[ARCHIVE] Custom Jutsu Submission - II

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Sep 4, 2010
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Dante no Wairudofureimu Hanketsu) Dante's Vile Flame Judgment
Rank: F-Ranked
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Point: 90 [-20 to the user]
Description: The user takes a battle stance while simultaneously releasing a burst of fire chakra all around themselves and from that focusing it in the shape of a brassard around their shoulders. As the fire chakra is being channeled, the fire chakra reaches his fists with a swirling motion from his shoulders near an instant, covering their whole arms. This creates a shroud of fire chakra around their shoulders/arms from enormous amounts of fire. The intensity of the fire is so huge, the temperature around the user is unbearable, causes fast dehydration, and great pain to the user. As the shroud of fire chakra covered their arms they take a shape of two raging lionheads on the end of the user's fists. Soon as the lionheads take form, the user thrusts both of their fists into the opponent's diaphragm, burning a 拠 (judgment) kanji onto their abdomen. At the point of impact, the lions emerge from the user's fists and wrap their claws around the opponent, resembling the kanji. The user controlling the movements of the lions by landing eight punches with fast speeds on different areas on the opponent's body with great strength and endurance to make the kanji appear. The user then hammers the opponent's shoulders with his fists into the ground, making a crater shaped like the kanji for 'judgment'. As the opponent has been pummeled into the ground he bursts into a maelstrom, engulfing him in flames.
-No C-ranked or above Taijutsu for the next turn that involves the movement of arms/shoulders.
-Can't use Katon above A-ranks for the following and in the same turn.
-The fire is very intense which causing slight dizziness, burning sensation throughout the arms.
-Can be only used once given the chakra strain
-If the technique is been used for more then a turn, the user dies in the end of the following turn due to the great strains of the technique.
-Burning of the kanji is purely cosmetic
-Declined- OP, and your arms are going to be burned severely from this much heat to the point where you can't move it again, that means no handseals as well, not just Taijutsu movements, also it's Forbidden rank, not F-rank.

(Dante no Wairudofureimu Hanketsu) Dante's Vile Flame Judgment
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Point: 90 [-20 to the user]
Description: The user takes a battle stance while simultaneously releasing a burst of fire chakra all around themselves and from that focusing it in the shape of a brassard around their shoulders. As the fire chakra is being channeled, the fire chakra reaches his fists with a swirling motion from his shoulders near an instant, covering their whole arms. This creates a shroud of fire chakra around their shoulders/arms from fire. As the shroud of fire chakra covered their arms they take a shape of two raging lionheads on the end of the user's fists. Soon as the lionheads take form, the user thrusts both of their fists into the opponent's diaphragm, burning a 拠 (judgment) kanji onto their abdomen. At the point of impact, the lions emerge from the user's fists and wrap their claws around the opponent, resembling the kanji. The user controlling the movements of the lions by landing eight punches with fast speeds on different areas on the opponent's body with great strength and endurance to make the kanji appear. The user then hammers the opponent's shoulders with his fists into the ground, making a crater shaped like the kanji for 'judgment'. As the opponent has been pummeled into the ground he bursts into a maelstrom, engulfing him in flames.
-No C-ranked or above Taijutsu for the next turn that involves the movement of arms/shoulders.
-Can't use Katon above A-ranks for the following and in the same turn.
-The fire causes slight dizziness, burning sensation throughout the arms.
-Can be only used once given the chakra strain
-If the technique is been used for more then a turn, the user dies in the end of the following turn due to the great strains of the technique.
-Burning of the kanji is purely cosmetic
-Declined- I don't see great drawbacks from the usage of the technique, Forbidden ranks are supposed to cripple you, that's why they are called forbidden, slight dizziness and burning sensation won't be enough here, unless you make it S-rank.

Notes for checker:
-Corrected the rank
-Took out any words that would make it seem intense, ultimately toning it down.

(Hōrī Danmaku) Diabolic Hammer
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user charges lightning chakra on their feet to boost their speed and impact then jumps above the opponent. The user turns around while charging lightning chakra on his open palms to perform a powerful palm strike on both sides of his head then with a hammer kick, drives them into the ground.
-Can be used 3x
-Can be used by House
-No S-ranked lightning taijutsu in the next turn
-Declined- Mention that it cannot be used to evade/jump away from ninjutsu attacks, "the initial part of the technique".

(Shukufuku sa Reta Supirittotappu) Blessed Spirit Tap
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Points: 40
Description: The user charges lightning chakra on their feet to have a boost in speed and impact then takes a low stance while leaping behind the opponent with a quick and swift motion. The user then breaks the opponent's stance by landing a strong heel kick behind the opponent's knee. As the opponent is kneeling on the ground the user charges lightning chakra into their fists then performs several strikes onto his back, burning his skin on every contact.
-Can be used 4x
-Can be taught by House
-Declined- Same as above for the bold, and Lightning doesn't deliver that much burning damage, Fire does that, lightning delivers more cutting or shocking damage.
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Mar 26, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Fuuton: Kaze Kaatsu) Wind Release: Wind Pressurized
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B-rank
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
This technique allows the practitioner to utilize their mastery of the wind in order to manipulate the air pressure in a chosen area. The user uses this technique in order to combat offensive fire techniques. This is accomplished by rapidly decreasing the air pressure in the location of the flames, effectively causing them to be robbed of oxygen. Lowering the air pressure in a certain area also decreases the air resistance in that area, which can have its own benefits. Likewise, rapidly increasing the air pressure around a fire technique as it is being initiated can cause it to prematurely explode.
- Can only be taught by Nathan.
-Declined- Similar techniques exist.


(Kyuukyoku Doton: Reitō Enjeru) Ultimate Earth Release: Frozen Angel
Type: Offensive
Rank: S-rank
Range: Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Sometimes referred to as the "Ultimate Earth Release Technique" Nathan developed a jutsu which transmutes chakra into solid stone. Frozen Angel is initially achieved through a high level of chakra control. By flowing it through an opponents circulatory system, his earth release chakra violently reacts, causing his enemies chakra to take on a hardened property. The user can activate his technique via two methods. His first, is by performing a set of two hand seals, their bodies will begin to harden. Skin transmuting until it is solid stone. His second method is through physical contact with his target, or the ground, with the latter sending a wave of chakra which petrifies whatever he touches. There are two affects. the user can completely turn an opponent into stone, which wither away into dust. Or they can simply turn the top layer of skin into stone, creating an eternal prison. When activated, targets have methods to stop the technique. By using Chakra flow, targets can keep the transformation from occurring, especially lightning release.
- Can only be used once per-match.
- Must state which of the two methods the user has used and which affect they choose.
- No earth release techniques in the same turn.
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-Declined- DNR, There's already a cannon earth technique that can turn anything into stone.


(Ranton: Mukappara Osumitsuki Kamigami) Storm Release: Anger of the Gods
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 [-50 to the user]
This is Nathan's most powerful technique, as well as one of his most risky. After weaving the hand signals Horse → Rat → Hare → Monkey → Dragon → Serpent, the user gathers Water Release chakra in one hand and Lightning Release chakra in the other. The user then clasps their hands together to create Storm Release chakra. The user channels the chakra throughout their body and stimulates their tenketsu to send all of their chakra to the user hands. The user is then covered by a layer of storm chakra all over their body. Shortly afterwards, a large sphere of whitish-blue energy erupts from the user and spreads out at a incredible rate in a large radius, tearing almost everything that comes in contact with it to ashes. This technique can also generate raging supercells above and make large quantities of water erupt from under the ground and cause violent reactions to pre-existing water. However, this technique requires nearly all the chakra the user has. That being said, after one use, the user is instantly drained of much of their chakra and are unable to use B-rank and above jutsu. This attack also attacks the user's skin, muscles, and tenketsu. After this technique is over, the user suffers from severe muscle burning similar to fever, burning of the skin in some areas, and tenketsu exhaustion. The effects will lessen if less power is used, but the burning will remain.
- Can only be used once per-match.
- The user will be completely worn out.
- User can only use C-rank and below techniques after the use of this.
- No storm release technique to be used prior of the use of this technique.
- No storm release techniques for the whole match, after the use of this technique.
- Can only be taught by Nathan.
-Declined- I don't see it as a Forbidden rank, plus it's generic, there are a multitude of techniques that does the same.

Approved Storm bio:
Proof of training: .
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Active member
Sep 17, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

link to contract approval:

(Kuchiyose no jutsu:Timon) summoning technique: Timon
Rank: B
Type: summoning
Range: Short-long
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: After swiping blood across the summoning tattoo the user summons timon a regular sized male meerkat named Timon with a hilarious disposition. The main ability to Timon is that he can eat any type of bug and that he has a very ominous odour which is known to throw off enemies sight and smell immensly. this little guy is very adept at taijutsu and is quick and limble as well being able to use his sharp nails to deal out damage as well.

: can only be summoned three times
Note: must have signed the meerkat contract.
-Declined- So if you are fighting an Aburame, their abilities will be useless? can he eat that much amount of bugs? also why would the scent throw off someone's sight? that doesn't make sense.

(kuchiyose no jutsu: deddo mimi nakigoe) summoning jutsu: dead ear's cry
Type: summoning
Rank: A rank
Range: short- long
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description: the shinobi first draws some blood and proceeds to swipe it across his or her's summoning tattoo. they proceed to summons 20 small meerkats which have great digging and tunneling qualities. the meerkats then proceed to tunnel into the ground burrowing around the location of the enemy using there sense of smell to track him or her. the meerkats then rise up around the enemy in a circle radius and release a defeaning cry which will bring any enemy to his knee's. the cry is so loud that if the circle of the meerkats is broken it will effect anyone in the location of the battle. now with the meerkats being in a circle radius they can contain the cry to that radius as long as the circle has not been broken. this cry will leave the enemy without hearing for two turns and will slightly blur one's vision briefy about five seconds.

restrictions: can only be used once during battle..
; can only be summoned when no other summons are on the battlefield.
: the enemy suffer's hearing loss for two turns.
: must have signed meerkat contract to use.
-Declined- Again with the vision, why would hearing blur someone's vision O__O, also it doesn't make sense if they can contain sound in a circle, sound travels through mediums (air), so if you were Mid ranged you'd suffer some negative effects and if you were short range you'd suffer the same effects, Sound Release is different, because you manipulate sound through chakra, not randomly like that.

(kuchiyose no jutsu: kisara) summoning jutsu : kisara
Type: summoning
Rank: S Rank
Range:short- mid range
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: by swiping some blood across the user's tattoo the user summons this meerkat which is larger then normal meerkat's it is 6 feet tall and slim, wearing a formal shinobi attire. the meerkat is a female who goes by the name of kisara and grew up in a watered area alone she trained and bathed in water to build a natural affinity for the element, and she has tendencies to be irritated when surrounded by men. this little lady has a very unique ability in that she can manipulate water sources or water jutsu's being used by her master directing them where ever she deems fit. to do this kisara must form four handsigns after being summoned and maintain her suiton chakra at all times when she is on the field as to keep a hold of any aparrent water in the vicinity.

restrictions: can only be summoned once per battle.
: can only remain on the battlefield for three turns.
: can only manipulate a water once per turn.
: must have signed meerkat contract.
-Declined- So she can freely manipulate water, which is not allowed and collides with similar techniques as well.
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Jun 29, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Fuuton : Kikan kyōsaku) Wind release : Trachea Constriction
Damage:60 (+10 per turn)
Description: This is a simple Taijutsu and wind technique, but very fast and incredibly effective, the principle behind the technique has the user keep his hands guarding him at all times, then when attacked at close range. The user will use his left or right arm to hit the top of the opponents offensive limb, then rotate there own limb around the opponents limb to get the users limb inside the opponents guard. From here and follow the curving momentum from the parried blow the user will force wind chakra in to there closed fist striking the opponent in the throat with the fist, and causing the wind chakra to be transferred like a ring on to the opponents neck slowly constricting there Trachea over the course of three turns.
Note: May only be used thrice.

