Valentines Day 2020 Contest

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Jan 26, 2009
Trait Points
Valentines Day 2020

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Happy Valentine's day to all the members and guests of the AnimeBase community!

Here is a special Valentines Day Challenge for you:

Write a love letter for your faovurite fantasy character, from first person POV. You can pick any pairing of your choice from any manga/anime series or movie. Try to keep it "in character" and follow the personal dynamics between them. And post it here.


[Title of the series/movie/book you pick characters from]
[Name of the characters]

1: Word limit is between 200- 1000 word.
2: Entry should be genuine and must follow all the global rules.


#Don't worry too much about making it sound like what you think a " Love Letter" is
#Some of the best of love letters are written from one friend to another, or from a parent to a child.


Winners will get a Medal shown on top and 1000 Kumi/Kin ( Optional choice).

All entries must be posted by the Tuesday 18th of Feb, 2020. (GMT+1:00) Central European Time (Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam, Madrid).

Note: Total number of prizes will depend on the final number of participants and quality of entries. e.g. 1 winner of every 5 genuine entries or so.



Active member
Jan 31, 2019
Trait Points
Valentines Day 2020

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Happy Valentine's day to all the members and guests of the AnimeBase community!

Here is a special Valentines Day Challenge for you:

Write a love letter for your faovurite fantasy character, from first person POV. You can pick any pairing of your choice from any manga/anime series or movie. Try to keep it "in character" and follow the personal dynamics between them. And post it here.


[Title of the series/movie/book you pick characters from]
[Name of the characters]

1: Word limit is between 200- 1000 word.
2: Entry should be genuine and must follow all the global rules.


#Don't worry too much about making it sound like what you think a " Love Letter" is
#Some of the best of love letters are written from one friend to another, or from a parent to a child.


Winners will get a Medal shown on top and 1000 Kumi/Kin ( Optional choice).

All entries must be posted by the Tuesday 18th of Feb, 2020. (GMT+1:00) Central European Time (Brussels, Paris, Amsterdam, Madrid).

Note: Total number of prizes will depend on the final number of participants and quality of entries. e.g. 1 winner of every 5 genuine entries or so.

Where do we post them? In this thread? PM you???

Kakyoin x Holy Kujo
This Letter was sent to Holy before Kakyoin's departure by the hands of DIO.
Some background of events (26 Sec Long):

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Dear Holly,
You are as beautiful as the emeralds I love so much. No! More like the sun that sets over this desert in this hot land. Oh how I cannot fathom another week without being in your calming presence. I yearn for the same peace I felt back when I was in the comfort of your home. My soul is yearning for your view, a view of magnificent beauty and calming joy. Your beauty sends me into feelings of high, like when I was flying here. No higher! I am in unrest, because of how much I miss you. The way you spoke, oh how I loved your humor, I am surprised you are single! I will make you full, whole, my beautiful darling. Please wait a little longer for us! We are soon to remove the disastrous DIO and we shall rush back to you, my darling. When we are back we will have brought you back to normal and I will be able to show you my emerald splash. A beautiful move that cannot be avoided, and cannot be fathomed. For once I will show you the marvelous feeling you always give me. Until you awaken my beautiful love.

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Anbu Kirito

Active member
Jul 1, 2014
Trait Points
Here's one I wrote for the competition. The pairing is Soul "Eater" Evans and Maka Albarn, from Soul Eater. I tried to make it seem like a more conversational letter with Maka's more natural tonality (coming from her more sophisticated vocabulary) and include strike-throughs and the like in the hopes of capturing the feeling of a handwritten letter. Note that this is written within the manga canon.

Oh, and if I win (though I doubt it haha), I'd love Kumi!

Dear Soul,

How do I start this kind of thing? I've never written a letter to somebody for Valentines Day, but I'm quite certain you're supposed to open with a hi! Happy Valentines Day! How're you? I know it's only been a couple of months since we've seen each other, with you going to Mexico for your Deathscythe assignment and the like, but I must say, it feels like you've been gone years. It's almost like you're on a distant planet, somewhere far away from our solar system. Anyway, I know you probably expected a phone call instead of a silly letter if ANYTHING, and I'm sure you'll find this awfully wordy (my apologies), but on papa's suggestion (yes, him of all people), I thought it might be a little more... um... romantic, to write you something by hand.

Everything is fine for the most part in Death City. Kid's taken to his new position as Lord Death quite well, and with a little bit of help from Blackstar and I, he's actually turning the city into some symmetrical nightmare of OCD-borne perfectionism. Okay, scratch that; it's actually much more like a lot of help. There was this one time where he tried to tear down all of Shibusen because he found out that one of the candles was three centimeters shorter than another- aaaandddd I'm rambling aren't I.

