[ARCHIVE] Custom Elements Bureau - II

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Dec 20, 2012
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Dry Storm Release
Custom element English name: Sakuranton
The element is based on: Lightning and Fire
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Dry storm is basically lightning storms that occur in dry areas in the world. Lightning when when the rain produced by thunderstorms falls through a substantial layer of very dry air which evaporates the precipitation before it reaches the ground. This means the lightning will be super heated making it start a fire. The other side of this is the super hot clouds that appear in dry storms. This clouds are specifically pyrocumulus cloud. This clouds appear in dense and very dry, heated areas. The cloud itself is also super hot, the cloud will have electrical surges of dry lightning around it as well, allowing the two to pretty much be apart of one another. This element is almost the complete opposite of the canon kekkai genkai storm release, storm release is lightning that travels like water that has a shocking property. This element is lightning that travels similar to fire, but has a burning shock property.

To prove that this element can occur in the ninja world is there must be storms in dry areas. We have seen countless areas with hot climates and with dry temperature, an example of this is Sunagakure. Also pyrocumulus cloud appear the same way in dry areas which have had experiences of fire examples include volcanic eruptions as well as forest fires. And forest fires usually occur because of dry lightning striking the ground. So as long as there are dry areas with chances of appearing storms this element is able to happen.

How it works: The element works similar to the canon KG storm release. The only difference is that the element is super heated. The user is able to manipulate there lightning and fire chakra to mix with one another to create the unique element. Which they then can release forward from there body (hands, mouth, legs , ect) or anywhere around the area.The element has a destructive heating and shocking property, on contact with the opponent it can not only severely burn an opponent but shock them potentially leaving him/her paralyzed. The element is as hot as fire so it does not obtain any super heating ability like scorch release. It's shocking ability is that of lightning but does not retain its piercing ability, it stays intangible and moves like fire release.

There are two basic forms of this element, once again this forms are similar to what has already been discussed and similar to storm release. The fire form is the shape of a reddish yellow colored lightning bolt that travels very fluidly similar to lasers. The second form is a super heated cloud with red lightning that is runs across and around the cloud, the cloud is pitch black in color. Both move with fluidity and are intangible similar to fire release.

This element and how it reacts with the other canon elements. The element due to the shocking heat it possesses is able to easily burn and cut through due to the properties of fire and lightning so this element is strong against earth and materials similar to earth. The element is also powerful against wind, since fire is considered the base of the element it will feed up on the fire increasing its size. The element is neutral against fire release since they are both of similar heating and properties are the same. The element is weak against water since the water douse the fire and neutralize the lightning. Normal lightning, since it contains participation meaning it will be able to douse the flames leaving the fire useless and being able to get pierced from the lightning.

Usage Examples:
Sakuranton: Rankiryū - Dry Storm: Demon Dragon
Type: Offense
Rank: Short-Long
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will gather there dry storm chakra around there mouth and release from there mouth a pitch black cloud of dry storm with red lightning scorching around it. The dragon will hit the opponent burning them severely while shocking them which will paralyze there movements as well.

(Sakuranton: Tsuuru) - Dry Storm Release: Tools
Type: Offense-Defense-Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will create tools of dry storms which are able to be created around and beyond the user anywhere in the terrain. This includes spears, walls, spheres, ect. This tools can also be wielded. They have the form of a dark cloud with lightning of red color around it. If it touches the opponent they can harm the opponent buy severely shocking and burning them.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Fire and Lightning
Is weak to: Lightning and Water
Is strong against: Wind and Earth
Co-creator: Tsukuyomi
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Normal lightning by default burns and can paralyze you, so you just made the lightning element and normal environments don't have the requirements for such clouds. Not to mention we already have storm and cloud release.

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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name:Kuton
Custom element English name: Hell Release
The element is based on: Wind Release – Advance Chakra Maniuplation
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Well throughout the Naruto universe there have been signs in the existence of gases. Firstly to put it there is Smoke Ninjutsu. When using smoke ninjutsu the user uses his own chakra into the air to control the attributes of the smoke which is in a fact a type of gas. All humans must breathe in which what do we breathe? Oxygen, which exist everywhere in the world. More relating the gases, the sense of smell allows us to sense the existence of particles in the air, which is gas.

Genjutsu works by using chakra to disturb the chakra flow of the opponent, specially (but not limited to) in the brain, altering his senses. This aspect pertains the to the usage of Hell Release to trap the targets in layers of Hell Chakra where rather then exploding the gases through the pressure built up, use it to target the foes sense of smell and ocular vision.

Basic Wind Release allows the user to control the winds flowing around him through simple shape manipulation

How it works:
Hell Release works by the user creating layers of chakra through his/her Hell Chakra, which will pressurize the gas particles in an specific area to be removed, however when the air is pressurized the gases tend to move to areas that contain less pressure, but through the use of Hell Release the gases will be trapped in a specific area. Apon catching the gases in the area the user will revert the chakra outwards as the pressure build up to the point that it explodes in the designated area.

However in context the usage of Hell Release can also range in the form similar to the Dust Release element, where the user can create and mold various forms of shape of different sizes and use them as means of attacks and defensive purposes.

Also with the advance manipulation of the Hell Release chakra, the gases can also produce Genjutsu, simply by targeting the sense of smell and ocular sense to which the pressure and gases help contribute to.

Usage Examples:
(Kuton Magen: Jigoku no jūzoku) Hell Release Demonic Technique: Subordinate of Hell
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points:
Description: The user will perform 3 handseals creating a triangular layer of chakra around the target, keeping the gases pressure at a high amount. The user will then increase the pressure more to the point the target is caught in a ocular illusion where they think they can see demons walking towards them and wanting to eat them alive, in reality the target is on the ground passed out from the amounts of pressure in place and inhaling the gases creating a vomiting feeling.

Conditions to be able to use it: Must Have Mastered Wind Release.
Is weak to: Lighting Release and Water Release
Is strong against: Wind Release and Earth Release
Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Poorly explained. Your proof doesn't make much sense as you just say gasses exists, then talk about genjutsu, which shouldn't have anything to do here. Then you talk about hell release, not even explaining what it exactly is, how it is made nor that that is specifically possible as you can't just copy genjutsu. As far as I understand, this is nothing more than gas release, which has been submitted before and declined and it will never be approved as 'gas' is too universal to be considered an element as it refers to a group of substances. Also I'm pretty sure that icon is already used for Hellfire release.

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Sage of Snakes
Apr 25, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Shukuton
Custom element English name: Implosion Release
The element is based on: Lightning + Wind + Chakra control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Unlike an explosion, in which energy radiates away from the source, in an implosion, the object collapses on it self as a result of being crushed by an outside force. Implosion is the process in which objects are destroyed by being squeezed in . This is the exact opposite of an explosion as it concentrates matter and energy.
Deidara from iwagakure was born with the Kekki Genkai Explosion Release which allowed him to create explosion within items he made contact with. By using the principle of this one could reverse the effects of the explosion KG and create implosions instead.
Also, Gaara's sand coffin/sand burial implodes with tremendous force, being able to break bones to create a giant bowl shaped crater that reduces matter to nothingness. Another example is pains universal pull. An implosion is also a burst inward, air or in this case gravity is just another medium.

How it works: The usage of lightning's energy and wind's pressure would act around the target to bring it down by concentrating both matter and energy, causing the target to collapse on it self. The user is able devour(not literally) and crush matter.*
By using the energy of lightning and the pressure wind is able to accomplish, the user will concentrate on the target and attempt to compress the target matter and energy in on itself.

The basic example form type techniques of this nature initially form as a Human-sized ,(if not bigger) Jet black three-dimensional object composed of chakra that phase through the opponent and completely surrounds them. On the users command it instantly compresses itself or implode with tremendous force by using both lightning energy and winds pressure to make the object into the equivalent size of a golf ball and everything trapped inside completely annihilated.
Implosion Release techniques do require at least 1-2 seconds to form the object, making it possible to prematurely halt the technique before it is completed, but once it's finished, the technique can be fired with astonishing speed(Can still be tracked by non-Dojutsu user but just barely) . These are very chakra-taxing techniques.

The technique isn't limited to just affecting physical matter; it can also affect chakra-based defences, and implosion chakra can be absorbed, but absorbing a whole technique could result in the implosion of the persons body. Faced with a lightning bolt being shoot at the user, focusing on the bolt they would release their combustion chakra into the it destabilizing the energy within it causing that energy to scatter and implode upon itself.

the jutsu would be similar if not same of the endothermic combustion. it's different because lightning can't be set on fire, however it can be diffused and have it's energy scattered if the protons are moving fast enough that the become unstable. An endothermic reaction can cause that instability. However it would require a great deal of chakra to implode lightning

Usage Examples:

(Shukoton: Shuko No Jutsu)- Implosion Release: Implosion Technique
Rank: C-rank
Range: Short - Mid
Type: Offense,
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user does the tiger sign and focus on any point they choose. The user will cause the focus point to implode damaging anything that it hits.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over wind and lightning

Is weak to:

Fire- Can't Implode fire
Wind- Cant cause Wind to implode

Is strong against:
Earth- Earth can be pulverized
Water- Water can be imploded

Co-creator: Shinta
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Gobi gave me permission to submit this


✗ Declined: Sorry, but I really think I'm never going to approve this element. Even though the concept of implosion definitely exists, IMO in therms of elements it goes only into on direction, not two. It has never been explained how explosion release now exactly is made, however simplified I just imagined that the chakra is transformed into a type of chakra that explodes on contact, which on itself you don't need to have much control over. That's completely the opposite of implosion release as you need to keep putting pressure on it and chakra that automatically puts such pressure I find illogical. How you make is just wishful thinking as you really could use any basic element for what you described. You could just say you use earth to crash something or water or whatever and your talk about three-dimensional stuff is just copying the Dust element. It just even struck me that Dust release might even be implosion release as after all both Explosion and Dust come from the same village and Dust might have just been the result of an expansion on explosion release.

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Uzumaki Naruta

Active member
Nov 17, 2011
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name:


Custom element English name:

Break Down Release

The element is based on:

Wind release + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Dust release which can break down the opponent or objects within its area into molecular size.
Somu no ku ability to breakdown their being into smaller sizes.
Rasenshuriken, it can attack on a molecular level

Break down is the separation of the molecules of a certain substance. Every substance is formed by molecules that are kept together with molecular bondings. Rupturing the bonding between the molecules doesn´t cause the substance to change the chemical properties (meaning that it doesn´t damage the atoms inside the molecules) but causes the substance to change its physical properties (The size, the look and the shape of it).
(Example: Ice -> Water -> Steam, Rock -> Sand )
Chemical decomposition, analysis or breakdown is the separation of a chemical compound into elements or simpler compounds. It is sometimes defined as the exact opposite of a chemical synthesis. Chemical decomposition is often an undesired chemical reaction. The stability that a chemical compound ordinarily has is eventually limited when exposed to extreme environmental conditions like heat, radiation, humidity or the acidity of a solvent. The details of decomposition processes are generally not well defined, as a molecule may break up into a host of smaller fragments. Chemical decomposition is exploited in several analytical techniques, notably mass spectrometry, traditional gravimetric analysis, and thermogravimetric analysis. A broader definition of the term decomposition also includes the breakdown of one phase into two or more phases.

How it works:
The user sends out a wave of Suijiton chakra through wind release or direct the chakra out through touching an element that has mass and/or weight and the chakra will pertrude into the empty spaces that are between the molecules. Then the Suijiton chakra will push the molecules of that substance further apart, making the bonding between the molecules weak until it´s too weak to keep the molecules together and it breaks, causing the element to lose it's stiffness and change its physical property. If Suijiton is used on ice, the bondings between the water molecules that make the ice have a solid state will be weakened and some will be broken. When this happens, the ice is no longer ice but water. If more break down release chakra is added into it, more bondings between molecules will be weakened and broken, turning the water from liquid state into gas state. If Break Down Release is used on a rock, the bondings between the minerals molecules will be weakened and broken, turning the rock into sand or grains of minerals. Using breakdown release through wind release will affect the object from the outside of it first, rapidly breaking down the outer layers of the structure at a fast rate. However, if the user is in direct contact of the object, they can infuse their chakra into the object, thus breaking down the object all at once instead.

Usage Examples:

(Suijiton: Suijiton No Jutsu) Breakdown Release: Breakdown No Jutsu
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user sends their Suijiton chakra to their stomach and blows out a light gust of wind with Suijiton chakra infused within it towards an element of physical mass such as Earth, water, Ice etc and separates the molecules that are kept together through molecular bonding and causes the element to break down. For example, if this is used on earth release, the grains of the earth jutsu will separate causing the rock to crumble away. If used on a water technique, the water will break down into droplets of water. The user can use this without a wind technique as a medium if in direct contact of the object.
- Can be used once per turn.

(Suijiton: Te-o Jiyuu) Breakdown Release: Hand of Freedom
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user will place their hand on an object of physical mass such as earth. They will then send their Suijiton chakra out through the object and breakdown the object into tools for their use like kunai's, swords a simple cage etc. This can only be done on objects that can keep the shape without further chakra manipulation such as stone.

(Suijiton: tadashii moui) Breakdown Release: Righteous Fury
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user blows out a light gust of wind with added Suijiton Chakra. When it hits the opponent, the impact will not do harm, but once it breezes against the opponent, it will breakdown parts of their skin leaving small cuts in forms of rips in the skin from the separation of the skin. Tho not lethal, it can cause difficulty in moving the skin of the affected area, therefore limiting the opponents movement.
- Usable 4x per battle

(Suijiton: Sapparishita) Breakdown Release: Cleanse
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user if covered with a substance capable of damaging them such as bacteria, chakra infused mud etc will send their chakra throughout the substance and seperate the molecules causing the user to shed off the substance.
- Can be used 3x per battle.

Conditions to be able to use it:

Mastery of wind and good chakra control (Sannin and higher).

Is weak to:
- Fire Release
- Lightning Release
- Energy based elements

It is neutral to:
- Wind Release

Is strong against:
- Earth Release
- Water Release
- Elements that have mass/weight

Co Creator: -Yard-

Credit to those who helped (Doesn't affect the C.E or give benefits, it's just to be fair): Yard, Zen aka Nirvana and Howard.

Just for reference: This is no where based or close to Decay release.
Decay is to make things oxidized, making them older. That means, the substance is changed chemically. Meaning that after the decay, the substance is no longer the same. For example: Iron. After Iron is decayed, it´s no longer iron, it´s oxidized iron. Oxidized iron no longer has the property of iron since it loses the resistance and the electricity conductivity that the real iron had.

Break Down is a physical change. Meaning that only the shape of the sbstance is made smaller. The properties of the substance doesn´t change at all. Meaning that the substance is still the same but just in smaller size. Same example as earlier: After iron is broke down, it´s still iron, just in powder size, but it´s still iron, keeping the properties of the real iron.


✗ Declined: Do not resubmit. You provided no proof that such an element is possible, you just gave examples of jutsu that were able to have effect on a molecular level, but then you just assumed that you can break down anything because of that. Your 'suijiton' chakra corresponds with nothing. It should have the inherent ability to break down molecules, but you never explained how that is possible nor provided proof for it. Saying that you move your chakra in the space between molecules is not a viable explanation as the bonds between molecules and atoms are the two strongest forces in existence. Not to mention the space between molecules severely depends on the substance.

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Active member
Oct 16, 2011
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Eryushionoton
Custom element English name: Elysian Release
The element is based on: Yin and Yang
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

Yin and Yang energy govern the stability of the Ninja world. If balance can be found between them, then chakra is born, essentially within its essence the ability to perform jutsus and utilize ninjutsu have been from the balance between spiritual and physical energy as well as Yin and Yang. Extending on from that, there have also been various cases where there is an imbalance between the two energies, whilst still maintaining control of the stability, an example of this would be the 2nd Mizukage, who is a genjutsu expert and a known user of the Yin element.

Similarly, the foundations of Yin and Yang have been placed at imbalance many times; The Bijuu’s are said to have an imperfect balance between their Yin/Yang energies primarily imbalanced towards Yang energy, to stimulate a compressed sphere of these combined energies, which upon contact enrages in an explosion. And Obito Uchiha took this to a further step, acting as the Jinchuriki of the Juubi, He was able to manipulate the quantity of these energies, more weighed again towards Yang energy to produce a black malleable chakra. Which manifested 4 of the basic 5 elements and had the ability similar to that of Dust release, but to a greater extent. Using enhanced shape manipulation to attack matter itself through solid states, and left nothingness to be present from what it touched.

The basis for Elysian is of at the other end of the spectrum, we have seen Yin energy been utilized primarily, displayed by Tayuya of the Sound Four and her summons: Doki; which secreted certain summons that were vivid with Yin chakra, and rather than attacking through solidness of substances, the damage they proclaimed was done internally. Yin energy has also been used to construct Nara’s Shadow Imitation Jutsu, which also has a manipulation of the opponent’s internal environment, with the physical damage relying on external factors.
It is from these concepts where Elysian chakra is produced, being the opposite of Yang-based energized attacks. Formed from Yin chakra, it’s damage; unlike Juubi’s malleable chakra and the Bijuu’s Tailed beast Bombs, does not inflict damage through a solid state, but rather the imbalance of chakra seeks it to attack chakra internally, at a non-solidified state.

How it works:

As stated for the user to form Elysian chakra, he would need to find an imbalance between his Yin and Yang energies, similarly to that composed of a Tailed Beast Bomb, and to further amplify the ratio between these two energies to compose a less-dense white substance, in the form of a solid. The low density of the solid allows Elysian Chakra to be manipulated willingly, acting similarly to that of Tayuya's creatures, when controlled by the user it scopes out chakra and attacks it directly. Imagine a bolt of lightning speeding towards a ball of Elysian Chakra, when the two collide they will simply depict as if they are phasing through one another, however the Elysian ball is simply drawing out the chakra of the lightning bolt, and the Elysian ball will carry onwards as if the lightning bolt had completely vanished.

Now if the range of the opposing technique would be much bigger, for example to swing a baseball bat made out of Elysian chakra towards a twister of wind. When those two collide, they would also appear to be simply phasing through each other, however the Elysian Chakra would continue onwards, simply moving through the twister of wind, and leave a hole in the shape of a bat, where the two collided against each other. To evaluate the points then, Elysian Chakra seeks physical energy in the form of non-solid like states, whatever it touches that isn't solid or liquid will phase out, having its physical chakra completely ripped out, leaving no physical substance left. In terms of solid and liquid elements however, Elysian Chakra cannot easily distinguish and rip out the Physical Energy of said elements due to their high density and stabilized structure.

So working on that basis, when Elysian Chakra collides with a shinobi, or any other living creature, the effects of a collision will not necessarily appear in physical symptoms, but rather internal ones. Much like how Shikamaru was damaged when attacked by Tayuya's creatures, the creatures were manifested by Spiritual energy, thus they lacked a proportion of Physical energy. This explains the imminent need and hunger they had for physical chakra, and the ability to simply draw it out of anything living they attacked. And the principles are the same for Elysian chakra, due to the unstable and imbalance of chakra it is drawn to physical energy, and it doesn't damage the living creature on a physical basis. However the effects of being hit by Elysian Chakra are: Imminent Exhaustion and Failure of Senses and Body Organs as well as the loss of limbs due to exposure to Elysian chakra; and Inability to manipulate chakra due to disturbing the balance of Physical and Spiritual Chakra.

That is however, not to say that Elysian Chakra does not hold any physical damage at all, it does have a scant density and hence is an extremely unstable form of solid chakra that lusts for Physical Energy. With an adequate pressure applied it is able to inflict bruises, scars and wounds upon living creatures, however due to the minimized density it cannot generate a bone-breaking force.

Usage Examples:
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user gathers Elysian chakra centred at their palm, and then shoot it outwards in the form of a sparse white ball.

Conditions to be able to use it: Knowledge of Yin/Yang manipulation

Is weak to:
  • Earth and Custom Variants - Due to the highly dense and solid structure of Earth, it can easily pierce through the stability of Elysian Chakra.
  • Water and Custom Variants - Due to the liquid-like state and its tangibility, Elysian Chakra can't phase through it, Water will simply wash away the sparse Elysian.
  • Metal based Elements - Same as above, due to their stabilized structure and solid/liquid state, it can easily pierce through/wash away Elysian.
Is strong against:
  • Intangible elements such as: Wind, and Custom Variations; as well as Gases - Elysian is strong against anything that is intangible, any substance that lacks the perception of touch or a physical presence in a solidified state.
  • Lightning and Custom Variations - Isn't a Liquid nor a Solid, albeit not intangible, though due to the state will be simply phased out upon collision.
  • Fire and Custom Variations - Elysian is immune to the effects of temperature, such as heat or frost, it cannot be melted and cannot be frozen since it's temperature-less.
Co-creator: Gobi Gobletsson

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Do not resubmit. Putting aside the fact that your knowledge if Y/Y is very flawed and more than once wrong (for instance it was never said Nara shadows are Yin based, Shikamaru said it was of a similar nature, which most likely referred to it being a variation of Y/Y. Highly likely the Nara shadows are mainly Yang based because it breaths life into a non-existing substance like shadows), you just copied nearly the entire reasoning of the Abyss CE, only backwards. With other words where the reasoning of Abyss starts, you finish and that reasoning started with Tayuya's canon ability. You just copied that and made it an element and that's not going to be approved. Also it's extremely risky to submit a Y/Y based CE when you don't know it and there's quite a high chance you will never know it, making you unable to use it in the hypothetical case it would be approved.

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Active member
Jan 15, 2009
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Sutāe enerugī, スターエネルギー

Custom element English name: Star Energy.

The element is based on: Fire + Lightning Chakra Nature's | Extreme chakra and elemental manipulation.