 Declined  Sorry, the taijutsu part is similar to existing techniques, and the wind part has been done before as well in other forms. DNR​

(Suiton : Suiryūken hōn) Water release : Water Dragons Sword Horn
Damage:60 (+10 per turn)
Description: This is a unique technique based on the abilities of the dragon slayers, a variant of traditional striking attacks. This technique is used by forming an incredibly dense torrent of water around the hands of the user, considered a nintaijutsu variant this technique augments the power of a spear handed strike. It appears small relatively at first only coating the users hand, but upon impacting with the spear hand strike the water itself forces itself back like a huge torrent of water chakra causing the users hand to gain incredible momentum behind the strike. This makes the technique very difficult to block, capable of destroying most defences of low rank, only being halted by A rank earth and above. Even if the user was to be struck by a paralyzation technique after this technique had begun it would not stop the technique as the water forces itself even without the users will, doing so on impact.
Note: May only be used once.
Note: No S rank fire on the same turn.

 Declined  First, Dragon Slayers don't exist on Narutoverse so if you mention them you need to explain what they are or simply don't mention them at all (which is only the logical part). Second, A-Ranks have 30 chakra, 60 damage, not S-Ranks... When you start speaking of nintaijutsu it immediately translates into CFS and there are customs that basically do this so its unlikely it can be approved like it is. I'll give you one opportunity to actually revamp the description and try to make it unique enough to be approved.​

(Raiton : Rairyūken hōn) Lightning release : Lightning Dragons Sword Horn
Damage:60 (+10 per turn)
Description: This is a unique technique based on the abilities of the dragon slayers, a variant of traditional striking attacks. This technique is used by forming an incredibly dense amount of lightning around the hands of the user, considered a nintaijutsu variant this technique augments the power of a spear handed strike. It appears small relatively at first only coating the users hand, but upon impacting with the spear hand strike the lightning itself forces itself back like a huge burst of lightning chakra causing the users hand to gain incredible momentum behind the strike. This makes the technique very difficult to block, capable of destroying most defences of low rank, only being halted by A rank wind and above. Even if the user was to be struck by a paralyzation technique after this technique had begun it would not stop the technique as the water forces itself even without the users will, doing so on impact.
Note: May only be used once.
Note: No S rank wind on the same turn.
-Leaving for Scorps-

 Declined  Same comments as above but in this case its DNR as it collides with cannonverse.​
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Active member
Sep 3, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal: Quetzal
Scroll Owner: Perception
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background:

The Quetzal is a bird that was held sacred by a long lost warrior race. This race existed in a time long before the utilization of chakra and the SO6P. The warriors lived in small settlements located in a tropical forest inside the Land of Fire. These people were among the first civilizations of the Land of Fire. Traveling and exploration defined this era. The world was still young and not yet completely discovered. As history has shown with exploration comes the expansion of territories and the beginnings of new generations. Races fade into obscurity while others prosper and grow with the passing of time. The prior fate would befall the warrior race that held the Quetzal as sacred.

The Quetzal is a medium size bird that weighs 7-8 oz and is 14-16 in tall. It is an incredibly beautiful bird whose body is composed of several colors including bright green, blue, red, and gold. The Quetzal has two long twin tail feathers that extend from the back of its body. The twin tail feathers grow to be about 2 ft in length.

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The tropical forest that was home to the ancient warrior race was also home to the Quetzal. The twin feathers of the Quetzal were valued commodities amongst the villagers. The villagers however did not hunt the Quetzal but lived in harmony with them. The Quetzal was also well known for its beautiful singing voice which surpassed all other birds. During this time the Quetzal had entirely green chests which differ from their looks today. As time passed on outside explorers would eventually discover this tropical forest. The explorers cared little for the customs and traditions of the ancient warriors. They decided to expand their territory and wipe out the ancient warrior race. This caused a war that raged on in the tropical forest for several years. The explorers would eventually win the war destroying the tropical forest in the process. During the last battle of the war the village chief was fighting with his dying breaths. As he fought his last battle a Quetzal flew down from the sky and distracted his opponent. In the end it wasn't enough and the village chief was slain. He fell to the ground and as he was grasping his last breaths the Quetzal flew down and laid on his chest. His chest was soaked in blood and stained the green feathers of the Quetzal turning it a deep red hue. This formed a bond between the chief and the Quetzal. The chief died immediately afterwards. After the war the Quetzal became an endangered species but a few still exist in other tropical forests.

People who sign a contract with the Quetzal form a permanent bond with it by tainting the bird's chest with their blood and thus their chakra signature. Like most birds the Quetzal can maneuver through the air but are not as fast as an owl or a hawk. The Quetzal is capable of manipulating the wind by infusing its chakra into its wings and flapping them, but this is not what distinguishes them from other birds. Due to living in the humid climate of the tropical forest the Quetzal often times has to fly though thick mist and dense fog. The Quetzal like other birds have much greater vision than humans, but this doesn't enable them to see through mist or fog. For this reason through time the Quetzal has heightened its chakra sensing abilities to be able to navigate through and detect predators in mist, smoke, and other similar mediums. This development occurred as the usage of chakra became more commonplace in the world. The summoner can always sense the location of the Quetzal through their blood and thus their chakra signature on the birds chest. In turn this allows the Quetzal to be used as a guide when fighting in mist or smoke. By following the Quetzal the summoner can dodge oncoming attacks they can't see or locate an enemy they can't find. This shared bond is a passive ability not requiring a move beyond the summoning to activate. The chakra sensing of the Quetzal however requires a move to activate. The Quetzal can also cast genjutsu by waving its long twin tails. The genjutsu is triggered when a person looks at the twin tails. Since the twin tails are longer than the birds actual height they are nearly impossible to avoid seeing if looking at the Quetzal. The Quetzal developed this skill purely as a tactic to escape predators.

People who sign this contract are branded with this tattoo:
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Note: Can only be taught by Perception.
Note: Background is based on Mayan History.
-Declined- It was fine up until that point of chakra sensing, basically the whole third paragraph, chakra sensing isn't going to be allowed no more for summoning contracts as a passive ability, and the abilities you mention has to be in the description of a given summoning animal, not a passive for all of them, and remove that being there before the Sage of the six paths thing.
Note: I didn't add anything to the submission, but I deleted the 2nd sentence of the first paragraph and deleted all but the first sentence of the third paragraph.

Summoning Animal: Quetzal
Scroll Owner: Perception
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: N/A
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: N/A
Description and Background:

The Quetzal is a bird that was held sacred by a long lost warrior race. The warriors lived in small settlements located in a tropical forest inside the Land of Fire. These people were among the first civilizations of the Land of Fire. Traveling and exploration defined this era. The world was still young and not yet completely discovered. As history has shown with exploration comes the expansion of territories and the beginnings of new generations. Races fade into obscurity while others prosper and grow with the passing of time. The prior fate would befall the warrior race that held the Quetzal as sacred.

The Quetzal is a medium size bird that weighs 7-8 oz and is 14-16 in tall. It is an incredibly beautiful bird whose body is composed of several colors including bright green, blue, red, and gold. The Quetzal has two long twin tail feathers that extend from the back of its body. The twin tail feathers grow to be about 2 ft in length.

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The tropical forest that was home to the ancient warrior race was also home to the Quetzal. The twin feathers of the Quetzal were valued commodities amongst the villagers. The villagers however did not hunt the Quetzal but lived in harmony with them. The Quetzal was also well known for its beautiful singing voice which surpassed all other birds. During this time the Quetzal had entirely green chests which differ from their looks today. As time passed on outside explorers would eventually discover this tropical forest. The explorers cared little for the customs and traditions of the ancient warriors. They decided to expand their territory and wipe out the ancient warrior race. This caused a war that raged on in the tropical forest for several years. The explorers would eventually win the war destroying the tropical forest in the process. During the last battle of the war the village chief was fighting with his dying breaths. As he fought his last battle a Quetzal flew down from the sky and distracted his opponent. In the end it wasn't enough and the village chief was slain. He fell to the ground and as he was grasping his last breaths the Quetzal flew down and laid on his chest. His chest was soaked in blood and stained the green feathers of the Quetzal turning it a deep red hue. This formed a bond between the chief and the Quetzal. The chief died immediately afterwards. After the war the Quetzal became an endangered species but a few still exist in other tropical forests.

People who sign a contract with the Quetzal form a permanent bond with it by tainting the bird's chest with their blood. People who sign this contract are branded with this tattoo:

You must be registered for see images
Note: Can only be taught by Perception.
Note: Background is based on Mayan History.


(Yamanaka ryokō tekunikku - kokoro no kako no jōtai) Yamanaka Travel Technique - Past state of mind
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Supplementary
Range: NA
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Points: N/A (-30 damage to user)
Description: The user converts their mental energy and consciousness into a condensed stream of data by focusing it at a single point in the center of their brain. This process is similar to concentrating your chakra around a single point to focus it as in the case of the rasengan but to a much higher degree. While doing this the user simultaneously performs one hand seal and vibrates the chakra in their body at a high frequency. This causes a surge of electricity to course through the user's entire body damaging them. When the electricity hits the lumped mental energy and consciousness it acts as a lifter and pushes the stream of data through the singularity and into the past one full turn. The stream of data arrives in the center of the user's brain at the beginning of their last turn. The data is read by the user's brain and they gain knowledge of their opponent's future (now non-existent) turn which occurs after the user's last turn. This can be used as a reset switch if the user finds themselves in a unfavorable circumstance and wants to redo their last turn. The technique can be used in any state so long as the user can wield a hand sign and use chakra. The exception to this are with techniques that . specifically affect the mind such as genjutsu. When the user's past self receives the data their mind will remember the aftereffects of the electrical shock from the future (now nonexistent) turn. The user's reaction speed will be slower because of this. Specifically the user's reaction speed will decrease by 2 speed levels for the next two turns. The user's reaction speed will decrease permanently by 1 speed level for the rest of the battle.

Note: Can only be used once per battle.
Note: Since in the first move of the past turn the user's brain will have to concentrate on reading data, the user will only be able to focus enough to perform up to B rank jutsu in that move.
Note: Once this jutsu is used the user will post the rest of their turn in the same post based on the events that occurred before their last turn. The user will have 2 more moves after posting this jutsu like they would for a normal turn. However, the first move of the user after this jutsu will occur at the beginning of the user's last turn (i.e. This jutsu doesn't affect the timing of countering the opponent's first move of their last turn except for what's mentioned in the 2nd note). So the user will have 2 moves to counter the opponent's 3 moves, but those 2 moves start at the beginning of the user's last turn as a continuation of the battle from that point.
Note: The user's body is subject to any effect their body was in at the beginning of their last turn. If the user was trapped in a genjutsu however, when the data is received by the user's brain the genjutsu will be broken as their mind would be subjected to a sudden injection of mental energy which would alter the flow of chakra in their brain. The chakra in the user's brain will become composed mostly of spiritual energy when reading the data as that is the energy of imagination. As stated in the description above however, this jutsu can't be cast while under a genjutsu.
Note: Only the user's mental energy and consciousness travels into the past, not the user's future body.
Note: Can only be used by members of the Yamanaka clan.
Note: Can only be taught by Perception.
-Declined- DNR.

to permission to use Yamanaka Techniques.


(Genjutsu - Shōshitsu) Illusionary Arts - Disappearance
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user performs one hand seal placing their target in a genjutsu. It will then appear to the target as if the user disappears into the ground via the hiding like a mole jutsu. Then new clouds will appear in the sky that are 0.001 m in length at 1 sec intervals. Even though the clouds are clearly part of the illusion and more appear every second, they are almost impossible to detect by eyesight due to their short length. The target will see nothing but the battlefield and the newly forming clouds minus the user until the illusion is broken.

