Custom Element Jutsu Submission

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Aug 18, 2010
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CE Approval:

(Taiyofuuton: Shiriusu) Solar Wind Release: Sirius
Type: Offensive
Rank: F – Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 50 (- 10 per turn)
Damage: 90 (-20 to user)
Description: Sirius has been described as one of if not the most powerful Solar Wind Techniques to be crafted. After weaving four hand seals; the user will immediately be kneading their Solar Wind energy into the surroundings. This will cause a dome of emerald green energy to form; trapping the enemy but also the user within the confines of the dome. The target is quite literally within a time bomb – as the more the dome remains active, the more heat it absorbs from the surroundings to increase in power. This in turn causes anyone but the user within it to start to become dehydrated swiftly, as their mental focus becomes strained and unable to utilize more than two techniques per turn or techniques that require more than two hand seals without fumbling them. As mentioned, the more the dome remains the more power it gains over time, starting at 90 DMG while gaining +10 DMG per turn, though this can only gain a total of +30 altogether. Once the user desires it or at the start of the final turn, the dome itself will explode, crafting a green fiery explosion. Like mentioned, the user is immune to their own DMG and affects from Solar Wind but due to the nature of the technique and how taxing it is to remain active, it hurts them to an extent. Due to the overtaxing nature of the element; the user will sustain 20 DMG to their body upon activation while taking another -5 per turn the technique remains in effect. The dome can only remain active for four turns, starting at 90 DMG then every other turn increases by +10 DMG. While in effect, the user will be unable to mold chakra for any other elements other than Solar Wind and its sub elements (Fire, Wind and Lightning) though these cannot be used above A rank either but is capable of utilizing non elemental techniques up to A rank as well. Activating the explosion requires a move slot to be utilized except on the first turn of activation; counting as one move slot. Once the explosion is triggered, the user is incapable of utilizing B rank and above Solar Wind Techniques for three turns after use. This technique can only be used once per battle, while also the user’s eyes and body will glow a bright emerald green color and the ground would lightly turn into lava though these are more for cosmetic affect.

Declined: The onset of the debilitating effects won't take hold on the enemy in the same turn they're initially trapped, or at least they won't be as severe. This technique won't stay active for more than three turns either, exploding at the start of the final turn. Activating the detonation, prematurely or not, will take a separate move slot.

(Taiyofuuton: Shiriusu) Solar Wind Release: Sirius
Type: Offensive
Rank: F – Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 50 (- 10 per turn)
Damage: 90 (-20 to user)
Description: Sirius has been described as one of if not the most powerful Solar Wind Techniques to be crafted. After weaving four hand seals; the user will immediately be kneading their Solar Wind energy into the surroundings. This will cause a dome of emerald green energy to form; trapping the enemy but also the user within the confines of the dome. The target is quite literally within a time bomb – as the more the dome remains active, the more heat it absorbs from the surroundings to increase in power. This in turn causes anyone but the user within it to start to become dehydrated swiftly, as their mental focus becomes strained and unable to utilize more than two techniques per turn or techniques that require more than two hand seals without fumbling them (effects starting in the second turn, last two turns should contact with the Solar Wind is removed). As mentioned, the more the dome remains the more power it gains over time, starting at 90 DMG while gaining +10 DMG per turn, though this can only gain a total of +30 altogether. Once the user desires it or at the start of the final turn, the dome itself will explode, crafting a green fiery explosion. Like mentioned, the user is immune to their own DMG and affects from Solar Wind but due to the nature of the technique and how taxing it is to remain active, it hurts them to an extent. Due to the overtaxing nature of the element; the user will sustain 20 DMG to their body upon activation while taking another -5 per turn the technique remains in effect. The dome can only remain active for three turns, starting at 90 DMG then every turn increases by +10 DMG (starting at the end of the initial turn). While in effect, the user will be unable to mold chakra for any other elements other than Solar Wind and its sub elements (Fire, Wind and Lightning) though these cannot be used above A rank either but is capable of utilizing non elemental techniques up to A rank as well. Activating the explosion(whether prematurely or not) requires a move slot to be utilized except on the first turn of activation; counting as one move slot if triggered immediately. Once the explosion is triggered, the user is incapable of utilizing B rank and above Solar Wind Techniques for three turns after use. This technique can only be used once per battle, while also the user’s eyes and body will glow a bright emerald green color and the ground would lightly turn into lava though these are more for cosmetic affect.

Declined: How are you immune to the effects of your own technique? Rein back the miscellaneous effects too, they're a little strong as they are now. They'll only last for the remainder of the turn where the target removes themselves from it.

New Submission:

Updating [Solar Wind: Solar Panel Collapsing Roof]:

(Taiyofuuton Fuinjutsu: Mimoza) Solar Wind Release/Sealing Technique: Mimosa
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Rank: S Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40/70
Damage: N/A
Description: Mimosa is a unique combination technique utilizing Solar Wind Release and Fuinjutsu in conjunction with another. Upon making three hand seals – an immediate barrier composed of solar wind and fuinjutsu script forms. The script itself is labeled “Solar Flare”; in which it’s quite literal in its purpose to come. Once an opposing technique comes into direct contact with the barrier, the script would trigger in response as it forcefully absorbs the opposing technique into it. However, once it does this; the script acts as a “cleanser” and “converter”, immediately clearing out the opponent’s chakra and converting it into Solar Wind itself. Afterwards, the chakra is then rereleased outwards back in the general direction in which it came from or of the user’s choice. This blast of solar wind is proportional to the original technique’s range, carrying the same base damage (according to the rank absorbed) while moving at the speed of an S Rank Wind Technique. This technique can only be used twice per battle, going on cooldown for three turns after use. The user cannot utilize Solar Wind nor Fuinjutsu up above A rank in the same and next turn after use as well. The barrier covers a range of five meters all around the user; which the absorbing is based on neutral chakra interactions initially, while being able to absorb up to 70 chakra (requires Adv. Fuinjutsu) or 40 (if one lacks Adv. Fuinjutsu).

Declined: This will function based on the S&W of the CE, and it needs a duration.

Updating Taiyofuton: Kaze Chaimu [Solar Wind: Wind Chimes] :

(Taiyofuuton: Aruto Ria) Solar Wind Release: Altria
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Rank: C/B Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 15/20
Damage: N/A
Description: Altria is a basic evasive/defensive technique utilized with Solar Wind. Through precise yet small bursts of Solar Wind into the soles of the user’s feet, they are capable of constantly releasing these small localized bursts. As they do, it would allow elevation so to speak, as though the user is walking on the wind itself but in reality, it is strictly releasing bursts of the energy. This can be used to travel across places without the need of touching the ground while remaining high in the air or at lower elevations if desired. While this is done, the user moves at their current speed due to it essentially being a combination of physical and chakra movement. However, there is an advanced version of this technique, utilized with a single hand seal. Upon the hand seal being made, the user is capable of releasing a similar burst of Solar Wind but rather than just their feet, it’s from their entire body. The burst of chakra would propel the user into the opposite direction (i.e making the burst directed to the user’s left will propel them right) at speeds equal to twice their base speed. This would create a quick form of evasion, allowing the user to avoid techniques easily though it should be noted that it doesn’t do well against techniques of wide scale. The user has control as to how far they travel in the opposite direction but can only move up to ten meters away. The C rank application is done passively without the cost of a move though requires – 5 chakra per turn in order to sustain the movement while the B rank application can be used four times per battle, once per turn and goes on a cool down of two turns after use.

Declined: The C-Rank usage of this technique is hilariously superior to the B-Rank variant, for obvious reasons. Your wording for it is slightly contradictory, but I see what you're going for. It's not gonna move you at your current speed, nor will it be passive.
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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
Trait Points
Submission from here:

Changes bolded.

(Sōruiton/In'ton ♦ Tsutsuji ) – Algae Release/Yin Release ♦ Tubineus Azureus
Type: Offensive/ Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 70
Damage points: 100
Description: Tubineus Azureus is a potent technique that combines the mentally and spiritually subversive effects of Yin with Algae used as a medium to subject targets’ brains to intense amounts of abnormal neural activity. The technique is fundamentally based on the dispersion of algal material that is spiritual in nature. Using the user’s body, existing sources of algae or even the very ground Tubineus Azureus is an eruption of suitable algae into the surrounding area; sludge, seaweed, spores and other particulate matter or a combination hereof as deemed appropriate, though the eruption is optional if enough algal material is already present. The algae of Tubineus Azureus will possess the necessary biochemical processes for generating light energy. Albeit, the usage of chakra and inclusion of Yin will alter the light energy radiated by Tubineus Azureus to a point that, at a baseline, its product is almost reflective with a luminous sheen of the chosen color flashing like a kaleidoscope. The algae shares the properties of Hands of Sloth insofar as it is able to interact with the world, but it is fundamentally intangible: It never interacts with most obstacles, following the same rules of interaction as that technique. Like Hungry Ghost it is a parasite, seeking out chakra and spiritual energy sources of all sizes or as freely directed by the user while dispersed. Like that technique Tubineus Azureus can also use the foreign chakra of techniques to attach itself to targets if these do not wholly destroy it on impact, this in the context of algae’s ability to expand and grow as laid out in the submission. The algae need only touch a source for its effects to occur The influence of Yin makes it so that even momentary exposure to the algaewill serve its full purpose The full effects of Tubineus Azureus are split into three potential categories, decided by the dominant colours of the algae's bioluminescence upon its creation.

Red: The excess neural activity of Red Tubineus Azureus Algae will inhibit impulses that link to the body's physical movement. Now physically impaired, those afflicted will be incapable of fine motor function (barring them from handseals) and, while larger physical motions will still be possible they will be accompanied by disfigured control - twitching, and a general lack of precision will be perceptible. Therefore they will be unable to move faster than their base speed (and experience a –4 reduction in that), and similarly lose access to high ranking taijutsu. (A rank and above physical techniques are impossible to use, while the power of B rank and below is reduced by 20.) The effects of Tubineus Azureus will worsen by length of exposure. If not released within 3 turns the victim will succumb to a comatose state.

Green: In Green Tubineus Azureus Algae, the excess neural activity will result in adverse impulses capable of disrupting targets’ mental energies. This disruption will manifest itself in an inability to sustain control over any technique unless it is given their full focus. By this, victims will be forced into a choice - they can either maintain any modes, or sustained techniques, but at the cost of being incapable of using another technique that demands chakra while doing so, or they can use another technique and invariably cancel anything that they might have been passively or actively sustaining. Over time, the victims focus will continue to deteriorate, and if not released within 3 turns their mind will shut down into a vegetative state.

Blue: Blue Tubineus Azureus will produce an excess of neural activity that will serve to impede a victims connection to the spiritual. Now spiritually impaired, those afflicted will struggle with projecting their mental and spiritual energies into the outside world for more than a turn at a time. They will still be able to use spiritual techniques (Genjutsu, Yin, other mental/spiritual attacks, etc), albeit at reduced power (one rank lower), but only in short bursts. For example, something like Dan Kato's Spirit Transformation Technique would now operate at reduced power, and cancel after a turn due to the mental strain that accessing spiritual energies now demands. (Techniques with a regular or non-spiritual balance will be unaffected, i.e Yin-Yang, Yang, most Ninjutsu, however a struggle to communicate with the spiritual means that the user will lose the ability to control techniques or creations that they are spiritually tethered to) Similarly, a dysregulation in the way that the victim produces, handles and manages emotion will result in them becoming particularly susceptible to spiritual/mental attacks and genjutsu, thereby increasing the damage taken from these by 30.

Notes: A usage of Tubineus Azureus can, through three handseals, produce Algae of either of the Azureus varieties, with structures produced in accordance with Eywa (waves, blasts, shields, spears, spikes, etc, essentially any physical shape imaginable of either liquidus of compressed form) After use, Tubineus Azureus cannot be used again for three turns and can only be used thrice per battle. Once destroyed, the user cannot use Algae above B rank, or Yin above A rank for two turns. Alternatively, Tubineus Azureus can be utilised before/directly after the usage of a second Algae technique (works in same timeframe) so as to impart the bioluminescent blooms of Azureus and their full resultant qualities onto the Algae technique used, this alternative use abides by the same restrictions and does not increase the affected techniques strength. Finally, the effects of Tubineus Azureus can be broken in the same manner as Hungry Ghost, however further exposure to the algae will reintroduce the full effects unless the offending Algae has also been destroyed; and until that occurs, the counter for complete overload on Red and Green Azureus is not reset, but paused. The user is immune to its effects.

-Declined- Debuffs are too high, no to the comatose state because it's straight up ignoring the health system, no to the "spiritual algae" because that's not how the CE or spiritual stuff works. No to the large debuff and the removing tethers, this is like so many effects bundled in to one jutsu. Also reading this was particularly awkward because the sentences just don't flow, drop the thesaurus honestly.
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Active member
Aug 21, 2010
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Link to approved CE.