Fire give's it it's heat, and humidity. While the lightning Chakra gives it it's power, sharpness, and the edge over most ninjutsu. The two chakra natures combined create a powerful, bright, and colorful energy that most depict as power from the star's. Hence the name, star energy.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): There has been several case's in which element's similar to this came up . for example, Scortch Release. That chakra nature is capable of heating up an enemy to the point where all the liquid inside their body evaporates, killing the victim and leaving them a desiccated corpse. Star energy is not too different in natures term's. But Star Energy also has a physical form, that can cause damage to anything due to it's heat and sharpness. It is a fairly simple element created by combining both fire and lightning chakra natures. And those two elements are very real in the world of Naruto.

How it works: Every acceptable shinobi know's that your element work's in different way's, and can be used in many different forms.

Main Element Form: As Stated Before, Star Energy is an element based on the intensity of fires heat combined with the extra edge that lightning is mainly used for. The main form of the element is an extremely bright and colorful substance which is why it's depicted as star energy. Though the brightness of the element is almost unbearable to the naked eye which is why it is separated from fire or lightning. The two elements combined create an almost unnecessary reaction in which the element is nearly impossible to look at for long periods of time, though one who harnesses the power of star energy usually has eyes specifically trained in order for the element to be un-harmful to their pupils. Long story short it would be like trying to look at the sun.

In a physical state the element is not only hot, but has a piercing edge to it added by the lightning combination. This means that it can be strong against both wind and earth, plus when combined it is much to hot to be put up against water techniques. Much like scorch release water will be incinerated if it gets too close. On a side note, what causes it to burn hotter than fire is it's lightning properties, as you know Lightning is hotter than the sun. I think that is enough said.
What the element would look like:
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Secondary Elemen't Form: This is the alternte form of the elemen't that is usable. This form can only cause harm to the eye's of a shinobi. By reducing the element's heat minimally, and leaving portion's of Raiton chakra in the element, it create's a very blinding light. Looking straight at this form of energy at a close range can definitely cause some serious damage to one's pupil's. But due to lack of stronger, or effective hakra it cannot cause physical harm to a body when touching it.

The Specific Form: This is the most pure of the element's form's. It is also the strongest form. The element is released without being substained by the user. This creates a very unstable and dangerous form of the element, that is very dangerous, and is capable of imploding on itself at the user's command. This form is rarely used, as it is capable of harming the user with it's heat from even a distance.

Main effects the element will have if it comes in contact with someone or something else:

Main Release Effect's: If the victim is ever to be trapped, or caught in a Star Energy jutsu, and is exposed to the element itself, some rash thing's will happen. The immediate burning of flesh, or anything the victim is wearing in an instant. Unlike fire as to where it will take time to burn, this will completely incinerate everything from existence. If the technique is at an unbearable heat, this can happen very quickly. The evaporation of inner fluid's, and finally the complete obliteration of bone manner. No one can withstand the power and heat of the element's main form.

Secondary Release Effect's: This form is usually used to blind an opponent in an ongoing move. The brightness of this form is brighter than the other form's, due to intangibility, it does not need to maintain such power. If used widely, the element can be controlled in a quick manner, to perform it quickly in an escape or counter attempt.

Specific Release Effect's: As mentioned before, this is the most powerful form. It can be used in many different ways to completely over power a different ninjutsu. There are two form's to this main form. Heat and energy which radiates from the actual element and usually results in an explosion. And extreme heat and intangibility which will burn/incinerate everything in its path.

Usage Examples:
Main Elemen't Form:

(Sutae Enerugi: Ikashita denryoku) Star Release: Harnessed Power.
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid.
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points:60
Description: Allows the user to materialize star energy out of thin air. The user can control this power at his/her will.


Secondary Elemen't Form:

(Sutae Enerugi: Mabayui bakari ) Star Release: Blinding Light.
Rank: B
Range: Mid-Long.
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user channel's Star Energy chakra throughout the body. And by using the bird handseal the secondary form of star energy is released for an instant in the opponent's line of sight, temporarily blinding them and causing strain on their eye's for one turn.

Specific Element form:

(Sutae Enerugi: Kyūkyoku no hakai) Star Release: Ultimate Destruction.
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long.
Chakra Cost: 40.
Damage Points: 80.
Description: The user releases a huge amount of Star Energy toward the opponent. This energy is created mid-range from the user, or it could harm the user badly. The energy is unstable, but the user can direct it toward one direction. This jutsu will obliderate and burn/scortch anything in it's path. It will also kill any being too close due to the humidity surrounding the jutsu. The jutsu's form depict's an unstable wave of water.
- Can ony be used once per batte.
- Only A ranked and below Star Energy Techniques can be used for the rest of the battle.
- If this jutsu is not within mid range of the user, it will kill them also.

(Sutae Enerugi: Hoshi no bakuhatsu) Star Release: Star explosion.
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long.
Chakra Cost: 40.
Damage Points: 80.
Description: The user performs 5 handseals and releases large amounts of star energy within mid-range of him/her and fairly close to the opponent. On the indication of a last and single handseal the highly explosive and dangerous element will explode in a wide area (mid-range radius) slightly damaging the user and injuring the victim severely.
Note: Usable once per-battle
Note: -15 damage to the user.

Idea behind it's creation: Let's be honest, all of the dull, and basic thoughts for element's have already been taken. So I wanted to come up with something special for my taste. It may be a little far fetched, but in my opinion I was very creative.Which is key in a custom element.

Conditions to be able to use it: Must be at least Kage rank, period. Must have mastered both fire and lightning element's.

Is weak to:

Fire: Fire is still capable of smothering Star Release and eating away at it's energy due to taking in large amounts of Oxygen at a time.

Lightning: Though Star release contains lightning properties, in the long run lightning is still allot sharper and is capable of cutting through the main forms of Star Release.

Sand: Star release cannot burn through Sand, instead sand will smother it resulting in the element dying out.

Is strong against:

Earth: In most of it's forms Star energy still possesses the piercing ability of lightning, thus being high

Wind: Again, Star energy is much hotter then fire itself. So in a very similar fashion it will eat up Oxygen extremely quickly, actually faster than fire itself in order to stay alive. Therefore Fuuton is no match for Star Energy.

Water: Incinerates it.

Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: N/A


✗ Declined: The same comments as last time still apply. You just say that you mix fire and lightning together, however you do not provide any kind of proof that if you combine those two together, you obtain these results. You simply made that up and consequently any abilities it has you just took from the elements it consisted of. As long as you can't provide proof that by mixing these two elements together you get this result, it will never be approved.

Custom element Japanese name: Sutāe enerugī, スターエネルギー

Custom element English name: Star Energy.

The element is based on: Fire + Lightning Chakra Nature's | Chakra and elemental manipulation.

Fire give's it it's heat, and humidity. While the lightning Chakra gives it it's power, sharpness, and the edge it needs to ultimately become more powerful and destructive. The two chakra natures combined create a powerful, bright, and colorful energy that most depict as power from the star's. Hence the name, star energy.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): There are many elements in naruto based on elemental combinations. The wood element is a combination between earth and water elemental chakras, ice is based off of wind and water, and so forth. There are also slightly passive, yet deadly elements such as Scortch Release. The chakra nature of Scortch Release actually allows the jutsu to heatup an enemy to the point where all the liquid inside their body evaporates, killing the victim and leaving them a desiccated corpse. Star energy is not too different in natures terms. The difference between Star energy is that it is a much more hostile element, rather than being passively effective it is rather the opposite, destroying anything and everything that may pose against its nature. It is a fairly simple element created by combining both fire and lightning chakra natures.

The combination of fire and lightning elements would normally be noneffective. But through the pure combination between the two elements in order to combine them and create one, it can create a very effective and devastating outcome. The secret to combining the elements is the one thing they have in common, heat. And thus heat is the key that provides the outcome. For the most part, the heat factor in lightning based moves is non effective, though when you combine it with fire chakra nature it becomes more present, giving it that extra umph. So you could say that combining the two elements brings out a hidden power within the two.

How it works: Star Energy is a pure combination between two chakra natures, thus there are multiple ways to use the element itself.

Main Element Form: As Stated Before, Star Energy is an element based on the intensity of fires heat combined with the extra edge that lightning is mainly used for. The main form of the element is an extremely bright and colorful substance which is why it's depicted as star energy. Though the brightness of the element is almost unbearable to the naked eye which is why it is separated from fire or lightning. The two elements combined create an almost unnecessary reaction in which the element is nearly impossible to look at for long periods of time, though one who harnesses the power of star energy usually has eyes specifically trained in order for the element to be un-harmful to their pupils. Long story short it would be like trying to look at the sun.

In a physical state the element is not only hot, but has a piercing edge to it added by the lightning combination. This means that it can be strong against both wind and earth, plus when combined it is much to hot to be put up against water techniques. Much like scorch release water will be incinerated if it gets too close. On a side note, what causes it to burn hotter than fire is it's lightning properties, as you know Lightning is hotter than the sun. I think that is enough said.
What the element would look like:
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Secondary Elemen't Form: This is the alternte form of the elemen't that is usable. This form can only cause harm to the eye's of a shinobi. By reducing the element's heat minimally, and leaving portion's of Raiton chakra in the element, it create's a very blinding light. Looking straight at this form of energy at a close range can definitely cause some serious damage to one's pupil's. But due to lack of stronger, or effective hakra it cannot cause physical harm to a body when touching it.

The Specific Form: This is the most pure of the element's form's. It is also the strongest form. The element is released without being substained by the user. This creates a very unstable and dangerous form of the element, that is very dangerous, and is capable of imploding on itself at the user's command. This form is rarely used, as it is capable of harming the user with it's heat from even a distance.

Main effects the element will have if it comes in contact with someone or something else:

Main Release Effect's: If the victim is ever to be trapped, or caught in a Star Energy jutsu, and is exposed to the element itself, some rash thing's will happen. The immediate burning of flesh, or anything the victim is wearing in an instant. Unlike fire as to where it will take time to burn, this will completely incinerate everything from existence. If the technique is at an unbearable heat, this can happen very quickly. The evaporation of inner fluid's, and finally the complete obliteration of bone manner. No one can withstand the power and heat of the element's main form.

Secondary Release Effect's: This form is usually used to blind an opponent in an ongoing move. The brightness of this form is brighter than the other form's, due to intangibility, it does not need to maintain such power. If used widely, the element can be controlled in a quick manner, to perform it quickly in an escape or counter attempt.

Specific Release Effect's: As mentioned before, this is the most powerful form. It can be used in many different ways to completely over power a different ninjutsu. There are two form's to this main form. Heat and energy which radiates from the actual element and usually results in an explosion. And extreme heat and intangibility which will burn/incinerate everything in its path.

Usage Examples:
Main Elemen't Form:

(Sutae Enerugi: Ikashita denryoku) Star Release: Harnessed Power.
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid.
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points:60
Description: Allows the user to materialize star energy out of thin air. The user can control this power at his/her will.


Secondary Elemen't Form:

(Sutae Enerugi: Mabayui bakari ) Star Release: Blinding Light.
Rank: B
Range: Mid-Long.
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user channel's Star Energy chakra throughout the body. And by using the bird handseal the secondary form of star energy is released for an instant in the opponent's line of sight, temporarily blinding them and causing strain on their eye's for one turn.

Specific Element form:

(Sutae Enerugi: Kyūkyoku no hakai) Star Release: Ultimate Destruction.
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long.
Chakra Cost: 40.
Damage Points: 80.
Description: The user releases a huge amount of Star Energy toward the opponent. This energy is created mid-range from the user, or it could harm the user badly. The energy is unstable, but the user can direct it toward one direction. This jutsu will obliderate and burn/scortch anything in it's path. It will also kill any being too close due to the humidity surrounding the jutsu. The jutsu's form depict's an unstable wave of water.
- Can ony be used once per batte.
- Only A ranked and below Star Energy Techniques can be used for the rest of the battle.
- If this jutsu is not within mid range of the user, it will kill them also.

(Sutae Enerugi: Hoshi no bakuhatsu) Star Release: Star explosion.
Rank: S
Range: Mid-Long.
Chakra Cost: 40.
Damage Points: 80.
Description: The user performs 5 handseals and releases large amounts of star energy within mid-range of him/her and fairly close to the opponent. On the indication of a last and single handseal the highly explosive and dangerous element will explode in a wide area (mid-range radius) slightly damaging the user and injuring the victim severely.
Note: Usable once per-battle
Note: -15 damage to the user.

Idea behind it's creation: Let's be honest, all of the dull, and basic thoughts for element's have already been taken. So I wanted to come up with something special for my taste. It may be a little far fetched, but in my opinion I was very creative.Which is key in a custom element.

Conditions to be able to use it: Must be at least Kage rank, period. Must have mastered both fire and lightning element's.

Is weak to:

Lightning: Though Star release contains lightning properties, in the long run lightning is still allot sharper and is capable of cutting through the main forms of Star Release.

Dark Release: Dark release eats away at the element, and is capable of absorbing it.

Sand: Star release cannot burn through Sand, instead sand will smother it resulting in the element to die out.

Is strong against:

Earth: In most of it's forms Star energy still possesses the piercing ability of lightning, thus being high

Wind: Again, Star energy is much hotter then fire itself. So in a very similar fashion it will eat up Oxygen extremely quickly, actually faster than fire itself in order to stay alive. Therefore Fuuton is no match for Star Energy.

Water: Incinerates it.

Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: N/A


✗ Declined: The exact same problem still remains, the things you bolded or make no sense or are not relevant. Yes in theory any element can be combined with another element, that's not the issue here. You need to provide a sensible explanation as to why two elements would lead to that specific result and of all the combinations fire and lightning is the hardest one. When two elements are combined, the result can be something different altogether, I mean a liquid and something intangible as wind become a solid. Why does your CE become brighter? Lightning is already extremely bright. Hotter? Have you any idea how hot lightning already is? The only thing you gave as an explanation was that they have heat in common, but I really don't see how that's supposed to be an explanation. In the end you just took the individual properties of the elements, stuck them together and hyped them up.

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Bruce Banner

Active member
Aug 26, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Asechiren | アセチレン

Custom element English name: Acetylene Release

The element is based on: Wind + Lightning and Pure Chakra

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Acetylene is the chemical compound with the formula C2H2. It is a hydrocarbon and the simplest alkyne. This colorless gas is widely used as a fuel and a chemical building block. It is unstable in pure form and thus is usually handled as a solution. Pure acetylene is odorless, but commercial grades usually have a marked odor due to impurities.

As an alkyne, acetylene is unsaturated because its two carbon atoms are bonded together in a triple bond. The carbon-carbon triple bond places all four atoms in the same straight line, Since acetylene is a linear symmetrical molecule.
Today acetylene is mainly manufactured by the partial combustion of methane or appears as a side product in the ethylene stream from cracking of hydrocarbons. Its presence in ethylene is usually undesirable because of its explosive character and its ability to poison Ziegler-Natta catalysts.

As we have seen Mei’s Boil release : Skilled Mist Technique. a cloud of mist which she releases from her mouth. This mist has extremely corrosive properties, capable of melting even the bones of Sasuke Uchiha's Susanoo. By that principle An important reaction of acetylene is its combustion, At temperatures below the triple point, solid acetylene can change directly to the vapor (gas) by sublimation, it’s the same form of Mei’s Skilled Mist Technique.

How it works: The user could use his acetylene chakra to make an item become combustible and flammable just by touching it or transfer his chakra upon the object, or he can use acetylene in form of gases to create a gases clone which could explode in contact.

Usage Examples:

Asechiren: Combustion touch (Acetylene Rlease: Nenshō tatchi)
Rank: C
Chakra Cost:15
Damge Points:30
Description: The user 3 serial hand seal and focus his acetylene chakra in his dominant hand. By doing so, every item the user touch such as Kunai, shuriken, a chunk of rock or even a single needle should become combustible. It will explode when comes in contact with solid object/material.

Asechiren: Destructive Landmine (Acetylene Release: Hakai-tekina jirai)
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range:Short - mid
Chakra Cost:20
Damage Points:40
Description: The user will perform 5 serial hand seal and slam his hands into the ground which he release a certain amount of acetylene chakra across the battlefield ground, making it become a hostile land mine. When something or someone touches or steps on the ground, it will instantly explode causing 3 degree severe burn lead to death. The battle field ground itself will become a land mine

Conditions to be able to use it: Definitely have to have mastered wind to create the gas form and then add lightning chakra to make it combustible and flammable. As to control the mixture between them, the user has to combine with pure chakra.

Is weak to: Water, to reduce the it’s combustible effect. lightning itself, to spread away the combustible molecules and become harmless.

Is strong against: Because it’s combustible and flammable, Acetylene strong against Wind. due to lightning combination, Acetylene also strong against earth element or any other Solid CE’s or material. It can also overcome fire or make it even bigger.

Co-creator: N/A

Students I passed this custom element on too: N/A


✗ Declined: You didn't even explain how you make this element. Also it's not because something it's flammable it can be set aflame by itself. For that you need a secundary source. Also your strengths and weaknesses aren't really based on a logical reasoning.


Custom element Japanese name: Asechiren | アセチレン

Custom element English name: Acetylene Release

The element is based on: Wind + Earth + Lightning + Chakra

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Acetylene is a moderately common chemical in the universe, often associated with the atmospheres of gas giants, and has the compound with the formula C2H2. It is a hydrocarbon and the simplest alkyne. This colorless gas is widely used as a fuel and a chemical building block. It is unstable in pure form and thus is usually handled as a solution. Pure acetylene is odorless, but commercial grades usually have a marked odor due to impurities.

As an alkyne, acetylene is unsaturated because its two carbon atoms are bonded together in a triple bond. The carbon-carbon triple bond places all four atoms in the same straight line, Since acetylene is a linear symmetrical molecule. Acetylene is not especially toxic but when generated from calcium carbide it can contain toxic impurities such as traces of phosphine and arsine.

As we have seen in manga/anime, the Naruto-verse is similar to our own, with plenty of mountains, rocks, water, trees, swamps, desert, etc and several metals (eg: Iron and Steel) and non-metals that are obtainable from the ground or water or air as much as like in real world. Since iron exist in Naruto-verse, as they are able to make shuriken, kunai, swords and so on, it would be possible for acetylene too.

As we have seen Mei’s Boil release : Skilled Mist Technique. a cloud of mist which she releases from her mouth. This mist has extremely corrosive properties, capable of melting even the bones of Sasuke Uchiha's Susanoo. By that principle An important reaction of acetylene is its combustion, At temperatures below the triple point, solid acetylene can change directly to the vapor (gas) by sublimation, it’s the same form of Mei’s Skilled Mist Technique.

Fireworks:Acetylene can be created by combining water and Calcium Carbide, a product that is used in firework. Since we’ve seen that fireworks have been used in Naruto, for example previous to the Chuunin exams, we know that Calcium Carbide should be present, thus would it be possible to create Acetylene. One particle of Calcium Carbide reacts with water atoms to create one part of Acetylene and one part of Calcium Hydroxide(Ca(OH)2).
As it is possible for acetylene to be created on purpose, it is also possible that acetylene will be present in the earth, especially and inhabited places in the country. Once one knows how acetylene works he will be able to create it himself out of his own chakra, to either complement the acetylene that is already present, or create all that they will need for their technique’s

How it works: The user could would use combine his Wind, Earth and Fire chakra to create the acetylene he needs, or gather the acetylene that is already in the earth and focus it on an item or area to become combustible and flammable, once a fire or lighting based technique is used the acetylene will burst into flames, damaging the opponent. As the acetylene can be used for offensive, defensive and supplementary technique’s it is very versatile. Due to the fact that Acetylene is colorless and odorless it can be used in many different ways, and is not restricted by (semi) barriers. While acetylene itself isn’t very harmful to humans, it can be harmful in combination with other elements. Together with Ice (making it very cold) can cause frostbites on the skin or eyes while inhalation can cause headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness and passing out. Also, once inhaled and the gas around the opponent is ignited, there can be a substation damage to the lungs.

Usage Examples:

Asechiren: Combustion touch (Acetylene Rlease: Nenshō tatchi)
Rank: C
Chakra Cost:15
Damge Points:30
Description: After performing 2 hand seals and focusing his acetylene chakra in his dominant hand. The user can cover items such as Kunai, shuriken, a chunk of rock or even a single needle in a thin layer of acetylene so they combustible. It will explode when comes in contact with a solid object/material.
Note: Can only be used on 3 items max with every use

Asechiren: Destructive Landmine (Acetylene Release: Hakai-tekina jirai)
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B
Chakra Cost:20
Damage Points:40
Description: The user will perform 4 hand seals and slam his hands onto the ground in which he release his acetylene chakra across the battlefield ground, making it become a hostile landmine. When something or someone steps on the ground covered, it will instantly explode causing 3 degree severe burn lead to death.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Wind, Earth, Lighting and Ninjutsu

Weak to:
  • Water, Due to the last result of Acetylene is Fire, so it ould overcome Acetylene
  • Lightning, to break away the combustible molecules pattern, cancel the pattern to be form then become harmless.
Strong against:
  • Acetylene strong against Wind. which help the acetylene range more wide and causing the fire element effect even bigger.
    Acetylene also strong against earth element or any other Solid CE’s or material due to it's destructive type of element, the Acetylene gasses form also able to pass through earth or solid material so it will ease Aetylene to trap his oppoenent and explode them on a huge explosion
  • Wind
  • Metals
Co-creator: Yugure

Students I passed this custom element on too: N/A


✗ Declined: Sorry, but this is just not a good explanation and to me it seems you don't even understand exactly what you wrote yourself. You contradict yourself more than once. It's based on wind, earth, lightning and chakra, then again it's earth, fire and water and then the conditions to use it are wind, earth, lightning and ninjutsu? You can't see the forest anymore through the trees. You gave an entire scientifical explanation, talking about fireworks which contains Calcium Carbide, which you then need and whatnot. You didn't even really have proven it's possible as gas giants are huge planets. The argument of that Naruto is based on the real world only work to a certain degree. Then you write two times it's strong against wind, because it spreads it out. No it will blow it away if that's your argument. Strong against solids because it can explode? If it explodes, your entire element is gone, meaning it's impossible to be considered a strength based on that. On top of that you don't have any control over the explosion itself as you need a secondary source for that. I have also my sincere doubts about this passing through thing and metal strength. This explanation lacks severely on all levels, when I check wikipedia the first thing I get are chemical formulas. When you get that, you instantly need to ask yourself the question if this can even be a CE as most of the time it means it's mainly made in labs to artificially created the chemical response needed. The name alone indicates that. I thus also have my doubts about this being able to dig it up.

