5)
- Survive the dangerous cave (4)

After entering the cave, Nana finds more beasts with the strange burning singed flesh coming to attack her. Venturing deeper into the cave she finds a stranger performing some kind of ritual. Putting a stop to it, she fights the stranger then exits the cave.

As Nana entered the cave, she saw more signs of strangeness throughout, with unknown inscriptions carved into the wall, bones of animals and carcasses each burnt and marked with the same puncture mark. Slowly and carefully Nana walked deeper into the cave, as she saw the body of ... some humanoid ... crumpled in blue and green robes against the wall. Turning him over she saw the puncture marks that were in the animals in his chest as well. Searching through his body, she found hi wearing a ring, that looked very much like the symbol she had seen earlier, of the serpent.
Thinking her herself
Hmm, this is more than a coincidence. Was this man behind the strange animal behaviors.. well it seemed unlikely considering the two animals she just saw, and this man has been dead for at least a day or two. Although its more than likely that he had a hand involved in it, it just seems too coincidental for it otherwise. Perhaps there are more involved in this then...

Tiptoeing carefully into the cave, she came across several brushes, which looked like nests, and in them several eggs. The eggs however were unlike any Nana were familiar with, emerald green with dark black markings around them. This was not a good sign, having some foreign animals being introduced into the environment could potentially be disastrous, especially if they were the cause of the previous animals going wild. As she was studying the eggs, that was when she heard it, a slow deep, ominous chanting from within the caverns chambers, echoing off the walls and the reverb making it almost impossible to tell what was being said. Even so, Nana could make out several words, all of which were not good.
Scarletleaf, Jarlaxa, Naralex and Mutanus were some of the words she heard, but most of them meant nothing to her. Listening harder she could hear, RISE!, Offerings, as well as several other troubling words related to a summoning. Was this some kind of cult attempting to revive or summon some demon? What was the meaning of "Scarletleaf, Jarlaxa, Naralex and Mutanus"

Making her way through the tunnels, ducking and jumping between the pillars to get closer to the chanting, she almost tripped over something behind one of the stalagmites. Catching herself on the rock formation, she looked back down at what had almost caused her to blow her cover. It was a body, similar to that from before with the robes, but clutching a book under its arms. Flicking through its pages, she found a diary of some kind. reading through it, she read;

In years past, a young sage named discovered a network of underground caverns within the heart of the Snowlands. Dubbed the 'Wailing Caverns', these natural caves were filled with steam fissures which produced long, mournful wails as they vented. Naralex believed he could use the caverns' underground springs to restore lushness and fertility to the surrounding fields - but to do so would require siphoning the energies of the fabled Emerald Dream. Once connected to the Dream however, the sage's vision somehow became a nightmare. Soon the Wailing Caverns began to change - the waters turned foul and the once-docile creatures inside metamorphosed into vicious, deadly predators. Naralex himself still resides somewhere inside the heart of the labyrinth, trapped beyond the edges of the Emerald Dream. Even his former acolytes have been corrupted by their master's waking nightmare - transformed into the wicked sages of the Fang.

Nana couldnt believe what she was reading... a corruption within her lands. She had to stop it at once. That explains one of the names she heard with Naralex. But something was wrong, she couldnt put her hand on it, when it suddenly hit her, there was no chanting... It meant either they had finished or something stopped them. Looking up, she had managed to finish before a knife came slashing down infront of her, embedding itself into the rock. KACHINK!
Looking down furiously at her was a cloaked robed man and although he was hooded, Nana could make out a crazed look in his eyes, as bloodshot as they were. On one of his fingers that were gripping the knife, Nana saw the same ring of the serpent again, confirming a suspicion she had, that those with the ring were part of this cult, perhaps the Sages of the Fang. With a swift blow to his chest, she pushed him back, as he collapsed after colliding into a stalagmite. Peering out from behind the rock she was behind, she saw 3 more of the robed hooded cultists. One, furthest in the back had a mask on, something like that of a snake.

