Recent content by Aether

  1. Aether

    [Predictions] Naruto Chapter 674 : Extremes Clashing !

    I'm not sure that this will happen. However, this is very entertaining. I loved it from start to finish! *Kudos*
  2. Aether

    [Predictions] Naruto 640: Arrival of the Gokage!

    Yes! One of the best predictions I have read in a long time. You really got a good laugh out of me when you had Naruto acting goofy. Legit!
  3. Aether

    [Predictions] Chapter 639: The Dream World??

    What this person said, I totally agree with. It would be kind of awesome- but I don't see this happening.
  4. Aether

    [Predictions] Naruto 639 Prediction

    Totally badass! This is legit!
  5. Aether

    [Predictions] Naruto Manga 639: "United Force"

    Good prediction. You should make one every week.
  6. Aether

    [Predictions] Naruto 639 Prediction: A New Ally (By Hoonaninator)

    The reasoning behind Madara wanting to help, and the response to him offering is both realistic and what I can see happening. Does the Rasengan actually affect Obito at this point? That is my only critique. Why wouldn't Madara want to help? He has his own plans and has a superiority complex...
  7. Aether

    [Predictions] Naruto 639 predictions power of the juubis jinchuriki

    One of the better predictions I've read today. Good stuff!
  8. Aether

    [Predictions] Naruto 638: Horsemen ( PICS BABY) [Ny : Onimusha Madara]

    I like where you went with this. It was creative and I wouldn't be disappointed if I saw something similar to this next week. Kudos!
  9. Aether

    [Predictions] Naruto Manga 638: "Achieved"

    This is one of the best predictions I've read today. Kudos.
  10. Aether

    [Predictions] Naruto 638

    Am I the only person who doesn't think the Sage of Six Paths needs to be the hero?
  11. Aether

    [Predictions] Naruto Manga Chapter 638 Prediction - A NEW REALITY !

    Good prediction. The Totsuka blade reference was an awesome part of your plot.