Note: Can only be used two times a battle.
Note: Can only be taught by Perception.
-Declined- Needs a duration limit, also you say that it's impossible to detect the clouds by eyesight, then in another sentence you say the opponent will see nothing but the battlefield and the newly formed clouds, make up your mind lol.
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Active member
Apr 15, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±


Batoidea Jutsu : Ken Gyakujou | Batoidea Arts: Stinger Frenzy
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: By drawing blood, the user is capable of calling forth stingray barbs, ranging from dozens upon dozens of small needle to senbon sized barbs, to a few larger spear sized barbs, each containing their own sac of intense venom. The stingers being harder than steel and exceptionally areodynamic, allowing them to be launched at high speeds through propulsion spewing should they be released from the mouth, or similarly propelled/thrown if called forth into the sleeves, similar clothes folds, or even the crevices between fingers for exceptionally small ones; done in a similar manner to 'Hidden Snake Hands'. The protein toxins on the stingers force the muscles in the opponents body to tense, resulting in severe and painful cramping as the enzymes ravage the cells in the impacted area, causing them to "die". The potency of the venom follows a combinational size to effectiveness ratio, therefore a single four cm stinger, or four one cm stingers, would be capable of incapacitating a limb and any organs contained within the period of two turns via necrosis. This can alternatively be used by a Ray, however they simply spew the volley of stingers without the blood requirement.

- Can only be used once every two turns.
- Can only be used 3x by a Human/Ray.
- Can only be used by a member of the Batoidea contract.

 Declined  Necrosis? No. I cannot allow that. Paralyzation? Super painful effects? itch? ok, all within your contracts capabilities. Necrosis? No. And I want a note saying clearly that these needles are 100% visible and never impossible to note.​

Batoidea Jutsu : Ken Gyakujou | Batoidea Arts: Stinger Frenzy
Type: Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: By drawing blood, the user is capable of calling forth stingray barbs, ranging from dozens upon dozens of small needle to senbon sized barbs, to a few larger spear sized barbs, each containing their own sac of intense venom. The stingers being harder than steel and exceptionally aerodynamic, allowing them to be launched at high speeds through propulsion spewing should they be released from the mouth, or similarly propelled/thrown if called forth into the sleeves, similar clothes folds, or even the crevices between fingers for exceptionally small ones; done in a similar manner to 'Hidden Snake Hands'. The protein toxins on the stingers force the muscles in the opponents body to tense, resulting in severe and painful cramping as the enzymes ravage the cells in the impacted area, causing intense searing pain. The potency of the venom follows a combinational size to effectiveness ratio, therefore a single four cm stinger, or four one cm stingers, would be capable of incapacitating a limb and any organs contained within the period of two turns via paralysis. This can alternatively be used by a Ray, however they simply spew the volley of stingers without the blood requirement, or alternatively call forth the Stingers to release them in a manner orientating around a specific body part/area, for example releasing them through a whip of a tail, via a flap of pectoral fins or etc.

- Can only be used once every two turns.
- Can only be used 3x by a Human/Ray.
- The stingers are dark tan in colour.
- Can only be used by a member of the Batoidea contract.

 Approved 

Fenriru No Hikō | Fenrir's Charge

Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: A technique in which an Inuzuka utilizes their advanced mobility prowess to dash towards the opponent at high speeds. Although rather than being a dash, it would be more correct to call it a leap; as the desired ground is generally covered through the use of only a few steps rather than many, with the user often clearing the desired ground in only one step. As the user takes off they also flow and release an abundance of chakra, which has a side benefit of propelling the user forth, helping with their start and essentially providing a much needed chakra enhanced acceleration. As it's released the exuded chakra begins to shape into a form reminiscent to the fore body of a wolf as the user rages forwards towards their destination. The chakra shaped wolf head providing the offensive power required to stampede through opposing chakra infused techniques, while also posing the threat of dealing devastating damage to an ill defended opponent. Not limited to ground, this technique can also be used for a high paced aerial attack, the user almost fully relying on the propulsion created by the rapid release of chakra so as to aerodynamically surge towards the opponent in one fluid motion. Aside from its dual aerial and ground based usage, the technique itself can also be used as a high speed exit from Gatenga and its variants. The user often darting off at a tangent to their spin so as to strike a desired location, with the speed and power of this technique also being boosted. Unlike other Inuzuka techniques which rely on rotary speed for power, this technique instead utilizes the users high manoeuvrability capacity alongside the dense and thick exuded chakra for offensive prowess. With the user being more than capable of altering their path via additional steps, or halting their movement all together by rapidly dispersing the encasing self sustaining shroud, with the chakra in turn serving to nullify the users momentum. Aside from utilizing normal chakra, the user can also utilise nature infused chakra. With fire burning, lightning shocking and numbing, wind blasting and slicing, and water soaking. Naturally the elemental variants respect their strengths and weaknesses, however the standard chakra version is in actuality capable of standing against elemental techniques of equal strength due to the manner in which this technique functions.


- Can only be used 4x
- Cannot be used on consecutive turns
- No Inuzuka techniques above S rank for the rest of the turn
- +20 damage if utilised from a Gatenga, or its variants.
- To those without a doujutsu, a user of this technique will more or less look like a blur. Not to say that it's impossible for the opponent to track them, as gauging their rough vicinity is not an impossible feat, rather attempting to define the users shape with any notable detail is a feat solely reserved for those of a Doujutsu Kekkai Genkai.
- With this technique generally being utilised when on all fours, the 'Four Legged Technique' or other similarly enabling Inuzuka gateway techniques are required as a perquisite.
- Can only be taught by Scaze.

 Declined  This isn't an Inuzuka technique. The chakra shroud part kills that aspect. Its more like a Gentle Fist technique without any gentile features to it. >_> I can't approve this because its simply not in any way an Inuzuka technique. And if we look at it without the inuzuka reference, this has been done before.​

Genjutsu: Scaze Wa Iu | Illusionary Technique: Scaze Says
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: An illusionary technique initiated by a swift consecutive double clap of the hands, a mocking applause that would cast the opponent(s) into an illusion. Within the illusion the ambience is manipulated, the opponent(s) seeing their immediate vicinity darken and become more sullen, while the atmosphere around the user brightens, their hair and garments sent aloft as they gain an almost otherworldly presence, and a magnificent radiance. Or, alternatively the entire ambience of the field darkens, as the user gains an almost demonic presence, becoming far more sinister. However, likely before the opponent(s) can even comprehend these changes, an immense amount of pressure is applied to their body. An almost invisible pressure, save for a slightly visible light, or dark aura, as well as the faintly visible shock waves. The pressure thrusting the opponents head to face the ground, forcing the opponent to their knees, and within the illusion the surroundings also being affected, as if an immense gravity were pummelling everything around the enemy into the ground. In reality the opponents legs would buckle under the illusionary pressure, their head made to prostrate as the illusion deceives the opponents body into slackening. The illusion however would continue to escalate, the pressure becoming greater and greater; bones not breaking, but rather cracking and shattering, organs squashed against muscle, and muscle against bone. And lastly the opponents cranium pressured, made to pop like a grape. All the while the opponent would bathe within the dirt inside the illusion that would grant onto the enemy both subjugation and immense agony. However not even the ground would grant them solace, as a reverse yet less prominent pressure would emanate from below, all around in fact, pinning the enemies movements from the get go, breaking cartilage and crushing eyes. In reality, the body sways in accordance to the pressure of the illusion, as bones and organs are damaged the user would lose limb function due to psychological deception, and should the user not release themselves from the illusion before 1 turn has passed, they would ultimately succumb to fainting, as well as notable mental pain.


- Can only be used 3x
- No Genjutsu above A rank for the rest of the turn.
- Can only be taught by Scaze.
-Leaving for Scorps-

 Declined  Tons of pressure genjutsu already out there and doing what this does, even without the whole "dramatic theatricality" around it. Sorry but DNR​
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Active member
Aug 18, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Fūinjutsu: Kami no sōzō) Sealing Arts: God's Creation
Rank: A
Type: Offensive|Supplementary|Defense
Range: Short/Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: God's Creation is a special Fūin body seal that aids the user through the control of various animals made of specially aligned kanji. The seal is triggered when the user calls upon the animal kanji's name, taking chakra from the user as it activates, where the God's Creation seal, a large black circular seal, will rise off of the users body in the form of an animal made of kanji who will aid the user in battle. The kanjis can spread towards a location within short range before forming into the creature. Calling upon the fūin animal name is what triggers the seal to form a special recipe of kanji that resembles the specific animal and allows each animal to do unique things. The animals the seal can take the form of are limited to snakes, chipmunks, turtles, tigers, gorillas, and boars. All having different names, usages, and all of them being sentient beings that move according to the users will.
This is the name of the snake made of fūin. Balthazar is a fūin anaconda that specializes in dangerous tight squeezes, and has a short range reach from the user. Balthazar is strong, being able to lift up an adult human with ease, and also has the ability to pick up, throw, or slam things. He is also a swift moving creature that can wrap around a human before they can throw a kunai after getting it out. Balthazar can stay attach to the user or move on his own up to mid.range.
This is the name of the chipmunk made of fūin. Simon has the ability to seek out the foreign chakra sources of anyone within mid.range of the user. He is designed to tell the difference in chakra natures, due to sharing the users memories of chakra, and can even tell the difference between different chakra ratios. When called upon the fūin Simon raises from the initial seal at a size bigger than you would find regular chipmunks in the world. He is summoned at that size due to his special ability to split himself into three chipmunks who are all an equally smaller version of the original. When the targets are found the chipmunks will rush and lunge towards them before exploding and releasing a bright blinding light that resembles a flash bomb. The explosion also let out a sharp whistling sound.
This is the name of the turtle made of fūin. Michelangelo is a giant tortoise that has a giant shell a little above 2m. The turtle made of fūin
as an A ranked defense and the power to easily launch its body in a high linear fashion anywhere within short range. Unlike most defenses, Michelangelo does not weaken in power after taking a hit from B ranked techniques and lower, and can only be defeated by A ranked techniques and higher.
This is the name of the tiger made of fūin. Cesar is a large and aggressive male tiger. On top of being swift on its feet, Cesar has a powerful bite that causes A ranked damage and is usually used to chase and pin down targets immobilizing them due to the creature having the same weight as a male adult tiger. Cesar has chakra tracking abilities but moves like a guided missile after locking on to the first opponents foreign chakra source. The tiger made of fūin is also big enough to ride as he moves at a faster pace of the user running maintaining that speed even with a human on his back.
This is the name of the gorilla made of Fūin. Turk is a large male gorilla that specializes in a blunt close combat fighting style. Turk has the same attributes as normal gorillas and usually attack his opponent is a thrashing manner. Each of his strikes does B rank taijutsu damage to the opponent and he has a special two handed pound that does A rank damage. Turk can easily carry his user on his back as he moves around the battlefield. Turk also has the power to launch his creator short range from his location at high speeds.
This is the name of the boar made of Fūin. Pumba is a very large boar that stands a little under 2m. He has the special of charging through anything in his path, causing A ranked damage to those who managed to get hit while easily breaking down defenses of A rank and below. Pumba has a special ability that allows him to increase his speed once he is charging the opponent, while creating large force waves that extend 1m from his body. Pumba is also big enough to ride running at speeds faster than the users running speed.
►Seal can be activated up to 4x per battle
►If not destroyed within 3 rounds then the creations dissolve.
►Can only be taught by Zanda
-Declined- DNR