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Sterling Malory Archer

Active member
Jun 8, 2011
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Itoton
Custom element English name: String Release
The element is based on: Chakra Manipulation + Wind
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

The strings are created by focusing chakra in to your fingertips. The user then manipulates the chakra and stretches it out and sharpens it, making it like gut, thin and sharp with a strong cutting edge.

It has been shown in the manga that adding wind chakra makes a tool or weapon much sharper. Being able to drill through trees with ease.

String release is similar to the rasengan, as the rasengan is pure chakra control contained in a sphere in the palm of the users hand. Strings are contained by the fingertips instead of the palm. And when the user manipulates the strings, for instance, make a slashing movement, they stretch the chakra and make it extremely thin to be able to cut through what's needed to be cut.

There are multiple uses for strings:

Slashing and simply cutting someone or something

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Controlling a Target(s)

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Flying Through the air

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How it works:

Well the user condenses a great amount of chakra to their finger tips, and when they use a technique they stretch it out, causing the string to cut their target(s). The strings are in a way act like gut would. It's really thin, barely visible, but when used in a certain way, can cut through objects.

Controlling a target works by attaching strings to a target to control their movements or simply to restrain them.

Flight is achieved by attaching the strings to the clouds. (Almost like how Spider-Man swings through New York. But instead of aiming at buildings, Strings are aimed at the clouds.)

The strings are extremely thin are extremely hard to see. Sharingan users and Byakugan users can see the strings clearly however.

Usage Examples:

Name Name
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user creates strings at his fingertips and releases it like a bullet. With the string shooting forward at a target.

Name Name
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user creates 5 strings from their fingers and uses them to slash thee target with 5 strings coming out of the user's fingertips.

Name Name
Type: Supplementry
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user attaches their strings to the clouds and uses them to allow the user to seemingly fly through the air.

Conditions to be able to use it:

  • Need Sage rank chakra control
  • Mastery of Wind chakra to make strings sharp
  • In order for flight, clouds must be present.

Is weak to:

  • Water: The strings will lose most if it's cutting power. The more water, the weaker the string are. Enough water can cause the strings to disperse.
  • Wind: The wind will clash with the strings with equal cutting power and causing the strings to lose it's sharpness.

Is strong against:

  • Earth based elements: The strings are like gut and simply slice through the earth as if it was paper.
  • Fire based elements: Fire has no "solid-ness" so the strings slice through the fire with relative ease.

Co-creator: None
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

✗ Declined: This is not an element, this is a jutsu and then I'm not even mentioning the ripping off the puppetry jutsu.

Completely revamping it.


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Custom element Japanese name: Itoton
Custom element English name: String Release
The element is based on: Chakra Manipulation + Wind + Lightning
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

In the manga, chakra being used like strings are frequently used by ninjas in the manga, from puppeteer strings (Sand ninjas, Sasori, etc) to chakra ropes (Like Ino, in the chunnin exams). Likewise, chakra are used by many ninjas to manipulate objects, like Ten Ten and her weapons. However, String Release is used to directly attack a target with more deadly piercing and deadly force, instead of controlling something else (Ten Ten's tools) to do the attack, using the combination of the two sharpest elemental natures (Lighting and Wind) to augment the chakra creating a special brand of Strings.

It has been seen that in the manga that adding wind chakra, will be making the chakra as sharp and thin as possible. And with lightning, increasing the high frequency vibrations of their chakra, allowing for piercing damage and fast movement. So manipulating the chakra using the two sharpest elements makes Strings thin and sharp.

There are multiple uses for strings:

Slashing and simply cutting someone or something

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Controlling a Target(s)

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Flying Through the air

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How it works:

The user gather chakra to their fingertips, condenses it, to give it similar properties to that of Lightning and Wind. Lightning and Wind because they are the sharpest basic elements of all. Combining the two makes the chakra strings more tangible and sharp, augmented to the max. Likewise, lightning has been shown to affect the neuron system directly (For example, Tsunade with her neuron scrambling technique). String Release would thus specialize in what canon chakra does, which is manipulating stuff, with the added bonus of being the sharpest element in existence, an advanced and stronger version of the chakra puppeteer strings.

The user can create the strings and use them as a lasso and wrap it around a target's limb and cleanly cut it off by pulling on the string, and the element is sharp enough to cut through thick bones with ease.

Controlling a target works by attaching strings to a target to control their movements or simply to restrain them, by sending a light current through the strings in to the nervous system and muscles.

Flight is achieved by attaching the strings to the clouds. (Almost like how Spider-Man swings through New York. But instead of aiming at buildings, Strings are aimed at the clouds.)

The strings are thin, and sharp and are extremely hard to see. Sharingan users and Byakugan users can see the strings clearly however. The sharpness of the element goes up to the molecular level, if needed be.

Usage Examples:

Name Name
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user creates strings at his fingertips and releases them like bullets. With the string shooting forward at a target in the shape of bullets.

Name Name
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user creates 5 strings from their fingers and uses them like a whip to slice at their target.

Name Name
Type: Supplementry
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user attaches their strings to the clouds and uses them to allow the user to seemingly fly through the air.

Conditions to be able to use it:

  • Need Sage rank chakra control
  • Mastery of Wind Release to make strings sharp
  • Mastery of Lightning Release to add more of a cutting edge to the strings.
  • In order for flight, clouds must be present.

Is weak to:

  • Water: Even if cut by the strings, water would just reshape immediately as if the strings did nothing to it.
  • Fire: Similar to Water, the fire can just engulf the strings and continue on
  • Similar variations to Water and Fire, eg. Sun Fire, Volcanic Water, etc.

Is strong against:

  • Any matter based Elements, such as Earth, Metal, Crystal, Wood, Diamond, etc. The strings cutting power is strong enough to slice through those elements. Similar to how high pressured water can cut through metal.
  • Lightning
  • Cold Based Elements (Ice, Dry Ice, etc.) as Cold doesn't affect Strings at all, and Strings can slice through Ice effortlessly.
  • Acid Based Elements, similar to above, the Acid elements doesn't affect Strings the way it would to other elements as Strings can just slice through it.
  • Decay, however the String would lose their numbing ability, they would still be able to beat Decay.

Co-creator: None
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Do you now seriously want me to add 'do not resubmit' for you to realize that this is NOT a CE and will never be approved? This is a jutsu, string is shape manipulation and can never be considered a CE. Also many people think that just mixing wind and lightning automatically means that they have something, whatever it is, with all the good properties of wind and lightning, but not a single person ever gave proof for it.

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Active member
May 23, 2008
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Ryūhariton
Custom element English name: Dragon Glass Release
The element is based on: Fire + Earth + Chakra Control

The true idea for this element was actually real life Obsidian glass, which is essentially a volcanic glass. Felsic lava, extremely thick but also rich in silicate minerals, cools down rapidly without forming (or forming low concentrations of) crystals, giving birth to a dark, normally green tainted glass. However, after watching Game of Thrones and talking in the Staff Chat with Skorm, instead of attempting a literal custom element, which would literally be something like Volcanic Glass or simply Obsidian Release, the idea came to name it Dragon Glass to give it a more “narutoverse feel”; a more interesting naming. Dragons are creatures connected with fire and earth and, in many mythologies, they are seen as responsible for volcanic eruptions and anything born from fire. So, naming it Dragon Glass became fitting. As I dwelled deeper and deeper into the mythology behind Obsidian and, overall, most volcanic glasses, it seemed to be universal the relationship between them and otherworldly “powers”. Sought out for their beauty but also, in the case of obsidian, its incredible sharpness (used to produce bladed weapons and tools), it was also believed to have cleansing properties that made it able to protect people from some diseases or from evil spirits. It was also, in some cultures and cults, believed to be able to channel and empower magical abilities and even awaken spiritual powers. All of this plus the naming made me quite interested in transforming it into a CE.

In terms of what is on its basis, this element is based on the ability to use Fire Natured chakra to meld and manipulate Earth (or Earth Natured chakra )in order to form a new earth based element, in this case, Dragon Glass. By melding together Fire on your left circulatory flow and Earth on your right, combining them together afterwards, you are able to create a new element by using the fire portion to manipulate and transform the earth portion, using chakra control to control the ratio between both natures and be able to extrude the needed minerals and composites that will then cool down in a controlled manner and form Dragon Glass.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

In the manga so far, we’ve seen that combining Earth and Fire natures can produce different earth based elements. The main element behind the combination of both natures is Lava Release, which has 3 variations (Hot Molten Rock (literal Lava), Rubber and Quicklime), but we can also take into account Steel Release, that combines Earth and Fire to produce a metallic element.

Taking this into consideration, in the manga, its then possible to use both Earth and Fire natures to produce various Earth based elements that originate from the application of heat onto earthen substances. In this specific case, you apply heat to transform the earth and in the process giving birth to a new element: Dragon Glass.

Normal, silicate glass (the one most commonly found in most domestic glass usage in RL) itself is present in narutoverse in windows, drinking glasses, etc so its not farfetched to conclude that the process through which a hot, molten, high silicate concentrate material turns into glass is the same as it is in our world or at least based on the same principles and factors in narutoverse also, allowing the theoretical feasibility of Dragon Glass.

How it works:

The element itself is fairly simple. You apply Earth chakra (which gives the primary source or “raw material” to the element; in this case it produces a high silicate content earthen raw material) with Fire chakra (which is used to transform and meld the “raw material”; it melts the raw product at the needed temperature and moulds it into the given form, allowing it to cool in a controlled rate and manner) producing Dragon Glass.

Dragon Glass itself is based on real life obsidian (simply with what you can call an "RP cosmestic touch" in terms of name), a type of volcanic glass, and its from it that it takes almost all its properties. It’s a glass, incredibly hard but also brittle ("A material is brittle if, when subjected to stress, it breaks without significant deformation (strain). Brittle materials absorb relatively little energy prior to fracture, even those of high strength. Breaking is often accompanied by a snapping sound. Brittle materials include most ceramics and glasses (which do not deform plastically) and some polymers, such as PMMA and polystyrene. Many steels become brittle at low temperatures (see ductile-brittle transition temperature), depending on their composition and processing." - definition of what means to be brittle because I was under the assumption it meant it was fragile), which means that when it fractures it produces very sharp edges; some of the sharpest amongst all known natural materials. The element is formed by a controlled, rapid (but not too rapid), cooling of molten high silicate earthen products. The element produces black, green hued glass, which, like most glasses, is translucent (at times almost transparent), with a vitreous lustre, though not crystalline in its essence (thus why it’s a glass). Because of the process through which it’s made, where the cooling rate must be very specific and controlled though somewhat rapid, it’s also a very temperamental element. If it cools too rapidly, it shatters into rock instead of allowing the glass to form. Once hardened and formed, the glass is very resistant to high temperatures but very susceptible to low temperatures.

In terms of jutsu application, the element is divided into two uses, depending on the use from an existing earth or dragon glass source or from the users body:
  • Existing Source Usage: The user will focus the earth and fire chakra into the earth, creating finished constructs of Dragon Glass to erupt from the ground. Basically, the user produces the hot raw by-product of the combination of Earth and Fire chakras beneath the surface, forcing it to erupt upwards. As it erupts it cools so that as it fully emerges from the ground, it’s already in its cooled glass form. If used from a dragon glass structure or source, the process is different but somewhat similar. In the core of the source, the user will focus earth and fire chakra in a way that actually makes dragon glass "grow" from that source in its finished form; he doesn't actually create new dragon glass, he increases and multiplies the existing one, seemingly making it grow into the technique used. These constructs are black, slightly translucent, with green hue noticeable when light insides in certain angles. This application is generally associated with the Snake, Rat and Ox Handseals.
  • Self Source Creation Usage: The user will focus the earth and fire chakra inside himself, exhaling or extruding from his body a hot (between 800Cº and 900Cº) thick, black greenish liquid, which hardens rapidly into Dragon Glass. Once hardened, the glass turns black, slightly translucent, with a green hue noticeable when light insides in certain angles, equal in every aspect to the primary release. The liquid can harden mid way towards its target, on its target or according to the use in the specific technique. It will always harden on contact with another opposing force unless said force carries a very low temperature in which case it will make it cool too fast, making it shatter instead of allowing it to form the glass structure. This is similar to how we've seen some earth techniques being used from the users body by exhaling mud which then hardens into the earth jutsu through the application or manipulation of chakra. This application is generally associated with the Tiger, Ram and Horse handseals.
General Characteristics of Dragon Glass

-Ageless: Dragon Glass, like all glasses, is a very resilient and durable material. Its resilience to aging makes it able to last until destroyed or dispelled. The user has the ability to dispel Dragon Glass techniques on will power alone which simply fractures the technique into tiny useless earthen fragments but when destroyed by an enemy, the Dragon Glass constructs only fracture into smaller dragon glass pieces.

-Sound Interaction: Because its not crystalline but actually a glass, Dragon Glass is very resistant to low frequency Sound based techniques, which rebound off of it or are absorbed into it, depending on the technique used to clash with sound. Much like normal, daily life glass, Dragon Glass is a very good sound proofing material for audible frequencies. However, high frequencies can shatter it same as they can do any hard material. Dragon Glass itself can also be used to produce sound same as any type of crystal or crystalline material such as normal glass.

-Sharpness: once fractured, Dragon Glass produces immensely sharp edges. This allows the user to produce sharp constructs or weapons but also to make it dangerous to directly facture Dragon Glass as it will invariably produce sharp, cutting edges. The sharpness is such that it’s described as capable of cutting through anything, although that is not the case, just folklore. In reality, obsidian glass, the core idea behind this element, is described as one of the sharpest materials known to Man. When it fractures, due to its hight brittleness, it produces such fine and sharp blades that they can be only 2 to 3 nanometers thick (1nm = 1/1 000 000 000 m = 1/1 000 000 mm). All dragon glass techniques produce sharp edges when fractured and specific techniques can be made to have this sharpness right from its creation.

-Hardness: once cooled, Dragon Glass is harder than most Earthen materials and elements, capable even of playing in equal ground with some metals in terms of hardness. This hardness makes it a very durable material for most physical interactions but also means it lacks flexibility.

-Vitreous Lustre: as a glass, Dragon Glass has a certain translucent and transparency to it despite being dark in color and having a green tint or hue. This transparency can be regulated in certain techniques to become almost transparent (although always greenish) but will normally mean its a dark green construct, almost black.

-Chakra Conduit: it can channel chakra easily, serving as a medium to channel chakra into anything touching it but also giving it unique chakra abilities like serving as a medium for specific barriers and unique sealing techniques. This is very similar to how Crystal Release can be used for the same purpose in unique ways. As a chakra medium, it can also be imbued with the opposite property, which in specific techniques may allow its use to block or disrupt chakra and chakra transmission. This whole ability simply adds a few specific battle applications like that if the user is standing in a dragon glass technique it won't prevent him from using the ground beneath him for techniques for example or that the element itself can produce techniques that might use additional skills such as sealing techniques, barrier ninjutsu or medical ninjutsu with it.

-Heat Resistance: Dragon Glass, as all glasses, is incredibly resistant to high temperatures once it’s formed. This makes the element very useful against fire-based elements and other hot elements. Coupled with its cleansing properties, dragon glass can be used as a medium to channel, absorb and even contain and negate high amounts of heat. In return, it’s weak to low temperatures, which make it more brittle and fragile. Despite Dragon Glass being resistant to heat all together, only specific techniques can be used as heat siphoning mediums.

-Radiation Resistance: Like most known glasses, Dragon Glass is largely resistant to Radiation effects. However, this resistance is not towards elements that might be radioactive but actually towards the radiation they release.

Usage Examples:

(Ryūhariton Taibu No Jutsu) Dragon Glass Greater Technique
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
The user will do the Ox+Snake hand seals, focusing his chakra into an earth or dragon glass source to create gigantic constructs made of Dragon Glass ,which can be sharp or blunt, depending on the users needs.
Note: Usable 4 times

(Ryūhariton No Jutsu) Dragon Glass Technique
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
The user will do the Ox hand seal, focusing his chakra into an earth or dragon glass source to create constructs made of Dragon Glass ,which can be sharp or blunt, depending on the users needs.

(Ryūhariton: Ryū Midori No Jutsu) Dragon Glass Release: Green Dragon No Jutsu
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The user will do the Tiger+Horse Handseals and inhale while focusing chakra on his core. As he exhales, he shoot a thick stream of a hot black substance which hardens into dragon glass, forming a gigantic dragon similar to that of Wood Release: Wood Dragon. The dragon can be used to attack or defend and will stay on the field for 3 turns or until dispelled. Its scales are incredibly sharp.
Note: Usable 3 times

Conditions to be able to use it:
-Mastery over Earth
-Mastery over Fire
-Above Average Chakra Control

Is weak to:

Wind – Despite Dragon Glass’s sharpness being superior, wind is the element that is described as responsible for cooling down other elements or for inducing temperature-lowering effects. Because of this unique property, Wind techniques are able to easily cut or fracture through Dragon Glass techniques.

Lightning – Because Dragon Glass is so densely rooted in Earth Release, it shares its unique weakness towards Lightning, which can cut and fracture it easily. The same weakness extends towards Storm Release and Dust Release.

Harder Physical Elements – Any element defined as harder than Dragon Glass is physically able to overcome it. This is true for most metallic elements (unless unusually soft metals like Lead or liquid ones like Mercury) and all crystals harder than Quartz.

Ice and Cold-Based Elements – Cold makes Dragon Glass more brittle which makes it more fragile and weaker in terms of physical strength, making it fracture more easily.

Quake – Its ability to destroy Earth based elements extends to Dragon Glass, which easily fractures when facing Quake release techniques.

Is strong against:

Earth – Because it’s harder than Earth and an advanced element based on it, it’s stronger than earth in any of its cannon forms and most of its custom forms (unless they are harder than Dragon Glass).

Water – As a very hard solid, Dragon Glass is stronger than Water and all it’s custom forms unless they somehow possess severely low temperatures.

Fire and Hot Elements – Due to its ability to withstand high temperatures, Dragon Glass is very resistant to Fire and most heat-based elements, which include Lava Release and most types of special Fire.

Radiation – Dragon Glass constructs are themselves resistant to radiation as is the case of most glasses. If the radioactive element is physically harder than Dragon Glass, its still stronger than Dragon Glass as its resistance is only applicable towards the radiation itself.

Decay – Dragon Glass cannot be aged or deconstructed because it isn’t “constructed” but is simply a different chemical structure of an amalgam of minerals, mainly silicate and derivatives. So, like most similar materials, it resists decay release.

Softer Physical Elements – Its high sharpness and its high hardness make Dragon Glass effective against any element softer than it is. These include Wood, Quicklime and Rubber Lava Variations, Caramel, Bubble-gum, Marshmallow, Chocolate, Mushroom, Plant, etc.

Co-creator: Skorm

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: For starters this IS obsidian, you can name it however you want, but it is not based on obsidian, it is obsidian. Secondly you know I don't allow solid and liquid control over an element and with that all self source usage and existing source usage it seems you're just using some trick to bypass that. That liquid obsidian doesn't have any sharpness clearly shows that. I don't understand overall either as why you explain stuff like, I mean 'it doesn't create, it grows', what's the point of that? It doesn't grow out of itself, so yes you create something, you just used your chakra on something existent, which is something very basic. It's done all the time with water and earth jutsu. As I understand it, you want the solid version, meaning no stuff like 'it hardens midway', it hardens instantly. In the manga it was shown that when they made an earth wall, it almost appears like they spit out liquid earth that then transformed into a wall. That 'liquid' is of no relevance, it almost happens instantly as if you use a liquid, you have no control over its solid state. You don't really find easily natural obsidian in an average soil, but pretty much any element can use 'its natural version' if it's present. You can spit out earth, you can use the earth under your feet. You can spit out water, you can use the water of the lake. So I really don't get your almost cryptic-like explanation, making it appear like it's something unique. Your CE is bound by the exact same laws as any canon element. Also nearly anything (your body, the air, most of the other elements) have a low temperature compared to obsidian, so it would solidify either way soon. Then I don't get either some remarks with your description of its qualities. I mean you have the power to dispel it? What kind of comment is that? As long as it's infused with your chakra, you can use shape manipulation, however that's on the level of a jutsu. No one can just snap his fingers and say 'begone', so saying you can dispel it is not something that should be listed here, that's for the specific jutsu description. Don't understand either what that chakra conduit doing there as it has, as far as I'm concerned, no particular relationship with obsidian. It's relationship with chakra is no different than that of earth or water or any other element. I don't see the relevancy of mentioning seals, med ninjutsu and the like. Not to mention it's very contradictory as in most cases you are the one who made the obsidian, so it would already be filled with your chakra. In the case it's dead matter, it doesn't matter much as Jiraiya was able to use an earth jutsu while being 30 meters in the air. In the case it would be an opponent's obsidian jutsu, it's already conducting chakra, so it would be illogical to say yours would go through it. I find all that stuff completely irrelevant.

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Custom element Japanese name: Ryūhariton
Custom element English name: Dragon Glass Release
The element is based on: Fire + Earth + Chakra Control

The true idea for this element was actually real life Obsidian glass, which is essentially a volcanic glass. Felsic lava, extremely thick but also rich in silicate minerals, cools down rapidly without forming (or forming low concentrations of) crystals, giving birth to a dark, normally green tainted glass. However, after watching Game of Thrones and talking in the Staff Chat with Skorm, instead of attempting a literal custom element name, which would literally be something like Volcanic Glass or simply Obsidian Release, the idea came to name it Dragon Glass to give it a more “narutoverse feel”; a more interesting naming. Dragons are creatures connected with fire and earth and, in many mythologies, they are seen as responsible for volcanic eruptions and anything born from fire. So, naming it Dragon Glass became fitting. Despite naming it Dragon Glass and referring to it in the submission as Dragon Glass, the element itself is Obsidian glass. As I dwelled deeper and deeper into the mythology behind Obsidian and, overall, most volcanic glasses, it seemed to be universal the relationship between them and otherworldly “powers”. Sought out for their beauty but also, in the case of obsidian, its incredible sharpness (used to produce bladed weapons and tools), it was also believed to have cleansing properties that made it able to protect people from some diseases or from evil spirits. It was also, in some cultures and cults, believed to be able to channel and empower magical abilities and even awaken spiritual powers. All of this plus the naming made me quite interested in transforming it into a CE.

