Woman Jailed for being Against Homosexuality


Active member
Dec 27, 2014
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You're a contradiction to human intelligence mate.
I guess what I'm saying is too complex for you guys to understand so it's the other way around, mate. You're ignoring everything I'm saying. My main point is it blocks you from your full nature which blocks full human potential. It's the exact opposite of produce and multiply. Think nature on a higher level. Nature isn't just "outdoors" etc. nature follows you everywhere. Physics, science, mathematics, are all apart of nature. Making your own decisions is bro growing away from nature it's using your brain. But using your brain to make you engage in soenthing that is opposite of your nature hinders you. It's an unecessary object. It's a block.


Active member
Dec 27, 2014
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How can homosexuality be unnatural is thousands of species have homosexuals?
It's not a common occurrence in species number one. And if you read my old comments I said the first law of nature is survival. Part of surviving is multiplying. To multiply you have to produce. Homosexuality does not produce anything. And everyone already agreed that iota just here for people's pleasure or interests (don't remember the exact words). But they also said we can have things that are unecessary. That's true, but it blocks your full potential. If you are doing anything non productive, it gets in the way of what you could be doing Productive. no ones perfect so no one is going at their full potential. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to go after your full potential. It's also not scientifically natura. 1+1 equals 2. A man and a woman equal a child. Two men do not produce a child. Two women do not produce a child. It's a Hinderence to your nature. The male *** organ goes in the female *** organ. It just goes. It's here. It's logic


Active member
Apr 4, 2014
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I guess what I'm saying is too complex for you guys to understand so it's the other way around, mate. You're ignoring everything I'm saying. My main point is it blocks you from your full nature which blocks full human potential. It's the exact opposite of produce and multiply. Think nature on a higher level. Nature isn't just "outdoors" etc. nature follows you everywhere. Physics, science, mathematics, are all apart of nature. Making your own decisions is bro growing away from nature it's using your brain. But using your brain to make you engage in soenthing that is opposite of your nature hinders you. It's an unecessary object. It's a block.

^ rofltrain goes *chook chook*
He's too smart for me :Sparks:


Active member
Dec 18, 2012
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Let's suppress black people for statistically committing the most robberies
DNR means "Do Not Resuscitate." Glad we could agree on something.

That said, your proposition is just silly.

The data I cite does not include racial factors, but is purely linked through behaviors. People who act in X way are more likely to do Y.

Race does not show the same statistical correlations. For example, it doesn't matter -where- the homosexual is or what his/her economic status is, the statistical probability of abuse follows them. Do the same with blacks - look at them from lower crime areas, in higher income areas, etc - and you find that the statistical odds of criminal behavior and the like do not increase because of race.

But I can guarantee that if you do surveys of those who listen to rap or consider themselves part of "black culture" - that the statistics -will- show an increased probability of criminal behavior. Again - behavior is the key indicator.

Of course - you will also find single-parent families correlate strongly with criminal behavior, mental disorder, poverty, etc. Again - behavior and upbringing.

If homosexuality was unnatural it wouldn't occur in multiple species, humans being one of them.
And I owned 13 dwarf hamsters myself. Every now and then the father would start chewing on its own offspring. Why? Idk but obviously, it's not something that happens all the time. Duh. As you said; there wouldn't he any hamsters left
Cancer is, also, a natural occurrence.

So are other things society endeavors to eliminate, such as diseases and hunger.
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Punk Hazard

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Apr 21, 2011
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DNR means "Do Not Resuscitate." Glad we could agree on something.

That said, your proposition is just silly.

The data I cite does not include racial factors, but is purely linked through behaviors. People who act in X way are more likely to do Y.

Race does not show the same statistical correlations. For example, it doesn't matter -where- the homosexual is or what his/her economic status is, the statistical probability of abuse follows them. Do the same with blacks - look at them from lower crime areas, in higher income areas, etc - and you find that the statistical odds of criminal behavior and the like do not increase because of race.

But I can guarantee that if you do surveys of those who listen to rap or consider themselves part of "black culture" - that the statistics -will- show an increased probability of criminal behavior. Again - behavior is the key indicator.

Of course - you will also find single-parent families correlate strongly with criminal behavior, mental disorder, poverty, etc. Again - behavior and upbringing.

Cancer is, also, a natural occurrence.

So are other things society endeavors to eliminate, such as diseases and hunger.
Do Not Resubmit, roleplay humor.

