[Katon] Ushiro Teaches Kooljay How to Blaze Up


Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
I assume an A ranked fuuton is required to blow back the ash?

Okay I weave four hand seals and gather katon chakra in my lungs. With nature and shape manipulation, I change the Katon chakra into super heated ash which I exhale through the my mouth into the rave room. All of the ravers and the Path start coughing and choking on the ash. I then chip my teeth together and create a spark which ignites the ash causing an explosion in the room killing all of the bystanders.

Now I weave one hand seal and gather a large amount of katon chakra in my lungs. I then expel it through my mouth in the form of 3 very large masses of fire shaped like dragon heads. The powerful katons sweep the Paths from the treetops and travel upwards into the sky before exploding. Once they explode, a large amount of heat is expelled into the sky causing a thunderstorm to occur.

Now I again gather katon chakra into my lung while at the same time reaching into my right pouch with my right hand to gather 8 shuriken, 2 held between each finger. I then expel the katon as a small fire ball in front of me, before throwing my shuriken through it at the paths. The blazing shuriken all dig into their skin while scorching their flesh causing a great deal of pain and damage.


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Apr 23, 2010
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Answer: Not necessarily. Just a wind technique of decent size.

Nicely done. This one's a personal favorite. Perform the Tiger handseal and release katon chakra into the air around you. Focus the chakra at multiple points, manifesting it as a swarm of ghost-like fireballs resembling demonic heads you can direct at different targets. How about a little hide and seek?

*throws you in a completely dark room where Pein is hiding*
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( Katon: Onidōrō ) - Fire Release: Demon Lantern
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: After performing the Tiger hand seal the user will manipulate their chakra releasing it into the atmosphere around him to create several ghost-like flames resembling heads with horns and yellow eyes that then attack the target/s in a swarm.

Next, simply shoot a small fireball at your target's feet that erupts into a big column of fire 3 meters tall, burning them all over. Find your next victim.

( Katon: Honoo no Hashira Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Flame Pillar Technique
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user will manipulate their chakra into their chest and then they will release from their mouth a quick burst of flame towards their opponents feet which then errupts into a large pillar of flame reaching 3 meters tall and inflicting damage to the target.

Another unique move: Perform the Monkey, Bird, Dog and Ram handseals before releasing katon chakra around your body and creating a spiraling vortex of flame you can either launch at your target or expand the flames into a rising tornado burning everything nearby. Try them both out.

*three Peins with blades surround you and another two stand further away enjoying the violence*
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( Katon: Kaen Senpū ) - Fire Release: Flame Whirlwind
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: After performing the required four handseals Monkey → Bird → Dog → Ram, fire erupts around the user's body and then launches towards the target in a spiraling-manner or expands engulfing the surrounding area in a tornado of flames. Anything nearby is incinerated as the flames erupt upwards.


Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
I perform the tiger hand seal and start to mold and gather katon chakra in 8 different points around me. At first my chakra takes the form of small raw floating balls of fire, but then I add shape manipulation and turn them into demonic heads. Naturally they all put off light which brightens the room revealing the path. I then manipulate my katon demon lanterns to all fly towards it.

Question: So these explode on contact or what?

Next I weave the tiger hand seal and gather Katon chakra in my chest. Unfortunately for the path, I shoot Katon at it again from my chest. This time though my katon is aimed for its feet. Once it hits its feet, the katon erupts 3m upwards while consuming and cooking the pain from the outside in.

Finally I weave the handseals Monkey → Bird → Dog → Ram and release Katon chakra around my body. I then start to manipulate it so that it spins and drives toward the same path. The Katon consumes it, explodes, and incinerates it.

Can that jutsu be used to break genjutsu? You know a full body surge of chakra kinda like Chidori current.


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Apr 23, 2010
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1. A little
2. No, the flames aren't released from your body.

Good enough. Now i want you to perform the Tiger, Horse, Rat, Dog and Tiger handseals. Then exhale a ball flames onto the ground. When it reaches the ground use shape manipulation to transform a portion of it into a spider attacking your target while the other part forms a circle of flames along the ground surrounding your target alot like Running Fire. Give these guys nightmares.

*points to a couple Peins dozing off in the middle of nowhere*
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( Katon: Benijigumo ) - Fire Release: Crimson Earth Spider
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: After performing five handseals Tiger → Horse → Rat → Dog → Tiger , the user spews out fire that both surrounds the enemy and then transforms into a spider that attacks the enemy. This technique effectively traps and attacks an opponent at the same time, and can be used to force them into another attack.

