Noodle Panhandle (002)


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Going about as he was towards the factory he felt a sudden pressure. He didn't understand where or whom it was but as a ninja, the very presence was alarming, he quickly turned around. Scanning the place with his eyes as he couldn't see who it was that watched him. The eyes on his neck gave him an uptight nerve as he walked towards the factory. The glare wasn't clear which direction it came from, but it held an affirmed spotlight on him. He was being watched, now as he approached close to the factory enough to be seen by other guards who quickly knew of the famous S-Crime consigliere Capos. They would straighten themselves and diligently appear more keen and observant to their duties.

Noticing the shadow appear right above him, Ikiru's heart would race but suddenly calm as he then knew he was up against a shinobi. While the guards suddenly looked upwards to their enemy Ikiru stayed still and indifferent as he faced the shadowy figure closing in from the skies. The Sharingan simply existing as it then begun to spin into the greatest form of his Doujutsu. Ikiru emitting a hostile aura without actual intent manifesting into being, any shinobi would easily pick up on the scent.

( Doujutsu: Sharingan ) Eye Technique: Copy Wheel Eye (Passive)

( Doujutsu: Eien no Mangekyou Sharingan ) - Eye Technique: Eternal Kaleidoscope Copy Wheel Eye

"Tsk. Sup?" (Unknown shinobi)

"State your business." (Ikiru)

Without looking to the opponent as he spoke, facing the ground of the shadow as a grayed chakra surge of a skeleton 4 part ribcage would appear to form around him. The form appeared quite stable but for Ikiru sustaining the susanoo was quite hard he had recently just started to get used to using his Mangekyou Sharingan which further had became the Eternal. The Susano was a Beast of its own. Ikiru was already struggling to sustain the spiritual guardian, the pain along with the weight go it was mentally taxing however he displayed a cool visage to the scene not revealing the stress.

( Susano'o: Katachi Hafu ) - Susano'o: Incomplete Form

OOC: Since I have yet to finish the Training or got an approved MS ability, I am logically gonna display it as Ikiru still new to the EMS and whatnot. Meaning he hasn't fully grasped his fully potential of the Doujutsu.
Alucard was greeted by lowlife guards as the Uchiha nonchalantly. It was obvious that he wasn't stupid as the Susano'o, a trait only Mangekyo Sharingan users could use.

Susano'o.. How terrifyingly.. worthless.

Alucard would float down and face the Uchiha and look him dead in the eye. He was weakened by the fever, but had no intention of showing it. All he needed to show, was his Dojutsu - to clarify power. The blue and golden tenseigan would pierce through the gaze of the Mangekyo and through the Susano'o as well. He demanded attention.

So, what are you planning.. Uchiha?


Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
Alucard was greeted by lowlife guards as the Uchiha nonchalantly. It was obvious that he wasn't stupid as the Susano'o, a trait only Mangekyo Sharingan users could use.

Susano'o.. How terrifyingly.. worthless.

Alucard would float down and face the Uchiha and look him dead in the eye. He was weakened by the fever, but had no intention of showing it. All he needed to show, was his Dojutsu - to clarify power. The blue and golden tenseigan would pierce through the gaze of the Mangekyo and through the Susano'o as well. He demanded attention.

So, what are you planning.. Uchiha?
Looking upwards to see the shinobi, Ikiru would judge their skill level only to realize whom he had commented against. It had been a long time since he had seen them but that chakra and the very type of verbal speech. This wasn't only identifying feature but despite the changes they both had gone through it was easily attuned to whom they were. It was his sensei! Checking into his chakra system first to affirm he wasn't within a genjutsu of sorts further more, he would reply with his Sharingan retracting to his regular eyes. "It's been a long while, Alucard Sensei. Didn't think you had survived, I assumed you had gone off dead somewhere..."
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Looking upwards to see the shinobi, Ikiru would judge their skill level only to realize whom he was commented against. It had been a long time since he had seen them but that chakra and the very type of verbal speech. This wasn't only identifying feature but despite the changes they both had gone through it was easily attuned to whom they were. It was his sensei! Checking into his chakra system first to affirm he wasn't within a genjutsu of sorts further more, he would reply with his Sharingan retracting to his regular eyes. "It's been a long while, Alucard Sensei. Didn't think you had survived, I assumed you had gone off dead somewhere..."
Alucard shrugged off his facade and applied an intense eye bloating smile.

Hihi..hehe..hoho.. To think that you developed.. What the **** is up with that pattern anyway, a 4th tomoe? That's.. quite unique. Got any brother you want me to slay and grouch out the eyes from their skull with? The Eternal should be gifted to you. Me? I am now considering myself immortal. Not even this damn virus can..


Alucard puked out a lot of blood from his throat but was quick to wipe it off with one of the rocks in the belt he was floating up on using his gravitational powers.

You might not see it now but.. This dojutsu ive awakened, are you familliar with it?

He stared into the eyes of the guards around him, all having their blades pointed towards him. With a calm stare back at Ikiru, he would wave a single handseal and unleash his Dust chakra in an omni-directional sphere. Stretching out just enough to cover their blades.


(Jinton: Rasutaraizu | Dust Release: Rasterize)
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B-S(B, becomes A)
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20-40
Damage: 40-80(60 + 20)
Description: The user will expand a 3D field using their own body as a base for the expansion of the technique. This means the 3D shape expands around the user in all directions. Depending on the rank of the technique it will reach short(B rank, up to 5 meters around the user), mid(A rank, up to 8 meters around the user) and long(S rank, up to 15 meters around the user). Everything that is captured in the field(that has a cubic formation at the edge) will be disintegrated which will essentially rasterized the user away from their surroundings and leave them intact while everything around them is disintegrated. B rank can be used at all times, requiring a single seal. A rank can be used three times, once every second turn and requires two seals. S rank can be used twice, requiring a cooldown of three turns and requires three handseals.

