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  1. ringleader

    [Discussion] One Piece 591

    Rayleigh is awesome SNM
  2. ringleader

    Pandaman Hide-and-Seek Official Thread

    Re: ∞ Pandaman Hide-and-Seek Official Thread ∞ Chapter 588 - Page 5 1st Panel all the way on the left
  3. ringleader

    Post your Internet speed

    my dl speed has doubled from when i made this thread which is weird cos i still have the same package
  4. ringleader

    One Piece 579 is out

    enjoy and discuss it here.
  5. ringleader


    has this got any connection with this site
  6. ringleader

    What is 'One Piece' ???

  7. ringleader

    My One Piece Review on MAL

    btw mal is myanimelist for those who don't know
  8. ringleader

    If you could switch places with any Naruto Character witch would it be?

    i would switch with itachi,naruto or yondaime naruto mostly
  9. ringleader

    madara vs nidime ?

    madara obviously
  10. ringleader

    If your going to choose 3 characters? Who would it be??

    itachi uchiha (sharingan) hashirama senju (wood element) can also control kyuubi naruto uzumaki (sage & kyuubi)
  11. ringleader

    Can Sakura really kill Sasuke?

    sakura could never beat sasuke in a fight c'mon sasuke can take on two kages. sasuke will annihilate sakura in a fight
  12. ringleader

    Who's your favorite Hokage?

    my favourite hokage is the first hokage because he was the strongest and he pwned madara and the nine tails
  13. ringleader

    If Naruto formed a Rasengan with your favorite Naruto/Othr character who would it be

    naruto should do it with luffy and it would become giganto rasengan
  14. ringleader

    Windows xp not shutting down...

    can anyone help me when i shutdown my computer it just stays on the screen saying "windows is shutting down" and after say like 5 hours it will still say this reps to any1 who solves
  15. ringleader


    since yondaime would be alive i think he'll grow up to be a strong ninja because yondaime will teach him alot.
  16. ringleader

    One Piece 423 - UTSF

    Online SD HD
  17. ringleader

    Zoro vs Kuma Shishi-Sonson by Ringleader

    drew this recently so i thought i might aswell enter it into the comp
  18. ringleader

    Anime OST's Collection: Naruto Bleach and more to come

    Anime OST's Mega Collection: Naruto Bleach One Piece and more! UPDATED Naruto Original Soundtrack 1 Naruto Original Soundtrack 2 Naruto Original Soundtrack 3 Naruto Shippuden Original Soundtrack 1 Bleach Original Soundtrack 1 Bleach Original Soundtrack 2 Bleach Original...
  19. ringleader

    [Discussion] Moon's Eye Plan is Flawed?

    the moon is in the sky at night therefore the genjutsu will only work at night also if the SO6P wanted peace in the world why did he leave a tablet telling ppl his secrets and making only uchiha and rinnegan users decode it?