[Discussion] Your opinion on this?

Pumpkin Ninja

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Oct 31, 2012
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Actually, sexuality includes both sexual and romantic attraction. An asexual-pansexual would just be a person who doesn't feel sexual attraction to others, but is capable of feeling romantic attraction to people regardless of ***/gender. I'm pretty sure at least.
Okay, they need to be more clear. It's only recently, that there has been a distinction between *** and gender, most people use them interchangeably, and then you have terms like that...

I understand the need for the video, though, but I think they're doing it a little wrong, many people like OP think it's forcing beliefs somehow.

Punk Hazard

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Apr 21, 2011
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Okay, they need to be more clear. It's only recently, that there has been a distinction between *** and gender, most people use them interchangeably, and then you have terms like that...

I understand the need for the video, though, but I think they're doing it a little wrong, many people like OP think it's forcing beliefs somehow.
That's his problem tbvh. I've been to the YouTube home page several times today, and not once did I see that video or was it playing automatically. I don't take people's complaints seriously if it's about being forced to watch a video that they clicked on on 100% of their own volition.

He literally stood up, showed his massive stomach then said he's was pregnant. I can't say if he's a troll or actually serious lol

The way this shit is going in a few years people will claim to be sexually attracted to animals and society will force it down our throats to accept them and before you know it bestiality will become widespread. I can't take any of these people who claim to be pansexual or any other sexual deviations serious.
More slippery slope BS. Bestiality won't be accepted because it's inherently harmful to both the humans and animals involved.
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Natsu Shazneel

Jan 21, 2012
Trait Points
He literally stood up, showed his massive stomach then said he's was pregnant. I can't say if he's a troll or actually serious lol

The way this shit is going in a few years people will claim to be sexually attracted to animals and society will force it down our throats to accept them and before you know it bestiality will become widespread. I can't take any of these people who claim to be pansexual or any other sexual deviations serious.

Yeah after watching this whole video(which took a huge effort mind you) I realized we were living on a different planet. Kinda like an alternative universe where a man and women reverse roles. I mean its fine for these people to do what they are doing. They shouldn't go off trying to enforce it as if its something most of humanity will accept easily.

At one end we got women asking for freedom while on the other we got a man asking to be a women. Like seriously wtf?

Pumpkin Ninja

Active member
Oct 31, 2012
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That's his problem tbvh. I've been to the YouTube home page several times today, and not once did I see that video or was it playing automatically. I don't take people's complaints seriously if it's about being forced to watch a video that they clicked on on 100% of their own volition.
I watched the video again. So the message was for the people who can't or don't answer those questions, to answer with pride? I think they should do so because it's natural for people to hate what they don't understand. A lot of homos, trans, queers, etc, stand out, in terms of personality alone and are so outspoken, it doesn't help that they get insecure about the things they choose to identify as, and the things people are most curious about.


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Oct 28, 2014
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The way this shit is going in a few years people will claim to be sexually attracted to animals and society will force it down our throats to accept them and before you know it bestiality will become widespread.
I think I have some bad news for you. At first I thought it's some kinda troll but there are actually several articles of this on the internet. It really seems like they're starting to do exactly what you said. Some more years and pedophilia will be way more acceptable...

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Pumpkin Ninja

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Oct 31, 2012
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I think I have some bad news for you. At first I thought it's some kinda troll but there are actually several articles of this on the internet. It really seems like they're starting to do exactly what you said. Some more years and pedophilia will be way more acceptable...

Incest is becoming a thing too, for some reason. Just go on P***hub, and check what videos are popular, a lot of them are borderline incest.

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
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I think I have some bad news for you. At first I thought it's some kinda troll but there are actually several articles of this on the internet. It really seems like they're starting to do exactly what you said. Some more years and pedophilia will be way more acceptable...

No it's not. You're purposefully twisting this story. The case was dropped because the official wording of the law didn't apply to his situation. Shit like this has happened for years for lots of cases, including rape. The law in all likelihood will just need amending.


