Woman Jailed for being Against Homosexuality


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Aug 21, 2014
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See, this was a thread regarding legal and medical subjects. Both of which seem to be lost upon you.

If no one reads them, I can hardly see how anyone has an opinion regarding their content. It would seem to be of little consequence as to whether or not I was logged on, or off.

It is a neurological disorder that would more technically show some overlaps between Autism and PTSD.

Which is why depression, suicide, homicide, rape (both committed and victim), domestic violence/abuse, and drug abuse are so high among homosexual populations. Homosexuality is more along the lines of a symptom of the failure of numerous neurological systems to properly develop, which means that the individual is at risk for far more substantive behavioral and emotional disorders.

It isn't a disease so much as it is a symptom of a disease.
the correlation between homosexuality and various mental disorders aren't due to the homosexuality itself, but rather the frequent abuse that come from others and internal struggle of acceptance.

if you grew up with people saying these types of things about you, and lived a lie your whole life, you wouldn't turn out 100% normal either. what goes on in society today is "justified" abuse to homosexuals, along with false "scientific" evidence (such as what you presented) in order to further portray us as sick individuals.

and how do you think that affects a persons mind? to be even told by science you are a mistake, an abomination, that your feelings of love, something most people regard as one of the most important things in life, are somehow meaningless because you are supposedly sick in the head?

any normal person under these types of circumstances are going to exhibit varied degrees of mental disorders. and people like you continuously pull out studies and present your information in a way that will warp the findings to fit your views. homosexuality does NOT cause mental disorders, the abuse from society, family members etc. is what causes it, that they experience as a result of being homosexual.
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Jul 23, 2014
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Homosexuality sure against nature of living thing not just human. But justifying homosexual humans because other species(animal) happen to practice homosexuality is not right. We(human) as highly intelligent living being should know better and not following other species tail. If we allow our species to act like what animal does and justified the action, we actually on the same level as animal.

Yes Homosexual human never cause a harm to society but its against living being nature and most importantly an insult to human and our level compared to animal.
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Aug 21, 2014
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Homosexuality sure against nature of living thing not just human. But justifying homosexual humans because other species(animal) happen to practice homosexuality is not right. We(human) as highly intelligent living being should know better and not following other species tail. If we allow our species to act like what animal does and justified the action, we actually on the same level as animal.

Yes Homosexual human never cause a harm to society but its against living being nature and most importantly an insult to human and our level compared to animal.
homosexualiy is not an insult to us. if anything, society finally realizing that homosexuality is perfectly fine will actually set us apart from "lesser species" even further by demonstrating our un-need to satisfy basic instinctual preferences in favor of more human treatment of each other.


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Jul 23, 2014
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homosexualiy is not an insult to us. if anything, society finally realizing that homosexuality is perfectly fine will actually set us apart from "lesser species" even further by demonstrating our un-need to satisfy basic instinctual preferences in favor of more human treatment of each other.
The nature:

Human have *** not because of instinct but because of attraction , desire that had nothing to do with species survival or need to populate where animal is different, they follow instinct. When they think its time to populate they will mate

Human male not following pheromone as the signal to mate like animal male. Human depend on attraction, sexual attraction to be precise. The attraction was woman body and not a chemical. And human female never spread out pheromone to attract human male.

Porn industry exist, rape exist and etc exist not because of human instinct to mate and populate but sexual attraction. Unlike animal. They dont mate for fun or can you show me a study said animal mate for fun?

When human couldnt control their desire to have ***, we put ourself actually on lower level than animal. Homosexualty happen was not because human managed to go away from their un-need to statisfy basic instinctual preferences but actually its all about attraction.

Human is about attraction where animal is about instinct/need. Its basic


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Aug 21, 2014
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The nature:

Human have *** not because of instinct but because of attraction , desire that had nothing to do with species survival or need to populate where animal is different, they follow instinct. When they think its time to populate they will mate

Human male not following pheromone as the signal to mate like animal male. Human depend on attraction, sexual attraction to be precise. The attraction was woman body and not a chemical. And human female never spread out pheromone to attract human male.