カ Kapusaichinton/Katon: Ekika shita jiyū | Capsaicin/Fire Release: Liquefactioned Liberty
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40 (-5)
Damage: 30-80
Description: Liquefactioned Liberty is a combination technique that bases its idea on the basic principles of Capsaicin creation, with each counterpart of the technique counting as half, being Capsaicin and Fire realease, in regards to restrictions. For example, to create a C rank combination, the user would require D rank Capsaicin and D rank Fire release amounts of chakra, etc. Due to the fact that fire chakra plays a big role in creation of Capsaicin itself, the user will concentrate much more than usual amounts of fire chakra into the mixture required to create Capsaicin while performing two handseals. Following the logic of fire being a source of heat, the excess fire chakra will change the way that the Capsaicin is formed. Instead of its waxy structure, the fire chakra will quickly and drastically heat up the Capsaicin and melt it during its very creation, creating a liquid, oil like substance with high SHU values. This liquid Capsaicin has all the properties of regular Capsaicin, except for it being in a different state of matter and following the principles of viscosity of liquids it will flow faster and seep deeper and easier when compared to its waxy state of matter. With this technique, the user can similarly to Agonizing Authority, use his imagination in creating all kinds of ninja assortment tools, objects, shapes and forms. Thanks to Liquefactioned Liberty, the user can materialize the Capsaicin from his body and from the ground, as well as materialize it into the air, anywhere around him including liquefying already present Capsaicin. Materializing the Capsaicin from his body allows the user to spit massive amounts of the liquid Capsaicin onto the battlefield and towards the opponent up to long range. Depending on the pressure that the user puts into his lips while spitting, he can control whether the liquid Capsaicin would take form similar to a jet of water or a stream of mist. When materializing from the ground, he can control the way it materializes, up to long range as well. Using chakra control, he can make the liquid Capsaicin shoot out through the cracks in the ground like geysers, similar to Canny Crevices, or in fact build up pools and ponds on the ground. However, when the user decides to materialize the liquid Capsaicin into the air in any shape or form he decides, he can only do so up to mid range due to the precise chakra control necessary. Same range restriction applies to liquefying already present Capsaicin. Based on the fact that Capsaicin created using this technique is still Capsaicin just in a different state of matter, the user can use the liquid Capsaicin as a source for other Capsaicin techniques. Depending on the application and his needs, he can choose to harden back the liquid Capsaicin and use it regularly or still continue and use it in its liquid state of matter. At the expense of continuous chakra control, the user can continue to assume control over the created liquid Capsaicin using hand movements and gestures. Additionally, due to the fact that Capsaicin is usually extremely insoluble in water, combining it with water using regular means wouldn't amount to much and would in fact simply create a mixture of water containing undissolved clumps of waxy Capsaicin within it. However, during the usage of Liquefactioned Liberty, the liquid Capsaicin created can easily dissolve in water, in order to create a very spicy soup, of sorts. Upon creation and control, the mixture can be further used as a water and Capsaicin source to aid the user in battle. Liquefactioned Liberty also allows the user to materialize Capsaicin within existing water sources in order to achieve the same result, a very spicy soup, as already mentioned. The drawback of using Liquefactioned Liberty limits the users ability to use different elemental natures outside of Capsaicin and Water release while non elemental techniques are available due to not requiring nature manipulation, such as ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, etc.
Note: S rank combination can only be used twice per battle
Note: A rank combination can only be used three times per battle

Declined: The way this is written currently, it takes far too long to explain pretty basic concepts. This technique fundamentally boils down to; through tipping the balance of elemental natures further towards Fire Release, you melt the element itself into a liquid state upon creation. Try to remain concise. There's a few usages that venture too far from the base concept too, like creating mists or transitioning back into a more solid state, both of which read more like distinct techniques rather than applications of this one.
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Active member
Aug 21, 2010
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Link to approved CE.

Kapusaichinton/Katon: Ekika shita jiyū | Capsaicin/Fire Release: Liquefactioned Liberty
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40 (-5)
Damage: 30-80
Description: Liquefactioned Liberty is a combination technique that bases its idea on the basic principles of Capsaicin creation, with each counterpart of the technique counting as half, being Capsaicin and Fire realease, in regards to restrictions. For example, to create a C rank combination, the user would require D rank Capsaicin and D rank Fire release amounts of chakra, etc. Due to the fact that fire chakra plays a big role in creation of Capsaicin itself, the user will concentrate much more than usual amounts of fire chakra into the mixture required to create Capsaicin while performing two handseals. Following the logic of fire being a source of heat, the excess fire chakra will change the way that the Capsaicin is formed. Instead of its waxy structure, the fire chakra will quickly and drastically heat up the Capsaicin and melt it during its very creation, creating a liquid, oil like substance with high SHU values. This liquid Capsaicin has all the properties of regular Capsaicin, except for it being in a different state of matter and following the principles of viscosity of liquids it will flow faster and seep deeper and easier when compared to its waxy state of matter. With this technique, the user can similarly to Agonizing Authority, use his imagination in creating all kinds of ninja assortment tools, objects, shapes and forms. Thanks to Liquefactioned Liberty, the user can materialize the Capsaicin from his body and from the ground, as well as materialize it into the air, anywhere around him including liquefying already present Capsaicin. Materializing the Capsaicin from his body allows the user to spit massive amounts of the liquid Capsaicin onto the battlefield and towards the opponent up to long range. Depending on the pressure that the user puts into his lips while spitting, he can control whether the liquid Capsaicin would take form similar to a jet of water or a stream of mist. When materializing from the ground, he can control the way it materializes, up to long range as well. Using chakra control, he can make the liquid Capsaicin shoot out through the cracks in the ground like geysers, similar to Canny Crevices, or in fact build up pools and ponds on the ground. However, when the user decides to materialize the liquid Capsaicin into the air in any shape or form he decides, he can only do so up to mid range due to the precise chakra control necessary. Same range restriction applies to liquefying already present Capsaicin. Based on the fact that Capsaicin created using this technique is still Capsaicin just in a different state of matter, the user can use the liquid Capsaicin as a source for other Capsaicin techniques. Depending on the application and his needs, he can choose to harden back the liquid Capsaicin and use it regularly or still continue and use it in its liquid state of matter. At the expense of continuous chakra control, the user can continue to assume control over the created liquid Capsaicin using hand movements and gestures. Additionally, due to the fact that Capsaicin is usually extremely insoluble in water, combining it with water using regular means wouldn't amount to much and would in fact simply create a mixture of water containing undissolved clumps of waxy Capsaicin within it. However, during the usage of Liquefactioned Liberty, the liquid Capsaicin created can easily dissolve in water, in order to create a very spicy soup, of sorts. Upon creation and control, the mixture can be further used as a water and Capsaicin source to aid the user in battle. Liquefactioned Liberty also allows the user to materialize Capsaicin within existing water sources in order to achieve the same result, a very spicy soup, as already mentioned. The drawback of using Liquefactioned Liberty limits the users ability to use different elemental natures outside of Capsaicin and Water release while non elemental techniques are available due to not requiring nature manipulation, such as ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, etc.
Note: S rank combination can only be used twice per battle
Note: A rank combination can only be used three times per battle

Declined: The way this is written currently, it takes far too long to explain pretty basic concepts. This technique fundamentally boils down to; through tipping the balance of elemental natures further towards Fire Release, you melt the element itself into a liquid state upon creation. Try to remain concise. There's a few usages that venture too far from the base concept too, like creating mists or transitioning back into a more solid state, both of which read more like distinct techniques rather than applications of this one.

Kapusaichinton/Katon: Ekika shita jiyū | Capsaicin/Fire Release: Liquefactioned Liberty
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40
Damage: 30-80
Description: Liquefactioned Liberty is a combination technique that bases its idea on concentrating much more than usual amounts of fire chakra into the mixture required to create Capsaicin. Following the logic of fire being a source of heat, the excess fire chakra will heat up the Capsaicin and melt it during its very creation, creating a liquid, oil like substance with all the properties of regular Capsaicin, except for it being in a different state of matter and following the principles of viscosity of liquids it will flow faster and seep deeper and easier when compared to its waxy state of matter. With this technique, the user can similarly to Agonizing Authority, use his imagination in creating all kinds of ninja assortment tools, objects, shapes and forms. Thanks to Liquefactioned Liberty, the user can materialize the Capsaicin from his body and from the ground, as well as materialize it into the air, anywhere around him. Materializing the Capsaicin from his body allows the user to spit massive amounts of the liquid Capsaicin onto the battlefield and towards the opponent up to long range, in the form of blasts, jets, waves, etc. When materializing from the ground, he can control the way it materializes, up to long range as well. Using chakra control, he can make the liquid Capsaicin shoot out through the cracks in the ground like geysers, similar to Canny Crevices, or in fact build up pools and ponds on the ground that can reach up to mid-range in size. However, when the user decides to materialize the liquid Capsaicin into the air in any shape or form he decides, he can only do so up to mid range due to the precise chakra control necessary. Additionally, due to the fact that Capsaicin is usually extremely insoluble in water, combining it with water using regular means wouldn't amount to much and would in fact simply create a mixture of water containing undissolved clumps of waxy Capsaicin within it. However, during the usage of Liquefactioned Liberty, the liquid Capsaicin created can easily dissolve in water, in order to create a very spicy soup, of sorts. Upon creation and control, the mixture can be further used as a water and Capsaicin source to aid the user in battle. Liquefactioned Liberty also allows the user to materialize Capsaicin within existing water sources in order to achieve the same result, a very spicy soup, as already mentioned.
Note: S rank combination can only be used twice per battle
Note: A rank combination can only be used three times per battle
Note: B-Rank usage requires one handseal, A-Rank usage requires two handseals, S-Rank usage requires three handseals

Approved: Made several edits.

Kapusaichinton/Katon: Gasujōno Sōdai | Capsaicin/Fire Release: Gaseous Grandiloquence
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: C-S rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 15-40 (-10)
Damage: 30-80
Description: Based on the principle established by Liquefactioned Liberty, the user can take his chakra control even further. By doing so, he will add even greater amounts of fire chakra into the mixture required to create Capsaicin while performing two handseals. Following the logic of fire being a source of heat, the excess fire chakra will heat up the Capsaicin and melt it during its very creation, creating a liquid, oil like substance which would then further be heated up in order to evaporate, creating a vaporized version of Liquefactioned Liberty. With this technique, the user can similarly to Agonizing Authority, use his imagination in creating all kinds of ninja assortment tools, objects, shapes and forms. Thanks to Gaseous Grandiloquence, the user can materialize the Capsaicin from his body and from the ground, as well as materialize it into the air, anywhere around him including vaporizing already present Capsaicin. Materializing the Capsaicin from his body allows the user to spit massive amounts of the vaporized Capsaicin onto the battlefield and towards the opponent up to long range, in the form of blasts, streams, jet, clouds, etc. When materializing from the ground, he can control the way it materializes, up to long range as well. Using chakra control, he can make the vaporized Capsaicin shoot out through the cracks in the ground like vaporized geysers, similar to Canny Crevices, or in fact cloud up the battlefield as it seeps through the ground. However, when the user decides to materialize the vaporized Capsaicin into the air in any shape or form he decides, he can only do so up to mid range due to the precise chakra control necessary. Same range restriction applies to vaporizing already present Capsaicin. Based on the fact that Capsaicin created using this technique is still Capsaicin just in a different state of matter, the user can use the vaporized Capsaicin as a source for other Capsaicin techniques. To keep the Capsaicin in its vaporized state, the user has to continuously spend chakra which also allows him to assume control over the created vaporized Capsaicin using hand movements and gestures. As soon as he stops spending chakra to keep it in its vaporized state, it turns back to its original waxy shape because of the lack of the fire chakra.
Note: S rank combination can only be used twice per battle
Note: A rank combination can only be used three times per battle

Declined: This technique needs far more than just changing "liquid" to "vapour" in order to be approvable. Because it's vapour, a lot of the usages you're giving it are actually meaningless, and wouldn't work. Not only that, but you need to be careful not to infringe on Boil Release.
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Active member
Aug 18, 2010
Trait Points
(Taiyofuuton: Shiriusu) Solar Wind Release: Sirius
Type: Offensive
Rank: F – Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 50 (- 10 per turn)
Damage: 90 (-20 to user)
Description: Sirius has been described as one of if not the most powerful Solar Wind Techniques to be crafted. After weaving four hand seals; the user will immediately be kneading their Solar Wind energy into the surroundings. This will cause a dome of emerald green energy to form; trapping the enemy but also the user within the confines of the dome. The target is quite literally within a time bomb – as the more the dome remains active, the more heat it absorbs from the surroundings to increase in power. This in turn causes anyone but the user within it to start to become dehydrated swiftly, as their mental focus becomes strained and unable to utilize more than two techniques per turn or techniques that require more than two hand seals without fumbling them (effects starting in the second turn, last two turns should contact with the Solar Wind is removed). As mentioned, the more the dome remains the more power it gains over time, starting at 90 DMG while gaining +10 DMG per turn, though this can only gain a total of +30 altogether. Once the user desires it or at the start of the final turn, the dome itself will explode, crafting a green fiery explosion. Like mentioned, the user is immune to their own DMG and affects from Solar Wind but due to the nature of the technique and how taxing it is to remain active, it hurts them to an extent. Due to the overtaxing nature of the element; the user will sustain 20 DMG to their body upon activation while taking another -5 per turn the technique remains in effect. The dome can only remain active for three turns, starting at 90 DMG then every turn increases by +10 DMG (starting at the end of the initial turn). While in effect, the user will be unable to mold chakra for any other elements other than Solar Wind and its sub elements (Fire, Wind and Lightning) though these cannot be used above A rank either but is capable of utilizing non elemental techniques up to A rank as well. Activating the explosion(whether prematurely or not) requires a move slot to be utilized except on the first turn of activation; counting as one move slot if triggered immediately. Once the explosion is triggered, the user is incapable of utilizing B rank and above Solar Wind Techniques for three turns after use. This technique can only be used once per battle, while also the user’s eyes and body will glow a bright emerald green color and the ground would lightly turn into lava though these are more for cosmetic affect.

Declined: How are you immune to the effects of your own technique? Rein back the miscellaneous effects too, they're a little strong as they are now. They'll only last for the remainder of the turn where the target removes themselves from it.

New Submission:

Updating [Solar Wind: Solar Panel Collapsing Roof]:

(Taiyofuuton Fuinjutsu: Mimoza) Solar Wind Release/Sealing Technique: Mimosa
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Rank: S Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40/70
Damage: N/A
Description: Mimosa is a unique combination technique utilizing Solar Wind Release and Fuinjutsu in conjunction with another. Upon making three hand seals – an immediate barrier composed of solar wind and fuinjutsu script forms. The script itself is labeled “Solar Flare”; in which it’s quite literal in its purpose to come. Once an opposing technique comes into direct contact with the barrier, the script would trigger in response as it forcefully absorbs the opposing technique into it. However, once it does this; the script acts as a “cleanser” and “converter”, immediately clearing out the opponent’s chakra and converting it into Solar Wind itself. Afterwards, the chakra is then rereleased outwards back in the general direction in which it came from or of the user’s choice. This blast of solar wind is proportional to the original technique’s range, carrying the same base damage (according to the rank absorbed) while moving at the speed of an S Rank Wind Technique. This technique can only be used twice per battle, going on cooldown for three turns after use. The user cannot utilize Solar Wind nor Fuinjutsu up above A rank in the same and next turn after use as well. The barrier covers a range of five meters all around the user; which the absorbing is based on neutral chakra interactions initially, while being able to absorb up to 70 chakra (requires Adv. Fuinjutsu) or 40 (if one lacks Adv. Fuinjutsu).