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Aug 6, 2014
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Ah, yes, Riker Slade - spawn of 21st century "everything is okay" mindset and social justice warrior #1 on NarutoBase. I'll reply only once because I've read enough of your posts to know what kind of stuff I should expect.

Riker Slade said:
Might be because of the amount of people who have been killed, ostracized, and dropped into severe distress for being gay.
Oh, we going back to the dark ages now? Because I don't remember this being the case since 2000 and beyond, so you might want to check a calendar. In fact, I'd say 2010-2012 were ideal in terms of everything homo-oriented - gays weren't ostracized, killed or "dropped into severe distress", but then again, they weren't the special little snowflakes they want to be right now. Everyone just kept to themselves and truly lived like they wanted to live, truly loved themselves, without having to try and instill this notion onto every other person with a different orientation.

Riker Slade said:
Probably because there's people like patrickscott who doesn't think that kids who might be experiencing feelings that aren't heterosexual should be told that it's okay, and that instead should be told that feelings that they can't control somehow makes them wrong. People who think that when a child is struggling with their identity, you condemn them for how and what they feel even though it's completely natural and it's fine.
If they experience those feelings naturally, and have not been influenced by social media in the slightest, only then is it not wrong... entirely. Kids' mentality is extremely easy to influence, and since this topic is, mildly put, on the lips of a lot of people living in first-world countries, plus the fact that kids naturally crave attention, they might decide it's just cool to be "something everyone else isn't". That probably sounds extremely appealing to them, now that I read it again. Did you watch the video? Did you see how many kids and teens are there?

Now, why did I say "entirely" earlier? Because I'm not about to take biology lessons by a kid whose hormones that are making him rediscover his world and undoubtedly make him think he's the center of it all, that his feelings somehow change it all, and that it's compulsory everyone agree and accept it. Sorry, but a young boy with painted nails and his parents' camera sitting there saying how I should accept it all just because I'm not like him/her isn't my idea of a concept-changing matter.

Riker Slade said:
Probably because there are people whose parents disown and treat them like shit because they aren't cis and heterosexual.
Again with the extremists arguments. You know how little parents there are actually like this? Most of the times, the parents are just initially disappointed, while in time they somewhat accept it. "Disown and treat them like shit" means little when you can put that transformed sentence to counter any argument by pointing out a small percentage that is not applicable in any way to what was said.

Riker Slade said:
These videos are for all of the kids who've killed themselves because their own parents and elders continuously tell them that they're unnatural and wrong and vilify them for something that's just as fine as heterosexuality can see that they're not actually so bad in hopes that such a faith doesn't fall on another poor gay kid.
Christ, where do you come up with this stuff? I'm well aware there are cases of suicide due to rejection of nature, but you make it seem like every kid who's had an eyebrow raised at them when he/she came out of the closet will immediately put a rope around their neck. In fact, I haven't heard of this being even close to the leading cause of suicide among young ones. 42k kids die every year in the US - how many of those are due to what you said?

Just as fine as heterosexuality? No. Still fine? Yes.

Riker Slade said:
Go ahead, you'll still be wrong.
Oh, please. As if you have absolutely any merit whatsoever. Especially you. Just keep spouting your BS how a pregnant "guy" is = a heterosexual male in normalcy.

Riker Slade said:
So because something wouldn't have been seen as okay 2-3 years ago means it's bad now?
Can you read? 2-3 years ago, nobody cared if you're gay. 2-3 years ago, gays didn't try to force-feed you that information and silently scream that you either accept it or... well, there is no "or", and that's the current problem. Hell, why am I even saying gays? Homosexuals were long-since accepted, it's those I-don't-know-what-I-am types that are ridiculous.