Porn industry exist, rape exist and etc exist not because of human instinct to mate and populate but sexual attraction. Unlike animal. They dont mate for fun or can you show me a study said animal mate for fun?

When human couldnt control their desire to have ***, we put ourself actually on lower level than animal. Homosexualty happen was not because human managed to go away from their un-need to statisfy basic instinctual preferences but actually its all about attraction.

Human is about attraction where animal is about instinct/need. Its basic
there are many animals (mostly mammals) that mate for "fun", one of them being a dolphin.

my homosexuality is not a result of me not being able to "control my sexual desires", its a subconscious preference that developed at some unknown point in my existence. i am perfectly able to control myself.

i agree we become lower than an animal when someone can't control their sexual desires, but that has nothing to do with homosexuality. you don't decide your sexual desires, and while you can "over come" them with self control (so you don't go raping people), you can not "overcome" homosexuality, because it isn't a desire, but a preference.

im not in a situation where i "can't control my urge to mate with other men", rather its that "i prefer to mate with men".

and yes, its not based on instinct, but simply a preference. i know that the only thing to come out of it is a good time for me, no children, no furthering the species etc., but like you said, its based on a sexual desire, not an instinct. and that desire is something that is based on preference, NOT a lack of self control.

also, the instinct i was referring to in the previous quote was :the instinct to force others to be more alike ourselves and discriminate those who are different, in other words, the human instinct to outcast homosexuals for being out of the norm.

(oh and please work on your grammar, that was a cryptic code)

Umari Senju

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Aug 30, 2012
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Freedom of religion is in the constitution yet she was throw in jail.
Freedom of religion does not include negligence of duty as a county appointed official. You mentioned earlier Seperation of Church and State. The very reason this exists is exactly why she was sent to jail. As a county official you are not suppose to bring your religious beliefs into your work duties.

She doesn't have to agree with what she was mandated to do but she must follow the law. You know how everyone keeps telling black folks to do when a cop pulls you over or stops you.

This is no different. And to make things clear she WAS NOT arrested for her religious beliefs. She was arrested because she was in contempt of court. She was tasks with doing a job and didn't do it when the courts ordered her to do so. That alone is jailable.


Mar 27, 2015
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all of you are so naive. First off this is a minuscule situation, It's the beginning of something bigger that we don't foresee. The Man just wants the people to argue and fight against each other while they are laughing and playing the game of chess and preparing for the NEW WORLD ORDER. when that time comes we will all see how ridiculous it was to write these posts and argue. wait it will be too late for us.


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Oct 30, 2014
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Anything NON PRODUCTIVE is a Hinderence To GROWTH. It it a DISTRACTION to GROWTH. That's the simplest way I can put it. Non productive is a 0. It's irrelevant to life.
So, having a pet is also irrelevant and wrong to your stupid "logic"?
You say, homosexuality does not produce anything/ does not let you evolve, but on the other Hand you say watching Anime lets you evolve your mind, here is your own Quote:
Anything unnatural DISTRACTS you from nature. Anime, TV whatevr. Some shows develop your mind, they help you grow.
But you know what? You can also develop your mind by learning about emotions, feeling emotions, to LOVE SOMEONE. Like.. what's about pets, which I mentioned earlier? Is having pets also wrong like homosexuality because you don't produce anything material? You seem to have no idea what Feelings mean in life, which is really sad to be honest. You can either love a pet or experience a different way of love, like the love between to humans.
And the gender has absolutely nothing to do with that. True love is true love. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals or the love between man and woman, they all feel the same.
I'm gonna tell you something. I'm lesbian and through the experience of (for example) love and hate (feelings, emotions), I have learned/evolved/changed/grown far more things that matter in life than through anything else.