In terms of what is on its basis, this element is based on the ability to use Fire Natured chakra to meld and manipulate Earth (or Earth Natured chakra )in order to form a new earth based element, in this case, Dragon Glass. By melding together Fire on your left circulatory flow and Earth on your right, combining them together afterwards, you are able to create a new element by using the fire portion to manipulate and transform the earth portion, using chakra control to control the ratio between both natures and be able to extrude the needed minerals and composites that will then cool down in a controlled manner and form Dragon Glass.

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):

In the manga so far, we’ve seen that combining Earth and Fire natures can produce different earth based elements. The main element behind the combination of both natures is Lava Release, which has 3 variations (Hot Molten Rock (literal Lava), Rubber and Quicklime), but we can also take into account Steel Release, that combines Earth and Fire to produce a metallic element.

Taking this into consideration, in the manga, its then possible to use both Earth and Fire natures to produce various Earth based elements that originate from the application of heat onto earthen substances. In this specific case, you apply heat to transform the earth and in the process giving birth to a new element: Dragon Glass.

Normal, silicate glass (the one most commonly found in most domestic glass usage in RL) itself is present in narutoverse in windows, drinking glasses, etc so its not farfetched to conclude that the process through which a hot, molten, high silicate concentrate material turns into glass is the same as it is in our world or at least based on the same principles and factors in narutoverse also, allowing the theoretical feasibility of Dragon Glass.

How it works:

The element itself is fairly simple. You apply Earth chakra (which gives the primary source or “raw material” to the element; in this case it produces a high silicate content earthen raw material) with Fire chakra (which is used to transform and meld the “raw material”; it melts the raw product at the needed temperature and moulds it into the given form, allowing it to cool in a controlled rate and manner) producing Dragon Glass.

Dragon Glass itself is actually real life obsidian (simply with what you can call an "RP cosmestic touch" in terms of name), a type of volcanic glass, and takes all of its properties. It’s a glass, incredibly hard but also brittle ("A material is brittle if, when subjected to stress, it breaks without significant deformation (strain). Brittle materials absorb relatively little energy prior to fracture, even those of high strength. Breaking is often accompanied by a snapping sound. Brittle materials include most ceramics and glasses (which do not deform plastically) and some polymers, such as PMMA and polystyrene. Many steels become brittle at low temperatures (see ductile-brittle transition temperature), depending on their composition and processing." - definition of what means to be brittle because I was under the assumption it meant it was fragile), which means that when it fractures it produces very sharp edges; some of the sharpest amongst all known natural materials. The element is formed by a controlled, rapid (but not too rapid), cooling of molten high silicate earthen products. The element produces black, green hued glass, which, like most glasses, is translucent (at times almost transparent), with a vitreous lustre, though not crystalline in its essence (thus why it’s a glass). Because of the process through which it’s made, where the cooling rate must be very specific and controlled though somewhat rapid, it’s also a very temperamental element. If it cools too rapidly, it shatters into rock instead of allowing the glass to form. Once hardened and formed, the glass is very resistant to high temperatures but very susceptible to low temperatures.

In terms of jutsu application, the element is divided into two uses, depending on the use from an existing earth or dragon glass source or from the users body:
  • Existing Source Usage: The user will focus the earth and fire chakra into the earth, creating finished constructs of Dragon Glass to erupt from the ground. Basically, the user produces the hot raw by-product of the combination of Earth and Fire chakras beneath the surface, forcing it to erupt upwards. As it erupts it cools so that as it fully emerges from the ground, it’s already in its cooled glass form. If used from a dragon glass structure or source, the process is similar. In the core of the source, the user will focus earth and fire chakra in a way that actually makes dragon glass emerge from that source in its finished form. These constructs are black, slightly translucent, with green hue noticeable when light insides in certain angles. This application is generally associated with the Snake, Rat and Ox Handseals.
  • Self Source Creation Usage: The user will focus the earth and fire chakra inside himself, exhaling or extruding from his body constructs of either blunt or sharp Dragon Glass. These can be used for a multitude of purposes and act as a alternative form of usage when the user has no earth source available. Additionally, and making use of the Earth aspect of Dragon Glass, the user can also imbue into his body the hardness of Dragon Glass in the same way one can with Earth release through the user of techniques like Earth Release: Earth Spear.. This application is generally associated with the Tiger, Ram and Horse handseals.
General Characteristics of Dragon Glass

-Ageless: Dragon Glass, like all glasses, is a very resilient and durable material. Its resilience to aging makes it able to last until destroyed or dispelled.

-Sound Interaction: Because its not crystalline but actually a glass, Dragon Glass is very resistant to low frequency Sound based techniques, which rebound off of it or are absorbed into it, depending on the technique used to clash with sound. Much like normal, daily life glass, Dragon Glass is a very good sound proofing material for audible frequencies. However, high frequencies can shatter it same as they can do any hard material. Dragon Glass itself can also be used to produce sound same as any type of crystal or crystalline material such as normal glass.

-Sharpness: once fractured, Dragon Glass produces immensely sharp edges. This allows the user to produce sharp constructs or weapons but also to make it dangerous to directly facture Dragon Glass as it will invariably produce sharp, cutting edges. The sharpness is such that it’s described as capable of cutting through anything, although that is not the case, just folklore. In reality, obsidian glass, the core idea behind this element, is described as one of the sharpest materials known to Man. When it fractures, due to its hight brittleness, it produces such fine and sharp blades that they can be only 2 to 3 nanometers thick (1nm = 1/1 000 000 000 m = 1/1 000 000 mm). All dragon glass techniques produce sharp edges when fractured and specific techniques can be made to have this sharpness right from its creation.

-Hardness: once cooled, Dragon Glass is harder than most Earthen materials and elements, capable even of playing in equal ground with some metals in terms of hardness. This hardness makes it a very durable material for most physical interactions but also means it lacks flexibility.

-Vitreous Lustre: as a glass, Dragon Glass has a certain translucent and transparency to it despite being dark in color and having a green tint or hue. This transparency can be regulated in certain techniques to become almost transparent (although always greenish) but will normally mean its a dark green construct, almost black.

-Heat Resistance: Dragon Glass, as all glasses, is incredibly resistant to high temperatures once it’s formed. This makes the element very useful against fire-based elements and other hot elements. Coupled with its cleansing properties, dragon glass can be used as a medium to channel, absorb and even contain and negate high amounts of heat. In return, it’s weak to low temperatures, which make it more brittle and fragile. Despite Dragon Glass being resistant to heat all together, only specific techniques can be used as heat siphoning mediums.

-Radiation Resistance: Like most known glasses, Dragon Glass is largely resistant to Radiation effects. However, this resistance is not towards elements that might be radioactive but actually towards the radiation they release.

Usage Examples:

(Ryūhariton Taibu No Jutsu) Dragon Glass Greater Technique
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
The user will do the Ox+Snake hand seals, focusing his chakra into an earth or dragon glass source to create gigantic constructs made of Dragon Glass ,which can be sharp or blunt, depending on the users needs.
Note: Usable 4 times

(Ryūhariton No Jutsu) Dragon Glass Technique
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
The user will do the Ox hand seal, focusing his chakra into an earth or dragon glass source to create constructs made of Dragon Glass ,which can be sharp or blunt, depending on the users needs.

(Ryūhariton: Ryū Midori No Jutsu) Dragon Glass Release: Green Dragon No Jutsu
Type: Offensive
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The user will do the Tiger+Horse Handseals while focusing chakra on his core. From his body, a lustrous dragon made of dragon glass, similar to that of Wood Release: Wood Dragon, rampages outwards. The dragon can be used to attack or defend and will stay on the field for 3 turns or until dispelled. Its scales are incredibly sharp.
Note: Usable 3 times

Conditions to be able to use it:
-Mastery over Earth
-Mastery over Fire
-Above Average Chakra Control

Is weak to:

Wind – Despite Dragon Glass’s sharpness being superior, wind is the element that is described as responsible for cooling down other elements or for inducing temperature-lowering effects. Because of this unique property, Wind techniques are able to easily cut or fracture through Dragon Glass techniques.

Lightning – Because Dragon Glass is so densely rooted in Earth Release, it shares its unique weakness towards Lightning, which can cut and fracture it easily. The same weakness extends towards Storm Release, Dust Release and other Lightning based custom elements.

Harder Physical Elements – Any element defined as harder than Dragon Glass is physically able to overcome it. This is true for most metallic elements (unless unusually soft metals like Lead or liquid ones like Mercury) and all crystals harder than Quartz.

Ice and Cold-Based Elements – Cold makes Dragon Glass more brittle which makes it more fragile and weaker in terms of physical strength, making it fracture more easily.

Quake – Its ability to destroy Earth based elements extends to Dragon Glass, which easily fractures when facing Quake release techniques.

Is strong against:

Earth – Because it’s harder than Earth and an advanced element based on it, it’s stronger than earth in any of its cannon forms and most of its custom forms (unless they are harder than Dragon Glass).

Water – As a very hard solid, Dragon Glass is stronger than Water and all it’s custom forms unless they somehow possess severely low temperatures.

Fire and Hot Elements – Due to its ability to withstand high temperatures, Dragon Glass is very resistant to Fire and most heat-based elements, which include Lava Release and most types of special Fire.

Radiation – Dragon Glass constructs are themselves resistant to radiation as is the case of most glasses. If the radioactive element is physically harder than Dragon Glass, its still stronger than Dragon Glass as its resistance is only applicable towards the radiation itself.

Decay – Dragon Glass cannot be aged or deconstructed easily because it isn’t “constructed” but is simply a different chemical structure of an amalgam of minerals, mainly silicate and derivatives. So, like most similar materials, it is strong against decay release.

Softer Physical Elements – Its high sharpness and its high hardness make Dragon Glass effective against any element softer than it is. These include Quicklime and Rubber Lava Variations, Caramel, Bubble-gum, Marshmallow, Chocolate, Mushroom, Plant, etc.

Co-creator: Skorm

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

P a t e n t C e r t i f i c a t e
I, Caliburn of the Custom Elements Bureau, by the power invested in me by Versuvio, Rei and Zise, give you the following:

Scorps, our loyal member, gave on the date December 24th 2013 a request for a Patent on his custom element (Dragon Glass); after reading the submission, I decided that the submitted element satisfies all requirements, and am therefore giving him his rightfully earned patent on this element by the following;​

Powered by Caliburn
Copyright 2014, Scorps, NarutoBase.net​

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Active member
Jul 27, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name:

Custom element English name:
Chalk Release

The element is based on:
Earth + Water + Wind +Advance Chakra Manipulation

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The fact that this element is possible, and it infact does exist is the fact that Natural chalk is found in aquatic conditions such as in underwater deposits. It is formed by the gradual build up of minute calcite plates that have been shed from micro-organisms called coccolithophores.. As in narutoverse we know that they have major seas, oceans, rivers and they form from under water. Etc. So with that being said In part one of naruto we have seen a Chalk Board With letters written in chalk and the chalk on the edge of the board. Letting us know that Indeed chalk does Exist in the narutoverse.

How it works:
The user will mix up their chakras through their body, Or simply channel large amounts of water chakra through the ground infusing it with earth and wind to cause chalk to be made, When chalk touches down or hits a hard surface it disperses into chalk powder... Chalk powder cant be used offensively since it indeed is not hazerdous and does not contain enough physical strength to cause damage but it can be used for special reasons. Ex. Distractions, Blinding them, and more. (Will explain a jutsu in the Jutsu Example). Chalk powder can only be formed by crushing chalk and this can go about many ways. One; The user will simply create chalk and crush it. Or Two; The user will use a chalk attack and if it hits a hard surface, it indeed will produce a moderate amount of chalk dust. The main purpose of how it work is offensivly attacking. Though it breaks easy, It is lighter than most rocks, and can be used in multiple ways.

Usage Examples:

(hakuboku: hakuboku peretto) Chalk Release: Chalk Pellets

Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description:The user will do the tiger handseal and spit out several chalk pellets. (about 5 inches) thes chalk pellets launch from the user mouth towards the opponent in great haste. Causing minor damage if the attack lands

(Hakuboku: Anime soushi) Chalk Release: Animation Creation
Type: Sup/Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 25
Damage: 50
Description: The user will create a piece of chalk or use an existing piece of chalk and draw any animal in quick haste. Once they are finished drawing the animal the user will do 1 handsign . Once they handsign is done the animal will emerge from the chalk outline made out of chalk. The animal has no special abilitites but to simply do as it was created for. (This is a more advance version of Chalk Shadow Clone technique)

(Hakuboku: Hakuboku kayaku) Chalk Release: Chalk Powder

Type: Sup
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/a
Description: The user will utilize any chalk on the field and channel their chakra into it. By doing so they will simply crush the chalk creating chakra dust. This is used to blind the opponent temp. distract the opponent, or anything of that nature

Conditions to be able to use it:
-Must Master Earth
-Must Master Water
-Must Master Wind

Is weak to:
Earth (Most Earth base CE, and KG Included)- Chalk is one of the weakest types of rock. Easily able to be broke apart
Lightning (Lightning Base CE)- Still part of the rock family it breaks down Chalk.
Wind- It is only weak to wind because of the cutting abilitites most wind techs provide. If the wind tech dont provide a sharp edge then they are mutual.
Marshmallow- It bounces off of marshmallow and cant pierce through it

Is strong against:
Water (Water Base CE ) - Chalk can substain, and Hold a large amount of water, Also being able to not be affected by water, and still being part of the rock family
Fire (Fire base CE) - Heat can not bypass chalk and chalk can not melt. Leaving chalk non-affected by fire
Plants/Mushrooms- Chalk can pierce through plants/fungi with ease. Still being part of the rock family

Is Neterual against:
Ice- Ice and Chalk density are pretty much the same, causing both to break if collided together.
Lava- Seeing as heat does not affect chalk, It cant melt. But Chalk can not pierce through lava
Mud- Mud is heavy enough to stop chalk but mud can not pierce through chalk

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

(I added some CE to the weakness and strength just to further explain what it is weak and strong against)


✗ Declined: It falls under Mugi's Calcium CE.

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Custom element Japanese name:

Custom element English name:
Chalk Release

The element is based on:
Earth + Water + Wind +Advance Chakra Manipulation

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The fact that this element is possible, and it infact does exist is the fact that Natural chalk is found in aquatic conditions such as in underwater deposits, While Chalk is one of earth's minerals that can also be found in thick layers, both on and below the ground.. It is formed by the gradual build up of minute calcite plates that have been shed from micro-organisms called coccolithophores.. As in narutoverse we know that they have major seas, oceans, rivers and they form from under water. Calcium is a part of daily life being in alot of everyday materials Including chalk, For instance Unpurified water Etc. We have seen techniques such as quicklime from an Iwa Ninja, As Quicklime contains a some amount of calcium inside of it, we have seen killer bee use Ink which contains a percentage of calcium in it, We have seen painters inside naruto which paint contains a percentage of calcium. Thus makes me believe chalk is easily among the things that exist in naruto due to it having a large some of calcium inside of it. It was also seen on Part 1. Of naruto a chalk board and chalk on the chalk stand, with letters written on the chalk board, making me believe chalk indeed does exist

How it works:
The user will mix 3 elements, Water, Wind, and Earth into either the ground, a large water source, or the body. The user will mix up their chakra on the group to manipulate the sedimentary rocks of the earth mixing their chakra into it while using shape manipulation The wind and water act as the weathering property for the earth while manipulating it turning the rock into chalk. This will come to the creation of Chalk. Due to chalk also being able to form underwater, the user can also manipulate and follow the same steps to making chalk on land on water, except the user will use less water chakra and more earth and wind to cause, and manipulate the weathering of the rock to form chalk. This will allow chalk to be able to form on/under water also. And the last way is simply mixing all 3 chakras inside the body thus being able to use chalk in versatile ways.

Primary Use:
This is use Element is use in versatile ways but mainly in the main way as Earth. For Strong Offensive, and Defensive purposes. When Chalk goes against something of harder substance it breaks down into chalk powder, the chalk powder can not be manipulated, but it can be used as a distraction for other uses such as an escape or even to cause coughing though it is not hazardous

Secondary Use:
Chalk is use as writing material, thus allowing the user to use chalk in a animation type style similar to sais. But instead of drawing on a piece of paper, the user has to draw on a hard surface, thus creating the animation side of this element

Usage Examples:

(hakuboku: hakuboku peretto) Chalk Release: Chalk Pellets

Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description:The user will do the tiger handseal and spit out several chalk pellets. (about 5 inches) thes chalk pellets launch from the user mouth towards the opponent in great haste. Causing minor damage if the attack lands

(Hakuboku: Anime soushi) Chalk Release: Animation Creation
Type: Sup/Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short
Chakra: 25
Damage: 50
Description: The user will create a piece of chalk or use an existing piece of chalk and draw any animal in quick haste. Once they are finished drawing the animal the user will do 1 handsign . Once they handsign is done the animal will emerge from the chalk outline made out of chalk. The animal has no special abilitites but to simply do as it was created for. (This is a more advance version of Chalk Shadow Clone technique)

(Hakuboku: Hakuboku kayaku) Chalk Release: Chalk Powder

Type: Sup
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/a
Description: The user will utilize any chalk on the field and channel their chakra into it. By doing so they will simply crush the chalk creating chakra dust. This is used to blind the opponent temp. distract the opponent, or anything of that nature

Conditions to be able to use it:
-Must Master Earth
-Must Master Water
-Must Master Wind

Is weak to:
Earth - Chalk is one of the weakest types of rock. Easily able to be broke apart
Lightning - Still part of the rock family it breaks down Chalk.
Wind- It is only weak to wind because of the cutting abilitites most wind techs provide. If the wind tech dont provide a sharp edge then they are mutual.

Is strong against:
Water - Chalk can substain, and Hold a large amount of water, Also being able to not be affected by water, and still being part of the rock family
Fire - Heat can not bypass chalk and chalk can not melt. Leaving chalk non-affected by fire
Scorch - Contains No fluid

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

Permission From Mugi To Submit Chalk


✗ Declined: Do not resubmit. I don't care what Mugi says, he doesn't give a damn anymore about his RP abilities and is just giving everything away, but that doesn't take away the fact that chalk is clearly listed under his CE, meaning it belongs to that CE. If it was closely related, but not directly falling under a certain CE, then a permission would work, but not when it simply already exists. I really don't get why you are so adamant about wasting your time on submitting lost-cause CE like soil and chalk. Which are, putting everything aside, just dull just by their very nature.

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Negative Knight

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Jun 8, 2012
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Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom element Japanese name: Mueton

Custom element English name: Coal Release

The element is based on: (Earth + Fire) + Chakra

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The user is capable of either forming coal by pulling it out of the surrounding earth or from their body. Earth, already a significant element in the Narutoverse, coal is simply a highly combustible piece of earth. On missions, if there were no Fire element user, the usage of small lumps of coal as long as you have at least a pair, would enable the personnel to create a source of fire. A downfall to the usage of coal itself is that if another person were to get a hold of it before it was ignited, they could use it just as effectively as the user. Not able to manipulate/create it the way the original user could, but if they are able to successfully block the technique before it is ignited, pick it up as it were but a rock. Since coal is a fossil fuel the villages used it as a way to fuel fires for cook like when Asuma took his team to the BBQ there was coal use to cook the food.

How it works:
Coal is an easily ignitable/combustible (by fire) substance formed from metamorphic rock (rock subjected to extreme pressure and heat that changes its form and properties) of the earth and dead plant matter inside of it. Strong Lightning cuts and travels too fast through the coal to ignite it as fire would, and cuts cleanly through it; however much weaker lightning is capable of igniting the Coal. The Coal when created or pulled from the ground, shakes loose large amounts of Coal dust that when ignited by friction, static discharge, hot surfaces, and fire. Not burning all of the coal at once it is just the Coal dust that has the possibility to explode.

- (Please see Source of Ignition)
Is what is noted as the result of when Coal is ignited via friction with
*Another piece of Coal
*Static Discharge/Lightning - Though Lightning is a weakness, Lightning of 2 or more Ranks Lower than the Coal jutsu used is capable of igniting the coal.
*Hot Surfaces
Usage Examples:
Mueton: Rōringu Gyokuseki (Coal Release: Rolling Boulder)
Type: Attack
Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: User will create a small lump of coal in their hands and charge it with a lot of chakra before throwing it like a bowling ball along the ground where it will pick up speed and grow larger as it travels towards an enemy. As it travels across the ground, the friction caused from rolling on the ground ignites the bowling ball as it grows into a boulder.

(Mueton: Kasuibakuha)- Coal Release: Spike Explosion
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 25
Damage Points: 40 (+5 if caught in the explosion)
Description: The user will pull coal from the ground, creating two spikes of coal which then cross and then connect and cause a spark between them, which then ignites the two coal spikes and destroys the spikes which cause more damage if the opponent is caught in the blast.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth. Mastery of Fire.

Is weak to:

Fire and Lava Release (and all KG/CE Variants) - Coal only serves to augment the flames of these elements

Lightning Release (and all KG/CE Variants) - The sheer penetrative capabilities are capable of cutting through coal.

All Metal Elements - Much harder than coal. Capable of breaking through and shattering it

Is strong against:
Earth Release - Coal is harder than normal rock

Water and Rain Release - Coal's earth-like properties allow it to overpower and dissipate the force of both of these elements.

Co-creator: Korra
Students I passed this custom element on too: -Tauburn- and ?