Riker Slade said:
So because something wouldn't have been seen as okay 2-3 years ago means it's bad now? By this logic, people who were activists for civil rights in segregated America were wrong because 2-3 years before the movement started, whites won't have let blacks near their water fountains or schools, so maybe we should go back those too, right?
I have no idea how you can associate color of skin with something like misused gender definition, nor do I see how grown men defending their rights to inhabit certain places just because they are of a different, established race equates to a YouTube video of a bunch of kids and people of an extreme minority who clearly want to enforce their beliefs. The fact that you think pregnant guy equals African-Americans having the right to visit social places in importance is... appalling, to say the least, and it just speaks how fuсked the views and priorities of more and more people are becoming. That, or you're just incapable of setting anything apart and would list everything as an example for the sake of having something to write.

Riker Slide said:
You say this like human beings are limited by their nature and biology. Let's ignore the fact that we've reached the scientific progress to alter our biology to be closer to the other *** and could very continue to do so, and people have still defied nature and biology for the sake of our own benefit. Half the basis of technology is getting around what we naturally are incapable of doing.
Interestingly enough, I completely forgot to include that in my initial post, which this paragraph reminded me. It's funny how these confused yet not confused people slander science, only to forget that its only thanks to it that they can come close to whatever mixture of man and woman they feel like they should be.

Anyway, first line is ridiculous. Nature doesn't limit us only because here is no clear nature set for either male or female, only a stereotypical one - both can act like the opposite ***, constantly or at times, without having a different sexual orientation or defining themselves as one or the other, both or none, e.g feminine guys and masculine females. In no way does this prove anything you said. Limited by biology, because nothing you, Riker, or any other male on the planet can do to become a female in the truest sense. You were born as a guy/girl you'll stay one until you die. That's not just me talking, it's two millenia of that fact. Us having the technology to kind of alter our gender means little when even the best results are... let's say apparent. Even then, they just can't stop themselves for seeking attention. Tsk, tsk.

Riker Slade said:
Because there are people who will continue to vilify and harass people for being these things.
More unfounded extremism. You basing all of this on middle school playground events? Because most mature people are way above that.

Riker Slade said:
As long as there are people who vilify these people for being these things, then there has to be people who talk about it. The reason they "shove it down your throat" is for all of the people whose lives were ruined because of people shoving their homophobia, bigotry, and intolerance down their throats. So no, until people like you stop denouncing the validity of them, then there will be people who remind them that they are valid
At this point I'll just ignore your umpteenth generalization of "people who's lives were ruined" slash "hurr, many suicides" slash "oppress and vilify" which are based on what I'm assuming is years of your personal experience and thoroughly researched statistics? Because the time where gays were viewed with complete disdain and repulsiveness are long gone, pal. Stop trying to overblow the issue.

As I've already said, I am in no way obligated to accept anything that I don't view as right or valid, just because you, or a bunch of confused individuals telling me there are more than two genders tell me it is. Thankfully, it seems like more people than not realize that this is hardly valid in any way, while it's too bad YouTube can't control likes and dislikes and can only reject disagreement by deleting comments, something which you seem to be totally okay with, for all your freedom boasting. I really have nothing else to add.

Riker Slade said:
And **** those people.
Yes, how dare they disagree with what they see and put their foot down when this world is going in the wrong direction? Everything must be accepted, am I right? My issue isn't even that they are who they think they are, far from it - it's that they're trying to popularize it and make it seem a-okay (which it hardly is), while seemingly leaving no room for disagreement.

Can't wait until 2050, when you'll be defending confused wackos that identify as animals who screw their dog everyday and defending their rights.
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Dr Gilgamesh

Active member
Apr 17, 2015
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I mean, you have the right to be who you are and I fully support gay and trans rights, but this whole SJW "progressive" attitude and their tumblrisms and new genders are frankly quite ridiculous to me.

When science doesn't back you up, that's where I draw the line.
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Active member
Aug 6, 2014
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to the person who spoke about the whole sexual pleasure thing:

we don't have reproductive organs for pleasure and just happen to have to reproduce...

we have reproductive organs to reproduce and in order to ensure, solidified and prolong that our race continues to do so, sexual intercourse happens to also be pleasurable.

if it wasn't, our species would've became extinct millennia ago


Active member
Sep 11, 2012
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What I learned from this thread:

Pringle and proud.