I changed some lives and some lives changed me. So you still say that this is not productive?
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Dec 27, 2014
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So, having a pet is also irrelevant and wrong to your stupid "logic"?
You say, homosexuality does not produce anything/ does not let you evolve, but on the other Hand you say watching Anime lets you evolve your mind, here is your own Quote:

But you know what? You can also develop your mind by learning about emotions, feeling emotions, to LOVE SOMEONE. Like.. what's about pets, which I mentioned earlier? Is having pets also wrong like homosexuality because you don't produce anything material? You seem to have no idea what Feelings mean in life, which is really sad to be honest. You can either love a pet or experience a different way of love, like the love between to humans.
And the gender has absolutely nothing to do with that. True love is true love. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals or the love between man and woman, they all feel the same.
I'm gonna tell you something. I'm lesbian and through the experience of (for example) love and hate (feelings, emotions), I have learned/evolved/changed/grown far more things that matter in life than through anything else.

I changed some lives and some lives changed me. So you still say that this is not productive?
Animals are natural to the earth. Rethink your whole argument. Homosexuality is NOT NATURAL

The nature:

Human have *** not because of instinct but because of attraction , desire that had nothing to do with species survival or need to populate where animal is different, they follow instinct. When they think its time to populate they will mate

Human male not following pheromone as the signal to mate like animal male. Human depend on attraction, sexual attraction to be precise. The attraction was woman body and not a chemical. And human female never spread out pheromone to attract human male.

Porn industry exist, rape exist and etc exist not because of human instinct to mate and populate but sexual attraction. Unlike animal. They dont mate for fun or can you show me a study said animal mate for fun?

When human couldnt control their desire to have ***, we put ourself actually on lower level than animal. Homosexualty happen was not because human managed to go away from their un-need to statisfy basic instinctual preferences but actually its all about attraction.

Human is about attraction where animal is about instinct/need. Its basic
What do you think about the stuff I said about it not being natural? Did I break it down? Or nah?

So, having a pet is also irrelevant and wrong to your stupid "logic"?
You say, homosexuality does not produce anything/ does not let you evolve, but on the other Hand you say watching Anime lets you evolve your mind, here is your own Quote:

But you know what? You can also develop your mind by learning about emotions, feeling emotions, to LOVE SOMEONE. Like.. what's about pets, which I mentioned earlier? Is having pets also wrong like homosexuality because you don't produce anything material? You seem to have no idea what Feelings mean in life, which is really sad to be honest. You can either love a pet or experience a different way of love, like the love between to humans.
And the gender has absolutely nothing to do with that. True love is true love. Gays, lesbians, bisexuals or the love between man and woman, they all feel the same.
I'm gonna tell you something. I'm lesbian and through the experience of (for example) love and hate (feelings, emotions), I have learned/evolved/changed/grown far more things that matter in life than through anything else.

I changed some lives and some lives changed me. So you still say that this is not productive?
And it's not my logic, it's NATURE. It's contradictory to nature on every level
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Oct 30, 2014
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If you say that having cars/planes, watching Anime, using machines etc. is natural, then everything that exists is natural, lol. Because it exists in nature.
Homosexuality is lived by humans (which are natural) and has to do with brains (which are natural) and Feelings (which are natural). How they are 'used' (you call it 'wrong') doesn't matter. You know, earth and Minerals are also not meant to be used to create metal to build a plane but we still do this.