Note: Can only be taught by Skorm.

The swords blades where all but disintegrated in an instant.

Yall should learn ninjutsu... Ikiru here is the only one of you piss-ants worthy of my time. Run along now..
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Reactions: RuckenTM


Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
Yeah, ever since I awoken the Mangekyou Sharingan, its been the same. It doesn’t hurt anymore like before, the painful straining has quelled for a long while. I kind of forgotten the pain a bit. Its such a relief to see you again sensei, the world for so for me has been quite…cold. For now at least, I am practicing daily trying to sustain the Susano’o is such a pain. I am thankful it was you not someone I didn’t know. I can’t sustain the Susano’o for too long as it drains me mentally. The pain that goes throughout my whole body is excruciating to say the least.

With a small pause as he moved towards his sensei in a cheerful mood he would banter a bit more as the guards prepared themselves to attack, calling for reinforcements. Some terrified as they raced to save Ikiru, for them it appeared like the Shinobi had done something to Ikiru. Who now appeared to be under their control as it floated above them. The realization of Ikiru laughing further strengthen their understanding as for Ikiru was never prone to show any positive or negative emotion.

Now that they were sure, the inner High-security guards with ‘semi-auto anti-chakra’ needled guns. The type that was meant to take down ‘any-shinobi’ if so much a single needle hit their inner skin.

Yeah the 4th Tomoe that I have unlike the records is quite new to me too. At times, I feel like am able to feel a different mood so to say whenever I activate it. So I got a question, can you revive my mother as an edo summon? I got a few questions I wish to ask her. It seems this virus is catching up with me too. I am starting to feel greatly ill each passing day. Very few people are left, some say they are able to cope with it. I doubt that’s even a possible case with the death toll. *Coughs hard* ehhh

Looking to his master’s new eyes as he was questioned. He shook his head, he had never seen such eyes. He wasn’t much informed of them, he did however know that in the past several Doujutsu existed. The few that survived were the Sharingan, and Rinnegan. Whist the among those the lesser of the two was the ‘white-all-seeing eye’. Ikiru was curious to what his master’s eye was, while also its capabilities verse the Sharingan.

No, please do tell. I know about few of the dead dojutsus known in the records. I know you’re a chimera by trade, I doubt your bloodline was able to archive such feat however, I could be wrong.” Saying as the low class, but brave guards approached his master. The blades directed at him surely indicted hostile intent. Not know their place was an ultimately their undoing, however Ikiru knew one of these kids. This however wasn’t an attachment to them but rather simply a form of respect that he was always given.

Being powerful person with a status of even power to hire or fire people. Ikiru wasn’t ever really approached by anyone in the S-Crime Org without intentions. This kid was new and need to survive, he had joined recently and was hoping to one day work along side Ikiru. Knowing he wasn’t ever gonna be able to, still constantly tried to know who Ikiru was and how they could be buddies. Applying loyalty by defending Ikiru whenever people spoke ill of him (not that it bother Ikiru). The implication of doing so would etch their face directly into Ikiru’s memories.

Normally when such actions would occur Ikiru wouldn’t left a finger if it wasn’t mission based. This meant accidents that occurred that he could prevent, he would ignore. This was well known by the S-Crime. He was famously known to be a complete bot of the head boss and whomever else above the low, mid, even high pay grade. He was completely an immunity to everyone but the head boss. No issues would arise around him unless physically initiated by the enemy, for insults never attributed to Ikiru partaking in action.

This moment as his sensei effortlessly swiped ‘bugs’ off his platform by making them appear more than worthless. Ikiru acknowledged the danger the three small guards were in, strictly Ikiru had the intention of only saving the one he recognized, the other three simply were within the vicinity of his application.

His sensei knowing Ikiru was very much the only one able to see the whole prompt move of his move. His insanely fast non-visible motion of waving a single handseal. To the guards, who simply stood expressionlessly unknownist the outcome that had occurred. In-turn, Ikiru would wave a single handseal correspondingly to the guards who still barely registered the scene. Ikiru using his regulated heated ash from his hands to simply move the group backwards.

Now (Master) Sensei, proclaiming to them Ikiru would nod in compliance too. The crowd that had gathered became confused as they slowly started heading back knowing Ikiru was fine and not in danger. Not that they could assist him in any form or shape. @Skorm

(Katon: Shishamasu) — Fire Release: Death's Hands
Type: Offensive, Supplementary, Defensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 30 (-15 to sustain jutsu per turn)
Damage Points: 60
Description: After forming three handseals, they'll release a surge of katon chakra around any part of their body to create a layer of hot ash or by release it from their own body, and at will they can manipulate existing ash i.e via; ash gourd. This will not burn the user as they will create a layer of chakra between their skin and the ash to protect themselves. At will, the user can release this ash in a stream of sorts from their hands (even from body-movements) for offensive/Supplementary/defensive purposes, even in enormous amounts. This can be combined with other jutsu like Fire related jutsu to give them +1 rank in damage up to S rank within the same timeframe. If combined with another Fire technique, Death's Hands ends.
Note: While Jutsu is sustained (for up to 3 turns), Users can only utilize Katon or related Fire style Ninjutsu only.


ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Yeah, ever since I awoken the Mangekyou Sharingan, its been the same. It doesn’t hurt anymore like before, the painful straining has quelled for a long while. I kind of forgotten the pain a bit. Its such a relief to see you again sensei, the world for so for me has been quite…cold. For now at least, I am practicing daily trying to sustain the Susano’o is such a pain. I am thankful it was you not someone I didn’t know. I can’t sustain the Susano’o for too long as it drains me mentally. The pain that goes throughout my whole body is excruciating to say the least.