No one likes or reads your your wallies. Just log off forever.


Active member
Dec 9, 2010
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DNR means "Do Not Resuscitate." Glad we could agree on something.

That said, your proposition is just silly.

The data I cite does not include racial factors, but is purely linked through behaviors. People who act in X way are more likely to do Y.

Race does not show the same statistical correlations. For example, it doesn't matter -where- the homosexual is or what his/her economic status is, the statistical probability of abuse follows them. Do the same with blacks - look at them from lower crime areas, in higher income areas, etc - and you find that the statistical odds of criminal behavior and the like do not increase because of race.

But I can guarantee that if you do surveys of those who listen to rap or consider themselves part of "black culture" - that the statistics -will- show an increased probability of criminal behavior. Again - behavior is the key indicator.

Of course - you will also find single-parent families correlate strongly with criminal behavior, mental disorder, poverty, etc. Again - behavior and upbringing.

Cancer is, also, a natural occurrence.

So are other things society endeavors to eliminate, such as diseases and hunger.
Implying homosexuality is a disease?


Active member
Dec 18, 2012
Trait Points
Do Not Resubmit, roleplay humor.
See, this was a thread regarding legal and medical subjects. Both of which seem to be lost upon you.

No one likes or reads your your wallies. Just log off forever.
If no one reads them, I can hardly see how anyone has an opinion regarding their content. It would seem to be of little consequence as to whether or not I was logged on, or off.

Implying homosexuality is a disease?
It is a neurological disorder that would more technically show some overlaps between Autism and PTSD.

Which is why depression, suicide, homicide, rape (both committed and victim), domestic violence/abuse, and drug abuse are so high among homosexual populations. Homosexuality is more along the lines of a symptom of the failure of numerous neurological systems to properly develop, which means that the individual is at risk for far more substantive behavioral and emotional disorders.

It isn't a disease so much as it is a symptom of a disease.

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
See, this was a thread regarding legal and medical subjects. Both of which seem to be lost upon you.

If no one reads them, I can hardly see how anyone has an opinion regarding their content. It would seem to be of little consequence as to whether or not I was logged on, or off.

It is a neurological disorder that would more technically show some overlaps between Autism and PTSD.

Which is why depression, suicide, homicide, rape (both committed and victim), domestic violence/abuse, and drug abuse are so high among homosexual populations. Homosexuality is more along the lines of a symptom of the failure of numerous neurological systems to properly develop, which means that the individual is at risk for far more substantive behavioral and emotional disorders.

It isn't a disease so much as it is a symptom of a disease.
Turn your computer off.


Active member
Dec 9, 2010
Trait Points
See, this was a thread regarding legal and medical subjects. Both of which seem to be lost upon you.

If no one reads them, I can hardly see how anyone has an opinion regarding their content. It would seem to be of little consequence as to whether or not I was logged on, or off.

It is a neurological disorder that would more technically show some overlaps between Autism and PTSD.

Which is why depression, suicide, homicide, rape (both committed and victim), domestic violence/abuse, and drug abuse are so high among homosexual populations. Homosexuality is more along the lines of a symptom of the failure of numerous neurological systems to properly develop, which means that the individual is at risk for far more substantive behavioral and emotional disorders.

It isn't a disease so much as it is a symptom of a disease.
Sounds like a conclusion taken from a research funded by a bunch of christians.

The person that came up with the label 'ADHD' admitted on his death bed that there is no such disorder but that it makes an indivual labelled with ADHD harder to control and submit to society's desired behavioural pattern.

Point being that regardless of neurological research showing that the brain of a homosexual person shows slight differences than that of heterosexuals, it cannot simply be labelled a 'disorder'. There is no real issue at hand if society's moral code would evolve yet again to a higher vibration.

When you reply, I suggest you reply briefly and get straight to the point. I don't read wallies written in a pompous way.

Punk Hazard

Active member
Apr 21, 2011
Trait Points
Sounds like a conclusion taken from a research funded by a bunch of christians.

The person that came up with the label 'ADHD' admitted on his death bed that there is no such disorder but that it makes an indivual labelled with ADHD harder to control and submit to society's desired behavioural pattern.

Point being that regardless of neurological research showing that the brain of a homosexual person shows slight differences than that of heterosexuals, it cannot simply be labelled a 'disorder'. There is no real issue at hand if society's moral code would evolve yet again to a higher vibration.