Dispose of her, while I finish the ritual. We are almost there and Naralex will awaken!

A woman on his right and man on his left drew their scimitars from their waist as they began running towards Nana. Weaving three seals, she caused a surge of sugar chakra to fill her body as all of her muscles suddenly became filled to the brim with energy, increasing her speed and reactions. As the man drew closer, he reaching into a pouch with his free hand drawing 3 throwing knives and flinging them towards Nana. The woman on the other hand, seemed to draw the scimitar to her mouth as she blew onto it some wind chakra that covered the blade. Leaping upwards, she would attack from the sky while the knvies came towards Nana from the side. With a swift punch into the stalagmite, Nana cracked its base, and picked it up from the middle, swinging it round like a makeshift baseball bat. It collided with the knives coming towards nana, catching them and sending them to the floor, as well as the woman leaping towards Nana. She was caught mid air, unable to change her direction, and even trying to use her wind infused scimitar, she couldnt cut through the rock enough before it took her body. It sent her flying back and crashing into the wall with a sickening CRUNCH as Nana could tell several bones broke. With her eyes looking back towards the man now rushing towards her, he was a few meters away as he began to lunge at her. Nana didnt have the time to swing the rock baseball bat back around as it was too heavy on its own. Dropping it and following the momentum rotating, she swung back around, with her arm outstretched, clenching her hand into a fist as she struck the inside of his scimitar hand, causing him to drop it. As she was about to bring her foot to connect with his ribs, he used a single free hand to form a seal, in which a green bubbling slime seemed to envelop his body, with Nana retracting her plan to kick through his ribs, which was a good idea. As she saw, one drop from his new cloak fell to the floor with a sizzling bubbling crackle into the rock ground.

Some kind of acid? Poison?

Nana knew this now ruled out any kind of hand to hand combat, and with him so close, this was gonna be harder. Nana had to act fast, and she knew that she had to finish it quickly. With a deep breath, Nana covered her hand in medical ninjutsu and forming it into a fist, she drew it back, and punched him hard, in the ribs. He mustn't have expected her to be so brash, with his acid cloak as she connected, THUMP, the acid started to burn away at her hand, peeling the skin away with Nana screaming out in pain as she connected. Thankfully the healing chakra has been already working, slowing the burn and healing back the skin as it knitted itself back together. The man opposed to her slumped, his cracked ribs causing him to pass out much like his female companion, while Nana looked towards the master.

Naralex hear us, Rise, awaken, come forth. Naralex Waken from your slumber! NARALEX AWAKEN AND BECOME THE MUTANUS DEVOURER

ENOUGH! You will stop this ritual and come with me for questioning!

HAHAHA, FOOL! We will awaken Naralex and he will come back to cleanse this land!

He turned to face Nana and making a single seal, took a breath and blew out some green sludge. Looking similar but dark to the cloak the previous man had, Nana mad the assumption that it was a similar kind of acid, diving behind a rock. Thankfully she was right, as she heard the bubbling and hissing of the acid eating away as where she was, the smell of sulfur filling the cavern. She heard again the cultist calling out, NARALEX HEAR US, RISE, AWAKEN, and before he could finish Nana threw out twin shuriken towards his position to interrupt him. He battered them away as he drew a knife from his belt.


Nana knew she didnt have much time left before he would complete it with the sound of his grin. There was something playing around in her mind, some kind of shadow that wasnt there before, something invading her. Knowing fully well that this could be the last moment before the summoning was complete, Nana gathered enormous strength into her hand and punched the wall. Cracking and crumbling, stalactites began to fall, as the cave started crumbling around them both.