With a small pause as he moved towards his sensei in a cheerful mood he would banter a bit more as the guards prepared themselves to attack, calling for reinforcements. Some terrified as they raced to save Ikiru, for them it appeared like the Shinobi had done something to Ikiru. Who now appeared to be under their control as it floated above them. The realization of Ikiru laughing further strengthen their understanding as for Ikiru was never prone to show any positive or negative emotion.

Now that they were sure, the inner High-security guards with ‘semi-auto anti-chakra’ needled guns. The type that was meant to take down ‘any-shinobi’ if so much a single needle hit their inner skin.

Yeah the 4th Tomoe that I have unlike the records is quite new to me too. At times, I feel like am able to feel a different mood so to say whenever I activate it. So I got a question, can you revive my mother as an edo summon? I got a few questions I wish to ask her. It seems this virus is catching up with me too. I am starting to feel greatly ill each passing day. Very few people are left, some say they are able to cope with it. I doubt that’s even a possible case with the death toll. *Coughs hard* ehhh

Looking to his master’s new eyes as he was questioned. He shook his head, he had never seen such eyes. He wasn’t much informed of them, he did however know that in the past several Doujutsu existed. The few that survived were the Sharingan, and Rinnegan. Whist the among those the lesser of the two was the ‘white-all-seeing eye’. Ikiru was curious to what his master’s eye was, while also its capabilities verse the Sharingan.

No, please do tell. I know about few of the dead dojutsus known in the records. I know you’re a chimera by trade, I doubt your bloodline was able to archive such feat however, I could be wrong.” Saying as the low class, but brave guards approached his master. The blades directed at him surely indicted hostile intent. Not know their place was an ultimately their undoing, however Ikiru knew one of these kids. This however wasn’t an attachment to them but rather simply a form of respect that he was always given.

Being powerful person with a status of even power to hire or fire people. Ikiru wasn’t ever really approached by anyone in the S-Crime Org without intentions. This kid was new and need to survive, he had joined recently and was hoping to one day work along side Ikiru. Knowing he wasn’t ever gonna be able to, still constantly tried to know who Ikiru was and how they could be buddies. Applying loyalty by defending Ikiru whenever people spoke ill of him (not that it bother Ikiru). The implication of doing so would etch their face directly into Ikiru’s memories.

Normally when such actions would occur Ikiru wouldn’t left a finger if it wasn’t mission based. This meant accidents that occurred that he could prevent, he would ignore. This was well known by the S-Crime. He was famously known to be a complete bot of the head boss and whomever else above the low, mid, even high pay grade. He was completely an immunity to everyone but the head boss. No issues would arise around him unless physically initiated by the enemy, for insults never attributed to Ikiru partaking in action.

This moment as his sensei effortlessly swiped ‘bugs’ off his platform by making them appear more than worthless. Ikiru acknowledged the danger the three small guards were in, strictly Ikiru had the intention of only saving the one he recognized, the other three simply were within the vicinity of his application.

His sensei knowing Ikiru was very much the only one able to see the whole prompt move of his move. His insanely fast non-visible motion of waving a single handseal. To the guards, who simply stood expressionlessly unknownist the outcome that had occurred. In-turn, Ikiru would wave a single handseal correspondingly to the guards who still barely registered the scene. Ikiru using his regulated heated ash from his hands to simply move the group backwards.

Now (Master) Sensei, proclaiming to them Ikiru would nod in compliance too. The crowd that had gathered became confused as they slowly started heading back knowing Ikiru was fine and not in danger. Not that they could assist him in any form or shape. @Skorm

(Katon: Shishamasu) — Fire Release: Death's Hands
Seeing as Ikiru couldn't be bothered by his guards either after having unleashed super hot ash all around that pushed his lapdogs back, Alucard intended on answer Ikirus question.

This, is the tenseigan. The mangekyo version of the All-seeing eye that was originally awoken by the elder of their clan. I believe i've always had it.. My history is coming back to me you see. I am older than i thought.. Several.. hundred years older.. This, however is my final Chimera and with it i can control gravity, percieve chakra at your levels as well as summon a large statue that can rival the great Bijuu, Kurama. Alas, the virus has gotten me to the low spectrum of chakra these days, i can't use these powers right now. You mentioned pain, thats.. a feeling i miss but being a user of the Shikotsumyaku i cannot feel that anymore.

Alucard paused and raised his awareness towards the guards who all now had fallen back. The ones whom had had their swords erased from existence left in high spirits of hopelessness.

You mentioned your mother.. No, i do not know Kinjutsu to the extent that i can summon dead bodies. Yet. However, if i do learn that in the future, you know i will help you. Brother.

Alucard didn't look down anymore on his student but instead considered him as a brother who had grown, surely doing stupid things like joining a band of bandits, but atleast made a living for himself.

..So what's the plan here. I'm bored..
  • Haha
Reactions: RuckenTM


Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
So that’s how it is, you’re living historical record.” (Smirks) “I see, well I am searching or documents the arts. I will more than likely have learnt in this coming months. Anyways, I have yet to master Fuinjutsu. For now I need to attain more shinobi documents through this organization. For regarding a plan. I don’t have one. I am planning on sticking with this organization. I do have this for you.” Ikiru would proceed to take out a special piece of paper that he would channel his chakra into. Much kin-to Yin/Ying however, on a much lesser degree, the skill applied to this craft would make any Shinobi astonished. This special parchment held Ikiru's chakra signature furthermore, it held a sort of beacon to where he was to be anywhere around the world also how well he was at a certain moments. Explaining the details of it, he would gesture to his sensei that he had other things to attend to, and would hope to see them again. @Skorm

(Vi~vi~rukādo) - Vivre Card
Type: Supplementary
Rank: E
Range: N/A
Chakra: N/A
Damage: N/A
Description: This is a special passive paper tag that contains the user's chakra signature and life force. By giving this paper tag to allies, they are able to trace and find the user. This is because there is a sealing script with an arrow inscription on the paper and the arrow is always pointing to the direction of the user's chakra thus moving like a compass arrow towards the direction of the user. This can be used to locate the user and purely for rp purposes. Whenever the user is hurt and in danger, the paper turns gray in color and begins to burn slowly. It stops burning if the user's life is no more threatened and turns to ashes should the user's life fades.
Note: Only 3 can remain active at one time
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Alucard accepted the vivre card and put it in his inner pocket under his black suit that was covered by his crimson robes.