(Fūinjutsu: Afurodīte no tatchi) Sealing Arts: Aphrodite's Touch
Rank: A
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short/Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Aphrodite's Touch is a special fūin seal that can be made in battle by simply performing 1 hand seal as they channel their chakra to one of their pointer fingers. The seal uses chakra as a medium and it can be fired at the opponent, making a small hand sized seal form on their body, or formed through touching the opponent with that finger. The seal does two things upon forming. It releases the users chakra into the opponent causing their chakra flow to become disturbed as they fall into a five sense genjutsu, and the it also seals away the opponent's recent memorize of the battle they are currently in. The opponent awakens in a beach chair, with swimming attire on, as they gaze at the scene of a beautiful vast crystal clear water beach. They will feel the cool shade as they sit under a palm tree with their toes in the warm sand hearing the soothing sound of the waves gently crashing onto the shore. They can even smell the fresh air that encompasses them as they sit next to a yellow drink in a bottle with a lime on the edge, oblivious to the battle they were in. In reality the opponent stands motionless as they sercombe to the special genjutsu fūin seal.
►Can be used 4x per battle
►Can only be taught by Zanda
-Declined- Genjutsu and Fuinjutsu both require extreme delicate chakra control, you can't do both at the same time, the abilities of the technique is similar to genjutsu techniques that already exist, and i'm not going to allow the deployment of seals without making physical contact.
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Active member
Aug 21, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Shīhōsu Geijutsu: Kamofurāju | Seahorse Arts: Camouflage
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Self
Chakra: 15 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Camouflage is a general trait of the seahorses. Being a stationary and passive creature, without any predatory skills, it developed camouflage as its own defense in order to survive on the sea bottoms. Camouflage works by changing the color of the seahorse to fit the natural nabitat. To a regular observer it would seem as if the seahorse vanished from sight and back into its homeland, leaving a bare water source behind it. It lasts for 2 turns or until deactivated. Dojutsu can see and locate the seahorse because it possesses a chakra circulatory system like humans. A seahorse can be summoned with the camouflage active but it still counts towards the users moves per turn.
Note: Must sign the Seahorse Summoning Contract
Note: Can only be used once
-Declined- I'm fine with it, but no to summoning the seahorse with the camouflage active, he needs to perform it after he gets there >_>

Shīhōsu Geijutsu: Chakura no kyōka āmā | Seahorse Arts: Chakra Enhanced Armor
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Self
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The chakra enhanced armor consists of chakra being channeled into the scales that are encasing the body of the seahorse. Since the armor is one of the most unique defense mechanisms created by mother nature the seahorse has the ability to enhance it with chakra. What the chakra does is creating a new layer around the scales and adding extra durability to both the scales and the adhesive that is connecting them. This allows the scales to glide smother past each other and with greater care and precision, making sure that the seahorse can survive stronger techniques. The chakra enhanced armor allows the seahorse to survive an A rank technique before dispersing back to the depths of the ocean. It lasts for 3 turns or until deactivated or broken by an outside source. A seahorse can be summoned with the enhanced armor but it still counts towards the users moves per turn.
Note: Must sign the Seahorse Summoning Contract
Note: Can only be used once
-Declined- Again i'm fine with it, but no to summoning him with the armor active >_>
Shīhōsu Geijutsu: Kamofurāju | Seahorse Arts: Camouflage
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C-Rank
Range: Self
Chakra: 15 (-5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: Camouflage is a general trait of the seahorses. Being a stationary and passive creature, without any predatory skills, it developed camouflage as its own defense in order to survive on the sea bottoms. Camouflage works by changing the color of the seahorse to fit the natural nabitat. To a regular observer it would seem as if the seahorse vanished from sight and back into its homeland, leaving a bare water source behind it. It lasts for 2 turns or until deactivated. Dojutsu can see and locate the seahorse because it possesses a chakra circulatory system like humans.
Note: Must sign the Seahorse Summoning Contract
Note: Can only be used once

Shīhōsu Geijutsu: Chakura no kyōka āmā | Seahorse Arts: Chakra Enhanced Armor
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Self
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The chakra enhanced armor consists of chakra being channeled into the scales that are encasing the body of the seahorse. Since the armor is one of the most unique defense mechanisms created by mother nature the seahorse has the ability to enhance it with chakra. What the chakra does is creating a new layer around the scales and adding extra durability to both the scales and the adhesive that is connecting them. This allows the scales to glide smother past each other and with greater care and precision, making sure that the seahorse can survive stronger techniques. The chakra enhanced armor allows the seahorse to survive an A rank technique before dispersing back to the depths of the ocean. It lasts for 3 turns or until deactivated or broken by an outside source.
Note: Must sign the Seahorse Summoning Contract
Note: Can only be used once

Shīhōsu Genjutsu: Shussan | Seahorse Illusionary Arts: Giving Birth
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B-Rank
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Description: Using its chakra and the clicking noise as a trigger, a seahorse can place the opponent within an illusion where it starts giving birth. Seahorse giving birth is very specific and unique from most other animals. Seahorses are the only males that give birth and when they do, they undergo a rapid color change before releasing the newborn from the pouch in a burst-like manner. In the illusion, the opponent would see the seahorse's pouch momentarily grow and the seahorse rapidly change its color (to a brighter shade). Finally, with the first contraction the seahorse would release a burst of very small seahorses at the opponent with the intention to block his vision and to distract him. The usual amount of seahorses being born is around 1000 but can even go as high as 2500, depending on the species. The size of the newborn seahorses within the illusion also depends on the seahorse giving birth. For example, the boss summon would obviously give birth to larger seahorses than usual, because his size is unusual as well. Since the amount of seahorses being born is extremely high and inappropriate it can be well explained. Like almost all other fish species, seahorses do not nurture their young after birth. Infants are susceptible to predators or ocean currents which wash them away from feeding grounds or into temperatures too extreme for their delicate bodies. Less than 0.5% of infants survive to adulthood, explaining why litters are so large. In reality, the illusion is a simple distraction used in order to give the user an advantage against the opponent.
Note: Must sign the Seahorse Summoning Contract
Note: Can only be used twice
-Approved- Nice one.

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Active member
Apr 7, 2010
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Suiton: Gokou no Ixkariotu - Water Style: Iscariot's Folly
Type: Sup
Rank: C
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user channels chakra underneath an opponent standing on a water source, taking hold of a portion of the water the foe is standing on like a circular plate portion, then he snaps his fingers turning it 90/180degrees clockwise or anticlockwise at very fast speed. Depending on the angle of rotation, this makes the opponent suddenly turn facing left, right or back. The degrees of rotation is dependent on the user.
-Requires the opponent to be standing on water
-Must be taught by Priest

 Declined  This has already been made into an earth portion and the snapping the fingers part is basically copying the effects of my own "oh snap" wind technique. DNR.​

Suiton: Joi Toisu - Water Style: Joy Toys
Rank: S
Type: Attack
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user after 3 handseals, will spit a large volume of spiralling water ball at immense speed towards the opponent then at the snap of his finger the big ball vanishes into thousands bullets sized water spheres with smiley faces. The now smaller water balls now gains more speed, x2 of the original speed of the large ball and they gain a wider range of impact. However instead of a piercing effect, each of the smileys explodes/violently burst outwards upon impact with each causing an explosion equivalent to a generic paper bomb.
-Usable 3x per battle
-No suiton above S-rank next turn
-A turn cool down inbetween usage
-Must be taught by Priest

 Approved 

Genjutsu: Babarik Kanibaru no Ndi Echi - Illusionary Art: Barbaric Carnival of Ndi Echi
Rank: S
Type: Sup
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description:This genjutsu takes hold of the opponent's senses like a set of instruction laid on the opponent's brain. It effects makes the opponent see something different and at the same time hear and smell something with respect to what they see. However their sense of touch and taste is unaffected, meaning they can still feel things like normal, heat, tremor, shock, pressure among others.
The affects of the illusion is only felt after the illusion has been casted so when the user makes a jutsu that requires spewing/spitting from the mouth, the opponent sees the user actually blowing air into a long baloon just like a clown at kids' birthday party and then the baloon pops giving a loud bursting sound while several colorful and shinny papers ooze out into the atmosphere conoting a carnival scene. If not a jutsu that is spit from the mouth and if the user tries to throw a jutsu from his hand or weapons, it appears he brings out 3 bottles or battons and starts juggling it in a mesmerizing fashion.
If the user decides to stomp his foot on the ground for a ground base jutsu, it appears he's tap dancing and also handseals are masked making it look like the user is shoving cards inbetween their fingers. Slaming hands on the grounds appears as if the user is doing acrobatic stunts thus standing and walking with their hands. However the sole purpose of the genjutsu is to tame the opponent into seeing, smelling, hearing something different from the battle field, a fun carnival scenerio, a celebration and joyous ambience blinding and deafening the opponent from any jutsu the user might perform.
-Last for 3 turns
-Twice per Match
-No S-rank or above genjutsu next turn
-Must be taught by Priest
-Leaving for Scorps-

 Declined  Description isn't making sense.​
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Active member
Feb 8, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Katon: Chūi bāningu | Fire Release: Burning Note
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user by pressing their lips together, releases a stream of fire chakra that is almost imperceptible to a non doujutsu user(can still be noticed in a clear area with focus). The stream spreads forward, covering over a 60 degree angle, surrounding anything within & creates a high pitched howl or sorts as it travels forward. On contact with the opponent(s), the stream singes its target, causing a sharp pain to rush across their body, as if being pierced by a pin but on a larger scale(only causing a slight reaction from the opponent). It continues to burn the opponent's skin, now causing a shooting pain to cover over the body while their skin begins to violently blister & peel throughout. The area covered by the fire chakra does not heat up but intensely burns whatever comes into contact at a slow pace. As the surrounding area is not covered by fire itself, Wind jutsu can simply blow away the stream & covered area, without causing a reaction as it would to a normal fire jutsu. The user, after performing this jutsu, is left with slightly burnt lips, leaving them unable to perform any jutsu that requires a release from the mouth for a limited time.
- unable to perform techniques from the user's mouth for 3 turns upon performing this jutsu.
- Cannot perform any other Fire jutsu during the same turn.
- Cannot perform A Rank or higher Fire jutsu for a single turn after use.
- Only usable once.
- Taught by Method
-Declined- Fire Release is never an invisible element, it is clearly seen and you don't need much focus to identify it, in addition to the massive sound of burning flames it produces, you can't alter Fire's characteristics just like that mate.

First CW

Fisshingubureido |Chishio Blade
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40 (+10 each turn on activation)
Description: The Chishio Blade(血汐, Meaning blood split from the body), a katana forged within the depths of Kirigakure & lost within the village after being labeled "The Devil's Arm". The creator of the blade had died wielding it after an attempt to protect the village from an attack by the barbaric Kaguya clan. The blade is covered a crimson red with a pale red running across the edge & in between the two colors a thick layer of, what could only be described as flesh. The guard is a dark gray with three holes along each side of it. The hilt is also covered over in a dark gray with gray patterns running across it & red dots scattered around the hilt.
Upon wielding the katana a connection is made between itself & the user. The blade has somewhat of a hold over the user & constantly feeds on their chakra while able to task itself. The blade is as strong as any other basic katana carried, but is also hollowed within. When the user stabs an opponent, whether it runs through or is lodged within the target's body, the blade begins to siphon their blood through the flesh, storing it within the blade. Chishio is known to feed on The blood it absorbs, having it spread throughout the blade, hardening it to a diamond like density, making it indestructible. When having stabbed an opponent whether the blade run through or lodge within the target, the flesh can also release a liquid that circulates within the blood stream throughout the body. This liquid is able to thin the blood flowing around the body, causing any created wounds there & after to continuously leak blood at a rapid rate. Depending on the location & size of the wound, the outcome severely differs.