The cave started collapsing around them, as Nana dragged herself upwards, and made a run for the exit, with the cultist behind her screaming towards her or the summon, she couldn't hear or decipher between the rocks falling around her and echoing their crushing sounds. Ducking and diving between rocks, she saw the body with the journal, knowing she was going the right way, as she leapt between rocks, trying desperate to remember the right path she took. After several turns she saw another familiar body slumped down, and the animals ahead of her. There was light at the end of the tunnel, she was almost there. the rock began crumbling, threatening to close in on her and lock her in this tomb. Only a few more feet, and she was free. A rock almost came crashing down on her head, as the fatigue and lactic acid from her sugar move before started to burn at her muscles. She was tiring but she couldn't finished up here, she needed to continue. Diving out the last few meters, the entrance to the cave collapsed and crushed down shutting it off. The rocks and boulders that now littered the cave entrance were filled with the ruins of the caves roof.

Nana turned to face the cave praising her luck as she laid back down.

Phew, well I suppose I had better get back to the village and let them know about this. Might have to send a guard here to make sure no one tries to revive this creature again...


Active member
Mar 2, 2012
Trait Points
This post marks the start of my mission using the following storyboard elements:

- Assassinate the enemy commander (5)
- Establish control over a hostile area (5)

Summary: Arriving back in the town, Nana is called to the Stockades prison to help control a riot. She gets asked to take out the Riot leader as well as take out any prisoners refusing to return to their cells. Additionally if she can, find out how the riot starts to prevent it from happening again.

Nana had barely made it back to town and was wandering to the market to get some food to rest and recover, when a town guard had come over to talk to her.

Korikage-dono, please we need your help!

He was obviously tired and out of breath looking for her, before she could ask whats wrong he continued.

Theres... a prison riot going on. We need... Your help to get it under control!

Nana wanted to rest up but when duty calls, she couldnt turn down the call to help. Arriving shortly with the guard at the entrance to the prison, she could tell there was something obviously wrong, with a majority of the security and guards outside the entrance.

Kage, Please, show these prisoners who is boss and make them pay! We need to get this place under control!

The sergeant of the guard had directed her to the gate, opening it quickly before locking her inside. Explaining the situation once more, he explained that there were too many prisoners for the guards to control, and their leader was someone deep in the wardens office. They had raided the armory and had stun batons and the padded riot armor that was meant for the guards. Turning to face the prison, Nana took a deep breath before striding forward.

Nana wasnt going to be intimidated by this riot, she knew that these prisoners were jusdt like sheep, following the leadership that seemed to be orchestrating it, but the question was, did they come up with this prison riot idea or did someone or something give them the idea to rebel...
Entering the hold hall, there were a few prisoners, marked with their usual black jumpsuits that were prison standard they jeered at her, clearly not knowing how strong she was.

Ill give you one chance to surrender, and return to your cells.

Nana didnt want to fight them but if they rushed her, then it was their folly. Perhaps if she made an example of a few of them, then the rest would surrender. It was a nice dream, but unfortunate. They had the weapons and tools they didnt before, and clearly the confidence after beating the prison guards.

They screamed as they rushed her, 3 of them running towards her as 2 held back cheering at their comrads. With a quick half step backwards, Nana acted in a flash, sweeping her leg underneath them, tripping them all up, and before the could hit the floor, grabbing the further left one by the arm and swinging him into the other two, sending all 3 of them flying into the stone wall with a crash and crunch. The other two looked a little shook from the sudden overpowering of their allies, but they were undeterred. Cautiously approaching her they held their batons out with the electrical current running through it with some sparks flying off. Flexing her hand, Nana Punch the ground as a shock wave rattled through the room, crushing the floor around them sending them flying backwards. Easily enough, she had defeated the small fry and the overconfident ones. But these were most likely jut the pawns or stupid low security ones.

Proceeding through to the medium security section Nana had an easy time getting there, defeating a few more small fry with swift kicks or punches to the gut or back of the neck. Despite when Nana asked them to surrender, they still fancied their chances and attacked her. Coming to the big mess hall, she could see all the tables had been swept to the side or overturned while they had been made into a makeshift wall, somewhat like a bunker. It was then that several knives and rocks came flying from behind the tables, causing her to dive to the side.