Goodluck, Ikiru. I never cared for collateral damage, do what you must to bring yourself justice and your family. T's what i've always done, and always.. will..

Alucard left with his floating platform, he gave a sharp expression to Ikirus bodyguards as if telling them that if anything should happen to Ikiru, he would execute them himself.

With all this said and done, Alucard would travel inwards the land of fire to learn about the origins of himself. Maybe there was something to explore in Konohagakure. He had only to pay the price of.. ugh.. hospitality..

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Reactions: RuckenTM


Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points

Players: Ikiru Uchiha
Mission Rank: Charlie-Class
Story Elements: 1) Perform administrative duties, and 2) the group's connections to the affiliations they're associated with, also 3) detailing the next jobs assigned to them.

[Early Morning]

With the factory reset and in motion the now that Ikiru had arrived, the guards informing him of the issues even if he was on his day off. Ikiru would decide to investigate how the locals where rebelling and attacking the factory. Going towards the dairy farm that made products which directly supplied universally the whole land of fire. Ikiru would question why they hadn't kept up with their quota. To their reply, they directly didn't no longer feel the need to supply the 'S-crime' any longer. Learning of that they planned on cutting ties with 'S-crime' Ikiru knew how much of an impact the organization would suffer if such means didn't get completed.

Retuning back to the factory. Ikiru issues out orders to go create distraction on their lands which in turn would prompt them to request the 'S-crime' to protect them which would provide the business with the same profit all-around. However, the crew at the factory had already devised to such a plan, which had failed. Several Shinobi from the land of Tsumigakure had decided to settle down in the lands. These were usually local citizens that had gave the factory workers a hard time, they had slowed down the progress as well.

Apparently they were too many and quite skilled. Learning of this, Ikiru decided to head down to the local areas to learn more of what time of Shinobi were in the land.

[Next Day]

Coming back from his investigation, he had learned that these fellow Shinobi were no-match for him. In a matter of fact, he didn't consider them shinobi. Calling the head boss for permission in the morning as he prepared to head out after having his breakfast. a few gals would giggle at him as he paid them no mind focusing on the mission at had. The fresh air of the county was pleasing, sadly the night to come was going to be a bloodbath.

Warning locals of a possible attack, none would listen as the new in towns made them feel safe. Surely, as noon came Ikiru had dressed up in complete dark attire, then suddenly they would turn to smoke as they would wisp away into the sky. Moving in the night of the quiet hour, the people entered their beds for rest. The quiet village was silently entering an eery night, some skilled Shinobi-alike villagers prepped up for guard duty. Ikiru would snipe the lone waking villagers that guarded the town, one by one he would drive upon entrapping them and directly entering through their mouths and scorching them from within so suddenly and fast that before their bodies dropped to the ground or sound could be made, Ikiru had already departed unto the next victim.

This vicious cycle would go on throughout the night as Ikiru didn't stop until each and all the guards that night had died. He would finish the purge in roughly less than an hour. Ikiru would then start to enter homies directly, robbing them of the goods as he swiftly moved about the place as a dark mist.

From house to house, he would take items here and there as he went about. Quietly without as much as a sound, he would slip past the cracks as he took items, but in one of the several houses. A small kid sneaking to grab a mid-night snack, they would see him in his misty smoke form appearing much alike a ghost or spirit moving about. Suddenly they'd rash up their stair case as Ikiru ignored them, going along taking the items. Only then would the lights flicker on, the family of three would stare in shock as the misty sprit moved through the walls escaping outside their home. The suddenly screams would alarm the neighborhood, which soon awoke to the tragedy that has transpired.

[Next Day]

Having retuned and slept, the items he had stolen had been distributed among his fellow bandits, telling them that he would go to the village to see their response. In the afternoon of the moaning, Ikiru would nonchalantly ask if they need the organization's protection, which a few hours agree but not enough to convince the dairy farm to change their minds. Ikiru would warn them of the situation, bandwagoning on the rumor of the death mist that hungered in the night.

The chief of the farm would refuse, knowingly understanding that clearly Ikiru and his gang had some sort of connection to the beast they had unleashed upon them. In rebuttal to the claim, he would ask if him leaving would making it go away. In their response, a few would acknowledge it was best. In obliging with their wishes, Ikiru would claim to leave the lands. Doing so, he would tell his crew members to hide out in the forest for a week. To townsfolk, he had told them to send a message to the near by next land where they would be if they need them.

Repeating the same situation with no countermeasures against his smoke form. The town suffered and suffered, with only 2 days of fruitless progression, they'd force the hand of the dairy farm to concede with the 'S-crime' in protecting them. Ikiru would return with his crew and contract regulations that made it quite difficult to dismiss the 'S-crime' as they now had tightened up their resources. The diary farm had been attain and other fruits and vegetables also, a simply new trade pact that enriched the 'S-crime' at a 500% increase from the previous contract!

With the praise from his companions and the head-boss hearing of the great accomplishments. Ikiru had decided to head back home to see what else was needed of him, after he had wasted his day off. He had yet to see what the blackmarkets had in store, he had recently hard of slave merchants that refused to work with the organization. Ikiru decided he would take a look into their means of refusal to establish trade with the 'S-crime'.