I'm sorry. I just miss you a whole darn lot, not that you wouldn't mock me for saying something like that. I'm not sure whether you miss Blackstar, and playing basketball while I try to read in the brief silences between loudly shouted expletives at each other, but part of me hopes you do. And I feel awful saying that, because I want you to have fun, and to grow as a person on your mission, but the thought of not seeing you every day when I wake up is more heartbreaking than I thought it would be. When you spend years of your life living with somebody, falling them, and then watching them be sent off somewhere where you haven't a hope of touching them for a long while; well, it's a lot harder than I thought it would be. And to be fair, it's not like I thought it would be easy, watching you go, but being the person who turned you into a Deathscythe leaves me wondering whether we're still destined to be partners or if you're just going to leave me in the dust.

I'm being an idiot. A sentimental, teared-up, stereotypical-blonde-bimbo idiot, aren't I? That's what you'd say. I think, at least. I know you pretty well, but my impersonation of you leaves a good bit to be desired, I'm sure. Regardless, more than anything, I hope you're having fun. And I know that this reads less like a letter you'd get on Valentine's Day and more like an obituary for a relationship that never really started, but I sincerely hope that you can look at this and miss me. Which, again, feels terrible to say, but I can't help but hope you care as much as I do. Hell, the rational, non-anxiety-ridden part of my brain is trying to tell me that of course you do, you've saved my life on several occasions, and straight-up TOLD me you love me on others. Yet, that little worry-wart section of my head, probably located in my Lower Prefrontal Cortex (yes, yes, I'm a nerd, get over it), is poisoning my thoughts with the idea that whatever we felt towards each other vanished the same day you did.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you. I don't intend to stop loving you, and I hope to whatever deity's out there (praying to Kid for this kind of thing feels weird) that you feel the same way. Because I miss you. And when you get back, the first thing I'm going to do is crush you with the longest damn hug you've ever been given. Don't stay gone long, Soul. Your bookworm misses you.

Happy Valentines Day. Miss me as much as I miss you,


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Jul 23, 2019
Trait Points
Digimon Adventure series(following the events of Adventure Tri.)
Gabumon to his partner (Yamato) Matt
Eternal Friendship
Dear Matt,
Happy Valentine's Day! I recently learned from the others that today is a special day for humans to show how much you care for one another. Therefore, I had Kari and T.K. help me write this letter for you. We've had quite a few close calls haven't we? I know how much you missed Tai when he went missing even if you don't like to show it often and I think he know it(at least I hope he does)! I wanted to help pull you out of your sadness just like you had always helped me after whatever Izzy did that made us lose our memories. Just know that no matter what I will always be by your side through thick and thin! What I am trying to say is umm.. Matt, will you be my Valentine for Valentine's Day? It would really mean a lot to me. Could I also try that box of assorted chocolates we saw in the window of that little shop the other day? I am also going to hand you a cookie that looks like my face that Sora and Biyomon made. I everyone wanted to help make this very special. Please don't give me that look when you read this, it's embarrassing.

Your Partner,

(Side Note: I tried to capture and incorporate the whole idea of Matt's crest of friendship with this idea as well as show how sentimental Gabumon gets around him. Even after the reboot, Gabumon kept the main aspects of his personality. Although, I feel as though he got a bit more mushy and more Timid. Those aspects along with the optimism most digimon possess, are the things I wanted to really show here in DigimonxPartner thing since I love their dynamic the most.)


Dec 3, 2009
Trait Points

Lucifer Morningstar & Chloe Decker


Love is dead... Yes, that is the conclusion I've now finally come to, detective. I've fought so hard and for so long to rid myself of this image of being the devil, but no matter how much I try to make you see me for who I truely am, we're still slipping apart. I know very damn well what date-... what day it is, so don't bother acting shocked. I know that this letter could not have come at a worse timing, being the day of love and all, but I'm leaving you this note knowing that you shall understand my pain, whether you still care or not. Oh, how my bloody father played this one out so well the way he did on his high chair mocking me and yet I still always fall for it... Again, and again, and again! Despite all the times I've been misguided and mislead by him before! How could I be so foolish to think that you detective of all people would finally see, that this time would be any different?! Well I am done playing his games, I am done following his rules... He will know my rage and heaven shall fall under the tears of my pain and sorrow! You will see, one day when all is said and done, that you were mistaken pushing me aside after all the time we spent together, all the progress we had made, and how much I cared for you, and it was all for nothing. You will-... No, you shall understand that this is it, the end, and do not think lightly of it. And above all, don't come crying to me when hell's fury is unleashed. Yes, Chloe... As my broken heart aches,
only pain will follow...

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Mar 15, 2014
Trait Points
[Kumi/ NinJa Money]
[Dear sweetie green,

Happy Valentine's Day my good spending buddy! I have always had you to help me grow in status and when I was hungry you always never let me down. Oh my sweet sweet Greenie! <3 I miss you so much. I have been in a drought without you, always so plenty and fully welling to let me be the best I can be! How can I ever not be with you my sole supporter in this world. There was a time when we broke apart, oh dear. Such sad memories of an event, how could I ever be wrong when you were always waiting for me to see. To see how much we could be. You have always been that I have needed, so much in love with me as I used you, given you for another but yet always welcomed me back. My sweet green, green, ooooh lovely shall I never be like you, always so viridescent in your welcome. I love you, Kumi >.o]​
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