Cut - If the user only slightly cuts the opponents skin (a common example within Narutoverse being a slit running across the face) then no severe results are seen, the slit continues to leak blood but at a normal slow pace. This is due to the size of the wound only having a thin opening. The size of the cut depends on the amount of blood loss, if a longer slash was performed that would reach from the shoulder to the stomach then, even if it was not a major incision to the skin it would be enough to create a long enough opening to pump a moderate amount of blood to through the opening. The effects of blood loss from a single long wound would not been seen for an extended period of time(5 turns).

Stab - Two different processes refer to stabbing motions, whether the blade is lodged into the opponent or runs straight through both result in the same effect. Due to the size of the deep incision made, the opponent would lose a large amount of blood. The opponent would still be capable of any normal process(movement, handseals, reaction & so on) but just as any human body would react to a serious wound, their body would be unable to react to strikes/attacks within an appropriate timing. Due to the severity of the wound, blood loss effects in a quicker period of time (4 turns).

Sever - The obvious result of slicing off an opponent's head would be death. Slicing through an opponent's limbs would cause the effects of Chishio to perform at its peak. Due to suffering such a severe wound, the openings gush out large amounts of blood causing the opponent to suffer from the effects at a much more rapid period time to the others(2 turns).

The effects sustained due to the blood loss are all identical but the timing they start to take affect(noted at the end of each section)differs. The opponent begins to enter a confused mindset & unable to focus. Their breathing becomes slower & heavier as their pulse slowly begins to rise due to the thinning of the blood. Their heart begins to beat faster, pumping blood rapidly across the body as a reaction to clot the wound attempting to compensate for the loss of blood, but as noted due to the thin blood it would be unable to clot. This is followed by the user beginning to feel dizzy, their vision becoming impaired. Unless the opponent is able to find a solution, due to the effects taken place the opponent's life will slowly & painfully end( Death will follow 2 turns after the effects begin).
The user is willfully able to slowly strew their own blood into the blade by pressing against the hilt causing spikes to emerge from the scattered red dots across it. The user will feel the effects & become not only dizzy but gain impaired vision for 1 turn.
- Upon Chishio performing its blood thinning ability it feeds on the user's chakra adding on to chakra cost per turn by +10.
- After 5 turns of wielding the katana, if the blade has no blood to feed on it siphons from the user's own body through the scattered dots. After 3 turns of this the user begins to feel dizzy & unfocused, taking extra damage from the opponent's strikes.
- Upon sheathing the katana it leaks any & all blood absorbed through the sheathe, having it once again dormant until unsheathed.
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-Declined- Chakra infusable swords are not allowed, remove that connection between you and the blade, and if it feeds off the user's chakra, that makes it chakra infusable >_>

Raiton: Raitoningutorappu kyō | Lightning Release: Lightning Trap Lord
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Rank: S
Range: Short - Long
Chakra: 40 +10 each turn
Damage: 80
Description: Similar to the jutsu "Lightning Beast Running Technique" the user manipulates lightning chakra into either hand. They continue to shape the lightning to form a humanoid being consisting solely of lightning which remains connected to the user. Due to it being made of lightning, on contact with the humanoid the opponent will receive a painful shock to the affect area. The user is able to maneuver the being up to long range & can control it to rise into mid air, then only allowing it to reach mid range. The humanoid is able to perform lightning jutsu (that are released from the body) through the user(Chakra cost is deducted from the user) & can itself be used in both an offensive or defensive manner. In either situation defensive or offensive, the user will manipulate the figure to expand & spread around the target completely surrounding it. If used on an object such as an earth jutsu, the lightning will rapidly break apart its target. If used on an opponent it will violently shock them knocking them unconscious. When active it also continuously lets off a crackling sound.
- Trap Lord can only perform A Rank & below jutsu
- Cannot use Lightning jutsu following turn upon dispelling.
- Can be used 3 times.
- Can only last two turns.
- Taught by Method.
-Declined- Seems like a lightning Susanoo to me.
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Negative Knight

Active member
Jun 8, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Fuuton: Subashikoi Hando) – Wind Release: Sleight of Hand
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10 (+5 chakra for an additional hand)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will focus their fuuton chakra into the air into the air at any location on the battlefield (within mid-range) to generate an invisible hand of tangible air fully equipped with nimble fingers. Unlike most stealth techniques, this one's usage lies primarily in the art of pickpocketing and thievery. The light weight nature of the fingers allows them to retrieve items, delve into pockets, open ninja pouches and so on without even the slightest of disturbances. In the same way, if concealed correctly the user can also plant items on their designated target through the use of this technique, however planting heavier items means they run a higher risk of getting caught. Alternatively, the user can create an additional hand to aid with slightly more complex tasks which require the use of two hands such as removing certain types of jewellery (necklaces) or tying/untying knots. However, the obvious disadvantage to this jutsu is that it does not conceal any objects it may be carrying, meaning the affected objects will appear to "float" and move on their own.

Note: Can only be Taught by Negative Knight
Note: Cannot be used for directly offensive purposes.
-Declined- If you want a tangible hand of air, it has to be visible, that's what makes it tangible, and that last note is really gonna cause you some trouble.

(Doton: Kuro Ito Metaru Sukin) – Earth Release: Dark Threads Adamant Skin
Rank: A
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A (+20 to Taijutsu to attacks)
Description: This is Kakuzu's ultimate defense inspired by his signature technique Earth Release: Earth Spear. After channeling his Doton chakra throughout the dark threads within his body, he causes them to become extremely tightly woven together, before hardening them to the extent they become near impossible to cut/break through. This technique can harden the threads within a single limb or the entirety of the user's body, making this a very versatile technique. Whilst active, the affected body parts become capable of enduring powerful impact forces with little damage to the exterior. Due to this, the user can't be pierced (past their skin) with ordinary weapons e.g. swords, lances, spears, whilst the technique is active. However, the jutsu comes with the glaring downside of the user being unable to move the hardened body parts so long as the technique is active due to the affected body parts becoming insanely stiff, making full body hardening a last resort. The technique itself has no visible effects, allowing the user to deceive their opponent in various ways. An alternative use of the technique is supplementing the user's Taijutsu, as the technique gives hits much more strength than ordinary blows. This can be achieved through the user hardening their hand during a punch or their foot during a kick to slightly overcome the technique's weakness. However, this only makes the user more resistant to physical/force intensive attacks e.g. crushing slabs of rock, blades of cutting wind, waves of water and etc. This doesn't make the user resistant to burning, electrocution or similar attacks. This jutsu doesn't protect the skin itself (meaning it can still be pierced or damaged), but doesn't let weapons/attacks pierce any further than that.

Note: Can only be used four times per battle
Note: Can only be Taught by Negative Knight
Note: Can only be used by Kakuzu
Note: Cannot be used on consecutive turns due to the stress on the body created by the technique
-Declined- Reduce the usage time, for an A-rank technique like this i won't allow more than 3 usages.

(Fuuton: Subashikoi Hando) – Wind Release: Sleight of Hand
Rank: D
Type: Supplementary
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra Cost: 10 (+5 chakra for an additional hand)
Damage Points: N/A
Description: The user will focus their fuuton chakra into the air into the air at any location on the battlefield (within mid-range) to generate a visible hand of tangible air fully equipped with nimble fingers. Unlike most stealth techniques, this one's usage lies primarily in the art of pickpocketing and thievery. The light weight nature of the fingers allows them to retrieve items, delve into pockets, open ninja pouches and so on without even the slightest of disturbances. In the same way, if concealed correctly the user can also plant items on their designated target through the use of this technique, however planting heavier items means they run a higher risk of getting caught. Alternatively, the user can create an additional hand to aid with slightly more complex tasks which require the use of two hands such as removing certain types of jewellery (necklaces) or tying/untying knots. However, the obvious disadvantage to this jutsu is that it does not conceal any objects it may be carrying, meaning the affected objects will appear to "float" and move on their own.

Note: Can only be Taught by Negative Knight
-Declined- Still not there yet, i think you'd feel vibrations if a hand of wind put itself in your pouch, in addition, it isn't as stealthy as you think, influencing the air to form a hand shape is going to release slight sounds of moving air, as it continuously moves to maintain the shape, also "if concealed correctly the user can also plant items on their designated target through the use of this technique" it would be a bit confusing, mainly because when you form a hand of wind, how would you get the item you want within it's grip if it's materialized behind your opponent? and wind doesn't materialize, only water does.

-Removed the last note

(Doton: Kuro Ito Metaru Sukin) – Earth Release: Dark Threads Adamant Skin
Rank: A
Type: Defensive/Supplementary
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: N/A (+20 to Taijutsu to attacks)
Description: This is Kakuzu's ultimate defense inspired by his signature technique Earth Release: Earth Spear. After channeling his Doton chakra throughout the dark threads within his body, he causes them to become extremely tightly woven together, before hardening them to the extent they become near impossible to cut/break through. This technique can harden the threads within a single limb or the entirety of the user's body, making this a very versatile technique. Whilst active, the affected body parts become capable of enduring powerful impact forces with little damage to the exterior. Due to this, the user can't be pierced (past their skin) with ordinary weapons e.g. swords, lances, spears, whilst the technique is active. However, the jutsu comes with the glaring downside of the user being unable to move the hardened body parts so long as the technique is active due to the affected body parts becoming insanely stiff, making full body hardening a last resort. The technique itself has no visible effects, allowing the user to deceive their opponent in various ways. An alternative use of the technique is supplementing the user's Taijutsu, as the technique gives hits much more strength than ordinary blows. This can be achieved through the user hardening their hand during a punch or their foot during a kick to slightly overcome the technique's weakness. However, this only makes the user more resistant to physical/force intensive attacks e.g. crushing slabs of rock, blades of cutting wind, waves of water and etc. This doesn't make the user resistant to burning, electrocution or similar attacks. This jutsu doesn't protect the skin itself (meaning it can still be pierced or damaged), but doesn't let weapons/attacks pierce any further than that.

Note: Can only be used thrice per battle
Note: Can only be Taught by Negative Knight
Note: Can only be used by Kakuzu
Note: Cannot be used on consecutive turns due to the stress on the body created by the technique


(Raiton: Kyuuzou Furea) – Lightning Release: Surging Flare
Rank: S
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Range: Short (Long range vertical reach)
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user after channeling their raiton chakra throughout every chakra point in their body and performing the handseal sequence of Dragon → Serpent → Tiger, throws both of their arms upwards to release the chakra as a vertical cylindrical column of lightning which surrounds their body and travels up towards the sky. The column encases the user's body as its released and can be altered to have up to a radius of five meters around the user. If the opponent comes into contact with the column, they are suddenly thrown upwards and overloaded with a dangerous amount of raiton chakra, leaving their body paralyzed for two turns. The raiton chakra released via this method is oppositely charged to that of natural lightning, allowing this technique to be used to discharge storm clouds and hence prevent any lightning strikes. As a result, this technique is exceedingly useful in negating the conditions required for Kirin.