Travel Plan
: Keishi (Home) < Kiyorano < Hanguri Gulf < Shinramoto < Noodlau
Ext Time: 2HR

(Kemuri no Katachi) - Body of Smoke
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A/S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30/40
Damage: N/A
Description: A technique very much similar to the Hozuki Clan's Hydrification Technique, the user is able to transform themselves into a smoke-like state by channeling chakra throughout their body. In this form, the user becomes immune to all Taijutsu, Kenjutsu, and gas-related techniques unless they are elementally based. They can also manipulate the appropriate chakra for smoke, fire, and any of their own gas-related techniques. The user has complete control over the density of their smoke-like state, allowing them to solidify up to two appendages at once in order to wield standard shinobi tools for freeform combat and basic Ninjutsu/Kenjutsu purposes. This also allows them to use their own body as a source for smoke ninjutsu. However, the user is subject to smoke's weaknesses and strengths. A simple B-Rank Wind jutsu can knock them out of this form, forcing them back to their original body for sometime before they are able to transform themselves once again. As such, this technique forces the user to employ careful, yet effective strategies when it is in effect.

Note: User may not use any sort of speed boost in this form and will stay rooted to the ground.
Note: If knocked out of this form, user may not return to it for two turns.
Note: User is also subject to weather effects that may potentially harm their form.
Note: Only useable by bios that've learned Smoke Ninjutsu; S-rank is exclusive to those with the Smoke Screen specialty.
(Kemuri: Kanagata no kemuri) — Smoke Art: Smoke Mode
Type: Supplementary
Rank: D
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 10
Damage points: N/A
Description: Streaming chakra into a smoke substance; they can then manipulate that smoke substance to either return into their body or manipulate that smoke substance to move across field to another place within their senses. However initiated, the user always has some sort of physical connection to the smoke substance that they're streaming chakra into it to be manipulated by them.
(Katon-Kemuri no Jutsu: Murasakin niato) - Fire Release, Smoke technique: Deep Purple Art
Rank: C-class to S-class (+1 Rank to Smoke Ninjutsu)
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short-Long
Chakra cost: 15-40 (+10 to depending when used on another jutsu)
Damage points: N/A
Description: Utilizing the elemental-relative nature of fire release to smoke advanced ninjutsu, with excellent chakra control of fire release. Supplementing it with smoke ninjutsu, which they make a distinct form of fire explosive ninjutsu. That appears and acts on a different scale than the regular smoke ninjutsu. Being that this ninjutsu is based on smoke, the user can exhale immense quantities of suffocating gases to cause them to suffer from the lack of air or inability to breathe.

Starts by using the fire style abilities; gas chakra components through a smoke ninjutsu techniques as they knead that chakra in a form such as blowing into a balloon. This smoke appearing white as a summoning’s smoke, it’s then manipulated into objects through the user’s mouths/ in palms of their hands, which they can infuse gas chakra quantities within to formulate explosive smoke.

This can range from solid to a gas like state of the smoke with it, still exhibiting that mixed chakra formulation. Users can then produce or manipulate an existing amount of smoke, shaping it into various things such as grass, hoses, boat, rabbits, and dolls. They can change the size, color, toxic properties, and gas-scent depending on the amount of the smoke used to make the created objects seem more realistic.

Users can even change it's consistency to the point to making them solid and unbreakable-alike creations that can be brought to life and controlled remotely. With a mental command, they can detonate the katon chakra (gas) ninjutsu within the smoke, by performing the seal of confrontation. The technique varies in strength, depending on how much chakra is put into the creation of this "living" or not smoke objects. Despite all this, it’s still prominently based on smoke based jutsu, which can only be defused by a Suiton Ninjutsu.

This ninjutsu can be used alongside existing smoke ninjutsu, and or gas-related fire style jutsu/ninjutsu. Therefore depending on that jutsu, they’ll stream their chakra into that jutsu formulating that very jutsu to become a “Deep purple” art style ninjutsu release. This takes a very small timeframe.

Note: Can only be used by Smoke bios. Cannot be used Smoke Ninjutsu of S-rank or more.
Note: This smoke ninjutsu is scorching, if trapped within its gas mist as it's capable of scorching the skin off.
Note: User can only create up to three creations from this jutsu, per every other turn. If S-class is used, they can’t use this ninjutsu for 4 turns.
Note: This jutsu damage depends on the jutsu Type, and only when Offensive/Defensive style is used, the jutsu will correspond to chakra cost as the regular damage ratio.
(Kemuri Hōrudo no Jutsu) - Smoke Hold technique
Rank: C
Type: Supplementary/Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 15
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user transforms their tools/accessories into a smoke-like state by channeling chakra into them much as like '(Kemuri no Katachi) Body of Smoke' jutsu. While the items are in this form, the user can effortlessly summon their tools or weapons from the smoke to their advantage and vise-versa at will. The smoke will stay withing range of the user and follow them around like a small smokey fog that lingers endlessly.
Note: Can only be used by smoke bios

Ańbu Juniør

Active member
Feb 3, 2009
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Coming from: Zhouhua (041)

Siris reached the edge of the eastern continent and continued running at full speed across the water, his inherent ability to move across the water's surface allowing him to bound effortlessly on top of it. The wind from the east carried the smell of death, rotting flesh, and deep damp eath. He couldn't make sense of it.

-Leaving Landmark-


Active member
Jun 18, 2009
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Coming from Kanashii Ocean [x]

Isabella crosses through the ocean into the mainland. She pulls out a lone parrot feather, with the recordings of the one that took everything from her. SHe will have her revenge. But first, she needs to gather more info.