Declined: This will function based on the S&W of the CE, and it needs a duration.

Updating Taiyofuton: Kaze Chaimu [Solar Wind: Wind Chimes] :

(Taiyofuuton: Aruto Ria) Solar Wind Release: Altria
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Rank: C/B Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 15/20
Damage: N/A
Description: Altria is a basic evasive/defensive technique utilized with Solar Wind. Through precise yet small bursts of Solar Wind into the soles of the user’s feet, they are capable of constantly releasing these small localized bursts. As they do, it would allow elevation so to speak, as though the user is walking on the wind itself but in reality, it is strictly releasing bursts of the energy. This can be used to travel across places without the need of touching the ground while remaining high in the air or at lower elevations if desired. While this is done, the user moves at their current speed due to it essentially being a combination of physical and chakra movement. However, there is an advanced version of this technique, utilized with a single hand seal. Upon the hand seal being made, the user is capable of releasing a similar burst of Solar Wind but rather than just their feet, it’s from their entire body. The burst of chakra would propel the user into the opposite direction (i.e making the burst directed to the user’s left will propel them right) at speeds equal to twice their base speed. This would create a quick form of evasion, allowing the user to avoid techniques easily though it should be noted that it doesn’t do well against techniques of wide scale. The user has control as to how far they travel in the opposite direction but can only move up to ten meters away. The C rank application is done passively without the cost of a move though requires – 5 chakra per turn in order to sustain the movement while the B rank application can be used four times per battle, once per turn and goes on a cool down of two turns after use.

Declined: The C-Rank usage of this technique is hilariously superior to the B-Rank variant, for obvious reasons. Your wording for it is slightly contradictory, but I see what you're going for. It's not gonna move you at your current speed, nor will it be passive.

Note to checker: It is outlined in the CE that user's of the CE are immune to their own effects of the element. "The result was Solar Wind. Green in color, it was an electrically charged wind that was super hot to the touch. Loki, having trained with the Kekkai Tota for so long, has become immune to its effects". Other CEJ has also been approved with us user's having immunity to it as well. Hopefully this clears up the issue.

(Taiyofuuton: Aruto Ria) Solar Wind Release: Altria
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Rank: C/B Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 15/20
Damage: N/A
Description: Altria is a basic evasive/defensive technique utilized with Solar Wind. Through precise yet small bursts of Solar Wind into the soles of the user’s feet, they are capable of constantly releasing these small localized bursts. As they do, it would allow elevation so to speak, as though the user is walking on the wind itself but in reality, it is strictly releasing bursts of the energy. This can be used to travel across places without the need of touching the ground while remaining high in the air or at lower elevations if desired. While this is done, the user moves at their base speed due to it essentially being a combination of physical and chakra movement. However, there is an advanced version of this technique, utilized with a single hand seal. Upon the hand seal being made, the user is capable of releasing a similar burst of Solar Wind but rather than just their feet, it’s from their entire body. The burst of chakra would propel the user into the opposite direction (i.e making the burst directed to the user’s left will propel them right) at speeds equal to twice their base speed. This would create a quick form of evasion, allowing the user to avoid techniques easily though it should be noted that it doesn’t do well against techniques of wide scale. The user has control as to how far they travel in the opposite direction but can only move up to ten meters away. The C rank application is requires – 5 chakra per turn in order to sustain the movement while the B rank application can be used four times per battle, once per turn and goes on a cool down of two turns after use.


(Taiyofuuton Fuinjutsu: Mimoza) Solar Wind Release/Sealing Technique: Mimosa
Type: Offensive, Defensive
Rank: A/S Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 30/70
Damage: N/A
Description: Mimosa is a unique combination technique utilizing Solar Wind Release and Fuinjutsu in conjunction with another. Upon making three hand seals – an immediate barrier composed of solar wind and fuinjutsu script forms. The script itself is labeled “Solar Flare”; in which it’s quite literal in its purpose to come. Once an opposing technique comes into direct contact with the barrier, the script would trigger in response as it forcefully absorbs the opposing technique into it. However, once it does this; the script acts as a “cleanser” and “converter”, immediately clearing out the opponent’s chakra and converting it into Solar Wind itself. Afterwards, the chakra is then rereleased outwards back in the general direction in which it came from or of the user’s choice. This blast of solar wind is proportional to the original technique’s range, carrying the same base damage (according to the rank absorbed) while moving at the speed of an S Rank Wind Technique. This technique can only be used twice per battle, going on cooldown for three turns after use. The user cannot utilize Solar Wind nor Fuinjutsu up to A rank in the same and next turn after use as well. The barrier covers a range of five meters all around the user; which the absorbing is based on S/W of Solar Wind chakra interactions. The barrier can absorb and redirect neutral techniques of equal rank, one rank lower for elements strong to Solar Wind, and one rank higher for elements weak to Solar Wind. Users without Adv. Fuinjutsu can only perform the A-Rank variant, while those with Adv. Fuinjutsu can only perform the S-Rank variant. The latter's upper limit for absorption is 70 chakra.

Approved: w/ edits

(Taiyofuuton: Shiriusu) Solar Wind Release: Sirius
Type: Offensive
Rank: F – Rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 50 (- 10 per turn)
Damage: 90 (-20 to user)
Description: Sirius has been described as one of if not the most powerful Solar Wind Techniques to be crafted. After weaving four hand seals; the user will immediately be kneading their Solar Wind energy into the surroundings. This will cause a dome of emerald green energy to form; trapping the enemy but also the user within the confines of the dome. The target is quite literally within a time bomb – as the more the dome remains active, the more heat it absorbs from the surroundings to increase in power. This in turn causes anyone but the user within it to start to become dehydrated swiftly, as their mental focus becomes strained and unable to utilize more than two techniques per turn or techniques that require more than four hand seals without fumbling them (effects starting in the second turn, last till the end the turn should contact with the Solar Wind is removed). As mentioned, the more the dome remains the more power it gains over time, starting at 90 DMG while gaining +10 DMG per turn, though this can only gain a total of +30 altogether. This technique's damage cannot be increased except through its own charging capability. Once the user desires it or at the start of the final turn, the dome itself will explode, crafting a green fiery explosion. Like mentioned, the user is immune to their own DMG and affects from Solar Wind but due to the nature of the technique and how taxing it is to remain active, it hurts them to an extent. Due to the overtaxing nature of the element; the user will sustain 20 DMG to their body upon activation while taking another -5 per turn the technique remains in effect. The dome can only remain active for three turns, starting at 90 DMG then every turn increases by +10 DMG (starting at the end of the initial turn). While in effect, the user will be unable to mold chakra for any other elements other than Solar Wind and its sub elements (Fire, Wind and Lightning) though these cannot be used above A rank either but is capable of utilizing non elemental techniques up to A rank as well. Activating the explosion(whether prematurely or not) requires a move slot to be utilized except on the first turn of activation; counting as one move slot if triggered immediately. Once the explosion is triggered, the user is incapable of utilizing B rank and above Solar Wind Techniques for three turns after use. This technique can only be used once per battle, while also the user’s eyes and body will glow a bright emerald green color and the ground would lightly turn into lava though these are more for cosmetic affect.

Approved: w/ edits
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Active member
Jan 7, 2009
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CE approval:
<placeholder: permission to submit customs> (contingent screenshot: )
Original submission:
>Because the element is based purely off yin yang, i tried to give it a better damage ratio. Please go ahead and make it S rank if thats unacceptable.

(Kuraiton: Kurotama)- Dark Release: Dark Sphere
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user creates a medium-size, highly condensed sphere of pure dark energy that darkness circles from its center outwards. The user then shoots the sphere at the opponent and it explodes in a mass of dark energy, causing great damage to them. The sphere is very dense and has the power to blast through elements that it is strong against and continue toward the opponent.
Dark release: Purgatory (Kuraiton: Naraka)
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 35
Damage: 70
Description: The user pulls dark matter and dark energy from the surroundings and hurls an orb of darkness held together by shape manipulation that spirals towards the enemy. The technique is formed in a similar manner to rasengan and becomes self-sustaining after forming the shape. The orb is initially small, with roughly the size and appearance of a black rasengan, but expands as it leaves the user’s vicinity with tendrils of darkness emerging from the aether moving into the orb, feeding it and spiraling inwards. The rate of expansion is quick as the technique gains the size of a Great Fireball by mid-range. The orb is dense and carries enough force to blast its way through solid elements, respecting strength and weaknesses. The concentration of Dark matter in the environment causes the lighting to get dim and makes the opponent experience blindness for the duration of the technique (meaning that should the technique clash with another and get destroyed, the effect fades away as well). This is because Dark matter has little interaction with electromagnetic forces, and opponents being in the vicinity of it are only able to see darkness. The target’s experience under this effect could be related to the Bringer of Darkness technique. Similarly, the technique also temporarily restricts chakra sensing, as the opponent is unable to see or detect any chakra radiating from other sources over the concentrated dark matter around them. When the technique hits the target, it combusts into Dark energy that engulfs the opponent, causing a freezing sensation followed by intense burning all around. Because the technique sustains itself, if not dealt with, it continues to damage (20/turn) the opponent into the following turns.
Note: Usable thrice per battle.
-The user could cancel this technique anytime with the use of a single seal of confrontation, causing Dark matter to disperse back into the aether.

-Approved- I made a few edits to bring it in line with what I usually allow, if that's a problem let me know and you can resubmit it.
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May 7, 2020
Trait Points
Link to approved ce:

( Kichinoton: Ryu no Ha ) Chitinous Vestige Release: Dragon's Teeth
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30-60
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user releases a considerable amount of chitinous vestige from their body, in a form of their choosing that respects the scaling of the rank used. This chitinous vestige when clashing with an opposing technique will be capable of absorbing it based on the standard fuuinjutsu rulings, once a technique has been absorbed the chitinous vestige will plant itself in the ground and begin converting the terrain around it at a rate of five meters per turn in all directions. Anything that comes into contact with the converted ground will be afflicted with the amino-geis. The planted vestige will take on the shape of a large spike roughly twelve feet in height and two feet in width, taking on a damage resistance of it's ranks base damage plus an additional twenty due to it's nature as a sea of life variation. For example an S ranked dragons tooth will have a resistance to 90 damage, requiring that much to be destroyed and following the damage rules for anything below that amount. Meaning a standard C rank jutsu would have no effect at all for example.

Note: Each turn the dragon's teeth uses ten chakra to convert the surrounding area, used directly from the reserves of chakra it absorbed from enemy techniques. Upon expending all the absorbed chakra contained inside it the dragon's tooth will become inert no longer covering additional terrain, however the Amino-Geis will remain present in any ground already converted.
Note: Converted ground will have an innate defense equal to the tooth itself, requiring the same damage to destroy, however as with all Chitinous Vestige it doesn't cause damage to others, relying on the corrupting presence of the Amino-Geis to harm.
Note: S ranked applications may be used thrice per battle, A ranked applications may be used four times and B rank can be used a unlimited amount of times.

Declined. S-Ranks being able to absorb 60 Chakra *and* have 90 damage resistance is kind of crazy for having no restrictions other than three times per battle. Also I can already see what you're doing here, or going to attempt to do. So I'll be watching.

( Kichinoton: Kapuseru-ka ) Chitinous Vestige Release: Encapsulation
Rank: A-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 50-60
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will launch a small golf ball sized blast of chitinous vestige from their body aimed to engulf an organic life form such as an enemy ninja, a summoning animal, or really any living thing. Once this ability strikes the intended target it will begin to rapidly expand, covering the target in a shell of chitinous vestige leaving them physically incapable of movement inside and inflicting them with the amino-geis. Breaking the detainment requires the enemy to use a technique strong enough to destroy the vestige itself, though it should be noted that the encapsulation can absorb techniques following the standard fuuinjutsu rulings and contains a damage resistance equal to standard jutsu it's rank with an additional twenty due to it's nature as a sea of life variant. An alternate usage of the technique allows the user to fire it at an opposing technique, at which point it will absorb the technique following the fuuinjutsu rules, expanding the encapsulation from a small golf ball, when this larger ball makes contact with the terrain it will immediately terraform it, creating a short range source of chitinous vestige where it impacts, that contains the chakra it has absorbed.

Note: Each turn the target remains encapsulated they will have their chakra drained and be afflicted with the Amino-Geis, should this lead to them being exhausted entirely of chakra or completely controlled by the Amino-Geis they can be directed to break free of the encapsulation and will recover health equal to the techniques damage resistance.
Note: S ranked applications may be used thrice per battle, A ranked applications may be used four times.

Declined. Once again, S-Ranks capable of absorbing 60 Chakra and resisting 100 damage with no restrictions aren't really okay. Frankly, going to 60 Chakra and absorbing something might require Advanced Fuuinjutsu. This is really questionable for me.

( Kichinoton: Rafumu no Iroai) Chitinous Vestige Release: Shades of the Lahmu
Rank: B-Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30-70
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will activate their chitinous vestige already present on the ground, causing all the genetic material of the corrupted creatures below the ground to be sucked into what appears visually to be a mud like cocoon. The cocoon has a HP value equal to it’s rank, modified by being made of the sea of life, I.E an A rank has 80 hp an S rank has 100 hp. After being on the field for one turn, the cocoon will hatch revealing a monstrous creature with the same health points as the cocoon, this creature is capable of utilizing the sea of life techniques, however the sea of life will be in a solid form similar to chitinous vestige and will act as a prison for enemies struck by them, similar to the binding sand coffin, leaving victims paralysed physically even after suffering damage. These creatures can be created with an appearance left at the users discretion however they will all carry certain attributes. Despite the similarity visually, the shades sea of life techniques do not carry chakra absorbing powers, it is simply solid sea of life.
Namely the creatures have no vital organs of any description similar to some creatures with hard exoskeletons, they're entirely immune to things like poison, radiation, suffocation, essentially anything other than pure physical damage. They can locate adversaries using the same life sensing abilities as the children of Tiamat, they can also use the sea of life as aforementioned, gaining access to techniques using the standard release only, not vile haze and it's variants. Each turn at the discretion of the creator the shades can absorb chakra present in any Chitinous Vestige on the field to fuel their existence.
Note: Shades created using this technique will have a chakra pool thrice the size of the chakra currently present in the vestige used to create them, for example if a dragon's tooth is used that currently contains 50 chakra the Lahmu created will have 150 chakra, once their chakra is entirely expended they will crumble leaving behind a short range pool of vestige.
Note: S ranked applications may be used thrice per battle, A ranked applications may be used four times, B ranked can be used an indefinite amount. Forbidden ranked may only be used once.