✗ Declined: STR and WKN and proof are fine, but don't just link to wikipedia, explain it in your own words as even though coal if flammable, I have my doubts about the speed of it. It's not oil. I don't like stuff in the nature of "2 ranks and below will ignite it". Considering this is a crude solid, I can easily imagine that such a small lightning jutsu will just cut off a small chunk of the coal and if it already would ignite something, I would imagine it as just a small part of it, barely worth mentioning. As far as I know coal isn't something that ignites instantly like oil and it's easier to extinguish. Likewise if you are going to make a ball of coal run around, something like coal that rotates at that speed I doubt it can stay aflame, not to mention you need to take into consideration the environment on which it is rotating, I can't imagine it being set on fire on sand, which is even used to put out fire. You are focusing way too much on that whole 'it's combustable' thing and explain its characteristics way too little and interpret too convenient without any back up. Also there's a difference between exploding and just being set on fire.

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Custom element Japanese name: Mueton

Custom element English name: Coal Release

The element is based on: Earth + Fire + Advanced Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
The user is capable of either forming coal by pulling it out of the surrounding earth or from their body. Earth, already a significant element in the Narutoverse, coal is simply a highly combustible piece of earth. On missions, if there were no Fire element user, the usage of small lumps of coal as long as you have at least a pair, would enable the personnel to create a source of fire. A downfall to the usage of coal itself is that if another person were to get a hold of it before it was ignited, they could use it just as effectively as the user. Not able to manipulate/create it the way the original user could, but if they are able to successfully block the technique before it is ignited, pick it up as it were but a rock. Since coal is a fossil fuel the villages used it as a way to fuel fires for cook like when Asuma took his team to the BBQ there was coal use to cook the food.

How it works:
Coal is an ignitable/combustible substance formed from metamorphic rock (rock subjected to extreme pressure and heat that changes its form and properties) of the earth and dead plant matter inside of it. Focused lightning simply cuts and travels too fast through the coal to ignite it as fire would. The coal when created or pulled from the ground, shakes loose large amounts of Coal dust can be ignited by friction, static discharges, hot surfaces, and fire. Coal dust unlike normal coal is highly explosive rather than flammable. Lingering deposits of coal dust can lead to explosions. Dust explosions are caused by the rapid combustion of flammable debris residing on the floor or suspended in the air.

Coal can be ignited through various means, however it is not as readily ignited as oil or other volatile substances. Furthermore, once ignited it is also easily extinguished. By rubbing two pieces of coal together, the user can utilize this friction to generate a spark. Static discharges (unfocused lightning) and Fire can also be used ignite the coal. Coal itself is a flammable not a explosive material. When ignited, the coal will be slow burning, smouldering hot and coated in a layer of blazing blue fire.

Usage Examples:
(Mueton: Kasuibakuha)- Coal Release: Spike Explosion
Type: Attack
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user will pull coal from the ground, creating two spikes of coal which stab into the opponent then cross/connect and cause a spark between them, which then ignites the two coal spikes. The aflame coal spikes burn with a bright blue flame.

(Mueton: Kasuibakuha)- Coal Release: Dark Armed Dragon
Type: Attack
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A (+20 to Taijutsu)
Description: The user will create an armour of coal in a the shape of a humanoid dragon. While this armour is active, the only elements the user can use are Coal, Fire and Earth.
Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Earth | Mastery of Fire | Great Chakra Control

Is weak to:
Fire and Lava Release (and all variants) - Coal only serves to augment the flames of these elements.

Lightning Release (and all variants) - The sheer penetrative capabilities are capable of cutting through coal.

All Metal Elements - Much harder than coal. Capable of breaking through and shattering it

Is strong against:
Earth Release - Coal is much harder than normal rock.

Water Release (and certain liquid-based elements) - Coal's earth-like properties allow it to overpower and dissipate the force of both of these elements. This elemental strength also includes Rain, Foam, Amber and Oil.

Co-creator: Korra

Students I passed this custom element on too: -Tauburn- and LonelyAssassin


✗ Declined: See, this why you need to explain everything in your words. Dust explosions occur in small, closed spaces which are often also dry. The bit of coal dust that comes of when you create your jutsu, which will not be much unlike what you claim, will be dispersed into the open air. So what you say is not true. I can still go for the comparison with the mist jutsu of suiton, however that's one specific jutsu. You will not be able to create a dust explosion just from your regular jutsu. Secondly anthracite coal burns blue and it's only a very short flame and it's very difficult to ignite it, which is contradictory to what is written here. So all that blue doesn't belong here as regular coal burns red. For the record you don't have any control over those flames and it consumes your element, if you are making jutsu that automatically set it on fire, your own jutsu is consuming itself from the start.

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Active member
Sep 16, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Pykreton

Custom element English name: Pykrete release

The element is based on: Earth, Water, Wind

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
In Naruto we can also see the ninjas combining various elements using their chakra to create a new element. We also can see that ice/snow exists naturally in Naruto and also can be created by Haku from Yuki clan. In the first Naruto movie, several of the Yukigakure ninja also had the ability to use Ice Release techniques. However, this was not the product of a similar Kekkei Genkai, as demonstrated by Kakashi's ability to replicate one of these techniques with his Sharingan.

We also see that wood(in the form of forests) and its products exist in Naruto world and shinobi like Hashirama can create wood release either in the form of wooden pillars or trees themselves by combining earth and water nature chakras from their body or from an already existing earth.

From the above examples we can see these shinobi are capable of creating ice and wood, so it is possible & safe to assume that by combining Earth, Water and Wind chakra simultaneously one can create pykrete, which to put simply is a freezing mixture of water and wood pulp.

How it works:
Pykrete is a composite material made of approximately 14 percent sawdust or some other form of wood pulp and 86 percent ice by weight (6 to 1 by weight).
For more info:

Pykrete is created by combining the earth, water and wind chakra simultaneously. The earth & water element provide the pulpy, mushy wood substance (basically the cellulose fibers which are a basic unit of wood) and the water & the wind element create ice by freezing the water and together they form a mixture which produces Pykrete which is solid in nature & tougher than regular ice.

Pykrete can be created & utilized by the user in the following ways:
i) By focusing the earth, water & wind chakra in their body & creating Pykrete out of their body (or)
ii) By channeling their chakra into the earth or water creating pykrete out of them.

Pykrete has some interesting properties, notably its relatively slow melting rate (because of low thermal conductivity), and its vastly improved strength and toughness over regular ice; it is closer in form to concrete.

The cellulose fibers from the wood pulp enhance the frozen water's strength and durability. In fact, upon freezing Pykrete is up to 14 times stronger than regular ice.

Adding the wood fiber particles lowers the overall thermal conductivity, therefore slows melting on exposure to high temperatures. Further an insulating shell of wet wood pulp would form, preventing further melting of the Pykrete. Despite being stronger, a detached block of Pykrete can float over water.

Usage Examples:

Pykrete release technique (Pykreton no jutsu)
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user creates small pillars, weapons, tools made of Pykrete from the earth, water or their body.
Note: Can be used 5 times per battle.

Pykrete release: Pykrete wall (Pykreton: Pykrete kabe)
Type: Defense / Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user performs 3 hand seals and slams their hands on the ground and channels their chakra and create a large solid wall made of pykrete for defensive purposes.
Note: Can be used 3 times per battle.

Pykrete Release: Spikes (Pykreton: Supaiku)
Type: Offense
Rank: B
Range: Short-Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user performs two hand seals and create several sharp spikes made of pykrete out of the earth.
Note: Can be used 3 times per battle.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Earth - Mastered
Water - Mastered
Wind - Mastered

Is weak to:
Lightning & its related CE- Can pierce and shatter Pykrete.
Earth - Can pierce and destroy Pykrete.
Wood release - Can pierce and destroy Pykrete.
Crystal release - Can pierce and destroy Pykrete.
Strong metals & minerals like diamond, titanium, etc - Can pierce and destroy Pykrete.

Is strong against:
Fire & its related CE - Pykrete has low thermal conductivity & is not easy to melt.
Water & its related CE - Water can neither dissolve nor seep through Pykrete.
Wind & its related CE - Wind will not destroy Pykrete rather it can only decrease its temperature.
Ice release - Pykrete can pierce and shatter through ice due to being tougher than ice.

Co-creator: None

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Hah! I've been waiting like for years for someone to submit this. People post the most far-fetched ridiculous stuff, while something like this is up for grabs. It's one of the elements I considered making myself, but didn't do it because I found the concept personally a bit too dull, though as a result I know stuff about it. Pykrete isn't so resistant against fire as you claim it to be. They actually did an episode about Pykrete in 'Mythbusters', using newspapers instead of sawdust (which was even stronger) and it started melting after a while in a regular hot bath. You might can go so far as saying that it resists normal fire, but hotter variations not a chance. Stuff like Sun Fire or White Fire will burn that in an instant. Pykrete was developed as a cheap alternative for metal during WW 2 (project Habakuk), it wasn't mean to resists extremely high level temperatures, it just had to resist the water temperature and because it was easy to repair, regular bombs wouldn't be much of a threat either. I also have my doubts about wind as wind and earth are neutral, but earth is a weakness, but it wind a strength? What's the logic behind that? Also ice is not going to be formed from the earth. You can make ice travel through the earth, but that's still something different than saying it's made from the earth itself. You might want to try watching that episode.

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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Tsukimizuton
Custom element English name: Lunar Water
The element is based on: Water Release + Wind Release + Mass Amounts of Chakra
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
In the world of naurto there is seen in many aspects that chakra exists in outer space. One coming from the hidden village Hoshigakure where shinobi from the village through the use of the mysterious peacock method, to absorb chakra from a meteorite that radiates chakra from it. Using this method they can manipulate the chakra into various form that which they can use in combat. Another why chakra can exist in space is when the Moon was said to be created by the Sage of Six Paths, where he created the moon and used it as a prison or seal for the body of the Juubi. Therefore with the moon existing as the embodiment of the Juubi it verifies that chakra is indeed in outerspace.

In the aspects of Water Molecules existing in space comes back to the point of the meteorites. They are comprised of the material found in space such as ice and oxygen molecules in them. Water has been able to exist from these molecules but due to the evaporation process from the heat of crashing into the earth, it makes it hard to find water in them. Ice in space however was once said to have been in a molecular liquid state in order to be frozen.

Solar Winds in space are said also to carry small pockets of water in them as well which will cause the water to travel into space and become frozen after a matter of time and being placed on the Moon, which then eventually create ice pockets in the craters of the moon and can be evaporated by solar evaporation.
Gravity, is a natural phenomenon by which all physical bodies attract each other. It is most commonly recognized and experienced as the agent that gives weight to physical objects, and causes physical objects to fall toward the ground when dropped from a height.
The solar wind is a stream of charged particles released from the upper atmosphere of the Sun. It mostly consists ofelectrons and protons, which contributes to the passing of water molecules along the surface of planets and moons.

How it works:

Lunar Water is a special type of Water that is formed from combining the elements of Water Release and Wind Release. Using the wind chakra as a medium to remove the oxygen molecules from the water only leaving the matter of the mix as H2 causes the water to become unstable, but by using the wind chakra again to insert a new form of oxygen which is found on the moon it gives the water a more balanced nature over natural water. Firstly as it is not controlled or affected by the aspect of gravity in which the moon controls the tides of water on earth, the new structure consists of a stronger bonding of H2 and CO2 will make the water unaffected by gravity. Also with the new mass of the balance this Lunar Water cannot conduct electricity.
Also with the new structure this water able to maintain its position by literally floating in the air due to the infusion of carbon dioxide into the mass of the water.It can also be used to create illusions by trapping the target in the carbonated water and inject the water into the bodies of targets which can also be used to lightnen the body of the user or even the targets to counter act gravity actually allowing the flight to an extent

Usage Examples:
(Tsukimizuton no Jutsu) Lunar Water Release
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user summons forth a small amount of Lunar Water in which the user can absorb into their body and levitate over surfaces for a short amount of time.
Last 2 turns due to the amounts pf carbon in the body of water
No Lunar Water Techniques in the Following Turn.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of Water Release and Wind Release.
Is weak to:
Wind Release: Due to the lightened state of Lunar Water, high speed and powerful winds can simply blow the Lunar Water away.
Earth Release: It’s not strong enough to bypass the solid state of earth release

Is strong against:
Fire Release: It still carries the properties of Water and is able to dose flames out.
Lightning Release: Due to the absence of oxygen in the water, lightning can no longer conduct the water.

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Description makes no sense. You provide an entire reasoning of 'proof', but I don't see any connection with your element. Of course there is water in space, there's a theory that the water on Earth comes from meteorites that crashed down on Earth and technically the Earth is located in space, thus also the water there and there are many planets with water. The explanation of your element has barely any connection with your proof and seems something you mainly made up without any kind of argumentation. I mean oxygen only found on the moon? Then it means you can only use that element on the moon. It is not affected by gravity? How so? The moon has simply a lower gravitational force than Earth, that has nothing to do with the substances themselves and the illusions part is very iffy.

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Active member
May 1, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Metanuton

Custom element English name: Methane Release

The element is based on: Fire + High Viscosity water + Skilled Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
In the manga, Methane is actually used quite frequently. But in minor cases, for example. We all know methane is a gas that in the real world come from flatulence or naturally occurring within the atmosphere. In the manga, Naruto is seen passing gas in order to knock Kiba out thus advancing to the next stage of the chunnin exams. Kiba's sense of smell being multiple times greater then the average shinobi stood no chance. Another example of methane being used comes from the simple process of fermentation. Fermentation I the process in which your body convers sugars and or calories into gases and other forms of energy. In Naruto fermentation is used regularly by the known clan of the Akimichi. They poses the natural ability to break down calories and or fats/sugars and convert them into chakra. Chakra which is non existent in the real world, could be if it existed a form of energy. So by using the process of fermentation, methane exists within all shinobi, it just has yet to be exploited. My last fact to prove that methane exists in Naruto is slightly related to the real world. As you know, poison is used a lot in Naruto. It's used in weapons, Orochimaru, Kabuto and Hanzo's salamander.​

How it works:
The user distills his fire chakra into moving water or any high viscosity liquid. Causing it to condense into a vapor like substance. By mixing the vapor with more heat, the vapor evaporates into a gas becoming Methane. Methane is a violet gas. When methane is inhaled, it dries the opponents insides out, giving them intense stomach pains and a hard time manipulating chakra into water due to the users insides being extremely dry. Methane can also cause extreme headaches, which can cause anyone to begin to hallucinate or in Naruto terms be perceived as a genjutsu. Being a high viscosity gas due to it's origins of high viscosity liquids. Methane, posses the ability to absorb natural heat and other naturally occurring gases in the atmosphere such as hydrogen, ozone, and helium. Methane being denser then oxygen which flows naturally throughout the body, can sometimes out weigh oxygen, making it harder for the opponent to breathe. When methane mixing with oxygen, the methane can eventually outweigh oxygen causing it to rapidly deplete. When oxygen levels in anyone's body drops below 12%, can be sent into an indefinite coma. Methane's other natural properties include being colorless and extremely stinky. When methane mixing with water, it loses all these natural properties and turns into carbon dioxide, which is breathable by humans.​

Usage Examples:

Dire Depletion
Type: Attack
Rank: B rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user performs a single hand seal, then by using the methane cloud created from (Thermal Inversion) the user will implode the cloud into multiple gusts of wind, which travel at the opponent at different angles.
Note: Once inhaled, the user starts to experience a series of a events.
-1st turn, hard to breathe
-2nd turn, can't manipulate water
-3rd turn, extreme hallucinations (Genjutsu)
-4th turn, drought like conditions inside the opponent and outside

World of Methane
Type: Attack
Rank: A rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After the opponent has inhaled Methane, the user will perform 3 hand seals. Causing the methane within his body to spread all over, causing the opponent to fall under a deep genjutsu. Where he can breathe nothing but methane. Causing methane's conditions to worsen dramatically. While trapped in this illusion, the opponent can only see and breathe methane. Baring it's awful stench.

Thermal Inversion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user releases a large cloud of methane into the air, the user then performs the Tiger → Ox → Monkey → Rabbit → Ram hand seals. Causing all natural gasses to become trapped into the cloud of methane. Absorbing all natural heat and light from the area beneath the cloud. The gases within the cloud of Methane as well as the natural heat an light can be used for future purposes.
Note: Can only be used 2 times per battle
Note: The loud varies in size depending on the amount of chakra the user focuses.
Note: Cloud lasts for 3 turns.
Note: Only absorbs natural sunlight and heat from the area beneath the cloud. (So if it has chakra it stays)​

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of fire, water and skilled chakra control

Is weak to:
  • Lightning as it can break apart the compact molecules within methane, causing it to turn into another gas which is less harmful.
  • Earth, as it isn't made of gasses, so it can't be absorbed. Earth's compact molecules can match methane's and being heavier can outweigh methane, causing it to fall apart.(Dark & Sand)
Is strong against:
  • Wind as, methane being so hot and containing atmosphere depleting chemicals can easily burn out air/wind. As well as methane is more dense, outweighing the oxygen within air, causing it slow down to the point in which it looses cutting power and speed.
  • Fire as methane absorbs natural heat and light. (Wood & Ice)
Is neutral against:
  • Water, water can go either way with methane. Being able to evaporate into a gas which methane can absorb, or condense into a solid which has no effect on methane.
Co-creator: Ciber

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ? N/A​


✗ Declined: If you actually need to use fire chakra on a moving water source or high viscosity liquid, then this isn't a CE anymore.

Re wrote everything.

Custom element Japanese name: Metanuton

Custom element English name: Methane Release

The element is based on: Fire + Water + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
In the manga, Methane is actually used quite frequently. But in minor cases, for example. We all know methane is a gas that in the real world come from flatulence or naturally occurring within the atmosphere. In the manga, Naruto is seen passing gas in order to knock Kiba out thus advancing to the next stage of the chunnin exams. That small case was in fact methane, but it wasn't concentrated. The flatulence Naruto had that day only contained trace amounts of methane. The reason for Naruto winning was due to Kiba's incredible sense of smell. Another example of methane being used comes from the simple process of fermentation. Fermentation is the process in which your body converts sugars and or calories into energy and gasses. Chemical energy in real life term or in naruto terms chakra.

Fermentation is used regularly by the known clan of the Akimichi. They poses the natural ability to break down calories and or fats/sugars and convert them into chakra. Chakra which is non existent in the real world, could be if it existed a form of energy. So by using the process of fermentation, methane can be created within the human body. My last fact to prove that methane exists in Naruto is related to the real world. In naruto they live on planet Earth obviously. On planet Earth methane is more than abundant in the atmosphere, as well as it can be produced within the ocean. Giving methane release the ability to be produced and manipulated from a pre existing source. Another real world example which transitions to narutoverse, poison.

As you know, poison is used a lot in Naruto., it's used in weapons, it's in summoning and even produced straight from the human body. In most common poisons, methane is in them.(If another example is needed, Ramen shops all over the ninja world produce methane through their cooking. Whether they use gas burners or traditional wood. Methane is produced through fire. In your body, your body's natural heat boils stomach acids and other things you digest creating methane. Methane exists in the real world and in narutoverse.​

How it works:
The user after digesting any thing instantly begins the process of fermentation. By adding chakra to the key parts of the digestive systems, the chemical energy produced from this natural process is converted into raw methane chakra. Then the human body does it's thing, the methane now concentrated with chakra is exerted from the body through flatulence. Than it is shaped, controlled, or mixed into pre existing methane. Due to the high concentration of methane within the body it escapes the body rather quick.

Making the user constantly pass gas. Methane is only deadly when chakra is first spread throughout it's core during the process of fermentation. Methane is a super heated super scented violet gas. Methane gains it's intense heat from the natural heat and light it absorbs once it makes it into the atmosphere or when it is in the body natural body heat. When methane is inhaled, it dries the opponents insides out, giving them intense stomach pains and a hard time manipulating moisture due to the users insides being extremely dry his outside becomes dry as well. Sweating stops making the body het up faster causing fatigue and eventual hallucinations or genjutsu. Methane can also cause extreme headaches. The atmosphere is made up of natural gas. As we know the atmosphere is what protects us solely from the sun's radiation.

This ability comes from the natural gas in the air. The biggest known natural gas being methane. So naturally methane posses the ability to absorb natural heat and other naturally occurring gases in the atmosphere. Methane being denser then oxygen which flows naturally throughout the body, can weigh down the oxygen. In the air when oxygen or wind comes in contact with methane, the methane molecules attach themselves to the oxygen molecules making it harder for them to move about. In the human body the same principle is applied, once methane enters the body it quickly attaches itself to the oxygen flow.

Which is primarily circulated through the body by blood and water. Without the oxygen and water contained in the blood the human body experiences fatigue, exhaustion and dehydration as stated earlier. When oxygen levels in anyone's body drops below 12%, can be sent into an indefinite coma. When methane mixing with water, it loses all these natural properties and turns into carbon dioxide, which is breathable by humans but still deadly. Intense amounts of carbon dioxide in the body can produce the same effects as methane. When large amounts of carbon dioxide is contained within water, methane can also be produced. Which is how Methane recirculates itself into the atmosphere. So what prevents this element from being over powered, it takes 1 turn for fermentation to occur. The effects of methane aren't immediate either it's a process. In terms of turns.

After the first turn the methane enters your body it attaches itself to the oxygen in your blood cells. Slowing down the blood flow which makes it hard for the opponent to breathe. 4th turn fatigue and genjutsu, 7th turn drought conditions and can't manipulate moisture. After the 10th turn, the opponent is knocked out from oxygen levels dropping. Methane isn't limited to just the opponent. If the user inhales methane he is also affected so to prevent such user's of methane release must wear gas masks.​

Usage Examples:

Type: Supplementary
Rank: C Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user performs claps the hands together and begins channeling chakra throughout the digestive system. Causing fermentation to occur which produces methane throughout the body. No other jutsu can be used while this is being used.The next turn, methane jutsu can be used.