Riker will start a debate/argument over anything.

And be happy with who you are.

Not a bad take away to be honest.


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Dec 9, 2015
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Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
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Oh, we going back to the dark ages now? Because I don't remember this being the case since 2000 and beyond, so you might want to check a calendar. In fact, I'd say 2010-2012 were ideal in terms of everything homo-oriented - gays weren't ostracized, killed or "dropped into severe distress", but then again, they weren't the special little snowflakes they want to be right now. Everyone just kept to themselves and truly lived like they wanted to live, truly loved themselves, without having to try and instill this notion onto every other person with a different orientation.

If they experience those feelings naturally, and have not been influenced by social media in the slightest, only then is it not wrong... entirely. Kids' mentality is extremely easy to influence,
Exactly. So when their own parents vilify them for feelings they can't control, you think there are no psychological issues that can stem from that?

and since this topic is, mildly put, on the lips of a lot of people living in first-world countries, plus the fact that kids naturally crave attention, they might decide it's just cool to be "something everyone else isn't". That probably sounds extremely appealing to them, now that I read it again. Did you watch the video? Did you see how many kids and teens are there?
I did. Has it occurred to you that that's the people you see in such videos the most because those are the people that need it the most? There are also many adults that make such videos, so don't try to pass it off as though only young children are doing this.

Now, why did I say "entirely" earlier? Because I'm not about to take biology lessons by a kid whose hormones that are making him rediscover his world and undoubtedly make him think he's the center of it all, that his feelings somehow change it all, and that it's compulsory everyone agree and accept it. Sorry, but a young boy with painted nails and his parents' camera sitting there saying how I should accept it all just because I'm not like him/her isn't my idea of a concept-changing matter.
You clearly have no idea what the concept of "accepting" means. Accepting doesn't mean you have to like it, no one gives a **** whether or not you like it. "Accepting" means let them live their life. Accepting means don't vilify or put them down or invalidate their existence because nothing is accomplished from that.

Again with the extremists arguments. You know how little parents there are actually like this? Most of the times, the parents are just initially disappointed, while in time they somewhat accept it. "Disown and treat them like shit" means little when you can put that transformed sentence to counter any argument by pointing out a small percentage that is not applicable in any way to what was said.
Doesn't really matter how little it happens, the fact that it happens to anyone period is enough to voice against it. Just because those who are affected are in the vast minority doesn't mean that they don't deserve to be supported, and that's what these videos are meant to accomplish. Saying "Only a small percent have this problem" doesn't mean that the problem doesn't exist.

Christ, where do you come up with this stuff? I'm well aware there are cases of suicide due to rejection of nature,
Faulty premise. For one, homosexuality is completely natural. Even if you want to make the debate that transsexualism isn't, the concept of being transsexual doesn't push people to suicide, the response and treatment from their surroundings does. It's suicide due to people's reaction to their sexuality, not due to their sexuality. People's reactions are what needs to be fixed.

but you make it seem like every kid who's had an eyebrow raised at them when he/she came out of the closet will immediately put a rope around their neck. In fact, I haven't heard of this being even close to the leading cause of suicide among young ones. 42k kids die every year in the US - how many of those are due to what you said?
And I'll say it again:
Doesn't really matter how little it happens, the fact that it happens to anyone period is enough to voice against it. Just because those who are affected are in the vast minority doesn't mean that they don't deserve to be supported, and that's what these videos are meant to accomplish. Saying "Only a small percent have this problem" doesn't mean that the problem doesn't exist and those people should just be ignored.

Just as fine as heterosexuality? No. Still fine? Yes.
No, it is just as fine.

Oh, please. As if you have absolutely any merit whatsoever. Especially you. Just keep spouting your BS how a pregnant "guy" is = a heterosexual male in normalcy.
Right, because you do.

