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  1. S

    is oro cooking some shit up

    oro can turn out to be slimy snake if he goes their and changes sides.he probably is saying that he is supporting the four hokage so that he can save his ass coz first who is not under his control can kill him then and there.But if he goes their and then changes side then he will be under...
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    sort of a view about oro

    oro can turn out to be slimy snake if he goes their and changes sides.he probably is saying that he is supporting the four hokage so that he can save his ass coz first who is not under his control can kill him then and there.But if he goes their and then changes side then he will be under...
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    who will win the{ SLAP THE S**T OUT OF YOU} contest

    hashirama summon vs the jubbi what a fight that will be
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    [Predictions] The truth about izuna uchiha

    By the reaction of madara when hashirama comments about his brother it makes me wonder that hasirama had something to do with izunas death and that madara really loved his brother. Thus to avenge his broters death he took his eyes to obtain his eternal mangekyo sharingan and then went on to...
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    [Discussion] who is the third person in the last page of manga

    In the bottom left side of the manga there is a silhoutte of a person next to madara who is it is he izuna or what
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    who is a better shinobi itachi or hasirama

    Hashirama is a more powerful shinobi than itachi its evident but in terms of contribution towards konaha i think itachi is a better shinobi and when hashirama said it he may be saying it truly and not just a casual statement WHAT DO YOU YHINK
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    chidori vs rasengan

    By current events one one can say that the fourth great shinobi war is going to end in next few months so naruto and sasuke are the going to have their final fight so i have one doubt when chidori goes against rasengan As stated earlier by yamato wind chakra is superior to lighting[thunder]...
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    is hashirrama and tobirama combination like goku and vegeta

    what do you think
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    three questions actually 1}is jiraya going to be the one reanimated by the last jetsu 2}could jiraya have defeated pain if he knew all the secrets of pain like naruto 3}is jiraya stronger or orachimaru coz orachima had himself claimed he is weaker than all the member of akatskui and in...
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    who is going to be the final villian of naruto

    orachimoru madara obito saasuke
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    madara vs senju

    can the current madara beat senju