Declined. There needs to be restrictions!
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Active member
Jan 21, 2013
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Previous Check[X]
( Oujuusuiton/Suiton: Hagire ) Panthalassic Water & Water: Drumian ⤘ Pulmonoscorpius

Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10-40 (+10 per turn)
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: Scorpius is an exploration of Panthalassic Water inherent chakra parasitic properties combined with Water Release: Grudge Rain Technique chakra absorption properties. The user will charge panthalassic chakra onto their arms and/or legs, greating a liquid coat around them with a glowing cobalt core in the shape of armored arthropod plates culminating in scorpion needle or pincers through the shoulders/knees/hands etc. The user is then capable of performing up to 6 physical motions aided by the globules which can act like jet propulsors to increase agility and speed to dodge other attacks, within reason, or to strike a target.

The main diference here is that absolutely NO damage is dealt from this technique. Inspired by aphids, when the user touches an opponent or technique, the globules enter the body and leave from the other side, the damage is wholy converted into Chakra Points drained, based on the "Damage" stated. Against techniques, it will deal solely on the chakra used to perform the opposing jutsu, though rank interactions and elemental S&W still apply, and the user is required to use a rank that would normally overpower or neutralize the enemy technique, causing it to implode upon itself, otherwise no chakra will be stollen and Scorpius will be broken. This means that, following the elemental S&W, 10 chakra increments represent a rank, thus the user is required to use the same amount of chakra as the oposing technique for neutral techniques, 10 chakra less for weaker techniques and 10 chakra more for stronger techniques. This parasitic ability requires water to work, thus can only be used against Water techniques and elements with a Water nature in their composition. To apply to different elements, the interaction has to happen within a Water or Panthalassic charged mist..

The liquid globule infused with the opponent's chakra that comes out from the impact of the technique can then be passively pulled back and absorbed by the user or chakra draining tools ( Like Aburame insects that are present in the user's body ). Alternatively, they can be used as sources for Water or Panthalassic Water techniques. The water source will be considered a technique 1 rank lower than the original Scorpius technique, and manipulating it with a second Panthalassic Water or Water technique will create a 2 jutsu combination.

Note: Scorpius can be used as a Pure Water technique instead of a pure Panthalassic Water technique, but it's chakra interactive abilities will only steal 80% of the "damage" stated.
Note: The user can maintain the technique until the exit globule is created (thus the attack has been sucessfull on either an opponent or an opposing technique) or the 6 motions are spent, by spending an extra 10 chakra per turn active.
Note: After a B rank application, the user can't perform Scorpius again for 1 turn. 2 turns after A Rank and 3 turns after S rank. A rank can only be used 4 times and S Rank 2 times.
Note: Can't perform techniques of the element used above S rank for 2 turns after Scorpius ends.

-Both Declined- Okay so some of the issues from my last check are still here, the first one definitely feels more like a mode still when you say it remains active for multiple turns and can affect multiple techniques, but that's not really the big thing. The main problem I have is this whole thing about it affecting water and elements composed with water/liquids. The CE doesn't really allow that in fact this would go against several elements that the CE should be weak to, since it's weak to both earth and biological elements.
( Oujuusuiton/Suiton: Hagire ) Panthalassic Water & Water: Drumian ⤘ Pulmonoscorpius

Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10-40 (+10 per turn)
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: Scorpius is an exploration of Panthalassic Water inherent chakra parasitic properties combined with Water Release: Grudge Rain Technique chakra absorption properties. The user will charge panthalassic chakra onto their arms and/or legs, greating a liquid coat around them with a glowing cobalt core in the shape of armored arthropod plates culminating in scorpion needle or pincers through the shoulders/knees/hands etc. The user is then capable of performing physical motions aided by the globules which can act like jet propulsors to increase agility and speed to dodge other attacks, within reason, or to hit a target by striking them with the armored parts or shoot them out up to mid-range.

Similar to the aphids, when the user strikes a target with the globules, they will drain the corresponding amount of damage points, instead of dealing actual damage, leaving out the other side of the target retrieved back as a stolen chakra-infused globule. It can interact with other techniques following Panthalassic Water's S&W, whereas upon neutralization or overpowering a technique, the corresponding amount of chakra that produced the target technique is stolen onto the exit globule. The technique interaction is based on rank of the chakra cost, thus the user is capable of using an A rank Scorpius ( 30 chakra ) against an S rank Water technique ( 40 chakra ), in order to drain 40 chakra, or against a B rank Earth technique ( 20 chakra ), in order to drain 20 chakra. This chakra can be passively absorbed by a Chakra Absorbing Skill, like the presence of an Aburame's Kikaichu, or it can be used as a source for a following Water or Panthalassic Water technique, creating a more resilient combination technique, for example, using an A rank secondary technique to manipulate an A rank Scorpius exit globule, creating a technique that behaves as having 60 chakra while dealing the same amount of damage as the secondary technique.

The increase in rank determines the amount of chakra within the Scorpius and the range of techniques it can combat, or the amount of chakra it can drain from an opponent, either in a single usage of the rank chosen, or byparting the technique in powers of two, such as using an S rank application with the potential of 40 chakra power into two A rank scorpius with the potential of 30 chakra each, or 4 B ranks with the potential of 20 chakra each. The max amount of divisions is 2, an S rank going down to B at max, or a B rank going down to D at minimum.

Note: Scorpius can be used as a Pure Water technique instead of a pure Panthalassic Water technique, but it's chakra interactive abilities will only steal 80% of the "damage" stated.
Note: After a B rank application, the user can't perform Scorpius again for 1 turn. 2 turns after A Rank and 3 turns after S rank. A rank can only be used 4 times and S Rank 2 times.
Note: Can't perform techniques of the element used above S rank for 2 turns after Scorpius ends.

-Declined- increasing the chakra of a technique is hard capped at +10, saying you can combine this with another jutsu to increase an A rank (normally 30 chakra) to 60 chakra would be bypassing that, hard capped means no bypassing at all.

( Oujuusuiton: Makigai ) Panthalassic Water Release: Archean ⤘ Plankton

Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Once a Panthalassic Water technique spreads across the terrain, it's inherent Water parasitic abilities spreads across the surroundings, affecting any water molecule in a short-range radius around the technique's path. With a single handseal, the user is capable of forcing their control over the water particles, producing an aglomeration of glowing-turquoise microscopic Panthalassic Water plankton-like constructs within them. The Panthalassic Water Plankton prevents the passage of foreign chakra, rejecting the control of the water through the opponent's Water Ninjutsu techniques, allowing the user to passively perform Water and Panthalassic Water Ninjutsu with the Plankton-carrying droplets as a source, manipulating them at the expense of 20 less chakra than stated in the technique, without suffering any drawback in strength, replacing the original handseals with hand gestures at Short-Range and one Handseal at Mid-Range. Plantkon allows access to a different set of properties using the arrested water particles in the environment, and gaining access to two diferent abilities:

Phytoplankton: Combining Panthalassic Water's water chakra parasitic properties and Water Grudge Rain's Chakra Draining Proprieties, the user is capable of draining chakra from an opponent that stands within 5 meters of a Plankton-infused terrain. This allows the user to drain 100 chakra from an opponent at the cost of 40 chakra, S rank in strength. The drainage has the elemental S&W of Panthalassic Water. Can only be performed on Panthalassic Water Plankton within Mid-Range of the user. Water Specialists, the sole Elemental nature of Panthalassic Water, are capable of using Phytoplankton up to Long-Range.

Zooplankton: Combining Panthalassic Water's water chakra parasitic properties with Walking on Water's Chakra Sticky, the user is capable of glueing the droplets with Panthalassic Water Plankton to any opponent that passes through, severely lowering their base speed by 4 levels, at the cost of 40 chakra, S rank in strength, following Panthalassic Water's S&W. If left unblocked, the plankton keeps aggregating and lowering their base speed by 2 levels per turn at the expense of 10 chakra, until the target comes to a complete halt. This is done is an area of effect of 5 meters radius, up to mid-range from the user. Water Specialists, the sole Elemental nature of Panthalassic Water, are capable of using Zooplankton up to Long-Range.

Note: Before the usage of either ability, the Plankton will glow brighter as a tell-tale sign that something will happen. This glow is not capable of bliding an opponent, it merely serves as a visual indication of the chakra infusion before the technique, and can easily be perceived by non-Doujutsu users.
Note: The user only gains access to 1 ability per turn, Phytoplankton or Zooplankton, which count as one technique for the jutsu count. Swapping from one to the other ends the effects of the previous ability ( Thus the user is unable to drain chakra of an opponent whose speed is being lowered, or lower the speed of a target that had their chakra drained in the same turn ). Likewise, using a technique with the Plankton droplets as a source prevents the usage of either the Phytoplankton or Zooplankton abilities in the same turn.
Note: Plankton can only be used after the materialization of either an S rank technique, 2 A rank techniques or 4 B rank techniques previously. If these techniques are sealed by Fuuinjutsu, Time/Space Ninjutsu or other complete neutralization techniques, Plankton can't be used.
Note: Plankton can only be used 4 times per battle, and lasts 4 turns per usage. It requires a cooldown of 4 turns between usages, which can be used to fullfill the previously mentioned requirements.

-Declined- I don't think much of this can be approved, the pseudo specialty perks are a hard no for sure, draining a hundred chakra from someone just stood near this technique that you want to cover the entire terrain is a no for sure. The speed decrease stacking each turn is a no, the decrease is pretty high already without stacking. Then we have the problem you had originally, this has so many perks and buffs it should definitely be a mode but you're not using it as one. If you want abilities like these you need to put them in separate techniques generally or they'll always seem like pseudo modes. Then there's the issue that you'll be wanting to use this alongside the debuffs you already have with that panthalassic intrinsic perk.
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Active member
Aug 21, 2010
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Permission to submit CEJ

(Suteijian Suiton: Sute~yukusu no chikara) Ξ Stygian Water: Might of the Styx
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40 (-5 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: Might of the Styx is an advanced technique based on the premise established by (Suteijian Suiton: Megami no noroi) Ξ Stygian Water: Curse of the Goddess. After performing two handseals, the user momentarily creates clouds that release a powerful rain that falls across the whole battlefield with the intent to corrode and weaken enemies defenses. Specifically those that can't be worn down over time and those with regenerative abilities. As the rain falls, it latches the Stygian chakra onto it, corroding and eating away at the defense and chakra that it's composed of, lowering its base protective value by -20 damage as an additional effect, in addition to doing its innate damage. This effect persists for a turn after the rain has stopped, upon whose expiry the opponents defenses assume or heal to their usual values. Once created, the rain persists for 4 turns or until removed from battle, in order to keep the defence weakened during which period the user can't perform other S rank and above Stygian Water techniques. Something unique about the technique is that the rain doesn't fall within a 2m radius of the user and the clouds created will move accordingly to the user's movements to keep this radius of non rain available. This technique can only be used 2 times with a 2 turn cooldown period between usages.

Declined: This just isn't unique enough to justify a wholly separate jutsu. It's essentially the technique it's based on, but it does 80 damage in a single turn and bleed damage over every subsequent turn over the entire area. You could probably add some of this submission's functionality into the older one as an update, but it wouldn't be as strong as this.

Cj approval

(Suteijian Suiton: Meikai no Kishi) Ξ Stygian Water: Knight of the Underworld
Type: Offensive, Defensive, Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40 (-10 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: Applying the principle of creating familiars out of elemental techniques, the user is able to produce basic familiars in the form of generic and indiscernible skeletal soldiers made of Stygian Water after weaving three handseals. The soldiers are created within short-range of the user (unless created from another source of Stygian water, then can be created up to long range) and are of equivalent height and stature of the user. The skeletons formed all possess generic and indistinguishable skeletal characteristics, but are afforded a small level of customization. These customizations are not unlike those found in basic animals and creatures, allowing alterations like wings that allow flight and horns, or tendrils to use at their will up to a maximum size of 5m. The skeletons are able to, through their connection to the user, be used as a source for Stygian techniques up to its created rank. Creating multiple skeletons can be done through this technique, following splitting rules. These creations remain on the field for up to three turns. This technique can be used four times per battle, with a two turn cooldown in between. The user is unable to use S-Rank or higher Stygian water techniques in the turn this technique expires and the one after. The created familiars have the ability to be used as remote grenades, allowing the user to explode them, in order to spread the Sytgian Water across a short range area in every direction around them. If unexploded, they have a durability of 80 damage that can be reformed by paying additional chakra per turn. Their reform can be done if they are damaged but as long as they're not completely destroyed, following the S&W.

Approved w/ edits
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Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Updating this:

Rewrote the whole thing, so bolding the changes did not really seem helpful to you guys.

(Amatsu Fūton ♦ Tamago) – Empyrean Wind Release ♦ Egg
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: Tamago is a cohesive blast, wall or similar structure of Empyrean Wind that possesses all the intrinsic properties of the element. Taking advantage of its ability to differentiate between particles this structure is able to carry those that do not belong in a normal atmospheric composition, including particulate matter, and absorb them within its own structure. Of course, this requires that the structure is not overwhelmed in the process. Upon completion the structure will compress itself into an egg that immediately hatches, releasing the foreign matter now encased within Empyrean Wind in the shape of an animal. This shares the original iteration’s damage points. The user can direct this structure and activate it with a mental command, causing it to erupt in a wave of Empyrean Wind infused with whatever particles it absorbed. Throughout this it retains its original strengths and weaknesses, but a target would still suffer the effects of exposure to the absorbed particles, such as burns.
- Can only be used four times with a one turn cool down between uses.

