Recent content by shon93

  1. shon93

    [Discussion] Will the events unfold in this order

    Gear 4th>Zou>Revolutionary Army>Whole Cake or not
  2. shon93

    One Piece 'Ask a Question' Thread

    Can logias manipulate the element of their type that's not produced from their body. Example: Would Akainu be able to manipulate magma from a volcanoe
  3. shon93

    [Discussion] Would this be a dope awakening for Kuma? Idea 1: Ursus Mine When Kuma makes Ursus Shock the prep time is long and its expands of its own when he lets it go. My idea is that he would be able to control the compression and expansion of his air bubbles. Imagine 10 or 20 Ursus Shocks set up...
  4. shon93

    [Discussion] Do the Yami Yami work against non DF users?

    Obviously the disabling aspect of the yami yami cant work vs a non df users when he touches them. But can he suck non DF users to him like he does with devil fruit users
  5. shon93

    [Question] Trick Question: Who is more crueler Kaido or Big Mom?

    Who yall got and why
  6. shon93

    [Theory] Jack The Drought Full Power(Breakdown)

    Most Useful Parts of A Mammoth 1.)Trunk 2.)Tusk My theory will be heavily based off these 2 attributes alone and then I will add them together with the natural physical strength of Zoans Why is Jack epithet "The Drought"? In my opinion and the most obvious explanation there is it involves...
  7. shon93

    [Discussion] Two more underworld brokers revealed in past chapters

    Is this an accurate match of these 2 brokers
  8. shon93

    [Theory] Species and Tribes mating to make hybrids(Full Breakdown)

    I will explain how Oda is continuing to push the limits of his the creatures and tribes he put into his series by them mating to create a hybrid. Enjoy Slave Auction List So far we have only seen people possessing one trait from one tribe but never both at the same time or even three...
  9. shon93

    [Discussion] How to predict who will win fights in OP(Hype 101)BB vs Dragon

    The way the OP world works in a battle sense is all about "Hype". Oda builds up a character hype through connections, feats, lineage. But the thing about hype is it only takes one loss or bad showing to be taken from one character and given to another. I'll explain how Oda decides who wins and...
  10. shon93

    [Discussion] Monkey D Dragon has NW brokers in his army

    Is this the same person. Both are smoking cigars in the pic
  11. shon93

    [Discussion] Where does an awakened wind logia rank among all DFs andindividual logias

    I am a firm believer of Monkey D Dragon having no DF and just haki. But what if he had a wind DF where would it rank among all DFs. And where would rank among logias by itself as a DF. I'll give you an idea of how it will be used Top 3 in speed- Winds move at 300 mphs so that instantly puts a...
  12. shon93

    [Discussion] Worlds Strongest Man/Creature/Swordsman Title Context

    Me and my friend had a discussion the World's Strongest title and this was basically it Him: Worlds Strongest in OP referes solely to the best physical attributes among characters. Example: WB literally had the best physical attributes among all men Me: Worlds Strongest in OP refers to overall...
  13. shon93

    [Question] Who in the verse has the offensive firepower to drop Kaido?

    It's obvious Kaido has the strongest durability buy I want to know characters that can drop Kaido is really really injure him in the verse
  14. shon93

    [Discussion] 2 Of The Strongest Vice Admirals Confirmed By Oda

    Whiles I was researching for a big theory of mines I discovered something I would like to share with you guys in an Sbs(some might already know) SBS 74 and 75 During the selection for admirals 4...