Methane Manipulation
Type: Attack
Rank: B rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user performs a single hand seal, then will shape the methane into any figure the user can imagine. The figure being gaseous will disperse on contact with any solid. Once the figure disperses the methane smothers the opponent and tries to enter the body through the nostrils and mouth. After one full turn the methane enters the body by sweat on your body dissolving into the skin.
Note: Once inhaled, the user starts to experience a series of a events.
-1st turn, hard to breathe
-4th turn, Genjutusu
-7th turn, drought like conditions can't manipulate moisture
-10th turn, coma

World of Methane
Type: Attack
Rank: A rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: After the opponent has inhaled Methane, the user will perform 3 hand seals. Causing the methane within his body to spread all over, causing the opponent to fall under a deep genjutsu. Where he can breathe nothing but methane. Causing methane's conditions to worsen dramatically. While trapped in this illusion, the opponent can only see and breathe methane. Baring it's awful stench and effects.

Thermal Inversion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user releases a large cloud of methane into the air, the user then performs the Tiger → Ox → Monkey → Rabbit → Ram hand seals. Causing all natural gasses to become trapped into the cloud of methane. Absorbing all natural heat and light from the area beneath the cloud. The gases within the cloud of Methane as well as the natural heat and light can be used for future purposes.
Note: Can only be used 2 times per battle
Note: The loud varies in size depending on the amount of chakra the user focuses.
Note: Cloud lasts for 3 turns.
Note: Only absorbs natural sunlight and heat from the area beneath the cloud. (So if it has chakra it stays)​

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery of fire, water and skilled chakra control

Is weak to:
  • Water Can cool down the methane causing it to lose its natural properties (Ice and it's ce's)
  • Lightning Can break apart the molecules in methane (lightning ce variations)
Is strong against:
  • Wind as, methane being so hot and containing atmosphere depleting chemicals can easily burn out air/wind. As well as methane is more dense, outweighing the oxygen within air, causing it slow down to the point in which it looses cutting power and speed. (And it's ce's)
  • Fire as methane absorbs natural heat and light. (Scorch and other heated ce's)
Co-creator: Ciberr

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ? N/A​


✗ Declined: The exact same problem remains, this is not a CE. If you first need to eat stuff and the like, are not bein busy with making a CE. Also only medical ninja are allowed to create CE where you manipulate parts of your body on such a scale. Also you said it yourself what the Akamichi clan does is something specific for their clan, you can't copy hiden abilities. You still have no viable way as to how you create the methane CE.

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Active member
Apr 4, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Yakimono.
Custom element English name: Porcelain Release.
The element is based on: Fire Release. Earth Release. Advanced Chakra Control.
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Throughout the manga we've seen many substances that are clearly made of porcelain. Substances like Vases, flasks, and even toilets. Now might you might ask how does this show one can manipulate such substance ? Simple. Clay has been seen to be adaptable and infused with chakra in the narutoverse. Most commonly by Deidara. He incorporated Bakuton chakra(Blast Release) chakra into the clay. Clay being one of the main components in most Porcelain substances it shows Porcelain to be adaptable and able to be infused with chakra for a variety of uses. Making it plausible that a substance that contains it can and does exist.

How it works: Porcelain is created by super heating heating materials. Such as clay and other affiliated substances. Porcelain can be used in three ways.

  • 1. Expel/Create Porcelain from the body.
  • 2. Utilize the earth's rural resources(Which contain components to create Porcelain) to create Porcelain.
  • 3. Manipulating existing Porcelain.

To create it from the body the user will infuse Katon chakra with their doton chakra allowing them to create Porcelain. To create it from the ground on the other hand the user will send Porcelain release chakra into the ground allowing the chakra to be used to manipulate the existing earth, thus allowing the user to create pillars, walls, buildings,vases, and much much more of substances of Porcelain. Manipulating the earth to create Porcelain is an advantage in itself for its versatility. But also bears a negative as the user must gather material in the ground in order to create Porcelain from the ground. (To avoid any misconception Clay and heating materials exist all throughout the earth. Porcelain is a result when heating said materials. Gathering is required to use the resources because they are in the earth in a not so high %. If the materials exist. And Porcelain was seen in the Narutoverse.)

Usage Examples:
(Yakimono: Saishu) Porcelain Release: Harvesting.
Type: Supplementary.
Rank: A ranked.
Range: Short-Long.
Chakra: 30.
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will send his Yakimono chakra into the ground covering a long, widespread distance. Allowing the user to utilize the natural resources in the ground in which make Porcelain to do so. Spreading takes one entire turn.

After the passing of one turn the user is able to use D-B rank Yakimono justu.
After two turns the user can use A-S.
After 3 turns the user can use Forbidden Yakimono justu.
-Only usable 3 times per battle.

(Yakimono: Yakimono Gikou) Porcelain Release: Porcelain Release Technique.
Type: Offensive|Defensive|Supplementry.
Rank: A ranked.
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will utilize their Porcelain chakra existing in the ground to be able to create large pillars,weapons,tools,walls, and structures consisted of Porcelain.

(Yakimono: Naito In Shainingu Yoroi) Porcelain Release: Knight in Shining Armor
Type: Defensive.
Rank: A ranked.
Range: Self.
Chakra: 40
Damage: None(+60 if opponent hits it +10 to Taijustu)
Description: The user will preform the tiger handseal and manipulate Porcelain chakra in his body allowing him to create a thin layer of armor composed of Porcelain around him. The armor is usually not noticeable to the human eye, but can be easily seen in the light due to the natural white color of Porcelain. The users mobility is not largely impacted by the armor due to the low weight of Porcelain. The armor grants enhanced defense to Taijustu, while boosting the users taijustu damage. It also provides the defense granted naturally by Porcelain. Being able to withstand S rank suiton and A Futon before being destroyed. The armor does leave the user vulnerable to Raiton though. The justu can be canceled by preforming the tiger handseal once again.

-Can only be used Three times per battle.
-Must have mastered Porcelain Release to use.

Conditions to be able to use it: To be able to user Porcelain Release the person must have:
  • 1. Mastered Katon.
  • 2. Mastered Doton.
  • 3. Mastered Ninjustu.
Is weak to: Raiton. Lightning is easily able to travel through Porcelain due to the compounds that make up Porcelain. Making Porcelain two ranks weaker than lightning. Doton because the strong, raw makeup of doton technique's allows it to be able to out muscle the slightly more fragile(To raw power) than doton. Making it one rank weaker.

Is strong against: Sution because Porcelain's compound characteristics makes it great at withstanding large amounts of water pressure making it strong against Sution. Futon because of the compound characteristics the strength and durability of Porcelain makes it able to brush off compressed and blunt wind based attacks. Finally, it is also one rank stronger than fire because the makeup of Porcelain. It is created by mixing earth components and fire. Allowing it to withstand large amounts of heat before shattering.
Co-creator: N/A
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Poorly explained. For something like porcelain saying fire + earth doesn't even cut it close. Not to mention porcelain is quite brittle, still you make it appear like it's durable. Wearing it like an armour (that for some unexplainable non-sensical reason is supposed to be invisible?) is practically suicide as even the fist of a normal human could potentially break porcelain. It is one rank stronger than fire? What?

-Porcelain is quite strong. Contact where it appears fragile is in the context of small objects which are brittle. Porcelain is very similar to marble which was used in the mid-evil times as doors and floors for the rich. Translating that into the narutoverse pumping chakra into such a substance would substantially increase its defensive prowess even in a thinner body armor type form. IE Kidomaru's sticky armor which appeared to have similar properties to that of porcelain(While hard) and was proven to be substantial in defending against Neji's Gentle fist.

-Revised the weaknesses and strengths

Custom element Japanese name: Yakimono.
Custom element English name: Porcelain Release.
The element is based on: Fire Release. Earth Release. Advanced Chakra Control.
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Throughout the manga we've seen many substances that are clearly made of porcelain. Substances like Vases, flasks, and even toilets. Now might you might ask how does this show one can manipulate such substance ? Simple. Clay has been seen to be adaptable and infused with chakra in the narutoverse. Most commonly by Deidara. He incorporated Bakuton chakra(Blast Release) chakra into the clay. Clay being one of the main components in most Porcelain substances it shows Porcelain to be adaptable and able to be infused with chakra for a variety of uses. Making it plausible that a substance that contains it can and does exist.

How it works: Porcelain is created by super heating heating materials. Such as clay and other affiliated substances. Porcelain can be used in three ways.

  • 1. Expel/Create Porcelain from the body.
  • 2. Utilize the earth's rural resources(Which contain components to create Porcelain) to create Porcelain.
  • 3. Manipulating existing Porcelain(Not common)

To create it from the body the user will infuse Katon chakra with their doton chakra allowing them to create Porcelain. To create it from the ground on the other hand the user will send Porcelain release chakra into the ground allowing the chakra to be used to manipulate the existing earth, thus allowing the user to create pillars, walls, buildings,vases, and much much more of substances of Porcelain. Manipulating the earth to create Porcelain is an advantage in itself for its versatility. But also bears a negative as the user must gather material in the ground in order to create Porcelain from the ground. (To avoid any misconception Clay and heating materials exist all throughout the earth. Porcelain is a result when heating said materials(Hints the use of earth and fire to acquire it). Gathering is required to use the resources because they are in the earth in a not so high %. If the materials exist. And Porcelain was seen in the Narutoverse.)

Usage Examples:
(Yakimono: Saishu) Porcelain Release: Harvesting.
Type: Supplementary.
Rank: A ranked.
Range: Short-Long.
Chakra: 30.
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will send his Yakimono chakra into the ground covering a long, widespread distance. Allowing the user to utilize the natural resources in the ground in which make Porcelain to do so. Spreading takes one entire turn.

After the passing of one turn the user is able to use D-B rank Yakimono justu.
After two turns the user can use A-S.
After 3 turns the user can use Forbidden Yakimono justu.
-Only usable 3 times per battle.

(Yakimono: Yakimono Gikou) Porcelain Release: Porcelain Release Technique.
Type: Offensive|Defensive|Supplementry.
Rank: A ranked.
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user will utilize their Porcelain chakra existing in the ground to be able to create large pillars,weapons,tools,walls, and structures consisted of Porcelain.

(Yakimono: Naito In Shainingu Yoroi) Porcelain Release: Knight in Shining Armor
Type: Defensive.
Rank: A ranked.
Range: Self.
Chakra: 40
Damage: None(+60 if opponent hits it +10 to Taijustu)
Description: The user will preform the tiger handseal and manipulate Porcelain chakra in his body allowing him to create a thin layer of armor composed of Porcelain around him. The armor is usually not noticeable to the human eye, but can be easily seen in the light due to the natural white color of Porcelain. The users mobility is not largely impacted by the armor due to the low weight of Porcelain. The armor grants enhanced defense to Taijustu, while boosting the users taijustu damage. It also provides the defense granted naturally by Porcelain. Being able to withstand S rank suiton and A Futon before being destroyed. The armor does leave the user vulnerable to Raiton though. The justu can be canceled by preforming the tiger handseal once again.

-Can only be used Three times per battle.
-Must have mastered Porcelain Release to use.

Conditions to be able to use it: To be able to user Porcelain Release the person must have:
  • 1. Mastered Katon.
  • 2. Mastered Doton.
  • 3. Mastered Ninjustu.
Is weak to: Raiton. Lightning is easily able to travel through Porcelain due to the compounds that make up Porcelain. Making Porcelain weaker than lightning. Doton because the strong, raw makeup of doton technique's allows it to be able to out muscle the slightly more fragile(To raw power) than doton. Making it one rank weaker. And is weaker to all affiliated elements of Lightning and doton. It's also stronger then the following all within reason(By reason I mean without explanation a substance with properties such as Porcelain would able to easily overpower):

  • Storm
  • Steel
  • Blast
  • Dust Release
Is strong against: Sution because Porcelain's compound characteristics makes it great at withstanding large amounts of water pressure making it strong against Sution. Futon because of the compound characteristics the strength and durability of Porcelain makes it able to brush off compressed and blunt wind based attacks. Finally, it is also one rank stronger than fire because the makeup of Porcelain. It is created by mixing earth components and fire. Allowing it to withstand large amounts of heat before shattering by dispersing the fire along its wide glossy surface.It's also stronger then the following all within reason(By reason I mean without explanation a substance with properties such as Porcelain would able to easily overpower):

  • Raw Chakra
  • Rain
  • Crystal
  • Dark Release
  • Sound
  • Shikotsumyaku
Co-creator: Gecko
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: The exact same comments as last time apply. Frankly a part of your own proof works against your entire element. The fact that Deidara had to bring his own clay and was screwed when it was up, indicates you can't just pick up clay everywhere, otherwise he could have just used the regular earth or even his own earth jutsu. So again the way how you describe how you make it, is far from sufficient as you just say earth has everything and then you use fire on it. Clay is often found on coastal regions and rivers, so it's more logical to say you use water and earth and then heat it. You also don't actually describe the overall characteristics of your element. Also this is not how you list your str and weak, you make it appear like that there are differences between them and some of them don't even make sense, which is the result from you not explaining its properties clearly. What is raw chakra doing there? That's not an element. And Kaguya bones are harder than diamond and they are supposed to be weak against something that's weaker than earth? It's also very fishy what sound and crystal are doing there and what did I say about that one rank thing? That does not belong in the description of a CE.

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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Hihana

Custom element english name: IceFlower Release

The element is based on:
Earth | Fire | Water

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Iceflower is one of the numerous names of Soapstone where it is also known as Steatite, Soaprock, Saponite, Green Mountain, Black Sea and Mariana. Soapstone is a metamorphic rock that is composed primarily of talc and is thus rich in magnesium, with varying amounts of chlorite , micas, amphiboles, carbonates and other minerals . Because it is composed primarily of talc it is usually very soft however Soapstone in this case is gray in color. Its name is derived from its “soapy” feel and softness.
It most often forms at convergent plate boundaries where broad areas of Earth’s crust are subjected to heat and directed pressure. In other words by dynamothermal metamorphism and metasomatism, which occurs in the areas where tectonic plates are subducted, changing rocks by heat and pressure, with influx of fluids, but without melting. The Yoruba of West Nigeria utilized soapstone for several statues most notably at Esie where archaeologists have uncovered hundreds of male and female statues, about half of life size. The Yoruba of Ife also produced a miniature soapstone obelisk with metal studs called superstitiously "the staff of Oranmiyan". Currently Soapstones are mainly mined and abundant in Brazil, India and Finland and are exported to other countries.
| |

In Narutoverse, Soapstone can be said to exist due to several reasons. There are earthcrust, rock formations that are there for as long as life begins, sculptures and statutes which can be carved out of soapstone, Cooking slabs, hearths, Cold stone and electical panels as Narutoverse has been seen with electricity times without number.
In Konoha sato, the hokage faces are carved out of rocks and case are seen when minerals are been brought up from within the earthcrust like Kitsuchi's "Earth Release, Opening Earth Rising Evacuation. Mining is also a process that is done in Narutoverse which explained varieties of things like the possibility of Soapstone being extracted out of Earth.

How it works:
Since Iceflower is an earth mineral, it needs earth as its source. The user uses his earth chakra to retrieve earthen mineral from the earth as earth chakra allows one to manipulate also earth minerals, while using his fire chakra to make it soft then water chakra to cool it. Combining this three processes, the user is able to create pure Iceflower from earth sources. Alternatively like how earth jutsu can be molded from the user's body, Iceflower can follow similar principle thus the user can knead Iceflower chakra within himself allowing him to be able to spew iceflower from the mouth or create iceflower by sipping its chakra out from part of his body or his entire self. Iceflower can also be summoned into existence using Iceflower chakra, this follows the same principle as "Earth Release: Stick Earth Drop" and " Earth Release: Dropping Lid".

Iceflower is relatively soft because of its high talc content, talc having a definitional value of 2.5 on the Mohs scale, a mineral hardness same with silver which can just barely be scratched with a fingernail. Iceflower has many physical properties which make it valuable for many different uses. These physical properties include:

♦ Soft and Easy to Carve: Makes it quick in assuming any shape possible without difficulty and because of this, it makes shape manipulation very fast and fluid. Its softness however does not mean it has no piercing power, it relatively means it can be pierced by matter with greater density and hardness, an example is why even intangible matter such as wind, fire and lightning and softer element are found to posses piercing ability.

♦ Nonporous and Nonabsorbent, Heat Resistant and High Specific Heat Capacity: Iceflower is not permeable to water, fluids and even air because of its structure which is dense, without pores, does not stain and repels water. Those properties make Iceflower used as tiles and wall panels a good choice for showers, tub surrounds and backsplashes.

Also its resistant to heat or cold, light and moisture which makes light not able to pass through it via refraction. It is incapable of absorbing heat thus it can't burn nor be melted, a reason why it is used as excellent wall covering behind wood burning stoves and ovens, hearths. Fireplace liner and cooking slabs are also lined with Iceflower to create a hearth that quickly absorbs heat and radiates it long after the fire is out. However Iceflower will conditionally take heat though with extremely high heat capacity and would only do so at extreme heat say 1000–1200 °C, then it undergoes transformation which is simply increase in hardness with moh scale range of 5.5-6.5.

♦ Low electrical conductivity: Iceflower is often used as an insulator or in housing for electrical components, due to its durability and electrical
characteristics and because it can be pressed into complex shapes before firing. It is also used in the fabrication of electrical panels which requires approximately zero current resistivity.

♦ Resistant to Acids and Alkalis: Iceflower is often used as an alternative natural stone countertop instead of granite or marble. In laboratories it is unaffected by acids and alkalis thus Iceflower can't be affected by corrosive chemicals, can't decompose or decay. When used as countertops in kitchens, it is not stained or altered by tomatoes, wine,
vinegar, grape juice and other common food items.

Conditions to be able to use it:
Mastery over Earth, Fire and Water Release.

Example Techniques:
Hihana: Arashi Fukurami - Iceflower Release: Tempest Bulge
Rank: A
Type: Defense/Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user forms a dome made of iceflower that comes out from within the earth. The dome has spikes all over it and through the users command, the spike ejects at immense speed outwards and would impale multiple targets on its path.
-Requires an Earth Source
-Usable 5x per battle

Is weak to:
† Earth: Earth is considered harder and denser than Iceflower making able to stand higher interms of rigidity and toughness.
† Wind and CE Variant: Because of the primary properties of wind which is the cutting ability, it is able to cut through Iceflower.
† Hard Metals and CE Variants: They have higher moh scales and thus can pierce, cut through Iceflower
† Wood: Wood is able to peirce through Iceflower as they can pierce through earth itself.
† Shikotsumyaku: Kaguya Bone would pierce and cut through Iceflower

Is strong against:
† Fire and CE Variant: Iceflower is resistant to heat and in the case it absorb heat at extreme level, it makes it even harder increasing its moh scale to 6.5
† Water and Liquid CE Variant: Iceflower is nonporous and nonabsorbent to liquid or moisture.
† Lightning and CE Variant: Iceflower is a natural insulator
† Earth(Specific Variants): There are earth variants that are softer than Iceflower in terms of Moh Scale such as Mud, Lava and other organic elements softer than Iceflower. In this case they can not pierce through and are now frail interms of physical toughness.
† Acids and Alkalis: Iceflower cannot be affected by acids and alkalis as they can't corrode.
† Decay and CE Variant: Iceflower cannot decay nor decompose.
† Mushroom and Fungal CE variant: Iceflower can't decompose nor is it porous thus fungus and other plant that is based on decomposition of matter can't affect it.

Co-creators (if any): Magic..

Students i passed on this custom element: ? & ?​


✗ Declined: Overall it's decently done, normally it should be approvable next time. Some small things stick to one name and then keep using that name for the entire explanation as you changed a few times, which makes it confusing. Secondly if something is soft, I imagine that I can squeeze it, which is not the case. That 'softness' is something very relative and makes it a bit confusing as it's a solid. Thirdly making the CE from your body is not alternatively, that's the standard. What you are considering the standard is wrong. You create the chakra in your body and then expel it to instantly create something or to manipulate existing things with that chakra. I don't understand why people keep saying stuff like 'first I focus this in the earth, then this and then that'. Then you don't have a real CE. That's the same like you are making lava by using a fire jutsu on the earth. Most importantly you still need to work on the STR and WEAK as a this point you are doing things I consider as intentionally weakening your own WEAK and strengthening your own STR. Earth is a WEAK, so that specific variations thing should not be there, lava is not even considered a special variation of earth. Water is a liquid, however it's not because it's good against water that suddenly this applies to all liquids. That you say many water variations, ok, but in this case saying liquids way too much. Decay is a CE, but what do you mean with variant? I also have my doubts about that lightning strength as the lightning, and especially the higher lightning CE, have an extremely powerful impact. How exactly is your solid, which isn't stronger than regular earth, supposed to block it? Finally watch when you say 'and CE' or 'and variations'. It seems to be strong against many, but certainly not all every time you claim it.

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Shady Doctor

Mar 21, 2012
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

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Custom Element Japanese Name: Asaton

Custom Element English Name: Hemp Release

The element is based on: Water + Earth + Chakra Control

Earth - The earth provides soil for the hemp to grow much like for plants and trees etc, the earth part of this element also gives the hemp its stability and durable form.

Water - The water part of this element fuels the hemp and allows it to grow from the provided earth, for its solid and durable form, the water part of the element also allows hemp to be formed into a type of oil/liquid based form.

What is Hemp? Hemp is used for a wide variety of purposes and has a varying tensile strength, durable clothing and bast fibers are commonly associated with hemp but are commonly blended with other organic fibers such as flax, cotton or silk, Hemp is basically several strands of fibers forming that which is the actual hemp itself, the inner two fibers of hemp are more woody and it is these fibers that provide the stability and durability of the hemp. Concrete-like blocks made with hemp and lime have been used as an insulating material for construction. hemp fibres are extremely strong and durable and have been shown to be used in replacement of wood for many jobs including creating very durable and breathable homes. Hemp rope was used in the age of sailing ships, though the rope had to be protected by tarring, since hemp rope has a propensity for breaking from from rot, as the capillary effect of the rope-woven fibers tended to hold liquid at the interior, while seeming dry from the outside.