For this one simply exhale a powerful stream of fire at your target. Since it needs no handseals, it can be executed faster than others you have done before. Try it out.

*points to a big wooden effigy of Pein*
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( Katon: Hi no Iki ) - Fire Release: Fire Breath
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user breathes a powerful stream of fire from their mouth at their target.

Next, wave your arm in front of you while releasing a line of fire from your hand that expands vertically to form a defensive wall. Block my attack. Futon: Kibishii Shippuu Kabe!

Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user will swing their Giant Folding fan or Giant War fan at their target to create a small but powerful hurricane that drags the target with it several meters. Normal users can perform this technique by use of 3 hand seals before creating the Hurricane.

( Katon: Honoo no Heki ) Fire Release: Flame Wall
Rank: B
Type: Offensive/Defensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user kneads fire chakra into their forearm and then by swinging their arm in a wave motion they release the fire chakra creating a line of fire that spreads out infront of the user acting as a defensive wall.
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Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
I weave the hand seals Tiger → Horse → Rat → Dog → Tiger and gather Katon chakra in my lungs. I then spew it out in front of me toward the ground and around the target. Through the use of shape manipulation, create a spider the size of a large dog out of the flames which moves around erratically toward the paths before making contact with it and setting it ablaze.

Next I gather Katon chakra in me lungs and simply exhale it through my mouth. With some small shape manipulation I keep it in the form of a steady stream before it hits the wood effigy and consuming it with it flames.

Finally I gather katon chakra in my right forearm. In the meantime sensei spewed a fuuton jutsu at me. I respond my waving my arm in front of me releasing the katon chakra in a large wave to attack as a shield of flames. Due to the fuuton not being strong enough, it simply fed my flames making them burn brighter and stronger.


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Apr 23, 2010
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Just in case you don't know, if B-rank wind clashes with B-rank fire the fire will not get stronger but instead be weakened to C-rank strength. If you were to release B rank fire and B rank wind behind it, then it gets stronger and becomes a combination of A-rank strength.

Ok. Say goodbye to B-ranks! First i want you to grab a sword and attack your target with a series of slashes before jumping above him and shooting a fireball down on him. Nothing to it. Try it out.

*sends a Pein at you*

( Katon: Hinotama no Mai ) - Fire Release: Fireball Dance
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user will attack the opponent with a series of slashes with their sword and then finish up with jumping into the air above the target and releasing a powerful fireball down upon them.
Note: Requires a Sword.

Next, perform the Tiger handseal and spew an intense stream of flames toward your target's feet that should erupt into a column of fire lifting him into the air and burning him. Keep in mind that the range of this technique is limited. Here comes your next victim.

*sends another Pein at you*

( Katon: Yūgana Honoo ) - Fire Release: Graceful Flame
Rank: B
Type: Offensive
Range: Short
Chakra cost: 20
Damage points: 40
Description: The user manipulates their fire chakra and doing the tiger hand seal, shoots an intense fire stream at the opponents feet which then lifts them into the air in the eruption of a column of intense flames. Sasori can replicate this technique through the usage of his fire launcher.

This jutsu is used in conjunction with Lightning Release: Sixteen Pillar Bind. When your target is trapped within the giant oven, perform the Rat, Dragon and Boar handseals before focusing katon chakra inside the oven and producing flames, burning your target to a crisp. When used with Earth Release: Mud Fall as well, the mud can be hardened and leave your target immobilized. It's cooking time with Pein!

*Pein summons two giant crabs which i construct a giant oven around, trapping them. I also have huge oversized plates ready*
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(Katon: Shageki Bisuketto) – Fire Release: Firing Biscuit technique
Rank: A
Type: Offensive, supplementary
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: After performing the needed hand seals Rat → Dragon → Boar the user then creates powerful flames inside the giant oven created by Lightning Release: Sixteen pillar bind, cooking the opponent until their burnt. Its normally used together with Earth Release: Mud fall to harden the mud covering the enemy, immobilizing them.
Note: Can only be used in the collaboration of Lightning Release: Sixteen Pillar Bind


Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
Can I stop the fireball dance mid-combo after the sword strike and perform another katon/jutsu?

I unsheathe my sword and dash toward your path. I then perform 3 horizontal slashes left to right to left before jumping above the path and finishing it off by shooting out a fireball from mouth down on it.

As I come down atop of the charred pain corpse I see another path coming towards me. I quickly perform the tiger hand seal and spew a steady stream of fire at its feet. At the point of contact it erupts in an fiery column and lifts the pain into the air while giving it fatal burns.