Declined: What this technique can absorb isn't explained well, so I'm a little confused as to how it works. Is it like the D-Rank canon Dust Wind Technique, which just expels dust and other fine particulates around the field? Or is it capable of absorbing techniques it encounters? To my understanding, this form of Wind attacks by bludgeoning and is far more imprecise than normal Wind Release, so the notion of absorbing techniques and then releasing them is hard for me to believe. If this just picks up dust, sand, dirt or whatever else, and expels it with the force of an A-Rank technique, then that's a different story.
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Dec 14, 2011
Trait Points
CE Approval:

(Summanus: Raigō) - Nocturnal Thunder: Greeting
Rank: E - F
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 5 - 50
Damage: 10 - 90
Description: Through a chakra surge, the user will be able to create objects, tools and other creations composed of Summanus, taking a dark liquid form typically with jagged and spiked edges that is capable of flight regardless of mass. These creations can be created from the user, existing Summanus, and both Earth & Water sources. Constructs of Summanus can appear as a breathing dark liquid, allowing for it to assume multiple shapes that are only limited by the user's imagination. Said constructs naturally block out light, can be used to repel fluids due to it's hydrophobic nature, and can be used to enclose/coat other liquids, toxins, tech/tools, and poisons of various kinds, providing a unique defensive and transportation aspect for said objects. Naturally, multiple creations of Summanus can be created with a single use, following splitting rules, with the size of the creations scaling based on the rank used, potentially reaching great stone golem at S rank and True Thousand Hands Technique at Forbidden rank level. Each creation can be maintained for multiple turns, with the user having the option of controlling them through mental commands or physical movements. Maintained but uncontrolled Summanus would remain suspended in their position in the air until further manipulation. Lastly, all constructs of Summanus contain it's energy harvesting capabilities (elaborated in specific technique), which can be triggered by the user through a twenty chakra surge to produce the charges. B ranks require 1 hand seal, A ranks 2, S rank 3, and Forbidden 4. B ranks and below have no usage limit, A ranks can be used up to 4 times, S ranks 3, and Forbidden rank can be used twice, with F ranks causing 10 damage to the user. B ranks and below require 5 chakra to be maintained while higher require 10 chakra. No S rank or above can be used in consecutive turns.

Declined: Reduce the upper limit on the potential size of this technique's usages. Maybe make the S-Rank mid-range size, and the F-Rank the size of the GSG? Remove the mention of spending 20 chakra to detonate it, considering that feature has an entire technique to itself. F-Rank usages will have a two turn cooldown.

(Summanus: Rankiryū) - Nocturnal Thunder: Turbulance
Rank: N/A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: N/A (20)
Damage: N/A
Description: Rankiryū describes the set of effects that occur when Summanus is struck by external vibrational and sound forces in addition to when the user choses to collapse the liquid on itself for a more controlled set of effects. When struck by objects that fall under said categories, such as physical attacks, sound, and others, Summanus can release a golden, royal purple, and black coloured lightning charge with the extent and power of said charges depending on the strength of the force that struck the element.

When struck with forces that exceed the strength/defensive capabilities of Summanus, the charges would automatically be released in the direction it was struck in, dealing damage one rank lower than that of the Summanus technique's strength. Should the element have it's enclosing function in play, the stored objects would be released outwards away from the user, typically towards the direction the element was struck at.

When struck with forces lower than the strength/defensive capabilities of Summanus, the charges can be released similar to the previous case, with the damage being two ranks lower, or it can be stored within the element itself, gathering the charge for a future more potent release. These charges can match and even potentially exceed the Summanus' own strength should it occur in multiple small instalments. The charges can potentially be stack up to reach damages that exceed that of the Summanus' own by fourty damage points, but this is a long process. The metric used is every force lower than the Summanus' techniques strength that is harvested and not released increases the strength of the next charge by ten points. Coupled with the charge's initial strength being two ranks lower than that of the Summanus means that a A rank Summanus technique's charge (initially 30) would only reach 100 damage after it had been struck by 7 lower ranked attacks.

Finally, the user can portions of the element on itself for twenty chakra, passively, to produce charges that are of equal damage to the Summanus' own, with the user incapable of using this method to stack up the damage of the element like in the previously mentioned state. However, the user can chose to release the previously stored charges via this method, with their damage being what had been stored.

Overall, regardless of method of release, these charges would have their unique colour to them and would behave similar to lightning in terms of speed and interactions, with them being capable of short circuiting tools the user wishes to target as a bonus. Range wise, charges that are two ranks weaker can only reach short range from the Summanus, those one rank weaker can reach mid range, while those equal or higher can reach long range distance.

Declined: Besides being overly complicated, my main issue is that the submission describes these reactions slightly differently than this technique does. While the user can trigger a detonation, a clash between a Nocturnal Thunder technique and another attack will cause an automated detonation, meaning that the ability to withhold detonations and store energy for later isn't within the scope of the element itself. The wording on what can cause these reactions needs to be more specific as well.
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May 7, 2020
Trait Points
Link to approved ce:

( Kichinoton: Ryu no Ha ) Chitinous Vestige Release: Dragon's Teeth
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30-60
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user releases a considerable amount of chitinous vestige from their body, in a form of their choosing that respects the scaling of the rank used. This chitinous vestige when clashing with an opposing technique will be capable of absorbing it based on the standard fuuinjutsu rulings, once a technique has been absorbed the chitinous vestige will plant itself in the ground and begin converting the terrain around it at a rate of five meters per turn in all directions. Anything that comes into contact with the converted ground will be afflicted with the amino-geis. The planted vestige will take on the shape of a large spike roughly twelve feet in height and two feet in width, taking on a damage resistance of it's ranks base damage plus an additional twenty due to it's nature as a sea of life variation. For example an S ranked dragons tooth will have a resistance to 90 damage, requiring that much to be destroyed and following the damage rules for anything below that amount. Meaning a standard C rank jutsu would have no effect at all for example.

Note: Each turn the dragon's teeth uses ten chakra to convert the surrounding area, used directly from the reserves of chakra it absorbed from enemy techniques. Upon expending all the absorbed chakra contained inside it the dragon's tooth will become inert no longer covering additional terrain, however the Amino-Geis will remain present in any ground already converted.
Note: Converted ground will have an innate defense equal to the tooth itself, requiring the same damage to destroy, however as with all Chitinous Vestige it doesn't cause damage to others, relying on the corrupting presence of the Amino-Geis to harm.
Note: S ranked applications may be used thrice per battle, A ranked applications may be used four times and B rank can be used a unlimited amount of times.

Declined. S-Ranks being able to absorb 60 Chakra *and* have 90 damage resistance is kind of crazy for having no restrictions other than three times per battle. Also I can already see what you're doing here, or going to attempt to do. So I'll be watching.

( Kichinoton: Kapuseru-ka ) Chitinous Vestige Release: Encapsulation
Rank: A-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 50-60
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will launch a small golf ball sized blast of chitinous vestige from their body aimed to engulf an organic life form such as an enemy ninja, a summoning animal, or really any living thing. Once this ability strikes the intended target it will begin to rapidly expand, covering the target in a shell of chitinous vestige leaving them physically incapable of movement inside and inflicting them with the amino-geis. Breaking the detainment requires the enemy to use a technique strong enough to destroy the vestige itself, though it should be noted that the encapsulation can absorb techniques following the standard fuuinjutsu rulings and contains a damage resistance equal to standard jutsu it's rank with an additional twenty due to it's nature as a sea of life variant. An alternate usage of the technique allows the user to fire it at an opposing technique, at which point it will absorb the technique following the fuuinjutsu rules, expanding the encapsulation from a small golf ball, when this larger ball makes contact with the terrain it will immediately terraform it, creating a short range source of chitinous vestige where it impacts, that contains the chakra it has absorbed.

Note: Each turn the target remains encapsulated they will have their chakra drained and be afflicted with the Amino-Geis, should this lead to them being exhausted entirely of chakra or completely controlled by the Amino-Geis they can be directed to break free of the encapsulation and will recover health equal to the techniques damage resistance.
Note: S ranked applications may be used thrice per battle, A ranked applications may be used four times.

Declined. Once again, S-Ranks capable of absorbing 60 Chakra and resisting 100 damage with no restrictions aren't really okay. Frankly, going to 60 Chakra and absorbing something might require Advanced Fuuinjutsu. This is really questionable for me.

( Kichinoton: Rafumu no Iroai) Chitinous Vestige Release: Shades of the Lahmu
Rank: B-Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30-70
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will activate their chitinous vestige already present on the ground, causing all the genetic material of the corrupted creatures below the ground to be sucked into what appears visually to be a mud like cocoon. The cocoon has a HP value equal to it’s rank, modified by being made of the sea of life, I.E an A rank has 80 hp an S rank has 100 hp. After being on the field for one turn, the cocoon will hatch revealing a monstrous creature with the same health points as the cocoon, this creature is capable of utilizing the sea of life techniques, however the sea of life will be in a solid form similar to chitinous vestige and will act as a prison for enemies struck by them, similar to the binding sand coffin, leaving victims paralysed physically even after suffering damage. These creatures can be created with an appearance left at the users discretion however they will all carry certain attributes. Despite the similarity visually, the shades sea of life techniques do not carry chakra absorbing powers, it is simply solid sea of life.
Namely the creatures have no vital organs of any description similar to some creatures with hard exoskeletons, they're entirely immune to things like poison, radiation, suffocation, essentially anything other than pure physical damage. They can locate adversaries using the same life sensing abilities as the children of Tiamat, they can also use the sea of life as aforementioned, gaining access to techniques using the standard release only, not vile haze and it's variants. Each turn at the discretion of the creator the shades can absorb chakra present in any Chitinous Vestige on the field to fuel their existence.
Note: Shades created using this technique will have a chakra pool thrice the size of the chakra currently present in the vestige used to create them, for example if a dragon's tooth is used that currently contains 50 chakra the Lahmu created will have 150 chakra, once their chakra is entirely expended they will crumble leaving behind a short range pool of vestige.
Note: S ranked applications may be used thrice per battle, A ranked applications may be used four times, B ranked can be used an indefinite amount. Forbidden ranked may only be used once.

Declined. There needs to be restrictions!
( Kichinoton: Ryu no Ha ) Chitinous Vestige Release: Dragon's Teeth
Rank: C-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20-50
Damage Points:
Description: The user releases a considerable amount of chitinous vestige from their body, in a form of their choosing that respects the scaling of the rank used. This chitinous vestige when clashing with an opposing technique will be capable of absorbing it based on the standard fuuinjutsu rulings, once a technique has been absorbed the chitinous vestige will plant itself in the ground and begin converting the terrain around it at a rate of five meters per turn in all directions. Anything that comes into contact with the converted ground will be afflicted with the amino-geis. The planted vestige will take on the shape of a large spike roughly twelve feet in height and two feet in width, taking on a damage resistance of it's ranks base damage plus an additional twenty due to it's nature as a sea of life variation. For example an S ranked dragons tooth will have a resistance to 90 damage, requiring that much to be destroyed and following the damage rules for anything below that amount. Meaning a standard C rank jutsu would have no effect at all for example.

Note: Each turn the dragon's teeth uses ten chakra to convert the surrounding area, used directly from the reserves of chakra it absorbed from enemy techniques. Upon expending all the absorbed chakra contained inside it the dragon's tooth will become inert no longer covering additional terrain, however the Amino-Geis will remain present in any ground already converted.
Note: Converted ground will have an innate defense equal to the tooth itself, requiring the same damage to destroy, however as with all Chitinous Vestige it doesn't cause damage to others, relying on the corrupting presence of the Amino-Geis to harm.
Note: S ranked applications may be used thrice per battle, A ranked applications may be used four times and B rank can be used a unlimited amount of times.
Note: A ranked usage and above will prevent the user from performing chitinous vestige techniques during the next turn, with the exception of techniques that create familiars from the element.
Note: S ranked usage will prevent the user from using fuuinjutsu above A rank for two turns after.

Approved. Note that 90 damage will neutralize the technique and that it only can expand when it has Chakra sealed into it.

( Kichinoton: Kapuseru-ka ) Chitinous Vestige Release: Encapsulation
Rank: A-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 40-50
Damage Points:
Description: The user will launch a small golf ball sized blast of chitinous vestige from their body aimed to engulf an organic life form such as an enemy ninja, a summoning animal, or really any living thing. Once this ability strikes the intended target it will begin to rapidly expand, covering the target in a shell of chitinous vestige leaving them physically incapable of movement inside and inflicting them with the amino-geis. Breaking the detainment requires the enemy to use a technique strong enough to destroy the vestige itself, though it should be noted that the encapsulation can absorb techniques following the standard fuuinjutsu rulings and contains a damage resistance equal to standard jutsu it's rank with an additional twenty due to it's nature as a sea of life variant. An alternate usage of the technique allows the user to fire it at an opposing technique, at which point it will absorb the technique following the fuuinjutsu rules, expanding the encapsulation from a small golf ball, when this larger ball makes contact with the terrain it will immediately terraform it, creating a short range source of chitinous vestige where it impacts, that contains the chakra it has absorbed.

Note: Each turn the target remains encapsulated they will have their chakra drained and be afflicted with the Amino-Geis, should this lead to them being exhausted entirely of chakra or completely controlled by the Amino-Geis they can be directed to break free of the encapsulation and will recover health equal to the techniques damage resistance.
Note: S ranked applications may be used thrice per battle, A ranked applications may be used four times.
Note: A ranked usage and above will prevent the user from performing chitinous vestige techniques during the next turn, with the exception of techniques that create familiars from the element.
Note: S ranked usage will prevent the user from using fuuinjutsu above A rank for two turns after.

Declined. Can it sustain damage in its golf ball sized form?

