A world without religon

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Uzamki Seerar

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Aug 1, 2011
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I often hear people say that without religon the earth would be more peaceful. I honestly cant believe people say that probably because they dont ponder on it often. Lets imagine this we where animals correct? Do animals have laws? They have social structure but they dont have laws they can just do whatever the want but will face actions ofcourse. Now imagine earth stripped of relgoun now we would live in a worser world do you know why? most athiest are brought up in the jedo-christain west , so stuff like muder and co and wrong to them. I if there is no law at the start none of these things like murder , rape ,stealing etc would be deemed wrong at all. Infact if you look at history why was mankind so bloodthirsty? At the end of the day from an athiest view religoun is incorrect hence subjective therefore without religoun they still would be bloodthirsty they just wouldnt use god as their objectivty to justify stuff but they would use sunjectivity which is much worse.

Example I steal because I worked for hours and get a small amount No one gives me a chance to get a good job due to grades or experiance or just how I may look. Therefore I steal like big cooperations becausr they dont get stop etc. Thats a justification for todays soceity imagine a world without religon we would litterally have animal insticts so like rape would be fine since she look hot I felt turned on and there we go. Please try to justify its wrong because you can its infinitely subjective only time its objecitive is from a higeher source the highest source is truth and people can say god is truth ofcourse and since god would have created truth he is the best objective source but dismiss him we live in a world of subjectivity.
Not trying to preach about god just mentioninh him.
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Dec 20, 2012
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I often hear people say that without religon the earth would be more peaceful. I honestly cant believe people say that probably because they dont ponder on it often. Lets imagine this we where animals correct? Do animals have laws? They have social structure but they dont have laws they can just do whatever the want but will face actions ofcourse. Now imagine earth stripped of relgoun now we would live in a worser world do you know why? most athiest are brought up in the jedo-christain west , so stuff like muder and co and wrong to them. I if there is no law at the start none of these things like murder , rape ,stealing etc would be deemed wrong at all. Infact if you look at history why was mankind so bloodthirsty? At the end of the day from an athiest view religoun is incorrect hence subjective therefore without religoun they still would be bloodthirsty they just wouldnt use god as their objectivty to justify stuff but they would use sunjectivity which is much worse.
People have the intelligence to develop laws without an organized religion. /thread

Uzamki Seerar

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Aug 1, 2011
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Why do you need intelligence thats subjective and also doesnt matter if it is intellegient please define it? thats litterally subjective itself a scientist is clever becausr they are good at science not all science lol just a particular subject like bilogy. They would be stupid in lets say music or maybe physical activity etc


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Dec 20, 2012
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Why do you need intelligence thats subjective and also doesnt matter if it is intellegient please define it? thats litterally subjective itself a scientist is clever becausr they are good at science not all science lol just a particular subject like bilogy. They would be stupid in lets say music or maybe physical activity etc
You're confusing Intelligence with Wisdom. Intelligence is the ability to gain Wisdom, and Wisdom is your current knowledge pool. Intelligence is the entire reason why we are able to even have laws, because we wrote them down. We have the cranial capacity to evolve the psychological morals into ethics.

Wrong all day all night.

You are too small to understand
You should probably tell me why I'm wrong instead of belittling me. The first laws were not born from religion. Have you heard of the Code of Hammurabi?


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Apr 6, 2015
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You're confusing Intelligence with Wisdom. Intelligence is the ability to gain Wisdom, and Wisdom is your current knowledge pool. Intelligence is the entire reason why we are able to even have laws, because we wrote them down.

You should probably tell me why I'm wrong instead of belittling me. The first laws were not born from religion. Have you heard of the Code of Hammurabi?
You don't know much my friend...
Please learn about religion,sorry and forgive me but if i go in detail i'll need to write a roman here and now,my knowledge about religions is big.

This is not a Religion web-site,i can't make a Roman here,i wish i'd meet you in real life and explain it in a kind/understandable way :).


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Dec 20, 2012
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You don't know anything my friend...
Please learn about religion,sorry and forgive me but if i go in detail i'll need to write a roman here and now,my knowledge about religions is big.
If you're not going to provide any evidence against my claim, then your posts are just conjecture and can be dismissed. We are in the General Discussion forum. We debate here. Debates require evidence to support your assertions, which you haven't done yet.