Itenerary: #2 - #1 - #25 - #26 - #34 - #7

Departing #2 Noodle Panhandle at 1:50 AM
Crossing #1 Ruins of Chungsu at 2:50 AM
Crossing #25 Shaohai at 3:50 AM
Crossing #26 Yasato at 4:50 AM
Crossing #34 Matsuzawa at 5:50 AM
Arriving at #7 Keishi at 6:50 AM
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ιn ѕιlιco
May 1, 2017
Trait Points
Coming from [x]

Alucard and his Hellsingers would make landfall, saying sayonara to Nahla and continue on foot through the Noodle Panhandle. Their presence caught vague attention to locals but they had no business here for now and continued into the arms of the Land of Fire.



Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Came from:ōdō-islet-134.756148/post-22076557

After her arrival onto the Noodle Panhandle, Mirabelle would dock her boat to the nearest wharf she can find. It was a long time since she’s been here; though being within the Land of Fire itself was troubling. The Uchiha probably has his little spies roaming the terrain looking for them but she didn’t think much of it for the time being. Instead, she got off the ship and started to walk in the direction of others nearby. She wanted to see what exactly was going on in the Land of Fire about some sort of screaming woman or some ghostly woman going on. However, she noticed a lot of the other locals seem to be on edge about what’s been going on. The whispers that they all heard, so it just wasn’t her and the Hayabusa. This only confirmed her suspicions that something grander is currently at play right now. She sighed, as she took a seat on a bench in the small costal town. “So, what’s the next course of action?” Nibi asked, in her usual resting posture within their shared realm.

I don’t know…but there are some tracks of mine I still need to cover…” she thought for a moment. She finally got one burden off her back but now there was a few more. One of them being that she needed to find her friend, one of whom she doesn’t remember last time she saw her. “Faye…” she thought for a moment until she realized. When she and Isabella ventured together to Alucard’s location – there was certain pinkette who caught her attention. That’s when Mirabelle realized it. “Wait…don’t tell me that was…” she leaned forward, she hasn’t seen Faye since she was 16, back on Mt. Katsuryoku. So it kind of made sense why Faye looked different from her 14 yr old self from back then. It was only then that Mirabelle took the moment to realize too…she was possibly an ally of her enemy. She sighed, her eyes drifting to the skies above. “Perhaps I should seek her out…” she thought for a moment but Mirabelle decided if she crossed paths with her once more, then she’ll surely talk to her this time around.

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El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
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Came from:ōdō-islet-134.756148/post-22076557

After her arrival onto the Noodle Panhandle, Mirabelle would dock her boat to the nearest wharf she can find. It was a long time since she’s been here; though being within the Land of Fire itself was troubling. The Uchiha probably has his little spies roaming the terrain looking for them but she didn’t think much of it for the time being. Instead, she got off the ship and started to walk in the direction of others nearby. She wanted to see what exactly was going on in the Land of Fire about some sort of screaming woman or some ghostly woman going on. However, she noticed a lot of the other locals seem to be on edge about what’s been going on. The whispers that they all heard, so it just wasn’t her and the Hayabusa. This only confirmed her suspicions that something grander is currently at play right now. She sighed, as she took a seat on a bench in the small costal town. “So, what’s the next course of action?” Nibi asked, in her usual resting posture within their shared realm.

I don’t know…but there are some tracks of mine I still need to cover…” she thought for a moment. She finally got one burden off her back but now there was a few more. One of them being that she needed to find her friend, one of whom she doesn’t remember last time she saw her. “Faye…” she thought for a moment until she realized. When she and Isabella ventured together to Alucard’s location – there was certain pinkette who caught her attention. That’s when Mirabelle realized it. “Wait…don’t tell me that was…” she leaned forward, she hasn’t seen Faye since she was 16, back on Mt. Katsuryoku. So it kind of made sense why Faye looked different from her 14 yr old self from back then. It was only then that Mirabelle took the moment to realize too…she was possibly an ally of her enemy. She sighed, her eyes drifting to the skies above. “Perhaps I should seek her out…” she thought for a moment but Mirabelle decided if she crossed paths with her once more, then she’ll surely talk to her this time around.

Coming from [X]

Thank you Keleano, say hi to Seven for me, Faye said teasing the cardinal.

With a poof she was gone. Faye, who was now near the coastline would begin moving inwards communing with a spirit as she walked.

She's here, yes?

Yeah, she arrived not too long ago.

Thank you.

With that she would begin to focus on Mirabelle's spiritual frequency. It was hard at first as she had only ever sensed it once but she remembered the sensation, she made sure to never forget it. Finally catching onto it, Faye would move towards her noting as she approached that there seemed to be another soul within Mira, strong, fierce almost beast like.

Always running into trouble aren't you, Mira? she would say as she slowly approached Mirabelle.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Coming from [X]

Thank you Keleano, say hi to Seven for me, Faye said teasing the cardinal.

With a poof she was gone. Faye, who was now near the coastline would begin moving inwards communing with a spirit as she walked.

She's here, yes?

Yeah, she arrived not too long ago.

Thank you.

With that she would begin to focus on Mirabelle's spiritual frequency. It was hard at first as she had only ever sensed it once but she remembered the sensation, she made sure to never forget it. Finally catching onto it, Faye would move towards her noting as she approached that there seemed to be another soul within Mira, strong, fierce almost beast like.