( Kichinoton: Rafumu no Iroai) Chitinous Vestige Release: Shades of the Lahmu
Rank: B-Forbidden
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30-70
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will activate their chitinous vestige already present on the ground, causing all the genetic material of the corrupted creatures below the ground to be sucked into what appears visually to be a mud like cocoon. The cocoon has a HP value equal to it’s rank, modified by being made of the sea of life, I.E an A rank has 80 hp an S rank has 100 hp. After being on the field for one turn, the cocoon will hatch revealing a monstrous creature with the same health points as the cocoon, this creature is capable of utilizing the sea of life techniques, however the sea of life will be in a solid form similar to chitinous vestige and will act as a prison for enemies struck by them, similar to the binding sand coffin, leaving victims paralysed physically even after suffering damage. These creatures can be created with an appearance left at the users discretion however they will all carry certain attributes. Despite the similarity visually, the shades sea of life techniques do not carry chakra absorbing powers, it is simply solid sea of life.
Namely the creatures have no vital organs of any description similar to some creatures with hard exoskeletons, they're entirely immune to things like poison, radiation, suffocation, essentially anything other than pure physical damage. They can locate adversaries using the same life sensing abilities as the children of Tiamat, they can also use the sea of life as aforementioned, gaining access to techniques using the standard release only, not vile haze and it's variants. Each turn at the discretion of the creator the shades can absorb chakra present in any Chitinous Vestige on the field to fuel their existence.
Note: Shades created using this technique will have a chakra pool thrice the size of the chakra currently present in the vestige used to create them, for example if a dragon's tooth is used that currently contains 50 chakra the Lahmu created will have 150 chakra, once their chakra is entirely expended they will crumble leaving behind a short range pool of vestige.
Note: S ranked applications may be used thrice per battle, A ranked applications may be used four times, B ranked can be used an indefinite amount. Forbidden ranked may only be used once.
Note: While any shade above A rank is on the field the user can't make use of Chitinous Vestige techniques, with the exception of techniques that convert the element in to familiars.

Declined. This is pretty insane. You can't just outright make something immune to effects of radiation. Like...that just doesn't make sense from a physics perspective. Anything with enough energy can be changed. I also don't actually understand this technique the more I read it. What creatures? Just a worm in the ground?
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Active member
Jan 21, 2013
Trait Points
( Oujuusuiton/Suiton: Hagire ) Panthalassic Water & Water: Drumian ⤘ Pulmonoscorpius

Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10-40 (+10 per turn)
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: Scorpius is an exploration of Panthalassic Water inherent chakra parasitic properties combined with Water Release: Grudge Rain Technique chakra absorption properties. The user will charge panthalassic chakra onto their arms and/or legs, greating a liquid coat around them with a glowing cobalt core in the shape of armored arthropod plates culminating in scorpion needle or pincers through the shoulders/knees/hands etc. The user is then capable of performing physical motions aided by the globules which can act like jet propulsors to increase agility and speed to dodge other attacks, within reason, or to hit a target by striking them with the armored parts or shoot them out up to mid-range.

Similar to the aphids, when the user strikes a target with the globules, they will drain the corresponding amount of damage points, instead of dealing actual damage, leaving out the other side of the target retrieved back as a stolen chakra-infused globule. It can interact with other techniques following Panthalassic Water's S&W, whereas upon neutralization or overpowering a technique, the corresponding amount of chakra that produced the target technique is stolen onto the exit globule. The technique interaction is based on rank of the chakra cost, thus the user is capable of using an A rank Scorpius ( 30 chakra ) against an S rank Water technique ( 40 chakra ), in order to drain 40 chakra, or against a B rank Earth technique ( 20 chakra ), in order to drain 20 chakra. This chakra can be passively absorbed by a Chakra Absorbing Skill, like the presence of an Aburame's Kikaichu, or it can be used as a source for a following Water or Panthalassic Water technique, creating a more resilient combination technique, for example, using an A rank secondary technique to manipulate an A rank Scorpius exit globule, creating a technique that behaves as having 60 chakra while dealing the same amount of damage as the secondary technique.

The increase in rank determines the amount of chakra within the Scorpius and the range of techniques it can combat, or the amount of chakra it can drain from an opponent, either in a single usage of the rank chosen, or byparting the technique in powers of two, such as using an S rank application with the potential of 40 chakra power into two A rank scorpius with the potential of 30 chakra each, or 4 B ranks with the potential of 20 chakra each. The max amount of divisions is 2, an S rank going down to B at max, or a B rank going down to D at minimum.

Note: Scorpius can be used as a Pure Water technique instead of a pure Panthalassic Water technique, but it's chakra interactive abilities will only steal 80% of the "damage" stated.
Note: After a B rank application, the user can't perform Scorpius again for 1 turn. 2 turns after A Rank and 3 turns after S rank. A rank can only be used 4 times and S Rank 2 times.
Note: Can't perform techniques of the element used above S rank for 2 turns after Scorpius ends.

-Declined- increasing the chakra of a technique is hard capped at +10, saying you can combine this with another jutsu to increase an A rank (normally 30 chakra) to 60 chakra would be bypassing that, hard capped means no bypassing at all.

( Oujuusuiton/Suiton: Hagire ) Panthalassic Water & Water: Drumian ⤘ Pulmonoscorpius

Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10-40 (+10 per turn)
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: Scorpius is an exploration of Panthalassic Water inherent chakra parasitic properties combined with Water Release: Grudge Rain Technique chakra absorption properties. The user will charge panthalassic chakra onto their arms and/or legs, greating a liquid coat around them with a glowing cobalt core in the shape of armored arthropod plates culminating in scorpion needle or pincers through the shoulders/knees/hands etc. The user is then capable of performing physical motions aided by the globules which can act like jet propulsors to increase agility and speed to dodge other attacks, within reason, or to hit a target by striking them with the armored parts or shoot them out up to mid-range.

Similar to the aphids, when the user strikes a target with the globules, they will drain the corresponding amount of damage points, instead of dealing actual damage, leaving out the other side of the target retrieved back as a stolen chakra-infused globule. It can interact with other techniques following Panthalassic Water's S&W, whereas upon neutralization or overpowering a technique, the corresponding amount of chakra that produced the target technique is stolen onto the exit globule. The technique interaction is based on rank of the chakra cost, thus the user is capable of using an A rank Scorpius ( 30 chakra ) against an S rank Water technique ( 40 chakra ), in order to drain 40 chakra, or against a B rank Earth technique ( 20 chakra ), in order to drain 20 chakra. This chakra can be passively absorbed by a Chakra Absorbing Skill, like the presence of an Aburame's Kikaichu, or it can be used as a source for a following Water or Panthalassic Water technique, creating a more resilient combination technique, for example, using an A rank secondary technique to manipulate an A rank Scorpius exit globule, creating a technique that behaves as having 60 chakra while dealing the same amount of damage as the secondary technique.

The increase in rank determines the amount of chakra within the Scorpius and the range of techniques it can combat, or the amount of chakra it can drain from an opponent, either in a single usage of the rank chosen, or byparting the technique in powers of two, such as using an S rank application with the potential of 40 chakra power into two A rank scorpius with the potential of 30 chakra each, or 4 B ranks with the potential of 20 chakra each. The max amount of divisions is 2, an S rank going down to B at max, or a B rank going down to D at minimum.

Note: Scorpius can be used as a Pure Water technique instead of a pure Panthalassic Water technique, but it's chakra interactive abilities will only steal 80% of the "damage" stated.
Note: After a B rank application, the user can't perform Scorpius again for 1 turn. 2 turns after A Rank and 3 turns after S rank. A rank can only be used 4 times and S Rank 2 times.
Note: Can't perform techniques of the element used above S rank for 2 turns after Scorpius ends.

( Oujuusuiton: Makigai ) Panthalassic Water Release: Archean ⤘ Plankton

Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Once a Panthalassic Water technique spreads across the terrain, it's inherent Water parasitic abilities spreads across the surroundings, affecting any water molecule in a short-range radius around the technique's path. With a single handseal, the user is capable of forcing their control over the water particles, producing an aglomeration of glowing-turquoise microscopic Panthalassic Water plankton-like constructs within them. The Panthalassic Water Plankton prevents the passage of foreign chakra, rejecting the control of the water through the opponent's Water Ninjutsu techniques, allowing the user to passively perform Water and Panthalassic Water Ninjutsu with the Plankton-carrying droplets as a source, manipulating them at the expense of 20 less chakra than stated in the technique, without suffering any drawback in strength, replacing the original handseals with hand gestures at Short-Range and one Handseal at Mid-Range. Plantkon allows access to a different set of properties using the arrested water particles in the environment, and gaining access to two diferent abilities:

Phytoplankton: Combining Panthalassic Water's water chakra parasitic properties and Water Grudge Rain's Chakra Draining Proprieties, the user is capable of draining chakra from an opponent that stands within 5 meters of a Plankton-infused terrain. This allows the user to drain 100 chakra from an opponent at the cost of 40 chakra, S rank in strength. The drainage has the elemental S&W of Panthalassic Water. Can only be performed on Panthalassic Water Plankton within Mid-Range of the user. Water Specialists, the sole Elemental nature of Panthalassic Water, are capable of using Phytoplankton up to Long-Range.

Zooplankton: Combining Panthalassic Water's water chakra parasitic properties with Walking on Water's Chakra Sticky, the user is capable of glueing the droplets with Panthalassic Water Plankton to any opponent that passes through, severely lowering their base speed by 4 levels, at the cost of 40 chakra, S rank in strength, following Panthalassic Water's S&W. If left unblocked, the plankton keeps aggregating and lowering their base speed by 2 levels per turn at the expense of 10 chakra, until the target comes to a complete halt. This is done is an area of effect of 5 meters radius, up to mid-range from the user. Water Specialists, the sole Elemental nature of Panthalassic Water, are capable of using Zooplankton up to Long-Range.

Note: Before the usage of either ability, the Plankton will glow brighter as a tell-tale sign that something will happen. This glow is not capable of bliding an opponent, it merely serves as a visual indication of the chakra infusion before the technique, and can easily be perceived by non-Doujutsu users.
Note: The user only gains access to 1 ability per turn, Phytoplankton or Zooplankton, which count as one technique for the jutsu count. Swapping from one to the other ends the effects of the previous ability ( Thus the user is unable to drain chakra of an opponent whose speed is being lowered, or lower the speed of a target that had their chakra drained in the same turn ). Likewise, using a technique with the Plankton droplets as a source prevents the usage of either the Phytoplankton or Zooplankton abilities in the same turn.
Note: Plankton can only be used after the materialization of either an S rank technique, 2 A rank techniques or 4 B rank techniques previously. If these techniques are sealed by Fuuinjutsu, Time/Space Ninjutsu or other complete neutralization techniques, Plankton can't be used.
Note: Plankton can only be used 4 times per battle, and lasts 4 turns per usage. It requires a cooldown of 4 turns between usages, which can be used to fullfill the previously mentioned requirements.

-Declined- I don't think much of this can be approved, the pseudo specialty perks are a hard no for sure, draining a hundred chakra from someone just stood near this technique that you want to cover the entire terrain is a no for sure. The speed decrease stacking each turn is a no, the decrease is pretty high already without stacking. Then we have the problem you had originally, this has so many perks and buffs it should definitely be a mode but you're not using it as one. If you want abilities like these you need to put them in separate techniques generally or they'll always seem like pseudo modes. Then there's the issue that you'll be wanting to use this alongside the debuffs you already have with that panthalassic intrinsic perk.
( Oujuusuiton/Suiton: Hagire ) Panthalassic Water & Water: Drumian ⤘ Pulmonoscorpius

Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10-40 (+10 per turn)
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: Scorpius is an exploration of Panthalassic Water inherent chakra parasitic properties combined with Water Release: Grudge Rain Technique chakra absorption properties. The user will charge panthalassic chakra onto their arms and/or legs, greating a liquid coat around them with a glowing cobalt core in the shape of armored arthropod plates culminating in scorpion needle or pincers through the shoulders/knees/hands etc. The user is then capable of performing physical motions aided by the globules which can act like jet propulsors to increase agility and speed to dodge other attacks, within reason, or to hit a target by striking them with the armored parts or shoot them out up to mid-range.

Similar to the aphids, when the user strikes a target with the globules, they will drain the corresponding amount of damage points, instead of dealing actual damage, leaving out the other side of the target retrieved back as a stolen chakra-infused globule. It can interact with other techniques following Panthalassic Water's S&W, whereas upon neutralization or overpowering a technique, the corresponding amount of chakra that produced the target technique is stolen onto the exit globule. The technique interaction is based on rank of the chakra cost, thus the user is capable of using an A rank Scorpius ( 30 chakra ) against an S rank Water technique ( 40 chakra ), in order to drain 40 chakra, or against a B rank Earth technique ( 20 chakra ), in order to drain 20 chakra. This chakra can be passively absorbed by a Chakra Absorbing Skill, like the presence of an Aburame's Kikaichu, or it can be used as a source for a following Water or Panthalassic Water technique, acquiring a +10 chakra boon that can be translated as a +20 damage boost, while the remaining chakra can be consumed or lost.

The increase in rank determines the amount of chakra within the Scorpius and the range of techniques it can combat, or the amount of chakra it can drain from an opponent, either in a single usage of the rank chosen, or byparting the technique in powers of two, such as using an S rank application with the potential of 40 chakra power into two A rank scorpius with the potential of 30 chakra each, or 4 B ranks with the potential of 20 chakra each. The max amount of divisions is 2, an S rank going down to B at max, or a B rank going down to D at minimum.

Note: Scorpius can be used as a Pure Water technique instead of a pure Panthalassic Water technique, but it's chakra interactive abilities will only steal 80% of the "damage" stated.
Note: After a B rank application, the user can't perform Scorpius again for 1 turn. 2 turns after A Rank and 3 turns after S rank. A rank can only be used 4 times and S Rank 2 times.
Note: Can't perform techniques of the element used above S rank for 2 turns after Scorpius ends.

