[Discussion] Ace had armament haki.

Itachi Minato

Active member
Nov 7, 2011
Trait Points
The concept of reasonable doubt is gonna blow your mind.

If you don't have tangible evidence to support a statement, that statement is worthless. If you say "I have $5" and you can't prove that you have $5, then yes, there is reason to doubt that you have five dollars. This isn't a hard concept.

For one thing, this is misinformation for more than one reason.

1. It was stated that all VAs and up have Haki, not specifically Buso Haki

2. Ace's position is not comparable to any one rank in Marines because A)These are completely different organizations B) The power of VAs and Commanders on either side have been shown to fluctuate widely in strength(Garp compared to Smoker compared to Vergo)/(Marco being able to hold back Akainu while Curiel got ran over without a sweat).

So this comparison is a terrible argument.

Nope. The One Piece Magazine gave Ace's backstory from forming the Spade Pirates to joining WB. He spent a year in Paradise, and then went to the New World, fought Jinbei, joined WB, and sailed with them for two years(according to the magazine, Ace unlocked Buso before entering the NW on Sabaody).

I know that there is none.

evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
"you will be asked to give proof of your identity"
synonyms: evidence

the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.
"the study finds little evidence of overt discrimination"
synonyms: proof,

I never said Whitebeard wouldn't give Ace Haki while grooming him to become Pirate King, now did I? I said that, given the timeline that Ace was with the WB pirates(at most 2 years) and that Ray stated 2 years isn't enough time to learn the basics of Haki, there is the possibility that Ace had not yet learned even the basics, much less be as proficient as even Luffy.

You say Ace is a Logia who'd need Buso in the NW, yet you've presented nothing to refute that Ace could survive in the NW through the support of the Whitebeard Pirates who have Haki until Ace gets his own, and that WB's name would protect him from many fights. There's also that Teach stated it was some time since Ace was hit, indicating that coming across people able to hit him with Haki wasn't even something Ace encountered often.

You also mention that arrogant Logias tend to be defeated quickly in the NW. Funny how that's exactly what happened to Ace. After entering the NW, he went to find Shanks, then went looking for Whitebeard. He stalemated with Jinbei, was defeated by Whitebeard, and was soundly defeated by Whitebeard over and over and over because of his arrogance. So the thing you're saying would happen if Ace didn't use Haki? That's exactly what DID happen.


The last paragraph in the above section serves to address this as well. The very thing Luffy had to learn Haki for in order to avoid is exactly what happened to Ace.

Yes? That is how a rule with exceptions work. In order for Ace to be an exception, he has to be demonstrated to be an exception. His abilities in fighting physically doesn't automatically mean he'd be as talented as Luffy in learning Haki. In order to state Ace has the same talent in Haki, he needs to demonstrate that talent in Haki.

Show proof that Ace has the same talent in Haki then.

Nope. When it comes to manga, if you don't demonstrate feats in an ability, then it can't be said that you have it. You could assume Ace had Haki, but that wasn't even the most likely assumption based on what was shown. Sorry.

Until you show that you can jump the fence, then your claim that you can is worthless, yes.

Yes. That is how the concept of evidence works. No evidence=doubt. No evidence in a situation where it's what's needed=major doubt. If someone says to you "I can totally do a triple backflip" and you ask them to show you and they say "I don't feel like it," the most likely scenario is they are indeed lying.

Says who? You realize that this happens all the time right? Like, bullets and blades that can be fired into the body, pierce it, and not exit the other side or stop without going completely through? What kind of reach is this?

A human who's been shown to be as strong as that Fishman, yes. Did you miss where Red Hawk defeated Hody Jones but only made Doflamingo stagger when both were hit by direct contact? Human bodies can surpass Fishman bodies.

He did go through Ace's body? Did...did you miss where Akainu's arm was coming out of the other side of Ace's body and Akainu's entire arm was inside of him?

How does this matter to the topic we're debating? Ace couldn't hurt Smoker with his flames, so he'd need Haki infused blows to strike his actual body. That's as relevant as it gets. The mechanics of why Ace's fire couldn't hurt Smoker's flames doesn't have any impact on the fact that he'd need to stop using flames, and start using other attacks with Haki to bypass his Logia defense.

Ace's actual quote: "We're too evenly matched to settle this now."

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Given that he was talking in reference to their Devil Fruit powers right after their powers visibly cancelled out, the fight being pointless wasn't conjecture but fact. I was mistaken about their fight being multiple attacks, haven't read Alabasta in a while.

Haha, very smartass. In actuality, there would be no reason for Ace to doubt Teach when he announced his fruit was a Logia, especially since Ace could visibly see Teach's body turning into the Darkness and leaking it out. It's extremely common for people to announce straight up what their powers are, even deceitful enemies(Crocodile and Enel, for example). For us, it's just a vehicle of exposition, in-universe it's just something people do.

Wow, you people sometimes.

I am not talking about Haki being fully explained, I'm talking about Oda knowing what Haki will be. I'm talking about Oda knowing, in his head, in real life, what the purpose and forms of Haki will be by the time he got to Ace vs Teach. How is this hard to understand? Jesus.

To ODA, not to the AUDIENCE. In MF, it was made clear to the AUDIENCE, but ODA, prior to MF, knew, IN HIS HEAD, TO HIMSELF, how Haki would be used.

As mentioned before, Oda has shown that he's had ideas and concepts finalized years before they're implemented. Given how he's dropped signs of Haki since the first chapter, Jaya, and Skypeia, it's far more likely Haki was such a concept.

Mfw Haoshoku now is exactly the same in terms of usage as it was when Shanks used on WB's ship but okay.
Any idea where I can read the onepiece magazines backstory and the Novels?