Always running into trouble aren't you, Mira? she would say as she slowly approached Mirabelle.
Lost in her thoughts for the moment, Mirabelle didn’t hear someone approaching at first – it was only when the Nibi made a note of it. Her sapphire blue eyes would snap into the direction the voice came from – only to see a very, well now familiar face appear. It’s almost as though fate was on her side for this though she suspected Faye utilized her connection to the spiritual world in order to gain information about her location. Never the less, Faye was now present; and quite honestly it took a moment for Mirabelle to process what she wanted to say. Distracted by other things, doubling down on how attractive Faye has become as well, Mirabelle couldn’t help but gain a light flush on her cheeks for a moment before finally answering. “You’re one to speak – always out and about seeking your adventures…” she said approaching back to Faye. If the two where allowed to get any closer, Mirabelle would embrace Faye in a hug. It was tight, yet warm and welcoming. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice you last time…but now I know…it’s good to see you again, Faye…” she would let her go afterwards, a smile on her face as she made some stone pillars form in the shape of chairs of sorts.

I have some time to spare…tell me, how’s life been since…well…way back then” she gestured for Faye to start first.

El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
Lost in her thoughts for the moment, Mirabelle didn’t hear someone approaching at first – it was only when the Nibi made a note of it. Her sapphire blue eyes would snap into the direction the voice came from – only to see a very, well now familiar face appear. It’s almost as though fate was on her side for this though she suspected Faye utilized her connection to the spiritual world in order to gain information about her location. Never the less, Faye was now present; and quite honestly it took a moment for Mirabelle to process what she wanted to say. Distracted by other things, doubling down on how attractive Faye has become as well, Mirabelle couldn’t help but gain a light flush on her cheeks for a moment before finally answering. “You’re one to speak – always out and about seeking your adventures…” she said approaching back to Faye. If the two where allowed to get any closer, Mirabelle would embrace Faye in a hug. It was tight, yet warm and welcoming. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice you last time…but now I know…it’s good to see you again, Faye…” she would let her go afterwards, a smile on her face as she made some stone pillars form in the shape of chairs of sorts.

I have some time to spare…tell me, how’s life been since…well…way back then” she gestured for Faye to start first.
Faye would squeeze tightly as if it was the last time she would see Mira, a single tear runs down her cheeks.

You should've noticed me you idiot. See this? I'm crying, I never cry.

Which was true, as a Katsuryoku Faye had full control of her emotion, she feels only what she wants to feel and what she wanted to feel now was the longing she had to see Mira, the pain from her ignoring Faye the last time she saw her and the jealousy from seeing her all cozy with a crazy red head (they weren't cozy that's just how Faye remembers it), happiness from seeing Mira again. She wanted to feel it all.

Shut up, you have all the time, you owe me. Faye said composing herself but not turning her emotions off.

Well not much has happened. I left Mount K after finishing my spirit walk, met Alucard, joined his organization and now I'm kinda looking into a new enemy that popped up but i'm not talking about that.
Anyways what about you? Where's your *cough* gi- ... .. .. friend with the red hair? And what's with the beastly aura inside you?
Last edited:


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Faye would squeeze tightly as if it was the last time she would see Mira, a single tear runs down her cheeks.

You should've noticed me you idiot. See this? I'm crying, I never cry.

Which was true, as a Katsuryoku Faye had full control of her emotion, she feels only what she wants to feel and what she wanted to feel now was the longing she had to see Mira, the pain from her ignoring Faye the last time she saw her and the jealousy from seeing her all cozy with a crazy red head (they weren't cozy that's just how Faye remembers it), happiness from seeing Mira again. She wanted to feel it all.

Shut up, you have all the time, you owe me. Faye said composing herself but not turning her emotions off.

Well not much has happened. I left Mount K after finishing my spirit walk, met Alucard, joined his organization and now I'm kinda looking into a new enemy that pooped up but i'm not talking about that.
Anyways what about you? Where's your *cough* gi- ... .. .. friend with the red hair? And what's with the beastly aura inside you?
As the two sat down, Mirabelle was listening attentively – laughing lightly as corrected her saying she owes her. Perhaps she does indeed but in truth, there was more pressing matters. The mention of Alucard rang a few bells in her head. The wanted criminal was her leader? She thought about it before but didn’t want to make conclusions but here she was now confirming it was in the fact the case. Mirabelle also heard her blunder in her speech asking about Isabella. She coy smile crept at the edge of her lips as she started to speak. “She’s not my girlfriend, let’s get that one out of the way first” she said to the point. “She’s a new friend of mine, we meet sometime ago in the last couple months. She’s good company…I suppose but there’s no romantic feelings for her” she said. It would hopefully put some ease on Faye’s heart.

As for me…there’s been a lot going on in my life…from news of godly beings coming into play, the Mother Cult making their move and so much…it’s a bit hard to explain in one go…but I’ll try my best” she continued. She would explain everything to Faye, starting from way back after she left Mt. Katsuryoku. She mentioned how Tsumigakure basically sealed Tiamat and sacrificed a lot in order to do so, the Red Fever and her losing at the tournament to try and get the antidote for it. From her encounter with the underwater residences of Eridu…but also she explained the bestial soul she was sensing. She also didn’t mention the God Slaying Tools information, wanting to keep that a secret for the time being. Her defeat at the end so Madara, not once but twice how she almost died etc.

And well…I lost my powers too from my clan, some enemies of mine managed to make some sort of Kinjutsu that forcefully removed my connection to Wuji…forever. Now that’s why you can sense my soul now…” she finished, taking a long time to explain all that she can. “So after gaining the Nibi, I’ve just been trying to master it power and become a proper Jinchuriki in the end…and its honestly going well, I think…” she wondered. “Somethings are just beyond our control now…I mean…did you not here the voices speaking to you not long ago? These divine forces are just...scary...” she asked to Faye.