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Dec 27, 2014
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If you say that having cars/planes, watching Anime, using machines etc. is natural, then everything that exists is natural, lol. Because it exists in nature.
Homosexuality is lived by humans (which are natural) and has to do with brains (which are natural) and Feelings (which are natural). How they are 'used' (you call it 'wrong') doesn't matter. You know, earth and Minerals are also not meant to be used to create metal to build a plane but we still do this.
Everything that exists is not natural. You're not even thinking now. I won't argue with you if you're going to put little thought into your words just because you desire to stay homosexual. Those unnatural elements are made from natural elements. And that is productive. Human beings are supposed to experiment with the earth but not their own natures. Homosexuality is experimenting with your own nature. Your body is clearly not designed for another woman


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Dec 27, 2014
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If you say that having cars/planes, watching Anime, using machines etc. is natural, then everything that exists is natural, lol. Because it exists in nature.
Homosexuality is lived by humans (which are natural) and has to do with brains (which are natural) and Feelings (which are natural). How they are 'used' (you call it 'wrong') doesn't matter. You know, earth and Minerals are also not meant to be used to create metal to build a plane but we still do this.

Who said minerals aren't meant to create planes? That's caveman thinking lmao. Mankind would still be full of Neanderthals if they didn't use what's in the earth


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Dec 27, 2014
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If you say that having cars/planes, watching Anime, using machines etc. is natural, then everything that exists is natural, lol. Because it exists in nature.
Homosexuality is lived by humans (which are natural) and has to do with brains (which are natural) and Feelings (which are natural). How they are 'used' (you call it 'wrong') doesn't matter. You know, earth and Minerals are also not meant to be used to create metal to build a plane but we still do this.

Just because you're brain is natural doesn't mean the actions you are engaging in are natural. Think harder and use a better argument. My childhood friend came out gay and is till talk to him every now and then. That doesn't mean he's not engaging in an activity that's not natural. My ex gf was bi. That's not natural. Especially when the girl she was bi with wanted to be a dude.


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Oct 30, 2014
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Who said minerals aren't meant to create planes?
Who said they are?

Human beings are supposed to experiment with the earth but not their own natures.
Who said they are not?

You just say what you want and claim it to be fact.
You know, just because my body is able to create new life, that doesn't mean that I'm supposed to do so. As you said yourself, we are not just your called "animals" who follow their instinct and only care about staying alive as well as reproducing.
As said earlier, homosexuality exists in nature, everywhere you look at. I'd even say it's an existing tool of nature to balance/limit population by preventing overpopulation due to same-*** couples.

And further, I'm not supposed to do anything with my life, except for this right here:
(...) human life is about: Do something meaningful, be free, be happy, don't harm others. That's it.
Thanks Riker.


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Dec 27, 2014
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Who said they are?

Who said they are not?

You just say what you want and claim it to be fact.
You know, just because my body is able to create new life, that doesn't mean that I'm supposed to do so. As you said yourself, we are not just your called "animals" who follow their instinct and only care about staying alive as well as reproducing.
As said earlier, homosexuality exists in nature, everywhere you look at. I'd even say it's an existing tool of nature to balance/limit population by preventing overpopulation due to same-*** couples.

And further, I'm not supposed to do anything with my life, except for this right here:

Thanks Riker.
I told riker that's not what freedom is. Real freedom is doing what your nature compels you to do. We have free will. So going against our nature with our own free will is not freedom. That isnanfalse concept of freedom. And your making irrelevant statements now. What do you mean airplanes aren't natural? That's crazy talk. I can't believe you think airplanes are not natural. We brought different metals together to create (produce) a new contraption. Homosexuality does not create anything useful for humanity. Riker himself said its not necessary it's, and I'm paraphrasing, like a thing we do because it interests is. What interests you is not always what's best for you. Men have children with women. Men cannot have children with other men. It's not natural. Human beings are not made to be homosexuals. Logic clearly shows that. Men have *** organs built for the female *** organs. There is nothing productive that homosexuality brings, because the action or practiced itself is not natural. If you a re doing something that's not natura, it's not useful. It has no use. It serves no significant purpose. Part of nature is survival. You cannot survive doing useless and irrelevant things. Your mind is not Buick for that. Once you indulge in the unnatural, it tampers with your sense of what is natural. Read my old posts. I don't fee like repeating myself. Nor do I want to