Nana rolled in her dive, crouching behind a discarded table. Thinking to herself, she knew that there wouldn't be reasoning with these guys, the tone in their voice indicated some kind of mix of determination and strain. They were going to fight untill they couldn't anymore, no matter what happened. Nana sighed at the violence, wishing that they could have been talked too. As strong as Nana was, she never wanted to fight, she only wanted to protect people, and unfortunately, these prisoners could cause harm to those in the town. Sure not every prisoner was a murderer or arsonist, but Nana didnt have time to check prison records of everyone she came across.
Another knife hit the wall beside her, as she took it out of the wall, holding it in her hand. Well if all they got are knives, and none of them know ninjutsu, at least this will make things easier. Those that had ninjutsu were most likely in the Heavy Security wing, sealed behind fuuiin doors, and if no one knew how to undo them, then at least that made it one less thing to worry about. But the question was who was the leader and how dangerous was he.
Throwing the knife out one way, and ducking out the other, Nana took advantage of the confusion as a few rocks and knives were flung towards her decoy as she rushed the tabletop bunker. Running up and pushing it with her strength, she rammed it into the wall, hearing several screams and yells of pain followed by silence as the bodys behind the table were crushed and knocked unconscious against the wall and table.
Nana stood up, wandering around the cafeteria, wondering where she needed to go next. She had control mostly of the light security section, and made it halfway through the medium section. Looking at a map of emergency exits on the wall, she could see that the wardens office was in between the medium and heavy security sections, at the top floor. Thinking to herself, she guessed that it was the most likely position for the leader to be in. It could be dangerous if he knew fuuinjutsu and undid the seals to the cells for the heavy security prisoners, Nana had to try and finish this as quick as possible. Memorizing the directions, she took off down the east hall, briefly stopping now and then when someone tried to stop her. Each prisoner was taken care with another quick chop or punch, but she didnt have time to try talk them back to their cells.

Nana came to the hallway that lead to the heavy security section, a two man corridor that had seals surrounding the far door. Halfway down the corridor was an arcway and as Nana reached it, she began running up the stairs, passing a sign that said "Wardens Office". With a look of determination, she continued up the 2nd floor, almost at the 3rd, and as she reached the landing, that was when she saw it. Proceeding around the corner, she saw a small tag on the wall for explosion. There was a bright light, before she threw her arms up around her face, jumping backwards as the explosion was set off. The wall of the stairs was blown out, revealing the courtyard below.

Growling and cursing to herself, Nana dusted herself off, with a new idea of who she was dealing with. If someone was able to set paper tags, then they had some idea of ninjutsu, and that meant that it was someone with ninja training. At least she knew she couldnt take it easy on them, and as she approached the door she already found it open with a tall blue haired man standing behind the wardens desk. He appeared to be reading a scroll of some sort and chuckling to himself. But his voice seemed to echo around the room, "Unusual" Nana thought to herself.
She was about to approach the man taking one step into the room when he turned around pointing one hand towards her, while yelling


A bolt of lightning launched towards her, as she dived behind the couch. Rolling as she landed she grabbed a kunai from her hip, and rolling out threw it towards her opponent. He ducked underneath it and Nana was given a clear full front on view on her target. There seemed to be a dark shadow, almost liquid like emanating off him. This unnatural aura was giving him strength in some way, Nana knew it. There was an unnatural presence in the air, and the closer she looked, she could see a shadow like figure that was hovering above the leader. She didnt have much time to study him before she once again formed another seal, and this time electrical currents began erupting from his body, starting to bounce around the room and they were almost dull, somewhat black lightning covering the room coming towards her. Gathering wind into her fist, she punched towards the riot leader, and the wind pushed him back thumping into the wall, disrupting the lightning. There was a sickening crunch as he hit the wall, but seemingly tougher than the other prisoners, he stood up.