I have learned about religion since I was small, so I know quite a bit. We do not need religion to create laws. We are better than that.

Uzamki Seerar

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Aug 1, 2011
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Wisdom? define that also , and I think your implying we should use morals correct? if so please explain how its objective morals not subjective morals and if you think its possible to just use subjective morals then your morals are weak and bound to change you do realize that?


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Dec 20, 2012
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Wisdom? define that also , and I think your implying we should use morals correct? if so please explain how its objective morals not subjective morals and if you think its possible to just use subjective morals then your morals are weak and bound to change you do realize that?
I defined wisdom earlier. It's your current capacity of knowledge. We as humans work together in our pooled capacity of knowledge to create a system of laws that work best for us.

Laws are derived from ethics, which is derived from a more established ruleset of morals. Yes, morals are subjective issues. But no law is entirely objective. Law changes as our civilization grows, as has been recorded through history. Very few laws have been rooted to the point of not being changed for a long time. Lots of humans, for example, value The Golden Rule, thus a lot of our laws have been derived from The Golden Rule.

Uzamki Seerar

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Aug 1, 2011
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Yes but from a view point of the world not having any religoun in the first place can you be honest and say it would be worser human beings are both good and evil thing is to prevent evil we supress it with fear , most humans fear afterlife and god for example now remove this then they only fear the law which they can be creative and not get court and we would live a worser life because evil wouldnt be supreesed as much therefore it would clash and you woukd have more evil people not saying good people wouldnt exist they would be need to contend with evil people who are mostly in power now lol or are rich

Yeah and sucide rates are higher also didnt i say that most athiest are influenced from religous contries ofcourse they are going to follow that otherwise they are rebels lol
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Dec 20, 2012
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Places with higher rates of atheism have less criminality in fact. Morals and compassion don't come from religion.
Just look at the Scandinavian countries like Sweden and Finland. Take in how low their crime rate is. Take in how happy they are. And then you glance over at the religious countries like the Middle East and the USA. How much crime takes place there? How many criminals take their morals from the Bible and the Qu'Ran?

Yeah and sucide rates are higher also didnt i say that most athiest are influenced from religous contries ofcourse they are going to follow that otherwise they are rebels lol
Suicide rate has nothing to do with Law. You are getting off-topic here.

Provide evidence that Atheists are influenced from religious countries? I would figure that Atheists would be detached from religious culture (despite being more knowledgeable of religoin than the religious). How are they rebels if they do not follow religion if the country does not require that their citizens follow that religion?
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Uzamki Seerar

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Aug 1, 2011
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Thats really subjective and has no claim but ignorance, if you simply look at history most of those islamic countries where thriving and at peace you make it sound like athiesm is the answer to the world the funny thing its not athiesm its the government and its also the standards of living also they where christain no too long ago and majority are christains exactly how are they athiest? secular yes but athiest are more despressed and sucidial like in japan where sucide rate is high its pretty much a athiest county but what about china a athiest governemnt? are they nice?


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Dec 20, 2012
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Thats really subjective and has no claim but ignorance, if you simply look at history most of those islamic countries where thriving and at peace you make it sound like athiesm is the answer to the world the funny thing its not athiesm its the government and its also the standards of living also they where christain no too long ago and majority are christains exactly how are they athiest? secular yes but athiest are more despressed and sucidial like in japan where sucide rate is high its pretty much a athiest county but what about china a athiest governemnt? are they nice?
Why is my crime rate claim "subjective ignorance"? These are pure statistics, my friend.

Why are the middle eastern countries not thriving anymore? Something like Sharia Law, a code of ethics derived from a religious book. So in essence, you have provided evidence that religion detriments citizens of the country following it.

Thank you for Back-Peddling and saying "it's not atheism, it's the government"! Now we all agree that it's in the government's power of Law making that establishes the standard of living of the citizens, not religion! I knew we'd understand each other in the end :)

Where did I say those Christians were Atheist? If they're Christians, they're not Atheists :lmao:

China is not an Atheist government. They follow the tenents of Buddhism, Shintoism, Daoism, et cetera.