When you reply, I suggest you reply briefly and get straight to the point. I don't read wallies written in a pompous way.
What should be noted is that these things are only considered disorders when they impair your ability to function in society in a healthy way. Like, if it consumed you so much that you get fired because you focus on that instead of your work all the time. Or your relationships keep deteriorating as a result. I have yet to hear about someone who got fired, or loss a relationship, or couldn't do work, because they were literally too gay for function. Even then, it'd probably classified as a *** addiction(which shouldn't be a real thing, should be obsession, but I digress).


Active member
Dec 18, 2012
Trait Points
Sounds like a conclusion taken from a research funded by a bunch of christians.
It actually comes from the CDC.

The person that came up with the label 'ADHD' admitted on his death bed that there is no such disorder but that it makes an indivual labelled with ADHD harder to control and submit to society's desired behavioural pattern.
There's a difference between "psychology" and "neurology."

Point being that regardless of neurological research showing that the brain of a homosexual person shows slight differences than that of heterosexuals, it cannot simply be labelled a 'disorder'. There is no real issue at hand if society's moral code would evolve yet again to a higher vibration.
Neurology is not a fixed aspect of identity. Neurology is a very dynamic thing that adapts and changes over time.

There are more ex-homosexuals, for example, than there are homosexuals - people who, at one time, identified as being homosexual and are now no longer interested in homosexual behavior and in heterosexual relationships.

It also has nothing to do with social morals.

People who identify as homosexuals are generally victims of abuse. This is, again, data from the CDC and that has also been collaborated by other researchers working independently.

Homosexual relationships are vastly more likely to involve domestic abuse and rape. This is, again, a perpetuation of the abuse that is familiar to the upbringing of many of these individuals.

Which is why it is a symptom of a disease, usually a symptom that develops as a hallmark of sexual abuse as opposed to physical abuse.

When you reply, I suggest you reply briefly and get straight to the point. I don't read wallies written in a pompous way.
Still arrogant, I see.

The time for you to learn is wearing thin, and the gears of the earth's judgment will spare you no mercy. Those who live in ignorance of reality will be destroyed just as quickly as those who live in contempt of it.

Speaking of mental illness, how are those 'refugees' working out for you guys?

Well - whatever you do, try not to lose your head over it.


Active member
Dec 18, 2012
Trait Points
She was breaking the law.

Per Kentucky Law:

" 402.005 Definition of marriage.
As used and recognized in the law of the Commonwealth, "marriage" refers only to the
civil status, condition, or relation of one (1) man and one (1) woman united in law for
life, for the discharge to each other and the community of the duties legally incum
upon those whose association is founded on the distinction of ***.
July 15, 1998
Created 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 258, sec. 4, effective July 15, 1998. "


" 402.020 Other prohibited marriages.
Marriage is prohibited and void:
With a person who has been adjudged mentally disabled by a court of
competent jurisdiction;
Where there is a husband or wife living, from whom the person marrying has
not been divorced;
When not solemnized or contracted in the presence of an author
ized person or
Between members of the same ***;

. "


" 402.045 Same
*** marriage in another jurisdiction void and unenforceable.
A marriage between members of the same *** which occurs in another jurisdiction
shall be void in Kentucky.
Any rights granted by virtue of the marriage, or its termination, shall be
unenforceable in Kentucky courts.
July 15, 1998
eated 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 258, sec. 1, effective July 15, 1998 "

She is in full compliance with the laws, as they are written, in the State of Kentucky.

So, what about that whole "Supreme Court" thing?

Per the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution:

" The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. "

Extrapolated meaning:


The Tenth Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights to further define the balance of power between the federal government and the states. The amendment says that the federal government has only those powers specifically granted by the Constitution. These powers include the power to declare war, to collect taxes, to regulate interstate business activities and others that are listed in the articles.

Any power not listed, says the Tenth Amendment, is left to the states or the people. Although the Tenth Amendment does not specify what these “powers” may be, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that laws affecting family relations (such as marriage, divorce, and adoption), commerce that occurs within a state’s own borders, and local law enforcement activities, are among those specifically reserved to the states or the people. "

It is illegal for her to issue licenses to same-*** couples in the State of Kentucky.

The Kentucky judge issuing the order should be removed from her position and placed on trial for Contempt of Congress (the State of Kentucky's Congress).

Any federal judge issuing such a ruling should be placed on trial for treason with the prosecution seeking the death penalty.