Now I prepare to make Ushiro's dinner. I hope you are donating these giant crabs to feed the hungry...

I perform the hand seals Rat → Dragon → Boar and shoot a very large powerful flame into the oven. The crabs are then cooked to perfection, perfectly charred on the outside with the meat being perfectly tender on the inside. The plates however were destroyed due to the intense heat...


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Apr 23, 2010
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That would be pointless since you could just freeform attack with a sword and use a different jutsu after. Btw that last jutsu creates flames directly in the oven, not released into it. I'd have you perform it again but i think you'll get it.

Great. Now perform the Rat, Dog and Tiger handseals before exhaling a small fireball at your target composed of compressed flames which should greatly expand on contact with a surface and grow into a giant fire storm traveling across the ground. Everything engulfed by the flames is incinerated, making it capable of causing widespread damage to the target area. Only you can start forest fires!

*points out a small forest with a some Peins hiding inside*

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(Katon: Zukokku) - Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work
Rank: A
Type: Offense
Range: Short/Mid
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user after performing the required hand seals Rat → Dog → Tiger fires a small fireball that erupts into a giant fire-storm after making contact with a surface, causing widespread destruction to the area. Since the flames travel along the ground, and cover such a wide area this is a difficult technique to evade. When combined with Wind Release: Pressure Damage, this technique is amplified to the point of being able to evaporate a large amount of water in an instant.

This one's unique. Using your doton chakra stomp the ground and form an underground tunnel running from you to below your target. Then exhale a fire stream into the tunnel which melts the surrounding earth as it travels underground. This creates a large pool of molten rock you will make erupt under your target by forming a handseal. The target would be engulfed by molten rock and burned entirely. Skip this if you don't have any earth training. Give him a rude awakening.

*summons a giant Dog having a running dream*

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(Katon: Keshi Makuga Hara) - Fire Release: Exploding Flame Crater
Rank: A
Type: Offense
Range: Mid-Long
Chakra Cost: 30
Damage Points: 60
Description: The user first stomps on the ground, using his fire chakra and making an underground tunnel from between themselves and the opponent. They then breathe out fire into the tunnel, causing the fire carry rock and other debris with it as it travels, melting them. With a single hand seal, the molten rock debris will erupt from the ground underneath the opponent, engulfing them and burning them alive.

For this jutsu simply exhale flame across the ground to ignite it before exhaling a wind gust into the flames to power and spread them further toward your target. Break up this couple.

*points to the two Animal Paths enjoying a picnic*
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(Katon: Hokori Tenka no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Dust Ignition Technique
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user will first ignites a flame of fire across the ground infront of them and then they will enhance that fire with a gust of wind to extend the range of the fire


Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
You say widespread. Does that mean long range?

Anyhow, I weave the hand seals Rat → Dog → Tiger and gather an extraordinary amount of katon chakra in my lungs. I then expell it out along the ground in a straight path toward the forest Ushiro pointed at. As my Katon makes its way down to the small forest, it hits a tree causing to explode and consume a widespread area in its blaze including the pain paths.

Now I mold doton chakra into my right foot and stomp it on the ground in order to penetrate the Earth with my chakra. This creates a hollow underground tunnel beneath your canine summon. I then spew a large stream katon into the tunnel. While it swiftly travels through the tunnel it carries all kinds of rock debris with it. Once it reaches just underneath your summon, I weave a hand seal causing to erupt upwards and engulfing your summon in flames and molten rock...poor thing.

Finally I turn my attention to the picnicking pain paths hogging all of the crab meat I cooked earlier to themselves. I shoot a stream of katon at them that travels using the ground as a medium. Then I shoot a fuuton towards them which ignites and extends the the range of the fire and consumes them all.


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Apr 23, 2010
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Nope >.>

Excellent. Now simply exhale a large fireball at your target which on impact should burst and engulf the area in flames. You've learned similar techniques before. Stop that monster!

*points to a giant chameleon catching people with its tongue and eating them. They're only Peins so no harm done*

(Katon: Gōka no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Hellfire Technique
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user will manipulate their chakra and breath out from their mouth a large fireball that travels at the opponent. As it reaches the opponent it bursts into a maelstrom of fire engulfing them in flames.

Next, gather katon chakra into your leg and stomp the ground with it, transferring the chakra through your leg into the ground. Then manipulate the chakra to emerge from the ground in the form of three pillars of fire several meters tall that are spaced out evenly. You could create them beneath your target to attack, or in front of you as a defensive wall. Take out those guys.