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Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points

(Banjīgamurirīsu: Pinkī no Kabe) Bungee Gum: The Wall of Pinky
Rank: A
Type: Defense
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30 (+20 when used to enhanced a barrier/wall)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user claps their hand(s) and pulls them part showing Bungee Gum substance in between them(it expands outward) but still attach to it and creates a barrier/wall that could be used to capture or defend against attack(s). This barrier/wall can be at max fiver meters long but still is attach to the user's hand(s). This barrier/wall can be added to another barrier/wall for added chakra and of course defense. The user would touch or at least be three meters from whatever barrier/wall to do this.

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(Banjīgamurirīsu: Gotcha) BungeeGum: Gotcha
Rank: B
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user using just one finger or multiple if they desire shoots off a beam of Bungee Gum directly at their desired target(s). This would attach to whatever the target is and the other end is attach to the user's finger(s). The user can pull the desired target to them or they can come at the target. Either way if the user uses this along side a tajutsu attack it would give a boost in the taijutsu attack by +15 because the momentum of the attraction or retraction of the Bungee Gum. This can be used by the user's foot also.

You must be registered for see images

Both Approved.
Bungee Gum Approved Here

(Banjīgamurirīsu: Pinkī no Kabe) Bungee Gum: The Wall of Pinky
Rank: D-S
Type: Defense
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40 (+10 when used to enhanced a barrier/wall)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user claps their hands and pulls them apart showing Bungee Gum substance in between them(it expands outward) but still attach to it and creates a barrier/wall that could be used to capture or defend against attack(s). The user can shut one hand and open it and produce the substance also. This barrier/wall can be at max five meters long but still is attach to the user's hand(s). This barrier/wall can be added to another barrier/wall for added chakra and of course defense. The user would touch or at least be three meters from whatever barrier/wall to do this. The user can create this barrier/wall without having the substance attach to their hand(s). Even they have the substance attach to their hand(s) they can detach it and still have the barrier/wall stand still. The user can create more different shapes such as a dome that surrounds them in all directions if they see fit.
Note: S rank can only be used four times a match with one turn in between each use.
Note: D-C Rank can only be a maximum range of five meters. B-A Rank can only be a maximum range of ten meters. S rank can only be a maximum range of fifteen.

(Banjīgamurirīsu: Gotcha) BungeeGum: Gotcha
Rank: D-S
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 10-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user using just one finger or multiple if they desire shoots off a beam of Bungee Gum directly at their desired target(s). This would attach to whatever the target is and the other end is attach to the user's finger(s). The user can pull the desired target to them or they can come at the target. Either way if the user uses this along side a tajutsu attack it would give a boost in the taijutsu attack by +20 because the momentum of the attraction or retraction of the Bungee Gum. This can be used by the user's foot also. The user can attach the part attach to their body to another target of their desire in the same usage of the technique long as it is in range. The retraction and attraction doesn't have to be something that happens when attaching it to another target if the user doesn't desire.
Note: S rank can only be used four times with a one turn in between usage.

-Both Declined- I don't think the updates are a problem but I can't be sure because the wording seems really off, you should give it a once over and make sure it's worded better or have someone give it a quick check for you before you submit it. Some sentences don't quite make sense.
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Active member
Oct 1, 2010
Trait Points
Updating this:

Rewrote the whole thing, so bolding the changes did not really seem helpful to you guys.

(Amatsu Fūton ♦ Tamago) – Empyrean Wind Release ♦ Egg
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: Tamago is a cohesive blast, wall or similar structure of Empyrean Wind that possesses all the intrinsic properties of the element. Taking advantage of its ability to differentiate between particles this structure is able to carry those that do not belong in a normal atmospheric composition, including particulate matter, and absorb them within its own structure. Of course, this requires that the structure is not overwhelmed in the process. Upon completion the structure will compress itself into an egg that immediately hatches, releasing the foreign matter now encased within Empyrean Wind in the shape of an animal. This shares the original iteration’s damage points. The user can direct this structure and activate it with a mental command, causing it to erupt in a wave of Empyrean Wind infused with whatever particles it absorbed. Throughout this it retains its original strengths and weaknesses, but a target would still suffer the effects of exposure to the absorbed particles, such as burns.
- Can only be used four times with a one turn cool down between uses.

Declined: What this technique can absorb isn't explained well, so I'm a little confused as to how it works. Is it like the D-Rank canon Dust Wind Technique, which just expels dust and other fine particulates around the field? Or is it capable of absorbing techniques it encounters? To my understanding, this form of Wind attacks by bludgeoning and is far more imprecise than normal Wind Release, so the notion of absorbing techniques and then releasing them is hard for me to believe. If this just picks up dust, sand, dirt or whatever else, and expels it with the force of an A-Rank technique, then that's a different story.

(Amatsu Fūton ♦ Tamago) – Empyrean Wind Release ♦ Egg
Rank: A-Rank
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: Tamago is a cohesive blast, wall or similar structure of Empyrean Wind (EW) that possesses all the intrinsic properties of the element. The structure behaves like normal EW on the field, using its suction ability to absorb unranked gasses, dust, etc. It clashes normally with opposing techniques, but if it overcomes the clash it absorbs what can be absorbed of the opposing technique's constituent parts into its own structure and activates a secondary effect as follows: The structure will compress itself into an egg that immediately hatches, releasing the foreign matter now encased within Empyrean Wind in the shape of an animal. This animal possesses the same damage as the original usage of Egg. The user can direct this structure and activate it with a mental command, causing it to erupt in a wave of Empyrean Wind infused with whatever particles it absorbed. Throughout this it retains its original strengths and weaknesses, but a target would still suffer the effects of exposure to the absorbed particles, such as burns.
- Can only be used four times with a one turn cool down between uses.

~ Just a note: EW can be read as imprecise because it 'tears and rips' instead of cutting, but it intrinsically differentiates between and carries oxygen and other particulate matter through its structure and is thus a lot more nimble than it's given credit for. Not trying to be slick. Just didn't want to list the million things that can be 'absorbed' in this manner, which is why I've used 'particulate'.

Approved w/ edits

Resubmitting these. Artificial Light has been extensively reworked, but Blind Faith has just been expanded into the generic CE "pillars and structures" tech. I took away that it can only create things within short range of the user because that's from a different time before we had rules preventing folks from making techs appear in peoples' mouths and stuff.

(Amatsu Fūton ♦ Jinkō Akari) - Empyrean Wind Release ♦ Artificial Lights
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A (+20)
Description: Artificial Lights makes use of Empyrean Wind’s (EW) intrinsic ability to carry oxygen compounds and molecules so as to dramatically decrease or increase the level of the chemical element present in a given technique. While it must be aimed at a friendly technique it can be infused into any technique where oxygen is present in the structure; water, wind, and fire variants as well as non-metallic earth. Through an added infusion of chakra EW will become part of the technique and carry oxygen in or out of its structure, thus changing its combustibility for one. The technique will also come to share EW’s ability to rip and tear at the molecular level, improving techniques formerly reliant on bludgeoning damage alone. This also represents a disadvantage however, as a technique reliant on a solid physical structure, such as Earth Golem, will be gradually torn apart from the inside resulting in its duration being decreased by one turn if infused with Artificial Lights. Apart from this the main component of this infusion is combustibility, as a technique can become either unable to burn regardless of damage levels, or extremely susceptible to burning, which results in a mid-range explosion equal to the total damage or rank of the infused technique if and when it clashes with a fire variant technique of any kind.
- Can only be used four times per battle, not in consecutive turns and not on another EW technique.
- The user cannot use any Forbidden-ranked Empyrean Wind techniques during the same turn.

Declined: this update fundamentally alters the concept and purpose of the original, making it a different technique

(Amatsu Fūton ♦ Mōshin no Miko) - Empyrean Wind Release ♦ The Blind Faith of Theresa
Rank: D/S-Rank
Type: Defensive-Offensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 10-40
Damage points: 20-80
Description: The user releases a stream of chakra through the air and molds it into the shape of any object or beast of up to 10x10 meters in dimensions. By using the incredible suction power of Empyrean Wind to gather air, this technique allows the user to create semi-physical, semi-transparent objects of Empyrean Wind. Such objects would only last for a few precious seconds due to the instability shifting nature of Empyrean Wind, but through chakra manipulation the user is able to condense the objects created by the technique, increasing their life-spans. Constructs created through this technique are maintained by passively spending 10 chakra per turn, and those above B-Rank will last for 4 turns at maximum.
- Must wait one turn before reuse.
- S-rank version can only be used four times per battle.

Approved w/ edits

(Amatsu Fūton: Doragon Unari) Empyrean Wind Release: Dragon's Roar
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage: 80
Description: After forming three handseals, the user releases a massive blast of empyrean wind, slightly larger than Pressure Damage, that is shaped in the form of a dragon's head. The massive blast of empyrean wind will rage toward the target and cannot be satisfied until its hunger is quenched. This technique is so powerful that it has been said that it was used to pave an enormous tunnel straight through a large mountain in order to making traveling from one side to the other easier.
~Can only be used three times per battle with a single turn cooldown.

And like it was said in 2012: there'll be no funny business with the flavor text about mountains.

Approved w/ edit
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Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Permission to submit CEJ

(Suteijian Suiton: Sute~yukusu no chikara) Ξ Stygian Water: Might of the Styx
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S rank
Range: Short – Long
Chakra: 40 (-5 per turn)
Damage: 80
Description: Might of the Styx is an advanced technique based on the premise established by (Suteijian Suiton: Megami no noroi) Ξ Stygian Water: Curse of the Goddess. After performing two handseals, the user momentarily creates clouds that release a powerful rain that falls across the whole battlefield with the intent to corrode and weaken enemies defenses. Specifically those that can't be worn down over time and those with regenerative abilities. As the rain falls, it latches the Stygian chakra onto it, corroding and eating away at the defense and chakra that it's composed of, lowering its base protective value by -20 damage as an additional effect, in addition to doing its innate damage. This effect persists for a turn after the rain has stopped, upon whose expiry the opponents defenses assume or heal to their usual values. Once created, the rain persists for 4 turns or until removed from battle, in order to keep the defence weakened during which period the user can't perform other S rank and above Stygian Water techniques. Something unique about the technique is that the rain doesn't fall within a 2m radius of the user and the clouds created will move accordingly to the user's movements to keep this radius of non rain available. This technique can only be used 2 times with a 2 turn cooldown period between usages.

Declined: This just isn't unique enough to justify a wholly separate jutsu. It's essentially the technique it's based on, but it does 80 damage in a single turn and bleed damage over every subsequent turn over the entire area. You could probably add some of this submission's functionality into the older one as an update, but it wouldn't be as strong as this.
Resubmitting as a CEJ update of the original.

(Suteijian Suiton: Megami no noroi) Ξ Stygian Water: Curse of the Goddess
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 30 (-5 per turn)
Damage Points: N/A (-20)
Description: Created as a way to deter opponents, the user does two hand seals and creates a light rain of Stygian Water. What this rain does is uses Stygian Water's corrosive ability to eat away at matter used within the rain. This translates to a 20 damage reduction in foreign earth based jutsu, ranging from Earth to Steel to even Shikotsumyaku bones and CE derived from Earth , as well as similar chakra based defenses. Specifically, the rain can target those defenses that usually can't be worn down over time and those with regenerative abilities. As the rain falls, it latches the Stygian chakra onto it, corroding and eating away at the defense and chakra that it's composed of, lowering its base protective value by -20 damage per turn. This effect persists for a turn after the rain has stopped, upon whose expiry the opponents defenses assume or heal to their original values. Once created, the rain persists for 4 turns or until removed from battle. This allows the user to weaken the opponent's jutsu to prevent high damage being done against him. Something unique about the technique is that the rain doesn't fall within a 2m radius of the user and the clouds created will move accordingly to the user's movements to keep this radius of non rain available.
Note: Lasts 4 turns each use, reducing enemy jutsu during that time.
Note: Can only be used 3 times with a 2 turn cooldown period between usages

-Declined- updating this is fine, but updating it to work against all chakra based defenses and ones that specifically say they can't be worn down doesn't make much sense, it kinda flies in the face of the elements strengths and weaknesses while enhancing it's corrosion aspects beyond the limits it has.
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Lord of Kaos