Can you read? 2-3 years ago, nobody cared if you're gay.
This isn't even close to true. People have debating over gay rights for decades, going as far back as the 1900s. Same-*** activity, not just marriage, but activity in general, was illegal in America until the ruling of Lawrence v. Texas in 2003. This "No one cared 2-3 years ago" argument is nothing but bullshit.

I have no idea how you can associate color of skin with something like misused gender definition, nor do I see how grown men defending their rights to inhabit certain places just because they are of a different, established race equates to a YouTube video of a bunch of kids and people of an extreme minority who clearly want to enforce their beliefs. The fact that you think pregnant guy equals African-Americans having the right to visit social places in importance is... appalling, to say the least, and it just speaks how fuсked the views and priorities of more and more people are becoming. That, or you're just incapable of setting anything apart and would list everything as an example for the sake of having something to write.
Except when I said that, the part of your post was about homosexuals, not transsexuals. Homosexual rights and civil rights movements are associated because they are both movements for the rights of people who were denounced them for something they have no control over, is natural to them, and posed no harm over others or themselves.

Interestingly enough, I completely forgot to include that in my initial post, which this paragraph reminded me. It's funny how these confused yet not confused people slander science, only to forget that its only thanks to it that they can come close to whatever mixture of man and woman they feel like they should be.

Anyway, first line is ridiculous. Nature doesn't limit us only because here is no clear nature set for either male or female, only a stereotypical one - both can act like the opposite ***, constantly or at times, without having a different sexual orientation or defining themselves as one or the other, both or none, e.g feminine guys and masculine females. In no way does this prove anything you said. Limited by biology, because nothing you, Riker, or any other male on the planet can do to become a female in the truest sense. You were born as a guy/girl you'll stay one until you die. That's not just me talking, it's two millenia of that fact. Us having the technology to kind of alter our gender means little when even the best results are... let's say apparent. Even then, they just can't stop themselves for seeking attention. Tsk, tsk.
Okay. Even if you don't want to classify them as true genuine women in every sense of the word, there's no reason to denounce them as transsexual women. You lose nothing by doing so, you gain nothing from doing the opposite, and neither does the world.

Not to mention the hypocrisy of saying "You're slandering science" when science is bringing transitioning so much further than ever with hormone therapies and the potential for uterus transplants. There's also the fact that transsexuals acknowledge that they are biologically and physically not the *** they identify as, which is why they have surgeries and undergo hormone treatments in the first place.

More unfounded extremism. You basing all of this on middle school playground events? Because most mature people are way above that.
There you go again with that "most" mentality. It could be a hundred or a hundred thousand or just one. Doesn't matter. Doesn't mean the problem does not exist.

At this point I'll just ignore your umpteenth generalization of "people who's lives were ruined" slash "hurr, many suicides" slash "oppress and vilify" which are based on what I'm assuming is years of your personal experience and thoroughly researched statistics? Because the time where gays were viewed with complete disdain and repulsiveness are long gone, pal. Stop trying to overblow the issue.
You should stop trying to undermine the issue. Is it one that affects only a section of the population? Yes. Does that mean it should just be ignored and nothing should or could be said about that? Absolutely not.

As I've already said, I am in no way obligated to accept anything that I don't view as right or valid, just because you, or a bunch of confused individuals telling me there are more than two genders tell me it is.
You obviously don't understand the difference between *** and gender in the context of this conversation

Yes, how dare they disagree with what they see and put their foot down when this world is going in the wrong direction? Everything must be accepted, am I right?
Of course not, but when it's blind hate without a valid basis, then of course you should be called on your bullshit. That's how any viewpoint ever works. That's exactly what you're doing to my viewpoint, and yet you're *****ing and moaning that it's done to yours.

My issue isn't even that they are who they think they are, far from it - it's that they're trying to popularize it and make it seem a-okay (which it hardly is), while seemingly leaving no room for disagreement.
No, it's okay.