How it works? Hemp has a solid construct like wood but takes on the features of a plant, unlike most plants Hemp is more durable due to its fiber's being mostly of a wood substance and woven tightly together, Hemp is able to be created from any source of earth, and also from the users body, while hemp has another form of a oild based liquid substance, it isn't exactly a form that can just be created as such on its own, hemp has a great amount of moisture and the oil is already embedded within the hemp stems, so with the use of hemp sources already on the field of battle, the user further manipulates it into releasing this oil based substance, the oil is rather a slow moving substance but can be manipulated into moving at best at the speed of regular water techniques, though water would still be classified as faster than the oil based form, Hemp oil is obviously not able to defend against solid attacks but however is able to slow it down before it reaches the user of the hemp oil.

Facts that prove the element to be possible(in the manga context): It was proven that all types of plants have its existence in the Manga/Anime, The First Hokage as well as Danzo, Yamato, Madara, Zetsu, Obito all had the Wood Release KG, or at least was able to use it because of the first Hokage's Cells, and was shown to use various techniques associated with creating trees and releasing a type of pollen into the air from the technique and trees itself, it was also shown that throughout the Manga/Anime the characters would be traveling through forests and jungles etc, proving that there might be a great chance of hemp's existence within the anime/manga. I know you guys may say some shiz like "wood creates plants and hemp stems are part of a plant blah blah" but if you read up on hemp It's more of a fiber or plastic than a plant, not to mention it being able to go into an oil form that has a variety of different uses.

Usage Examples: (Asaton: Asa sen'i no sakusei ) - Hemp Release: Hemp Fiber Creations

Rank: A
Range: Short - Long
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: The user creates objects of Hemp fibers. The user is capable of creating pillars, shields, walls, and tools of hemp fibers to attack or defend with, The user is capable of making constructs comprised of Hemp fibers to rise from the ground, or emanate from the users body.

(Asaton: Asa sen'i bakuhatsu ) - Hemp Release: Hemp Fiber explosion

Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Type: Attack
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
By channeling an abundance of chakra into pre-created hemp, the user is able to make the chakra explode outwards uncontrollably in order to make the said hemp explode.

(Asaton: Asa kurōn ) - Hemp Release: Hemp clone

Rank: A
Range: Short-Long
Type: Attack/Defense/Supplementary
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
The user simply creates a clone out of hemp with all the hemp weaknesses and strengths. The clone is able to use all Hemp techniques, earth, water and Taijutsu up to A-rank. When injured or not fully destroyed the clone is able to use surrounding hemp to reform on contact.

Idea behind its creation: To be honest, I've experimented with marijuana.. a few times. >.>, so I have my knowledge on it and its different uses. I've always been intrigued with its uses outside of getting high, such as using the Hemp stem for a number of useful ways. I got the idea after reading something about them making houses and crap purely from hemp and the houses being just as strong and durable as houses made from concrete or wood. I always liked Hashirama and the idea of having his abilities, but I love my Nekura bio too much to drop it for Hashirama, so I decided to make something similar to wood in a sense.

Conditions to be able to use it: - Mastery of Water + Earth + Chakra Control

Is weak to:
Lightning - Can shred through and pierce the hemp, also be conducted through the oil form similar to lightnings relationship with water

Fire - Fire Release and its CE variants are able to burn through hemp in most cases, though hemp could stand as a neutral element with Fire as well when its oil form is released, the oil is however not flammable but still is able to withstand high temperatures and prevent fire from spreading.

Crystal/Variants of Crystals - Crystal is harder and more dense than Hemp thus allowing it to break through hemp.

Storm - Due to storm combining lightning and water the storm jutsu (within reason) can pierce through the hemp fibers.

Scorch - Scorch can dehydrate the water within the hemp and dry it out, making it brittle and weakened thus making it simple to destroy

Is strong against:
Earth - Like the wood release element, Hemp also has the ability to break through and bypass earth release techniques, rendering earth a weakness.

Water - Being one of the combining elements of Hemp, the hemp is highly resilient to water techniques

Dark - Dark Release wouldn't be able to absorb hemp due to it being of a solid nature

Co-creator: Yashiro.

Students I passed this custom element on too: No body but me and my boy.


✗ Declined: Hemp is a plant, it is classified as such and we already have root, plant and wood release + all the stuff Zetsu has been pulling off. We also have a plastic element. Also you wouldn't be allowed to use that oil as that would be considered a different element.

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Active member
Mar 26, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

- Removed the bottle.
- Removed ice.
- Added Fuuton as a strength.
- Added two more example techniques.
- Explained how long the "Beer-brewing process" would take.

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Custom element Japanese name: Arukooru Release
Custom element English name: Alcohol Release
The element is based on:
The beverage, Alcohol | Chakra | Katon | Doton | Suiton
Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context):
Sake/Alcohol is often drunk by characters in Naruto such as Jiraiya, Tsunade and on the rare occasion, Rock-Lee. That proves its existence in the series but the spoiler goes into a little more depth of what it actually is.

Ethanol is commercially produced using a process called fermentation. Many other alcohols can be made this way, but are more likely to be produced by synthetic routes - from natural gas, oil or coal. Fermentation is the process in which yeast breaks down sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Yeast are tiny single-celled fungi that contain special enzymes responsible for this reaction. Carbon dioxide gas bubbles out of the fermenting solution into the air leaving a mixture of ethanol and water. It's important that no air is present or the yeast will produce ethanoic acid - the chemical found in vinegar.

How it works:

The user takes minerals from the earth, roots and plants around them. Minerals, roots and plants have natural sugar which is created by roots taking in water from the ground, which is combined with carbon dioxide, solar energy, and chlorophyll to produce the energy needed to grow. In most cases, this energy comes in the form of sucrose and is considered a natural sugar.

Yeast is needed for the fermenting process, it is used to break down the sugar. Wild yeast can also be found in the earth, some plants and most berries, hence natural fermentation.

When the user has gathered the necessary minerals, they will then apply water to the mixture. When the minerals have been applied to the mixture, the user will then use katon chakra to compress the formula to stop air from getting the mixture and then using heat to quicken the fermentation process.
The process of making the alcohol takes one full turn and the technique [to be made] must be used before the use of any alcohol based techniques.

Usage Examples:

Name: Arukooru: Sōzō | Alcohol Release: Creation
Range: Short
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 10
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will send his chakra into the ground to quickly pick around the required minerals, as the user has gathered the minerals he will pull them towards himself and gather some water from his mouth and apply it, as well as a little fire to compress the mixture
- This process takes one turn to form the alcohol
- Once formed, lasts seven turns
- This technique must be used before the use of any alcohol based techniques

Name: Arukooru No Jutsu | Alcohol Release Technique
Range: Short - Mid
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user will create small amounts of alcohol in there hand either to be drunk and infused with there chakra or use to be thrown on the target.

Name: Taibu Arukooru No Jutsu | Greater Alcohol Release Technique
Range: Mid - Long
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: This is a stronger version of Alcohol Release Technique, this allows the user to create large amounts of alcohol in there hand either to be drunk and infused with there chakra or use to be thrown on the target. This technique can also be used to create large puddles of alcohol to be used with bigger attacks.

Name: Arukooru: Kafe Hei | Alcohol Release: Alcoholic Wall
Range: Short
Rank: B
Type: Defense
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
By using their shape manipulation the user will send there alcohol chakra to there mouth, and they will release a large defensive wall infront of them to block incoming attacks.

Name: Arukooru: Daburu Hitokoma | Alcohol Release: Double Shot
Range:short - Long
Rank: A
Type: Attack
Chakra: 40
Damage: 60
The user creates alcohol, will consume some alcohol and mix it with there chakra. They then swipe their hand in a horizontal angle from left to right, sending 3 small bursts of alcohol towards the opponent. The alcohol moves so fast that it almost becomes like a bullet. It cannot pierce the skin but it can cause large welts and bruises. The smell of the alcohol is enough to cause a slight dizziness, making the opponent feel lazy and unfocused. If the opponent gets the alcohol in their mouth then they'll become intoxicated.

[*]The opponent cannot use any S-Rank jutsu for one turn due to the alcohol effects.

[*]If the opponent consumes any, they cannot use A-Rank or above jutsu for one turn

Conditions to be able to use it:
Have to be in a lush area with grass or small shrubs about.
Have good chakra control.
Mastery of Suiton, Katon and Doton.

Is weak to:
Suiton (due to the dilution.)
Doton/Ice (due to the liquid type properties)
Metal based [Steel, Iron etc] (Same as Doton)

Is strong against:
Katon or any abbreviation (Alcohol is flammable and fuels the fire just like fuuton)
Fuuton or any abbreviation (Since alcohol is liquid based, wind is matter thus making alcohol able to overpower wind )
Canon dark release (Alcohol is a liquid just like water meaning, dark release cannot absorb it)

Co-creator: Link
Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?

I have Kamishiro permission to re-submit Alcohol Release: .


✗ Declined: All the stuff about needing one turn to prepare I personally don't really favour, you are so dependent on your environment, that it's already very hard to consider this a real CE. Many elements use their environment because it's easier, however they can still be used without it. Secondly you actually never explained the properties and qualities of alcohol, you only explained how it is made, which is necessary to determine its strengths and weaknesses. Especially because I noticed there's already an element called Methanol, which is also an alcohol. If you don't show there are clear differences between the two, then I can never approve this. Also water is also 'matter', still it's neutral to wind and I don't see a particular difference between alcohol and water on that part. Also that it's flammable doesn't make it necessarily a strength. Tell me does alcohol increase in substance when on fire? Is it the alcohol that is fueled? No, it's the fire that's consuming the alcohol, just like how it consumes wind.

- Re-wrote everything.

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Custom element Japanese name: Shuton

Custom element English name: Alcohol Release

The element is based on: Water + Earth + Fire + Advanced Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Alcohol is the main ingredient of sake, an alcoholic beverage which is often drunk by characters in Narutoverse such as Jiraiya, Tsunade and sometimes Rock-Lee and that proves its existence in the series. Rock Lee even benefited from his condition after drinking sake in a battle and came up with the Drunken Fist fighting style which enabled him to perform undetectable and unusual moves due to the effects that alcohol had on his body.

In chemistry, alcohols are organic compounds containing a hydroxyl group attached to a carbon atom. Scientifically speaking, alcohol that's mostly used in alcoholic beverages, including sake, is ethanol and that is why that certain type of alcohol is called drinking alcohol, or simply 'alcohol'. Methanol may occur in some falsified alcoholic beverages because it’s fairly cheaper than ethanol, but that is usually being avoided and is even forbidden because it has lethal effects on the person who drinks it. But this element is established on the non-chemical term of alcohol that's used in trivial speech - ethanol that’s diluted with water, which may be used as a drink but also has many alternative uses; such as for disinfection and as a fuel.

Alcohol is commercially produced by using a process called fermentation, which results in ethanol-water mixture, while methanol for example, is usually produced by another process – destructive distillation of wood. Fermentation is the process in which yeast breaks down carbohydrates into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Yeast are tiny single-celled fungi that contain special enzymes responsible for this reaction. Carbon dioxide gas bubbles get out of the fermenting solution into the environment, leaving a mixture of ethanol and water. It's important that no air is present or the yeast will produce ethanoic acid - the chemical found in vinegar.

How it works: Four factors are important for the creation of alcohol through fermentation in nature: water, yeast, appropriate temperature and carbohydrates. Water and Earth chakra together imitate formation of structures that belong in the fungi kingdom, in this case yeast. The same two elements again represent occurrence of flora which contains carbohydrates. Water chakra imitates the required water and the use of Fire chakra acts like it compresses the formula to stop air from getting into the mixture and then heating it to achieve the required temperature.

The user will combine Water, Earth and Fire chakra and create new elemental chakra – Alcohol. The new chakra can be commonly released through mouth and then by using nature manipulation, actual alcohol in colourless liquid-form with a recognizable smell, which is also the natural state of Alcohol, will be created and later controlled by using shape manipulation. In some rarer moments, the user can concentrate the Alcohol chakra in their body to use the wanted effects of Alcohol on themselves.

Primary: Fundamental use of Alcohol is based on its actual, physical clash with other techniques, where general rules about the relationships among the elements stand. The user is able to create liquid-based forms that look a lot like water and can be used both as a defence and offence in a similar style to water, but of course, with different properties than water. It's important to say that ethanol itself is very volatile, but it's also more difficult to get it solidified, ergo has a lower boiling point (78.37 °C) and a lower freezing point (−114 °C) than water. This means that it's easier to evaporate ethanol from the mixture and disable the Alcohol element by heating it, but also means that it's harder to freeze the whole mixture.

Ethanol is an extremely good solvent for materials like oils and fats which also enables Alcohol, being a mixture of ethanol and water, to still be able to dissolve those substances, although not fully and quickly as pure ethanol would. Ethanol is hygroscopic which means that it has the ability to attract and hold water molecules from the surrounding environment, to the extent that it readily absorbs water from air. This is a two-edged sword since it’s sometimes useful that Alcohol can absorb moisture from the air but that also dilutes it and makes it weaker. But the whole process of absorbing water from air doesn't happen quickly enough to influence on Alcohol in a battle.

Alcohol is very flammable (more precisely ethanol, but it affects the mixture as a whole), which means that using it near Fire isn't safe because it uses it as its fuel and Fire is dominant to Alcohol, but the user is able to create interesting combinations with those two. Due to alcohol being liquid and considering solid and sturdy properties of earth, Earth is shown to overpower Alcohol. Due to the fact that ethanol doesn't form ions while mixing with water, Alcohol conducts electricity from very poorly up to not at all (depending on the strength of the Lightning technique) and is generally stronger than Lightning. Because of the complete miscibility of water and alcohol (ethanol mixes with water equally in every part), by adding water to alcohol, it would completely blend in. But that doesn't mean that Alcohol is stronger than Water, but is somehow neutral instead because the power of Alcohol would be weakened because as the percentage of water would get bigger, the percentage of ethanol would get smaller. Alcohol is neutral to Wind since there is no diversity between that relation and the relation between Wind and Water alone.

Supplementary: Alcohol can cause alcohol intoxication when consumed and can affect the liver, but more importantly, it directly attacks the human brain, but far less than pure ethanol which is able to kill a person after he/she consumes 500 mL of it (methanol for example, is even deadlier because only 30 mL of it causes blindness and possible death, which greatly restricts the use of pure methanol and its mixtures because they don't have any positive uses for human organism). This phenomenon of intoxication doesn't really make Alcohol to do damage on another person, but can be used to create a diversion when the person feels dizzy and disables them to be able to perform techniques of a certain rank for some time because they cannot concentrate as thoroughly. Both physical and psychological conditions of the targeted person are unstable and they can also be very easily put into genjustu because they become, most primitively said, drunk. This is a very similar to drunkenness in reality, which can go from the seemingly harmless euphoria to serious problems like addiction, coma, respiratory depression, or even death. Although, this element doesn't have the ability to put people in those conditions. Alcohol doesn't necessarily need to be swallowed because it can be very easily injected into the organism through skin and even the scent of it, when it's in close-range to the person's nose, can also have dazing effects on the affected person. The most serious consequences occur when alcohol enters the organism through an opened wound, because then, it gets directly into the blood system.

Alcohol is good for disinfection and can be used to destroy most micro-organisms that might cause damage and various diseases to the user or another person and it also prevents from inflammations. This means that Alcohol can be used as an antiseptic and that waves of Alcohol that the user sends out of their body kill large amounts of microbes.

In strictly controlled amounts, Alcohol can be used to relieve the user from pain which can help when dealing with damage that the user receives, not in a way that it heals, but helps on a psychological level. That would allow the user to create a fake feeling of recovery in their mind after bearing with serious damage which would assure them to still be able to fight for a certain amount of time. It doesn't work like other Alcohol techniques because it’s usable only on the user because the user needs to concentrate Alcohol chakra in their own brain. This is actually a form of intoxication which the user performs on themselves, but the user is able to carefully control the quantities and restrict the noxiousness and cause the wanting effects. Although, the user still experiences some, a bit softened, bad effects of Alcohol. Those properties greatly distinguish alcohol that is made out of ethanol and water from all other alcoholic liquids, including methanol and its variations which are far too deadly for anything like that to be tried.

Usage Examples:

Shuton: Seisei no Justu | Alcohol Release: Purification Technique
Range: Short
Rank: B
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will gather Alcohol chakra and as they will move it towards their mouth and let it out of their body, the user will start ejecting a small wave of alcohol that will be used for disinfection on the user's body or the body of any person they desire. This will destroy most harmful micro-organisms and will clean wounds and thus prevent from inflammations and diseases. Due to the fact that a small amount of alcohol is used, the intoxication is reduced to a minimum.
- The user or the person on whom it was used cannot perform S-rank technique or above for one turn due to small intoxication if they used it on an opened would.
- Intoxication that occurs only through absorption of the skins and scent is negligible.

Shuton: Supīdoshotto | Alcohol Release: Speed Shot
Range: Short - Mid
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60 (brute)
Description: The user will gather Alcohol chakra and move it towards their mouth and send three smaller bursts of alcohol towards the opponent. The alcohol moves so fast that it almost becomes like a bullet. It cannot pierce the skin but it can cause large welts and bruises. When alcohol touches human skin, especially with such force, it can easily get into the organism through it. The smell of the alcohol is enough to cause a slight dizziness when it comes into close-range to the opponent's nose, making the opponent lose concentration and focus. If the user manages to get the alcohol into the opponent's mouth, they'll become more seriously intoxicated. The most serious intoxication occurs when the alcohol enters the organism through an opened wound, because then, it gets directly into the blood system.
- If the opponent only smells alcohol in close-range, they cannot use any S-Rank techniques or above for one turn due to the alcohol effects.
- If the alcohol gets into the opponent's organism through skin, they cannot use S-rank or above techniques for one turn due to more serious intoxication.
- If the opponent consumes any through their mouth, they cannot use A-Rank or above techniques for one turn turns.
- If the alcohol gets into the organism through an opened wound, the opponent cannot use A-rank or above techniques for two turns.
- Only usable twice per battle

Shuton: Itami no Chūwa | Alcohol Release: Pain Neutralization
Range: Self
Rank: S
Type: Supplementary
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will gather Alcohol chakra and concentrate it in their brain and control it to cause the wanting effects of Alcohol on themselves. The user will perform a type of extremely carefully controlled intoxication and use the chakra to greatly decrease the feel of pain. That will increase the user's durability and make them fight for a certain amount of time, even if they receive serious injuries. Although, this technique isn't completely harmless, as the user will still feel some of the bad effects of Alcohol.
- The effects of this technique last for three turns and they cannot be removed once they're used.
- During that time, the user cannot perform techniques of S-rank and above due to bad effects.
- Can only be used twice per battle.

Conditions to be able to use it:

  • Mastery over Water, Earth and Fire.
  • Over average chakra control (at least Kage-ranked).
Is weak to:

  • Fire – Fire uses Alcohol as fuel.
  • Earth – considering Alcohol's properties as liquid.
  • Metal-based (Steel, Iron, etc.) – same as with Earth.
  • Explosion - alcohol would support an explosion.
Is strong against:

  • Lightning – Alcohol conducts electricity very poorly.
  • Cannon Dark – Dark cannot absorb liquids and Alcohol has enough density to defend from raw forms of energy.
  • Oil-based – Alcohol is able to partially dissolve oils and weaken elements that are based on it.
  • Germ/Bacteria/Pathogens – Alcohol destroys most micro-organisms.
  • Decay - Decay cannot break the bonds between ethanol and water molecules.
Co-creator: Venus

Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?​


✗ Declined: Well fact is as it is now it's pretty much approvable outside one small thing. We all know of personal experience how alcohol can influence us, however in this description you should only limit it to that it can influence a person. Saying stuff like 'will not be able to use jutsu of that rank anymore' or stuff like this, is for the description of the CJ. As otherwise it seems you can decide that on a whim. The biggest problem I still have however is that we already have a methanol CE. I reread its description again and it really seems very similar. How are they now exactly different? And I'm not talking about the scientifical difference about how many molecules that one has etc., but RPwise how is yours different than Methanol?

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Active member
May 22, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Resubmitting, removed all references to liquid states, removed immunity to the element as well as some minor edits.

Resubmitting, made it gaseous only, changed minor things:

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Custom element Japanese name: Lachrimuton
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Custom element English name: Lachrymator Release
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The element is based on: Wind Release + Earth Release + Fire Release + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Lachrymators (more commonly known as eye irritants) are (not necessarily) gaseous substances which stimulate nerves causing pain and various harmful side effects (chemical rashes, damage to the ocular nerves etc.). In the series we’ve seen things which create the same or similar effects to people. A perfect example of that is the chili bomb shown in the filler arc where Jiraya and Naruto fight the conch king. The chili bomb causes pain on minimal levels breaking the villagers out of Genjutsu. This is the in relation to the chili bombs only at a much higher destructive level.

We've seen other types of projectiles/bombs which release gasses that deal damage to the target. Smoke bombs can cause suffocation and temporary blindness, the 5 Senses Confusion Disorder which messes with the targets senses disorienting them.

How it works:
Tear gas works by irritating mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, mouth and lungs, and causes crying, sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, pain in the eyes, temporary blindness, etc. Lachrymators are thought to act by attacking sulfhydryl functional groups in enzymes. One of the most probable protein targets is the TRPA1 ion channel that is expressed in sensory nerves (trigeminal nerve) of the eyes, nose and mouth.

Lachrymators are eye irritants. The main purpose of this element is to create harm to the opponent by damaging their eyes and respiratory system meaning it’s mainly an offensive element. Using the nature chakra types Wind, Earth and Fire the user is able to create these dangerous substances. The wind part of the element would manifest the form of the element. This element will be created in a gaseous state. Utilizing wind chakra the user creates the gas which upon contact can lead to these uncomfortable effects.