Apr 7, 2009
Trait Points
( Takamabi: Takamimusubi ) High Heaven Fire: High Creator
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: B - S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 - 60
Damage Points: 80 - 120
Description: Takamimusubi entails the generic manipulation of High Heaven Fire, allowing the user to produce and manipulate the white and crimson flames into streams, constructs and projectiles. As a generic manipulation, the effects of both Shinkai ( Terrain ) and Yomi ( Person ) are not advanced, more akin to the effects of False Surroundings rather than any complex change to the terrain in case of Shinkai, and with a simple effect when it pertains to Yomi. For the generic manipulation, the effects mirror nature and the 5 elements. When manipulating generic High Heaven Flames, one chooses the corresponding attribute upon creation, to define the effects it induces, or upon using this technique to manipulate existing flames, changing the illusion.
  • ( Ama-no-Iwato ) Realm of the Flame, Fire Cave
    Inspired by Fire ( Katon ), the terrain is altered into ranging lava field and wildfire when hit with the flames of High Heaven, including other non-sentient techniques and objects, inducing the Shinkai effects. When hit directly with the flames, sentient entities will see the full expansive and dark cavern filled with magma pools, active volcanoes and a brimstone rain tinted in shades of red and black. The heat will cause hallucinogenic effects that will slow down their dexterity, reducing their ability to make handseals to 1 at max ( B rank ), revoking other techniques that usually only require 1 handseal ( A rank ), or no handseals ( S rank ), as the effects of Yomi. Once per turn, the user is capable of manipulating the reality-altered flames of Ama-no-Iwato using basic Fire Ninjutsu, which in turn is akin to manipulating the flames of High Heaven themselves.​
  • ( Ryūgū-jō ) Realm of the Corals, Underwater Palace
    Inspired by Water ( Suiton ), the terrain is altered into a storming sea when hit with the flames of High Heaven, including other non-sentient techniques and objects, inducing the Shinkai effects. When hit directly with the flames, sentient entities will see the full expansive and dark ocean, plunged underwater, with raging currents and crashing waves, tinted in teal and purple. The water will cause hallucinogenic effects that will revoke body movement, reducing their ability to use complex taijutsu higher than A ranks ( B rank ), higher than C ranks ( A rank ), or use taijutsu at all ( S rank ), as the effects of Yomi. Once per turn, the user is capable of manipulating the reality-altered sea of Ryūgū-jō using basic Water Ninjutsu, which in turn is akin to manipulating the flames of High Heaven themselves.​
  • ( Nakatsukuni ) Realm of the Reeds, Earth Canyon
    Inspired by Earth ( Doton ), the terrain is altered into a rocky and gravel ground when hit with the flames of High Heaven, including other non-sentient techniques and objects, inducing the Shinkai effects. When hit directly with the flames, sentient entities will see the full expansive and dark desert filled with dust storms and pitfalls, tinted in gray and gold. The dust will cause hallucinogenic effects that will hamper tracking, reducing their ability to sense and track by 10% ( B rank ), reduced by 25% ( A rank ), or reduced to base value ( S rank ) as the effects of Yomi. Once per turn, the user is capable of manipulating the reality-altered grounds of Nakatsukuni using basic Earth Ninjutsu, which in turn is akin to manipulating the flames of High Heaven themselves.​
  • ( Ne-no-kuni ) Realm of the Storm, Lightning City
    Inspired by Lightning ( Raiton ), the terrain is altered into metalic and electrified platform when hit with the flames of High Heaven, including other non-sentient techniques and objects, inducing the Shinkai effects. When hit directly with the flames, sentient entities will see the full expansive and dark city filled with abandoned voltage rubble and beams and dark and raging storms, tinted in neon green and blue. The electricity will cause hallucinogenic effects that will hamper spiritual techniques like Genjutsu and other mind-altering processes, reducing their ability to use these techniques higher than A rank ( B rank ), higher than C ranks ( A rank ), or at all ( S rank ) as the effects of Yomi. Once per turn, the user is capable of manipulating the reality-altered thunder of Ne-no-kuni using basic Lightning Ninjutsu, which in turn is akin to manipulating the flames of High Heaven themselves.​
  • ( Onogoro-Shima ) Realm of the Spear, Wind Mountain
    Inspired by Wind ( Fuuton ), the terrain is altered into a snow and wind mountain peak when hit with the flames of High Heaven, including other non-sentient techniques and objects, inducing the Shinkai effects. When hit directly with the flames, sentient entities will see the full expansive and dark mountain filled with breathtaking snow and wind hurricanes and gusts tinted in orange and navy. The pressure will cause hallucinogenic effects that will slow down their movement, reducing their speed by 25% ( B rank ), down to half ( A rank ), or reduced to base value ( S rank ), as the effects of Yomi. Once per turn, the user is capable of manipulating the reality-altered gusts of Onogoro-Shima using basic Wind Ninjutsu, which in turn is akin to manipulating the flames of High Heaven themselves.​
Note: Effects of Shinkai are limited to the area burnt by the flames of High Heaven. Effects of Yomi are limited to those burnt by them. The spreading property of Takambi is in effect when using Takamimusubi.
Note: The effects of Shinkai and Yomi are connected to each other, and only one type can be used per technique. The user can re-use this technique on their own flames in order to change the effects as a whole, or use other Takamabi techniques to acquire other effects, but not layer them, unless stated otherwise. Thus one can produce Takambi flames with the Kagutsuchi effect and then switch them with the Mizugami effect, but not layer them both onto the same pool of High Heaven flames.
Note: B ranks can only be used once every 3 turns, A ranks can only be used 6 times and S ranks can only be used 3 times. Takamabi flames expire at a rate of 10/15/20 chakra a turn, for B/A/S ranked usages, thus B and A rank usage lasts 4 turns, whereas S rank lasts 3 turns. Re-using Takamimusubi will refuel the flames.
Note: The user is immune to their own flames, allowing one to coat themselves in them or pass through them without taking damage, but will require the appropriate techniques to counter the High Heaven techniques of others, or use High Heaven themselves of a superior level in order to manipulate them.

Declined. We touched on the bases already but I'll just reiterate. Separate the basic drawbacks/debuffs/whatever you want to call them from the basic manipulation technique. Remove the parts where you essentially turn your entire Basic 5 arsenal into techniques for the CE. Other than that it should be good.

( Takamabi: Amenominakanushi ) High Heaven Fire: Central Master
Type: Offensive/Supplementary/Defensive
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 50 ( +10 Chakra )
Damage Points: N/A ( +30 Damage )
Description: Amenominakanushi is an infusion of Takamabi onto the genesis of another technique, using High Heaven's reality altering properties ( Shinkai ) to alter the infused technique's physical properties, similar to Change into Heaven. The user expends 70 chakra, but only 10 chakra is added to the original technique. The infused technique will acquire an increase of 30 damage, but will now deal spiritual damage instead of physical. The reality-altered technique will have Takamabi's neutral S&W when interacting with other techniques, it's chakra and power clashing directly with the other technique, while it's damage affecting only sentient entities and other spiritual entities. As the infused technique is not Takamabi itself, but altered by it, it will not induce the effects of Yomi onto others, merely inducing a primal and confounding haze, dread and paranoia with excrutiating mental pain.
Note: This technique can be performed alongside another Ninjutsu in the same timeframe.
Note: This can only be used up to 4 times with a 2 turn break in between usages.

Declined. The technique notes 50 Chakra in the basic stats but says 70 in the technique description. This is pretty wild being a 30 damage boost, altering the basis of the damage type, and the altered interactions. Like that's a lot for a single infusion. I need better clarification on what exactly the second half means when you change it's damage type. See colored portions.
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Active member
Jun 18, 2009
Trait Points
( Katon/Meromeroton: Mera ღ Mera ) Fire/Perfume Release: Tituba's Plea ღ Flamme de Salem

Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: D-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40 ( +10 per turn )
Damage Points: 20-80
Description: Flamme de Salem is a bright and scented flame, usually in pink shades. It takes advantage of Perfume's resistance to fire to burn off the Genjutsu-carrying scent of the element and intensify it. The Flamme de Salem can be manipulated like Fire Ninjutsu, creating flames and maelstroms or burning constructs, which can be bigger and more powerful depending on the chakra used. The Genjutsu carried by the Flamme de Salem induces the illusionary effects described in any approved Perfume technique, like the ravaging rose thorns of Cleopatra's Piercing Adoration or the alluring pheromones of Bonny's Seduction.

This technique can also be combined with an equal ranked Fire Ninjutsu in order to induce the same scent-based Illusiosory effects with other fire techniques as a base, creating an elemental combination technique which has the outcome of being 1 rank stronger or +20 damage in case of S rank. This can be done in the same time-frame as another Fire technique but counts as 2 jutsu. Either variant of Flamme de Salem is ruled by the fire aspect of the technique, and is bound to any Fire-related specialities of the user, likewise, when clashing the Perfume takes a supplementary role whereas Fire carries a defensive and offensive roll, giving the technique or the combo it's elemental S&W, rather than Perfume's. Despite the underlying Genjutsu being the same rank it will still be damageless. Any method of dealing with Genjutsu can be used after the source has been removed, otherwise it is continuously recast without change. The scent exuded by this technique extends in a short range radius around the flame source, casting the illusionary effects in this area.

Note: Up to B rank, it requires 1 turn cooldown after expiration, and last up to 5 turns. A Rank and above can only last up to 3 turns and require 2 turn cooldown. A rank can only be used 3 times, S rank can only be used 2 times. This can't be used with Forbidden ranked Perfume or Fire techniques.
Note: Can't perform other Fire or Perfume techniques higher than S rank throughout the duration of this technique. In case of S rank usage, can't perform them higher than A rank.
Note: A single Perfume Genjutsu effect can be applied per Flamme, without stacking.

-Approved- I made some changes
Update old technique

(Meromeroton: Bane ღ Bane ) Perfume Release: Antoinette's Naiveté ღ Grande-Plié

Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: E-S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 5-40
Damage Points: 10-80
Description: Grande-Plié is the generic manipulation of Perfume Release. Allows the user to materialize a large quantity of Main Release perfume from her body and direct it to the opponent in a multitude of manners, producing streams and jets, or actual liquid constructions. After the user directs the perfume, the user is able to change the direction once, with one handseal. Generically, the liquid has the appearance of a swarm of jasmine blossoms and fine brioches, even though it's a concise mass of liquid. A particularity of this technique is that, while having the properties of Main Release perfume, it's actual scent is variable, allowing for the user to mimic any smell, be in chocolate, croissants, fruits, etc. Exposure to air has the perfume become scent-less and inert after 3 turns

Note: Changing directions counts towards the 3 jutsus per turn limit.
Note: With another handseal, the user is able to materialize the perfume inside vials, which will keep the perfume indefinitely, without exposing it to air.
Note: Inert and scent-less perfume can replace as a medium of using other Perfume techniques.
Note: The power and size of the technique varies with rank. Higher than B rank requires 1 turn cooldown between usages. A rank can only be used 6 times, S rank can only be used 4 times.

-Declined- This isn't really an update this is basically an entirely new technique.
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Active member
Jun 12, 2013
Trait Points
(Fuuinjutsu/Porisuchiton: Torasoruteotoru Sūhai) - • Sealing Arts/Polystyrene Release: Tlazolteotl's Adoration •
Type: Offensive/Defensive/Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short | Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: Tlazolteotl's Adoration is a technique in which a seal is placed on all of the weaponry of a polystyrene user. Upon the command of the user or the seal being touched by excess foreign chakra, the seal will release an enormous amount of polystyrene at a rapid pace which can either be soft or hard upon release by nature. This polystyrene can be bent to the user’s will to harden or soften upon the user’s command as well as the user being able to mold this into whatever they please. Things such as walls, spikes, orbs, etc. The seal creates enough excess polystyrene for there to be a source left on the ground from the activation of the seal. Although this technique is to protect the user and protect their weaponry from being taken by others without consent and consequence, it can also serve as protection such as if the user is falling from a great height, the seal can be activated and soft polystyrene can pour out and cushion the user’s fall. So the technique and seal is quite useful in many ways. The seal can be activated every other turn and is of course an active technique used in that turn.

Note: Must be posted on user’s bio and as a reference when utilizing (ex: threw a kunai with the seal on it).
Note: Requires one turn cooldown after use

Element approved here [X]

I am the owner of this element.

-Declined- I can't allow you to have this with completely unlimited usages and unlimited seals on weaponry
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Jan 8, 2009
Trait Points
Bungee Gum Approved Here

(Banjīgamurirīsu: Pinkī no Kabe) Bungee Gum: The Wall of Pinky
Rank: D-S
Type: Defense
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40 (+10 when used to enhanced a barrier/wall)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user claps their hands and pulls them apart showing Bungee Gum substance in between them(it expands outward) but still attach to it and creates a barrier/wall that could be used to capture or defend against attack(s). The user can shut one hand and open it and produce the substance also. This barrier/wall can be at max five meters long but still is attach to the user's hand(s). This barrier/wall can be added to another barrier/wall for added chakra and of course defense. The user would touch or at least be three meters from whatever barrier/wall to do this. The user can create this barrier/wall without having the substance attach to their hand(s). Even they have the substance attach to their hand(s) they can detach it and still have the barrier/wall stand still. The user can create more different shapes such as a dome that surrounds them in all directions if they see fit.
Note: S rank can only be used four times a match with one turn in between each use.
Note: D-C Rank can only be a maximum range of five meters. B-A Rank can only be a maximum range of ten meters. S rank can only be a maximum range of fifteen.

(Banjīgamurirīsu: Gotcha) BungeeGum: Gotcha
Rank: D-S
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 10-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user using just one finger or multiple if they desire shoots off a beam of Bungee Gum directly at their desired target(s). This would attach to whatever the target is and the other end is attach to the user's finger(s). The user can pull the desired target to them or they can come at the target. Either way if the user uses this along side a tajutsu attack it would give a boost in the taijutsu attack by +20 because the momentum of the attraction or retraction of the Bungee Gum. This can be used by the user's foot also. The user can attach the part attach to their body to another target of their desire in the same usage of the technique long as it is in range. The retraction and attraction doesn't have to be something that happens when attaching it to another target if the user doesn't desire.
Note: S rank can only be used four times with a one turn in between usage.

-Both Declined- I don't think the updates are a problem but I can't be sure because the wording seems really off, you should give it a once over and make sure it's worded better or have someone give it a quick check for you before you submit it. Some sentences don't quite make sense.
(Banjīgamurirīsu: Gotcha) BungeeGum: Gotcha
Rank: D-S
Type: Defense/Supplementary
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 10-40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Allows the user to produce a string of resilient and bouncy Bungee Gum, shot from their hands/fingers or their foot, which will then stick to a target. By using the bouncing potential of the gum string, the user is capable of manipulating an attached target or themselves, bungeeing them around. The added momentum from the bouncy string will translate into a +20 damage boon when performing an impact-based attack, by augmenting the potential energy behind it. This can be added to Taijutsu or other Physical techniques by either pulling oneself against a target or by pulling a target against the physical attack.
Note: S rank can only be used four times with a one turn in between usage.

(Banjīgamurirīsu: Pinkī no Kabe) Bungee Gum: The Wall of Pinky
Rank: D-S
Type: Defense
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 10-40 (+10 when used to enhance a barrier/wall)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user is capable of producing a barrier of Bungee Gum that can be expanded up to 10 meters in all directions, or moulded into diferent shapes. The creation of the Bungee Gum starts by closing both hands together and then pull them appart, showing the gum between both that will then be expanded and inflated through chakra manipulation. This can also be done with a single hand, by clenching one's fist and then opening one's palm. The gum can be manipulated by keeping physical contact with it or remotely up to 3 meters distance from the construct. The Bungee Gum construct that be used as a standalone technique or as a way to coat other barrier or wall-like techniques, infusing them with added resilience by infusing 10 chakra and acquiring 1 rank boost.
Note: S rank can only be used four times a match with one turn in between each use.
Note: D-C Rank can only be a maximum range of five meters. B-A Rank can only be a maximum range of ten meters. S rank can only be a maximum range of fifteen.

-Both Approved-
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