*points out three Peins confidently hiding behind Preta, the absorbing path*

( Katon: Gōka Honoo no Hashira Jutsu ) - Fire Release: Great Fire Flame Pillars Technique
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short – Mid
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: The user will knead their fire chakra and release it into the ground by stomping down their leg and then causing three pillars of fire several meters tall spaced out evenly. The Pillars of fire can act as a defensive wall against incoming techniques or targets or used to attack low aerial targets.

I can't explain this any better so read the description and find your next victims.

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(Katon: Ryūen Hōka no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Dragon Flame Release Song Technique
Rank: A
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 30
Damage points: 60
Description: After performing the hand seal Tiger the user compresses a large amount of chakra built up inside their body, before instead expelling it in the form of a number of dragon head-shaped fireballs. The user then skilfully manipulates that great fire, and attacks their opponent. The temperature of the created flames is so great that, even with the briefest of contact, they are capable of easily burning human flesh and the fireballs are dense enough to behave almost as solid, being able to deliver impact damage in adition to the fire damage. However, this also means that they can be deflected as a solid projectiles.


Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points

So no I gather and mold Katon chakra into my lungs before expelling it out as a giant fireball towards your man-eating lizard. However before actually making contact, the fireball explodes and bursts into flames which consume the lizard and cook it and the pain paths inside of it to a crisp.

Now I gather Katon chakra into my right leg and stomp the ground thus transferring my chakra into the ground. My chakra then splits evenly into 3 sources and travel underneath your paths which are behind Preta Path. My Katon chakra then erupts upwards consuming the 3 paths in their entirely

Quickly afterwards, I weave the tiger hand seal and compress a large amount of katon chakra in my lungs. I then shoot the katon chakra out through my mouth at the paths in the form of dragon heads. The flights paths are arched so that they go around preta path but hit the other charred paths. The dragon heads hit their mark and explode causing heavy concussive damage as well as fatal third degree burns


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Apr 23, 2010
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Alright. Onto the S ranks! For this jutsu form a handseal and inhale while gathering much more katon chakra in your lungs than you're used to. Then spew from your mouth a large stream of extremely hot flames at your target. You can choose how concentrated you want the flames, from a narrow jet to a spreading stream. Try it out.

*summons a giant centipede trying to crush you beneath its hard body*

(Katon: Gōen no Jutsu) - Fire Release: Great Flame Technique
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra Cost: 40
Damage Points: 80
Description: The user does one handseal and inhales while molding a great amount of chakra into their lungs and expelling a large stream of flames from their mouth. The user has control over the concentration of the technique, being able to produce a narrow jet of flames, highly concentrated or one that will widen along its range. The flames are hot enough to quickly evaporate large quantities of water within a relatively short amount of time.

Next, perform the Horse, Tiger, Snake, and Ram handseals before exhaling multiple great fireballs into the sky that rain down on your targets and cause widespread damage where they fall due to their explosive properties. Burn it to the ground.

*points to a small village by a forest, uninhabited right now*

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(Katon: Gōkakyū Hitoame no Jutsu)Fire Release: Great Fireball Shower
Type: Offensive
Rank: S-Rank
Range: Short-Long
Chakra: 40
Damage: 80
Kneading his chakra and then converting it to fire, the user will do the Horse → Tiger → Snake → Ram hand seals as he inhales, exhaling into the sky a multitude of great fireballs (up to 8) at the same time which then rain down on the target from above causing severe, widespread damage around the field. These fireballs have explosive and concussive abilities, similar to other fire techniques.


Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points

I weave the signature katon hand seal Tiger while inhaling and molding katon chakra in my lungs. I then exhale a large katon that expands as it travels at the centipede so that all of its body is consumed. Once finished the centipede is looks like giant pieces of coal.

Now I perform the hand seals Horse → Tiger → Snake → Ram and shoot 8 giant fireballs into the sky. The fireballs then rain down on the village causing giant explosions wherever they lands and spreading fire and destruction. Had people lived in that village, they would probably be dead.


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Apr 23, 2010
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*gives a thumb up and tosses you a couple scrolls*

Here, open this scroll and focus katon chakra into it, activating the sealing formula and summoning a dragon made of flames directed at your target that will explode on impact. This is one of those techniques that are technically fuuinjutsu but are available for anyone to use. You might want to hurry because he has one too.

*points to Deva path who summons a large fire dragon from his own scroll heading right for you*
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(Katon: Bakuryūgeki) - Fire Release: Exploding Dragon Strike
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: The user through use of one their scrolls will summon a large flame dragon that is directed towards the enemy target and explodes upon impact.