He didnt answer, but he did begin to gather chakra which was mixing with the black shadows that were coming from his body, and they end up covering the entirety of his body, like some sage mode. The chakra gooped and bubbled as it fell off and hit the floor. His skin began to turn red, even under the cloak she could see it was tearing his body up and burning him.


Creating a ball of lightning in between his hands, Nana knew that if it were to erupt, it could most likely destroy the entire room. This was not good. Nana had to act fast and with two seals, she surged sugar chakra around her body and dashed straight at her target, throwing her fist straight forward covered in a field of chakra. Her fist found its target, and pierced right through his chest, blood oozing with its black goop falling onto her arm. Nana felt a cold feeling run over her as her body contacted with his, something like the chakra coming into contact with her. There was something looking at her and looking up at the riot leader, she noticed the image behind him. She couldn't see it now but not in contact with his chakra, she could see the spirit. A tall blue skin humanoid, with a skull mask, with some voodoo type fetish around hanging off his body.

You must be registered for see images

Well aint dis interesting. Looks like he was strong enuf, but ah well dere always be more. I'm sure I'll be seeing you again

The figure faded out, and looking back towards the riot leader, she could see his eyes were glassy and then rolled back in his head. Removing her arm, he slumped down, dead in the corner. Nana found a coat on a rank, and wiped her arm off. She had killed the riot leader, most likely stopping the riot from continuing, as no one else would want to take responsibility and being thrown in heavy security.
Nana had a quick look towards the scroll he was looking at, and it was a message to the warden reading,

Warden, next week youll be receiving several new transfers. One of them will be Rastakhan, a powerful, ninja who specializes in natural energy. Please take special precaution with him.

Nana took the scroll with her, pocketing it as she walked out the room. As she made her way back down, she got to the cafeteria where a majority of the security guards and riot police had made a base.

Kage-dono, we have secured most of the courtyard and 2 wings now with reports that heavy has been untouched. Thank you for your help.

Nana went on to explain what happened, and decided to withhold the information, taking it with her back to Shimogakure for further study.


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Mar 2, 2012
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Nana deciced to leave to explore the Water Archipelago. Rumour was there was a strong warrior, who was looking for a challenge.

Travel itinerary:
185>187 12:51pm>1:37PM
187>Gaikotsu Bay 1:37pm>2:22pm
Gaikotsu Bay>148 2:22pm>3:07pm
148>149 3:07pm>3:52pm
149>008 3:52pm>4:37pm
008>139 4:37pm>5:22pm
139>137 5:22pm>6:07pm
137>142 6:07pm> 6:52pm


Active member
Aug 25, 2010
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Coming From: [Here]

Upon entering the land of snow, Hei looks around via his Byakugan, scouting the land. Its people and fortresses. Nothing could escape his gaze. He would be impressed by the land. It was clear Magnus was wasting no time in preparing for the future. With that, Hei knew he must do the same. Opening a portal to his side, Hei will enter though it returning back to the Land of Lightning.

( Yomotsu Hirasaka ) - Underworld Slope Hill
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user is able to open rifts within the fabric of space which allows them to instantaneously transport themselves anywhere. The openings can also be used to connect two different spatial locations within the same dimension or create a pathway that links two dimensions together. Similar to Kamui, Yomotsu Hirasaka allows the user to utilize these spacial tears to retreat, perform ambush attacks, and many other possible tactics. Unlike Kaguya's version, the user can only travel fully through these portals, unable to partially emerge through them. The user can also utilise this method to drag their opponents to another location with them.
Note: This can only be used 5 times an event, once every 4 turns. The user can only travel to locations he has already traveled to, unable to use this to go to places he has never been.
Note: Can only be used by Urashiki Otsutsuki bios.