Note: Can only be Used Twice Per battle
Note: Can only be Taught by Negative Knight
Note: No S-Rank or above Lightning in the user's next turn
Note: Deals 20 damage to the user.
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X-Approved-X Added recoil damage.
EDIT: Sorry accidently removed your resubmission Quote, but i read and it was fine.
Technique based on the above approved Jutsu

(Katon: Bakufuu Kama)– Fire Release: Blast Furnace
Rank: Forbidden
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short (Long range vertical reach)
Chakra Cost: 50
Damage Points: 90 (-40 damage to the user)
Description: This is the brother technique to 'Lightning Release: Surging Flare'. The user after performing the Tiger handseal and channeling their katon chakra throughout every chakra point in their body, throws both of their arms upwards to release the chakra as a continuous vertical cylindrical column of fire which surrounds their body and travels up towards the sky. The column encases the user's body as its released and can be altered to have up to a radius of five meters around the user. If the opponent comes into contact with the column, they are suddenly thrown upwards and incinerated due to the sheer heat of the flames, leaving them with severe fourth degree burns. Furthermore, the scale of the technique is so large its capable of altering weather conditions, causing the formation of thunderclouds and ultimately, generating the conditions necessary for Kirin. One unique difference between this technique and its lesser counterpart is, through shape manipulation the user can form the column into a colossal dragon of fire which descends on the opponent from above. The colossal dragon can be split into several smaller ones, however the collective power of the released dragons will always amount to that of a Forbidden Rank e.g. One dragon = Forbidden Rank, two dragons = Each is an S-Rank, four dragons = Each is an A-Rank and etc. Each of the dragons has a long-range reach. Of course, in this case the column doesn't reach the sky, so the user can instead direct a B-Rank (or above) fire dragon towards the sky to create the conditions required for Kirin. Using this technique will take a visible and fairly significant toll on the user's body, which shows through a variety of adverse effects.

Note: Can only be used once per battle
Note: Can only be Taught by Negative Knight
Note: No other Fire Release above S-Rank in the user's same and next turn
Note: No long handseals (longer than three) in the user's same and next turn
Note No other Forbidden Ranked Elemental jutsu in the user's same turn
Note: Maximum number of dragons that can be created is sixteen.

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-Declined- Being surrounded by this much heat of continuous fire would cook you, and it's OP.
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Jun 22, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Tully and Stark, the Fisher Twins
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Cost: 40
Tully and Stark are brother and sister, Tully being the female and Stark being male; they are both about 50cm tall and they are both short snouted. Tully has reddish brown fur and carries a katana proportional to her size on her hip, whilst Stark has pale blue fur and has a quiver of arrows and a bow. These Fishers aren't usually used for battle but instead for long range communication; no matter how far away the two fishers can speak to each other telepathically and so can send messages from one waypoint to another, they do not use ninjutsu at all.

-Must sign Fisher Contract

Dragon, Fisher of the Lake
Type: Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Cost: 80
The user summons a Giant fisher that is about the same size as Gamabunta, he has black fur and brown eyes. He is the biggest Fisher, legends say he caught a golden fish and at it, this fish made him grow humongous. He remains on four feet, but he can swipe the ground in front of him with one of his front legs if he wishes, or if against another huge summons he can bite them with his razor sharp teeth. Because of the size of this fisher, elemental attacks do not bother him if they are B-Rank and below.

Dragon can use the elemental infinite of fire and he can use up to S-Rank fire techniques that are fired from the mouth and do not require hand seals. When Dragon is summoned the user will be standing on his head after the summon is completed, also all over the Fishers body (not head) there is a slime that is built up in between dragon's fur and created a layer all over because of the time he spends in the water, this gives the user a water source that can be used only when Dragon wills it as his chakra courses through it, not allowing any enemies using it, also if someone comes into contact with this slime they will be stuck.

-Stays on the battlefield for 4 turns
-Must know Fisher Summon

Dōtai, The Fisher's tactician
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage Cost: 40
The user summons a Fisher which is about 50cm tall with brown fur and golden eyes, he wears a yellow robe with a hood, he carries a spear proportional to his size. He is the most noble Fisher and the cleverest, he refers to everyone with respect and apologizes for no reason sometimes. Dōtai has great deduction skills and likes to stay on his summoner's shoulder or back, he is usually another pair of eyes and can help his summoner with tactics in battle, he has the ability to perform up to B-Rank lightning jutsu with no hand seals and will use lightning sword techniques with his spear instead. Though he isn't a master of lightning, Dōtai creates a passive d-rank lightning shield around the user, which is restored at the start of every one of your turns if destroyed. He can still use lightning techniques whilst the shield is active as it is passive when he is summoned, but he must stay on the user's shoulder or back if so.

-Can only be on the battlefield for 6 turns
-Can only be summoned if signed the summoning contract
-Auto Declined- Follow the template, adding Japanese names is part of the template.

Approved Summoning Contract :
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Jul 27, 2011
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Oukan Doukeyakusha) Crown Clown
Type: Weapon
Rank: S
Range: Self
Chakra: 40 (for every time used) (-10 Each turn active)
Damage: N/a
Description: This weapon is actually an armor that was designed many years ago by suna ninja who specializes in cloth jutsus in the looks of a regular clothing around the users body. The material is infused with high amounts of chakra that lays dormant until active and rare fabric to the ninja world. Making it nearly impossible to rip or tear. When activated, Crown Clown acts as a body-armored weapon/armor, forming a white-hooded cowl and sleeve infused with chakra which covers his shoulders and right arm with A masquerade-style mask that is always affixed to the cowl,. Normally when not active this weapon/armor is worn as more so half clothing around the body. The user will activate this weapon/armor by inserting chakra all throughout the weapon/armor activating the dormant chakra. Causing the weapon/armor to extend around the body The right arm of the weapon/armor will cover the right arm of the user. And the mask will equip onto the users face. The mask has invisible chakra lenses (Can be seen my dojutsu users) these lenses prevent jutsus from entering into the body through the eyes.. This allows the user to fully use and activate the abilities of this weapon/armor. The user will manipulate the armor to extend and cover around his body and deflect any jutsu up to S rank that comes in contact with the armor. Sending the jutsu back at the opponent with the same rank it was sent at towards the user. Or the user can simply surround himself with it to defend from attacks without sending it back at the opponent.. This weapon/armor is able to be sustained for a max of 4 turns, or can be used a max of 4 time.

Note: This weapon can be you used a max of 4 turns
Note: Can Defend/Deflect Jutsus once per turn the armor is active
Note: Defending/Deflecting a jutsu counts as 1 turn
Note: This Weapon/Armor is always worn, nonactive on the user
Note: Activating the armor is passive (Though it still cost 40chakra points)
Note: Can deflect anything within reason. (Cant deflect jutsus that come from the ground obviously)
-Declined- A bit too much don't you think? let's break it down, since you use the activation to guard from attacks, have it cost a move, that whole chakra Lens thing is made by Yusuke and considered a rip off so take it out, Deflect jutsu up to S-rank is a no go, only up to B-rank i'm going to allow and not as a passive ability, but you have to use the armor to guard against techniques of B-rank and below and not all techniques, for example Sound can't be guarded against with an armor, light...etc With S-rank you can just guard against Kirin ._. No to the deflection ability, it's unreasonable to be able to deflect techniques with an armor.

How It Looks Non-Active
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How the armor looks around the users body when active
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(Genjutsu: Ketatamashii Potsupotsu) Illusionary Arts: Piercing Targets
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/a
Description: This genjutsu is triggered by the snap of an finger. The user will snap their finger inducing the opponent into a genjutsu where randomly out of nowhere a Large Silent Lighting Infused kunai (x2 the size of a regular kunai) is pierced through the opponent(s) body (Up to the user where they want it to be pierced) Causing damage in the genjutsu where the kunai struck. After the strike has happened the lightning from the kunai would give off electrical currents in the opponents body (Inside the genjutsu) to where they are paralyze . In reality they would feel as if they were really paralyzed due to the affects of still being in the illusion. The user can then use this time to attack, or even flee if they see fit.
Note: Can be used on a max of 2 opponents at the same time within range of the genjutsu
Note: Cant use this genjutsu for 1 turn after use
Note: Can use a total of 3 times
-Declined- DNR, inducing a genjutsu by snapping the finger or other means than Sound or handseals is an ability of Sharingan users, Sound is exclusive to sound users, and that whole lightning kunai pierced into the opponent made me DNR it.

(Genjutsu:Wareme giketsu)Illusionary Arts: Split Decision
Type: Supplamentary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/a
Description: This jutsu is activated by the swing of a sword 3times in a very fast pace (In replacement for handseals since he has the sword in his hand) towards the opponents location. inducing them in an illusion. The opponent will feel his body split in two soon as the sword has been swung the 3rd time causing the left side of their body to fall lifeless to the ground while the right side remains standing. The opponent wouldnt be able to feel the left side of their body nor able to move it, but all the senses for the right side of their body are still intact. This does not mentally harm the opponent, but it simply makes things weird and maybe even put them in shock as to how they can still live with half their body ripped apart. In reality the opponent is just sitting their lifeless, open for an attack
Note: Can only use 3 times
Note: No genjutsu in the next turn
Note: Must contain a sword.
-Declined- How would feeling your body split in two not cause mental damage?! the mental damage is caused by what you experience in the genjutsu, and for me it's just unreasonable, plus if you had a Kurama bio, this genjutsu would be an instant kill.
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May 1, 2012
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

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(Raiton: Yari)- Lightning Style: Spear
Type: Attack
Rank: B Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: 40
Description: The user envelops himself in a shroud of lightning, then takes a running start at the opponent. Making a zig zag pattern from left to right. As the user travels towards the opponent, he weaves a single hand seal continuing to zig zag causing his shroud to trail making it harder for the opponent to follow the user's movements. Once in range, the user dives at the opponent with his fingers extended flat and pointed vertically outward similar to a spear. The user will then quickly clap his hands causing the trailing shroud to envelop the user once again. The user then jabs the hands into the opponent.
Note: Can only be taught by Gecko
Note: Must state final position before diving at the opponent
-Declined- I won't approve it with the bolded in there.

(Ninpou: Takutikku Orikomi)- Ninja Arts: Tactical Insertion
Type: Supplementary
Rank: C Rank
Range: Long
Chakra: 15
Damage: N/A
Description: The user does 2 hand seals then draws blood from his finger. The user then focuses chakra into his hand and slams it onto the ground. The next time the user creates a shadow clone, it would be summoned there.
Note: The spot can be placed on any solid surface
Note: Clones appear just as regular, just in a different place
Note: Clones can perform this technique
Note: Can only be taught by Gecko
-Declined- DNR, unreasonable and collides with Space-Time ninjutsu.

(Ninpou: Soshi Myouri)- Ninja Arts: Elemental Advantage
Type: Supplementary
Rank: B Rank
Range: Long
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description: The user first performs (Ninpou: Takutikku Orikomi)- Ninja Arts: Tactical Insertion, once the tactical insertion is down. The user will perform a recognized hand seal for one of the basic 5 elements. Then the user will create a clone. When the clone appears, it will have the abilities of that element.
Lightning: Ram hand seal
Fire: Horse hand seal
Wind: Rat hand seal
Earth: Snake hand seal
Water: Boar hand seal
Note: Clones are capable of performing up to b rank of that element
Note: They have all the weaknesses and strengths as a normal clone
Note: Can only be taught by Gecko
-Declined- The above wasn't approved, and this won't be approved even if the above is approved.
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Aug 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Ougi Iaido: Raion no Uta Tetsuno Shugosha) Secret Art of the Quick Drawing Sword and Resheathing: Lion’s Song: Guardian of the Iron
Type: Offensive
Range: Short- Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80(-40 second wave)
Description: The user will grab the hilt of their sword, and begin to channel their chakra into the blade, where they will then draw the blade instantly firing a wave of chakra in the shape of a Lions head and then as the blade travels more, the first swing was done in a diagonal path and by chaining the second swing the user will unleash a second wave of chakra in the form of a lion’s head again but much smaller using the first one as a distraction, though it still can induce damage.
-Can only be used by samurai bios
-Can be used 3 times per battle
-Declined- Samurai can't use shape manipulation, so they can't manipulate the wave to form a Lion's head, they can simply release blunt raw blasts of chakra, the reason their Samurai Sabre Technique can release crescent shaped wave is because it follows the shape of the sword used, not to mention this technique is a bit generic.

