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  1. Shinobi Train

    Teen boasts about hit & run

    Who cares about the cyclist, that girl needs an education about the tax laws in her country...I mean seriously. If you just really can't tell, I'm being facetious.
  2. Shinobi Train

    Evolution = Existentialism

    Yep, I went ahead and said it just so everyone could see it. How do I arrive at this conclusion? It happens when Evolutionists try to explain how the universe came from nothing. It immediately goes from making sense, to pure, unadulterated existentialism.
  3. Shinobi Train

    Riddles In the Fade: What Am I?

    I command all, yet I'm despised All love me, yet I'm hated In compromise I conquer, In war or peace I am traded. What am I?
  4. Shinobi Train

    [Mystery] Can you figure this one out?

    I wrote this just a moment ago, none of this is stolen, I promise. ^_^ I wrote this to mean something in particular, I'm wondering if anyone can figure it out. The first part is indeed a reference to myself, the rest is about something else entirely, both are connected to a degree. Only one...
  5. Shinobi Train

    [Debate] Natural remedies vs pharmaceuticals

    We seem to think of ourselves as enlightened, yet we ignore the obvious. I just wanted to open with that statement before I present my case. Maybe "we" (humanity) don't see ourselves as enlightened, but we do think that we're progressing towards it. Medicine is one of those areas we view as...
  6. Shinobi Train

    Marine credited with catching fleeing robber

    The uniform alone was probably enough to make the guy give up. ^_^ Finding out what branch he was simply sealed away any resolve to escape. lol
  7. Shinobi Train

    Marine credited with catching fleeing robber

    Rofl Wow, Knaggs must have forgotten his lucky charm that day. A marine of all things...not just a regular army guy or something, a marine...rofl I actually feel sorry for him now kinda'. ^_^
  8. Shinobi Train

    Interesting story about a race reversal situation

    Okay, so I had a hard time naming the thread, give me some slack, I didn't have a clue what to call it. ^_^ My brother (we're white) and I were working late at our retail store as always, when these two white dudes walked in at around 7:30 p.m. (it's night). One of them had turrets though...
  9. Shinobi Train

    Is it truly a crime to only play one song from Legend?

    So, if you only play one song from Legend and not the entire album, is it really a sin to Bob Marley enthusiasts? I know, this doesn't seem like a serious question, but in a way it is. My brother and I are also having a slight dispute on this, so answers will help in the battle. xd
  10. Shinobi Train

    How marijuana changed my life.

    I'm not exactly sure why I'm making this thread, I'm thinking too much and it's my way of getting thoughts out of my head I guess. I'm not even supposed to be awake right now. O_o Maybe I should stop babbling though. I wanted to tell my tale about growing up and becoming the person I am...
  11. Shinobi Train

    The Last Job (part 1 of 3): About Bloody Time

    This is a short story I'm writing to help with my main work which I'm stuck on right now. >.> This is really just a confidence building exercise. It's been a while since I've completed a story of any kind, and doing something small will help a lot. I hope you all like it of course, and I...
  12. Shinobi Train

    Pick which short I should write

    Shouldn't readers get to choose sometimes? I'm thinking about making a short, just to write something in hopes that it inspires me to get back to work on my book. ^_^ The three stories I'm thinking about doing are: 1. An epic battle that is fought for the freedom of a nation gripped in...
  13. Shinobi Train

    You can tell me, I promise I'll listen

    Do you ever spend time thinking to yourself, maybe at night? If you know you're really alone and no one is around, you might even whisper out a conversation that you're planning to have with someone important the next day. As a writer I do a lot of vocal stuff to play out conversations between...
  14. Shinobi Train

    Hypothetical hostage solutions.

    Okay, I just can't help myself. I want some solutions for safely (and for fun, even brutally) getting out of a hostage situation. This could be you, someone else that you're helping or just any situation you want to create, but here's one to solve for those that would rather not come up with...
  15. Shinobi Train

    US Church release Priest abuse file

    :rofl: Priests: "lets ban the right for us to marry." Sheep: "You're so wise." Priests: "Now, would you like to donate a little a boy?"
  16. Shinobi Train

    A tip on debating

    Let's say we have two people, the only two people in all the world, and one of them is color blind. Now let's imagine that they're arguing over the color of something, one says it's red and the other says it's blue. Both think they're right, both are technically right because that's what they...
  17. Shinobi Train

    Exactly how bad are cigarettes?

    So it's a given that smoking anything is not exactly healthy, and cigarettes are obviously bad. Now that I've stated this unnecessarily, what if we took this scenario. Say someone only smoked 1-2 packs a week, can that really be so bad? O_o
  18. Shinobi Train

    North Korea targeting USA

    Calm yourself, padawan...there is nothing that can be done. xd You see, it's all about appearances.
  19. Shinobi Train

    North Korea targeting USA

    I have come for Germanicus' post... My opinion is that this information can, could and probably has been misinterpreted several times even before it got to anybody, let alone the twist that people like to put on things themselves. Chances are everything's fine and this is nothing, like a...
  20. Shinobi Train

    Humboldt County

    I've really been freaking out about this movie. I watched it last night and it really affected me. Partially because I've experienced most of the things in the movie, but also because it's something everyone should watch for its truth. I was able to relive those experiences again through this...