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Aug 17, 2010
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( Sandāu~ēbu ) - Thunderwave ( Extra Clone )
Type: Tool
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A ( - 5 per turn when used )
Damage: N/A
Description: Thunderwave is a basic chest plate outfitted with a surround sound speaker system, and a microphone. It can be used to play music or make noises more audible than normal similar to a karaoke machine. It is able to produce sound louder than most techniques or the clashing of techniques and can be much louder than the user or opponent can scream. In essence it can act like the (Utsusemi no Jutsu) - Empty Cicada Shell Technique passively at all times being louder and stronger than even that basic technique. It comes pre-loaded with all of the wielder's favorite songs. In battle it can be used to play theme music or it can make the user louder as it has a built in microphone system connected to the speaker system.
The primary use of Thunderwave as mentioned above is the ability to play music with the offshoot of this being the ability to cancel sound waves with sound waves while playing music. This is similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool: Shijima and works like a noise-cancellation speaker. The system can emit a sound wave with the same amplitude but with inverted phase also known as antiphase to the original sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called interference, and effectively cancel each other out. This effect is called destructive interference and is able to nullify sound techniques in equal rank. The sound can encompass a short - long range area around the user being louder the closer to the user the people who can hear it are and due to this it has a dampening system as to not harm the users ears or cause them any undue problems. It can be fine tuned to look different depending on the wielder's appearance or preference.
Note: Sound techniques can only be canceled once per turn three times per battle.
All throughout the only semi-safe space in Shimogakure rang out another of Tsumigakure's battle songs.

They have been waiting for days, and nothing, no one. It was laughable. A village? This wasn't a village.

It seemed Shimogakure was covered in yellow-snow, from when their shinobi pissed themselves while fleeing.

The shinobi were pitiful, not a single one had risen up, Sado was ready to die but none came to claim his life..

As a child, I wished for a war! I knew that I was poor! It was a bore!
Life was a chore, to the core, I knew it was the only way to RISE UP!

If they tell my story!
I am either gonna die on the battlefield in glory or I'll! RISE UP!

He will fight for his land!
He is the only man!
Who can give you the command so you can!


Understand? It's the only way to


Here he comes!
Here comes the Tsumikage!
Ladies and gentlemen! Watch the shinobi! Flee!
Here comes the Tsumikage!
This is the moment you've been waiting to see!
Here comes the Tsumikage!
And who is that with him!?
The Pride of Tsumigakure! Damn!

His right-hand man!
Strongest in the lands!
The Prince of all Saiyans!

Shimo is outgunned (what?)
Outmanned (what?)
Outplanned (buck, buck, buck, buck, buck)
They've gotta make an all-out stand
Ayo, I'm gonna need my right-hand man! (buck, buck, buck, buck, buck)

Check it!
Can I be real a second?
For just a millisecond?
Let down my guard and tell the shinobi how I feel a second?
Now I'm the model of a modern-day Kage
The berating, bellowing, barbarian whose men are all!
Lining up, to put me up on a pedestal
Writin' letters to relatives
Embellishin' my elegance and eloquence
But the elephant is in the room
The truth is in ya face when ya hear the Tsumi war-drums go

Any hope of Shimo's success is fleeting
How can the Korikage keep leading when the people he's
Leading keep retreating!?!?!?!??

We put a stop to the fleeing as Tsumigakure shook them!
Knight takes rook, but look!

Shimo is outgunned (what?)
Outmanned (what?)
Outplanned (buck, buck, buck, buck, buck)
They've gotta make an all-out stand.
Ayo, I'm gonna need my right-hand man (buck, buck, buck, buck, buck

Tsumigakure! Incoming!
We're battering down the unsatisfactory check the damages


We gotta stop 'em and rob 'em of their advantages


We'll take a stand with the stamina Sado has granted us!
Vegeta! Won't abandon ship!
"Yo, let's steal every one of their lands!"