(Jyuken: Pāmugeiru o gyakuten)Gentle Fist: Reverse Palm Gale
Type: Suppmentary
Rank: A-Rank
Range: Short
Chakra: 30
Damage: 60
Description:The user will channel there chakra into the palm of their hand and land a Gentle Fist blow on the central upper torso of the target causing a rush of chakra to enter the body of the target causing them to become paralyzed, the user will then jump at few feet away, while using advance chakra control to create a chain of chakra linked to the impact point of the target, where they will pull the target to them where the user will pull them closer and using their free hand drawing a sword and begin to slash the target 5 times in the chest, then taking a reverse spin will push the target away with a blast of pressured chakra.
-Can only be used by Reki
-Can be used twice per battle
-No Jyuken Above A Rank In Same Turn
-Declined- Why would the opponent be paralyzed when you insert chakra into their body? you don't see people being paralyzed when they are released out of genjutsu with Kai, also does this chakra cause harm to the opponent?
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Active member
May 31, 2013
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Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

(Suiton/Futon: Sasu yōna Hari) - Water/Wind Style: Piercing Needle
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will perform three handseals and send their water chakra into the clouds above the opponent. They will use the moisture in the air and create water which they will shape into a thin, 4 meter long needle made of water. After having the required water shaped into a needle, they will send wind chakra into the air and convert it into actual winds, coating the water with wind chakra, making the needle sharper and travel down faster. They will use their wind chakra to have the needle spin around at fast speeds. When the user takes their hand and motion it downwards, the needle will follow and drop down on top of the target, drilling into their skull. The shape and size of the needle along with the fast speeds and spinning motion enhances the techniques piercing abilities and if it is missed, it will do damage to the terrain by altering a small part of the ground after piercing through the ground.

Notes and Restrictions:
- Can only be used twice per battle
- No S-rank wind or water in the next two turns.
- The needle can only be moved when it is still in the cloud, so once you motion it to go down, you cannot move it to where your opponent is moving. If your opponent moves and the needle is still in the clouds, then you can reposition it to aim for their new spot.
- Being distracted, or interrupted will cause disruption of the technique, thus unable to continue performing it
- Can only be taught by EdwardSama
-Declined- This is a Rain technique not a Water technique, when it involved using clouds it became a rain technique, so in short if you don't have rain then you can't have this. Also with the addition of wind you need to have it count as 2 techniques, and you didn't mention how big is it or the actual size, also remove the bold.

(Genjutsu: Kurage's Shisen) - Illusionary Arts: Medusa's eyes
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will perform a single handseal and inject their chakra into the targets chakra system, disrupting their normal flow of chakra and placing the target under an illusion. The illusion will make the target see the user's hair turning into snakes with bright eyes and his/her eyes turning red, much like Medusa's. Then as the target looks in the users eyes, they will feel and see that their lower body is turning into stone, which slowly moves higher until it turns the target into stone completely. This will paralyze them for a short duration.

Notes and Restrictions:
- The paralyzing effect lasts for one turn.
- Can only be used three times per battle
-Declined- Insufficient restrictions, and how do you know that the opponent will look you in the eye? he might be blind, or looking elsewhere, so this has to require eye contact, and at least 3 handseals for A-rank genjutsu, not to mention the paralysis won't be instant, it will take time to be paralyzed, basically when all the limbs are turned into stone.
(Genjutsu: Kurage's Shisen) - Illusionary Arts: Medusa's eyes
Type: Supplementary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will perform a series of three handseals: Dog → Tiger → Ram and inject their chakra into the targets chakra system, disrupting their normal flow of chakra and placing the target under an illusion. The illusion will make the target see the user's hair turning into snakes with bright eyes and his/her eyes turning red, much like Medusa's. Then as the target looks in the users eyes, they will feel and see that their lower body is turning into stone, which slowly moves higher until it turns the target into stone completely. This will paralyze them for a short duration.

Notes and Restrictions:
- The paralyzing effect lasts for one turn.
- Can only be used three times per battle
- Requires eye contact to perform.
- Paralysis begins when all the limbs are "turned into stone"
-Approved- If the opponent manages to know he's under a genjutsu, he can use the Kai to get out of it, before his hands turn into stone.

Edits are in bold, i added the eye contact, three handseals, and the paralysis begins when they are turned into stone.

Also Resubmitting:
(Futon: Tatsumaki Kabe Kyōran) - Wind Release: Tornado Wall Frenzy
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 (-15) to the user.
Description: After performing ( Futon: Tatsumaki Heki ) - Wind Release: Tordado Wall, the user will perform a long series of handseals: Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Snake → Dog → Tiger. The user will mold their chakra and release it in the five tornadoes that they sent out earlier. With the chakra they sent out, they would manipulate the tornado and navigate it so that it would quickly circle around the opponent and stop moving when it is evenly spaced, like a pentagon. After the tornado stops moving, the user will take the remaining chakra and proceed to use nature transformation to release many small blades of wind from each of the five tornadoes. Once the blades of wind is released from all sides, all the tornadoes will begin to move towards the target, closing in on him/her. Once all the tornadoes reach the target, it will join and form into one giant tornado that violently slashes and cuts through the targets body.

Notes and Restrictions:
- Can only be used twice (2) per battle.
- Needs a two (2) turn cooldown before using it again
- The user will take damage due to the high amount of chakra they used to generate this technique and because of the violent winds the five tornadoes produces that is released in small amounts in the outside of the tornado pentagon.
- If one tornado is somehow destroyed, the damage the technique does all together is reduced by 20. If two are destroyed, 40, if three, 60 and so on. But all together, this technique is ranked as F-rank and can be neutralized by an S-rank Fire or higher.
- Can only be used by EdwardSama

( Futon: Tatsumaki Heki ) - Wind Release: Tordado Wall
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: The user generates a large wall of 5 Tall tornadoes that are sent towards the opponent. A flying summoning can create this technique by simply flapping their wings to generate the wind for the technique.

Here is the jutsu for reference. And this technique basically is the five tornadoes surrounding the opponent like a pentagon. The tornadoes will release blades of wind towards the opponent while moving closer towards the center. They will continue releasing the blades until they reach each other and form into one giant tornado which slashes the opponent.
-Declined- A forbidden technique is supposed to be used only once, the only exception is MS techniques, also it's supposed to cripple you after you perform it once, so i need to see a real exhaustion, saying that you will take damage due to the large amount of chakra is insufficient.
(Futon: Tatsumaki Kabe Kyōran) - Wind Release: Tornado Wall Frenzy
Type: Offensive
Rank: Forbidden
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra: 50
Damage: 90 (-15) to the user.
Description: After performing ( Futon: Tatsumaki Heki ) - Wind Release: Tordado Wall, the user will perform a long series of handseals: Monkey → Dragon → Rat → Snake → Dog → Tiger → Hare. The user will mold their chakra and release it in the five tornadoes that they sent out earlier. With the chakra they sent out, they would manipulate the tornado and navigate it so that it would quickly circle around the opponent and stop moving when it is evenly spaced, like a pentagon. After the tornado stops moving, the user will take their chakra and gather it in both of their hands and creates hundreds of smaller blades of winds. The user will continue to release these blades of wind and direct it over to the tornadoes, where it will go around the pentagon-shape tornado placements and gather a fair amount of blades in each tornado. After a few seconds of releasing the blades of winds into the tornadoes, the tornadoes will release the blades of winds to the target who is inside the pentagon.Once the blades of wind is released from all sides, all the tornadoes will begin to move towards the target, closing in on him/her. Once all the tornadoes reach the target, it will join and form into one giant tornado that violently slashes and cuts through the targets body.

Notes and Restrictions:
- Can only be used once (1) per battle.
- If one tornado is somehow destroyed, the damage the technique does all together is reduced by 20. If two are destroyed, 40, if three, 60 and so on. But all together, this technique is ranked as F-rank and can be neutralized by an S-rank Fire or higher.
- Can only be used by EdwardSama
- No Wind technique for the next turn, and no S-rank or higher wind technique for the next two (2) turns.
- The user will take damage by
- The user will take damage because of the sharp blades of wind that will travel while they are releasing and distributing it into the tornadoes.
-Declined- You didn't specify the amount of damage you would take, it's like saying you take -40 damage from it, it will get you no where, i think i gave you a fair chance, DNR.

( Futon: Tatsumaki Heki ) - Wind Release: Tordado Wall
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: The user generates a large wall of 5 Tall tornadoes that are sent towards the opponent. A flying summoning can create this technique by simply flapping their wings to generate the wind for the technique.

Here is the jutsu for reference. And this technique basically is the five tornadoes surrounding the opponent like a pentagon. After the five tornadoes take formation, the user will gather blades of wind and release it onto the tornadoes like a stream of blades of winds, stream of blades of wind will circle around the pentagon and store the blades onto each of the tornadoes. After a few seconds, the tornadoes will have enough blades for each tornado. The tornadoes will release blades of wind towards the opponent while moving closer towards the center. They will continue releasing the blades until they reach each other and form into one giant tornado which slashes the opponent.

Edits are in bold, and read the spoiler because i edited that part as well.
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Active member
Dec 20, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Summoning Animal: Pronghorn
Scroll Owner: noni1997
Other Users who have signed contract: N/A
Summoning Boss if existing: Will create Later if approved
Other Summoning Animals tied to contract: Will Create Later if approved
Description and Background: The Pronghorns are a special mammal animal. Pronghorns have distinct white fur on their rumps, sides, breasts, bellies, and across their throats. They live in normal weather type climates. They can grow up to 2 meters in length from nose to tail. Their horns can grow large as well up to .5 meters in length.
The Pronghorns are considered some of the fastest animals in the world, being able to reach speed of 50 MPH. They have excellent endurance as well being able to run for hours reported. Their horns are very strong and hard surpassing density of regular bones and rocks. The Pronghorns retain great strength, they have strong back legs to push an enemy with their horns as the main tool.
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 Declined  At the members request.​

(Ranton/Katon: kura udo no kujira)- Storm/Fire Release: Cloud Whale
Type: Offensive-Defensive-Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long (Made short range of the user, can attack to long range)
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: The user will begin to gather storm chakra and release it anywhere in close range of the user. Dark storm clouds will begin to be released from close range of the user, which then the user will manipulate the shape of the storm clouds to form into a giant whale. The whales size is the same as the jutsu (Suiton: Mizu Shishi) - Water Release: Water Beast. The whale is connected to the user with a chakra line. When the whale is formed next to the user, the user will send fire chakra towards the large whale. The fire is mixed in with the lightning property of the storm chakra, while the water chakra will have very little connection to the fire. The water simply acts as a base for the fire and lightning and is what used to create the storm clouds and help take shape of the whale. The whale has two main abilities, he can shoot a bright laser mixed with fire towards the opponent, the lasers have the same color and characteristics of the jutsu Storm Release: Laser circus. Though only one laser is shot and it is much large with an attack damage of A-Rank. Fire will spiral around the storm laser which gives it a burning portion of the laser attack. The second ability is its most strongest attack, where the whale will be sent towards the opponent as a projectile attack, when it gets close range of the opponent it will cause an explosion which can create a small crater. The explosion has great heat and shocking power to it.
- The whale remains active for 3 turns
- Can only use A-Rank storm while the Whale is set
- Can't use fire chakra next turn after the whale is fully made
-Declined- You can't maintain a connection to the Whale and at the same time use Fire to add to the Whale, you maintain the whale's formation through using Storm chakra, when you use Fire chakra, the Whale will just disappear, it doesn't sustain itself.

