Recent content by Dr Strangelove

  1. Dr Strangelove

    [Discussion] Rank The Current Players in Dressrosa~

    In terms of strength how would you rank the current main characters on Dressrosa atm? Just a thought that came to me, like to see how peoples opinions differ on the matter. Will edit with mine in a mo. My opinion- 1. Issho 2. Sabo 3. Doflamingo 4. Luffy 5. Law 6. Chinjao 7. Zoro 8. Kyros 9...
  2. Dr Strangelove

    [Discussion] Usopp vs Bartolomeo

    Who wins? Just want to see peoples thoughts on this.
  3. Dr Strangelove

    Bizarre sexting case

    Was this in America by any chance? O_o
  4. Dr Strangelove

    [Discussion] Sengoku vs Shanks

    This is old age Sengoku, you think he can take on Shanks? Seen f*ck all from both, so pretty much hype. Just a thought that popped into my head.
  5. Dr Strangelove

    [Spoilers] Interesting News Article

    No idea if anyone has seen this yet, but today I found a really interesting article which came out yesterday. Involves Dragon being the former Admiral Shiroryu (spelling) here ya all go: Not sure about it's...
  6. Dr Strangelove

    [Discussion] Who do you think is stronger, Dragon or Garp?

    Simple question, do you think that Dragon has surpassed his father, Garp? Or do you still think he has some catching up to do. Talking about current Garp btw, not prime one.
  7. Dr Strangelove

    [Discussion] Bellamy at the royal palace?

    You think Bellamy is at the royal palace? If so next chapter or so will probably be dialogue between Bellamy and Doflamingo till Luffy and Law show up.
  8. Dr Strangelove

    [Discussion] Do you think Marineford will ever be sunk?

    Do you think Marineford will ever be busted? Will anyone pull of what both Shiki and Newgate got so close to doing?
  9. Dr Strangelove

    [Discussion] Kaido as strong as Marineford Newgate?

    Do you think Kaido will be stronger, around the same, or weaker than Marineford Newgate? Just wondering ^_^
  10. Dr Strangelove

    [Theory] Dressrosa's Weapons

    We've heard twice now people wanting to stop the trade of these ''weapons'' from Dressrosa in this arc. No idea if anybody has thought up of this yet but do you think those weapons that the Revolutionaries sent Sabo, Koala and Hack to get are the same ones that that Kanokuni sent Chinjao, Sai...
  11. Dr Strangelove

    [Discussion] Do you think Mikasa could take down Eren in his titan form?

    So, do you? I mean if it was just those two and no titans around so Eren can't use his coordinate control thing.
  12. Dr Strangelove

    One Piece Anime Filler Episodes Guide

    Nice work bro ;)
  13. Dr Strangelove

    [Discussion] Teach or Kaido

    Which one do you think is currently stronger once both have been introduced? Kaido has had a ton of hype but can he really take on both the YYnM and the GGnM?
  14. Dr Strangelove

    [Discussion] Shanks vs Newgate

    So, iv heard a few people say they think Shanks was actually stronger than Newgate back at MF. What are your thoughts on this? Who would win between MF Newgate and MF Shanks. (Bare in mind this is when Newgate first showed up so no injuries whatsoever apart from his ''illness'')
  15. Dr Strangelove

    [Discussion] Favourite One Piece Arc

    Ik this thread is very popular in this section btu haven't seen one from a while and wanted to see what everyone's opinions are now that we are reaching the end of a new arc. Vote for your favourite in the poll ;) Thanks!!