The second element required for the creation of Lachrymators is Earth Release. After preparing the form for the tear gas, Earth release is what brings in the mineral substances required for the creation of tear gas. These mineral substances are give damage to the gas, Earth Release is the engine of lachrymators as it offers all the required substances for the creation of tear gas.

The last element in order is Fire Release. Utilizing fire chakra after the wind and earth part, the user uses the fire chakra to enhance the effects of the mineral substances infused into the wind to create the gas.

In summary, wind creates the body for the gas, earth draws in and creates the required minerals and fire enhances the effects.

If you’ve ever faced tear gas or something similar to it you should know how fast the effects kick in. When the target indirectly inhales the substance (so no direct contact is made between the skin and gas) the effects are less lethal but still dangerous. Through indirect contact by inhalation the target would feel an extremely uncomfortable, painful “itch” in his mouth, nose and throat stimulating defensive reflexes such as coughing and sneezing, and also the eyes which causes tearing. After longer indirect exposure the target will get a headache along with dizziness and nausea, resulting in loss consciousness after longer exposure to the substance.

The effects of direct exposure to the gas are much worse than the indirect exposure. When the gas is directly released at the opponent it causes the same effects only at a much higher rate. The respiratory system will be attacked, causing different kind of aches in the chestal area (lungs) making it difficult to breathe while also attacking the remaining respiratory system (mouth, nose) along with nausea and overall weakness. If the targets eyes are directly exposed to the gas the damage to the ocular nerves can be so big the target can turn blind and lose it’s eyesight, though that is only with direct contact. The target will also feel a burning sensation in his eyes making it difficult to see, only water being able to rid of these effects in time.

Regarding the looks of the element, it would be a very hard to spot gas but if one looks hard enough they could notice the gas. This element can be considered a counterpart of Perfume Release. While Perfume has the task to attract opponents and lure them in through mild and attractive smells, lachrymators have the task to repel and damage the opponent in the most brutal ways. The users of this style do feel the effects of this element but only in small, unsignificant levels which do not cause great harm.

The liquid has a wide variety of properties such as inducing genjutsu, dealing basic damage, small amounts of toxicity and similar. Here is a full list of effects lachrymators can cause:

-stinging and burning of the eyes, nose, mouth, and skin
-excessive tearing
-blurred vision
-runny nose
-salivation (drooling)
-exposed tissue may develop a rash and a chemical burn
-coughing and difficulty breathing, including a feeling of choking
-disorientation and confusion, which may lead to panic
-intense anger

The element will be created either through the users own chakra by expelling it from his mouth and/or body or creating it on the field (proper restrictions will be made). It is equally versatile as wind so the user will be able to do the same things with this element (releasing blasts, waves, bullets, shots of tear gas or simply manifesting the gas). Due to being able to expel the gas through their body the user is mostly immune to the effects of the lachrymators, feeling only slight effects which don't harm the user at a noticable scale.

Like all elements in the Narutoverse, Lachrymator Release will have three forms.

Main Release:

Techniques of the main release are basic manipulation of Lachrymators allowing the user to create blades, blasts, vortexes, orbs and other constructions of the gas (basically anything that can be done with wind). The gas created with the main release will have all of the above mentioned effects (temporary blindness, stinging and burning of eyes, skin, nose, mouth etc.). The user will have great versatility with the techniques of the main release.

Alternative Release:

Techniques of the alternative release have different effects than the basic techniques. Unlike the main release, the alternative release will not aim to create harm to the opponent but rather induce other effects. Using the alternative release, the user will create low-level concentration of the harmful gas, making it less painful but with the aerosol released into the air having the users chakra, the user will be able to induce genjutsu using the alternative release in a almost undetectable way. These techniques will not cause any actual harm to the opponent though they will notice minor effects of the aerosol such as a slight stinging feeling in their nose and mouth.

Advanced Release:

The advanced release utilizes fine chakra manipulation and creation of the gas from the users body. Using this the user will be able to break out of genjutsu by tingling his nerves with the substances thus causing a reaction which would be an equivalent to pain. The user can also use the advanced release to cleanse his body from any other harmful substances that may have entered his body such as poison and similar.

Usage Examples:

Lachrymator Release: Sweat it off | Lachrimuton: Ase Sorre Ofu
Type: Offensive/ Defensive
Rank: C-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 15 (-5 to keep active each turn)
Damage: 30
Description: The user focuses his chakra throughout his body turning his sweat into a lachrymator. This technique is mainly used in melee range in order to harm the opponent and gain the upper hand in close combat. This is a passive technique, which once activated remains active for the remainder of the battle unless the user cancels it.
Note: Once activated lasts for the remainder of the battle unless cancelled.
Note: Usable twice per battle.
Note: Must be taught by -Cobalt-.

Lachrymator Release: Spray | Lachrimuton: Funsha
Type: Offensive
Rank: B-rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user performs two hand seals and channels his chakra to his mouth, expelling a lachrymator from his mouth in the form of thick mist which spreads further as it travels further thus covering an expansive area. The user can use a fire technique to ignite the lachrymator gas intensifying the effects of it.
Note: Usable 4 times per battle.
Note: Must be taught by -Cobalt-.

Lachrymator Release: Water Conversion Technique | Lachrimuton: Sui Kaishin No Jutsu
Type: Supplementary/ Offensive
Rank: C-rank
Range: Short- Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user focuses his chakra into any present water on the field and turns it into a lachrymator which he can then manipulate to induce the effects of the liquid. Any water can be transformed unless it has no foreign chakra present in it.
Note: Must be taught by -Cobalt-.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Wind Release, Fire Release and Earth Release along with accurate chakra control.

Is weak to:

Lightning Release and Lightning based elements: Due to its properties the lightning diffuses the substances in the gas leaving nothing behind and removing the harmful substances.

Earth Release and Earth based elements: Lachrymators in any state can be contained by Earth or Earth based elements, yet it can work as a double edged sword. If the Earth isn't thick enough, it will be infused with the lachrymator stopping the gas though not preventing the harmful substances evaporated in the air.

Is strong against:

Fire Release and Fire based elements: Fire only strengthens the substances in the gas, intensifying the effects. The gas is also highly flammable making it similar to propane in these matters.

Water Release and Water based elements: The gas, when in touch with water is infused into the water creating large amounts of lachrymator liquids. Water basically cannot do anything to the lachrymators.

Organic elements: Wood, Mushrooms and anything similar to that, lachrymators poison the plants when absorbed by them.

Is neutral to:
Wind Release and Wind based elements- An equal ranked Wind technique can counter Lachrymators, neutralizing the substances.


Students I’ve passed this onto:


✗ Declined: People by now should have learned that I only allow one form of an element, not two, still you are explaining in great lengths gasses and liquids. I do not accept either comments that say you become immune to your CE and no there is no such thing as all elements in the Narutoverse having 3 forms, that's something annoying NB members made up for their CE. The explanation of "using earth for the minerals" doesn't make much sense either, what does that even mean?

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Custom element Japanese name: Lachrimuton
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Custom element English name: Lachrymator Release
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The element is based on: Wind Release + Fire Release + Lightning Release + Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Lachrymators (more commonly known as eye irritants) are gaseous substances which stimulate nerves causing pain and various harmful side effects (chemical rashes, damage to the ocular nerves etc.). In the series we’ve seen things which create the same or similar effects to people. A perfect example of that is the chili bomb shown in the filler arc where Jiraya and Naruto fight the conch king. The chili bomb causes pain on minimal levels breaking the villagers out of Genjutsu. This is the in relation to the chili bombs only at a much higher destructive level.

We've seen other types of projectiles/bombs which release gasses that deal damage to the target. Smoke bombs can cause suffocation and temporary blindness, the 5 Senses Confusion Disorder which messes with the targets senses disorienting them.

How it works:
Tear gas works by irritating mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, mouth and lungs, and causes crying, sneezing, coughing, difficulty breathing, pain in the eyes, temporary blindness, etc. Lachrymators are thought to act by attacking sulfhydryl functional groups in enzymes. One of the most probable protein targets is the TRPA1 ion channel that is expressed in sensory nerves (trigeminal nerve) of the eyes, nose and mouth.

Lachrymators are eye irritants. The main purpose of this element is to create harm to the opponent by damaging their eyes and respiratory system meaning it’s mainly an offensive element. By combining the properties of the Wind, Fire and Lightning elements one is able to create the gas with these effects. Wind Release creates the gas giving it from whilst combining the burning properties of Fire and the numbing and stinging properties of Lightning give the harmful effects.

If you’ve ever faced tear gas or something similar to it you should know how fast the effects kick in. When the target indirectly inhales the substance (so no direct contact is made between the skin and gas) the effects are less lethal but still dangerous. Through indirect contact by inhalation the target would feel an extremely uncomfortable, painful “itch” in his mouth, nose and throat stimulating defensive reflexes such as coughing and sneezing, and also the eyes which causes tearing. After longer indirect exposure the target will get a headache along with dizziness and nausea, resulting in loss consciousness after longer exposure to the substance.

The effects of direct exposure (point blank range) to the gas are much worse than the indirect exposure. When the gas is directly released at the opponent it causes the same effects only at a much higher rate. The respiratory system will be attacked, causing different kind of aches in the chestal area (lungs) making it difficult to breathe while also attacking the remaining respiratory system (mouth, nose) along with nausea and overall weakness. If the targets eyes are directly exposed to the gas the damage to the ocular nerves can be so big the target can turn blind and lose it’s eyesight, though that is only with direct contact. The target will also feel a burning sensation in his eyes making it difficult to see, only water being able to rid of these effects in time.

Regarding the looks of the element, it would be a very hard to spot gas but if one looks hard enough they could notice the gas. This element can be considered a counterpart of Perfume Release. While Perfume has the task to attract opponents and lure them in through mild and attractive smells, lachrymators have the task to repel and damage the opponent in the most brutal ways.

A full list of effects caused by lachrymators are listed below:

-stinging and burning of the eyes, nose, mouth, and skin
-excessive tearing
-blurred vision
-runny nose
-salivation (drooling)
-exposed tissue may develop a rash and a chemical burn
-coughing and difficulty breathing, including a feeling of choking
-disorientation and confusion, which may lead to panic
-intense anger

The element will be created either through the users own chakra by expelling it from his mouth and/or body or creating it on the field (proper restrictions will be made). It is equally versatile as wind so the user will be able to do the same things with this element (releasing blasts, waves, bullets, shots of tear gas or simply manifesting the gas).

Main Usage:

Techniques of the main usage are basic manipulation of Lachrymators allowing the user to create blades, blasts, vortexes, orbs and other constructions of the gas (basically anything that can be done with wind). The gas created with the main usage will have all of the above mentioned effects (temporary blindness, stinging and burning of eyes, skin, nose, mouth etc.). The user will have great versatility with the techniques of the main usage.

Alternative usage:

Techniques of the alternative usage have different effects than the basic techniques. Unlike the main usage, the alternative usage will not aim to create harm to the opponent but rather induce other effects. Using the alternative usage, the user will create low-level concentration of the harmful gas, making it less painful but with the gas released into the air having the users chakra, the user will be able to induce genjutsu using the alternative release in a almost undetectable way. These techniques will not cause any actual harm to the opponent though they will notice minor effects of the gas such as a slight stinging feeling in their nose and mouth.

Advanced Usage:

The advanced usage utilizes fine chakra manipulation and creation of the gas from the users body. Using this the user will be able to break out of genjutsu by tingling his nerves with the substances thus causing a reaction which would be an equivalent to pain. The user can also use the advanced usage to cleanse his body from any other harmful substances that may have entered his body such as poison and similar.

Usage Examples:

Lachrymator Release: Sweat it off | Lachrimuton: Ase Sorre Ofu
Type: Offensive/ Defensive
Rank: C-rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 15 (-5 to keep active each turn)
Damage: 30
Description: The user focuses his chakra throughout his body turning his sweat into a lachrymator. This technique is mainly used in melee range in order to harm the opponent and gain the upper hand in close combat. This is a passive technique, which once activated remains active for the remainder of the battle unless the user cancels it.
Note: Once activated lasts for the remainder of the battle unless cancelled.
Note: Usable twice per battle.
Note: Must be taught by -Cobalt-.

Lachrymator Release: Spray | Lachrimuton: Funsha
Type: Offensive
Rank: B-rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user performs two hand seals and channels his chakra to his mouth, expelling a lachrymator from his mouth in the form of thick mist which spreads further as it travels further thus covering an expansive area. The user can use a fire technique to ignite the lachrymator gas intensifying the effects of it.
Note: Usable 4 times per battle.
Note: Must be taught by -Cobalt-.

Lachrymator Release: Water Conversion Technique | Lachrimuton: Sui Kaishin No Jutsu
Type: Supplementary/ Offensive
Rank: C-rank
Range: Short- Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: 30
Description: The user focuses his chakra into any present water on the field and turns it into a lachrymator which he can then manipulate to induce the effects of the gas. Any water can be transformed unless it has no foreign chakra present in it.
Note: Must be taught by -Cobalt-.

Conditions to be able to use it: Mastery over Wind Release, Fire Release and Lightning Release along with accurate chakra control (Kage Rank and above).

Is weak to:

Lightning Release and Lightning based elements: Due to its properties the lightning diffuses the substances in the gas leaving nothing behind and removing the harmful substances.

Earth Release and Earth based elements: Lachrymators in any state can be contained by Earth or Earth based elements, yet it can work as a double edged sword. If the Earth isn't thick enough, it will be infused with the lachrymator stopping the gas though not preventing the harmful substances evaporated in the air.

Wind Release and Wind based elements: If used well, Wind techniques can blow away the gas.

Is strong against:

Fire Release and Fire based elements: Heat and fire only strengthen the substances in the gas, intensifying the effects. The gas is also highly flammable making it similar to propane in these matters.

Water Release and Water based elements: The gas, when in touch with water is infused into the water creating large amounts of lachrymator liquids. Water basically cannot do anything to the lachrymators.

Organic elements: Wood, Mushrooms and similar elements are posioned by lachrymators causing them to rot.

Wind Release and Wind based elements: If used correctly, Wind can help the gas to further spread through the air.

Co-creator: N/A

Students I’ve passed this onto:


✗ Declined: This needs still a lot of work. For starters your explanation of how you make it is way too simply. How is wind supposed to create that gas? How is fire supposed to make it burn and how is lightning supposed to make it sting? A mosquito stings too, but that's something very differently than being stung by lightning. Secondly you focus most of the time on the effects on the human body and then suddenly 'I use it like wind'. It's supposed to be the other way around and also don't assume so easily you can use it like wind. Wind inherently has the ability to cut, I however have yet to see tear gas act like wind. It's not wind. Thirdly I really don't understand this urge to divide CE into main/alternative/advanced usage. Normally every jutsu comes from your body, the only exceptions are when you manipulate existing sources. Fact is this is just the jutsu division in regards to offensive/defensive/supplementary. Fourthly remove everything about genjutsu, that has absolutely no business here, that entire advanced things should not be here. Fifthly I never had any problems seeing tear gas before and saying that if you look closely, you can see it, is a comment that is practically useless. Who is going to decide whether they can see your element or not? Lastly you say it's like wind, but wind blows it away. On top of that for some reason wind is both strong and weak? Impossible. Str and weak are supposed to be inherent. Water puts out fire, the way how it is done is irrelevant, that's the level of a jutsu and has no business here. Water as a strength makes no sense either. You can't just decide you take over people's jutsu, in fact if it would already be possible, unless tear gas can evaporate water, the water is going to absorb the gas. That fire strengthens it I also find something you just wrote there because you want it, I don't see anything in your explanation that supports that. Also if it's highly flammable, it's impossible to be a strength as then when they collide, your jutsu is gone.

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Active member
Oct 24, 2011
Trait Points
Re: Custom Elements Bureau

Custom element Japanese name: Koruton

Custom element English name: Cork Release

The element is based on: Earth + Water + Advance Chakra Control

Facts that prove the element to be possible (in the manga context): Cork is natured in tree's trunks, because of this, it is widely abundant. Need to say, trees and forests are also abundant in the Naturoverse, there existance is obvious as it's been shown more than I can count in the manga. The fact that Hashirama can manipulate wood leads us to believe that not only wood, but the actual properties and materials that comform trees can also be used as an element. Cork production is generally considered sustainable due to the fact that the entire cork tree is not harvested; merely its bark. The tree continues to live and grow. This provides a source for Cork techniques, although they can also be produced from the user's body. This in no way implies that the can manipulate or have any influence over wood, but merely cork, which is found in trees.

How it works: Yellow & Brown in color, and can become as soft and pliable. Cork is an impermeable, buoyant material, a prime-subset of bark tissue. Cork is composed of suberin, a hydrophobic substance, and because of its impermeability, buoyancy, elasticity and fire resistance, it is a rather versatile element. Useable by manipulating the consistancy of the user's water chakra and introduce Earth chakra into it creating the base of the element and adding the elasticity due to the use of sticky liquid (Similiar to Suiton: Syrup Capture Field) mixed with the earth's mud like substance. More earth chakra will then be infused to harden it into the full fleshed Cork material. Cork can otherwise be used directly from nearby matured trees, which will provide a source for Cork techniques. Chakra control is an important key, as it allows the control and amount of elemental chakra being used to form the cork and then to maintain it's shape and properties. In essence, Cork is a solid, hard and elastic material, as formerly said in the way it's created. Cork is by defenition commonly emerged from the body (either by mouth or as an extension of the body) of the user as a mud-like substance (except elastic, denser, and harder than mud) and then almost instantly hardens into it's final form with the focused earth chakra. Cork is used in a fashion where it can range from mere cork bullet-like projectiles, to large walls. Going as far as using it supplementary in one's body to improve physical and close combat attributes. Cork's elasticity combined with its near-impermeability makes it suitable as a material to counter water and fire based techniques. Cork's resilient ability to bounce back from impressions means that most objects will not leave dents in its surface.

Usage Examples:
(Koruton: ?? ) - Cork Release: Blessing of Hua
Type: Supplementary/Offensive/Defensive
Rank: C
Range: Short
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: Using Cork, the user would give creation to a set of tools with the activation being a handseal (Ram). Be it for defensive, offensive, or supplementary purposes: Such as spewing forward a mass of Cork onto the target's hands, which would then harden into a pair of hand-cuffs made of Cork. The user would also be able to spew and harden a staff for close combat, or a small shield to stop regular weapon based attacks. The options are not restricted to the former examples, but rather to the end of the user's imagination.

(Koruton: ?? ) - Cork Release: Gray Ascension
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: 40
Description: The user would gather Cork chakra into their mouth where they would then spew out a minimum of 1 or up to 5 fist sized bullets of Cork material, successively one after another. The bullets travel at a fast pace, yet still allowing the naked eye to notice them.
Note: Usable x5 per battle.

(Koruton: ?? ) - Cork Release: Kashmir's Fading Skin
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short (self)
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A (+15 to Taijutsu)
Description: After performing 1 handseal (Horse). The user would release a burst of Cork from their body. Attaching to their skin, almost like a thin (but dense) second layer of skin. Encasing every last bit of the user's body in a cork 'armor'. While in Kashmir's Skin the user's strong fist techniques are improved +10 damage. Likewise, their physical punches and other free-form meele attacks are backed up with heavy strength. Additionally, the user is protected from blunt impacts and strong fist because of Cork's resilient ability to bounce back from impressions. With Cork's elasticity being calculated in the process of the armor being forged, it's elastic enough so as to not prevent or degrade the user's regular movement. High flexibility movements are not possible though.
Note: The user can only use Cork, Water, and Earth based techniques while active.
Note: Usable x2 per battle (must wait a 3 turn cooldown before using again).
Note: Lasts 4 turns.
Conditions to be able to use it:
Mastery over Earth & Water
High level of chakra control (atleast Kage Rank)

Is weak to:
Lightning ( lightning based CE ): Lightning would rip through Cork.
Wind: Sharp wind would slice Cork with ease.
Sharp edged KG's & CE's would easily slice into Cork. (Steel, Ice, etc.)
Storm: While it can overpower water, Cork is weak to Lightning, which would make Storm rip through Cork.

Is strong against:
Water & Rain ( most water based CE/Hozuki Techniques ) - Being impermeable it can restrain water. It can also blow through equal and lower ranked water techniques with it's mass.
Fire (most fire based CE): Cork's bubble-form structure and natural fire resistance make it highly tolerable to flames.
Sound: A defense cork will act as natural insulation for a space, blocking out ambient noise. This is due to the fact that its surface is made up of millions of cells filled with air, acting as tiny sound cushions. Only strong against Sound of equal rank and below.
Dark: Like Earth, Dark cannot absorb the mass of Cork. Equally, Cork has substance and density to defend from raw forms of energy like those produced by dark release.
Scorch: Cork can't be burned or dehydrated away by the high temperatures of Scorch release.


Students I passed this custom element on too: ? & ?


✗ Declined: Overall decently explained, however I have doubts about how you are supposed to create it as you talk about a sticky liquid, however that jutsu you are referring to is well a jutsu, meaning it's the result of shape manipulation and handseals. Then you are already passed the moment you could create an element as that should originate from your chakra, not from first using a jutsu which you then add another chakra nature to. Also I have some questions about its qualities. I don't know exactly what you mean 'in one's body to improve physical and close combat', but considering it's so flexible, it isn't really suited for close combat, in fact it's the opposite as I see it it will lower your offensive capabilities as it would diminish your own impact because of its flexibility. If you hit me with a fist covered in cork, it should have far less power than if you wild hit me with a regular fist because your own cork would absorb the impact (which is pretty much the concept of boxing gloves). If you would try to hit me with a cork staff, sorry but than I imagine some kind of comedy slapstick where the staff would just bend when it hits me rather than me taking any damage. Defensively it definitely would be good and frankly everything is dangerous if you shoot it at hundreds KM/hour, then even a toothpick is deadly, so shooting it as bullets has nothing much to do with the element, that's just a jutsu concept. Lastly I never carried a large chunk of cork, but as far as I can imagine it's very light. Yes it wouldn't let water through, but wouldn't it just be blow away by the shear force? I mean most metals don't let water through either, but they would just sink while cork I think floats on water.

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