This jutsu is similar to the last except a tiger is summoned instead of a dragon. After directing it at your target it attaches itself to it and explodes, causing extreme damage. Find some unlucky prey.

(Katon Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Hitora Bakufu) - Fire Release Summoning Technique: Fire Tiger Explosion
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Mid
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: The user summons a tiger made of flames from a scroll, directing it towards the target, and attaching itself onto the target and explode causing massive damage on detonation making it similar to a paper bomb.


Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
I catch the scrolls and as directed, I channel katon chakra into one of them. I quickly open the scroll toward your path and release a fire dragon out of the scroll and towards your clone. Upon impact the dragon explodes and severely burns the path.

While the path is dealing with the pain, I channel my katon chakra into the second scroll in order to release a fire tiger out of it. The tiger runs to the path and engraves its fire teeth and claws into the path before finally exploding.


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Apr 23, 2010
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Alright, last set! Here we have a collaboration technique. With a clone or ally you perform both techniques listed in the description simultaneously to produce an even more destructive blast of fire and wind that regular water techniques can't hold up against. You handle fire, i'll get wind. Let's take this mutt down! Fūton: Atsugai! (btw the fire technique is now called "Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work")

*a giant dog with multiple heads charges at us wildly and i release a blast of wind as you release your technique*
Rank: A
Chakra Cost:30
Damage Points:60
Description: The user does the Ram handseal and inhales, kneading his chakra into his lungs, exhaling a huge blast of wind that levels anything in its path. Can cause major damage and requires a sufficient chakra level to perform. This large wind blast moves in tremendous speed and cannot be controlled. If the user gets caught in it, it will harm him also.

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(Katon: Fuuton Ken Katon Bakufuu no Jutsu) Fire Release: Wind and Fire Blast Technique
Rank: S
Type: Offense
Range: Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: The user after combining Fire Release: Intense pain and Wind Release: Pressure Damage at the same time. This creates a blast that is so intense that a standard water technique (ex : Water Release: Water Encampment Wall) can only at most soften of the impact. It was successsfully stopped by Yamato and Naruto's Typhoon water vortex.
Note: Can only be used either with a clone or with an ally

This technique is already well explained so just try it out.

*summons a pack a giant dogs heading for you*

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(Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku) - Fire release: Great Fire Majestic Annihilation
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: A technique where the user makes the horse hand seal and then kneads chakra inside his body which is then converted into fire and expelled from the mouth as a massive wall of intense flames, which covers an expansive range in both vertical and horizontal dimensions, making it extremely difficult to avoid. However, due to its massive width and height, the technique is not one of the fastest seen so far.

Finally, perform the Rat, Ox, Dog, Horse, Monkey, Boar and Tiger handseal before gathering a great amount of katon chakra in your body and exhaling it in the form of a massive stream of flames much larger in scale than all previous "fire streams", even overshadowing an incomplete Susanoo. The stream travels quite a distance and covers a huge area. Shifting the aim of the stream allows you to target different areas like a flamethrower and cause widespread destruction. Finish them for good!

*all six paths of pein run in terror into a large forest in the vain hope of escape*
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(Katon: Gōka Messhitsu) - Fire Release: Great Fire Destruction
Rank: S
Type: Offensive
Range: Short - Long
Chakra cost: 40
Damage points: 80
Description: A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire, and then expelled from the mouth in a massive stream of intense flames, after doing the Rat → Ox → Dog → Horse → Monkey → Boar → Tiger hand seals. The technique has an enourmous range and can cover a huge area. When it was used by Madara Uchiha, the massive scale of the technique was such that, in comparisson, his incomplete Susanoo seemed small. The main advantage of the technique is that it can be used to burn large areas in an effect in everything similar to a flamethrower.


Mar 17, 2014
Trait Points
I weave the hand seals Rat → Dog → Tiger and shoot a fire ball at the dog. Behind it your fuuton flows into my fire and feeds it increasing its power. This causes it to explode into an even larger blast and consume the dogs you summoned. Even if they could use suiton it would probably be futile.

Next I weave the horse hand seal and expel a very large fire blast. The blast is large on all dimensions and carries with it a lot of power. However this does cause the flames to travel slower than usual Katons.

To end my Katon training I weave the Rat, Ox, Dog, Horse, Monkey, Boar and Tiger hand seals and gather a large amount of Katon chakra and expel it through my mouth. This is the largest singular Katon jutsu thus far. The large katon blast consumes the forest as well as the pain paths in them leaving everything incarcerated and no evidence of a forest