El Alucard

Active member
Mar 13, 2014
Trait Points
As the two sat down, Mirabelle was listening attentively – laughing lightly as corrected her saying she owes her. Perhaps she does indeed but in truth, there was more pressing matters. The mention of Alucard rang a few bells in her head. The wanted criminal was her leader? She thought about it before but didn’t want to make conclusions but here she was now confirming it was in the fact the case. Mirabelle also heard her blunder in her speech asking about Isabella. She coy smile crept at the edge of her lips as she started to speak. “She’s not my girlfriend, let’s get that one out of the way first” she said to the point. “She’s a new friend of mine, we meet sometime ago in the last couple months. She’s good company…I suppose but there’s no romantic feelings for her” she said. It would hopefully put some ease on Faye’s heart.

As for me…there’s been a lot going on in my life…from news of godly beings coming into play, the Mother Cult making their move and so much…it’s a bit hard to explain in one go…but I’ll try my best” she continued. She would explain everything to Faye, starting from way back after she left Mt. Katsuryoku. She mentioned how Tsumigakure basically sealed Tiamat and sacrificed a lot in order to do so, the Red Fever and her losing at the tournament to try and get the antidote for it. From her encounter with the underwater residences of Eridu…but also she explained the bestial soul she was sensing. She also didn’t mention the God Slaying Tools information, wanting to keep that a secret for the time being. Her defeat at the end so Madara, not once but twice how she almost died etc.

And well…I lost my powers too from my clan, some enemies of mine managed to make some sort of Kinjutsu that forcefully removed my connection to Wuji…forever. Now that’s why you can sense my soul now…” she finished, taking a long time to explain all that she can. “So after gaining the Nibi, I’ve just been trying to master it power and become a proper Jinchuriki in the end…and its honestly going well, I think…” she wondered. “Somethings are just beyond our control now…I mean…did you not here the voices speaking to you not long ago? These divine forces are just...scary...” she asked to Faye.
A wave of relief washed over Faye when she heard the redhead wasn't anything but a good friend, a feeling quickly replaced by some shame as she realized somewhere deep down she was being selfish hoping that Mira hadn't found happiness in anyone else and she wanted her to be happy. Her cheeks turned red as she quickly tried to shake the feeling off, years of maintaining control over her emotions must've meant she became worse at dealing with them head on.
Tuning back in Faye listened attentively to Mirabelle's adventures, looking deep into her eyes and nowhere else till she was done. Mira's soul wavered every now and then which normally meant she was either not telling the truth or holding out but Faye didn't mind, she didn't need to know everything so she simply smiled.

Its seems like she had gone through so much hardship during their time apart and it showed. A beautiful soul housed by a beautiful person, Faye couldn't help but feel proud. Not wanting to dampen the mood by asking about the fights and times Mira almost died she would make joke comments on other things like how she met fish people and that Madara person seemed too spikey haired protag for her liking anyways.

Ooooh you have a kitty inside you? Nice, what's it's name? And no I haven't heard any voices I think, or maybe I did and just thought they were rando spirits. Hard to tell sometimes.


Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
A wave of relief washed over Faye when she heard the redhead wasn't anything but a good friend, a feeling quickly replaced by some shame as she realized somewhere deep down she was being selfish hoping that Mira hadn't found happiness in anyone else and she wanted her to be happy. Her cheeks turned red as she quickly tried to shake the feeling off, years of maintaining control over her emotions must've meant she became worse at dealing with them head on.
Tuning back in Faye listened attentively to Mirabelle's adventures, looking deep into her eyes and nowhere else till she was done. Mira's soul wavered every now and then which normally meant she was either not telling the truth or holding out but Faye didn't mind, she didn't need to know everything so she simply smiled.

Its seems like she had gone through so much hardship during their time apart and it showed. A beautiful soul housed by a beautiful person, Faye couldn't help but feel proud. Not wanting to dampen the mood by asking about the fights and times Mira almost died she would make joke comments on other things like how she met fish people and that Madara person seemed too spikey haired protag for her liking anyways.

Ooooh you have a kitty inside you? Nice, what's it's name? And no I haven't heard any voices I think, or maybe I did and just thought they were rando spirits. Hard to tell sometimes.
Hmm…I see. Well don't worry about it too much right now then” Mirabelle pondered for a moment thinking about what Faye mentioned, not hearing any of the voices. She wasn’t the only one who heard them for sure, but maybe she did hear them and as she said probably was the spirits talking to her. She didn’t further question it, simply shaking her head of the thought. “As for the name…” she paused for a moment. She didn’t know if she actually had one. She would enter their shared mental realm for a moment, where she saw the cat sleeping but she knows the Bijuu is aware of the conversation going on. “Do you…actually have a name?” she wondered for a moment. The Nibi wasn’t budging, simply scuffing at her question. “I’ll take that as a yes…” she rolled her eyes, as she left and returned into the real world quickly. “She does have a name…but she’s a bit…uncooperative at the moment to tell me, but you can just call her Nibi for now…” she said to Faye. The Bijuu’s ear twitched at the sound of her being referred to as “Nibi”. A small level of irritation washed over her – but she didn’t want to give her name to Mirabelle, not yet at least. She wanted to become better partners with her first before she could learn her name.

But regardless of it, I gained some cool new powers…” she held her hand out, as a blue flame ignited from it into the shape of a small fiery feline. “I’m still learning more about the powers she grants me but, in the end, I think we’ll end up being good partners” she smiled sheepishly. She originally hated the beast, but Mirabelle’s hatred slowly phased out, though there was still some animosity between the pair. She would turn her attention to Faye’s allegiance to Alucard however, something she found a bit…unsuring. “The one who leads you…Alucard. Why exactly do you work for him?” she questioned. As far as she remembered, he’s a traitor to Tsumigakure and a well-known criminal like him as a boss? She didn’t like the idea, but at the same time…Faye is a grown woman just making her choices. Mirabelle was no stranger to having chaotic tendencies, but the difference is she had her reasons, some of the actions Alucard committed sounded like…unjustified massacres…among other things. She tried not judge a book by its cover but she was still concerned over Faye’s alliance with them.
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