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  1. sharingan7

    Am I the only one who thinks Naruto isn't dead? Lmao

    It's Naruto... Like cmon, he isn't dead lmao. And Kawaki never specifically says Naruto is dead. He only says that he will send Boruto with his father.... Meaning he could be in another dimension. Those dimensional powers could somehow be linked to his tats or something.... Idk I just won't...
  2. sharingan7

    Fairy Tale or Naruto

    Should I watch Fairy Tale or rewatch Naruto shippuden from episode one? If I watch Naruto I figure by the time I catch up this stupid filler might be done, but I sortve wanna continue fairy tale because I like the story. Only thing holding me back from fairy tale are the fight scenes... I've...
  3. sharingan7

    Anime suggestions please????

    Finished catching up with one piece and I want to say thanks to everyone here. A while back I made a thread on how i was giving up on it and you guys told me to stick with it... And i ended up loving it! Law and Zoro are beasts! But now i need a new anime. I would Prefer something dark, i loved...
  4. sharingan7

    Is Chakra and Ki the same thing? If so is it possible that Uchiha and people with rin

    If they are the same is it possible that people with rinnegan ( Sasuke, Madara, Nagato, Hogoromo ) uchiha ( itachi, obito, shisui ) and skilled Hyuga fight Dragon ball Z characters?. Blocking or absorbing the ki of a dbz character is a big hitter. And if chakra and ki are similar that makes dbz...
  5. sharingan7

    Naruto Gaiden Sasuke

    Kishi continuously nerfs him.... I mean even if shin is a new enemy with all those sharingan, sasuke should've soloed him and put An end to this by now. We all know how strong he was when he first got the rinnegan right? Now he's had about 7 or 8 years to master it. Hopefully he doesn't get...
  6. sharingan7

    The Hooded man is..

    SHISUI! What other uchiha could be mad about itachi's death? And not only that but he looks as though his eyes were implanted so maybe he got a hold of obitos sharingan collection and got some new eyes. I Called it first so Everyone remember this. I honestly think I'm right. It is a logical...
  7. sharingan7

    Who is the Hooded man?

    Possibilities are endless but i don't think it's orochimaru....maybe escaped uchiha experiments? I mean oro probably found the spare eyes which have the DNA from the user so maybe They are clones....i mean honestly who can be angry at itachi's death besides an Uchiha?the only one i can think of...
  8. sharingan7

    ANYBODY?? please

    Does anybody have ps3 and is willing to game share one piece pirate warriors 2? I just started watching one piece and i really like it but the game seems a bit "iffy" so i would like to try that one before i decide to get pirate warriors 3 My gamertag is zaegotswagg1321 (don't judge me, made it...
  9. sharingan7

    [Discussion] Bankai

    What do you guys think Kyoroku's bankai is? Not only him, don't forget shuhei had bankai training aswell. Also i would greatly appreciate it if we saw Kisuke and Shinji Bankai before the manga ended. That and Kenpachis shikai true power, He never really got to use it. PS i don't think the final...
  10. sharingan7

    Anime that need next gen video games?

    Hunter x Hunter (made in naruto format by cc2) Bleach (made in xenoverse format by DIMS) These 2would be awesome! I wouldn't mind a fairy tale game too! That bleach game needs to happen though, imagine that.
  11. sharingan7

    do you guys think the Bleach anime will ever return?

    It should, i understand the ratings went down but people don't really know what they have until it's gone ya'know? I think people would be excited and in the trailer or promo for the new season they show Yamamoto using his bankai and ichigo new shikai to get people hyped
  12. sharingan7

    Characters that could've been very strong if they lived

    When i think of this i immediately think of haku and kimmimaro. Haku- kekkei Genkai of ice and incredibly skilled. He was fast, clever and relentless. Had he lived and kept training he would be stronger than Konoha 11 (aside from Naruto and sasuke) Kimmimaro- bone kekkei Genkai - outstanding...
  13. sharingan7

    what exactly is limbo

    is limbo a Rinnegan technique or is it Madara technique? if it's a rinnegan technique I wonder if Sasuke can use it. I really want to see Sasuke use his full potential and I wonder is Kishi will make a movie showing that, when sasukes the main character. and if he does who will be the main...
  14. sharingan7

    What level is sasuke on now?

    Logically he should be on an entirely new level. Having the time to master his rinne techniques and control his eye, He could possibly do everything nagato did. Plus he still has sharingan techniques and rikudo chakra aswell. Sasuke should be the strongest character in NV THAT'S ALIVE based on...
  15. sharingan7

    how will storm 4 be done?

    I mean really how can you put 8 gate guy, kaguya, New madara Naruto and sasuke, and DMS Kakashi on the game without nerfing the hell out of them? Especially kaguya, she might as well not even be playable her moveset will be impossible to create. She can't be a close range fighter and if she's...
  16. sharingan7

    one piece/toriko

    Any movie suggestions for either?
  17. sharingan7

    Naruto game movesets

    Does anybody here play the Naruto game? If so who do you think deserves a new moveset?(up to date with anime) Me personally Obito Tobirama(self explanatory if you got the game) Hanzo( his moveset doesn't reflect the man that beat the 3sannin with ease) Sasuke(could be much better) Naruto( could...
  18. sharingan7

    Prime minato

    I need somebody to pinpoint exactly where his prime is.(not edo) He has been shown to use senjutsu while Edo but that's an asspull anyway. If he knew senjutsu already why not use it against obito? He's either really bad at it or only uses it as a last choice. If you can say prime minato is when...
  19. sharingan7

    totsuka and yata vs gouudama (black orbs)

    Which has better defensive priorities the black orbs or yata? And can black orbs block Totsuka blade like it can block ninjutsu?
  20. sharingan7

    strongest new gokage? (can't pick Naruto)

    I think Darui. He already was strong and had black lightning and if he's gotten stronger and has reached Ay level speed he's probably gonna be the best raikage. He looks like he can match Ay in strength BTW wonder if onoki granddaughter can use particle style, hmmmmmm