Sado, the literal leader of Shimogakure's enemies spent nearly three days in a landmark, that any Shimogakurian could have attacked.​
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Oct 22, 2009
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[Coming from here] - Clone 6 Arrives

Magnus comes strolling through the market place without a care in the world. He can sense the one before him, he knew of the kage, small world and all that but, it was his time!!!

"I've come to claim the bounty! I get 10,000 kumi if i turn up right? Hand it over!

Or you want tell people to leave that ain't here cause they left cause of those big ol zombies... i told them... scary times.... i told you.... you didn't reply....

You know that's quite rude to just leave me on 'read' and come rocking up here like that, what's that all about?

It's all good don't worry. I made some clones and sent them on a date with the other weirdo's that turned up. All those dumbasses think they are the real one, can you imagine that? Idiots.

But they are me.... hold up... am i.... God? Wait no... wait why are you here again?


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
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Sado would start talking at the person, as he waited on Vegeta to give him the 4-1-1 on the adjacent landmarks.

Do you just want a treaty, my guy?

Shimogakure loses. Tsumigakure gets five or six of your landmarks. We get ten-thousand of your colonial income and-...

Shimogakure cannot go to war, unofficially or officially unless directly attacked and provoked for six months.

Finally, Tsumigakure cannot attack Shimogakure for those six months.

Those terms sound cash money, my dude?

Otherwise, I'll have to bring in the other half of my army that is just sitting and waiting to be called on.

That would cause a massive loss of time, and lives, ending in a prolonged time of war creating casualties and hostilities.
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Active member
Apr 14, 2012
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[Coming from here] - Clone 6 Arrives

Magnus comes strolling through the market place without a care in the world. He can sense the one before him, he knew of the kage, small world and all that but, it was his time!!!

"I've come to claim the bounty! I get 10,000 kumi if i turn up right? Hand it over!

Or you want tell people to leave that ain't here cause they left cause of those big ol zombies... i told them... scary times.... i told you.... you didn't reply....

You know that's quite rude to just leave me on 'read' and come rocking up here like that, what's that all about?

It's all good don't worry. I made some clones and sent them on a date with the other weirdo's that turned up. All those dumbasses think they are the real one, can you imagine that? Idiots.

But they are me.... hold up... am i.... God? Wait no... wait why are you here again?
Sado would start talking at the person, as he waited on Vegeta to give him the 4-1-1 on the adjacent landmarks.

Do you just want a treaty, my guy?

Shimogakure loses. Tsumigakure gets five or six of your landmarks. We get ten-thousand of your colonial income and-...

Shimogakure cannot go to war, unofficially or officially unless directly attacked and provoked for six months.

Finally, Tsumigakure cannot attack Shimogakure for those six months.

Those terms sound cash money, my dude?

Otherwise, I'll have to bring in the other half of my army that is just sitting and waiting to be called on.

That would cause a massive loss of time, and lives, ending in a prolonged time of war creating casualties and hostilities.
Looking around using his Byakugan while listening to the man and Sado converse, Vegeta would give Sado a quick status report..

We got clones and more clones of this guy moving all around to different LM's, though nothing too bad has occurred as of yet just minor skirmishes and confrontations


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Jun 29, 2011
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Jonathan arrived at the landmark, having moved here from the temple nearby. This market area was relatively busy, for the frozen north anyway.

Strolling through the stalls, the man picked up some jerky from one of them, passinga few coins to the trader. The protein would help keep him warm until he found a cloak.

Animals were somewhat scarce up here, the lack of plant life caused less animals to congregate so finding furs for clothes was troublesome. Hopefully a trader nearby had some.

As he walked through the market he heard the village mentioned by some strangers. Talk of the village losing, losing what, Jonathan wondered.

He would approach the men and speak.

"Good day friends! Did my ears deceive me or did someone mention shimogakure? I haven't been there in many moons! How fares it?"