(Ranton: Tsuin Uzu Doragonzu)- Storm Release: Twin Vortex Dragons
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80 (+10)
Description: The user will gather storm chakra in each hand and thrust both their hands forward aiming at the opponent. Large storm clouds will be released from both palms of the user, they each take the shape of dragons. The storm cloud is charged with electricity, while they are sent towards an opponent they begin to rapidly spin gathering more momentum and energy. When sent short range each dragon has an attack damage of A-Rank, when sent to Mid range each dragon has an attack damage of S-Rank, when sent all the way to long range the dragon gain enough energy and momentum to gain an extram 10 damage points making it a strong S-Rank for each other dragons. The dragon aim to attack each flank of the opponent, meaning one dragon is sent on the right side of the opponent while the other dragon is sent on the left hand side of the opponent. Each are very powerful and when they come into contact with the opponent they will be severly shocked and injured to the brink of death.
- Can not use storm jutsus next turn
- Can only be used twice per battle
-Declined- Very similar to my Fire Release: Twin Blazing Dragons technique.

Storm bio in sig- Chivalry
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Active member
Sep 17, 2011
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Genjutsu Style:Ningyō geki: Illusionary Technique: Puppet Show
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: N/A
Description: The user performs the Rat-Dog and tiger hand seals in quick successions and inserts his chakra into his opponent brain, casting him under a genjutsu which creates an illusion whereby the opponent is a puppet whos limbs are tied to strings and whose body movements are being controlled by a puppeteer, the puppeteer can make the opponent perform only basic movements such as running, jugging, dancing and clapping of hands. However in reality, the opponent movements are not hindered/affected as this all happens in the opponents mind as a result of the casted genjutsu.

Note: Must be taught by thunderbolt to use
Note: Can only Be used Twice In A Battle.
Note: No Genjutsu above A Rank the Next Turn

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 Declined  Sorry, similar to existing customs. DNR

Blinky (デメちゃん Demechan)

Rank: S
Range: Short -Long
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: N/A
Description: Blinky is a large long vacuum about 7 meters in height and 4 meters wide in width, it was originally designed a decade ago during the time of the 3rd great ninja war, as a way to store the corpses and keep track of the soldiers/ninjas bodies who were killed in the war, but today is now used by villages to steal valuable information’s or monuments from other villages without leaving a trace behind. Blinky is able to vacuum and suck in inanimate/non living objects through his mouth but cannot vacuum in leaving creatures either human or animal, he is able to vacuum in basic ninja tools such as shirukens and kunais and can vacuum in only solid based jutsu with physical forms such as kunais or earthen jutsu such as golems and boulders [a rank and below], his teeth protruding from his mouth openings can be used to cut an opponent upon contact, solid based but cannot cut/vacuum in objects with no solid form such as wind, fire, lighting or water.

Note: Last For Only Five Turns
Note: Can only be wielded By thunderbolt
Note: Vacuuming effect counts as a move.

 Declined  DNR. >_> Be serious... I've warned you before about taking this thread serious. Also, you haven't even followed template. Type is missing.​

Genjutsu Style:Būbītorappu: Illusionary Technique: Booby Trap
Type: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra cost:20
Damage points: N/A
Description: This genjutsu was created for the sole purpose of diversion and to momentarily distract the opponent leaving him exposed to further attacks. The user performs a single hand-seal[ram] and casts his opponent under a genjutsu which creates an illusion that the opponents two feet are directly under an explosive booby trap,which would explode and go off should the opponent remove his feet of it or make any Slight movements.

Note: Can only be taught by thunderbolt
Note:Can be used only three times a battle
-Leaving for Scorps-

 Declined  How can the illusion even tell him all of what I bolded? He knows all that just for looking at something beneath his feet?​

 Notice  I have been very patient with you regarding the CJ thread and have given you more than ample opportunities to understand how it works, what a template is, the rules etc. At times I think you simply may be the victim of a language barrier or something which is ok for one or two mistakes. I even gave you long ago the benefit of the doubt on many ocasions. But, if on one side you seem to lack the skill or ability to follow template or make feasible and reasonable techniques or even follow the rules, on the other you seem to have all the skill in the world when it comes to trying to find ways to bypass the system. Ira is not an RP moderator thus she was the perfect target for you to try and get someone to edit an already checked post. Because you assumed she didn't knew the rules or was at least oblivious to how the thread works, you felt she would do what you asked. Off course, all this, instead of asking one of the moderators of this thread to do the edits you wanted which we even might have done in case you asked, considering how long the thread has been closed. But you didn't and tried to bypass the rules using a non rp moderator which you attempted in a way to fool. I seriously, but seriously, hope this never happens again. This is your last chance to follow the rules of this thread. To behave and actually act accordingly to a correct demeanor. If you cannot submit techniques following template, naming, and basic rules, don't submit. Period. But this "convo" we will not have again. Next time you go out of line and submit something out of the template, rules, etc you're banned from this thread. The only reason why you still aren't is because I trully believed you would have been able to learn by now, otherwise, the "poop" cj you submitted would have been your last. Do not VM/PM me about this. All the information you need is here, period.​
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Active member
May 15, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Raiton - Seidenki no kaiketsu suru | Lightning Release – Electrostatic Resolve
Type: Defensive/Offensive
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20
Damage: N/A
Description:The user will clap his hands together building a small amount of ration and making their hands electrically charged, the user will then viciously rub their hands on the chest and stomach area generating static electricity. The friction and ration will make the user positively charged. The user will wait for three turns as physical movement and focus of raiton forces him to become more positively charged to the point where the user reaches a stasis of static electricity. Thus when techniques are released from the user that have a high conductivity rate the charge will move with that release naturally being conducted. But this also applies to all things the user touches like how we are, when we are positively charged. While in this state the user will produce a slight static crackling sound with their movements. This doesn't make the user any stronger, faster or more agile. When dealing with physical contact it will create a natural shocking effect dealing (+15 damage once touched.) When it comes to releases the user has no control over when the static moves because of the basic laws of conductivity and attraction. But when incorporated into a technique this adds an addition giving it an electrified effect (+10). Physical contact and release usage of this all counts, the static can only be used three times in total and the state only lasts for four turns.

Note: This technique can only be used twice in a battle
Note: The user can’t use ant ration techniques above C-Rank while the static is charging.
Note: This can only be taught by Ndlovu

Gained permission here encase it infringes on a similar technique

 Declined  Description isn't really making any sense. And what you describe for me goes a bit beyond the normal Lightning release and goes more into the area of Magnet release...​

Ninjutsu - Chakura Asshuku no Jutsu | Ninja Style - Chakra Compression Technique
Type: Offensive/Supplementary
Rank: S
Range: Short
Chakra: 40
Damage: N/A
Description:The ninjutsu skill of compressing ones chakra to reduce size but increase potency of a formed or forming jutsu. The compression technique is a highly skilled technique in ninjutsu where the user will form an addition handseal after performing a jutsu, using chakra manipulation similar to how four tail Naruto did when he fought Orochimaru and formed a large ball of raw chakra and compressed it before releasing it increasing the effectiveness of the jutsu. The effect is optically evident and its effect is so evident that Orochimaru commented on. This technique will reduce the size of said jutsu in half and increase its destructive power by 10. Performing this technique requires the user to give up 15 chakra and an additional handseal to the performed technique when the technique is used making it compress in size and increase its chakra density. The first time the user does this in a battle he must have been fighting in the battle for at least three turns, it consumes the forty chakra, takes a move slot, post the technique and perform two handseals instead of the standard to get himself accustomed to the technique.

Note: The first time this technique is used the user must make two additional handseals.
Note: This technique doesn't change the nature of the jutsu performed.
Note: This technique can only be performed on one jutsu per turn.
Note: This jutsu only lasts for two turns
Note: This jutsu can only be used twice in a battle.
Note: This technique can only be taught by Ndlovu

 Declined  The principle behind it is not correct and the example you used makes it evident. The technique in question isn't strong because it was compressed, its strong because it has so much chakra. Compressing something doesn't make it stronger, it makes it denser. The power is still there but concentrated into a smaller area. DNR​

Doton - Demeteru no Ugoki | Earth Release - The Movement of Demeter
Rank: B
Range: Short
Chakra: 20 (+5 per turn)
Damage: N/A
Description: The user will use chakra manipulation to turn the earth below his feet into a mixture of adhesive mud and earth granules. This manipulation of earth will geyser out of the ground below the user connecting to the users shins and below. This allows the user to channel chakra downwards to manipulate the earth below him. The sturdiness of the earth geyser keeps the user upwards, the user can then manipulate the movement of the geyser and the earth around it making the user mobile through manipulation of the earth connected and two meters around him.

Note: This jutsu only lasts four turns or until it's released
Note: This jutsu can only be taught by Ndlovu
-Leaving for Scorps-

 Approved  But from an experienced Rpear point of view, I'll tell you this straight away: its useless.​
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Cursed Prince

Active member
Apr 21, 2012
Trait Points
Re: ±±Custom Jutsu Submission±±

Kenjutsu: Kakuchō | Sword Arts: Expansion
Type: Offensive
Rank: S
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This is a highly advanced and powerful kenjutsu technique requiring complete mastery over kenjutsu and excellent chakra control. It also requires one to wield a weapon such as a sword, staff, shield, etc. The technique is rather simple, the user will form the Seal of Confrontation and then yell "Expansion" Once this is done, the weapon in their hands will rapidly enlarge to an enormous size, hitting and crushing the opponent. Because the weapon enlarges in both length and width, it is not able to be wielded, and the expansion only lasts for 10 or more seconds before it shrinks back to normal.
~Can only be taught by Cursed Prince
~Can only be used twice
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 Declined  Same as an existing CW. DNR​

(Genjutsu: Hari Hyaku Senshi) Illusionary Arts: Spikes of 10 punctures
Type: Supplamentary
Rank: A
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 30
Damage: N/a
Description: This is a very simple and generic jutsu. The user will say "Puncture through the soul" This is the trigger to the genjutsu. This will cause 10 spikes made of chakra to protrude from the body that will puncture internal organs, lungs, etc. as it punctures through the body from inside. The spikes are roughly 10 inches and protrude from 10 areas around the body. (Both legs, Both thighs, Both arms, Chest, Spine, Stomach, and neck.) This will cause major pain through the genjutsu. Since this is a genjutsu it is not lethal, but it will cause tremendous pain making it that if they do not escape from the genjutsu soon they will collapse due to mental pain
~Can only be used twice
~Can only be taught by Cursed Prince

 Declined  A) to trigger genjutsu through sound you need sound training B) this genjutsu has already been made...countless times. Chains, spikes, crosses, nails, etc. All have been made to pierce someone and make him unable to move and what not.​

Genjutsu: Kugutsu | Illusionary Arts: Marionette
Type: Supplementary
Rank: Offensive
Range: Short-Mid
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Description: This a jutsu that requires the use of a weapon such as a staff or a katana. The user will form the Seal of Confrontation while wielding their sword, sending chakra into the opponents brain placing them into the illusion. Once this is done, the user will suddenly disappear in a flash of speed that in some cases can be tracked with the 3 tomoe and above but not reacted to. The user will then appear behind the opponent with their sword outstretched as if they had just cut them. At first the opponent will feel nothing for a second but then it would suddenly feel as if all over their body they are constantly sliced by a barrage of sharp blows. The blows are aimed from all over, forcing the target to involuntary jerk their body due to the blows hitting them. In reality the opponent is violently jerking his body from the impact of the countless blows aimed at him, making it seem like he's doing a version of the harlem shake. The affected target feels heavy mental pain, feeling those sharp blows to be real and would be on the verge of collapse
~Can only be used once
~No Genjutsu in the same or next turn
~No S ranks in the same turn
~Can only be taught by Cursed Prince
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-Leaving for Scorps-

 Declined  Harlem Shake? >_> Be serious. Also, the description doesn't make sense. What is the genjutsu actually? I mean, you make it confusing. Also, whats the rank? S? Because you wrote Offensive.​
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