Again, suicide rates are not part of the topic of this conversation. Discussing suicide is off-topic.

This thread is so much bullshit, sigh.
If people really need the help of a book to be a good person inside, they are more messed up than I gave them credit for :lmao:
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Uzamki Seerar

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Aug 1, 2011
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Not religoun I said culture , and there are no real athiest countries in the first place and even if they are they influenced you think stuff like murder is exclusive to athiests? only thing they do is add more stuff or remove stuff they dont find wrong like homosexuality , also you was saying that look at the middle east and so i brought out sucide rates to counter and even china lol and now im off topic? your a product of society so is athiest true athiesm doesnt exist and are not the same unless they copy each other athiesm is most do what the heck you want so you can say for example hitler was evil

you dont understand me , why are we even looking at this from todays world i was talking about from the start of the earth without religoun why are we discussing a world with religoun? discuss the world would be like if it was totally athiestic from the start
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Active member
Dec 20, 2012
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Not religoun I said culture , and there are no real athiest countries in the first place and even if they are they influenced you think stuff like murder is exclusive to athiests? only thing they do is add more stuff or remove stuff they dont find wrong like homosexuality , also you was saying that look at the middle east and so i brought out sucide rates to counter and even china lol and now im off topic? your a product of society so is athiest true athiesm doesnt exist and are not the same unless they copy each other athiesm is most do what the heck you want so you can say for example hitler was evil
1. You did not say the word Culture in any of your posts.

2. No 100% Atheist countries does not detach from how you do not need religion to make laws, which is the crux of this topic. Do you even know your own thread's topic?

3. Adding and removing issues is how law evolves. All countries do this. Nice nod to homosexuality, trying to paint Atheists in an evil light? ;)

4. Yes, you were off-topic for even mentioning Suicide rates. I mentioned the Middle East because it was relevant to discussion. Their code of laws are based off religion, and their citizens are doing swimmingly because of that (read: they are miserable).

5. True atheism exists. True Atheism = lack of belief in a god or gods. Partial Atheism has another term, which is Agnostic Atheist = "I don't know if there is a god, but I'm leaning towards there not being a god".

6. I have no idea what you are saying here, your English is terrible: " and are not the same unless they copy each other athiesm is most do"

7. Please for the love of Allah, work on your English. It is mortifying.

you dont understand me , why are we even looking at this from todays world i was talking about from the start of the earth without religoun why are we discussing a world with religoun? discuss the world would be like if it was totally athiestic from the start
YOUR THREAD TITLE IS "A WORLD WITHOUT RELIGION"! My sides are in orbit. Someone give me oxygen. I can't breathe.

If the world was Atheist from the start, we would derive laws by our own code of conduct. The morals of man. These morals would be shared by the populace, who would then develop a system of laws where the majority of citizens would be content with. As the citizens would get better with Philosophy, the system of laws will change and get better. The people who would not follow the system of laws would be chastised and corrected.
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Glad Of War

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Apr 19, 2014
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Why is my crime rate claim "subjective ignorance"? These are pure statistics, my friend.

Why are the middle eastern countries not thriving anymore? Something like Sharia Law, a code of ethics derived from a religious book. So in essence, you have provided evidence that religion detriments citizens of the country following it.

Thank you for Back-Peddling and saying "it's not atheism, it's the government"! Now we all agree that it's in the government's power of Law making that establishes the standard of living of the citizens, not religion! I knew we'd understand each other in the end :)

Where did I say those Christians were Atheist? If they're Christians, they're not Atheists :lmao:

China is not an Atheist government. They follow the tenents of Buddhism, Shintoism, Daoism, et cetera.

Again, suicide rates are not part of the topic of this conversation. Discussing suicide is off-topic.

If people really need the help of a book to be a good person inside, they are more messed up than I gave them credit for :lmao:
Actually without those book, the Human race would had probably gone on extinction. The irony aspect about Religion is that, it instigated laws that help govern our societies even till now. Imagine if Religion had never existed, The world would had been in borderline chaos. For example, the ten commandments of the Bible states; Thou shall not steal. Now imagine this had never been introduced or implemented for some +3000 years prior. Everyone would had steal their ass off simply because stealing wouldn't had been portrayed as a crime.
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