@Howard @Vegeta @The Pervy Sage
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Oct 22, 2009
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Sado would start talking at the person, as he waited on Vegeta to give him the 4-1-1 on the adjacent landmarks.

Do you just want a treaty, my guy?

Shimogakure loses. Tsumigakure gets five or six of your landmarks. We get ten-thousand of your colonial income and-...

Shimogakure cannot go to war, unofficially or officially unless directly attacked and provoked for six months.

Finally, Tsumigakure cannot attack Shimogakure for those six months.

Those terms sound cash money, my dude?

Otherwise, I'll have to bring in the other half of my army that is just sitting and waiting to be called on.

That would cause a massive loss of time, and lives, ending in a prolonged time of war creating casualties and hostilities.
Magnus figured he couldn't collect his own bounty at this point and he was starting to get bored to be quite honest. He heard what the man said.

"Nah that seems extreme... i ain't about that...

Lets see, can't give you that much land, 3 landmarks. As for going to war, you kind of made that way to vague. Shimo can't go to war right, but you didn't say against "Tsumi only". Just says can't got to war. That means anyone could attack these lads, but they can't fight back right?

As for six months? In the scheme of things that seems... much. Long time and people come and go right. Like myself falling into leadership like this, it's just not right. So knock that down to 3 months of peace. That way when there comes to a turn over in members they ain't bound by the actions of the forefathers?

As for the money, bare with me on that one (Lemme know how much Shimo should have) i need to do the math.

But yeah i'm kinda bored of all this. I mean it was funny to just pop up all over like Twice from my favourite manga, MHA, have you read it? This guy doesn't know who is the real one he has that many versions of himself. SOOOOOO....

End this shiz, give you 3 landmarks and then figure out some income?"


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Aug 17, 2010
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Sado could tell the man wasn't listening because the first question outright ignored the stipulations put on it.

It sounds like someone can't listen, so one more time with feeling "Shimogakure cannot go to war, unofficially or officially unless directly attacked and provoked for six months. The best I'll do is four months of peace as stipulated above, four landmarks and all your colonial income up to ten-thousand colonial income as the cap off. If you were active in Tobusekai, and drew in a vast sum of colonial income this will be a drop in the bucket, if you weren't-... well you still have a debt to pay.
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Oct 22, 2009
Trait Points
Sado could tell the man wasn't listening because the first question outright ignored the stipulations put on it.

It sounds like someone can't listen, so one more time with feeling "Shimogakure cannot go to war, unofficially or officially unless directly attacked and provoked for six months. The best I'll do is four months of peace as stipulated above, four landmarks and all your colonial income up to ten-thousand colonial income as the cap off. If you were active in Tobusekai, and drew in a vast sum of colonial income this will be a drop in the bucket, if you weren't-... well you still have a debt to pay.
Magnus sighed.

And what if Shimo wanted to go to war to gain land from someone other than Tsumi? They have the right to make their own decisions about how they want to progress. Maybe they wanted to absorb clans into them through force as long as they aren't Tsumi's control. It's not a case of listening, it's a case of covering all bases for future generations.

10k isn't going to happen. The best will be 5k. The reason for this being, that if it's made apparent now that we have funds that we weren't aware of, it can go into the funding of progressing ninja (New starters etc, helping them build up), so to give it all away and leave them out to dry when they have done nothing in this conflict would be unfair to them.

3 landmarks, 4 months, 5k.


Active member
Aug 17, 2010
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Sado seemed to be just negotiating, but now he seemed like he wasn't going to budge.

You're trying to speak from a place of power, and I get that. You can't give what you don't have. 4 landmarks, 4 months, 4k.

Shimo can have clan warfare freely, but village warfare will be impossible unless attacked or provoked as stated before.

I'm not budging on those. This is the last offer. I even lowered the income, to counter the landmark.

The land is probably the most valuable asset, so Tsumigakure gets to directly pick which ones we take in.
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