Aug 11, 2011
Trait Points
Rather than jailing her, why couldn't they simply fire her?
When did refusing to do your job lead to jail time rather than being fired?

If I were her however, I would resign.


Active member
Apr 15, 2012
Trait Points

Per Kentucky Law:

" 402.005 Definition of marriage.
As used and recognized in the law of the Commonwealth, "marriage" refers only to the
civil status, condition, or relation of one (1) man and one (1) woman united in law for
life, for the discharge to each other and the community of the duties legally incum
upon those whose association is founded on the distinction of ***.
July 15, 1998
Created 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 258, sec. 4, effective July 15, 1998. "


" 402.020 Other prohibited marriages.
Marriage is prohibited and void:
With a person who has been adjudged mentally disabled by a court of
competent jurisdiction;
Where there is a husband or wife living, from whom the person marrying has
not been divorced;
When not solemnized or contracted in the presence of an author
ized person or
Between members of the same ***;

. "


" 402.045 Same
*** marriage in another jurisdiction void and unenforceable.
A marriage between members of the same *** which occurs in another jurisdiction
shall be void in Kentucky.
Any rights granted by virtue of the marriage, or its termination, shall be
unenforceable in Kentucky courts.
July 15, 1998
eated 1998 Ky. Acts ch. 258, sec. 1, effective July 15, 1998 "

She is in full compliance with the laws, as they are written, in the State of Kentucky.

So, what about that whole "Supreme Court" thing?

Per the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution:

" The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. "

Extrapolated meaning:


The Tenth Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights to further define the balance of power between the federal government and the states. The amendment says that the federal government has only those powers specifically granted by the Constitution. These powers include the power to declare war, to collect taxes, to regulate interstate business activities and others that are listed in the articles.

Any power not listed, says the Tenth Amendment, is left to the states or the people. Although the Tenth Amendment does not specify what these “powers” may be, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that laws affecting family relations (such as marriage, divorce, and adoption)
, commerce that occurs within a state’s own borders, and local law enforcement activities, are among those specifically reserved to the states or the people. "

It is illegal for her to issue licenses to same-*** couples in the State of Kentucky.

The Kentucky judge issuing the order should be removed from her position and placed on trial for Contempt of Congress (the State of Kentucky's Congress).

Any federal judge issuing such a ruling should be placed on trial for treason with the prosecution seeking the death penalty.

So where did the Supreme Court rule that laws affecting marriage is to be left to the states?

Any federal judge issuing such a ruling should be placed on trial for treason with the prosecution seeking the death penalty.
"Treason is the only crime specifically defined in the Constitution. According to Article III, Section 3, a person is guilty of treason if he or she goes to war against the United States or gives “aid or comfort” to an enemy. He or she does not have to physically pick up a weapon and fight in combat against U.S. troops. Actively helping the enemy by passing along classified information or supplying weapons, for example, can lead to charges of treason."
Last edited:


Active member
Dec 9, 2010
Trait Points
It actually comes from the CDC.

There's a difference between "psychology" and "neurology."

Neurology is not a fixed aspect of identity. Neurology is a very dynamic thing that adapts and changes over time.

There are more ex-homosexuals, for example, than there are homosexuals - people who, at one time, identified as being homosexual and are now no longer interested in homosexual behavior and in heterosexual relationships.

It also has nothing to do with social morals.

People who identify as homosexuals are generally victims of abuse. This is, again, data from the CDC and that has also been collaborated by other researchers working independently.

Homosexual relationships are vastly more likely to involve domestic abuse and rape. This is, again, a perpetuation of the abuse that is familiar to the upbringing of many of these individuals.

Which is why it is a symptom of a disease, usually a symptom that develops as a hallmark of sexual abuse as opposed to physical abuse.

Still arrogant, I see.

The time for you to learn is wearing thin, and the gears of the earth's judgment will spare you no mercy. Those who live in ignorance of reality will be destroyed just as quickly as those who live in contempt of it.

Speaking of mental illness, how are those 'refugees' working out for you guys?

Well - whatever you do, try not to lose your head over it.
Still comes across as a biased statistic formed by some driven conservatives to proof their beliefs to be correct.

And I'm not the arrogant one here. Be human. Since you joined the base, you haven't shown any sign of casual talk. Just your pompous wallies and accounts of your self-proclaimed noble military experiences. You're on a anime forum, lighten up. You don't have to prove yourself on here.